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A45276 A Christian legacy consisting of two parts: I. A preparation for death. II. A consolation against death. By Edward Hyde, Dr. of Divinity, and late rector resident of Brightwell in Berks. Hyde, Edward, 1607-1659. 1657 (1657) Wing H3863; ESTC R216954 160,798 388

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for he tasted it at his own pleasure Death feeds on us for we must tast it against our wills and not only tast it but also eat it down Corruption first seized upon our souls and from thence passed to our bodies It was to our greatest disadvantage that it seized upon our souls But it is to our greatest advantage that it seizeth upon our bodies For unless they should be quite destroyed sin which first caused mortality would in the corrupt remainders and Reliques of our bodies it self have a kind of immortality whereas Righteousness alone is and ought to be immortal And therefore it is very probable that those who shall be found alive at the last day of whom the Apostle hath said We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed 1 Cor. 15. 51. shall have a change not only Equivalent to a Death but also to a Total Destruction For sin must totally be destroyed And therefore also our bodies that have lodged it and have been defiled by it That there may not be left the least monument of sin in the New World wherein shall dwell nothing but Righteousness 2 Pet. 3. 13. And now me thinks I can find a Paradise in Golgotha ever since my Saviour hath been there and bid hearty welcom to those worms which shall destroy that flesh which would have destroyed me For I can now safely conclude that neither in regard of my soul nor of my body ought I to fear Death which certainly is not so formidable in it self as it is generally in the worlds opinion For if the Rule be true Nomen quasi Novimen The name of every thing is that whereby it is best known and discerned then by the name of death we may best know and discern the nature of it And these are the chief Names whereby the Scripture expresseth it A Sleep A Change A Departure A Dissolution and none of all these Names is terrible and why then should the thing it self be so But if there be any terrour in the thing yet we are sure that in the Text there is a comfort greater then the terrour First Death is called a Sleep Mat. 9. 24. The maid is not dead but sleepeth And though wicked miscreants who believed not the Resurrection laughed at our blessed Saviour for calling death A sleep yet let all good Christians rejoyce that it is so and give him thanks for making it so It is a comfortable Gloss which the third Toletan Council cap. 22. gives upon those words of John 11. 35. Jesus wept For they say Dominus non flevit Lazarum sed ad vitae hujus ploravit Aerumnas resuscitandum Jesus did not weep that Lazarus slept but that he was again to be awakened to see the miseries and feel the mischiefs of this wicked world T was said before verse 11. Our friend Lazarus sleepeth And he that said it having made his death a sleep was troubled that he should awaken him so soon from his sleep In vita vigilant Justi ideo in morte dicuntur Dormire saith St. Augustine The good man when he dieth is said to sleep because he watcheth and waketh all his life but a wicked man sleeps all his life and awakens only at his death Soul take thy rest saith the rich worldling He lulls his soul asleep but what follows Thou fool this night is thy soul taken from thee Thy sleep shall soon be over together with thy life and Vengeance and Death they shall awaken thee For hast thou slept all thy life and wouldest thou also sleep at thy death Hast thou slept all the while thou wert here and wouldest thou also sleep now thou art going hence Hast thou slept when God bad thee awake and wouldest thou also sleep now that he bids thee die No Thou mayest not any longer expect rest ease and tranquillity For thou shalt certainly have disconsolation at thy departure grief in thy passage and shame at thy journeys end when thou shalt appear before Gods Judgement-seat and shalt not be able to give any account at all of thy life no more then the Souldiers could of Christ Mat. 28. for thou wert asleep Thy Death would have been a sleep if thy life had not been so Secondly Death is called A Change Job 14. 14. All the dayes of my appointi●… time will I wait till my Change come Th●… Sept. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I wi●… wait till I be made again If death be thy making Tell me what can be thy marring A happy change doubtless which is nothing but a new making of that which is quite out of Order And thus saith St. Chrysostome did Symmachus expound th●… words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 my holy Nativity or my holy Natur●… come The nature which I now have i●… full of corruption full of unholiness so that my own flesh is not so neer me as i●… my sinfulness O for a regeneration of my body as well as of my soul that I may be born again in my flesh as I am in my spirit Nor is there any thing that can mor●… truly sweeten the thought of death the●… this consideration that it is a change For we are already in so bad a condition that we cannot well fear our Change should be for the worse And if we be truly sensible of our own condition it is most sure tha●… our change will be infinitely for the better For so saith the Apostle Phil. 3. 20●… 21. For our conversation is in Heaven fro●… whence we also look for the Saviour th●… Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body as if he had said we find nothing on Earth worth conversing withall therefore our conversation is in Heaven we know that our body is now vile and loathsom and therefore we look for the Lord Jesus Christ to Change and Fashion it like unto his Glorious Body Here are two great changes which the men of this world that are most given to change least care for A change of the soul from being on Earth to be in Heaven for our conversation is in Heaven A change of the body from Vileness to Glory who shall change our vile body that it may be like his glorious body Thirdly Death is called A Departure and so doth Abenezra expound the forenamed word in Job 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chaliphathi my change that is saith he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Halicathi my departure For the Jews express mans Birth as a Coming and his Death as a Going So Eccles. 1. 4. One generation goeth or Passeth away and another cometh Generatio vadens and Generatio Veniens The first is put for the Dying the latter for the living Generation of mankind And the first Council of Nice can 13. speaking of Dying men useth a word that only signifieth going forth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 De iis q●… exeunt And again 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 If any man be ready to Depart
and magnifie thy glorious Name because thou hast given me an assured hope that I shall with them hereafter evermore praise thee and say Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts Heaven and Earth are full of thy glory Glory be to thee O Lord most high The sick mans second lesson John 5. 24. VErily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life His second Canticle Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for calling me to the knowledge of himself and to faith in his Son and to Communion with his holy Spirit Lord I believe help thou my unbelief And grant me so perfectly and without all doubt to believe in thy Son Jesus Christ that my faith may never be reproved and my person and my prayers may alwaies be accepted in thy sight through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Or this In thee O Lord have I put my trust let me never be put to confusion but rid me and deliver me in thy righteousness incline thine ear unto me and save me Be thou my strong hold whereunto I may alway resort Thou hast promised to help me for thou art my house of defence and my Castle As for me I will patiently abide alway and will praise thee more and more My mouth shall daily speak of thy righteousness and salvation for I know no end thereof O what great troubles and adversities hast thou shewed me and yet didst thou turn and refresh me yea and broughtest me from the deep of the earth again Therefore will I praise thee and thy faithfulness O God playing upon an instrument of Musick Unto thee will I sing upon the Harp O thou holy one of Israel My lips will be fain when I sing unto thee and so will my soul whom thou hast delivered and ever wilt deliver according to thine infinite Mercies in Jesus Christ. The sick mans Creed or the Confession of his Faith by way of prayer I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of heaven and earth Grant me Lord so to believe in thee my Father that as a Father pittieth his own child so I may find and feel that thou art pittiful and merciful towards me Grant me so to believe in thee as my Lord and my God that I may find the eternal comfort of being thy servant and that as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters even so my eyes may wait upon the Lord my God until he have Mercy upon me Grant me so to believe in thee as my Father God and Maker that I may alwaies rely on thy Fatherly Goodness that I may alwaies submit my self body and foul to thy Almighty power and that I may commit my soul unto thee not only in well-doing but also in well-suffering as to my saithful Creator Grant me so to believe in Jesus Christ thy only Son my Redeemer that from this Jesus I may have salvation from this Christ I may have the holy Unction from this thy Son I may have spiritual adoption Grant me so to believe in God the Holy-Ghost that from this God I may be inspired with true godliness from this Holy-Spirit I may be sanctified and made a member of the Catholike Church and both live and die in the Communion of Saints And that from this spiritual Comforter I may be filled with spiritual comforts and consolations for evermore even with the immortal comfort of the Forgiveness of my sins of the Resurrection of my body and of the translation of my soul to the life everlasting Amen Or this O blessed Lord God who fillest heaven and earth with the Majesty of thy Glory and with the Riches of thy Mercy Let not my sinful soul be empty but let me evermore be filled with dreadful apprehensions of that great and glorious Majesty wherewith thou wilt hereafter come to Judge me And with comfortable apprehensions of that great and gracious Mercy whereby thou hast already come to save me that I may never want grace to prevent and keep me from sinning nor Mercy to pardon and forgive me all my sins nor the testimony of thy holy-Spirit to assure me of that pardon and forgiveness That though thou kill me yet I may put my trust in thee and even at the hour of death may be able to say with a strong heart though with a weak voice I believe in God the Father my Creator in God the Son my Redeemer in God the Holy-Ghost my Comforter That this my Father will provide for me health and ease and all other comforts of this world as far as they shall condu●…e to his glory and to my salvation And hath provided for me a Portion and Inheritance in the world to come That this Redeemer hath redeemed my soul from the bondage of Sin and Satan and will also at the last day redeem my body from the bondage of death and corruption That this Comforter will not leave me comfortless when I most want and most ask his comforts but that he will be with me according to his Promise and will keep me in all places whither I go of sickness of life of death and will bring me at last to the Land of Eternal rest for he will not leave me till he hath done that which he hath spoken to me of Gen. 28. 15. till he hath translated me from his holy Church-Militant to his holy Church-Triumphant And to that Communion of Saints whereof he is the only head who is the King of Saints And to that blessed company of sanctified spirits which have mercifully received the forgiveness of their sins do earnestly expect the resurrection of their bodies and do incessantly enjoy the life everlasting Amen The sick mans Collect for the Day O Sweet Jesus who comest from the bosom of thy heavenly Father to heal the broken-hearted to preach deliverance to the Captives and recovery of sight to the blind and to set at liberty them that are bruised shew also these thy Mercies at once and together in shewing Mercy on me who am now broken and bruised and under great blindness and captivity The eye of my soul is so dim by reason of my sins and of my sufferings that I cannot clearly see thy Merits The hand of my soul is so weak that I cannot eagerly reach after them nor strongly take hold of them Thus am I a captive under miserable blindness and weakness But shew thou me the light of thy countenance and that will recover my sight and release my captivity For in thy light I shall see the true light everlasting and in thy countenance I shall enjoy it O thou Son of righteousness which knowest not any going down and gives●…●…fe food and gladness unto all things vouchsase to shine into my mind that I may not either through the weakness of the flesh or the assaults of the Devil any where stumble to fall into impatience
