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A41824 A treatise concerning baptism, and the Lord's Supper shewing, that the true disciples of Christ are sent to baptize men into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the carrying on of which, Christ is with them, and will be, to the end of the world : also, a few words concerning the Lord's Supper, shewing that those that sup with him are in his kingdom. Gratton, John, 1641-1712.; Gratton, John, 1641-1712. John Baptist's decreasing and Christ's increasing witnessed. 1695 (1695) Wing G1587; ESTC R39440 63,790 157

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A TREATISE CONCERNING BAPTISM AND THE Lord's Supper SHEWING That the true Disciples of Christ are sent to Baptize Men into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost for the Carrying on of which Christ is with them and will be to the End of the World Also A Few Words concerning the Lord's Supper shewing that those that Sup with him are in his Kingdom Matt. 28.19 All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth Go ye therefore teach all Nations baptizing them in i. e. into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost And lo I am with you always even to the End of the World John 1.12 As many as received him to them he g●●e Power to become the Sons of God Acts 1.8 Ye shall receive Power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you Rev. 21.6 I will give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely London P●●nted and Sold by T. Sowle in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-street 1695. TO THE Unprejudiced READER A few Words Friendly Reader THOV cannot chuse if thou be a Man that lives in this Age and Northern part of the World but be very sensible that the Divisions amongst People now is very great relating to Christianity and yet all seem very Zealous in their Way or at least some of all sorts are much satisfied in their Way though there are few know the Way of Peace or can tell what that Peace is which is the Peace of God that passeth the Vnderstanding of all Natural Men be they never so highly Learned in Tongues Arts and Languages For it is not Humane Learning that can make Men Spiritual Men nor bring Men Acquainted with God or to the Knowledge of God who is a Spirit but they that learn Obedience and live Soberly Righteously and Godly in this present evil World through the Teachings of the Grace of God and denying Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts these have a Promise from Christ Iesus in these words He that doth my Will shall know of my Doctrine which suits well with his Testimony that said The Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him So that they are the best Disciples best Scholars best Learned that have learned to live in Righteousness and true Holiness and to forsake that which is Evil and cleave unto that which is Good But since Babylon the Mystery of Iniquity the Mother of Harlots got upon the Beast we have seen many a beastly drunken and unclean Man pretend to be a spiritual Man and a Minister of the Gospel and hath not such been cried up and made great and bore Rule amongst the People who have been carried away with his Doctrine and why Because he is a greater Scholar and hath attained the Languages and can speak or write like Pilate Latin Greek and Hebrew But is he dead to Sin and alive unto Righteousness made so unto God through Christ No no if he pleads for Sin term of Life and is very angry if any Man plead not as he doth for committing Sin every Day and all his Life long yet pretends himself to be a Minister of Christ and is so acknowledged by the People But Can any Man serve two Masters Christ said They could not And Can any Man be both a Servant of Christ and a Servant of Sin also Christ saith He that commits Sin is the Servant of Sin And Iohn his beloved Apostle saith He that commits Sin is of the Devil And in my Iudgment it cannot be denied for Sin was never any Service of God but of the Devil and if Men be found in the Devil's Service and yet say They are Servants of Christ What sensible Man will believe them Now therefore here is the ground Cause of all our Divisions about Religion Rebels and Wicked Men that are gone away from God Christ the Holy Ghost and are gone into the Kingdom of Satan and live in Sin all their Days for his Kingdom is a Kingdom of Sin and yet say They are Servants of Christ Iesus and the blind People believe them though their Fruits do manifest them And these Men though they be wicked Men yet they can like the Magicians of Egypt imitate Moses and imitate Iohn the Baptist yet they bring forth nothing but what dies of it self for there is nothing of the Power and Life of God in it no Vertue of Christ so it doth People no good but leaves them as full of Corruption as it found them yet it pleaseth People to have Pillows sewed under their Arm-holes and to be smoothed over and cry Peace Peace when there is no Peace with God no Peace of Conscience so People goes on into the Pit because they believe Lyes and take Sprinkling of Infants to be Christ's Baptism and call it so and say Christ did Institute it and by it Children are made Children of God and likewise say That Bread and Wine is the Lord's Supper and That he Instituted it and yet all of them by all their Art cannot prove their Practice therefore for thy sake these following Lines are sent forth which I expect will sore offend Babylon's Merchants but God is Iudge in Heaven and will plead my Cause so that if thou find Profit in them then my End in Writing them is answered I pray God open thy Eyes and cause his Day-spring from on High to visit thee and many more Oh that his Kingdom may come Yea come Lord Iesus come quickly and set up thy Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace and thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Amen A TREATISE OF Baptism c. OUR Lord Jesus Christ when he was about to leave his Disciples as to that manner or way of Appearance which he had been in in the form of a Servant with them and had so fulfilled all those things spoken of and required by the Law and the Prophets so near as when he was about to finish them and leave the World he then not only prayed fervently for them but also spoke very sweetly and comfortably to them as may be seen at large in Iohn 14 15 16 17 Chapters giving them many holy Exhortations and Commands He also washed the Disciples Feet and when he had so done he said unto them Know ye what I have done to you Ye call me Lord and Master and-ye say well for so I am If I then your Lord and Master have washed your Feet ye ought also to wash one another's Feet for I have given you an Example that you should do as I have done to you Now tho' here is both Command and Example for washing one another's Feet yet how little is this regarded or observed by our Dippers or Sprinklers with or into Water How can they pass by this which was so plainly and positively commanded and began by him who was their Lord and Master and used such a plain and full Argument to urge them to do as he had done to them I say what Reason
Objection The great Apostle of the Gentiles understood it not at all to relate to Water-Baptism as is clear from his own words 1. Cor. 1.11 Christ sent me not to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel and we never read that he baptized any with Water after But in Vers. 23. saith We preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling-block and unto the Greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God Consider if Christ be not sufficient without Water-Baptism take the Apostle's words in Vers. 30 31. But of him are ye in Christ Iesus who of God is made unto us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption that as it is written Let him that glorieth glory in the Lord. Here Christ alone is exalted and preached to be all we have to glory in and enough too for in him all Fulness dwells Secondly Is it not plain and full that Water-Baptism is not at all intended Matt. 28.19 for Christ saith plainly Go teach all Nations Baptizing them in or them into in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Here is a vast difference between Men being baptized into outward Water and sent to Baptize into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost for they were now to enter upon a more Excellent Baptism they had been Baptizing with Water before that but now they were to be Baptized into the Name Spirit and Power of God that then they therein might be Instrumental in Christ's Hand who was and would be with them to the End of the World for the Baptizing others into this Name that believed through their Word Thirdly Christ knew that in his Name they would be made capable both to speak to go and to Baptize Men effectually Hitherto saith Christ ye have asked nothing in my Name but bids them ask And a little before Verily verily I say unto you Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he shall give it you So it 's clear Christ's Mind was to have them acquainted with and baptized into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost John 16.23 So in his Prayer Iohn 17.6 he saith I have manifested thy Name unto the Men which thou gavest me What is here meant by this Name Is it not his Power Had not the great and holy Power of God been made manifest unto them that had been with him and seen his Mighty Works raising the Dead healing the Sick cleansing Lepers opening Blind Eyes making the Dumb to speak the Deaf to hear the Lame to walk casting out Devils turning Water into Wine feeding Thousands with few Loaves and Fishes Did not these Works plainly manifest the Lord's Power or Name that is above every Name So in Vers. 11. he prayeth thus Holy Father keep through thy own Name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are Vers. 12. While I was with them in the World I kept them in thy Name And Vers. 26. I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it that the Love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them Now is it not plain from all this that the Name is the Power so he had kept kept them in the Power had manifested the Power unto them or declared the Power and would declare it So the Power of the Father Son and Spirit is manifested declared and made known unto them that receive Christ Jesus and are baptized into him into his Name Power Spirit c. and these know the Love of God made manifest in them and to them So now Christ Jesus in Matt. 28. spake unto them saying All Power is given unto me both in Heaven and in Earth Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them into the Name c. Now the word Go ye therefore seems to carry with it a plain Demonstration of Christ's Mind that now all Power was his both in Heaven and in Earth he would therefore have all Nations both taught and brought into his Power and baptized into it so as to be saved by it For there is no other Power or Name by which any can be saved but by the Power or Name of Iesus for all Power is his both in Heaven and in Earth This was a great Work but for their Incouragement he also tells them Lo I am with you always even to the end of the World And surely I may say if he be with his People to the end what is it that can be too hard for him and them he makes use of For all Power is with them For as many as receive him to them he gives Power to become the Sons of God according to Iohn 1.12 Even to them that believe in his Name These are they that are baptized Dipped or Plunged into his Power or Name yea into Christ and have put him on and in him are one whether they be Iews or Greeks Male or Female all are one in Christ Jesus and Christ is one in all Gal. 3.27 These are in Christ New Creatures and come forth in his Name to the Glory and Honour of him whose is the Power for him only hath God exalted and given him a Name or Power above every Name yea a more excellent Name than Angels Heb. 1.4 It 's said He that Sanctifieth and they who are Sanctified are all of one for which Cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren And when he appeared unto Paul he said I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a Minister and a Witness both of those things which thou hast seen and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee delivering thee from the People and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee to open their Eyes a great work and turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God that they may receive Remission of Sins and an Inheritance amongst them that are Sanctified by Faith that is in me Acts 26.16 17 18. Here is not Figures or Shadows mention'd no here is good things themselves to have Eyes opened is very good to be turned from Satan's Power to God to have Remission of Sins to be Sanctified and receive the Inheritance of such as are Sanctified is very good durable Riches indeed Faith in Christ is very Good and Precious Glory to him for ever But not one word of sending him back again to the Figure viz. Iohn's Water-Baptism nor have them who are in Chief to whom all Power is given any need of it And pray if they had what would it do for them Can it reach either Heart or Conscience What good Fruits follow our Sprinkling of Infants and Dippers Can any Sanctifie but Christ Doth not the Apostle say as before He that Sanctifieth and they who are Sanctified are all of one Heb. 2.11 12. For which cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren So Christ is the Washer
