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A68066 The fou[n]tayne or well of lyfe out of whiche doth springe most swete co[n]solatio[n]s, right necessary for troubled co[n]sciences, to then rent ye they shall nat despeyre in aduersite and trouble. Translated out of latyn in to Englysshe.; Bible. English. Selections. 1532 (1532) STC 11211; ESTC S113119 43,171 122

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wyll calle vpon the name of the lorde O lorde / delyuer my soule / our mercyful lorde and rightwyse god is pytefull Lorde / all my desyre is before Ps 36. the / and my mornyng is nat hydden from the. The mercy of thy promyse is 2 Paz 6 gret and vnserchable / for thou art the hyghest lorde god ouer all the ●rth / longe suffryng / and passyn● mercyful / and sorye for the maly● of men Thou arte worthye lorde / for t● Apo. 5. op● the boke to lose the seales o● it / for thou wast slayne / and hast t● demed vs o god in thy blode And thou lorde god hast delte ●● Barn 2 vs accordyng to all thy goodness● and accordyng to al thy gret pyte Ma 16 Thou arte Christe the sonne o● the lyuyng god I haue beleued that thou arte Ioa. 12 Chryst the sōne of the lyuyng god whiche came into the worlde For thou arte our god / thou has● 1 ●sd 6 delyuered vs from our wickednes● and hast gyuen helth vnto vs. God ●e mercyfull to me that an● Lu● 18 a synner Father I haue offended agayn● Lu● 15 heuen / and before the nowe I am nat worthy to be called thy sonne lette me be as one of thy hyred s●● uauntes we are vnprofytable seru auntes Ln● 17 / we haue done but our du●●● Encrease fayth in vs. Ma. 6. Psa 35 Haue mercy on vs / sonne of David For in the is the well of lyfe / and by thy lyght we shal se lyght Lyke as an herte longeth after Ps 41. wellys of water / so my soule longeth after the o god My soule hath thristed after god the lyuyng wel / whan shal I come and appere before t e face of the lorde My soule hath desyred the in the Esa 25 nyght / but in my spyryte in my herte shall wake for the be tyme. I bowe the knees of myne herte 2. Pa 32 prayenge vnto thy goodnes lorde / I haue synned lorde / I haue synded / I knowlege my wickednes / I aske praīg y● lorde to forgiue me forgyue me / do nat dystroy me all togither with my synne / nor do nat reserue myne offences for euer / for y● shalte saue me vnworthy / accordig to thy great mercy / I shall prayse y● euer all the dayes of my lyfe / for all the vertu of heuē prayseth the / ● to the is al glorye for euermore Amen THou hast here good Reder a certayn gatheryng of scritures out of both the Testam●te which declare the most abundan● mercy of god with a clere exposicion In the begynnig the worde was Ioa. 1. and the worde was with god / an● god was the worde The sam wa● in the begynnynge with god / a● thinges were made by it / and wit● out it was nothynge made tha● made is / in it was lyfe / lyfe wa● the lyght of men He came into his owne and his receyued him nat / vnto as man as receiued him / he gaue power t● be the sonnes of god / to suche a beleued in his name which loued vs / and wasshed v● Apo. 1. from our synnes in his blood / an● made vs his kyngdome / precsse● vnto god / and his father to him 〈◊〉 glorye dominion for euermore God sheweth his loue whiche 〈◊〉 Ro. 5. ●rreth vs / for whan we were but synners / Christ dyed for vs moche more than now seyng we are iustifyed in his blood we shal be preserued frō vengeaunce through hym / for yf we were reconsyled to god whan we were enemys / by the deth of his sonne / moche more now beyng reconsyled we shall be preserued by his lyfe Unto him all the prophetes bere Actu 10 recorde / that all y● belyue in him / do receyue remyssion of their synnes / by his name Be it knowen therfore vnto you Actu 13 ye men and brethern / that by hym remissiō of synnes is preached vn to you / and by hym are all that be leue iustifyed from thynges / wher by ye coulde nat be iustyfyed in Moyses lawe For what the lawe coude nat do / Ro. 8. in asmoch as it was weake / bycause of the flesshe / that dyd god parfourme and sente downe his sonne in the symilytude of synful flesshe and by synne dampned sine in the slesshe / y● rightwisenes of the law myght be fulfylled in vs / which walke