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A56791 Jesus is God, or, The deity of Jesus Christ vindicated being an abstract of some sermons preach'd in the parish-church of St. James, Clerkenwell / by D. Pead. Pead, Deuel, d. 1727. 1694 (1694) Wing P961; ESTC R1660 45,552 144

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in the pursuit of Earthly things or for such who acknowledge the Son of God to be their only Lord to be led Captives by the Devil at his will let us therefore as becometh Christians cast off every work of Darkness and serve the Lord that bought us in Holiness and Righteousness let us put on Christ in our Affections and Actions let us be renewed in our Minds that our Affections may become Holy and Spiritual let us sanctifie God in our hearts that so our Actions may be pious just and unblameable that all may see the life that we henceforward live in the Flesh we live by the Faith of the Son of God who loved us and gave himself for us There is a Seemliness or Comeliness proper to every Calling as is very observable but Christianity is a peculiar Calling distinct from and vastly surpassing all other some things may be tolerable in others which are no ways allowable in this and therefore we are called upon * Ephs 4.1 to walk worthy of our Vocation we have more ample Revelations of the will of God than others we have better Principles greater Helps fairer Promises and a most perfect Example and therefore for us after all these to walk after the customs of the present evil World were altogether inexcusable Luther was wont to say that Christians in their strongest Assaults might make much better Defence than they usually do if they reply'd when tempted Christiani sumus we are Christians We are Christians such as are bound by our Baptismal Vow to fight against the World the Flesh and the Devil we above all Men are not to play the Cowards and make a faint Resistance seeing that we have an Armoury and are provided for all points we have an Helmet and Brest-plate a Girdle and Shield and likewise we have the Sword of the Spirit wherewith to Wound and Baffle our Enemies this is an approved Weapon with this our Saviour conquer'd the Devil We are Christians we profess to have our Conversation in Heaven notwithstanding our commoration be on Earth and therefore an Eagle may as soon stoop at a Fly as a Christian to worldly Allurements We are Christians such as declare themselves dead to these things and therefore to give them any room in our hearts were to give the lye to our Profession We are Christians such who have a sure word of promise for things necessary and therefore how unbeseeming us is it to use any indirect means to compass that which is already secured to us in the bountiful Providence of our Heavenly Father We are Christians the Servants and followers of the Son of God and we believe his Eye to be upon us during all our Conflicts with Temptations We cannot likewise but believe our noble resolute and courageous behaviour will be acceptable to him and that to the intent we may prevail and persevere he will in pure Compassion knowing our Frailty proportion the Grate he sends us by the Temptations he permits upon us and so if we are called forth to wrestle against Principalities and Powers all the Ranks of Devils yet Jesus Christ the Son of God and Captain of our Salvation will afford us such supply as we shall be able to stand We are Christians we must therefore Watch and Pray that we fall not under Temptation we must strengthen our selves in the Lord in his Example in his Precepts and in his Promises we must gird our selves unto the Battle because we shall reap if we faint not if we finish our warfare gallantly and as becometh Christians there is certainly a Crown of immarcessible Glory prepared for us this is worth sighting for which brings me to the last and highest Story I shall or can raise upon this Foundation Is Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary God Is he the head of the Church Do all true Christians put him on walking after his Example and to his Will then as true as he is God all such as thus do shall be most plentifully rewarded The Christian Religion was calculated it is true for the Humble and Poor in Spirit but yet not for such mean Spirits as act no farther than they are instigated by a prospect of advantage when we have done all our acknowledgment must be that we are but unprofitable Servants our Lord hath been no gainer by us we have not answered what of right was due from us upon the Score of our Creation therefore not being solvent and in capacity to discharge that first Debt it is no other than Arrogance and Presumption to make Conditions with God and to limit our performances by the Hopes or Emanations of his Bounty yet such is his infinite Condescension that though a Reward may not be the sole Reason yet we permitted to look upon it as the encouragement of our services Moses expressed great Faith and Patience refusing the pleasures of Egypt which were doubtless every way corresponding to the desires of Humane Nature the purchase of these requir'd no farther toil and labour of him than a gratefull acceptance yet these so great so easily acquir'd he forsook and chose rather to endure Afflicton That which chiefly encouraged this exchange was † Heb. 11.26 He had respect unto the Recompence of the Reward Our Blessed Saviour sweetned the burden of his Yoak and the Tortures of his Cross by the proposal as well of present as future Rewards he did assure them that if they would diligently mind the one thing needful all other things should be added to them they might do their Duty and cast the care of themselves upon God and they should find from him Providential Goodness that he did certainly care for them this can inferr no less than that we abound in the Work of the Lord in as much as we are ascertain'd our Labour shall not be in vain in the Lord our Hopes shall not be frustrated He that had the love to promise a Remuneration hath the power to bestow it for now we know he is God and doth as well in Heaven as on Earth whatsoever pleaseth him Hearken we therefore for our encouragement to his gracious Promises * Mat. 10.32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before Men him also will I confess before my Father which is in Heaven He that on Earth shall confess my Deity and by Words and Deeds make an open Confession of me and if thereunto called shall in despite of Danger and Death stick to the same profession of Faith every such Person may rest satisfied his so doing shall not be forgotten but a faithful Reward shall be made thereof in Heaven no wonder therefore to hear St. Paul crying out Wo unto me if I preach not the Gospel of Jesus Christ or to see him and others of the same Principles rejoicing in that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the confessing of Christ for they had the promise of being glorified with him for whom they suffered What therefore though Troubles
