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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68611 A faythful [and] true pronosticatio[n] vpo[n] the yeare. M.CCCCC.xlix and parpetually after to the worldes ende gathered out of the prophecies and scriptures of god, by the experience and practise of his workes, very comfortable for all christen hertes deuided into seuen chapters. And in the ende ye shal finde an almanack for euer, translated newly out of hye Almāyne into englysh by Myles Couerdale. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1548 (1548) STC 20424; ESTC S106366 11,571 44

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✚ A faythful true pronosticatiō vpō the yeare M. CCCCC xlix and parpetually after to the worldes ende gathered out of the prophecies and scriptures of god by the experience and practise of his workes very cōfortable for all Christen hertes deuided into seuen chapters And in the ende ye shal finde an almanack for euer translated newly out of hye Almāyne into englysh by Myles Couerdale THe fyrst chapter of genesis declareth how that at the begynnynge whan the water was now in his place God sayde Let the earthe brynge forth grene grasse and herbe that beareth seede and frutefull trees that may beare frute euery one after his kynde c. Genesi i. And so it came to passe Afterwarde vpon the forth daye made he lyghtes in the firmamente of heauen one grater lyght for the daye a lesse for the nyght namely the Sonne and the Mone and made them to be tokyns and not to haue influence vpō these nethermost bodies as the Philosophers oure pronosticatours haue wrytten hyther to Contrary vnto it the god sayeth here how that they shuld be vnto tokens how that the earth was fruteful or euer the starres lyghtes were made Now where as they shewe any thynge that is his doynge and not theyrs he onely doth great wonders Psal .c. xxxv he couereth the skye with cloudes he prepareth rayne for the earth maketh the grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes Psal .c. xlvi therfore are not they the cause of tempestes or stormes nether of good wethers or frutefulnes in these nethermost creatures whether it be in man beest or frute but are tokēs only For the which cause God doth oft warne vs in the lawe Leuiti .xx. Deut .xviii. And in the prophetes Iere .xxvii. Esa .xlvii. that we shuld regarde no heauen gaser no beholder of starres nor soythsayer because they haue no power to chāge the tyme nor that courle of heauen wherfore me thinke it a foolysh thinge that we are so afrayed where no feare shulde be and that we regarde so many vayne pronosticacyons why do not we rather reioyse in so much as all thinges are in Gods hande and gouerned by Iesus Christe Muste not all thinges be subdued vnto hym .i Cor .xv. Heb ii Can any creature of his werke otherwise then he wyll haue it Or how so euer they worke do not al thynges turne to our best No doute Put thou thy trust then in god and be sure that as longe as he is thy frēd which he hath promised to be if thou loue him his worde ther cā nothyng harme the. And as for the plages that shal happē thys yere vnto that persecuters and enemyes of Gods worde yf thou cleue vnto it thou nedest not feare thē nor be afraide of thē but certaynlye mayste thou loke to be pertaker not only of his outwarde blessinges this yeare but of the ioye for to come whiche is euerlastynge The fyrste chapter concernynge the gouernours of this yeare WHan I loke well consider the hy maister of the starres in his doctrine writing Christi the ●ospell the ●orlde I fynde the this year and from hence forth vnto the ende of the worlde the Sunne Mars Marcurius shall reygne Now wher as other mē seke their speaculaciō out of the starres that do not I regarde so much as experience in the doctryne of Christ And for the exhortacion and warnynge of all estates I wyll describe the nature and properties of these thre gouernoures The Soone a myghtye Lord ouer heauen and earth is Isesus Christe our only redemer and sauiour in al thiges lyke vnto his heauenly father Psal ii Io .xiiii. the bryghtnes of his glory Sap .vii. Heb .i. the ymage of the inuisible god by whom al thynges that are in heauen and earth were created thynges visible and thynges inuisible whether they be maiesties or lordeshyps ether rules or powers Col .i. This Iesus Christ the euerlastynge worde of his heauenly father which toke oure nature vpon hym Heb ii Phil .ii. shewed vs his fathers wyll commynge into this worlde broughte wyth hym Mars that is the gospell The