Death being come over all for that all had sinned so he suffered for us the Just for the Unjust that he might bring us to God and they that take up his Cross deny themselves and follow him and share with him of his Cup of his Sufferings and of his Baptism So I hope I need say no more of this to shew there is a baptizing dipping or plunging into other things besides Water and that this and not outward Water tends throughly to wash purge purifie and make clean the Soul Spirit and Bodies of Men and Women and bring them to be Vessels of Honour fit for the Masters use and service So here is neither need nor ground for Sprinkling at all no neither dipping nor plunging in Water nor any lasting Command or Institution that can be shewn tho' we grant some Apostles did use Water-Baptism for a time not seeing fully through things at first as they did afterwards yet they had no Command for it for Christ himself Baptized none with Water nor gave his Apostles any Commission to do it so that after some time that they grew up to Man's state in Christ Jesus they came to see as Paul saith When I was a Child I spoke as a Child I thought as a Child I understood as a Child but when I became a Man I put away childish things and then they more fully preached Christ the Substance and that in him all fullness dwelt and that Christ was not now entered into the Holy Places made with Hands which are Figures of the true but into Heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us Heb 9.24 And Verse 14. The Blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your Consciences from dead works to serve the Living God So that it 's clear Christ is not in the Figures but in Heaven itself and they that enjoy him are where he is and have their Conversation there where he sits and reigns so the Substance is come and is preached and testified of to whom the Prophets bare witness and testified beforehand of his Sufferings and the Glory that should follow This is he that knows every State and is the End of every Type Figure and Shadow as Peter saith speaking of Noah's Ark 1 Pet 3.21 22. wherein few that was Eight Souls were saved comes now to shew that even as the Ark saved them so the Antitype Baptism now saveth us What Baptism I Answer That Baptism of the Spirit or being Baptized into that which saves us now from the Deluge of Sin which destroyeth the World now even Baptism into Christ into his Name for there is no other Name given by which we can be saved this I say saves Men as fully now from Sin and so from Death as Noah's Ark saved him and those that were with him from the Flood that then destroyed the Old World and as Peter further saith Not the putting or washing away the filth of the Flesh but the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Christ Iesus who is gone into Heaven and is on the Right Hand of God Angels Authorities and Powers being made subject unto him and what must not Types and Figures give way to him Doth not Peter clearly shew it was not outward washing the filth of the Flesh but the cleansing of the Heart and Conscience For he saw plainly beyond the outward Water-washing to the inward washing with Water by the Word Christ Jesus that he might present unto himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Eph. 5.26 27. So here is a washing that exceeds Moses's Laver and Iohn's Iordan washing for it makes clean the inside and these are inward Iews or Iews inward for as they were not Iews that were Iews outward who only had the Type or Figure and came no farther but were of the Synagogue of Satan no more are they Christians that were only so outward And tho' they say they are Christians yet they are unregenerate unclean within unwashed with the blood of Christ yea they are of the Synagogue of Satan Rev. 2.9 and so it was called Blasphemy of Old as you may see in this Scripture to say they were Iews and were not and what is it now Doth it not blast the Fame of Christ Jesus and his great Name for Men to say they are Christians and are not Oh! therefore take Christ's Counsel come unto him be baptized of him washed by him sanctified by him made new Creatures in him and by him and be Disciples Followers Subjects and Obeyers of him so that whatever he bids you do ye may do it in his own Name and dwell in his Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost for all outward Dipping and Sprinkling in or with Water leaves Men and Women out of the Kingdom of God short of Enjoyment of God short of Eternal Life short of Power to become Sons of God short of Mount Sion the City of the Living God the Heavenly Ierusalem short of the innumerable Company of Angels and of the General Assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven and of the Spirits of Just Men made perfect and of Jesus the Mediator of the the New Covenant and of the Blood of Sprinkling mark not Water sprinkling that blood that speaks better things than that of Abel See now that ye refuse not him that speaks from Heaven for he speaks with Authority and not as the Scribes Hypocrites and High-Priests for if they escaped not that refused him that spoke on Earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaks from Heaven whose Voice then shook the Earth but now he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not the Earth only but the Heavens also and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things that cannot be shaken may remain so that those things that are made and are shakeable things though they be Heavens if shakeable if made they give place to the New Heavens in which dwells Righteousness that cannot be shaken so the Rock of Ages the sure Foundation the Durable Riches of the Gentiles the Lasting Treasure the Life that 's Eternal the Son that abides in the House for ever he remains for all the Ends of the Earth to look unto and be saved for all Nations to flow unto and be safe who hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth therefore all People that read this be exhorted to turn in all your Minds to the Appearance of Christ in all your Hearts and come unto him in Spirit for he appears by his Spirit in your inward Man and lets you see your States and Conditions lets you see all your Thoughts Words Deeds Secret Lusts and Vile Affections if ye give heed unto it
admitted but after a short time they left their Flocks fled away and were silent Then in came the Surplice-Men and they were for having all to come and take Bread and Wine with them but the other sort were only for admitting such as they upon Examination judged worthy But some of both cry out against the Quakers so called because they do not come under their Ministry of this Ordinance so called and say we deny the Lord's Supper or coming to the Lord's Supper and therefore do they rage against us very sore And I see many People are too willing to lye at ease in a dead state in sin and are not concerned in Heart to seek unto the Lord for Wisdom and Understanding yet for the sake of all such as truly desire to know the things that do belong unto their Peace do I send forth these Lines And First I affirm we do mightily rejoice in Heart Soul and Spirit to meet one with another at the Lord's Table where we meet with the Lord and receive at his Merciful Hand the true and living Bread that comes down from above tho' we are not in Communion with them at that which is called of Men the Lord's Supper and sold by the Priest as such for these Reasons 1. We find that our Lord Christ took Bread at Supper blessed it broke it and gave it to his Disciples but that he said This is a new Ordinance which I now Erect instead of the Passover that shall be observed to be eaten at after the Priest hath done his Forenoon's Preaching before you go to dinner this I find not no nor that those that would stay and eat some of it should pay Two-pence and those that would not should pay likewise eat or not eat pay you must this we find nothing of We find Matthew Mark and Luke calls it the Passover and the Passover which was kept or held seven Days must needs admit of Suppers as well as Dinners and if it was the Passover how then doth it belong to us or enjoin us to keep up a small part of the outward Iews outward Passover This I cannot understand seeing Christ our Passover as the Apostle said is sacrificed for us and so we have no occasion to use the Type because the Antitype is come and has given us a Mind to know him that is true and we are in him But to make it appear that all the Apostles call it the Passover let us hear them speak themselves Mat. 26.17 The Disciples came to Jesus saying Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover And he said Go into the City to such a Man and say unto him The Master saith My time is at hand I will eat the Passover at thy House with my Disciples and the Disciples did as Jesus had commanded them and they made ready the Passover And Verse 26 27. As they were eating Jesus took Bread and blessed it and gave it to the Disciples and said Take eat this is my Body and he took the Cup gave thanks and gave it to them saying Drink ye all of it for this is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of Sins but I say unto you I will not drink henceforth of this Fruit of the Vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom Now from all this that Matthew saith it 's very clear it was the Passover which is here spoken of and so plain that he that runs may read Mark 14.12 13 14 15 16. The first day of Unleavened Bread when they killed the Passover his Disciples said unto him Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou may'st eat the Passover He sendeth two of his Disciples and saith Go ye into the City and there shall meet you a Man bearing a Pitcher of Water follow him wheresoever he shall go in say to the Good Man of the House the Master saith Where is the Guest-chamber where I shall eat the Passover with my Disciples And he will shew you a large upper Room furnished and prepared there make ready for us and they went and found as he had said and they made ready the Passover and as they did eat Verse 22. Jesus took Bread and blessed it broke it and gave to them and said Take eat this is my Body and he took the Cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank of it and he said unto them This is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many Verily I say unto you I will drink no more of the Fruit of the Vine until that day that I drink it new in the