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A52371 No popery, or, A catechism against popery wherein the heretical doctrins, idolatrous worship, and superstitious practices of the Roman Church are briefly yet plainly refuted, and the Protestant principles proved by testimonies of Holy Scripture, and evidence of reason / by a minister of the Gospell. Minister of the Gospell. 1682 (1682) Wing N1187; ESTC R19866 57,846 152

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Alms c. 4. Above all he is free and at liberty to sin Q. Hath not an unregenerate man Free Will to Actions freely good and pleasing unto God such as Faith Repentance and Love to God A. No for Jesus Christ teaches us that Whosoever committeth s●n is the servant of sin John 8.34 and Matth. 7.18 that A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruits And S. Paul Rom. 8.7 tells us that The carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be And the same Apostle says that Men before they are savingly called are dead in their trespasses and sins Ephes 2.1 Q. What think you of the brave Actions of Pagans and the heroick Vertues which shined in them A. That they were brave and splendid Actions but that they could not be pleasing unto God because they were not moved by the consideration of his Glory but by their own Ambition and that these great men not being in Christ and being destitute of faith could not please God as the Apostle teacheth us that Without faith it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 Q. May not these civil Vertues which are in unregenerate men be saving dispositions to the Grace of God and merits of Congruity which may incline God to be merciful to them A. No For S. Paul says 2 Tim. 1.9 that God hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began And our Lord Jesus Christ doth not refer the Cause of his Disciples being called to the knowledge of God rather than the Pharisees to any thing but God's good pleasure Matth. 11.26 I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid those things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight Q. What doth a man then contribute towards his heavenly Callong A. No more than one dead to his Resurrection or Adam to his Creation or a Child to his Conception and therefore Regeneration is called in the Word of God a Resurrection Col. 2.12 You are risen through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised Jesus Christ from the dead And a Creation Ephes 2.10 We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works A Generation James 1.18 Of his own Will begat he us with the Word of Truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his Creatures SECT XXVII Of Man's Free Will in a State of Grace Quest BVT After God hath called a man from a state of Sin to a state of Grace hath be not Free Will to apply himself to that which is good A. Yes For Jesus Christ saith John 6.36 If the Son shall make you free ye shall be free indeed even as when Jesus Christ had raised Lazarus from the dead he commanded that they should untie him and let him go So after God hath raised a man from the state of spiritual death and delivered him from the bonds of Sin he walketh freely in the paths of Righteousness and with gladness of heart willingly employs himself in his Service Rom. 7.22 Q. Do you think that after God hath called a man to Salvation he leaves him to himself and to his own conduct A. No For the same Grace of God which hath begun the work will accompany us Phil. 1.6 He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ And Chap. 2.13 It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure All the good motions of regenerate men proceed from the Grace of God 2 Cor. 3.5 Not that we are sufficient of our selves to think any thing as of our selves but our sufficiency is of God Q. This being so a regenerate man is not at liberty since it is not he properly that acteth but God in him A. This doth not follow for God worketh so in the Will of Believers that he taketh not away their liberty but on the contrary maketh it more perfect making them incline to good not constrainedly but with a willing and filial Obedience Psal 119.32 35. Q. How do you understand this Divine Co-operation A. That God doth not deal with Believers as Stones or Stocks which are moved and drawn without feeling but as with Creatures endowed with Reason he conducts and moves them to good by enlightning their Understanding and sanctifying their Will and Affections So that whereas they were refractory he makes them become obedient and by the efficacy of Grace and a force without constraint he so draws them that he makes them follow his Will and Conduct freely and with delight as the Spouse says in Cant. 1.4 Draw me we shall run after thee And the Prophet Jeremy Lament 5.21 Turn us O Lord and we shall be turned And John 