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A65650 A Whip for the Devil, or, The Roman conjuror discovering the intolerable folly, prophaneness and superstition of the papists in endeavouring to cast the Devil out of the bodies of men and women by him possest ... / all faithfully collected from their own authors, with pleasant notes and observations intermixt. 1683 (1683) Wing W1672; ESTC R30188 60,516 160

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Who made Heaven and Earth The Exorcism of Salt I Exorcise thee O thou Creature Salt bythe living God by the true God by the holy God by the God who commanded thee to be thrown into the Water by Elisha the Prophet that thou mayst become Salt Exorcised to the Salvation of Believers and mayst be to all that take thee health of body and soul and to the end that all wickedness and subtilty of Diabolical fraud and every unciean Spirit conjured by him that shall come to judge the quick and the dead may avoid the place where-ever thou shalt be strewed The Prayer OMnipotent Eternal God we humbly implore thy insinite Clemency and Goodness that thou wouldst be pleased to bless and sanctisie this Creature Salt which thou hast given to the Use of Mankind that it may be health of body and mind to all that take it and that whatever is touched or strewed with it may be free from all uncleanness and corruption mortal or spiritual What would not our Butchers give for this Salt to preserve their Meat that lies upon their hands in Summer not a Fly would dare to blow upon their Stalls The Exorcism of Water I Exorcise thee O Creature Water in the Name c. that thou mayst become Water exorcised to expel all Power of the Enemy and to root out and supplant the Enemy himself with all his Apostate Angels through the Power of Him who shall come to judge the quick and the dead The Prayer THou who hast made Water the substance of some of our Sacraments be propitious to our Invocations and to this Element prepared by many purifications that this Water may be effectual to the casting out of Devils and expelling noxious diseases and that in whatever Houses or places it shall be sprinkled they may be free from all uncleanness from all harm from all corrupt and pestilent Air from all the snares of the lurking Enemy and that nothing offensive or that may disturb the quiet and health of the Inhabitants may presume to approach the sprinklings of this Water Let the Operators have a care here 's a Plot upon the Queen of Hungary's Rosemary flowers and all the Book-sellers Scurvygrass Glasses Quaere whether the French disease be a Devil or no if it be here 's a present Expulsion to cure the Patient The Salt and the Water thus far prepared the Salt must be put into the Water in the form of a Cross and so both mixed together of each q. s. the Priest at the same time saying Versicle The Lord be with you Respons And with thy Spirit After which must be said the following Prayer THou who suppressest the power of Satanical dominion who subduest the fury of the roaring Lion we trembling and suppliant implore and beseech thee to look upon these thy Creatures of Salt and Water thus mixed together and to sanctifie them with the dew of thy pity that where-ever they shall be sprinkled they may be prevalently efficacious to expel all unclean Spirits and Terror of the venomous Serpent A surpassing piece of Magic which if it will not prevail against the Devil may be of excellent use to expel Worms out of young Children Therefore put it up in a clean Vessel and reserve it for use A most Approved Benediction of Oyl against all sorts of Incantations Sorceries Diabolical Ligaments and Contracts and of all evil Operations of the Devil upon the Body of Man Which Receipt is by some ascribed to St. Cyprian As also the manner of using the said Oyl The Priest must have a large Vessel of Oyl ready and then putting on his Sacerdotal Robes it behoves him to bless it in this manner In the Name c. Amen Vers. Our help is in the Lord. Resp. Who made Heaven and Earth Vers. Lord shew us thy Mercy Resp. And grant us thy Salvation Vers. Lord be thou our Helper Resp. And for the Glory of thy Name preserve us Vers. Let not the Enemy prevail against us Resp. Nor let the Son of Iniquity approach to hurt us Vers. Lord shew thy mercy to us Resp. As we do put our trust in thee Why but two Ejaculations apiece for Water and Salt and ten for the Consecration of Oyl The reason 's plain Oyl is ten times more worthy than Water and will stick ten times longer upon the Devil's Skirts therefore Oyl requires ten times more devotion than Water and it is requisite that there should be a distinction and difference in the Formalities of pious Cheats The EXORCISM I Exorcise thee unclean Spirit every assault of Satan and every evil Apparition in the Name c. that ye depart from this Oyl that it may be an efficacious spiritual Diet-drink to cleanse and cure the Infirm to the end the Holy Spirit may dwell in them through God the Father and his most beloved Son Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead and the World by fire Amen The Prayer O God send down thy Holy Spirit upon this Oyl which thou hast produced from green wood for the refreshment of mind and body that through thy blessing it may be to whoever touches it the preservation of mind and body by evacuating all melancholy humors all pains all infirmities and distempers of mind and body with which thou hast therefore anointed Kings Prophets and Martyrs let it be