nat after the flesshe but a●ter the spirite Through the grace of our lorde Act. 15. Iesu Chryst / we beleue to be s●ued as well as they For in him we do lyue / and armoued Act. 17 / and be This is the same stone that wa● Actu 4 forsaken of you in your buylding whiche is sette for the foundacyo● of a corner / and there is no saluacyon in any other Nor there is none other nam● vnder heuen gyuē vnto men / whe● by we may be saued The name of the is a most defensyble Prouer 18. toure / the ryghtwyse ron ● neth vnto it and he shal be exalted ▪ And it shall come to passe / that Ioel. 2. who soeuer calleth vpon the name of the lorde shall be saued For the lorde is our luge / the lo● Esa 33 de is our lawe maker / the lorde is our kynge / he shall saue vs. Blessed is the name / whose trus● Psa 39 is in the name of the lorde / hath ●at regarded vanytees / and false ●ychcraftes Prayse ye his name / for the lorde Ps 66 pleasaunte / his mercy is euerladyng / and his truth is fro genera ●yon vnto generacyon Prayse ye our lorde god / which Iudith 13. hath nat forsaken suche as truste in him Prayse ye the lorde for he is good p. 134. syng vnto his name / for he is pleasaunt Prayse o heuens / and o erth reioyse Es 46 / ye mountaynes / make melodye / for the lorde hath conforted his people / and wyll haue mercye on the poore Blesse ye the lorde / exalte hym Ec. 43 asmoch as ye can / for he is ferre aboue all praysynge Gyue prayse / o heuens / for the Es 44 lorde hath shewed mercy / the farthest partes of the erthe make ye melodye Blesse thou my soule / vnto the Ps 102 lordes and al that is within me vn to his holy name Blysse thou my soule vnto the lorde / do nat forget the wordes of ● which forgiueth al thy wickedne which healeth al thy diseases The lorde sheweth mercy / and i●gement to all that suffre wronge he hath nat delte ● vs accordyng● to our synnes / nor he hath nat rewarded vs accordyng to our wy●kednes For he hath establyshed his mercy vpon suche as feare him / according vnto the heyght of heuyn fr● the erth Lyke as a father hath mercy o● his children / so the lorde
in me / hathe euerlastynge lyfe He that loueth me / shal be loue● Io. 14 of my father / I wyll loue him / ● shewe my selfe vnto him If any do loue me he wil kepe m● worde / my father wyll loue hi● and we wyll come vnto him / an● wyll make our mansyon in him If you do loue me / kepe my cōmā demêtres / I wyl pray vnto my father / he shal gyue you another cōsolatiō for to abyde with you euer more / which is the spirite of trouth I wyl nat leue you cōfortles / for I wyll come vnto you And if I depart to prepare you a place / I wyll come agayne wyll receyue you vnto me / and wher as I am you shall be ▪ I do leaue peas with you / I giue my peas vnto you / I do nat gyue vnto you as the worlde doth / let nat your hert be troubled nor be aferd you shal be oppressed in y● worlde Io. 16. but trust ye I haue rq̄red the world O? ye endewed with smal fayth / Mat. 8 why are ye aferde Be of good chere it is I be nat Ma 14 aferde Be ye nothynge aferde my lytell Luc. 12 flocke / for it hathe plesed our fader to gyue vnto you the kyngdome It is nat the wyll of your father Ma 14 which is in heuē / that any of these lytellons shulde peryshe The sonne of god came downe to Luc. 9 saue / that that was loste The sōne of god came downe na● to lese soules / but to saue God dyd nat sende his sonne i● Ioā 3. to the worlde for to iuge the worlde / but to then tent that the worlde shulde be saued by hym He that beleueth in hi shal nat b● condēpned / but he that dothe nat beleue is condēpned alredy / bycaus● he hath nat beleued in the name o● the only begotten sōne of god / th● father loueth the sōne hath giu● him all thinges in his hande He that beleueth in the son hat● euerlastyng lyfe / and he that dot● nat beleue in the sonne shall neue● se lyfe / but the bēgeaunce of go● abydeth on him I am the resurrection lyfe / wh● Ioā 11 so euer beilueth on me / ye / thoug● he were deed yet shall he lyue / an● who soeuer liueth and beleueth i● me / shall neuer dye I am the lyght of the worlde / wh● Ioā y● foloweth me walketh nat in da●kenes / but shal haue that light of life If any wyll serue me / let him folow Ioā 12 me / wher