6.44 Our Saviour says No man can come to me except the Father draw him We go then to Christ when it pleases the Father to draw us Q. Doth not this Doctrine make men negligent in good Works A. No On the contrary S. Paul Phil. 2.12 exhorts us to work out our Salvation c. because It is God that worketh in us to will and to do according to his good pleasure Q. Is this Free Will to do good in Believers perfect A. No For their Regeneration is yet imperfect and there remains something of their Bondage to sin which is the cause that they do not the good that they would but the evil that they would not as S. Paul speaketh of himself Rom. 7.15 Q. When is it then that Man 's Free Will shall be perfect A. When the Soul delivered from this mortal Body shall enjoy the presence of God in Heaven for ther the Soul being made perfectly holy shall be also perfectly free as the Angels are and the Spirits of the Just SECT XXVIII Of Justification Quest WHat doth this word Justifie signifie in the Scripture A. To absolve the Just and therefore it is ordinarily opposed to the word Condemn Prov. 17.15 He that justifieth the wicked and he that condemneth the just even they both are abomination to the Lord. And Matth. 12.37 By thy words thou shalt be justiised and by thy words thou shalt be condemned Q. Who is it can justifie and absolve us A. God only Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect it is God that justifieth Q. Wherein consisteth that Justification A. In the free Remission and Pardon of Sin which he giveth us as David says Psal 32.1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sins are covered Rom. 4.6 7. Q. Vpon what consideration doth God justifie men and pardon their sin A. Upon the account of Christ's Righteousness and full Obedience he hath rendred unto his Father which he hath particularly testified in being obedient
Schism but that which is the cause of Separation now our Separation being upon a just account cannot be called Schism for the Errors and Superstitions of the Roman Church made our Separation necessary for God having discovered them to us by his Word we could not without bringing guilt upon our selves neglect that Commandment of God Revel 18.4 to come out of Babylon that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her Plagues besides it doth not become them to reproach us with our Separation and to accuse us of Schism since they first thrust us from amongst them by their Excommunications and all sorts of violence and we may much more justly call them Schismaticks they having so unworthily separated from Jesus Christ and his Apostles and from the purity of his Doctrine by so many Heresies which they teach Q. Yet could you not for peace sake have dissembled and contented your selves with distasting them in your heart A. No For God vomits out of his Mouth those that are luke warm Revel 3.16 and would have us to glorifie him as well in our bodies as in our spirits which are his 1 Cor. 6.20 and that as we believe with the Heart unto Righteousness we should with our own mouth make Confession unto Salvation Rom. 10.10 SECT X. Of the Head of the Church Quest WHo is the Head of the Church A. Jesus Christ only for St. Paul says Ephes 4.5 There is one Lord and one Faith and Chap. 1.22 he says that God hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the Head over all things to the Church which is his Body Now as Jesus Christ hath but one mystical Body viz. his Church also this Body can have but one Head Q. But hath not Jesus Christ established under him one here upon Earth to be the visible Head of the Church A. No for the Word of God hath made no mention thereof and Ephes 4.11 St. Paul rekoning up the Offices in the Church says He gave some Apostles and some Pastors and Teachers but says nothing of this pretended Head which should have been the first And Jesus Christ forbids all Superiority of Authority amongst his Disciples Luke 22.25 26. The Kings of the earth exercise Lordship over them but ye shall not be so and Matth. 23.8 Be not ye called Rabby for one is your Master even Christ and all ye are brethren Q. It would seem that Jesus Christ looked on St. Peter as a Head Ordinarily he is first named in the Gospel and Matth. 