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A55343 A directory for youth Through all the difficulties attending that state of life. Or a discouse of youthful lusts. In which the nature and dinds of them are described, and remedies against them laid down. First preached to young people, and now published at their request. By Samuel Pomfret, minister of the gospel. Pomfret, Samuel, d. 1722. 1693 (1693) Wing P2798; ESTC R224107 117,456 254

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Children Masters and Servants Officers and common Soldiers Rich and Poor and too frequently Ministers with the People the Buyer the Seller Verily if the Lord who threatneth to be a swift Witness against the Swearer should now come among us with his deserved as well as threatned Curse what scudding and crying to the Hills and Mountains to cover us would there be A Tree loaded with Boughs is fit for lopping a Sinner loaded with Oaths is fit to be hew'n down cast into Hell Fire A Chimney furr'd with Soot will take fire at last a Sinner's mouth furr'd with Oaths will at last without Repentance burn him with unquenchable Fire O how little is this considered by our common Swearers O young ones take heed of this Sin young Joseph when he was in a Swearing Court he learn'd to swear the Court-Oath viz. by the Life of Pharaoh that was his Sin But alas in our Age it 's become fashionable and a piece of Gentility to Swear by the Death Wounds Blood of Christ Petty Oaths of Mass Faith and Troth which in former times were most severely condemned by the good old Puritans Now wo to us we run to the highest form in the Devil's School and commence Masters of that Black Art of damme's and full-mouth'd Blasphemies Yea and the Lord be merciful to us our little Children have learn't it as soon as they can speak or waddle about Streets the sound whereof hath often pierced my Heart with my Ears the good Lord of Heaven and Earth banish it out of our Island or it will I fear sink us We are encompassed about with two Oceans saith one an Ocean of Waters and an Ocean of Mercies And let me add a third namely an Ocean of Oaths which if not reformed will bring a fourth viz. an Ocean of Miseries Some say Words are but Wind it 's true but it is such a Wind as will blow a Soul to Hell if Grace prevent it not 19. Another Sin that young people are notoriously given to and guilty of is Idle and Sinful squandring away their precious time young People think that they have such a profound and full stock of time to come that they have enough to spare and spend profusely and while away as the Countrey Phrase is at present and therefore they make little or nothing of lavishing out Hours and Days You know persons will spend prodigally out of a full Purse who would be very sparing if they knew they had but a little or were like to come to Poverty Thus Youth foolishly fancy that because some have lived to see and fulfil 70 or 80 Years therefore they must do so too and when they have been thus kind to themselves in making such a computation of many Years to come then they turn Prodigals of their time and cast it away as a thing of nought and with it cast away all care of their Souls and loiter out their Morning-Season at that profuse rate as if they were never to be called to account for that or that God only design'd and assign'd the Evening of their Life that last and worst part of time to be redeem'd and carefully improved for their better part their precious Souls But how miserably cheated are young People herein as appeareth by those many awakening instances of our Lord 's coming to young Ones in the Morning of their Life a time when they least of all looked for him and then how have they cried out O precious time more worth than a World when it cometh to the last Sand at the bottom of the Glass O then what a mercy would they esteem it if God would trust them once again with Time O young People think of this the next Temptation to Idleness or carnal Ease o● Pleasures that returneth and frown upon it give it the same entertainment as you would a Thief that comes to kill or rob you remember your Souls and Eternity are imbarqued in your youthful Seasons and surely the consideration of the worth of your Souls and the astonishing nature of Eternity carrieth force enough to make the extravagant lavishers of time to become the most thrifty Husbands of it as one of the most precious things in the World O young Man thou hast now a rich Price put into thy hands dost thou want a Heart to improve it Know thou that ere long thou mayest have a Heart but no price of precious Time in thine Hand We are fallen into a loose and licentious Age. 20. Uncleanness is another Sin that Youth is prone to this is the breach of the Seventh Commandment In which Commandment there is a two fold Uncleanness forbidden first mental or the uncleanness of the Mind secondly corporal or that of the Body Now Youth is commonly addicted to both these and to watch and wait for opportunities to fulfil their impure Lusts hence in the 7th of the Prov. 6 7 8 9. you read At the Window of my House I looked through the Casement and behold among the Simple Ones I discerned among the Youths a Young Man void of understanding passing by the way to her House and he went near her Corner in the twilight in the Evening and behold there met him a Woman with the attire of an Harlot his Eye waited for the twilight and in the twilight he was taken by her as you may see in the 23 verse Peter speaketh 2 Epist 2 chap 4. vers of Eyes that are full of Adultery It 's true indeed that this Sin hath the same common principle as other Sins viz. a corrupt Nature it is seated in the Heart there is the Fountain of it 15. Matth. 19. Out of the Heart proceed evil Thoughts Murthers Adulteries c. But yet the Eye is the Heart 's chief agent to espy out objects and to find out and fetch in Fuel for this Sin And as the Heart sometimes sets the Eye on work to prole and range about for a beautiful Bait so the Eye sometimes meeting with Objects sets the Heart on work yea all a fire or in a flame of adulterou● Lustings Youth is a hot Age and exceedingly propense to be carried away with these lascivious and filthy Lustings as hot an● fat Grounds are most ferti●●●nd abounding with filthy Weeds hence we find upo● Record 15. Luke 13 14. the Younger Brother called the Prodigal Son who spent a upon Harlots his vicious and corrupt Afections were restless and raging till h● had yielded his Members as Instrument and Servants to this Sin of Uncleanness ● the Apostle phraseth it in the 6. Rom. 13. 1● Not that I speak this as if other Ages we●● free from such inordinate Lusts for Natur● Corruption is not idle in any Age but of a Ages Youth is most incessantly and vi●lently bent hereunto So that it is to ●● accounted a singular Mercy and Grace f●● a young Person to pass that season of Life chastly as not to contract some such notab●● blot to cleave to him like a