correct me good Lord as a Father in thy Pitty to amend me not as a Judge in thy Fury to confound me Thou didst redeem me with thine own most precious blood that thou mightest convert me And how then wilt thou Judge me being redeemed with that blood that thou maist condemn me Well may my sins be condemned of thee who art the Righteous Judge for I who have been the sinner and who still am an unrighteous man cannot but condemn them and my self for them But surely thy precious blood can never come under condemnation nor my soul whiles thou lookest upon it as washed with that blood Thus thou hast given me a pledge of delivering my soul from the terrours of my death by conquering them and from the severity of Gods Justice by satisfying it And thou hast also prepared a deliverance for my body for in that thou madest thy grave with the wicked in thy death thou hast sanctified the grave as a Repository for my dead body till my flesh shall be totally wasted therein and with my flesh all the sin and wickedness which hath so long dwelt in it and cannot be destroyed before it And thou wilt at last raise me from thence after thine own likeness that I may come from the grave as thou didst go to it not having violence in mine hand nor deceipt in my mouth nor wickedness in mine heart Lord let it be thy pleasure thus to deliver me Make hast O Lord to help me Take away all my sin from my soul and then as soon as thou pleasest take away my soul from my body That having no unrepented sin in my life I may have no unsufferable sorrow in my death but may find comfort in it deliverance by it and glory after it Amen Contemplations on Heb. 12. Verse 1 2. IN my troubles and distresses either of my body or of my soul I cannot bestow my time better then in looking about me for help And in looking about me for help I cannot bestow mine eyes better then in looking up to heaven For my help cometh from the Lord who hath made heaven and earth Psal. 121. 2. And if I look up to heaven I shall soon spie there a bright cloud even a cloud of witnesses to enlighten me that I stumble not in my waies for any darkness of my understanding And if I look up yet higher through that cloud I shall behold a far greater light even the Sun of righteousness to enflame me and to quicken me lest I should sit still when I am bound to be walking for the dulness of my will and the deadness of my affections for above that cloud dwelleth he who is the brightness of Gods glory and the express Image of his person Heb. 1. 3. Wherefore my sight may not be terminated or bounded by this cloud of witnesses But through it I must be looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of my Faith if I desire the comfort of my faith when I most want it even in the day of my visitation and at the hour of my dissolution And indeed where should a good Christian fix either his eye or his heart but only on Christ And I may here see Christ in his Mystical body that is in his Church the cloud of witnesses And Christ in his natural body that is in himself Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith And the same Christ in either body destitute afflicted tormented O Lord how many arguments are here alledged to perswade me to behave my self with great constancy humility and patience in those conflicts and agonies which I must expect as a Christian unless I will renounce communion with Christ and embrace an unwarrantable and an unprofitable Christianity I think there is a Lyon in the way as said Solomons sluggard ready to devour me and I see nothing but briers and thorns in it ready to intangle my feet and to tear my flesh But God telleth me it is the ready way to heaven and the Race that I must run if ever I hope to get thither Let us run with patience the race that is set before us If it be my race then I must run it if it be set then I cannot remove it if it be set before me then I cannot decline it And truly I cannot deny but it is set before me by the dispensation of Gods Providence and the indispensable Duty of my Christian vocation And therefore I give him hearty thanks that he hath so plainly shewed unto me the manner of running this race and the reasons that I have to run it The manner of running this race is twofold First I must forsake my self and all my selfishness that is all those things to which I have naturally an immoderate desire and in which I have naturally an immoderate delight let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us For what am I or what is my flesh but a weight that doth beset me rather then befriend me even an unprofitable and an unsufferable burthen And what else cometh from me or cleaveth to me but only sin Which living in me cannot but work with me Operari sequitur esse and working with me cannot but defile my purest and my best works Secondly I must fix mine eyes and mine heart only upon my blessed Saviour looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith Looking to and on nothing else either within me or without me but only Christ whether in the way of my sanctification for he is the Author of my faith whereby alone my heart is purified and sanctified Or in the way of my salvation for he is the Finisher of my Faith whereby alone my soul is saved It is he that hath brought my soul from Infidelity to Faith whereby I now see through a glass darkly It is he that will bring my faith to a clear vision whereby I shall see him face to face The Reasons I have to run this race are drawn from that grand Topick which works so much upon all the world that Pelagius thought thereby to shift off Original sin from mans nature and to put it only on his imitation This Topick is the Common-place of example And first I have the examples of all those holy men that were before Christ who through their faith in Gods promises and constancy in their faith possessed their souls in great patience whiles they lived and resigned their souls in great comfort and contentment when they dyed This innumerable company of Saints is here called a cloud of witnesses and it is such a cloud as must needs at some time or other drop down many cool showers able to allay if not to extinguish the flames of my greatest fiery tryals Secondly I have the example of Christ himself he is the Author of my faith he is the Captain of my salvation that marcheth before me to this battle instructing me by his Word encouraging me by his Promises supporting me by his
wilt come to be my Judge who hast already come to be my Saviour and I therefore pray thee to help thy servant whom thou hast Redeemed with thy most precious blood O Lord in thy Justice when thou shalt be most ready to condemn me remember the Mercy whereby thou didst come to save me and hear thine own precious blood crying out to thee for my salvation and hear not my grievous sins crying out against me for my condemnation for what wilt thou do with thy Mercy which moved thee to shed thy blood if thou wilt not forgive sinners what wilt thou do with the Merit of thy blood that hath been shed if thou wilt not save sinners O Lord I appeal unto this Mercy which hath promised forgiveness of sins and to this Merit which hath purchased salvation for sinners and in this Mercy and in this Merit I cannot but hope to stand in the Judgement 31. If the Lord himself had not been on my side now may my soul say if the Lord himself had not been on my side when the Devils and mine own conscience rose up against me they had swallowed me up quick when they were so wrathfully displeased at me Yea the waters had drowned me and the stream had gone over my soul but praised be the Lord which hath not given me over for a prey unto their teeth My soul is escaped even as a bird out of the snare of the Fowler the snare is broken and I am delivered My help standeth in the Name of the Lord which hath made heaven and earth and which hateth nothing that he hath made 32. O Lord Jesus Christ which upholdest all things in heaven and in earth make me evermore to put my whole trust in thee in the state of health and prosperity to trust in thee for preservation in the state of sickness and adversity to trust in thee for deliverance and relief in all states to trust in thee for grace and benediction That in the distresses of my body I may be comforted for the salvation of my soul in the distresses of my soul I may be comforted for the mercies of my Savio●… Let me submit my soul to thee in piety by doing righteously that thou mayest not punish me and having failed of that let me submit my soul to thee in patience by suffering contentedly when thou dost punish me for my sins Let me not despair of thy Mercy when I have most provoked thy Justice that thou mayst in Justice remember Mercy and in Mercy remember me Let me never say in my heart through impatience or infidelity There is no God Let me never wish in my heart through impenitency that there were none Let me not say in my heart ●…efore I sin There is no God least I sin with greediness Let me not wish in my heart there were no God after I have sinned lest I sin without Repentance But make me set thee alwaies before me both in thy Majesty as coming to Judge me that I sin not and in thy Mercy as willing to save me that I despair not when I have sinned And be thou alwaies with me by thy special grace that I perish not in my sins O thou which art the joy of Angels be also the joy of my sinful soul speak salvation to me who can speak nothing but damnation to my self Be unto my sinful soul sanctification from sin that thou mayest be to my sanctified soul salvation from death That I may at last stand with that great multitude who shall stand before thee cloathed with white robes and palms in their hands to cry with a loud voice saying Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever ever Amen 33. O Lord who art so merciful unto sinful man as to vouchsafe to be his Guide and Governor and so constant in thy Mercies as to guide and govern him all his life even unto death I beseech thee to be my Guide in this my greatest perplexity now that my body is as it were bitten with fiery Serpents and my soul dwelleth among Scorpions Now that torments and tumults are without me temptations and discontents are within me O be thou ●…igh at hand that none of all my outward ●…r inward vexations may either disturb my ●…fety or betray my innocency Let God ●…ise in my heart and let all his enemies ●…ere that is all my impatient thoughts 〈◊〉 scattered Like as smoke vanisheth so 〈◊〉 them vanish at the presence of God ●…nd my soul be joyful in the Lord it shall ●…ejoyce in his salvation 34. O God thy Charets are twenty thou●…nd even thousands of Angels O set ●…me of them compass me about as they ●…d thy servant Elisha whiles I am living ●…nd let others of them carry my soul into ●…brahams bosom when I shall die as they ●…d thy servant Lazarus That these thy ●…inistring spirits which are sent forth to ●…inister for them who shall be heirs of sal●…tion may also minister for me thy most ●…worthy servant not only in my sick●…ss to succour and defend me but also in ●…y death to direct and convey my soul 〈◊〉 by thy appointment they have brought ●…e to those everlasting mansions where I ●…all together with them alwaies behold ●…e face of my Father which is in heaven ●…men 35. O Lord thou hast commanded me t●… break off my sins by repentance but I hav●… broken off my soul from thee by sin an●… widened that breach by my impenitency Wherefore it is but just that I who have s●… often grieved thy Spirit should now at 〈◊〉 grieve mine own For I have often re●…turned to those sins which by mine ow●… mouth had so terribly accused me and b●… mine own default so grievously wounde●… me But I beseech thee to fill my hea●… with Repentance which I have so ofte●… filled with sin and let me have that sorro●… here which may keep me from confusio●… hereafter For if thy servant Peter we●… three whole daies nay all his life long f●… denying thee thrice out of a sudden pass●… on What tears what repentance is nee●… ful to the washing away of my sins wh●… have so often denyed thee upon deliber●…tion If Mary Magdalen wept so gri●…vously for seven Devils shall not I mu●… rather for seventy seven more unclean sp●…rits She was not then thy servant wh●… she entertained those impure guests I ha●… been a long time thy friend thy brothe●… thy son and yet have given these thi●… enemies my best entertainment She 〈◊〉 ●…ot in the Devils again after they had ●…een cast out but I have swept and garnish●…d the room for them make me therefore ●…ood Lord all my life long to wash thy ●…et with my tears that thou mayest wash ●…y soul with thy blood and so at last pre●…nt it without spot and blemish before ●…he heavenly Father in thine eternal and everlasting Kingdom Amen 36. Lord let me often find the influence of thy grace in heavenly
thoughts that I may often feel the influence of thy mercy in heavenly joyes I have many sad and dismal sorrows from my self O give unto me true comfort in my Saviour let my trouble be in the day when thou wilt hear me and not in the day when thou wilt Judge me There is no trust but may deceive me save only my trust in thee there is nothing in which I may not miscarry but only thy Mercy O Lord let my trust be so in thee that though I have miscarried in all the desires and designs and delights of this world yet I may not miscarry in thy Mercy but may have the joyes and delights of the world to come through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen 37. Be thou exalted Lord in thine ow●… strength so will I sing and praise th●… power Thy strength is that whic●… strengthens souls and thou lovest to shew thy strength in our weakness Lord let thy strength be made perfect in my weakness so shall I most gladly rather glory then repine in my infirmities whiles the power of Christ doth-rest upon me and my soul doth rest upon thee and thy Mercies in Jesus Christ. 38. O Lord who forgivest the sins of the penitent and coverest those sins which thou forgivest I beseech thee to accept my repentance and to cover all those sins which I desire thee to forgive That I may have the blessing of him whose unrighteousness is forgiven and whose sin is covered For if my sins should be all discovered to my self they would fill me with fear if they should be discovered to others they would fill me with shame And how wilt thou discover them either to my fear or to my shame since thou canst not forgive them unless thou cover them O then be pleased so to cover my sins here as not to discover them again hereafter so to hide my transgressions in the day of thy Mercy as not to lay them open in the day of Wrath Or if thy Justice shall require that all my sins be revealed in the day of the revelation of thy righteous Judgement let the atonement also for my sins be then revealed which I have laboured to make and thou hast promised to accept through the Merits and satisfaction of thy Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ. 39. O thou who art gracious and righteous and in thy righteousness teachest the upright the way of innocency and by thy grace leadest sinners in the way of repentance Have mercy upon me thy most unworthy servant and grant that my great defects and wants of the first righteousness that of Innocency may be supplyed by the fulness of the second righteousness that of Faith and Repentance And make mine eyes look so diligently to thee that I may never again want care in looking to my self Order my steps in thy Word and so shall no wickedness have dominion over me Order my heart in thy Faith and so shall I have dominion over all my wickedness for though my fears shall force me to say O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death yet my Faith will be able to suppress that saying and suggest unto me this heavenly comfort and triumph I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. 40. O Lord I am in the midst of many troubles and sorrows by reason of my sufferings and much more by reason of my sins but thou hast promised that the righteous shall rejoyce in the Lord and put his trust in him and all they that are true of heart shall be glad Psal. 64. 10. O then make me true of heart that I may trust in thee and be truly righteous And give unto me true righteousness that thou mayst give unto me true joy There is no true righteousness but the righteousness of thy Son There is no true joy but the joy of thy Spirit O thou Father of Mercy give unto me the righteousness of God the Son my Redeemer that thou mayst give me the joy of God the Holy-Ghost my Comforter to be with me and to remain in me for evermore 41. O Lord thou hast brought upon me so much misery that I cannot love my condition And I have so much sin that I cannot love my self Wherefore I beseech thee to fix my love wholly upon thee that my soul may thirst for thee and my flesh also may long after thee in this barren and dry Land where no water is either to cleanse or to refresh or to revive me That looking for thee in holiness I may behold thy power and glory For my soul cannot truly thirst for thee till my flesh also long after thee since whiles my flesh is in love with the profits and pleasures of this life my spirit cannot but lose the desire and neglect the pursuit of the life everlasting O Lord thou hast taken away from me most of the profits and all the pleasures of this life O take from me also the love of it That I may not fear to lose that life which I do not love nor love that life which I am sure to lose but let me so love thee as to live in thee that I may not fear the loss either of my life or of my love 42. O Lord I am assaulted by vexations without and by temptations within and to whom should I flie for succour but only to thee who art not so displeased for my sins but that thou wilt be appeased by my repentance O give unto me that repentance which thou wilt accept and take from me that displeasure which I so fear Thou canst defend me with thy favourable kindness as with a Shield O Lord I ask no other defence but only this defence of thy Mercy to defend me from my self and all my sinfulness to defend me from thy wrath and from all the punishments of my sins Though thou leave me destitute of all other defence yet let thy loving-kindness evermore defend me according to that eternal love wherewith thou hast loved me in the Son of thy love our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 43. O Lord thou hast hitherto guided me by thy counsel and thou wilt hereafter receive me with glory Therefore have I none in heaven but thee because none else can receive me with glory and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee because none else can guide me with true counsel O Lord pardon my strayings from thy directions as thou hast been my guide that thou mayst receive me into thine habitation and be my glory for Jesus sake Amen 44. O Lord make my soul willing to depart and go from hence because it here dwells among the enemies of my peace even among mine own sins and fears which disturb the peace of a good conscience here and threaten to destroy the peace of a blessed eternity hereafter Make me to long for that blessed minute which will restore to me perfect innocency and will transmit me into everlasting peace
