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A68881 A dialoge or co[m]municacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father, & the parochiane or ghostly chyld, for a due preparacion vnto howselynge ; The werke for housholders w[ith] the golden pystle and alphabete or a crosrowe called an A.B.C. Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555? 1537 (1537) STC 25413.5; ESTC S105108 117,789 408

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instruction vnto vs which thyng I was loth vnto bothe bycause I lacked abilite thervnto and also bycause this werke whiche I intēded to be short shuld be therby inlarged Notwithstondyng bycause this werke is so diuided ī particles that as we sayd euery person may take what he wyll accordynge vnto his leyser and deuocion therfore we shall sumwhat to satesfye say our mynde ¶ Of the fyrste cosyderacion and of the fyrst day of creaciō THe fyrst consyderaciō was of the power of god in creacion and productiō of all creatures Gene. i. And we rede in the begynnyng of scripture that almyghty god in the begynnynge made heuen and erth spirituall corporall or bodyly creatures resonable and vnresonable creatures And that he made also the lyght / dyuided that lyght frō darknes And the lyght he called the day and the darknes he called the nyght and this was the werke of the fyrst day of creacion whiche in vs may teche vs how our lorde hath made in euery person an heuen an erth a spirituall partie and an erthly partie and made in vs also the lyght of vnderstandynge and reason / wherby we shulde diuide in our dayly werkes the spirite frō the fleshe the soule from the body / whiche is done by contemplacion or meditaciō after the fourme beforesayd That is to saye that in euery daye of our lyue we shulde somtyme be as well actyue as contemplatyue / and this for the fyrste daye ¶ Of the seconde cōsyderacion / of the seconde day of creacion THe seconde consyderacion was of the wysdom of god in orderyng and guydynge of his creatures And in the seconde day of creacion our lord god made the fyrmament or the skye and so dyuided the waters that were vnder the firmamēt from them that were aboue the firmamēt and called that firmament heuyn Note here that almyghty god made two heuyns / the tone vpon the fyrste day aboue / and the tother the seconde daye / and byneth to diuide as is sayde waters Loke now groūdely vppon this order of the creatures Some be aboue / and some bynethe The hygher heuyn spirituall to rule / order / and guyde the lower heuen temporall and erthely / And the spirituall creatures to rule the bodyly creatures And so those that be vnder and bynethe to be subdued / obedient / ordered in all thynges by thē that be aboue The same order shuld be kepte in vs / not onely euery person in hym selfe but also eueryche vnto other For almyghty god made in man / not onely as is sayde an heuyn hys soule but also an erthe / his body So that the whole man of soule body dothe bere the towme and place of this firmament / whose office and duety is to dyuide the water that is bynethe apperteynynge vnto the sensualite from the water that is aboue called aqua sapientie salutaris the water of helthfull wysdom and of saluatiō Eccl xv A That is to say that mā shuld euer deuyde and departe vice from vertu erthly conuersaciō from heuēly exercise vayne and voyde cogitacion from fructuouse and profytable meditacion and this for the seconde daye ¶ Of the thyrde consyderacion / and of the thyrde day of creacion THe thyrd cōsyderaciō was of the bountie and goodenes loue and liberalitie of god / whiche doth appere in the vtilitie and profyte of the creatures And in the thyrd day of creaciō / our lorde god cōmaunded the waters that were vnder the sayd firmament called heuyn to gader hepe them selfe together into one place and that the drye erthe yet bareyn shulde appere / and whiche thynge done the erth that then was drye and bareyn he called and named to be erthe tyllable / and apte / or disposed to be tylled And the congregacions and hepes of waters he called the see or sees And then he commaundeth the sayd erthe to bryng forth fruite In the vtilitie profyte wherof dyd apere the boūtie goodnes remembred byfore in this thyrde consyderacion But now muste we in lyke maner commaūde by reason all the water of our voluptuous disposicions and viciouse appetites to be gathered and heped into one place that is the worlde leue all those