go● is called Mars euen one of the bosome of his father But wonder not thou that I call the gospell Mars Christe our sauioure sayth in Mathewe Thinke not that Iam come to sende peace vpon earthe I came not to sende peace but a swerde For I am come to set a man at variaūce against his father and the doughter aginste her mother c. and a mās foes shal be they of his own housholde Mat .x. Luce .xii. Michee .vii. Is not this a batayle They shall put you to trouble sayeth he and kyll you and of al people shal ye be hated for my names sake ●ersecuti●● folo●●eth the ●ospell Mat .xxiiii. Therfore maye the gospell well be called Mars for where it is preached there is the swerde there is troble and persecucyon there wyll the enemyes somtyme draw theyr daggers at the preachers therof As for Mercurius the Poetes sayne hym to be the messenger oratoure of the Neithen goddes for the whiche cause he maye well be lykened vnto the world which which eloquence painted wordes outward appearaūce perfourmeth the message of the deuel entiseth mē so longe tyll it brynge them into destruccion But as sainte Ihon saieth in his epistle the world passeth away the lust therof i. to .ii. And as S. Paule sayeth The fasshion of this world passeth away i. Cor .vii. Therefore muste we so hold vs within the feare of god the we suffer not oure selues to be disceaued or seduced by Mercurius frō the sonne Mars Lest we be corrupt with thys dsceytful world so be defrauded of the ioi of the euer lastīg world to com nether shuld that paynted wisedom of this world moue vs in somuch as god maketh it very foolyshnes .i. Cor .i. his word which semeth to be but folyshnes in the sight of the world that sheweth he to be onelye wisedome and the very power of god to the saluacion of as manye as beleue theron Roma .i. who so euer now hath the grace to perceyue and consyder this let hym not go after Mercurius let hym not folow the world and the beautifull lusters therof let hym not entre in at the wide gate and brode waye that leadeth vnto destrucciō Mathe .vii. but let hym go in at the straite gate and at the narowe waye whiche is euen Iesus Christ Ioh .xiiii. the only mercyseate Rom .iii. meane to come by the fauoure of GOD. By him who soeuer entrethe he maye be sure to be saued Ioh .x. to receaue mercy to fynde grace to be helped in the time of nede Hebre .v. whiche god the father graunte vs for his sake Amen ❧ The seconde Chapter concernyng the increace or growinge of frutes and the dearth of the same THe sōne sheweth playnly that all soch as feare god shall haue a verye frutefull yeare
Psal c ▪ xxvii plēteousnes in the dayes of derth Psal .xxxvi. In so moch that though Christe sende them without wallet without scripe wyth out shues yet wyll he so prouide for them that they shall lacke no thinge Luce .xxii. For he sayethe him selfe The labourer is worthy of his meate Math .x. Luc .x. who so nowe wyll laboure shall eate But who so euer wyll not worke Sturdy 〈◊〉 felows she not eace ought out to eate ii Tessal iii. Now yf we labour I say we shall eate also Yee but where shall we get it Christ our sauyoure sayth Be not ye carefull for youre lyfe what ye shall eate or what ye shal drink nor yet for your body what ye shal put on Is not the lyfe more worth then meate and the bodye more of value then rayment Beholde the soules of the ayre for they sow not nether reape nor yet cary into the barnes and yet youre heuenly father fedeth them ▪ math vi He geueth meate to the yonge caues Psa c .xlvi. he openeth his hande and fyllethe his creatures with plenteousnes Psal c .iii. ●e ought 〈◊〉 laboure ●●th our ●andes and 〈◊〉 cast our are vpon the Lorde Therefore though our handes shulde alway be occupied in some good labaure Eph .iiii. yet ought not oure hertes to take thoughte what we shall eate or drynke but first to care howe to seke the king dome of god math .vi. so shulde all thinges necessary be ministred vnto vs. And why Man lyueth not by bred only but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouth of god Deute .viii. math iiii which thynge Christ our saue oure hath manifestly declared in that he fed so many people wyth so few loaues fyshes lyke as he had done afore vnto the chyldren of Israell by the space of forty yeres in the wildernes where they wanted nothyng for he hym selfe fed them blessed them in all the workes of theyr hande wherfore in so moch as god our mercyfull father taketh soch care for vs .i. Pe v. we shulde by right cast all our care vpō him fathfully to cleue vnto his worde in our hertes so the