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A65893 Truth and innocency vindicated and the people called Quakers defended in principle and practice, against invidious attempts and calumnies, being a just examination of two books against the said people, entituled, I. examined by G. Whitehead ... Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1699 (1699) Wing W1969; ESTC R20356 65,800 86

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they deem them Erroneous we must take them to be of a contrary Opinion namely that their Baptism to wit Sprinkling Infants is not Carnal but Spiritual and commanded of God and that their Sacrament Communion Bread and Wine is not Carnal but Spiritual But how can that be without Transubstantiation pray A Doctrine wholly disown'd by us which if they prove all this by Scripture and the word Sacrament also then all that hold they are Carnal and not Spiritual ought to retract and confess their Error I 'll not exclude my self on these Terms But I wish these Men would not be too hot and fierce about words I would not have them take the word Carnal as a word of Contempt against any thing that God ever commanded for they may read of Carnal Ordinances spoken of things which God once commanded Heb. 9.9 which stood only in Meats and Drinks and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 variis Baptismatibus divers Baptisms and Carnal Ordinances impos'd on them until the time of Reformation Again W. Smith's Primer is charged that Baptism Bread and Wine arose from the Pope's Invention c. I having found W. S. in like manner wronged in this heretofore by some called Anabaptists upon search I gave them this Answer from his own Explication viz. That it was not Bread and Wine in the Lord's Supper nor Baptism without distinction that he rendred the Pope's Invention but sprinkling Water in a Child's Face signing it with the Sign of the Cross on it's Fore-head God-fathers and Godmothers to undertake for it Bread and Wine so used and received i. e. by a sort of Priests and People as the Body and Blood of Christ which they tell them is broken and shed for them which implies Transubstantiation and did not these thus considered rise from the Pope's Invention trow ye See the Contemned Quaker and his Christian Religion defended p. 23 24. To their Charge against W. Penn's Reason against Railing printed 1673. p. 108 109. his saying I affirm by that one Scripture Heb. 9.10 that Circumcision is as much in force as Water-Baptism and the Paschal Lamb as Bread and Wine they were both Shadows and both Elementary and Perishable And here they leave out divers explanatory Lines Whereupon I ask these Men First if the Paschal Lamb which was a principal part of the Lord's Supper Luke 22. be in force among Christians Second If Water Baptism Bread and Wine be not Shadows and Elementary and Perishable If it be an Offence to say they are then I would ask these Men if they believe their Bread and Wine are not Perishable Elementary and of a decaying Nature If not how will they clear themselves of the Popish Doctrine of Transubstantiation But I would charitably think better of them than their Charges in these matters Import Those charged with Cain's Sacrifice in their Ordinances Churches and Teachings for which News coming up is again quoted against us p. 4.14 were such as were in the First Birth and Envious Persecutors and Wicked Persons as were justly reprehended in those days when that was writ in 1654. even as the Prophet Isaiah testified against Israel Isa 1. because of their Iniquities tho' they observ'd Outward Ordinances What they quote about one Quaker writing to another in a bemoaning Letter called The Spirit of the Hat printed 1673. p. 12. complaining of G. Fox not allowing any Liberty c. That 's not true nor the comparison just between G. F. and the Papists for he was always against Persecution and Coertion by Penal Laws for matters purely relating to Conscience or Worship toward God and for all to have their Liberty to Worship him as inwardly persuaded which Popery will not allow And for G. F's saying No Liberty out of the Power and asserting Gospel-Liberty this we knew related to the Church of Christ there being no true Liberty but in the Power and Spirit of the Lord and the Church desires no other than what 's agreable to Truth And W. P's Brief Examination and State of Liberty Spiritual Printed 1681. which is also quoted against us Imports no other than a Liberty in Truth and for Unity Society and good Order therein and against the Spirit of Strife Division and Self-Separation which would cloak it self under Pretence of claiming Liberty of Conscience and being left to the Grace and Spirit of God within when its Design is to be at Liberty both to break good Order and Unity and to lead into Loosness fleshly and corrupt Liberty It follows not that we allow no Liberty to any who differ from us as is falsly noted in their Margent against us for the Liberty God allows to all Mankind in the Creation we would debar none of though we cannot receive them into Society with us who walk not after the Spirit but after the Flesh Of GOVERNMENT 26th Charge p. 15. In the Margent it 's noted They declare themselves against Kingly Government for which they quote Edw. Burrough's Works p. 244. The Lord is risen to overturn to overturn Kings and Princes Governments and Laws And He will change Times and Laws and Governments c. Now observe That these Prophetical Passages with many other of the like Import were writ in the Year 1657. and have they not been in a great Measure fulfilled by the various Overturnings and Revolutions which since have come to pass Can any deny a Matter so apparent But does this argue that we are against a Kingly Government when God will have it No sure As there was Submission to Him in Prophecying such Truths so there hath been and is on our parts in what He brings to pass concerning Revolutions and Governments and it must be known and acknowledged That the Most High rules in the Kingdoms of Men and giveth them to whomsoever he pleaseth Dan. 4.17 25. 