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A68935 An epitome of the Psalmes, or briefe meditacions vpon the same, with diuerse other moste christian prayers, translated by Richard Tauerner; Precationes Christinæ ad imitationem psalmorum copositæ. English Capito, Wolfgang, 1478-1541.; Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575.; Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534. Precationes Biblicae. 1539 (1539) STC 2748; ESTC S119604 91,371 344

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the hertes Psalm 24. REnue me shape me agayne O Lorde for thyne is the worlde and all that is therin that I may be able to clyme vp vnto thy mount to abyde in thyne holy cytie to receaue at thy handes helth blessynge mercy and ryghteousnes Let me be as a person new borne of the let me ensearch the alwaye O Christ kynge of glory haue thou an euerlastynge raygne in me for thou arte stronge ynough thou arte puyssaūt myghtye in battell and Lorde of hoostes yea let the boūdes and lymytes of thy kyngdome stretch throughe the worlde Cause all mē to do theyr homage and sute vnto the as to the most glorious conquerour of synne death and hell Amen To be admytted one of Gods flocke Psalm 25. TO the Lorde I lyfte vp my herte and my soule my God I truste in the put me not to reproche that myne enemyes haue no cause to laugh at me No man shal be shamed that trusteth in the. Shewe me thy waye teache me thy pathes preserue me from wickednes and vnbelefe that I swarue not from the rule and touche stone of thy worde Guyde me in thy trouth teach me for thou arte the God of my helthe and sauetie and daylye do I longe for the. Lorde remēber not my faultes and mysdemenours whyche frō my chyldhode I haue cōmytted one vppon anothers necke neyther call thou to remembraūce my stony dulnes and blynde ignoraunce but rather thynke on thy tender mercye whych thou hast cōtinued towardes those that thou haste chosen from the begynnynge of the worlde neyther is there any mā that can stoppe the from thyne accustomed wonte Wherfore I beseche the that I also maye be partaker of thy gracious goodnes accordyng to the depth of thy mercy for thou Lorde art ryghteous and good therfore thou canst not but warne synners whan they wandre frō thy waye that they ones taught by thy spirite shuld walke in spirite and truth and returne from wylsomnes Doubtles Lorde thy wayes be good and faythfull of thy mere kyndnes thou dost promyse thy promyse thou kepest faythfully to all such as kepe the condicions of thy couenaunt I meane the ten cōmaundementes and whose hertes desyre is set in y e and in thy wordes both daye and nyght Go to Lorde call me to be one of thys nombre for thy names sake pardon me my gyltes whych be excedynge greate Make me to feare the teache me the waye thou beste allowest make my soule to dwell in these thy good pauillions Let thy chyldren beynge ones taught thy worde and embrasynge the true fayth in the be thyne heyres accordynge to thy promyse whych arte Lorde of heauen erth Be oure staye that we fall not from fayth declare vnto vs thy heauenly secretes thy couenaūt vnknowen to fleshe and bloude Thys to do is thy most pure grace whych by fayth we receaue as in a vessell where by we attayne to know y e whych knowlege of the vndoubtedly no man can haue onles he hath takē it of the by Iesus Christe My eyes be fixed alwayes vpō the draw backe my feete from the snare of synne from ignoraunce and frō goynge astraye loke towardes me haue mercy vpon me for I am left alone very heuy How excedynge greate is the ignoraunce of my herte Leade me I besech the out of these straytes and necessities Lorde loke vpō my distresse wype awaye my synnes Thou knowest howe many enemyes I haue lyenge in my necke and whych kepe backe the knowlege of the which haue bytterly hated me Fence therfore my soule in thys strayte Plucke me out of thys ignoraunce for in the is my trust otherwyse I shulde vtterly fal to grounde All godly honeste true herted and ryghteous persons woll the same that I woll and make request vnto the for y e same I meane that we myghte be delyuered from the grosse darkenes of our herte Assuredly it cam only of thy goodnes that hytherto I fel not awaye from the company of the godly that yet dayly I loke for ayde from the and that I cōtinue after a maner in this trade of good lyuynge Lorde God vouchsafe to deliuer Israel thy people whych trusteth to the and hangeth vpon thy hādes from all theyr tribulacions by Christ our Lorde So be it For continuaunce in Christ. Psal. 26. LOrde be thou my iudge and defēde me from the wyckednes of myne aduersaries strengthen my truste that I haue towarde the that I slyde not pourge myne herte and raynes for I loke onely vpon thy mercye that by fayth and truste vnto the truth I maye please the and continually walke therin So order my thynges as I haue nought to do with the wycked nor be of coūsel wyth them but in y e church of innocentes of beleuers and of sayntes kepe thou me in whyche churche O lorde thou makest thy abode and kepeste thy resydence so that I maye heare the swete voyce of thankes gyuynge of prayse and of the rehersal of thy maruelles and benefytes to thyntent I also maye thanke and prayse the. Take not awaye my soule wyth y e vngodly nor my lyfe wyth the bloudye let me walke innocently in the safe conduyte of thy grace Delyuer me haue pytie on me let my feete stāde fast in y e brode felde at large out of the prison of synne that in all assebles I myghte prayse and auaunce the my redemer and sauiour for euer Amen For strength and encrease of fayth Psalm 27. ILluminate my herte Lorde and so helpe thou me that I nede to feare no man be thou my herte of cōforte y t I be not dismayed thoughe the whole worlde aryse agaynst me In thy house let me styll dwell that I maye beholde and enioye thy delices and pleasures I meane that I maye fele ioye in the holy spirite aswell concernynge forgeuenesse of my synnes as the inheritaūce of heauen that is geuen me Let me visyte thy holy temple that is thy chosen flocke in whome thou dwellest Let me go about my busynes safly protected vnder thy wynges and rered vpon Christ my rocke Let me be founde no churle for y e benefites I haue taken at thy handes Thy name let me honoure wyth chearful herte in the church of sayntes Herkē O Lorde tenderly to my voyce lamentably cryenge vnto the be pytyful heare me graciously for my hert hunteth for the and wolde God we mought dayly more and more trace the out and continually increase frō fayth to fayth Hyde not thy face frō me Me thy seruaūt in thyne anger cast not awaye be myne aydour and defensoure fayle me not Thy helpynge hande O lorde god of helth wythdrawe not from me in thys my syckenes and malady My chefe frēdes haue forsaken me but thou O Lorde take me and let me fele sensibly that thou hast taken me Tel me thy wayes leade me the moost redye and gaynest waye because of myne enemyes whych be excedyng many agaynst whome yf I be destitute deuoyde
tribulacions Lorde we knowe nothynge els what to do but to lyfte vp oure eyes to the and lamētably to crye Awake O Lorde continue not thy slomber pushe vs not thus frō the. Why hidest thy face from me Howe canst y u forget thus longe our woo and distresse For we be vtterly oppressed and troden vnder foote Ryse Lorde helpe vs for thy goodnes for thy name for thy glory by Iesus Christ our Lorde So be it To Christ kynge of glory Psalm 45. LOrde Iesu Christ sōne of God God and mā amonge the chyldren of men moost fayre Gracious be thy lyppes louely arte thou gētle and courteous ther is in the no crueltye no bytternes thou callest most louyngly vnto the the wofull synners by name The father gaue the the euerlastynge blessynge whyche arte the true sede of Abraham wher by al nacions of the earth be blessed Thou arte our kinge gyrde our loynes wyth the sworde of thy goostlye worde to the condemnynge of thyne aduersaries and sauyng of thy true subiectes Beate downe out of oure herte y e olde trade of lyuynge which arte myghty in glory and renowne Loke vpō vs graciously louyngly comly let thy workynges towardes vs take frutefull effecte Lorde gouerne vs in truth myldnes iustice Let thy ryght hāde worke myracles for thy seate is eternal thy sceptre is iudgement power iustice and direction thou louest righteousnes and hatest wyckednes Therfore thy father toke the vp to be kynge anoynted with y e oyle of gladnes I meane the holy goost afore thy felowes the beleuers and membres of thy body Thy robes do smel of fragraunt odours wherwyth thou pluckest vp the soules of beleuers who agayne with theyr redolent smel which they haue conceaued of the do delite the. The quene I meane the church of Christians standeth on thy ryghte hande which art theyr brydegrome decked and adorned wyth golde of charite beset wyth wysedome of spirite crowned wyth sondry gyftes of grace but inwardly Of thys bryde and brydegrome let me be the sonne O Lorde Iesu Christe Cloth me wyth the weddynge garment which tyre thou haste pleasure in The O Lorde wythout ceasyng let me only heare cōstantly beleue forgettynge all earthly thynges make me worshyp the in spirite and truth whych arte wyth the father all one in substaunce Let me be brought thyther where thou arte euen vnto thy temple wyth ioye and reioysynge of spirite myndefull of thy holy name Let me worship prayse and magnifye the wythout ende Amen A generall commendacion to the father by Iesus Christ. Psalm 46. THou onely O Lorde arte oure hope and fortresse in necessitie Strēgthē vs that we feare not yea though heauen shulde fall staye solace fortifye vs abolyshe the kyngdome of the vngodly cōpany let vs feale the streames of thy spirite thy peace ioye and tranquilite Hallowe vs for thy dwellynge place and continue in vs styll so that we shrynke not away Sende thy worde amōge vs whereby the earth of oure herte maye quake and agayne relent and melt vpō the knowlege of our wyckednes The lorde of oostes be wyth vs and be our ꝓtection Shewe vs thy wonderful workes let vs learne them and cease from workes of the fleshe denyenge and vtterly renoūcynge our selues all our thynges Let vs worshyppe only the as oure God moost myghtye in heauen and erth our ryghteous maker the worker of all goodnes in such as beleue in the the defensour and helper of body and soule So be it For sendynge the ministers of the worde Psal. 47. TUrne Lorde the panymes vnto the whyche knowe the not that together wyth vs they may ioy synge prayses that together wyth vs they may be thy heritage chosen of fauour Gyue vs that all we may record thy renomes furnyshed wyth knowlege and fayth of thy worde Rayse vp many that maye defende the lāde wyth preachyng thy worde and make sure the same agaynst the bytynge and rage of y e helly wolfe agaynst the ordinaunces of the lyenge prophetes for they onely seke theyr owne gaynes Amen A praysynge of God and for the buyldynge of the church Psalm 48. AMonge the Christiās O lorde I praye that thou mayest be moost diuulged preached for they be thy cytie and palace whych thou hast stablyshed agaynst the gates of hell whyche haue receaued of thy goodnes thyne anoynted Christ Iesus by whome thy renome is spred abrode and whych wyth prayses cōtinually do auaunce thy moste valiaunt ryght hande by thy iudgementes Cheare thys thy flocke and congregacion by sauynge thy true subiectes damnyng the wycked Unto the from all quarters let the people haue concourse that thys thy cytie maye be buylded wyth lyuynge stones and inlarged in length and bredth Confirme it with thy power gouerne and guyde it as a tenderlynge Amen For lowlynes agaynst couetouse and vayne glory Psalm 49. GUyde me lorde that I stomble not on vayne glorye or power of thys world for the louers of such thynges do imbrase them as theyr goddes and glorye in the same therfore they shall perysh for euer To suche the death of Christ was bestowed in vayne syth they shall neuer be partakers through theyr mysbelefe of the meryte therof Let me not be made lyke I praye the vnto the brute bestes but instructe me in thy workes lēde me thy fauoure that I may alway thāke y e for the honoure thou hast endowed me wyth that for the same I stande not foolyshly in myne owne conceyte Amen For puttynge awaye of the olde man Psalm 50. OUt of y e forthest corners of the earth on euery syde thou shalt wyth a myghty voyce cal mē to iudgement Lorde God omnipotent to whom nothynge is hyd Open thou our eares that we maye heare thys thy promyse I shall be your God In the we constauntly beleue wyth thy foyson we be fylled Prudentely thou doest declare and testifye that of oure goodes and sacrifices thou hast no nede thou doest not eyther regarde or measure them for all be thyne and in y e it lyeth to make the thynges we now possesse to be ours or not ours Thou only requyrest sacrifices of thankes gyuinge Let vs therfore disclose the botome of oure hertes to the let vs knowlege y e our God let vs hallowe thy name in all thynges flowe in thy worde rendre thankes in wee le woo requyre thy succour in straytes and necessitie at which tyme y u haste ꝓmysed to helpe vs thā shall we beynge so delyuered blase thy name Lorde God moost iuste true of promyse dearest father the beseche I to sende succours vnto me euen of thyne endles goodnes for thy renomes sake for Iesus Christes sake thy beloued sonne and for hys precious bloude largely shedde for vs on the crosse so that beyng ones purged we may come agayne in fauoure wyth the. Pytie me heare me out of the straytes of thys synfull flesh wherewyth on euery syde I am hampered in Set me at large agayne O
