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A54075 The way of life and death made manifest and set before men whereby the many paths of death are impleaded, and the one path of life propounded and pleaded for in some positions concerning the apostacy from the Christian spirit and life, with some principles guiding out of it : as also in answers to some objections whereby the simplicity in some may be entangled : held forth in tender good will both Papists and Protestants who have generally erred from the faith for these many generations, since the dayes of the apostles, and with that which they have erred from are they comprehended / by Isac Pennington the younger. Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679.; Fox, George, 1624-1691. Cause of all error.; Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. Here follows the testimony concerning the estate of the true church. 1658 (1658) Wing P1219; ESTC R14864 89,559 110

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part in every sort and Sect of men opposeth us the rage of man every where riseth up against us But those that are so hot against us if at any time they become but meek and calme patiently considering our cause and consulting there upon with the testimony that they finde in their own hearts concerning us they soon become pacisied and see that we are no mans enemies against no righteous Law not against relations not against Governments not against any thing in the World that is good but only against that which is evil and corrupt And of a truth the corruption of things God hath shewed unto us and daily cals us forth after an immediate manner to witness against Therefore let men be sober and take heed what they do least they be found fighters against God for the reproaches the scoffs with other presecutions which seem to be cast at us light on him It is not as we are men but as we are obedient to him as we stand witnesses for him that we meet vvith these things Novv as it is not vve our selves that do these things but the life and povver of God in us so it is not vve that are struck at but that life and povver If it vvere not for that vve might be as acceptable as other men It is because vve are not of the World but God hath called us out of the World that vve are so hated of the World This is the true cause though the World vvill no more novv acknovvledge it than it vvould in former ages Yet I do not speak this for my ovvn sake to avoid my share in the cross for the reproach of Christ is our riches yea far greater treasure then is to be found in the Palace of Egypt Yea the presence of God the svveet povver of life makes up all our losses so that vve have no cause to complain It is very svveet pleasant and profitable for us to be found sufferers for God but vve knovv it vvill not be profitable for you to be found persecutors and this is told you in true love and good vvill by one vvho vvishes no evill to you for all the evill that ye have exercised tovvard the dear and precious people of God for these many years O that God vvould open your eyes that ye might see vvhom yee have opposed and against vvhom ye have hardened and strengthned your selves that ye might bovv to him and receive life from him and not perish in your gainsaying and opposition I. P. The cause of all error from the truth and the Universall call out of it into the low voice and beginnings of the true Eternal light which is the only leader to Eternall life and to followship in it NOw is the calling in of the Jews of the Papists of the Christians of all Sects upon the earth to the Lord into the fould into the covenant of God into the end of the Prophets the end of Moses the end of Abrahams words the end of the Apostles preaching into the substance Christ who is come to gather together in one and reconcile in one things in heaven and things in earth into covenant with God and this is the age the call is gone out the voice is gone out and the trumpet sounding for all to come in and the spirit bids come and he that hears may come and the bride and the Lamb saith come who raigns and the great war is begun and the slaughter shall be till the tenth of the spoile shall be offered up and the gathering of all Nations is come and the war among all Nations shall be and all shal be on heaps before the light of the Son of God be risen in the hearts of all people with which he must be seen and receive his government upon his shoulders Now is he come to raigh who doth enlighten every man that comes into the World Jews Gentiles Papists Christians Independents Baptists Heathens and all the Sects upon the earth whatsoever and all in the light are to be gathered into one minde and heart and soule and spirit concerning God and the Scriptures concerning the Prophets concerning Christ and the Apostles and concerning the types and parables and the figures with the light they shall see all and have unity with all who being out of the light they see not one another nor the Prophets nor Christ nor parables nor types nor figures and so have not unity with their words and so out of covenant with God and one another in the earthly nature in lusts strife and pride which causeth the wars which must be all burnt up and the cause of all peoples upon the earth setting up Images and Idols is because they are gone from the light which Christ hath enlightned them with all and so bows down to them but to the light should every one bow to Christ and to confesse him to the glory of God the cause of all them that are called Christians in Christendom setting up and making Images crosses and Idols likenesses and pictures names and worshipping Names 〈…〉 hath enlightned them withall and so they set up likenesses Images and Idols and fals down to them to put them in minde of Christ which coming to the light which Christ hath enlightned them withall every knee shall bow to him who is Immanuel and confess him to the glory of God and receive his minde and they need not have any outward thing to put him in their minde and the cause of all high notions of God Christ and Scriptures that are making Images and likenesses of things in heaven and setting up their imaginations of the Prophets Christs and the Saints words and falling out about them is because they be from the light which Christ hath enlightned them withall and t is the cause why the Jews rest in the types in the outward letter preist tythes temples shadows is because they be from the light which Christ hath enlightned them withall in which all people should have unity one with another with God and with Scriptures Jews and Gentiles to be gathered together in one with God with one another with Scriptures in which light people should have peace with God and one with another which is the covenant of God with man in which covenant people being in covenant one with another shall shake all Nations saith the Lord that that may appear that cannot be shaken and such an earth-quake shall be upon the World and the cause of all heresy and Sects and opinions Judgments and errors and false Prophets and deceiving men is going from the light which Christ hath inlightned them withall and the devil going out of truth which truth destroyes him and his works and death who being the power of it who hath blinded the minds of all the transgressors upon the earth who went out of the truth So this is the true light who hath inlightned every one that cometh into the World that all through the light might believe and