blessed in the Bowels of thy Servants in the Name c. who liveth and reigneth c. Now what is this Oyl a Quart In truth I can't tell dear enough you may be sure for you see 't is got into Hucksters hands Here the Priest having send for the Demoniac let him lay his hands upon the Party possessed and then adjure the Devil in this manner The Adjuration I Adjure thee O Satan and all Evil Spirits by the Name of the living true and holy God by the Name and Merits of the Virgin Mary by the Power of all the Celestial Spirits and the Nine Celestial Hierarchies to thy confusion and the augmentation of thy torments to be increased an hundred-fold from day to day to the last day of Judgment if thou dost not depart accursed Satan from this same Servant of God By him that shall come to judge the quick and the dead c. The Conjuration AGain I conjure thee O Satan to remove out of this same person both thy own and all malignant Fascination Sorceries infirmities and pains of body and mind by the words of the foregoing Adjuration cursed be thy name O Satan and thy works accursed and confounded to Eternity Cursed be thou by the Omnipotent God and by me through the power committed to me not only in Baptism and the administration of other Sacraments but also by the administration of the real Body and Blood of Christ by the authority of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and if ye prove rebellious contumacious and disobedient I conjure against thee and against ye all all the infernal Spirits to drag ye forth
by head and ears and as Dathan and Abiram were swallowed up in the earth so to bind ye fast in the bottomless Pit until the last day This said read a piece of the Gospel of St. Mark Chap. 16. from ver 14. to the end Then say this Adjuration I Conjure ye O unclean Spirits by him that is was and shall be who created and redeemed us with his Blood by his Cross Passion Death Burial and Resurrection who is here and every where and who promised that where two or three were gathered together he would be in the midst of them that ye presently depart hence with all your foul Practices evil Deeds and Sorceries never never to return more Vers. Our help is in the Name of the Lord. Resp. Who made Heaven and Earth Vers. Arise O Christ to help us Resp. And deliver us for thy Name 's sake Observe by the way the Civility of these Exorcists they suffer the Devils to depart with all their Bag and Baggage and never go about to distrain for Rent Then follows a short Prayer O Immense Power O individual Trinity we Christians beseech thee to extend thy power and mercy toward this thy Creature and through thy mercy to deliver him from every unclean Spirit Amen There is no wonder to be made that these Popish Priests are so daring in their attempts upon the Devil when they are so impudent as to dally so vainly nonsensically and triflingly with the Names and Attributes of God Himself After this the Priest proceeds to bless the Oyl as follows THE most Imperial Majesty bless thee O Creature Oyl the Royal Divinity protect thee the immense Trinity defend thee the Power of the Father govern thee the Wisdom of the Son enliven thee The Cross of Christ preserve thee the Twelve Apostles keep thee the Holy Martyrs help thee the Holy Confessors bless thee all the holy Priests of the Old and New Testament exorcise and sanctifie thee The Holy Angels Archangels Thrones Dominions Powers Hierarchies Cherubims and Seraphims defend thee The Holy Trinity defend thee and endue thee with power and efficacy against all Diabolical Devices and Sorceries that through Thee I may be able to destroy and eradicate out of the Souls and bodies of men all Incantations Sorceries Contracts Devices and evil Works of the Devil Amen Say you now let the Devil have a care of this Oyl but I say no for this Oyl can never be so pure as these Exorcists would pretend that had such a foul deal of ridiculous folly and tinsel piety bestowed upon it Had the Exorcist blessed the same Quantity of the Quintessence of Aqua fortis after the same manner and form there might have been something in it But the nature of Oyl is to smooth and supple not to eradicate and destroy neither is it to be thought that all the Nonsense in the World can ever bless it out of its Nature Well then because you Hereticks are so hard to be pleased Here are other Benedictions of Oyl as well for the Patient to drink as wherewith to be anointed Vers. Our help is in the Name of the Lord. Resp. Who made Heaven and Earth and all that is therein The EXORCISM I Exorcise thee by the living true holy God O Creature Oyl to the end that all the power of the Adversary all the Hosts of the Devil and all the Temptations of Satan may be by thee destroyed and that thou mayst prove to all that make use of thee a remedy to expel Satan and all his works with all the Devices Contracts Sorceries and Incantations of his Ministers Then follows the Prayer attendant THat whoever shall drink or anoint themselves with this Oyl may enjoy a remedy against all the Assaults Machinations and all the Works of the Devil whatsoever The second Exorcism I Exorcise thee O Creature Oyl in the Name c. that through this Invocation of the Holy Trinity all the power of the Adversary all the inveterate malice of the Devil and his violent assaults and every wild and noxious Fantome may be destroyed and eradicated and all the venomous qualities of Satan removed from this Oyl that whoever drink of it or anoint themselves with it may be delivered