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A62326 Twelve sermons upon several occasions by Samuel Scattergood ... Scattergood, Samuel, 1646-1696. 1700 (1700) Wing S845; ESTC R39513 116,309 210

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and suffers its proud Waves to be bounded and checkt by the Sand. There go the ships and there is that Leviathan whom he hath made to play therein The Earth faithfully performs the Task that was imposed upon it at its first Creation and ceases not to bring forth its fruit in its Season and the most inconsiderable Creature that it nourishes even the smallest Fly publishes the wisdom and power of its Creator as much as the greatest Elephant And who again that considers these things can chuse but proceed with the Psalmist and say Praise the Lord from the earth ye dragons and all deeps fire and hail snow and vapour stormy wind fulfilling his word Mountains and all hills fruitful trees and all cedars beasts and all cattel creeping things and all fowl And shall all these inferiour Creatures daily laud and magnifie their Maker as most plainly they do while in their several Stations they perform his Commands shall the little Birds warble out Hymns of Praise and every Hedge produce a Quire to sing an Hallelujah and shall Man alone be silent Man whom God himself hath crowned with glory and honour whom he hath made to have dominion over the works of his hands and hath put all things under his feet all sheep and oxen yea and the beasts of the field the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas Man whom when he had lost all this Honour when Sin had laid both it and himself together in the dust out of which they were both raised at the first God was pleased by a Miracle of mercy to restore to Honour once more nay to greater Honour than he had before even to the Honour if he forfeits it not again by his own monstrous Ingratitude of being made like unto the Angels in Heaven of being numbred among the children of God and having his lot among the saints I say shall Man whom of all the rest of his Creatures God hath delighted most to Honour be of all the rest of the Creatures the most ungrateful and most backward to give Praise and Glory to God Oh wheresoever this Ingratitude be to be found let it not be found amongst us but let us still joyn with the Psalmist and say Kings of the earth and all people princes and all judges of the earth both young men and maidens old men and children Let them praise the name of the Lord for his name only is excellent his glory is above the earth and heaven Thirdly that this Duty of glorifying God is both reasonable and necessary is evident in as much as all Mankind both good and bad shall most certainly one way or other give glory to God For the Lord will be King for ever be the people never so tumultuous and unquiet and though he be offended and provoked and blasphemed every day yet he is strong as well as patient and will one day vindicate his abused patience and longsuffering and will exalt himself above the heavens and his glory above all the earth Then shall all those foolish Wretches that refused to give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name and to celebrate the Praise of his mercy that endureth for ever be forced by their everlasting Punishment to glorifie his Justice For the glory of the Lord shall endure for ever the Lord shall rejoyce in his works For he hath made all things for himself saith Solomon Yea even the wicked for the day of evil Prov. 16.4 Thus did God get himself Honour as well by punishing the stubbornness of Pharaoh whom he overthrew in the Sea as by rewarding the obedience of Moses to whom he gave Power to command it And thus at the end of all things will he cause his Justice eternally to shine as bright and glorious below even in the midst of the infernal darkness as his mercy shall above in the Regions of light and happiness And Oh how sad how dreadful will our Condemnation be if we neglect this great Salvation that is offered us if notwithstanding this wonderful Redemption that God hath wrought for us we will again sell our selves Slaves to Sin and Satan And if but the tasting of a forbidden fruit brought Death into the world and made all Mankind obnoxious to the eternal wrath of God what Vengeance is reserved for them that tread under foot the Blood of his only begotten Son that despise the very height of his Love and the utmost riches of his Mercy Since then we must unavoidably glorifie either the Mercy of God or his Justice let us chuse rather to adore the former than to be broken in pieces by the latter for they that will not submit to his gentle Government while he holds forth his golden Sceptre shall be sure to feel the Severity of his rod of Iron Lastly for I must not be tedious though the Subject be so copious that I might heap up Arguments without number Since there is not the least part of the Creation excepting wicked Men and wicked Angels but what sets us an Example and invites us to glorifie our Creator this Duty of glorifying God is most highly reasonable for us to perform while we are upon Earth because it will be our eternal Task if ever we come to Heaven Those glorious Mansions above resound incessantly with Hymns of Praise unto the King of Saints To whom all Angels cry aloud continually the Heavous and all the powers therein Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabbaoth Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of thy glory If therefore we desire to perform this Duty in the next Life it is not only reasonable but necessary that we begin is in this For certainly if we do not now tune our Voice to an Hallelujah and practise the Musick of Heaven while we are upon Earth Candidates for a Place in the celestial Choire we shall never be qualified to bear a part in that new Song which is to be sung before the throne of God and none shall be able to learn it but the Saints that are redeemed from the Earth Let us therefore now and evermore joyn with those blessed Spirits in glorifying our Almighty Creator saying as our Church teaches us and with which words we will at present break off our Discourse Therefore with Angels and Archangels and with all the Company of Heaven we laud and magnifie thy glorious Name evermore praising thee and saying Holy holy holy Lord God of Hosts Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory Glory be to thee O Lord most high SERMON V. 1 COR. VI. 20. For ye are bought with a price c. THE reasonableness of this Duty of glorifying God to which in these words the Apostle exhorts us we have already seen and indeed he must be blind that sees it not when the whole Creation joins unanimously in the constant performance of it and every Corner of it declares the Power and Wisdom and Goodness of the
a Commonwealth soon after the coming of the Messias and that it did so about 40 years after our Saviour's Crucifixion is matter of Fact as evident and undeniable as the other Nay more than thus forasmuch as it is plain in Chronology that the Commonwealth of the Jews was not destroyed immediately upon the Birth of our Saviour nor immediately after his Death This Prophecy points directly at the time when that fatal Destruction should come upon them that should wrest the Sceptre out of their hands if we understand it as the Learned Mr. Mede doth much more agreeably to the Original and to the completion of it than is our English Translation viz. thus The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh come and the gathering of the people be to him and so it is plain that this Destruction of the Jewish Polity was not to happen immediately upon the coming of the Messias but first the people were to be gathered unto him i. e. were to submit to his Government and to own him for their Lord which was fulfilled when the Apostles had executed the Commission which our Saviour gave them and had converted the Gentiles in all Countreys of the then known World to the Christian Faith then immediately followed the utter Subversion of the Jewish State as our Saviour had foretold Matth. 24.14 This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all Nations and then shall the end come Then did the Sceptre finally and totally depart from Judah according to this ancient Prophecy of the Patriarch Jacob. The second Prophecy which I shall instance in to prove that our Saviour came at the time appointed by God for the coming of the Messias is Hagg. 2.6 7 and 9th Verses Thus saith the Lord of hosts yet once it is a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land and I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of hosts The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former saith the Lord of hosts and in this place will I give peace saith the Lord of hosts Unto which I shall joyn that of Mal. 3.1 as being exactly parallel Behold I will send my Messenger and be shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the Messenger of the covenant whom ye delight in behold he shall come saith the Lord of hosts The chief end and design of both these Prophecies is to foretel that the Messias should come while the second Temple was standing viz. that Temple which was built by Zerubbabel after that the Jews were returned from the Babylonish Captivity and afterwards repaired and beautified by Herod Thus the ancient Rabbies and Doctors of the Jews understood these Texts as well as we however their modern Writers now labour to wrest them to some other sense that they may not be forced to own our Saviour to be the true Messias at whom it is evident nevertheless that these Texts do directly point For whereas as we read Ezr. 3.12 when Zerubbabel had begun to build this Temple many of the ancient men among the Jews that remembred the former Temple that was built by Solomon wept when they considered how much inferiour this would be to that thereupon God sends the Prophet Haggai to encourage them in the building of it and to assure them That the glory of this latter house should be greater than of the former But wherein was the Glory of this Temple greater than that of Solomon's Indeed it lasted a little the longer of the two and but a little not the Age of a man for it never attain'd to be threescore and ten years older than the former But if it had lasted twice as long what is this to the Glory and Splendour of it For if Glory be the product of Age then an old Cottage is more honourable than a new Palace And as for any other Glory except that which it received by being honoured by the Presence of the Messias it is certain that in all other respects it came far short of Solomon's Temple For who can with any reason suppose that a conquered Nation newly returned out of Captivity from under the hand of a potent Enemy should have so much Wealth and Riches as to be able to build a Temple that might vie with that of Solomon's who exceeded all the Kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom And though it be true that Artaxerxes gave very large and magnificent Contributions towards the building of this second Temple yet is it not to be imagined that Artaxerxes an Heathen King either took so much care or bestowed so much cost about the building of this Temple as Solomon did about his who according to that mighty Wisdom and Riches with which God had blessed him built unto the Honour of God's name both for Cost and Workmanship undoubtedly the stateliest Fabrick that ever the world beheld Neither is it at all probable that Herod when he rebuilt and beautified this Temple anew made it equal to Solomon's But suppose it had been equal to it or exceeded it in the Splendour and Magnificence of its building yet it is certain and the Jews themselves acknowledge it that it was far inferiour to it in matters of an higher Nature For gold and silver and precious stones were the least part of the Glory of Solomon's Temple It s greatest Glory was that God was pleased to make it the peculiar place as it were of his Residence and especial Presence here upon Earth The place where his honour dwelt and that far more visibly and eminently than ever it did in the second Temple before the coming of Christ For besides that at the Dedication of Solomon's Temple we read that Fire came down in a wonderful manner from Heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the house so that by reason of it the Priests were not able to enter into it and there is no mention made of any such Miracles being shewed at the Dedication of the second it had also the Urim and Thummim and the Ark of the Covenant which were signal Tokens of the Divine Presence and from whence God was wont to give Answers to the High Priest when he came to enquire of him both which were wanting in the second To this we may add also the Spirit of Prophecy so frequently manifest in the Prophets during the time of the first Temple and ceasing all the time of the second for about 400 years together even from Malachy the last of the Prophets in the Old Testament until the coming of our Saviour Since then in all these respects the Glory of the second Temple was far short of that of the former and yet God here by his Prophet
