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A51632 Death and life, or, Sins life, the sinners death; sins death, the saints life being the sum of eight sermons on Romans 8. 13. / by Samuel Malbon ... Malbon, Samuel. 1669 (1669) Wing M312; ESTC R10001 130,564 198

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and bears sway in us or we do live after the Flesh Thus much for the first use let not these things be spoken in vain make application of them to your selves try your selves by them pray over them rest not till you know what your life is how it is that you do live for this is one Word of God by which we shall be judged hereafter when the great Judge shall come to execute the final dismal Sentence of Death then will it be enquired and published who have lived after the flesh Use 2. Let the second Use be to convince those whose life is after the flesh of their misery art thou such a one and yet dost think thou shalt not dye not dye the second the worst death thou deceivest thy self thou dost contradict my Text belye the Word of the Lord so art thou the more guilty and while senseless of thy miserable state that thy senslessness is a bar to thy repenting How art thou like to turn who walkest in the way of Death and wilt not believe it is such a way or that thou art in it No wonder if all calls are ineffectual though God saith turn ye turn ye why will ye dye yet thou art like the deaf Adder Therefore let me perswade thee who dost live after the flesh to receive this as a truth though uncomfortable yet profitable shouldest thou dye presently a natural death thou wouldest in dying dye dying naturally thou wouldst dye everlastingly and unless thou livest a new life thus will it be whenever death comes It will come double when a visible death shall arrest thy body an invisible death will arrest thy soul even thine for God will stand to his word he will not forget any one word that he hath spoken by any of his Servants Isa 44.26 he confirmeth the word of his Servant and performeth the counsel of his Messengers God never goeth back from any word that he absolutely uttereth as this without any If expressed or intended only this if ye live after the flesh ye shall dye certainly unavoidably It is most undeniable God is able to execute his word he is able as Christ saith to destroy soul and body If a man a beast a small creature a very gnat or a disease can kill thy body how much more can he who made thee kill thee soul and body destroy thee with an everlasting destruction what are we to the Angels that sinned yet the Lord God hath clapt them all though many Legions though mighty spirits though very subtle and cunning he that almighty only wise one hath put them all under everlasting chains of darkness How able then is he to crush us as moths to trample under his feet us poor worms to break us as a Potters Vessel and as God is able to fulfill his threatning so is he resolved to do it his word tells us his setled purpose his eternal will and unalterable Counsel as his threatnings are written in the same book with his promises so have they the same confirmation his oath as well as his bare word and determinate counsel Am. 8.7 The Lord hath sworn by the excellency of Jacob surely I 'le never forget any of their works I 'le that is eternally punish impenitent sinners for all their iniquities Solomon saith where the word of a King is there 's power much more where the word of the great King is the Lord of Heaven and Earth there 's power all power to put his Word in execution but behold here 's the Word of God see it read it ye shall Dye Almighty power is tyed to see this word accomplished Bear with me a little I beseech you while I speak in love for good Who what shall can let or hinder thy death If thou livest after the Flesh shall thy riches estate any thing of this world No Riches profit not we read in the day of wrath what 's Gold and Silver what 's all the rubbish of this world when the Lord shall come forth as a consuming fire when the earth shall be burnt up and the works thereof will fallen Angels who now deceive help they could not save themselves they seek to devour but will good Angels they will be evil Angels in respect of the execution of evil to evil men they alwayes hearken to God's voice and obey the word of his Command they Christ saith shall gather the tarts and cast them into unquenchable fire or will Christ himself stay the execution of this word No he 'l see it executed he 'l come in flaming fire taking vengeance on all who know not God 2. Thess 1.8 and obey not the Gospel of his Son though Christ hath dyed for sins he hath said impenitent sinners shall dye in their sins and he puts the question himself to such how can ye escape the damnation of hell Mat. 23.33 I may say Christ himself could not answer it how they who continue living in their sins shall escape because it 's not to be answered there 's no answer can be given to that Quaerie Shall sinners be able to save one another Nay no more than the men of the old world than the men of Sodom did who perish'd all together Shall sinners prayers shall all that they can do or say save them No all will be charged upon them as sin Is 1.15 God declares though they make many Prayers he 'l not hear whereof Christ also gives assurance testifying before hand when they shall hereafter say Lord Lord open to us c. he 'l say depart I know you not Shall the mercy of God save such No for it is holy faithfull