soeuer I am there shall my seruaūt be / if any wyll ser●e me / my father wyll honour him walk● whyle you haue lyght / that the darkenes do nat take you whylest yo haue the lyght / beleue in the lyght / that you may be the chyldren of lyght I am the way / the truthe / the Io. 14 ●yfe / no man cometh to the father but by me I am the dore / who that cometh in Io. 10. ●y me shall be saued / shall go in / ● shall go out / shal fide pastures I am a good shepherde / a good ●hepeherede gyueth his soule for ●is shepe I came that thei shuld haue lyfe / ● shulde haue it more plētuously My shepe here my voyce / I do ●nowe thē / they folowe me / I ●yue euerlastyng lyfe to them / ●hey shal neuer perisshe / and none ●all take thē out of my hāde / my ●ather that gaue me them is mightyer than all other / there is non● able to take out of my faders hād● I and the fader be all one And / if I be lefte vp frō the erth Io. 12. I wyll brynge all vnto me And lyke as Moyses did hāge vp Ioā 3. a serpēt in wyldernes / so must th● sōne of man be hāged vp that who so euer dothe beleue shall nat perishe but shal haue the lyfe euerlastig For god hathe loued the world● in such wise / that he gaue his onely begotten sonne for the worlde that who soeuer belyued in hym shulde nat perishe / but shuld hau● euerlastynge lyfe Truly truly I say vnto you / tha Io. 5. who soeuer hereth my worde / an● beleueth in him that sête me / hath euerlastyng lyfe / shall nat com● into iugement / but shall passe fr● deth vnto lyfe Blessed be thei that here the wo●de Luc. 11 of god / and kepe it Truely truely I say vnto you / ● Ioā 8. there be anye that wyll kepem worde / he shall ●euer see deth If you wyll abyde in my worde / verely you shall be my dyscyples / and you shal knowe the truth / and the truth shal delyuer you Heuen and erthe shall passe / but Ma 14 my wordes shall neuer passe Blessed be the poore in spiryte / Ma. 5. for theirs is the kyngdom of heuē Blessed be y● meke / for they shal possesse the erth Blessed be they that morne / for they shal be conforted Blessed be they that hungre thurst aft iustice / for they shal be satisfied Blessed be the mercyfull / for they shall optayne mercy Blessed be the pure in herte / for they shall see god Blessed be the peasable / for they shal be called the chyldren of god Blessed be they that suffre persecutiō for rightwisenesse / for theirs is the kyngdome of heuyn Blessed are you / whan that men do say yuell vnto you / and do pursue you / and do speake all euyll agaynst you / lyeng by cause of me / reioyse be glad / for your rewarde is great in heuyn And the leste heer of your hedde Luc. 12 shall nat perissh / for through your paciēce you shall wyn your soules Are nat two sparous solde for a Mat. x ferthyug none of them doth fall on the grownde without your father / for all y● here 's of your hed be nombred / feare ye nat therfore / year of more value than many sparowes / who soeuer therfore thy I knoledge me before men / I wyl know hi before my father y● is in heuyn / but who soeuer wyll denye me before men / him wyll I denye before my father whiche is in heuen All maner of synne blaspheme Mat 12 shall be forgyuen vnto men / but y● blaspheyme ayenst-the holy ghost shall neuer be forgyuen The gospell is preched to y● pore Mat 11 and blessed is he that is nat offended in me The tyme is fulfylled / and the Mat. 1 kyngdome of god shal drawe next / repēt therfore beleue the gospel who soeuer y● forsaketh his howse Ma 19 or brother / or systers / or father or mother / or wyfe / or chyldren / or his landes / for my name sake / shal ●cceyue an hundred tyme somoch / and shal inherite euerlasting lyfe