Point will admit of Having thus Vindicated the Deity of Jesus Christ and from the Names given him from the Properties of the Deity Attributed to him that is to say from his Infinite Power Wisdom c. visible in the Great Works of Creation and Redemption as also from the Testimony of God the Father God the Holy Ghost and from the holy Scriptures proved that Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary was and is True and Perfect God Now permit me to speak unto you in the words of St. Peter ‖ 2 Pet. 1.16 I have not followed cunningly devised Fables nor have I offered you any other Arguments or Proofs than what are Proper and tend naturally to evince this Article of our Faith I have in the whole management of them followed the plainest method hoping that in so doing I have spoke to your Understanding if I have shewn any zeal or warmth it is upon the account that I take it for granted could the Wit of Men or Malice of Devils overthrow this Foundation it could not be long before the Gates of Hell would prevail against the Church of Christ And now blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who by making known to us that Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary was also the Eternal Son of God hath Taught us First That we Christians of the Gentiles as it is Written ‖ Ephes 2.19.20 Are no more Strangers or Foreigners but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Houshold of God and are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Corner-stone so that he that ever was still is the Head of the Church viz. Jesus Christ God blessed for evermore I find our Saviour declaring ‖ Matth. 16.18 Thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church Thou art Peter I so Surnamed thee † Mark 3.16 and as thy Name imports so thou art viz. a Living Stone in my Spiritual Temple upon this Rock this Confession of me to be the Son of the Living God * Matt. 16.16 I will build my Church The word Rock I take here to be mentioned Allegorically onely alluding to that Memorable Rock in the Wilderness and thus taken it signifies that as that Rock then Refreshed the Israelites in the Parched and Barren Wilderness so now the Knowledge and Confession of my Deity shall be as Refreshing Comfortable and Satisfactory to all Believers to allay the heat and burning of their Guilt to quench the fire of Divine Wrath and Vengeance as were the Streams that issued out of that Rock to cool your Forefathers Thirst and to satisfie their Appetites It were certainly a great mistake with the Church of Rome to take such notice of the Affinity of words as to Interpret Peter and the Rock to be the same thing as if Christ had here Promised to Build his Church upon Peter or were weary of his Spouse and did now intend to give her a Bill of Divorce and leave her to another this must be the consequence of that Interpretation which our Adversaries so highly favour and before we can consent to it we must Contend with Two such Difficulties as I judge Unconquerable I. If we say that Christ Promised to build his Church upon Peter How shall we answer that of the Apostle † 1 Cor. 3.11 Other Foundation can no Man lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ yet not him but Peter say the Romanists but let these wise Master-Builders know that the Stone they refuse is Realy and Rightfully the Head-stone in the Corner and so dangerous is it here to stumble that he that falleth on this Stone that maketh this a Rock of Offence that doubteth and will not admit Christ to be the Head of the Church shall be broken shall be wounded in his Soul but on whomsoever it shall fall viz. such as through Pride or Contumacy shall strive to shake or pull this Stone out of its place it shall grind them to Powder divine Vengeance shall dash them into a thousand pieces How will they who expound these Words Vpon this Rock of Peter and not of Christ or that Confession made of him by Peter get over the clause of that Verse where it is said The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it viz. the Church built on this Rock i. e. neither the Power nor Policy of Hell should prevail against it yet it is visible that against Peter the Gates of Hell greatly prevailed Then how must the Church totter and shake when according to them this famous Rock on which it was built did so tremble and reel But to put an end to this Controversie we have a sure Rule to which all Christians do well to have regard † Eph. 1.22 God the Father of Glory hath given his Son Jesus Christ to be Head over all things to the Church Which words do abundantly condemn the Impudence of such as presume upon a Power to order things in the Church contrary to the Revealed Will of the Head thereof On the other hand seeing the Son of God is Head of the Church how Blame-worthy nay how Audacious and Inexcusable are they who spurn against and deny any of his Ordinances I mean such whose Froward Zeal hath Exploded the Lord's Prayer as a Form Obsolete and have laid aside the Sacraments as useless which the Head of the Church Instituted as Generally Necessary for Salvation Seeing Jesus Christ is Head of the Church it is a Riddle to me whence Men derive their Power of Altering Adding to or Diminishing from what he hath Ordained Having now so Sure and Sufficient a Foundation our Main Care must be what we Build upon it We are told † 1 Cor. 3.12 if we Build Wood Hay or Stubble that is Wooden and Heterodox Opinions the Trash of Philosophical Notions or the Dry Stubble of Humane