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A56095 A Protestant plot no paradox, or, Phanaticks under that name plotting against the king and government proved first, from their principles, secondly, from their practices. Tonge, Thomas, d. 1662. 1682 (1682) Wing P3840; ESTC R10620 63,075 38

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in Christ reconciling himself unto the world not imputing their trespasses He hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness o● God in him Blessed be thy Name that thou hast sent thy holy Child Jesus to be the propitiation not only for our sins but for the sins of the whole world He hath suffered the just for the unjust that he might bring us unto God O do thou therefore help thy poor servants before thee and all thy children Give us to see the removal of eternal death by the death of the Lord Jesus Let us see thee at peace with us and justifying of us through thy grace All have sinned and come short of thy glory but being justified through the redemption of Christ Jesus whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation for the sins of the whole world Thou hast promised that whosoever believeth in the Lord Jesus Christ thy grace thy mercy thy love shall not perish but have everlasting life and thou hast given to thy poor servant exceeding great and precious promises and by thy own spirit bringing home these promises given him to believe the Records thou hast given of thy Son which beareth witness that God is reconciled to him and well pleased with him in Christ Jesus and given him eternal life And seeing thou hast bid his soul in Jesus Christ when he shall appear then shall we appear with him in glory and be made like to our Lord Jesus Christ By the same power that thou raisest up Jesus Christ from the dead by the same power thou art able to subdue all things There is nothing impossible with God what ever thou hast promised shall be performed Heaven and Earth shall pass away but one title of thy word shall not fail And therefore blessed be thy Name that thou hast revealed these things to thy poor and unworthy Creature that thou art his God and Father that thou wilt never leave him nor forsake him and thou hast hid his life in Christ and wrote his name in the Book of the Lord Jesus Christ and he rejoyceth that he knows he is his who is the onely true God Knows thou art well pleased with him and justified him freely from all his sins accepted him in and through the Lord Jesus Christ O therefore dear Father do thou receive his soul according to thy promise that he may be thine and thou his God O blessed Father do thou be pleased to do good to all thy people And now dear Father take care of our families be thou a Husband to our yoke-fellows a Father to the Fatherless Do them good abundantly above what we are able to ask or think and what is wanting and lost by our removal do thou hand out to them thy mercy and grace and move the hearts of the children of men to do them good Be thou their God help them and provide for them Seal up thy loving kindness to them not only for this life but for the life to come Do good to our Magistrates thou who hast the hearts of all men make such as are about them men fearing God and hating covetousness that may judge for God that he may have glory O be pleased to let his Majesty Rule and Reign in righteousness let his Throne be established in Righteousness and reveal the choicest of thy blessings to His poor soul manifest Christ Jesus and him crucified to him and give Him to see the most precious blood of Christ cleansing him from all sins Bind up his soul in the bundle of everlasting life Crown Him with a Crown of Righteousness as well as with an earthly Crown Let him be a Nursing Father and Nursing Mother indeed to this Nation that He may hate the evil door and be a praise to them that do well D● good to every one of us O help us that we may first seek the Kingdom of God First believe in God and then honour our King First fear God and serve him and then give to Cesar that which is Cesars Give unto the King that which is the Kings Give Him all obedience to live quietly in all godliness and honesty And now O Lord do thou take away that spirit of emulation and strife and malice From whence comes wars come they not from our lusts The Lord remove pride preiudice and malice from us and cause us to love one another The Lord teach every one in their places to walk continually to the glory and praise of God that we professing the name of Christians may be enabled to walk humbly and meekly to do good to walk uprightly and to love mercy and then certainly we may expect that blessing that God hath promised to them that believe in him which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Mr. Stubb's Prayer PRecious and eternal Lord God in thy presence O Lord are we and in the presence of thy Son and of thy holy Angels and in the presence of the great multitude that now is beholding us poor objects poor worms poor dust and ashes and truly Lord we were not able to lift up our heads this day except thou didst come in by thy mighty Power O Lord ●elp us to see the Heavens opened this day and that the Arms of our Christ may be opened to receive our poor souls O Lord we are bidding farewel to the world 〈…〉 enjoyments 〈◊〉 to every thing and now Lord we are going home to thy dear and 〈…〉 forth our souls and enlarge our hearts after thee that we may be in pursuit of our God our souls long for the Lord as the Hart longs or pant● after the water brooke Lord appear in this hour this is a great Tryal that thy poor creatures are brought to Now come and smile upon thy poor worms O that thou wouldest communicate thy self unto us the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon our precious souls