Kingdom of God here it is also called the Passover and Luke 22.7 8 9 10 11 12 13. thus far the same with Mark but in Verse 15 Christ said unto them With desire have I desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer Verse 16. For I say unto you I will not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God and V. 17. He took the Cup and gave thanks and said Take this and divide it amongst your selves for I say unto you I will not drink of the Fruit of the Vine until the Kingdom of God shall come Now these three are full to the Matter concerning the last Time Christ was with them at the Passover and their last eating of it was at Supper And now seeing Christ said that he would eat no more of it until it was fulfilled in the Kingdom of God nor drink any more of the Fruit of the Vine until the Kingdom of God should come pray let me ask this Is the Kingdom of God come yea or nay Doth Christ reign rule and sit as King over all Or is Moses and Iohn's Baptism yet in place yea or nay And if the Kingdom of God be come which the Apostle saith stands not in meats Drinks and divers Washings but in Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost then I ask Is the Passover fulfilled yea or nay If it be then he is worthy and ought to have place that fulfilled it for he viz. Christ is our Passover Is he Then Moses's Passover that had the Paschal Lamb Unleavened Bread and the Cup of the Fruit of the outward Vine is not our Passover no that was the Iews outward and was Temporal but Christ the Lamb of God the Bread of Life that gives Living Water and new Wine of the Kingdom that 's Spiritual he is the Passover of the inward spiritual Iew that hath no confidence in the Flesh but worships God in Spirit neither doth he know Christ after the Flesh but after the Spirit who is the Second Adam the Lord from Heaven a quickening Spirit so Christ's Kingdom is come and set up and will come more and more Oh! thy Kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and the least
him and follow him in order to know him and where he feeds and causes his Flocks to rest in this Glorious Day of God at Noon that thou may not be as one that turns aside from the Flocks of his Companions I. G. POSTSCRIPT IT hath often grieved me to hear and see how poor ignorant People are carried away by their Blind Leaders to feed amongst Swine that wallow in the Mire and Dirt of Sin and are content with dry husky Shells of Empty Profession and are Zealous for that which they have no Scripture for nor do Profit by So these Two Things viz. Water-Baptism and Bread and Wine I find are greatly Adored as though by these the People had great Benefit but if we look into their Lives and Conversations it doth not at all appear So it fell weightily upon me to write what the Lord would please to enable me about these things For as they are used now they are not so much as rightly imitated by any of those that use them neither the Lord's last Supper at the outward Passover nor yet the Baptism of Iohn but as to Supping with the Lord and being Baptized into his Name this I find few that know what it is Therefore was my Desire a little more Earnest to set Pen to Paper and in plainness shew what the Name of Father Son and Spirit is and what they do that Baptize into it and also what they are who Sup with Christ not now seeking him in Figures but can say they have found him elsewhere I heartily pray it be may of Service to all that read it and of Hurt to none for God doth know I desire the Wellfare of all Mankind who am a poor despised Servant of Jesus Christ Iohn Gratton IOHN Baptist's Decreasing and CHRIST's Increasing Witnessed Being a Treatise concerning Baptism in the Type and Baptism in the Mystery TO THE Friendly Unprejudic'd Reader Friend IT is no Desire in me that because so many have appear'd in Print that therefore I would be one also that should be accounted Eminent But having been a great Sinner and therefore have through infinite Love and free Grace much given me my Love is so much to him that is Lord of all that I am not a little grieved to see his Pure and Precious Truth so strongly on all hands encountered with and fought against in its Comfortable and Glorious Appearance in the Lord 's poor despised People called by the scornful World Quakers And seeing that this of Water-Baptism hath been and is a Thing they that are not only Adversaries to Truth but to their own Souls have so publickly made use of it to fight us with I having both been an Eye and Ear-witness of the same have been not a little exercised in Mind about this matter but have seriously considered and tried all their Arguments that I have been acquainted with for this thing and I find them so far contrary to Truth and the mind of Truth that a Necessity fell upon me to write what it pleased the Pure Eternal God to Communicate unto me by his Spirit So that what is according to Truth and sound Iudgment thou wilt find here written as to the Tenor and Substance of the matter from the Spirit of God in me and so is not mine but his To him be the Glory wholly given for ever But if there be any Circumstantial Defect for want of Heed or Exactness which may either fall upon me or the Printer charge it in its right place and lay it not upon the Spirit of God Having given thee this Caution I desire thee to observe in the next place my End in the Publishing this little Treatise which is First To clear Truth of Scandals in this point laid to our Charge 2dly To strengthen the Owners and Lovers of it 3dly To acquaint or inform them that are mistaken about it And lastly That I might so answer that Love so greatly bestowed upon me as to be clear of all Men and stand single unto God whose Servant I am through Mercy and might bring Glory Honour and Praise unto his Holy Name for ever So now before I leave thee I shall only acquaint thee of the great Differences amongst Men about this thing and then take leave The Presbyterian saith Water-Baptism belongs to Children of Believing Parents and therefore they examine the Parents of their Faith Now if the Parent be an Vnbeliever then the Child is not to be accepted to this Ordinance as they call it From which I shall only now observe this That if this be so then is the Child a Sufferer for the Sin of the Father's Vnbelief which God hath said shall never be The Child shall not suffer for the Sin of the Father nor the Father for the Sin of the Child but the Soul that Sins it shall die 2dly The Episcopal saith The Child is by this Regenerated and Born again Sanctified and Changed and made a new Creature and therefore if a Child be in danger of Death great haste is made to get it Sprinkled And if this be true What farther need of a Saviour 3dly The Baptists say Believers only have Right to Water-Baptism I grant Believers are only they that are Truly Baptized but that they are injoyn'd or commanded to observe this Water-Baptism they now so differently observe I find not But I hope if thou readest what follows with a single Eye thou may'st come to see all these Dippers and Sprinklers and their shortness in this and gain some acquaintance with the Lord's Mind as thou waitest in his pure Light which makes all things manifest to which I beseech thee to turn thy Mind and believe in it that thou may'st be a Child of Light and then thy Fellowship will be with us who are Children of it and so we may Praise the Lord together who is Light To whom be all the Honour and Glory for ever and ever Written by one of the Least of all yet one of the Lord 's Chosen Ones unknown to many yet known by the Name of Iohn Gratton Monyash the 4th of the 3d Month 1674. A Treatise concerning Baptism THey that are Baptised into Christ have put on Christ live in him and are One Spirit with or in him are all united by One Spirit into one Body and are Members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Bones and of his Fulness receive Grace for Grace and know One Lord One Faith One Baptism and are One in him and he in them and so are come into the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End the First and the Last He whose Name is called The Word of God by which all things were made in Heaven and in the Earth to him be Glory for ever Now the Baptism of the Spirit is One in all and all that are Baptized by the One Spirit are Baptized into One Body and are all made to drink into One Spirit and these have no Confidence in the Flesh but are
Paul speaks of again in 1 Cor. 12.13 By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body and have been all made to drink into one Spirit this makes all People in Christ Jesus one and this Paul saith again There is one Lord one Faith one Baptism Eph. 4.5 Now Paul wholly ascribes the initiating or bringing in of all Men whether Iew or Greek Bond or Free Male or Female into the Church or into the Body of Christ which is the Church unto the Baptism of Christ by his own Spirit and tells us again in Eph. 4.4 5. There is one Body and one Spirit even as you are called in one Hope one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all Now had Paul looked upon Iohn's Baptism to have been Commanded Mat. 28.19 and so must have been in place to the end of the World how could he pass it by and only say there is one Baptism For Iohn did baptize into Water and it was a Baptism a real Dipping or Plunging into Water and so a real Baptism was Iohn's And Christ's Baptism is a real Baptism a real Dipping or Plunging into his pure Name Power Spirit yea into Christ so as to put him on and to be as Branches in the Vine and to walk in him in his Spirit in his Life Love Light c. yea to be what we are in Christ and to do whatsoever we do in the Name of Christ so then is not here two Baptisms And if one be not the Figure Fore-runner of the other and gave place to it but are both Figure and Substance Servant and Son continued together to the end of the World How could Paul miss saying There is one Lord one Faith and two Baptisms But it 's clear he said otherwise who said He could do nothing against the Truth but for it And both Moses and Elias or Iohn the Baptist were suddenly taken away in the Mount upon the Motion made for three Tabernacles and Christ only left and the word was This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him so here Christ alone is Exalted over all and hath all Power Objection But say some He doth not say there is but one Baptism Answer Nor doth he say there is but one God but one Lord but one Faith but one Hope c. What then May we say there is any more God forbid No doubt but Paul knew what he said and that Iohn's Baptism was but a Figure and was observed in it's time and place but when the Substance came the Shadows were decreasing and passing away though I do not say that the Apostle did see all Figures Shadows and Types actually at an end so soon as it came no more did they immediately see that in Mat. 28. Go ye therefore teach all Nations did take in Gentiles as well as Iews For it 's clear from Acts 10.11 that neither Peter nor the Apostles at Ierusalem did all fully see until then that God is no respecter of persons that in every nation he that fears God and works Righteousness is accepted of him and when Paul clearly saw he had a mind the People of God should see also viz. that the fulness of time was come pray what fulness was this Was it not the Figures Shadows and Types of the Law which had their full time when Christ was offered up and must now have place no longer but give place to the Son the Heir that redeems out of all Bondage and gives us to receive the Adoption of Sons even the Spirit of Adoption into our Hearts by which we cry Abba Father And the Son abides for ever hath an unchangeable Priesthood and is Heir of all things and we in him being Sons are Heirs of God and Joint-Heirs with Christ so no longer under Servants Tutors or Governours but are by Christ redeemed unto God to walk with him and worship him in Spirit and in Truth But saith this Apostle again Verse 9. Now after you have known God or rather are known of God how turn ye a-again to the weak and beggarly Elements whereunto ye desire again to be in Bondage Can outward Water be excluded out of this Sentence Is it not as weak and beggarly as other Elements are And if this had not been in his Eye as well as others would he have been so general in that word Elements and take no care to preserve Water in use if it was to be used to the end of the World For it is no more than an Element Object But some may object these Galatians were for entangling themselves with observing days times months years circumcision c. Answ. I answer It 's very plain to unbyassed Men that this Apostle of the Gentiles never used one word to shew any more regard or respect to Water-Baptism than to any other Figures and Shadows and it is no more nor ever was any more than a bare Figure and why it must have place with the Substance and not give place now as all other Figures must I see no sound Reason for But he tells these Galatians further Chap. 4.4 When the fullness of time was come what then God sent his son well then ye are no longer under Servants Tutors c. for God hath highly exalted his Son and given him all Power both in Heaven and in Earth that in all things he may have the Preheminence It 's true but is Christ only without any thing else being joined unto him all in all unto all Mankind I answer Yea and Paul tells these very People Chap. 3.26 27 28. Ye are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you as have been Baptized into Christ have put on Christ there is neither Iew nor Greek Bond nor Free Male nor Female for ye are all one in Christ Iesus and if Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed and Heirs according to promise And in Ephes. 