Inventions and Fansies these will not abide the Trial but if we Build thereon Gold Silver or Precious Stones Solid Clear and Ornamental Truths such as may Direct Justifie and Adorn our Conversations these will Abide therefore I shall accordingly Rear this Truth upon this Foundation II. Is Jesus Christ the Son of God And is this Son Head of the Church then as saith the Apostle ‖ Phil. 2.11 Let every Tongue Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father Let all the Nations and Kindreds of the Earth Acknowledge his Doctrine to be the Onely Word of Life and that he that Brought it was Rightly Jesus a Saviour Let every Soul Bend the Knee and Submit to his Commands as being the Commands of the Lord of Lords Let this Acknowledgment and Confession be made this Obedience and Homage tendred to the Glory of God the Father for by his Order and Decree this Eternal Son of God became in Fullness of time the Son of Man Now therefore tho there be some who
John James and Philip. Capernaum also was Highly Exalted by his Miracles for there the Centurion's Servant and the Nobleman's Son were healed there the Paralytick and the Woman with the Bloody-Issue were Cured and the Ruler of the Synagogue's onely Daughter were Raised to Life yet in the mean time Tyre and Sidon two Ancient and Renowned Cities not far distant from Jerusalem were not alike Honoured as appears * Matt. 11.21 and we hear them of Nazareth importuning him to Parallel among them the Miracles he had done at Capernaum and elsewhere but were not Answered in that they Prayed for This is so plain to all that Converse with Scripture that the labour of farther Quotations may be spared I pass therefore to the First Enquiry 1. What a Miracle is We Read in Scripture of Signs Wonders and Miracles in either of which is a great difference A Sign is some outward sensible thing by which some other thing is brought to Mind to this purpose † Matt. 16.1 2.3 the Pharisees and Sadduces requested of our Saviour a Sign that is the doing some notable thing whereby they might be convinc'd that he was the Messiah That this was their meaning is evident from the Reply for they were told that they could from the Face and Appearance of the Sky and from the Colour of the Clouds Collect what Weather was coming and therefore he admir'd they could not as well discern the Sign of the Times for had they been as observant of Scripture as they were of the Heavens they could not but have known by the Signs there foretold and now full fill'd that this must be the exact time of the Messiah's coming and had they judiciously scann'd his Doctrine and Doings these were so correspondent to the Types that they must have concluded them infallible Signs of his being the Messiah A Wonder is nature greatly improv'd and is called a Wonder either that it is worthy of Admiration for its rareness or greatness I cannot foresee any cause of reproof should I say that Signs and Wonders Deo permittente are in the power of Devils to effect for if the Art of Man can heighten natural things to the wonder and admiration of others the subtilty of Satan may be allowed to be capable of heightening them much more and easier Under the Notion of Wonders we may comprehend the Great and Glorious Works of God the making of the Heavens the founding of the Earth upon no other Basis than his Providence the making those great Lights the Sun Moon and Stars and all his Works of Providence and our Eyes may daily see one of the Wonders of his Power to wit that a single and dead grain of Corn should sometimes multiply into Thirty Sixty or an Hundred Fold A Miracle is a work of God for though Man may be the instrumental cause whereby yet is he not the Original cause which effects a Miracle but every Miracle is effected and brought to pass by Divine Power only a Miracle is of two sorts fometimes the Operation transcends the Power of all second Causes as Sight given to such as were born Blind or raising the Dead to life sometimes it lies within the Power of second Causes yet they are not employed as when Diseases and Infirmities are cured without means which it was possible due application of means in time might have effected A Miracle is a work of God and in Hebrew takes its Name from a Root 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying to Separate for such works are separated or removed from Man First In respect of his Reason being not acquainted with their proper and positive Causes humane reason is too short to Fathom such an Abyss Secondly In respect of our Senses my meaning is that though the thing wrought be discernible as in the forecited instance She now walketh upright that could not before yet the power that brought this work about and the manner of bringing it about are imperceptible to our Senses which well considered the Romanists have not so fair pretences for their Miracle of Transubstantiation for not only is the power and ways of effecting it Mysterious and Indiscernible but the Work as they say Wrought surpasses our sensitive Understanding we can neither see it feel it or taste it and therefore should be but Block-heads to believe it an invisible Miracle Thirdly In respect of our imitation there can be so little probability of parallelling that of whose cause and way of doing it we profess our selves wholly ignorant 2. The next enquiry was how we may distinguish between a true Miracle and a pretended one The Devil by his great Subtilty and Agility may sometimes for the promotion of his own ends assist evil men in the doing some great and strange things resembling Miracles which if really examined come far short this evil Spirit can pry into the fertile Womb of Nature and there find out the Seeds or Beginnings of things and understanding the different Qualities and Operations their Sympathies and Antipathies he can so temper and apply them as to counterfeit a Miracle but a real one he cannot produce it requiring a Divine Power to act beyond above or contrary to Nature there is no doubt by his aid the Magicians of AEgypt did many curious things yet not real Miracles In this case that we may make a right Judgment we have some necessary Rules First The first thing that ought to be considered in order of trying or judging of a Miracle is