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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A62209 The sauciness of a seducer rebuked, or, The pride and folly of an ignorant scribbler made manifest in some remarks upon a scurrilous libel written by Joseph Nott ... against a book of the Reverend Mr. George Tross in vindication of the Lord's Day : together with a confutation of some errors of the Quakers, in a book call'd ... Gospel-truths scripturally asserted, written by John Gannacliff and Joseph Nott. Trosse, George, 1631-1713. 1693 (1693) Wing S729; ESTC R7884 41,236 31

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He who is without beginning of days as God was born of a Virgin in time as Man Thou art a Youngster at Disputing and writing Controversies else thou wouldest have seen that it lay upon thee to prove That the Humane Nature was Personally united to the Son of God before the Birth of Abraham yea before the Creation of Adam J. N. And the Apostle Paul speaking of the Jews said They drank of that Spiritual Rock that follow'd them and that Rock was Christ 1 Cor. 10.4 These Quakers are perilous shrewd Text-men If J. N. can prove from these words that Christ as God-Man made the World I make no Question but he will shortly prove from it Transubstantiation and all the Opinions in Hobbs his Leviathan No Texts of Scripture meet with worse usage than those whose hard hap it is to fall into the hands of those ignorant Scribblers Some they bring into their Pamphlets as Mummers in a Mask who make a fair Shew but speak not one word to the matter in hand Others they serve as the Souldiers did our Blessed Lord first blind them by their false Glosses and then Buffet them Others they put into the Inquisition where they wrest and torture them to make them confess what they know not That you may see how put this Scripture is to the purpose for which 't is quoted give me leave a little to amplifie J. N's Argument from it You may suppose him to reason after this rate Now here from this Text the Friends that have the Light within may perceive the blindness and darkness of G. T. He saith that Christ Jesus as God-Man was not in the beginning Oh erroneous Doctrine Do you not see the confusion of these Babel-Builders Did ever Priest talk after this absurd rate But you shall see Friends if you be not stark-blind what execution I will do upon him I have an Argument to let fly at him that will strike him dead stone-dead and make him as mute as a fish so that T. B. and I will have the last word of him 'T is an Argument against the Pack 'T is as keen as a Chopping-Knife as clear as Train-Oil Flaming Charcoal it self is not brighter Lo beloved here it is The Jews drank of that Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ Therefore Christ as God-Man was in the beginning What do you think Friends Will any of them (b) them in the Pensylvanian Dialect for the. Presbyterians be able to avoid the force of this Argument This Joseph this is the strength of thy Reason And now judge thy self whether thou hast not made a fair Speech Art thou so blockish as to imagine that the hard Rock in the Wilderness was in a proper sense Christ Jesus Dost think that a Stone more senseless than thy self was both God and Man the Saviour of Sinners I take this to be the meaning of that Scripture The Jews in the Wilderness drank of the Rock which Moses smote with his Rod at the Command of God Exod. 17.6 This Rock saith the Apostle was Christ i. e. It was a Type or Figure of Christ as the Bread in the Lord's Supper when Consecrated is the Body of Christ i. e. a Sign which by Divine Appointment doth exhibit and represent his Body This Rock did in several respects Typifie and Prefigure Christ but it was not in a Proper Sense Christ Jesus God-Man There was some Analogy or Likeness between this Rock and its Waters which were the Sign and Christ and his Benefits which were signified thereby Hear what the Rhemists from whom Joseph Nott's Friends have receiv'd many a precious Doctrine say to this The Rock say they was a Figure of Christ therein especially that out of Christs side pierced on the Cross gushed out Bloud and Water c. J. N. And Christ in Prayer said And now O Father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the World was And he farther said thou lovedst me before the Foundation of the World John 17.5.2 4. In these words our Lord prays that the Father would receive his humane Nature into Heaven and give it a due participation of that Glory which his divine Nature had from Eternity He desires that his whole Person might be glorious whereas his Essential Glory had been eclipsed during his abode on Earth This and the 24th Verse prove that Christ as to his Divine Nature was before the Creation of the VVorld which Mr. Tross does not deny but here is nothing to prove that Christ as God-man was before the Creation therefore this Text is impertinently cited against Mr. Tross J. N. Quotes John 1.10 Eph. 3.9 Col. 1.16 Heb. 1.1 2. All these Quotations are borrowed from Mr. T. B. to which Mr. Tross hath given