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A60170 A new naked truth, or, The sandy foundation of the Sacramental test shaken, by a warning-piece discharged from heaven against all sorts of persecutors wherein you may hold Christ crucified mystically and sacramentally, upon the cross of the sacramental penal test, with all the rest of the penal laws and tests attending thereon, and contributing thereunto / by Giles Shute ... Shute, Giles, b. 1650 or 51. 1688 (1688) Wing S3709; ESTC R11222 67,483 56

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is an old trick of the Devil And thirdly and lastly binding over Persons for Worshipping God is a very ancient thing also A Persecutor is one that must abandon all moral Honesty he must do as he would not be done by he must sacrifiee his Conscience and pawn his Soul in the Hands of the Devil for he must persecute Christ Acts 9.4 5. and fight against God Acts 5.38 39. A Persecuter is one that bids Defiance to Heaven and is in open Hostility and Rebellion against the Almighty and he is striking at the Apple of God's Eye Zech. 2.8 For thus saith the Lord of Hosts after the Glory hath he sent me unto the Nations which spoised you do you hear you persecuting Spoilers of the Nation for he that toucheth you toucheth the Apple of his Eye that is of God's Eye Again A Persecuter is worse than the Devil in some Respects for the Devil cannot force a man to sin he can but tempt and suggest to Sin but the Persecutor does both he tempts them to conform to a Religion or Worship that they are convinc'd in their Consciences is not right because it has none of the Sanction of God's Authority upon it and if they refuse then he does what he can to force them by Indictments and Fines and Excommunications and Plundering and Imprisoning them and the like Now this the Devil cannot do himself personally therefore they are worse then the Devil Again Fourthly A Persecutor or one that hath this Cain-like Spirit in him every time he saith the Lord's Prayer he speaks Blasphemy for he does blaspheme the Name of God the Father the first Person in order in the Blessed and Glorious Trinity for he begins it in Blasphemy for he saith Our Father which art in Heaven And the holy Word of God saith That no man can call God Father but by his Spirit for let him that taketh the Name of the Lord in his Mouth Depart from Iniquity and the Apostle saith Know ye not that the Spirit of Christ is in ye except ye be Reprobate And our Lord Jesus Christ told the old Sect of Scribes and Pharisees that were Persecuters as our New-Gospel-Sect of the same Leven are in John 8.44 Ye are of your Father the Devil and the Lusts of your Father ye will do He was a Murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the Truth Why So all his Children departs from the Truth when they turn Persecuters they do not do as they would be done by they depart from that Truth which the very light of Nature doth teach us as well as the Word of God. Now can it ever be possible that a Child of the Devil can call God Father without being guilty of Blasphemy at the same time for he saith Our Father which art in Heaven when as his Father is the Devil so that by his Lye he does tacitly and consequentially pull God out of his Throne of Mercy and place his Father the Devil in his room upon the Mercy Seat in Heaven and puts up his Petition to the Devil instead of Praying unto God his Maker And is not this a dreadful Case Nay further in the fifth place for I have not done with ye yet When a Persecuter doth say the Lord's-Prayer he doth say Thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven And no Persons are so great Opposers of Christ's Gospel-Kingdom coming as the Persecuters are and none does oppose the doing of God's Will in Earth as it is in Heaven like them of a persecuting Spirit for in Heaven there God's Will is done uninterruptedly by Angels and all other Glorified Spirits there they Praise God in perfect Peace Love and Union there is no Persecuter there nor none to disturb nor make them afraid for there they are all of one Heart and of one Mind But so it cannot be done in Earth by the Persecuters who cannot sleep unless they do Mischief and they do hinder others from doing the Will of God in Earth as it is done in Heaven therefore a Persecuter cannot be sincere and in good earnest when he saith Thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Therefore all they of a persecuting Spirit do but dissemble and mock God and tell him a parcel of Lies to his very Face for they do say in Words that God's Will must be done in Earth as it is in Heaven but in Works they do utterly deny it for they Dethrone the Almighty who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords as much as in them lyes And the proud Persecuters do mount God's Throne here on Earth namely the Souls and Consciences of men and say to their Souls Bow down that we may go over They do rob God of his Sovereignty and become spiritual Legislators to make Laws and give Laws unto their Fellow-creatures to Worship God by as they pretend and so do wrest the Government out of God's Hand over the Souls and Consciences of men which is peculiarly belonging to the Great and Dread Sovereign Majesty of Heaven and Earth which is to do their Father the Devil's will on Earth as it is done in Hell And not to do God's Will in Earth as it is in Heaven Again Sixthly A Persecuter as often as he saith the Lord's Prayer does in Effect Pray that God would not forgive him his Sins for he saith Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them their Trespasses against us Now a Persecuter cannot say this heartily and sincerely because that instead of praying to God he does imprecate the forest of Judgments upon himself for he saith Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them their Trespasses against us and the Persecuter did not nor yet does not forgive the Dissenters though but pretended Trespasses