mercy therefore cannot save any against his word How sure then is the death of all who live after the flesh Therefore if thou so livest and yet thinkest thou shalt not dye thou art deceived by sin by Satan yea thou art a self deceiver and wilfull in thy deceiving thy self Do ye not know I pray remember this day God said to Adam in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye but he deceived by Satan thought though he did eat he should not dye Now doth not woful experience to this day teach us the truth of Gods Word for hence we were all born in sin hence the grave so filled with the bodies of Adam's posterity hence the world so full of misery as now and as it hath been in all ages hence you women bring forth in sorrow hence we men get our bread with the sweat of our brows hence all our labour all our toyl hence the earth brings forth bryars and thorns hence all afflictions And as sure as that word proved true which God spake to Adam notwithstanding what Satan insinuated to the contrary so sure is this word true if thou O man if thou O woman livest after the flesh thou shalt dye whatever Satan may whisper in thee to the contrary wherefore shut thine ear to all thoughts that contradict this truth and take it into thy
than the mighty waves of the Sea so is no man Darius found himself too weak to deal with the waves when they broke his bridge of boats though he had a hundred thousand men at his command and is but laught at for his attempting by shackles and stripes to tame the tempestuous waters but Christ by commanding the sea to silence shew'd and made manifest the power of God Thus when our lusts lift up their voice when our flesh lifteth up its waves as it were in our souls the Lord is more mighty we are too weak to grapple with them but the spirit of the Lord is mightier than the strongest motions and most mighty lustings of sin within us It is sometimes thought by some when they feel this or that lust stirring strongly and when they have laboured long against it without conquest over it can this lust be subdued can it ever be mortified and sure it is we are all too full of unbelief as to God's power However some imagine they believe it enough hence they said can God prepare a Table in the wilderness yea Moses himself notwithstanding all he had heard seen and experienced of the power of God yet once spake doubtingly concerning it Numb 11.21 22. for which God rebuked him v. 23. saying is the Lords hand waxed short and hence though the Prophet makes a full confession of Gods power Jer. 32.17 Ah Lord God behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm and there is nothing too hard for thee yet observe in the following verses he seems to speak too unbelievingly concerning God's power so and so saith he it is with us yet v. 25. thou hast said unto me O Lord God buy the field for money and take witnesses for the City is given into the hands of the Caldeans therefore v. 26.27 Then came the word of the Lord unto Jeremiah saying Behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there any thing too hard for me As if the Lord had said thou say'st indeed there is nothing too hard for me but thou hast not so much faith of my power as thou oughtest to have thou hast too much doubting too much unbelief concerning my power it self But above all things a soul under a deep sense of the power of natural corruption is prone to doubt of Gods power as to the destruction thereof were there reason to doubt of the power of God in any thing there would be cause to question it in this if even any thing were too hard for the Lord this would to slay those lusts which grow in our corrupt nature the difficulty of destroying sin in us the Apostle intimates when he saith who shall deliver me from this body of death Wherefore this is needful to be declared and to be urged whatever our fins are the spirit of the Lord can mortifie them it can cause the body of sin and all the lusts thereof to wither and dye away as Christ did that fig tree which he cursed so that they should no more bring forth any fruit And the spirit of the Lord can so strengthen and assist us that though we be weak we shall be strong enough in its strength to lay dead every deed of sin 1 Cor. 1.27 God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty out of the mouth of Babes and Sucklings he can perfect praise There have been many who have had such like lusts as ours are who have been able through the spirit to tread them under their feet we read of seven Devils cast out of Mary Magdalen not that she was possess'd in her body but she was a notorious sinner she had mighty lusts whereby the Devils had great power in and over-her soul If I saith Christ by the spirit cast out Devils there are no Devils and so no lusts but may be cast out by the spirit so strong was Paul's envy and malice before his Conversion that Acts 26.11 he was exceeding mad against the Christians yet by the spirit he of mad was made sober those his lusts were destroyed and instead of being mad against Christ he became as besides himself for Christ 2 Cor. 5.13 whether we be besides our selves it is to God some accounted them because of their self denyal and fervency in Preaching the Word whereby they spent themselves as besides themselves what lusts had they 1 Cor. 6.9 10 11. they were some of them for nicators Idolaters Adulterers Abusers of themselves with mankind Thieves Covetous Drunkards Extortioners the worst of sinners