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 MY Soul hath stil in remembrance the grievous shakings and rendings that have been in this Nation which entred deep into the bowels of it and made every heart ake and every mind astonished This Nation was setled in religion and outward peace in such a way as was pleasing to most but yet there was a spirit within which had been long groaning under oppression whose sighs and cryes entred into the ears of the Lord and he arose up in his fury and jealousie and rent the heavens and rent the earth so breaking the very foundations of both that men generally were amazed and wondred what would become of all The former Religion was almost buried in confusion and in danger of being utterly lost a long-spun corroding war were we entangled in which administred no hopes nor likelihood of peace The hand of the Lord reacheth through all these dominions Mastracy Ministry the common people the people of God both such as were accounted so and such as were indeed so the line of confusion was stretched over them all they did all reel and totter like a drunken man as if they had been so to fal as to rise up no more But behold how suddainly and unexpectedly was there a settlement of al again The Nation setled in peace Magistracy setled Ministry setled the common people setled and those which were shaken in their Spirits got into their several waies in religion and setled again Thus there was a general healing of all again save onely of a few whose Spirits God had so reached that their wound was incurable and unless somewhat of God had been brought forth which the world cannot know nay the religions spirit of man which is below can no more reach it then the common spirit of the world they had remained miserable lost scattered and confounded to this day But the Lord hath in infinitemercy visited them in the season of distress and there hath a little foolish thing broke forth at which all the wise and religious in the Spirit of this world cannot but stumble which hath administred relief and discovered the foundation whereupon they also can settle So that now there is as it were an universal settlement as every creature is gathered into that center which is proper and sutable to its Spirit to bottom on Now this I have to say to all Let every one look to his foundation for the Lord can arise again yea and will arise again and shake once more and then the heavens and the earth which have not a true foundation cannot but fall If the earth be not founded upon and settled in righteousness its present establishment will not stand if the heavens be not founded upon and setled in truth they will melt and pass away before the fire of the Lord. There is a spirit that mourneth deeply to the Lord groaning inwardly and his ears are open to it and he will plead the cause of his seed and the Churches and religions wherein the seed of the Serpent can live and flourish shall wither and come to an end Dust is already become the Serpents food the Spirt of man in all his exercises of religion knoweth not the bread of life but the dead feed upon the dead and the dead spirit of man loves to have it so But this cannot continue for the Lord hath been at work all this while and when he brings forth the people which he hath been forming and their religion the religion of man will appear what it is and shame and sorrow will be the portion of all who have pleased themselves therein and trifled away the day of their visitation Be wise now therefore O ye wise ones be religious O religious ones Open the eye and ear that hath been shut shut the eye and ear that hath been open Stumble no longer least ye fall and rise no more I know ye cannot see for the wrong eye is open and the Lord hath designed to hide his wisdom from that eye If it be possible for you become poor in spirit least ye at last prove to be the rich whom the Lord will send empty away Sell all apace that ye may have wherewith to buy the Pearl Ye have not known the appearance of the Lord but in your wisdom have disdained it and he hath disdained to make use of you in this great work but it hath been pleasant to him to lay stumbling blocks before you that ye might fall and be broken The children the fools the blind can see the way and enter into life but ye that are men that are wise that have both your eys that can judge in religion and determine what is Orthodox and what erroneous yet cannot O hear that your souls may live Ye know not how short your time is the day of your visitation passeth away faster then ye are aware The cry hath long gone forth Behold the Bridegroom cometh and his Spouse hath been preparing for his bed Ye must off with your old Garments and have the new Garment on ye must have the true oyl in your Lamps or the door of the Kingdom will be shut upon you and there will be no entrance for you In plain terms ye must part with all your Religion which ye have gathered in your own wisdom which hath grown up in the Apostacy and which onely can make a fair show in the dark but cannot endure the searching light of the day of the Lord and ye must purchase the true religion the true righteousness the true innocency and purity of Christ the old must be done away truly done away and the new come in the place so that flesh and self may be quite destroyed and nothing but Christ found in you and you found no where but in Christ if you enter into his Kingdom for no unclean thing can enter Therefore put away pride and passion and enmity and fleshly reasonings and seek out that which is pure and enter into it and take up the cross against all that is contrary that so you may be wrought into it and found in it And turn from all imaginings and conceivings about the meanings of Scripture in the uncertain and erring mind and come to that which is infallible And know the silencing of the fleshly part that the spiritual part may grow in the wisdom that so ye may learn in the spirit and know the word of God and be able to speak it My bowels are toward you and in bowels hath this been writ●● not to anger or shame you but to provoke you to jealousie against that dark and evil spirit which leads you to destruction under the guise and appearance of a light and good spirit Nor is it to glory over you for my soul lyeth down in shame and sorrow before the Lord and the reproach of my own Apostacy and seeking relief from the world turning from th● Lord who had wounded me to earthly vanities for ease will not easily be covered The Lord