be a precious God to us and 〈…〉 Father thou hast not left poor souls in the dark in such an hour as this O that thou wouldst communicately thy self unto us we are now departing and dying good Father we pray thee that we may have the spiritual life communicated to 〈◊〉 Look in mercy upon every heart here in thy presence O that their souls may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ thou hast given Christ to dye for us whilst creatures here thy blood is able to wash and make me clean O there is no spot no dye but the blood of Jesus is able to take it away O Lord help us that we may dye in the love of Jesus Christ And good Lord we desire that thou wouldst look in mercy upon him that in the Officer Execution of those poor worms and as he is to wash his 〈◊〉 our blood O Lord wash his Soul in the blood of the Lamb of God Father thou knowest we desire the good of his ●oul we forgive him and we desire to forgive every one And dear Lord we desire thee to look upon the King communicate the riches of thy mercy unto his Majesty we desire his Soul may be saved thou hast the hearts of all Kings in thy hand draw forth his heart that he may love those things that pleaseth thee and love them that thou lovest let him be established in righteousness and let Justice and Judgment run down the streets of England ● a mighty stream We pray thee to 〈◊〉 forth our Souls to pray for every Relation beget love in all sorts of people th●● they may live the life of love that when they depart this life they may enjoy the blessed Comforter the Lord Jesus Christ And dear Lord thou or 〈…〉 to give us a ●ast of thy love this day Lord thou hast given us a pardon blessed be thy Majesty for it thou hast given us a reprieve for our Souls we are delivered from death to life we hope when we depart this world we shall enjoy those blessed man●●ons to all eternity And gracious Father we desire to bless thee for that civility we have had from those that have been Officers here Lord make it up to them and we desire to bless thee for it O the riches and the height of the grace of God and the love of Jesus Christ to poor sinners We may see that thou 〈◊〉 be pleased to look in mercy upon th●● poor 〈◊〉 O that thou wouldst unite their hearts in love together O that there might not be any more 〈◊〉 or lu●●ed unite their hearts in love and obedience that they may fear God honour the King that they may desire in all righteousness and holi●est to do those things that are according to thy mind and will And gracious Father thou canst not abide Hypocrites the Lord cause Souls to love holiness and the power of godliness that they may not shrowd themselves under the profession when there is no reality Look in mercy upon all the Churches of Jesus Christ communicate thy mercy and love to them be pleased to be with 〈◊〉 this day and go along with us O that we may bless that with our Souls and all that is within us Be with us and do for us more than we are able to ask or think upon the account of Jesus Christ in whom thou art well pleased to whom be all praise and glory now and for ever Amen After which their Caps being severally pulled over their faces and after some private Ejaculations the Executioner caused the Cart to be drawn away and after they had hanged a while they were severally Headed and Quartered according to their Sentence and the●e Heads and Quarters conveyed in a Basket to Newgate to be disposed of at the Kings pleasure Which he was graciously pleased thus to dispose of Their several Quarters to be Buried which was accordingly done on Saturday-night December 27. Their Heads to be set on several Poles Two on the one Tower-Hill and two on the other as neer the Tower as may be FINIS
and be no more that I may receive that comfort and satisfaction which I have longed and looked for Lord my hope is in thee thou wilt not fail them that put their trust in thee in thee is my trust and confidence if I perish I will perish at the feet of Jesus Christ O that thou wouldst humble me and seal up the pardon of my sins before I go hence and let thy Son Jesus Christ manifest his gracious presence with me and cloath me with that wedding garment of his righteousness and then take me into his arms and present me to his Father O that thou wouldest be pleased to strengthen and uphold me under this great stroke which thou hast been pleased to inflict upon me I kiss the rod and receive it thankfully from thy hand I had been undone to all eternity hadst thou not afflicted me blessed be thy Name that thou hast been pleased to send Jesus Christ upon him I depend upon him I cast my confidence who is the rock of ages and never failed any that came to him Hear me and answer me do for me and all thy Churches and people abundantly above what I can ask or think and all for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ to whom with thy self and thy holy Spirit be all honour power and praise henceforth and for evermore Amen Mr. Tonge his Prayer O Most Glorious and Eternal Lord God thou that hast created the heavens and the earth and formedst of dust us thy poor creatures to which we are now returning Lord I beseech thee speak peace to my poor soul lift up the light of thy countenance upon me and let me see in thee and through faith in thy dear Son Jesus Christ that I am in covenant with thee and reconciled with thee Holy Lord I beseech thee let me see thy dear Son Jesus Christ sitting at thy right hand reconciling of me to thy self Let me find my soul washed in the blood of the Covenant of thy dear Son Jesus Christ Seal a pardon to me thy poor creature O Lord one smile of thy countenance is worth all the world blessed be thy Name that thou hast supported me hitherto Lord God I beseech thee finish thy good work thou hast begun in me and go along with