End Others may run Faster but he makes the best Speed that first gets to Heaven So run that ye may obtain 2 Cor. 9. 24. Now a Blessed Immortality may be obtained two waies 1. In Affection 2. In Fruition This latter is to be expected at Gods leisure but the former cannot be too soon obtained The very first step of Mortality should thus tend towards Immortality For as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his Death Rom. 6. 3. when we were yet scarce entred into our own Life we were Baptized into his Death which shews that in truth we were not so much born to live as we were born to die Well the man may think himself born to live but sure the Christian that is baptized into the Death of Christ must know that he was born again only to die For thus we all brought a body of death with us into the world Rom. 7. 24. as well as a breath of life Gen. 2. 7. And must therefore learn to dye in the beginning as well as in the end of our daies Saint John saith of himself And when I saw him that is Christ I fell at his feet as dead Rev. 1 17. So is it with us when we truly see Christ we sall down at his feet as dead and yet do not lose our Station but only mend it For whereas before we stood in our selves by thus falling we stand in our Saviour No Christian is a loser by being dead with Christ no more then Christ was a loser by his own death For indeed death is the only way for them both to a Joyful Resurrection I am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Rev. 1. 18. The Death was but for a short time but the Life is for evermore This is such a Funeral as ought to be kept without Mourning and is better solemnized with Joy and Triumph then with Sorrow and Lamentation For this Mortal must put on Immortality here on Earth or it will not be fit to put it on hereafter in Heaven This Mortal must put on Immortality before it put off it self Immortality in Affection or it will never put on Immortality in Fruition SECT II. Of the Knowledge of mans Mortality THE Knowledge of Mortality is more then a Science it is also a Sapience O that they were Wise that they understood This that they would consider their latter end Deut. 32. 29. Here is Sapience and Science Joyned both together Sapience is a knowledge of Principles Science is a knowledge of Conclusions This knowledge of Mortality is Both Teaching a man to joyn his last Ending to his first Beginning The serious studies of Mortality will make a man in His Moment to imitate God in his Eternity It will make us Alpha and Omega in our Nothing as God is in his All. So to think of our First as to think of our Last For this is for a man to consider his latter End To know the greatness of Mortality he is under from within him from without him from above him from below him from within him by the contradiction o●… his nature those irreconcilable contrarietics in his constitution From without him by the Contentions an●… Violences of wicked men his irreconcil●…ble Enemies who a●… wicked men have their feet swift to sh●… blood and as Enemies will yet make the●… swifter to shed his blood and as irreconcileable Enemies will not give over that swif●…ness till they have shed it From abo●… him The God of heaven calling for hi●… Breath which he did but lend him for t●… Run his Race From below him The D●…vils of Hell sorry to see him Running t●… wards Heaven if he be Tending thither an●… so desirous to interrupt his course or glad of his running towards Hell if his Race tend that way and so willing to Precipitate and Hasten him thither This consideration of Mortality is fully expressed by the Psalmist as it ought to be Practised by us Psal. 39. 5. Lord let me know mine end and the Number of my Daies so the Septuagint The Number of my Daies you cannot know a Number without Joyning the First and the Last unites both together So is it also in knowing the Number of your Daies you must take in your last day or you cannot have your full Number Omnem crede Diem tibi diluxisse supremum But the Hebrew saith The measure of my Daies now a measure is in continued quantity but Number is in discrete quantity It seems it is not yet fully Resolved in the Text by what quantity the length of mans life is to be taken whether by Magnitude or by Multitude For if it be taken by Magnitude it is so small a measure that it may seem almost indivisible but a span long And yet even so it is rather taken by Multitude for what is a span but a Multitude in Magnitude the space betwixt the thumb and the little finger when they are severally extended to make one measure And therefore the Septuagint saith Behold thou hast made my daies old Such as are already past and gone For whiles t is yet passing over it is no day you have but only the present minute of it when you have the whole day you have nothing left it is gone before you can have it So is your life it is but a minute whiles you have it and if it be more you have it not It is gone before it comes to be more or can be more in your Account And therefore in this case of Numbring our Daies we must fetch our Arithmetick from Heaven no Artist on Earth can teach it us but only the Spirit of God so teach us to number our daies Psal. 90. v. 12. A very Unquoth Arithmetick to number that which is not To number daies whiles they are yet Passing which cannot properly be numbred till they are Past And yet without this Arithmetick there is no applying the Heart unto wisdom Diu Fuit non Diu Vixit He had a long Continuance but he had a short Life is true of every one that Numbers not his Daies till they be spent Here must be Numerus Numerans before Numerus Numeratus The Number Numbring before the Number Numbred God Numbreth the stars and calleth them all by their Names Yet the stars first Are before they are Numbred But man Numbreth his Daies before they Are The Number is before the thing Numbred He Numbers not what is past that he may prolong but what is to come that he may Redeem his time And it neerly concerneth him so to do for his Daies are like a shadow that declineth Psal. 102. 11. The shadow when it is declining waxeth longest for the Sun is setting but then presently it waxeth nothing for the Sun is set So is the life of man as a shadow nay as the dream of a shadow it never seemeth long till it is declining and then in a short time it is nothing at
reveal to me from thence Gods will co●…cerning my salvation for that is to bring Christ down from above to deny that Christ is already come down from heaven of purpose to shew us the way up thither Or who shall descend into the deep to wit to rescue me from the power of death and hell that is to bring up Christ again from the dead to deny that Christ is risen from the dead and hath conquered the power of death But what saith it The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved As if he had said What needs any man trouble himself about cu●…ious Questions to know whether he be in ●…he state of Salvation for that 's a thing which he can best know from his own mouth and from his own heart If his ●…eart be true to his Saviour by a lively Faith in his death and Resurrection And if his tongue be true to his heart by a ●…oyful Profession of that Faith If his Faith●…e ●…e agreeable to the word of Christ and his ●…fe be agreeable to his Christian faith ei●…er by his Innocency or by his Repentance ●…f his Inner man be true to Christ and his ●…uter man be true to his Inner man He needs neither Rove in uncertainties no●… Dive into Curiosities nor distract himself with Perplexities for he is undoubtedly in the state of Salvation The Spiri●… of God saith to a man in such a condition Thou shalt be saved Upon these Premise●… of Faith and Obedience here specified b●… Confession it would be Unlogical an●… much more Untheological to deny th●… Conclusion the state of Salvation Tho●… shalt be saved And if you shall yet desire to know whether you have a tr●… Faith or no I must tell you that as th●… life of the Soul is the life of the Body s●… Faith is the life of the Soul For Chri●… dwelleth in the heart by Faith Eph. 3. 17. And as life is known to be in the body b●… its sense and motion so also is life known t●… be in the Soul First by its sence for 〈◊〉 hath a feeling of its own sins and groan●… under the burden of them It hath a feeling of Christs merits and mercies and r●…joyceth in the comfort thereof Secondly by its motion The Affections are the fee●… by which the soul moveth Hence tha●… saying Anima est non ubi Animat sed u●… Amat The soul is not where it lives b●… where it loves consequently the soul tha●… placeth its love in God hath its life in God Omnia sunt Vita in Deo quae non vivunt in seipsis saith the Angelical Dr. most Angelically All things are life in God even those things which have no life in themselves Creatures that are dead in themselves are alive in God Creatures without life are life in him Creatures that have life in themselves yet in God have a far better life Thus men in themselves have but a Momentany a Corruptible an Indigent an Inglorious life But men in God have a life of Eternity of Incorruption of Al-sufficiency and full of Glory wouldst thou then live Eternally Incorruptibly Contentedly and gloriously Go out of thy self O Devout soul and live in God Go out of thy self by thy Affections which will carry thee from earth to Heaven from thy self to thy Saviour and will make thee whiles thy body is below mount up on high Placing thy heart where thy Treasure is for Christ alone is the Treasure of Souls who alone is the Saviour and Lover of Souls even in Heaven nay in the highest part of Heaven at the right Hand of God This is the Apostles advice Col. 3. 1 2. If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your Affections on things above not on things on earth And we may very well turn this Advice into an Argument to prove that we are indeed Risen with Christ because we do seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God because we do settle our affections on things above not on things of the earth but withall we must carefully observe the nature of this proof For 1. It is not a Violent but a Voluntary motion of the Affection that is her●… required the things above are such as w●… seek with Desire and find with Delight 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quae sursum sunt q●…aerite seek those things which are above No●… turn Seeker after mens new Phansies b●… after Gods old Mercies Psal. 25. 6. Th●… Tender mercies and thy loving kindnesses f●… they have been ever of old It is in the Hebrew Quia à seculo ipsae No Verb at a●… to signifie any Time to shew they were b●…fore all time from everlasting and sha●… continue beyond all time to everlasting 〈◊〉 is the consideration of these everlasting me●…cies that maketh the soul to seek after G●… the father of mercies Not the Fear of he●… but the Love of heaven It is not a Viole●… but a Voluntary motion That is the first 2. Secondly Again It is not the motion of one Affection but of all for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 set your affection is spoken Indifinitely and therefore since in a matter necessary Universally It is not some affections for God some for the World for so had wicked Balaam Num. 23. 10. saying Let me die the death of the Righteous And yet he loved the wages of Unrighteousness 2 Pet. 2. 15. But all the affectious must be for God For as a man cannot live the life of nature and have his Heart divided so much less can he live the Life of Grace Therefore all the Affections His Affections are settled Universally That is the second 3. Thirdly This motion of the soul is not without Deliberation and great Judgement For it is grounded upon the consideration and belief of Christs Resurrection If ye then be risen with Christ The consideration That Christ hath opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers makes him Believe The consideration That Christ sitteth on the right Hand of God in the Glory of the Father maketh him Seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right Hand of God His Judgement goes before his Affection the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 requires no less He hath seriously computed with himself and sees there is but one Pearl of great Price unto his Soul and for that he will sell all that he hath to buy it Mat. 13. 4. 5. His Affections are settled judiciously on Christ that 's the Third 4. Fourthly and lastly This motion of the soul is not without right Order for it begins from a right Principle and therefore must needs end with a blessed conclusion He is not moved with the Fear of Gods Majesty but