1.7 to the 12th Verse We have Redemption through his Blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his Grace wherein he hath abounded towards us having made known unto us the Mystery of his Will that in the Dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in Heaven and which are on Earth even in him Here Christ is preached and Christ only in him it pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell and him only hath God Exalted to be both King and Priest to give repentance and remission of sin Oh! did Men know God know Christ Jesus know the Holy Spirit of Life that was before all Types Figures and Shadows were they would not turn from or desire again to be in Bondage unto weak and beggarly Elements that cannot make such as come thereunto perfect as pertaining to the Conscience but now here is one come that can and hath by one Offering perfected for ever them that are Sanctified by him and saves to the utmost all
them that come unto God by him so that now in Christ Iesus we who were some times afar off are made near How By the Blood of Christ Ephes. 2.13 So it 's in Christ Jesus that nearness to God is known even by his Blood Read that can Blessed be God many at this day can read experimentally and knows a being near unto God in Christ. O that many could For he is our Peace who hath made One both Iew and Gentile having abolished in his Flesh the Enmity the Law of Ordinances to make in himself of twain one new Man that he might reconcile both unto God in one Body by the Cross. And came and Preached Peace unto them that were afar off and unto them that were near so that through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father Now here is plainly Pointed forth the Way to God the Truth and the Life no Man comes unto the Father but by me said Christ so neither Iohn nor Moses nor any other but Christ can bring Men to God Nor doth Christ Jesus need any of them all for all Power is his There is no other Name given under Heaven by which we can be saved but by the Name of Iesus Christ Acts 4.12 Mark this The Name of Iesus what if he had said the Power of Jesus But can any be saved by his Name except they be in it Salvation is in it those that are Baptized into the Name of Father Son and Spirit are in that which saves and it is remarkable that Christ did not say go teach all Nations and Baptize them in the Name Father Son and Holy Ghost but Go teach all Nations Baptizing them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the name of mark the Father Son and Holy Ghost Is it not plain from hence that by Name is meant the Power of the Father Son and Spirit Again Christ told his Followers Mat. 18.20 That where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I in the midst of them what else is here intended but them that meet in his Power and are exercised in his Power And Pray how can any meet in his Name or Power if they be not in it Oh that Men would meet in this Name they would not want power to Pray Preach and Praise God nor need to make ready before-hand what they intend to say no this bows Men in Spirit and brings them to wait in hope and the feeling of this Living Name makes Men true Worshippers in Spirit for they feel it to be a Heart-changing melting Power and a Soul-sanctifying Enamouring Name far excelling all other Names or Powers and these reverence his Pure Name and extol it in their Hearts are true Worshippers and Adorers of it and of him whose Name it is But what Benefit can those have that meet out of this Name and carry on a form of Godliness and Worship but deny the power and content themselves to go on in a form without the power all the Days of their Lives and pray what are these These are such as the Apostle bids us turn away from 2 Tim. 3.5 For they name the Name of Christ but do not depart from Iniquity but live in Sin all their Days and in the Power of Darkness by which they are kept in Bondage because they come not to know the Name of Jesus and Faith in his Name and being Baptized thereunto these say and do not like the Pharisees these are Enemies to Christ Jesus their own Souls and all Mankind These love the Wages of Unrighteousness and go in the way of Balaam for Gifts and Rewards Paul said He sought not theirs but them 2 Cor. 12.14 But these seek theirs but not them Paul laboured that their Faith might not stand in the Wisdom of Man but in the Power of God or Name of God is it not all One or Name of Jesus 1 Cor. 2.5 But these come in the Wisdom of Man and with words Man's Wisdom teacheth and brings People no further than that wherein themselves stand and so the Faith of People stands in the foolish Wisdom of Men and not in the Power of God and therefore these Men get power over People by their Wisdom and leads them away from the appearance of Christ in themselves Who is the only Potentate Lord of Lords and King of Kings 1 Tim. 6.15 So the Name of the Lord is a strong Tower the Righteous runneth into it and are safe Prov. 18.10 The true Church knew it in old Time that this holy Name of Christ was sweet and said Thy Name is as Ointment poured forth therefore do the Virgins love thee Cant. 1.3 And so the Apostle testified how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power Acts 10.38 This is that Holy Name unto which every Knee must bow both in Heaven and in Earth for it is above every Name Phil. 2.9 10. So the Apostles were Baptized with the Holy Ghost into this precious Name And when the Holy Ghost was come down upon them and sat upon them as in Acts 2.3 then they appeared boldly in the Power or Name and Spirit of Jesus and Verse 4. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance Now they spoke with new Tongues that was touched with a Coal from the Altar so they went out in this Living Power and Spirit and in this they preached the Gospel and taught all People that heard them in every Nation where they came and the Name of Christ was mightily glorified many being so reached in their Understandings that they came to see their own state and condition inwardly and were pricked to the very Heart and cried out Men and Brethren what shall we do to be saved Yea they spoke so that many believed both Men and Women yea great multitudes both of Iews and Greeks Acts 14. were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which Stephen spoke Acts 6.10 And with great power the Apostles bare witness of the Resurrection Acts. 4.33 So they stood in the Power of God preached prayed and praised God in his own Power and in Acts 4. they lift up their voice with one accord and prayed unto the Lord that he would grant unto his Servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word by stretching out thy Hand to heal and that Signs and Wonders may be done by the Name of thy Holy Child Jesus Verse 30. And Paul preached boldly in the Name of Jesus Ch. 9.27 And what did they preach They preached Jesus Christ Ch. 2.36 Ch. 3.20 Likewise in the Name of Jesus Christ the lame Man was made able to leap walk and praise God It was not by their own Power or Holiness that he was made to walk no it was by the Name of the Prince of Life Christ Jesus and the Faith that comes by him gave the lame Man perfect soundness Ch. 3.6 12
it not the Lord's Work or Power that brought them to Moses that stood in the Power of God and in the Living Faith And they were Baptized unto him and dipp'd into the same Power and Faith in measure that he stood and abode in after they had been out of it through unbelief and fear of Man Now he that brought them out of the unbelief then unto Moses into the Living Faith and out of their own weakness into his own Power that abides for ever is the same that brings his People now that have been in unbelief and in great weakness into the Living Faith and Power of God and so unto our Spiritual Moses Christ Jesus that goes before his People and leads them out of spiritual Egypt Bondage Captivity and Thraldom and saves his People that follow him from their Sins and delivers them out of the Hands of their Enemies so they are with him and he with them according to his Promise and are Baptized into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost unto him who is all in all and hath all Power given him in Heaven and in Earth Mat. 28. Object But says the Priest What outward Act did the Apostles use when they Baptized with that Baptism into the Name c. Ans. I answer Freely they did as Christ commanded them teach and as they were bidden When the Power got hold of any and came over them they went on teaching them to observe all things whatsoever Christ commanded them and they laboured in the work of the Ministry chearfully and as they preached the Holy Ghost fell upon those that heard them as in Acts 10.44 And the Power of God came over many and they felt it and believed in the Lord Jesus so they came to see the Name and Power of Jesus to be above every Name or Power and they believed in it and stood up in it being baptized into it they came to witness a Living in his Name Spirit Life and Power c. and in him viz. Christ Jesus were made new Creatures by his Name was he made whole that had been lame living that had been dead yea the Blind came to see the Deaf to hear the Dumb to speak Lepers were made clean Devils were cast out and his Name is the same at this Day tho' few believe in it or know it Glory be given to him whose is the Power who sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever Obj. But some may object and say Is there nothing to be done in order to Baptize Men into the Name but to Teach Ans. The word Teach is a great word and so is the word Teaching and signifies all they did as Preaching in the Power as the Spirit gave them utterance and ability and praying in the Spirit and Power or asking the Father in Christ's Name as he bade them and singing Praises to God in his Spirit and Power as Paul and Silas did in Prison and living Holy Righteous Godly Sober Lives and Conversations and other Work● aforesaid done in the Spirit Power or Name of Christ so their Teaching sounded far and near for what they did they did it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So the word Teach and Teaching is of a large extent for there is very good and effectual