against them when some Persons have fallen into their hands by their Nonconformity in the matter of Worshipping of God when they have desired them to be favourable unto them and have told them if they did proceed to the Rigour of their Law they would ruine them and their Wife and Children they would not hearken unto them unless they would bow down their Soul unto them that they might go over namely to Conform so that they must Trespass against God or else they would not forgive them their pretended Trespasses against them which made the Remedy infinitely worse than the Disease and so they chose rather to lay their Bodies with the Ground and as the Street for them to go over then that they would sin against God by conforming which was passive Obedience of the right kind therefore the Persecuters do Pray that God would not forgive them their Sins for Christ hath said But if ye forgive not men their Trespasset neither will your Father forgive you your Trespasses Mat. 6.15 Now if the Persecuters did run their Hatred and Malice to the very uttermost Extent of the Persecuting Laws and further too and are now contending to keep the
Riches and he shall vomit them up again God shall cast them out of his Belly That which he laboured for shall he Restore that is they laboured for it in a wrong illegal way as we use to say Prank more labour than Thank who required it at their Hands according to his Substance shall the Restitution be and he shall not rejoice therein It may be you will say You had a Law on your side Why So the old Gang of Scribes and Pharisees could boast of a Law they had on their side by which they did literally and wickedly Crucifie our Lord and Saviour We have a Law and by our Law this Man ought to die And here is a Law of the very same Complection of yours if not Prophetically spoken of the same in Isa 10.1 2. With a Wo pronounced against the Legislators thereof Wo unto them that Decree Vnrighteous Decrees and that write Grievousness which they have Prescribed To turn aside the needy from Judgment and to take away the Right from the poor of my People that Widows may be their Prey and that they may Rob the Fatherless Here you see a Law made against God's People And those that make such Laws as these are are Persons that have no Communion or Fellowship with God Psal 94.20 23. Shall the Throne of Iniquity have Fellowship with thee which frameth Mischief by a Law Pray mark What will be the End of such And he shall bring upon them their own Iniquity and shall cut them off in their own Wickedness Yea the Lord our God shall cut them off Psal 7.15 16. He made a Pit and digged it and is fallen into the Ditch which he made His Mischief shall return upon his own Head and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own Pate That is God does bring it down upon them which is a fulfilling the Words of our Saviour who hath said That the same Measure ye make shall be made unto you again O Sirs I beseech ye to take shame to your selves before the Lord for all your Abominations that you may not be put to shame by the Lord Eye the just Hand of God in all these Great Providences Humble your selves in Dust and Ashes Acknowledge and Confess all your Sins and break off from Sin by Righteousness and cry mightily to God for pardoning Mercy in the Blood and Merits of Jesus Christ But it may be or I hope at least-wise that some of ye will say I am guilty of all these Abominations and of Multitudes more I have been a sierce Persecuter a Blasphemer and an Injurious Person I have been a Whoremonger a Drunkard and a Lier and I have often Crucified the Son of God and made his Wounds bleed afresh and put him to an open Shame by Eating and Drinking unworthily at the Lord's Table and I have had a hand in Imprisoning and Impoverishing the Saints and Servants of God by which means some of them have perished in stinking nasty Goals and is there any Hopes of pardoning Mercy for such a horrible Sinner as I am Yes I tell thee in the Name of God who is a God that delighteth in Mercy if thou dost ask this Question in good earnest I tell thee from God's own Word that there is hopes of Mercy for thee Dear Soul if thou do from the bottom of thy Heart confess and forsake thy Sins and turn to God and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Kiss the Son least he be angry with ye and ye perish from the Way when his Wrath is kindled but a little And Pray for your Encouragement Read and Consider well of the 1st of Isa 16 17 18 19 20. And Isa 55.6 7 8.9 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near Let the Wicked forsake his way and the Vnrighteout Man his Thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have Mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon For my Thoughts are not your Thoughts neither are your Ways my Ways saith the Lord. For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my Ways higher than your Ways and my Thoughts than your Thoughts With Reverence be it spoken What can the Lord say more unto you for your Encouragement to cast your selves upon his pardoning Mercy and Free Grace For there is more Vertue and Merit in the least drop of Christ's Blood to pardon and save you then there is Malignity in all your Sins to damn and destroy you if you will but believe in Christ and come unto him and resign up the Government and Conduct of your Souls unto him for he calls the weary and heavy-laden Sinners unto him and promises to give them Rest Matth. 