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A61217 A clear apology and just defence of Richard Stafford for himself with a rehearsal, and further explanation of what he hath done concerning national affairs. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1690 (1690) Wing S5110; ESTC R219673 45,943 40

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A Clear APOLOGY AND Just Defence OF Richard Stafford For Himself With a Rehearsal and further Explanation of what he hath done concerning National Affairs But truly I am full of Power by the Spirit of the Lord and of Judgment and of Might to declare unto Jacob his Transgression and to Israel his Sin Hear this I pray you ye Heads of the House of Jacob and Princes of the House of Israel that abhor Judgment and pervert all Equity They build up Zion with Blood and Jerusalem with Iniquity The Heads thereof judge for Reward and the Priests thereof teach for Hire and the Prophets thereof divine for Money yet will they lean upon the Lord and say Is not the Lord among us none evil can come upon us Micah 3. 8 9 10 11. But Judgment shall return unto Righteousness and all the Vpright in heart shall follow it Psal 94. 15. All the Words of my Mouth are in Righteousness there is nothing froward or perverse in them They are all plain to him that understandeth and right to them that find Knowledge Prov. 8. 8 9. Printed in the Year 1690. TO THE READER A Preface may seem unusual and impertinent before an Apology But it is necessary to advertise the Reader somewhat before lest when he comes to see such serious Truth applied so exceeding close and forceably He be frightened quite away that he cannot endure to see what here is Published And there will arise a secret Prejudice why I should not seek out smooth Things and Soft Words as do others but the Land is not able to bear all these Words Why then doth the Land act and commit such Things which are here spoken of with more Peace and Gentleness than they are done Indeed I am naturally averse from tormenting the Minds of Men and also I do understand what becomes Education Civility and Custom of the world as do others But it being my Duty and Business according to the Grace and Knowledge intrusted with me to endeavour to turn People from Iniquity unto Righteousness I ought or otherwise I am not faithful in my Office to use the most cogent Arguments and to press them with the utmost force and power which I can The Words of the Wise are like Nails fastened by the Master of Assemblies so whoever doth not drive the Nail of Exhortation home to the very head and fasten it as much as he can on every side He doth the Work of the Lord deceitfully It is gross Ignorance and foolish Imagination to be frightened at Words for they do express Things which have been or are now transacting and passing on or shall be hereafter and these not the bare Picture and visible Representation of them we should indeed fear and endeaevour to avoid VVe think it better and more safe to read of a pitcht Battel a bloody Sea-fight a consuming Fire Plague or such like than to be in the midst thereof yea We would willingly know thereof and be shewed the way how we may keep out escape and prevent such evil things So likewise every one doth desire to hear and know of Good Things and how themselves may obtain and partake thereof It is the same yea more Danger and Loss to be willingly Ignorant of what is contained in the Word of God For as sure as things were first made are now upheld have their beginning and end increase and decrease and every Thing is according to its Nature and Kind and moves and goes on as we now see with our bodily Eyes we look upon and our Hands handle and we conceive in our minds so the same Word will be to every tittle fulfilled as we are warned and foretold of But the Heavens and the Earth which are now by the same Word are kept in store reserved unto Fire against the Day of Judgment and Perdition of Ungodly Men 2 Pet. 3. 7. It is the worst sort of Vngodliness not to like to receive God into their knowledge It is Rebellion which is as the Sin of Witchcraft and Stubbornness which is as Iniquity and Idolatry to reject the Word of the Lord 1 Sam. 15. 23. as was said to Saul the King for even the Kings and Judges of the Earth do commit Rebellion against God We will here assert the Government of God over all Nations and Rulers come what will of it to my weak and frail Person as themselves must acknowledge cannot gain-say the same Nor yet do they well to be angry with one who is a Worm and no man a Reproach of men and despised of the People for as they are Reasonable Creatures Themselves would not have destruction come upon them at unawares and notwithstanding the secret excuse they have now every man in the deep of his Heart yet then they will think it hard but just to be condemned for what they knew not but might have known if they would If they will Still Despise and Wonder and Perish it is to themselves If they think such an one is mad only because he would prevent their own Misery then indeed their Eyes are darkened that they see not It happens here according to Christ's Method and Prediction that they which see not might see and they which see might be made Blind John 9. 39. Poor and Ignorant People do discern the Truth when it is hidden from the Wise and Prudent whom it most concerns In the latter dayes they shall consider it perfectly VVhen for Despising will be Anguish and sad Reflection for Stubbornness Pain and Misery VVhatever kind of reception these VVords shall meet with in the world The best Apology for them is their own Truth and Signification A Clear APOLOGY and Just Defence of Richard Stafford for himself c. THe Word Apology in common apprehension seems to presuppose fault or inferiority and doth often come by way of Excuse mitigation or begging Pardon Whereas the Compiler of these following Lines is not conscious to himself of any Crime or Offence he hath done to his own Nation And also as he stands in the rank of Creatures h● will not acknowledge so much of the other as the Pride of Man and Arrogancy of Tongues would imagine and speak forth But to get out from the Perplexity and Labyrinth of Words and Persons come we to Things and we would no otherwise consider the several Thoughts Words and Actions of mankind but with relation to them Indeed we cannot know as God knows for that we may take the more notice of it it is thrice asserted and repeated The Lord looketh from Heaven He beholdeth all the Sons of Men from the place of his Habitation he looketh upon all the Inhabitants of the Earth He fashioneth their Hearts alike He considereth all their Works Psal 33. 13 14 15. whether Good or Evil to Reward or Punish And give to every Man according to his Ways whose Heart thou knowest for thou even thou only knowest the Hearts of all the Children of Men 1 Kings 8. 39. This