refuge and helper for thou createdst all thynges performest ducly all that euer thou hast promysed to those that put theyr trust in the. Whan thou shalt syt as iudge than shall they haue ryght whyche nowe be oppressed by wrongfull power Thou geuest fode in tyme of hōger where and whan so euer we haue nede therof Louse vs that be boūd louse vs thorowe thy fre worde Cary vs vnto the fredome of the true fayth whych surely perteyneth not to all men gyue vs lyght for we be blynde set vs vp for we be throwen downe make vs ryghteouse for we be wycked Be thou O Lorde fauourable vnto vs though we deserue it not haue regarde of the sely straungers poore men wydowes fatherles and other myserable persons of the worlde whych be sore hongry thursty longynge for thy ryghteousnes Kepe them and prouyde for them all thynges necessary led them frō y e vngodly wayes Obteyne O Lorde an euerlastynge raygne in vs. Amen A feruent prayer of the dysperpled church Psam 147. IT is conuenient and semyng O Lorde y t thy prayses be recorded thy name hallowed for thou buyldest gatherest together and enhauncest the cōpany of thy chosen knowest howe to call euery one of them by hys proper name Heale o Lorde those that be broused in herte comforte the comfortles bynde vp oure grene woundes that we may escape thys syckenes both of soule and of conscience Lorde thou arte wonderous great and by reason of the excellēcy of thy bottomlesse knowlege no man can worthely esteme thy maiesty as it is in dede Gouerne and saue vs thy poore catyffes prayse thankes be vnto the for euer for asmuche as of thyne endles goodnes thou makest such large prouisiō for all thynges And now O Lorde let vs alwaye perfectly dreade the trustynge euermore on thy goodnes Amen Lorde God we shal wythout ende glorifye thy maiesty in case we maye be sure and safe in thy kyngdom Let vs be cōtent wyth thy blessynge wherby we haue thynges necessary vnto our lyuynge Graunte vs thy worde sende it vs by trustye and faythfull workemen for y e word is fruteles and barē onles it be sent from the. Cause it to runne hastely and wyth great power so as it maye melte the harde frosen hertes mollifye the stubburne stomakes make y e colde myndes warme comforte the heuy enforme the ignoraunt admonysh the strayers and brynge them to the ryght way agayne and fynally rayse vp the deade to lyfe euerlastynge Amen Of the makynge fall and restorynge of man Psalm 148. GRaūt O Lorde that we thy seruauntes beynge moued by thy synguler gyftes of grace mought magnifye the as y u arte moost worthy by beholdynge of thy creatures be they in heauen in earth or in the see for vnto them al by one certayne trade and course of gouernaunce thou ministreste thynges necessary to theyr vse and cōmodite thorough thy worde and by y t same selfe word thou conseruest them wherby thou fyrst createdst them euen by Iesus Christe Euery thynge accōplysheth that worke whervnto thou fyrst ordeynedst it euen after thyne owne hartes lust onely man rebelleth and that to his owne harme he alone is agaynst thy gracious pleasure and nothynge remembrynge thy glorye gredely seketh his owne glorie by reason of which misdemenour he was vtterly caste awaye and all his posterite wyth hym This notwithstandynge mooste louynge father thou hast recoueryd hym agayne by meanes of thy worde whiche worde nowe at length the tyme appoynted fullye complet and finyshed was made flesh euen Iesus Christ oure Lorde Graunt vs we besech the to haue a lyuely fayth in him reforme renue and restore vs in hym slaye thou in vs what so euer nature plāted in vs by our generation shape vs newe men thorowe that same power wherby Iesus Christe rose agayne to lyfe in the holy ghost that we forgetfull of our selfs maye seke thyne honour onely enhaunsynge thy name for thou settest alofte the horne of thy people Let vs come vnto the in the continue for euer Of the true worshyp in spirite and truth Psalm 149. PUt into our mouth a new songe and renew our hartes by grace Let vs contynually synge it abroad in the commynge to gether of holy-ones let vs reioyse and be glad in y e oure maker redemer In gladnes of spirite with fre wyllynge harte let vs prayse the. Be content Lorde and well pleased wyth thy people endowe them wyth gyftes and in sauegard promote them in thy glorie let thy holyons be glad yea be proude of the in theyr consciences Theyr hartes mought auaūce the let them myghtely laye on stryke beynge armed wyth thy worde and w t the sworde of thy spirite agaynst all that wrastle agaynst thyne holye name Amen A praysynge of God Psalm 150. THe O Lorde in thyne owne selfe we prayse which farre excedest all prayse In thy holynes we prayse the for thou alone arte holy by whom and none other we also be made holy In y e defēce of thy ryght hāde we prayse the for it shall stand sure for euer yea it is oure stronge warrante sauegarde euermore shal be In thy power we prayse the wherby thou blessest and cursest In thy glorye so excedynge greate we prayse the wherby in Christe thou makest vs also ryght gloriouse Breath vpon vs thy grace spirite that we maye for euer do this oure duetye and that we maye by y e same spirite be ruled led ordred moued taught Amen Lord it is theyr dueties euen as manye as haue breth within them to blowe abroade thy prayses for of the they all haue lyfe but thy chosē haue euerlastyng lyfe through Iesus Christe oure Lorde with whome thou the father of heuē in the holy gooste art God lauded praysed worlde wythout ende Amē ¶ The seuen peticions of the Pater noster OUr father whych art in heauē hallowed be thy name Thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen Gyue vs thys day our dayly bread And forgyue vs oure trespaces as we forgiue them y t trespas agaīst vs And let vs not be led into tēptacion But delyuer vs from euyll Amen ¶ The Crede or the .xij. artycles of the Christen fayth I Beleue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ hys only sonne our Lorde Whych was cōceyued by the holy goost borne of the virgyne Mary Suffred vnder Ponce Pylate was crucifyed deade buryed discēded into hel And the thyrd day he rose agayne from death He ascēded into heuen sytteth on y e ryght hande of God the father almyghty From thence he shall come to iudge the quycke the deade I beleue in the holy goost The holy catholyke church The cōmunion of sayntes the forgyuenes of synnes The resurrection of the body And the lyfe euerlastynge Amen ¶ The ten cōmaundementes of almyghty God THou shalte haue none other goddes but me Thou shalte not
make to thy selfe any grauē Image nor any lykenes of any thynge y t is in heuē aboue or in erth beneth nor in y e water vnder the erth thou shalt not bow downe to them nor worship them Thou shalt not take y e name of thy Lorde God in vayne Remember that thou kepe holy the Sabboth daye Honour thy father and thy mother Thou shalt do no murther Thou shalt not cōmyt adultery Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt beare no false wytnesse agaynst thy neyghbour Thou shalte not desyre thy neyghbours house thou shalte not desyre thy neyghboures wyfe nor hys seruaūt nor hys mayde nor hys Oxe nor hys Asse nor any thynge that is thy neyghboures FINIS THE PRINCIPAL PRAYERS OF the BYBLE moste necessary for christen men gathered out by RICHARD TAVERNER The prayer of Moises to the Lorde for the synnes of the people Exod. 32. LOrde why hoyleth thy wrath againste thy people whome thou haste brought forth of the lād of Egypte that is to wete out of y e captiuitie and bōdage of the deuil Let not these Egyptiās I meane these vngodly and deuelishe persons say God dealeth craftely with them euen to rydde thē out of the world Let thy wrath be asswaged ouerthe wyckednesse of thy people Amen An other prayer of Moses to the some entente Exod 32. OH this people haue synned an heynouse syn and haue made thē golden goddes Eyther forgyue them this offense or els wipe me out of this boke whiche thou hast written Amen For the synne of the people grudging agaynste god a prayer of Moses Num. 14. THe Lorde is pacient and ful of mercy bearing awaye synne trespase and leauyng none gyltles Thou doest visite the vnrighteousnes of the fathers vpon the children euē to y e thyrde and fourthe kyndred Forgyue I beseche the the synne of thꝭ thy people accordīg to thy great mercy as thou haste bene mercifull vnto them commyng out of Egypt euen vnto this place An other of Moses Aaron for the people Num. 16. MOst myghty god of spirites of all flesh Wilte y u for the syn of one be wroth with al the multitude For the stubbernes of the people the true p̄acher on this wyse as Moses dyd may make his prayer vnto god Deut. 9. DEstroye not Lord thy people enheritaūce whom thou haste deliuered through thy greatnes and whom thou hast brought out of the Egypt of this worlde Remēbre thy seruauntes Abraham Isaac Iacob loke not vnto the stubbernes of this people neither to theyr wyckednes and offēses for it is thyne owne people and enheritaūce which thou hast chalēged for thyne owne in thy greate myght stretched out arme Amen A prayer of Esdras for the synnes of the people 1. Esd. 9. MY God I am confounded and dare not lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the my god for our wyckednes is growen ouer oure hed and oure trespaces are waxen great vnto the heauen euen from the tyme of our fathers yea our selues also haue greuously synned vnto this daye because of our wyckednes haue we our kynges and preestes bene delyuered into the hand of the kinges of the naciōs into the swerde into captiuitie into spoyle and into confusion of face as it is come to passe this daye But nowe is there a lytle and sodayne graciousnes come from the Lorde our God so that some of vs are escaped to thintēte he may gyue vs his peace in his holy place that our God maye lyght our eyes and gyue vs a lytle lyfe in our bondage For we are bonde men yet our god hath not forsaken vs in our bōdage but hath inclined mercy vnto vs in the syght of the hethen kynges y t he shulde gyue vs lyfe promote the house of our God and so set vp the desolacion therof and gyue vs an hedge ī Iuda and Hierusalem And nowe O our God what shall we say after this for we haue forsaken thy cōmaundementes which thou hast commaunded by thy seruauntes Prophetes and sayde The lande wherevnto ye go to possesse it is an vncleane lande throughe the fylthynes of the people of the landes in their abominaciōs wherewith they haue made it full of vnclennes on euery syde Therfore shall ye not gyue youre doughters vnto their sonnes and their doughters shal ye not take vnto youre sonnes seke not their peace and wealth for euer that ye maye be stronge and enioy the good in the lande and that ye your children maye haue the inheritaunce of it for euermore And after al this that is come vpō vs because of our most naughty dedes and our greate trespace thou our god hast spared our wyckednesse hast gyuē vs a deliueraunce as it is come to passe this day to y e entente we shuld not turne backe and let go thy commaundementes neyther be ioyned ī matrimony with the people of these abominacions Wilte thou then be wroth at vs tyl we be vtterly consumed so that nothinge remayne and tyll there be no delyueraūce O lord of Israel thou art righteous for we remayne yet escaped as it is this day Behold in thy presence are we ī our trespace for herevpon is there no standinge before the. The prayer of Nehemias for the synnes of the people before the Lord. Nehem. 