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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68694 An abridgeme[n]t of all the canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel minister. The names of the books are in the next leaf following. Samuel, William, fl. 1551-1569. 1569 (1569) STC 21690; ESTC S110818 97,894 378

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text this place this story this parable and this sentence is in the scripture if no thou shalt knowe for the moste places if yea thy conscience shal be ioyned to his his saying to be true and also it shalbe ioyful vnto thée to hear that place brought into thy remembrance yea and sometime as now blessed be God is often heard a hard place or dark speaking or a story applyed and expounded to thy great comfort and edifiyng And in continuance thou shalt be able to say muche in holy writings and to vnderstand many things necessary to be knowne for euery christian which is my only desire knowing that exercise in godlynes is muche woorth and all scriptures of God are good for the man of God both to be improued and also instructed that he may be parfet which God send my cuntrie poeple once to be that Gods merciful hand may be alwayes ouer vs who euer be praysed Note that if the book be deuided in two partꝭ then be sure of the number of chapters in the first part and then set them to those folowing as is shewed thée afore as the first part of Genesis is fiue and twētie chapters then A. in the beginning of the second part is sixe and twentie B. seauen and twentie and foorth to fiue and fortie and then A. is sixe fortie and so to fiftie 1569 A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 9 K 10 L 11 M 12 N 13 O 14 P 15 Q 16 R 17 S 18 T 19 V 20 TO euery ioynt The finger point In order as they stand The letter then To all those men That take this book in hand Then shall they knowe And plainly showe The Chapter out of d●●t Of any thing In this writing The letter once found out From A. to V. The thing is true The Alphabet dooth last Euen twentie iust From last to first So count you must to cast If you once finde The letter in minde And knowe what number it is You may be sure Of that Scripture To hit and not to misse But perfet must You bée to trust The letter and his somme And then you may Withouten nay The story tel to come Also the book Sée that you look How it is calld by name And then the text And number next Be sure it is the same ¶ Finis ¶ Faults escaped in the Printing ¶ In Genesis the xlv Chapiter be left out the v. vi.vij and eyght lines whiche be these following Then willed hée his brethern straight their father for to fetche In Egipt land to bide and dwel as far as it did stretche Exodus the sixt chapiter the first line for feastfully read feft fully Leuiticus the sixtéen chap. the fourth line for matter read maner Numeri the fift chap. the last line for decréed read decrée Deuteronomium the thrée twentie cha the seuenth line for the loue of things read the lone of things Iosue the xxi chapiter the seuenth line As God them gaue So God them gaue Samuel the second book the eleuenth chap. the second line for Bethsade read Bethsabe The fourth of Kings the thirtéen chapiter the fift line for nad read had The first of Chronicles the xxiij chapter the last line for vpo read vpon The second of Chronicles the xx chapiter the vij line ▪ for liues read lines The second of Esdras the third chapiter the first line for bnilt read built Iob the xviij chapter the fift line for with read net Psalme the foure twentie the first line for them read though Psalme the xxix the seuenth line for haue read saue Psalme the fiue and thirtie the third line for this read his Psalme the C.xvi. the first line but he that would read but that he would Psalme the the seuenth line some thing yet made some think it made Prouerbs the xij chap. read the xxxi chap. The Canticles the first cha the fourth line and now read and none Esay the lvij chap. the first line for righteousnes read righteous men Ezechiel the third chapiter the third line for swoord read woord Ezechiel the fift chapiter the fift line for floke read stroke Ezechiel the xviij chap. the first line for some read sinne Ezechiel the xxxij chap. the first line for muche more read muche mone Zacharias the ninth chap. the seuenth and the eight line for the lowely read hée lowely and for them in the last line him In. G. Ex. L.N. and D The fiue bookꝭ of Moyses contayned bée ¶ The i. Chapiter ALmighty God did make the heauens and set therin these lightꝭ The Sun the Moon all the starres appéering in our sightꝭ The earth the Sea and all therin all these his woord did make With man made last and yet set first his wil on them to take The ij Chapiter BEgin did then the Lord to rest From making of suche things And pointed Adam to a place a garden ful of springs One trée denied and man dooth name the beastꝭ after his wil In sléep to him his make was made whiche did his minde fulfil The iij. Chapiter CAused was man by Sathans sleight Gods wil to break outright The hée the shée and the Serpent are curst and driuen out quite For fear lest man should then