11.28 29 30. Nothing but Unbelief and Despair can with-hold God's Merciful Hard from Extending Pardoning Grace unto you It is not the Greatness nor the Hainousness nor the Multitudes of your Sins that can hinder Pardoning Mercy from you if your own Unbelief do not And I will not speak without Book but I will give you several Instances of as Vile Persons as ever you have been if not Viler that have been Pardoned and Saved that are left upon Record in the holy Scripture as Monuments of Gods Infinite Mercy and Free Grace But let me give you this Precaution that you do not presume upon Gods Mercy to go on any longer and further into Sin You must not continue in Sin that Grace may abound God forbid that ever you should make such an evil use of it to turn the Grace of God into Lasciviousness but it is that you may not despair and pine away in your own Iniquity nor go any further on this Black Score And the first Person that I shall Instance in shall be Manasseh who was a Cruel Bloody Idolater as you may read 2 Kings 21. and yet notwithstanding all that Manasseh Repented and was Pardoned and Saved 2 Chron. 33.12 13. And when he was in affliction he besought the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his Fathers and prayed unto him and he was intreated of him and heard his supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem into his Kingdom then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God. He never knew God until he was Converted no nor no other Sinner does neither let him have what Notional Knowledge he will in his Head if he have not Sanctifying Saving Grace in his Heart It is said That Manasseb made the Streets of Jerusalem to run with Blood as Water and caused his own Children to pass through the Fire and was guilty of Witchcraft and Idolatry and other Hainous Sins his Sins reached as high as Heaven yet Gods Mercy being higher than the Heavens that overlooked all his Sins and God cast them behind his Back and blotted them out of his Book and drowned all his Spiritual Aegyptians in the Red-Sea of Christ's Blood and did pardon and save him What dost thou
from the beginning of Christ's Gospel-Church But this by the by But I am clearly for rendring unto Caesar the things that be Caesars and also to render unto God the things that are Gods. My dearly beloved Countrymen for so I will make bold to call you because I am an Englishman man born and therefore a Member of the Body Politick of the Nation Forasmuch as there is a great deal of stickling and strugling and sending and proving pro and con about these Penal Laws and Tests and much has been said for the continuance of them and much more has been said for the Abolishing of them insomuch that it is not only become a Table-talk but it is almost a National Text for all People to Comment and Preach upon therefore I shall single out one of these Tests to speak somewhat unto And that shall be the Sacramental Test and let us bring that to the Touchstone of Gods Word and let us take notice for what end that Ordinance of God was Instituted and Appointed and let us hear what God the Lord will speak unto us concerning this Sacramental Test And let God be true and every man a lyer Rom. 3.4 Should not a people seek unto their God To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Isa 8. Now Gentlemen you shall have a Fair and Impartial Trial of this Test by the Word of God and by one of your own Articles of the Church of E. and there shall be none but clear and undeniable True Witnesses and not one Knight of the Post that swears for Bread among them all although their Late Fire of Persecution have bred whole swarms of those sort of Venemous Salamanders And the God who is Judge of all the Earth shall be the Judge between us which those that are Persecuters do own in Words though in Works they deny him Titus 1.16 They profess they know God but in works they deny him being Abominable and Disobedient and unto every good work reprobate A Persecuter while such must be such a person or else he cannot be a Judge and Lawgiver unto other Mens Consciences Now I say I will single out one of these Tests to speak somewhat unto namely the Sacramental Test that is so Universal a Test amongst them And let us try what that will afford us that so we may measure Hercules by his Foot. Now this Test was chiefly made and intended against all the Protestant Dissenters And for the better coming at the making an Upright and Impartial Judgment of this Test I shall do three things 1. The first thing shall be this I will lay down the Words of Institution of this holy and blessed Ordinance by our Lord Jesus Christ himself 2. And secondly I shall lay down the words of the Aposte Paul to the Church of Corinth and let us see what Light and Knowledge this will afford us in this matter which is that which the Test-Makers and the Test-Givers and the Test-Takers themselves do all profess to own and practice as well Ecclesiastical as Civil as well in their Church-Government as in the Civil State. 3. And thirdly and lastly I shall press into this service one of their own 39 Articles wherein they give the Definition of what a true Church is and then let us try this Sacramental Test by these Infallible Rules 1. First by the words of Institution by our Saviour Christ himself as it is laid down by three of the Evangelists Matt. 26.26 27 28. And as they were eating Jesus took Bread and blessed it and brake it and gave it to the Disciples and said Take eat this is my Body And he took the Cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying Drink ye all of it for this is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the Remission of Sins Mark 14.22 23 24. And as they did eat Jesus took bread and blessed and brake it and gave to them and said Take eat this is my Body And he took the Cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank of it And he said unto them This is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many Luke 22.19 20. And he took Bread and gave thanks and brake it and gave unto them saying This is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me Likewise also the Cup after supper saying This Cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you Thus you hear what our blessed Saviour saith by these three Witnesses in the words of Institution He did not say Do this to secure your selves in the Civil Government while you do Rob and Rape and Plunder and Imprison and Spoil your