1. O Lorde God of heauē y u greate terrible God thou that kepest couenaunte and mercy with them that loue the and kepe thy cōmaundementes let thyne eares harken thyne eyes be open that thou mayst heare y e prayer of thy seruaūt which I praye nowe before the day and night for the children of Israel thy seruauntes and knowledge the synnes of y e chyldrē of Israel which we haue cōmitted agaynst the. And I and my fathers haue sinned also we haue bene led out of the waye by vanities ī that we haue not kept thy cōmaundementes statutes lawes which thou commaundedst thy seruaunt Moses And they are thy seruauntes thy people whome thou hast delyuered through thy greate power and myghty hand I beseche the lorde let thyne eare bowe downe to the prayer of thy seruaūtꝭ whose desire is to feare thy name Amen A confession and solemne prayer of the leuites and of the church for synnes with a rehersal of the benefytes of God 2. Esd. 9. LOrd thou alone hast made heauen and the heauen of heauens with all their companye the earth all that is therupon the see and all that is cōteyned therin thou gyuest lyfe vnto all and the host of heauen bowe them selues vnto the. Thou art the Lorde god that didest chose Abraham foundest his hert faythfull before the and madeste a couenaunt with him to gyue hym his sede the land of the Cananites Hethytes Amorites Pheresites Iebusites and Gergesites And thou madest good thy wordes for thou art righteous and dydest consydre the mysery of oure fathers in Egypte herdest their cōplaynte by the redde see and shewedst tokens wonders vpon Pharao and on al
and othe that is written in the lawe of Moses the seruaūte of god against whome we haue offended is poured vpō vs. And he hath performed his wordes which he spake agaynst vs and agaynste oure iudges that iudged vs to brynge vpon vs suche a plage as neuer was vnder heauen lyke as it is nowe come to passe in Ierusalem yea all this plage as is writen in the law of Moses is come vpō vs. Yet we neuer made any supplicacion before the o lorde that we myght tourne agayn from our wickednes and thinke vpon thy trouth Therfore hath the lorde made hast to bring this plage vpon vs for the lord our god is ryghtwyse in all his workes which he doth for we wolde not harken to his voyce And nowe O lorde oure god thou that with a myghty hand hast brought thy people oute of Egypte to get thy selfe a name as thou hast at this daye we haue synned O lorde and done wickedly agaynst all thy rightousnesse Let thy wrothfull displeasure be tourned awaye I beseche the frome vs for through the haynouse offēce of vs and oure forefathers is thy churche abhorred of all them that are aboute vs. Now therfore O our god heare the prayer of thy seruaūte let thy face shyne ouer thy Sanctuary y t lyeth wast O my god bowe downe thyne eare herken at least for thyne owne sake open thyn eyes and see howe we be spoyled for we do not cast our prayers before the in our owne ryghtousnes but only in thy greate mercyes O lorde heare O lorde forgyue O lorde consydre tary not ouer longe but for thyne owne sake do it PRAYERS IN TYME OF ADVERSITIE AND FOR A MANS OVVNE SYNNES A prayer and an open confession of the people of Israel to be delyuered from their ennemy Iudic. 10. WE haue synned agaynste the for we haue forsaken our own god haue seruyd Baalym Lorde we haue synned do thou vnto vs what so euer please the and delyuer vs only at this tyme. Amen In warres agaynst Turkes and inuadours the prayer of kynge Asa. 2. Paral 14. LOrde it is all one with the to helpe them that haue no power with fewe or with many Helpe vs o lorde our god for we truste to the in thy name be we come agaynste this multitude Thou arte the lorde oure God let no man preuayle against the. Amen If god sende the trouble eyther for a punyshment of thy synnes or to proue thy pacyence therwith praye thus Tobia 3. O Lorde thou arte rightous and all thy iudgementes are true yea all thy wayes are mercy faythfulnes and iudgemente And nowe o lorde be myndefull of me and take no vengeaunce on my synnes neyther remēbre my mysdedes neyther the mysdedes of my elders for we haue not bene obedient vnto thy cōmaūdementes therfore are we spoyled brought in to captiuitie in to death into derision and shame vnto all nacyons And nowe O lorde thy iudgementes are great for we haue not done according to thy commaūdementes neyther haue we walked innocētly before the. Wherfore now o lorde deale with me accordinge to thy wyll and commaunde my spirite to be receyued in peace for more expedient were it for me to dye then to lyue The prayer of Manasses kynge of Iuda when he was in pryson for remission of synnes and for gods fauour and delyueraunce 2. Paral. 36. O Lord almyghty god of our fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob and of the ryghteouse sede of them which hast made heauen and earth with all the ornament therof which haste ordeyned the see by the worde of thy cōmaundement which haste shut vp the depe haste sealed it for thy fearfull laudable name drad of all men honorable before the face of thy vertue the fearse anger of thy threteninge is aboue measur heuy to synners But the mercy of thy promesse is greate vnserchable for thou art the lorde god most hyghe aboue al the earth longe sufferinge and excedynge mercyfull sory for the malyce of men I haue prouoked thyne anger haue done euyl before the in cōmitting abominacyons multiplieng of offences And now I bow y e knees of my hart requiringe goodnes of the o lorde I haue synned lorde I haue synned and knowe my wyckednes I desire the by prayer o lorde forgyue me O lorde forgyue me and destroye me not with myn iniquities neyther do thou alwaye remembre my euels to punyshe thē but saue me which am vnworthy after thy greate mercye I wyll prayse the euerlastingly all the dayes of my lyfe for all y e vertue of heauen prayseth the vnto the belongeth glorye worlde without ende Amen The prayer of Mardocheus in the pursute of Haman whome the byshop of Rome at thys daye resembleth Hester 15. O Lorde thou valyaunt myghty kynge for all thinges are in thy power yf thou wilt help and delyuer Israel ther is no mā can with stande the for thou hast made both heauen and earth thou arte lorde of all and there is none can resist the o lorde Thou knowest al thou wotest lorde it was neyther of malyce ne of presumption neyther for any desire of glory y t I wolde not bowe downe my self and worship the most proud Haman for I wolde gladlye yf it might haue tourned Israel to good haue kyste euen his fotesteppes but I feared leste I shulde haue gyuen Gods glorye vnto a man because I wolde worship none but only the. Wherfore O Lorde thou God and kynge haue mercy on thy people for they ymagen howe to brynge vs to nought yea their desire is full set to destroye and ouerthrowe the people that haue euer bene thyne Oh despise not thin own good which thou hast delyuered and brought forth of Egypte euen for thyne owne cause Heare my prayer be mercyful to thy people whome thou haste chosen for an heritage to thy selfe Tourne our complaynte and sorowe into ioye so as we maye lyue o lorde and prayse thy name O Lorde suffer not the mouthes of them that prayse the to be destroyed The oration and blessing of Iob in his most greuous aduersitie and losse of goodes Iob. 1. NAked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shall I retourne agayn The lorde gaue and the Lorde hath taken away as it hath pleased the lorde so is it done Nowe blessed be the name of the lorde Amen A prayer that we may be deliuered frome our aduersaries Esai 37. O Lorde of hoostes thou god of Israell which sittest vpon cherubin thou arte the god alone of al the kyngdomes of the worlde thou only hast created heauen and earth Enclyne thyne eare Lorde and consyder open thyne eyes and se delyuer vs from the hande of our aduersaries to thintēt all the kyngdomes of the earthe maye knowe that thou only art the lorde Amen The prayer of Esaye when the people were sore plaged Esaye 65.64 LOke downe frome heauen and beholde the dwellynge place of thy sanctuary and thy
man thoroughe thy wisdome that he shulde haue dominion ouer the creature which thou haste made that he shulde ordre the worlde accordynge to equitie ryghteousnes and execute iudgemente with a true herte gyue me wisdome which is euer about thy seate and put me not out from amonge thy chyldren For I thy seruaūt and sōne of thy hādemayde am a feble person of a short tyme and to yonge to the vnderstādinge of iudgement of thy lawes Yea though a man be neuer so perfect among the childern of men yet yf thy wisdome be not with him he shal be nothing worth Oh send her out of thy holye heauens and from y e trone of thy maiestie that she may be with me labour with me that I maye knowe what is acceptable in thy syght For she knoweth and vnderstādeth al thinges she shall conducte me ryght soberly in my workes and preserue me in her power So shall my workes be acceptable Amen A prayer for mekenes and the obteyning of chastitie Eccle. 23. O Lord thou father god of my lyfe let me not haue a proude loke But turne awaye all voluptuousnes from me Take from me the lustes of the bodye let not the desyres of vnclennes take holde vpon me and gyue me not ouer into an vnshamefast and obstinate mynde Amen The prayer of Iesus the sonne of Sirache in necessitie and for wisdome Eccle. the laste I Thanke the O Lorde and king and prayse the o god my sauiour I wil yelde prayses vnto thy name for thou art my defender and helper frō the snare of traitorours tōges and from them that are occupied in lyes Thou hast bene my helper frō suche as rose agaynst me and haste deliuered me according to thy great mercy and for thy holy names sake Thou hast delyuered me from the roarynge of them that prepared thē selues to deuoure me out of the hādes of such as sought after my lyfe frō the multitude of them that troubled me and went aboute to set fyer vpon me on euery syde so that I was not brent in the myddes of the fyer From the depe of hell thou delyueredst me from the vncleane tongue from lyenge wordes from the wycked iuge and from the vnryghteouse tōgue My soule shall prayse the Lorde vnto death for my lyfe drewe nye vnto hel They compased me roūd about on euery syde and ther was no man to helpe me I loked about me if ther were anye man that wold socoure me but ther was none Then thought I vpon thy mercy O Lorde and vpon thy actes that thou haste done euer of olde namely that thou delyuereste such as put their trust in the ryddest them out of the handes of the false panims Thus lyfted I vp my prayer from the earth and prayed for delyueraunce from death I called vpon the lord my father that he wolde not leaue me with out healpe in the daye of my trouble and in the tyme of the proude I praysed thy name continually yelding honour and thākes vnto it and so my prayer was herde Thou sauedst me frō destructiō and delyueredst me from the vnrighteouse tyme. Therfore wil I knowledge and prayse the auaūce the name of the Lord. Whē I was yet but yonge or euer I wēt a straye I desired wisdome openly in my prayer I came therfor before the temple and I sought her very busyly Then floryshed she vnto me as a grape that is sone rype My herte reioysed in her then wente my fote y e right waye yea frō my youth sought I after her I bowed downe my eare and receyued her I founde in my selfe much wisdome prospered greatly in her Therfore wyll I gyue y e glory vnto him that gyueth me wisdome for I am aduised to do therafter I wil be gelouse to cleaue vnto that is good so shal I not be cōfounded My soule hath wrestled with her and I haue bene diligent to be occupied in her I lyfted vp myne hādes on hygh then was my soule lyghtened thorough wysdome so that I knowledged my folyshnes I ordred my soule after her she and I were one herte