betrayed and held captive by the whorish spirit that sits ruler in judgment I do not speak of all people of all sects that they have zeal and simplicity but of some people in all sects and through all these false Churches and so the spirit which has guided the judgment that has abased the zeal and abused the sincerity and betrayed it so people have been a running running after the form and blind in judgement and lost sincerity and simplicity that has been betrayed in them though sometime appearing and stirring and so the wrong part in people has fed upon the form and appearance and the seed starved and the sincerity eaten out and so one sect hath made this the rule of their judgment and another sect another thing the rule of their judgment one cries tradition another Scriptures another cries the practice of Saints before us none of all have been guided in judgment by the spirit of the Lord and where the spirit of the Lord is not the onely rule of judgment guiding the judgment in all things that people and that man are in error and the sincerity in them hath not its free course but bound under with a spirit which is bondage and leads into bondage and when people comes to be turned to the light of Christ in them and receive a measure of the Spirit of the Lord to guide the judgment then the sincerity and simplicity and zeal wil grow and thrive and be increased but til then the good is eaten out that lies under and is oppressed and ever and alwaies the desire quenched the sincerity lost the simplicity betrayed by the spirit of whoredom which rules the judgment and these things are manifest in our age therefore all people come out of your sects and false Churches for the woman is returned and returning out of the wilderness and the seed shal spring forth as in the dayes of old E. B. A Testimony of great concernment to all that call themselves Christians but have not known the true Church of which alone the true Christian can be born THere hath been a great War between the woman and her seed and the harlot and her seed from the beginning to this day and they have each had their prevailings in the war The woman and her seed have been made strong in God to conquer some of the territories of death and to set up their life in the world Thus in the Jewish state God prepared an heaven and an earth for the woman and her seed and when that heaven and earth was shaken he prepared a more glorious heaven and earth in the Christian state Now no sooner was the Church and her seed seated in either of these but the Dragon made made war against her and in the war had power given him to recover her seat from her Thus the Devil gat possession of the Jewish state so that there was no room for the true Church there but all was in idolatry and corruption and the Lord was not served by their ceremonies by their sacrifices by their Sabbaths by their new moons by their Temple-worship c. but the Devil And the Devil also got possession of the heaven and earth in the Christian state so that in their Ordinances in their worships in their duties in that which they call their Churches God hath not been worshipped in truth but the Devil for this many ages For mark who was it that got into the Temple of God was it not Antichrist was it not the Spirit of Satan 2 Thes 2. 4. And who was it that was worshipped in all the world that had power given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations and whom all that dwel upon the earth worship was it not the Dragon Rev. 13. 7 8. Did not all the world wonder after the beast and worship the Dragon which gave power unto the beast ver 3. 4. of that Chap. The woman was assaulted here her strong holds taken from her so that she could not stay safe in that heaven and earth which God had made for her therefore there was another place prepared for her by God in the wilderness and she had wings of an Eagle given her to fly thither but the Dragon got into and held possession of that heaven where she was before Rev. 12. So that none hath known the Church all this time but he that hath been born of her in the wilderness which was a place the world never dreamed of but looked for her in the heaven and the earth which the Devil had got possession of And here they cry up the Ordidinances the Ordinances duties the Church the Ministry c. as the Jews did the Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord not knowing in whose hands these were and whom they worshipped hereby Now consider this O ye Christians I speak what I assuredly know that God could not be truly worshipped in any of these while they were in the Devils hands but the whorish Spirit and her seed worship here and the worship of the Church and her seed was a wildernessworship or a worship which she learned of God in the wilderness Mark now and consider my testimony O ye Christians I deny all the worship all the Ordinances which were taught the Christians of old now practised by the whorish spirit for the Devil had gained it and corrupted it and having corrupted it God could not be any more worshipped in it but the Antichristian spirit sate there giving forth those things as his Laws He sate in the Temple of God and there made use of the Vessels and Ordinances which he had carried captive into his Babylon and I deny it to be possible to have any true use of these til the time of the recovery And now the time of the recovery is come and the restitution begun people know it not but cry up the old heaven and the old earth which Satan had corrupted setting it up in opposition against the new which God hath new formed and is bringing forth in true beauty and glory Now in this war though the Devil though the harlot and her seed gat the womans seat from her and banished her seed as it were out of the earth yet they were not able to touch the woman nor to over-come the life of God in her seed but onely to kil their bodies but the life was stil conqueror over them and not subjected to them They could raise up Churches and Ordinances and Ministers and duties and cause all that dwel on the earth to worship in some part or other of this Babylon but they could never make the seed bow to any of their images nor could they hurt the woman hereby who was in the wilderness out of the reach of all these And there she did eat the bread of life with tears mourning over her desolate estate and her loss of children And here alone was the true bread of life which was not to be known or