Hand O Lord is not shortned that it cannot save and loose me from the burden of mine iniquity as it did her from the spirit of her Infirmity sweet Jesus lay thy mercifull hands on me that I may be Immediately made straite as she was and Glorifie God For this is a grievous and 〈◊〉 deadly burden 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A grievous and yet withal A Fatal Burden A Burden that brings grief with it and Damnation after it such is the burden of any wilfull sin whatsoever till Faith and Repentance have unloaded the conscience Most divinely Saint Chrysostom If all my Righteousness be as Filthy rags Isa. 64. 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what shall be said of my filthiness and of my unrighteousness Surely if my best righteousness hath the aspersion of sin then are my sins most exeeeding sinfull But we all generally herein are like the Pharisees ready to bind Heavy burdens and grievous to be born and lay them on other mens shoulders Mat. 23. 4. whereas this is a burden that we should ●…her lay every man on his own Heart The evil of our neighbours Heart we cannot know and yet are very desirous to know it though that knowledge tend directly to our damnation either for our malice or our Curiosity The evil of our own hearts we can know yet care not to know it though this knowledge immediately conduce to our salvation either by our Humility or by our Repentance For that man is worse then Simon Magus who is in the very gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity and yet scorns to say to the Successors of the Apostles Pray ye unto the Lord for me that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me Acts 8. 23 24. For whatsoever God hath spoken in his word against impenitent sinners he cannot but fear will come upon him and it is just he should know it will so that he may not still continue in his Impenitency Sin doth at first grieve the God without us maker of Heaven and Earth but at last it will grieve the God within us our own Consciences It is at first Vastans Conscientiam to waste thy Conscience that from a little conscience thou maist have no conscience It will be at last Aggravans Conscientiam to burden thy Conscience that from no Conscience thou maist come to all Conscience It is best then for the sinner to be his own ●…ndemner that he may not be his own executioner For it is a sign he is in Bethesda in the house of Grace if he find his Conscience like those waters Troubled within him For being Impotent by reason of his sins whether Blind or halt or withered whether Blind in his Understanding or halt in his Affections or withered in his Actions He cannot be healod till He step into the Troubled waters which though they are the worst to let him see his Face for all will appear in broken lineaments yet are they the best to help him heal his soul Be not afraid then to step one step further into these waters as long as it is a good Spirit from God that troubles them The Disciples being in a storm and seeing Jesus walking on the Sea and drawing nigh unto the ship were afraid till they heard and knew his voice then they willingly received him into the ship and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went So when thy soul is in a Tempest though Jesus himself be coming nigh thou wilt be afraid but when he is fully come thou wilt most willingly receive him and immediately upon his reception Thou wilt be at the Haven of a Blessed Rest for himself will say unto thee Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me John 14. 1. A true Believer should not be troubled for by his faith he is more then Conqueror And yet he is often troubled for by reason of his weakness and of his unworthiness he doth sometimes not perceive the conquest of his Faith His own Conscience so convincing him that he cannot but be much troubled at the conviction 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Aristotle There is a twofold Redargution or Conviction The one proceeding from the Confutation of the Cause the other from the Confutation of the Person The Cause is often overthrown when yet the Person still retains his former confidence The Arguments of men may Confute and yet not Convince they may convince and yet not Extort the acknowledgement o●… a Conviction But the Argumentts of the Conscience are truly and fully Convictive because they are truly and fully Demonstrative And that in such a kind of Demonstration of which the Philosophers words are most really verified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Demonstration is not to confute the man in his Person for he may be Contumacious and Refractory but to confute him in his Reason and in his Judgement Such is this Demonstration of Conscience It seizeth on the inward man If that plead the Cause if that Dispute and make an instance against the Respondent no sophistry no elusion no evasion will serve his turn but his heart is troubled his countenance dejected and his tongue silenced so that he can say nothing in excuse much less in justification of himself but is forced to flie to his Saviours Al-sufficient Merits and Al-saving mercies and it is a happy violence that so forceth him saying with the blind man in the Gospel Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me And though many charge him that he should hold his peace even very many sins and unworthinesses yet he cries the more a great deal Thou son of David have mercy on me till Jesus stand still and command him to be called and say unto him What wilt thou that I should do unto thee Then will his Answer be Lord that I might receive my sight not so much to see mine own sins as thy mercies thine infinite thine undeserved mercies Thus I would receive my sight to see the light of thy countenance and I shall be whole This was that admirable prayer in the Greek Liturgies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lord appease and allay those invisible tumults of mine own breast which so much disquiet and torment my soul Other enimies may be resisted and haply vanquished but this internal enemy is altogether inexpugnable and alwaies gets the victory over us Appease these invisible wars we are much frighted with visible wars but the invisible are infinitely more terrible for these will frighten even the Souldiers themselves who make it their Work no less then their Profession to disturb and frighten others And they are called invisible wars not only because they alone can see them who feel them but also because they are the most fatal and dangerous even as an enemy is most dangerous when he is least seen most to be feared when he is least to be discovered Conscience doth then war most dangerously when most privately most unsuspectedly and
doth then most hurt thee when it doth least wound thee when it wil●… not strike till it be too late for thee to ward the blow For then Sin lyeth at the door Gen. 4. 7. Robets it layeth down o●… coucheth like some wild beast at the mouth of his Cave as if he were asleep bu●… indeed watcheth and waketh and is ready to flie at all that come neer it So is sin in 〈◊〉 mans Conscience Couchant rather then Dormant it sleeps Dogs sleep that it may take the sinner at the greater advantage and flie the more furiously in his face Conscientia dormit respectu motionis non observationis Conscience may seem to sleep whe●… indeed it doth not for when it sleeps it is only i●… regard of motion not in regard of observation When it doth least check thee it doth mos●… observe thee It spares thee a while to torment thee for ever It spares thee here to torment thee hereafter A most cruel mercy to observe the sin and let alone the sinner To Register the wicked deed but not to Reprove him that did it And this is all the mercy that a seared a benummed Conscience doth afford when it doth most befriend us It will not cut that it may kill It will not convince that it may confound It will not accuse that it may condemn Wherefore I will awaken my Conscience to Arraign me here that it awaken not it self to Condemn me hereafter for that must that will prevail at length and that with such an evidence to which I shall not be able to plead not Guilty and much less to withstand the Guilt It will come upon me as Poverty upon Solomons sluggard like an Armed man not only as a Valiant man with power to overcome me but also as an Armed man with frights and terrors to over-aw me David a man of war who said he would not fear though an Host encamped against him nay encompassed him round about Psal. 27. 3. 3. 6. yet durst not look one sin in the face but when Nathan had said unto him Thou art the man and his own conscience had attested the saying he presently gives over the thought of Denyal or Tergiversation and much more the spirit of contradiction and Prostrates himself before the mercy seat not being able to stand in the Judgement and cryeth out I have sinned against the Lord 2 Sam. 12. 13. He had sinned once by commiting his sin and durst not sin again by lessening it He neither desired to extenuate the guilt of Sin in himself nor to aggravate it in another and they generally go both together no man being so ready to accuse and condemn his Brother as he that is resolved to Acquit and Justifie himself Spiritual Pride causeth thee to think thy brother the greater sinner but indeed it makes thee so But consider awhile proud Justitiarie is it not practical Blasphemy in the highest degree for thee to set and settle thy self in Christs Judgement Seat and there to become a Judge of souls He that said Judge not that ye be not Judged hath in effect told thee that if thou dost Lord it in his Tribunal here thou shalt tremble and quake before it hereafter The Joints o●… thy knees with Belshazzars shall then be as loose as is now thy tongue The words o●… the Psalmist are much to be observed Psal. 109. 30. He shall stand at the right hand of the poor to save him from those that condemn his soul. Christ will leave his Throne at the right hand of God rather then fail to stand at the right hand of the poor and what poor they are he takes such a care of Himself hath told us Mat. 5. 3. The poor in Spirit The Kingdom of heaven is most theirs who least assume it to themselves Who think they are not worthy of a being upon earth they shall be surest of a being in heaven they think themselves not worthy to kneel upon the earth because it is the footstool of the most high God much less worthy to look up to heaven because it is his Throne but he thinks them most worthy to be Translated from the earth and to be admitted into heaven saying For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven These are the poor that our Saviour Christ doth alwaies stand by and indeed they alone do constantly stand by him though others pretend more to be his servants And why doth he alwaies stand by them or as the Text speaks at their right hand even to save them from those that condemn their fouls or as it is in the Hebrew to save from the Judges of his soul or to save his soul from Judges To save him from the Judges of his soul for though they condemn him yet he will acquit and save him or to save his soul from Judges That is as our other Translation reads this verse To save his soul from unrighteous Judges For no Judge can b●… so unrighteous as he that Judges anothe●… mans soul For his Judgement proceed●… not out of inclination to Justice but meerly out of pride or malice so that it is●… perverse Judgement It proceeds not fro●… a lawful Authority but from Self-wi●… and Presumption so that it is an usurpe●… Judgement And it proceeds not according to the Rules of Prudence and Discretion but of folly and madness so that it i●… a foolish and rash Judgement Christ i●… the only Over-seer and Bishop of o●… souls 1 Pet. 2. 25. Do not presume to go●… visitation in thy Saviours Diocess Judg●… no mans soul but thine own So shalt tho●… not be Judged of the Lord for two Reasons For not Judging others and fo●… Judging thyself Here at home thou mai●… rightly Judge and as rightly condemn nay if thou dost but Judge thou must condemn it being all one for a sinner t●… Judge his own soul and to condemn it And the more he Judges the more he co●…demns Like Ezekiels Vision chap. 8●… The more he looks the worse he likes v●… But Turn thou yet again and thou shalt s●… Greater Abominations and v. 13 Is●… again the same so is it in the Vision of ou●… own sinful souls This must still be the Epiphonema the Burden the concluding sentence Hast thou seen This O son of man Turn thee yet again and thou shalt see greater Abominations Though thou hast already seen most wondrous strange horrid sins such whose very thought must needs affright the soul and therefore whose guilt must needs oppress it yet thou must still look to see Greater Abominations when thou hast seen all manner of wickedness in thine heart and sins there as Firebrands of hell for Torment but as the stars of heaven for multitude some of the greater some of the lesser magnitude but yet altogether Innumerable and every one too too Great when thou hast seen all this and imagined more then thou canst see yet this saying must be the conclusion of all Hast thou seen this O son of man Turn
thee yet again and thou shalt see greater Abominations then These Thou canst not turn to look upon or rather into thy self but thou wilt still find out some new Abominations and if thou find none it is because thou thy self art the Abomination of Desolation so Abominable as reserved to Destruction or because thou art all Abomination and therefore thinkest nothing Abominable as that Breath which is mo●… corrupt and unsavory can least discern 〈◊〉 own corruption and Unsavoriness whi●… is therefore the greater because the le●… discerned But let us a little view this v●…sion more particularly and in it our ow●… hearts we may here observe the wickednes●… of Israel both towards God and toward●… Mans towards God by Idolatry 1. I●… worshipping of Baal here called th●… Image of Jealousie ver 3. 5. becaus●… it made God jealous and we know Idolatry is forbidden with this reason Fo●… the Lord thy God is a jealous God●… 2. In offering Incense to creeping thing●… ver 10. 3. In weeping for Tammuz●… ver 14. 4. In worshipping the Sun●… ver 16. Towards men by cruelty ver 17. For they have filled the Land wit●… violence And is not all this Idolatry the sin o●… thine own heart is not all this Cruelty the sin of thine own hand First for the Idolatry the sin that thou thinkest thy self least guilty of when Thou followest thine own Phansie in serving God Thou worshippi●… Baal Nomen Idoli quia illud colentium Dominus That 's now thine Idol nay indeed thy Lord and Master and hath gotten Dominion over thee nor is there any Image more dangerously worshipped then ●…hine own Imagination God is a jealous God in all Idolatry but in none so much as when thou makeft thy self thine own Idol Again when for vile and base respects or sordid advantages thou transgressest the Duties of Piety Justice or Charity Thou then offerest Incense to Creeping things ●…ay thy self art creeping on Earth when ●…hou shouldest be ascending into heaven 〈◊〉 When thou bemoanest thy temporall Losses with too much pensiveness of Thought as being much more grieved for the wasting of thy treasure then of thy conscience Thou then weepest for Tammuz for he was among the Aegyptians as Ceres among the Romans The God of the Harvest And lastly when thou dost basely temporize for thine own ends Having mens persons in admiration because of advantage Jude 16. Thou maist properly be said to Turn thy face towards the East and to worship the Rising Sun Thus will thine own heart if thou look into it accuse thee of Israels Idolatry and in the next place thou must hold up thy Guilty hand at the Bar and be arraigned for his cruelty For if Saint Augustines Rule be true Qu●… non Pavisti occidisti whom thou hast 〈◊〉 fed thou hast starved whom thou ha●… not filled with meat thou hast fille●… with violence whom thou hast not Relieved thou hast Destroyed we need n●… send thee among the outragious Plundere●… to take thy share in this accusation They have filled the land with Violence For i●… that thou hast not helped those who hav●… been wronged thou hast helped to wron●… them in that thou hast not fed the hungry thou hast starved them in that thou 〈◊〉 not taken in the stranger into thine hous●… thou hast thrust him out of his own 〈◊〉 that thou hast not cloathed the naked tho●… hast stripped him Thus shalt thou be a●… raigned and condemned at the last day no●… only for thy Commissions but also fo●… thy Omissions Mat. 25. 