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A67808 Crooked pathes made straight: or, The wayes of God made knowne to lost sinners, or bewildered saints Wherein is represented the severall conditions of a Christian in the spirit, as hee growes up out of weaknesse into strength, through death into life eternall. By Anne Yemans. Yemans, Anne. 1648 (1648) Wing Y30A; ESTC R222187 125,255 256

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laying them clearly open by the appearance of himselfe in us and as he breaks open the seals to us there are great earth-quakes Heb. 12.26 27. Yet once more I shake not only the earth but also heaven And this word yet once more signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remaine The Lord when hee appeareth in us doth not only make the earth quake at his presence which is all things that doth appeare to us to be below God whatsoever it be but also heavenly things all glorious things which are of Anti-christ which is like heaven and doth appeare to us to be heaven but this shall be shaken by the appearing of Jesus Christ in us and those things that cannot be shaken which are of Jesus Christ they shall remaine but all things that are not of him shall fall and shall appeare to us to be but earth or flesh as bad as the kilel of the flesh grosse sinne and wickednesse I doe not meane the flesh of our bodies nor this earth that we dwell upon but there are two kinds of seeds of the Devil in us that grosse seed which bringeth forth sinne in us is called earth the first man was of the earth earthly as is the earthly such are they that are earthly That which is not of God is said to be of Satan which is called earth and so farre as we have this earthly seed appearing in us so far we are of the earth earthly then there is that seeming glorious seed of himselfe in us which is our righteousnesse and that seemes to be like the wayes of God and therefore it is called heaven but it is but of the earth and is earthly this is called the first man the second man is Christ and he is heavenly 1 Cor. 15. The first man is of the earth ●arthly the second man is the Lord from hea●en as is the earthly such are they that are ●arthly and as is the heavenly such are they ●lso that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the ●mage of the heavenly Now this I say brethren ●hat flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdome ●f God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption That which is of Satan which is called ●lesh and blood and earth and corruption ●hall not inherit the Kingdome of God for this ●shmael shall not be heir with Isaac so at the ●ppearing of God in us there will be a great ●arth-quake when the mountaine of the Lord which is Christ comes to be established atop of the mountaines of Anti-christ For thou ●ast said in thy heart I will ascend into heaven 〈◊〉 will exalt my throne above the Stars of God I will sit upon the mount of the Congregation I will ●scend above the heights of the clouds I will be ●ike the most High Isa 14.13 14. The voyce ●f my beloved behold he commeth leaping upon the ●ountains and skipping upon the hills Cant. 2.8 Whether the hils or mountaines though they ●e never so high that is not of himself what●oever it be in us whether high or great sinnes ●r our righteousnesse hee will tread them all under his feete and triumph over them all and this mount makes the whole earth filen● before him both outward and inward and make them quake Revel 6.12 13 14. And 〈◊〉 beheld when he had opened the sixth seale and lo●● there was a great earth-quake and the Sunne became blacke as a sacke-cloath of haire and th● Moone became as blood And the starres of heaven fell unto the earth even as a figge-tree casteth he● untimely figges when she is shaken of a mighty winde And the Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountaine and Island were moved out of their places Mat. 24.29 Immediately after those dayes shal● the Sun be darkened and the Moon shall not giv● her light and the stars shall fall from heaven the powers of heaven shall be shall be shaken And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man is heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the eart● mourne and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds with power and great glory Here is speaking of Christs comming to judgement The comming of Christ to judgement is both outward and inward spirituall● in the mystery and at the opening of the sixt●● seale here is the first resurrection for after th● Sunne is darkned and the Moone not give he● light then shall Christ appeare in his glory i● us he is come to this spirituall judgement i● us and by his glorious appearance he makes the Sun to appeare as black as a sack-cloath of haire and the Moone to be like blood But while the first Heaven is departed away his glory doth not appear in us for the first heaven hinders us from seeing the glory of Christ the Sun is that whereby we see for that is light it selfe and giveth light to us and by that light that we receceive from the Sun we see the Sun and that light that the Moone hath she receiveth it from the Sun it is the same light infused into the Moon but it doth not appeare so glorious as the Sun for the Sun is the fulnesse of light and the Moon partakes of it all but is not able to containe it all but is filled with the light and glory of it and the starres have that light that they shine withall from the Sun and is the same with the Moone and they give a bright cleare and glorious light yet not so full and great a light as the Moone doth for they are not able to contain it and this typifieth out to us Christ and his Church and every particular Saint for Christ is the Sunne and the Church the Moone and the Saints the Starres Now where the Church of God is there is also the church of Anti-christ and the light that shee hath is infused after the same manner and all in us and both these lye together that as we are men and women we doe not know one light from the other but when Christ doth appeare to us in his pure light then the light of the sun of Anti-christ in us will appear as blacke as sack-cloath of hair and that moone the Church of Anti-christ will appeare like blood being a bloody persecuter of the Church of God and the starres of Anti-christ will also fall for being that sun is darkened whereby the starres receiveth their light they must fall and that heavenly and glorious appearance of Anti-christ shall depart as a scroll when it is rolled together And then every mountain and Island shall be moved out of their places for now is the day of the Lord come to render vengeance on all things in us that knowes not God Now is the time of the destruction of Anti-christ come and he is not able to stand against
in the booke of the Law to them Gal. 3.10 Deut. 27.26 Exod. 20. 〈◊〉 the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting t●● niquity of the Fathers upon the children unto third and fourth generation of them that hate And the Lord hath too pure an eye to beh● iniquity there is not any thing that is an● my to God but the Devill and sin 1 Job He that committeth sin is of the Devill for Devill sinneth from the beginning And as l●● as ye commit sinne the Devill is your Fat John 8.44 Ye are of your Father the De●● and the lusts of your father you will doe and thou art the servant to the Devill Rom. 6. Know ye not to whom ye yeild your selves serv● to obey his servants ye are to whom you obey 〈◊〉 ther of sin unto death or of obedience unto ri●● ●esse And vers 20. When ye were the servants ●●n ye were free from righteousnesse Vers 23. 