nor doors can binde● his piercing Eye and what will it profit us to shun the Eye of man when the Eye of God is still upon us Methinks this consideration should change thy youthful froth and fury into a serious gravity and sobriety that God's Eye upon thee is never shut the most waking Eye among men is at times closed but the Lord never slumbereth nor sleepeth Psal 121. 4. It was excellent advice that a Rabbi gave to one of his young Pupils Three things saith he I would have thee remember all day long an Eye that sees thee an Ear that hears thee an Hand that reg●sters all thy Actions So would I commend this to you young people to cure that natural Levity and Precipitancy that your age is so incident unto O remember and often repeat it to your self that God is in all places and not only without you but in your very Breasts and Bosom viewing all your vain Thoughts and Imaginations and all your vile Lusts and Inclinations So that if you have a mind to be merry and jolly for the space of an hour or two with that Mirth which the Wise Man calleth Madness I beseech you before you adventure upon it first try if you can find out such an hour wherein God's Eye is not on you and then you have my consent to take that hour for that mirth But sure I am no such hour can be found out And then 3. consider that this Eye of God that is thus holy pure observing and infinite is also an Eye of jealousie and justice If a Husband have a jealous Eye over a Wife or a Master over his Servant what a curb and bridle is it to restrain the one from filthiness and the other from falseness and if so how much more should the consideration of his Eye who hath stiled himself in the 20. Exod. 5. the Jealous God abate and tame the wild fierceness an● wantonness of Youth especially if yo● possess your Soul with the deep apprehensions that his Eye is an Eye of Justic● too that is to bring you to Judgment fo● all your youthful Vanities and Follies I● this sense the Prophet Jeremiah explainet● it Jer. 32. 19. Thine Eyes are upon all th● Ways of the Sons of men to give every o●● according to his Ways and according to th● Fruit of his d●ings For God now observe you in order to bring forth all into the la● Judgment the serious thoughts of which made such deep impressions on the Heart ●● Augustine that in his 8th Sermon concerning the coming of Christ to Judgment h● saith Ecce in quo periculo incessanter conside● c. Behold in what danger I stand continually though I do not continually thin● of it and the more wretched I that I ca● forget it for God always seeth me and a●● my Sins a strict sentence always awai● me in this condition I am when I wake and when I sleep when I laugh and when I am sad when I am proud and passionate sic semper ubique thus I am always and every where O would but young people when they are in their brisk and careless moods with this holy man represent it to themselves that they are thus in the presence and under the Eye of God who hath appointed a day wherein he will judge both qu●ck and dead surely it would create a trembling in them Wherefore in the close of this Rule let me present you with a collection of choice Scriptures that may be as a continual guide for youth to direct their Paths in the good Old way how they may be all the day long in the fear of the Lord and also that may be as an Angel with a drawn Sword in their evil ways to restrain their steps therein Job 13. 27. Thou lookest narrowly to all my Paths thou settest a print upon the Heels of my Feet Job 24. 21 22. For his Eyes are upon the ways of man and he seeth all his goings there is no darkness nor shadow of death where the workers of Iniquity may hide themselves Job 31. 41. Doth he not see my Ways and count all my Steps Psal 11. 14. The Lord's Throne is in the Heavens his Eyes behold his Eye lids try the Children of men and the 139. Psalm throughout Prov. 5. 21. The ways of man are before the Lord and he pondereth all his goings Prov. 15. 3. The Eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the Evi● and the Good And in the 11. v. Hell an● Destruction are before the Lord how much more then the hearts of the Sons of men Jer. 23. 24. Can any man hide himself ●● secret places that I shall not see him sai●● the Lord Do not I fill Heaven and Eart● saith the Lord Darkness hideth not fro● him but the Night shineth as the Day And in the 27. vers I have seen thine Adulteries and thy Neighings wo unto thee wilt thou not ●● made clean when shall it once be Heb. 4. ● But all things are naked and open unto ●● Eyes of him with whom we have to do Th● you see what abundance of Scriptures the● are of this kind and there are multitude more t●nding to the same purpose sure●● it intimates to us that we are not easi● perswaded of this truth that God is alwa● present with us and beholding of us su●●ly the Lord would never urge this ma●● so often upon the Children of men ●● that he knoweth how prone we are to qu●stion it O there is a world of Arheism a● unbelief in our Heart about it Hence y●●●●ad Psal 50. 22. Thou thoughtest I was such one as thy self Job 22. 13. How doth G● know can he judge through the dark Clo●● so Psal 64. 7. They say the Lord shall not s● And Ezek. 9. 9. The Lord hath for saken ●● Earth he seeth not And they say to ●● Almighty Depart from us c. O the ho●rible hellish Atheism that reigns in the hearts of thousands Else whence is it that a Servant shall be afraid of his Master's eye a Sinner of his Minister's a Child of his Father's and a man of his Child's eye and presence more than of the great Jehovah's O how many declare their Sin as Sodom neither are they ashamed I appeal to you can you believe that these consider that the most high God hath a piercing Eye to espy and a powerful Hand to punish the workers of Iniquity Would Achan have stole the Wedge of Gold or Gehazi took the Reward or Annanias and Saphira contrived and told the ●ye to the Apostle had they seen the Eye of God that saw them O young men durst you leave and neglect your sinful and miserable Souls to perish for ever at that rate you do did you but live always as in the presence of God and as under his all seeing jealous Eye Wherefore I beseech you practise this Rule if ever you would be delivered from a vain Spirit and Conversation I have been the
necessity of a waking working Conscience in order to Conversion for it is the property of Conscience to turn in upon the Soul and debate matters discursively in a kind of silent reasoning with the Soul it hath both a directive and reflexive power i● takes that light that lay cold and useles● before in the mind and brings it down in ●way of home application to the Soul 3. La● 40. 119. Psal 59. And now I come ● make good what is proposed namely Tha● Youthful Lusts stupefie and be●u● this faculty of Conscience and so indispo●● the Soul to Conversion Look you Si●s although it is not in the power of young o● old Sinners to rase out and expunge this Faculty out of their Breasts for it is so esse●tial to the Soul as that the Soul can't be Soul wirhout it nothing can be more it separable than this bosom Judge which o● calleth sensus praejudicium judicij divin● Yet though I say they can't get rid on they may and often do by a love and life ●● sin gag it muzle and stifle it for the present they cast Conscience into a deep sleep by yiel●ing to their Lusts One calleth the Love ●● Sin the Devil's Opium whereby he lu●● Conscience asleep Hence it is that you read of its being past feeling and seared as with an hot Iron Ephes 4. 19. and 1 Tim. 4. 