41 42. But an●… if also for thine Omissions then certainly and much more for thy Commissions For making others hungry and thirsty an●… poor and sick and naked Thus if thou sha●… look impartially into thine own Bosom thou wilt there find this Vision thou wi●… there see all these wicked abominations b●… turn thee yet again and thou shalt see greate●… Abominations then these which are indeed the effects of these not only dismal repre●…tations of thine own sins but also a ●…e dismal representation of Gods judge●…nt Thou hast been guilty of sins un●…rthy of a man and now thou must ex●…ct to feel a judgement worthy of God ●…sd 12. 26. my Flesh trembleth for fear ●…hee and I am afraid of thy judgements 〈◊〉 119. 120. This is the very abomina●…n of desolation when a man finding ●…self under the terrors of Gods impar●…l and inevitable and insupportable justice ●…ks under the burden and hath so many ●…smal Fiends rather then thoughts for 〈◊〉 inmates of his despairing soul. This was ●…ins case which is therefore so expresly 〈◊〉 down that it may not be ours Gen. ●…13 And Cain said My punishment is ●…eater then I can bear or my iniquity is ●…eater then that it may be forgiven The ●…rds will admit both interpretations for ●…e same word signifies both Iniquity and ●…ishment and indeed it is iniquity alone ●…at makes the Punishment for were it ●…t for sin though we might be Afflicted ●…t we could not be Punnished and that ●…akes it intolerable For a wounded ●…irit who can bear Another may ●…ound my body but it is only my self that can wound my soul The sores of 〈◊〉 body may be very painfull but it is only sins the sores the wounds of my soul●… are intolerable A wounded spirit who bear Prov. 18. 14. O thou who 〈◊〉 wounded for our Transgressions and w●… blood is the only balm to heal the wo●… of our Souls make us in Time to thirst 〈◊〉 gasp after thy blood that so we ma●… recovered of all our wounds Give u●… hearty Sorrow for our sins but wi●… gives us thy immortal comforts in 〈◊〉 Sorrows Sorrow for sin is a G●… Sorrow nay A Sorrow according to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 7. 10. 〈◊〉 Godly Sorrow because it begins from 〈◊〉 and ends in God and it is a sorrow 〈◊〉 cording to God having him not only fo●… Efficient and final but also for its fo●… cause A sorrow according to the ex●…ple of the Son of God Mat. 26. My ●…ul is exceeding Sorrowfull even Death The soul of the God of Life was rowful unto the Death 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 my soul is encompassed round about with row whence so much Sorrow to him 〈◊〉 was the only Joy of heaven and earth 〈◊〉 proclaiming his indulgences on earth 〈◊〉 made an eternal Jubile in heaven ●…ence so much grief to him who is the ●…ight of men and Angels even from the ●…ath of God against sin though himself ●…d never sinned Because of this was he ●…rrowful and very heavy Was the bur●… of my sins heavy upon my Saviours ●…l and shall it not much more be hea●… upon mine own Did he cry out for 〈◊〉 sins as if God had forsaken him and ●…all I still be silent and not fear that ●…od will indeed forsake me I Knowledge 〈◊〉 fault saith the true penitent ●…d my sin is ever before me Psal. 51. 3. 〈◊〉 if he had said my sins are
after Moses did from thence invent some Fable and fein it to have been Acted by some one or other of Jupiters Sons Only The Prophecies about the Cross of Christ they have taken for the ground of no Fable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They have not among their Fictions told us of any one of Jupiters sons that was Crucified that Acted his part upon the Cross. And he gives this Reason for it Because the mysterie of the Cross was so Covertly foretold that the Heathen could not understand it And indeed we do not find in all the Hebrew Bible so much as the direct name o●… a Cross or Crucifying There is mentio●… made of a Tree and of Wood but not of a Cross of Hanging and of Lifting up but not Crucifying However we may we●… suppose that if the Heathen had understood the Prophesies concerning Crucifying the Son of God yet they would have thought such a Disgrace not fit to have been Fastened upon any of the sons of their Idol gods And therefore would rather not have any such Narrative then have the reproach and shame that accompanied it But we Christians see the only Son of the only true God being found in fashi●… as a man humbling himself and become Obedient unto death even the death of the Cross. And that for this Reason That all they should follow the example of his Patience who do hope to be partakers of his Resurrection For so himself hath said He that taketh not his Cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me Mat. 10. 38. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He that taketh it not of himself without anothers proferring He that taketh it not as a thing belonging to him but rather as a burden imposed upon him He that taketh it not where he finds it but only when it is offered him For that is the proper signification of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to take a thing of your own Accord whereas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is properly to take a thing from anothers hand And it is observable that our Saviour here saith His Cross not My Cross to shew it belongs to us no less then it did to him And without doubt he requires every Christian to take up the Cross so willingly as if it were a matter of choice not of necessity such a Treasure as he would take up of himself if it lay in his way and not tarry till another should bring it him So desirable a thing is Christs Cross in it self though not so to flesh and blood were it only for this Reason that it makes us conformable to himself It makes a man here on eatth conformable unto him who is the very beauty of heaven Insomuch that my zeal to the truth bids me say whiles the Conscience of mine infirmity makes me afraid to say it I had rather with the Martyrs and Confessors have my Saviours Cross then with their Persecutors the Worlds Crown And though I much distrust mine own shoulders yet dare●… not disclaim so holy a burden And indeed if I would adore any Reliques it should be a piece of that shoulder which did first help bear my Saviours Cross for that of all others was certainly most like him and therefore most worthy of Adoration But if conformity with Christ in Affliction be not yet surely conformity with Christ in Glory is exceeding comfortable And that is yet a third comfort of the Soul in the sickness of the Body whiles it Afflicteth the flesh because Affliction is a necessary condition of our own Salvation so saith Saint Paul Rom. 8. 17. For in that we are Joint-heirs with Christ we must look to come the same way that he did to this Inheritance That is we must look to suffer with him that we may be glorified with him This consideration alone That Affliction was so necessary a condition of Salvation troubled the most Reverend and most Religious and most Learned Bishop Davenant upon his death-bed A man of singular Uprightness and Integrity and of so exemplary Godliness that thereby he truly honoured God delighted Angels and converted many men yet this man upon his Death-bed having no sin to trouble his Conscience had this Text to trouble it Heb. 12. 6. Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth For not being able on the suddain to Recount his own chastenings he had some short doubtings in himself concerning Gods love towards him He thought he had not drank of his Saviours cup and therefore could not see how he should sit with him in his Kingdom And yet surely our Saviours words ye shall indeed drink of my cup Mat. 20. 23. were verified concerning Saint John no less then concerning S. James though but the one was murdered by Herod the other dyed peaceably in his bed For even he also was a Martyr in the Preparation of his Soul as appeared by his Banishment nay indeed he was also a Martyr in the Affliction of his body though not by a corporal Martyrdom in shedding his blood yet by a Spiritual Martyrdom in crucifying his flesh and so being under a continual Death by a daily Mortification Martyrium horrore quidem mitius sed diuturnitate molestius as saith Saint Bernard Which kinde of Martyrdom though it hath less of the Horror yet hath it more of the Trouble For the burning coals were not the less hot because when Tiburtius walked upon them bare-footed he thought himself to have walked upon Roses as saith Aqu. 22 ae qu. 123. art 8. c. Nor is the constant Practise of mortifying the flesh the less to be accounted a Dying daily because Saint Paul looked on it as the work of his Rejoycing in Christ Jesus Excellently Saint Hierom Recte dixerim quod Dei Genetrix Virgo Martyr fuit quamvis in Pace vitam siniverit I may justly say that the mother of our Lord was a Virgin and a Martyr though she ended her daies in Peace For indeed true and constant Virginity is in it self a kind of Martyrdom in that it is a mortifying of our members that are upon earth wherefore Saint Paul saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Col. 3. 5. That is make them dead which is yet more express in the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom 8. 13. That is Put them to Death And doubtless such a righteous soul that daily chasteneth himself in the school of mortification might have seen Gods Rod chastening him by his own hands but yet he not seeing the Rod in anothers hand to chasten him for he dyed before the late Overflowings of ungodliness made the world so full of misery and yet more full of sin He could not but have some doubtings concerning Gods chastisement and that made him have likewise for a time some Doubtings though no Distrust concerning Gods Love because the Text saith so expresly Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth And why then should not we say O Lord let us taste and see thy chastisement that we may taste and see thy love O taste and see that
mortis in cujus anima omnes vires ac Potentiae fuerunt per speciale miraculum conservatae saith Gabriel in 3. sent Dist. 15. Christ alone did feel all the sharpness and tast all the bitterness of Death in whose soul alone all powers and faculties were preserved in their full vigour and sense by special miracle But we will not argue the case whether the pains of death be most felt in the sensitive or intellective parts of the soul and whether they that have the strongest senses have alwayes the strongest pains For sure we are what are the pains of death none do know but those that cannot come to tell us yet we have reason to believe that they are so violent as to be able to shake the tallest Cedar of Libanus much more the shrubs of Carkemish To terrifie men of undaunted resolutions much more such as have too much guilt to have too little fears or else the Church would never have taught us to pray O Holy and mercifull Saviour thou most worthy Judge eternal suffer us not at our last hour for any pains of Death to fall from thee Thou art our Saviour we cannot fall from thee but we must fall from our salvation and the pains of Death will make us fall from thee unless thou shew thy self our merciful Saviour to sustain us in the hour of Death as thou hast sustained us all our life And why didst thou taste the vinegar at thy death and not till then give up the ghost John 19. 30. but to teach me to pray O my God let me not taste the vinegar when I am to give up the ghost since thou thy self hast tasted it for me so saith thy Apostle Heb. 2. 14 15. For he also himself took part of the same flesh and blood that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil and deliver them who through fear of Death were all their life time subject to bondage We see here a two-fold effect of Christs death The one was to conquer the Devil that had the power of Death The other was to deliver us that were under the fear of Death and fled to him for deliverance The Devil had the power of Death till he was conquered and he was not conquered till the death of Christ till then he kept the keys of Hell and of death but then Christ took them away from him and doth ever since keep them Apoc. 1. 18. I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and have the keys of Hell and of Death Then let me not fear to pass through the gates of Death whiles my Saviour keeps the keys of it to open the Grave Let me not fear to pass by the gates of Hell whiles my Saviour keeps the keys of it to shut the Gates Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear none evil for thou art with me Psal. 23. 4. Thou art with me to uphold me in that walk that I fail not to direct me in that valley that I stray not To enlighten me in that shadow that I stumble not Christs guidance cannot but afford a very safe conduct which is not unfitly expressed by these four words Educit Deducit Adducit Introducit He brings out He brings on He brings to He brings in First Educit he brings the soul out to wit out of the Body for it may not go till he call and then it must O my soul never be affraid to go from thy body when thy Saviour calls thee to go along with him Secondly Deducit He brings the soul on to wit on the way to Heaven And himself saith Justin Martyr in Tryphon did pray to his Father to guide his soul at his death that we might know how to pray to him to guide our souls Psal. 22. 20 21. Deliver my soul from the sword my Darling from the power of the Dog save me from the Lions mouth He thus prayed on the Cross immediatly before his death for it is the Tradition of the Church That Christ said all the 22 Psalm upon the Cross though the Evangelists mention only the first words of it to teach us to pray when we die That God who alone can would deliver our souls from the Dog and from the Lion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That he would turn away the evil Angel who is compared to a Dog for his impudency to a Lion for his violence least he should catch our souls at their going out of our bodies We know the Devil is called the Prince of the Air and we may be sure he would not let any mans soul pass from earth to Heaven were not he ready to convey it thither to whom is given all power in Heaven and in Earth and over Hell Thirdly Adducit He brings the soul to that is to God Man when he dies his body returns to the dust but his spirit returns to God that gave it All spirits return to God at the hour of death either as to a Father or as to a Judge and Christ brings them all to him The spirits of wicked men as to a Judge for punishment The spirits of good men as to a Father for mercy Whence that admirable prayer of our Church for the sick That whensoever his soul shall depart from the body it may be without spot presented unto thee through Jesus Christ our Lord Christ presents all souls unto God but the souls of the impenitent and unbelievers in the spots they have contracted by their sins The souls of those who by Faith and Repentance have laid hold on his Righteousness he presents without spot Those souls that are in their sins shall be rejected those souls that are in their Saviour shall be received There is no man at that day but will be speechless who hath not the Eternal Word to answer for him Fourthly and lastly Introducit he brings the soul in that is into the state of Eternal blessedness to see and enjoy him who is the blessed and only Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto unless Christ bring him in whom no man hath seen or can see to whom be honour and power everlasting Amen 1 Tim. 6. 15 16. No man hath seen him or can see him in this corruptible body but the Saints now do see him in their incorruptible souls and do ascribe unto him his honour and power everlasting Accordingly the Angelical Doctor makes it his business to confute those who said that the souls of the Saints separated from their bodies do not come to their bliss till the day of judgement quod quidem apparet esse falsum autoritate ratione which saith he is apparently false as we can prove both by authority and by reason and all the world is not able to afford better proofs or gain-say them 1. By