shall not err therein unless they run out of willing and set purpose Whereas heretofore we were disobedient and did not all things according to the Pattern shewed us we are to acknowledge our Iniquity and Transgression and from henceforth sorever we and our Children are to promise unto the Lord and keep it to do according as he hath said and commanded in his Word which we ought in like manner to obey as if we heard his Voice from Heaven As we daily Pray so we are likewise to do lest we be found Mockers and Dissemblers with God and have our portion with Hypocrites and Unbelievers his will on Earth Which again is not to be measured by what is acted on this stage of Sin and Confusion or publickly done in the place where Satan's Seat and Kingdom is but as it is clearly written and manifestly revealed by the Word and Spirit of God which came down from above and knoweth what is God's will And what is done in Heaven the fanie is expected here In the Mouth of two or three Witnesses every Word shall be established and we have three holy Men of God who were moved by the holy Ghost and give attestation and confirmation to the same thing He is the Rock his work is perfect for all his ways are Judgment a God of Truth and without Iniquity just and right is be Deut. 32. 4. The Works of his Hands are Verity and Judgment and all his Commandments are sure They stand fast forever and ever and are done in Truth and Vprightness Psal 111. 7 8. By this it appears that our late Revolution is none of God's work in which he is well pleased For I the Lord love Judgment I hate Robbery for burnt Offering and I will direct their work in Truth and I will make an Everlasting Covenant with them Isa 61. 8. So that if People would do the work of God and come to settlement and stability of Times they must only use such means all along as are good true just and lawful and none others These are to be known by God's Law only for as aforesaid that is the supream Rule of Good and Evil Truth and Falshood Right and Wrong And if thence it doth appear that this Nation hath trespassed against their God Isa 58. 2. and have forsaken and resisted his Ordinance by putting down that Power which is asserted Rom. 13. 1. to be of God though it was an Heathen at the very time If this be a Sin and Transgression then there is no hope to avoid the present Displeasure and escape the future Punishment of God otherwise than by making a Covenant with our God and by restoring the King to his right and henceforward to tremble at the Commandments of our God and l●t it be done according to his Law Ezra 10. 3. The Laws of God are to be set before People and they are to be exhorted to the Observance of them but still men have their Liberty and full Freedom of Action If they will not do so out of Conscience and Obedience to God they may let it alone Or to speak plainly deliberately and truly in the Gentile dialect choose and be damned according to what they have done and involved themselves in from Rom. 13. 2. It is at their own Peril and Danger The divine Promises and Threatnings are to be used only but no outward force and compulsion for the right Christian Religion doth not allow of any And here is a Threatning as true as Gospel which lies expresly against the Nation and People of England * Which I would not have against my own particular Person for ten thousand Kingdoms or the greatest Places of Honour and Profit and I would more fear it than to dye an hundred Temporal Deaths The Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all Vnrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Vnrighteousness Rom. 1. 18. It is only revealed and made known here but it is to be executed and felt in another Place So though We are in the true Reformed Religion yet We are not under the aforesaid Penalty to continue and practise any Unrighteousness towards our King who is a Member of a false superstitious and corrupted Church Thou that abborrest Idols dost thou commit Sacriledge So they should not commit any Injustice Wrong Sin or Evil. Thou that mak●st thy boast of the Law through breaking of the Law Dishonourest thou God for the Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you In this National Corruption there have been no less than five Laws of the second Table expresly violated as by Dishonouring of and Disobedience to Parents Committing of Murder Theft bearing False Witness Coveting and taking possession of anothers Inheritance who was greater than Naboth and his inferiour did it Again if the solemn Oath hath been despised and the Covenant broken whereof God alone is to judge and determine of both sides then as sure as God is which is as evident as the Heavens He created and we see or that he laid the Foundations of the Earth which we tread on so certainly will He recompence it upon their own Head Unless all this is prevented by true and unfeigned Repentance in order to which it is necessary not only to be sorry or secretly to bewail but further to undo the Fault as much as it can be And as God was dishonoured publickly in like manner to regain his Favour They should publickly acknowledge their Iniquity to their God that they have transgressed against him by forsaking his Ordinance despising his Oath and breaking his Covenant To speak after the manner of men That God should have repair for his hurt Majesty which they offended and despised and also have Glory given unto him by confessing their own shame for we must do as much to reconcile our selves to an offended God as the Great Ones of the Earth require from all that displease them And this is the true design and end of Confession Those Things done in Private may be there acknowledged but in other Things the acknowledgment should be altogether as Publick as the sin was according to Lev. 26. 40. Josh 7. 19. Ezra 10. 2 3 10 11. Mark 1. 5. Acts 19. 18. And where any thing hath been taken away from any man by False Accusation He is to be restored to it again and the very Truth of all Things to be brought out and to be known openly before the World It might be so ordered and consented unto That They have Deputies faithful couragious and learned to implead one another before the Great Council of the Nation and Witnesses examined upon Oath of both sides Which would be a more Christian and Rational way than to lead forth Armies to push at and gore one another like a Multitude of Bulls and Calves of the People Psal 68. 30. Man was born more naked and unarmed than those dull Creatures but they have found Instruments of Death to knock down and butcher