Gospel absolutely deny that there was ever any such purchase made disowning both the Divinity of Christ and the satisfaction of his Sufferings As if the God of Truth had studied to impose upon the credulity of Mankind and when he tells us most plainly in his word that he hath purchased his Church with his own blood that we are bought with a price and that our blessed Saviour gave himself a ransome for all and that not only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 neither but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a full sufficient and satisfactory Ransome yet all this while he means quite otherwise than what the words seem to import and none but these few sagacious Sophisters are ever able to discover the Divine Fallacy How many thousands are there yet even amongst us Christians who instead of glorifying God in their body and in their spirit openly dishonour him in both glory in their shame and by their wicked and profligate Lives crucifie afresh the Son of God and blaspheme that worthy Name by which they are called Lastly how many Myriads how many Millions are there besides all these that yet sit in darkness and in the shadow of Death Who never heard of the glad tidings of the Gospel nor have had their understandings enlightened and their hearts revived and awakened out of the deadly Lethargy of Pagan Ignorance and Superstition and Idolatry by the benign and salutiferous influence of the Son of righteousness Who instead of glorifying God give away his Glory to his greatest Enemy and do Sacrifice unto the Devil These are sad Considerations that infinite Mercy and Love should be received with such prodigious Scorn and Ingratitude that so invaluable a price as God hath given for us should be paid in vain for the greatest part of Mankind that but a small and inconsiderable number in comparison of the whole Race of Adam should wash their robes and make them white in the blood of that Lamb that was slain for the sins of the whole World and was a Sacrifice every way sufficient to make an atonement for them all Who can reflect upon these things without sorrow Since then the Case is thus with us that most of us are liable to lose the benefit of this Price by neglecting to perform this Duty of glorifying God to which it hath indispensably obliged us let us briefly consider the reasonableness and necessity of this Duty that we may be the more encouraged unto it upon these following Accounts First this Duty of glorifying God is exceeding reasonable forasmuch as God himself is the only Object in the world that is in and for himself glorious and adorable It is a Maxim in Heraldry that the King is the Fountain of Honour how much more then is that Prerogative peculiar unto God By whom Kings reign and Princes decree Justice From whom all Honour both in Heaven and Earth is derived and unto whom it returns again and centers it self as the Rivers in the Ocean When we look upon the Moon shining in its full strength and beauty we cannot but confess that its Light is very pleasant and comfortable to behold but it diminishes much from its Excellency when we consider that all its Lustre is borrowed and that should the Sun withhold its influence the other would be nothing else but a dark invisible Globe So likewise when we consider the Angels and Archangels and all the mighty Powers of Heaven that excel in Strength and Goodness and Holiness we must needs acknowledge that these are Creatures beyond all our thoughts happy and glorious but when we consider further that as great and good and happy as they are yet still they are but Creatures and that all these rich Endowments that they have received they owe to the father of spirits from whom alone comes every good and perfect gift all the Praise and Glory redounds solely to the Almighty Creator Who makes his Angels spirits and his Ministers a flaming fire and to whose Soveraign Will and uncontrolable Power the highest Archangel is as subject and subservient as the most despicable Insect that we trample under our Feet Since therefore it is most plain and undeniable that God is the only Object in the world that is in and for himself glorious and is the Spring and Fountain of Glory and Honour to all his Creatures that do in any measure participate of it reason dictates to us and we need enquire no further that it is our Duty to glorifie him and that should we do otherwise even the very stones under our feet might justly rise up in Judgment against us and condemn us Secondly as God is the only Object that is in and for himself glorious and that in an infinite and incomprehensible manner so he created all things at the first for the manifestation of his own Glory and requires this Homage to be paid him by every one of his Creatures in their respective Capacities For any of the Creatures even for the greatest of them to love himself above all things or to make his own Glory and Honour the end of his Actions is Folly is Injustice is Sin is such foolish and unreasonable Pride as cast the fallen Angels out of Heaven and Man out of Paradise But for God to do thus is both wise and just seeing that Wisdom and Equity requires that nothing less than infinite Perfection should be the adequate Object of infinite Love and Glory and therefore it would be a manifest piece of Injustice of which God can never be capable for him to give that Love or Glory to another which is due to none else but himself alone And accordingly he himself hath told us that he never will do it I am the Lord saith he that is my name and my glory will I not give to another Isa 42.8 No he hath reserved it wholly to himself and for the manifestation of it he hath created all things So the four and twenty Elders confess Rev. 4.11 Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created The ultimate end of the whole Creation was the Glory of the Creator The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy-work saith the Psalmist Ps 19.1 whoth at considers the certain and regular Motions of the celestial Bodies can chuse but extol and magnifie the Power and Wisdom of that God that made them saying with the Psalmist Praise ye him sun and moon praise him all ye stars of light Let them praise the name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created He hath also established them for ever and ever he hath made a decree which shall not pass Neither were the Heavens only created for the Glory of God but the Earth also declares the same and his wonders are seen in the Deep Even the merciless and unruly Sea obeys the Decree of him who hath shut it up with doors
Predictions of the Prophets the Messias was to be born in Bethlehem For so we read Mic. 5.2 But thou Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall be come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting Now that the Jews did expect the Messias should be born in that City is plain from the answer which the Scribes and chief Priests gave to Herod when being troubled at the News which the wise men of the East brought him of a King being born unto the Jews he enquired of them where Christ should be born they answered with one accord In Bethlehem of Judea grounding their answer upon this Prediction of the Prophet Micah And so Joh. 7.42 when the people were divided in their Opinions concerning our Saviour and many said Of a truth this is the Prophet Others said This is the Christ But some said perhaps not knowing where our Saviour was born or else maliciously pretending not to know it shall Christ come out of Galilee Hath not the Scripture said that Christ cometh of the seed of David and out of the Town of Bethlehem where David was By these passages it appears that the Jews did unanimously confess and acknowledge that the Messias or Christ was to be born in Bethlehem And that our blessed Saviour was born there both S. Matthew and S. Luke have fully assured us The manner and occasion of his being born there is most punctually recorded by the latter and it will be worth our while to take a short view of it being a thing wonderfully effected by the secret and over-ruling Providence of God contrary to all likelihood and probability that the prediction of the Prophet concerning this matter might be fulfilled For had not our Saviour been born in Bethlehem the Jews had then had an invincible Argument against us to prove him not to be the Messias And that he should be born there was very unlikely until within a few days before it came to pass For both Joseph and the blessed Virgin Mary dwelt together at Nazareth about twenty Miles from Bethlehem from the time when at the Salutation of the Angel Gabriel she conceived our Saviour until the time of her Delivery was at hand excepting only those three Months which she spent with her Cousin Elizabeth in the Hilly Countrey from whence we read expresly that she returned to her own house Luk. 1.56 In all probability therefore our Saviour was likely to be born at Nazareth had not God unexpectedly ordered the matter otherwise which accordingly he did For when her full time drew near by a Decree of Augustus Caesar both Joseph and she no doubt much against their Wills as not being then very able to undertake a Journey are constrained to go to be taxed in the Town belonging to their Family which was Bethlehem And so it was saith S. Luke that while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be delivered And she brought forth her first-born son and wrapped him in swadling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the Inn Luk. 2.6 7. Thus did God in his great Wisdom order this matter so that all the Family of David being called together at the same time as it were on purpose to be Witnesses of our Saviour's Birth we might not want sufficient evidence to prove that our blessed Lord was not only born of the House of David but also in the Town of Bethlehem The next Circumstance to be considered in the coming of the Messias is the manner of his Birth and this was to be wonderful for he was to be born of a pure Virgin a thing which never did nor ever shall happen to any man in the World besides This was foretold by the Prophet Isaiah chap. 7.14 Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel which as S. Matthew tells us being interpreted is God with us and that in a peculiar and miraculous manner so as he never was with any other Creature but man with us by a personal and eternal Union Now that this is an express Prophecy of the Birth of the Messias is so clear that it affords no tolerable grounds for any Objections to be made against it For unto whom can that great name Immanuel properly belong but unto that ever blessed Person that was to mediate betwixt God and Man and reconcile them together Or upon whom can we imagine that God would bestow the honour of such a Birth if not upon the Messias who was undoubtedly to be honoured with far more glorious Privileges than any other of the Sons of men besides Since then God by his Prophet did foretel that such a wonder as this should be effected that a Virgin should conceive and bear a son we cannot with any probability imagine that any other person should be so born but only the Messias And that he is here meant is yet more fully evident from the Character which the Prophet gives of him afterwards Chap. 9.6 Vnto us a child is born unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called Wonderful Councellor the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace These high Titles can be applied to no other person but to the Messias which is yet more clear by what follows in the next Verse Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever Certainly none other person but the Messias was to sit for ever upon the Throne of David even by the Confession of the Jews themselves It is true that there is not any one thing in all the Gospel which the Jews are more unwilling to believe than this that our Saviour came into the world by such a miraculous Birth as this this one Circumstance being in a manner of it self sufficient to convince any reasonable person that whosoever was so born could be none else but the Messias And therefore rather than they will give credit to it they deny that either in this place or any other in the Old Testament God ever foretold that the Messias should be born of a pure Virgin whereby they rob him of one of the highest and most honourable Privileges that God bestowed upon him upon Earth And for proof of this against all sense and reason they affirm that the Hebrew word in this Prophecy which we translate Virgin doth not always signifie so but is sometimes used for a married Woman and that it ought to be so rendered in this place Which is a most malicious and false Assertion and contains two notorious errors and absurdities the one visible only to the Learned the other easily discernible by men
as he himself required with which his Justice is fully satisfied and his Wrath appeased And this was that Oblation of himself of his own most precious Body and Blood when he poured out his soul unto death to be an offering for sin upon the Altar of the Cross Christ being come an High-Priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood entred in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us Hebr. 9.11 12. And without looking any further that one Epistle to the Hebrews may satisfie us in this Point the main Design of it being to convince the Jews that Jesus Christ was such an High-Priest as we are speaking of Who was once offered to bear the sins of many and who shall appear unto them that look for him the second time without sin unto salvation Secondly as our blessed Saviour hath offered this holy spotless and most acceptable Sacrifice of himself unto God for us so doth he likewise continually intercede for us at his right hand pleading the merits of his most precious Death and Passion in our behalf that we thereby may be delivered from the Curse of the Law and receive the adoption of Sons Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us Hebr. 9.24 and Hebr. 7.25 He tells us That he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them So Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us And if any man sin saith S. John we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous 1 Joh. 2.1 Thus then it is evident that our blessed Saviour is by the holy Evangelists and Apostles that have given us a true and faithful account of him represented to be as great an High-Priest as it was possible that the Messias could be for who can be higher than he that is set down at the right hand of God And this naturally brings me to the Consideration of his last and highest Office which is that of a King For surely he that is exalted unto the right hand of God can be no less than a King in the highest Degree a King of Saints and Angels a King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let the Jews perswade themselves what they please concerning the greatness of the Kingdom of their imaginary Messias whom they fondly dream is yet to come into the world though they cannot deny that the time prefixed for his coming by the Prophets is long since past yet a greater King they cannot imagine him to be than we know and are fully assured by the unanimous Testimony of most faithful and unexceptionable Witnesses that our blessed Saviour already is who is and ever shall be a King upon Gods holy hill of Sion whom he hath exalted and set at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and put all things under his feet