yet were they sanctified by the spirit of our God and if they were sanctified then their lusts were mortified through the spirit Therefore believe that your sins by the spirit may also be destroyed it is a good step towards the doing this to believe that through the spirit it may be done and the believing this is necessary Mat. 9.28 29. Believe ye that I am able to do this they said yea Lord then touched he their eyes saying according to your faith be it unto you i. e. according to their faith of Christ's ability so were their eyes opened Thirdly All whom the Lord hath chosen to salvation he hath elected them to this way through mortification of their sin by the spirit 1 Pet. 1.2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience through sanctification and therefore through mortification how by the spirit so 2 Thes 2.13 We are bound to give thanks alway to God for you Brethren beloved of God because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit but no more sanctification of our souls than there is mortification of our lusts Fourthly Jesus Christ dyed for this 1 Joh. 3.5 he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin to take them away that is not only in the guilt of them but in the power and life of them and it is of the latter he there speaks as the context shews v. 6. whosoever abideth in him sinneth not that is he hath his sins taken away by him and so he sinneth not as he did nor as others do not with his whole man not with delight c. and as Christ came and dyed for this that our sins might be mortified so that this might be done by the spirit in that it cannot be done without it and hence Christ speaks of sending the spirit after his Crucisixion Resurrection and Ascension to deal with men about their fins and why but in order to the subduing them and that because for this he dyed and also rose and ascended and interceeds that those whom he saves may have the spirit to help them in this work Fifthly God hath promised his spirit to his people for this Ezek. 36.27 I will put my spirit within you for what v. 29. I will save you from all your uncleannesses that is God will
the most peace is it not then when you are most eagerly ingaged against and hot in the pursuit of sin plotting contriving and by all means you can working its death The experience of all Christians I doubt not gives in restimony that this is true Sermon 5. THe second thing in the latter part of my Text now offereth it self to our serious consideration this necessary duty is to be performed through the Spirit whence the Doctrine is this D. 2. That the great work of mortifying killing or destroying the deeds of the body of sin is to be managed through the Spirit when we are called upon to mortifie our sinful affections our evil motions and the corrupt lustings within us the meaning is that this is to be done through the Spirit No truth more useful than this if well understood and received this is the principal thing that I would commend to you All know or generally it is confest that sins must be mortified but that this is to be done by in with or through the Spirit few in comparison understand I know nothing that needs to be taught among and prest upon Christians and more frequently to be inculcated than this There are three Queries concerning the truth now proposed which call for some Answer for the explication of it 1. What 's meant by the Spirit 2. Why is this work to be done through the Spirit 3. How is it thus to be done Q. 1. What 's meant by the Spirit A. Spirit signifieth diverse things in Scripture it hath several acceptations 4 of which I shall here take notice 1. By spirit is meant our spirit our heart and soul so the Apostle saith he did serve God with his spirit and Christ saith God is to be worshipped in spirit so we must mortifie the deeds of the body of sin in spirit with our whole heart and soul otherwise we shall not prosper in what we do all will be to no purpose if we have not a thorow will and sincere endeavour Christ saith many shall seek to enter in at the strait gate and not be able so many seek to mortifie their sins and are not able because they are not thorowly willing and resolved And then our main endeavour must be to mortifie sin within of which I spake before when sins are only kept from outward outbreakings they are no more mortified than Lions and Bears or such wild creatures when shut up and kept from ranging abroad Secondly Sometimes by spirit in Scripture is understood new nature the new man as it may be taken and seems to be in that 5. Gal. 17. where the Apostle saith the spirit lusteth against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit thus we must mortifie our sins in by or through the spirit by the new creature through a principle of true grace acted and stirred up in us This is most certain no man can mortifie the deeds of sin without he have a contrary principle of grace for till the new man be formed in one there 's no good nothing but flesh but sin and the flesh neither will nor can mortifie it self as Satan casteth not out Satan neither doth lust cast out or destroy lust though it 's true sometimes one lust doth keep under another and hinder anothers working this or that way as a mans pride may put a stop to his covetousness though he have a covetous heart yet through predominant pride he scorns to be base and niggardly so covetousness may hold in pride as to it 's shewing it self in such or such a way because the