from the begynnyng and I found her in clennesse and therfore shal I not be forsaken My hart longeth after her I gate a good treasure Thorough her the lorde hath gyuen me a newe tongue wherwith I wil prayse him Oh come vnto me ye vnlerned and dwel in the house of wysdome with drawe not your selues from her but talke and comon of these thynges for your soules are very thursty I opened my mouth and spake Oh come and bye wysdom without mony bow down your necke vnder her yoke and your soule shal reaceyue wisdome she is euen at hande and is content to be found Behold with your eyes how I haue had but lytle labour yet haue found muche rest Oh receyue wisdome ye shall haue plenty of syluer and golde in your possession Let your mynde reioyce in her mercy and be not ashamed of her prayse worke her worke by tymes she shal gyue you youre rewarde in due tyme. The prayer of Abacuc the prophete for ignorancies Abacuc 5. O Lord when I herde speake of the then I was afrayde The worke that thou hast taken in hand shalt thou performe in his tyme O Lorde when thy tyme cometh thou shalt declare it In thy very wrath thou thinkest vpon mercy The lord God is my strength he shall make my fete as y e fete of an herte and he which gyueth the victory shal bring me to my hye places syngyng vpon psalmes Amen A prayer of the faythful congregacion that they maye speake the word of god boldely Actu 4. LOrde thou arte god which hast made heauen and earth the see and al that in them is which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid hast sayde why dyd the heathen rage the people ymagyne vayne thynges The kynges of the earth stode vp and the rulers came togyther agaynst the Lorde and agaynst his Christ. For suerly agaynst his holy son Iesus whom thou hast anoynted both Herode and also Poncius Pylate with the Panyms and the people of Israel gathered them selues togyther to do euen what so euer thyn handes and thy counsayle determyned before to be done And now Lord behold their threatenynges and graunt vnto thy seruauntes with al confidence to speake thy word that thou wolt stretch forth thyne hande to thintente that healyng sygnes and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy sonne Iesus Amen ¶ A PRAYER VNTO THE Lorde Iesus for the peax of the church made by the most excellent clerke Erasmus LOrde Iesus Christe whiche of thyne almyghtynes madest al creatures both visible and invisible which of thy godly wisdom gouernest settest al thinges in moste goodly ordre which of thyn vnspeakeable goodnes kepest defendest and furderest al thinges whiche of thy botomles mercy restorest the decayed renewest the fallē raysest the deade vouchesaue we praye the at last to cast
brydegrome frō his chambre let him appeare couragiouse as a valiaunt champion to run thorowe his iourney which conducteth vs euen vnto the heauens Let vs ones haue a profe I besech the howe fatherly thou doest tendre vs o father of heauen for thy welbeloued sonnes sake Thy lawe vnspotted mought refreshe and wyn y e our soules Let thy recordes and couenaūtes poure downe into vs the spirite of wisdome that we may be euen as symple vncorrupte pliable of herte as chyldrē Let thy worde that maketh vs ryghteouse delyte oure hertes let thy pure cōmaūdemētꝭ clarifie y e eyes of our myndes plucke downe the muffler from our face so as we may throughly se into Moses fayth Christ Iesus our lorde Season vs with a pure and holy awe not myxed with syn but flowyng euen of very loue not staggeryng but euermore cleauyng within vs. Put away the feare of the fleshe which in prosperitie vaynly reioyseth and in aduersitie desperatly trembleth Let vs feare the onely for thyne owne cause so as we neyther displease the ne lose the. Make me to loue thy iudgementes wherby thou sleyest the olde Adā in vs for they be thynges tried true iuste and good Cause vs rather to delyte in them then in any treasure delices or pleasures of this worlde Make vs busyly to expresse them in our dedes What person O lorde throughly knoweth his preuy faultes and secrete dissimulacyon Take out of me as muche as remayneth of the olde Adam kepe me thy seruaūt o lorde from these arrogant and proude men and suche as go about to exempte thēselues from thy true churche so as they reygne not in myne herte thorowe theyr hypocrisie and feyned holynes and that I assent not to theyr sediciouse mindes So shall I be pure and cleane from these horrible synnes rebelliō grudging shrynkyng from thy testament blasphemyes of herte Be not wery of this my talke but rather let these indeuours of my hert be thākeful acceptable vnto the o lorde my maker and redemer So be it In aduersitie and greuous distresse Psam 20. IN this my tribulacion LORDE hear me for thy names sake helpe me sende me succours from thyne holy place Strengthē and comforte me o lorde myndefull of my prayers and longe awaytynge that I maye do sacrifice vnto the and in my sacrifice doynge reioyse Or rather cal to remembraunce thou my god that selfe same sacrifice whyche Iesus Christ thy welbeloued sōne made vnto the hys moost louynge father for me vpon the crosse who prayed for me in the dayes of hys lyfe and for hys humilitie reuerēce was herde For his sake I saye be mercyful vnto me and helpe me Out of thy heauenly towre graunt that I ones annoynted wyth thy soden and perpetuall ioye maye plenteously displey abrode thy most excellēt name Amē To knowe Christ and hys kyngdome Psal. 21. PReuent me O Lorde my God in al thy workes by Iesus Christ our kynge to whome thou hast gyuen al power in heauen and in erth he is my health and blessynge he is thy derely beloued sonne he is the onely reconcilour thorow whom we be brought agayne into thy fauour Chere me wyth thy pleasaūt countinaunce and wyth thy holsome gyfte of repentaunce Make me continue stronglye for thy goodnes O thou that arte aboue all Aryse Lorde shewe thy myght let the worlde fele thy power set alofte Christes kyngdome the kyngdom of spirite lyfe the kyngdome of the true innocencye and ryghtuousnes of God destroye the aduersaries herof Then shall we synge in spirite prayse thy power gyue continual thankes to thy name wythout ceasynge Amen In tribulacion to remember the passion of Christ. Psalm 22. MY God my God remēber me forsake me not suffer me not to be lost syth both nyght and daye I crye to the. Heare me my lorde Our father 's trusted in the and thou holpest them When so euer they called on the at no tyme thou fayledst thē but was alwayes at hande to assyst them Come forth father most derely beloued in my herte defende me from Satans kyngdome Thou drewest me forthe of my mothers wombe and haste preserued me vnto thys daye Of thy bountye mercye whych I besech the deny me not at thys my nede go not awaye from me for anguyshe and pensyffenes of herte drawe nye vnto me and yet is there none y t can helpe me but thou onely Let me escape from these daūgers through thy Christ my sauiour who for my sake hath suffred so spytfull and bytter paynes who for me was sore vexed cruelly scourged woūded nayled hāged on the crosse Let me escape I say for his bloudes sake whych he so largely shed for vs to cause vs obtayne forgeuenes of our synnes and enioye the new and euerlastynge couenaunte made betwene the and vs. Stande not farre frō me o lorde my refuge strength Come neare and helpe me delyuer my lyfe from the sworde my soule from the wood dogges from the lyons iawes defende me betwene the hornes of vnicornes heare me Thā shall I blowe abrode thy name with all prayses vnto my brethren and in the assemblye of the holy persons I shal commende the. Despyse not the praiers of the poore turne not away thy face heare my crye for I wyl recorde thys thy goodnes amonge the myserable distressed troublesome consciences that they therof maye take herte of cōforte growe in hope cleaue more feruently vnto the and maye blowe abrode thy moost glorious name and gyue the theyr hertie thankes for theyr saluacion Amen For increase of fayth in God Psalm 23. LOrde my shepeherde fede me thy poore catyfe shepe then shal I lacke nothynge let me lye in the fedynge groundes of thy plenteous worde nygh vnto the pleasaunt ryuers of thy holy spirite that I maye be refreshed and bowe to thy correccion prouidence Turne my soule vnto the and coole it with thy swete lycours when wyth sorowe it begynnyth to brenne conducte me to the path of righteousnes for thy names sake and yf I shal happen to walke in the valey of darkenes and death be thou present with me that I may feare nothynge at all The staffe of thy worde mought bere me vp and I shal take comforte of it sprede the bourde of thy worde before me and I wyll fede of it to strengthen and fortifye my mynde agaynst all Satans powers so as none of hys souldyours shall vaynquyshe me Annoynte my heade tyll it be fatte with the oyle of gladnes and hallowynge of spirite Make me dronke wyth thy cuppe that I maye forget my selfe vtterly renounce myne owne dreames and ryghteousnes to thintent onely thy spirite maye raygne wythin me Let thy gracious mercy neuer leaue me in all thys lyfe let me abyde cōtinually in thyne house a shepe inclosed in thy folde wythin the hurdles of thy grace and giftes whych arte the hyghe and myghtye shepeherde and graunter of al good thynges Amen For grace to renewe
in mynde of the for thou shewest vs a proue of thy goodnes mercye by thy creatures by scriptures by miracles but chefely by our sauiour Lord Iesu Christ thyn anoynted wherfor yf he fayle me in peryls vtterly am I lost Aryse Lorde haue mercy on thy churche haue pytie on me whych am a sely mēber of christꝭ body for surely I am an outcast euery where It is tyme o lord to shewe cōpassion Now I saye it is tyme to shewe vs thy mercy o lorde Herken thā to our praier despise it not Lo I am a miserable p̄soner hear therfore my gronynges delyuer me and then w t great thankes I shall not stynt to glorifye and blase thy name In thassemblie of all people shall I in ful large and goodly wise make reaporte of the. O Lord my god plucke me not hence sodēly but in the myddes of my dayes let me remember myne ende lest by my soden departure frome this lyfe I be depriued of that euerlastyng lyfe Be therfore mercyfull to me euen for thyne holy names sake Amen A prayer to cast of the olde man Psalm 103. LOrde it is semely that my soule shulde prayse y e and all y e myght that is in me shuld magnify thy holy name for the great benefites and louynge kindnes whiche thou haste done vnto me Pardon Lorde my wyckednes heale y e rēnauntes of syn whych as yet be in this my corrupte nature delyuer my lyfe from death kepe me well fensed from myne enemyes in peryls in death and in hel Enuiron me with goodnes and mercye that I maye be stronge agaynst synne death the deuell agaynst al the force of myne aduersaries Fyl my mouth wyth goodes profytable both to body and sprete yea though al the world be agaynst me yet stāde thou on my syde Let me waxe yōge thorowe cōforte of thyne holy goost Make me couragious and bolde in al that good is O Lorde of thy iudgement ryghtuousnes and mercye helpe all those that suffer wronge Lōge forbeare vs in our synnes punyshe vs not longe though we haue deserued it be not euer more angry nor let not our innumerable sinnes suffer theyr worthy punyshmēt but remoue them farre awaye from vs. Be oure father take vs in the nomber of thy chyldren Oh howe frayle a worke be we euen verye dust and ashes oure dayes be as the floure in the felde Lorde teach vs to fear the so as we may performe thy cōmaundemētes the condicions of thy couenaūt Thy goodnes be euermore wyth vs present delyuer vs swete Lorde from all euyll Amen That God may be knowen by hys creatures psalm 104. GEue me thys grace O Lorde that with my hole body soule wyth my hole myght and spirite I maye alway prayse the by the knowlege and belefe of thy heauēly predestinacion made in Christe Iesu by a wonderous workmanshyppe of all thynges in heauen in earth in the see and that by consyderyng the nature of all thynges I may be rauyshed euē vnto the y e maker of them and that here vpon I may be encoraged to trust vnto y e in al thynges so as I maye be well assured to receaue al cōmodities at thyne hādes both these that I already haue and that I maye haue in tyme to come what thynge so euer I shal stāde in