honest peaceable Neighbours But Do this in remembrance of me Here is not one word of making it a Civil Test to Insnare honest Men withall 2. But secondly Now we have heard the words of our blessed Redeemer Let us also hear the words of the Apostle Paul with a respect to the words of Institution of this blessed Ordinance of the Lord's Supper And also the threatnings that are Annexed thereunto against all Hypocritical unworthy Receivers that Prosane this Ordinance of the Lord's Supper 1 Cor. 11.23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you Hence you may observe by the way that Pastors or other Ministers of the Gospel ought to deliver nothing to the People but what they first Receive from the Lord and have his Word and Authority for so doing That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said Take eat this is my Body which was broken for you this do in remembrance of me It was broken for you Believers and for none else but such as do believe and that shall believe as if the Apostle should have said And for what end and purpose why to remember Christ's dear love and compassion in Dying for poor sinners and to feed and nourish the new Creature and to stir up and excite all the Graces of the Spirit that is in the Believer unto a holy Commemoration of the blessed Effects of his Death to the Believer and also to commemorate the transcendent Love and wonderful Wisdom and Grace and Goodness of God and the great condescention of God in which all his glorious Attributes were ingaged in the contriving bringing to pass this unparallel'd Merciful Piece of work namely of Man's Redemption But pray note by the way that this is not a converting Ordinance as some by mistake would have it to be because no Man must partake of it before he is converted because that then instead of being converted by it he eateth and drinketh unworthily and so eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the
cannot be partakers of the Lord's Table and of the table of devils O Sirs there is a dreadful Cup in the hand of the Lord that is prepared for all you that have given the cup of Devils or Damnation unto others and so made the Table of the Lord the Table of Devils for them to eat and drink their own Damnation upon it What Cup you will say why look into the 75 Psal 8. For in the hand of the Lord there is a Cup and the Wine is red and full of mixture and he poureth out of the same Thus far it was to come upon God's own People to purge and refine them which is Judgment beginning at the House of God 1 Pet. 4.17 But the rest of the Cup is prepared for their persecuting Enemies Pray Mind But the Dregs thereof all the wicked of the Earth shall wring them out and drink them And in the 55. Isa 22 23. there you have this Cup again with the character of the Persons that are to drink it Thus saith thy Lord the Lord and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people Behold I have taken out of thine hand the Cup of trembling Out of whose hand why out of God's Peoples hand even the Dregs of the Cup of my fury thou shalt no more drink it again But our Enemies say we shall drink it again and Unbelief and slavish fears saith we shall drink it again but God saith we shall not drink it again Nahum 1.9 What do ye imagine against the Lord he will make an utter end affliction shall not rise up the second time And the Kings Majesty saith we shall no more drink it again whilst he lives And God saith he will put this Cup into the hand of them that afflicted thee which have said to thy Soul Bow Down that we may go over and thou hast laid thy Body as the Ground and as the Street to them that went over this Bowing the Soul was to have them prostrate their Souls and Sacrifice their Consciences unto their Lusts to defile their Souls and Consciences by a sinful complyance by conforming to that Worship that has none of the Sanction of God upon it nor none of God's Authority for it by which they would sin against God and provoke him to Anger but they refused to do that and did chuse rather to expose their Body to lay that as the Ground and the Street to them to go over You know the Ground is trodden under foot and it is passive and the Street is common for all Passengers Why so our Body which comprehends all our outward Enjoyments was laid as the Ground and the Street for them to go over namely Estates Liberty Relations and the like all was exposed to the Cruelty and Malice of our Enemies Look back and consider whether it has not been so if you cannot tell I can tell by woful experience But we would not Bow our Souls but did rather chuse to Suffer than to Sin which was in obedience to that command of Christ to deny our selves and take up our Cross and to follow him But when was this Cup to be put into the hand of the wicked why after God had done punishing and purging his own People for their sins by them It was to succeed this laying the People of God's Bodies as the ground and as the street unto them that went over And another Character when it was to be is this When God who is Judge of all the Earth putteth down one and setteth up another as you may see in the Verse before the Cup is prepared in that Psalm 75.7 O Sirs you ought to have fed the Flock with wholesome Gospel-Food like good Shepherds you should have preached the pure Word of God faithfully and ministred the Sacraments duely according to your Nineteen Articles as I hope and do believe some did for I will not condemn all I hope some of you did separate the precious from the vile Jer. 15.19 And if thou take forth the precious from the vile thou shalt be as my Mouth let them return unto thee but return not thou unto them Did you do so Gentlemen Did you take forth the precious from the vile O no! But you have given the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to whole droves of the vilest of Men. Gentlemen pray be not angry with me for dealing thus plainly with you I am sure a good Man will not for I cannot sew Pillows under your Elbows for I can appeal to God That I wish you no hurt in the least degree neither will I give any worse Character of you than the holy Scriptures does infallibly give to Men that are guilty of what you are and have been guilty of And therefore if you will be angry you would do well to be angry with your own sinful Practices which have brought you and laid you under these black Characters for it is only to such I now speak and not to the upright in Heart Pray hear what our Saviour saith unto you and also of your Worship in Matth. 