he hath said it who is able to make good his word Mat. 12. 50. Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven the same is my Brother and Sister and Mother Tell me if there be any Relations nearer and dearer the●… these and tell me whether these can be so comfortable in Earth as they are in Heaven What loss is it then to me though Death take from me All while it gives me him who is All in All The Spirit of God saith unto every faithful soul Psalm 4. 5. 10. Hearken O daughter and consider forget also thine own people and thy Fathers house so shall the King greatly desire thy beauty for he is thy Lord God and worship thou him Non est ergo magnum ●…tu obliviscaris dimittas Populum tuum Domum Patris Tui ut te totum ejus servitio submittas Quoniam ipse dimisit Coelum se totum dedit ut tibi serviret saith Hugo He requires no great thing of thee To forgo thy Fathers house on Earth for his sake who did forgo his Fathers house in heaven for thy sake He was thy Lord and yet did that to serve thee Thou art his servant and wilt thou stick at doing this to serve him But you will say Herein consists my greatest perplexity For I know that I must go to him as my Lord to Judge me but I do not know how I can stand in that Judgement that so I may find him my Father to receive me and my God to save me But for this I refer you to another Chapter as being a Piece of Divinity that most concerneth another world CHAP. III. The Comforts of the Soul against Iudgement SECT I. The terrours of the last Judgement THere is a time for a Minister to be a Boanerges a Son o●… Thunder to proclaim God●… final Judgement against Impenitent sinners that he may bring them to an earnest Repentance fo●… that Impenitency is the high-way to damnation But there is also a time for him to be a Barnabas a Son of Consolation t●… proclaim Gods mercies to the Penitent that he may bring them to a lively faith for that true faith is the high-way to salvation Galatinus reports That the Jews did use to give a strong intoxicating wine to those that were condemned to die that by disturbing their judgements they might have the less terrible apprehensions of their approaching Death wresting that Text of Prov. 31. 6. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts A miserable way of Comforting was this to take away the pain by taking away the sense and the understanding To quiet the conscience by drowning it Had it not been more mercy in the Jews to have given the guilty a bitter potion to awaken his conscience then a pleasing potion to benum and to besot it For it is good the soul should weep with Mary John 20. 11. when she cannot readily find out Christ because it is sure the weeping soul can never lose him Wherefore it will be requisite that I first set before your eyes the terrours of the last Judgement that you may see your sins and then the comforts against those terrours that you may see your Saviour As concerning the terrours of the last Judgement they are set down in few words but many Frights 2 Thes. 1. 7 8. When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe in that day Observe the terrible manner of this Grand-Assizes The Judge shall visibly come down from heaven and bring his Posse Comitatus with him even his mighty Angels to execute his final Sentence which shall be a Sentence for the punishment of sense they shall be punished with an everlasting Destruction and for the punishment of loss from the presence of the Lord. That is A Sentence for all punishment that is imaginable and for more then is endurable And this Judge shall come down in flaming fire a Real a Material a Corporal not a Metaphorical or an Imaginary or a Spiritual fire and this fire he shall bring along with him from heaven not expect it to meet him from hell that shall lose none of its own former flames but receive more and therewith consume this corruptible and corrupted world 2. Pet. 3. 7. And after that throw all the Divels and wicked men into that same fire and then throw the fire it self with them down into hell there to increase the torments of those miscreants for ever that had before fire from hell to torment them but then they shall also have fire from heaven to encrease their torments God as he shall be glorified and admired in his Saints because of his undeserved mercy so shall he also be glorified and admired in those sinners because of his righteous Judgement And therefore though their Judges fire will be so terrible because of the flame yet their own sins will be much more terrible because they alone minister the fuel to that fire For the Books shall be opened The Book of Gods Remembrance and the Book of their own Conscience And they shall be Judged out of those things which are written in the Books according to their works Rev. 20. 12. Then in both Books shall they see such works Registred as call for a Judgement worthy of God because they had not only an Impiety but also an Impenitency unworthy of man And as they shall first see those works to their terrour so sha●… they after feel them to their torment no●… a work that had putrefaction and corruption in it but shall have its worm after it For corruption of sin begets a worm in th●… soul as corruption of Death begets worm in the body Vermis oritur ex putredine 〈◊〉 mordit illud in quo oritur saith Bonaventure A worm is begotten of filthiness an●… feeds on that which beg at it so is the wo●… of conscience it is begotten of corruption even of sin the only corruption of the soul it frets and corrodes and gnaws and bit●… that soul which gave it being So that there must needs be all manner of terrours terrours from within where their worm dieth not terrours from without and the fire 〈◊〉 not quenched Mark 9. 46. And to all these terrours we must yet further add this terrible example out of Saint Peter 2 Pet. 2. 4. For if God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto Judgement Here is a kind o●… an imperfect speech called ' 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his passion caused
Saviour I get into his Mystical Body and by keeping my hold I continue in it The Syriack translation instead of Confidence here saith The uncovering of the face to shew that there is not left in the true Believer the conscience of any one sin unrepented or unsatisfied through the All-sufficiency of his Saviours satisfaction which may make him cover his face either out of shame or out of fear to look upon God either out of shame because of his own unworthiness for by faith he hath his Saviours worthiness to make him confident or out of fear because of Gods unplacableness for by hope he hath a cause to rejoyce not to fear therefore it is said The rejoycing of our hope And the same Apostle moreover gives the reason of this saying Chap. 4. v. 15 16. For we have not an high-Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need What is the hope that we can rejoyce in but the hope of Eternal Life And we have this hope because we have a great high-Priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God v. 14. He is passed in before us to make way for us to follow after him Nor ought we to be dismayed at our infirmities since he is touched with the feeling of them for himself was tempted to strengthen us in our temptations that in his strength we should encounter them and by his strength should overcome them Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace c. Wherein we have set forth the manner and the reason of our going unto God The manner it must be with a holy confidence in the righteousness of our high-Priest Let us come boldly The reason is two-fold the first concerns our God because he hath erected a Throne of Grace to pardon us not of Judgement to condemn us unto the Throne of grace The second concerns our selves That we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need What help so welcome as that which helps in time of need What time of need so much wants help as that wherein we can neither help our selves nor have any else to help us the Hour of Death and the Day of Judgement In this time of need it is that our high-Priest doth chiefly help us he will make intercession for us when we shall not be able to speak for our selves at the hour of death he will make answer for us when we shall not be able to answer for our selves at the day of Judgement What though the Devils will then busily accuse me as long as his righteousness shall be interposed in answer for me what if my conscience doth condemn me as long as his satisfaction doth acquit me Why should not my soul joyfully say I will go forth even out of my body in the strength of the Lord God and will mention thy Righteousness only Psal. 71. 16. Though I dare not go forth in mine own strength for fear I should fail in my journey or miscarry at my journeys end yet I dare go forth in his strength Though I dare not mention mine own Righteousness at the Bar of Gods Justice yet I dare mention my Saviours Righteousness I will make mention of thy Righteousness even of thine only Having therefore boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the Vail that is to say his Flesh and having an high-Priest over the House of God let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of Faith Heb. 10. 19. Here are three singular benefits that all they have who have Communion with Christ to assure them of their entrance into heaven when they depart from the earth The first is That the door is opened unto them and they have such a right to enter as cannot be doubted must not be denyed Having boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus The second is That the way which leadeth thither is a safe way keeping all from death that walk in it A new and lively way And also A ready way such as they may hope to walk in notwithstanding their infirmities because he hath made it plain for them for he hath consecrated it for us through his flesh The third is That the House whither they are to go is wholly disposed and ordered by their high Priest who both guides them in the way and is ready to receive them at their journeys end Having an high-Priest over the House of God These being the Premises That the door is open and we have a right to enter that the way is both safe and plain that the House whither we desire to go is wholly ordered by our own high-Priest who guides us thither and is ready to receive us there what else can be the conclusion but comfort and confidence what have we else to do but to draw near with a true heart in full assurance of Faith A true heart that is true to its Saviour by believing in full assurance of faith that is true to it self by drawing near according to that belief And surely the Apostles invitation is as urgent for us to draw near to the Church Triumphant as to the Church Militant because all power is given to our Saviour Christ as well in heaven as in earth Mat. 28. 18. He hath power over the House of God in heaven as well as over the House of God in earth And where he hath power of the House we need not be afraid to enter For as he hath made the passage for us to pass from the bondage of sin and Satan to come into his Kingdom of Grace So much more hath he made the passage for us to pass from his Kingdom of Grace to come to his Kingdom of Glory And if we have already passed from Death to Life much more shall we pass from Life to everlasting Life If we have already passed from Nature to Grace much more shall we pass from Grace to Glory For the distance betwixt Nature and Grace is much greater and harder to be passed then the distance betwixt Grace and Glory for nature scarce affords a capacity of Grace but grace is the very Inchoation of Glory Profitable If thou wilt not help us for our miseries which we have deserved yet help us for thy mercies which thou hast promised For thy Goodness is more willing to forgive then thy power is to punish And thy blood cryeth much lowder for pardon and forgiveness then our sins can cry for punishment Thou hast not yet forgiven so much as thou hast promised and thou hast not promised so much as thou hast purchased One drop of thy blood had been a full and sufficient satisfaction for the