is my medytacyon Gyue vs helpe out of our tro●ble Ps 56. / for the helpe of man is vayn● let vs worke vertue in god / and h● shall brynge vnto nought all th● trouble vs. In the tyme of my trouble ● Ps 77 sought oute god with my handes and I was nat deceyued I wyll loke vnto the lorde / ● mich 7 wyll tary vpon god my sauioure my god wyll here me Lorde haue mercy on vs / for ●● Esa 33 haue loked after the / be our def●● betymes / and our helth in tyme ●● trybulatyon No eye hath seen o god witho● Es 64 the / the thiges that thou hast pr●pared to such as loke after the. I haue remēbred thy mercy lor● Ec. 50. and of thy workes that be euerl● styng / for thou delyuerest suche ● suffre the / and dost take the out of the handes of people For thou art as a defēce vnto the Esa 25 poore / a defence to the nedy in his trouble / a saue garde from wynde a shadowe fro the hete Nor there is none other god eyther Deu. 3. in heuen or in erthe / that is a ●le to do the workes / and to be cōpared vnto thy strength The lorde is made my strength Exo. 5. my prayse / and he is a saluatyon vnto me I do blesse the lorde god of Isra Tob. 11 ●ll for thou hast chastysed me / and thou hast saued me Lorde I wyll confesse vnto the / Esa 12 ●ycause thou hast ben angry / thy ●urour is tourned / and thou haste conforted me be holde god my sa●our / I wyll do boldly / and wyl ●at be aferde / for the lorde is my ●ortres and my prayse / and he is a ●auiour vnto me Lorde all that forsake the shal be Hie. 17 ●onfounded / they that departe frō he shall be grauen in the erch / bycause they haue lefte the lorde th● vayne of waters of lyfe Heale me lorde / I shal be heal● saue me / than I shall be saued And let thy mercy come vpon ●● Ps 118 lorde / the saluatyon accordyng t● thy promyse Shew vnto vs lorde thy mercy Ps 84 gyue vs thy sauegarde O lorde of all vertue / blessyd ● Ps 83. the man that trusteth in the. Be midefull of thy pyte o lord● Ps 24 of thy mercy which be euerlast● Do uat remembre the defautes ● my youth / and myne ignoraunce ▪ Accordyng to thy mercy / remēb●● me thou good lorde of thy goodne● For thy names sake lorde / forg●ue my synne / for it is moche Haue mercy on me o lorde / acc●dynge Psa 50 to thy great mercy / and a●cordynge to the gretnes of thy p●te take away myne unquite Tourn away thy face frō myn o●ces / put away al my wickedne● Create in me a pure herte o g● and renew a right spirite win ● Do nat cast me away frō thy face and do nat take frō me thyne holy spiryte O lorde do nat withdrawe thy cō●assyon Ps 59. fro me / thy mercy / and thy truth / haue euer defended me In the abundan̄ce of thy mercy Ps 68. here me in truthe of thy saluacion here me lorde / for thy mercy is moche / after y● plētuousenes of thy cōpassions regarde me / do nat tour ●ne away thy face frō thy sernaūte / for I am troubled / here me hastely And thou lorde god art pytuous Ps 85. and mercyfull / pacient and of ercedyng mercy / and true For I do knowe that thou art a Ione 4 god gentell and mercyfull / pacient and of moche compassion / and nat vengeable vpon malyce Haue mercy on me lorde / for I Ps .6 am weke / he le me lorde / for all my bones be troubled / And my soule is greatly troubled / but yet / o lorde / be conuerted delyuer my soule / saue me for thy great mercy And thou lorde do with me for thy Ps 108 names sake / for thi mercy is swet delyuer me for I am poore nedy my herte is troubled with in m● Helpe me lorde god / sauc me fo● thy great mercy Deale with thy seruaunt accordynge Ps 118 to thy mercy / and teach i● thy Iustyfications who wyl nat feare the lorde / magnifi Apoc 15 thi nam / for thou alone art hol● Vnto the lorde be iustice vnt Dan. 6 vs shamfastenes of face / vnto th● truely / our lorde god be mercy an● forgyuenes Nat vnto vs lorde god / nat vnt● Ps 115. vs / but vnto thy name gyue glory Our helpe is in the nam of the lord● Ps 124 which hath created heuen erth● Thou art worthy o lorde our go● Apo. 4 to take glorye / honour / vertu●● for thou hast created al thynges / fo● thy plesure they were be creat●● 2. Ma 1 O lorde god the creatour of al thynges / terryble / stronge / ryght wyse and mercyfull / whiche onel● art good / onely therellent kyng● only iuste almyghty / and eterna● which deliuered Israel fro al yuel For he that was conuerted was nat Sap 16 made hole by any thynge vysyble / but by the sauiour of all Therby truly / thou hast declared vnto thyne enemyes / that thou art he which delyueryst frō all euyll For neither herbe ne playstre hath made them hole / but thy worke lorde that healeth all thynges Lo thou haste created heuen and Hie ▪ 32 ●erth in thy greate strength / and in thy streched out arme No worde shal be diffy cyll vnto the / for thou doest mercy vnto thousandes Is ther any thig difficile vnto god Gen 