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A54044 The New-Covenant of the gospel distingnished [sic] from the Old Covenant of the law and the rest or sabbath of believers, from the rest or sabbath of the Jews, which differ as much from each other, as the sign and shadow doth from the thing signified and shadowed out : in answer to some queries of W. Salters, tending to enforce upon Christians the observation of the Jewish sabbath ... whereto are added Some considerations propounded to the Jews, tending towards their conversion to that which is the life and spirit of the law / by Isaac Penington ... Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679.; Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. Some considerations propounded to the Jewes. 1660 (1660) Wing P1180; ESTC R40658 44,112 58

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any of these Laws be broken if they may not be broken then they are perpetual Ans. The reason why they may not be broken is not because that the dispensation of them is still in force but because the dispensation of the law of the spirit comprehends all the righteousness of Moses his law and the end of Christs dissolving that Covenant was not that any man might have liberty to do any thing which is there manifested to be unrighteous but that the righteousness of it might be fulfilled in them who receive his law in the spirit which never could be fulfilled by receiving of Moses his law in the letter Rom 8.4 And mark this diligently ye that have been exercised in spirit towards God The law of sin is nearer to us then any law of the letter can come the covenant of Death and Hell with the laws thereof are written within by the finger of Satan and that which blots them out must be as near even an inward covenant an inward writing from the Eternal Word in the heart by the law of his Eternal Spirit of life This then is my Answer Moses his law in substance remains as it is taken in by Christ and administred by him in spirit but not as it was given in the letter to the Jews for so it was a shadow making nothing perfect but making way for the better hope for the Covenant established upon better promises for the inward law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus which effects that in the spirits of his people which Moses his law could by no means do Quest But what is the substance of the law which abides Ans. The substance of the law is Love To love God above all above all without above all within and to love one's Neighbor as ones self To receive this love from God and to bring it forth in his spirit this is the substance of the law this is the thing which the law drove at in a shadow The law is fulfilled in this one word Love but that love must be received from God which fulfils the law A man may strive to love abundantly and strive to obey in love and yet fall short of the covenant but the Lord must circumcise the heart afore that love can spring up which fulfils the law Deuter. 30 6. Obj. But doth not the Apostle Paul say That by the law is the knowledge of sin and that he had not known lust except the law had said Thou shalt not covet plainly referring to the tenth Commandment which saith Thou shalt not covet Ans. By the law outwardly was the knowledge of sin outwardly to the people of the Jews by the law inwardly is the knowledge of sin inwardly to the spirits of Disciples Now a little consider and wait on the Lord to know what administration of the law it was that Paul knew sin by whether it was by Moses his administration of the law in the letter or by Christ's Ministration of his law to him in the spirit It is rendred in our last Translation Thou shalt not covet but it might more properly be rendred Thou shalt not lust For if {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} be properly rendered Lust then {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} may as properly be rendred Thou shalt not lust And he that hath received the administration of the law in the Spirit knoweth it thus to issue forth from the Word of life into his Spirit It discovers the lusts and affections of the flesh which draw from the yoke and subjection to the spirit and then by a command from the living spirit it hedgeth up the way after the other lovers saying Thou shalt not lust And as the law of the flesh ariseth kindling desires after vanity and after fleshly ease and delight so the law of the spirit arises in the inner man forbidding pricking stopping and limiting that which would be at liberty out of the life and purity of the holy law And here begin the bitter fights and terrible battels and conflicts between the two Seeds wherein all the powers of heaven earth and hell are engaged Now because this interpretation of Paul's words may seem strange and uncouth to persons who have drunk in another apprehension and have taken it for granted that Paul there refers to the tenth commandment consider the place yet further and perhaps the Lord may please to open it to you from the very Letter even as he hath opened it to others immediately by his Spirit by causing them to feel the thing which Paul felt and to receive the Law as he received it Paul in that seventh of the Romans speakes of three states vvhich he had known First a state of life before the law I was alive without the law once v. 9. Secondly a state of death after the commandment came Then sin revived and he dyed When the Word of Life came with its living commandment to set upon sin indeed then sinne would dally no longer it would no longer lye as dead and let Paul live in his Zeal and Worship as he had done before but it slew him it shewed its power in him sometimes deceiving him and sometimes forcing him from that which was holy spiritual just and good and to that which was unholy insomuch as he did do what he hated and could not do what he loved and found himself a wretched man and in miserable captivity because of the body of death and the law of sin in his members v. 23 24. 