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A41355 The marrow of modern divinity touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace, with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New : wherein every one may cleerly see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserverh the name of legalist : and how far forth he rejecteth the law, in the case of sanctification, and so deserveth the name of Antinomist : with the middle path between them both, which by Iesus Christ leadeth to eternall life : in a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel, Nomista, a legalist, Antinomista, an Antinomian, and Neophytus, a young Christian / by the author, E.F. ; before the which there is prefixed the commendatory epistles of divers divines of great esteem in the citie of London ; whereunto is also added, the substance of a Fisher, Edward, fl. 1627-1655.; Hamilton, Patrick, 1504?-1528. Patricks places. 1646 (1646) Wing F997; ESTC R1839 130,516 286

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the Citie and wee shall die there and if we sit still here we die also n●w therefore come and let us fall into the hands of the Assyrians if they save us we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die even so say I in mine heart if I goe back to the covenant of works to seek justification thereby I shall die there and if I sit still and seek it no way I shall die also now therefore though I be somewhat fearfull yet am I resolved to go unto Christ and if I perish I perish Evan. Why now I tell you truly the match is made Christ is yours and you are his this day is salvation come to your house your soul I mean for what though you have not that power to come so fast unto Christ and to lay such firme hold on him as you desire yet comming with such a resolution to Christ to take him you need take no care for doing it you may be sure that Christ will enable you to do it for is it not said John 1.12 But as many as received him to them hee gave power to become the sonnes of God even to them that believe on his name O then I beseech you stand no longer disputing but be peremptory and resolute in your faith and in casting your selfe upon God in Christ for mercy and let the issue be what it will yet let me tell you to your comfort that such a resolution shall never go to hell nay I will say more if any soule have a roome in Heaven such a soul shall for God cannot finde in his heart to damne such a one I might then with as much true confidence say unto you as John Careless said unto John Bradford Hearken ô ye Heavens and thou ô earth give eare and beare me witnesse at the great day that I do here faithfully and truly the Lords message unto his deare servant and singularly beloved John Bradford saying John Bradford thou man so specially beloved of God I doe pronounce and testifie unto thee in the word and name of the Lord Jehovah that all thy sins whatsoever they be though never so many grievous or great be fully and freely pardoned released and forgiven thee by the mercy of God in Jesus Christ thy onely Lord and sweet Saviour in whom thou dost undoubtedly believe as truly as the Lord liveth he will not have thee die the death but hath verily purposed determined and decreed that thou shalt live with him for ever Neo. O Sir If I have as good warrant to apply this saying to my self as Mr. Bradford had to apply it to himself I am a happy man Evan. I tell you from Christ and under the hand of his spirit that your person is accepted your sins are done away and you shall be saved and if an Angell from Heaven should tell you otherwise let him be accursed therefore you may without doubt conclude that you are a happy man For by means of this your matching with Christ you are become one with him and one in him you dwell in him and he in you Hee is your welbeloved and you are his so that the mariage union betwixt Christ and you is more then a bare notion or apprehension of your mind for it is a spirituall reall union it is an union betwixt the nature of Christ God and man and you it is a knitting and closing not onely of your apprehension with a Saviour but also of your soule with a Saviour whence it must needs follow that you cannot be damned except Christ be damned with you neyther can Christ be saved except you be saved with him And as by means of corporall marriage all things become common betwixt man and wife even so by means of this spirituall marriage all things become common betwixt Christ and you for when Christ hath married his spouse unto himselfe hee passeth over all his estate unto her so that whatsoever Christ is or hath you may boldly challenge as your own He is made unto you of God wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption and surely by vertue of this neer union it is that as Christ is called the Lord our righteousnesse Jer. 23.6 so is the Church called the Lord our righteousnesse Jer. 35.16 You may by vertue of this union confidently take unto your selfe as your own Christ watching abstinence travails prayers persecution slanders his tears his sweat his bloud and all that ever he did and suffered in three and thirty years with his Passion Death Resurrection and Ascention for they are all yours and as Christ passeth over all his estate unto his spouse so doth he require that shee should passe over all unto him wherefore you being now married unto Christ you must give all that you have of your own unto him and truly you have nothing of your own but sin and therefore you must give him that say thou unto Christ without fear I give to thee my dear