18 Nu. 11. Iob. 42. Is th ende of the lorde feble I know that thou arte able to do ●ll thynges / and that no thought is pr●uy to the. It is in thy power to do all thynges Sap 12 at thy pleasure Thou arte he lorde that hast power Sap 16 of lyfe deth / and doest lede in ●o the gates of deth / and lede out For and if I sholde walke in the Psa 22 myddes of the shadowe of dethe / I wolde fear no harme by cause ● arte with me And thy mercy shall folow me●● the dayes of my lyfe Thou hast mercy on al / bycause Sap. 11 thou mayste do all / and pretendest to be ignoraunt of the synne of me bycause of repentaunce / fo● thou louest the thynges that be / thou haste nat hated that that tho● haste made / nor y● haste nat ordayned or made any thyng with hate ▪ Thou doest spare all thynges bycause they are thyne owne / o lord● that louest soules Bycause thou arte swete an● Sap 12 good / lorde / thy spyrite is in alth●ges Howe great is the habūdance Ps 30. thy swetnesse / o lorde / which h●● thou hyd fro them that
feare t● Thou truely which art our go● Sap. 15 art swete / trewe / and pacient / ● dysposynge all thynges in mer● For to knowe the / is perfyte sty●e / to know thy iustice ve● is the roote of Immortalyte Nor there is none other god but Sap 12 thou / whiche hast cure of all thynges Lorde god of Israell / there is 2. Par. 6. no god lyke vnto the / neither in heuen nor erth / whiche kepest coue●aunt and mercy with thy seruaūtes / goyng before the with al their herte what god is lyke vnto the / that mich 7 takest a way wyckednes / caryest ●way the synne of suche as are left to theyr inherytaunce For thy mercy is magnyfyed vnto Ps 56. the heuens / and thy truth / vnto the cloudes Spare / lorde / spare thy people Iohel 2 and do not gyue thy inherytaunce in reprofe Haue mercy on me / o god / haue Ps 56. mercy on me / for my soule trustyth in the / and I shal trust in the shadow of thy wynges / vntyl wickednes be passed Be nat thou dredefull vnto me Hie. 17 ●y cōforte in the day of afflycciō Make maruelous thy mercies Ps 16. lorde whiche doste saue all y● truste in the. The lorde is myne helpar and my Ps 24 defendat / and my herte hathe trus●ed in him / and I was holpen Verely the chyldren of men shall Ps 35. trust ī the couering of thy wīges In god is my cōfort and my glorye Ps 61. / the god of my helpe my trust is in god ye / and though he kyl me / I wyl Iob. 13 truste in him / neuertheles I wyll reproue my ways in the sight of hi. Lorde I haue trusted in the / lette● Ps 70. me neuer be confounded For suche as withdrawe thē selues Ps 72. from the / shall perysshe / thou haste dystroyed all that fornycate from the. Truely for to cleue vnto god / is very good vnto me / and to put my truste in the lorde god Preserue me lorde / for I hau● Psa 15 trusted in the / I haue sayd vnto y● lorde / thou arte my god / and tho● hast no nede of my goodes I wyll loue the / lorde / my de●ice Ps 17. lorde / my fortres / and my refuge / and my redemer / my god I wyl truste in hi / my protectour / hor●e of my helth / and my suretye The lorde ruleth me / and I shall Psa 22 wante nothyng Lorde I haue lyfte vp my mynde Ps 24 vnto the / I do truste in the / let me nat be shamed For there is no confusyon / to Dan. 3. them that truste in the. The lorde god is my helpar / and Esa 50 therfore I was nat rebuked The lorde is myne helpar / I wyl p. 117. nat feare what that mā can do vnto me The lorde is myne helpar / and I shall despyse myne enemys The lorde is made a refuge vnto Ps 69 me / and my god is a conforte vnto mynt hope Verely I am poore and nedy / helpe Ps 39. me god Truely I am a begger poore / Ps 30. the lorde ha●h care of me / thou art my helpar and my defender o my god be nat slowe Be vnto me as a defendyng god and as a house of socoure / that ● mayst make me safe / for thou art● my fortres and my refuge / and fo● thy names sake / thou shalt bring● me forth / and maynteyne me Thou lorde arte my suretye / my Hab. 3. glorye / and doest exalte my hed Verely I shall reioyse in the lorde / p. 143 and shall be glad in god my sauiour / my god / my fortres My mercy / and my refuge / my surety / and my redemer Thou hast remēbred me o god Da. 14 and thou hast nat forsake thē that