2. defiled polluted 1. Tit. 15. not performing their offices being deaf to every holy suggestion of God's Spirit O young people your lusts served and obeyed will make your Consciences to be like Lot when he was made drunk by his Daughters of whom it 's said That in the Morning he knew nothing what he had done in Gen 19. Thy Lusts will breed such sottishness and stupidity in thy Conscience as will most certainly hinder thy Conversion Conscience is a Witness but if that witness be dumb who shall tell thee of thy Sin and danger Conscience is a Schoolmaster to direct and correct but if that Schoolmaster be blind or craz'd or lie like one stark mad or dead who I pray shall admonish you and administer reproof to you alas we speak without you it 's Conscience that is as a thousand Witnesses within you and if that be like an Idol what hope of Conversion Conscience is the Candle of the Lord within thee and if this be put under a Bushel how easily may the Devil hurry thee blind fold to Hell and Damnation Conscience is appointed of God to be that to the Soul as the Pilot is to the Ship amidst Rocks Sands suppose now that the Pilot have either lost his Compass to steer by or has no supernal light to make an Observation by how improbable is it that the Ship should ever come safe to Harbour So if Conscience be stupified how unlikely is it that ever that Soul should be converted It hath been and still is to me just ground of wonder and astonishment that when a Minister comes in the Name and by the Authority of the Great Jehovah Maker of Heaven and Earth to a Congregation of sinful Worms and there preach and prove to them out of the infallible Scriptures that they are born in Sin and that in their natural conditions they are but a few steps off Eternal Damnation and that there is a blessed Jesus come to seek and save what is lost and that he is able and willing to save to the uttermost all that come to him and yet after a Minister hath done al● this not one probably of many Score● in the Auditory that brings the Doctrine preached home to his own Soul saying Thi● is my Condition my Soul's portion I am by Nature a Child of wrath God's Law hath found me ou● and convinced me o● sin that there are none more guilty than I and more worthy of Hell I am the Man the Woman whom it curseth as sure as if my Name was mentioned but the generality detain the Truth in Unrighteousness they go away and live as wickedly a● before Now the Lord be merciful to us how could ever Dust and Ashes be thus unconcerned did but Conscience roundly and soundly do its work viz. to bear witness to pass sentence c. But here is the bane of all and the true Cause of mens Impenitency and Unconversion they hearken and yield to their lusts and thereby Conscience is laid asleep O young people see the malignity of Sin 's influence and say Away ye cursed Lusts it 's high time O my Soul to flee these Awake Conscience awake it 's high time to regard thy message 3dly These youthful Lusts they increase that natural rebellion that is in the Will against turning to God and so they indispose the Soul to Conversion the Will is an excellent part or power of the reasonable Soul it is compar'd by some to the Primum Mobile in the Heavens that carrieth all the inferiour Orbs away in its own motion or like a Queen sitting upon its Throne exercising its dominion over the other parts of the Soul And as Conscience hath several offices and acts so hath the Will The Schoolmen marshall up several as Volition and that either absolute and efficacious or more languid and imperfect 2. Fruition 3. Intention 4. Election 5. Resolution and Consent c. but I shall only shew you how impossible a saving and found Conversion of the Soul can ever be except the Will this superiour faculty in the Soul be brought into subjection and obedience to Christ and then shew you how youthful Lusts not only hinder that subjection of the Will to Christ but strengthen its resistance and rebellion against it 1 How impossible a thing Conversion is without the Will be brought into obedience to Christ When God first created Man upon Earth this noble part of the Soul the Will was in a most perfect and holy conformity to the Will of God but since Sin entred the Will is so far fallen from its primitive honour that Bernard saith voluntas tua infernus est tuus that mans Will now is his Hell of a Virgin she is now become like a polluted Whore So that naturally we will not come to Christ John 5. 40. We will not be made clean Jer. 13. 27. We will walk after our own Devices Jer. 18. 12. Now how impossible a thing is it that there should be a through Conversion till this natural Rebellion of the Will is slain and removed for the Will is the man and it 's everlastingly true and will be found so That his you are whom you willingly obey whether it be of Sin unto Death or Obedience unto Righteousness Rom. 6. 16. 2. Youthful Lusts yielded unto strengthen that natural averseness and obstinacy that is in our Will and so it indisposeth the Soul to Conversion We read that Whoredom and Wine take away the Heart in Hosea 4. 11. Why may some say was the Heart set upon God before No not at all but by it is meant that those
be as Wool Jer. 13. 27. O Jerusalem wilt thou not be made clean ●● when shall it once be Thus having cleared what lay in our way as matter of Objection and discouragement touching the means of Conversion on our part I shall proceed to consider more particularly those instituted means of Conversion and then shew you how your Lusts oppose those means and thereby hinder your Conversion For the Means I shall begin with that of Consideration and that because I find the Holy Ghost in Scripture beginning here with unconverted Sinners commanding and commending this as an excellent means of Conversion in the 1 Kings 8. 47. If they shall bethink themselves and repent then hear thou their Prayer c. where you see plainly that retiring into our own hearts by serious thoughtfulness and consideration is a singular means to Repentance and Conversion Again in Hag. 1. 5. Now therefore thus saith the Lord Consider your ways Psal 119. 59. I thought on my ways and turned my Feet unto thy Testimonies He first considered and then he converted So the prodigal Son came first to himself by consideration and then he came home to his Father by sound Conversion Luke 15. 17. Here the Lord complains of that People's impenitence in Jer. 8. 6. No man repented him And in the next words relateth the Cause of it to be want of consideration No man said What have I done O would but young men retire from the Noise and foolish Vanities of this world and allow their Souls leisure for the serious exercise of this important Duty to consider their sinful and woful estate by Nature in what posture they stand God-wards with their apostate Natures and how the Wrath of God that is revealed from Heaven against all Unrighteousness this wrath abideth on them every moment during their unconverted state and how fearful a thing it is to carry ones doom in ones own bosom to go up and down the world in a state of enmity to the most high Jehovah under his Cur●e and Wrath as they most certainly do i● their state of Nature and there to consider of their manifold Omissions and Commissions how many thousand ways they have offended God how many checks of Conscience they have stifled what Motions of the Spirit they have resisted what preciou● seasons of Grace they have neglected wha● Light Love Mercies Engagements Vow● they have sinned against what pains they