dispair with his wife and to hel The womans séed y t whiche was Christe shall come and make all wel The iiii chapiter DOwn fel Abel Cain him slue in offering to the Lord The iust was slain of the vniust as scripture dooth record Then is he curst and dooth dispair after his wicked déed The genealogie of Adams sonnes and their sonnes dooth procéed The v. chapiter EUery yéer that Adam liued is there moste plainly tolde Whose age was then euen nine hundred and ful thirtie yéer olde And so from him vnto iust Noe the chapter dooth expresse The names yéeres how long they liued with muche of their successe The vi chapiter FUl wicked were the people tho a flud was threat of God With a precept to make an ark euen as the Lord had bod And then did Noe prepare the ship after the Lords deuise And redy prest as he was wild against the flud should rise The vii chapiter GOd spake these woords to Noe his mā and we therto must hark Go thou and all thy familie with spéed into the ark Euen so did Noe as God him bad and took of eche kinde twain His wife his sonnes and all their wiues and then began the rain The viii chapiter HUndreth dayes and od fiftie the flud began to end A Rauen and eke a Dooue also Noe foorth for newes did send Then went Noe forthe and did offer to God burnt sacrifice Whiche liked wel the God on hie when the smel did arise The ix chapiter IN fauour then was Noe and blest and murther is denide A rainbowe sent and promise made with water not destroyd Then Noe fel drunk and lay vnhilde and Ham his sonne was glad The other
for ay The xxiiij chapiter DOutles I can but muse to sée the mightie that are riche How knowing God they vexe the poore their crueltie is suche The poore dooth cry yet God permits their tiranny to reign The whorishe hed and wicked man yet surely shalbe slain The xxv chapiter ENding his talke Bildad began is their not power said he With him abooue whose men of war can not enumbred be Comparde with God no man is iust can womens birth be pure When lightꝭ abooue to him are dark how then shall man indure The xxvi chapiter FUl strength power hath God aboue said Iob he néeds no ayd The hel so déep is séen to him the earth by him is staid The clouds and seas are bound by him the heauens by him are propt The Whale so huge moste serpent like by him his powre is stopt The xxvii chapiter GOd be my Iudge I wil not speak of things that shalbe vain My rightuousnes I wil not leaue for sin shall haue his pain Look what the wicked dooth increace the godly shall possesse And what he had he shall not haue thus wrath shall him so dresse The xxviij chapiter HOw secret seames out siluer giue and golde with Iron hard How precious stones and food for folkes and men from men be bard Héer in the earth these things are hid but wisedome hath no péer Whiche hid from men her for to finde is onely God to fear The xxix chapiter I say to you O that I were as I haue béen tofore When power might was in my hand and goods I had in store For euery man gaue me the place the poor I did defend And what I said or what I did all men did me commend The xxx chapiter KNowe you that now the contrary the vilest doo me mock They rail they skorn they laugh they talke I am their iesting stock The Lord therto is eke my fo O God doo me forgiue For I did help thaflicted man though now thou doost me gréeue The xxxi chapiter LEudly yet look I neuer did on mayden or on wife My houshold folke and strangers bothe of me had neuer strife Hungry and thirstie did I féed the naked did I clothe If I haue not delt iustly dole then let the earth me lothe The xxxii Chapiter MUche musing then said Elihu vnto his fellowes thrée Haue you no more to Iob to say and you mine elders be Til you were dasht I béeing yung I had nothing to say But fearles now frée spéeche shall pa●●e lest God take me away The xxxiii chapiter NOte wel my woords to Iob he said why saist thou thou art Iust Rebuke not God what so he dooth for rule hée hath and must In bed ful sick he dooth vs lay suche message vs to giue For to submit and graunt our gilt then surely shall wée liue The xxxiiii Chapiter O Yée that wise and learned be now further sée you mark God dooth not strike but wée deserue no thought to him is dark ▪ He hath no eye to great or lowe the riche and poor are like Yet Iob dooth think him self so iust that God should not him strike The xxxv chapiter PRocéeding foorth Elihu said be thou O Iob vniust Or be thou iust as thou doost say yet this is true to trust That God is ne the more or lesse made holy or defilde But if a man on him doo call he shall finde him ful milde The xxxvi Psalme QUietly hear me yet a while God dooth not strike for nought But for to tel and mend our sin that we tofore haue wrought Bue if they skorn then shall they die or if the time they track So great is God him to beholde our knowledge is to slack The xxxvii Chapiter RUling like as a Prince on hie our God dooth all things guide The storme the haile the frost y e snowe of him they haue their tide To punishe lands or them to blesse O Iob this is moste true Alone he guides the things he made then giue him glory due The xxxviii Chapiter SO then the Lord him