the power whereby it is wrought in whatsoe'er is real Digitus Dei discernitur we may discover the Finger or Power of God Other Operations though Peradventure wonderful are brought about by natural means such as Slight Wit Skill and the like or else by the help of Satan Secondly The Agents or Persons Those concern'd in the Operation of Miracles are ordinarily Holy and Vertuous while about the counterfeit Magicians Sorcerers Conjurers Witches and other evil Persons are generally the chief Thirdly The manner of Working Between the true and pretended Miracles is very great difference as to their ways of bringing about The real are not under the power of any other means but what are Lawfull Good and Holy such as Faith Fasting Prayer and Invocation of the Name of Jesus whereas about the pretended Charms Inchantments and Superstitious Methods are observed Fourthly The end also must be well weighed The pretended are ever done to deceive and mislead or in hopes of worldly applause and profit but the end and purpose of real Miracles is to advance the Glory of God to honour the Name and Power of Jesus Christ to confirm the Faith To defend and relieve the Church of Christ in General or some of its distressed Members as also to awaken the stupid to Repentance and newness of Life 3. The next Enquiry is What is the use or end of Miracles how far they are necessary and where not When God was pleased to send some extraordinary Messengers into the
Phrase called implies a being really the thing so called is that † Rom. 9.25 26. I will call them my People which were not my People i. e. I will make them my People who were not so before This being Premis'd I come to the Names or Appellations given to the Son of the Virgin Mary I. Jesus Mat. 1.21 This was the proper Name of the Son of God when he took humane Flesh I confess others as Types of him had bore this Name yet never did the Signification of the Name fully agree with the Bearer till now This name Jesus shows him to be of Heavenly Extract in that it was given him from Heaven Probat Angelus caelitùs conceptum cui nomen caelitùs imponitur none but God knew the Dignity of this Person and therefore he particularly Assigns him this Name as sufficiently comprehending his Dignity This Name coming from Heaven did plainly demonstrate him to be the Son of God in that none on Earth had Power over Him to give Him a Name The Etymological Reason which the Angel gave of this Name illustrates the Deity of Him to whom it was given † Mat. 1.16 Thou shalt call his name Jesus for He shall save his People from their Sins so that he really was Sui nominis he in all things answered his Name Salvation in other Jesus's was either an empty Name or at most but a faint shadow of the Salvation which was found in him * Acts 4.12 For neither is there Salvation in any other neither is there any other Name under Heaven given among Men whereby we must be saved Salvation from Sins is God's Peculiar for so it is said † Isa 45.21 There is no God else beside me a just God and a Saviour there is none beside me so again * Hosea 13.4 For there is no Saviour beside me Thus we see God challenging Salvation as his peculiar Prerogative and hence I Argue Since by God's special Command this Name Jesus was conferr'd on the Son of the Virgin Mary because he should give Salvation from sins it is plain that he was God for he must necessarily be believed to be the Lord of Life in whose power it was to bestow Life Secondly He was called Christ and from hence also it will appear that the Son of the Virgin Mary was God Christ is a name of Dignity it is a Greek Word and of the same Signification with Messiah in the Hebrew For him the Jews looked and him they did really believe to be no other than the Son of God and this may reasonably be concluded in that they interpreted the second Psalm to be a Prophecy of him wherein we find it declared † Psalm 2.2 That he was the Anointed of God And of this Christ this Messiah it is expresly said by God himself * v. 7. Thou art my Son this Day have I begotten thee That Christ and the Messiah were Synonymous Terms and that both belonged to the Son of the Virgin Mary is evident from * Joh. 1.41 We have found the Messiah which is being interpreted the Christ both these Names signifie Anointed Kings Priests and Prophets under the Law were Anointed with Holy Oyl thereby intimating that they were Separated Sacred and Consecrated to God in the discharge of their respective Offices and were therefore called Messiae or Christi but this Son of the Virgin Mary was Messiah or Chris 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 emphatically as being both appointed to perform all those Offices and moreover anointed extraordinarily above any or all of them for * Joh. 3.24 God gave not unto him the Spirit by measure To give by Measure or Weight implies giving with a cautious or sparing Hand and contrarily to give without measure argues giving plentifully even the whole others albeit they were anointed yet were limited they had the Spirit by measure some having one Grace others another but this Jesus the Son of the Virgin Mary was anointed with the fullness of the Spirit for saith the Apostle † Col. 2.9 In him dwelled all the fullness of the God-head bodily Whosoever allows the Son of the Virgin Mary to be the Messiah the Christ must allow him to be the Son of God that the Jews did ever believe the Christ to be the real Son of God is very perspicuous * Joh. 1.49 where Nathanael allowing Jesus to be the Christ i. e. anointed to be King of Israel immediately concludes he must be the Son of God his Words are Rabbi thou art the Son of God the King of Israel and that he as Honestly as Rationally spoke what he believed there is not the least cause to doubt seeing that this Christ who knew what was in Man and needed not that any should testifie v. 47. declared of him * That he was an Israelite indeed in whom was no guile Hear we also Martha's confession of Faith grounded upon the same Reason † Joh. 11.27 I believe that thou art the Christ the Son of God What shall we say the High Priest though enraged had not forgot this truth that The Christ must necessarily be the Son of God * Mat. 26.63 I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ the Son of God for he was satisfied if he was the one he must be the other also Now that the Son of the Virgin Mary was The Christ is evident in that he so punctually executed the Office of King Priest and Prophet to those that would hear and believe he taught the Will of God to those who would submit to his Sceptre he became a King ruling in their Hearts by Faith and Love for he acknowledged his Kingdom was not of this World and to such he was a Priest not only in offering himself a Sacrifice for them but in Blessing them and turning them from their sins so that the Son of the Virgin Mary thus manifesting himself to be The Christ must by the Jews own concession be acknowledged to be the Son of God Thirdly The Son of the Virgin Mary was called Emanuel and this was likewise a demonstration of his Deity Emanuel * Mat. 1.23 which being interpreted is God with us i. e. He that was God from all Eternity hath now assumed humane Nature and is become one with us in all things sin excepted This name does plainly imply the Union of the two Natures in the one Person of our Redeemer it doth moreover point at his mediatory Office between God arid Man and demonstrates him a compleat Saviour able to save to the uttermost In him there were two Natures and yet nec inferiorem consumpsit Glorificatio nec superiorem minuit Assumptio the Deity did not swallow up his Humanity the Humane Nature was not swallowed up and lost in the Deity nor did the Deity suffer Debasement or Diminution by the Assumption of the humanity but both Natures remain whole and intire constituting but one
and Born a-new changed from evil to good But this Son of whom I am speaking was neither by Creation Adoption nor Regeneration but by Eternal Generation out of himself in which respect God hath no Son but this and therefore he is called The Son of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Discriminatively † Joh. 1.18 The onely begotten Son of God of which Generation I presume not to make any Declaration for I see not how we can understand farther of this Mystery than that it is the Communication of the Divine Essence or Personality or both by the Father by which he hath Begotten the Son but the Manner how we shall never understand while we are in these Houses of Clay Christ is called ‖ Luk. 1.35 The Son of God by which words is meant that he took not his beginning when he was Born of the Virgin Mary but that he was the Eternal Son of God that he was True God as the Father is and bath the same Nature Essence Will and Power with him and because this Truth was so opposed by the Arrians a Council of 318 Bishops Assembled at Nice and Expounded this Article of our Faith in Larger Terms as you may Read in your Common-Prayer-Books I Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Nicene the onely Begotten Son of God Begotten of his Father before all Worlds God of God Very God of very God Begotten not Made c. When St. Peter had made his Confession of Faith † Matt. 16.16 Acknowledging Christ to be the Son of the Living God it is worthy our Serious Observation that not onely was this Confession made the Standard of Faith by those words * Vers 18. Vpon this Rock will I Build my Church but our Saviour did also declare that the Knowledge of this Great Truth came to Peter from above † Vers 17. Flesh and Blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven From whence it is obvious to a very ordinary capacity that if the Virgin Mary's Son had been the Son of God no other way but by Eminency in respect of the Excellent Gifts that were in him there had been no occasion for this Revelation from Heaven seeing that those Gifts and Graces were sufficient to testifie this this Revelation therefore amply declares his Filiation or Sonship to be of a more Transcendent Nature He was a Son by Real and Eternal Generation he was a Son Consubstantial with the Father the thing Begotten being of the same Essence and Substance with that which Begets it and for this cause our Saviour Averr'd * John 10.30 I and the Father are one Vnum not Vnus not one in Will but in Nature he is not onely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Like Being but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the same Substance Thus hath it appear'd that the Names Ascribed to the Son of the Virgin Mary as Jesus Christ Emanuel The Word the Son of God do all Assert and Prove his Deity Our next undertaking was to show that the Properties of the Deity are attributed to him from whence his Deity will necessarily be Inferr'd There are not properly speaking any Attributes Properties or Qualifications in God because whatsoever is in God is God but in compliance to the capacity of our shallow Understandings they are admitted and here the Caution takes place that we should not account these Properties parts of the Divine Essence because that every Property is really his very whole Essence as for Instance the Wisdom of God is no other but the Wise God the Mercy of God includes the Merciful God c. The use of these Properties or Attributes is to declare and set forth unto us the Essence of God I have already manifested the Eternity of Jesus Christ and shall distinctly speak next of his Immense Power Wisdom Mercy and Goodness discernible in those Great Works of Creation and Redemption I shall not so confine my self to those but that in handling I shall give you such light into his other Attributes that you may thereby gather a clear Manifestation of his Deity I. The Work of Creation is ascribed to Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary To Create is to make something out of nothing to doe which requires an Infinite and Uncontroulable Power such as can no where be found but in God St. John brings this as a farther Proof of the Deity of Christ whom he had called the Word * Joh. 1.3 All things were made by him as if he had said The Word or Jesus Christ whom he meant by the Word was certainly God for he made all things and without him was not any thing made which was made This was so manifest and withal so full a Proof of his Assertion that he reinforces it ‖ Vers 10. The World was made by him and the World knew him not It is sad that the Generality of Men did not formerly nor will not