have taken to satisfie their Lusts stopping their Ears at the holy Instructions Counsels Exhortations intreaties of Parents Ministers what estrangedness and separation thei● Sins have made between God and their Souls and then to consider how short their time o● Earth will be how sure it is that their youthful Sins will sooner or later find them out ● how certain that God will bring them ●● Judgment for all thy Pleasures in the Flesh all thy Thoughts Words and Deeds Thu● I say would but young men take time ●● commune with their own Souls about the●● tremendous matters it would surely awake● and call them to fear and enquire What m●●● I do to be saved And so prepare them fo● that other Head of Consideration name●● the rich soveraign and free Grace of God in Christ laid open in the Gospel how God hath so loved the World as to give his only Son to dye for us when enemies that whosoever believeth and repenteth shall not perish but have everlasting Life how able and willing Christ is to save and receive all heavy laden weary Souls that see themselves lost and ●aste the bitterness and feel the burden of their Sin that come to him how lovingly he invites all such to come to him and assureth them of a gracious reception and a full remission of all their Sins and eternal Salvation c. and that it is not all the aggravations of their Sins however they have been multiplied and commited against the Light of Natural Conscience or the Light of Supernatural Grace revealed in the Scriptures that shall be an impediment or bar to their acceptance and pardon upon their return If the Wicked forsake his Way and the Vnrighteous man his Thoughts and turn unto the Lord he will have mercy and to our God and he will abundantly pardon Isa 55. 7. or multiply to pardon Again there is nothing but an unbelieving impenitent Heart resisting this Grace can or shall ever deprive you of so great Salvation as is offered to you in the Gospel and tho' you have refused in past seasons when he hath called yet for all that he won't refuse you If you flee from your lusts to him the only refuge for lost Souls the match shall not break on his part and if you perish and miss Salvation at last it shall not be long of him So that this is undeniable viz. that Consideration on our part is a most fit and apposite means of Conversion I have some time read of a Religious Father that had rebellious wicked Son that was a great grie● to him when the Father was on his dea●● bed he called his Son to him and laid hi● under a solemn engagement and promise That he would every day retire alone a●● spend one quarter of an Hour in seriou● thinking After the pious Father was dea● the wild Son began to consider of his promise to his Father and accordingly once day retires at first he began to think of th● Honours and Pleasures of this World bu● after a while he began to consider what h●● Father's design was in obliging him the● once a day to retiredness and thoughtfulness and then he began to call to mind his Sin● and wicked Life that he had lived and th● good Spirit of God concurring with thos● thoughts he became a new man So tha● Consideration is a means of Conversion Now I come in the next place to shew yo● how youthful lusts directly oppose this mea● of Conversion and that will appear it yo● consider the rage of these Lusts they wi●● not give the judgment leave or leisure ●● animadvert and consider they are imp●ruous and tyrannical hurrying poor Si●ners Hell wards this is obvious to our o●servation every day how many young people do we see by one base pleasure or other always led captive from the time they awake in the Morning till they lie down at Night and never take time to consider or ask themselves What have I done What must I do to be saved Where must I abide for ever If a man rides through a Country full speed he can never draw a true Map of that Country If you ●oile and ruffle the Waters you can never see your face in them Thus if a Soul be hurried with its Lusts it can never retire and soberly debate matters in its own breast Consideration can find no place in such a Soul as Christ told the malicious Jews in the ● John 36 37. My words can find no place in ●ou because they were so enraged and blind●d with the
you th● suggests that Corvina Cras as Augustine ca● it cras cras if you have been ignora●● hitherto know it from this day for a m● certain truth it is no other than that lyer ● Hell the Devil and sure I am he hath ● way so plausible and politick to circumv●● thee as by hanging these weights of dela● upon thy Soul and thereby letting and bindering thy present flight from Sin to Christ with an hereafter is time enough so that thou mayst conclude upon this that more perish this way than any other for Satan can prevail upon few to say peremptorily they will not repent but this is the common snare and bait wherein and whereby he taketh multitudes I will turn to God hereafter for these delays provoke the God of Grace to take away his Spirit and then what can the miserable Sinner do It was the saying of an Eminent Person The Spirit of God is a tender thing grieve it once and you may drive it away for ever and then it is not your crying Lord Lord that will fetch him back again Thou mayst intreat to use the words of that blessed Soul-converting Preacher for Mr. Fenner's danger of deferring Repentance one dram of that Mercy that hath been offered but thou hast rejected but it shall never be granted to thee God may clap that fearful sentence upon thee Now henceforth never Fruit grow on thee more never Repentance come into thy Heart more If now thou wilt not repent and be converted the Lord may set it down in his decree that from this day forward thou mayst sumble about thy Sins but shall never get victory over them thou mayst blunder about Repentance but never do the work what is the reason why because I would have purged thee and thou wouldst not therefore thou shal● not be purged any more O young men there is a time wherein God will not be found he will not always wait your leisure your pleasure how long or how sho●● your time of Grace will last is hid from you Repentance is God's gift and Gi●● are given according to the good pleasure of the giver It is a great mistake to think that it is at your pleasure to call it down from Heaven at your need to convey you to Heaven when you feel your selves falling into Earth bitter Experience hath taught multitudes of shuffling delaying Sinners the delusions of such conceits while it their immoderate pursuit of their Lusts they have endeavovred to stop the mouth o● Conscience with promises that e're long they would take time to consider and recollect themselves and return to God in the mean while stifling and slighting the merciful motions of the Spirit of Grace o● a sudden e're they are aware a silent and secret decree passes against them Let the● alone they are joyned to their Lusts which though it make no noise in their Heads yet it effectually sealeth up their Heart to an incurable obduration and hardness And now I appeal to you upon this consideration viz. the uncertainty of the time of Grace whether Delays are not unspeakably dangerous since no man knows whether the next day will afford him so much as a possibility of Repentance if he put off and defer it this day Wherefore O young man as ever thou wouldst not be