is the alone Prerogative of God for He knoweth all things and searcheth the Heart that not the least Thing can be hid or concealed from him Whereas we only perceive a little according to the exact Truth but much more in a false and imperfect manner by doubtful Report and mistaken Observation And then we cannot throughly apprehend a thing wherein many are concerned so we can give no perfect Judgment and Determination God hath taken the like method for the exercise and administration of his Kingdom and Dominion over Men as our Kings and Governours over their several Countries And he hath a Book for his Government over all the Nations and Families of the Earth high and low rich and poor together as our Statute and Common Law is for England and their civil canon or municipal Laws for other Nations His Word is given unto Mankind to be a Rule for their Actions and a Law for them to live and be governed by and from that we are allowed and commanded to Reprove all manner of Sin and Transgression as any one now doth Lev. 19. 17. take notice or speak of what is done contrary to the Government and Laws of this Nation which is esteemed no fault but rather commendable and a Duty The same is and ought much more to be in things pertaining to God and so likewise would be if there was amongst us the like Zeal for and Knowledge of him that is invisible who fills Heaven and Earth with his Presence as now there is regard for the Son of Man whom we see to be little and to fade as a Leaf But this is to be understood for the Fear and Instruction of some and for the Comfort of others That God is not confined to the Imaginations and Sayings of Men If some speak smooth things and prophesie Deceits and others too hard Speeches and mistaken Applications The Judge himself will not ratifie what they say but condemns whom man absolves as again acquit whom man condemns For he cometh for he cometh to judge the Earth He shall judge the World with Righteousness and the People with his Truth Psal 96. 13. And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened and another Book was opened which is the Book of Life and the dead were judged out of those Things which were written in the Books according to their Works Rev. 20. 12. This according to the Decree of the Eternal and unchangeable God is as certain and True as if it were already past and fulfilled As Judges and Justices of Gaol delivery do try Prisoners by the statute Book of this Realm at those Assizes which are holden twice a year so at this general Grave delivery which is to be kept once for all The dead Bodies of all People of every Place and Generation since Man was Created on the Earth shall arise and we shall all be judged by Christ and his Saints according to those Words written in the Bible And this according to the plain and common sence and understanding of the same Words Behold in this they are not just I will answer all mine Accusers and Enemies that God is greater than Man and so much do his Laws exceed theirs Wherefore do I mention that God is greater than Man In comparison of him the Nations are as a drop of a Bucker and are counted as the small dust of the Balance It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the Earth and the Inhabitants thereof are as Grashoppers We shall find and know that He bringeth the Princes to nothing He maketh the Judges of the Earth as Vanity Notwithstanding the People have more regard to them because they are seen and their utmost Power is known then they have to Almighty God who is not seen and whose Punishment is threatned But though God is not seen yet his Works are And how Great must He be who built this vast House of the World and created all things therein What is the Wrath of a Worm of five or six foot long to the * Isa 59. 15. Displeasure of Him who hath Heaven for his Throne and the Earth for his Footstool What is a single Individual or an Assembly of Men who dwell in Houses of Clay that they should when met in Council as yet exalt themselves to do according to their own will notwithstanding Gods Commandment to the contrary If not to speak Exod 9. 17. out because they profess that they know God but in Works deny him yet to think and act Marvellous things against the God of Gods Dan. 11. 36. And in this they are worse then him here spoken of or Pharoah for he knew not who was the Lord that he should obey him What is abomination of Heart they imagine to be bravery of mind that they can and are for doing things otherwise and as it were hinder that his will be not done here on Earth Which argues the exceeding sinfulness of sin with the infinite guilt and demerit thereof and it shall be punished with proportionable Condemnation Misery They are corrupt and speak wickedly concerning oppression They speak loftily They set their Mouth against the Heavens their Tongue walketh through the Earth therefore his People return hither and Waters of a full Cup are wring out to them Psal 73. 8 9 10. By the height and breadth and depth of such kind of Transgression we may judge of the length of future Torments Whose Thoughts were thus exalted to Heaven their Souls shall be thrust down to Hell Shall not God search this Luk. 10. 15. out for He knoweth the secrets of the Heart the innermost Thoughts and most hidden Imaginations Even now he looks down from the Habitation of his Holiness and is not far from every one of us for at this very moment He both sees and hears all that we are talking of or doing in our Houses and several places of abode And so He hath done all along of this Generation of Men now living as He did of those before we were born We read of Him in his Word for the Lord your God is God of Gods and Lord of Lords a great God a Mighty and a Terrible which regardeth not Persons nor taketh Reward Deut. 10. 17. We have a sence and aw and dread of Him upon our minds we may know and perceive his Laws written in our Hearts and inward Parts by laying open our Conscience as in his sight and by communing with our own spirit when we are for a little while silent in our Chamber and somewhat freed and separated from the Things of this World All these wayes God doth shew and manifest himself unto Mankind so that they are without excuse This may be thought proper to instruct and convert Heathens or the neighbouring Nations which do grovel in the darkness of Popish ignorance but doth not seem so applicable to our own Countrey where the Scriptures are read and preached in a known