and given him to be the head over all things to the Church Eph. 1.20 21 22. That our blessed Saviour was to be such a King as this the Angel Gabriel expresly foretold to the Virgin Mary at his Conception Luk. 1.31 Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus He shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom there shall be no end Which words plainly imply that he was not to be a temporal King a King of this World whose Kings and Kingdoms shall all perish and come to an end but a spiritual King of a Kingdom which is everlasting Such a King as this our Lord owned himself to be I appoint unto you a Kingdom saith he to his Disciples as my father hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel Luk. 22.29 30. A King even Pilate himself seemed positively to declare him by the Superscription upon his Cross Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews which he would by no means alter at the request of the chief Priests Such a King he most powerfully demonstrated himself to be by his triumphant Resurrection from the Dead Such a King he yet more fully proved himself to be by his most glorious Ascension into Heaven Having first told his Disciples that all power is given unto him in heaven and in earth he shews them the truth of it by ocular Demonstration visibly in their sight ascending up into Heaven to take Possession of his eternal Kingdom sending moreover two Angels to comfort them and assure them that he the same Jesus which was taken up from them into heaven shall so come in like manner as they had seen him go into heaven Act. 1.11 And after all this according to his Promise as a King that was ascended on high that had led captivity captive and received gifts for men he bestows upon them a gift fit for the King of Heaven to bestow upon his choicest Favourites even that of the Holy Ghost upon the Day of Pentecost thereby to the astonishment of all that beheld them impowering them to work Miracles and to speak with Tongues in order to the accomplishing that great work about which he employed them which was to proclaim him over all the World to be such a King such a Saviour and to gather him a Church out of all the Nations of the Earth declaring that unto all those that will believe and obey him and receive him for their Soveraign Lord and King he will most assuredly be the authour of eternal salvation having redeemed them from the Curse of the Law and purchased for them the adoption of sons and that when at the last day he shall come again in the Glory of his Father to judge the world in righteousness he shall then as an omnipotent King whose Power nothing can resist execute Vengeance upon all his Enemies and reward all his faithful and obedient Subjects with everlasting Felicity receiving them into his heavenly Kingdom there to Reign together with him in Glory as Kings and Priests unto God for ever thus I have proved to you I hope beyond all Contradiction except such as proceeds from wilful and obstinate Malice or notorious Ignorance or Prejudice which must
and Goodness was greater towards the Angels than towards Man But when some of these once glorious Creatures rebelled against their Creator and fell from their happy Station God was pleased to admit of no Mediator to intercede for their Pardon but left them to reap the fruit of their Folly and condemned them for ever to that remediless Misery into which their sin had most deservedly plunged them But with Man he dealt otherwise for when he also by transgressing that easie Command which was given him in Paradise had incurred the same Condemnation with those apostate Spirits God was pleased here to mingle Mercy with Justice and to order the matter so that tho' he did both pronounce and execute the Sentence of Death upon him which he had threatned in case of his disobedience yet he made even Death it self a Happiness to him as well as a Punishment a gate of Life and Immortality and an inlet into a far more glorious Paradise than that which before he had forfeited This was a Mercy beyond all Expectation above the thoughts of Men or Angels to comprehend that whereas he left no place of Repentance to the fallen Angels but hat reserved them in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day yet he had pity on Man though a Creature of an inferior Nature so that even before he pronounced against him the Sentence of Death he published a short Gospel of Peace and Reconciliation and assured him that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpents head Thus did God utterly confound the Malice of Satan and cause his mischief to return upon his own pate his aim was to bring Man into the same Perdition with himself without any hopes of recovery that so he might insult over him as his Captive and Vassal for ever but so far was God from suffering him to enjoy the Pleasure of such a Triumph that he presently declares that that supposed Victory that he had gained over Man should end in his own eternal overthrow that though he had dispossessed the first Adam of his earthly Paradise yet he would at his appointed time send another Adam that should conduct all the race of Mankind that would believe in him and obey him to take Possession of those glorious Mansions from whence he and his rebellious Companions were fallen a Man whom all the Angels of God should worship a Man that should trample Satan under his feet a Man that should be one with God at whose name every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth a Man that should have the keys of hell and of death who having lead captivity captive and spoiled principalities and powers should ascend into the highest Heavens and sit on the right hand of God Angels and Authorities and Powers being made subject unto him But though God was resolved that though Man was thus miserably lost and sold into the hands of Satan to the utter confusion and astonishment of him that had wrought his ruin he should be redeemed and restored again yet this was no easie Task even to Omnipotence it self but God was forced to be at the Expence both of pains and charge to effect it The Creation of Man and of the whole World cost him no trouble at all For he spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast but Man's Redemption cost the highest price that Heaven had to give not corruptible things as silver and gold but the precious blood of the Son of God as of a lamb without blemish and without spot That Man might live God himself was fain to become Man and to die for the satisfaction of the Divine Justice A Mystery so great so incomprehensible that though nothing be more plainly and fully revealed in the holy Scripture yet many who notwithstanding call themselves Christians will not be perswaded to believe it most impudently and ungratefully denying the Lord that bought them and bringing upon themselves swift destruction Thus you see the ransome that was paid for us we were bought with a price a Price inestimable a Price infinite a Price greater than which the mercy of God could not give and less than which his Justice would not accept The greatness of this Price sufficiently intimates the great reason that there was that such a Price as this should be paid For certainly God who doth nothing in vain would never have been at such a vast Expence as this had not there been great occasion for it and so there was upon all accounts The Wisdom the Mercy the Justice all the Attributes of God at once required this Price and all at once were glorified by the Payment of it far more than by the Creation of the World The malice and cruelty of Satan required that this Price should be paid for his Confusion and above all the Misery of Man required it for his Redemption Though some of the Angels fell yet others and doubtless the greatest part of them kept their Station and so God was pleased to punish the one for their Rebellion and to reward the other for their Fidelity But with us the Case was otherwise all the whole race of Man was lost in Adam insomuch that not one of his Posterity could plead Exemption either from Death or Hell And had God suffered them to have been all thus lost without any hopes of recovery Satan would have had too great cause to triumph and blasphemously to boast that he had baffled the Wisdom and Goodness of God having utterly ruined and destroyed Man the chief work of all the visible Creation a Creature highly beloved of God and precious in his sight whom he plainly declared that he designed for great and noble Ends first by taking as it were special Counsel and Advice about his Creation and then imprinting upon him his own glorious Image and making him Lord of all the Creatures upon Earth Let us make man saith he in our own image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattel and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth Gen. 1.26 It was therefore a Stratagem worthy of the wisdom and goodness of God to rescue so considerable a part of the Creation out of the paw of that roaring Lyon who thought to have devoured it and to make the wicked malice of Satan contrary to his Expectation tend to the increasing not only of his own Misery but of Man's Felicity Lastly the deplorable Condition of fallen Man required that this Price should be paid for his Redemption and certainly it was none of the least Motives that induced God to lay it down Our Saviour himself seems to intimate that it was the chief For saith he God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life
Almighty Creatour But though the reasonableness of this Duty must needs be apparent to all Men that believe that there is a God and they that believe not that though they may seem to be Rational Creatures are certainly most notorious Fools yet all Men are not so clearly agreed how to perform this Duty and that is the next thing that falls under our Consideration and the last Particular to be handled in my Text the manner how we must glorifie God we must do it in our Body and in our Spirit forasmuch as he hath redeemed and purchased both of them and both are his For ye are bought with a price c. First We must glorifie God in our Spirit that is in our Soul and in this all Parties are agreed even the very Quakers themselves the most stupid and senseless Fanaticks that have surfeited upon Religion and overwhelmed and oppressed their Reason by that very thing which was designed to refine and perfect it will all of them acknowledge that God is to be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth and that their Soul ought to bow to him though their Body be as inflexible as a Pillar of Marble And indeed this is the chief and main thing that we are to take care of in the worship of God that our Soul be zealously and earnestly intent upon what we are about for God sees not as Man sees he regards not so much the outward Gestures of our Body though as I shall shew hereafter he expects these from us too but he looks especially upon the inward Thoughts and Intentions of our Heart and if these be not right all our bodily worship is nothing worth If we draw near to God with our Lips and our Heart be far from him if we lift up our Eyes and our Hands to Heaven and our Mind be wedded to the World if we prostrate our Bodies upon the Earth and lay our Mouths in the Dust yet if our Spirit be not proportionably humbled all this is no better than gross Hypocrisie a downright mocking of God who cannot be deceived with counterfeit shews and shadows of Religion If therefore we desire to glorifie God aright we must be sure chiefly and principally to glorifie him in our Spirit and as Solomon advises us we must keep our Heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life Prov. 4.23 Now this glorifying God in our Spirit implies briefly thus much That we make a free-will-offering of our Soul unto God committing the keeping of it unto him as unto a faithful Creator permitting him to guide and govern it according to his own good will and pleasure throughout the whole course of our life in whatsoever circumstances both in Prosperity and Adversity so that every thought and motion of it may evermore tend to his Glory He that hath made such an Offering as this unto God will always remember that he is not his own but that his Body and Soul are bought with a price and that both of them are God's and consequently will be careful to direct all his Thoughts Words and Actions to this one end that the Glory of God may be advanced by whatsoever he undertakes He will have God always in his thoughts as the only Object of his highest Love and Adoration and this will make him watch continually over his Soul and keep it pure and undefiled that no unclean thing may enter into that Spirit which is wholly devoted to the God of Purity For certainly nothing can be a more powerful motive to induce us to keep our Heart with all diligence than the consideration of God's Omnipresence and Omniscience that he sees us perpetually in our most private Retirements and searches and knows our most secret and hidden thoughts Hence it was that God himself gave that command to the Father of the Faithful Gen. 17.1 Walk before me and be thou perfect He that walks before God that is he that orders his whole Life and Conversation as knowing and considering that God's Eye is always upon him cannot chuse but endeavour to keep both his Soul and his Body blameless and undefiled and strive to be perfect as his Father which is in Heaven is perfect Again he that hath made such an Offering as this of his Soul unto God will be careful that in all things his Soul be obedient and conformable to the Will of God In his Health and Prosperity if Riches increase he will not set his Heart upon them but with Humility and Thankfulness will receive them as knowing himself not to be a Proprietor but a Steward only of the manifold Blessings of God and will accordingly dispose of them so that God may have the Glory and his distressed Brethren the benefit of his Wealth On the other hand if God sends Trouble and Affliction unto him if he deprives him of his Estate or his Health or both together whatsoever Calamity befalls him he will still bless and praise his Name as well when he takes away as when he gives when he smites as well as when he heals knowing and considering that whatsoever he either enjoys or suffers in this World comes to him from the Hand of an infinitely wise and good and gracious Father that will be sure first or last to make all things work together for good to them that love him Thus will the blessed Will and Pleasure of God be unto him as it were the Load-star to guide and direct his Soul how to steer its course towards the Haven of everlasting Happiness streight and steddy through all the Changes and Chances of this mortal life teaching him that hard Lesson which so few can learn how to separate Riches from Pride and Poverty from Impatience that neither the one may prevail with him to forget God and worship Mammon nor the other to repine at the Divine Providence and to fret and vex himself at the Prosperity of his Brethren If God blesses him he will acknowledge himself to be less than the least of all his Mercies and if he afflicts him he will receive it as the Correction of a tender Father that pities and loves his Children even when he chastizes them Lastly He that hath made this Offering of his Soul unto God whensoever he is in God's House in order to the celebration of his Publick Worship or whensoever he is in his Closet performing his Private Devotions will be exceeding careful to set his Heart and Affections then especially upon those things which are above he will be sure to banish all worldly thoughts out of his Mind and study to behave himself so as becomes one that is admitted to appear in the Presence-Chamber of the King of Kings either to put up his Petitions to him or to receive his Commands following that excellent Counsel of Solomon Eccl. 5.1 Keep thy Foot when thou goest to the House of God and be more ready to hear than to give the Sacrifice of Fools for they consider not that