forsaken of God and have the things of thy Peace for ever hid from thine Eyes and the dreadful guilt of innumerable Sins seal'd upon thy Soul O flee this youthful Sin of delaying Repentance a moment longer 2. Consider the Impiety and Wickedness of Delaying for it doth in effect speak thus to God The real love and delight of my Soul is in my Lusts I desire thee therefore to stay for my Repentance till hereafter and by no means to punish me while I shall be provoking and dishonouring thee in the tract of my youthful days give me leave to be a faithful Servant to divers Lusts and Pleasures while I have strength and spirits and then when I grow impotent and my Lusts turn me off I pray thee to accept me and grant me Heaven O what monstrous Blasphemy and Impiety is there in such a vile deportment towards the Blessed God and pray is there not something of this in every delay it sheweth evidently that thou preferrest thy Lusts before him yea the Devil's service before his O transcendent horrid Wickedness that ever a reasonable Creature should choose to be employed in the Devil's work and drudgery before that most gracious noble honourable service of God O young man let Conscience speak is the Devil so real a Friend so good a Master or is there so much pleasure in being a slave to thy Lusts as that the Lo●● of Heaven and Earth the Author of thy Life and Breath should stand by and stay till they are in the first place served and then when the Devil and thy Lusts will dismiss thee God shall have their leaving I beseech you let Conscience judge in th● case whether Hell it self can exceed suc● Ungodliness Suppose your dear Fathe● that begat you or your tender Mother tha● bare you should knock at your Door an● intreat an admission and you should say That at present they must excuse you the●● are a company of Thieves Murderers an● Adulterers that you must first attend an● entertain c. Would not this be condemned as a piece of vile Inhumanity And can it be deemed in the present cas● a less piece of Impiety to put such an hig● affront and indignity upon the Great God as when he graciously invites you to bre●● off your Sins by Repentance that he migh● shew you Mercy to put him off as Fe●● did Paul Go thy way for this time her● after possibly I may attend but for ●● present there is the Devil and a train ●● youthful Lusts stay for me and I must give entertainment to them in the first place This without an Hyperbole may be stiled the Master-piece of Wickedness the Mother of Abominations it is a plain contradiction of and direct opposition to the soveraign command of our Maker who saith Eccles 12. 1. Remember thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth before the Evil days come c. God saith To Day while it is called to Day repent And you say No to day while it is called to day I must rejoyce and follow my youthful pleasures and delights And so you put the lye upon God and credit the Devil who is the Father of Lyes O this Sin of Delays hath a world of rebellion in it and Rebellion is as the Sin of Witchcraft Moreover the impiety of this Sin will further appear if you consider what a Scorn it casts upon the admirable Grace of all the three glorious Persons of the Trinity as if not worthy of acceptance the Father's Love and Wisdom to and for a lost World of Sinners in decreeing and revealing of Jesus Christ his blessed Son to seek and to save what was lost opening a
Fountain and sealing a new and everlasting Covenant of Grace in his Blood that whosoever believeth and repenteth shall not perish but have Ever lasting Life O astonishing Love was there any need for God to stoop to offer undone man a Covenant of Grace but his ways are not as ours c Now this youthful Sin of Delays spurneth at this Bowel and Bosom Mercy and Love of God the Father And can this be thought to be a little Sin O unparrallel'd Wickedness of what a Scarle● tincture and bloody nature is this Sin O young man consider it take he●● of shuffling here thou wilt be apt ●● think within thy self that sure this is not so What I guilty of trampling on the bowle● of Go'ds mercy which I venture to pu● off turning to him a little longer far be● it from me to do so great wickedness I never intended any such thing O delude● Youth come see thy guiltiness e're it ●● too late to remedy thy self The Go● and Father of our Lord Jesus revealeth an● publisheth his eternal thoughts of love t● poor Sinners that had destroyed themselve● alloweth them a day of Salvation and acceptable time to come in and be saved without exception though he was the offende● party yet he proclaims fury is not in me I have no pleasure in the death of Sinners I am willing to be reconciled lo I have found out a Ransome I have bruised my own Son and slain my own Lamb to be a sacrifice for Sin and a Saviour for Sinners him have I sealed and set forth to be the only propitiation for Sin through Faith i● his Blood sure they will reverence my Son and admire my Grace in offering him and strive who shall first receive him sure every Knee will bow to him and every Mouth confess to him what less could be expected Now then instead of this to crave with Solomon's sluggard a little longer and a little longer to embrace and enjoy our vile Lusts which according to the tenor of the Gospel cannot one moment be regarded and loved without a manifest rejection of Christ I appeal to you whether your present delays are not a notorious despising the Riches of God's Goodness which Sin is a most bitter provocation of Almighty God who could every moment confound such despisers of his Grace What think you will an earthly King bear it that his descending below himself to spare and shew mercy to obstinate Traytors should be despised It is also to be considered how wickedly these delays do vilifie the Grace of our dear Redeemer who though he was rich with the Riches of the Deity he thought it no robbery to be equal with God yet such was his amazing Grace that for our sakes he became poor with the poverty of our humanity he took upon him the form of a Servant he was a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Griefs and here in the days of his Flesh endured the contradiction of Sinners the temptations of Satan the curse of the Law the bitter wrath of God and the accursed death of the Cross and all this for Rebels Enemies O infinite condescension and after all this is done he comes a wooing to our Doors and follows us up and down with the sweet motions of his Spirit and with the strong motives of his Love in dying for us pleading O Sinners why will you dye I am Jesus who dyed for you turn unto me my Heart is towards you what could I have done more for you to win you to redeem you than I have done O remember how I was wounded for your Sins Behold my Hands and Feet reach hither thine Hand put it into the hole in my side look upon me in the Garden and on the Cross and trace me there when my Blood trickled down my weary Body and see how I loved you and whether ever love was like mine to you O that the Lord would please to make you sensible young people and cause you to apprehend the truth of this that Christ doth really thus plead with you to know the things of your Peace now in this your day and to flee your youthful Lusts without delay And here I pray give me leave without the least prevarication to represent