such full and clear Answers in Pag. 6 and 7. of his Lord's-Day Vindicated as may satisfy any but such a silly wrangler as J. N. who fairly passes over all that Mr. Tross hath said for the explication of them wisely concluding that many would bestow three or four Farthings to purchase and a quarter of an Hour to read his Pamphlet who would neither buy nor read Mr. Tross's Answer to Mr. Bampfield But though these Texts prove nothing against Mr. Tross hear how the Fool rageth and is confident of his success J. N. Now here it is evident from the words of Christ and his Apostles That Jesus Christ was in the beginning with the Father and that all things were created by him (a) A fi●●re call'd Ta●tology which often occurs in classical Quaking Author● m●re might be said to prove that Jesus Christ was in the beginning and that all things were created by him (a) A fi●●re call'd Ta●tology which often occurs in classical Quaking Author● But this being sufficient Never beat thy Brains to say any more to this point 'T was evident enough before thy Pamphlet crawl●d abroad that Jesus Christ as God was in the beginning That the Divine Nature of our Redeemer made the World That God the Son 4●00 years before his Incarnation when he first became actually and formally Jesus Christ created Heaven and Earth But we have no proof that Jesus Christ as God-man and actual Mediator was in the beginning What ever good opinion our Author hath of his Sufficiency he will find it a hard Task to prove that Emmanuel God with us created the World And thus much for the Quaker's first Cavil concerning which all that he hath said appears to be a solemn piece of Impertinence SECT IV. J. N's second Cavil at the name Christian-Sabbath a vain strife about words Christ not the Christian-Sabbath The Fathers call the first Day of the Week the Lord's-Day Cant about an invisible and everlasting Day Verstegan abused mis-nam'd and mis-quoted A groundless Quarrel with Saxon Names Advise to J. N. THE Quaker imagining that he had confuted Mr. Tross as to the other Controversy pretends to give a general Assault to his
Jesus Christ was not in the beginning But hear how bravely J. N. confutes him J. N. Now here all that can see with a single Eye may see the darkness and blindness of this man yea the gross darkness that may be felt yea the blindness the born blindness Oh Erroneous Doctrine Who will believe or receive such Doctrine as is so contrary to the Holy Scriptures of Truth Quis tulerit Gracchos Reader doth it not move thy Gall or Spleen rather to hear a poor Ignorant Quaker thus Tragically exclaiming against a learned acute Divine as tho' he were about to Sap the very Foundations of Christianity But stay Joseph peace Man why art so startled Wert thou well awake and compos mentis or just rouz'd out of some frightful Vision when thou mad'st that hideous Out-cry Thou yaulest like the Geese those Roman Quakers as tho' the Enemy were at the Gates of the Capitol What is it that makes thee thus take on and rave about Erroneous Doctrine Darkness gross Darkness Blindness born-Blindness a fine expression of thi●e own Invention I doubt thou understandest but little of what thou readest Mr. Tross having to do with Mr. T. B. considers his Question Whether the World was made by Jesus Christ To which he answers That in one sense it may be affirmed in another sense it may be denied He affirms that the God-head of Christ created the World but denies that Christ consisting of that God-head and the Humanity hypostatically united created it P. 7. The God-head or Divine Nature of Christ he grants was throughout a beginningless Eternity P. 6. and made Heaven and Earth But Jesus Christ as God and Man in contra-distinction to the Father and the Holy Ghost did not make the World for Mr. Tross proves that the Name Jesus Christ do necessarily imply or include the Humane Nature with the Divine He shews that the Divine Nature formally and abstractly considered cannot be Christ i. e. anointed fitted or qualified by any other for the Office of Mediation nor could the Divine Nature alone be our Jesus or Saviour for the God-head can neither obey the Law nor bear the Curse both which were to be done by our Jesus These appertain only to his Humanity tho' his Divinity gives merit to his Active and Passive Obedience He was not actually Jesus till after his Incarnation till he had actually done and suffered all those things for which all his Church are redeemed and saved Therefore tho' God the Son was in the beginning and created the World yet seeing he was not actually and formally Jesus Christ until after the Incarnation which Incarnation of the Second Person in the Glorious Trinity was not till about four thousand years after the Creation of the World 't is evident that as Jesus Christ he could not create it tho' as God he did 'T is a great mistake to argue that whatever God is or did that Jesus Christ is and did I grant that by reason of the near union between the Divine and Humane Nature in the person of our Mediatour the special Qualities of both Natures are sometimes