self did speak to Iob wast thou said he When I the heauens earth did make of councel then with me Canst thou ought doo in hie or lowe of wonders that I wrought Hast thou in waters or in land the treasures of them sought The xxxix chapiter THe Gotes the Hindes and Unicorn their gendring and their force The Pecock gay and foolishe stork or of the barbed horse Or of the Hauk that flies by South or of the Egles might By thy deuice haue these their giftꝭ to mooue and take their flightꝭ ▪ The xl chapiter WHen Iob had hard what God had said he humbly did obay And said he had said and would be stil then foorth the Lord did say The power and might of Leuiathan or Behemoth by name Canst thou him rule with snare or gin or make him milde and tame The xli chapiter AL men may think his powre is great though mine it not excéed Yet what ye make him for to hurt he counts it as a réed His paths are in the mightie sea all men from him doo slide The mightie Whale with diuel possest he is the King of pride The xlii chapiter BEfore the Lord Iob did repent confessing how that he The wonderous woorks or mightie power of God he could not sée His fréends were wild to offer giftꝭ that Iob might for them pray And God gaue him of all things more then he had ere that day ¶ Thus Iob hath doon his patience ye haue heard all his broile How Sathan wrought to turn his faith how freends did him turmoile Now sporting songs for liuely wits suche as the Lord doo fear From Dauids harp the sommary to you shall wel appear The Psalmes of Dauid The first Psalme A Happy hap the man shall haue whiche not with sinners walks Ne he that in the wicked chair of God in scorne italks His frute shalbe moste plenteously rewarded eke with blisse When sinners shall decay and fall of heauenly ioyes to misse The ii Psalme BEware saith he how that ye rage ye rulers all in vain For God wil haue his sonne to rule in might and poure to reign Therfore se that ye couet lore and serue the Lord in fear Kisse him in time lest yée doo smart when he shall once appéer The iii. Psalme CAst out of Kingdome Dauid cryes to God for ayd and strength He hath reléef he dooth confesse God did him hear at length And surely he hath confidence that God wil succour send That he wil strike his enemies and eke his flock defend The iiii Psalme DOut cast away he trusted God though Saule did him molest He checketh all the taunting men that did his reign detest And prooueth that the care of God continually dooth féed Those that he loues so that they may take rest and sléep at néed The v. Psalme EFtsoones in his aduersitie betime to God he prayes Affirming God to be ful iust detesting sinners wayes
to forge The Cviii. Psalme HAue héer you shall the fiftie seuen and sixtie Psalme in one As laudes and praise to God abooue that vanquished their sone With wishing that the glory of God might rule in euery coste Of Israels far stretching out so telles the holy Ghoste The C.ix. Psalme IN vehement sprite he praith to God to aduenge him on his foes As Doeg in the court and suche that wrought him many woes By flattering talke in foule wise to please the eares of Saule They tolde to him a thousand lies so heaping Dauids thrall The C.x. Psalme KIng Dauid héer of Christe dooth tel as Christe him self dooth say His royall kingdome he sets out to dure bothe now and ay His préesthood eke not Aaron like but as Melchizadeck Triumphantly his rule shalbe all subiect to his beck The C.xj. Psalme LOok what the Lord had promised to Israel long ago From ca●tiuenes to set them frée he saith that he did so And gaue to them the Gentiles land and eke his holy law Thus he them telles to stir them vp to haue the same in awe The C.xii. Psalme MUche good he saith shall light to him that hath the Lord in fear And dooth delight to kéep his wil blest shall that man appéer To poor and weak he giueth ayd remoou'de he shall not bée Although the wicked chafe therat when they the same shall sée The C.xiii. Psalme NOught els he willes but laud praise to God aboue to giue Whiche looketh down from hie aboue on things that héer doo liue And dooth from dust set vp the poore with princes for to sit And makes the barren frute to haue and to reioyce in it The C.xiiii Psalme OF Gods behauiour towards his flock when Egipt they went out How mountains hilles and waters low from order turnd about All fearing muche the face of God he saith this came to passe And stony rock to water flud by him so turned was The C.xv. Psalme PUtting all glory quite away from Idolles fayned Gods Twire whom and God that is th● Lord he prooueth great the ods Not vnto vs not vnto vs but God haue all the praise Who owes the heauē guides the earth his name be blest alwayes The C.xvi. Psalme QUēche they could not but he ● would looue God that heard his cry● When Absalon did vexe him sore and caused him to flie Yet hopes he wel for to return Hierusalem to pay The vowes that he to God did vow when he was driuen away The C.xvii Psalme RIght as before so héer again he willeth nations all To laud the Lord that as he reignd so euermore he shall Confirming his benignitie and faith by Christe his sonne From time to time withouten end