to you the impious nature of this Sin of delaying as it is a despising and contemning all this rich Grace and Love of blessed Jesus O young man while thou delayest thou tramplest on Christ's precious Blood thou embracest and openest to thy vile Lusts and Christ is made to serve to stand without in the mean while is it not enough to provoke him in fury to be gone and never return more till he come to sentence thee to go accursed into everlasting Fire Young man has not Christ's Blood a cry does it not cry to Heaven for Mercy to poor Sinners and does it not cry on Earth to Sinners O cease your enmity throw down your weapons of hostility O repent repent and I will appease and quench the Flames of divine Wrath that your Sins have kindled c. Now delays so long as they last are a direct opposition hereunto it is equivalent with waging war against crucified Christ it is interpretatively a conspiracy with the Devil against Christ Young man were you aware of this O be assured the hand of Joab is in this there is a peculiar enmity in Satan against the Blood of Christ as it is a Sinner's ransom while himself is left bound with eternal Chains hence he subtilly endeavoureth to strengthen the confederacy with thy youthful Lusts by present delays which if he can effect he knoweth it to be a direct compliance with him to vilifie that healing Plaister of Christ's precious Blood and how doth he insult when he can prevail herein to keep out Christ notwithstanding all his wooings pleadings and to keep up the present leag●● between thee and thy Lusts as he mo●● certainly does whilst thou delays O you●● man never forget this argument again●● this Sin of delaying it is a Sin directl● against the bleeding dying love of Chri●● And then it is a sin against the blessed Sp●rit the third Person of the sacred Trinity who proceeds from the Father and the S●● and comes in the ministry of the Word inwardly to strive with you to convince yo● of Sin and Misery in order to a revealing ● Christ and his Righteousness to you for vo●● Salvation O admirable Grace that the H●● Ghost that heavenly Messenger should vouc● safe to come under a Sinner's roof upon su●● a design so advantagious to a self-destroyi●● Creature O with what humble thank●● Hearts should we receive such a messeng●● that leaves thee probably many ninety nin● better then thou art and comes to the secretly whispering and breathing O ●● thy youthful Lusts to day while it is ca●●ed to day return return O prodigal you●● there is Bread enough and to spare in th● Father's house if you stay here in this ●● Country you perish if you
live after ●● Flesh you must dye O young ones your Delays must nee● provoke and highly affront the blessed Sp●rit they cast a Scorn upon him to see ●● his melting Perswasions and Motions set ●● naught and at the same time the charms and hissings of Satan that hellish Charmer and Serpent entertained O how cutting and bitterly provoking would it be to a compassionate Father to see a rebellious Son stopping his Ear to all his loving and good Advice and Counsel and opening it to the vile inticements and seducements of base fellows How was Jacob troubled when his Sons Simeon and Levi rebelled Gen. 34. 30. Ye have troubled me saith their Father and made me stink among the Inhabitants of the Land the Canaanites c. O young man when the two Spirits that of Heaven and that of Hell come to thy Soul and knock for entrance and thou openest to Satan and shuttest out the Spirit of God by delays this cannot be done without an high hand of rebellion there is abundance of impiety in it for herein thou castest a contempt on the Spirit if it be a deprecating thing to set one person lower and in a meaner place in my House than another of meaner quality how much more to shut the door against a person that is a Friend while an Enemy is let in surely comparisons are too short in the present case the good and gracious Spirit of God cometh wooing and arguing Be intreated O young man to open Christ's yoke is easie one day of a repenting Sinner's Spirit in strict watching and holy walking is better than a thousand days elsewhere c. And Sinners delay and neglect attendance hereunto making the urgings of Sin and Satan an excuse for their present put-off● these do not only rob the Spirit of tha● honour and glory due to him but highly expose him to contempt And it is very remarkable that ordinarily such persons are left of God to run into such heights o● wickedness that deservedly bringeth them to some shameful and despicable end ●● must be confessed sometimes God hath overcome such by his Grace after much ado if I may so express it striving on his pa●● and rebelling on theirs but then it must be granted also that such have usually been exceedingly wounded and wofully distressed in their Souls for their so long standing and stouting it out but where it end● not in Conversion there not only th● blackness of darkness is reserved for them in the other world after that direful Sentence of Go ye Cursed but even in th●● Life they become notorious to all for thei● Ungodliness and Impiety O let this consideration young ones prevail with you● no longer to delay your Repentance an● turning to God viz. the Impiety of i● which I might farther shew you from th● direct opposition that delays carry agains● your Baptismal Covenant and all those holy Institutions of Christ in the Gospel usually stiled the means of Grace whereby you are obliged everlastingly to the earliest Conversion and Repentance all which I might have easily formed up into Arguments to set forth the impiety of Delays but I shall not insist on these only shall sum up the strength of what hath been offered that Delays are impious and wicked as they trespass against the bowel-mercy of God the Father the bleeding wounds of God the Son the blessed Inspirations of God the holy Ghost which Sin is enough to break our Hearts and Eyes with grief and tears It is a Sin of such a Scarlet tincture as that it must needs make us ashamed if there be any shame in us for the mercies of God are all as so many messages of Love and Kindness and every drop of the Blood of Christ is as a Sermon of Love and Grace and every illapse of that sweet and heavenly Dove is as a sacred Band and Cord of Love and Mercy and all to win us to draw us to save us Rom. 12. 1. 2 Cor 7. 