〈◊〉 wages of sinne is death And if thou enter●e sinne in thy heart the Lord will not hear 〈◊〉 prayer The Lord is the searcher of hearts ●d hee knowes the wickednesse of thy heart ●d thou must give account for every idle ●ught therefore you must search and exa●●e you throughly of all your sinnes and 〈◊〉 truly humbled for every sinne But many ●en God shewes them their sins it is too te●us to them they cannot beare it they ●uld fain have comfort administred to them ●t we have no such warrant from God till we 〈◊〉 you throughly humbled for your sins wee ●●st not daube you up with untemper'd mor●● but doe to you as a skilfull Surgeon doth ●a dangerous wound search it to the quick ●●d you must endanger it if you meane to be ●red For if we tell you of mercy before you ●e throughly humbled this will heale your ●unds without but they will ranckle with●●● and that is the reason your comforts so be and flow We are Christs Embassadours and we must ●e the message of Christ which is the deli●●ring the Doctrine of Christ and ye shall find at we preached the Law and Judgement to ●ing them in to repent Mat. 11.21 22 23 24. Then hee began to upbraid the Cities wher● most of his mighty workes were done because 〈◊〉 repented not Woe unto thee Chorazin 〈◊〉 unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty wor● which have been done in you had been done in T●● and Sidon they would have repented long 〈◊〉 in sack-cloath and ashes But I say unto you shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at day of judgement than for you And thou 〈◊〉 pernaum which art exalted unto heaven sh● be brought downe to hell For if the mighty wor● which have beene done in thee had beene done Sodome it would have remained untill this d●● But I say unto you that it shall be more tolera● for the land of Sodome in the day of judgem●●● than for thee Luke 13.3 Except yee repent 〈◊〉 shall all likewise perish And when you are thus throughly humble then there is mercie offered you Mat. 11.2 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy 〈◊〉 den and I will give you rest Take my yoke up you and learne of mee for I am meeke and lo●● in heart and ye shall find rest for your soules 〈◊〉 my yoke is easie and my burthen is light Jer. 2● 11 12 13. For I know the thoughts that I thi● towards you saith the Lord thoughts of peace a● not of evill to give you an expected end Th● shall ye call upon me and ye shall goe and pray un● me and I will hearken unto you And ye sh●● ●●eke me and finde me when ye shall search for ●e with all your heart Jer. 33.8 And I will canse them from all their iniquity whereby they ●●ve sinned against mee and whereby they have ●ansgressed against me Psalm 103.8 9. 111. 〈◊〉 13. The Lord is mercifull and gracious slow anger and plenteous in mercy He will not ●●wayes chide neither will he keepe his anger for ●er He hath not dealt with us after our sinnes ●r rewarded us according to our iniquities For 〈◊〉 the heaven is high above the earth so great is ●s mercie to them that feare him As farre as the ●ast is from the West so far hath he removed our ●ansgressions from us Like as a Father pittieth 〈◊〉 children so the Lord pittieth them that feare ●im And vers 3. He forgiveth all thine iniqui●●es hee healeth all thy diseases Amo● 5.4 Thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel Seeke 〈◊〉 me and ye shall live And many other pla●es of Scripture to this purpose might be cited ●ut these places are sufficient to shew you what sad condition you are in so long as you con●●nue in your sins and how mercifull the Lord 〈◊〉 if you returne unto him with all your heart ●nd be truly humbled and walke in a new ourse of life Exod. 20.6 Shewing mercy unto ●housands of them that love me and keep my Com●andements Thus they are able to lay open thy wounds and make them bigger and in stead of p●ring in the precious balsome of the Church Christ which will cure thy wounds t● powre in brine to terrifie thee and they thee upon duties and tell thee thou must thus and thus qualified before thou comme● Christ but they will not nor cannot thee how thou must come to be thus qualifi●● for they will tell thee all thy righteousnesse i● filthy rags When thou hearest these things thou a●● great deal more troubled then ever thou wa● thou art now at thy wits end and even rea●● to despair thou canst see nothing but sin a●● if thou couldst repent and walke in a n●●● course of life then there was hopes of mer●● but thou findest thou canst not doe it the●fore thou conciudest there is no mercy 〈◊〉 thee therefore thou art sore troubled a●● knowst not what to doe Thou seest the Lo●● angry with thee for thy sins and thinkst th●● all the afflictions that comes upon thee is 〈◊〉 judgement of the Lord for thy sinnes the thinkest thy selfe to be a damned reproba●●● quite empty of all goodnesse and expect●● daily some fearefull judgement to fall up●● thee for thy sinnes Oh thinkst thou if 〈◊〉 wrath of God lay so heavy upon Christ th● made him to cry out My God my God why b●●●● 〈◊〉 forsaken me and he having no sin Matth. 〈◊〉 46. For if they doe these things in a greene 〈◊〉 what shall be done in a dry tree Luke 23. And if the righteous scarcely be saved where all the sinner and ungodly appeare 1 Pet. 4.18 ●en thou thinkest I shall surely be damned ●●en the Devill tempts thee to lay violent ●●nds on thy selfe and many times thou art ●dy to doe it but that the Lord prevents it ●●d the Ministers sees thee in such a despairing ●●ndition they tell thee thou must believe ●●at the Lord hath done these and these things 〈◊〉 thee And if thou wilt lay hold
but in Christ which is the fountaine and these streames ebbe and flow according to the wisdome of God And so long as thou dost live upon these streames thy comforts ebbe and flow with the streames but the Lord did not send these streames of his love to thee that thou shouldst live upon them and build thy comforts upon them but he lets these streames of his love sometimes flow forth in thee to keepe thee from despairing and at other times with-draws the sense and feeling of it that thou shouldst not Idolize them but looke up higher and see Chris● who is thy full happinesse and he unchange●ble I am God I change not therefore ye Sonn● of Jacob are not consumed We have thought God to be changeable li●● our selves when we performed duties he w●● well pleased with us and when we fell into f●● hee was angry with us and when wee ha●● thought God angry with us wee have kep● from him and durst not goe to him Isa 5● 7 8 9. Let The wicked forsake his way and 〈◊〉 unrighteous man his thoughts and let him r●turne unto the Lord and he will have mercy up●● him and to our God for he will abundantly pa●don For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your wayes my wayes saith the Lord. F●● as the heavens are higher than the earth so are ●●wayes higher than your wayes and my though● than your thoughts You must forsake your owne thoughts 〈◊〉 God you have thought him to be changeab●● like your selfe and his wayes like yours b●● you must doe so no more For his though● are thoughts of peace and love and good wi●● Jer. 31.3 I have loved thee with an everlasti● love His love is unchangeable love for wh● he loves he loves to the end Is God unchange●ble this is exceeding comfortable to the ch●●dren of God this will encourage them not 〈◊〉 be troubled though they cannot performe duties alwayes alike sometimes wee cannot pray we want words to speak to God But the Spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought But the Spirit it selse maketh intercessian for us with groanes which cannot be uttered And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth the minde of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God Rom. 8.26 27. What little cause haft thou to be troubled though thou carest not pray when the Spirit of God prays for thee to the Father and Christ hee hath prayed for thee John 17. And he makes intercession for thee 1 John 2.1 And it is impossible but that the prayers of Christ and the Spirit will be granted for the Father will not denie Christ anything And in Christ thou art very neare and deare to him and he is very tender and carefull over thee and will do any thing for thee which is for thy good Hee will not keep backe anything from thee which he sees is for his glory thy good in his time but thou must waite his time and a waiting condition is a happy condition And it is hee that makes thee to waite Isa 40.29 30 31. Hee giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he encreaseth strength Even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall But they that waite upon th● Lord shall renew their strength they shall moun● up with wings as Eagles they shall runne and no● be weary and they shall walke and not faint Thus I have shewed you what it is to stan●● still CHAP. IV. How Christ makes a way through the Red Sea o● his owne blood which he hath shed for thy sinnes for thee to passe out of the spirituall Land of Aegypt into the spirituall Land of Canaan GOd made man in his owne Image Gen. 1 27. He being without sin and in a glorious condition and he knew God and there was nothing to hinder his communion with God He saw God as he was and he had a clear enjoyment of him for he saw God with a spirituall eye and he was what God would have him to be and willing to be at the disposing of God then was no complaints made o● him and God planted a garden Gen. 2.8 9. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for foode the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evill The Lord placed Adam there in the glorious place that was upon the earth suitable to his condition there was all things that his heart could wish or desire Vers 16 17. And the Lord God commanded the man saying Of every tree of the Garden thou maist freely eate but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evill thou shalt not eate of it for in the day thou eatest of it thou shalt surely die The man and the woman were in a glorious condition so long as they continued thus both in spirituall and temporall things So their happinesse was upon condition for so long as they forbore eating of the tree of knowledg of good and evill they continued in this happinesse but if they eate of it thou should surely dye And the Devill envied mans happy condition and he enters into the Serpent and came to the woman and said Yea hath God said ye shall not eate of every tree of the Garden And the Woman said unto the Serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said ye shall not eate of it neither shall ye touch it lest ye die And the Serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die For God doth know that in the day ye eate thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evill And when the woman saw that the tree was good for foode and that it was ple●sant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to ma●● one wise shee tooke of the fruit thereof and di● eate and gave also to her husband with her an● he did eate Gen. 3.1 2 3 4 5 6. Here the Devill came and accused God t● the Woman hath God said ye shall not eate of every tree of the Garden For God doth know● that in the day that yee eate thereof then your eye shall be opened and you shall be as Gods knowin● good and evill As if he should say if God di● love you he would not have barr'd you fro● eating of the fruis of that tree whereby yo●● should become as Gods to know good and evill He had better have barr'd thee from all the othe● things in the garden then from this therefore his barring of thee from this thing whic● is so good for thee may make thee questio● his love to thee in all other things An● though he said ye shall dye it ye
and ●e drinks of it and this wine is the fruit of this ●ine Christ and whosoever hee giveth this ●ine too to drinke of it it goeth downe very sweetly and causeth the lips of them that are asleep to speak before Christ appeareth in us we are asleep as the Spouse was Cant. 5.2 in a dead an drowsie condition but now we shall be roused up and speak forth the praise of our beloved Cant. 8.2 I would cause thee to drinke of spiced wine of the juice of the pomegranates This is the fruit that groweth in this garden and it is for our beloved to feast himselfe upon and he saith I have eaten drank and do take great delight in this feast because thou art with me and do you eate and drinke abundantly with me for it is my delight to have you feasted for they are prepared for you and this feast is our love feast for it is our marriage feast and it is my love that you are to feed upon and doe not spare but eate and drinke abundantly of it and be drunke with it for there is more love yet behind than you can see and it is all for you and this love will make you fruitfull for by the love of God to us we bring forth fruits to God This will make us that we shal be neither barren nor unfruitfull here is the Church of God in the glory of Christ and married to Christ and is one with God in Christ and fits in heavenly places in Christ Jesus Ephes 2.6 And is feasted with Christ Jesus and he is feasted with her and she appeareth glorious in his glory CHAP. XX. A new Song sung unto God WHen we come to see what God hath done for us in Christ Jesus how hee hath destroyed this Babylon in us and hath bound Satan and swallowed up the vaile that hindered us from seeing him and we come to see him and see what we are in him and how wee are marryed to him There will be much joy and rejoycing for the destruction of our spirituall enemie for joy of the marriage of the Lamb and the Saints The finger of God will play upon the wel-stringed instrument of mus●que which is the Spirit of God in us playing heavenly tunes and new songs that we never sung before For first there is a rejoycing for the manifestation of the love of God to us in Christ He hath made us Kings Priests to God and his Father and we shall reigne with him for ever And I heard a great voyce out of heaven saying Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be with them and be their God And God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more paine for the former things are passed away Rev. 21.3 4. The cause of our crying and mourning either for spirituall or for outward things is because we doe not clearely see God what he is to us and that all that he doth to us is in love and that hee will have his owne time to bring to passe his own will in his owne way both spirituall and temporall for the glory of his Name and for our good when we come to be really sensible of this then wee shall see that wee have no cause of mourning then shall our teares be wiped from our eyes Rejoyce ye with Jerusalem and be glad with her all ye that love her rejoyce for joy with her all yee that mourne for her Isa 66.10 For behold I create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembred nor come into mind But be you glad and rejoyce for ever in that which I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoycing her people a joy And I will rejoyce in Jerusalem and joy in my people and the voyce of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voyce of crying Isa 65.17 18 19. And the Lord will cause righteousnesse and praise to spring forth before all the Nations and I will direct their work in truth I will make 〈◊〉 everlasting Covenant with them And their seed shall he known among the Gentiles and their off-spring among the people All that see them shall acknowledg them that they are the seede which the Lord hath blessed I will greatly rejoyce in the Lord my soul shall be joyfull in my God for be hath cloathed me with the garments of salvation hee hath covered me with the robe of righteousnesse as a Bride-groom decketh himselfe with ornaments as a Bride adorneth her self with jewels everlasting joy shall be unto them Isa 61. As there are new manifestations of God in us so there will be new songs of joy and rejoycing in the Lord. And I heard a voyce from heaven as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of a great thunder and I heard the voyce of harpers harping with their harps And they sang as it were a new song before the Throne and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand which were redeemed from the earth Rev. 14.2 3. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his marke and over the number of his name stand on the sea of glasse having the harps of God And they sung the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb saying great and marvellous are thy workes Lord God Almighty Just and true are thy wayes thou King of Saints Who shall not feare thee O Lord and glorifie thy Name for thou only art holy for all Nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest Revel 15.2 3 4. This sea of glasse is Christ and none can stand upon him but the Saints for it is too slippery for any other to stand upon it for they will fall and this fire that is mingled with this glasse will burn them up but here the Saints stand with joy singing a new song and rejoycing in the Lord exceedingly the joy is beyond expression none can know it but they that have the enjoyment of it to see and know that Christ hath overcome and destroyed all our spirituall enemies in us for he hath thrown down Babylon in us And after these things I heard a great voyce of much people in heaven saying Allelujah salvation and glory and honour and power be unto the Lord our God For true and righteous are his judgments for he hath judged the great Whore which did corrupt the Earth with her fornication and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand And again they said Allelujah and her smoak rose up for ever and ever And the four and twenty Elders and the four beasts fell downe and