husband my unbelief my mistrust my pride my arrogancie my ambition my wrath my anger my envie my covetousnesse my evill thoughts affections and desires I make a bundle of these and all my other offences and give them unto thee thus was Christ made sin for us which knew no sin that wee might be made the righteousnesse of God in him now then saith Luther let us compare these things together and we shall finde inestimable treasure Christ is full of all grace life and saving health and the soule is fraught full of all sin death and damnation but let faith come betwixt these two and it shall come to passe that Christ shall bee loaden with sin death and hell and unto the soule shall be imputed grace life and salvation who then saith he is able to value the royalty of this marriage accordingly who is able to comprehend the glorious riches of this grace where this rich and righteous husband Christ doth take unto wife this poore and wicked harlot redeeming her from all evils and garnishing her with all his own jewels so that you as the same Luther saith through the assurednesse of your faith in Christ your husband are delivered from all sins made safe from death guarded from hell and endowed with the everlasting righteousnesse life and saving health of your husband Christ and therefore you are now under the covenant of grace and freed from the Law as it is the covenant of works for as M. ball truly saith at one and the same time a man cannot be under the covenant of works and the covenant of grace Neo. Sir I doe not yet well know how to conceive of this freedome from the Law as it is the covenant of works and therefore I pray you make it as plain to me as you can Evan. For the true and cleer understanding of this point you are to consider that when Jesus Christ the second Adam had in the
content with what is most repugnant to its desire as with hunger cold nakednesse yea and with death it self such is the wonderfull working of the hearts quiet and rest in God So that although such a mans senses be still exer●ised in and upon their proper objects yet is not his life sensuall for his heart taketh no contentment from any such exercise but is still for the most part exercised in a more transcendent communion even with God in Christ so that he useth the world and the things of the world as though hee used them not and receiveth no cordiall contentment from any sensuall exercise whatsoever and that because his heart is withdrawne from them which withdrawing of the heart is not unaptly pointed at in the speech of the Spouse Cant. 5.2 I sleep sayth she but my heart waketh so that it may be sayd that such a man he is sleeping looking hearing tasting eating drinking feasting c. but his heart is withdrawne and is rejoycing in God his Saviour and his soul is magnifying the Lord so that in the midst of all sensuall delights his heart and secretly sayth I but my happinesse is not here Nom. But Sir I pray you why do you call rationall and religious exercises a wildernesse Evan. For two reasons first because that as the children of Israel when they were got out of Egypt did yet wander many yeers in the wildernesse before they came into the land of Canaan even so doe many men wander long in rationall and religious exercises after they have left a sensuall life before they come to rest in God whereof the land of Canaan was a type Secondly because as in a wildernesse men often lose themselves and can finde no way out but supposing after long travell that they are neere the place whither they would goe are in truth further off even so fareth it with many yea with all such as walk in the way of reason they lose themselves in the woods and bushes of their works and doings so that the longer they travell the further they are from God and true rest in him Nom. But Sir you know that the Lord hath endued us with reasonable souls would you not then have us to make use of our reason Evan. I pray you doe not mistake mee I do not contemn nor despise the use of reason onely I would not have you to establish it to the chief good but I would have you to keep it under so that if with Hagar it attempt to beare rule and Lord it over your faith then would I have you in the wisdome of God like Sarah to cast it out from having dominion in few words I would have you more strong in desire than curious in speculation and to long more to feele communion with God then to be able to dispute of the genus or species of any question eyther humane or divine And presse hard to know God by powerfull experience and though your knowledge be great and your obedience surpassing many yet would I have you to be truly nullified anihilated and made nothing and become fools in all fleshly wisdome and glory in nothing but only in the Lord and I would have you with the eye of faith sweetly to behold all things extracted out of one thing in one to see al in a word I would have in you a most profound silence contemning all curious questions and discourses and to ponder much in your heart but prate little with your tongue Be swift to heare but slow to speake and slow to wrath as the Apostle James adviseth you and by this meanes will your reason be subdued and become one with your faith for then is reason one with faith when it is subjugated unto faith and then will reason keepe its true lists and limits and you will become ten times more reasonable then you were before so that I hope you now see that the hearts farewell from the sensuall and rationall life is not to be considered absolutely but respectively it doth not consist in a going out of either but in