15.7 8 9 14. Though this was spoken unto the Jews yet it is applicable unto you that tread in their steps Tit. 1.13 14 16. And hear what the Prophet Isaiah saith Chap. 56 v. 10 11 12. and apply it His Watchmen are blind they are all ignorant they are all dumb Dogs they cannot bark sleeping lying down loving to slumber yea they are greedy Dogs which can never have enough and they are shepherds which cannot understand they all look to their own way every one for his gain from his Quarter Come ye say they I will fetch Wine and we will fill our selves with strong drink and to morrow shall be as this day and much more abundant Thirdly We may learn hence what a dreadful thing these Penal Laws and Tests are It is the very Ground and Foundation for Persecution it is that which gives Being to the Spirit of Persecution this Salamander is bred in this sire of Hell it is that which gives life to the Image of the Beast Rev. 13.15 It corroborates and strengthens the hands of Persecuters who are and have been in all Ages the vilest and basest of Men Acts 7.5 But the Jews which believed not moved with Envy took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort and gathered a Company and set all the City in an uproar and assaulted the House of Jason and sought to bring them out to the People Why what was the matter why there had been a Conventicle at his House and missing the most part of the People v. 6 7. they took Jason the Man of the House and them which they took with him and bound them over to Answer at their Sessions I suppose hence we may observe in the first place by the way That Persecuters are the Tumult-Raisers and common Disturbers of Cities and Nations Secondly That the charging the peaceable People of God with Riots and Routs and disturbing the Peace
shut doth agree as well as in many other things which I could Observe concerning this Christian Liberty which he hath given us or restored unto us out of the Hands of them that had Usurped it and Detained it from us and that is this Enter thou into THY Chambers Which notes unto us that it is the Christians Right as his Gracious Majesty hath well Observed That Conscience ought not to be Restrained in meer Matters of Religion which is the same thing in effect Whence we may Observe from the Word of God and from the the Kings Declaration That Christian Liberty is a Man 's own property My Beloved be not afraid to come into the Government upon this Topic and act Couragiously with his Majesty for Establishing of this our Christian Liberty which you see is our own property I do not doubt but his Majesty is Acted by the Divine Over-Ruling Hand which Directs him to take such just Methods as never any of his Predecessours did in this nature he is acted by a new Rule given him down from Heaven he Treads in an Uncouth Path that never was Troden before by any Prince of the World and therefore the Glory of the Wisdom of God the Efficient first moving Cause does shine forth the more Splendidly and Conspicuous even him by whom Kings Reign and Princes Decree Justice in whose Hand the King's Heart is and as the Rivers of Waters he turneth it wheresoever he will. And what a brave Confession did Darius make of the Soveraignty of God Dan. 6.26 27. I make a Decree that in every Dominion of my Kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel Why what was the matter Why their Penal Laws and Tests had cast Daniel into the Lyons Den fore against the Kings Will his Nobles had got his Royal Assent unto it under a specious Pretence of Loyalty to the King which was only to make a Snare to catch Daniel in for they had no way to Insnare him but in the matters of Religion and Conscience Dan. 6.3 4 5 6 7. Hence we way Observe that pretended Loyalty has been a Cloak of Old to Hypocrisie they got a Law made viz. That if any Person should put a Petition to any God or Man for thirty days save of thee O King he shall be cast into the Lyons Den. They knew this would do Daniel's business for him and destroy the best Subject or Slave that the King had as by their own Confession V. 5. Then said these men We shall not find any Occasion against this Daniel except we find it against him concerning the Law of his God. Hence we may observe by the way that Men of Principles has been very faithful to Princes when they have imposed any Trust in them as Joseph to Pharaoh and Obadiah and Nehemiah and these Three Worthies in Daniel and Mordecai who saved King Ahasuerus Life though all of them Dissenters from the National Worship but this by the by But to return to Daniel in particular They had nothing against him to fasten any Snare upon him but for praying to his God. And for that he was cast into the Lyons Den but God shut the Mouths of the Lyons so that they did not hurt him But the King caused the Executioners of that Law to be cast into the Lyons Dens themselves and then the Lyons Mouths was opened and they Devoured them Verse 24. So that it is no new thing for Persecuters to be taken in their own Snares But to return to the Kings Confession of the Deity for says he He is the Living God and stedfast for ever and his Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed and his Dominion shall be even unto the end he Delivereth and Rescueth and he worketh Signs and Wonders in Heaven and in Earth who hath Delivered Daniel from the power of the Lyons And yet this King was not of Daniels Religion