nede of Surely at thyne hāde loke al beastes for theyr fode euery one in hys due tyme. Al thynges wyl go to nought yf thou turne thy face awaye To the therfore be prayse and glory for euer Amen To knowe Christ. Psalm 105. THorow thy boūteous goodnes let vs cōtinually blowe abrode thy prayses Graunt vs only to call on thy name let vs remember thy moost famous dedes let vs talke of reason of them so that in the onelye we may reioyse for in the euermore we be glad we serche the beleue the yea and to the onely we praye and thorowe thy power we be conserued At all tymes therfore let vs remembrynge thy benefites be not churlish nor ingrate vnto the o Lorde syth y u w t infinite benefites endowest both vs and the hole worlde Amen In peryls for helpe Psalm 106. TO thy goodnes euermore we gyue thākes Lorde besechyng the also that we maye do iustice and iudgement Graunt vs alwaye to feare the to geue credite vnto the to trust fastly vnto the. Remember vs lyke as thou art wonte to be fauourable vnto thy people Uisyte vs wyth thy sauynge health for bothe we oure fathers haue sore synned we haue done wickedly and vngodly And nowe for oure synnes we be brought low and made euen the driuels of y e worlde But O Lorde loke vpon our nede heare our playnte remember vs for that couenauntes sake whych thou madest wyth vs. Haue remorse at lengthe of thys affliction and trouble sente frō the as thou arte most meke and mercyful take awaye thys scourge shewe thy selfe frendfull Let thy mercy defēde vs from oure enemyes helpe vs Lorde our God that we maye geue true and moost deserued thankes to thyne holy name Praysed be thou o Lorde God for euer Amen For comforte good officers and faythfull ministers of Goddes worde Psalm 107. THy goodnes Lorde God hath none ende oftētymes thou hast redemed delyuered and rescued thy people of Israel forth of a thousand daūgers euen as oftē as they cryed vnto the though theyr synnes were neuer so great O Lorde haue mercy on me for I am in great daunger Trustynge vpō thyne infinite goodnes I cal to the heare me helpe me spedely for thyne holy names sake Brynge me from thys blacke darknes brast asonder my bondes sende vnto me thy worde whereby thou madest all thynges and relieue me thy poore wretch O Lord sende gētell Prynces and such as be diligēt in theyr authoritie and office in asmuch as they do that pleaseth the in nothynge swarue frō thy wayes Saue me from myserye and vtter dammage Make me also haue delite and pleasure in thy workes and that by vnderstandynge thyne vnspeakable goodnes I maye be thorowly gladde at myne herte for euer more haue I full good cause to prayse thy goodnes and to rendre due thankes vnto thy godly Maiestye So I haue moste gentel and benigne Lorde To be raunsomed and delyuered from bondage of conscience Psalm 108. LOrde god almyghty myne hert is at thys present season ready to synge prayses vnto the to rēder vnto the most worthy thākes Only I desyre the thou wol vouchsaue to deliuer me frō these greuous peryls in whych I am now wrapped Surmount Lorde aboue the heauens spreade thy glory ouer al the earth Shewe thy louynge kyndnes auaunce thy trouthe so hyghe that it may reach vnto the heauens Helpe me thorowe thy ryght hande ayde assyste me for surely al mānes helpe is but vayne Let me be stronge in the and for thy names sake o lorde brynge downe myne enemyes naye thy enemyes rather and make them to stoupe
Amen The prayer of Christes church psalm 109. THou O Lorde of whome is al my glorye prayse suffre not thys shame and villanye to be layde vpon me The wycked wyly foxes of thys worlde haue gaped vpō me wyth theyr lyenge tonge they sclander me and speake spytefull wordes of me euery where Do for me nowe for thy holy names sake I thynke longe after thy goodnes deliuer me Lorde for I am poore and succourles be at hande Lorde God and of thy goodnes helpe me to thintente they maye knowe that thys is thyne hande and so learne to feare the. When they curse me thā blesse thou me I praye the stande on my ryght hande to helpe defende me against my moost fearce and cruel enemyes Of the benefyte of redempcion Christes office Psalm 110. O Moost deare Iesu Christe our Lorde and our God to the verely said the father syt on my right hande vntyll I put thyne enemyes a fotestole vnder thy fete whych father also made the to be Lorde and Kynge ouer all thynges that be cōteined in heauen in earth and in the see Lorde play y e partes of a Kynge amōges thyne enemyes whych pursue vs and wolde confounde the in vs let therfore thy royall power procede agaynst them Subdue thys fleshe in vs vnto oure profyte put downe al lettes and stomblyng stockes whiche the world laye agaynst vs. Uanquyshe Sathan so as we maye haue contynuall peax in the accordyng to thy promise Thy father also by his othe hathe anoynted the his euerlastyng preste after the order of Melchisedec to thintēt thou moughtest alwaye be a mediatour and suter vnto him for vs. Swete Lorde remembre thys thy name of office takē vpon the in our cause I beseche the stande my good Lorde make thy father oure gracious God though not without iuste cause he be angry with our synnes Shewe him thy woundes that thou sufferedest for the raunsome of oure synnes offer hym thy bloude so plēteouslye shed for the forgyuenesse of our trespasses whiche bloude as yet is fresh in his eyes and w t that same bloude through thy word in spirite washe and clense vs. Thou that art the blessed sede of Abrahā blesse vs for euer By thy holy spirite teache vs in our hertes for these be the offices of thy presthode Anoynte vs w t that moost holy breathynge so that for thy sake we may be estemed both kynges and prestes and in especiall pure in conscience afore the that we thy true leuites and prestes may offer goostly sacrifices whyche thy father shall allowe and take in worth for thy sake y t euery one of vs maye teache other thy holy worde euery one pray for other Furthermore for asmuch as thou o Christ Iesu most dearly beloued in our herte arte named y e iudge of quyck dead reuēge vs of oure enemyes after y e shame of thys lyfe promote vs in an other world to euerlastyng honoure we shal rēdre vnto y e euerlasting thākes and prayses Amen For forgeuenes of synnes Psam 111. ASsyst me O Lorde God and I shal thanke the wyth all my herte by auancynge thy workes in y e metynge of the holy persones for al thy dedes be glorious and myghtie and lyke as al our workes be vayne and of no strength so be al thy workes excellent stronge and puissaūt Remēber me as thou hast couenaūted euermore to do Graunt that we maye be delyuered from thys bodye of synne and that in spirite I maye be newe shapen agayne euen for thy names sake which is right holy and reuerend Graunt me to feare the so that I may be rych in wysdome and vnderstandynge and that I maye knowe the beleue the trust to the euermore Amen For workes of charitie Psalm 112. LOrde nurture and brynge me vp in the true awe of the that al my delyte may rest in thy worde and in thy wyl and commaundementes Lyghten myne herte O thou true lyght in thys my darknesse for thou arte most mercyful and ryghtuouse Make me also mercyfull and tender vpon my neghboure Graunt me abundaunce of substaunce so that lyberally I may gyue vnto the nedy and that also indifferently that I haue no cause to feare any vnegall iudgement Make that my herte be alway ready to trust and rest in the and be euermore full of comforte ryghteousnes Amen For the buyldynge of Christes church Psalm 113 THy name Lorde be praysed alwaye and euery where Loke vpon vs thy poore myserable subiectes Thou arte of al the hyghest none is checkmate wyth y e promote thy lytle ones the outcastes of the worlde from the dust and the nedye from y e durte Thy church of Christe which is reputed of the vngodly persons as a baren mother make her fruteful so as she may brynge forth many chyldren in thy house Amen To be chosen one of Christes chyldren Psalm 114. and .115 IN wōders and tokēs which thou shewedst Lorde God by greate force thou deliueredst thy people Israel out of Egypte Now also accordynge to thy greate and bounteous goodnes helpe vs that the hole glory vndiminished may be referred to thy name and not to vs in al thy valiaunt actes Be thou our ayde succoure and defēce Blesse vs that we may be founde blessed at the iudgemente that wythout ende we maye prayse and sprede abrode thy moost blessed name amōges thy chosen holy ones Amen To be delyuered from erroure Psam 116. LOrde howe sore do I longe for thyne ayde and assystence heare my complaynt Bowe downe I say thyne eare to my requestes I haue longe called vpon the. Snares of deathe intangled me dreade of hell stroke me to the herte I was drowned in waues of troubles on euery syde Lorde beholde I call on thy name delyuer therfore my soule for thou arte a gentell ryghtuouse and mercyful God Kepe me thy symple seruaunt helpe me for in the worlde surelye I am estemed but as a vyle person and am nothynge regarded Brynge my soule to rest thorow thy swete cōforte pul it awaye that deth arrest it not kepe myne eyes frō wepynge my fete from slydynge so as in the lyuynge lande I may quietly walke afore the. So be it Graunt me O Lorde in herte to beleue vnto my iustificacion and wyth mouth to confesse vnto my saluation Thou arte only true thy worde is trouth all tokens amonges men al beckes wordes workes be very vanities and lyes Wherfor O Lorde inspire that same thy worde into my herte y t I mought be garnyshed wyth truth vnto thy glory Graunt me paciēce that I maye drynke of thy cuppe of tribulacion wyth a glad wyllynge mynde yea though it be ful vnto the brynke but prouyde thou that thys cuppe of drynke may be to my saluacion When it shal be thy pleasure to take me frō thys mysery or to lowse these bondes of extreme nede where wyth I am as yet fast tyed then let me not be founde vnkynde nor
of the heare me for thy goodnes nygh thou art to al that call on the. Thy promyses be iuste yea they be trouth it selfe loke to my wretchednes delyuer me plucke thou me from al daungers Truely I shall neuer forget thyne vnspeakable goodnes Take I say Lorde my matter into thy handes Ryd me forth of trouble quyckē me lyke as thou hast promysed to do Let my humble supplicaciō come in afore the saue me euen to make thy worde good Thyne hande be wyth me let me neuer leaue thy worde but brynge aboute y t my soule maye perpetually lyue and prayse the rendrynge vnto the most hertye thākes for thy continuall kyndnes Thy ryght hande I saye helpe me I am as a sely shepe that strayeth in wyldernesse Doutles of my selfe I am not able to turne to thy hyghe waye agayne Wherfore moost gentell herdman and Lorde seke thou me out bryng me agayne vnto thy fold Neuer suffer that thy memorial thy waye wytnesse iugemēt ryghteousnes trouth worde pleasure and ordynaunce at any tyme shuld perysh or be of no effecte strēgth or valure Cause that my flesh alway may quyuer and be adrad of thy threatenynges so that my spirite in the meane tyme be neuer hindred nor disturbed from the constaunt trust of thy promyses made performed vnto vs for Christ Iesus sake thy dearly beloued sonne Amen Agaynst euell tonges Psalm 120. IN thys my greuous trouble lord I call on the wherfore heare me O most gracious Lorde Lorde I say delyuer me from euell tonges vnshamefastly raylyng agaynst thy holy trouth aswell as agaynste me yet do I knowlege thy trouth wol do vnto death Wo is me that I am constrayned to leade my lyfe amonges these foreners and suche as be not thy naturall chyldren borne I meane amōges those y t be enemyes vnto thy peace and pursuers of thy moost hallowed name from such pestilencies saue and kepe me I the praye O moost gracious Lorde To put thy selfe in Gods handes Psalm 121. I Lyft vp myne eyes vnto heauen cryenge callynge for assystence of thy grace My god helpe me truely thys is easy for the to do for thou madest both heauē and earth I besech the so to kepe me that my foote slyde not but haue thou a watchyng eye vpon me Shadowe me aboute thorow thy ryght hande be thou my bulwarke and fortresse agaynst the vngodly suffer not the myghtye to laye cruell hādes on me And o thou moost gentel and benigne Lorde I pray the let not myne herte be set on the vayne pleasures of thys worlde neyther yet let me cowardly fall