a right use of both And now for a conclusion let mee tell you when any of your souls shall thus forget her own people and her fathers house Christ her King shall so desire her beauty and be so much in love with her that like a Load-stone this love of his shall draw the soule in pure desire to him again and then as the Hart panteth after the rivers of water so will your souls pant after God yea then will your souls be so ravished with desire and so sick of love that it will bee manifest by your seeking him whom your soul loveth and so shall your soule come to have a reall rest in God and according to the measure of your faith be filled with joy unspeakable and glorious and how can it bee otherwise when your soule shall really communicate with God and by faith have a true taste and by the Spirit have a sure earnest of all heavenly preferments having as it were one foot in heaven whilst you live upon earth ô then what an Eucharisticall love will arise from your thankfull heart extending it selfe first towards God and then towards man for Gods sake because his everlasting love in his Christ is made known to your soule so that then according to the measure of your faith you shall not need to frame and force your selfe to love and doe good duties but being so assured of Gods love to you in his CHRIST your soule will stand bound ever more to love God and according to the measure thereof you will stand bound to the keeping of all his Commandements and this love of God in the heart will cut down selfe love so that now you will be for God and it will be your meat and drinke to doe his will whilst you live on earth and much more when you come to heaven the place of perfect and everlasting rest whither our Lord JESUS CHRIST bring us all in his due time Amen And now Brethren I commend you to GOD and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified Neo. Well Sir at this time I will say no more but that it was a happie houre wherein I came to you and a happie conference that wee have had together surely Sir I never knew Christ before this day ô what cause have I to thanke the Lord for my comming hither and my two friends as a means of it and Sir for the payns that you have taken with me I pray the Lord to requite you and so beseeching you to pray the Lord to increase my faith and to helpe mine unbeliefe I humbly take my leave of you praying the God of love and peace to be with you Nom. And truly Sir I doe believe that I have cause to speake as much in that case as you have for
God simply considered in his essence is the party opposite to man and GOD the second Person having taken upon him to bee incarnate ●nd to worke mans redemption was on mans side and takes part with man that hee may reconcile him to God by bearing mans sins and satisfying Gods justice for them and Christ payed God till hee sayd Hee had enough Hee was fully satisfied fully contented Whereupon all Christs people were given to him in their election Ephes. 1.4 Thine they were fayth Christ and thou gavest them mee John 17.6 Hee sayth the Father loveth the Sonne and hath given all things into his hands John 8.35 that is hee hath intrusted him with the oeconomie and actuall administration of that power in the Church which originally belonged to himselfe and hence it is that Christ also sayth the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to his Sonne John 5.22 so that the Covenant for life and salvation since the fall is not that Covenant of works that was betwixt God and Christ for none of Christs are to have to doe with that but Christ onely but the Covenant of life and salvation is that Covenant of grace that is betwixt Christ and his and in tha● Covenant there is not any condition or law to bee performed on mans part by himselfe no there is no more for him to doe but onely to know and believe that Christ hath done all for him wherefore my dear neighbour Neophytus I beseech you bee perswaded that here you are to worke nothing here you are to doe nothing here you are to render nothing unto God but onely receive the treasure which is Jesus Christ and apprehend him in your heart by faith although you be never so great a sinner and so shall you obtain forgivenesse of sinnes righteousnesse and eternall happinesse not as an agent but as a patient not by doing but by receiving nothing here commeth betwixt but faith onely apprehending Christ in the promise this then is perfect righteousnesse to heare nothing to know nothing to doe nothing of the Law or works but onely to know and believe that Jesus Christ is now gon to the Father and sitteth at his right hand not as a Judge But is made unto you of God wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption wherefore sayth the Apostle Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Neo. But Sir hath such a one as I any warrant to believe in Christ Evan. I beseech you consider that God the Father as he is in his Sonne Jesus Christ moved with nothing but with his free love to mankinde lost hath made a deed of gift and grant unto them all that whosoever of them all shall believe in this his Sonne shall not perish but have eternall life and hence it was that Jesus Christ himselfe sayd unto his Disciples Mat. 16.15 Goe and preach the Gospel to every creature under heaven that is goe and tell every man without exception that here is good news for him Christ is dead for him and if he will take him and accept of his righteousnesse hee shall have him Therefore sayth a godly writer for as much as the holy Scripture speaketh to all in generall none of us ought to distrust himselfe