loue the Ps 85. Lede me lorde in thy way / and I wyll go in thy truthe / my hert● may be glad for to drede thy name They that loue the / shal shyne Iudi 15 lyke as dothe the sonne in his rysynge For thy mercy is aboue al lyfe / Ps 62. my lyppes shall prayse the. Delyuer me from claye / lest ● Ps 68. stycke in it / delyuer me fro thē tha● hate me / and from the depenesse of waters I haue sayd lorde / haue mercy Ps 40 ●on me / he le my soule for I haue of fended the. I haue sayd / I wyll knowelege Psa 31 my wyckednes vnto the lorde agaynst my selfe / and thou hast forgyuen the impyete of my synne Thou hast delyuered my soule Esa 38 bycause it shulde nat peryshe / thou hast caste behinde thy backe al my synnes I haue trusted in god / I wyll Ps 55. nat feare / what flesshe may do vnto me Psa 30 I haue trusted in the lorde / I wyl be glad and ioyfull in thy mercy Through the I shal be delyuered Psa 17 from temptation / throughe ●ny god I wyl passe ouer the stone ●all I am inferiour to thy manifol●e Gen. 25 myserations / and to thy tru the ●hat thou haste accomplyshe vnto ●hy seruaunt Ec. 39. Haue mercy on vs o god of al ●reatures / and beholde vs / shew vnto vs the lyght of thy pyte O god / conuerte vs / shewe thy Ps 76 face / and we shall be saued Shewe vnto vs / howe thou dost● Iudi. 6 nat forsake them that presume o● the / and suche as presume of the●selues gloryeng in theyr owne ve●tu / thou doest bryng lowe Remembre lorde / and shew thy Hester 14. selfe vnto vs in tyme of our tryb●lation / and gyue me conforte o lorde / kynge of goddes of vnyuersall power In the many folde mercyes / thou 2. Es 9 hast nat created thē vnto consumpcion / n●yther haste thou forsake● them / for thou arte a god pyteful and mercyful Lorde / thy mercyes ar manyfold P. 118. accordynge to thy iugement reuyue me Verely thou arte amongeste v● Hie 14 lorde / and thy holy name hath be● called vpon by vs / do nat forsak● vs. Haue mercy on vs lorde / hau● Ps 122 mercy on vs / for we ar greatly fu● ylled with dispyte whan my soule was vexed withi Ione 2 me lorde I remēbred that my prayer might come vnto the euyn vnto thy holy temple Troubles do oppresse me on euery parte / but it is better for me to 1. p. 12. fall into the hādes of the lorde for his pyte is great than into the hādes of men The lorde wyll do that / that semeth 1. pa. 16 good in his syght The sorowes of deth haue compassed Ps 114 me / and the perylles of hel haue founde me out I haue founde out trybulation sorowe / and I
of Syon shal neuer be moued 1 pa. 20 Beleue in your lorde god / and ●e shall be sure / beleue his prophetes / and all thynges shall come to passe happely The rightwyse shall lyue by his Hab. 2 fayth Abraham beleued god / it was Ro. 4. toūted vnto him for rightwysnes It is nat written for him only / that it was rekened to hym for ryghtwysnes / but also for vs / to whome it shal be counted for ryght ●●snes / so that we beleue on him that reysed vp Iesu Chryste our lorde from death / whiche was delyuered for our synnes / dyd ryse ●●nyne for to iustyfye vs. Now trust in Chryste Iesu / ye Ephe 2 that some tyme were ferre of / are brought uere by y● blode of Chryst Seyng therfore that we be iusti●●●d Ro. 5. by fayth / we haue pease with ●od through our lord Iesu Christ by whom we haue a waye in throuth fayth vnto this fauour wherein he stande reioyse in hope of the prayse that shall be gyuen of t● sonne of god Christ is the ende of the lawe / t● Roma 10. iustifye all that beleue If thou do cōfesse the lorde ● su with thy mouth / and wolte b●leue in thy herte y● god reysed hi● from the dead / he shal be saued fo● the beleue of the herte iustyfye● to cōfesse with the mouth saueth ▪ who that trusteth him / shall n● Esa 28 be shamed Do nat therfore lese your con●●dence Heb. 10 / that is worthye greatte ● wardes For it behoueth hi that come● Hebr 11 vnto god / to beleue / that he is / at that he rewardeth them that se● after hym He is a redemer and a sauiou● Dan. 6. workynge sygnes and meruayl● both in heuen and in erth The lorde looseth the fettcer● ● 145. the lorde giueth syght to the bl●de / the lorde lifteth vp suche as fallen / the lorde loueth the ryghwyse / the lorde prescrueth strau● 〈◊〉 / he will