by us in her Morning Service that so we might be continually put in mind of this duty and be careful always to behave our selves Humbly Reverently and Devoutly in the House of God Thirdly It is necessary that we worship God with our Body for the satisfaction both of Men and Angels It is the peculiar Prerogative of God that he only can discern the secret Thoughts and Intentions of our Hearts and therefore though a private Ejaculation of our Soul wherein our Body is not at all concerned may be very acceptable and well-pleasing in his sight at other times yet in the time of our Publick Devotions in the Church the case is otherwise For there both Men and Angels are Spectators of our Piety neither of which can judge of the Sincerity of it any otherwise than by our outward Behaviour which if it be devout and reverent they will conclude that our Soul is so too and will gladly joyn with us in our publick Worship of that God who is the common Lord and Master of us all But if otherwise not only all good Men will take offence at our Prophaneness but we shall much more offend those blessed Spirits and provoke them to loath and abhorr our Religious Assemblies which delight to frequent them so long as they observe that we behave our selves so that they may plainly discern our inward Piety by our outward Deportment And for this reason St. Paul forbids Men to be covered in the Church and Women to be uncovered because of the Angels 1 Cor. 11. The Angels cannot endure to behold any such indecency and disorder in the Church but are highly displeased at it as a thing that tends much to the dishonour of God and most evidently discovers that such persons as are guilty of it are destitute of true Religion for it cannot be imagined that when every little Passion of our Mind causes more or less some visible alteration in our Body that Religion which is the noblest Passion with which our Soul can be affected and that too at that very time when we come with a pretence to profess it openly before Men and Angels in God's own House should cause no alteration at all but that our Body all this while should sit as unconcerned as one of the Pillars of the Church No certainly if our Soul were truly humbled as it ought to be before the Throne of Grace it would command the Body to humble it self likewise to uncover the Head and bend the Knee to lift up the Eyes and the Hands and to bear it company with a devout and reverent behaviour of all its Members in its Suit and Supplication to the Divine Majesty Therefore as St. James exhorts us to shew our Faith by our Works so likewise let us shew the Devotion of our Soul by that of our Body For as Faith without Works is dead so is inward Piety especially in the time of God's Publick Service in the Church dead also except it be accompanied by bodily Worship Lastly That God is to be worshipped with our Body as well as with our Soul is evident from the universal consent and practice of Mankind in all Ages all Nations and Countries of the World whatsoever Not only Christians but Jews Mahometans Heathens and Pagans all agree in this point that Divine Worship is to be performed by our Body as well as by our Soul And therefore those Men that imagin Bodily Worship to be needless in the Service of God and behave themselves accordingly do in effect render themselves no better than Monsters not only to be wondered at but even to be abhorred in that particular by all the rest of Mankind and certainly an honest Pagan being before acquainted with the Custom of our Country which obliges us to uncover our Heads and to stand bare in the presence of our betters though but mortal Men like our selves should he come into some of our Churches and observe Men sitting irreverently with their Hats on in the House of God even at the very time when they are receiving a Message concerning their everlasting Salvation from the Mouth of his Ambassadour would stand astonished and exclaim against Christianity as the most impious and profane Religion in the World that allowed men to be hail fellow well met with that God whom they pretend to worship shewing him less respect and reverence even in his own House than they ordinarily pay to a Man that is but a little their Superiour either in Estate or Quality And I would fain have those persons that dare be thus impudent in the presence of the Almighty answer me this one Question Whether they would do the same thing in case they should see God visibly sitting upon his Throne of Glory or in case they should see the Lord Jesus coming in the Clouds of Heaven attended with all his Angels If in this case they would fall down and worship as I question not but that they would I know no reason why they should not likewise behave themselves with a profound Reverence and Devotion both of Body and Soul in the Church which is the place of God's special and extraordinary presence and is when we behave our selves in it as we ought a lively emblem and representation of Heaven it self and then surely it is but reasonable that we that sit at God's Foot-stool here on Earth should uncover our Heads and bend our Knees in his presence when we read that the Holy Angels do no less above casting their Crowns and falling down and worshipping before his Throne in Heaven and if we will not follow their Example now it is greatly to be feared that we shall never be admitted to bear them company hereafter But after all this granting which I hope I have sufficiently proved that bodily Worship of God is necessary it may reasonably be demanded wherein this bodily worship chiefly consists and what Gestures and Ceremonies are to be used by us in our performance of it To which I answer that herein we are to be determined by the Custom of the Countrey wherein we live and the appointment of the Church whereof we are Members In general therefore those Gestures and Ceremonies which by the Custom of our Countrey we are obliged to use in token of civil Honour and Respect in our Addresses to men that are much our Superiours as for Example to the King himself we are to use likewise by way of religious Worship to Almighty God If therefore it be an affront to the King for a Subject to be covered in his presence or to offer a petition ro him in any other posture but upon his Knees reason will tell us that it must needs be a much greater affront to God for any man to put his Hat on in his house or to sit irreverently upon his Seat when the Minister is upon his Knees offering up Prayers and Supplications unto the Throne of Grace in the Name of the whole Congregation Persons that thus mis-behave
Heavens the highest and most glorious Heaven which is the Imperial Throne of the Majesty of God far above all those Celestial Orbs which are visible to our Sight wherein the Sun and Moon and Stars perform their constant and regular Motions according to those Laws which God gave them at their first Creation Through all these Heavens our Saviour passed in his Ascension as is plain from my Text if we consult the Original for what our Translation Renders is passed into the Heavens is in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is passed through the Heavens i. e. through all these visible Heavens into that invisible one wherein he dwelt with his Father in inaccessible Light and Glory and Majesty from all Eternity And that this is the meaning of that Heaven into which our Saviour is ascended is plain from that Expression of our Apostle which I cited before Hebr. 7.26 where he tells us That such an High-priest became us as was made higher than the Heavens And likewise from that Eph. 4.10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens Thus ye see what is meant by that Heaven into which our Saviour is ascended For the second Thing how and in what manner he is said to have ascended thither I answer he ascended not by any local Motion or Translation of his Divine Nature from Earth to Heaven for that being Infinite and Omnipresent filling all places at once cannot be supposed to be capable of being removed any whither where before it was not but he ascended by translating his humane Nature his whole Man both Body and Soul from Earth where he had assumed that Nature and hypostatically united it to his Divinity unto the Right Hand of God in the highest Heavens And that Christ is thus ascended into Heaven the Scripture most amply and plainly assures us First this Ascension of his was typified and prefigured under the Mosaical Law by the High-priests entering once a Year into the Holy of Holies to make an Atonement for himself and the People as our Apostle shews us chap. 9. of this Epistle The Holy Ghost this signifying saith he That the way into the holiest of all was not made manifest while as the first Tabernacle was yet standing which was a Figure for the time then present But Christ being come an High-priest of good Things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with Hands that is to say not of this Building neither by the Blood of Goats and Calves but by his own Blood entered in once into the Holy Place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us Again this Ascension of our Saviour into Heaven was Typified by those extraordinary Translations of Enoch and Elias Secondly it was foretold by the Prophets as appears by that of Ps 68.18 Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led Captivity Captive Thou hast received Gifts for Men which place St. Paul expresly applies to our Saviour's Ascension Eph. 4.8 and Ps 24. is almost all of it a prophetical Description of this Ascension and is therefore very fitly appointed by our Church to be Read upon that Day which we set apart for the Commemoration of it To the same effect is that Prophecy of Isai chap. 63.1 where the Prophet describes the Holy Host of Heaven rejoicing and wondering at the Glorious Ascension of our Lord into those everlasting Mansions Who is this say they that cometh from Edom with died Garments from Bozrah This that is Glorious in his Apparel travelling in the greatness of his Strength I that speak in Righteousness mighty to Save And as our Saviour's Ascension was typified and foretold in the Old Testament so we find that all those Types and Prophecies were made good and fulfilled in the New There we have a most faithful and punctual Account as of his Nativity his Passion his Resurrection from the Dead so likewise of his Ascension into Heaven This we find that our Saviour himself plainly foretold some Days before it came to pass Go to my Brethren saith he to Mary Magdalen and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and your God Joh. 20.17 And when this was to be fulfilled that there might not want sufficient Witnesses to attest the truth of his Ascension the Evangelist St. Luke tells us That when he was about to ascend up to his Father he led his Disciples out as far as to Bethany and that there he lift up his Hands and Blessed them and that while he Blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into Heaven But still further lest any should doubt notwithstanding our Saviour's being visibly parted from his Disciples and received up into the Air whether he did really ascend into Heaven or not to remove all manner of occasion of such doubting God immediately sends two Angels from Heaven to certifie them that he was really ascended thither for the story tells us Acts 1.10 That while they looked stedfastly toward Heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white Apparel which also said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into Heaven This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven Now there remains no ground at all of doubting whether our Saviour be really ascended into Heaven or no since what the Apostle's eyes were not able visible to behold the Testimony of two Angels hath undeniably confirmed Thus much briefly of my first particular that Christ our Redeemer is truly and really ascended into Heaven i.e. that his humane Nature both Body and Soul are actually by the Omnipotent Power of his God-head translated into the highest Heavens The next thing to be considered is that he is ascended into Heaven as our High-priest It is true that Christ ascended into Heaven for his own sake as well as for ours For surely he that for the expiation of God's Wrath had humbled himself so low he that had wrought so glorious a Work as the Redemption of Mankind and that by undergoing most bitter and unconceivable Sufferings did highly deserve to be exalted to the Right-hand of his Heavenly Father And therefore he himself saith that these sufferings of his were the way to his glory Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory Luke 24.26 But although Christ ascended into Heaven for himself that he might take possession of that Kingdom which he had justly deserved yet he ascended thither for us also As at his Resurection he arose from the dead not for himself only but for us also and became the First-fruits of them that slept so likewise at his Ascension he passed into the Heavens as our High-priest by virtue of whose Ascension all his Elect shall ascend up after him unto the same place of Glory and Immortality This is evident from these words of my Text Seeing then