16.18 Jesus Christ says to him Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church A. His being named first doth not import any Superiority of Authority or Jurisdiction but of Honour and Order because of his Age or Gifts and when Jesus Christ says upon this Rock will I build my Church he had not regard to the person of St. Peter but to his Doctrine and the Confession he had made in the name of the other Apostles saying Thou art Christ the Son of the living God and on this consideration not only Peter but the rest of the Apostles are called the Foundation of the Church as we are taught by St. Paul Ephes 2.20 And are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself beeing the chief corner stone Q. But Jesus Christ in the same place promises to give him the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and that whosoever he shall bind on Earth shall he bound in Heaven A. In those words he gives no Authority to St. Peter which he gives not to the other Apostles to whom also he hath given the Keys and the power of binding and loosing and of remitting and retaining sins John 20.21 As my Father hath sent me so send I you verse 23. Whosoever sins ye remit they are remitted But supposing it were as true as it is false that Jesus Christ did in this passage Establish Peter Visible Head of the Church it would not follow that the Bishops of Rome are his Successors in that Office since we see no warrant for it in the Scripture neither hath the other Apostles had any Successors in their Offices as Apostles Q. But since the death of Jesus Christ and his Ascension did not the Apostles acknowledge St. Peter for their Head A. No on the contrary Acts 8.14 the Apostles send him with John to Preach the Gospel in Samaria and St. Paul says 2 Cor. 11.5 That he esteemeth not himself a whit behind the very chiefest Apostles and Gal. 2.9 Naming James before Peter he says James Peter and John gave him the right hand of Fellowship and proves at length in the same place that he was not called to be an Apostle by any but by Jesus Christ alone and 1 Cor. 1.12.13 He reproves those amongst the Corinthians that did choose to themselves any other Head or Patron but Jesus Christ every one of you says I am of Paul and I of Apollo and I of Cephas and I of Christ Is Christ divided Was Paul Crucified for you Or were you Baptized in the name of Paul To acknowlege then another Head than Christ is to divide Christ Neither can we acknowlege any other Head but he who was Crucified for us and in whose Name we are Baptized St. Peter himself takes no other Title in his Epistles but that of Apostle and Elder and speaks to the Pastors of the Church not as having Authority over them but as their comparison in service 1 Pet. 5.1 The Elders that are among you I exhort who am also an Elder SECT XI Of the Invocation of Saints Quest MVst we pray to Saints A. No Because we have neither Command nor Example in the Word of God for it and when the Apostles desired Jesus Christ to teach them to Pray he injoyns them to pray to God only Luke 11.2 When you Pray say Our Father which art in Heaven c. Now that which is without the Word of God is without Faith Rom. 10.17 Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God It is then a sin to Pray unto Saints since it is to Pray without Faith which is required in Prayer James 1.6 Let him ask in Faith nothing wavering Q. But is not Praying to Saints expresly forbidden in the Word of God A. Yes For God hath commanded us to Adore and Serve him only Matth. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve now praying is one of the chief and principal Acts of Religious Worship and Service and St. Paul teaches us that we cannot call on those we do not believe in Rom. 10.14 How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed then we are not to Pray to Saints since it is not lawful to put our confidence in them for God declares them cursed that put their trust in man Jerem. 17.5 Cursed be the the man that trusteth in man Q. It is true we are to serve God
we have an Advocate with the Father even Jesus Christ the Righteous 1 John 2.1 And Jesus Christ says John 14.6 I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me Q. But may not Saints and Angels be also Mediators A. No For St. Paul says 1 Tim. 2.5 There is one God and one Mediator between God and men the man Jesus Christ Q. This passage seems to be altered for in the Greek it is There is one Mediator and not one only Mediator A. The Greek word as in this Context signifies one only as also Ephesians 4.4 5 6. And they of the Roman Church in the Louvain Version have turned it so in the next Chapter Verse 2. That a Bishop must be the Husband of one Wife they have it of one only and it is clear that in that place it should be taken so for the Apostle would have us to understand that there is one Mediator as there is one God now there is but one only God there is therefore also but one only Mediator Q. It is true there is but one Mediator for redemption but there may be more for Intercession A. Not as Intercessor is to be understood in this question for one who can procure us the favour of God by his own Merit and Intercession and so those of the Roman Church understand the word when they pray God in the Mass to hear them for the Merits of the Saints whose Relicks are under the Altar Now there can be no such Intercessor but Jesus Christ only who alone hath reconciled us to God by his blood and is the only Advocate and