Teaching besides preaching verbally and the Disciples of Christ taught so then and do so teach at this Day as none other can because God enables them so to do for they are all what they are in Christ and in his Power they do what they do as first to love as Brethren indeed and in truth is very teaching to all that behold it Secondly Not to have a Beggar amongst them is very teaching and a certain manifestation that they do love one another For by this said Christ shall all Men know that ye are my Disciples c. and gave a new Commandment that they should love one another which Command no Man can obey but as God who is love doth enable him Thirdly Humility and Meekness teach well and such seek not their own to become great and high in the World but the things of Jesus Christ And this plainly shews those are like unto him who are Meek and Lowly but Pride is hateful in all especially those that pretend Commission to teach for that teaches a wrong thing and strengthens people in that which is bad yea hardens them in it like unto the Pharisees who were proud and loved the Chief Seats in the Synagogues and the Highest Rooms at Feasts walked in long Robes loved greetings in the Market and to be called of Men Rabbi Rabbi these were Enemies to God and all good Men would neither enter the Kingdom themselves nor suffer those that would to enter And surely those that are in the same Spirit and walk in the same Steps and bring forth the same Fruits are no better than they Fourthly Men that are what they seem to be that speaks the truth to their neighbour and are not Double-Tongued do not Dissemble nor lie nor respect Mens Persons but do justly and good to them that hates them and loves Enemies Prays for them that Persecutes them and Despitefully uses them this is very teaching and are such things as none can do but those that are enabled to do them in the Name of Jesus Christ and by his Holy Name but the contrary is very bad and tends to hurt and ●inders all Nations from coming to be baptized into Christ's Name Fifthly In true Compassion to visit the Fatherless and Widows in their Afflictions and to Relieve the Poor and Needy to suffer Wrongs forgive Trespasses against us to visit the Sick and cloath the Naked feed the Hungry and such as are in Prison to Visit Feed and Cloath shews forth Christian Love and Charity Tenderness Kindness Pity and Compassion such preach well and is very teaching before all Nations but the contrary highly provokes the Holy Just God and declares Men to be born after the Flesh and not of the Spirit whose Fruits are all good Oh! how have the Sprinklers manifested themselves in our Day by laying many in Prison making Wives like Widows Children like Fatherless taking their Bread-Corn from them and other things by force and though they pretend to be sent of Christ who said freely ye have received freely give yet these have given nothing freely therefore ought to receive nothing but notwithstanding they will receive and take by force of them they do nothing for and no People nor Nation can in reason look upon this to be of a right Nature neither doth it nor ever can bring Honour to the Name of Christ Jesus but the contrary But they that are in the Name Power and Spirit of Christ they injure no Man defraud no Man but are good Examples to all Mankind and shew forth the Fruits of the Spirit Love Joy Peace Long-suffering Gentleness Meekness Soberness Temperance Purity Chastity and Truth and have Crucified the Flesh
for he is the true Light that enlightens every Man coming into the World and makes all things manifest that are reproveable lays open all the hidden things of Esau yea all things are naked and bare before him with whom we have to do this is the word nigh even in our Hearts and Mouths which you ought to hear and obey this is him that is the Saviour of the Soul and washes it in his own Blood and makes it clean white and comely in his own pure Eye this is he that sent forth his Apostles and went with them was their Strength Power Wisdom yea all in them and all to them all And you are hereby invited and call'd unto to come unto him and receive him into your Hearts and Souls that you may receive Power to become the Sons of God and be deeply affected and plunged into him into his Name his Power his Spirit his Life his Love his Meekness his Patience his Purity his Divine Nature his Glory Come People here is a Baptism that is more than all Figures Types and Shadows Oh! do not sit at ease in an unclean state short of this Baptism for here is help for you and it 's laid upon him that is mighty to help you and save you to the utmost if you will but come to God by him but if ye refuse him and think to go to God by weak Elements that melt away before the Lord as he comes to take place in the Hearts of Men you will find by sad experience that they can never bring you to God nor fit you for his Kingdom but this Baptism into Christ into his Name Endues Men with Power according to Christ's Promise Ye shall receive Power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you Acts 1.8 Secondly It enables Men to be Witnesses unto Christ Jesus unto his Appearance in them and the Power of his Resurrection to raise them up in him as it did to Paul Acts 26.16 Thirdly It enables Men to pray in the Name of Christ so as what they ask God gives unto them according as Christ said Iohn 16.23 Fourthly It cleanseth both Heart and Conscience and inside of Men and Women it purges fans and purifies the Floor or Heart of Man throughly and takes away sin Iohn 1.29 For the Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hand John 3.35 yea all Power in Heaven and in Earth Mat 28.19 Fifthly It impowers Men to become Sons of God and to call God Father and Jesus Lord in Truth and Righteousness Gal. 4.6 Sixthly It makes Men One in Christ Jesus according to Christ's Prayer Iohn 17.11 20 21. and Gal. 3.27 28. 1 Cor. 12.13 1 Cor. 6.17 Eph. 4.3 Seventhly It brings Men to know the Love of God in them in their Hearts Iohn 17.12 Eighthly It makes Men new Creatures true Iews true Christians and brings Men to know the Old Man Crucified with his Deeds Rom. 6.6 2 Cor. 5.17 Gal. 6.15 Ninthly It makes Men free from sin sanctifies them washes and justifies them who are in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ by his Spirit 1 Cor. 6.11 Rom. 6.18 22. Tenthly It saves them that have it and none can be saved but such as have it for there 's no Salvation in any other Name Tit. 3.5 1 Pet. 3.21 Acts 4.12 Eleventhly It makes Men Temples for God to dwell in and brings Men to see God being made pure in Heart Mat. 5.8 1 Cor. 3.16 17. and Chap. 6.19 Twelfthly It enables Men to Worship God aright in Spirit and in Truth according to his Will and none else but they that have this Baptism can Iohn 4.24 Phil. 3.3 Thirteenthly It brings Men to know a new Name and the white Stone that hath the new Name in it that none knows but him that hath it Rev. 2.17 Fourteenthly It enables them to overcome and brings them to inherit all things to know God to be their God and they to be his People who have this Baptism Rev. 21.7 And Lastly It fits Men for every good Word and Work brings them out of the Kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of God Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost and so to live in Unity Fellowship and Communion with God and one with another and to be alive unto God through Jesus Christ in him to live unto the Lord and when they die to die in the Lord so that living and dying they may be the Lord's Rom. 14.8 Acts 26.18 Col. 1.10 11 12 13. 1 Iohn 1.3 7. I might go on further to shew how it brings Men to grow in Faith and to overcome the wicked One and to overcome the World and to be Conquerors and able to do all things through Christ who has all Power c. in and by whom we have Redemption and Forgiveness of Sins even through his Blood for he that spared not his only Beloved Son but gave him up freely a Ransom for us all he also with him freely gives us all things Glory be given to him for ever Amen Thus I have endeavoured for the Information of true Enquirers to shew what Christ's Baptism is and how Men are made Instrumental in the Lord's Hand and enabled by him to perform the Work and Service he imploys them in how they are made true preachers or Teachers so as to Baptize into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost for the Life of a true Disciple of Christ a true Christian is of a Disciplining Teaching Nature for he is as Noah was a Preacher of Righteousness in the Spirit Life Power or Name of Jesus in his Day Age and Generation and in the Name is an Honourer of the Name and Power of God and shews it forth to others yea before all Men that he lives not in his own or by his own Power Strength or Wisdom but in the Name of Christ and knows Christ to be his Strength and is what he is in the Lord without whom he is nothing nor can do nothing see Acts 16.16 18. compared with 1 Cor. 1.17 See what the Apostle was sent to do in order to turn Men from Darkness unto Light and from the Power of Satan unto God Eph. 4. read the whole Chapter and see who it was that fitted and furnished them for every good Word and Work Something concerning the Lord's Supper So Called I Have searched the Four Evangelists Matthew Mark Luke and Iohn and the rest of the New Testament throughly concerning this Matter about which many Professors are so Hot and Zealous and I do not find plain and substantial Ground for what they so earnestly contend about I also observe it is not long since many suffered Martyrdom here in England because they believed not as the Roman Catholicks so called did believe in Q. Mary's Days and I remember the Presbyterians in the time of Oliver Cromwell were very strict about it and examined People of their Faith Hope and such like and whom they liked or approved of were
Lord evermore give us of this Bread and of this Water that we may eat and drink in thy Kingdom and live for ever For they that know this Bread they know it by eating of it and so they taste of the Goodness of the Lord and of his Divine Sweetness This Knowledge is Experimental as the Child that sucks the Breast of its Mother tho' it knows neither Tongues nor Languages yet it knows the Milk of the Breast is good for it feels and tastes and feeds of it and is nourished by it and enabled to grow from Stature to Stature So none but new-born Babes are thus fed and nourished such as live and abide at the Breast of Consolation and have free access unto it and feel it freely come in upon them and know it made bare unto them Oh! These are sensible of the Love of God and lean upon Jesus Breast upon their Beloved that hath brought them up out of the Wilderness unto his Holy Hill that is exalted above all the Hills and coming up a-top of all the Mountains this is the Mountain of the Lord's House the House of the God of Iacob unto which the weary and heavy laden in all Nations run and find rest unto their poor Souls 7. But why are the Professors of our Age so laborious for outward Bread Is it not Bread that perisheth If so Christ said Labour not for the Bread that perishes but for the Bread that endures unto Everlasting Life which the Son of Man shall give unto you John 6.27 Was not the Unleavened Bread that Moses gave Bread that perishes And pray wherein doth Christ exceed Moses if he give them not Bread that far excels Moses's Bread I tell you Our Spiritual Moses is come that far exceeds Temporal Moses as the Substance exceeds the Type or Shadow and he gives us Spiritual Bread and Spiritual Drink the same that Moses and all that was with him in the Cloud and in the Sea did eat and drink of as the Apostle affirms 1 Cor. 10.3 For they all eat of the same Spiritual Meat and did all drink of the same Spiritual Drink for they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ. Now it 's clear from this Apostle he was preaching of Spiritual Meat and Drink to them and the Spiritual Rock Christ and said They