me and strengthen and hold me to drink off this bitter cup. Be with me to the end Remember the Governours of this Nation O that thou wouldest showr down upon the King and Council thy mercies as thou showrest down rain on the ground that they may rule for thee and those that fear thy Name may live in happiness and peace under thee for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ O Lord we pray thee remember all thy people and be good to them and deliver them out of their troubles and speak peace to them and let them know thou wilt deliver them Keep me to the end and uphold me by thy right hand and so receve me with joy for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ to whom be all honour and power henceforward and for evermore Amen Mr. Gibbs his Prayer O Eternal Everliving and Everloving God who art a reconciled and loving Father unto thy poor unworthy Creatures before thee and unto all the children whom thou hast called to believe in thee O Lord this is no small priviledge that sinful dust and ashes mortal worms should have to do and to deal with so holy and infinite a God as thou art to make requests unto thee considering the vast disproportion that there is between thee and poor sinners Thou art of purer eyes than to behold any unclean thing in thy presence O Lord. We our selves are nothing but polluted rags and fountains of uncleanness from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot all the faculties of the soul and members of the body are all members of unrighteousness Were it not therefore that thou hast been pleased to give us good hopes and found out a way to hold communion with us which is through the Lord Jesus in whom thou are well pleased in whom thou hast spoke forgiveness of sins to our souls we durst not now stand before thee but thou hast promised that though our sins are as scarlet thou wilt make them as white as snow and though they be as crimson thou wilt make them as wool Thou hast opened a fountain of free grace and eternal mercy for poor sinners that through the blood of the Lord Jesus they may receive remission forgiveness cleansing and purging from all their sins Thou hast laid an All-sufficient help upon him who is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him We have nothing of our selves to bring unto God but sins to pardon and unclean souls to purge Thou hast been pleased to give thy Son and together with him freely to give us all things Thou hast given thy poor servant before thee saith that has brought salvation to his soul Thou hast saved him by thy free-grace not of works but through the mercies and blood of Jesus Christ and hast sprinkled the virtue of the blood of Christ in his conscience in the belief of the truth as it is in Jesus O blessed be thy Name that sent him to seek and to save us from condemnation who is risen with healing in his wings and hast set Christ before us that we should behold him that our sins have pierced Certainly great was that disease that needed such a medicine that nothing could expiate take away our sins and blot out the hand-writing that was against us but the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as of a Lamb without spot he is now become our peace who has made peace for us through the blood of that his Cross and has made twain one in himself Jew and Gentile He was delivered up for our offences and rose again for our justification We in the knowledge of him being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ And blessed be thy Name O merciful God that has made such a Covenant of everlasting grace to poor sinners and the children that do believe in thee through Jesus Christ Thou hast said thou wilt be merciful to all our iniquities and sins and wilt remember them no more These are thy promises and they are Yea and Amen Christ in Jesus Thou hast made thy servant to hear thy voice in thy Son Thou hast been a merciful God to him and forgiven him all his sins and justified him freely through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ Who shall condemn us or lay any thing to our Charge It is God that justifies who gave himself a ransom for our sins is risen again and now sits at the right Hand of God ever living and making intercession for us whose blood speaks better things than the blood of Abel His blood cryed for vengeance but the blood of Christ cries for peace and forgiveness God is
A Protestant PLOT NO PARADOX OR PHANATICKS Under that Name PLOTTING AGAINST THE King and Government PROVED First From their PRINCIPLES Secondly From their PRACTICES Quo semel est Imbuta recens servabit odorem Testa diu Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum LONDON Printed for Tho. Graves in the Strand 1682. A Protestant Plot NO PARADOX THere are no doubt in the world many Honest and Charitable persons who themselves living up to the Rules of the Christian Religion scan the Actions and Consciences of other men by their own and charitably believe all men are what by all Laws of Heaven and Earth they ought to be fearing God and honouring the King This pious disposition to make and think the best is most commendable in every Christian yet this Charity has its objects and when mis-placed is of dangerous consequence Omnia praesumuntur bene esse facta donec probetur in contrarium is a rule of Law and yet that Law which presumes all men what she intends them for honest when they appear other will both take notice of and punish them else that which were meant for a curb from Vice were the greatest dispensation for it If to think ill too soon of men and upon too slight grounds is uncharitable on the one side to shut our eyes against the light and obstinately to persist in a good opinion of men who by all their actions labour to undeceive us is as indiscreet and