1. O wonderful love of God who ever heard of such kindness that the offended Majesty of Heaven and Earth who hath all Power and Might in himself and is infinitely removed from all possibility of want that he should condescend to us Rebels to send his own dear Son in the likeness of sinful Flesh deliver him up to the accursed Death of the Cross open an everlasting Fountain of Grace enter his Protestations yea his Oath that he has no pleasure in a Sinner's death and for as much as our Sin had procured a malediction and heavy wrath upon us and a woful seperation of our Souls from the blessed God That it should ever enter into the Heart of God to the end that such as we might go free and be delivered from that Curse and Wrath and be restored to the favour of God to bruise his own Son and put his Soul and Body to grief and make him an Offering for Sin and O how wonderful was the Love of Christ tha● he should be content and willing to come under the obligation to this Oblation to the bearing of this Curse and Wrath in ou● stead was there ever Love l●ke to this that when we were Enemies spitting o●● our venom and enmity against God h● should dye for us pay our Debts have hi● Hands and Feet nailed for us c. And ● how wonderous is the Grace and Condescention of the third Glorious Person the blessed Spirit that ever he should strive with Sinners in order to their Conversion whe● he might have stood at an everlasting distance from them O the rare humility ●● the whole Trinity expressed in these Mysteries of Love and Gr●ce Now for any of Adam's undoue posterity condemned Creatures poor Worms Hell-deservin● Sinners to abuse all this Grace and rich Mercy how impious and monstrously vile a thing this is I have largely proved to you and shewed you in particular that this Sin of Delays is an high affront and indignity offer'd to all this Mercy and Grace the consideration whereof should make you lift up your Voice and weep bitterly A stubborn Saul wept upon the reflection of his abuse and ill requital of poor David's kindness in 1 Sam. 24. 16 17 18. The Lord open your Eyes and Hearts this day young ones that you may with grief and shame flee from this Sin that carrieth such transcendent wickedness in it It 's a known rule corruptio optimi est pessima The best things abused prove the worst of all O remember it young ones Delays under these Circumstances put very great aggravations upon all your Sins O think of it what melting Arguments these three Names have in them Creator Redeemer Sanctifier to a present Conversion and then think what a Soul confounding thing it is to contradict oppose the Power and Authority and to abuse and contemn the Grace and Mercy of each Person See that in Isa 1. 2. Hear O Heavens and give Far O Earth I have nourished and brought up Children but they
that excess of affection that is found in young Folks to vain and sinful pleasures there is it's true a great unwillingness in others to forgo the pleasures of Sin but it strangely tyrannizes over Youth wherefore I shall lay down some Arguments to persuade you to be willing to flee this Youthful Lust First Consider the Lord Jesus Christ young People he was not a Man of Pleasures but a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Griefs and how unsuitable are you to him while you pant after vain Pleasures I remember I have read of five Men met together that asked one another What means they used to abstain and flee from Sin The first answer'd That he continually thought upon the Certainty of Death and the Vncertainty of the Time of it and that made him live every day as his last The Second Meditated on the severe Account he was to give at the day of judgment and of the everlasting Torments of Hell and this kept him from Sin The Third Of the vileness and loathsomness of Sin and of the excellency and beauty of Grace and this made him abhor Sin The Fourth Of the everlasting Rewards and Pleasures provided for those that did abstain from Sin and this prevailed with him The Fifth and last Continually meditated on the Lord Jesus Christ and of his Love to poor ainners in dying an accursed death for them Snd this made him ashamed to sin And truly this last is the greatest of all O what an Argument is this to constrain you Young Ones to flee sinful Pleasures I beseech you for Christ's sake to flee them Methinks if Christ should come and demand your Life and Blood they should freely go and will you not part with your brutish Pleasures for him You are certainly Enemies to the Cross of Christ while you mind earthly Pleasures he lived a self denying life mortified to all the Vanities of this World to set you an Example he died also to redeem you from a vain Conversation O Young Man view thy Pattern and imitate your Self-denying Saviour or you are ●one of his If a Father or Mother come in competition with his Name and Interest you are bound to hate them Luke 14. 16. much more your youthful Lusts of vile Pleasure The Pleasure of our dear Lord was to do the Will of his heavenly Father Joh. 4. 34. Now saith the Apostle in Phil. 2. 5. Let the same mind be in you as was in Christ And in Luke 14. 27. Our Saviour saith Whosoever doth not come after me cannot be my Disciple You are not to come after us Ministers one step but as we conform to Christ O look unto Jesus Young Ones did he affect Sports and Games Did he use to spend hours at Cards or Dice c You read of whole Nights he redeem'd for and spent in Prayer and how he went up and down always doing good O what a blessed way would this be to recover the licentious Youth of this Age to the gravity and purity of Religion if they would write after and draw each line of their Lives according to this holy Pattern I have read of an Earl called Elzearus that was given much to immoderate anger and the means he used to cure this disordered affection was by studying Christ and his patience in suffering the Injuries and Affronts that were offered to him and he never suffered this Meditation to pass from him till he found his heart transformed into the similitude of Jesus Christ O Young Men you are all distemper'd with the immoderate love of vain pleasure O flee to Mount Calvary to a crucified Jesus and there represent to thy Soul his Sorrows and Agonies till thou find this Lust crucifi'd Argue thus with thy self what did so dear so great and glorious a Person as the Son of God deny himself those ineffable pleasures above that he had in his Father's bosom and come down here on earth and took to himself an house of Clay our Flesh which proved to him an house of mourning all the days of his flesh and then dyed an ignominious painful accursed death and all this for me to redeem me from the pleasures of Sin and destroy these works of the Devil And shall I think much of denying my self a few draughts of vain delight for him who drank of the bitter Cup of God's wrath and the gall and vinegar for me And then Secondly Consider that either you must forsake these sinful pleasures for a time here or your sweet Saviour for ever hereafter For ●n Man can serve two Masters he will either love and live to the one and hate and leave the other or else è contra Therefore what Christ said to the Jews concerning his Disciples John 18. 8. If ye seek me let these go their way That may I say to you Young Folk concerning your sinful pleasures if ye seek an interest in the blessed Jesus you must let these go it is made the Badge of a graceless christless Man in that of 2 Tim. 3. 4. A lover of pleasure more than of God And our Saviour in Luke 18. 14. tells you That pleasures choke the seed of God's Word they nourish the heart and fatten it into a sensless stupidity And 1 Tim. 5. 6. the Apostle describeth the unconverted Widow thus She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth And then Thirdly Consider Young Man Tbat God will bring thee to judgment for all thy sinful pleasures Is it not enough to embitter all thy pleasures in the flesh to read in Faith that one Scripture Eccles 11. 9. Rejoyce O young Man c. but know that God will bring thee to judgment You are apt to think that you shall hear of them no more but be you assured all must come into the Judgment O Young Men how many are now under wrath that when on Earth were eager in their pursuit of Games and Sports c. O Youth consider the Feet of them that have carried multitudes of your Age to Perdition stand ready waiting for the word of Commission to carry you away also Hence it was that the primitive Christians used to pray Domine hic ure hic seca ut in aeternum parcas Lord burn here cut here that thou may'st spare hereafter O remember Abraham's words to him that lived in pleasure while on Earth and at last dying and lifting up his eyes in Hell and calling for a drop of water to cool his tormented tongue Remember saith Abraham thou hadst thy pleasures in thy life-tme and Lazarus his sorrows Luke 16. 25. O that this were more thought on by our jolly Youngsters Paul saw need of using this tremendous Argument in 2 Cor. 5. 10 11. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ c. And then it follows Knowing the terrors of the Lord we persuade Men To what why to Self-judging and Godly-sorrowing and mourning for Sin that so they may not be condemned of the Lord at that great