3dly A state of life after the commandment had done its Work in throughly slaying of him When that was removed which the law came against then then he was marryed to another husband then he could bring forth fruit unto God Rom. 7.4 then he could walk freely with God not after the flesh but after the spirit ch. 8.4 and rejoice in the life and the peace instead of roaring out because of the death which came from the carnal mind v. 5. Now when was the time when Paul was alive without the Law Was it not when he was righteous when he was whole then he had no need of the Phisician then he had not received the Wound even the terrible Wound which Christ then gives the soul when he calleth to it by his spirit and giveth forth the commandment Thou shalt not lust When he had confidence in the flesh being circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the Tribe of Benjamin an Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the Law a Pharisee concerning Zeal persecuting the Church touching the righteousness which is in the Law blameless Phil. 3.4 5 6. Here was a living man and his exact receiving the Ministration of the Law in the letter was part of his life yea but he had not received the commandment yet that slew him Paul was alive yet and could flourish in the freshness of his life zeal and abundant knowledge under this administration of the Law But when
God who caused the light to shine out of darkness shined in his heart when God begun the Work of the new Creation in him by his living light when the commandment came fresh from the Spirit the commandment which was ordained to life Rom. 7.10 which the Ministration of the Law in the letter was not no not to the Jews but another Deut. 30.14 15. then Paul began to feel the sting of death and the Power of sin which now arose up in its strength to retain one of its subjects and to keep the stronger man then he from dispossessing him if he could And now how was poor Paul rent and torn and harrased by the Enemy and made to see and feel his miserable captivity until he had passed through the death and was redeemed from under sin and consequently from under this bitter Ministration of the Spirit by his holy pure and severe Law against sin for the man being dead the law hath no force against the Seed nor against that which is one with and lives in the Seed And this is it he speaks to the Romans concerning who also were acquainted with this Ministration of the law as v. 1. of this seventh chap. Now is it not very manifest that Paul knew not sin spiritually by the Ministration of the law in the letter but was alive without it until he felt the Ministry of it from Christ in the Spirit and that soon struck at his life and by degrees slew it killing the body of sin in him with its members and so preparing him for the marriage to another Husband Object But by this then a man is not only freed from the Law of the letter but also from the law of the spirit for if this law be ministred to him til death pass upon him til he be married to Christ then after death is passed upon him and he is baptized into death and risen with Christ and married to him then this Law passeth away likewise Answ. There is a double ministration of the Law of the Spirit a sharp ministration against sin and a sweet ministration in the renewed spirit The ministration against sin passeth away as the sin is wrought out but then the sweet Spirituall current and law of its holy and pure life in the renewed Spirit is more vigorous and full So that the law of the Spirit remaineth for ever but its convictions its reproofs its chastisements towards the worldly part diminish and pass away as the worldly part is wasted and its sweet comforting presence pure peace fresh joy and life increase as the new man grows and flourishes Quer. 2 Whether the scope and drif● of that fourth precept be not to perswade us to lay by the works of our calling one day in seven that we may on that day wholly give up our selves to wait on the Lord in the performance of duties of piety and mercy for our attaining of and growing in sanctificaion and holiness Answ. The scope and drift of the fourth Commandement was to injoin the Jews to keep the Sabbath strictly as a sign by forbearing all works and sanctifying it as a day of rest to the Lord according to the law Ezek. 20.12 But the substance being come Christ who is the body Col. 2.17 the day and rest of the Spirit being known the sign is at an end and the thing signifyed taketh place So that the rest is now in Christ through the Faith by his Spirit where the worship is And this in the Gospel comprehends the time of worship the place of worship and the worship it self which are Spiritual where in substance all is known injoyed and solemnized which was figured out in shadows under the law The sanctification being come the rest being come the Lord of the Sabbath being come shall not the sign of the sanctification the sign of the rest which rest the Lord of the Sabbath was to give lead the Spirits of his people into pass away Ex 31.13 Quer. 3. Whether the fourth precept do not as strictly bind us to