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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67045 A word in season: or, A discourse of the three estates to wit, the truly civil, truly spiritual, and false ecclesiastical estate: shewing, that this last, or third estate, is a remainder of popery, and ought to be taken away. Presented to the King and Queen's most excellent Majesty, together with the right honourable the Lords and Commons assembled at Westminster. 1689 (1689) Wing W3547A; ESTC R220041 9,613 16

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A WORD in SEASON OR A DISCOURSE OF THE Three Estates TO WIT The Truly Civil Truly Spiritual AND FALSE Ecclesiastical Estate SHEWING That this Last or Third Estate is a Remainder of Popery and ought to be taken away Presented to the King and Queen's most Excellent Majesty Together with the Right Honourable the LORDS and COMMONS Assembled at Westminster Printed in the Year 1689. TO THE King and Queens Most Excellent Majesty Together With The Right Honourable THE Lords and Commons Now Assembled at WESTMINSTER May it Please Your Most Excellent Majesties and You Right Honourable Patriots THE Civil State being the Power and Sword of the Lord to do his Commandments Therefore when GOD commanded King Saul utterly to Destroy Amalek 〈◊〉 did it not fully but spared Agag their King and the best of the Cattle to Sacrifice to the Lord The evil effect that befel Saul for doing the Lords Command negligently was first to himself God Rent the Kingdom from him and then to the whole house of Israel Haman one of the seed of Agag the Amalekite sought the Destruction of all Israel had not the Lord by a miraculous Providence prevented it Now Why must Amalek be utterly destroyed Because when God had Delivered his People out of Old Egypt and they were Travelling Peaceably Faint and Weary through the Wilderness to the Promised Rest the Land of Canaan a Type of Heaven Amalek destroyed some of them Even so the very reason is why the Lord hath said The Kings of the Earth shall hate the Whore eat her Flesh and burn her with Fire even these Spiritual Amalekites the destroyers of the Lords People that are come out of the Spiritual Egypt Travelling to the Heaven of Everlasting Happiness and Rest with Christ in Glory through the Wilderness of this World Now then because when this Work was begun by former Kings in this Nation as after is shewed and not yet fully done in utterly destroying these Spiritual Amalekites not in their Persons but out of Church and State so that they might bear no Office of Trust there but have Retained them still see what had like to have been the effects thereof their Elder Brethren were coming in a pace to possess their old Places and had so far prevailed with the King to his great ruine to destroy the Nation out of their Rights and Priviledges and perhaps out of their Lives at length if the Lord had not by his miraculous Providence wrought our Deliverance so that the Lord hath once more put into the hands of You the Supream Powers of this Nation to do the work the Lord hath commanded fully Pardon my boldness There is a time to speak if fitly spoken how good it is which may serve but as a Candle to your Sun-light in the due sence of these things therefore this may only serve to stir up your minds by way of Remembrance That if this work be fully done by You a Blessing will be upon all your good works in setling this Nation in Peace as saith the Scriptures When the Lord giveth Quietness who can make Trouble And when he hideth his Face who can behold him whether it be done against a Nation or a Man only Job 34.29 A WORD in SEASON OR A DISCOURSE OF THE Three Estates THE Lord God Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and Sea with all the plenty therein hath made of one Blood all Mankind to dwell one the face of the Earth and hath disposed unto them the bounds of their Habitations according to his Wisdom hath appointed but two State-Pillars or Legs for the Nations to stand upon the one Civil the other Spiritual the Civil State is God's Ordinance of Magistratical Government under divers Titles as the Lord disposeth and the Civil State see best as Princes Senators Judges Kings for all Powers are of God whatsoever be their Titles Dignities or Forms of Government In respect whereof they are called humane Creations or Ordinances and are to be submitted unto for the Lord's sake for as much as there is given them an Excellent Majesty being next under God Head of the Commonwealth the Lords Lieutenants on Earth and for their perfect Rule and Guide in Government is given them the second Table of the Royal Law of God as a most sure Foundation to square all their Laws by to govern their people who are not to judge for Man but for the Lord so shall they not bear the Sword in vain but use it to the Glory of God in punishing Evil-doers without respect of Persons and for the praise of them that do well of which Trust or Stewardship committed unto them they must shortly give an account to the great Judge the Lord Jesus at the last day The other State or Pillar is the Spiritual Rule or Government of the Lord Jesus now in the Kingdom of his Mediatorship in his Church on Earth whose Kingdom is not of this World neither are the Weapons thereof Carnal but Spiritual and mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds casting down Imaginations and every high thing that Exalteth it self against the Knowledge of God bringing into Captivity every thought to the Obedience of Christ so differeth it from the Civil State Unto this Spiritual Government is given the first Table of the Royal Law according thereunto are all the Laws given by Christ to his Subjects in his Kingdom his Church in all things they are to do or keep in the Worship and Service of God his Father written in his last Will and Testament sealed with his precious Blood unto which nothing may be added to or taken from by any mortal upon pain of all the Curses written in the Book of God These being the two only States ordain'd of God on Earth for all mankind to be subject unto in the Lord and the nature of them being so different the one from the other as the nature of a thing Civil and Spiritual so that they may not be mixt together in their Offices nor Administrations therefore the Lord constituted the Civil State in the Tribe of Judah and the Spiritual State in the Tribe of Levi so that it is and ever was a Sin of High Nature for the Civil States Office to do the Work which properly belongeth to the Spiritual States Office but when King Vzziah presum'd to break Gods Order in doing the Work which belong'd to the Spiritual States Office to do the Lord smote him with Leprosie to the Day of his Death and Dethron'd him from his Kingly Office and separated him from Communion with his Church or People Therefore the Lord Jesus who only without Blasphemy can bear that Title of Arch-Bishop or Chief Bishop of our Souls who is the only Lord Spiritual and Overseer of his Churches walking in the midst of his Golden Candlesticks would not meddle with the Work which properly belong'd to the Civil States Office to give Judgment on a Woman taken in Adultery no nor divide Temporal