defende the infaunt / and the wydowe / and wyll destroy the wayes of synners The lorde kepeth y● frō al euyll Ps 120 the lorde kepeth thy soule The lorde kepeth thy in goyng and vngoyng / from hēsforth and euermore Our god / is the god of saluati● Ps 67 Ps 77 Verely he is mercyfull and wyl forgyue their synnes / and wyl nat dystroye them Ps 24 All the wayes of the lorde be in mercy and truth / to them that seke his testamēt / the recordes of him Ecc. 36 All the workes of the lorde are very good He loueth mercy and Iugemēt Ps 32. with his mercy the erthe is replenysshed For god loueth mercy truth / Ps 83. the lorde shal gyue grace and glorye Confesse to the lorde / for he is Ps 117 good / and that his mercy is euerlastynge Israel may say now that he is good / and that his mercy is the●●a stynge Blesse ye god O heuens an● Tho. 12 confesse vnto hem before all creatures / that he hath shewed mer●● vnto you / for it is good to kept s●crete the sacrament of a kinge bu● to dysclose and confesse the ●●●kes of god / it is honorable Thou shalt knowlege and pra●se ●e 17. god / thou shalte reioyse tu h●pytefulnes Ps 129 In the lorde is mercy and plentuous redemption / and he shal ●● deme Israel / from all his 〈◊〉 tees The lorde is a pyteer and m●●cy ● 441 full patient / and passyng merc●full The lorde is louyng vnto a●●re turts / and his mercyes d●●●ced all his workes The mercyes of the lorde ar m●ny Thre 3 folde / for we be nat cons●med for his pite hath nat fayled For lyke vnto his greatnes ●● Eccl. 2. is his mercy in him The pyre of a man is but emploi●d Ec. 18. vnto his neyghbour / but the py ● of god ●s vnto cuery creature The mercy of god is beautefull Ercl. 35 ●● to me of tribulation / lyke as a showre of raine ī tyme of drought Blessed be god / and the father 2. Lor. 1 of our lorde Ihesu Christe the father of mercy / and god of all consolation / whiche doth conforte vs in all our tribulation But god which is richt in mercy Ephe. 2 thorough the excedyng charitie that he bare vnto vs / whā we were deade in synne / hathe re●y●ed vs with Christe / by whose grace ye ●e saued But after that the benignt ●●● Titū 3. ●●ndeues of god our sauyoure appered to manwarde ●● as for ●●y dedes of ryghtwysenesse that the ●●d done / but accordynge vnto his mercy he hath saued vs by the wel of regeneracion / and by the 〈◊〉 ynge of the holy ghoste / the whiche ●●shed on vs had oundauntly thorough Iesu Chryst our sauyour so that we beyng ons iustifyed ● his grace / shulde be heyres of et●nall lyfe through hope Iam. 5. For the lorde is mercyfull an pytefull Blessed be god the father of ou● 1. Pet. 2 lorde Iesu Chryste / whiche thorough his habundant mercy hat● begotten vs agayne into lyuyng● hope by the resurrection of Irs● Christ from deth / for to enioye a●●heritan̄ce that neuer corrupteth● wherfore in all thynges it beca● ●ebr 2 hym to be made lyke vnto his br●thern that he might be a mercyfu● and a faythfull Bysshop in thyn●ges concernīg god / for to forgyu● the synnes of the people How great is the mercy of th● ●c 17. lorde / andhis pardon / to all tha● to urne to him Tourne ye vnto your lorder go● Iohe 2 for he is kynde● mercyfull / pacien● and of great pyte / and forgetful of malyce whiche only hath preserued yo● 1. ●● 20 from all your harmes troubles Approche ye vnto him / and be Ps 34 Illumined / and your faces shal nat be shamed Tourne therfore you synners / Tob. 15 ●o tustyce in the syght of god / and beleue y● he hath shewed his mercy vnto you your lorde god id holy and mercyfull / whiche 2 pa. 50 wyll nat tourne his face away from you / if ye wyll reuerte vnto him It is good and acceptable in the 1 Tim 2 syght of god our sautoue / whyche wolde haue all men saued / and to come vnto y● know ege of the tru the / for ther is one god and one me by at or betwen god and man / that is Iesu Chryste / the man whiche gaue him selfe a raunsome for all men For we haue nat a Bysshop that Hebr. ● is vnable to haue compassyon on our in fyrmytes / but he was tempted in all thynges / in lyke maner / but yet without synne / let vs go therfore boldly vnto the throne of his grace / that we maye optay● mercy / and fynde fauour in tyn● of nede For he is able to saue euerlasti● Heb.