keep holy the seventh day of or from the creation as it bindeth us to the observation of a seventh Day Answ The fourth Commandement did not require the observation of a seventh Day in general but of the seventh day in particular of those of whom it required it for what the law required it required of those who were under the law and not of others Rom. 3.19 Quer. 4. If the seventh days Sabbath be not morall and perpetuall then how comes it to pass that it was instituted or appointed from the first Creation when man by guilt stood in no need of a Saviour nor yet of such a ceremony Gen. 2.3 Answ. That it was instituted or appointed from the first Creation or that God intended to require of man the observation of it had he abided in innocency is not manifest in the Scriptures but that God did then bless and sanctifie it in relation to the service he had for it that is expressed in Scripture Gen. 2.2 3. And that this was one end for which he did sanctifie it namely that it might be for a sign unto that people of the Jews which was the people he chose to set up his signs and figures of the invisible things among the Scripture also testifies Exod. 20 11. But what further meaning there is in it and what relation it hath to all the redeemed of the Lord in whom God brings about the New Creation with the rest thereof as he did the old it is better to wait to know and feel in the Spirit then to be prying into with the curious searching fleshly understanding Quer. 5. If the seventh days Sabbath be not morall and belonging both to Jews and Gentiles then how comes it to pass that it was given to all men in Adam when there was no difference between Jew and Gentile and was observed by command from the beginning as appears by comparing together Gen. 2.3 and Exod. 16.18 to 31. Answ. That it was given to Adam in innocency or to all men in Adam I do not find nor do these places quoted make it manifest But its being practised before the giving of the law doth not prove its perpetuity or that it was not given for a sign for circumcision was instituted and observed long before the giving of the law Gen. 17. sacrificing long before that Gen. 4. both which were signs of the inward and not perpetuall as to the outward observation of them Quer. 6. If when our Lord Jesus saith Mat. 5.18 that till heaven and earth pass one jot or tittle should in no wise pass from the law If he there meant not the law of the ten Commandements expressed in Exod. 20. then what law did he mean Answ. By the law is meant the whole ministration of Moses as by the Prophets ver. 17. the whole ministration of the Prophets and that it is not to be restrained to the ten Commandements is manifest by
of God by Moses can there any just blame be found in any thing that proceeded from the Lord Nay surely the ministration of Moses was holy and without blame but it was weak through the flesh Rom. 8.3 and therefore God would lay that aside so far as it was weak and suited to the weakness of a fleshly people and bring instead thereof a ministration of the Law in the Spirit which should be lively and powerfull and effectuall in the Spirits of his people That which God aimed at in a Covenant was to keep him and his people together Now this Covenant was weak on the peoples part they continued not in it and so according to that Covenant God dis-regarded them v. 9. Now God finding this Covenant not able to effect his purpose of Love towards his people he finds fault with it bringing forth another or second which this gives place to v. 7. And this other Covenant or New Covenant is not according to that How not according to that Why thus It was not written outwardly as that was Not according to that which I made with their Fathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the Land of Egypt ver. 9. For I will put my Laws in their mind and write them in their hearts ver. 10. And here they shall learn the knowledge of God every one from the least to the greatest v. 11. So that all the Children of this Covenant shall be taught of the Lord and learn the Law from his mouth not as it was given at mount Sinai which ministration was to the children of the Old Covenant but as it goes forth out of Sion and from the Jerusalem which is above which is the mother of all the children of this Covenant and nourisheth them not with the Law of Moses but with the milk of her own breasts Now if any think to restrain this to the types and shadows of the Law they therein err for the main Covenant was the Law of Commandements which they still broke worshipping other Gods making Images and likenesses taking his Name in vain prophaning his Sabbaths and so of the rest It is true The first Covenant had a worldly Sanctuary a Tabernacle wherein was the Candlestick c. But the chief matter of the Covenant was the ten words therefore the Tables wherein it was written were called the Tables of the Covenant or the Tables wherein the Covenant was contained Heb. 9.4 Yea the ten words are expresly called the Covenant it self Deut. 4.13 Observe therefore diligently these few things following in the fear of the Lord First the ten Commandements given by Moses from mount Horeb was the Covenant which God made with the Jevvs when he took them by the hand to lead them out of the Land of Egypt Secondly That Covenant God found fault vvith because it was not able through the weakness of the flesh in their parts to keep them to God Thirdly Against Christ's coming God provideth a New Covenant a better Covenant for him to be Mediator of which Covenant was not outvvard like