Propitiation for our sins 1 John 2.2 And it is in this beloved that God accepteth us Eph. 1.6 Q. Why may not glorified Saints Pray to God in Heaven for us as well as Believers Pray for one another on the Earth have they less Knowledge and Charity in Heaven then they had on Earth A. Glorified Saints may pray for the Church in general but not for particular Believers not for want of Charity but for want of knowledge of the persons and their necessities for though their knowledge be much more perfect because of their seeing God yet have they no more communication with Believers here on Earth as it hath been said before that they have no more portion for ever in any thing that is done under the Sun Q. But is it not expedient at least to make use of the Intercession of Saints to go to Jesus Christ for us A. No For he commands us to come to himself Matth. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden SECT XIII Of Images Quest IS It not lawful to make Images of God A. No for the Prophet Isaiah sheweth us that God cannot be represented Chap. 40. Vers 18. To whom will ye liken God or what Likeness will ye compare unto him And Deut. 4.15 Moses speaketh to the Israelites saying Take ye heed unto your selves for ye saw no manner of Similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire 16. Lest ye corrupt your selves and make you a Graven Image the similitude of any Figure the likeness of Male or Female Q. Nevertheless God hath often appeared to Believers under the Old Testament in humane shape as to Abraham and Lot Gen. 18. 19. A. Extraordinary Appearances of God are not to be the Rule of our Actions but his Commands and though God appeared in Humane Likeness yet the Church of Israel never made any such Representation of him Q. Is it lawful to make Images of Saints and give to them any Religious Worship or Honour A. No for God hath forbidden us to bow down before any Image whatsoever in his second Gommandment Thou shalt not make unto thee any Graven Image nor the likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them Q. This word should he translated Idol and not Image for God forbids there only the Pagan Idols which did represent false Gods and not Images of Saints A. Images both of Saints and Angels are forbidden for he forbiddeth to make any Likeness of any thing that is in Heaven Q. Why then did God command to put Cherubims upon the Ark and in the Tabernacle which did represent Angels A That was a Command of the Ceremonial Law which since hath been abolished by Jesus Christ but the forbidding to worship Images is a Command of the Moral Law which is eternal and indispensable Besides they were not put there to be worshipped by the people for there were two Veils between the people and them so that the people could not see them and there was moreover an express Command to make Cherubins whereas there is none to make Images of Saints and to put them into the Church Q. Is it lawful to worship the Relicks of Sainis A. No We should have a respect unto the Sepulchres of the Saints and Martyrs since their Bodies have been the Temples of the Holy Ghost but to give them any Religious Worship is to leave the living God to serve dead Idols And God hid the body of Moses lest the people of Israel should have committed Idolatry with it Deut. 34.6 SECT XIV Concerning Praying for the Dead Quest MVst we pray for the Dead A. No Because we have neither Command nor Example in the Word of God and since the Scripture speaks only of two places Heaven for the Righteous and Hell for the Wicked our Prayers cannot draw the Wicked out of Hell for their Torments are to be Eternal nor can they add to the Happiness of those in Heaven because it is already Compleat Q. Yet we have an Example in the 12th Chapter of the 2d Book of the Maccabees where Juda and his Men prayed for their Brethren which were slain and under whose Garmen●● were found things consecrated to Idols that their sin might be pardoned A This Book is not Canonical nor was ever acknowledged as such by the Church of the Jews and there were many Superstitions sliden in among the Jews in the time of the Maccabees so their Practice cannot be an Example to be followed neither did they pray that they might be delivered out of Purgatory but that they might be happy at the Resurrection as it appears from Vers 44. SECT XV. Of Purgatory Quest DO You believe that after this Life the Souls of all Believers go to the fire of Purgatory for many years to be tormented that they may be purged and cleansed from their sins A. No For the Scripture speaking of the Condition of Believers after this Life tells us Isa 57.1 That the Righteous is taken away from the Evil to come and shell enter into Peace and Rev. 14.13 that Blessed are the Dead that die in the Lord from henceforth yea said the Spirit that they may rest from their Labours and their Works do