latterly take notice of him in the Capacity of a Creator That this Jesus Christ when he lay in the Bosom of his Father was a Principal Coagent or Efficient with the Father and the Holy Ghost in the Work of Creation Solomon declares it for † Prov. 8.22 23 c. Christ is there called the Wisdom of the Father by whom the World and all things were made For all Interpreters not excusing Arrius himself agree that these Words of the Wise Man were spoken concerning Christ but being intended to oppose the Deity of Christ that Arch Heretick though he had not the Impudence to deny the words to be spoken of Christ yet such was his Perverseness that he Corrupted the Text and for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He Possessed me Verse 22d he Read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He Created me and so Blasphemously from his own Corrupted Text Argued That Christ was no more than a Creature We have great need to look well to our Bibles to Read Mark Learn and Inwardly Digest the Sound Doctrine thereof because there are too many in the World besides those of Rome who could they get all our Bibles into their hands would soon Teach them to speak a strange Language The Apostle St. Paul does as plainly Ascribe the Creation to Jesus Christ * Col. 1.16 For by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were created by him All things both those that are the Subject of our Sight as the Corporeal and those whose Nature and Spiritual Being as Angels and the Souls of Men submits not to Mortal Intuition That which most chiefly makes for our Present Purpose is to declare That this Creator was Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary and this is Justified † by calling him v. 15. That Created the Image of God and the First-born of every Creature and ‖ he is stiled v. 18. The
Head of the Church But for fear any should stumble at that Expression The First-born of every Creature it will be convenient we understand this to be a Figurative Speech and beareth reference to the Privileges of the First-born as being Lord and to exercise Dominion over his Brethren so that the Phrase First-born hath been customarily used to signifie Precedency as † Ps 89.27 David is there called The First-born higher than the Kings of the Earth not that his Kingdom was the Ancientest or himself the Oldest King then Reigning but as the clause of the Verse explains it higher than the rest so that it would be most absurd from this Expression to Argue Christ to be a Creature whenas the Apostle therefore uses it to shew that he was higher than all Creatures and consequently God To conclude this Point We being by God's Word Instructed That Christ made all things We must Believe and acknowledge him to be God for what saith the Scripture ‖ Heb. 3.4 He that Built all things is God That the Word in the First of St. John's Gospel was understood to be the Creator we may conclude from Amelius a Heathen who Reading those Words In the Beginning was the Word Cry'd out Iste Barbarus cum nostro Platone sentit Verbum Dei in ordine Principii esse i. e. John is of our Plato's Opinion That the Word of God is in Order of Principles i. e. The Beginning of things II. The Work of Redemption is ascrib'd to Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary The Word Redemption does naturally suppose Loss and Misery and that brings to Mind a Sad and Dismal Story as old as Adam In the Beginning of Time the Great and Mighty God Created Heaven and Earth who when he had richly deckt the Firmament with Glorious Lights and furnished the Elements with Variety of Creatures the Emblems of his Wisdom and Goodness did then make Man to whom he intended to commit the Government of the Lower World That therefore so Great Authority might be Beneficial to and Indisputable by the rest of the Creation he stamps upon him his own Image Man is Created in Holiness his Mind was Ennobled with choice Faculties and Graces he had a Rational Soul placed in a Body well built and every way fitted for the Service of God and Himself This Glorious Creature had a Plantation of God's own Planting allotted him for his Court a place richly provided and freedom of enjoying every thing one Onely Tree Excepted Abstinence from this was the Chief Standard of his Obedience and the Trial of his Love and Duty to the Great Creator Thus Gloriously Made and Plentifully Provided for God left him together with the Partner of all this Happiness to their Own Free-Wills A Blessed State sure wherein besides the Holiness of their Nature they had the Advantage of Intelligent and Rational Souls The Lively Sense of Divine Favour to Restrain every Illegal Motion and the Hopes of Future Beneficence to preserve them in their Native Integrity But over and above all these lest Forgetfulness or Inconsiderateness might on one hand betray or any Subtile Temptation on the other over-power or surprize them the Forbidden Tree was committed to the Guard of the King of Terrors DEATH † Gen. 2.17 In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die Grim Ghastly DEATH Death that Implacable Tyrant who with his Iron-Mace doth Break the Vessels of the Almighty Potter to Dust One would have thought a bare Glimpse of him would have made a Lump of Clay to Quake and if Love could not yet Fear of him would have kept Them within their Conceded Liberty but Death as yet had no Sting The Arch-Fiend Lucifer well-vers'd in all the Black-Arts of Rebellion resolves if possible to draw this Happy Couple to Revolt from their Creator and being full of all Subtilty he Attacks this New Exalted Prince in his Weakest and most Defenceless Part his Wife 't was true he had not Rays enough left of his former Glory under which he might shroud this Dreadful Guard yet knew he how to instill into Eve's Too Listening Ears a Prejudice hinting That the Reason of God's Strict Prohibition was no other than his Averseness to Their Happiness being extreamly unwilling that their Eyes should be Opened by means of which Prejudice he Bolts up Her Heart too fast for any Thoughts of God's Favour or Her Duty to Re-enter he then fills Her Fancy with Great and Glorious Appearances of a God-like Being or Knowledge * Gen. 3.5 In the day ye eat thereof ye shall be as Gods knowing