the former but invvard put in the mind vvrit in the heart As the people was invvard the Sanctury inward the Ark invvard The Tables of the Covenant invvard so the Covenant it self and the Writing of it was invvard also And this Covenant as it is onely written in the Spirit and in that which is Spirituall So it cannot be read in the Letter Fourthly That where-ever this New Covenant cometh the other waxeth old whether to a Person or People Where ever the Lavv of the Spirit of Life is made manifest the Law of the Letter is svvallovved up in it and is knovvn no more but as it is comprehended appeareth and is brought forth in it And he that is in the Spirit and hath received the Law of Life from the Spirit knovveth not Christ after the flesh hovv much less Moses but taking the vvhole ministration of Moses in the Spirit not onely the ten Commandements but all the Sacrifices and other types also here they are ovvned and received even in Christ the substance but the ten Commandements so far as they vvere a shadovv pass avvay before the Son of Righteousness as vvell as the other types and shadovvs of the Lavv Obj. But was there any thing of the ten words a shadow Do they not all command abiding things Ans. Moses his whole Ministration as it stood in the letter without was but a shadow of the fulness and perfection of that Ministry of the Spirit which was to come and to be set up by the Son in his house Hebr. 3.5 6. Moses his people but a shadow of the spiritual people Moses his Priests and Sacrifices but a shadow of the spiritual Priests and Sacrifices Moses his Law in the letter ministred from Mount Sinai but a shadow of Christs law in the spirit to be ministred from Mount Sion 2 Cor. 3.10 11. The Law it self which was given by him but a shadow of the grace and truth which came by Jesus Christ Joh. 1.17 of whose fulness every believer receives a portion of the same Grace even Grace for Grace v. 16. which Grace is to be his Teacher both of what he should deny and turn from and how he should live and carry himself both towards God and man Tit. 2.11 12. Look particularly on the Commandments and see if there will not appear something of a shadow in them The first commandment to that people That they should have none other Gods like the heathen but him onely whose powerful Arm had brought them out of Aegypt This is a shadow of the subjection of the spiritual Israel singly in spirit to the Lord of spirits who by his mighty arm redeemeth them out of spiritual Aegypt Now must they bow to other lords no more Isa. 26.13 as they did bow in the land of Aegypt oh who can read this but bow alone at the Name of Jesus and be subject to the arm of his power in their spirits alone for ever The second Commandment That they should not make any Images or likenesses of things in Heaven or Earth or bow down to them is a shadow of what God requires of spiritual Israel in the inward where all likenesses inventions imitations resemblances of what they have seen in the spirit above or beneath in the earthly nature they must not make themselves nor bow to such as any others make And they must not take the Name of the Lord their Redeemer in vain pretending to the living Power when it manifests not it self in them pretending to meet in the living Name and to worship in the spirit when they are gone a whoring from it and become strangers to it What should I mention any more It is easie to observe how the other commandments were shadows of the inward innocency and purity which the believer receives inwardly into his heart from the powerful operation of the law of the Spirit of life in him Obj. But may
the instances which Christ gives more of which relate to other parts of the law then to the Commandements for there are but two instances out of the ten Commandements but there are four instances out of other parts of the law as may be seen ver. 31 33 38. and 43. of that Chapter So that Christ doth not onely take in the ten Commandements but he takes in the rest of Moses his Ministry in the Spirit not one jot or tittle whereof is to pass till it be all fulfilled but was to stand in the letter to the Jews its full season and then in the Spirit till all be finished there also The Law and the Prophets were untill John from that time the Kingdom of God began to be preached Luk. 16.16 and both the law Prophets and John himself were to decrease and Christ and his Kingdom to increase Christ in this 5 of Matth. had been preaching the Kingdom declaring to whom it apperteined and the blessedness of such Now this his manner of preaching might seem to derogate from the law of Moses and from the Prophets whose doctrine and dispensation hereby he might seem to destroy But Christ taketh away the occasion of such a mis-apprehension bidding them not think he came to destroy the Law or the Prophets for he was not come for that end but to fulfill Wherein he doth these two things First he establisheth that ministration of the law and Prophets for its season till it should be fulfilled by him the substance who was to fulfill all the righteousness of it It should last out its whole day and should not fail in the least tittle of it as he himself explaineth it Luk. 16.17 til the heaven and earth of the Jews passed away Heb. 12.27.28 Secondly He taketh in the substance of it into his own ministration and layeth it more inwardly and closely and largely upon the Spirits of his Disciples then Moses had done in the letter upon his Disciples But he doth not give it out in full but onely giveth a tast to his Disciples how straitly he would minister it to them by his Spirit as they came under his yoke Matth. 