disposicions vnto worldly persones and vnto infidels viciouse and synfull people And lett our bodyly werkes appere synles And although they be yet baren yet maye they be apt by the meane of the sacrament of penaunce to be tylled / and brynge forth the fruitful werkes of vertu grace And thus an ende of this thyrde day ¶ Of the fourth consyderacion / the fourth day of creacion THe fourth cōsideraciō was of the werke of our iustificacion And in the fourthe daye our lorde made the son and the mone / and the sterres / to dyuide the daye and the nyght / the tymes houres / dayes and yeres / and to gyue lyght vnto the erthe The son doth signifie our sauiour Iesu the very sonne of iustice / the mone doth signifie the catholike churche of Christe that taketh lyghte of the sayd sonne our sauyour and so don the sterres also by whō the holy doctours preachers and curates ben signified For these done illumine and gyue lyghte of grace vnto the erthly synfull people / that by theyr ministracion of the blessed sacramentes ben iustified and made apte persones vnto saluacion / and so is the fourthe day applyed and sped ¶ Of the fyft consyderacion and the fyft day of creacion THe fyft consyderacion was of the werke of remuneraciō or rewarde whiche rewarde euery person shall haue accordyng vnto his werkes And in the fyft day our lord made fysshes and foules the fysshys to byde in the see the foules in the ayre By the fysshes euyll werkes bē sygnified and also euyll wordes and thoughtes Mathei xii c For of them sayd our sauiour accountes muste be rendred and made vnto eueryche due reward gyuen And these do remayne in the see of the synfull world / and shall be rewarded there after in payne And the good werkes wordes thoughtes that ben sygnifyed by the byrdes of the ayer / done dwell and abyde in heuenly conuersacion and shal be rewarded in ioy and blysse and let this stand for the fyft day ¶ Of the syxt consyderacion and the syxt day of creacion THe syxt consyderacion was of the werke of gloryficaciō And in the syxte daye our lorde made man after vnto his owne ymage / similitude / and lykenes And surely that was vnto man a great glory an excellent honour and dignitie / vnto the whiche no man may atteyne and come / but he onely that alone dyd ascende vnto heuyn / our lord sauyoure Iesu Ioh. iii. b In the whiche saynge you muste vnderstande Christe and his mēbres all faythfull people that ben lyke vnto hym and done folowe his stepes And thus an ende of the syxt day of creacion ¶ Of the seuenth consyderacion / and of the
you maye in youthe teche thē what ye wyll / and that shall they lengest kepe remembre We shuld therfore aboue all thynges take hede and care in what company our chylderen bene nourysshed and brought vp For educacion and doctrine that is to saye bryngynge vp and lernynge done make the maners with good and vertuous persones saythe the prophete you shal be good and vertuous Psalmo xvii And with the euyll persones you shall be also euyll Let our chylder therfore vse and kepe good company The pye the iay and other byrdes done speake what they moste here by eare The plouer by syght wyll folowe the gesture and behauyour of the fowler And the ape by exercise wyll worke and do as she is taught / and so wyll the dogge by violence contrary to naturall disposicion lerne to daunce The chylder therfore that by reason don far excede other creatures wyll bere awaye what they here spoken they shulde therefore be vsed vnto suche company where they shulde here none euyll / but where they maye here godly and Christian wordes They wyll also haue in theyr gestures and behauyoure suche maners as they se beholde in other persones And as they bene taught / so wyll they do / and in many thynges they maye be compelled vnto a contynuall custome / whiche dothe alter and chaunge naturall disposicion Vnto some craftes or occupacions a certayne age is requyred in chylder / but vertu and vyce maye be lerned in euery age We must se therfore that in any wyse you vse no company but good and vertuous And as soone as they can speke we must also teche our chylder to serue god and saye the Pater noster Aue. and Crede as I sayd before And nat only our chylder but also se and proue that all our seruaūtes what age so euer they be of cā say the same And therfore don we vse dayly the in euery mele / dyner or soupper / one persone shulde with lowde voyce say thus The fyrst peticion PAter noster qui es in celis