from all the Machinations of the Devil c. With the same Ceremonies the Priest also blesses a certain Quantity of unleavened Bread which for its lightness is given to the infirm person before he drink the Oyl After the usual scraps of the Litany recited and several Prayers to God to infuse a Devil-frighting power into the Bread the Dough is sprinkled with Holy Water which done the following short Prayer ensues COme Holy Ghost and bless and sanctifie this Bread that it may be delivered from the works of Satan and his Ministers c. However the Exorcist must take special care how he gives this Oyl or any other potable Remedy without the Physicians advice for that the Tempers and Complexions of the Patients being various both these and other remedies are to be variously applied seeing one mans meat is another's poison and thus the Divinity-Quacks help the Quacks in Physic lest the one should peach the t'other The manner of taking the foresaid Oyl and blessed Bread as also of anointing the Patient with the said Oyl These Benedictions being ended let him that has the care of the Patient observe this Method Take one or two pound of Veal or other Flesh in season and let it boil in Water without Salt till it be well boiled Then take six or eight ounces of the Bread blessed with either of the fore-recited Benedictions and two ounces of the foresaid Oyl Incorporate all these together and give the whole to the Patient in the morning for his Breakfast and let the Patient eat a slice or two of dry Holy Bread with it It will nourish the Patient but make the Devil spue his heart out In giving this Dose to the Patient the Priest shall say as follows Receive this Holy Bread to the destruction of Satan and all his works of mischief in thee done This may be also recommended to the Rat-catchers at the Exchange for the destruction of Vermin in Ships and Merchants Cellars If Women lay but a piece of this Holy Bread in their Blankets it will destroy all their Fleas The Patient must observe this Diet for eight or ten days and every day anoint the party with the foresaid Oyl upon the Eyes the Forehead the Ears the Breast and Heart the pulses of the Wrists the Hands the pulses of the Feet and Feet themselves and as the Priest anoints the several parts aforesaid let him repeat the following words I anoint thee N with this blessed Oyl and by this Vnction absolve thee from all the Sorceries Incantations Contracts Signatures and Machinations on thee practised by Diabolical Art In the Name c. Another Benediction of Oyl to anoint persons insested by the Devil and the way of making the said Oyntment Take Rue Sage of each
three handfuls Dill Ashes of Olive-wood Holy Water of each a sufficient quantity Boil all these in Oyl then bless them with the following Benediction Vers. Our help c. Resp. Who made Heaven and Earth The EXORCISM I Exorcise thee O unclean Spirit by the living true and holy God who made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that therein is to the end that all the Power of the Adversary all the Armies of the Devil all the assaults and Apparitions of the Enemy may be utterly rooted out and made to fly from this creature composed of Oyl and the Herbs that are in it that it may be a burning fire to consume all the snares of the Enemy and that whoever shall be anointed with this Oyl may enjoy health and sincerity and that all Evil Spirits and Diabolical Visions may be separated from him Then anoint the Patient as hath been already shewn A way to free any person from all manner of Sorceries operated in the body of man by the Devil First of all it behoves the Exorcist to observe in what part of the infested Body the pain lies For generally Demoniacs are chiefly tormented in three parts the Belly Stomach and Heart If the pain lye in any lower part of the body give him the Holy Oyl of the first Benediction as hath been already shewn And every day that the party drinks the foresaid Oyl he ought to be exorcised for three or four hours together But if the pain lye in the Stomach or Heart then give him the following Medicine Take White Ellebore St. Johns-wort of each an ounce and an half Sugar of Roses Frankincese of each a dram One would think this were a Bolus rather for a possessed Horse than a possessed Man Boil all these together in a pint of the best white Wine to the consumption of one half afterwards the Priest having strained blessed and exorcised the remainder with an Adjutorium nostrum c. give it the Patient at a convenient hour twice a day for three days if need require And every day notwithstanding the Patients vomiting let the Patient be confessed and exorcised for three or four hours together A Medicine for persons possessed by the Devil Take Broom-flowers St. Johns-wort Horehound Ivy and Rue of each two ounces Make a Decoction in water to the consumption of half then let the Priest strain it and bless the remainder with an Adjutorium nostrum and give it the Patient at a convenient hour Then let the Priest pray with the Patient in this manner Vouchsafe c. to bless this Medicine and to pour upon it thy most plentiful blessing that by the virtue and efficacy which thou shalt give unto it it may be able to vex teaze torment the Devil infesting and vexing this thy Servant and being delivered from the troubles of Satan to preserve him so delivered through thy goodness Amen Then let him be well sprinkled with Holy Water For it is a greater trouble to the Devil to sleep in a wet skin than in any other