is pardoned do both speak one and the same comfort unto the soul do both signifie one and the same peace Completa est malitia ejus saith the Vulgar translation for militia by a small mistake of the letter as we may suppose but none of the sense For our malitia is our militia our iniquity is our warfare The Hebrew word here used signifies not only the work but also the time of war And Rabbi David saith the Prophet here means The time that Jerusalem was to pass in Banishment or Captivity So that if we joyn the Text and the gloss together we shall find that sin is a time of war of banishment and of captivity Of war with God of banishment from God And of captivity not under God for he can be no Tyrant but under the Devil A sad time certainly as full of fears and jealousies as empty of joyes and comforts an●… therefore that must needs be a joyful time wherein this warfare this captivity thi●… banishment is at an end because our sin i●… pardoned To say this is to speak truly to the heart which is the Hebrew expression for speaking comfortably All other comforts go no farther then the ear then the outward man that his stock is increased his request granted his cause advanced it is only this comfort that enters into the heart and revives the inner man that the time of his warfare banishment and captivity are at an end because his sin is pardoned And this is the comfortable sentence that is already pronounced in Gods Word That he pardoneth and absolveth all them which truly repent and unfeignedly believe his holy Gospel All our labour must be to get this same sentence derived from Gods Word into our own consciences And then surely in the mouth of two such witnesses the least whereof is no less then a thousand it is no doubt but the testimony will be fully and firmly established For as the word doth witness the thing infallibly true in it self so will the conscience witness it insallibly true to us The use of a witness is either for information in defect of evidence or for confirmation in defect of assurance and an infallible witness is both these together For he gives evidence from his testimony and assurance from his infallibility Such an infallible witness is a good conscience that is grounded and established on the Word of God and thence collecteth this comfortable sentence Whosoever truly believeth and heartily repenteth shall not come into condemnation But I do truly believe and heartily repent therefore I shall not come into condemnation The major proposition is clear by the testimony of Gods Word the minor is clear by the testimony of our own consciences which can certainly tell us whether we be hypocrites or true Believers whether we be Sheep to hear the voice of Christ and to follow him that he may give us eternal life John 10. 27 28. or whether we be Goats to follow our own hearts lusts so to persist and perish in our sins and the conclusion cannot but follow the premises Read over the sentence that is set down Matthew 25. and thou wilt easily by comparing thine own actions with that sentence see whether at the last Judgement thou art to be set on Christs right hand or on his left Thou wilt easily see which part of that sentence concerns thee And that part which thine own conscience pronounceth of thee here thy Judge will both pronounce and confirm hereafter I hope that with Mary thou hast chosen that good part and if so cannot but assure thee it shall never be taken from thee Luke 10. 42. For Christ will never reject any man that hath sate at his feet to exercise his humility and patience and heard his Word to exercise his Piety and Obedience He will never say Depart from me to those who here did love his company and enjoy his communion And what is their work who are of his communion but to know and love and praise him And they that are thus of his communion on earth can you think he will excommunicate in heaven Saint John sets forth this Judgement of the conscience very fully in few words 1 John 3. 19 20 21. saying v. 19. And hereby that is by loving in deed and in truth not in word or in tongue as appears from the former verse we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him That is we know that we truly love him and therefore may be well assured of his love For he that loves is assured of love for which cause Beza thus renders Saint James his words Mercy rejoyceth against damnation James 2. 13. For he that is truly merciful hath a special promise to assure him of mercy that he shall not be condemned in the last Judgement and this hard-hearted Age of ours would doubtless much more incline to mercy if we did seriously consider that the sentence of condemnation Mat. 25. is denounced against the unmerciful not against the unjust for taking away but against the unmerciful for not giving but yet if against the unmerciful much more against the unjust for as justice is before mercy in order of nature so is also injustice before unmercifulness wherefore though we discourse of assuring our hearts before God more then any others yet we must needs have a much less assurance of his love because we our selves know that we do love only in word and in tongue not in deed and in truth as it follows v. 20. For if our heart condemn us God is greater then our heart and knoweth all things and therefore can and will condemn us much more then our heart for this is the true meaning of the words not as they are commonly explained That we ought to oppose the greatness of Gods mercy being ready to acquit us against the sentence of our own heart that is ready to condemn us For indeed the words are not spoken to comfort a distressed but to terrifie a guilty conscience It being the Apostles intent to perswade us above all things both to get and to keep a good conscience that we may not condemn our selves and then we may be assured that our God will not condemn us as it follows v. 21. For if our heart condemn us not then have we confidence towards God sc. that he will not condemn us For the whole argument in brief is this If our conscience now condemn us God will also condemn us at the last day But if our conscience acquit us God will also then acquit us the conscience acting Gods part before hand in condemning the guilty and acquiting the innocent whether they have the first Innocency that of Righteousness or the second Innocency that of Faith and Repentance and the same Doctrine is again re-inforced 1 Iohn 4. 17 18. Herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of Judgement because as he is so are we in this world
all those present miseries of my life which thou hast already sanctified in that thou hast born them and all those possible horrours of my death which thou hast already conquered in that they durst assail thee to bear them That I who of my self am in death even in the midst of life may through thee my blessed Saviour find life in the midst of death and glory after it to glorifie thee who art the Lord of death and the Giver of life Amen 23. O holy Jesus thou only Redeemer of souls who by ' thy death hast overcome death and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life I most humbly beseech thee that as by thy special grace preventing me thou dost put into my mind good desires of departing hence and of being with thee so by thy continual help I may bring the same to good effect and at last joyfully depart in thy peace for that mine eyes have seen thy salvation my heart hath believed it and my soul goeth hence to enjoy it and with it thee my blessed Redeemer who with the eternal Spirit art most high in the glory of the Father one God everlasting Amen 24. O thou who layedst down thy life for my Redemption make me ready to lay down my life at thy command Teach me more and more to despise the Treasures and the Pleasures of this world which have in them a double vanity that they are transitory that they are not satisfactory As they cannot give me true content whiles I possess them because they are not satisfactory so let them not create in me any discontent when I must have them because they are but transitory O make me lay up for my self a stock of Treasure and of Pleasure in heaven by 〈◊〉 true and lively faith working zealously ●…or thee relying wholly on thee and ●…onging earnestly after thee for ever 25. Lord where is my Treasure but only in him that bought me who is my everlasting Portion that only God could give me and men cannot take from me And where should my heart be but where my Treasure is even in heaven and heavenly things I will therefore from henceforth live by the faith of the Son of God who died for me and gave himself for me And living by that faith though I may dwell on earth yet I shall live in heaven nay in the uppermost part of heaven even at the right hand of God there will I live alwaies with thee O my blessed Redeemer adoring thy Excellency reverencing thy Majesty loving thine Authority enamoured with thy Perfections and joyfully depending on thy Mercy That though my continuance be still with men yet my conversation may be with thee my God and Saviour by love earnestly longing for thee by hope wholly trusting on thee by desires stedfastly cleaving to thee and by delight alwaies rejoycing in thee So shall my soul when it departs out of this earthly Tabernacle be received into thine everlasting habitations there to bless and enjoy thee who with the Father and the Holy-Ghost livest and reignest one God world without end Amen 26. O Lord who hast called to thee all those that travel and are heavy laden and hast promised to give them rest have mercy upon me thy distressed servant who now am in a restless condition what ease and repose thou denyest unto my body I beseech thee give unto my soul that though my flesh doth not enjoy the sweet and comfortable rest of sleep yet my spirit may enjoy that everlasting rest and repose which is alwaies to be found in thee O grant that a promise being left me of entering into thy rest I may not come short of it through my unbelief but that by going out of my self and living in thee I may forthwith enter into that internal rest which is to be enjoyed here in the presence of thy grace and may continue and abide therein till I shall come to that eternal rest which is not to be expected till hereafter nor to be enjoyed but only in the presence of thy glory 27. O Lord God the God of my salvation teach me to cry day and night before thee that so thou mayest still save me and let my prayer enter in whither I am not worthy to enter even into thy presence Incline thine ear unto my calling since thou hast inclined my heart to call upon thee for my soul is full of trouble and my life draweth nigh unto hell But draw thou nigh unto my soul I shall be delivered from all my troubles and though thou hast put my lovers my friends away from me and hid mine acquaintance out of my sight yet let me ever see the light of thy countenance and I shall not be troubled for not seeing them and make me rejoyce in thine everlasting love and I shall find no want of my other friends lovers 28. O Lord I cannot deny but that having been at enmity with thee I deserve to be cloathed with shame and covered with mine own confusion as with a Cloak But O cloath me with thy Sons righteousness and therewith cover my shame and my confusion I am unworthy in my self to pray for mercy for Judas-like I have betrayed my Saviour O make me worthy in his blood not only to pray for it but also to obtain it 29. O Lord my foot hath often slipped but thy mercy hath hitherto held me up that I have not fallen into the pit of destruction Let thy Mercy O Lord still hold me up and in the multitude of sorrows that I have or shall have in my heart by reason of my sins let thy comforts evermore refresh my soul For thou makest me find trouble and heaviness that I may call upon thy Name and I do call upon thy Name that thou mayest deliver my soul O Lord I beseech thee deliver my soul from death mine eyes from tears and my feet from falling that I may walk before thee in the Land of the living That I may walk carefully and conscionably before thee because thou seest all things That I may walk reverently before thee because thou rulest all things That I may walk thankfully before thee because thou givest all things That I may walk comfortably before thee because thou savest all things and wilt in mercy save me O let me so walk before thee here in this world as one that hath a hope to live with thee hereafter in the world to come Let my soul awake from the sleep of sin to give glory to thee because I trust that when I shall awake from the sleep of death I shall receive glory from thee 30. O thou worthy Judge-Eternal I tremble at the very thought of thy Judgement and how then shall I tremble at the sight of my Judge For mine own mouth doth most grievously accuse me and mine own heart doth most impartially condemn me and mine own conscience cannot but set its seal to the justness of my condemnation But I believe that thou
or infidelity or any other grievous sin but may be able to stand stedfastly through thy supporting and to walk on constantly in the way of Piety and of Patience till by thy good guiding and conducting I may at last come to the life everlasting As thou still holdest open the eyes of my weak body to behold the light of nature so be pleased daily more and more to open the eyes of my sinful soul to behold the light of grace till thou bring me to enjoy the light of glory there to glorifie and praise thee for ever Amen The sick mans Collect for Peace O God which art the Author of our peace for thine own Mercies sake but the Author of our troubles only for our sins Give unto me thy unworthy servant that peace which this wicked world cannot give and which this tumultuous and troublesom world cannot take away and defend me in all the assaults of my afflictions both corporal and spiritual that I surely trusting in thy defence and wholly submitting to thy providence may not fear the power of any adversity whatsoever through the might and for the mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The sick mans Collect for Grace O Lord our heavenly Father Almighty and everlasting God which hast safely brought me through many dangers and troubles and diseases to the beginning of this dangerous and desperate sickness defend me in the whole continuance of the same with thy mighty power and grant that herein I may fall into no sin neither run into any kind of danger whereby I may become either impenitently sinful or uncomfortably miserable But that all my doings and all my sufferings being ordered by thy Governance I may alwaies do that which is righteous in thy sight and suffer that which may be profitable for mine own salvtion through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The sick mans Letany O God the Father of heaven and of all Mercies have Mercy upon me a miserable sinner And grant that in the greatest extremities and anguishes of my body I may find the greatest comforts and refreshments of my soul Grant that when I am most tormented in my flesh I may be most relieved in my spirit That though my loins are filled with a sore disease and there is no whole part in my body yet my soul may magnifie the Lord and my spirit may rejoyce in God my Saviour for he hath regarded my low and miserable estate and he will relieve it O God the Son Redeemer of the world and of my sin-sick and sinful soul have Mercy upon me a miserable sinner and take away all my sins that thou mayest take away all my miseries As thou hast made me a happy Believer so also make me a joyful partaker of thy Redemption and then most especially when I shall most feel my self as it were swallowed up of grief and destruction through the pains and torments of my increasing sickness or the pangs and horrours of my approaching death Be thou my comfort in distress my strength in weakness my health in sickness my joy in sadness Be thou my life whiles I am living and my Resurrection from the dead that though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I may fear no evil for thou art with me to conduct me through the dangerous downfalls of that valley to direct me through the dismal darknesses of that shadow and to sustain me in the dreadful dissolution of that death O thou who now sittest on the right hand of God making intercession for me reject me not when I am making intercession for my self for through thy death I hope for life through thy life I hope for glory through thy glory I hope for eternal glory And in that hope do I now commend my spirit into thy hands for thou hast redeemed me O God thou God of truth And thou wilt save me O God thou God of Mercy because I have believed thy truth and do rely upon thy Mercy Therefore do I wholly resign my self body and soul unto thee submitting them both to thy good will and pleasure either for life or death beseeching thee to Receive my soul and to Restore my body and to grant that I may be able to stand upright in the dreadful Judgement being supported by the arm of thy All-sufficient Merits and