that we have a great High priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God This the Scripture testifies frequently in other places We have such an High-priest saith our Apostle who is set on the Right-hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens a Minister of the Sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not Man Heb. 81.2 and c. 6.20 he tells us that the Fore-runner is for us entred into that within the Veil even Jesus made an High-priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck Now the office of Christ our High-priest consists chiefly in these things 1. In being our Advocate to make intercession for us to the Father If any man sin saith S. John we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous 1 Joh. 2.1 and who is he that condemneth saith S. Paul It is Christ that died yearather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Rom. 8.34 How great a favour how inestimable a benfiet is this to have the only beloved Son of God in whom he is well pleased and to whom he will deny nothing continually to plead and make intercession for us unto his Father They only are truly sensible of this Blessing who are wounded with the Arrows of the Almighty and pressed sore with his hand so that there is no soundness in their flesh because of his anger neither any rest in their Bones because of their Sin They find the benefit of such an Intercession and how desperate and remediless their condition would be had they not such an High-priest that is ever ready upon their true Repentance to make an atonement for them to plead the merit of his sufferings in their behalf and to interpose betwixt them and the wrath of God 2. Christ ascended into Heaven as our High-priest that being thither ascended he might send unto us the Comforter even the Holy Ghost to abide with us for ever This was one main reason of his Ascension as himself declares to his Disciples John 16.7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you This he had promised long before by the prophet Joel c. 2. of that Prophecy v. 28. It shall come to pass saith he that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your Sons and your Daughters shall prophesie your old men shall dream Dreams your young men shall see Visions This promise he fulfilled upon his Apostles upon the day of Pentecost Acts 2. and he performs it dayly to all his elect continually begetting and increasing in their hearts the Graces of his Holy Spirit by the Ministery of his word This is that blessed Spirit of truth that guides us into all truth and teaches us all things that bears witness with our Spirits that we are the children of God and seals us unto the day of Redemption and this Holy Spirit Christ as our High-priest sends unto us from Heaven For although he be present every where in respect of his Divine Essence which is Omnipresent yet by his gracious Operation he is present only in the Hearts of his Elect unto whom he is sent by Christ as a Pledge of his Love to abide with them for ever The third Office which Christ performs for us as our High-priest is to prepare a place for us in Heaven The Sin of Adam had shut the Gate of Heaven against us For nothing that is Defiled or Unclean shall enter into the New Jerusalem but Christ by his perfect Obedience and by his meritorious Sufferings for our Sakes hath Expiated the Guilt of this Sin and by his ascending up thither himself hath opened unto us the Gate of Heaven again and given us assurance that he will draw us up after him This he promised to his Disciples Joh. 14.2 I go saith he to prepare a place for you And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto my self that where I am there ye may be also Thus is Christ ascended into Heaven as our High-priest he is gone thither before us to prepare a place for us a place of endless Bliss and Felicity in those glorious Mansions of his Heavenly Father And so I have done with the Doctrinal part of my Text and shewed you that Christ is really ascended into Heaven and that he is ascended thither as our High-priest I come now to the last Thing I propounded which is to press to you the Apostles Application and to shew you how strongly the Consideration of this Doctrine should oblige us to hold fast our Profession And what can oblige us more to hold fast our Profession to lead a Godly and a Christian Life and to have our Conversation in Heaven than this that we have a great High-priest Jesus the Son of God that is already passed into the Heavens on purpose to prepare for us there an Everlasting Crown of Glory The consideration of the blessed Effects of the Ascension of our Lord if we make a right use of it will enable us to fight the good fight of Faith with Courage to keep our selves unspotted of the World in whatsoever Circumstances we are and to steer our Course aright through all the manifold Changes and Chances of this Mortal Life till we arrive at the end of our Hope even the Salvation of our Souls Let our Condition be what it will good or bad I say the thoughts of this will enable us to behave our selves so as shall be most for the Glory of God and our own Good For first Hath God Blessed us with Peace and Prosperity in this World Hath he given us a plentiful Portion of the good Things of this Life Hath he heaped upon us Riches and Honour filled our Barns with Plenty and caused our Presses to burst out with new Wine Though these things are strong Temptations and very apt to alienate our Hearts from God yet the consideration of our Saviour's Ascension will enable us to overcome them If in the midst of these worldly Blessings we frequently and seriously call to mind that we have a great High-priest that is preparing for us things that are incomparably better and more glorious in Heaven our Eyes then will not be dazled nor our Hearts bewitched with these fading and perishing Enjoyments upon Earth We shall set no higher an Estimate upon them than they deserve but shall be careful to use them with a Christian Prudence and Moderation to the glory of God and the good of our Selves and such poor Members of Christ as we see stand in need of our Charity We shall look upon all these temporal Blessings to be but only lent us for a time but our Hearts and Affections will be wholly fixed with most ardent and longing Desires upon that eternal
and incorruptible Inheritance which our High-priest hath purchased for us in Heaven Thus I say if in this World God hath blessed us with Wealth and Honour the consideration of our Saviour's Ascension will be a powerful means to restrain us from the abuse of those Blessings so that we shall neither Idolize our Wealth with the Covetous nor with the Prodigal waste and consume it upon our Lusts But shall wisely improve it to our best advantage so as to make to our selves friends of the Mammon of Unrighteousness Secondly On the contrary hath God dealt otherwise with us Hath he with-held these Blessings from us Is our Condition in this World very Poor and Mean so that we have not where-withal to help our selves but are fain to be beholding both for Food and Raiment and whatsoever is necessary to the support of our Lives to our richer Neighbours The consideration of our Saviour's Ascension into Heaven will exceedingly comfort us and support our Spirits in the midst of our Want and Penury For how can we be troubled at our low Fortune in this World when we remember that we have an High-priest in Heaven that hath a Crown of Glory in his Hand ready to put on our Heads as soon as our Earthly Tabernacle is dissolved Nay more than this is our Condition here yet worse Are we not only Poor and Despicable but are we moreover Persecuted for Righteousness sake Doth the World frown upon us and rage against us with all its Fury Let us not be discouraged for all this And we cannot be if we consider as it follows in the Verse after my Text that in Heaven we have not an High-priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without Sin He himself when he was here on Earth was so Poor that he had not an House wherein to lay his Head He was all his Life long a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief and was at the last most cruelly and despightfully Persecuted even unto Death And as he himself was for the suffering of Death crowned with Glory and Honour so hath he promised the same Reward to all those that suffer for his sake Blessed are they which are Persecuted for Righteousness sake For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 5.10 How then can Persecution seem grievous to us when we consider that we suffer for our High-priest who hath suffered far greater and bitterer Torments for us than we can do for him and who now sits on the Right Hand of God ready to make us a vast amends for our light and momentary Affliction here by bestowing upon us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory Thus powerful is the Meditation of our Saviour's Ascension to guide and direct us to make us wary and cautious in Prosperity and to strengthen and comfort us and to make us patient and couragious in Adversity and to arm and fortifie us both against the smiles and frowns of the World Nay Secondly When Death it self approaches near us when the King of Terrors is ready to seize upon us the same Meditation will make us bid that Hour welcome when we consider that we have an High-priest in Heaven that hath swallowed up Death in Victory so that to all true Believers it is now but asleep the Gate through which we must enter into Eternal Life Again Thirdly Which is worse than Death and which is the very sting and poyson of Death it self are we at any time terrified and affrighted at the sight of any grievous Sin into which by the Temptation of the Devil and through our own Lusts we have fallen Is our Soul smitten into the place of Dragons and brought down as it were even to Hell with the dreadful apprehension of the Wrath of God which thereby we have justly deserved Let not the Devil who in such a Case is ever ready to do it perswade us to Despair that there is no hopes of Mercy for us but that now God hath hid his Face from us for ever and that he will be no more intreated by us But let us say with the Psalmist Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me Hope thou in God For I shall yet praise him who is the health of my Countenance and my God Let us remember that tho' we have sinned yet we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and he is the Propitiation for our Sins Let us remember that tho' we have sinned yet we have a great High-priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God who ever lives to make Intercession for us Let us not therefore Despair but Repent Let us trusting in the Merits and Righteousness of our High-priest come boldly tho' humbly and penitently to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in time of need And if we do so come we may assure our selves that we shall find both Grace and Mercy Not one Tear that proceeds from godly Sorrow shall drop to the ground not one penitential Sigh shall be breathed in vain but our High-priest will be sure to present all our Tears our Sighs our Prayers and Supplications before his Father and never cease his Intercession in our behalf until our Pardon be Sealed in Heaven Thus you see that in whatsoever Circumstances we are engaged the Meditation of our Saviour's Ascension is ever extremely beneficial to our Souls And seeing that it is so how should it oblige us to hold fast our Profession How should the thoughts of this as they are ever profitable so be ever welcome and dear unto us Let us not then set up our Staff on this side Jordan let us not lie groveling upon Earth nor suffer our selves to be enamoured of the Things of this World which are not worthy of our Thoughts but let us seek those Things which are above where Christ sitteth on the Right Hand of God Let us remember that here we are but Strangers and Pilgrims and therefore let us behave our selves so as becomes Sojourners using this World so as if we used it not knowing that our own Native Country where we expect our Inheritance is afar off even in Heaven whither our High-priest is passed before us to prepare a place for us Oh then if we desire hereafter to ascend up thither after him that we may for ever be Happy in his Presence let us now hold fast our Profession That we may be able at that great Day to meet the Lord in the Air and to ascend up with him into Heaven let us now Purifie our selves even as he is Pure Let us lay aside every Weight and the Sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the Race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith who for the Joy that was set before him endured the