skin he cares not so much whether his skin be whole or no as that it be dry A Benediction of Water to expel the Devil and all his Works The EXORCISM I Exorcise thee O Water by the four Rivers that watered Paradise by him that purified Nahman from his Leprosie I exorcise thee by him that turned water into Wine I exorcise thee by all the Sacraments of the Holy Church I exorcise thee by the Virgin Mary and the Milk of the same Virgin and by all the Angels Archangels c. that thou mayst become holy and healthful and a burning fire to destroy the Devil and all his works and all the snares of Satan c. Then blow three times upon the Water saying I puff and blow ye all ye Legions of Satan In the Name c. The Benediction of Rue Vers. Our help is in the Lord. Resp. Who made Heaven and Earth Vers. The Lord be with you Resp. And with thy Spirit Then pray That where-ever it be laid it may have power to terrifie and put the Devil to flight and that whoever be fumed with it may be free from all assaults of the Devil c. The Benediction of Fire to burn the Instruments of Sorcery Vers. Our help is in the Name of the Lord. Resp. Who made Heaven and Earth Then say I bless exorcise and conjure thee O Creature Fire by him who causes the Earth to tremble that thou dost not fail to be my aid against these Infernal Thieves and Robbers to crucifie asflict and torment them an hundred times more than all the Sulphur in Hell Then sprinkle the Fire with Holy Water but not so as to put it out and cast the Devils Tools into it saying Let God arise and let his Enemies be scattered The Benediction of an Incense to fume Demoniacs Vers. Our help c. Resp. Who made c. Vers. The Lord be with you Resp. And with thy Spirit The Pomander Take Galbanum Sulphur of each three drams Roots of Assa foetida Birthwort St. Johns-wort and Rue of each three drams Let all these be blest and conjur'd with the following Conjuration I exorcise conjure thee O Creature called Incense by all the holy Names of God that thou mayst become an exorcised blessed and consecrated Fumigation to the Salvation of Vs and all faithful Christians and a perpetual punishment to all Evil Spirits and a fire to torment and burn them beyond the Sulphur of Hell-fire c. What merciless Fellows these Exorcists are to desire a more heavy punishment for the Devil than God has thought fit to ordain them Then throw the Pomander into the fire and hold the Demoniac's Nose over the smoke whether he will or no. Certainly it had been much better to have made a Pomander to fright the Devil of Gelsomy-flowers and Orange-flowers Lignum Aloes and such like for he is so used to ill smells that he cares not a f t for ' em Besides if the Devil has no head as they say he has not then he has no Nose and then what will all the nasty scents in the world signifie If ill smells operate so strongly upon the Devil these Exorcists were extremely overseen that they did not set down a Form for the Benediction and Exorcising a House of Office and for setting the Demoniac up to the neck in the consecrated Ordure for three or four days together But Bernardus non videt omnia 'T is easie to add to invention but not to invent A Benediction of Gold Frankincense and Myrrh against the Devils called Incubi and Succubi and against the assaults of Evil Spirits First be sure to have the Gold Frankincense and Myrrh ready Then bless them as follows Vers. Our help is in the Lord. Resp. Who made c. Then read the Psalm Lord give thy Judgments to the King quite through Then cry Lord have mercy upon us Then sing the following Anthem And the Wise-men who were
Let this blessing be upon this place and upon all that dwell therein Or thus HEar us O holy Father Omnipotent and Eternal god that whatever Evil Spirits or mischievous Devils be in this house they may be expelled through the Authority of thy Name Then rehearse the several Psalms In my affliction I cryed c. I lifted up my eyes to the mountains To thee I lifted up my eyes Concluding with a Gloria Patri then water the House and sprinkle the People with Holy Water Then say Kyrie Eleyson c. Pater noster And lead us not into temptation Resp. But deliver us from evil Vers. Lord hear our prayer Resp. And let our cry come unto thee Vers. The Lord be with us Resp. And with thy Spirit Then pray MErcifully O Lord enter into this thy House that no malice or wickedness of the Devil may reign therein Then throwing Holy Water about the House as before repeat the following Psalms They who trust in the Lord. Unless the Lord build the house Blessed are they that fear the Lord. Then Kyrse Eleyson c. and what follows as before Then cast the Holy Water as before and read the following Psalms Out of the deep c. Remember David Lord c. Behold how good and joyful c. Then Kyrie Eleyson c. and what follows as above This profusion of Holy Water is done out of a belief that Devils are Cats as Cats are supposed to be Devils and that neither can endure to wet their feet I will not trouble my self whether Cats be Devils or Devils Cats but sure it can never be that the Devil should be so terribly afraid of Holy Water when he stands in so much need of a Cooler Men that are not half so hot as he nor come out of half so hot a place drink Snow in their Wine and shall the Devil be afraid of a little cold water Afterwards read the following Gospels in the principal parts of the House When Christ was born in Bethlehem of Juda the Wise-men came from c. And this other At that time the Angel gabriel c. And In