we nether mystrust his godli prouision nor lead an idle lyfe And yf we meane well in oure hertes and deale truly with our handes doutlesse he shall sende vs necessarye meate by some bodye as he dyd to Elias the prophete by the wedowe in Sarepta .iii. Re .xvii. and lyke as he prouyded a breake fa●t vnto Daniel amonge the Lions by the ministration of Abacuc Da● .xiiii Thus I saye they that feare god ▪ shall haue plentye and aboundaunce of all thynges this yeare But so farre as I can se or perceiue By this theologicall Astronomye Mars threateneth a verye euyll and vnfrutefull yeare to dyuerse spiritual prelates as popish byshops popish preistes other mo except the sonne thorow his gracious influence be good vnto thē although Mercurius reigne ī thē wyth neuer so many horces great pompe auctoritie ryches oppression wyth excedynge many seruauntes and dogges whych neuertheles yf they wyll forsake theyr a●●sions and dyete them selues after the qualities of the Sonne they shall be kept fro many dyuerse fur fettes and haue a very frutefull yeare in all thynges And so wold I councel them to do For Mars goeth aboute now this yeare to withdrawe from the spiritualtye the excesse of theyr frutes ryches and worldly auctorite lyke as he hath threatened them thys great whyle intendeth playnly to refourme them And where as theyr whordome olde custome withstande the furtheraūce of the trueth Mars purposeth to take the Sōne to helpe and with the playster of mariage to heale the infirmitie of their vnclēnes yee and wyth his owne swerde of the spirite to subdue theyr olde euell customes As for the multitude of the vngodly in generall there shal come a gret derth vpō thē acording to the wordes of a certayn true a●conomer Beholde the tyme cōmeth sayeth the lorde god that I shal send an honger into the earth not the honger of bred nor the thyrst of water but an honger to heare the worde of the lorde so that they shall go frō the one see to the other yee frō the north vnto that east rēnynge about to seke the worde of the lorde and shall not finde it Amos .viii. but because they wyll not beleue the trueth and haue pleasure in vnryghteousnes therfore shall God sende them stronge delusion that they may beleue lies .ii. Tess .ii. so that the time shall come whā they shall desyre to se one day of the sonne of man and shall not se it Luce .xvii. I passe ouer many other plages that Mars threateneth vnto them because they wyll not knowe the tyme of their visitacion Luce .xix. ¶ The thyrde Chapiter concernynge the sicknesses and disceases of this yeare THe Egipcyans hadde a maner and vse in theyr bāckettes to cary about an ymage of deathe ▪ and to saye vnto euerye man that was at the bancket Looke vpon this eate drynke and be mery such one shalt thou be whan thou dyest And this they dyd no doute to put men in remembraunce of temperauncy and of deathe leste they vndiscretly thorowe excesse of eatynge and drinking shoulde happen to dye afore their age for so doth god vse to punyshe soche syn wherefore yf we dyete and temper oure selues thorowe the influence of the sone we shall haue few diseases except Mars brynge some other thinge to passe that we mysknowe not our selues As for such as folowe Mercurius lyuynge nyght and daye in ryote and vnclēnes these I saye shal thorowe the Sonne haue great diseases in all the membres of the bodye in the lunges leuer handes and sete yea and parel also of the soule I passe ouer the pouertie that dronkardes and riotous persons shall haue wo shall be vnto them sorowe stryfe brawlynge woundes shall be amonge them Pro .xxiii. yea and soch as wyll nedes be ouerladen with excesse of eatynge and wyth dronkennes c shall sodeynly be preuented wyth the day of the Lorde Luce .xxi There is douteles a maruelous sore punyshmēt to come vpon the hole world of the wycked swerde warres honger not onely spirituall as I sayd before but temporall which plages haue ben afore our tyme but are not yet all paste I nede not reherce the pestilence and other greate plages that god wyll sende to the reformacion of as manye as shall be warned As for the comō sorte of the vngodly ther shal such a fearfulnes of deth come vpon thē that they shall not tel wher to turn thē nor how to escape death O how byter and greueous shall the remembraunce of deathe be this yeare to soch as seke reste and consolacion in trans●tory substaunce of this worlde to soche as knowe of no aduersite but haue good dayes and liue in ▪ voluptuousnes Eccle .xli. But O deathe howe acceptable welcome shalte thou be vnto soch as