Good and Evil These Goodly Appearances beget in Her Mind Passionate Desires and Eager Wishes so Vast that the Supposed Joy and Delight thereof soon Inclin'd and Bow'd Her Will and straight the Fascinated Eyes look up and behold the Deadly Fruit with Pleasure the Mouth Waters the Feet Hasten the Hands Pluck the Lips Receive the Teeth Grind and the Throat Swallows the Bitter Morsel her Tongue besides the help it contributed to Chewing does straight engage the Ears of Her as yet Innocent Partner and with the Powerful Charms of Pleasure and Wisdom † Gen. 3.6 It was Fruit good for Food pleasant to the Eyes and Expedient to make one Wise She soon Overcame and Captivated his Understanding and so drew him into the Conspiracy hereupon a Deluge of Miseries Broke in upon them and their Posterity for the Law of God was Violated his Honour Blasphem'd his Anger Incens'd Guilt Contracted the Favour of Heaven Lost and God's Justice Provok'd to that degree that Mankind had inevitably Perish'd under the Weight thereof had not the Son of God stood in the Gap and made such Proposals for our Redemption as were every way Satisfactory Offering himself in Person to Satisfie the Wrath that Man had so justly Incurr'd by the Humiliation of Himself to Repair the Honour Man had Injur'd by his Obedience to Recover the Favour Man had lost by His Blood to Purge away the Guilt Man had Contracted by His Grace to break the Chains of Blindness and Perverseness the Seeds of all Sin which Man was so Fast Ty'd and bound with and by the Merits of His Life and Passion to Re-open the Kingdom of Heaven which Man by his Transgression had Shut against himself Now he that could bear the Wrath of an infinite God could give Divine Justice a compleat satisfaction he that could repair God's wronged Honour that could reconcile God to Sinners that could cure Ignorance and renew Man's depraved Will and Affections and he that could set open the Kingdom of Heaven could be no other nor less than God for humane Nature could not stand under the Wrath of God Infinite Justice required Divine Merits he that could give unto God the full Honour due unto his Name must perform Obedience beyond the Impotency of Lapsed Creatures he that undertakes to Satisfie for the Sins of others must Himself be without Sin and also Offer
him might be forgotten or disbelieved as the Gnosticks were busie it should he therefore by way of Prevention delivers this Testimony of God the Father in the behalf of Jesus Christ his Son our Lord and assures them that he was an Eye-witness of the Majesty of Christ at his Transfiguration ‖ Vers 16. and also an Ear-witness of the Voice from Heaven * Vers 18. We heard it when we were with him in the Holy Mount Moreover that the Tragedy of his approaching Death might not startle their Faith in this Article a little before his Passion while our Lord was Discoursing of it † John 12.28 There came a Voice from Heaven Attesting He was heard in what he desired for the Voice said I have both glorified my Name and will glorifie it again this was the Subject of our Saviour's Prayer I have glorified the Name of my Truth and Mercy to Mankind in sending my Son into the World according to my Purpose and Promise and I will also now Glorifie the Name of my Wisdom Mercy and Justice in exacting and taking of that my Son the Punishment due unto the Sins of Believers Our Saviour's Words justifie this exposition * v. 30. for he told the Disciples and the rest of the Spectators This Voice came not because of me but for your sakes I needed neither satisfying nor reminding me who I am or what I am to do my Father 's gracious intent in this Voice was your good it was merely for your sakes in compassion to your hard heartedness that you might believe you were not willing to believe me telling you that the Father and I were one but now you cannot refuse believing seeing he speaketh the same thing from Heaven God the Father did also testifie this Truth at the Ascension of his Son * Heb. 1.6 And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the World he saith let all the Angels of God worship him If you look to the end of the † v. 3. you may know the particular date of this Command When he had by himself purged our sins he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on High and then the Father said Let all the Angels of God worship him The same is also declared by St. Paul * Phil. 2.9 10. How that God the Father had highly exalted his Son Jesus Christ and had given him a Name above every Name that at the Name of Jesus every Knee should bow of things in Heaven and things in the Earth and things under the Earth II. We pass on to the Testimony of the Holy Ghost The Spirit of God which is called the Spirit of Truth because it is impossible he should bear false Witness testified the Deity of Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary at his Conception † Luke 1.35 The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall over-shadow thee therefore also that holy thing that shall be Born of thee shall be called the Son of God The stress of which Words lies upon the Illative therefore and the Sence may be thus taken That the Son of God was designed to be Born of a Woman because the Holy Ghost shall over-shadow her the Blessed Spirit was concerned to prepare that Nature after an extraordinary manner which the God-head was determined to assume and seeing the Holy God was pleased to dwell in Flesh the Holy Ghost must prepare and form that Flesh Again At his Baptism the Holy Ghost testified the Deity of Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary for he Descended upon him * Mat. 3.16 as a Dove not in the shape or form of a Dove saith the learned Dr. Hammond on the place but he lighted upon him as Doves use to light who hover over and over-shadow the place first which they intend to light upon At this Baptism of our Saviour there was Concilium Augustissimum a most Majestical meeting of the Trinity God the Father spake from Heaven challenging and owning him whom John Baptized for his Son God the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily appearance God the Son was there clad in humane Nature and being in the form of a Servant he submitted himself to the fulfilling of all Righteousness Again the Holy Ghost particularly declared this Truth to Simeon † Luke 2.26 27. It was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see Death before he had seen the Lords Christ and that this Son of the Virgin Mary was he Simeon was informed by the same Holy Spirit as may be collected from his Action and Profession * v. 28 29 30. For he then in the Temple took this Son of the Virgin Mary up in his Arms and Blessed God saying Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in Peace according to thy word i. e. promise by the Holy Ghost for mine Eyes have seen thy Salvation the Person in whom Salvation is appointed This very Descent of the Holy Ghost upon our Saviour at his Baptism is called by St. Paul * 1 Cor. 2.