All-saving Mercies to bless and praise thee O my blessed Redeemer world without end O God the Holy-Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son have Mercy upon me a miserable sinner and give unto mean assurance of thy Mercy that thou mayest give unto me an abatement of my misery O thou which art the Comforter of thine Elect give unto me daily more and more the heavenly comforts of mine Election and in the greatest agonies and distresses of my body transfix my soul with the most joyful apprehensions and the most firm perswasions of thine everlasting Love and undeserved Mercies towards me in Jesus Christ That neither the apprehensions of a sad and miserable life nor the fears and terrours of an uncomfortable death may ever be able to affright my soul nor to disturb that sweet peace res●… and repose which my spirit now hath and desireth to have in thee the God of spirits who givest unto those souls that are o●… thy Communion the antepast of eternity the blessed anticipation of immortal joy 〈◊〉 O my God my Stay my Comforter unto thee do I flie for the comforts of immortality Like as the Hart panteth after the water-brooks so panteth my soul after thee O God My soul thirsteth for God even for the living God when shall 〈◊〉 come to appear before God when shall I drink my fill of the waters of life to quench my thirst O let my tears no longer be my meat day and night whiles mine own troubled thoughts say unto my soul Where is now thy God for surely my God is in heaven whatsoever pleaseth him that doth he in heaven and in earth 〈◊〉 and though for a while in the evening of this life I have sadness upon earth yet in the morning of eternity I shall for eve●… have joy in heaven Amen O Holy Blessed and Glorious Trinity three persons and one God have Mercy upon me a most miserable and wretched sinner and therefore most miserable and wretched because a sinner because I have sinned against heaven and against thee the God of heaven But since thou hast given me grace through the confession of a true faith to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity and in the power of the Divine Majesty to worship the Unity I beseech thee that through the stedfastness of this faith I may be absolved from all my sins and also be defended from all adversity which livest and reignest one God world without end Amen Remember not Lord mine offences nor the offences of my fore-fathers neither take thou vengeance of my sins spare me good Lord spare me thy most afflicted but most unworthy servant whom thou hast
Secondly the faithfulness of the Redeemer O Lord thou God of truth First the fulness of the Redemption for it had a threefold fulness a fulness of Excellency a fulness of Appearance a fulness of Redundancy which is Bonaventures distinction concerning our blessed Saviour lib. 3. sent dist 13. Quod est loqui de Plenitudine secundum Excellentiam secundum Apparentiam secundum Redundantiam We may speak of the fulness of Christ according to its Excellency according to its Appearance and according to its Redundancy for Christ had a fulness of Excellency from his first conception And he had a fulness of Appearance from the discent of the Holy-Ghost upon him for then his excellent holiness was made apparent to all the world by the testimony of the Father and of the Holy Spirit And he had a fulness of Redundancy from the time that he sanctified his disciples and servants by the communication and participation of his holiness And this same threefold fulness is in this Redemption A fulness of Excellency or Perfection in the nature of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hast Redeemed A fulness of appearance or manifestation from the Author of it Thou thou hast Redeemed And a fulness of Redundancy from the subject of it me Thou hast Redeemed me First there is a fulness of Excellency or Perfection in this Redemption from the nature of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thou hast Redeemed So saith the Master of Greek Criticisms 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This word is properly used concerning the Redemption of Captives that are Redeemed with a price For they that are otherwise delivered then by a price 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are said rather to be Rescued then to be Redeemed Eustath in Iliad a. Here is then a Redemption as excellent as the price that was paid for the Captives and that was the blood of the Eternal Son of God A price that was infinitely more worth then all the whole Creation both in heaven and in earth which hath in truth no other preciousness but what it hath from this price is no farther precious then as it is sprinkled with this blood Secondly A fulness of appearance or manifestation in this Redemption from the Author of it Thou thou hast Redeemed Thou whom God hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds and who art the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person Heb. 1. 2 3. This heir of all things came to make us partakers of his inheritance The same God that made the world by his Power and governed it by his Wisdom Redeemed it by his Mercy He that was the brightness of the glory of God and the express image of his person was pleased to make himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and being found in fashion as a man to humble himself and become obedient unto death Phil. 2. 7. That by his death he might destroy death and by his rising to life again might restore to us everlasting life But that 's the third fulness in this Redemption A fulness of Redundancy from the subject of it Me Thou hast Redeemed Me Thou Me Heaven and Earth are meet together in the Mysterie But Heaven and Hell are met together in the Mercy of this Redemption God and Man in the Mysterie but God and sinful Man in the Mercy of it Me in my Nature was a great mysterie but Me in my Sins was a far greater mercy Thy love did seek me when I did not deserve it Thy care did keep me when I did not observe it O let neither Love nor Care forsake me now I do desire it And indeed thou hast promised not to forsake us And that is the second Reason we are so willing to Resign our selves to thee the faithfulness of our Redeemer O God thou God of Truth Thou art powerful in thy performances as God and faithful in thy Promises as the God of Truth As none can resist thy power in performing so none may distrust thy truth in promising It was thy Mercy that made thee promise but it is thy Truth that maketh thee keep thy promises Mercy and Truth are together in God as Cruelty and Falseness go together in man Though I have no right to thy Mercy from it self yet I have a right to thy Mercy from thy Truth And thine own Holy Spirit hath taught me to claim this Right Heb. 13. 5. For he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee He said it to Joshua yet will have me believe he said it to me for though that promise in its occasion was particular and concerned only Joshua and those with him Josh. 1. 5. yet in its document it was universal and concerned all the faithful servants of God that should be to the end of the world for that promise was made to Joshua as Leader of the people and therefore belonged in common to him and to them even to the whole Church of the Jews And by the same reason belongs to us now as it did to them even to the whole Church of the Gentiles For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek or Gentile For the same Lord over All is rich unto all that call upon him Rom. 10. 12. If we call upon him as Joshua and the Israelites did we have the same interest in his promises as Joshua and the Israelites had He will be as rich in Mercy to us as he was to him and to them or else in vain hath his Apostle said For whatsoever things were written afore-time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope Rom. 15. 4. Where is the comfort of the Scriptures if it be not in the Promises or what promise can be the ground of our hope like this I will never leave thee nor forsake thee A promise which he made in Mercy as Lord over All and therefore rich in mercy to All that call upon him But a promise that he keepeth in truth as being the same Lord over All That is one and the same constantly in himself and therefore not diverse in his Word nor in his Promises O God thou God of truth As God thou art a Creditor to All by thy Mercy All borrow of it All depend on it All are obliged to it But as a God of Truth thou art a Debtor to All that is to All that call upon thee for the Promise though it be universal yet it is conditional Thou art a Debtor to All by thy Truth they have an Interest in thy Promise claim it as their Right look to it as their Treasure look on it as their Comfort Debitor fidelitatis non Justitiae God is to man a Debtor of faithfulness though not a Debtor of Justice A Debtor of faithfulness because of his own Word though he cannot be a Debtor of Justice because of mans Merit As he is God he hath
take heed he forsake not thee Wonder not then if you find many of Samuels words that is much of the Churches dictates in these Devotions but know it is because God hath taught Samuel to pray that he might teach you And having taught you to pray by Samuels Devotions may perchance not hear your prayers eve●… as he accepted not Sauls offering out o●… Samuels Communion However you may certainly by this gleaning of some few grapes see what store of good wine was and is in th●… whole Vintage And I hope you will no●… have good wine only to see and to look upon but also to tast and to make good use of it Or confess it is your own wilfulness tha●… you I will not say your prayers are either Faint or Dry for not tasting it The sick mans confession of his sins I Confess unto thee O Lord God Almighty and most merciful Father that I have sinned against heaven and against thee and am not worthy to be called thy Son nor to have any portion in thine inheritance because I have been hitherto so unthankful for thy Mercy so unreverent towards thy Majesty and so undutiful to thine Authority wherefore innumerable troubles are most justly come upon me and my sins have taken such hold of me that I am not able to look up yea they are more in number then the hairs of my head and my heart hath failed me But O Lord let it be thy pleasure to deliver me make hast O Lord to help me and comfort the soul of thy distressed servant for unto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul gasping for that Mercy and Forgiveness which thou hast promised to Repentant-sinners for the Merits of thy dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Or this Almighty God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Maker of all things Judge of all men I acknowledge and bewail my manifold sins and wickedness which I from time to time most grievously have committed by thought word and deed against thy Divine Majesty provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against me I do earnestly repent and am heartily sorry for these my mis-doings the remembrance of them is grievous unto me the burthen of them is intollerable Have Mercy upon me have Mercy upon me most merciful Father for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christs sake forgive me all that is past and grant that I may ever hereafter serve and please thee in the newness of my life or in the contentedness and patience of my death to the honour and glory of thy Name through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The sick mans Absolution or Remission of sins to be pronounced by himself alone when he cannot have the benefit of a Minister to absolve him HAve mercy upon me O God after thy great goodness and according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences wash me throughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sins and absolve me from the guiltiness of all my transgressions according to the Promise of Mercy by thy Word the Purchase of Mercy by thy Son and the Pledges of Mercy by thy holy Spirit made and given to Repentant-sinners in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy-Ghost Amen Or this Almighty God our heavenly Father who of his great Mercy hath promised forgiveness of sins to all them which with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto him have Mercy upon me pardon and deliver me from all my sins confirm and strengthen me in all goodness and bring me to everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Then likewise he shall say O Lord open my heart that thou mayest open my lips O Lord open my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise O God make speed to save me O Lord make hast to help me That I may with a thankful heart and with a chearful voice sing and say unto thee Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy-Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Praise ye the Lord I praise the Lord. The sick mans Psalm Psal. 6. 1. O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure 2. Have Mercy upon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed 3. My soul is also sore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me 4. Turn thee O Lord and deliver my soul O save me for thy Mercies sake 5. For in death no man remembereth thee and who will give thee thanks in the pit 6. I am weary of my groaning every night wash I my bed and water my couch with my tears 7. My beauty is gone for very trouble and worn away because of all mine enemies 8. Away from me all ye that work vanity for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping 9. The Lord hath heard my Petition the Lord will receive my Prayer 10. All mine enemies shall be confounded and sore vexed they shall be turned back and put to shame suddenly Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The sick mans first lesson Job 19. 25 c. I Know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth And though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my reins be consumed within me His first Canticle I praise thee O God I acknowledge thee to be the Lord. O praise our God ye people and make the voice of his praise to be heard Which holdeth our soul in life and suffereth not our feet to slip I will go into thy house with burnt-offerings and will pay thee my vows which I promised with my lips and spake with my mouth when I was in trouble O come hither and hearken all ye that fear God and I will tell you what he hath done for my soul. I called unto him with my mouth and gave him praises with my tongue If I encline unto wickedness with my heart the Lord will not hear me But God hath heard me and considered the voice of my prayer Praised be God which hath not cast out my prayer nor turned his Mercy from me Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me praise his holy Name Which forgiveth all thy sin and healeth all thine infirmities Which saveth thy life from destruction and crowneth thee with Mercy and loving-kindness Praise the Lord O my soul whiles I live will I praise the Lord yea as long as I have any being I will sing praises unto my God Lord make me so to praise thee here whiles it is my duty that I may exactly know how to praise thee hereafter when it shall be my reward For therefore with Angels and Arch-angels and with all the company of heaven do I now laud