how for sins of ignorance And ch 6. there is a sacrifice to be offered for sins willingly And c. 16. there is what is to be offered for the sins of the Priest and how and so along that booke it speaks much of sacrifices for the sins of the people Heb. 9.22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission So Christe blood was the Red Sea that they did passe through to come out of their spirituall bondage which they had brought themselves in by obeying the Devill And they saw him darkly through sacrifices and ordinances and ceremonies which were but shadowes of things to come but the substance is Christ and they were not to depend upon their sacrifices but upon Christ It pleased the Lord to lead them in this dark way shewing himselfe to them by degrees as was most to his glory yet there was more light shewed to them then was revealed before them in the Prophets There he shewes himselfe clearly to them what he would doe for them and what he was to them and his exceeding great love to them which in the fulnesse of time he did come and performe it Thus they waited a long time having but a little hope of him still looking for his comming in the flesh and desiring his comming and yet willing to wait his time And at the the last he did come and finish all things for the salvation of their soules and made full satisfaction to his Father for all sins and not for theirs only but for the sins of the whole world for all that was from Adam to the end of the world Man had sinned therefore man must suffer and it must be one that was without sin for one that had sinne could not make satisfaction neither could man as man but it must be God in man or else he could not make satisfaction to God and it must be man too or else he could not suffer so he must be a middle person betwixt God and man that must make satisfaction to God for man So God sent his only Sonne out of his bosome to take our nature upon him and he was able to make full satisfaction to his Father for all man-kind at once So the Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all Isa 53.6 God hath laid our sins upon Christ and he was willing to take them so our sinnes being laid upon Christ he is become the debter and we are set at liberty our sins are all laid upon Christ so God requires the full debt to be paid alone by him He hath nothing to say or doe against us because Christ hath undertaken to make full satisfaction to God for us and he cannot nor will not require it of Christ and us too 2 Cor. 5.18 19 21. All things are of God who hath reconciled us to himselfe by Jesus Christ God was in Christ reconcising the world unto himselfe not imputing their trespasses unto them For he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him Isa 53.4 5. Surely hee hath born our griefes and carried our sorrows yet we did esteeme him stricken smitten of God and afflicted But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with hi● stripes we are healed so all along that chapte● it speaks what Christ suffered for us Hos 13 14. I will ransome them from the power of th● grave I will redeeme them from death O death I will be thy plagues O grave I will be thy destruction repentance shall bee hid from mine eye● 1 Cor. 15.54 55 56 57. Death is swallowe● up in victory O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory The sting of death is sin an● the strength of sinne is the Law But thanks 〈◊〉 to God which giveth us the victory through o●● Lord Jesus Christ In Hosea he saith I wil 〈◊〉 it it is he alone that will doe it but now he● tel you 't is already done Death is swallow● up in victory and this is the death that is spoken of in Gen. 2.17 And Christ hath gotte● victory over it for us Hee is made perfect 〈◊〉 us through suffering he was perfect in himselfe before but not for us but now he 〈◊〉 perfect for us I shall shew you how Chri●● was made perfect for us through suffering 〈◊〉 was made perfect for us 3. wayes First By the fulfilling of the whole La● for us Secondly By making full satisfaction f●● the sins of the world Thirdly He hath purchased of his Fath●● all things both spirituall and temporall for us I shall shew you of the two first and let the other alone till afterwards For the first Christ hath fulfilled the whole Law for us Man was commanded to doe it and there was a great curse lay upon him if he did not doe it Cursed is every one that doth not all things that are written in the book of the Law Gal. 3.10 For whosoever shall keepe the whole Law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all Jam. 2.10 And man he could not doe it so Christ he comes and performes the whole law perfectly for us Mat. 5.17 Thinke not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill For verily I say unto you till heaven and earth passe one jot or tittle shall in no wise passe from the Law till all be fulfilled And Christ is the end of the Law for righteousnesse to every one that believeth and he hath fulfilled every jot and tittle of the Law for us for he did undertake to fulfill the whole Law for us to purchase a perfect righteousnesse for us by his fulfilling the Law for us It behoves us saith Christ to fulfill all righteousnesse And which of you can taxe me of sin so his righteousnesse is a perfect righteousnesse there is not any imperfection in it the Lord hath not any thing to say against it and this is for us Christ our righteousnesse 1 Cor. 1.30 Ye are in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption Thus Christ hath fulfilled the whole Law for us Now I shall shew you how Christ hath made full satisfaction to his Father for our sins and that he did by suffering the whole wrath of God for the sins of the whole world I have a baptisme to be baptized withall and how am I streightned till it be accomplished which was his suffering He was to drinke off that bitter cup of the whole wrath of God wrung out by the hand of Gods vengeance to drink the dregs of it for our sinnes that was laid upon him And now you shall see how Christ complaines of this wrath of God that lay so heavy upon him John 12.27 Now is my soule
to him for righteousnesse For the promise that he should be the heire of the world was not given to Abraham or to his seed through the Law or his righteousnesse that hee had obtained by the workes of the Law but through the righteousnesse of faith for if they that are of the Law be heires faith is made voyd and the promise is made of no effect for the law causeth wrath because we cannot keep it for where no Law is there is no transgression it is the Law that discovers sinne unto us Romans 7.7 therefore it is by faith that it might come by grace Rom. 3.23 13 14 15.16 For by faith the righteousnes of God is revealed from faith to faith as it is written The just shall live by faith Rom. 1.17 Know that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we I say have beleeved in Iesus Christ that wo might be justified by the faith of Christ and no● by ●he works of the Law because that by the work● of the Law no flesh shall be justifie Galat. 2.16 If there had been a law given which could have given life surely righteousnesse should have been b● the Law but the Scripture hath concluded all under sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be given to them that beleeve but before faith came we were kept under the Law an● shut up unto the faith which should afterwards 〈◊〉 revealed wherefore the Law was our Schoolmast●● to bring us to Christ that we might be made rig●teous by faith but that after faith is come we 〈◊〉 no longer under a Schoolmaster Galat. 3.21 22 23 24 25. Now the Law is not our School master to bring us to Christ for Christ●come and the Ministers ought to preach t● a●l people what Christ hath done for then that they might beleeve and how can they belee●● in him of whom they have not heard Rom. 1● 14. They must fi●st heare what he hath do●● for them before they can beleeve and Chri●● hath commanded his Apostles and Discipl●● to preach the Gospel to all Matth. 28 1● and what is the Gospel but glad tidings 〈◊〉 peace and good things Rom. 10.15 How beautifull upon the mountaines are the feet him that declareth and publisheth peace th● declareth good tidings and publisheth sal●tion saying to Sion Thy God reigneth Isai 5● They are to publish and make knowne to all ●orts of people what Christ hath done for ●hem how he hath made peace with God for ●hem in taking upon him all their sinnes and making full satisfaction for them and hath wrought a perfect salvation for them and 〈◊〉 perfect righteousnes for them and all things ●s already finished for them Iohn 19.30 and ●ll things are ready come to the marriage Matth. 