commands to set them in right order again But that remains in a dead letter and it is not faithfully handled nor universally applyed for the Priests have been partial in the Law They have kept back some part of it and have not made known the whole counsel of God unto the People And also according to the marginal reading of Mal. 2. 9. They have accepted Faces by applying it superficially and favourably to the higher sort of People As they have done and do not cease to justifie the Wicked for Reward for some Place or preferment either already bestowed or in hope and expectation to be given And so it comes to pass that Gods faithful Messengers who have appeared in their several Generations as singular are persecuted and prosecuted Now God doth lie still and hide himself to see what the Children of Men will do Though it is the secret continued Prayer of his Elect and Servants Arise O God Judge the Earth for thou shalt inherit all Nations Psal 82. 8. Yet He will not before the appointed time But his Law is given in the mean while and he doth prove the doings of the Children of Men. There hath been a long and continued controversie in the World throughout former Generations and in all Nations and the same continues at this day not only amongst Heathens Mahometans Papists but to our greater shame even in the more pure reformed Churches and at this very instant is in the Land of our own Nativity the Substance whereof is to this following effect Whether the Laws of God or man shall have the superiority and take place Whether his Light is to be extinguished and his Truth stifled which he would send out Psal 43. 3. if it should reprove the Darkness and Wickedness that is in Palaces and great Houses or manifest the Error of their corrupt ways But mention is made vers 1. of an ungodly Nation and a deceitful and unjust Man They would ungod him if they could reach up and pull down the High and Lofty One or lead away captive as hath been done with dumb Idols the living and Almighty God But because that is not in their Power They will do as far as is suffered They act in opposition to the Father of Lights James 1. 17. and do what lieth in them to prevent the rising of the Sun of Righteousness and afterwards stop out the shining Thereof When he that dwelleth between the Cherubims would shine forth Psal 80. 1. They will hinder it what they can But God doth suffer it so far for the next thing is he will stir up his strength vers 2. and then poor Creatures who now provoke the Lord to Jealousie will find that they are not stronger then he in this their short time they will not bear that word which convinces of Sin and Unrighteousness But how then will they endure his Indignation and Punishment which that was to warn them of and put them in a way how they might escape Even thy Truth O my God Psal 71. 22. is called a false and feigned libel if it doth discover their own Falshood and Hypocrisie And it must skulk about in Corners or be conveyed in a secret place though there is stampt upon it the Image and superscription of the Great and Invisible King but they are fearful Rev. 21. 8. to own and confess it before the World for they fear the Displeasure of Men more then the Displeasure of God They would have Gods service be brought down to Mans purposes and be so modelled as to be made consistent with the foolish policy and misapprehended welfare of a Nation These things are strange to mention but themselves know that their inward Thought Pride and Rebellion of Heart is that though they will acknowledge with their Tongue and Lips that the Most high ruleth over the Kingdoms of Men and his Dominion is above and over all yet they would have it so far come under theirs That if Gods Laws are contrary and not agreeable to humane constitutions They must not be spoken of Amos 7. 13. nor laid before our Princes and our Priests our Lords and Counsellers for fear of Punishment and being prosecuted as one against the Government when themselves in this very thing are against the Government of their God Alas How do a small Number of Grashoppers here on the Earth think of and would do towards the great Lord of the World How do men that shall die and must appear before him in judgment demean themselves towards him now they are but a little while in the way Arise O Lord let not man prevail let the Heathen be judged in thy sight Put them in fear O Lord that the Nations may know themselves to be but men Psal 9. 19 20. Again thus much is signified by what is written He ruleth by his Power for ever his Eyes behold the Nations let not the Rebellious exalt themselves Psal 66. 7. And though the Nations be never so angry yet now is the time come that God shall take to himself Psal ●●●● Great Power and Reign A little opening and appearance thereof doth now begin in this place and Nation which will be likewise followed in the Habitable parts of the Earth For the matter of contention is not so much between the two Kings who are both Pot-sherds of the Earth and shall each of them severall be brought down to the bars of the Pit although now they have their Armies and cause their Terrour in the Land of the Living Cease ye from man whose Breath is in his Nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of We ought utterly to draw off from the Persons of each and not to have them in admiration and not name them more then needs must for by so doing men do forget and lose the knowledge and fear of the Lord and are not so sensible of the Glory of his Majesty and infinite Greatness But the thing which the Lord doth require of our Land is that she do not depart from and for sake his Eternal and Immutable Rules of Judgment and Righteousness and that his People be very couragious to keep and to do all that is written in the Law of Moses that ye turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left Josh 23. 6. So whatever is further commanded in the Book of Psalms the Writings of the Prophets and the Gospel of Christ declared by the Evangelists and Apostles All things are to be done according to his revealed Will now a little before he ariseth to shake terribly the Earth for the Word of the Lord is right and all his Works are done in truth he loveth Righteousness and Judgment Psal 33. 4. 5. Righteousness shall go before him and shall set us in the way of his Steps Psal 85. 13. Gods Work ought to b● done in his own prescribed method according to what is written which is so plain and easie to be understood that wayfaring men though Fools