Preacher may without danger of the Laws utter all the Truths compriz'd in the Book of God it is so circumscrib'd within the compass of such Statutes Advertisements Articles Cannons the Book of Common-Prayer the Bishops Cannons every Bishops Articles in his Diocess may not be broken or offended against but with more danger than to offend against the Bible Now shall we ever live to see the day when there shall be obeyed but one Law-giver in Worship and the Word of God the only Judge to teach who is this only Law-giver namely the Lord Jesus as it is written The Lord is our Law-giver or Statute-maker in Worship and again saith the Apostle There is one Law-giver who is able to save and to destroy to wit Christ who hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth given unto him therefore he commandeth his Servants the Apostles to Teach all Nations only what he hath commanded to be obey'd in Worship and hereupon saith the Apostle Paul He that is a Prophet or Spiritual let him acknowledge the things I have written to you namely to the Churches are the Commandments of the Lord and he that will pot hear that Prophet Christ Jesus shall be destroy'd from among his People And again saith the Lord Jesus Bring these mine Enemies that would not that I should reign over them and slay them before me Now therefore be Wise O ye whom the Lord hath put in Authority kiss the Son least he be angry give no longer your Power to the Beast aforesaid and no longer let the Romish Service and devis'd Worship be confirm'd by Law in Worship but let the commands of the Lord Jesus be Exalted only remembring God's Promise that you may do his Work as he hath said The Horns or Powers that did support the Whore shall hate her and shall make h●r Desolate and Naked Eat her Flesh and burn her with Fire This Work was well began by King Henry the 8th and King Edward the 6th when they abolish'd out of their Dominions the Popes Supremacy the Lord Abbots Cardinals Monks and Friers and dried up a great part of the River Euphrates which brought in the Gain to these spiritual Babylonians and convened their Revenues to civil Uses and gave much thereof to charitable Uses and because these Kings did not the work of the Lord throughly as God hath commanded to be done and was done on Old Babylon a figure of the Spiritual Babylon as it is written The Lord would cut off from Babylon the name and remnant Son and Nephew and sweep it with the besom of Destruction and this is not fully done yet on the Spiritual Babylon as it must be done so long as the Office of Arch and Lord Bishops Arch-Deacons Parsons Vicars Curates and many other of that Brood remain in Office in Church and State which Christs Testament maketh no mention of And that this must be done is shewed by a Mighty Angel who took a stone like a great Mill-Stone and cast it into the Sea saying Thus with violence shall this great City Babylon be thrown down and shall be found no more because in her was found the Blood of the Prophets and of Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth Now this City Babylon Mystery-Babylon the Mother of Harlots and Abomination of the Earth which Reigneth over the Kings of the Earth is not contain'd within the natural walls of Rome's City but this City reacheth so far as her Rules and Orders and Commands in Worship is obey'd in what Nation soever so then Babylon the City will not be destroy'd out of England so long as by Law her Ministry which is deriv'd from the Pope and his service in VVorship is Obey'd Practic'd or Observ'd in England Now therefore hath the Lord by his wonderful Providence put an opportunity in the hand of the Supream Authority of this Nation to Abolish all that hath but the scent of Romish Invention in Worship when as by the example of the Godly Kings of Judah You are called upon by the Lord to do as they did to wit Jehosaphat Ezekiah but more especially that young King Josiah who so soon as he heard of the Judgments of God denounced against his Land and People called for the Book of the Law to be read before him and by it comparing the acts of his Fore-fathers and present state of his Kingdom Rent his Cloaths and for fear of the Judgments of God in the Sixteenth year of his Age and Eighth year of his Reign begun to seek the Lord and in the Twelf year begun to purge out of his Dominions the Reliques of Idolatry to wit all the Devices or Inventions of Men set up by former Kings in the VVorship of God and Abolished the false Ministry called Chemarims so called either for the black Garments they wore or for being smok'd in offering Incense to the Idols See the Margent in the Bible in Folio in 1 King 22.5 and Zeph. 1.4 Now the like must be done in removing the remaining part of the Popish Ministry out of Office either in Church or State in the Nations together with all the devis'd Service in Worship so shall the Kings or Civil State dry up the remaining part of the River Euphrates and take the Lordly Prelatical Revenues into their hand to be converted to Civil Use and likewise to make void that Law which confirmeth the decree of Pope Pascales that Tythes should be given to the Priest that so Tythe that Jewish Heav-Offering under the Law may no more be impos'd upon the Conscience of the People of God in this Nation which Law hath undone many thousand Families that in Conscience to God could not pay Tythes because the paying of Tythes is to deny Christ to become in the Flesh who was the end of the Ceremonial Law the paying of Tythes being a part thereof no man that Truly feareth God ought to pay it so that the Tythes may return to every Owner unjustly exacted from them whose they are as well that as the rest of their Estate out of which the Tythes was exacted by Pope Pascales decree so that as the Gospel is Free Gods gift to poor Sinners apprehending Christ by Faith therein to be their Redeemer Prophet and King may by a free and willing Covenant joyn themselves to the Lord to walk in his ways and as God shall bestow his gifts on them they may by a free choice among themselves choose such for to be Pastors Teachers Elders and Deacons as they judge meet who are to be fed by the free gift of the Flock they feed while they watch for their Souls and by the Vineyard they dress while they see the garden of his Church be weeded that no Briers or Thorns grow there but all live in the unity of the Spirit and bond of Peace standing fast in the Liberty that Christ hath made them free and be no more entangled with the Yoke of Bondage Now to help forwards this glorious Work