ascribed to the Person of Christ yea that which is proper to one Nature is sometimes attributed to the Person denominated from the other Nature Hence the Scripture speaks of the Blood of God Acts 20.38 Where the Word God is to be understood not essentially for the Divine Nature but Personally The Lord Jesus who is truly God shed his Bloud which belongs to him as Man So the Lord of Glory was Crucify'd 1 Cor. 2.8 Christ on Earth said of himself The Son of Man which is in Heaven John 3.13 But tho' the Properties of both Natures may be ascrib'd to the Person yet the Properties of one Nature are not communicated unto nor can they without Nonsense yea Blasphemy be predicated of the other Nature We may say God suffered but 't is Blasphemy to say the Godehead suffer'd The Man Christ Jesus is Mediator by him all things were made but the Humane Nature did not could not make all things for it was a creature and so was made it self Let Joseph Nott read and consider what Mr. Tross hath said on this Argument in 4 5 6 7. of his Book and if he doth but understand what he reads I suppose he will as much admire his own Dullness as he did before exclaim against Mr. Tross's Blindness If he hath any thing more to say against Mr. Tross as to this matter let him prove That the World was not made until the Son of God assum'd the Humane Nature That the World was made but 1693 years before the year of the Date of these P●esents That all our Chronologers who say that the World is near 6000 years old are Ignorant and Blind for J. N. hath discover'd by the help of his Light within that the World is not full seventeen hundred years old If he can make this out I shall conclude that a pair of Quaking-Spectacles are worth a dozen Telescopes Mr. Tross often affirms that God the Son is Jehovah and created the World That the God-head of our Redeeme raised the glorious Fabrick of Heaven and Earth But all the Scriptures alledg'd by Mr. T.B. would not convince him that the World was made since the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us John 1.14 Jehovah made the World almost 4000 years before the time that God was manifest in the flesh Now the Names of Jesus Christ do not belong to God the Creator but to the only Mediator between God and Man who is Emmanuel God with us So that the Quaker had as good have wip'd up his Mouth and kept a Silent Meeting as have gap'd so wide and said nothing to the purpose J. N. Now that this is contrary to the Holy Scriptures is easily prov'd And by the assistance of the Holy Spirit of God I shall undertake to prove that Jesus Christ was in the beginning and that the World was made by him Ay ay Joseph No doubt this is easie to such a bold Vndertaker as thy mighty Self Only mind Mr. Tross's Distinction Remember that he grants that God the Son made the World that the Godhead of Jesus Christ was in the beginning and created all things What he denies and thou art to prove is That this glorious Person did not make the World until he became Man until the time of his Incarnation when he was actually and formally Jesus Christ J. N. For Christ Jesus said to the Jews Before Abraham was I am John 5.28 Very true And doth not Mr. Tross grant as much Doth he not say that Christ as God or the Godhead of Jesus Christ was throughout a beginningless Eternity But dost thou think that Christ here spake concerning his Humane Nature I tell thee Joseph that Person who is God over all blessed for ever as concerning the flesh (a) Rom. 9.5 is a Jew of the Seed of Abraham He who us God is David's Lord as Man is David's Son
an Embassdor of Christ as a Babel-Builder No wonder that the Devil will rather play at small Game than fit out and when he can't have Men of Learning imploys Blacksmiths Shoemakers and Weavers to broach Errors and sow Seditions J. N. I desire the 1 Reader to consider what thou reads 2 And if any one publish any Doctrine contrary to the Holy Scriptures believe them 3 not More Non-sense 1 The for Thee 2. Reads for Readest 3. Them for Him To School Truant learn thy Primmer and Con the Eight Parts of Speech before thou write any more Replies Thy want of Learning makes thee bold there is no danger that too much of it should make thee mad J. N. For Christ bids us beware of false Prophets which come in Sheeps Cloathing who saith Ye shall know them by their Fruits Mat. 7.15 16. And the Apostle Paul adviseth us to turn away from such as have a f●rm of Godliness but denies a. the Power 2 Tim. 3.5 For indeed another Foundation can no man lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 3.11 Rare sense again a denies for deny Scarce a Period without false Concord But that is a small Matter compar'd with the Gall and Venom in these words Joseph Nott and his Friends are utter Enemies to Carnal Weapons as Swords and Guns and other Dead-doing Tools But no Animals have sharper Tusks or longer Claws and none more ready to fasten their Rabid Teeth in their Neighbour's good Name Backbiting doth not hinder 'em from attaining perfection but with their She-friend Prov. 30.20 they wipe their mouth and say I