Instituted this Sacrament saith This is my Body which is broken for you this do in Remembrance of me 1 Cor. 11.24 Q. Do you believe that Jesus Christ when he says This is my Body changed the Bread substantially into his true Body and was pleased that as often as the Pastors should pronounce these words they should Transubstantiate the Bread and Wine into his Body A. No for since Reason and Faith teaches me that there is no change of substance in those signs sight tast touch and smell assure me that it is true bread and wine reason tells me that a human body cannot be inclosed in breads accidents and that accidents cannot subsist without their subject and when it is destroyed that it implies a contradiction that one body can be in heaven and in earth at the same time and not in the middle space that it can have all its parts and dimensions in one small point and be more spiritual than a spirit Briefly faith which teaches me that Jesus Christ hath an human nature like to ours in all things Sin only excepted permits me not to believe that Jesus Christ hath a body invisible impalpable without dimensions without voice or motion faith persuades me that Jesus Christ is in Glory at the Fathers right hand permits me not to believe that his body is on earth subject to be trodden under foot by Infidels taken away by Thieves eaten by mice and suffer now he is in Glory more Reproach than ever he suffer'd during his humiliation here below in a word faith which teaches me that the heaven must receive him untill the restitution of all things Acts 3.21 And that we have the Poor always with us but that we have not him always Matth. 26.11 That he hath left the World that he is gone to his Father John 13.1 and 16.17 and 14.3 hinders me from believing that he is here again on the Earth shut up in a Pix Matth. 24.26 If any shall say Behold he is in the secret Chambers believe them not the Greek word signifies Ciboires i. e. the Boxes wherein the Sacrament is kept Q. But yet he hath said himself of the Bread This is my Body and of the Cup This is my Blood Matth. 26.26 A. Yes but he said likewise that it was Bread He took bread and said this is my Body and he said of the Cup that it was the Fruit of the Vine Matth. 26.29 And St. Paul 1 Cor. 11.26 27 28. says that we break and eat Bread I am then obliged to believe that it is Bread and the Body of Jesus Christ Q. How can one and the same thing be Bread and the Body of Christ which are two Natures so different A. It is Bread in substance but the Body of Jesus Christ in figure and signification according to the nature of Sacraments which take the name of the things signified as likewise the things signified take the names of their figures even as the Rock in the Desert is called Christ the Paschal Lamb a Passover Circumcision the Covenant of God Jesus Christ the Bread which came down from Heaven the Vine the Door the light c. Q. How know you that these words This is my Body ought to be taken Figuratively A. First Since Jesus Christ by these words instituted a Sacrament they must be understood Sacramentally and Jesus Christ instituting this Sacrament instead of the Passover in which a Lamb is called a passage it was reasonable that in the Sacrament of the New Covenant the sign should take the name of the thing signified even as the other did Secondly Jesus Christ himself would have us to understand it figuratively for he commands us to do this in remembrance of him he would not then have us to Eat his Body really and corporally for we are said to remember only things corporal when absent Thirdly Besides our Saviour gives us this Body as broken and delivered for us now he is not really broken in the Sacrament but only in Figure Fourthly The bread is the Body of Jesus Christ as the Cup is the New Testament of his Blood now a Cup cannot be a New Testament but figuratively neither can the Bread be Christs Body any other way Q. What can you answer to these words of our Saviour where he so plainly says That his flesh is meat indeed and his blood drink indeed John 6.55 A. I say First That in this sixth Chapter of St. John Jesus Christ speaks not of the Lords Supper for it was not then instituted Secondly That the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is truly the meat and drink of our Souls but not of our Bodies that his Body is spiritual meat and not material and by these words Jesus Christ teacheth us that as truly as Bread and Drink nourishes our Body his Body crucified for us his Blood shed for our Redemption nourishes comforts and fortifies our Souls for what Nourishment is to the Body that Consolation and instruction is to the Soul Q. But this word indeed seems to exclude all Figure A. Not at all but only all doubt or untruth for doth not Jesus Christ say that he is the true Vine John 15.1 and yet he is so only