11.29 which yoke is his Spirit or the law thereof as Moses his yoke was the law of the Letter Now mark yet further Christ doth not give out the letter for his law as it was delivered by Moses but requireth somewhat of his Disciples which comprehends the letter As now when he administers the law against revenge from whence murther proceeds he doth not say Thou shalt not kil as Moses had said to them of old time but saith thou shalt not be angry without a cause nor give thy brother any provoking language ver. 22. Nor does he say Thou shalt not commit adultery but thou shalt not let out a lustfull look nor let in a lustfull thought v 28. And had he spoken here about the Sabbath would he have administred it in the letter or would he have commanded the observation of the true Sabbath where no work is done no fire kindled nor so much as any sticks gathered to make a fire with nor no burthen born but the Man-servant the Maid-servant the Oxe the Ass and every creature rests in the seed The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath It is true he subjected himself under the law but yet he was still Lord and he maketh all his Kings and Priests to God who being once baptised into his death know also his resurrection and reign Ob●ect But all the other Commandements are to be kept according to the letter for although it should prove so that believers are not bound to observe them by vertue of Moses's ministration in the letter but by vertue of the ministration of the Spirit yet the Commandements themselves are kept but take away the outward observation of the Sabbath and this Commandement hath no fulfilling at all according to the letter Answ. This ariseth from the different nature of the thing for the other Commandements require or forbid that which is either good or evill in its own nature but this is but good or evill by institution or command To keep a Day or not to keep a Day is not good or evill in it self but as it is commanded or forbidden or left at liberty in the Lord and according as it is done or forborn by him who receiveth the command or prohibition or is let into the liberty of the Gospel Rom. 14.6 So that if the Nature of the thing required in this Commandement had been alike with the nature of the things required or forbidden in the other Commandements it would have been as durable after the dissolution of that Covenant as the other things therein contained were which vanish not in themselves upon the dissolution of that Covenant but only pass into an higher way of dispensation where they retain their full vertue and strength even according to the letter though not by vertue of the administration of the letter another higher and fuller administration of a better Covenant challenging and taking its own place Qu. 7. If the seventh Days Sabbath be not morall but an abrogated ceremony now since the death of Christ then wherefore should our Saviour instruct his beloved Apostles that must instruct Christian Churches to pray Mat. 24.20 that they might not flie on the Sabbath knowing that their flight would fall out more then thirty yeares after his death Answ. Great was the hardship the Jews under went in the siege of Jerusalem by that apprehension of theirs that they ought not to do any work not so much as of defending themselves on the Sabbath which hardship such Disciples of Christs among the Jews as could not easily be drawn of from the law and Jewish observations but still were for circumcision and keeping of an outward Sabbath might be liable to now Christ and the Apostles after him were not hasty to draw them from such things but for a time bore with them therein insomuch that Paul circumcised Timothy and became to the Jews as a Jew and to them that were under the law as under the law himself also But the strength of the Query seems to lye in this that it should bear the name of Sabbath from Christ's own mouth in relation to somewhat which should happen on it more then thirty years after it should cease to be a Sabbath To which my Answer is plain that that may as well bear the name of Sabbath as Jerusalem or the Temple bear the name of the holy place ver. 15. of the same chap. for Jerusalem and the Temple did as much cease to be the holy place above thirty years after those words were spoken as the Jewish Sabbath could cease to be the Sabbath Now for the sakes of such as have been truly exercised in their spirits by the spirit of the Lord and have felt the powerfull work of his grace a building raised up by him may yet be further exercised I shall add
of holiness and obedience was prescribed them but by all their obedience thereto they could not be justified but only by hearing believing and obeying Christ the Word nigh in the heart and by feeling in the spirit the blood of that one offering Qu. 4. If the Gentiles were not bound under that Law that the Jews were which carryed the curse with it then which way have the Gentiles redemption by Jesus Christ seeing all that are redeemed are redeemed from the Law and the Curse thereof Gal. 4.5 3.13 Ans. As they were under the curse outwardly by transgressing that outward Law or Covenant and so m●ssed of the outward happiness of the holy Land and still met with Wrath and Judgements and at last utter cutting off as to their outward state and as to all their hope from that Covenant so he that comes to receive the Ministration of the Law of the Spirit will find the curse as abundantly inwardly even till that be cut down