have done no wickedness Just now this bold Calumniator rank'd Mr. Tross among Babel's-builders Now to let us see how he improves his Talent of Railing he basely perverts Scripture to insinuate that he is a false Prophet and a Hypocrite Yet this he who pretends to be guided by the Spirit of God But Reader What Spirit is it thinkest thou that moves this foul Mouth'd Fellow thus to reproach and bespatter such a Minister of the Gospel as Mr. Tross A man whose exemplary Piety Humility and Self-denial diffusive Charity and Moderation and unwearied diligence in his Master's Work by Studying Preaching and Visiting have procur'd him a good Report of all sober and serious Christians of all Perswasions in the City where he lives Had not Joseph Nott been Master of a bold Face and a hard Forehead and had not his Conversation with Boat-Men and Oyster-Women Coblers and Tinke●s improv'd his natural Confidence to a great stock of Impudence he would never have attempted to fix the odious Brands of false Prophet and Hypocrite upon so good a Man so faithful a Minister who lays out his Time his Strength his Estate his All for the Glory of God and good of Souls I am persuaded few Persons in Exon even of the Quakers themselves are so far forsaken of their Understandings as to believe this Charge upon a Brain-sick Enthusiast's say-so If any should we may well conclude that they are given up to strong Delusions to believe Lies as a Judgment for rejecting sound Doctrine and giving heed to old Wives Fables (a) 1 Tim. 4.7 or prophane and vain Babling (b) 2 Tim. 2.16 J. N. And therefore I desire the 1 Reader to keep thy Mind near to the Light of Jesus Christ in thy own Heart and Conscience that so thou mayest understand what thou readest After a small Blunder the 1 for thee out comes the rare Catholicon with which these Quacks do greater wonders than ever did Puntaeus with his Balsam or Ointment and that is the Light within Reader if thou canst but get Joseph Nott to spare thee a few Ounces of this choice Medicine call'd Light within prize it above Aurum potabile or the Philosopher's Stone But if he will not part with any of it follow my Directions and thou mayest obtain it thy self Strip thy self of Lace Ribbons and all other Babylonish Garments bid adieu to good Manners Thee and Thou thy Betters give a supercilious Nod but don't stir thy Hat from its Block shake Hands with good Sense forswear true English decry Scripture revile Magistrates reproach Ministers cast off Ordinances gratify the Desires of thy Carnal Heart follow the Dictates of thy muddy Brains whenever thy giddy Head turns round pretend to Visions and Revelations and when thou art thus accounted read the Quaker's Books and keep close to their silent Meetings and thou art in a very fair way to get this rare Secret And if thou hast a Wind-Mill Head a Brazen-Face and Leathern Lungs get upon the Stage which the Brethren have erected for John Gannaclist and Joseph Nott and thou mayest quickly get as much Custom and do as fine Feats as they If I have not hit upon our Author 's Meaning when he talks of the Light in the Heart and Conscience desire him to explain himself and tell plainly what he means by it And that this Hocus-Pocus may not gull thee by his Leger-demain or sob thee off with such a Banbury-Tale as he did Mr. Hallet in Answer to his first Query (a) Gospel-Truths Scripturally asserted Pag. 4. where his Description of this Light leaves us in the dark get him if thou canst without Quibbling or Canting to return a plain and direct Answer to these few Questions Q. 1. Is this Light of Jesus Christ in the Heart and Conscience God or Creature Finite or Infinite Q. 2. Is it Christ himself who was Crucified without the Walls of Jerusalem or something distinct from Christ If he say 't is Christ himself inquire of him Whether this Light in every Man's Heart and Conscience was born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate died upon the Cross ascended into Heaven after its Resurrection and sitteth at the right Hand of God All these things we know are true of Christ Q. 3. If he say it is something distinct from Christ Ask him Whether it be a Body or a Spirit If he say it is a Body as Bar●lay Apol. Pag. 94. 'T is vehiculum Dei The Spiritual Body of Christ the Flesh and Blood of Christ which came down from Heaven Desire him to deal freely with thee as a Friend and inform thee How this Flesh and Blood can be in so many 1000 Hearts and Consciences at once as there are Men and Women upon the face of the Earth How a Body can reach from Pensylvania to Exon Whether it be Omnipresent Whether the Quaking-Priest have learnt of their Elder Brethren the Papists the knack of Transubstantiation How a Body tho' purer than Spirit of VVine rectified could come by Knowledge and Understanding And how it can communicate it to a Spirit Quest 4. If he say 't is a Spirit know of him whether it be a created and finite or an Uncreated and Infinite Spirit If it be a created Spirit inquire of what Species whether a good Angel a malicious Devil or a rational Soul If he say 't