sanctificet̄ nomen tuum ✿ Good lorde god our holy father the arte in heuē let thy name he sanctified that is to meane / I beseche the graunte vs grace to blesse to honoure to laude and prayse thy holy name The seconde ¶ Adueniat regnum tuum ✿ Good lord god our father that art in heuen / let thy kyngdome come that is I beseche the lorde that all the people of the worlde may come vnto the grace of baptisme and so be the faythfull subiectes of thy realme and kyngdome of Christianite The thyrde ¶ Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo et in terra ✿ Good lorde god our father that arte in heuen lett thy wyll be wrought in erth as it is wrought in heuen that is to meane I beseche the lorde that all thy christian people here in erth maye perfourme thy wyll and kepe thy cōmaundementes after theyr estate and condicion as thy holy angels and sayntes done in heuen after theyr state and degre The fourthe ¶ Panem nostrum cotidianū da nobis hodie ✿ Good lorde god our holy father that arte in heuen gyue and graunte vnto vs this day our dayly brede that is to meane I beseche the good lord graunte vnto vs contynually the spirituall fode grace and effecte of thy holy sacramentes Or thus Graunte vnto vs the contynuall grace and effecte of thy holy sacramentes / whiche is the dayly fode of our soules spirituall suerty of our saluacion The fyfthe ¶ Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris ✿ Good lord god our holy father that arte in heuen forgyue vs our dettes as we done forgyue our detters that is to meane I beseche the good lord forgyue and pardon me and all Christians all maner of offences and trespaces done agaynste the and thy lawes / lykewyse as we done forgyue all maner of persones all maner of greues and trespaces done agaynste vs. The .vi. ¶ Et ne nos inducas in tētationem ✿ Good lord god our holy father that arte in heuen / lede vs nat in to temptacion / that is to meane I beseche the good lord suffre me not ne any Christian to be lede or brought by any temptation / vnto the full consente of any synne The .vii. ¶ Sed libera nos a malo ✿ But good lorde god our holy father that arte in heuē delyuer me all christians from euyll that is to meane I beseche the good lorde / that not onely thou kepe me and all thy people from all synne and offence of thy goodnes / but also that thou wylte delyuer and make vs quyte of all synnes paste / and conserue and kepe vs continually in the state of grace Amē So be it that is to meane / good lorde we beseche the that all these thynges maye come to passe in full effecte / accordynge to our peticion and desyre This prayer of the Pater noster / is the most excellent prayer bycause the our sauyour made it hym selfe / and taught it to his disciples ¶ The Aue Maria is the most plesaunte prayer and of most honoure vnto our blessed lady bycause one parte therof is the salutacion of the angell Gabriell wherby immediatly after her consente she conceyued the sone of god in her wombe And the other parte was spokē vnto her by saynt Elizabeth inspired and moued thervnto by the spirite of god the holy ghost And therfore do we set forth the Aue maria after suche maner as we dyd the Pater noster AVe Maria gratia plena dominꝰ tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus Amē ❧ Hayle Mari full of grace god is with the. Blessed be thou amōg women and blessed be the fruyte of thy wombe Iesus Christe god and man Amen So mote it be ¶ That fyrst worde Aue whiche I do Englyshe after the commune maner hayle is a worde of salutacion as we say in commune cōgresses or metynges together God spede you god saue you god blesse you Good morowe / good euē god spede god be at your game god be at your werke god sende you with suche other after the maner of the countrey where it is spoken And the last worde Amen it is a worde of consente or desyre that the mater spokē before shuld vnderstande what euery worde meaneth ¶ Nowe doth folowe the Crede ¶ The fyrste article CRedo in deū patrem omnipotentem Saynte Peter creatorem celi et terre ✿ I byleue vpō god the father almyghty maker of heuen of erth This terme In deum / is diuersly Englysshed some done saye / in to god some inwardly in god / some perfytly in god But the mooste commune vse of the countrey of the vnlerned people / is to saye I byleue vpon god and vpon his fayth / but all dothe meane in effecte