thing I propounded to speak of which is the Person unto whom we are invited to come for help and that is Christ And here we must understand that by coming unto Christ is not meant any corporeal approach as if we were obliged to see him with our Eyes or to touch him with our hands for alass how can we that are but worms upon earth come thus unto him who is exalted unto the Right-hand of God in the highest Heavens But though we cannot come thus to him yet we may come nearer to him than thus even so near as to be one with him to be members of his Body of his flesh and of his bones Eph. 5.30 And this is that coming unto Christ which is here meant in my Text a coming to him and laying hold on him by a true and lively faith This is the only way that we can come unto Christ so as to receive any benefit from him For as his hands were tied while he was here upon Earth so that he could not work any Miracles where he found not faith so are they tied still upon the same account now he is in Heaven so that he cannot save us he cannot ease us of our Burden except we believe we have his own word for it Mark 16.16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned And if this be all that is required of us in coming to Christ to believe that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners and to acknowledge our selves to be such who then shall not be saved surely then the way to Heaven is much easier than it is generally represented to be and few there be that shall not find it But our blessed Saviour hath assured us of the contrary and told us expresly that few there be that shall find it Matth. 7.14 And therefore it is more than a bare historical faith that is required of us if we will come unto Christ aright so as to find rest unto our souls and this is plain from the words in the Verse after my Text Take my Yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your Souls Here is something implied more than just coming unto Christ for we must not only come to him but we must resolve also to do something for him which he expects we should do if ever we look for salvation from him and that is to be obedient to those most holy Laws and to follow as far as we are able through the Assistance of his Grace that most excellent Example which in his last Will and Testament he hath left us for the Rule of our Life and Conversation I will not deny but that it is faith alone by which we are justified and saved for S. Paul tells us more than once in his Epistles that the just shall live by faith But then he tells us what this faith is Gal. 5.6 It is faith which works by love and 1 Thess 1.3 he calls it the work of faith and Labour of Love If then faith be a work it must needs be more than a bare assent to and belief of the truth of the Gospel together with a groundless application of the promises therein contained to our selves which too many men are apt to think to be a faith sufficient to salvation For what work is this to believe the truth of a Store when there are most unanswerable Arguments to prove it though indeed it is a work and an hard work too the Devils work to perswade us to apply those precious promises which are made in that sacred Story to our selves when they do not at all concern us Let us take heed therefore of deceiving our selves and thinking that we have faith when we have it not but if we desire to approve our faith in the sight of God and Men and Angels and to the quiet and satisfaction of our own Consciences let us follow the advice both of S. James and S. Peter The former tells us that Faith without works is dead and that by works Faith is made perfect And the latter upon the substantial and never failing foundation of a true faith raises a most noble Structure by which we may gradually ascend into those Mansions of Glory which our blessed Saviour hath prepared for all those that love his appearing 2 Peter 1.5 Add saith he to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity For if these things be in you and abound they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ But he that lacketh these things i. e. any one of them is blind and cannot see a far off and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old Sins Wherefore the rather brethren give Diligence to make your calling and election sure for if ye do these things ye shall never fall For so an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundantly into the everlasting knigdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ From hence ye may plainly see that the faith which is here meant by coming unto Christ is more than a bare belief of the truth of the Gospel more than a bare recumbency and leaning upon Christ for Salvation and applying his Merits to our selves as it were at a venture right or wrong whether we have any interest in him or no. Such a faith as this many men trust to that have been strangers all their life-time to the perfect Law of Liberty by which S. James tells us that we must all be judged at the last But the faith which our Saviour here requires in all that come unto him implies besides a full and steadfast belief of all that is contained in the Gospel a firm purpose and resolution and a chearful endeavour to the best of our power throughout the whole course of our Life to be obedient and conformable to all those rules and precepts and Laws which the Gospel injoyns us to perform to imitate that most holy example which our blessed Lord hath sett us striving to be perfect as he was perfect and when we have done all this still to acknowledge that we are unprofitable servants utterly disowning any Merits or Righteousness in our selves but desiring with S. Paul to be found in Christ not having our own Righteousness which is of the Law but that which is through the Faith of Christ the Righteousness which is of God by faith Phil. 3.9 This is a true and saving Faith indeed and whosoever thus comes unto Christ may assure himself that he shall be heartily welcome he shall most certainly obtain the benefit of this invitation and shall find rest unto his Soul And this brings me to my third and last particular which is the end wherefore all that labour and
are heavy laden with the burthen of their Sins are invited to come unto Christ and that is that he may give them rest Ye have already heard that there is no burden so intolerable as that of Sin and the rest which Christ here promises to give to them that come unto him in that manner which I have shewed you is a freedom from this burden and from all the dreadfull consequents and effects of it a freedom from the anguish of an afflicted conscience from the insupportable troubles of a wounded Spirit that is smitten with the arrows of the Almighty from the wrath of God and from the Torments of Hell from the guilt of Sin and from its punishment And this Christ doth by taking the burden of their Sins upon himself and making a full satisfaction for them unto the Divine Justice For the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all Isa 53.6 And God made him to be sin for us saith S. Paul who knew no Sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 And he that by a true faith applies these Merits of Christ's Death and passion to himself he hath already obtained this rest which Christ here promises he is delivered from the burden of his Sins and from that vengeance which is due unto them This rest therefore is in a word our justification in the sight of God by which purely for the sake of the Merits of Jesus Christ we are acquitted and absolved of all our Sins and are reconciled to God Being justified by faith saith the Apostle we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 5.1 This is that peace which passes all understanding a peace which nothing can disturb or interrupt but it will always continue firm and unshaken among all the changes and chances of this mortal life and when we shall have most need of it it will stand us in greatest stead When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death it will not leave us but will bear us company even before the Tribunal of Christ and will enable us to lift up our Heads with joy in that great day when the whole World shall tremble and will at the last conduct us into those glorious regions of rest and happiness which the Prince of peace hath purchased for us Thus ye see who they be that are here invited unto whom they are invited and for what end Sad and disconsolate Sinners that are oppressed with the weight of their Sins are invited by Christ to come and cast that insupportable burden upon him who alone is able to bear it and instead thereof to receive from him the most blessed rest and peace imaginable What remains then but that with most ardent prayers we continually besiege the Throne of Grace and beg of God that he would open our eyes by the Grace of his H. Spirit without whom we can do nothing that is good that so we may discern both the Misery of Sin with which by nature we are laden and the blessedness of that peace which by the grace of Christ we may obtain And when we once do discern these things let us immediately without any delay run unto Christ for help Let us not seek for this peace from any one else but from him who alone hath promised it to us and who alone is able to give it us Let us not seek it in the vain Pomps and Pleasures of this present World for all that this world can do for us without this peace will do us no good and with it all that it can do against us will do us no harm Let us not as the Papists do seek for it from any merit or rightteousness in our selves for all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags neither let us as they do likewise seek for it to Saints or Angels or Archangels for the Angels refuse our Worship and own themselves to be but our Fellow-servants as is evident by two plain instances in the Revelation Chap. 19.10 and 22.9 And as for the Saints Abraham though he be the father of the faithfull yet he is ignorant of us and Israel knows us not Nay the blessed Virgin her self though the Papists blasphemously call her the Queen of Heaven and pray to her not only to intreat but to command her Son in their behalf doubtless could she hear such Prayers as these and had leave to answer them she would presently send such Persons as these to Christ and give them no other answer from Heaven than what she gave to the Servants at the Marriage-Feast in Cana of Galilee while she was upon earth John 2.5 Whatsoever he saith unto you do it Let us therefore acquiess in this answer of hers as if it were an Oracle from Heaven and instead of seeking either to her or any other Person for salvation let us come unto the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World even to Christ himself who hath invited us and whatsoever he saith unto us in his Gospel let us do it Thus if we come unto him we shall be sure to find him ready to receive us and to perform unto us this gracious promise which he hath here made in my Text he will give us in this World peace of conscience and joy in the Holy Ghost and in the World to come everlasting joy and rest in his Heavenly Kingdom SERMON VIII COL II. 18 19. Let no Man beguile you of your Reward in a voluntary Humility and worshipping of Angels intruding into those things which he hath not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly Mind And not holding the Head from which all the Body by Joints and Bands having Nourishment ministred and knit together increaseth with the Increase of God THESE words are such a plain and direct Prohibition of Angel-worship and consequently of Saint-worship too that it is one of the greatest wonders in the World that there should be found in it a Christian Church that stiles her self Catholick and that in so arrogant a manner as to appropriate that Title to her self exclusively to all Christian Churches in the World besides and yet in open and hostile Opposition of this Text of Scripture should not only allow of the Worship of Angels and Saints as lawful but proceed so far as to impose it upon all Men as a necessary Article of Faith anathematizing all that will not join with her in it But these things must be that the Scriptures may be fulfilled For certainly whosoever laying aside all Prejudice and Partiality and Hypocrisie devoutly and seriously consults the Holy Oracles of God will find in the Writings of the New Testament as plain and punctual a Prediction and Description of Antichrist both as to the time and manner of his Coming and his Behaviour and Reception in the World as in the Old Testament there is of the Messias and seeing both exactly foretold will not think it a greater wonder that by one
part of the World the Man of Sin should be worshipped as a Saint than that by another the Holy One of God should be rejected as an Impostour For the blessed Spirit of Truth who alone can guide us into all Truth hath told us expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the Faith giving heed to seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Daemons That there shall arise a great one in the Earth that shall oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God shall sit in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God Whose coming shall be after the working of Satan with all Power and Signs and lying Wonders and with all Deceivableness of Unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the Love of the Truth that they might be saved And that for this cause God shall send them strong Delusion that they should believe a lye that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth but had pleasure in Vnrighteousness And since this Prophecy must needs be fulfulled it was highly necessary that the Holy Ghost should forewarn us to beware of all those false Doctrines and corrupt and abominable Practices which this grand Impostour should endeavour to obtrude upon the Church of Christ as necessary to Salvation one of which the Apostle cautions us against in the words of my Text. Let no Man beguile you of your Reward c. The Text in the Original is something difficult and hath therefore occasioned some difference in Translations though none so great but that any one of them that I have seen and I have consulted several contains as direct a Prohibition of the Worshipping of Angels as the Greek it self For whether we render the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Let no Man judge against you as Beza or Let no Man condemn you as Diodate or Let no Man master or govern you as the French or Let no Man seduce you as the Vulgar Latin and the Rhemish Translation or Let no Man beguile you of your Reward as our Translatours have rendered it it comes all to one and the same thing viz. that no Man upon Earth hath any Power to impose upon us the Worship of Angels but whosoever goeth about to do so puts a dangerous cheat upon us to the hazarding of our Eternal Salvation The main difference that I can observe consists in joining the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it may be indifferently either to the preceeding or following words If we join it to the words that go before it the Sense will be this Let no man beguile you of your Reward or condemn or master or seduce you willingly arbitrarily usurping over you a Power and Authority which was never committed unto him and so they will look with a malignant Aspect upon his Holinesses