that time Jesus went to Jericho and behold a man whose name was Zacheus c. Afterwards bless the Incense after this manner By the Intercession of the blessed Archangel St. Michael who stands at the Altar of Incense and of all his Elect vouchsafe O God to bless this Incense and accept it as an Odor of sweetness Vers. Lord be merciful unto us Resp. And shew us thy salvation Vers. Lord hear our prayer Resp. And let our cry come unto thee Vers. The Lord be with you Resp. And with thy Spirit Then sign the House and all that dwell in it saying at the same time Lord set the sign of Security upon this House and suffer not the destroying Angel to enter in In the Name c. Thus you shall find in Homer and Ovid's Art of Wooing that the Heathens consecrated their Carousing Bowls with Sulphur and the Old women charmed the young peoples Beds with Sulphur and Eggs. If a man had committed any Villany or Murder he was purified by washing his hands in the blood of a Pig And for the lustration or purification of any place they used to fume the said place with the smoke of burnt Brimstone at what time it was the custom to cast a quantity of Salt into a Vessel of Water and with an Olive-branch or any other convenient bough to sprinkle the room or field with the said water as now the Priests water haunted Houses with Holy Water which sprinkling was to be done three times together Thus you find in Ovid's Metamorphosis that Juno returning from Earth to Heaven being the Devil of a Scold was sprinkled three times with water by the Rainbow to fetch the Devil out of her before Jupiter would admit her into his presence fearing a Peal in his Ears They also said several Prayers likewise at the same time as our Priests do For so says Ovid He sprinkled his Locks with Laurel dipped in water and then poured forth his earnest prayers with usual zeal And thus Heathens taught our Popish Priest to purifie haunted Houses and charm the Devil A Most terrible Thundring EXORCISM TO Expel the Devil not only out of Men but Women Which if a Man could be assured of were worth its weight in Gold THE Exorcist coming to eject the Devil must in the first place sign himself with the sign of the Cross and say In the Name of the Father c. Then let him go to the Party possessed and sprinkle him with Holy Water saying at the same time Through the Sprinkling of this Water with the help of God let the Evil Spirit depart from thee and let the power of the Holy Ghost enter and remain with thee for now is the Judgment of this World now shall the Prince of this World be cast forth In the Name c. Pointing to the Body of Christ in the Cup or in the Shrine the Priest must say these words O wicked Spirit here is true Piety Here is he who suffered for our Salvation Now faith he shall the Prince of this World be cast forth This is that Body which was taken from the Body of the Virgin which was stretched out upon the Cross which lay in the Grave which rose from Death and which ascended into Heaven in the sight of his Disciples by the terrible Power of this Majesty I command thee wicked Devil to depart from this Image of God to fly from it and never more to molest it But the Devil 's a true Jailor he seldom takes notice of the first Ha Cor And therefore the Exorcist must fall to his Prayers and say Vers. Our help is in the Lord. Resp. Who made Heaven and Earth Vers. Lord shew us thy mercy Resp. And grant us thy Salvation Vers. Lord hear our crys Resp. And let our cry come unto thee Then follow the Prayers O Eternal and Omnipotent God who mad'st Heaven and Earth and all that therein is save and deliver this thy Servant from these Evil Spirits and from all Diabolical Power that all men may know how great is thy mercy and how infinite is thy power The second Prayer LOrd Jesus Christ Son of the living God free this thy Servant from all his languishings and from all the disturbances of Ghosts and Evil Spirits through thy most holy compassion The God Sabaoth the God Emmanuel the God Elohim the God Agla free and deliver him by virtue of the Prayers and Merits of the blessed Virgin Mary thy Mother and of all the Saints and by virtue of the Intercession of the blessed Michael the Archangel and all the Angels of St. John Baptist and the holy Apostles Peter Paul Andrew James John Thomas James Philip Bartholomew Simon Thaddeus Barnaby and all the rest of the He-Saints and She-Saints by the Mediation of the Cherubims and Seraphims who continually praise thee saying Holy
them and that thou answer me the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth to all such Questions as shall- be by me demanded and that then by the Merits of all the He Saints and She Saints that at my command thou depart without delay from this Servant of God without presuming to give molestation vexation or trouble to any person whatsoever and betake thy self to the internal Abyss thence never to return till the day of Judgment This done repeat the old Ecce Crucem c. behold the Cross of God fly Mankind's Adversaries the Lion of the Tribe of Juda the Root of David has overcome In this last Exorcism the Exorcist you see not only makes use of all the Saints from the beginning of the World to his own time and as it were plays them against the Devil at the stake but gives the Evil Spirit particular Reasons why he ought to obey them more than others Only one would think that the Exorcist forgot himself in leaving out one particular Saint who perhaps would have been more terrible to him than all the rest