seruaūt Let glotony and thy purse stryue and go to lawe together and beware thou well whiche parte thou takest but for the moste parte alway holde with the purse For glotons men of lawe and wytnesses / done speke all of affection but the purse bryngeth in playn euidence and profe the empte barne and the empte bagge But if very negardy shut vp thy purse than arte not thou an euen iudge For nygardy is a folysshe and nedeles fere / and euer lyuynge in pouerte hourdeth muckereth vp he can not tell for whome If you haue plēty of corne desyre no derth For those persones that of couetous mynde done procure or desyre derth done procure desyre the deth of the poore and shal be accused as homicides māsleers Sell thy corne better chepe vnto thy neyghbure althouhg he were thyne enemye thā vnto straūgers For an enemye is somtyme soner vaynquysshed and ouercomen by a kynde dede / than by the swerde Be neuer at debate with thy neyghbure but rather study / laboure to be at one For thou canst haue none so sure a castel / or garde of thy lyfe as is the loue and frendshype of thy neghbure If thou suspecte the womē of thy house let other persones rather shewe the / thā thou shulde be ouer busy to try out the mater For though it were of thyne owne wyfe / or the wyfe of the husbande it were better vnknowē For ones knowē it is neuer cured / the wounde is wtout remedy If any remedy be it shal be whan lyke chaunce is herde of other ꝑsones The lest most easy way therin is to dissimule the mater though it were pryuely knowē / and pretende ygnoraūce without any quarell or cōtenaunce but rather by a dyscrete ghostly father let the parties be reformed the synne be not contynued A noble harte / hygh gentyll mynde wyll neuer serche of womēs maters A shrew wyll soner be corrected by smyling or laughynge than by a staffe / or strokes The beste way to kepe a womā good is gentyll intreaty neuer to let her knowe that she is suspected / euer to be counseyled informed with louing maner An olde woman vnclene of lyuyng if the lawe wolde suffre shuld be buried quycke Let your clothynge or aray Of aray be in a meane nor vyle ne precyous but alway fayre honest / and of sad and not of wanton fasshyon A costly garmēte beyonde or aboue the state and degre of the persone is a sygne and tokē of lytell wytte For a woman that hath suffyciente araye to desyre newe / and chaunge is a synge of lytell sadnes ⚜ Truste hym rather for thy frende that somwhat doth for the than hym that doth offre hym selfe saynge I am yours in all I can may For in wordes is great plenty of frendes Prouerb xvii c * A true frende loueth at all tymes and neuer fayleth at nede There is no comparyson of ryches vnto a faythfull frende Ecclesi x. b * Neuer repute ne thynke hym thy frende that doth prayse / or boste the vnto thy face or in thy presence Whan you gyue coūseyle vnto a frēde say this semeth best vnto me not thus you muste nedely do For you may soner get rebuke or blame for your coūseyle if it proue not than thāke for your good counseyle though it spede well If mynstreles iogulers or gesters come vnto thy house saye thou haste no lodgynge for suche gestes / you kepe neyther Inne nor alestake For if you take pleasure in theyr pastymes you bene full lyke to haue a nother wyfe shortly after whose name is called pouerte or beggry If you fortune to come wher they ben and begynne somwhat to delecte in theyr maters I aduyse you dissymule take vpon you that you herde thē not / ne set any thynge therby For if they perceue se you but laugh they wyl take that for an ernest to crye largesse / and to haue reward And so importune wyll they be / so shāfully craue that you shal be yrke and wery of them peraduēture they wyll fall to rebukynge / braulynge and scoldynge so that you shal be fayne glade to gyue somwhat for fere vnto those galowe clappers worthy in dede to be hanged vp For I tell you god is not pleased with that occupacion except it be as scāt tolerable or alowable among prynces lordes / and hyghe estates Now for your seruaūtes if you haue a seruaūt of hyghe proude mynde stubburne stomake put hym away lest after he do you harme so do hym that alway doth prayse your maners in all thinges For a flaterer is worse than an enemye your enemy can not lyghtly deceyue you but your seruaūts or your neyghbours that do prayse you bene surely aboute to deceyue you Ecclesi vii c. xxxiii d If you haue a basshefull dredefull seruaunte fynde hym faythfull / than loue hym cherysshe hym as your owne naturall chyld Make your buyldynges rather