Figuratively Q. How know ye that Jesus Christ speaks of a Spiritual meat and drink in the sixth of St. John A. Because his disciples murmuring at the the hardness of that saying concerning eating his Flesh and drinking his Blood he tells them what if you shall see the Son of Man ascending up where he was before verse 62. insinuating to them that when they should see him ascend into Heaven they should not have such gross apprehensions as to imagine they could corporally eat him on the earth And that they might understand those words spiritually he adds It is the spirit that quickneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life vers 63. Q. How then can you eat Christ's flesh and drink his blood as he commands us in this Chapter A. Spiritually and by faith which is the mouth of the Soul according to Christ's exhortation in this Chapter vers 35. He that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst And it appears that he speaks not of a corporal eating of the Sacrament of Christ's body in this Chapter since he says vers 54. that Whosoever eateth his flesh and drinketh his blood hath life eternal And on the contrary Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood ye have no life in you vers 53. Now it is certain that many of the Elect are dead and could not have this Sacrament And vers 56. he says that He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him Then the Manducation of Jesus Christ and his dwelling in us must be understood spiritually for if it be necessary that we eat Jesus Christ corporally that he may
That he had said no other things than these which the Prophets and Moses did say should come and to Teach us that these things did contain all that is Necessary to Salvation he assures the Ephesians Act. 20 27. That he had declared unto them all the Counsel of God Q. Yet the Church believes many Doctrines which are not contained in the Scripture as the perpetual Virginity of the Holy Virgin the Baptism of Children the translation of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday the number of the Sacraments to be but two A. For the perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Virgin the Church receives it not as an Article of Faith necessary to Salvation but as an Article becoming the honour they think themselves obliged to render to this Sacred Vessel But for the other points they are taught in Scripture if not in formal terms at least by necessary consequences St. Peter Acts 2.38.39 would have all the Jews Baptized because the Promise was to them and to their Children and we see that in the time of the Apostles Acts 20.7 1 Cor. 16.2 Rev. 1.10 Believers Assembled themselves for Prayer and to make Collection the first Day of the Week which St. John calls The Lord's Day And the Church may well conclude there are but two Sacraments since they see not in the Scripture that Jesus Christ hath instituted any more SECT V. Of Reading the Holy Scripture Q. IS it Lawful for all Persons to Read the Scripture A. Jesus Christ Recommends the Reading of it indifferently to all John 5.39 Search the Scriptures and Deut. 17.18 19. God Commandeth Kings to have the Book of the Law and to read therein every day and the Apostle St. Paul 1 Thess 5.27 Charges that his Epistle be read to all the holy Brethren and 2 Tim. 3.15 he praises Timothy because from a Child he had known the Holy Scriptures And the Eunuch of Queen Candace did Read in the Chariot Esaias the Prophet Acts 8.28 And in all the Synagogues the Law and the Prophets were read every Sabbath-day Acts 15.21 17. The believing Bereans having heard the Doctrine of St. Paul compared it with the Scriptures to know if it was as he had said And tho' the Revelations be the most obscure Book in the Scripture yet the reading of it is recommended to all Rev. 1.3 Blessed be he that readeth and they that hear the words of this Prophesie Q. It seems notwithstanding that it would be expedient to hinder the simple People from the reading thereof St. Peter tells us that there are in the Epistles of St. Paul things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do also the other Scriptures to their own destruction A. Upon the contrary the simple and ignorant are to read the Scriptures that they may become wise to Salvation and Jesus Christ tells us that the ignorance of the Scriptures is cause of Errors You Err not knowing the Scriptures said he to the Sadduces Mat. 22.29 And David Psal 19. says That the Law enlightens the Eyes and maketh wise the simple And tho' there be some ignorant and unstable that wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction yet it hinders not St. Peter from recommending in the same place to Believers the Epistles of St. Paul And in the first Chapter of the same Epistle he tells us That we have a sure word of Prophesie whereunto we do well to take heed