by the sword of the Spirit which the curse is to and that brought into dominion to which is the promise and blessing So that the Gentiles find as great need to be redeemed from the curse inwardly which the inward Law brings upon the transgressor as the Jews did outwardly yea and find a more heavy burthen and load then ever the Jews did outwardly Paul when he was alive in the outward Administration of the Law not being acquainted with the inward he knew little of the curse he was according to it blameless Phil. 3.6 but when he came to receive the living light of the spiritual Administration of it into his spirit then he felt the burthen and weight and misery of sin and the curse indeed and cryed out O wretched man who shall deliver Qu. 5. If the duration of the dispensation of Moses Law in the Letter was till Christ the Seed should come and fulfil it and the dispensation of Moses Law so stated without distinction between that that was perpetual and that that was ceremonially vanishing and so in the fulfilling of it besides Then what law or commandments that or they were which while Moses dispensation was in full force is said to be perpetually sure to stand fast for ever and for ever as Psal. 10.11.7 8. and when Christ the Seed was come and had fulfilled all that the Father had appointed him to do was established Rom. 3.31 and not one jot or tittle of it to pass so long as heaven and earth remain Mat. 5.18 Luke 16 17. Ans. That distinction between something in Moses Law being perpetual and something ceremonial is not sound and proper in this place For all that was under Moses law was but a shadow as in that dispensation and that Testament was dedicated with blood with the blood which was a shadow which related to every precept Heb. 9.18 19. and it was all substantiall and perpetuall in what it signified and related to The sacrifices were substantiall in that Sacrifice which they signified as well as the law and precepts were substantiall in the law and precepts which they signified And as the first Covenant pointed at a second Covenant so the laws of the first Covenant pointed at the law of the second Covenant the ministration whereof is from the Mediator of that Covenant and they come into the heart sprinkled with his blood Now the law or Commandement which even under that dispensation was to be perpetuall and last for ever was the word in the heart and the laws thereof Deut. 30.14 which Moses by especiall order from God and according to the tenor of an other Covenant directed the Jews to v. 4. For the law as administred by Moses in the letter is not perpetuall or eternall but as it comes from the Spirit and is administred in the Spirit so it is Spirituall and eternall That administration was fitted to that people and we knovv the Lord if he had pleased could have given a fuller administration of his law in the letter then that was as Christ plainly intimates divers times Mat. 5. But if it had been never so full yet the administration of it in the letter is to give place to the administration of it in the Spirit So that the administration of it in the letter is not perpetuall but for the time which God allotted it but the administration of it in the Spirit is eternal and perpetual and there it remains an eternall Light witness and sword against sin and the transgressor And thus it is established in the hands of the Spirit after the season of that ministration of it in the letter was ended and thus not one jot or tittle of it was to pass away after the other ministration with every jot and tittle of it was ended Qu. 6. If the coming of Christ in the flesh and his fulfilling all the righteousness of the law and being foretold by Moses to be that Prophet that was to be heard in all things which is not denyed by us but if by these he put an end to the law of the ten Commandements and gave forth an other law to his house or family Then what law that is And whether it be contrary to that law that he with the Father gave forth as Deut. 33.2 with Psal. 80.17 which now is in Gospel ministration holy just good as Rom. 7.12 and Spirituall ver. 14. Answ. It is the law of the Spirit or the Light of the Spirit in the heart which discovers sin not only in the outward acts but in its principle rise first motions and inward nature giving forth his living commands against it This is the law now in which the believer is to begin Gal. 3.3 and according to which he is to go on to perfection For as the believer is begotten of the Spirit and born of the Spirit so he is to receive the ministration of his law from the Spirit and in the Spirit Hee receives a gift of Faith a measure of Faith from the eternall Spring of Life and that 's his Law His law is the law of Faith The Light of Life which receives in the Faith opens the mind and will of Christ to him in the Spirit shewing him both sin and also the things of God more fully then the Law of Moses could though opened by the Spirit for it is a fuller a deeper kind of ministration and so opens the things which it ministers more fully then a ministration of an inferiour nature can Yet it is not contrary to Moses law but comprehends all the substance all the righteousness and equity of it as I said before which it as a shadow represented and commanded to that outward or shadowie people the Jews But the law which Paul spake of Rom. 7. was the law of the Spirit or such a ministration of the law as Paul knew not all the while he was under the ministration of Moses's Law blameless but this law found out sufficient blame in him ver. 14. c.