but believe that it doth belong particularly to himselfe and to the end that this poynt wherein lyeth and consisteth the whole mystery of our holy faith may be understood the better let us pur the case that some good and holy King should cause a proclamation to bee made through his whole Kingdome by the sound of a Trumpet that all rebels and banished men shall safely return home to their houses because that at the suit and desart of some dear friend of theirs it hath pleased the King to pardon them certainly none of these rebels ought to doubt but that he shall obtain true pardon for his rebellion and so return home and live under the shadow of that gracious King even so our good King the Lord of Heaven and Earth hath for the obedience and desart of our good brother Jesus Christ pardoned us all our sinnes and made a Proclamation throughout the whole world that every one of us may safely returne to God in Jesus Christ wherefore I beseech you make no doubt of it but draw neere with a true heart in full assurance of faith Neo. O! but Sir in this similitude the case is not alike for when an earthly King sendeth forth such a Proclamation it may be thought that he doth indeed intend to pardon all but it cannot bee thought that the King of heaven doth so for doth not the Scripture say that some men are ordained before to condemnation and doth not Christ himselfe say that many are called but few are chosen and therefore it may be I am one of them that are ordained to condemnation and therefore though I be called I shall never be chosen and so shall not be saved Evan. I beseech you to consider that although some men bee ordayned to condemnation yet so long as the Lord hath concealed their names and not set a marke of reprobation upon any man in particular but offers the pardon generally to all without having any respect eyther to election or reprobation surely it is great folly in any man to say it may bee I am not elected and therefore shall not have benefit by it and therefore I will not accept of it nor come in for it should rather move every man to give diligence to make his calling and election sure by believing it for feare we come short of it according to that of the Apostle Let us therefore feare least a promise being left us of entring into his rest any of us should seeme to come short of it Wherefore I beseech you doe not you say it may bee I am not elected and therefore I will not believe in Christ but rather say I doe believe in Christ and therefore I am sure I am elected and check your own heart for medling with Gods secrets and prying into his hidden counsell and goe no more beyond your bounds as you have done in this point for election and reprobation is a secret and the Scriptures tels us That secret things belong unto God but those things that are revealed belong unto us Now this is Gods revealed will for indeed it is his expresse command That you should believe on the name of his Son and it is his promise that if you believe you shall not perish but have everlasting life Wherefore you having so good a warrant as GODS command and so good an encouragement as his promise doe your duty and by the doing thereof you may put it out of question and bee sure that you are one of Gods Elect Say then I beseech you with a firme faith the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ belongs to all that believe but I believe and
satisfied or else I will take hold on thee ●hen answer you and say O Law bee it known unto thee that I am now marryed unto Christ and so I am under cover● and therefore if thou charge me with any debt thou must enter thine action against my husband Christ for the wife is not suable at the Law but the husband But the truth is I through him am dead to thee ô Law and thou art dead to me and therefore justice hath nothing to doe with me for it judgeth according to the Law And if it yet reply and say I but good works must be done and the commandements must bee kept if thou wilt obtain salvation Then answer you and say I am already saved before thou camest therefore I have no need of thy presence for in Christ I have all things at once neither need I any thing more that is necessary to salvation hee is my righteousnesse my treasure and my work I confesse O Law that I am neither godly nor righteous but yet this am I sure of that he is godly and righteous for me and to tell thee the truth O Law I am now with him in the bride-chamber where it maketh no matter what I am or what I have done but what Christ my sweet husband is hath done and doth for me and therefore leave off Law to dispute with me for by faith I apprehend him who hath apprehended me and put me into his bosome wherefore I will be bold to bid Moses with his Tables and all Lawyers with their books and all men with their works hold their peace and give place so that I say unto thee O Law be gon and if it will not be gon then thrust it out by force And if sin offer to take hold of you as David said his did on him Psal. 40.14 then say you unto it thy strength O sin is the Law 1 Cor. 15.56 and the Law is dead to me and therefore O sin thy strength is gon and therefore be sure thou shalt never be able to prevail against me nor doe me any hurt at all And if Satan take you by the throat and by violence draw you before Gods judgement seat then call to your husband Christ and say Lord I suffer violence make answer for me and help me and by his help you shall be enabled to plead for your selfe after this manner O God the Father I am thy Sonne Christs thou gavest me unto him and thou hast given unto him all power both