meaning Moses and all that was with him did all eat of the same What The same Spiritual Meat and Drink that the Apostle and Disciples of Christ did eat and drink of Then if the same it is Spiritual not Outward or Temporal Meat and Drink but Spiritual Here 's the Meat indeed and the Drink indeed Christ spoke of as aforesaid Now let us come a little farther in this Chapter Verse 14 15 16 17. Wherefore my dearly beloved flee from Idolatry I speak as to wise Men judge ye what I say The Cup of Blessing which we bless is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ The Bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ For we mark we being many are one Bread and one Body for we are all partakers of that one Bread Now here I might say something to Wise Men but not to the Wise and Prudent of this World for they will not receive it But let me ask Wherein stands the Communion and Unity of Christ's Followers Is it not in Christ And are they Wise Men that live in an outside formal Profession of Christ and do not partake of the Flesh and Blood of Christ do not eat of this Spiritual Meat and drink of this Spiritual Drink here spoken of in the Chapter aforesaid For I am certain none but Wise Men know what it is that is they who are made Wise by or with the Wisdom that 's from above And it 's very lamentable to behold that any should be so asleep as to think they eat and drink and be contented altho' they find they are empty of Christ who is this Spiritual Rock whose Flesh is Meat indeed and whose Blood is Drink indeed are empty of his Life Power Virtue Spirit Wisdom Righteousness c. These sit in Darkness and see no Light for they that sleep sleep in the Night and they that are drunk with the Fruits of the wild Grape or blind Opinions of wild-headed Edomites that are hunting in their Airy Earthly Wisdom amongst the high Notionists who have been greatly exalted in the dark Night of Apostacy these are drunk in the Night But let me ask a little further Pray what is this Cup of Blessing Is it an outward Cup If so then why cannot Men that drink of this Cup drink also of the Cup of Devils And pray what is the Table of the Lord Is it outward If so then why cannot Men partake of the Lord's Table and the Table of Devils Consider it for the Table of the Lord is Spiritual and none but Spiritual Men can partake of it The Natural Man knows not the things of the Spirit of God neither indeed said the Apostle can he for they are spiritually discerned and therefore only discerned by the Spiritual Man in whom the Spirit of God dwells see 1 Cor. 2.9 10 11 12 13 14 15. God who is a Spirit hath a Spiritual Table furnished with Spiritual Meat and with Spiritual Drink for all his Spiritual Babes Sons and Daughters who are Born of the Spirit and have Food provided for them according to the Nature of the Seed they are Born of For the Birth being Spiritual it must needs be granted that the Meat and Drink it feeds upon must needs be Spiritual also else how can it agree or suit with the Nature of this Birth For God is a God of Order and hath placed all things in good Order both in Heaven and in Earth so that there is no Communion between the Spiritual and the Natural Man neither can they feed together For every Creature hath its Food according to its Nature the Fish of the Sea cannot feed upon the Land nor can the Beasts of the Field feed in the Sea no more can the Children of God feed at the Table of Devils nor can the Children of the Devil feed at the Table of the Lord neither do they know it Now what is the Devil's Table For I find freedom to be a little plain Let us see if we can shew wicked Men that are the Children of the Wicked One what their Father's Table is and that we may do it in short let us see who are his Children for the Childrens Food is according to and suitable with their Nature Now his Children are these and called by these Names 1 Cor. 6 9 10. Unrighteous Fornicators Idolaters Adulterers Effeminate Abusers of themselves with Mankind Thieves Covetous Drunkards Revilers Extortioners Malicious Enviers Haters of those that are good Murderers Deceivers Haters of God Proud Inventers of Evil Things Disobedient to Parents without Understanding Covenant-Breakers without Natural Affection
inherit Substance and as the Apostle said Heb 9.24 Christ is not entered into Holy Places made with Hands which are Figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us so that Christ is not now in the Figures and if Christ be not in them what Virtue Power or Nourishment is in them For he hath all Fulness dwelling in him and if we partake not of his Fulness what is it we can partake of that can do us any good And if all Fulness dwell in Christ as the Scripture saith then what is there in Figures Types and Shadows Surely these must needs be empty if all dwell in Christ and that he be all in all Well might the Apostle say Let him that glories glory in the Lord so that all the Testimonies of the Apostles point and direct to Christ and testifie of him and his People at this Day preach him For after all his Sufferings Passion Resurrection and Ascension Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door to me I will come in unto him and Sup with him and he shall Sup with me Rev. 3.20 Open therefore ye Everlasting Doors and let the King of Glory enter in for he is Lord of Hosts great and mighty and if God be with you who can be against you He is come to teach his People himself therefore hear his Voice and open the Door of the Soul and let him in that ye may Sup with him and he with you for it 's he that giveth Living Bread and Living Water and his Flesh is meat indeed and his Blood is Drink indeed they that eat his Flesh and drink his Blood dwell in him and he in them and therefore these must needs know he is come for they Sup with him where there is Bread enough and all things are ready the Marriage of the Lamb is come his Beauty and Glory is beheld the Day of his Espousals is come and his Beloved is come up out of her Wilderness-state in a great measure and is made ready for her Beloved for he is adorned with his Wedding-garments O she is the fairest amongst Women no Church nor Woman like her Her Glory is within she feeds on hidden Manna and hath Meat to eat that the World knows not of therefore she tramples upon all Transitory Things and hath the Moon under her Feet she seeks not after the Glory of the Night fine Titles great Honours and rich Benefits Places of outward Profit worldly Gain earthly Treasure and fading Riches no no her Beloved to whom she is joined and made one Spirit with never valued these things or sought after them yet the World hated him and therefore it hates his People because they are not of the World for if they were of the World then the World would love her own but because they are not of the World Christ having chosen them out of the World therefore the World hates them even as Cain hated Abel because Abel's Works were Righteous but Cain's were Evil Oh! therefore be intreated all you that read these Lines to leave the World that is to say be dis-jointed from it and and cleave not to it in your Hearts Minds Souls and Spirit and return unto the Lord with your whole Hearts Mind and Might Souls and Spirits and acept of his Blessed Invitation All you that thirst come unto me said he and drink this was in the last and great Day of the Feast that Christ said after this manner And as the outward Feast drew then to an end so the inward lasting Feast of Fat Things was proclaimed and as the Figure or Type was near its period so the Substance or Antitype Christ the Bread of Life the Passover of the Spiritual Iew was proclaimed And had many known the Gift of God and who it was that gave this free Invitation and proclaimed it himself for all to come that thirsted surely they would have come then and now also But alas there is too few that knows him or thirsteth after him especially of the Wise and Prudent of this World nor of the Great Rich Mighty Noble Learned Disputers of this World who seek their own things their own Honour their own Exaltation yea their own Praise and Glory not the Praise Honour and Glory of God nor the Things of Jesus Christ. But come Remember before this he proclaimed by his Servant Isaiah Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and drink and ye that have no Money come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price Wherefore do ye spend your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfieth not Hearken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good and let your Soul delight it self in fatness Incline your Ear and come unto me hear and your Soul shall live and I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you even the sure Mercies of David 〈◊〉 55.1 2 3. Oh! what a tender Invitation is here proclaimed unto every thirsty Soul even such as have no Money These are Invited very sweetly But the Lord is grieved and very sorely displeased with Babylon's Merchants who have Traded long and have made themselves Rich Great and Mighty and have taken Money for that which is not Bread and the People have been so unwise as to give it them tho' they have been empty of Living Refreshment of Peace with God and true Satisfaction and have been kept in Bondage have lain in Captivity doing the things they ought not and leaving undone the things they ought to have done O the long Complaints that have been put up towards Heaven And though they say they believe that Christ is come that hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth and gives Power to all that receive him to become the Sons of God even them that believe in his Name who are Born of God But alas People do not come to him tho' they be so very tenderly Invited and Reasoned with as Why will ye give your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which doth not satisfie What Advantage is this to your Souls What Wisdom is there in doing thus to give Money and Labour for that which is worth neither As by long Experience many know Oh then Let the Wicked forsake his way and the Unrighteous Man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have Mercy upon him and to our God saith the Prophet and he will abundantly pardon Seek the Lord therefore whilst he may be found call upon him while he is near for he is come near who is given for a Leader and Commander to the People Read all the Chapter through and consider it and compare it with Chap. 53. and whilst Time is embrace Christ Jesus open the Door of thy Heart and let him in hearken to him learn of him be led guided commanded and ruled by