that is to say St. Dunstan and the reason is not because he was delivered from the Lions Den but because he took the Devil by the Nose with a red-hot pair of Tonges He forgot also to add to those words Ecce Crucem c. Ecce Forcipes c. However believing he has pretty well teaz'd his Satanical patience the Exorcist grows bold and falls to examine the Devil so strictly about the Interrogatories above-mentioned that the severest Justice of Peace of 'um all in Quorum could not act more haughtily particularly he demands of him sowrely what he intends to do whether he intends to be gone or no and when Or if not what course he intends to take But to this the Devil answers him only with a Bow and therefore he proceeds after the following manner The EXORCISM OLD Serpent I conjure thee by the Judge of the quick and the dead by the Creator of the World and him that has power to cast thee headlong into Gehennah that thou depart from this same Servant of God who flies for succour to the Church and that thou make haste to be gone I adjure thee not by my own weakness but by the power of the Holy Ghost to depart from this same Servant of God whom Christ created in his likeness Give way not to me but to the Minister of Christ. His power enforces thee who being fixed to the Cross subdued thee under his feet Tremble at his power who recovered the Souls of the Just from the Infernal Wailings Let the body of man be a terror to thee and be afraid of the Image of God Make therefore no longer resistance but depart with speed from this man since it has pleased God to make him his Habitation and do not think me to be contemned because thou knowest me to be a Sinner The Holy Ghost commands thee The Faith of the Apostles Peter and Paul and the rest of the Apostles commands thee The Blood of the Martyrs commands thee The Sacrament of the Cross commands thee The Word made flesh commands thee Avoid Transgressor out Seducer full of deceit and fraud the Enemy of Truth Give way most cruel Devil give way impious Devil give way to Christ who has despoiled thee and destroyed thy Kingdom who vanquished thee and bound thee in chains and cast thee into utter darkness there to be tormented eternally with all thy Angels Darest thou mutter Darest thou rashly delay Guilty before God whose Statutes thou hast transgrest Guilty before Christ his Son whom thou didst boldly presume to tempt and crucifie Guilty before all Mankind whom thy perswasions allured to taste the Fruit of death I conjure thee therefore accursed Dragon in the Name of the immaculate Lamb who walks upon the Asp and Basilisk and treads upon the Lion and the Dragon to depart from this man and from the Church of God Tremble and fly dreading his Name at which the Infernal Spirits tremble to whom the Powers of Heaven are subjected and whom the Cherubims and Seraphims incessantly praise Obey Jesus of Nazareth who when thou contemnedst his Disciple cast thee raging and tearing out of the Man in whose presence when thou wert cast out thou durst not so much as touch the Herd of Swine without his leave Therefore now thus conjured depart from this man whom he has formed 'T is a dangerous thing to resist Christ. 'T is a dangerous thing to wince against the pricks For the longer thou delayst the greater will be thy punishment for thou contemnest not Man but the Lord of the quick and the dead who shall come to judge the quick and the dead and the World by fire Amen Now Monsieur Devil will ye go or stay Does not your heart ake If you delay a minute longer here 's one little tickling Touch for ye more The CONJURATION AGain and again I conjure thee O Devil by him who gave power to his Disciples to give light to the blind to cleanse the leprosie to raise the dead and cure all diseases I conjure thee by him who restored the first man by the wood of the Cross who gave sight to the blind and raised up Lazarus from the grave who cured all diseases and destroyed the Magical fictions of Jannes and Jambres and by this Exorcism and by all the former Conjurations and holy Words and Offices which are celebrated over the World by all these I command thee where-ever thou art or wert that thou vanish away forthwith like smoke and that thou retire to some Desart or to the deep Abyss without doing harm to any one and that thou never more return In the Name of the Father c. Ecce Crucem c. Amen This Sparring Blow has done the business Exit Diabolus Exit Exorcista And thus the Popish Vulgar are abused by a company of idle Drones who having nothing else to do in their Sties of Laziness and Superstition make it their business by such figments as these to maintain their Credit among the Ignorant Neither is the Devil such a Fool to be against his own profit for by this means he seduces thousands and increases his Harvest Else Reason could never believe the Devil to be such a Sot to be led by the Nose by his own Servants He himself knows too well how to play the Hypocrite and cannot be thought to be afraid of godly Words and pious Sentences who makes use of them so often But for Sport's sake let us see a little more of their Trumpery For this is certain the more you see the worse you 'l like Most Efficacious REMEDIES For the Expelling EVIL SPIRITS And for the clearing Bodies possessed from Incantations and Sorceries with their Benedictions The Method how to make Holy Water THE Priest being habited in his Sacerdotal Ornaments or with his Stole must say these words Vers. Our help is in the Name of the Lord. Resp.