notwithstanding all his Love and Kindness unto him but he was acted by the Divine Influence of Heaven his Heart was in God's Hand as all Kings Hearts are and that was the reason on it O Sirs Do not think that these great Providences and Dispensations cometh out of the Dust or by Luck or Chance or men's Projects These great things that we have seen do not come of themselves neither do they come in vain or to little purpose but as they are Influenced by the Almighty Hand of God who hath the Reins of all Power and Government his own Hand and turneth them this way or that way or which way soever he pleaseth for the fulfilling of his Predeterminate Counsels and Glorious Designs in the World and for the bringing forth of his Eternal Decrees which the Womb of Providence is now Traveling with and will bring forth and our present Providences are as so many Blessed Harbingers and fore-runners of Glorious things that are yet to be accomplished in this latter Age of the World that is even at the Door both at home and abroad look for it and expect it and also prepare for it Fourthly Let us all be of a forgiving Disposition and frame of Heart Let us be ready and willing to forgive our Enemies But yet notwithstanding we must do it according to the Rule and Way which our Saviour Christ himself hath prescribed in his holy Word Mat. 18.21 22. Then came Peter to him and said Lord how oft shall my Brother Sin against me and I forgive him Vntil seven times Jesus saith unto him I say not unto thee Vntil seven times But until seventy times seven Here is the Duty but in Luke 17.3 4. there our Saviour hath laid down the manner and conditions on which it must be done therefore pray mind it narrowly Take heed to your selves if thy Brother Trespass against thee Rebuke him and if he Repent Forgive him and if he Trespass against thee seven times in a day and seven times in a day return unto thee saying I Repent thou shalt forgive him Here you see is the Duty and on what Conditions this great piece of Christian Duty must be performed in a right Gospel manner even to an Offending Brother But some will say That we ought to forgive our Persecuting Enemies which is true I am clearly for it provided they come within the Verge of Christ's Command But I do not find that we ought to forgive them if they do not Repent and Confess and make Restitution for the Wrongs and Injuries they have done us It is true We are to Love our Enemies and Bless them that Curse us and to do good to them that Hate us and to pray for them which Despightfully Vse us and Persecute us Mat. 5.44 We must not entertain any Personal Prejudice against them we must so Forgive them in our Hearts But some pretend to forgive our Persecuting Enemies though we do not see at all that they do Repent and Turn to us by asking of Forgiveness of us though they have Robbed many of us of
would not give way in the least Degree to Unbelief and Slavish Fears Brethren let us all do so too for Nehemiah had God and the King on his side and so have we And when they cog and flatter ye then hearken to what is said in Jer 12.6 For even thy Brethren and the House of thy Father even they have dealt treacherously with thee yea they have called a multitude after thee Believe them not though they speak fair Words unto thee Sixthly and Lastly My last Advice and Counsel unto you all shall be this Cast all your Care upon God for he hath promised to take Care of you God is never wanting on his part to them that put their trust in him God hath made it our Duty to cast our Care upon him and he hath made it his own Work and Business to take Care of us 1 Pet. 5.7 Psal 55.22 But we are very apt and prone to take Gods Work out of his All-sufficient Hand and to be Pestering our selves with Anxious Cares and so destroy the very Vital Comforts of a Life of Faith by Slavish Fears and Jealousies for the Counsel of the Lord that shall stand and cannot be altered by all the Powers in the World and God is never at a loss in his Work nor out of his way in his Providence the Lord hath his way in the Whirl-wind and in the Storm and the Clouds are the Dust of his Feet Nahum 1.3 O trust in the Lord For in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength Make God your Rock and Refuge put your trust in him alone and Bless and Praise God for putting it into his Majesty's Heart to give and grant unto us this Christian Liberty and make a Sanctified improvement of it for Gods Glory and our own Souls Good and be thankful to his Majesty and shew it by your endeavouring what in you lies to contribute to the Establishing and Fixing of it into a firm Magna Charta Thus you have seen That this Sacramental Test hath had a fair Tryal by the plain Written Word of God it has been weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary and it is found lighter then Vanity and it has been tryed by the Law of the Land and that has found it Guilty of being Repugnant to the Law of God And also it has been tryed by the 19th Article of the Church of England and that condemus it also which saith That the Sacranents must be duly ministred and that only to a Congregation of Faithful Men in a Religious way and manner And this Test you see is Arraigned Cast and Condemned by them all and wants only a good Parliament to do Execution upon it and make better Security in the room of these Sinful Penal Laws and Tests which I Humbly leave to the Great God the Soveraign Majesty of Heaven and Earth to direct his Majesty and the great Council of the Land when he shall see it convenient to call and convene them together and also to all Sober People to be Careful and Wise in choosing their Representatives to choose Sober Wise Discreet Men of Honest Principles and good Estates that we may be freed from the Dreadful Spiritual Plagues and Judgments which the Nation lieth under and is Ingulfed into and the dreadful Wrath of God that hangeth over our Heads God of his Mercy Awaken England to Repent before it be too