'T is also observable that these our Accusers who render us Seditious have very Partially left out the Reason of the afore recited Prophecies as O what cruel Injustice and Tyranny in Civil Governments O what abominable Superstitions and Idolatries have been in supposed Church-Governments It 's a Vexation to the Spirit of the Lord to consider it and the Righteous Soul hath long cried and mourned under it And because of this is the Lord of Heaven and Earth now risen to overturn overturn c. And after the Words quoted these are left out viz. And he will confound and break down all Tyranny and Oppression under which the Poor have groaned c. Now observe how Universal and Impartial these Prophecies were being directed in general under the Title of a Standard lifted up and an Ensign held forth unto all Nations Now suppose any one should be stirr'd up to Prophecy against any King or Prince in any Nation where great Persecution and Oppression is upheld or maintain'd whether in France or in any other Nation or Popish Countries were it a good Inference to say It were a Declaration against Kingly Government in general No sure
submit to and acknowledged Monarchy to be set up by the Power or Providence of God when the time came were they Hypocritical Temporizers therein No such matter They might be consciencious in both As Samuel the Prophet was in the Case of Saul when he was displeased at the Peoples desiring a King and foretold the manner of one 1 Sam. 8. And yet when God gave them one he own'd him as the Lord 's Annointed and chosen 1 Sam. 10. This is apt to our Purpose so far as it is Applicable Who dare say the Prophet was a Hypocrite or a Temporizer in either Our Constancy and Confidence we place not in Persons but the Truth and the thing that is just as to Governments Persons are mututable but Truth is not Good Kings and Governments we never opposed And tho' we like not bad ones we have always been true and constant to the Doctrine of Non-Resistance and Passive Obedience And our Patient and Deep Sufferings by Imprisonments and Spoil c. under the various Revolutions of Government till of late have sufficiently cleared us from the Infamous Charge of Hypocritical Temporizers c. most unjustly and maliciously cast upon us Thus far the said Answer 'T is farther observable that these Men's notifying the Quakers in their Margents as against Kingly Government against the House of Lords against the House of Commons against Judges Justices and Constables against Lawyers and against Lords of Mannors as in their p. 15 to p. 20. They should rather have added and against Covetous Persecuting Priests but this they have omitted in their Margent as they have left out many other things in their Citations which touch themselves to the quick And if the whole Tenure and Intent of those Writings lamely and partially quoted by them were seriously read and duly considered it would appear that it was the Corruption of those Places and Offices that was struck at rather than the Places themselves considered in their first Institution Who can say that there was never Monarchy nor House of Peers nor House of Commons nor Judges Justices or Lawyers Corrupted Whose Corruptions formerly occasioned a Zeal to arise in some to reprehend and testifie against them What they quoted against G. F. in p. 17. To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England for selling Abby-Lands and Glebe-Lands given to the Priests that they might be given to the Poor c. and above 7000. Quakers declaring against the Ministry that take Tythes I suppose this most touches and offends some Priests concerned 't is terrifying to them to think such a considerable People should be so averse to their Self-Interest their making such Trade and Gain of Preaching This I warrant you comes more near them than Advising to sell Whte-Hall c. for Alms-Houses for all the Blind and Lame to be there c. as they quote the words which was in the Common-Wealth's days It seems G. F. was more for the Charitable Use of such Places in those days than for the Proud and Voluptuous to exalt themselves and make their Nests in them As to what they quote against G. Fox Jun. out of his Works Reprinted 1665. p. 87 88. I need not insist upon it it being occasionally first writ in the time of the Common Wealth 's Government and related to Parliaments then chosen by the Voices of the People that is such People as did not truly desire the good of God's People as he saith and such as were Covetous oppressing Men who oppressed the Poor where vox Populi was not vox Dei he writes against their having the only Power to chuse Law-makers and also against the great Corruptions and unwarrantable means used for the Choice of Representatives in those days and which in these days often wants Reforming in divers places as the Votes of Parliament