that I may be able to make them speak to bind shackle and expel them and force them to fulfil my Commands immediately without muttering at my words but that they may obey me to day to morrow and in all places and at all times more especially by virtue of the Sacred Names and Powers above-written to be able to constrain this Devil or these very Devils that now possess this thy poor Creature to speak and tell me the truth as to what I shall demand of him and for so doing I will praise magnifie laud and adore thy Name The Conjuration I Conjure ye O Devils and unclean Spirits in all parts of the world to whom power has been given to hurt this Creature and all you Ethereal Powers and Infernal Princes inhabiting within this Creature of God of whatsoever quality or condition you be from the South part of the World or from any other part of the Earth I exterminate ye from the Earth I bind ye from the Fire I banish ye from the Winds from the Water from the Caverns of the Rocks I command ye from the Mountains from the Abysses from Hell and from all places under Heaven In the Name c. And by the Authority committed to me by Jesus of Nazareth I charge you to pretend to no farther power of lying or abiding in this Creature and therefore I sentence ye by the Sentence pronounced by the most high Creator I command ye likewise that all fraud fallacy and deceit being laid aside you tell us didirectly your Names and by the same Sentence I discharge you out of this Body and send you to the Infernal Therefore depart accursed Spirits into Eternal Fire prepared for you and the rest of your Companions For by the virtue of those most holy Names by those most holy Names themselves I send ye to the bottom of the Abyss El Elohim Eloa Sabaoth Helion Esereheie Adonai Jehova Jah Tetragrammaton Sadai Messias Agla Ischyros Otheos Athanatos Soter Emmanuel Hagios Jesus Christus Alpha and Omega I send ye to the bottom of the Abyss and tie ye up from having any farther power over this Creature of God and that you neither posses that place nor any other by virtue of the above-mentioned Names and by him that sits on the Throne by whose Power I condemn ye to the eternal Burnings in fire everlasting and there I chain ye till the day of Judgment Now Gentlemen do not you think we should have a brave time on 't could these Exorcists but do as they say Alas we should not have a Devil of any sort or size stirring at this side the great Lake But alas there are some of opinion That if the Devil would go with a good Fee in his hand either to the Fleet or Kings Bench and take Counsel he would there find that none of these Exorcisms would stand good in Law or if they did he would there find such cunning pieces of Ingenuity as would make him too hard for all the Exorcists in the World And indeed the Devil had need of good advice and good friends considering what follows The second Conjuration AGain I conjure ye O Devils above-mentioned Rebels against God by the Virgin Mary Mother of Christ by her Nativity by her Conception by her most holy Milk which was suckt by him who is called Alpha and Omega by her Merits and by all the most blessed Names of the Virgin as Virgin Flower Cloud God-bearing Queen Empress Lady Aurora Handmaid Fountain Well Moon Sun Portal House Blessed Glory most Benign Pious Court Bramble Ladder Star Tower Assister Ark Bridechamber Pearl Tabernacle Friend Vail FairMother beautiful Soul blessed Rose Mary the Spouse By all these Names above-mentioned I command and send ye and throw ye down headlong into the Lake of Brimstone and Fire and thither perpetually condemn ye And the foresaid Virgin Mary and all the hoIy Virgins and chast Women rejoice with Christ in Heaven so by virtue of his Passion I enjoin ye to depart for ever from this Creature otherwise by all the aforesaid Names and words and by all the aforesaid words and things I condemn ye ipso facto without mercy to all the Damnation and Torments before expressed as Rebels to God The Papists affirm That when this Sentence was proclaimed in Hell there was such a horrid roaring and bellowing among the Devils that it was heard over all the Land of the Antipodes even as far as Ethiopia But you must know that when the Priest pronounced this Sentence he laid his Book upon the Head of the Demoniac and holding forth a Crucifix to the Devil said these words BY the Prayers of this Book and by all their Efficacy by all the Miracles and words of our Saviour by all the Prayers which are made in Heaven and Earth By all the Powers in Heaven and by all the virtue of the most holy Names of God I command ye to retire from hence and that you do not dare to do what we command ye otherwise we will cast ye headlong into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be burnt alive Therefore in whatsoever part of this Body ye are whether within or without come and behold the Sign of the Cross consecrated by our great Creator Jesus Christ for by virtue of that you are bound to obey us And therefore by virtue of that we constrain ye to appear before Us whether ye will or no for the words of God which proceed out of our mouth are most burning fires which shall burn ye eternally and this is the Cross at which all the World trembles and every Creature quakes for fear and you are Rebels to ours and your own Creator Be ye therefore accursed and excommunicated in eternal Torment and may ye never rest at any time if ye do not presently obey these Commands of mine laid upon ye by the Power of Christ and the words which are said of him who causes all the World to tremble A fair Sentence to be pronounced against the Devil possessing Man or Woman BEing as it were the Vicar of the Supreme Judge by virtue of the Power delivered to me by Him I thus declare pronounce and command That without delay and all excuses set aside you forsake this Creature whom you have so long molested and leave him to enjoy his former health and that you never hereafter adventure to trouble him again I also by the Authority aforesaid enjoin and command Lucifer Belzebub and Satan and all the Infernal Furies That presently and without delay they throw themselves headlong into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and that without any impartiality they bind and torment one another till the day of Judgment And because ye rebelled against your Creator and against Us and neglected the words and sayings of the Virgin Mary the holy Apostles and Evangelists Martyrs and Confessors c. I therefore condemn ye to Infernal Punishment and to those Fires that shall torment