as he it once begun The C.xviii Psalme SO God alone he dooth confesse because that he is good The Israelites he willes therto as he that sau'de their blood From Philistines and other foes that did against them bark And gaue them rest to laud the Lord and to set vp his Ark. The C ▪ xix Psalme THough it be long yet in a some this Psalme dooth say thus muche That study of the law of God there is no study suche Sometimes he speaks eke of his foes and some also he threatꝭ These thrée are chéef in matters all that in this songs he treatꝭ The C.xx Psalme UNto suche tungs as vse to lie and eke for to backbight He could not wishe suche sharp reward as due to them was right For peaceles men and flatterers suche as with Saule did court Kept him exilde and yet therto they wrought him mickle hurt The C.xxi. Psalme AT God alone all ayd is had on him must we depend For he that made the heauen and earth shall succour to vs send Who stil dooth watche with open eyes and neuer more dooth sléep No hurt can come vnto his Churche for he dooth stil it kéep The C.xxii. Psalme BRought vp when that the ark of God was to Hierusalem He was ful glad to hear consent of all his people then And séeing Iustice like to reign he wisheth ceasse of warres And peace to florishe in her stréetꝭ and round about the barres The C.xxiii Psalme CAused were some this psalme to make whiche for their godlines Were mockt scornd and taunted eke of men in wickednes They wait as maids vpon their dames and tend vpon the Lord Beséeching mercy at his hand though others at them boord The C.xxiiii Psalme DOuble he sayth vnles that God had béen on Israels side Moste certainly by forren foes it had with them béen wide For quick they had deuoured them as flud they had ore run They blesse the Lord that made al thing from whom all help dooth come The C.xxv Psalme EChe one that in the Lord dooth trust shalbe as Sion mount For why the Lord shalbe with him he may thereof account But godly men with wicked men shall not be mixt in one And suche as turn vnto their euils they shalbe wo be gone The C.xxvi Psalme FUl ioyful shall the captiues be when home they doo return And Sion shall for ioy then laugh and make an end to moorn And Gentiles shall report and say that God hath greatly doon For suche as out with teares did go with songs they shall home come The C.xxvii Psalme GOne vnto nought is all the woork bestowe you nere the cost Except the Lord doo build the house the labour is but lost It is in vain to watche at all vnlesse the Lord doo wake The early rising shall not help God fruteful shall thée make The C.xxviii Psalme HOw happy he shalbe he telth that alwayes God dooth fear His handy labour he shall eat his wife him frute shall bear With Sion in his prosperitie and eke Hierusalem He shall beholde and Gransire be and Israels peace yken The C.xxix Psalme IN chéerful wise may Israel say often times they haue Me fought against euen from my youth but God he did me saue Confounded shall the plowers be that plowd vpon my back And all that Sion once did hate their power shalbe but slack The Psalme KIng Dauid as some men suppose béeing sore vext of Saule Out of the depth vnto the Lord he did bothe cry and call Beséeching him for to forgiue his sinnes and set him frée The Israelites some thing y●t made in their captiuitie The C.xxxi Psalme LIfted aloft his hart is not ne yet his eyes with pride Nor yet in things passing his reache he hath not walkt aside But hath his soule as nurced childe kept stil in perfet awe And willeth them to wait for him the authour of their law The C.xxxii Psalme MEn may suppose this Psalme to be made of King Salomon Beséeching God his fathers broyles that he would think theron Who once had vowd a house to make for God therin to shade And how that préestꝭ and people eke should ioy to sée it made The C.xxxiii Psalme NOte and beholde how good it is bréethern in peace to dwel
were in faith Would suffer things to prooue them with as Moyses plainly saith The xiiij chapiter OMit they must the Gentiles trades and flée their dooings quite And onely serue almightie God with all their main and might Suche beastꝭ as they might not then 〈◊〉 are manifestly tolde And whiche were clean is there exprest that eat they might be bolde The xv chapiter PArdon their de●s then are they bod at euery seuenth yéers end When God his wil is serued and kept no scarsenes he wil send Those that wil lend to suche as néed the maner is tolde how Deformitie in sacrifice the Lord dooth not alow The xvi chapiter QUietly how to kéep their feastꝭ the times are tolde them plain When that they should be vsde and kept is written once again O that Iudges would mark and read and doo as God there bad To take no giftꝭ in any cace but iustice to be had The xvii chapiter REwarded must Idolaters with death by law to die And 〈◊〉 things must be reserd to those that be on hie Presumptuous men that doo rebel must die the law dooth minge The man and state that he must kéep that they would take to king ¶ Halfe this book is now tolde afore in seauenteen chapters iust And seauenteen more ye shall haue next in God put we our trust The xviij chapiter ALl the