they that Worship God in the Spirit and are truly led and guided by the Spirit hear and know his Voice and are acquainted with his Operations Life Power and Vertue and can do nothing acceptable to God but what they do in it and so it rather may be said as in Truth it is That it is the Gift or Grace of God in them and by them that works both to Will and to Do of his own good pleasure Now all other Baptisms whatsoever that are not in the Spirit are of no profit for the Substance of all is come I say of all those Shadows Figures and Types which had their Day and in their Day were appointed to be used according to the appointment of the Father but were but for an appointed time until the Seed came to whom the Promise was made who is the Heir in whom all Fulness dwells mark that that in all things he might have the Preheminence For he alone of himself is sufficient and able to save to the uttermost them that come to God by him and him only without the help of any outward Washings legal Offerings and Oblations or whatever may be named or hath been named below himself either of things in Heaven or in the Earth they are all to give place for him only hath God highly Exalted and given him a Name above every Name that at his Name every thing though it hath been never so highly exalted should bow and that in all things he only who is Heir of all should rule as a Son over his own House For all these were but as Servants and were not to abide for ever I say all those Types and Shadows and whatsoever came before him tho' useful in their place and to be observed in their time yet were all to give place and pass away and not to abide for ever in the House for they were but as Servants and the Son is over all and hath Power over all and alone hath Right singly to Reign of the Increase of his Government and Kingdom there shall be no end So Moses was faithful in all his House as a Servant and did faithfully Minister in the Law which was added because of Transgression until the Seed came but when the Seed came to whom the Promise was who was and is the Heir He as a Son over his own House was and is established I say when he was come then the Servant's Services ended in that Nature gave place and were taken away he took away the First that he might establish the Second and that for ever which will never be removed into a Corner To him be all Glory wholly for ever So Iohn was also faithfull in his day as a Fore runner or as one sent to run before him whose Way he was to prepare and he cryed for he was that One foretold of whose Voice was heard in the Wilderness saying Prepare ye the Way of the Lord make his Paths straight But the Lord's Voice which is nigh in the Heart cryeth This is the Way walk in it I am the Way the Truth and the Life No Man can come unto the Father but by ME mark ME said Christ I am the Way it self walk and live in Me and abide in Me in Me ye shall have Peace He doth not ●●y IN ME AND JOHN nor I AND JOHN AM THE WAY No no But I am the Way the Truth and the Life I am the Light Or am come a Light into the World He that believes in Me shall not abide in Darkness but shall have the Light of Life mark Not a Lifeless Changeable Shadowy Light but an Unchangeable Pure Living Light for his Life is the Light of Men He that hath it hath Life he that hath it not hath not Life but is in Darkness under Wrath. So Iohn testified and said I am not that Light but am sent before to bear witness of that Light that true Light that enlighteneth every Man that comes into the World I am not the Way but a Fore-runner or one sent to run before to make preparation for the Way of the Lord and he that sent me sent me to Baptize with Water But GREATER IS HE THAT SENDS THAN HE THAT IS SENT For tho he came after me yet he is and ever was preferred before me the Latchet of whose Shoe I am not worthy to untye he shall Baptize with the Holy Ghost and Fire I indeed Baptize with Water He with the Holy Ghost and Fire I must Decrease He must Increase That he might be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come Baptizing with Water as I was sent to do for this end that he might be made manifest to Israel AND WHEN He is made manifest to Israel then is the end of my Baptizing with Water ACCOMPLISHED then must I Decrease but He must Increase for of the Increase of his Government and Kingdom there shall be no end Now the day dawned the Sun appeared and all lesser Lights were overtopped and all Shadows fled Now it 's true Iohn was a Burning and Shining Light but John received all from above but He that is above all and gives to all Men Life and Being is the fulness of Light and Life and as he arises and ascends in his Glory He gives to all Men liberally as it pleaseth Him Glory to his Name for ever Now that Water-Baptism or Baptizing into Water was only ascribed unto Iohn as having Commission both by our Saviour Christ and his Apostles and by ●●hn himself see Matt. 3.11 15 16. Where Iohn affirms I faith Iohn I mark I indeed Baptize you with Water unto Repentance but mark here all ye Water-Baptists of all sorts mind this but HE that COMETH AFTER ME mark What then Iohn Thou must depart it seems if He must come after this word After signifies Iohn's going away or giving place to him that was to come after him What then Iohn thou art but for a time No I must Decrease for He is mightier than I whose Shoes Latchets I am not worthy to unloose Well Iohn And what will He do for us Will not he Baptize with Water I tell you I Baptize with Water that that He might be manifested to Israel but He will exceed me or my Baptizing into water for He shall Baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire whose Fan is in his Hand and he will throughly purge his Floor and gather his Wheat into his Garner and burn up the Chaff with Fire unquenchable Well they might still have said Iohn This is a great Work but will he not own thee and thy Baptism and establish it with his for ever or to the end of the World mind Yes to the first part might Iohn have said for in effect he did say he will own me for GOD SENT ME BEFORE and for this end that Christ might be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come to the Second He will not establish my Baptism with his for I must decrease
Iohn's Baptism yet they had not heard whether there was ANY Holy Ghost Which doth clearly manifest that altho' it should be granted that Iohn's Baptism was still of Necessity which far be it from me to do yet how doth it thwart all the Water-Baptists of our Age who Baptize with or into Water using the words Father Son and Holy Ghost which they cannot bring Precept or Example for For tho' the Apostles did by permission Baptize it was but in Condescension unto Iohn's Baptism for Commission they can no where bring from Christ nor that they did use the words now used by you saying I Baptize thee in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost So that your Practice all of you Water-Baptists is contrary to the Holy Scripture for in this place Paul baptized those in the Name of the Lord Jesus And Peter in Acts 10. commanded to be Baptized Repent and be Baptized in the Name of the Lord Iesus But no where can they find that either Iohn or any of the Apostles used to say I baptize thee in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost So that your Practice in this is grounded on a Sandy Foundation and will undoubtedly fall Prop as hard as you can and take ye altogether ye Water-Baptists of all sorts and work never so hard with both hands your Babel-Buildings will all fall and great will be the Fall thereof and all your Props and all your cunning Work will be broken to pieces and you shall never be able to raise your Building again but the chiefest of your Workmen shall be ashamed of their own Doings and you shall gather Paleness in that Day Oh therefore be intreated in tender Love I beseech you to return Return out of Babylon unto the Gift of God the true Light that makes ye all manifest and in which ye are all seen and comprehended I say in the Name of the Lord my God and in much Love to your Souls be intreated to return unto it it 's near you to instruct you and to make all things manifest to you if you will come unto it O turn your Minds How oft have you been reproved by it And you never found Guile in his Mouth tho' he hath told you all that ever you have done yet you regard him not but prefer fading finite and unprofitable things above him Oh! haste haste out of Babylon tarry not the Day of Vengeance is near and then will you come to know the true Baptism is not into Water but into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit and that Christ in Mat. 28.18 19. when he sent his Apostles out to teach all Nations and that the Baptism there spoken of and commanded by Christ was not into Water but into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit neither is there any such a word as Water mention'd in his Words there spoken to them but into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost he bad them Baptize But some may say It must needs be Water there intended because that none can Baptize with the Holy Ghost but Christ. I Answer True None can but He and by his Power only therefore he tells them in the first place That All Power is given unto me saith he both in Heaven and in Earth and they now must not go in their own Strength or Power but in his Power and it was his Power in them and by them that did the Work he sent them to do and so he saith unto them Without me ye can do nothing But lo I am with you always even to the end of the World And all Power is mine And now you Water-Baptists let me ask Now where is Iohn's Power Iohn hath now no Power nor Moses hath now no Power in a way of Administration if all be given to him and be his as I am satisfied it is And it is plain He only is here established Now it must not be admitted for any other to have a Tabernacle standing or building with his No Though Peter would have had three one for Moses one for Elias and one for Christ That Elias was already come mind and they have done to him whatever they would And is it not plain to you that this was Iohn the Baptist here spoken of and intended And yet mind neither Moses nor Elias must have a Tabernacle built with his but a Cloud came and took them away mark and Christ only left and a Voice from Heaven came saying This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him Oh! what would you have How clearly is it manifest unto all who walk not in Darkness that he only is by himself established to be heard in all things And saith the Apostle He that refuseth to hear this Prophet shall be cut from off the Earth And again See ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not that refused him that spake on Earth even Moses how shall ye escape if ye refuse him that speaks from Heaven whose Voice then shook the Earth But now says he Yet once more will I not shake the Earth only but also Heaven mark that those things that cannot be shaken may remain Mind what must remain and how he alone even Christ is above all established And it 's said again by Paul God saith he who at sundry Times and in divers Manners spake in Days past to the People by the Prophets hath in these last Days spoken unto us BY HIS SON mark not by his SON and JOHN but by his SON whom he hath appointed Heir of all things mind So All Power is given unto me saith Christ Go ye therefore teach all Nations baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit or if you had rather have it Holy Ghost teaching them to observe whatever I command you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the World but tarry at Jerusalem till ye have received Power from on High for without me ye can do nothing So 't is not saith Peter by our Strength or Righteousness that this Man is made whole Why stand ye gazing upon us as tho' by our Power and Holiness it was done Be it know unto you that by the Name of JESUS whom ye Crucified even by Faith in his Name is this Man made whole And said Paul I have laboured more abundantly than ye all yet not I but the Gift or the Grace of God that 's in me And so it was in his Strength that they were more than Conquerors and could do all things through Christ that strengthened them but before they could not before I say that they went in his Strength So there was need for them to wait at Ierusalem till they had received of his Fulness of which they all received Grace to help in time of Need. But now mark they had not Need to have stay'd at Ierusalem for Po●●r to have baptized with Water for they had been doing that