man is coverous therefore he will not wear such cloths or do some other things which pride otherwise would cause him to do that he might have respect among men But sin cannot truely subdue sin no more than water can dry up water though one stream being stronger may stop and turn the course of another that hath less strength so pride may command covetousness or covetousness pride yet do they both live before God as the greater light may drown the less yet doth not extinguish it He that hath not a principle of true grace is under the power of fin therefore is not at liberty to mortifie or to will the mortification of his lusts in truth If there be war if there be killing and slaying there must be two parties the one against the other but in a graceless man there 's only one party one nature one kind of principles all sinful therefore he cannot kill or in truth set upon the slaying of his sin though he may possibly upon some outward account or to quiet conscience seek to curb some evil motions As it is against our nature as men to hurt our bodies so is it against our nature as sinful men to do any thing in good earnest and truth of heart towards the death of our sin Therefore a man must have a new nature which whosoever hath then he cannot but be striking at and wounding the deeds of corrupt nature because these two are perfectly contrary Yet they who have true grace need to be awakned and excited thereto more and more to lay out themselves therein through that grace they have received could it be that the actings of sin should be destroyed without contrary workings of grace it would little avail a man would not thereby be in the way of life but no lusting of corruption can be truely killed without a lusting and stirring of grace in opposition thereto as darkness is only dispelled removed by the shining forth of some light Therefore look O soul well to this that thou hast a new nature that thou beest a new Creature in Christ Jesus Thirdly Spirit is sometimes taken for the Gospel as opposed to the Covenant of works 2 Cor. 3.8 where the Apostle speaks of the ministration of the Spirit in opposition to the ministration of Death mentioned in the foregoing verse and verse 6. he saith we are Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit for the Letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life and thus some take Spirit 1 John 5.8 There are three that bear witness on earth the Spirit the Water and the Blood i. e. the Word the Gospel Baptism and the Lords Supper If we take Spirit in my Text in this sense It 's true the deeds of the body are to be mortified through the Gospel by Gospel truths and considerations for it is the Gospel only that is effectual to destroy our sins the Law is not sufficient to kill any Lust in us It may be by legal truths men may be frighted and chained as it were with the heavy chain of slavish fear so that they dare not sin as they used to do but the Law alone never was or can be sufficient to lay any sin dead The Law alone rather quickneth and stirreth up sin than destroyeth it sin is thereby revived not mortified Rom. 7.8 Without the Law sin was dead i. e. it lay as if
another mans servant to his own Master he standeth or falleth so may it be said of another mans service I have sometime thought why did not all the Apostles write something for publick common use or why have we not somewhat of the writing of them all who since like them yet what volumes have been written and preserved and brought down to us through the severall ages since their time No doubt more things were written by the Pen-men of Scripture than we have more Epistles by the Apostles than are come to us some of which it 's very like we would have judg'd mere usefull and should have preferred before some that we have Luke 1.1 For as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us V. 3. It seemed good to me also though many yea because many had written be wrote too and that about the same things Had printing been found out in Christ's time or the Apostles dayes how much more of their sayings doings and writings might we have had But God's providence over-ruleth all things in infinite wisdome not to be fathomed by the short line of our reason or understanding How unsearchable are his wayes To say the truth as these Sermons were preached upon the desire of a Friend so are they published upon the serious request of severall backt with some remarkable passages of providence and by grave advice otherwise I had not any mind or thought in my mind to let them passe the Press than which even nothing farther from my thoughts when I preach't them As they were delivered in my constant course of preaching so neer as well could be come they here to you in a homely dresse Eccl. 11.6 In the morning fow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thine hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good So may it be said read one and read another Book for thou knowest not whether shall advantage thee either this or that or whether they shall be both alike gainfull or succesfull They say it 's an ill wind that blows no one any good I am not without hope those things printed may do some good as I have ground to believe when preached they did If they become beneficiall to any I shall account that alone a great reward and he that shall say contemptuously p●sh they had better never seen the light doth he not s●y withall better that good some may gain thereby had