and shrynke whan I am brought to aduersitie and trouble Deliuer me frō all euell be thou thassuraunce warrant to my soule cast thy tender eye towarde me whether I go in or out O Lorde Amen For the buyldynge of Christes Church Psalm 122. I Haue surely great cause to reioise euen from my herte roote in that I se so many men daylye reformyng theyr lyfe vnto better beynge illumined by faythe and makynge greate prease to enter into y e Lordes house Enlarge therfore thorow thy worde the precincte and boundes of thy cytie Hierusalem Repare agayne concorde peace and true loue in vs to y e perpetual honoure of thy name Let thy spirite shyne by a true certaine iudgement make thy cytizens welthy in all goodes Let the gates of hell haue no power agaynst thy cytie so that thy churche maye lyue in rest quietly and saffely defēde it frō all imminent daūgers sende vs many that may preach vs peace in this cytie and that by all meanes wol do theyr endeuours to further it Amē Constantly to endure vnder Christes crosse Psalm 123. TO the lyfte I vp myne eyes O God that dwellest in heauen Cōsyder that as the seruaūtes haue a ready eye towardes theyr maister and the maydens also vpon theyr maystresse euen so be myne eyes continually fixed vpon the to thyntent at length I maye wynne thy moost gracious fauoure Mercyfull lorde now pytie vs for al the worlde hath vs in greuouse disdayne The ryche spytefully scorne vs euen to y e teeth the proude persons do reiecte vs. But thou O Lorde plucke vs forth of theyr handes and make a rescue of vs agayne to thintēt we may become subiectes to thy moost gracious goodnes whyche mought be to the prayse of thy most puyssant and glorious name Amen To be delyuered from bondage of conscience Psam 124. ONles thou haddest continually abyden wyth vs O Lorde verely we had bene quyte lost in thys ragyng see of troubles and had ben caught w t these preuye snares wher wyth our enemyes haue beset all the way wherby we shuld passe for none other entent than to wynde vs in theyr myschiefe and to cary vs with them vnto hell Brast theyr snares a sōder o Lorde set vs at large drawe vs forth from thys depe water Thy name be oure helpe and defence for thou hast made both heauen erth To be rydde from imminent daunger Psalm 132. GRaunt vs grace O Lorde styffely to cleaue vnto the so as we shrynke not but that we stande for euer euen as moūt Sion in that same thy new cytie Hierusalē which is Christ. And O thou moost tender and deare Lorde cast a stronge bulwarcke aboute vs so as the wycked haue no power agaynst vs. Further more leaue vs not vnto our selues nether yet suffer vs ons to put forth our arme to do vnryghteousnes Be gracious and free to all such as beleue in the syth they be of honeste and true hertes Reste quyete and peace be vnto Israel euen to as many as lyue after the spirite and not after the fleshe Amen For hym that is imprisoned eyther in spirite or in body Psalm 126. LOrde god almighty delyuer me frō thys bondage comforte me O my God and fyl my mouth wyth ioye replenysh my tonge wyth gladnes euen from myne herte Shewe some wonderous feate for my sake that thy suters maye se it and come wyth me to render vnto the worthye thankes Certes thou shuldest by this meanes geue them occasion the more constantly to suffer aduersitie and to trust assuredly vpon the. O Lorde God raūsome me I saye frō thys paynfull bondage destroy this captiuitie euen as the hote sonne cōsumeth and dryeth vp the dewe that falleth by nyght Turne my weping vnto gladnes euen for thy names sake as I shall euer more auaunce and magnifye it To be admytted vnto Christes Sabboth or restynge daye Psalm 127. BUylde vs O Lorde watch and kepe vs for onles thou vouchsaue to do it doubtles we spēde our wynde in waste Let vs I saye ones ceasse from thys hurlye burlye thys toylynge drudgynge in the vayne trumpery of thys worlde so as ones at last we maye religiously hallowe thy holye Saboth and wyth longe sufferynge a wayte for thy ioyful cōmynge castynge al our thought and care on the only albeit in the meane season we ought to laboure diligētly
for truely so we haue in commaūdement of the where as yet the encrease and furtheraunce of oure labours to the mayntenaunce of oure lyuynge whyle we be in thys body we loke for at thyne handes and not by our owne paynes takynge Take awaye Lorde al couetyse and vayne studye of ryches frō our hertes Let vs be founde lyke vnto the arrowes shot from a bowe euen ernestly bent and constant in thy worde Let oure quyuers and hert strynges be foūde full of hote and feruent zeale alway by peticiō shotynge vnto the so that in face of oure enemyes we neuer be steyned wyth any blot of reproche To be blessed of the Lorde Psalm 128. GEue vs grace swete Lorde to feare the to walke in thy waies and fotesteppes and well to prosper in our iorney Moreouer vouchsaue to blesse vs and all thynges belongynge vnto vs so as we also maye se many children of fayth and peace in Israel Amen For defence agaynst our enemyes Psal. 129. LOrde many ther be that cōspire agaynst vs full many that inuade vs that make hurly burlies amōge vs and fyersly assault vs but suffer them not to preuayle neyther to haue y e vpperhande on vs O our moost mercyfull God cut a sonder theyr ropes and snares Let them returne with shame as many as work vs any trouble but blesse thou vs O Lord for thyne holy names sake Amen For the troubled conscience Psalm 130. LOrde I crye vnto y t euē in myddes of al my troubles Wherfor I besech the mercyfull Lorde heare my voyce Bow downe thyne eares vnto my pyteous cōplaynt yf thou laye to our charge our horrible innumerable faultes who shal escape or go quyte whan thou shalt syt as iudge who shal be able to holde plee with the yea who is he that shal not be forced vnto vtter despayre Truly then shulde we all peryshe Thys notwythstādyng ther is yet in thyne handes Lorde both power and also a good wyll to forgeue vs oure synnes which thyng I know thou wolt do yf it were but to perfourme thy promyse made by thy sonne Christe our Lorde and prest who assuredly hath payed a sufficient raūsome for oure synnes euen the mooste deare sacrifice of his owne bodye to thintente y u mightest be our soueraygne Lorde God and y t we myght knolege our synnes and make sute vnto y e for pardon therof Lorde graūt me to wayte for thy gracious pardon longe to trust hange on the euen so longe tyll at length thou dispetche me as my truste is in thy promise From daysprynge to daysprynge diligently I wayte Lorde our god without dout thy mercy is great great pardō styl remaineth in thyn handes yea thy mercy can neuer be spēt Agayn thy promises can not be vndone nor made voyde Delyuer me then pluck from me this incommodite other casualtyes of this wretched lyfe Preserue all true Israelites in spirite I meane al the beleuers in y e frō these remnauntes of synnes naturally buddyng forth of our harte Defende vs also from all aduersities of flesh O Lorde of thy moost gracious clemencye mercye and pytye Amen For the auoydyng of spirituall pryde Psalm 131. SUffer not my harte to swell in pryde nor myne eyes to shew any proude lokes that I take not to much vpon me neyther arrogantly auaunce my selfe aboue Christe our heade but make y t I maye gredyly couet to haue good sauoure in thy worde only as much as thou shalte vouchsaue to open vnto me And in case thou wythholdest the mylke of cōforte whych streameth frō Christe wel vnderstanded and knowen yet let vs not Lorde despayre but truste wyth a quyet herte alway vpon the. So be it To obteyne Christes benefites Psalm 132 THou son of Dauid Iesu Christ arise take seasin of thy resting place which I beseche y e it may be amonges vs for asmoche as by thy promyse we be entytled recognised to be thy court and dwellyng place God thy father which can not deceyue hath made vs an ernest promise confirming also the same by his solemne othe that thou shuldest be our sauiour maynteynour and defēsour Truly it is not possible for hym to go backe and not to stande by his worde yea euen nowe hathe he suche is his fidelitie performed it in dede and what so euer helth he hath sent vs the same also hath he confirmed by sure and substantiall witnes aswell of his owne word as of his sacramētes Thou also most deare Lorde Iesu hast forther promised y t thou wolt abyde wyth vs euen vntyl the worldes ende This thy worde is oure assured ioye and comfort for we know that euermore sythens thy deathe and bodylye departyng thou art thobteyner of our remission and pardon wherfore O moste gracious Lorde through thy fauour and in the let vs fynd mercy and that for euer In al our workes and procedynges prosper vs saue vs fyll vs with ioye Thyne halowynge mought shyne clere vpon vs thy kyngdome and crown abyde with vs and in thy peax euermore preserue vs. Amen For Christiane charite and cōmunion of sayntes Psalm 133. INspire vs ī suche wise O Lord y t as most louynge brethren quietly and peaciably we may dwell to gether in thyne house Brynge to passe I saye that by true and faythfull loue we maye be ioyned and fastened euery one to other as membres of Christes body Thyne oyle of hallowynge I meane euen thyne holy goost mought waxe hote and fragrant amonges vs vpon vs let fall thy dewe of blessynge the plentyfull encrease of all thynges bothe bodely and goostly to thintent accordynge vnto thy moost fre promyse we may obteyne euerlastynge lyfe For continuaunce of grace Psal. 134. GRaunte vs thy seruauntes alwaye to auaunce y e our Lorde in thyne house to walke vpryghte wythout blemish or cause of reproch yea in our trouble and affliccion to lyfte vp innocente and pure handes vnto the prayenge on thys maner vnto the. Blesse vs O God for thou arte the maker of heauen and earth Amen A generall prayer of Christians for helpe from God Psalm 135 DYspose our hertes Lorde that we thy seruaūtes may worthely prayse and lyfte vp thy name for we knowe thou arte gentyll meke mercyfull free Thy name is gracious frendfull and ryght amyable to all that cal on the in tyme of theyr aduersite of thy mere goodnes thou hast chosen vs to be thyne owne seuerall people Thou alone arte the great very God thou madest both heauen and earth euen accordynge to thyn owne pleasure thou dealtest thy benefytes and gyftes of grace to euery one of them namely to thy electe chosen euen agaynst Satan and the hole kyngdome of y e vngodly Wherfore Lorde let the remembraunce prayse of thy name euermore be feruent amonges vs. Reason thou debate thou iuge thou thy peoples cause surely they suffer passynge great wronges But stande thou I say good gracious Lorde vnto thy seruauntes be mercyful to them