22.4 that Christ hath made all ●hings ready for us there is nothing to be ●one by us for our salvation but for us to ●ome to him and he will give us all things ●reely and he will teach us all things and ●ead us in the way that we should walk in for 〈◊〉 am the Way saith Christ the Truth and the Life no man cometh to the Father but by me Iohn ●46 As soon as Christ was born there was an Angel came and declared to the Shepheards in ●he field and said to them Be not afrayd for ●●bold I bring you glad tidings of great joy that ●hall be to all people that is that unto you is born 〈◊〉 Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luke 2.10 ●1 God sent his Angell to declare this to the ●hepheards that they should declare it to others And this shewes unto us that those ●hat God hath made known his love unto by ●heir enjoyment of it they must make it ●nown to others that they also may be partakers of it and the Angel fell a praising God aying Glory be to God in the high heavens an● peace in earth and good will towards men at th● 14. verse Christ being born into the world was ●●ceeding to Gods glory and by his comi●● he hath made it known to us that he is glorified and he hath made our peace with God and hath made known to us that he is at pea● with us what love and good will God had to us in Christ and the Angel could doe n● other but declare this that all might kno● this and beleeve And this is the Gospel th● Christ hath commanded should be preache● and his Apostles did preach it and Paul saith there is a constraint laid on me woe be to 〈◊〉 if I preach not the Gospel I am not ashamed● the Gospel of Iesus Christ for it is the power 〈◊〉 God to salvation to every one that beleeveth T●● comes with power and overcomes the chiefe● sinners as it did Paul to heare of the love 〈◊〉 God to them and what Christ hath done a●● suffered for them and hath obtained a pardo● of his Father for them and calls every one t● come to him and receive their pardon of hi● This will worke more upon them then 〈◊〉 preach the law and judgements to them a● tell them that God is angry with them th● drives them from Christ and the messenge● of Christ must doe the message of Christ and not any thing to drive them from Christ but to set them on beleeving in Christ So now ye may see that the Law is not now our Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ now Christ is come the law must not be preached to us except it be to tell us how Christ hath fulfilled it for us but to tell us that we must doe thus and thus or else God will not doe thus and thus for us what is this but to be justified by the workes of the law and in so doing they make God a liar and take the honour from God and give it to themselves for we are wholly justified by faith alone and not by works and it is not our faith that justifies us but it is the faith of Jesus Christ Know that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have beleeved in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ Galat. 2.16 and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Sonne of God Gal. 2.20 By grace are ●e saved through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of Gad not of workes lest any man should boast Ephes 2.8 9. It is not our faith that can justifie us if it could then should we boast that we are justified by our faith and ●o make our workes the cause of our justification but here Paul tels us that by grace we are saved that is by the grace of Christ for 〈◊〉 hath justified us freely by his grace throug● the redemption that is in Iesus Christ so it 〈◊〉 alone by Christ that we are redeemed saw and justified
towe is broken when it feeleth the fire And then sh●e tooke new ropes and bound him therewith that so the Philistines might destroy him him but he was so strong that they could not overcome him except hee were bound and there lay his enemies in wait to destroy him when they saw him bound but he brake the ropes from his arms like a threed Jud. 16.9 12. So doth Christ there is not any thing can bind him or hinder him from rising when his time is come Christ is called a fire ●ev 1.14 Heb. 12.29 It is the nature of fire to burn and consume all things that are not one with it so doth Christ to burn up that which hindereth us from seeing him and keepeth us from that sweete enjoyment of him which 〈◊〉 our sins and our righteousnesse so he comes with flames of fire to render vengeance on that 〈◊〉 us which knowes not but is an enemie to God and kept us from God but now Christ ●ill destroy these spirituall enemies hee will wallow them up in the victory of himself and ●urn up the drosse in us that keeps us from see●●g that pure gold so farre as he doth manifest ●imselfe in us he discovereth which is drosse ●nd which is gold for in thy light wee see light ●or we cannot discerne of our selves which is ●old which is the righteousnesse of Christ ●nd which is drosse which is our righteous●●sse but so farre as Christ doth discover this ●●osse to us he burns it up Christ is the foun●ation whereon this spiritual building is built ●●d all the building must be one and the same ●ith the foundation Now if any man build upon ●is foundation gold silver precious siones wood ●●y stubble Every mans works shall be made ma●ifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be ●●ealed by fire and the fire shall trye every mans ●●rke of what sort it is If any mans workes a●●de which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward If any mans workes shall be burnt be● shall suffer losse but he himselfe shall be saved ye● so as by fire 1 Cor 3.11 12 13 14 15. When the day doth appeare then it begin● to be light and that light maketh manifest al● things and this is Christ and hee being lik● fire he tries all the works of man yea thos● workes that are most excellent that appear● as glorious as gold and silver precious stone● they must be tryed and all that is not purel● of Jesus Christ and wrought by his Spiri● shall be burnt up by him as well as hay an● stubble which is sinne and wickednesse Psal● 50.3 Our God shall come and shall not keepe s●lence a fire sh●ll devoure before him and it sha● be very tempestuous round about him That the● our enemies shall not be able to stand again● him but he will destroy them by his coming so farre as he reveales himselfe in us for the● his enemies in us are now risen up against hi●● to destroy him Isa 9.5 For every battle of t●● Warriour is with confused noise and garments ro●●led in blood but this shall be with burning an● fewell of fire All the battles that the Devill comes again● Christ withall to overcome him is with confusion confuting and contradicting him that if wee were but able to discerne and ta●● notice of his weapons that he comes to destr●●● Christ withall would destroy himselfe but ●ll the Devils weapons are broken in pieces ●nd is fewell for this fire which is Christ and ●e will burne them up by degrees as he reveals ●imselfe in us and thus hee will destroy our ●pirituall enemies for us Mica 7.8 9 Rejoyce ●●t against me O mine enemie When I fall I shall rise when I sit in darkenesse the Lord shall be a ●ight unto mee I will beare the indignation of the ●ord because I have sinned against him untill hee ●●ead my cause and execute judgement for me he ●ill bring me forth to the light and I shall behold ●●is righteousnesse Then shee that is mine enemie ●hall see it and shame shall cover her which said ●nto me Where is the Lord thy God mine eyes ●hall behold her now shall she be troden downe as the mire of the streets The Church of God is called a woman Rev. 12.1 and Anti-christ is called a wom●n Revel 17.3 And when the Lord brings us forth to the light then wee shall see his righteousnesse then our adversary Anti-christ in the history and that is shee that doth outwardly oppose Christ and in the mystery which is our righteousnesse Christ will tread her under his foot Thus his arme shall save us from our enemies and destroy them for he is very tender over us that are his Spouse and beloved one And although wee are a great while oppressed with the Devill yet at the last Christ will come and make known to us how he hath overcome him for us Isa 27.1 2 3. In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing Serpent even Leviathan that crooked Serpent and he shall slay the dragon that is in the Sea In that day sing ye unto her A vineyard of red wine I the Lord doe keepe