not been done but when the least good is done to the least Christ will not say so for he saith Verily he that gives a Cup of cold water to a Disciple in the name of a Disciple shall not lose his reward so doth he love Disciples Christians it is his saying Feed my Lambs as well as feed my Sheep and he wi●l have him that hath but one talent to improve it That place hath many times given me great encouragement in my hard work 1 Cor. 1.26 27. c. For ye see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty nor many noble are called but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to consound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen and things that are not to bring to nought things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence We read Luke 24.11 Their words seemed to them as idle tales because they believed them not Pray O therefore pray much for Faith lest these words of truth be but to you as idle tales and therewith mix all the truths of God The way to experience prom●ses and the goodnesse of Scripture counsels is to believe them but he that believeth not shall feel in due time the certainty of all Scripture threatnings If every idle word spoken must be given an account of then sure every good and usefull word heard or read must be accounted for Hos 2.8 9. She did not know that I gave her Corn and Wine and Oyl c. therefore will I return and take away my Corn and my Wine and will recover my Wool and my Flax c. Doth the Lord regard what use men put his Corn Wine Wool and Flax to and doth he not observe how men entertain and deal with his Words The good Lord deliver thee from that wosull yet prevailing frame of Spirit to be serious about trifles and triflng about serious things He in whom are all the Treasures of Wisdom make you wise to Salvation your own your everlasting Salvation from the worst death to the best life cause you to know savingly in this your day the things that concern your peace lest the night the dismal night come wherein they will wholly and for ever be hid from thine eyes Skin for skin and all that a man hath will he give for his life the fountain of light and life give you proportionably O that at least it might be so much to value life spiritual and eternal In a word my Pen already having run too far and beyond my purpose If thou art a careless sighty one O that thou wouldst sit down and ponder till thou feelest those words come home with power to thy heart Prov. 1.24.25 c. art thou one that mournest because of the prevalency of sin in thee remember the Spirit is a Spirit of love and power therefore ready and able to enable thee heartily seeking it to tread upon the n●ck of all thy sins as they did upon the necks of those Kings Josh 10 24. and to lead thee in the way everlasting till thou attainest to the full possession of that never ending Life of Glory If in reading thou findest thy heart stirred up to pray then lift up a request for him who is Thy hearty Soul-Friend S. M. Rom. 8.13 If ye live after the flesh ye shall die but if ye c. AS Moses told the people he had set life and death before them Deut. 30.19 upon the account whereof he there calls heaven and earth to record against them so are these two great things Death and Life set before us in the Scripture throughout especially in some places among which my Text is one what is the great question that all do or should put and labour to get answered Is it not this which of those two things shall we have shall we have Death or shall we have life to which grand enquiry the Apostle here from the Lord gives a short but full answer in two conditional propositions The first hath the force of a Divine threatning and is a plain Character of those who shall dye The other carrieth in it a sure promise from God and gives a certain note of such who shall live I begin with the first If
hear or feel or something that you think of whenever lust stirrs there is something which administreth occasion to it or whereby it takes occasion what that is must be noted and being known it must be avoided If it be your looking on any thing you must turn away your eye if it be your hearing any thing you must stop your ear thereto as soon as may be except it be such a thing as you are bound in duty to hear for sin takes occasion sometimes by that which is good even by the Word of God it self as the Apostle faith Rom. 7.11 Sin took occasion in him by the Commandment sin took occasion in those that heard Stephen Preach though he spake in the Holy Ghost to fill them with madness and cause them to stone him Acts 7.54 When they heard these things they were cut to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth Sin took occasion oft in those that heard Christ to work the more enviously and maliciously against him therefore I say when any thing you hear stirrs your corruption turn away your ear unless it be that which you ought to give ear to and if it be any thing you are thinking of that kindles any lust in you by all means divert your thoughts to something else except also it be a thing whereof it is your duty to meditate and then other means is to be used or an other time more fit is to be taken for those thoughts The same may be said of place and company or any thing else which awakens your sin and calls it forth put it away speedily or turn from it take away the fuel that the fire may go out as Christ saith cut off your right hand your right foot pluck out your right eye if it