Ryd them frō theyr greuouse daungers so as in moost large wyse thou mayst be bruted and auaūced in Sion and in thyne holy Hierusalem Amen A prayer to put God in mynde of hys accustomed goodnes Psal. 136. MOost gentell Lorde thy goodnes and mercy surely abydeth for euer though we neuer so muche fall and vanyshe awaye thy grace doth nothynge wydder nor decaye Thys thy grace O Lorde by many tokens and proues thou hast plentyfully declared vnto vs euē from the begynnyng of the worlde And euen nowe at thys daye doest thou not ceasse largely to hepe these thy manyfolde benefytes on vs Stablysh therfore thy goodnes and aboūdaūt grace towarde vs O Lorde wyth no sodē displeasure turne not away from vs. But be thou mercyful and tender vpon our myserie And from oure enemyes and all aduersitie for thyne euerlastynge goodnes sake defende vs O Lorde Amen For the captiues vnder Antichrist Psalm 137. LOrde we be refuse personnes brought vnder captiuite thralle and bonde vnder the power of thyn aduersary And yet thys our lamentable and pyteous complaynt thou semest not to ponder thou regardest not oure supplicacion and that not wythout good cause for we graunte we haue trespased heinously against the. Howbeit syth the vngodly thus laugh vs to scorne condemnynge the songes that we synge the and y e prayses that we geue the yea y e word also that we preach of the O Lorde I beseche the shewe some proufe of thy selfe declare thy name power amōges those thy spyteful enemies Brynge downe Antichristes kyngdome w t all hys vngodly sectes for surely ouerlonge it hath oppressed vs yea and at thys daye it styll letteth and holdeth vnderfote very many whyche els spedelye wolde haue runne to the kyngdome of fredome Pull it therfore downe O Lorde wyth al hys stōblynge blockes euell exāples croked doctrine neuer suffer it to recouer agayne Than shall we beynge quyetly set at rest serue y e euen wyth herte al our lyues longe For delyueraunce in peryls Psalm 138. LOrde let me fele by experience how good thou arte and howe trustye Delyuer me euē to make thy promyse good than shall I neuer cease to thanke the wyth all myne herte and to magnify thy moost glorious name for by thy open worde thou haste made it excedynge glorious beyonde all other thynges Certes my god and father vpon the do I call Gyue my soule perfyte strength in suche wyse as I maye set forth and blowe abrode thy prayses to the hygh auauncement of thy name Cause thou O my God that all kyngdomes of the earthe maye heare thy worde maye walke in thy wayes Hallowe thy name blowe abrode thyne excellent glory Graūt to gouernours and other in authoritie this grace that they may knowlege the to be aboue them all Lorde loke vpon y e lowly hertes that thou mayst promote them Marke well the proude hertes afarre from the to thintent thou mayst brynge them lowe and cast them forth of thy presence In this straight saue my lyfe strengthē thyne hāde agaynst myne enemyes and take my part agaynst them Lorde thy goodnes is euerlastynge cast not away thyne owne hādyworke haue pytie on me helpe me Plucke me forth of these peryls for thyne holy names sake For denyenge of thy selfe and holly to yelde the vnto Christ. Psalm 139. LOrde thou knowest me so well as any man doth els lo I and all that euer I haue be holly in thy handes Thou madest me thou fashionedst me thou hast endowed me wyth all thynges necessary euen frō my byrth vnto thys daye I can not prayse ynough thy wonderous prouision thus practised amonges all creatures it is more then is possible for man ones to conceyue it in hys thought What other thynge doest thou requyre of vs than to yelde vp oure selfe wyth all that is ours vnto the I meane holly to resigne vnto thy pleasure all that belonge to the necessary reliefe eyther of bodye or of soule and the same agayne hūbly to requyre at thyne handes for Christ Iesus sake Wherfore my God I besech the for thyne holy names sake take charge of me Graūte me constantly to trust on the vtterly refusyng my selfe so as in al peryls I sue for no help but onely at thyne handes lyke as thou haste in ryght large maner made me a promyse of the same Make a tryal of me proue myne harte Take from me all euyll thoughtes disceyt double dealyng and lyes thus shalt y u cleane purge myne harte mercyfullye leade me on the waye of perpetuall felicite Agaynst the enemyes of Christes trouth Psalm 140. Delyuer me O Lorde frome the vngodly and styfe necked personnes for thou seest howe in theyr hartes they ymagē mischeue haue greate pleasure to pycke quarels theyr tonges be more sharpe then any adders styng And vnder theyr lyppes lurketh poysone of adders But O mercyfull Lorde let me not fall in theyr handes that they handle me not after theyr owne luste Thou only arte my God thou must heare my pyteous playnte Lorde y t rulest al to gether y t arte the strēgth and power of my defēce be thou as a sallet on my heade when so euer y e vngodlye shall assaulte me neyther suffre thou y e wycked thus to prosper in theyr matters Encrease not theyr croked and malicious stomackes leste they take harte of grayse spytefully reuile the. Loke vpon thy poore wretches cause and rydde me out of these dayly greuaunces then shall I wyth a ryghte vp harte and pleasaunt countenaunce extoll and magnifie thy name Amen To kepe thy tonge and to eschewe the infection of the worlde Psalm 141. TO the I crye O Lorde heare me spedely let my prayer be as a swete taste and sauoure in thy presence and the lyftynge vp of myne handes as an euenynge sacrifice Lorde set a watch about my mouth kepe my lyppes my tong also that they speake nothyng amisse as do y e vngodly but that they call purely syncerelye vpon the and reporte thy worthy prayses Bow not myn hart to luste after euell nor to folowe the fashion of y e wycked and abominable synners leste I happen to cloke my wyckednes wyth other synnes as hypocrites do Let me not lyue as they wolde haue me do but rather as it shall beste please the. Let me not approue neyther theyr counsels nor theyr dedes though they cast neuer so goodly a shewe fayre face to the worlde Let me not herkē to the tyessynges and swete beytes of the vngodly whych counsayle me to fylthy vnclene thynges but rather let me gyue good eare to y e rightuouse and godlye man thoughe he sharply correct and chyde me let me alwaye haue a readye eye towarde the only in the to trust and to apply my selfe vnto the. Cast not away my soule neyther suffer thou it to perish Kepe me that I be not tangled with the snares of the vngodly and from the priuie trappes of
god the strēgth that saueth me It is god that auengeth me and that bringeth downe y e people vnder me and delyuereth me from my enemyes Thou lyftest me vp on hyghe from them that ryse agaynste me and delyuerest me from the wicked men Therfore I will prayse the O lorde amonge the heythen and will singe vnto thy name A blessing of Tobias the elder wherwith he blessed the lorde in the ende of his lyfe Tob. 13. GReate art thou o lorde for euer more and thy kyngdom world withoute ende For thou scourgest healest thou ledest vnto hell bryngest oute agayne Yea there is none that maye escape thyne hande O ye chyldern of Israel gyue thankes vnto the lord and prayse him in the syghte of the heythen For amonge the heythen whiche knowe him not hath he scatered you that ye shulde shewe forth his meruelous workes cause them to knowe that there is none other god almyghtye but he He hath chastened vs for oure mysdedes for his owne mercyes sake shall he saue vs. Consider then how he hath dealte with you and prayse him with feare and drede and magnify the euerlastinge kinge in youre workes Certes I will prayse him euen in the place of my captiuitie for he hath shewed hys maiestie vnto a synneful people Turne you therfor o ye synners and doo ye ryghteousnesse before god trustinge veryly he wyll shew his mercy vpō you Assuredly I and my soule wolle reioyce in god Prayse the Lorde all ye his chosen holde the dayes of gladnes and be thankeful vnto him Oh my soule blesse thou the lorde Amen The blessynge of Seraphin Esay 6. HOly arte thou holy arte thou holy arte thou thou arte the lorde god of hostes all the earth is full of thy glory Thankinges Esay 23. O Lord thou art my god I wyll prayse the and magnifye thy name for thou bryngest meruelouse thinges to passe accordinge to thyn olde counselles trulye stedfastly An other of the same Esay 26. O Lorde gyue vs peax for thou workest in vs all oure workes O lorde our god though suche lordes haue dominacion vpon vs as know the not yet graunt y t we may hope only in the kepe thy name in remembraunce Amen A blessynge with an admiration of the meruelouse counsels of god Hiere 32. O Lorde god it is thou that hast made heauen earth with thy greate power and hygh arme ther is nothinge to harde for the. Thou sheweste mercy vpon thousandes thou doest recompense the wyckednes of the fathers into the bosom of the childern that come after them Thou art the greate myghty god whose name is the lorde of hostes greate in counsayll and infinite in thoughte Thyne eyes loke vpon al the wayes of mens children to reaward euery one after his waye and accordynge to the frutes of hys inuentions The songe and thankesgyuynge of the blessed virgin Mary Luc. I. MY soule magnifieth the Lorde my spirite reioyseth in God my sauiour For he hath loked vpon the pore degre of his handemayde Behold now frome hense forth shall all generacions call me blessed for he that is myghty hath done to me greate thinges holy is his name And his mercy on them that feare him thorowout all generacions He vttered strength with his arme he disperpled the proude in the imaginacion of their hertes He deposed the myghty from their seates and aduaunced them of lowe degree He fylled the hungry with good thīges and sente away the ryche empty He remembred mercy and helped his seruaunte Israell Euen as he promysed to our fathers Abraham and to his sede for euer The prophecy and gyuynge of thankes of zachary Luc. 1. PRaysed be the lorde god of Israell for he hath visited and redemed his people And hath raysed vp an horne of saluaciō vnto vs in the house of his seruaunte Dauid Euen as he promysed by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which were sythens the worlde beganne that we shulde be delyuered from our ennemyes from the handes of all that hate vs To thintent he myght fulfyll the mercy promysed to our fathers and remembre his holy couenaunt And performe the oth which he sware to our father Abraham to gyue vs that we beyng ones delyuered oute of the handes of our ennemyes myght serue him without feare all the dayes of our lyfe in holynes and ryghtousnes before him And thou childe shalt be called the Prophete of the hygheste for thou shalt go before the face of the Lorde to prepare his wayes To gyue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the forgyuenes of sinnes Through the tendre mercy of oure god wherby the daye sprynge from aboue hath visited vs to gyue light to them that sate in darkenesse in shadow of death to gyde our fete in the waye of peax Thankes of Paul for his conuersion vnto Christ. 1. Tim. 1. VNto God kynge euerlastinge immortall inuisible and wise only be honour and prayse for euer and euer Amen A songe of the triumphers ouer the beast Apoc. 15. GReate and meruelouse are thy workes Lorde god almyghty iuste and true are thy wayes kyng of sayntes Who shall not feare O Lorde and glorifie thy name For thou only arte holye all gentyles shall come and worshyp before the for thy iudgementes are made manifest A blessynge of the people by kyng Salomon 3. Reg. 8. BLessed be the Lorde that hath gyuen rest vnto his people Israel according to all that he promysed so that ther is not one worde escaped of all y e good promyses which he promysed by the hand of Moses his seruaunte The Lorde our God be with vs as he was with our fathers forsake vs not neyther leue vs but let him bowe our hertes vnto him y t we walke in all hys wayes and kepe his commaundementes ordinaunces and rites which he cōmaunded our fathers And let these my wordes whiche I haue prayed before the lord come nygh vnto the lorde our god daye and nyght that he defend the quarell of his seruaūt and of his people Israell euermore to thintente all nacions of the earth maye knowe that the lorde is God and none other but he and let oure hertes be sounde with the lorde our god that we may walke in his ordinaunces and kepe his lawes Amē ¶ PRAYERS FOR SVCcours and reliefes of lyfe for wysdome for humylitie and for other naturall gyftes A prayer of Salomon for a competency of lyfe Prouerb 30. TWo thinges I require of the that thou wylte not denye me before I dye Remoue from me vanitie and lyes gyue me neyther pouertie nor ryches only graunt me a necessary lyuyng least yf I be to ful I mought happely denye the say what felow is the lorde or constrayned through pouerty I mought fal vnto stealyng forsweare the name of my god Amen A prayer for obteynyng of wysdome Sap. 9. GOd of my fathers and lorde of mercyes thou that haste made all thinges with thy worde and ordined