it I will water it every moment lest any hurt it I will keepe it night and day Which vine-yard is the Church of God and he keeps it as well in the night that is in our darke condition Hosea 11.3 I taught Ephraim also to goe taking them by the armes but they knew not that I healed them And I have led them but they knew it not And so he keeps it in that darke condition as well as in the day when he manifests himselfe to us so hee will open our eyes as we are Saints that we shall see the things that belongs to our peace Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened Isa 35.5 And the eyes of the blinde shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness Isa 29.18 So far as he revealeth himselfe to us we shall clearly see him and what he is to us when he opens our eyes and wee shall also heare him speak peace to us For the deafe eares shall be unstopped Isa 35.5 And in that day shall the deaf heare the words of that booke Isa 29.18 This ●ooke is that which is spoken of in Revel 5. ●nd I saw in the right band of him that sate on the ●hrone a booke written within and on the backe●●de sealed with seven seales And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voyce Who is wor●●y to open the booke and to loose the seales thereof And no man in heaven nor earth neither under the ●arth was able to open the booke neither to looke ●hereon Then the lion of the Tribe of Judah which ●as a Lamb that had been slain he was found ●orthy to open the booke ond to breake o●en the seales And hee came and tooke the booke ●●t of the right hand
is 〈◊〉 Ishmael that persecuted Isaac Object But ought wee not to punish open ●●etiques and blasphemers for if wee doe 〈◊〉 punish them they may seduce abundance ●eople and bring them into their blaspe●us wayes Answ All the way that ought to be used is the preaching of the Word which is the sword of God For the word of God is quick and powerfull and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soule and spirit and of the joynts and marrow and is 〈◊〉 discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart Heb. 4.12 And in Revel 1.16 speaking there of Christ it saith Out of his mouth wen● a sharpe two-edged sword which is the Gospel And it is the power of God to salvation Rom. 1● 16 And I saw another Angel flie in the midde● of heaven having the everlasting Gospel to preac● to them that dwell on the Earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people Sayin● with a loud voyce fear God and give glory to him for the houre of his judgement is come and worshi● him that made heaven and earth and the Sea an● the fountaines of waters And there followed another Angel saying Babylon is fallen is faller that great Citie because shee made all Nation drinke of the wine of the wrath of her fornication Rev. 14.6 7 8. Ye may see how powerfull the preaching 〈◊〉 the Gospel is to the destroying of errours Th●● is the sword of the Spirit which is the Word God Ephes 6.17 which is powerfull to the be●ting downe of all strong holds of Satan And it sharper than any two-edged sword and will destroy this great City Anti-christ and 〈◊〉 it downe to the ground for this will ●nt ●●nder all the joynts whereby it is joyned to●●ther and the very soule and spirit and ●●arrow of it whereby it doth live even the ●●y life of it shall be destroyed by the prea●ing of the Gospel for this doth find out the ●●undation of the building of Anti-christ and ●●ll it downe and the building will fall of it ●●fe and we are commanded to use this way ●●d the Apostles did use this way and no o●●er and they found it very beneficiall for by they were brought out of their errors and ●●re was daily abundance added to the ●●urch such as should be saved False doctrine ●●th not so much power to build up errours 〈◊〉 the Gospel of Jesus Christ hath power to ●●roy them if it be rightly preached and if 〈◊〉 goe any other way to worke in beating ●●ne errours it will not doe it though you ●●●secute them to the death it will make it ●●ead the more and make them that you per●●●te the more zealous for it I beseech you beloved take heed of these two ●●●gs of closing to all that we hear and buil●●●g upon it before God makes it truth to us ●his Spirit and of hating and persecuting 〈◊〉 which is not truth to you for it may be ●●●th though God hath not made it knowne to you therefore hate it not nor persecut● it lest you are found to persecute God Judg● not before the time but leave all to God fo● to him we stand or fall for that which is no● of God shall fall at the last But whatsoev●● you heare desire the Lord to teach you by h●● Spirit whether it be truth or no and wai●● upon God using the meanes as hearing a●● reading and the like but not depend upon 〈◊〉 but see God above it while hee doth please reveale himselfe to you and shew you what truth and whensoever he doth any time ma●● knowne any thing to you to be truth by su●●●cient grounds according to the word thou●●● it be never so sudaine that embrace and ●●tertaine and rejoyce at any manifestation the love of God to you Despise not the day small things and though you see others so●● higher in the enjoyments of God and in 〈◊〉 wayes of God than you yet be not troub●● at it nor doe not envy their condition 〈◊〉 he is the same to you as he is to them thou●● you see it not for the Lord saith he will fa●● Christ as a naile in a sure place and he shall be a glorious throne to his fathers house And shall hang upon him all the glory of his fathers h●● the off-spring and the issue all vessells of ●●quantity from the vessels of cups even to all vessels of flagons Isa 22.23 24. They all 〈◊〉 upon Christ even the small cups which are ●e lowest Saints as well as the flagons which ●e high On all the vessels in the house of the ●ord is a glorious one for it is Christ that ●akes them so and bee not troubled because ●ou seest many several opinions in the world ●or God is not limited to any one of them ●●r God hath and will reveal his whole mind ●o his Church but every particular one knows ●ut in part and opinions are but the shels ●t us not strive for them for wee cannot live ●pon them if wee have the kirnell it is suffici●●t which is Christ for he is the substance ●nd all things else are but shels to him and let 〈◊〉 be willing for him to lead us by his Spirit ●nd he will lead us in the right way and they ●hat are grown high Saints and have abun●ance of enjoyment let them not despise nor ●●dervalue those that are low There is all ●anner of growth of Saints among us and I ●peak to al sorts of you do not ūdervalue those ●hat are not as you are for we are all brethren 〈◊〉 Christ and so wee are to esteeme one ano●her if there by any appearance of godlinesse ●●●r my dove my undefiled is but one Cant. 6.9 Give no just occasion to any to scandall re●igion become low to those that are low yet speaking the truth but in such a way as they may plainly understand you doe not speake of high mysticall things to those that are very low except ye speak them forth in a very clear manner for being they cannot understand it they conclude it is heresie so by it religion comes to be scandaliz'd but this meate is too strong for babes they must be fed with milke as Paul did 1 Cor. 3.2 I have fed you with milk and not with meate for hitherto ye were not able to beare it Heb. 5.13 14. For every one that useth milke is unskilfull in the word of righteousnesse for he is a babe But strong meate belongeth to them that are of full age even those who by reason of use have their sences exercised to discern both good and evill .. So by degrees feede them as they are able to beare it and do not dishearten any though they are never so low for consider that once ye were low your selves therefore bear with their weakenesse and infirmities And beloved let not us make a rent or schisme in this body the Church of Christ let not the Presbytery despise those that they call