doth not John say it was by the unction the anointing was in them a foundation or wel-spring of light and life issuing forth continually such Rivers and streams of life within as they needed no other Teacher in the truth and way of life ver 27. The Comforter did refresh their hearts sufficiently and lead them into all truth Search the Apostles Epistles and ye shall find them testifying of the Lords sending his spirit into the hearts of Christians and exhortations to them not to grieve or quench the spirit but to follow as they were lead They were to live in the spirit and to walke in the spirit Gal. 5. 25. and the spirit was to walk and live and bring forth his own life and power in them 2 Cor. 6. 16. And what can be the proper and full rule of Gods Sons and Daughters but the light of the spirit of life which they receive from their father Thus God did advance the state of a believer above the state of the Jews under the law for they had the law though written with the singer of God yet but in tables of stone but these have the law writ by the finger of God in the tables of their hearts Their's was a law without at a distance from them and the Priests lips were to preserve the knowledg of it and to instruct them in it but here is a law within nigh at hand the immediate light of the spirit of life shining so immediatly in the heart that they need no man to teach them but have the spirit of prophesy in themselves and quick living teachings from him continually and are made such Kings and Priests to God as the state of the law did but represent The Gospel is the substance of al the shadowes contained in the law A Christian is he that comes into this substance and lives in this substance and in whom this substance lives and his rule is the substance it self in which he lives which lives in him Christ is the substance who lives in the Christian and he in Crhist Christ lives in him by his spirit and he in Christ by the same spirit ther he lives and hath fellowship with the Father and the Son in the light wherin they live and not by any outward rule 1 Joh. 1. 6. 7. But what is the rule now in the Apostacy Among the Papists the rule is the Scripture interpreted by the Church as they cal themselves with a mixture of their own precepts and traditions Among the Protestants the rule is the Scriptures according as they can understand them by their own study or according as they can receive the understanding of them from such men as they account Orthodox And hence arise continual differences and heaps and sects one following this interpretation another that An this is a grievous apostacy and the root spring and foundation of al the rest for he that misseth in his beginning he that begins his Religion without the true rule how can he proceed aright in any thing afterwards Object But are not the Scriptures the word of God and is not the word of God to be a Christians rule If every one should be left to his own spirit what confusion and uncertainty would this produce Answ The Scriptures are not that living word which is appointed by God to be the rule of a Christian but they contain words spoken by the spirit of God testifying of that word and pointing to that word which is to be the rule Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testifie of me and ye will not come to me that ye might have life Joh. 5. 39. 40. The Scriptures are to be searched for the testimony which they give of Christ and when that testimony is received Christ is to be come to and life received from him But the Pharisees formerly and Christians since I mean Christians in name search the Scriptures but do not come to Christ for the life but stick in the letter of the Scriptures and oppose the life with the letter keeping themselves from the life by their wisdome and knowledg in the letter Thus they put the Scriptures into the place of Christ so honor neither Christ nor the Scriptures I had been no honour to John to have been taken for the light his honour was to point to it nor is it any honour to the Scriptures to be called the word of God but their honour is to discover and testifie of the word Now hear what the Scriptures cal the word In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the word was God Jho 1. 1. and the word was made flesh vers 14. This was the name of Christ when he came into the world in the flesh to sow his life in the world And when he comes again into the world out of a far Country to fight with the beast and false Prophets and to clense the earth of the Whores fornication and idols wherewith she had corrupted it he shal have the same name again his name is called The word of God Rev. 19. 13. So Peter calleth that the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever 1 Pet. 1. 23. And this word that liveth and abideth for ever was the word that they preached ver 25. And they that believed did not cry up the words that the Apostles spake for the word but received the thing they spake of the ingrafted word which being received with a meek quiet and submissive spirit is able to save the soul Jam. 1. 21. This is the word of faith that is nigh in the heart and in the mouth Rom. 10. 8. This is the word that stands at the door of the heart and speaks to be let in Behold I stand at the door and knock and when it is let in it speaks in the heart what is to be heard and done It is nigh it is in the heart and in the mouth to what end that thou mightest hear it and do it The living word which is quick and powerful and sharper then any two edged sword divides in the mouth and divides in the heart the vile from the precious yea it reacheth to the very inmost of the heart and cuts between the roots Ebr. 4. 11. and this thou art to hear and do Thou art to part with al the vile words the vile conversation the vile course and worship of the world outwardly and the vile thoughts and course of sin inwardly as fast as the word discovers them to thee and to exercise thy selfe in that which is folly and madnesse to the ey of the world and a grievous cross to thine own worldly nature yea when the word reaches to the very nature life and spirit within from whence al that comes that strong wise root of the fleshly life in the heart must not he spared nor that foolish weak thing to mans wise ey which is brought in stead