in heaven and in earth and hast committed all judgement to him and therefore I will-stand to his judgement who saith He came not to judge the World but to save it and therefore hee will save me according to his office and if the jury should bring in their verdict that they have found you guilty then speak to the Iudge and say in case any must be condemned for my transgressions it must needs be Christ and not I for albeit I have committed them yet hee hath undertaken and bound himselfe to answer for them and that by his consent and good will and indeed hee hath fully satisfied for them and if all this will not serve the turne to acquit you then Adde moreover and say As a woman that is conceived with childe must not suffer death because of the childe that is within her no more must I because I have conceived Christ in mine heart though I had committed all the sins in the world And if death creep upon you and attempt to devoure you then say thy sting ô death is sin and Christ my husband hath fully vanquished sin and so deprived thee of thy sting and therefore doe I not feare any hurt that thou ô death canst do unto mee And thus you may triumph with the Apostle saying Thanks be to God who hath given mee victory through my Lord Iesus Christ. And thus have I also declared unto you how Christ in the fulnesse of time performed that which God before all time purposed and in time promised touching the helping and delivering of falne mankind and so have I also done with the law of faith Nom. Then Sir I pray you proceed to speake of the law of Christ and first let us heare what the law of Christ is The law of Christ in regard of substance and matter is all one with the law of workes or covenant of workes which matter is scattered through the whole Bible and summed up in the Decalogue or ten commandements commonly called the Morall Law containing such things as are agreeable to the minde and will of God to wit piety towards God charity towards our Neighbour and sobriety towards our selves therefore was it given of God to be a true and eternall rule of righteousnes for all men of all Nations and at all times so that Evangelicall grace directs a man to no other obedience then that wherof the law of the ten commandements is to be the rule Nom. But yet Sir I conceive that though as you say the law of Christ in regard of substance and matter be all one with the law of works yet their forms do differ Evan. True indeed for as you have heard the law of works speaketh on this wise doe this and thou shalt live and if thou doe it not thou shalt die the death but the law of Christ speaketh on this wise And when I passed by thee and saw thee polluted in thine owne bloud I said unto thee when thou wast in thy bloud live And whosoever liveth and believeth in mee shall never die Be ye therefore followers of God as deare children and walke in love as Christ hath loved us And if ye love me keep my commandements And if they breake my statutes and keep not my commandements then will I visit their transgressions with the rod and their iniquity with stripes Neverthelesse my loving kindnesse will I not utterly take away from him nor suffer my faithfulnesse to fail Thus you see that both these laws agree in saying doe this but here is the difference The one saith doe this and live and the other saith live and doe this the one saith doe this for life the other saith do this from life the one saith If thou do it not thou shalt die the other saith If thou doe it not I will chastise thee with the rod the one is to be delivered by God as hee is a creatour out of Christ onely to such as are out of Christ the other is to be delivered by God as he is a Redeemer in Christ onely to such as are in Christ Wherefore Neighbour Neophytus seeth that you are now in Christ beware you receive not the ten commandements at the hands of God out of Christ nor yet at the hands of Moses but onely at the hands of Christ and so shall you be sure to receive them as the law of Christ. Nom. But Sir may not
lost in losing God yea and mans soul is a spirit and therefore cannot communicate with any corporall thing so that all creatures not being that infinite and spirituall fulnesse which our hearts have lost and towards the which they do still re-aspire they cannot give it full contentment Nay let mee say more howsoever a man may in the midst of his sensuall fulnesse be convinced in his conscience that he is at enmity with God and therefore in danger of his wrath and eternall damnation and be thereupon moved to reforme his life and amend his ways and endevour to seek peace and rest to his soul yet this being in the way of works it is impossible that he should finde it for his conscience wil ever be accusing him that this good duty hee ought to have done and hath not done it and this evill he ought to have forborne and yet hee hath done it and in the performance of this duty he was remisse and in that duty very defective and many such wayes will his soul be disquieted But when a man once comes to believe that all his sins both past present and to come are freely and fully pardoned and God in Christ graciously reconciled unto him the Lord doth hereupon so reveale his fatherly face unto him in Christ and so make known that incredible union betwixt him and the believing soul that his heart becomes quietly contented in God who is the proper element of its being for hereupon there come● into the soule such peace flowing from the God of peace that it fils the emptinesse of the soule with true fulnesse in the fulnesse of God so that now the heart ceaseth to molest