late I shall Conclude with these two Scriptures 1 Pet. 2.17 Honour all Men. Love the Brotherhood Fear God. Honour the King. The other shall be with the Wise mans Conclusion of the Book of Ecclesiastes 12.13 Let us hear the Conclusion of the whole matter Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole Duty of Man for God shall bring every work into Judgment with every Secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil POSTSCRIPT BUT some will Object and say Why should such Illiterate Mean Contemptible Persons meddle with such Great and Publick Affairs as these are Such things as these are fit for none but the Learned Rabbies such as have long Heads and well-furnished with a suitable stock of Brains to undertake such things as these are It is fitter for such as you to meddle with your own private Affairs than to meddle with Matters of State. To this I shall Answer and give you my Reasons for this my Proceeding in Eleven Particulars First of all my first Reason is from that Holy Text in 1 Cor. 1.26 27 28 29. For you see your Calling Brethren how that not many Wise Men after the Flesh not many Mighty not many Noble are called But God hath chosen the Foolish things of the World to confound the Wise and God hath chose the weak things of the World to confound the things that are Mighty and base things of the World and things which are Despised hath God chosen Yea and things which are not to bring to nought things that are And the Holy Ghost gives the Reason of this his Sovereign way of Dispensation viz. That no Flesh should Glory in his Presence Now it is no where said in Scripture Not many Unlearned not many Poor Mean Despicable Persons nor weak that are nothing in the Eye and Esteem of the World that God hath not chosen But it is said God hath Chosen the Poor in this World Rich in Faith Our Saviour Christ did not go to the Universities to pick and cull out Scholars to make Apostles on but he went to the Fisher-Boats and chose poor Fisher-Men and made them Fishers of Men. Therefore I will challenge all the Objectors against this my Proceeding to shew me in all the whole Book of God from Genesis to Revelations where there is any one peculiar Promise made to the humane learned Men above their Fellows not that I despise Learning it is good in its place but the over-valuing of it has broached almost all the Errors and Heresies that are in the World The Apostle Paul saith in 1 Thess 5.19 20. Quench not the Spirit Despise not Prophecying And 1 Cor. 14.30 31. If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his Peace For ye may all Prophesie one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted How few do ever mind these Scriptures They are commonly neglected and men's Gifts and Parts despised at this day and that by the learned too For when do the People of God all Prophesie one by one No forsooth none but the Learned must do that and if any one do attempt any such thing why presently there is Buckets of scornful Water thrown upon it to quench the Spirit and the Gift is despised and so the Spirit is quenched Prophesying is despised for many will say What Call have you to this or that either to Speaking or Writing Though it is said Many shall run to and fro and Knowledge shall be increased and in Amos 3 8. They deal by the unlearned as David's Brethren dealt by him
to go out of their own Native Countrey also I say they had a far better Plea against him to all outward Appearance than any sort of Men can have now against me for I advise ye to go OVT of Captivity from all these Penal Laws and Tests which is as bad Captivity as that of Babilon and to go into Christian Liberty into a firm Magna Charta Tenthly My Tenth Reason for this my Proceeding is Because God hath given me a Wise and Six Children and I would not willingly leave them with these Yokes about their Necks and Shackles about their Legs that we are all in Bondage too if I can help it for by the Laws that are now in being they are Obliged to Receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper at Sixteen Years of Age whether they have true Grace or no Grace Maturity of Years is made the ground of Communion with Christ by this Law and not True Sanctifying Saving Grace in the Heart according to the word of God. So that these Poor Souls according to this Law are Tacitly and Consequentially bound to Eat and Drink their own Damnation and to Crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open Shame betimes even in their Youth So that instead of Examining themselves to see whether they have true Grace to qualifie them for this Holy Ordinance They must Examine themselves to see how old they are whether they be Sixteen Years Old but these are such Iron Yokes and Intolerable Burdens that we nor our Children are able to bear And therefore if my poor Mire will contribute any Service to his Gracious Majesty to destroy them I shall offer it willingly when he has been pleased under God to offer it upon such generous frank terms and to have it secured unto us upon such lasting Foundations I believe if the Families of the Nation were divided into a Hundred Parts at least there would not be the Hundredth Family that had as many or more Children then I have which I value more then the Riches and Honour of the World for the former makes themselves wings and fly away and the latter will be laid in the dust And the Apostle Paul saith He that provideth not for his Family is worse than an Infidel And I think no better Provision can be made for our Children than to leave them this Christian Liberty well secured unto them planted in Peace and Tranquillity which his Majesty the Father of the whole Family namely the whole Nation under God is endeavouring to settle upon all his Children which are his Subjects Eleventhly and lastly My reason for this my proceeding is this viz. Because I came of a very Ancient Family for Adam was my great Grandfather and Job and I had one Mother and his Sisters