in this fear and this fear keeps the heart clean from the evil which defiles and preserves the love from the enmity which springs up where this fear is not Now this fear in the Apostacy was lost or else what needed there an especial ministry to be raised up to preach it again Rev. 14. 6. 7 And the estate of Christians every where doth manifest this loss for their hearts are not kept clean which sheweth that the fear which doth keep clean where it is is wanting in them There 's pollution there 's filth there 's deceit there 's high-mindedness self-conceitedness and love of the world and worldly vanities and many other evils to be found in the hearts of those that go for Christians and the purity of heart which comes from the fear and stands in the wisdom is not known They are wise to do evil but want the knowledge to avoid the evil and do the good They are wise to get and enjoy the world but know not the true riches They are wise to gather together many Scripture-words against sin and yet still keep the nature and life of it in the heart and it as a sweet morsel under the tongue They are wise to apply promises to comfort themselves with when sometimes they receive a just wound in their hearts from the righteous one but know not that nature or that estate and condition to which all the promises are made but are yet in that nature and in that estate and condition to which the curse appertains The true righeousnesse stands in the faith in hearing and obeying the word of faith How comes the righteousnesse of the law but by hearing and obeying the voice of the Law And how comes the righteousnesse of the Gospel but by hearing and obeying the word of faith who is preached and the Preacher of righteousnesse in the heart The Apostle Paul makes this comparison Rom. 10. The righteousnesse of the Law speaketh on this wise The man that doth those things shall live in them But how speaketh the word of faith The word is nigh thee in thy mouth and in thy heart he that doth that he that heareth that shall live in that The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voyce of the Son of God and they that hear shall live Disobedience to the Law is unrighteousnesse and brings death and disobedience to the living word is unrighteousnesse and cannot be justified but condemned and obedience to it cannot be condemned but justified So that when the soul hears believes and obeyes then it is justified then its former sins are forgotten and this is imputed to it unto righteousnesse But when the soul will not hear will not believe will not obey this unbelief is judged in him and his sins retained and not remitted Now is not this a just and equall way of justification O ye sons of men is not your way unequal shall a man continue in the unbelief and rebellion against Christ against the light against the faith and yet be justified by Christ by the light by the faith This cannot be Gods way of imputation will stand but mans invented way of imputation which sprung up in the Apostacy will not stand If we walk in the light as he is in the light the blood clenseth but not otherwise If we walk after the spirit and not after the flesh there is no condemnation and not otherwise The true Baptism is the plunging down of the old thing with all its filth and the raising up of a new thing and it is the new thing the circumcision the baptism which is justified God justifieth his Son and man onely so far as he is bound in his Son The true sanctification consists in the growth of the seed and its spreading like a leaven over the heart and over the whole man By faith Christ is formed in the heart the hidden man in the mistery is formed there and as this seed this leaven this man growes so he makes the man holy in whom he grows The seed of life the Kingdom of heaven is an holy thing and as it grows and spreads it purgeth out the old leaven and makes the lump new But now in Christians that have grown up in the Apostacy this seed is not known this leaven is not so much as discerned but their holinesse consists in a conformity to rules of Scripture received into the old heart and understanding And what a noise hath this made in the world all this night of the Apostacy as if this were the heir and should inherit the Kingdom Nay nay The heir hath appeared by whose presence it is seen that this is not the heir and ye shall not be able to kill him but he shall live to enjoy his inheritance and the inheritance shall not be yours Redemption consists in being bought by the price of the life out of sin out of death out of the earth out of the power of the devil It is a casting off the strong man out of the heart with all that he brought in and a delivering from his power It is a dissolving of the work of sin which the Devil hath wrought in the heart and a setting the soul which is immortal at liberty free from sin and free unto righteousnesse this is the true Redemption But this redemption in the Apostacy is a fained redemption wherein salvation from sin and the Devil and his power is not felt but the strong man is still in the heart and keeps the soul in death and brings forth fruits of death daily The Christians formerly in the first day of the breaking forth of Gods power had Christ in them the living word opened their hearts to him received him in felt him there sound him made of God to them their wisdom their righteousnesse their sanctification their redemption 1 Cor. 1. 30. They had the thing that these words signifie and speak of and knew the meaning of the words by feeling of the thing But Christians now in the Apostacy have got several apprehensions from the words without feeling the thing the words speak of and ther lies their Religion And now the true heir being come holding forth the thing they have been all talking of all Sects upon the earth are mad against him and would fain kill him They would not have the living substance which is the heir live and nothing be esteemed life but that but they would have their dead apprehensions from the words live and their dead forms and practises owned and the heir of life must come in their way in the way that they have hoped and waited for him or they will not own him Awake awake O ye Sons of the Apostacy and of the night rise up out of the fleshly wisdom out of the dead fleshly interpretations of Scriptures out of the dead invented forms of worship and bow to the Heir kiss the Son lest ye feel the force of that dreadful sentence Those mine enemies