Righteousness that Heaven and Earth may sooner pass away than the least Jot or Tittle of his Law pass away unaccomplished though foolish Sinners make nothing of breaking it Well then the great case is How shall Sin be pardoned and the Sinner saved If Justice come upon the Sinner for satisfaction it will swallow him up in the Gulf of eternal misery Therefore had this question been put to the innumerable Host of Angels in Heaven what way sinful man could be saved and yet Justice satisfied and the Law fulfilled They would have been everlastingly puzled and pos'd no less then the infinite Wisdom of God could ever have found it out which is called Wisdom in a Mystery Now that Mystery is revealed in this glorious Text God the Father hath sent and set forth his own Son in our Natures to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his Righteousness and Justice as well as his Grace and Mercy in pardoning and saving such and only such as believe in Jesus So that if you neglect Christ and Faith in his Blood do what you will you will be still under the Curse of the Law and the Wrath of God you can never escape Condemnation it 's impossible it should be otherwise without the shedding of Blood there can be no Remission Heb. 9. 22. It cannot be the Blood of a meer Creature that can take away Sin it must be the Blood of that Immaculate Lamb of God And when all this is understood there is another great Truth you must know and that is that there must be Faith in this Blood or there can be no actual Remission of your Sins and therefore in vain do Sinners support their hopes of pardon in Heaven with their own Righteousness saying We have sinned but God is merciful and we now repent and reform and turn to God c. Alas poor Soul can these make Satisfaction and make up a Ransom and Price for a Sinner's Redemption what need Christ have shed his Blood then It 's true these Duties are excellent in their due place and must be performed but will you put them in Christ's room and make Saviours of them then you put an undoing Cheat upon your poor Souls and will miscarry for ever under your Convictions and amidst all your Performances for he that believeth not the Wrath of God abideth on him and he shall not see Life And therefore if you would not quench the blessed Spirit and perish after all his strivings with you and shewing you your Sin and Misery I add in the next Direction 5. Prayer this is an excellent means to prevent miscarrying under the operations and workings of the Spirit of God O let nothing be able to keep God and your Souls asunder Are you under the Convictions of the Spirit and don 't know what course to take for Peace with God and freedom from Condemnation Away to the Throne of Grace and there pour out thy Complaints into the Bosom of God and say O Lord I am a sinful wretched vile miserable Creature I have destroyed my self time was I was ignorant and knew it not but now thy Spirit has awakened my Conscience and opened my blind Eyes to see my Sin and Misery so that I am now convinc'd that I must be damned without Faith in a crucified Christ but alas Lord I have such a cursed base deceitful hard and unbelieving Heart in me that I can't tell what in the world to do for an Interest in Christ Lord I am without strength I beseech thee to pity a poor undone Sinner that is now driven to thy Door by want and misery And here plead hard and make Supplication for an Heart to believe and that in spite of all Discouragements first tell him what thou hast heard of his Benignity and tender Compassion That the King of Israel is a merciful King and that thou hast heard of an Eternal Design of Grace to poor Sinners and how in the Fulness of Time he sent his Son to seek and to save what was lost and opened a Fountain of Grace and established an everlasting Covenant of Grace in the Blood of Christ and now has set forth in the Gospel his Son to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood and has made proclamation to all rebellious Sinners to come in and accept of Mercy through Christ and commanded upon pain of Damnation to take Christ and with him all saving good Then plead thy compliance with the Gospel-Call and say O blessed Lord in obedience to thy Call lo I am come here a poor trembling starving Beggar that of all that ever came in and knocked at thy Door none more in need of a Saviour and Salvation than I. Now here suggest thy Wants and say Lord I want Faith I have through thy Mercy awakenings of Conscience but I want to be in Christ that my Nature may be renewed I see my undone state without him but I want union with him Lord while I am without Christ I am without strength O draw me O let it be the Day of thy Power hast thou not said no man can come except thou draw and dear Lord I find the impotency of my own cannot O let me find the Efficacy of thy own Power and feel the vertue of thy Almighty Arm drawing me to Christ Lord perswade me make my Heart to stoop subdue my strong Corruptions dispossess and disarm that malignant party in my Soul demolish those strong Holds of Sin and Hell there O Lord this is a sad condition to be unreconciled to thee and unespoused to Christ O pity and help one that seeth reason enough to believe but has not strength enough my Insufficiencies are equal with my Necessities though I can never get to Heaven without Faith and Holiness and though I know I want both yet Lord thou knowest I am no more able to change my sinful nature and be the Author of Faith to my self than I am to create a World or quicken and raise the Dead but if thou wilt make bare thy Arm it will soon be done my proud Heart shall soon be humble my hard Heart shall soon become soft my unbelieving Heart be made believing O speak but the Word and a poor Sinner that has fear'd burning in Hell hundreds of times shall sing thy Praise O thou that commandest me to turn Turn thou me and I shall be turned And here plead his Promise and Christ's Purchase after some such manner as this Blessed Lord hast thou not promised that thou wilt not cast out him that cometh to thee and that thou wilt give thy holy Spirit to him that asks and that it shall be opened to him that knocks and that thou wilt take away the Heart of Stone and give a Heart of Flesh and give a New Heart and remember Sin no more Lord if these be not thine own Promises I 'll be content to go away empty And are not all thy Promises yea and Amen Is it not