offend you if it cause you to offend if it draw out your corruption divorce your selves be sequestred from it whatever it be how dear or near soever it be to you and as Solomon saith look away from the wine when it 's red in the cup when thou beginnest to be so pleased with it as to have thy appetite too much raised and set on edge by it 3. When corruption any way acts in you then should you call to mind something of the Word of God which is most proper and fit something that the Scripture speaks against it or concerning the evil of it or that which will follow upon it if you give way thereto This hath been and will be found a very notable help in mortifying any present motion of sin a seasonable remembrance of some suitable Scripture hence saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 10.1 Moreover brethren I would not have you ignorant c. v. 6. these things were our examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lasted c. and oft when he speaks against any sin he minds them of some Scripture saying Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have Heb. 13.5.6 for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me and Rom. 12.19 Dearly beloved avenge not your selves rather give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine and I will repay saith the Lord by which and other like places we are taught this when we feel this or that lust moving in us to call to mind and give our selves seriously to ponder on some Scripture that hath an aptness for the quelling of it Fourthly At all times when any evil affection breaks out or lust bubles up thoughts concerning God are a great help to the subduing thereof if they are with seriousness It may be when Joseph's Mistress tempted him he might at first find some stirring in himself not good but he mortified it by remembring God for first he thought of God e're he said how shall I do this and sin against God God saith of those who are carried away by their lusts they have forgotten him because the living and prevailing of their sin ariseth from their forgetting him Jer. 13.25 This is thy lot the portion of thy measures from me saith the Lord because thou hast forgotten me and trusted in falshood how came they to trust in falshood because they remembered not God and his faithfulness Jer. 18.15 Because my people have forgotten me they have burnt incense to vanity and they have caused them to stumble in their wayes from the ancient paths to walk in paths in a way not cast up to make their Land desolate a perpetual hissing Thoughts concerning Gods Majesty loftiness Almightiness jealousie omnipresence or his filling Heaven and Earth all places with his presence his all seeing eye his holiness and other his properties and attributes are an excellent means to curb a lust and give it a deadly wound to quench the fiery motions of sin as with water Find me a place said one when tempted where God sees not or is not then will I yeild Jam. 5.9 Grudge not one against another brethren lest ye be condemned but how shall we stop our hearts when they begin to grudge against a brother it follows behold the Judge standeth at the door as if he had said remember the holy just Lord is near he seeth he heareth he stands at the door of your heart and looks in for it s alwayes wide open to him and he will judge righteous judgement e're you are aware he 'l be upon you even now already he is at the door Fifthly You should go to God if it may be especially if corruption stir very much then it 's exceeding good speedily to get alone and fall down before the Lord and spread thy heart before him as Hezekiah did Rabshekahs railing letter and lament and say behold Lord see in mercy and pity to me see what a heart I have how it needs thy grace see how my corrupt nature works and so cry out for help as Jehosaphat when the Assyrians surrounded him thinking it had been Ahab's Chariot 2 Chron. 18.31 Jehosaphat cryed out and the Lord helped him and God moved them to depart from him when we cannot get alone and in all ordinary cases it 's good to lift up the heart to God with an inward sigh and groan heart sighs and groans have very much in them to mortifie a stirring lively lust when the soul sighs inwardly O wretched man that I am that sin thus remains thus works in me Lord deliver me Some say every sigh fetcheth a drop of blood from the heart I may say every hearty sigh fetcheth a drop of blood from the heart of sin if it be for sin but we must not only sigh because of the present working of corruption and ask the death of that but also sigh because of the spring whence the evil stream flows and beg the drying up of that the pulling up the root and killing it as