hither Rev. 4.12 After this I looked and behold a doore was open in heaven and the first voyce which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said Come up hither and I will shew thee things that must be hereafter And immediately I was in the Spirit and behold a Throne was set in heaven and one sate on the Throne And being in the Spirit he comes to see it then after hee hath showne himselfe to us he shows us Anti-christ which is called the great Whore because we all commit spirituall fornication with her and here is a carrying us up higher in the Spirit to see her And there came one of the seven Angels which had the seven Vials and talked with me and saying unto me Come hither I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carryeth her I will shew unto thee the judgement of the great Whore Rev. 17.17 And then after he hath shewed us the mysterie of the Whore and her destruction then he shews us the marriage of the Church to Christ in the mysterie in his glory And there came unto me one of the seven Angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying Come hither I will shew thee the Bride the Lambs wise And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountaine and shewed me that great Citie the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God Rev. 21.9 10 11. So we are carried up higher and hiher into God by the Spirit of God revealing the things of God in us and when the Spirit of God doth shew us God sitting upon his Throne in his glory in such a measure as we are enabled to see him then he shewes us Anti-christ in his glory or the Whore in her glory for it is one and the same as Christ and his Church is Christ being the head and his Church the body so Anti-christ which is the Devill transformed to an Angel of light is the head 2 Cor 11.14 and his seede in us all is the body which is called the Whore and she doth appeare very glorious And the woman was arraied in purple and scarlet-colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls Rev. 17.4 like the church of God the Lambs wife and without the Spirit of God doth shew us the difference betwixt her and the Church of God we do not know her from the Church of God for she is in the wildernesse where the Church of God is Rev. 17.3 So he carried me in the Spirit into the wildernesse and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast full of names of blasphemie having seven heads and ten horns By seeing the beast that she sitteth upon which doth beare her up and this beast doth ascend out of the bottomlesse pit Revel 11.7 Wee come to know her from the Church of God And there appeared a great wouder in heaven a woman cloathed with the Sun and the Moone under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve Stars And she being with child crying travelling in birth and pained to be delived This woman is the Church of God and is said lo be in heaven that is in Christ for hee is the perfect heaven and she is cloathed with Christ which is the Sonne of righteousnesse and all things that are below him is under her feete And she hath a crowne of twelve stars the glory of Christ that did appeare by that Doctrine that was taught by the twelve Apostles of Christ for the Preachers of the Gospel are called stars Rev. 1.20 Shee hath the glory of Christ and is cloached with him and he is with her and in her yet she saw it not hee had not manifested himselfe to her She was as it were with childe with him and in great paine desiring to have him brought forth to her that shee mighe see him as hee is and have the enjoyment of him and no sooner did this woman appear but there appeared another wonder in heaven And behold a great red Dragon having seven heads and tenne bornes and seven crowns upon his head and hee stood before the Woman which was ready to be delivered for to devoure her childe as soone as it was delivered Thus Anti-christ labours to devoure Christ as soon as he is brought forth in us appearing to us like unto Christ And there was warre in heaven Michael and his Angels sought against the Dragon and the Dragon sought and his Angels and prevailed not neither was their places found any more in heaven And the great dragon was cast out that old Serpent called the Devill and Satan which deceives the whole world hee was cast out into the earth and his Angels were cast out with him Here is the Devill made known to us how he is in heavenly places fighting against Christ but Christ hath overcome him and cast him out of his heavenly shape that hee shall not be able to overcome us He is called a red Dragon and a scarlet-coloured beast because hee persecutes and destroyes the Church of God and this Beast is spoken of in many places of the Revelations and the woman that sits upon it is the glory and seeming excellency of Antichrist and she also is cloathed with scarlet-colour which is persecution Though shee be cloathed in the most glorious manner as can be with gold and precious stones and pearls like the glory of Christ yet this is but to deceive us And she hath in her hand a golden cup full of abhominations and filthinesse of her fornication Being shee appeares so glorious to us like unto Christ and the cup that shee giveth us to drinke of appeareth so pure and glorious which maketh us not to question it but thinke that it is the cup of salvation So we drinke of her abhominationr and commit spiritual fornication with her and she sitteth upon all people multitudes and tongues and nations Rev. 17. Shee domineereth over us all and she is carried on swiftly in her abominations upon the backe of the Beast which was full of names of blasphemie which blasphemeth the name of God and ways of God And he hath seven heads perfection of wisdome he knows all the wayes of God and hee transformeth himselfe to the likentsse of them all And hee hath tenne hornes to persecute withall and he makes use of them so farre as God suffereth him and he hath all wayes to decive us in appearing like a Lamb to us having two hornes like a Lamb but speaking like a Dragon Rev. 13.11 and also appearing like Prophets in us Revel 16.13 14. And I saw three uncleane spirits like frogs comming out of the mouth of the Dragon and out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false Prophet For they are the spirit of Devills working miracles And the Lord doth make the wayes of Anti-christ appeare
it for by the manifestation of the appearance of Jesus Christ revealing himselfe in his glory by his Spirit doth destroy Anti-christ for by the preaching of the Gospel this City Babylon doth fall When the Spirit of God doth teach us to know what the Gospel of Christ is to us and in us this doth come with power and doth overthrow Anti-christ in us and the outward preaching of the Word alone will not doe it but the spirit working with it doth doe it and the Lord is well pleased to make use of the outward preaching of the word to work upon us by his Spirit commonly but he is not bound to one way hee workes upon us by his Spirit with meanes or without means or against meanes yet it is one spirit that doth worke upon us sutable to the Word hee would not have us under value the outward preaching of the Gospel nor yet idolize it Revel 8.1 2. And after these things I saw another Angel come downe from heaven having great power the earth was lightned with his glory And he cryed mightily with a strong voyce saying Babylon the great is fallen is become the habitation of Devils and the hold of every foule spirit and a cage of every uncleane and hatefull bird All manner of unclean things hath lodged in her but we did not see it but now the Lord will shew us it Reward her even as she hath rewarded you double unto her double according to her workes In the cup which shee hath filled fill to her double How much she hath glorified her selfe and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her For shee saith in her heart I sit a Queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow therefore shall her plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine And shee shall he utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord God that judgeth her Revel 18.6 7 8. He doth double the cup of his wrath and indignation against her and doth destroy her and burne her up with the fire of himselfe we cannot doe it but he is strong and able to do● it and doth doe it for us and the fruits that thy soule lusted after are departed from thee and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee and thou shalt find● them no more at all Rev. 18.14 And a mighty Angel tooke up a stone like a great mil-stone and cast it into the Sea saying thus with violence shall that great City Babylon be throwne downe and shall be found no more at all And the voyce o● harpers and musicians of pipers and trumpeters shall be heard no more at all in thee and n● Crafts-man of whatsoever Craft shall be found no more in thee and the found of a mil-stone shall be heard no more at all in thee And the light of 〈◊〉 candle shall shine no more at all in thee and th● voyce of the Bride-groome and of the Bride shall be heard no more at all in thee for thy Merchants were the great men of the Earth for by thy forceries were all Nations deceived And in her to 〈◊〉 found the blood of Prophets and of Saints and of all that were slaine upon the earth Rev. 18.21 22 23 24. Here is an utter destruction of her and this is that vaile that keepeth us from seeing the glory of Christ for he that keepeth from him is a vaile or if wee see him but darkely it is because the vail is not quite done away There was a vail before the Tabernacle which is called the holyest of all In which Tabernacle were all the glorious and excellent things Heb. 