of thyne ayde I can in no wyse make resistence These men let dryue at me with theyr vnshamefast sclaunders but let me not be geuen vp I praye the vnto theyr wyll and tyrannous luste Lorde cause that I maye se thy good thynges in the lande of the lyuynge persons let me wayte for the paciently without tyrynge beynge fylled wyth solace replenyshed wyth the true ioye of herte Amen A prayer of Christ in the name of the churche psalm 28. LOrd god whych art my prayse waxe not defe vnto me callynge on the for succours leste I become lyke to them whych approche to the graues of damnacion Gyue eare to the voyce of my complaynt beholde I lyfte vp my hādes towardes thy holy temple counte me not amonge the wycked persōs which where as they appeare to be frendes in tonge to theyr neyghbours but in herte mortall enemyes be vnskylful and ignoraūt of goddes workes and vnfaythfull in theyr doynges Lorde be thou my fortresse my helpe and buckler After thys greuaunce let me agayne be replete wyth ioye to thyntent I maye cherefully prayse the for thou arte the euerlastynge strength of thy people and the preseruour of thyne anoynted and of hys membres Helpe Lorde thy people gather together thyne heritage wyth thy worde blesse it frō fayth to fayth auaunce it euen to the full age of a perfecte mā Let them lyue perpetually in heauēs who so euer in thys worlde despyse the honoure of fleshe for thy sake Amen A prayer for the power of gods worde psalm 29. THy holy name O Lorde let vs alwayes auaunce wyth honest prayses and hymnes let vs crowned wyth holy garlandes in spirite and truth worshyp the. Wythin vs be thy worde stronge and pythye to our comforte make afrayed the enemyes that we maye professe and vtter thy prayses Let thy worde endure in vs without ceasynge guyde vs gyue strēgth to thy people whō vouchsafe thou to blysse in peace So be it In great tribulacions Psalm 30. FOr as muche as by the benefyte of redemption o lorde thou ryddest me out of aduersite so as myne enemies triumphe not ouer me presumptuously therfore I must nedes brute and auaunce thy name wyth glory honoure and gyuynge of thākes Lorde God I lamentably requyre thy helpe saue me rydde my soule out of hell Defende my lyfe that I fal not hedlyng into the pyt Let me celebrate thy prayses sanctifye thy name and rendre vnto y e due thankes myndefull of thy holynes wyth most hygh pleasure of mynde All sorow and pensyuenes do away frō me stryke of thyn anger against me let my lyfe please the. Let y e euenynge of teares departe the mornynge of solace and ioye come forth What thynge remayneth but sorow of herte yf thou wythdrawest thy face for than al thynges fal and go to wreke Shall there any auauntage redounde vnto the by my vtter vndoynge Shalt thou not be more praysed and solemnised yf I be delyuered out of hell Lorde heare my peticion and haue compassiō on me turne my sorowe into ioye Strype me out of thys greuaunce and cloth me wyth ioye to th ēde my tōge may blase thy name and gyue prayses vnto the wythout stoppe Ah Lorde my God delyuer me oute of these strayghtes vnto the wyll I synge prayses euerlastyngly Amen In persecucion for Christes cause Psalm 31. IN the O Lorde is my cōfidence wherfore I shall neuer be confoūded For thy iustice sake delyuer me forthwith for I know not any other hope any other righteousnes rocke fortresse refuge then the I haue none other sauiour nor helper besydes y e for thy name sake for thyne owne selues sake succoure me lorde that thou mayest be espyed knowē to be such one in dede as I haue reported the to be Helpe me conduyte me frō the snare of horrour death plucke me out from the perylles in whyche Satan myne enemye hath maliciously throwē me deliuer thou me Lo into thy handes I holly betake me O faythful and ryghteous God ayde thou me let not thy promyse whervnto I haue gyuen credyte and leaned in any wyse fayle me for euerlastingly thou arte accustomed to helpe Increase O Lorde this my fayth let me forthwith ioye and boast in thy bountyfull goodnes Haue eye to this my woo mysery Cōsyder my soule al ouerlayed wyth distresse and ignoraūce suffer me not to fall into the handes of myne enemyes lead me I say forth of thys strayght prisonne into open felde Pytie me beholde I am greuously pressed wyth feare for bothe my soule and my bodye be euen for very care consumed Certes Lorde my God thou hast in thy hande my cause and my lyfe From the power of myne enemyes rescue me from my persecutours defende me wyth thy moost amyable coūtenaūce loke on me which am now set wythin my conscience Of thy goodnes vnspeakeable helpe me let me fele some profe some practyse of thy fauoure Suffer me not to be confounded in thy syghte leste beynge deceaued of my purpose I be sent away frō the for on the I call Howe great goodnes is layed vp to such as fear the Thys now disclose and make open vnto me deare father heuynes and anguyshe of herte do vtterly swallowe me vp Frome wycked tonges through thy countenaunce protecte thou me Bestowe thy peculiar benefyte vpon me for me semeth I am a castawaye out of thy syght so greatly I am troubled Therfore hearing my playnt and prayers delyuer me Lorde by Iesus Christ thy welbeloued sonne Amen For pardon of synnes Psalm 32. PArdon my synnes hide my offēces laye them not to my charge from my spirite herte and mouthe do awaye all doublenes and gyle I am a synner full of iniquite I cōfesse but I knowe well thou wylte forgeue me bycause I dissemble not wyth the. For who is before the an innocent gyltles person although he leadeth hys lyfe neuer so purelye in the eye of man vndoubtedlye no man for all persons praye sayenge Forgyue vs our synnes as ofte as they come to them selues and serche more narowly the bottome of theyr hertes For thys cause also my mynde wylleth me to demaunde the same peticion of the lest the floudes of sorowe and tribulaciō shulde vnwares ouerwhelme me My hope my fortresse my redēption art thou Lorde let me not be stryken wyth deadly feare Gyue me vnderstandynge shew the waye wherin I shal walke becken vnto me wyth thyne eyen most graciously lest I become brutysh voyde of vnderstandinge as is the horse and moyle Let me flowe in abundaūce of ioye myrth lyfte vp myne herte make it careles assured to th ende I may alwayes reioyce in the. So be it A gyuynge of thankes Psalm 33. MOost egall no man can denye and moost ryghteous is thy worde O Lorde God almyghty All thy workes be certayne thou louest iustice and iudgemēt full is the erth of thy goodnes wyth thy worde the heauens were made and all
down thy countenaunce vpon thy beloued spouse the church but let it be that amyable and mercyful countenaunce wherwith thou pacifyest al thinges in heauen in erth and that be aboue heuens and vnder the erth vouchesaue to cast vpon vs those tendre and pytiful eyes with whiche thou ones dydest behold Petre that greate shepeherd of thy churche and forthwith he remembred himself and repēted with which eyes thou ones dydest vewe the skattered multitude wert moued with compassion that for lacke of a good shepeherd they wādred as shepe disperpled and strayed a sunder Thou seist O good shepeherd what sundry sortes of wolues haue broken into thy shepecotes of whom euery one cryeth here is Christ here is Christ so that if it were possible the very perfecte persons shulde be brought into errour Thou seest w t what wyndes with what waues with what stormes thy sely shippe is tossed thy shippe wherin thy lytle flock is in peryl to be drowned And what is now left but that it vtterly synke and we all perishe Of this tempest and storme we may thanke our own wyckednes and synfull lyuyng we espye it wel and confesse it We espye thy rightuousnes and we bewayle our vnrightuousnes but we appele to thy mercy which according to the psalme of thy prophete surmounteth all thy workes We haue now suffred moch punishemēt beyng sowsed with so many warres cōsumed with such losses of goodes skourged with so many sortes of diseases and pestilencies shaken with so many floudes feared with so many straunge sightes from heauen yet appere there no where any hauē or port vnto vs being thus tyered forlorne amonges so straūge euyls but styl euery daye more greuouse punishementes more seme to hāge ouer our heddes We complaine not of thy sharpenes most tendre Sauiour but we espy here also thy mercye forasmoche as moch greuouser plages we haue deserued But O most mercyful Iesu we beseche the that thou wilt not cōsidre ne weygh what is due for our deseruīges but rather what becommeth thy mercy without which neither the Angelles in heuen can stande sure before the moch les we sely vessels of clay Haue mercy of vs O redemer which art easie to be entreated not that we be worthy of mercy but gyue thou this glory vnto thyne owne name Suffre not that the Iues the Turkes and the rest of Panyms which eyther haue not known the or do enuye thy glorye shulde continually tryumphe ouer vs and say wher is their god where is their redemer wher is their sauiour wher is theyr brydegrome that they thus bost on These opprobrious wordes and vpbraydinges redownde vnto the O lorde while by our euils men weygh and esteme thy goodnes they thinke we be forsaken whome they se not amēded Ones whē thou slepst in the ship and a tempest sodenly arisyng thretned death to all in the shippe thou awookest at the out crye of a fewe disciples and streight weye at thyn almyghty word the waues couched the wyndes fel the storme was sodenly tourned into a great calme The dombe waters knewe their makers voyce Now in this farre greater tempest wherin not a few mens bodies be in daunger but innumerable soules we beseche the at the crye of thy hole church which be in daunger of drowning that y u wolt awake So many thousandes of mē do crye lord saue vs we perish The tempest is past mans power yea we se that the indeuours of them that wold helpe it do turne clene a cōtrarie wey It is thy worde that must do the dede Lord Iesu. Onlye saye thou w t a word of thy mouth Cease o tempest and forthwith shal the desyered cawme appere Thou woldest haue spared so many thousandes of most wycked men yf in y e citie of Sodome had bene founde but tenne good men Now here be so many thousandes of men whyche loue the glorie of thy name whych syghe for the bountie of thy house wylte thou not at these mens prayers let go thyne anger and remēber thyne accustomed olde mercyes Shalte thou not wyth thy heauenly policie turne our foly into thy glorye Shalte thou not turne the wycked mens euels to thy churches good For thy mercy is wonte then moost of al to succoure when the thynge is wyth vs past remedye and neyther the myghte nor wysdome of mē can helpe it Thou alone bryngest thynges that be neuer so oute of order into order agayne whyche arte the only author maynteyner of peax Thou framedst that olde confusion whych we call Chaos wherin wyth out order wythout fashion confusely laye the discordaunt sedes of thynges and with a wonderful order the thynges that of nature fought together thou dyddest alye and knytte in a perpetuall bande But how muche greater confusion is thys where is no charitie no fidelitie no bondes of loue no reuerence neyther of lawes nor yet of rulers no agrement of opinions but as it were in a mysordred quere euery man syngeth a contrary note Amonge the heauenly planetes is no dissension al foure elementes kepe theyr place euery one do theyr office whervnto they be appoynted And wylt thou suffre thy spouse for whose sake all thynges were made thus by continuall dyscordes to perysh and go to wreke Shalt thou suffre the wycked spirites whyche be authours workers of discorde to beare suche a swynge in thy kyngdome vnchecked Shalt thou suffre that stronge captaine of myschefe whom thou ones ouerthrewest agayne to inuade thy tētes to spoyle thy souldyours When thou wert here a man conuersaunt amōges men at thy voyce fled y e deuels Sende forth we besech the o Lorde thy spirite whiche may dryue away out of the brestes of al thē that professe thy name the wycked spirites maisters of ryotte of couetise of vayne glorie of carnal lust of mischief and of discord Create in vs O our God and king a cleane hart and renew thy holy spirite in our brestes plucke not from vs thy holy gost Rendre vnto vs y e ioye of thy sauīg helth and with thy princypal breath strengthen thy spouse and the herdmen therof By this spirite thou reconciledst the erthly to the heuenly by this thou didest frame and reduce so many tonges so many nations so many sundry sortes of men into one bodie of a church which body by the same spirite hāgeth to the their hed This spirite if thou wol vouchesaue to renewe in al mēs hartes thā shal also these forein miseryes cease or if they cease not at lest they shal turne to the profite auaile of them which loue the. Stey this confusion set in ordre this horrible Chaos O Lorde Iesu let thy spirite stretche out it self vpon these waters of euil waueryng opinions And bicause thy spirite which accordyng to thy prophetes sayng conteyneth al thinges hath also y e science of speaking make y t lyke as vnto al them which be of thy house is al one lyght one baptisme one God one