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Demonstration of the Spirit a Testimony given by God from Heaven intimating and confirming the Verity of Christ's God-head a Demonstration for the Holy Ghost then Demonstrated to John and others that he who was then Baptized was the Son of God I might have argued the Testimony of the Holy Ghost from the Prophecies of the Old Testament for as saith the Apostle † 2 Pet. 1.21 The Prophecies came not by the Will of Man Men undertook not this office of their own Heads nor did they deliver their own fancies and perswasions for Prophecies But Holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost as they were inspired and instructed by the Holy Spirit of God therefore they that deny the Deity of Jesus Christ would do well to take heed unto the sure word of Prophecy given by the Spirit of God and there they will find most ample Declarations that he who should be Born of the Virgin Mary was God as well as Man The gift of the Holy Ghost was the effect of Christ's promise the Time and Place of his coming was expresly assign'd by Christ * Luke 24.49 Tarry ye at Jerusalem till ye be endued with power from on High John Baptized his Disciples with Water but † Acts 1.4 5. Christ promised to Baptize his Disciples with the Holy Ghost and commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but there to wait for the completion of the promise and accordingly in the place and at the time we find the Holy Ghost was plentifully poured forth upon them † * Acts 2.1 2 3. When the day of Pentecost was fully come the Apostles were all with one accord in one place viz. in an upper Room of the Temple where they constantly performed their Devotions and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost Farther the Holy Ghost did Testifie
and Crosses though Shame and Sorrow though Want and Misery 〈◊〉 Torture and Death abide us for professing the Gospel of Jesus Christ yet let not us be daunted but in such extremities let us follow the Apostles Counsel * Heb. 12.2 Look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith who for the Joy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God This Consideration this noble President will help us against fainting in our Minds under the greatest Persecutions what extremities did the Son of God submit to for the pleasure he took in restoring lost Man The happiness he was about to purchase for them outweighed all the Trouble and Anguish that lay in the way to it in like manner seeing we have the expectation of Bliss and Joy grounded on never failing Promises let us call to mind this Example of our Lord and if the time come that we the Servants shall meet with harsher Treatment than what the Master of the Houshold found let us bear up courageously remembring the Joy set before us in the promise and which shall be fullfill'd in the Kingdom of Heaven Nor is this consideration only usefull to the sustaining part of a Christian's Life but it hath its force and energy in the abstaining part also we look upon it as the effect of an immature judgment to exchange Pearls for Shells or Gold for Glass and shall our Consciences condemn us as Children in understanding as novices in the Faith while for the Tantalizing Pleasures the glittering Honours and faint profits of this life we hazard the Joys the Pleasures the Honours and the Happiness of the next especially when it shall be considered we had a title to a competency of these without our inordinate care and willfull neglect of the other Remember how careful and sollicitous our Saviour was for his Disciples Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me this provision was not bounded in the Apostles but extended to all Ages and Corners of the World in as much as it is said * Joh. 17.20 He did not pray for his Disciples alone but for them also which should believe on him through their Word You may hear the whole matter † Joh. 14 1 2 3. Our saviour before his Departure was comforting his Disciples Let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in Me in my Father's House are many Mansions Heaven is Spacious I go to prepare a place for you I desert you not as one weary of your Society or as one sickle in my choice and love but I design your Good I came on Earth to prepare you for Heaven and now I go again to prepare Heaven for you for my full intention is where I am you shall be as I am you shall be Let us pluck up our Spirits and buckle to the several Duties of our Christian Calling without fainting not being weary of well doing for we have great things beyond expression to receive hereafter I shall conclude with St. Paul's Exhortation † 2 Tim. 1.12 13. we Christians are not to be ashamed nor is there any reason we should be ashamed for we know whom we have believed viz. Jesus Christ who is the Son of God and therefore we may be satisfied that he being God is able to keep what we commit unto him let us therefore hold fast and inviolable both as to corruption from others and from contradiction in our own lives that Jesus Christ the Son of the Virgin Mary is perfect God and Head of his Church that we are bound to confess this both in word and in the manner of our living and that we are to live to his Honour and Glory and thus doing we shall at the last Day receive Crowns of Glory at the hands of that Righteous Judge who has prepar'd most glorious Rewards for all that love his Appearing To whom he Glory and Honour might Majesty and Dominion World without End Amen FINIS