Liturgy in the Exhortation before the Communion Therefore if any of you be a Blasphemer of God an hinderer or slanderer of his Word repent you of your Sins or else come not to that holy Table But because ye have the outward Administration thereof in your own Power and your Bishops Priests and Deacons are involved in and carried away with the same corruption They will nevertheless dispence the Holy Sacrament unto you though ye do still continue in and practice the same Sins But yet be ye assured and forewarned from the truth and determination of God that notwithstanding ye do still partake of the outward part or sign yet ye will be deprived of the thing signified thereby That is now of the true Grace and Spirit of God and hereafter to speak in plain terms ye will be excommunicated and shut out from Heaven And ye can no more enter there against his Decree and Will than now ye can flye up and of your own strength cause the Heavens to be opened to receive you God will not admit them there who would not suffer him to reign over them here on Earth by his Word and the Messengers appointed to publish and make it known who are necessary for the exercise and administration of his Kingdom and Dominion over Men. I speak to our Rulers judge ye in your selves How would any earthly King receive it to have his Ambassadors and Officers yea an inferiour Herald or Poste disturbed and interrupt and stopt in the execution of his business We are his Servants and must do according to what our great Lord and Master sends us and if any Injury is offered us he takes it upon himself and will punish according to Mark 12. 4 5 9. And if my self should be killed or scourged or persecuted from place to place whosoever shall presume to do it either secretly or openly God knows it all one they must also take what follows That upon you may come all the Righteous Blood shed upon the Earth Mat. 23. 35. The greatest Emperors Kings Princes and Potentates will find one higher than they The inferiour Judges Magistrates and Officers will meet with one whom they were as much bound to obey as their respective Masters Great swelling Words will be changed into doleful Cries and Lamentations Instead of domineering and insulting over those whom they had once Prisoners before them will succeed trembling at their presence and such will be strangely abashed to see them become their Judges God will arise and maintain his own Cause and the boldest Persecutors of them all shall at length find He that toucheth you toucheth the Apple of his Eye Zech. 2. 8. He had better run his own Finger into his own Eyes and bore them out rather than do those things to be cast into Hell-Fire This harsh but true expression may be further gathered from Mat. 18. 6 7 8 9. And though it is in a less degree of Reproach Slander or Reviling Curses or hard Speeches against the Person of such an one Surely men know not nor consider what they do herein Because for thy sake I have born Reproach Shame hath covered my Face I am become a Stranger unto my Brethren and an alient unto my Mother's Children For the Zeal of thine House hath eaten me up and the Reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me Psal 69. 7 8 9. To speak against or evil of any one who doth not handle the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the Truth commending himself to every man's Conscience in the fight of God and to recriminate upon the Instrument which conveys it forth because the Word convinces of Sin and of Righteousness and of Judgment This doth first manifest their own guilt and contrary practice and to reply against it is to reply against God Rom. 9. 20. It is answering again and disputing and a kind of blaspheming the Holy One of Israel For such are resolved not to do the thing and are so far from coming to Repentance and turning from their Iniquities that they harden and confirm themselves yet more in their sinful ways They will utter and speak hard things and the Workers of Iniquity boast themselves Psal 94. 4. see vers 20. And these are the hard Speeches which Vngodly Sinners have spoken against him Jude 15. This shews the exceeding sinfulness of Reproach which hath more or less aggravation according to the particular kind of * Jer. 18. 18. sayings which were invented and promoted by the Father of Lyes who is suffered to resist the Servants of God and doth it with an intent and purpose to make them as Lyars and through them to derogate from God's Glory and Truth that if possible the Word which goeth forth out of his Mouth should return to him void and not accomplish that which he pleases nor prosper in the thing whereto he sends it for to this tend the Devices and Wickedness of Satan the adversary of God's Kingdom But let those who have any reverence or fear of God take heed how they speak of him and his Truth which appears forth through his Servant for that indeed and not so much the outward Person is the Thing chiefly admired at I am as a Wonder in the new Translation it is Monster unto many but thou art my strong Refuge Psal 71. 7. For whether we be besides our selves it is to God 2 Cor. 5. 13. Christ himself had the imputation of Madness And when his Friends in the Marginal Reading it is Kinsmen heard of it they went out to lay hold on him for they said He is besides himself Mark 3. 21. The Scribes who understood a little more did blaspheme against the Holy Ghost because they said he hath an unclean Spirit Vers 30. And to say such an one is an But busiast or Fanatick in the plain and proper signification is to affirm He is possest with the Spirit of the Devil such as did reside amongst the Oracles of Old or in the Heathen Temples And therefore though it be a gentile and hasty Word People should be exceeding cautious on whom they affix it For we must expunge many places out of Scripture confirmed by experience if we deny the workings of God's Spirit in these dayes but it is subject unto keeps within the bounds of his Revelation And then if this or that Person should have the true Spirit of God and of Christ it would be the very same Blasphemy But if they have called the Master of the Houshold Belzebub much more will they call those of the Houshold We read again that Himself hath the same double Reproach cast on him And many of them said He hath a Devil and is mad why hear ye him John 10. 20. If we go back to the Old Testament we shall find somewhat to the same purpose The young man the Prophet was thus stiled by one of the Captains of the Host that were sitting Wherefore came this mad fellow to thee