are mine Job 17.13 14. The Grave is mine house I have said to Corruption Thou art my Father to the Worm Thou art my Mother and my Sister And is not this an Ancient Family think ye to value my self upon And therefore why should any body carp so much at the Meanness of this Author And I pray who is of an Ancienter Family than this is Who is Why the Persecuter is as ancient if not ancienter for fallen Angels was before fallen Man Pray what Family is he of Why our Saviour tells us John 8. That they are of their Father the Devil and the Lusts of their Father they will do And this makes his persecuting Children so full of Lyes as they are at this time Their Father stirs them up and instigates them unto it because he seeth his Kingdom of Darkness going to be destroyed and himself to be chained God will sweep away the Refuge of Lyes Isai 28.15 17. Because ye have said We have made a Covenant with Death and with Hell are we at Agreement When the overflowing scourge shall pass through it shall not come unto us for we have made Lyes our Refuge and under falshood have we hid our selves Judgment also will I lay to the Line and Righteousness to the Plummet and the hail shall sweep away the Refuge if Lyes and the Waters shall overflow the hiding-place and your Covenant with Death shall be disanulled and your Agreement with Hell shall not stand when the overflowing Scourge shall pass through then you shall be trodden down by it Now when the Penal Laws and Tests shall be utterly destroyed and the Refuge of Lyes all swept away then as the Persecuter will be left without an opportunity to persecute so will all sorts of Persons be left without any occasion in the least to Plot For what does make any Man Plot but the want of something which is his Right which he hath no hopes of coming at any other way or by using any other means Withdraw but the Fuel of Persecution and Oppression and the Fire of Plotting and Rebellion will go out Why when every Man hath his Rights and Priviledges Spiritual and Temporal there will be no room left for Plotting and if any one Party should attempt to infringe any other single Party of their Liberty such must make themselves the common Enemy of all the rest of the Nation And what can any one single Party do against all the rest of the Nation that will then be united as one Man and will value their Christian Liberty above their Lives Such presumption would pull an old House about their Ears the Law of Nature would then be made use of if they had no other Relief to have recourse unto But there is more in all these Fears and Jealousies of the Persecuters than that of Popery as they pretend but I would advise them to be quiet and to be willing to come into this Christian Liberty and take their share in it peaceably and do not give any just Provocation For the Wrath of a King is as the Roaring of a Lyon and where the Word of a King is there is Power And cease to cast dirt upon the new Regulation for it is of God and it will stand maugre all the Powers of Hell that shall oppose it And the old way and path of Government that hath its Ground and Foundation and is Built upon Mens Souls and Consciences is of the Devil and must all pass away and fall O that we might all be Wise and Unite and Love as Brethren and English-Men what though we be not all of one Opinion The World never was so happy yet But let us all be of one Mind and of one Heart as to this viz. To love and like this Christian Liberty and contribute our Assistance thereunto which is our Duty to His Majesty in the Confirmation thereof And I do not doubt but that when once the Nation hath tasted this New Wine of Peace and Tranquility which the Establishment of this Liberty will bring along with it but a little while they will not desire to drink of the Old they will never thirst more to be in the Old Captive State and Condition again of Penal Laws and Tests and it will soon be a means to make us the most Potent Nation in Christendom Therefore let us all joyn Heart and Hand with His Gracious Majesty in this good work of setting up the New Heavens and the New Earth wherein shall dwell Righteousness and not to consult with Flesh and Blood. But let us trust in the Lord and be of good Courage let no man's Heart fail him but let us all fix our Hands to the Plow and not look back for he that does makes himself unfit and unworthy of so great a Mercy as Christian Liberty O dear Hearts Shut the Doors round about ye secure your Christian Liberty as firm as you can make Brasen Walls unto it I am not against that but my great aim with respect to you is to cure you of your slavish Fears and Jealousies But you will say Why do you mix and complicate Religious and Civil Things together Why my Answer is Because it is a mix'd Complicated Disease it is a Distemper that is made up of Religious and Civil Compounds And therefore the Remedy must be a mix'd Complicated Remedy it must be proper and suitable to the Disease for the Disease is an old intermix'd Disease and therefore the Dose must be suitable thereunto Thus I have done with you my Dear Countrey-men all and I shall conclude like a Poor Scholar with a piece of the Liturgy viz. From the Tyranny and Oppression of all inhumane Penal Laws and Vngodly Tests Libera nos Domine And let every honest English-Man say Amen to it Reader THere are some literal faults Escaped the Press which thou art desired to correct but the most material is in Page 21. line 9. where for Nineteen Articles read Nineteenth Article FINIS ADVERTISEMENT THere is lately Published by the same Author A Book Entituled A New TEST in lieu of the Old One By way of Supposition Or A Satisfactory Answer to that Great and Common Question viz. If the Penal Laws and Tests should be abolished how shall the Protestant Religion and Interest be secured The Second Edition with Considerable Additions and an Answer to several Objections Printed and Sold by George Larkin at the Two Swans without Bishopsgate Price 6d