have frequently shewn Certainly G. F. Jun. had an honest intent in what he writ on this subject which impartially read altogether looks a great deal better and far more Innocent than these Carpers and Pickers make of it by their picking out here and there Pieces and Patches and leaving out what is most plain and explanatory of the intent of the whole and that justly touches and affects themselves As where under the same Head G. F. saith It hath been the Complaint of the Soberest and Honestest Men in several Counties when they should have chosen Parliament-Men that they could not Chuse such a Man as they judged would act singly for the good of the People of God and the Country because they were over-voted by the Wild Disaffected People who sometimes have been stirred up by their Priests to vote for such a Man as the Priests knew would act for their Covetous oppressing Self-interest And in some places some Great Proud Men who desired to be in Authority have Feasted the People and sent Gifts to them with Flatteries thereby striving to get the People to vote for them promising them to stand for their Liberties when it hath been but to serve their own Self-ends And G. F. further saith Seeing the great Oppressors of the Land viz. Preists and Lawyers and the great Wicked Covetous Persecuting Men are so much concerned in the chusing them so that if Parliaments so chosen should continue the People of the Lord are not like to be set free from their Oppression tho' Parliaments and Rulers have been made to do many good things by a Power which many of them scarce knew I dare Appeal to any Judicious observing Persons whether the like Corruptions are not too frequently used in this Nation Now pray observe that I do not in the least design to oppose the Peoples fair and lawful Elections according to the true and just Intention and Constitution of Parliaments Again they Charge E. Burroughs in his Works p. 522. A running to the Powers of the Earth What have you Ministers lost the Lord to be your Strength that you must flee for help to Men Must they make Laws to establish you and set you up Is not this the Whore that Rode upon the Beast c Obs After the words Flee for help to Men they leave out to defend you from the Spirit of God in his People And also divers following Passages which touch their own Spirits viz. Is he i. e. the Priest crying to you to Persecute the Innocent c. And would he have some Fire and Faggot again in Smithfield and some Persecution and Banishment acted upon the People of God Thus E. B. which was in the Year 1659. Again these Men proceed in their Charge against E. B. p. 524. viz. To the then Parliament you do but cause People to Drink of the Whore's Cup and you are but them i. e. the Beast which carry the Whore to wit the False Church And this is plain dealing to tell you the Truth p. 18. Pray observe again here they have left out both the fore-going and following Passages which shew the Reason of these Expressions where he
deny with all outward Wars and Strife and Fightings with outward Weapons for any end or under any pretence whatsoever And this is our Testimony to the whole World And we do certainly know and so testifie to the World that the Spirit of Christ which leads us into all Truth will never move us to Fight and War against any Man with outward Weapons either for the Kingdom of Christ nor for the Kingdom of this World c. said to be subscribed by G. F. Sam. Fisher and many more Now let it be farther observed that notwithstanding this Innocent and Christian Declaration against our use of the Carnal Weapon these Adversaries make another Marginal Note to the contrary upon Sam. Fisher's Message from the Lord to O. Cromwel and the Parliament of England printed 1656. and in his works Re-printed 1679. p. 19 20. after the note against the use of the Carnal Weapon their other note is Although none before so much for it as they Their proof is S. F's said Message which they have thereby greatly perverted to render us Seditious and Dangerous to the Government as their Title imports Whereas S. F. writ the said Message in the name of the Lord agreeable to what God's Holy Prophets have formerly foretold He saith I will hold my Peace now no longer saith the Lord as concerning this Evil which they so profanely commit and do daily against my Chosen i. e. by Persecution but will utterly subvert and overturn them This is according to Ezek. 21.25 26 27. and bring the Kingdoms and Dominions and the Greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven into the hands of the Holy Ones of the most High This is according to Dan. 7.18 27. And give unto my Son and his Saints to reign over all the Earth and to take all the Rule and Authority and Power that shall stand up against my Son in his Saints This also is according to Rev. 20.4 5. and to Dan. 7.18 27. and to Psal 2.8 9. and 45.5 and 110.1 2 5. And I will put my high praises into their Mouth and a two-edged Sword into their hands and they shall Execute Vengeance upon the Heathen and Punishments upon the People and shall bind their Kings in Chains and their Nobles in Fetters of Iron and Execute upon them the Judgment that is written c. Thus far S. F's Message recited agreeable to plain Scripture Psal 149.5 6 7 8 9. please to read it at large Surely these Persons who stumble at such Messages and would make us Criminal for such Prophesies understand not the Voices of the true Prophets They take things literally