mightest be justified in thy Sayings and overcome when thou art judged We are sure that all Scripture came by Inspiration from God and therefore all is Truth what that saith And whatever the Practices of others are to keep their places or to make a gain of Godliness so called but rather Hypocrisie or procure and retain the favour of the great Ones yet such will be the greatest losers in the end for there is a real Truth and Signification in these Words Blessed are they that keep Judgment and He that doth Righteousness at all times Psal 106. 3. And though at this present short time There is one event to the Righteous and to the Wicked to him that sweareth or he that feareth an Oath Yet it will be certainly better with those who have continued whole and stedfast in the Covenant of their God and have preserved a good Conscience in all things So it will be seen and experienced when of this and every day of our Life after years of discretion we shall be called to Account which will also extend to every Idle and false word that men do now speak The time place circumstances and aggravations of such wilful Sins and deliberate Acts of Disobedience will be manifested as they were day by day committed And then it will be no excuse to have justified the wicked for Reward or for fashion or because they had the greatest number of their side or out of any wrong or indirect Principle They act foolishly and are ignorant who flourish over and vindicate the Violent perverting of Judgment and Justice in a Province for they may now Read and Understand that the Most Highest regardeth the Matter and there is Higher than they who will set things at right again That wo which is now denounced against them who call Evil good and Good evil shall at length terminate in execution and misery It is a sad Thing to consider that any People for profit and advantage for pride and pleasure to get or keep the good will of their superiour fellow Creatures should whilst they live do those things for which after Death they shall suffer punishment And they should be more careful fearful to humor and comply with a parcel of Dying Men whose Gifts perish with them and their Fury vanisheth into nothing then they are to please an Almighty Father and Everliving God Do ye think the Scripture saith in vain Trust in him at all times ye People pour out your Heart before him God is a Refuge for us Selah Surely Men of Low degree are Vanity and Men of High degree are a Lye To be laid in the Ballance they are altogether lighter then Vanity Trust not in Oppression and become not vain in Robbery If Riches increase set not your Heart upon them God hath spoken once twice have I heard this that Power belongeth unto God Also unto thee O Lord belongeth Mercy for thou rendrest to every Man according to his Work Psal 62. 8 9 10 11. God hath wisely established things for a Life of Tryal and an Obedience of Faith and to exercise our Trust on him He hath given us the Law and the Testimony and the Light that is in them to discern and know Good and Evil Truth and Falshood Right and Wrong Substance and Vanity And the Salvation which we expect from our God should always keep us in that stedfast purpose of mind as not to commit any deliberate Sin nor to continue in any known Transgression nor to practice Hypocrisie nor to leave Duty undone for to accomplish present things If men did not talk of it as a Word of Course but do really desire to get to Heaven as now they see the outside and they must certainly go off from this Earth then they must not do those things that lead a contrary way as that Word which reveals the invisible things within and the necessary means to obtain doth expresly declare It is no jesting matter but rather a sad sign that the Curse of God which is a fore-runner of his punishment is fallen upon people when they add Iniquity to their Iniquity and not come into thy Righteousness Psal 69. 27. For the next thing which succeeds is to be blott●d out of the Book of the living and not be written with the Righteous Vers 28. and that is ten thousand times worse then to lose their Lives Liberties and Estates And whereas it is further surmised our pure Reformed Religion is more dear and that would be endangered It is here deliberately and advisedly affirmed That the Doctrines and Practices of these corrupt Times are more dangerous and prejudicial to Souls than all the Errors and Supersti●ions of Popery for that same Word which instructs in the way of Salvation and makes known what is the pure and undefiled Religion before God doth speak much more against Perjury Lying Unrighteousness Disobedience to Parents Revenge false Accusation Hipocrisie and an Hypocritical Nation and such like then it doth against Idolatry Superstition and false Worship But the Will of God is which we must also do if we would be saved that we abstain from them all Thou declarest upon Oath that the Pope cannot depose Heretical Princes and that neither he nor any Person whatsoever hath Power to absolve thee of this Oath or any part thereof but what if God should judge that Protestant Lay-men cannot absolve subjects from their Oath and Allegiance to a Popish King In Truth neither can one do it nor yet the other The same God who commands that we keep from Idols doth likewise enjoyn that we do no wrong and that we abstain from all appearance of evil It is both folly and Wickedness to run from one unlawful extream to another and God will shew and manifest that there is no necessity to proceed from evil to evil and they know not me saith the Lord Jer. 9. 3. It is impertinent and irk some to explain things so every particularly but People are dull of apprehension fears and jealousies are endless and more especially a consciousness of guilt and wrong is not easily satisfied for it hopes to have this excuse for their Sin a surmise of Danger and they venture upon these doubtful things to make more sure against it for so they call such things which are as evidently a breach of the Law as Adultery and Fornication are against the seventh Commandment and are more certainly Sins then Drunkenness is one as themselves may know for compare their Actions with the Law and their own Thoughts will accuse them When the Soul hath departed from the Law of the most High she seeks out for this or that Imagination to pacifie but it cannot satisfie the grumblings with in at this present time and which she vainly and falsly hopes will save harmless as to the future But notwithstanding all the Deceiveableness of Vnrighteousness strong Delusions and human Allegations Yet Gods Glory is not nor can be advanced by sinful means For The just Lord is