enemies will administer joy yea peace shall we have in great trouble joy in the midst of great sorrow for it s not affliction so much as corruption that deprives our heart of comfort peace and joy Nor can any trouble drown our consolation and chearfulness of spirit wholly if our sin be but mortified by the spirit 1 Pet. 1.6 though in heaviness by manifold temptations yet shall our hearts greatly rejoyce As Solomon saith of the worldly man's mirth Prov. 14.13 even in laughter the qeart is sorrowful and the end of that mirth is heaviness so as to a Godly man's sorrow if he keep constant and diligent in warring against his sin even in his mourning his his heart is joyful and the end of that heaviness is gladness Perhaps God may withdraw and much try such a one and ●o his heart will have great sorrow yet not without a secret mixture of joy and if his comfort seem to be dead it is but as a sleep it will soon awake and no true joy or peace can be while sin is permitted to bear sway in the soul and is not heartily opposed Thirdly We shall live a life of all true spiritual happiness while we are here we shall have God's favour wherein as the Psalmist saith there is life and which is better than life yea for the most part at least we shall or may have the shining of it into us the light of God's countenance ever and anon lifted up upon us we shall have the blessing of God all things will be blest to us many afflictions will graciously be prevented those that come will be sanctified to us so that they shall not hurt us spiritually no more than the fiery furnace did the three Children outwardly our souls thereby shall not be so much as singed as their clothes were not by that devouring fire nothing shall befall us that will be evil to us in it's effect No good thing shall be wanting to us we shall thrive under ordinances we shall hear and live we shall be fed with and feed on the bread of life our duties and our labours shall live we shall experience the truth of those and other like words Psal 1.3 we shall be like a tree planted by the Rivers of water that bringeth forth its fruit in its season our leaf shall not wither and whatsoever we do shall prosper so the blessing of God will attend us and his favour compass us Fourthly When we come to dye a natural death we shall live much better we shall presently live in our souls perfectly and so shall we after a while live in our whole man Joh. 5.29 we shall come out of our graves to the resurrection of life as Christ liveth so shall we live and O how doth he live now there above 2 Cor. 13.4 though he was crucified through weakness yet he liveth by the power of God we also are weak in or with him but we shall live with him if sin dye in us through the spirit of Christ thereby we have great assurance that we shall live with Christ Rom. 6.8 if we be dead with Christ we believe that we shall also live with him to him that overcometh saith the faithful and true witness Rev. 2.7 will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God which words seem to have respect to that spoken to Adam after he had sinned Gen. 3.22 23. lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and live for ever therefore the Lord God sent him forth out of Paradise now saith Christ though Adam having sin'd and being mortified by sin might not eat of or touch or come near the tree of life that he should live for ever as he hoped or supposed he thereby should yet to him that overcometh his temptations and corruptions will I give to eat I 'le not only permit him to eat but I 'le give him to eat of the tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God even the third heavens that best place of all the creation as Paradise was of all the earth and so he shall live for ever far better than Adam in that state could have lived Hear men and brethren thus O thus shall ye live if ye will so fight against your sins as not to let them live in you They said of Paul Acts. 22.22 it 's not fit that he should live so the world may say of us and we considered in our selves have great reason to acknowledge we are not fit to live any life no not here in this present evil world but through grace we shall live a life ten thousand and ten thousand times ten thousand much better a life glorious and everlasting 2 Pet. 1.11 we shall have an entrance administred abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Now for a few arguments to demonstrate and help faith as to this truth that they who so do as is express'd shall so live as is declared First it must be so because otherwise the spirit's work in us should be lost the spirit 's helping and assisting us against our sins should be in vain to what purpose should the spirit of the Lord enable us in this work if we being help'd should not live but dye at last Therefore shall we live for the spirit 's almighty special work cannot be lost our working alone might well be and would be in vain and disowned by God but that which we do through the powerful assistance and effectual workings of the Holy Ghost will surely be owned by the Father for the spirit's sake and his own sake who sent it to strengthen us and Christ's sake also who obtained it for us Secondly The Spirit is the Spirit of life it 's he that quickneth Joh. 6.63 it is the living water the Scripture speaks of and if we mortifie our sins through it it hath quickned us we begin already to live through it and it dwelleth in us therefore we shall live more and more till we come to live the life of perfection and glory Rom. 8.11 If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwel in you he that hath raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you and in the mean time it will be quickning our immortal souls as to that death whereto by sin they are obnoxious or lyable Thirdly Having the Spirit of Christ we are in him we are one with him and this is a sure evidence and infallible testimony that Christ hath dyed for us he hath so taken our sins upon him that he hath taken them away he hath so born them that he hath born them away for ever from us he hath satisfied divine justice as to all our iniquities and fulfilled the law and now appears in the presence of God for us Rom. 8.3 4. God sent Christ that the