gown up to age and able to defend his portion from his elder Brother who otherwise would be ready to seize on it and waste it upon harlots again Therefore lie stil and bear the indignation of the Lord against that which hath transgressed til he judg it and deliver from it and lead into the innocency and righteousness and then he wil find a time to arise and plead the cause of the innocent and give the crown of immortal life to that which he hath prepared for it Therefore think not the race long nor the battel hard nor be weary of the afflictions and chastisements in the way but follow the Captain the guid the leader whose light strength courage and wisdom wil overcome all and bring the soul which abides in it into his own throne Now as you thus wait taking up the Cross and keeping in the feeling so the corrupt natural the mortal wherein Satans throne and power hath been wil wither decay and grow weak daily and the tender plant of God the immortal seed will shoot up and gather strength daily and you will come to a will in God and an understanding in God and that which is of God wil manifest it self and you wil come to know and desire and take delight in the things of God Then the soul which is immortal wil come to hear and receive and feed on the immortal word which is the bread of life and which alone is able to preserve and nourish up to eternal life Then ye wil know what it is to tremble at this word and to have all the powers of nature melt and fail before it Then ye will know the faith which gives the victory and the knowledg which lets into life and the fear which keeps the hearts clean and the hope which anchors the soul immortal in the immortal God and the patience which wins the Crown And so ye wil come to witness the several conditions of the Saints in Scripture at ye grow up into them wil not need men to give you meanings of Scriptures from their brain-studies and acquired arts and understandings but wil know the meaning from the thing felt in your own hearts and hear the words from the living voice of that spirit that first spake them who alone is able to interpret his own mind and open the words which he himself spake And then ye wil know and love life and need no more exhortations to depart from all dead corrupted and corrupting forms which ever were and ever wil be enemies to and be traytors of the life And to the peace of God the rest of God the true Sabbath of God the everlasting light and life of God wil come to be your own and enjoyed by you past all gain-saying or dispute in you while the natural understanding in others is reasoning contending and disputing about them but can never know while they are from the thing within for that mind is not the heir nor must not inherit the kingdom of God A Postscript TO those who have had a seriousness and depth in their Religion who could not sit down in empty forms and shadows of things but have been pressing after the living substance and missing of that through error of judgment the true eye being not fixed in the head have come to a loss and so are returned to overgrown with and hardned in the old nature and have taken up a pittiful rest and centre in the earth having let fal the pursuit of their spirits after the true center of rest in the life a word to such from the love in the life There was a spirit soul or image of God brought forth and standing in his life before the fall This soul was brought into death under the burthen and bondage of corruption out of its proper centre and resting place by the fal Now as there is in this state a true loss so there is in this spirit a sensibleness a groaning under the burthen a feeling the bitterness of the captivity and a panting after redemption and restoration to its former state Now though the whorish part which seduced from the life make a great noise in the flesh about Saints words and tempt to pleasures of the outward part and pleasures in the mind and draw into forms and religious worships and frame deep centres of satisfaction in the understanding perhaps from true openings of the life quenching it and so seek to quiet the soul and stil the cry yet the lost state remaining the soul being not truely redeemed but a false rest taken up by the way in the false part this wil fail and the sense be again renewed in the day of tryal and sore trouble For the soul by any imagination or notion or feeling of a centre in the corrupt mind cannot be healed or restored but onely by having the true life raised up again in it and it brought into its proper place and mansion in the fountain of life There have been in the shakings of this Nation great stirrings the seed springing up and great openings to the seed the spirit of prophesy hath been enlarged in us above what many of our fore-fathers felt but the way into the spring of life hath not been known where the preservation is so the whorish part the corrupt part the understanding which was not purified brought into subjection unto the truth this harlot caught the openings and prophestes of the true spirit conceived with them and brought forth children to the flesh bringing for a more inward apprehension of things a more spiritual kind of knowledg as of God to be all all to be good and in God and all sin and evil done away there c. and so such a centre for the fleshly mind as it were in him as was not known before And now the redemption is forgotten the pantings after life slain and the flesh can lie down quiet in the un-redeemed estate and say it is his wil it is good and it can rest satisfied there in that wil of his which is good Thus the great abomination from the subtle flesh sprung up which made many hearts desolate of very precious springings up and buddings forth of the true life and power of God But after this great loss and betraying of the life in them it hath pleased God to raise it up in others and to discover the hammer the sword the fire which can knock down cut down burn up this whorish part and thither the whore is brought when she comes to betray again and the springings up of life shrink back and lie safe in the centre while the whore is burning And as the whore is burnt the heir comes up and the Spirit which is the portion of his inheritance descends and rests upon him and by this he is known and that which is in union with him knows him Therefore if you will live come to that hammer that sword that fire which flesh dreads and let the flesh