They weave the Spiders Web yet these VVebs shall not become Garments neither shall they cover themselves with their VVorks It may just skin a thing over which nevertheless will be seen through And it doth not answer the ends of Government as to give real peace and assured Preservation Indeed it is a little better then nothing for it is somewhat cast over which doth neither hide nakedness nor keep warm And then it is a long time in transacting and making but it is all suddenly swept away and profits nothing at all afterwards We have an example and instance hereof in the late Reign when the King not observing the Rules of Mercy Judgment and Righteousness was not Established in his Isa 16. 5. Throne but hath been since removed It is observable of those arbitrary and illegal Acts which he did That he was two or three years in bringing them to pass but they were undone again in two or three dayes or less than a week And he did offer to do all things for the future as became a Good King God knows the secrets and intents of his Heart and whether it was not more out of apprehension of danger than real Repentance but that might have brought him to a sight of his Sin and Errour and then it would have been real and unfeigned for affliction and fear are such a beginning of Repentance as God will accept of and therefore we may allow the same to one another in things that they have trespassed against us But it was not done according to Righteousness Equity Truth or Christian Forgiveness In the great National Revolution was that fulfilled They proceed from Evil to Evil and they know not me saith the Lord Jer. 9. 3. One unlawful extream doth not excuse and justifie another of despising the Oath of God breaking his Covenant and transgressing the Laws of Righteousness There are many Particulars and Circumstances of Sin and Evil of both sides which no man knoweth nor considereth the utmost Evil and Abomination of But the Lord shall rehearse it when he writeth up his People He hath a Book of all Nations Families and single Persons with an account of the Time and Place they stand here on the Earth As likewise he notes the things that they have already done his all-knowing Spirit will bring out the very truth of all things Though he now keeps silence yet he will reprove the several Persons concerned herein and set the things they have done before their Eyes For there is no respect of Persons with God for as many as have sinned without Law shall also perish without Law and as many as have sinned in the Law shall be judged by the Law Rom 2. 11 12. But he that doth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done and there is no respect of Persons Col. 3. 25. But alledge as much as you will of this it is Scripture and Cant and is not minded so may a common Thief or Murderer or any Transgressor of man's Laws for a time despise and not regard them yet Justice will at length apprehend and Zech. 1. 6. overcome him In like manner the Words and Statutes of the Lord will take hold of men of every Generation and Country and as to each part of their Life after they are come to the knowledge of good and evil Some do imagine that they shall escape because they have the chief of the People and the Multitude and the fashion and the Course of the World on their side They have Armies and Fleetes and such an one is driven away and oppressed and of declining Years He may be taken captive or Killed or his day come to dye What then We have to do with an Almighty and Everliving God Our selves and all the many Inhabitants of the Earth are but a parcel of dying Men and Women and so take them altogether notwithstanding their number they are all contemptible and of small Power And those who in this time of Tryal will follow a Multitude to do Evil or side with the course of the World in their Transgression and Unrighteousness As sure as God hath given a Law to mankind and his Word is true this is the ready way to be condemned with the World Let men in the mean while make what alterations they will all is but as a company of Worms of the Earth who vainly think to change Times Laws and Ordinances But they are all just like so many Ants which are a long time bringing little Sticks and Straws together which is all suddenly blown away with one single blast of Wind much less will it stand until or at that day when our God shall come and it shall be very tempestuous round about him Psal 50. 3. There can be no such thing as a Law unless it be sounded on Divine Right and Eternal Truth And therefore it was a foolish and wicked Imagination of such who know not God and did conclude it impertinent to bring Scripture to manifest that in the late Revolution of putting down one King and setting up another the Nation of England hath not done Righteousness for how could this be known otherwise than by Scripture the highest Law which God himself hath given to mankind of every Nation Country and Language Every thing is to be tryed and judged by this supream Rule of good and evil truth and falshood right and wrong We are to be accountable to God for ●ll our Actions and must receive according to what we have done It is God who establisheth Kingdoms and Property and his Dominion over us is above all man's Government for this is inferior and ought only to be in subordination under God from whom men receive authority to make National Laws and to exercise their own Rule and Dominion The great Law-giver hath kept this in his own Power for his Word and Commandment is left for Admonition and Reproof that the Kings and Judges of the Earth do only that which is just and lawful but if they do not they are warned to amend otherwise they will be condemned God standeth in the Congregation of the mighty he judgeth among the Gods Psal 82. 1. There is an assertion of his own Government over all Kings and Magistrates unto whom he vouchsafes to give his own Name And then comes in afterwards by way of Reproof How long will ye judge unjustly and accept the Persons of the Wicked selap Vers 2. Then succeeds his Command Defend the Poor and Fatherless To Justice to the Afflicted and Needy Deliver the Poor and Needy rid them out of the Hand of the Wicked Vers 3. 4. And as all Scripture is profitable for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness so in order to that it doth take notice of what is amiss they know not neither will They understand they walk ●● i● darkness all the Foundations of the Earth are out of course vers 5. and throughout Gods Word and Law there are directions and