as to a Light that shineth in a dark place For because those that are Prophane abuse the Word of God and his Graces the Children of God must not be forbidden the Use thereof Q. What Profit then do Believers receive from the Reading of the Scriptures A. By them they are instructed in the Knowledg of God fortified in the Faith and Expectation of their Salvation comforted in their Afflictions furnished against Temptations of Satan the World and the Flesh For whatsoever things were written afore-time they were written for our Learning that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scriptures might have Hope Rom. 15.4 SECT VI. Of the Church Quest WHat signifies this word Church A. An Assembly Q. How many ways is the name of Church taken in the Scripture A. Four ways principally 1. For the Church of the Elect. 2. Generally for the Universal Visible Church and they that make profession of Faith in Jesus Christ And it is this Church St. Paul speaks of when he says That in a great house there are not only vessels of Gold and of Silver but also of Wood and of Earth because that this Church is composed of good and of evil ones 2 Tim. 2.20 3. The Church signifies an Assembly of the Leaders of the Church which Jesus Christ speaks of Matth. 18.17 When there is a quarrel between two Brethren he will have the party offended tell it to the Church 4. The name Church is given to each particular Christian Assembly which is a part of the Universal Visible Church such in the time of the Apostles was the Churches of Corinth of Ephesus of Rome c. to whom St. Paul directs his Epistles Q. What is meant by the Church of the Elect A. It is the Assembly of all Believers that Goth hath Elected in Jesus Christ of which some are Glorified in Heaven others are yet Combating on the Earth others are not yet born or called to the Faith but must be in their time and subsist already in the Counsel of God of these Jesus Christ speaks John 10.16 saying Other sheep have I which are not of this fold they also I must bring and they shall hear my voice Q. Where doth the Word of God speak of this Church of the Elect A. The Apostle Hebrews 12.23 calls it the Heavenly Jerusalem the General Assembly and Church of the first born It is this Church which St. Paul calls the Body of Christ for Christ cannot have dead Members 1 Cor. 12.27 Ephes 4.12 Colos 1.24 and the Spouse of Christ Ephes 5.32 for Christ cannot have an Adulteress for his Spouse St. Peter 1 Epist 2.9 call this Church A chosen Generation a royal Priesthood an holy Nation a peculiar People Q. Which Church is spoken of in this Article of the Apostles Creed I believe the Holy Catholick Church A. Of the Church of the Elect for we believe things that are not seen as the Apostle Heb. 11.1 says Faith is the Evidence of things not seen And after those words I believe the Holy Catholick Church is put the Communion of Saints in this Church that the Profane may be excluded Q. Why is this Church of the Elect said to be invisible since it is composed of men who are Visisible A. Not only because the Glorified Saints are out of our sight and that those who belong to the Election of God and are not yet born cannot be seen but also because that though the Elect that live upon the Eatth are visible men yet it is not visible that they are
only with the service of Latria but may we not serve the Saints with the service of Dulia A. The word of God admits not of this distinction and Gal. 4.8 St. Paul condemns the Pagans that they gave service of Dulia to those which by Nature were no Gods Now however excellent the Saints are yet they are not by Nature Gods Q. But why may we not as well pray to the Saints in Heaven as we desire the Prayers of Believers here on Earth A. Because we cannot Pray to Saints which are at such a great distance from us and have not Ears to hear our Voice but we must acknowledge them to be searchers of our Hearts and to know the intended thoughts of our Souls which is to attribute to the creature that which is only due to the Creator 2. Chron. 6.30 For thou only knowest the hearts of the children of men Q. It is true there is none but God that can immediately know the hearts of men but Saints may know them when God reveals them to them as he did to Elisha what his servant Gehazi did to Nahaman 2 Kings 5.26 A. I grant God can do it but it is not sufficient to Pray in Faith that we be assured of the power of God but likewise of his Will but we are so far from having ground to believe that God will reveal the Prayers of men here below to the Saints in Heaven that on the contrary the Scripture tells Eccles 9.5.6 That they have no more portion for ever in any thing that is done under the Sun and therefore Elijah bids Elisha ask what he would before he was taken away 2 Kings 2.9 Presupposing that it would be in vain to ask him any thing after and God having extraordinarily made a Revelation of this kind to one of his Prophets to give Authority to his Ministery cannot be drawn into a general consequence for all Saints Q. Nevertheless it would seem that seeing God who knoweth all things they should see all things in God as in a Glass A. That doth not follow for the Angels who see the Face of God know not the time of the day of Judgment Matth. 