unsafe on the other To be tender of the Sheep is a just and necessary duty but to spare the Wolf for appearing like one is the zenith of madness and the very heighth of folly Names make not things but shew them and forms and appearances alter not nature The Lyon is still a Lyon though he have the Foxes skin and the Devil is still the Devil though he transform himself into the appearance of an Angel of light Men are not Protestants for calling themselves so nor does Christianity consist in an empty Name this teaches all men and obliges all men to do justice and love mercy to fear God and honour the King yet there are men who assume to themselves that Name that defie the one and cum licentia Murder the other that are only just when the strong hand of Law is upon them and who love mercy to the devouring of Widows houses These men that call themselves Protestants and in the stile of their late and much-lamented Prytomartyr at Oxford according to the best and purest Reformation may be Traytors and Murderers and by their very Principles inclined I say yet more obliged to be so And this is a sad truth fit for every man to know notwithstanding so many Arguments Letters and Papers with so great labour and art sent abroad of late to perswade the contrary And if the Protestant Plot for so the Phanaticks would have us believe may be an invention of the Papists to draw us from a further enquiry into their own now almost desperate one 't is not impossible but so many late Pamphlets which deny a possibility of a Protestant Plot are by these as cunningly spread abroad to work the Government into a fatal security by a new-created confidence of their Loyalty The old serpent has for many years with two great Batteries assaulted the Church of England Popery and Phanaticism the first his eldest issue but the latter the more hopeful and active Long had the first been making his approach with small success when the latter soon and like a true Devil almost invisibly made a mighty breach which all the valour and skill of the Defenders could not make good Here it will not be amiss to take things a little higher and shew how these two mighty streams which seem to take two ways and are in appearance so contrary have yet one spring are indeed the same and tend to the same end The Prince of darkness and of this world inraged at his repulse in the person of the great Redeemer of Mankind and desperately mad to see all his labours defeated and his hopes in his old Rebel the first Adam confounded by the obedience and sacrifice of the second resolved to try if he could be more fortunate in his offers to some one who were merely Man The Roman Conclave and its monstrous Head the Pope were pitcht upon to these he renews the offers of all the Kingdoms of the world and their glory if so be falling down they would worship him Scarce was the offer made but accepted nay more was paid than promised for they not only worshipped him themselves but drew the world after them to do so too for which the grateful Devil was better than his word and to all the Kingdoms of this world in possession granted them in reversion his other in the next Under this Title and for ought I know the best they have they claimed the dominion of the world but wanting force to make good their claim they a while dissembled their pretensions confining their Authority to a Spiritual Kingdom till by degrees they workt themselves into the Temporal one too and arrived to that prodigious pitch of greatness we this day behold them at Twice four hundred years was the Christian Israel in bondage to this Spiritual Egypt when at last God was pleased to deliver them and bring them again into the right Worship of himself whose service is perfect freedom England began to perceive the madness of enslaying Soul and Body to a Forreign Jurisdiction of sacrificing the one and much endangering the other to satisfie the Pride Luxury and Ambition of a stranger resolved to be free and was so since which time the restless malice of Rome has not ceased her continual endeavours to restore her lost Authority in this Kingdom and re-unite so sweet a Province to her Empire Long like a gallant enemy she waged fair and open War which served but to make us stand the better on our guard forewarned forearmed still their designs failed and their Counsels were brought to nought till almost despairing they were giving over the Cause when the Devil who still helps his servants at a dead lift sent them an unexpected relief in stept the very worst Order of men the most fruitful in invention the most forward in execution of all villany the Jesuite whose Name is Legion for many Devils are in him These instruments of Hell of the Devils own making soon changed the face of affairs Divide impera was their Motto what cannot be beaten down must be blown up a little Dissention within helps more than a mighty Army without these new Maxims produced new Counsels and those Counsels put them upon taking new measures and the deep policy of the Jesuite justly admired by the Conclave entitled him to the chief administration of Affairs Now and not till now were the English at a loss for whereas hitherto they had hung out their own Colours so that we had time at a distance to discover