which are Metaphorical and Spiritually intended as that of the Two-edged Sword they put Sword in Capital Letters to make People believe that none before 1660. were so much for the Vse of the Carnal Weapon as the People called Quakers according to their said Note as if they supposed it must needs be a Carnal Sword the Quakers are minded to make Use of when they can have an opportunity tho' their patience and long-suffering under various Persecutions and Severities and Revolutions have sufficiently proved the contrary But if the Saints Two-edged Sword mention'd Psal 149.6 must be taken for an Outward Material or Carnal Sword why not the Rod of Iron wherewith the Son of God shall break the Heathen Psal 2.9 for an outward material Rod of Iron or Steel But these Persons might have better considered the point in a Spiritual Sense that there is another sort of Rod or Sword than that Outward Material one of Iron or Steel There is the Rod of his Mouth i. e. of Christ's Mouth Isa 11.4 Out of his Mouth went a sharp Two-edged Sword Rev. 1.16 There is the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God which the Saints took unto them Eph. 6.17 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp Sword Isa 49.2 Therefore have I hewed them by the Prophets I have slain them by the words of my Mouth Hos 6.5 So that there 's both the Rod the Sword hewing and slaying as well as binding Mystically and Spiritually spoken of by the Holy Prophets Christ and his Apostles These things are hinted for better information and moderating these our Adversaries and that their Hearers may not be influenced with their Anger against us As to what they quote in p. 21. First some broken pieces out of something they call The Quakers Declaration to Oliver and out of Geor. Rofe's Book Entitled The Righteousness of God and something to Cromwell in 't these two I have not But in short may say thus much that Oliver and his Officers and Army had a day and Power given them and were a Dread for a time to their Adversaries when the one was for seeking God in Prayer and the other for Swearing Cursing and Damning c. But they i. e. O. C. c. lost their Power and Day through their Abuse of it Which was plainly told them and their downfal as plainly foretold them by G. F. E. B. and divers others of our Friends These are Matters of Fact I am not concern'd to vindicate them or their Form of Government The Lord has laid them aside who is no Respecter of Persons nor doth he accept the Persons of Princes Job 34.19 As to what they quote out of a Letter directed To the Council of Officers of the Army and out of a Declaration wrote by E. B. in the Na●ne of the Quakers and subscribed by several of the Principal Leaders of them as these Men say Printed 1659. I shall forbear Commenting upon these forementioned Instances in their 21st and 22d pages they being in Substance fully answered in a Book of mine Intitled Christ's Lambs defended from Satan's Rage Printed 1691. being first writ in the Year 1677. particularly in p. 19 20 21 22 23. and in many other places throughout that Book as in p. 34 35 36 37 c. where the said Declaration in particular with the import of the foregoing is fully spoke to and Objections explained To their other Marginal Note p. 22. viz. And may reassume it again when they shall judge it meet The Antecedent of this Note I understand to be their foregoing two Margent-notes p. 20. which three Notes joined together run thus viz. which Government that they i. e. the People called Quakers might not support they declare against the Vse of the Carnal Weapon in 1660. altho' none before so much for it as they and may reassume it again when they shall judge it meet This looks like a very Invidious Design to raise Suspicion and Jealousie in the Civil Government against us But we hope and trust in the Grace and Goodness of our God that we shall both constantly and sincerely approve our selves Innocent and Clear from these Mens prejudicial Insinuations and Jealousies and to their diappointment Of our Assemblies c. Now concerning our several Religions Christian Meetings as in good Conscience we affirm they all are
broken mangled and perverted Quotations for our Principles and perhaps an Unapt Expression or two pickt up out of Good Matter And the main Things or Principles wherein we have all along even from the first chiefly differed from many of the Clergy are these viz. 1st Our sincere belief of the True Vrim and Thummim the Light and Perfection And 2dly Our Christian Testimony against Tythes forced maintenance and Persecution together with Popish Ceremonies and Superstitions not yet purged out as inconsistent with Christ's free Ministry concerning which we are manifestly the very same in Principle and Persuasion we were from the Beginning To the 2d part quoted against me I have already answered there may be various manners of wording and expressing the same matter and yet our Intentions 〈◊〉 ●he same As where I explain my Friends Meaning and Intentions 〈◊〉 be agreeable to mine and more fully distinguish and clear it according to the Harmony of his other Concurrent Passages in the same and other Books as sometimes in these precedent Observations As to Bugg's Postcript 't is according to his other Scribles Falshood and Jeers frequently repeated and mostly answered in the foregoing Observations and other Answers of mine He is so full of Tautologies Repetitions of the same Falshoods Boastings Scoffing and