be delivered up to it and do not despise the day of smal things waiting for some great appearance but know it in its lowest knock for its power of redemption is as truly there as in its greatest appearance He that hath an ear let him hear and his soul shal live Let those therefore whom this concerns consider their waies as the grace that appeared to me hath taught me to do and try their foundation upon what they stand and that they do not kill what is opened and live in the slain openings and so in the end become dark airy dry withered wheeling about and turning into the earth it becoming their rest and foundation again and so loosing the joyes which formerly the opener did open This with me many of you may witness for whom my desire is that they may also witness the return to that which then opened and live in the opener and be preserved by him from abusing his precious openings any more For though I had a true taste of life and power from God yet not knowing the foundation there could be no true building with it and so the spirit was quenched the life wasted the portion spent upon harlots the true bread lost and chaff and husks fed upon without the least satisfaction to the soul the sense whereof when the spirit of the Lord awakened me did almost over-whelm me Yea the bands of death were so strengthned upon me and the spirit of the word had taken such hold of me that I found my return very difficult yea when living words of hope were mentioned to me to draw me back to that principle of life from which I had gone out I could receive nothing but cry out impossible impossible impossible I felt my self like a tree twice dead plucked up by the roots without the capacity of life sence or motion in the eternal being any more But at length it pleased life to move in a low way in the midst of the powers of darkness in my heart and by sinking low out of the wisdom out of the reason out of all high imaginations and trusting my self to it though dreadful stroaks and oppositions were felt from the powers of darkness yet at length there was some appearance of the deliverer in such a poor low weak despicable way as could never have been welcomed had not the soul been first brought to distress and the loftiness of the imaginary part brought down And then coming out of that into the feeling in another part there was a seed sprung up into a child and as that child grows and feeds on the milk of the immortal word I live am strengthened in him and daily weakned in that part which lived before These are true words from an honest heart for the relief of those who may have been entangled in the same snare Here follows the Testimony Concerning the Estate of the True Church what she hath been and what she is and it was given forth as being the motion of the Spirit of the Father and left with me and is Judged sutable and servicable to be here inserted and it may be for the edification of many COncerning the True State of the Church what she hath been and what she is at this day and concerning her increase and decrease thorough ages and generations past and her present State is this returning again out of the Wilderness where she hath long been fed having a place prepared of God Now the Apostle saw her a woman clothed with the Sun covered with the light of Heaven and with the glory of God having the Moon under her feet the light which was ordained to rule the night Thus she was and this was her state in the dayes of the Apostles when many were converted out of darknesse and renewed to be members of this Church for her glory shone through the World and she flourished through Nations and this was her Estate in the Apostles dayes and she travelled to bring forth the man-child Christ Jesus which is the child and husband of this woman which was clothed with the brightness of the glory of God the elected spouse of Christ the Lambs wife and his body of his flesh and of his bones having power and dominion and treading under all contrary And thus was it with her in generations past whose seed spring forth as branches fruitful and glorious But in process of time it came to pass that this woman the spouse of Christ his body the wife and mother of thi● man-child she was bereaved of her beauty and her garments were taken away her seed was made war against and was smitten and overcome and she fled into the wilderness and there hath sat desolate as a widow lamenting the losse of her children and being deprived of her husband and the man child which should have ruled the Nations for she hath been fled into the Wilderness and her former beauty hath not appeared to be and her former glory hath seemed to be gone and she hath been driven away from her head from her husband and from her seed Behold all people the Estate of such a woman and read this parable who can a woman most glorious and fair having her husband ruler of the whole earth and having an heir born to rule over heaven and earth being covered with the light of heaven and of the everlasting day and having the light of the night under her feet yet hath this woman been deprived of her glory and sate desolate in the Wilderness a mournfull place seperated from her husband and made childless and without seed and what ey that sees this a right but must mourn and what heart that truly perceives it but must lament a woman so great and so glorious and so fruitful as to bring forth the heir of heaven and earth yet hath she been left as a mourner as without husband and without issue for many generations This hath been her estate and condition for ages since the dayes of the Apostle which John saw in a vision would shortly come to pass after him and we see it hath been come to pass within this sixteen hundred years and this hath been the estate of the true Church for many ages a woman childless whose heir hath been taken from her and whose seed hath been made war against and killed for many generations But her time was decreed and she should but be thus for so many dayes and now are the dayes expired and she again shall receive her heir that hath been caught up from her and her seed shall spring forth and her slain shall live and her beauty shall be given her and her first glory shall be increased and she shall feed no longer in the mourning Wilderness but she shall be fed upon the Mountain of Gods house which is to be established upon the top of all mountains and her seed shall spring forth numberless and her heir shall rule with an iron rod and her marriage day is