pretended Supremacy If we join it to the words that follow it the Sense will be as our Translatours have rendered it in a voluntary humility or being a voluntary in humility and so the Worship of Angels will appear to be but Will-worship having no Foundation in Scripture These things being premised I shall confine my self to our English Translation which in my Judgment is of all that I have seen the most faithfully rendered according to the Original and out of the words of my Text I shall observe this that no Man whatsoever hath any Authority to impose upon us the Worship of Angels being a thing absolutely unlawful and repugnant to the Will of God for the proof of which proposition besides some other Arguments which we may produce the Apostle furnishes us with four in my Text. 1. This Worship of Angels is a false and voluntary Humility a Will-worship invented by Man not enjoined by God 2. It proceeds from a real and carnal Pride He that goes about to impose it upon us intrudes into those things which he hath not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind 3. It is highly injurious to the incommunicable Honour and Prerogative of our Lord Jesus Christ they that are guilty of it hold not the Head 4. It is destructive and deadly to our own Souls and the End of it will be Damnation for he that prevails with us to join in this Worship beguiles us of our Reward First This Worship of Angels is a false and voluntary Humility a Will-worship invented by Man and not enjoyned by God Of all the Temptations with which Satan is wont to assault our Souls there are none so dangerous as those which he offers to us under colour of Religion The common Baits of sensual Pleasures of worldly Profit or Honour and the like sinell so rank of the old Serpent that he that hath but half an Eye may discern that there is an Hook under them and it is merely the Predominance of his Corruptions that prevails with any Man to swallow it But when he assumes the Habit of an Angel of Light when instead of tempting us to Vice he recommends to us some extraordinary Grace and Virtue as being not yet sully understood nor practised by us according to the true intent and meaning of the Gospel it is not every Man that will look for a cloven Foot nor be able to discover it under such a sanctified Disguise and it is no marvel that even some learned Men have been imposed upon by the Stratagem Now of all those Excellent Graces which the Gospel requires of us there is none more lovely and amiable none that doth more adorn and beautifie our Souls and renders them more pleasing and acceptable in the sight of God through the Merits of Christ than Humility and therefore no Temptation could be more likely to prevail with Persons inclinable to Devotion than one that was gilded with the specious Pretence and Shew of so incomparable a Virtue Upon this plausible Foundation the grand Enemy of our Salvation established the Worship of Angels among some Hereticks very early even in the Apostle's Time which was the occasion of S. Paul's giving the Colossians this necessary Caution against it here in my Text. Theodoret upon the place informs us that they that maintained it necessary to observe the Law introduced also the Worship of angels affirming that the Law was given by them And this wickedness was long practised in Phrygia and Pisidia Wherefore the Council of Laodicea which is the Metropolis of Phrygia made a Canon on purpose to prohibit praying to Angels And even to this day saith he there are to be seen amongst them and their neighbours Oratories of S. Michael Now saith he they did this upon pretence of Humility saying That whereas God Almighty was invisible incomprehensible and inaccessible therefore we ought humbly to sue for his favour through the intercession of Angels Now I would fain know the difference betwixt that Worship of Angels which the Church of Rome calls Catholick and hath declared to be good and profitable for us and this
they drew from it might have been so too for if the Law had required no more of us than the bare abstaining from those outward Acts of Adultery and Murder and Theft and Perjury and the like which in express Terms it forbids perhaps then we might have fulfilled it by our own strength But when a wanton Glance is Adultery when a revengefull Thought is Murder when Usury or Extortion at least is Theft when not giving to the Poor is stealing from the Lord when a tatling Tongue bears false witness and every idle word is to be accounted for at the Day of Judgment who then can pretend to innocence who then can say that he hath made his Heart clean and that he is pure from his Sin No the best of Men must then be forced to acknowledge himself to be a debtor to the Law that he falls more than seven times in a day and that there is not a just Man upon Earth that doth good and sins not And yet that the Pharisees had this fond opinion of themselves is plain from the Parable of that proud Pharisee that justified himself in his Prayer to God Almighty Luke 18.11 God I thank thee saith he that I am not as other Men are Extortioners unjust Adulterers or even as this Publican I fast twice in the week I give Tythes of all that I possess and from the confident Answer of the young Man Matth. 19.20 who when our Saviour shewed him that the way to enter into Life was to keep the Commandments and what those Commandments were presently replies All these things have I kept from my youth but all this while though he thought that he had exactly kept the Commandments of the second Table he understood not the meaning of those of the first he knew not that Covetousness was Idolatry for when our Saviour to compleat his Righteousness and make him perfect exhorts him to sell all that he hath and give to the poor and to come and follow him though he promised him the Recompence of Treasure in Heaven yet he went away sorrowful for he had great Possessions upon Earth and was loath to part with them But thirdly they stay'd not here but they proceeded a step further and having entertained that false Opinion That they were able to perform a perfect Obedience to the Law they thereupon perswaded themselves that that Obedience of theirs was meritorious in the Sight of God and they boldly justified themselves upon the account of their own Works and arrogantly boasted of them even to God himself as ye may see by the instance I but now mentioned of the Pharisee that trusted in his own Righteousness and despised the Publican Fourthly this good Opinion they had of themselves puft them up with so much pride and vain Glory that they scorned and despised all Men that were not of their own Sect. They were so well satisfied and pleased with their own virtues that they took no care to examine their own hearts but they made it their business to invade the Prerogative of God to search the hearts of other Men and one of the most remarkable Instances of their Piety was their forwardness to censure and condemn the Lives and Conversations of their Neighbours Let a Man behave himself never so innocently and blamelesly both towards God and towards Man yet if he was not one of them he must pass for a Sinner The Temperance of John the Baptist if it be tried at their bar would be judged to proceed from his being possessed with a Devil and the free and chearful Conversation of our Saviour to be Gluttony and Wine-bibbing Friendship and Fellowship with Publicans and Sinners Fifthly they did all their good Works for an ill End and Purpose out of a vain-glorious Desire to gain the Applause of Men for this end they made long Prayers in the Synagogues and in the Corners of the Streets in the most publick places they could find that they might be seen of Men and perhaps none at all in their Closet For this end they made broad their Phylacteries and enlarged the Borders of their Garments disfigured their faces when they fasted and sounded a Trumpet before they did their Alms they put on demure and sanctified Looks that the People might have their piety in admiration when all the while it was nothing but gross hypocrisie and they made Religion only a stalking horse to their worldly interest Sixthly and lastly they preferred their own Traditions before the written Word of God upon which account they are sharply reproved by our Saviour Matt. 15. Why saith he do you transgress the commandment of God by your tradition For God commanded saying Honour thy Father and Mother and he that curseth Father or Mother let him die the death But ye say Whosoever shall say to his Father or his Mother it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me and honour not his Father or his Mother he shall be free Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition Among these traditions of theirs were those of washing of Cups and of Pots and of Brazen Vessels and of tables but above all that which they observed with the greatest preciseness and strictness imaginable was their washing of their Hands before they eat which as the learned Dr. Hammond tells us upon that occasion they held to be so necessary and indispensable a duty that one of their Rabbies saith That he that takes meat with unwashed Hands is worthy of Death and that the same person being in Prison and having some water given him for his use to wash and to drink having accidentally spilt one half of it he washed his Hands in the Remainder thinking it more necessary to do so than to drink and to die than to violate the tradition of his Ancestours This is in brief the Summ and Substance of the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees as we find it described to us in the holy Scriptures and if we mark it narrowly and consider on the one hand the great veneration they had for unwritten Traditions their false and corrupt interpretation of the holy Scriptures and their great confidence and trust in the merits of their own works and on the other hand their rash and intolerable censoriousness and the ungoverned liberty which they gave to their tongues their vain-glorious Ostentation of Religion their excessive Pride and their ambitious desire of being accounted Saints the Children of Abraham and the precious People of the Lord it seems to be a compleat mixture of Popery and Phanaticism and however they pretend now to be ashamed one of the other and are at so much odds and variance that a large Kingdom is too little to contain them both yet there was a time when they shook hands together were both peaceably united in one mans breast Having thus taken a view of the false and Hypocritical Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees which shall
saith God Isa 5.4 that is as much as if he had said I have spared for no care nor pains nor cost and could not possibly do any more in it than I did So here in my Text where shall the Vngodly and the Sinner appear intimates to us that they shall not be able to appear at all but shall be cast for ever out of God's Presence when in the great and terrible Day of the Lord they shall look upon him whom they have pierced they shall be confounded with Horrour and shall wonder and perish The words offer to our Consideration these four things two different sorts of Persons the Righteous and the Wicked and the two different Ends of these Persons and their unalterable Estates in the next World Salvation of the one and Damnation of the other So that we may resolve the Text into these two Propositions 1. The Righteous shall be scarcely saved 2. The Wicked shall most certainly be damned First The Righteous shall scarcely be saved In speaking to which Proposition I shall first shew you who are here meant by the Righteous And secondly I shall shew you why they are here said to be scarcely saved First I shall shew you who are here meant by the Righteous and 't is a far easier matter to describe than either to find out their Persons or to imitate their Example For though Christian Charity obliges to judge no Man rashly but to hope the best of all Men yet in such a Deluge of Profaneness and Impiety as hath now overflowed the whole World we may look for Judgment but behold Oppression for Righteousness but behold a Cry Isa 5.7 We may easily mistake the Shadow for the Substance and a Pharisaical Ostentation of Righteousness may impose upon the Charity of some Men so far as to make them reverence a Hypocrite and be ready to canonize a Person whose Name God hath blotted out of the Book of Life For if the All-seeing Eye of God could discover but one just Person in so great a City as Sodom nay but one righteous Man Noah upon the Face of the whole Earth surely we can expect to find but few righteous now when we have great Reason to apprehend that the End of all things is at hand and Sin abounds to such a Degree that it seems to have made the World as ripe now for the last Deluge of Fire as it was of old for that of Water And yet in the Midst of this perverse and crooked Generation amongst whom the Divine Providence hath appointed us to sojourn it is hard to meet with any Man that doth not desire to be accounted righteous except some notorious and profligate Wretches that bid open Defiance to God and Goodness and pride themselves in being the Enemies of Heaven For Virtue is so lovely and beautiful that she commands Respect and Reverence even from her professed Enemies and extorts Applause out of the Mouth of Vice her self All Men commend her but few embrace her Many there are that render to her the calves of their lips but few their heart The Drunkard will preach Temperance over his full Cups The Extortioner will magnifie Justice and Honesty and yet still grind the Faces of the Poor The ambitious Man will extol Humility but he loves it in others not in himself and is never better pleased than when he sees his Brethren at his Footstool that he himself may be exalted The covetous Man will pretend as much as any one to Charity but when any of Christ's afflicted Members naked or hungry or thirsty or sick or imprisoned implores his help he may perhaps as St. James speaks bid them depart in peace be ye warmed and filled and that is all the Charity that he will afford them The common Swearer will exclaim sometimes against Profaneness and be ready to ask God pardon almost after every Oath and swear again with the next Breath The wanton if he light into severe and grave Company will sometimes pretend