Master Tormenter of Mankind himself than any of those his small Officers And indeed what trust can be given to Exorcism or how can we be made believe that these Exorcisers can eject a Grand Devil when they cannot move so much as the Gout or the Stone or the Spleen which are but petty Tormenters to the Saucer-ey'd Satan himself Here it is to be noted That if the Devil in any Exorcism make answer and say That he is the Soul of any person deceased you are not to believe him because it is a Heresie but urge him to tell his proper Name which he had from the beginning when he was expelled out of Heaven Ask him also of what Order and Quality he is of and the Name of his Superior and for what cause he entred into the body of such or such a party and conjure him not to depart without leave and to give notice of his departure and cause him also to leave his habitation in the same condition as when the party was first baptized There is great reason that the Exorcist should know the Devils proper Name for otherwise the Devil might bring his Action against the Exorciser for suing him in a wrong Name But why should the Devil be so loth to for sake this or that single habitation of a pitiful poor mans Body when so many Monasteries Colledges Frieries Nunneries nay the Popes own Palace and the very Colledge of Cardinals are all so much at his devotion that he may take up there what Lodgings he pleases and be welcome And it were to be wished that it were not the Popish Exorcisers fault that the Devil has so much power over men as he has For he is forced to seek for shelter among men because they will not let him be any where else The Air must not hold him though he be Prince of it Thence they thus expel him The Air Conjured I Conjure and exorcise thee O Air in the Name c. by him that commands the Winds and the Sea by all the Angels and Archangels c. by the whole Court of Heaven c. not to entertain in any place this accursed wicked and malicious Transgressor of a Devil nor any of his Confederates but to refuse reject and turn him out of doors as the Virgin Mary rejected all contamination of sin They exterminate him from the Earth and will not let him have so much as a rotten Nut-shell to rest in The Earth Exorcised I Exorcise thee O Earth in the Name c. and by all the Prayers and heavenly sollicitations which are daily made in thee and upon thee not to give any harbour or entertainment to this wicked Spirits nor to any of his Accomplices c. They will not suffer him to live in the water nor to have so much as the benefit of a Menows belly The Water Exorcised I Exorcise ye O Waters both great and small by the power of Moses's Rod by the water that issued from the side of Christ by the Virgin Mary by all the Angels and Archangels c. by all the Prophets Patriarchs Doctors Saints and holy Hermits not to harbour or entertain the wicked Spirit or any that belong to him but to chase him from all your boundless Territories with all the zeal imaginable as the Devils were cast out of Mary Magdalen They expel him out of the Fire so that there is never a Glass-house in the World dares to admit him The Fire Exorcised I Conjure thee O Element of Fire in whatever place or part of the World thou art by him that appeared to Moses in the burning Bush by him that freed the Three Children out of the fiery Furnace and by all the Sacred Holocausts which were made by thee and by all the Angels and Archangels c. not to entertain this Evil Spirit nor any of his Confederates but to send him with all speed upon the receipt and sight of these Presents to the infernal dismal Lake of ever burning Flames and that you do not let him stir from thence till the day of Judgment Again I exorcise all things that live in thee or by thee to the same effect c. But now having thus chased the Devil out of all the four Elements they command Lucifer to take him into custody and give him no Quarter as if they were the sole Commanders of that Infernal Bridewel Hell Exorcised O Hell and thou Fire Infernal all you infornal Torments and all you infernal Devils hear hearken and understand the words of my mouth I conjure ye by him who raised Lazarus after he had been three days dead when the Devil trembled and all his Ministers were in a Pannic fear O Hell and Fire Infernal c. I conjure ye by his Power that subdued ye to his Dominion that ye obey us in all things and fulfil our Commands in whatever we shall impose upon ye O Hell the Holy Trinity commands thee to obey us The whole Host of Angels and Archangels c. commands thee I conjure thee therefore O Hell and ye infernal Fires and Torments and all you Devils of what quality or condition soever ye be by him that brake down your Gates and took from ye all the Holy Fathers by the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist and by the terrible day of Judgment and by all the words by which you infernal Fires and Devils infernal may be constrained compelled and forced I conjure thee O Lucifer Prince of Hell not to let this wicked Spirit rest any where in quiet but to send thy special Warrant for him and all his Accomplices with all speed and when thou hast him in thy clutches to cast him into the burning Lake where I conjure you O infernal Torments to plague him a thousand thousand times more than according to the usual rate of Tormenting Thus the World may see what sorts of Whips and Scourges the Papists pretend to have for the Devil what a Power they challenge to have over him and how unmercifully they exercise it while to shew their Authority they command one Devil to punish another not for any misdemeanours committed one among another but for doing his Duty and his Office which is to do Mankind as much mischief as he can And this Authority they assume from the Repetition of holy Names and the Cooperations of Saints some of which were as ignominious as the Devil himself the assistance of the Cross and Holy Water dablings Whereas there never was any such power given them which the Devil well knows and therefore 't is no wonder he gives no more credit to their counterfeit Warrants To display therefore to the full the Folly Superstition and Ignorance of these Exorcists let us consider what true Divinity says concerning these Exorcisms first when they began and secondly whether they are still to be retained and made use of among Christians As to the first we do not find in all the Old Testament any mention made of Exorcisms to