before and were Able enough for that Baptism But now they were to enter upon a greater Work and it is not they must do it but the Gift of God in and by them or the Power they received so saith Christ Lo I am with you and as many as received him to them he gave Power for All Power is given to me saith Christ ALL mark So though the Apostles as Men could not Baptize into the Name of the Father Son and Spirit no more than we as Men can do yet mark Christ in and by them can or us either and in and by them did And when the Apostles laid their Hands on them that Believed the Holy Ghost fell upon them and sometimes when they were Preaching unto them the Holy Ghost fell upon them Yet it was not them that could so much as Preach as they ought but Christ in and by them God speaks by his Son through his Vessels of Honour fitted for his Use So it 's not them but Christ who also raised the Dead opened the Eyes of the Blind healed the Sick cleansed the Leper● and many great and good Works did they yet not they but the Gift of God in them and by them And so they went in the Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power and Preached Christ the Wisdom of God and the Power of God the savour of Life unto Life IN THEM mark in them that are saved and the favour of Death unto Death in them that perish But they never cried out Water-Baptism is the Door for Christ Jesus said I am the Door by ME mark not me and Water nor me and Iohn but BY ME if any Man enter in he shall be saved O he is of himself sufficient and shall go in and out and find Pasture The Apostles never called it as you do An Initiating Ordinance and say you A Command of Christ But who says so besides you Where do you prove it Prove Friends whoever you are I challenge all the whole World to prove that Christ ever mentioned such a thing to any of his Ministers as by way of Command as Water-Baptism but said as abovesaid Ye said he shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost And Go teach all Nations baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Say not We cannot Be not ●●●mayed for Lo I am with you And All Power is given unto me both in Heaven and in Earth therefore without me ye can do nothing But abide in me and then ye shall bear Fruit In me ye shall have Peace But though it were so that he had meant as you Baptists say he did Water-Baptism and that that Commission belongs to you say you The World is not yet ended therefore say you it is still to be observed Suppose this were granted you then I ask you How missed Paul of it that he had no share in this Commission For Paul saith in 1 Cor. 1.13 That Chri●t sent me not saith he to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel mark How comes it to pass that you are greater sharers in this Commission than Paul And how must we do to know it For if it did not reach Paul who was Converted and one not behind the Chiefest of the Apostles how can it reach you And though you may say All are not sent to Baptize Then I ask you How must we do to know who are and who are not But say you Paul means NOT ONLY Oh Friends Would you have this Hole to creep out at It 's a little one too lit●●● to get out at 'T is your Meaning but we must not take your Meanings when the Lord lets us see he means otherwise for Paul said not so nor dare any true Christian say that Paul meant so but said what he meant and meant what he said Well but say you Baptists He did Baptize It is true he did some few but he thanks God they were so few But it seems though he did he did not do it by Commission For Christ sent me not to baptize saith he but to Preach the Gospel How then Why by Permission as he also Circumcised Timothy by Permission because of the Iews but not because Christ had commanded it for he had not Paul himself said If ye speaking to the Galatians be Circumcised Christ shall profit ye nothing yet took that Liberty for a particular End because of the Iews to do that particular Act. He also observed the Law and went under seven days Purification and had an Offering brought according to the Law but not because it was commanded by Christ for Christ had not commanded it but because of the Iews Yea and had had he not another time his Head shorn and was under a Vow Much might be said that was done by the Apostles that was not commanded by Christ nor that they left no Command to after-Ages to observe But it 's also clear in Acts 26.15 16 17 18. that Paul had no such word in his Commission as to Baptize into Water For I said the Lord have appeared unto thee for this end or purpose To make thee a Minister and a Witness both of these things which thou hast seen and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee Delivering thee from the People and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee Mark What to do Not to Baptize into Water he mentions no such thing No But To open their Eyes and to turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God that they may receive Forgiveness of Sins and an Inheritance amongst them that are Sanctified by Faith that is in me This was Paul's Commission if we may so call it as he himself tells the King Agrippa but here is not one Word of Water-Baptism or Not Only to Baptize as you Baptists say But if you have no better Weapons than these these are too short to save your Heads But to proceed You still say The Apostles did Baptize Peter said in the Second of the Acts REPENT and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the NAME mark of Iesus Christ for the Remission of Sins and ye shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost this Baptism being for the Remission of Sins upon Repentance was necessary to Salvation but so is not yours for the PROMISE mark is unto you But the Promise was not WATER-BAPTISM but Ye shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost said the Lord Jesus by way of Promise And this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Ioel 2.28 And it shall come to pass in the last Days saith God I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flesh mark Was not this the Promise of God to them and their Children and to all that are a-far off and so on And in Verse 21. Then they that gladly received the Word were Baptized and THE SAME DAY were added unto them Three Thousand Souls mark ye The same Day It was a great Number to be Baptized
of his Government and Kingdom there shall be no end And therefore saith the Apostle LEAVING which word therefore seems to entail the foregoing words in the Chapter before where he had been telling them of their Childishness he mentions the Doctrine of Baptism which cannot prove the Imposing of Water-Baptism any more than all the rest and was now for bringing them on to a further State where they might know Perfection and have Meat that would satisfie true Bread that comes down from Heaven and impowers to be Sons of God And it seems clear to me that there was some need for those things they had so long lain like Children weak and like Babes in to be left Therefore LEAVING these let us go on to Perfection and faith further this will we do if God permit But if they had been commanded by Christ to have been used to the Worlds end then why should Paul for so I call that Author have been so earnest at that day which was soon after Christ's Ascension to have had them then to leave them and to go on to a more Manful Powerful Perfect State So that it is very clear to all whose Eyes the Lord opened that though the Apostles had by reason of their weakness submitted to their Childish Capacities rather than they would lose their hold they had got of them yet this or these things were not the thing they were driving at But the Aim and End of all they did both in Circumcision Passover Vows and Seven Days Purification and Water-Baptism yea and all those things concerning Meats and other things that they did by Permission and not by Commission from Christ I say their Intents in all these were never to establish them with Christ Jesus to abide as long as the World lasted No but after they had held them in hand in order to get them on they took all occasions they could to bring them on further till they all come in the Unity of the Faith unto a perfect Man in Christ Jesus unto the measure of the Stature of Christ Jesus and so these became useless and all gave place to him who is alone by himself established a Priest for ever of an unchangeable Priesthood Glory is wholly due unto him And so now they came to speak of One Baptism One Faith and One Lord as aforesaid and that by One Spirit they were all Baptized into One Body mark they were ALL he saith ALL Baptized by One Spirit into One Body and had all been made to drink into One Spirit But none can prove that ALL were Baptized into Water for Paul was instrumental in the Lord's Hand for the convincing and converting of many But he saith he Baptized none but Crispus and Gaius and the Houshold of Stephanus beside saith he I know not whether I Baptized any other but many were convinced by him doubtless very many yea multitudes yet no Man can prove that all that were convinced and converted by the gift of Paul were also All Baptized into Water yet saith he Ye are all Baptized by One Spirit and have been ALL made to drink into One Spirit and there is One Lord One Faith One Baptism Well but say you Baptists He doth not say There is but One Baptism No nor doth he not say There is but One Lord must we therefore say There are more Lords than One God forbid For to us there is but One Lord And he doth not say There is but One Faith must we therefore say There are more Faiths than One So he also saith There is One Baptism and so say we too and that One was Promised and Accomplished and Commanded For we believe as Christ said The Works that I do mark ye The Works that I do shall ye do and greater Works than these shall ye do But it 's plainly said That Christ Baptized not I say Not with Water but with the Holy Ghost And do you think that he used One Baptism to them and commanded them to use Another to them that believe in him Do you think that he Baptized them with the Holy Ghost and then sent them out to Baptize with Water I know whatever ever you believe you have said no less but you can never prove it For the Works that I do shall ye do But Christ Baptized not into Water nor never said that they should that you or any other can prove for Peter in Acts 11. declares what the Lord said when the Disciples were talking with him about his going unto the Gentiles Then said he I remembred the Word of the Lord how that the Lord said mark ye Christ's word The Lord said John Baptized with Water but you shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost But he no where mentions Water by way Commanding them to use it in Baptism But said Ye shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and Go ye teach all Nations Baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and Lo I am with you But farther I remember you Baptists have said That your Baptism into Water doth signifie Death Burial and Resurrection By which words you acknowledge it is but a Type And you farther say That no Man ought to be buried before he be dead Now I conclude that the Dead you mean are such as are dead to Sin and if so how can ye that are dead to Sin live any longer therein Know ye not saith Paul in Rom. 6.2 that so many of us as were Baptized INTO mark into Iesus Christ were Baptized into his Death Therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into Death that like as Christ was raised up from the Dead by the Glory of the Father even so we also should walk in Newness of Life And in Vers. 7. For he that is dead is freed from Sin Well let me ask you Are you thus Dead Buried and Risen with him by your Water-Baptism Or can any Man conclude that Paul here speaks of Water-Baptism Is it not plainly said Into Christ Not into Water but into Christ into Death And in Gal. 3.27 For as many of you as have been Baptized into Christ have put on Christ and they that are in Christ are new Creatures behold all ye Water-Baptizers all old things pass away and all things become new a new Heaven and a new Earth in which dwells Righteousness And we say That the Sons of God inhabit in the New and Living Way that which is pure and changeth not but endures for ever and in Righteousness are they Established and Act not by the Power of a Carnal Commandment but in the Power of an Endless Life not in Imitation of the Letter but in the Demonstration of the Spirit For although it should be so as ye would have it That Christ had commanded the Apostles to Baptize into Water as he never did nor can it be ever proved yet if it had been so what is that to you Who Commanded you Shew us your Commission Where did you receive