to abhor his darling Sin and preach a Lecture of Chastity when perhaps he hath made an assignation the very next Hour to meet his Minion Thus is Holiness and Piety so excellent in its own Nature so desirable a Perfection that almost all Men praise it but few practise it Every Man though he loves the Wages of Unrighteousness is ready to wish with Balaam that he may die the Death of the Righteous but how few are there that are careful to live his life Certainly such Persons as these are not the Righteous that are here meant in my Text who shall be accounted worthy through much Tribulation to enter into the Kingdom of God but they are notorious Hypocrites whose hope shall perish But to proceed further there are another sort of Men in the World whose Righteousness though it exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees yet if it be weighed in the balance of the Sanctuary it will be found too light And though it may commend their Memory to Posterity and raise a lasting Name for them here upon Earth yet it will never be able to write one for them in the Book of Life I mean Men who in general are of honest and upright Conversation who endeavour to frame and order their lives so according to God's word that no Man can find any just reason to question their Title to Salvation but nevertheless they have some beloved sin or other known perhaps to none but God and themselves which will hinder their flight towards Heaven and though the Pleasure they take in it makes them willing to think it but a little one it will at the last prove so big as to hinder their entrance at the strait Gate But come what will on 't they can by no means be perswaded to part with it but they hope God will bear with them in this one thing as Naaman said to the Prophet Elisha 2 Kings 5.18 When I bow down my self in the House of Rimmon the Lord pardon thy Servant in this thing They can willingly conform to God's Pleasure in other things and contentedly endeavour to keep all his Commandments but this one tho' as S. James assures us by ossending but in one point they are guilty of all by indulging themselves in the wilful breach of any one of God's Commandments they transgress the whole Law and utterly exclude themselves from all hopes of Salvation Such an one was the rich young Man Matth. 19. that came to enquire of our Saviour what good thing he must do to have eternal Life No doubt he was to all outward appearance of an unblameable Conversation and of good Repute in the place where he lived and Jesus himself began to love him when he heard him give so good an account of himself and found him desirous to be still further instructed in his duty But little did the young Man expect so severe a Command as to sell all his Possessions and to take up the Cross and follow Christ This
was sore against the hair It was an hard thing he thought to sell his Possessions to take up a Cross an hard thing to part with his Wealth to purchase Affliction and to exchange a Garland of Roses for a Crown of Thorns If Salvation must cost so much he was resolved to let it alone and thought it not worth his while to part with his present Enjoyments for the Reversion of Heaven but though he had made so great a shew of Religion and had kept as he pretended all the Commandments from his Youth yet Christs Yoke was too heavy for him and he went away sorrowing for he had great Possessions This is no doubt the case of many now in the world that pass in the Eyes of Men for good Christians They make a very fair shew of Religion insomuch that they cheat even their own selves and perswade themselves into a groundless presumption of their own Salvation and that the condition of their Souls is very good when it must of necessity be otherwise so long as they harbour a Serpent in their bosom which will be sure to sting them to death some beloved sin or other of which they cannot find in their Hearts to repent Perhaps they come to Church constantly and for the most part receive the word with gladness But nevertheless their goodness is but as a morning cloud and as the early dew it goeth away Though sometimes at the hearing of a searching Sermon their affections may be extraordinarily moved for the present yet the good seed of the word can take no firm Root in such stony Ground It is but only a sudden Motion that they feel in their Hearts which passes away as quick as it came It is but a faint representation an empty shadow of that unspeakable comfort and joy in the Holy Ghost which is a continual Feast to the Godly a Heaven upon Earth to all those happy Souls who are sealed unto the day of Redemption These Men like Agrippa are but almost perswaded to be Christians Some good thing there is in the them toward the Lord but it is so very little that their faith is less than a grain of Mustard-seed They would fain enter into Heaven at the last but neither the hopes of Heaven nor fear of Hell can prevail with them to lay aside that darling Sin which doth so easily beset them They can be content to let God have a good share of their Heart but they cannot be perswaded to give him the whole They can endure to hear God's Word preached and perhaps for the most part they delight in it too They love to hear Sin condemned and Godliness commended so long as they imagine themselves to be unconcerned But if the Preacher chance to touch one of these Men to the quick and saith to him in plain Terms Thou art the Man then he is more ready to fly in his Face like Ahab and to tell him that he is a Troubler of Israel than to confess with David that he hath sinned against the Lord. Or at the best he goes away sorrowing like the Rich-man or trembling like Felix and desires to hear no more of those matters till the Archangel's Trump shall summon him to hear of them to his Everlasting Confusion Whilst the Prophet speaks to these Men smooth things so long they can hear him with pleasure and he is to them as Ezekiel was to the Jews as a very lovely Song of one that hath a pleasant Voice and can play well on an Instrument But if he sharply rebukes Sin and they find their own Consciences touched to the quick then they are pricked to the Heart not with godly Sorrow and Contrition but with Fury and Indignation While he speaks to them in the still small Voice of the Gospel and preaches the glad Tidings of Peace and Reconciliation with God by Jesus Christ they are pleased at the Heart and are too ready to lay hold on those Promises which belong only to the Israel of God But if he thunder out against them the Curses of the Law and denounces the Wrath of God against all impenitent Sinners then they sit but at little ease in their Seats and the Church begins to be too hot for them They like it well so long as the Spiritual Chirurgeon pours Balm into their Wounds but if he takes his Probe and begins to search them they are not able to endure it The Prophet Micaiah had never been condemned to be fed with Bread of Affliction and Water of Affliction had he been one of the lying Prophets and prophesied good concerning Ahab S. John Baptist's Head might have remained secure on his Shoulders and never have been served up in a Charger to satisfie the longing of a revengeful Woman had he but permitted Herod quietly to enjoy his beloved Herodias Our blessed Saviour had never been Crucified had he not so frequently and publickly reproved the Hypocrisie of the Scribes and Pharisees Thus ye see the Righteousness of these partial Professours of Piety and how dangerous a thing it is for Men to take the liberty to cherish any one Sin For though at the present it may seem to be but a little one it will one Day shew it self more at large appear in its proper Colours and like the little Cloud that arose out of the Sea like a Man's hand it will suddenly overspread their whole Heaven and darken their Consciences with Horrour and Astonishment They may pass for good Christians in fair Weather but what will they do in foul They may venture abroad and shew their Heads boldly while the Sun shines but can they out-face a Storm They appear like Saints in the Halcyon Days of the Church when she enjoys Peace and Tranquillity and flourishes under the Protection of pious and prudent Governours but surely they will tremble at the fiery Trial and make Shipwreck concerning Faith in the Tempest of Persecution They may bless God when they are in Prosperity while he makes an Hedge about them and their House but can they do it as heartily like Job when they are in Affliction A Judas may own Christ and cry Hosanna to the Son of David when he rides in Triumph towards Jerusalem and a Peter may deny him when he is at Calvary 'T is Persecution that is the surest Touch-stone to try a Christian 'T is that which will discover the true Metal from the counterfeit For certainly he that will readily lay down his Life for Christ's sake will much more be willing to part with all his Sins for him and will not dare to harbour the least Lust which may provoke his Displeasure But suppose there arises no such thing as Persecution to disturb them but all be calm and quiet such Persons as these must needs be very unhappy notwithstanding For surely they will find but very little Satisfaction in any of their Actions no not in their very Prayers themselves For we know that God hears not Sinners and he is
shewed to S. Peter when he turned and looked upon him after his fall and by that look infused new Grace into his Heart which immediately burst out at his Eyes in tears of repentance Let us not therefore be high minded but let us fear for happy is the Man that feareth alway but he that hardneth his heart shall fall into mischief Proverbs 28.14 Secondly if we will take heed that we fall not from Grace let us take heed that we fall not into Sin especially into presumptuous and willful Sin against the light of our conscience All Sin whatsoever though it be but a Sin of Ignorance or Infirmity tends more or less if it be not speedily repented of to the impairing and diminishing of the Grace of God in our Hearts which is bestowed upon us on purpose to preserve and defend us from the power of Sin that it may not Reign in our mortal Bodies that we should obey it in the lusts thereof But Sins of Presumption and Wilfulness against our knowledge and the checks of our conscience do not only much impair Grace but they totally exstinguish it and bring us into great danger of final Apostacy For there can be no fellowship betwixt Righteousness and Unrighteousness no Communion betwixt Light and Darkness no Concord betwixt Christ and Belial no Agreement nor Cohabitation of the Spirit of God and Satan And therefore David prays most earnestly against such Sins as these Psal 19.13 Keep back thy Servant from presumptuous Sins let them not have domminion over me then shall I be upright and I shall be innocent from the great Transgression And how deadly a wound such Sins make in the conscience God for our instruction that his example might be a warning to us to beware of the like Sins suffered him to find by a sad Experience That premeditated wilful Murder of one of his innocent subjects changed the Man after God's own Heart into one after the Heart of him who was a murderer from the beginning and made him such an one as Satan would have all Men to be if he could prevail It is impossible while he was in this Condition that he should find any comfort in the performance of his Devotions if he did then perform any at all His Hand his Tongue his Heart were all out of tune all unfit for the Celebration of God's Praises in which they were wo … continually to be imployed Even his own sacred Hymns and Anthems were nauseous to him and the sweet Psalmist of Israel was become a stranger to the songs of Sion Grace was then lost and Sin reigned in him the Spirit of God had for that Time forsaken him and Satan had taken Possession of his Soul Let us take heed then of presumptuous and wilful Sins and every habitual Sin is a step towards them they wrought a sad change in David but they may work a worse in us God was pleased to raise him again but if we fall after the same manner he may perhaps deny the same Favour to us and then our Case is irrecoverable Thirdly If we will take heed that we fall not from Grace let us endeavour daily to grow in it and improve it So S. Peter exhorts us in the end of his Second Epistle Ye therefore beloved seeing ye know these things before beware lest ye also being led away with the errour of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness But grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ He that thinks he hath Grace enough already hath indeed very little or none at all but blessed are they that hunger and thirst after Righteousness for they shall be filled The path of the just saith Solomon is as the shining Light that shineth more and more unto the perfect Day Prov. 4.18 And our blessed Saviour compares the Kingdom of Heaven by which is meant the Grace of God in our Hearts unto a grain of mustard seed which though it be less than all the seeds that be in the earth yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes a tree So likewise should the Grace of God grow and increase in our Hearts and so it will do if it be not purely by our own fault hindered and stifled That we may not therefore fall from Grace let us be careful to improve that Grace which God hath already bestowed upon us by waiting upon him duly and constantly in all those Ordinances which he hath appointed for the begetting preserving and increasing it in our Souls such as are diligent Reading and Meditating in his Word at home hearing it preached and expounded in his House frequent receiving the Holy Sacrament and praying unto God continually both in private and publick as our Church teaches us that his Grace may always prevent and follow us and make us continually to be given to all good Works He that doth these things in Truth and sincerity shall never fall God will never leave nor forsake such a Man but will be sure to guide him with his Counsel here and afterward receive him to Glory FINIS BOOKS Printed for and Sold by John Hartley over-against Grays-Inn in Holborn A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris with an Answer to the Objections of the Honourable Charles Boyle Esq By Richard Bentley D. 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