Leuites the whiche were préestꝭ might no possessions haue All sorcery they must auoid their liues to kéep and saue Moyses tolde then of Christe to come and bad them him to hear The Prophet false they must not way nor all his dooings fear The xix chapiter BEcause that murther might be doon against the dooers minde For refuge Citties were set out and there vnto assignd The false witnes must haue the stone return to his owne brow An eye for eye and tooth for tooth the law did them alow The xx chapiter CHuse out for warres what men they should this chapter dooth expresse The law of armes to them is tolde to vse in war or peace The Cananites the Pheresites the Iebusites also With Heuites eke they must destroy ▪ not letting one to go The xxj chapiter DEcrée did God a goodly law for him that was found dead And how the Iew should him behaue a gentile for to wed The first borne sonne he must possesse the heritage and land The childe that parentꝭ dooth not fear must die euen out of hand The xxii chapiter EChe man must help his neighbours Asse although he be vnknowne The man denied the womans tire shée to go in her owne Lin●●e wolūe might not be worn the adulterer must die And order taken for that man that with a maid did lie The xxiii chapiter FOrbidden was the gelded man in Christes churche to dwel The harlots bird dooth God commaund that they should quite expel There might no whore among thē bide the Lord did so decrée The loue of things is there denide to lend on vsury The xxiiii chapiter GIue leaue did Moyses to deuorce for causes that were light The newly spousd they might not force in battaile for to fight For money lent and seruantꝭ hire a goodly lesson tolde Some leysing left in féeld and town for poore folke yung and olde The xxv chapiter HOw many stripes the trespasser should haue for wicked life A man that died without a sonne his brother should wed his wife That weightꝭ mesures should be iu●● read ye the chapters end Who so dooth vse the contrary shall come to wicked end The xxvi chapiter IUstly must they now pay their frutes that first to them did fall The tithes they were commaunded to they should then pay them all Unto the préestꝭ the fatherles the straunger and widowe Such goods were then the poores of right how so they vse them now The xxvii Chapiter KNowledge was had the people the● an aulter vp to rear Afore that Iordane they did passe or came the land so néer The curses then that Leuy was commaunded for to speak Against all those that did delight Gods wil to burst or break The xxviii Chapiter LOuingly the Lord did blesse the kéepers of his wil To stablishe them in their good mindes to kéep them in it stil. And curse dooth hée the contrary with cursings very great Those that him looue he dooth them blesse his haters hée dooth threat The xxix chapiter MOyses then went and thus he spake vnto the people all Saying to suche as feareth God the Lord defends them all But they that not regard his wil suche plagues on them shall come As like hath not béen séen on earth from rising of the sonne The xxx chapiter NOt far from them that doo it séek is Gods almightie woord Those that it loue and it obay are saued from the swoord Within our mouthes and in our hartꝭ the woord is alway prest Those that it kéep are sure at length for it they shalbe blest The xxxi chapiter OLde was Moyses and so did chuse then Iosue in his stéed To whom he said sée thou be strong and haue no fear or dread This book he wrote and did it giue into the Leuites hand And chargde that they the same should read when they came to the land The xxxii chapiter PLesantly then did Moyses sing a goodly song of praise Unto the Lord for all the acts that he had wrought alwaies And vp he went vnto a hil to look on Canaan God bad him there to run the race that all his fathers ran The xxxiii chapiter QUietly Moyses did prepare to sléep his fathers sléep But this he said before he went that God his saints dooth kéep Also he blessed all the tribes afore his dying day And tolde how they should rule reign if they did God obay The xxxiiii chapiter REst from his woork did Moyses then and so gaue vp the ghoste At his departing they did wéep euen throughout all the hoste And Iosue did his roum possesse as Moyses had it wild And ruled all the Israelites in Cittie and in féeld ¶ Of Moyses books heer is the last as he did them all write Vnto the Lord giue ye the praise whiche is the God of might Iosue The j. Chapiter AS God afore had Moyses calld his people for to guide So Iosue to supply his roum the Lord set him on side For to be strong the Lord him bad and manly for to fight And from the lawes of God the Lord to turn to left nor right The ii chapiter BEfore were serchers sent to spie to Ierico they yede A harlots house they lodged in by whom then they were hid Shée made them promise her to saue when spoild should be the land And they agréed to knowe her house by purple cord or band The iii. chapiter CAre to Iosua did belong the people for to guide Remooue he did from Settim ground and came to Iordane side Then was the Lord disposde to shew the honour of his name He caused Iordain waters yéeld and part a sunder