not reflect upon his Majesty or the present Government which they all promised not to do and thanked him for his civility and then Phillips began in manner following Friends and Country-men I Am come this day to pay that great debt that I owe to Nature it is a work that had need be well done for it is but once to be done My hope is now above and for what I now come to suffer for my own part I bless God in whose presence I now speak as a dying man I had not any murderous thought against the King but I have prayed for him and wished that he might Live and Reign and long Reign in Righteousness and that God would make his Crown a Crown of Righteousness upon his Head and bless him in his Government so that he may not know any of these occasions more For my part I have ventured my life for his Majesty it was far from my heart to do any thing of that nature The Lord receive my soul I freely forgive all men as I hope to be forgiven of God I never did act any thing but only this which was my ignorance of the Laws that I did not discover it And I was justly found guilty for not discovering I have done Mr. Sheriff but hope after my Brethren have spoken we may have liberty to call upon the Lord. Vnder-Sher It will not be denied you Then Mr. Tonge began in this manner Friends and Countrey-men YOu see me here a dying man I have sometimes been in some mens company where I have heard them contriving the business for which I am condemned to die and that which led me to joyn with them was this I was and had been sometimes in the Army and I have looked upon this Cause to be good As for his Majesty the Lord bless him and prosper him and put it into his heart that he may be a Nursing-Father indeed to this Country Vnder-Sher Have you any more to say you may speak Tonge I have nothing more And then Gibbs proceeded and said COuntry-men and Friends and I hope Christians and the last consideration is that that makes me the more free to speak to you we all profess to own God and Jesus Christ to be our Saviour our Redeemer our Sanctifier and giver of and bestower upon us Eternal Life this should excite our Souls to love one another and upon the account of Gods love that God has so loved us as to give Jesus Christ to reconcile us sinners to God we ought to love one another it is his great command Truly as to the Cause for which I am brought here God the great Judge of Heaven and Earth before whom I stand knows that in the place where I have lived I behaved my self as an obedient Subject and when there was an Insurrection by the Fifth-monarchy-men I went out in my own person though I had Servants as well as others purely out of affection to his Majesty knowing that in the peace of his Government I should have peace and so I went out hazarded my life and continued out till all was quiet I was at a Neighbours house drinking of a cup of Beer on Tuesday night in the Kitchin alone save only the man of the house and the maid these men came in one Hill and Riggs that are the witnesses against me there was Riggs and Hill and this Stubbs and one Beazely and I being alone in the Kitchin they asked for one Gibbs the people of the house told me there were some Gentlemen would speak with me I wished them to direct them to me and they came to me and through the ignorance of the Law which it seems runs thus If any words treasonable against his Majesty is spoken it is Treason to conceal it So thus I have given you in part the cause of my being here Hereupon information was given to the Kings Majesty that I should say there would be a Rising and that Alhallows-eve was the time that there were Arms sent into the Country and that Ludlow was to be General and this was charged upon me by the Kings Majesty when I came before him to be examined and upon Hills and Rigg's Oath I was sent to the Tower and kept a long time a Prisoner examined three or four times over by the Lords of his Majesties Council I have one word more as touching my Judgment I am reputed in the world to be one of those that is called by the name of Anabaptist a name of derision and scorn One is an Anabaptist one an Independant one a Presbyterian one this and one that and one the other who gave these nick-names to Christians There is but one God one Lord Jesus one Baptism one Hope of Glory How comes the Body of Christ or the Members of Christ to be called these nick-names But now as I am one that do profess Faith in God through the Lord Jesus Christ and do stand before you all and before the Lord I know no other God but the Eternal and Living God that hath made the World and that Rules and Reigns and disposes all his Creatures I do believe in this God he has been gracious to me a poor sinner and to all poor sinners that when we by reason of sin had forfeited our mercies and were under wrath and everlasting destruction and must perish for ever that God did out of his rich grace and tender mercies give his only begotten Son according to his promise to be the blessing of God to the poor Gentiles according as the Scripture did declare the Scripture forseeing that God would justifie the Heathens through Faith preached before the Gospel to Abraham saying In thee shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed he speaks not of the natural seed of Abraham but of Christ so that all the blessings that God did convey to the sinful world is by the means of Jesus Christ whom God in the fulness of time did send his Son born of a woman to redeem poor sinners under the Law and herein was the great grace and mercy of God towards all sinners that he was so gracious to send his beloved Son out of his own bosom to take our natures upon him who were defiled and cursed and condemned and separated from God I say Jesus Christ took our natures upon him and for this very end to do the will of his heavenly Father Lo it is written in the volume of thy book I come to do thy will O God and it was his meat and drink to do his will and what was that but that we might be sanctified through ●●e offer● up of the body of Jesus Christ for our sins to tread the winepress of his Fathers wra and to endure the cross and bear all our sins in his own body that made his soul heavy unto death he was a surety for us and our sins and for our sakes the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all and he hath born