24.36 And if they who see God should see all that God seeth and knoweth they would become Gods seeing that they would have infinite knowledge Saints see nothing in God but what is necessary to make them happy Q. Yet Jesus Christ says Luke 15.7 That there is great joy in Heaven over a sinner that repenteth then Saints must know the repentance of sinners and consequently their thoughts and inclinations A. Jesus Christ speaks not of Saints but of Angels as he explains himself verse 10. saying There is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner that repenteh Now we need not wonder that the Angels have some knowledge of mens repentance since they are sent hither for that end as the Apostle tells us Hebr. 1.14 Are they not all ministring spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation Q. But what say you of the Letter Elija writ to Joram after he was taken up into Heaven 2 Chron. 21.12 A. That Elija writ not that Letter after he was taken up but before having writ it by a Spirit of Prophesie and left it on the Earth and so was given afterwards to Joram by some Prophets to whom Elijah had committed it Q. Nevertheless glorified Saints must have some knowlege of the condition af Believers here on Earth since they take care for their Salvation and St. Peter promises to Believers 2 Epist 1.15 That after his death he would endeavour that they might remember the things that he had taught them A. This passage is not well and rightly translated so for St. Peter says not that he will endeavour after his death that Believers should remember those things but that they should remember them after his death Q. At least it is lawful to Serve and Pray to Angels which assist us and are near to us A. Not at all for Revel 22.9 and 19.10 St. John was going to Worship the Angel and the Angel rebuked him and took him up saying See thou do it not I am thy fellow servant worship God and St. Paul rejects Worshipping of Angels as superstitions Col. 2.18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of Angels intruding into those things which he hath not seen Q. Yet we see that under the Old Testament Believers have often worshipped Angels and Prayed to them Abraham bowed himself towards the ground before them and a little after Lott Gen. 18. and 19. A. I answer Abraham and Lott did not think they were Angels but men that were strangers for whom they make ready Meat therefore this homage was only Civil and acccording to the Eastern custom when they meet one another but when they knew one of them was the Lord they Worshipped him and Prayed to him likewise as God Q. What think you of this passage in Gen. 48.16 Where Jacob dying blesses after this manner the children of Joseph The Angel which redeemed me from all evil bless the Lads and let my name be named on them and the names of my Fathers Abraham and Isaac for it would seem that in this passage Jacob prays to an Angel and that he would have the children of Joseph pray to Abraham and Isaac A. I answer this was no Created Angel but Jesus Christ whom Malachie calls the Angel of the Covenant Chap. 3.1 And one of those that appeared to Abraham and Lott who is oft times in the 18. and 19. Ch. of Genesis called the Lord and he with whom Jacob Wrestled Hosea 12.3 4. the Prophet says Jacob by his strength had power with God yea he had power over the Angel and prevailed and Jacob's desiring that his name and the names of his Fathers should be named on the Children of Joseph is not that he would have them to Pray to him and his Fathers but that the Children of Joseph to wit Ephraim and Manasseh should be called by his name as Children of Jacob and be partakers with them as two different Tribes which was observed when the Land of Canaan was divided but besides this it is in vain for the Doctors of the Roman Church to alledge passages out of the Old Testament for the Invocation of Saints since they think that the Saints were shut up in the Limboes of the Fathers and did not then see the Face of God which is the principal ground they have for their Invocation of Saints SECT XII Of the Intercession of Saints Quest WE being miserable sinners how can we draw near to the Divine Majesty if we do not imploy some of Gods friends for Mediators as when we will speak to the King we adress our selves to some of his Favorites A I grant we dare not approach to God but by a Mediator but we need not for that end employ Saints for if we have sinned