he that believes hath the witness in himself and he that believes sets to his seale that God is true who hath sent his Son to inlighten him him by whom the World was made in whom was life and his life was the light of men and this is it which shines in darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it And there is the state of all confusion and Sects and opinions upon the earth the darkness professing Christs the Prophets the Apostles Davids Abrahams and the Saints words and yet the darkness cannot comprehend the light which Christ hath inlightned them withall so the darkness is not in unity with Abrahams Davids Christs and the Apostles words but be all on heaps about them Therefore as light shines out of darkness shining in the heart giving the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ the end of the Prophets Abrahams Moses Davids and the Apostles words Christ Jesus is known in whom is the unity and reconciliation and no darkness at all but unity with God and with his Prophets words and his Apostles and servants before Abraham was in this unity all come into life and light to the spirits of just men made perfect And to you this is the word of the Lord God and to your age and generation the cause of all deceit and strife upon the earth is because men have been in transgression Heathens Jews and Gentiles from Christ the light under the devils power out of truth the cause of all Christians being on heaps one with another and their bad conversation that the heathen cries shame of them hath been because they have been out of the light which they have professed in which they should have served God and had unity with Scriptures and one with another and with God and with that answer the principle of God in all upon the the earth and not by serving Jdols because of the vanities of their minds and unconverted state so all upon the earth that sets up likenesses and Jmages are under vanities because of the corruption of their own minds and the vanity of them But the day of restauration is come into Christ the light and covenant of God and all upon the earth that sets up Jmages and Jdols liknesses and serves dead works and hath a dead faith and not the faith of Abraham the faith of the elect that gives every one to see Christ and have accesse to God and such need not to have any dead thing to put them in minde of him so all that set up such things whatsoever likenesses and Jmages doth the light which Christ hath inlightned them withall bring them off from into light and covenant with God loving it unto salvation and to see it and to covenant with God there is every ones teacher loving it there is every ones condemnation hating it and they there with the light that every one is inlightned withall shall come to see the Prophet raised up and there none shall be cut of that do hear this Prophet and there every one shall have his reward according to his works from the Son who hath inlightned them who is come to judge the World in righteousness who is now set down upon his Throne So all Nations are called are commanded to come in and to hear the Son of God and learn of the Son of God hear the beloved Son of God and cease from all them that are made of men and by men that they may come to hear the Son of God themselves and receive the Son of God and receiving him they receive life by whom the World was made coming into the light that he is enlightned withall then every one may freely declare what he sees and hears and handels and every one sees him by whom the World was made who is the light and life and resurrection and wisdom and sanctification and justification from all things in which light the covenant of God you have peace with God that you may see him to the beginning G. F. An addition concerning the doctrine of Justification BEcause the doctrine of Justification is of great concernment and the enemy of mankind hath exceedingly endeavoured to corrupt it and in the Apostacy hath greatly prevailed and the darkness which springs up in the fleshly wisdom is exceeding thick at the day concerning this thing therefore in true love to souls it is laid upon me to search into the Scriptures which chiefly speaks thereof and from thence to clear it up to such who are not yet come to the life that gave forth the Scriptures The Apostle Paul doth largely and fully treat of it in his Epistle to the Romans and lays down several things concerning it which if wel heeded may dash mens present apprehensions about it and bring them to wait for the opening of those Scriptures to them in another light then you have yet known 1. He affirms that Justification is not by the deeds of the Law Ro. 3. 20. If a man could say with the young man All these things have I done from my youth or as Paul that he was as touching the Law blameless yet could he not be justified thereby And the Apostle gives a mighty reason for by the law is the knowledg of sin Now Justification is not by the making of sinne known but by that which saves and delivers from it The knowledg of sin may put a man upon seeking out for justification but it cannot justifie him but rather condemn him but that which delivers him from the sin which the law makes known that justifies him 2. He affirms that the righteousness of God which is the justification is manifested without the law v. 21. The Law makes sin known and shews the sinner the need of justification but the justification it self is not thereby but is manifested without it The Law commands the nature to act that pertains to similitudes figures and types and shadows to the obedience of them but the seed takes away the nature that pertains to similitudes and shadows and the works of the law so to the obedience of those things the law commands there is justification by the law in the obedience to the works it commands but the justification Christ removes the nature that pertains to those things the law commands so that justification the law ends in Christ 3. That this righteousness or justification is witnessed by the law and the Prophets v. 21. The law though it is not the justification nor can the justification be by obedience to it or by the deeds of it yet it gives testimony to the justification for the substance of what the law and all the Prophets witness is that nothing can justifie but the righteousness of God 4. That this righteousness or justification is by the faith of Christ v. 22. by believing or entring into that which justifies As condemnation was by unbelier by joyning unto and entring into the spirit of enmity so justification is by joyning