forth the Words of Truth and Soberness though it is hard to express the mad and foolish Actions of mankind to the very Life and Reality and not to be reputed so ones self All those that fear God and those that have known his Testimonies Psal 119. 79. can also judge of these things And though what I have more lately done in opposing the High and Universal Corruption of this present Time hath met with Strife and Contention S●ubbornness and despising all kinds of Reproach and contrary Usage yet the Reason of all is because People are Contentions and do not obey the Truth but obey Vnrighteousness Rom. 2. 8. They have made void God's Law Psal 119. 126. and his Commandments of none effect Therefore the Law is slacked and Judgment doth never go forth for the Wicked doth compass about the Righteous therefore wrong Judgment proceedeth Hab. 1. 4. For they have indeed acted contrary to what the Law commands and requires Nevertheless all knowing People may yet judge of whatever I have here said or in the two forecited Treatises concerning our Great National Sin and Transgression by this certain and infallible Rule of the Prophet That we might turn from our Iniquities and understand thy Truth Dan. 9. 13. Then it will appear unto them as clear and evident as the most plain and simple proposition now doth If People will not do this but go on still with all deceiveableness of Unrighteousness there is no Remedy but they shall perish Because they received not the love of the Truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong Delusions that they should believe a Lye That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth but had Pleasure in Vnrighteousness 2 Thes 2. 10 11 12. All which Words are observable and very terrible To unfold the Mystery of Iniquity a little and somewhat to lay open the working of Satan with all deceiveableness of Vnrighteousness It will be necessary to observe with what kind of words he tempted our Parent in the first Transgression and hath all along and doth yet continually set himself against God's ways to keep up the mist of Ignorance and Unbellef to hold people in their Perplexity and Confusion of Disobedience and Transgression and he doth use all means to hinder men from coming to Repentance and the Knowledge of the Truth And as God would accomplish that by right Words so he doth endeavour to imitate in like things by tempring Mankind to do after their own Thoughts and after the Imaginations of their own Evil and Corrupt Heart And also his Emissaries go about subverting People with false corrupt and deceitful Words which are and may be published with Licence and Authority But the Inhabitants of his Earth are ashamed or afraid to receive the Truth of him who is Lord and Governour of the World who filleth all Places and all Things with his presence Poor Creatures Your Hour will quickly be at an end and the Power of Darkness will be suddenly gone off and then ye shall remember and discern which Master it was better to have served God or the World As the Man of Sin doth so mightily beat off People from the Scriptures because his own Ways and Corruption are so much condemned therein So do others at this day for the very same Reason put an opprobrious term upon the Language of the holy Ghost or it is not so gentile and fashionable nor agreeable with the Humor of the Age. They cry it out for impertinent and foolish yea there are an hundred kind of Surmises and like sayings whereby the Word of the Lord is made a Reproach to me and a Derision daily Jer 20. 8. They reject and will have none of it But what saith the answer of God unto them Hear O Earth Behold I will bring Evil on this People even the Fruit of their own Thoughts because they have not hearkened to my Words nor to my Law but rejected it Jer 6. 19. All their other Religion is vain their Worship and Devotion is to no purpose for it doth not please God Your burnt-Offerings are not acceptable nor your Sacrifices sweet unto me Vers 20. He that turneth away his Ear from hearing the Law even his Prayer shall be abomination Prov. 28. 9. Even at this day and in this Nation The Wise Men are ashamed they are dismayed and taken Lo they have rejected the Word of the Lord and what Wisdom is in them Jer. 8. 9. It would be Nonsence and a Lye to say if one heard a Lawyer cite several express Acts of Parliament according to the very Sence and the plain and common Understanding of the same Words yet such an one did not argue to the Purpose for all is forreign and impertinent besides what is thence alledged And so our Great Lawmakers and Counsellors are very fond of the●● own Constitutions to do all things exactly according to the form and direction thereof But they did not attend how in the late Revolution they did at once strike at all the Statute and common Laws of this Kingdom which are said to be vested in Scrinio Regis and also they did unhinge those very Laws which do give and adjust to themselves their own respective Honours and Estates and establish Property And therefore they should do well to lift the right Door again upon the Hinges This is Truth though is may seem a kind of Human Reasoning but yet doth shew how Judgment is turned away backward and Justice standeth afar off and Equity cannot enter If our Proud Men think themselves too good to be Subjects and Jer. 13. 1● Servants unto God yet whether they will or not they are his Creatures He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords There is no removing the Government off from his Shoulders nor getting themselves from under it as may and hath been done to the Son of Man And whosoever are so stout as not to mind Scripture God's revealed Law are at this time Transgressors against the same and shall be at the last day condemned by it This would be alike sensible if we had the same knowledge of him that is invisible and consideration of Futurity as we have now regard to our Kings and Governours after the Flesh and take care for the present time for as before intimated the Law of our God is written in a Book and may in like manner be understood as the Laws Customs and Manners of this or that Country we live in There are many Words in the World and none of them is without Signification for they have respect unto Things and what expresses things as they are the very Nature and Connexion of them together That is Truth Now because many of them are hidden afar off unseen and not heard it is the office of Reason to search them out and to bring them near by Probability and Witnesses So there may be many Words and a long course of Reasoning to bring