the blode of his crosse with what so euer that was either in heuen or in erth For he hath borne our synnes 1 Pet. 2 with his body vpon a tree / to then tent that we shulde be dead / as cōcernyng synne / and shulde lyue in ryghtwysnes Chryst dyed ones for our synnes 1. pet 3 ryghtuous for the vuryghtuous / for to offre vs vnto god mortifyed in flesshe / but reuyued in spiryte He doth purge vs frō all synne 1 Iohn 1 by the blode of Ihesu Chryste his sonne / if we saye that we be without synne / we do deceyue our owne selues / and the truth is nat in vs. If we knowlege our synnes / he 1. Io. 2 is faythful and iust to forgyue vs our synnes / and to clense vs frō al vnryghtuousnes My lytle chyldren / these thynges 1. Io. 2 wrytte I vnto you / the ye shuld nat synne / and if any man synne / yet haue we an aduocate with the father Iesu Christ which is right wise / he it is that optayneth grace for our synnes / nat for our synnes only / but also for the synnes of all the worlde Chyldren I wrytte vnto you / how that your sinnes ar forgiuen for his names sake For there is no differēce / all he Rom ● ue synned / and do lacke the prayse that is of value before god / we are iustified frely by his grace thrugh the redempty on that is in Chryste Iesu / whom god hath made a sea te of mercy through fay the in his blode / to shew the ryghtwysnes / whiche before him is of valour in that he forgyueth the synnes that ar passed / whiche god dyd suffre to shewe at this tyme the ryghtwysnes that is alowed of him / that he myght be counted iust and a rustyfier of hī that beleueth in the faith of Iesu Christ God hath wrapped all nacions Ro. 11. in vnbeleue / to the entent that he might haue mercy on al / o the depnes of thabūdāt wysdome know lege of god / how in conprchensyble ar his iugementes / his wais vnsorcheable The scripture hath wrapped al Gala. 3 thynges vnder synne / that the promyse shulde be fulfylled vnto all the do beleue in the faythe of Ihesu Christ By whom we haue redemption Ephe. 1 through his blode / that is to saye the forgyuenes of synnes accordyng to the rychesse of his grace / whiche he hathe shed on vs aboūdantly in all wysdome prudēce which is the ernest of our inherytaunce / to redeme the possession purchased vnto the laude of hys glorye For through him we both haue Ephe. 2 an open way in / in one spyryte vnto the father In whom we haue cōfydence / ● away open in a surety / through the fayth of heuen He entred ones for all into the Hebr. 9 holy place / and founde eternall redemptyon Chryst was offred to wasshe away the synnes of many Thankes be vnto god whych 1 Cor 15 hath gyuen vs vyctorye / through our lorde Iesu Chryste The which Iesu he hath reysed 1. The. 1 vp from the dead / which hath delyuered vs from the vengeaūce that is to come For god hath nat apoynted vs 1. The. ● vnto wrath / but to obtaīe helth by the meane of our lorde Iesu christ whiche dyed for vs / that whether we wake or slepe / we shulde liue togyder with hym For if we lyue to the lorde / we Ro. 14 lyue / and if we dye vnto the lorde we dye / therfore whether we do lyue or dye / we be the lordes It is a faythfull worde worthy 1. Tib. 1 to be alowed that Christ Iesu cam īto this worlde for to saue sinners The lawe was gyuen by Moyses Iohn 1 but grace and truthe cam by Iesu Chryste ye know that ye were nat redemed 1. Pet. 1 with corruptyble golde or siluer / but with the precious blod of Chryst / as of a lambe vndefyled without spotte / which was ordeyned before the worlde was made Grace be with you peas from Sala 1 god the father / and from our lorde Ihesu Christe / whiche gaue him selfe for our synnes / to delyuer vs from this present euyll worlde Our lorde Iesu christ him selfe 2 The 2 and god our father whiche hathe loued vs and hath gyuen vs euerlastyng consolation / and good hope through grace / conforte your hertes / stably she you in all good sayeng and doyng which hath delyuered vs frō the Col. 1. power of derkenesse / hath translated vs into the kingdome of his dere sone in whō we haue redemption through his blode / that is to wyt forgyuenes of synnes And whā ye were deed in synne Colo. 2 by the vncircūsition of your flessh he quickened you / and hath forgyuen vs our trespasses / hath cancelled the obligation y● was agaist vs / made in the lawe wrytten Heb 10 Seyng brother that by the meanes of chrysts blod / we may be bolde to entre into that holy place / by the newe lyuyng way / through this vale / that is to witte / by his fleshe / and seing also that we haue an hyghe preest / whiche is ruler ouer the house of god / let vs draw nere with a true herte / in a ful fayth Come and let vs ascende vnto the Esa 2. mounte of the lorde god / of Iacob and he shal teache vs his wayes / let us walke after his steppes Be nat aferde / beholde I bring Luc. 2. you tidīges of gret Ioyc that shal come vnto all the people / for vnto you is borne this dayne in the cyte of Dauyd / a sauiour / whyche is christ the lorde / glory vnto god on high / and peace on the erthe / and vnto men that reioyse Feare uat Marye / thou hast Luc. 1. founde grace with god / lo / thou shalt conceyue in thy wombe / and shalt beare a sonne / and thou shalt call his name Iesus / he shal be great / shal be called the sōne of the higest / And the lorde god shal gyue vnto him the seat of Dauyd his father / and he shal reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer / of his kigdom shal be none ende The holy gost shal come vpon the / and the power of the highest shall ouer shadowe the / for with god shall nothige be Impossyble Blessed be the lorde god of Israell / for he hath vysyted and redemed his people And hath raysed vp the horne of helthe vnto vs / in the house o● his seruaunte Dauyd Euen as he promysed by th● mouth of his holy prophetes / wh●che were syns the worlde begon That we shuld be preserued frōour● ●nt enemyes / and from the hades of all that hate vs. To shew merci toward our faders ● for to remēbre his holy promyse That