Flouting beginning and ending with Falshoods as observing us timerous about their Petition and that we make the World believe we fear Persecution Because we have endeavoured to prevent his and some Priests endeavours tending thereto against us to Authority this has disquieted him and them And therefore to be revenged he repeats his old detected Lies and Calumnies against us as that we call the Scriptures Serpent's Meat Beastly Ware c. with many more abominable Lies since often told of the same yet persists therein like a Hardned Wretch so that it is not worth the while to spend much more time in tracing the Crooked Steps of such a Mercenary Agent who gives no solid nor pertinent Reply to any serious Answer but clamours scoffs boasts vilifies and throws as much Dirt as he can upon us spending his precious time to seek our Ruin by Reproaches and Calumnies to enrage the Priests and incense Authority if he could against us But the Lord will Rebuke him and Reward him according to his Deeds I wish he may yet seek and find a place of Repentance if yet to be found before he be cut off and however that others may take warning by his Lamentable Relapse and Treacherous Apostasie A Brief Examination OF A Defaming Pamphlet Without Author's name to it Reproachfully stiled Some few of the Quakers many Horrid Blasphemies Heresies and their Bloody Treasonable Principles destructive to Government Delivered to the Members of both Houses of the LORDS and COMMONS in the Month of March 1698 9. PART II. THIS Title looks with Persecution Fury Deadly Envy and Blood in the Face of it it is like the work of certain Judasses and their Priests who are fallen into such a faint and feeble Condition as to be beholden to Apostates to help and assist them in their private Cabals to Plot and Contrive Mischief against the Innocent and to bring forth such furious Clamour Calumnies and Perversions thereby labouring to incense the Parliament and Government against the Peaceable People called Quakers Now let 's Examine some of their Principal Objections or Allegations quoted for Proof of their Furious Persecuting Title I. Concerning the Holy Trinity 1. Their first Objection The Scriptures do not tell the People of a Trinity nor Three Persons c. Against Geo. Fox Great Mystery p. 246. Here in the same Paragraph Period and Answer these Words are left out viz. And the Father Son and Holy Spirit are always one Observe hence what may be term'd the Scripture Trinity or Divine Three in the Deity the Father Son and Holy Spirit is plainly confess'd As also in Gr. Myst p. 99. As for the Unity we own and Christ being the brightness of the Father's Glory and express Image of his Substance we own As also in some Principles of the Elect People of God Printed 1671. p. 43. Of the Word Trinitas there is no mention made in Scripture yet the Scripture speaks of Father Son and Holy Ghost and all these are One. Now pray observe if any be offended at this and if our Adversaries will produce us plain Scripture-Proof for the Terms Trinity of Three Persons then 't is meet we should Retract those Words before i. e. That the Scriptures do not tell People thereof 'T is worthy our Observation what Dr. Burnet now Bishop of Sarum in the Life of John Earl of Rochester p. 104. speaking of the Trinity saith Which for want of Terms fit to express them by we call Persons and are called in Scripture the Father Son and Holy Ghost Whereby it seems then they do not think the Word Persons either a fit or Scriptural Term to express the Father Son and Holy Ghost by and therefore these Men should not be too severe in Imposing it or Uncharitable in their Censuring others about it to occasion Disturbance in Peoples Minds and such Disputes as probably they cannot well quiet or bring to a clear Solution By any of our Questioning or not using the Term Persons in this case we do not deny the Doctrine or thing intended i. e. the Father the Word and Holy Spirit which Three are one And we would not have any so Injurious or Disingenuous as to conclude we deny the same 2 Q. Against Will Penn's Sandy Foundation p. 12 13 14 15. they pick up some Pieces of his Arguments but Answer them not levelled against this Doctrine held by some which they leave out viz. The Trinity of Distinct and Separate Persons in the Unity of Essence This our Adversaries leave out and which by this time a Day we hope none will maintain such a Separation in the Deity between the Father Son and Holy Ghost being one God blessed for ever They also take no notice of what he Writes for this Scripture Trinity Sandy Found p. 32. viz. Mistake me not we never have disown'd the Father Word and Spirit which are one And in p. 36. As concerning Christ I declare on behalf of that Despised People Vulgarly called Quakers the Grace of which we testifie hath never taught us to acknowledge another God than he that 's Father of all things who fills Heaven and Earth Neither to confess another Lord Jesus Christ than he that appear'd so many Hundred Years ago made of a Virgin like unto us in all things Sin excepted or any other Doctrine than was by Him declar'd and practis'd and also being God's Innocent Heritage in Principles Life and Death to bear an Unanimous Testimony for the only true God true Christ and Heavenly Doctrine which in their Vindication is openly attested Thus far W. P. in his own and our Friends Vindication 3. Here is the Three Persons thou dreams of which thou wouldst divide out of