〈◊〉 .3 4. And thou shalt make a vaile of blue ●urple and scarlet and fine twined linnen of tun●ing worke with Cherubims shall it be made And thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of Shi●tim ●ood overlaid with gold their bookes shall be of ●old upon the sockets of silver And thou shalt ●ong up the vaile under the tackes that thou maist ●ring in thither within the vaile the Arke of the Testimonie And the vail shall divide unto you betweene the holy places and the most holy Exod. ●6 31 32 33 34. There was three places in this Tabernacle first the Priests went alwayes into the first Ta●ernacle accomplishing the service of God ●ut into the second went the High Priest alone ●nce every yeare not without blood which ●e offered for himselfe and for the errours of ●he people The holy Ghost thus signifying ●hat the holyest of all was not yet made mani●●st Heb. 9.6 7 8. For that glorious vaile ●oth hide it quite from us Luke 23.45 The Sun was darkened and the vaile of the Temple was ●●nt in the midst Mat. 27.51 And behold the vaile of the Temple was rent in taine from the top to ●he bottome and the earth did quake and the ●ockes rent Christ by his death did rend the vail that doth keepe us from the seeing of him Moses after he had seen and talked with God he appeared so glorious that the people could not looke upon him and then he put a vail over his face Moses was a type of Christ and hee had a vaile over him that they could not see him which were types and shadowes and through that vaile they saw Christ darkely 2 Cor. 3.11 12 13 14. Seeing we have such hope we use great plainesse of speech And not as Moses which put a vaile over his face that the children of Israel could not stedfastly looke to the end of that which is abolished But their minds were blinded for untill this day remaineth the same vaile untaken away in the reading of the old Testament which vaile is done away in Christ But even unto this day when Moses is read the vaile is upon their hearts Neverthelesse when it shall turne to the Lord the vaile shall be taken away Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty When the Lord doth open the seales to us and comes with power in us by his Spirit then hee turnes us to himselfe and shewes us by degrees that this vaile that hinders us from seeing him is taken away by him and so by degrees we shall see him as he is and then we shall seee what bondage we were in to sin and Satan and our owne selves and how wee are set at liberty by Christ John 8.36 If the Sonne therefore shall make you free yee shall bee free indeed Isa 25.7.8 And destroy in this mountaine in the face of the covering cast over all people and the vaile that is spread over all Nations He will swallow death in victory 1 Cor. 15.54 This death and this vaile is one and the same for both of them keeps us from seeing life which is Christ For while we live to our selves and to our righteteousnesse so far we are dead to Christ Now as he manifests himselfe in us he swallows up this death and
worshipped God that sate upon the Throne saying Amen Allelujah And a voyce came out of the Thron● saying Praise our God all ye his servants and yee that fear him both small and great And I heard as it were the voyce of a great multitude and as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of mighty thundrings saying Allelujah for the Lord God o●●●●potent reigneth Revel 19. The foure and twenty Elders are thought to be the Prophets and Apostles for by them was the minde of God made known and these foure beasts yee shall find spoken of in the first of Ezek. Rev. 4. which was moved by the Spirit of God and was continually praysing God And this heaven where there is such a noyse of joy and rejoycing and praising God is the Church of God here is the singing of birds Cant. 2.12 Because the voyce of this Turtle our beloved Bride-groom our sweet Saviour Jesus Christ his sweet voyce of love and peace to us and joy and rejoycing in us is heard by us and wee see all things that hath hindered us from seeing him is destroyed by him for these earthen pitchers of Antichrist in us wherein the lamps of the light and glory of God lieth hid These pitchers being broke by Christ then the glory of God appeareth Judges 7. And then the trumpets will sound forth the praises of God our tongues shall be as a trumpet being blown by the Spirit of God to sound forth the praises of our God and this sound shall be heard throughout the whole world for the Lord will come in his time and reigne in all his Saints throughout the whole world and throughout the whole world shall this trumpet be sounded and it will cause a great earth-quake for all things that are not of God shall be exceeding fraid and troubled for as the Saints joy encreaseth more and more by Christ manifesting himselfe in us so shall the sorrow of those that are not the children of God encrease more more Rejoyce ye heavens ye that dwell in them Woe to the inhabiters of the earth of the sea for the Devill is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time Rev. 12.12 For the light of these lamps and the sound of these trumpets doth terrifie our spirituall enemies and causeth them to flie and let us doe as the four and twenty Elders did fall downe at the feete of Christ And when those beasts gave glory and honour and thankes to him that sate on the Throne who liveth for ever and ever The four and twenty Elders fell downe before him that sate on the Throne and worshipped him that liveth for ever ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Rev. 4.9 10 11. These Elders that God had revealed himselfe unto in such a high and glorious way and made them instruments to make his mind knowne to all people crowned them with his crowne of glory these cast their Crowns at the feet of God for it was he in Christ that did make knowne his minde by them and as he deserveth all the honour and praise so let us be willing for him to have all the honour for wee have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us 2 Cor. 4.7 It is he that doth all in us and let him have all for it is the glory of the Saints for Christ to have all the glory and for us to be abased and cast downe as low as may be at the feete of Christ and for him alone to be exalted in us There is one seale more to be broke open for this is the sixth seal and the first resurrection and now is Satan bound but he must be again let loose for a little season Revel 20. Hee shall have power given him of God and will transforme himselfe to the likenesse of this glory to deceive us but hee shall never have his will of the Saints for when he thinks to deceive us in this way the Lord breakes open the seventh seale then is the whole mystery of God made known and then shall the seventh trumpet of perfection of joy and rejoycing sound forth the praises of God in the dayes of the seventh Angel when he shall begin to blow the Trumpet even the mystery of God shall be finished as hee hath declared to his servants the Prophets Rev. 10.7 And now we see but in part and know but in part and so we have an enjoyment of God but in part but when that which is perfect is come that which is in part shall be done away and now we see him but darkly but then we shall see him face to face and behold him as he is in his full glory and when we come to have this seale broke open to us then we shall know when the time is for the breaking of it open and how it is what it is that we shall enjoy and in the mean time let us not be inquisitive to know when it shall be or how it shall be for wee shall not know till then and then we shall know whether it be here while we live in this world or hereafter when all things are dissolved but let us leave that to God and to him commit our selves rejoycing always in the Lord. To whom be all honour praise and glory given both now and for evermore Amen FINIS