for nede than for plesure For the appetyte of buyldyng for pleasure shall neuer haue ende tyll pouerte teche wyt sōwhat to late Be loth to sell your herytage if you muste nede sell Sell not vnto great persones but rather for lesse vnto the lower persones Better is to sell thā to borow by vsury For vsury is lyke a thefe that wolde warne you before what harm he wold do vnto you If you bye or bergayn be not buty fellow with great persones And though he be vnder you yet stryue not with hym leste he put his parte vnto your better or master In all thinges kepe truely faythfully your bonde promyse accordyng vnto your couenaūte Due temperaūce is a thynge of greate honesty in a houshold let therfore your drynke wyne / ale / or bere / be temperate Strong drynke is more pleasaūte / than holsome Ecclesi xxxi d The wyse man sayth that sobre drynke is the hel-the both of soule and body Ibidem And the wise lerned persone wyl be ryght well contente with lytell drynke that shall not trouble the stomake / but rather cause swete and holsome slepe and of the contrary done come many incōmodytes as there doth folowe Who so euer among many dyuers strōge drynkes with haboundaūce therof is sobre / may be called an erthly god or a god vpon erth wrastle not therwith if you do my coūsell And if by chaūce you be in cōpany begynne to fele the drynke werke aryse and departe a slepe is more mete for you than any cōpany Who so by wordes wolde excuse drōkennes doth openly declare his owne disease The knowlege iugement of wynes doth nothyng become a yong ꝑsone If a physicion or surgiō vse to be dronke let him not haue the cure of your disease ne let none of thē take experience and lerne in you / howe to cure or he le a nother For though they be well lerned / haue not experience it is no wisedome to let thē proue theyr connyng vpon you Great gaye horses and lytell preaty dogges leue you vnto lordes ladyes A byg labouryng horse a mastyfe or a curre dogge ben good to kepe your house As for haukes houndes hūtyng dogges do spende more than they done get they ben mete and accordyng for states to set ydle seruaūtes on werke but farre vnaccordyng ben they for husbandes ware housholders It is no wysedome to make your owne chyldrē stewardes or rulers of your houshold or goodes Foles negligēt or careles ꝑsones haile many misfortunes For that is theyr cōmune excuse whā any thyng is wrōg they say thā that chaunce or misfortune was cause therof I saye not nay but that chaunce or mysfortune may fall But who so doth folow wysdome lernyng discreciō shall seldome accuse mysfortune For diligēt warenes good hede done seldome cōpany with mysfortune But yet more seldom shall you se mysfortune slouth or neglygēce departed in sondre for they dōe cōmunely cōpany together The sluggard saythe god wyll helpe hym so longe he trusteth thervnto tyll he be brought vnto beggry For god by the wyse man doth sende the sluggarde for example vnto the Ant or pysmere Prouer. vi to lerne to laboure Iob. v. For man sayth Iob is borne vnto laboure as a byrd to flye Kepe you therfore but fewe ydle persones or men And watche you well take good hede vnto euery ꝑsone of your house And euer pōdre weye and cōsydre your expenses with your gaynes or gettynges Fyrst get and bryng in thā spende For it is no good husbādry to borow And whan you waxe aged truste rather vnto god than vnto your chyldrē or frēdes That you sede before you you shal be sure to fynde No cofre cheste ne towre may be more sure to kepe treasure than is heuē Let not therfore the poore passe you What you gyue vnto thē you gyue vnto Christe And of that you leue behynd you appoynt vnto euery ꝑsone his parte For better were it for you nothing to leue thā that stryfe debate shuld be made cōsciēce blamysshed god offended for your goodes Truste them best to do for your soule not that done loue or say they done loue your soule but that you done perceyue and coniecture done loue theyr owne soule Make your testamente euery yere newe surely sealed by wytnes Laye it where whā nede is 〈◊〉 may be founde no man 〈…〉 howe to ende his life The 〈◊〉 sure way to dye well is well to lyue Whiche he graunte vs that bought vs our lord god most swete sauyour Iesu christe Amen Of your charyte pray for the same olde wretche of Syon Rycharde whytforde ¶ Imprynted by me Iohn̄ waylande / At London within temple barre At the sygne of the blew garlande / Frome the temple gate not farre An̄ M. CCCCC xxxvii