the understanding and reason in seeking eyther variety of objects or augmentation of degrees in any comprehensible thing And that because the restlesse longing of the minde which did before cause unquietnesse and disorder both in the variety of mentall projects and also in the sensuall and beastly exercises of the corporall and externall members is satisfied and truly quieted for when a mans heart is at peace in God and is become truly full in that peace and joy passing understanding then the Devill hath not that hope to prevaile against our souls as hee had before hee knows right well that it is in vaine to beat his hooke with profits pleasures honour or any other such like seeming good to catch such a soule that is thus at quiet in God for he hath all fulnesse in God and what can be added to fulnesse but it runneth over indeed empty hearts like empty hogsheads are fit to receive any matter which shall be put into them but the heart of the believer being filled with joy and peace in believing doth abhorre all such base allurements for that it hath no roome in it selfe to receive any such seeming contentments so that to speak as the truth is there is nothing that doth truly and unfainedly root wickednesse out of the heart of man but only the true tranquility of the minde or the rest of the soul in God and to say as the thing is this is such a peace and such a rest to the creature in the Creatour that according to the measure of its establishment by faith no created comprehensible thing can eyther adde to it or detract from it the increase of a Kingdome cannot augment it the greatest losses and crosses in worldly things cannot diminish it a believers good works doe all flow from it and ought not to return to it neyther ought humane frailties to molest it howver this is most certain neyther sin nor Satan law nor conscience hell nor grave can quite extinguish it for it is the Lord alone that gives and mayntains it Whom have I in heaven but thee sayth David and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee it is the pleasant face of God in Christ that puts gladnesse into his heart Psal. 4.7 and when that face is hid then he is troubled Psal. 30.7 But to speake more plainly though the peace and joy of true believers may be extenuated or diminished yet doth the testimony of their being in nature remayne so strong that they could skill to say yea even when they have felt God to be withdrawing himselfe from them My God my God why hast thou forsaken me yea and in the night of GODS absence to remayne confident that though sorrow be over night yet joy will come in the morning Nay though the Lord should seeme to kill them with wickednesse yet will they put their trust in him knowing that for all this their Redeemer liveth so strong is the joy of their Lord these are the people that are kept in perfect peace because their minds are stayed in the Lord. Wherfore my deare friends and loving neighbours I beseech you take heed of deeming any estate happy until you come to find this true peace and rest to your souls in God ô beware lest any of you doe content your selves with a peace rather of speculation then of power ô be not satisfied with such a peace as consisteth eyther in the act of oblivion or neglect of examination nor yet in any brain-sick supposition of knowledge theologicall and divine so frame rationall conclusions to protract time and stil the cryes of an accusing conscience but let your hearts take their last farewell of all false felicities wherewith they have been all of them more or lesse detained and kept from their true rest ô be strong in resolution and bid them all farewell and neyther stay in Egypt by the flesh-pots of Sensuality nor yet in the wildernesse of religious and rationall formality but strip your selfe of all putten on contentments eyther in sensuall honours profits or pleasures or religious exercises and become truly poore miserable and naked Nom. But stay Sir I pray you would you have our senses to be no longer exercised about any of their objects would you have us no longer to take comfort in the good things of this life Evan. I pray you doe not mistake mee I would not have you Stoically to refuse the lawfull use of any the Lords good creatures which he shall be pleased to afford you for I right well know that the minde of man hath a naturall motion towards its own delight and recreation in these things and that this motion still remains in the minde of him that is the most mortified and hath taken his truest farewell of them but yet in such a man that motion which before was violent from the cry of the heart is now restrained so that his appetite is not so forcible nor so unruly as it was before the unrulinesse thereof being subdued in the peace of the heart and and brought into a very comely decorum and order so that now the sensuall appetite can with much more easiness and contentednesse be denyed the object of its desire yea the sensuall appetite can in a good measure be
though I have out-stript him in knowledge and it may be also in strict walking yet doe I now see that my actions were neither from a right principle nor to a right end and therefore have I been in no better a condition then he and truly Sir I must needs confesse I never heard so much of Christ and the Covenant of grace as I have done this day the Lord make it profitable to me and I beseech you Sir pray for me Ant. And truly Sir I am now fully convinced that I have gone out of the right way in that I have not had regard to the Law and the works thereof as I should But God willing I shall hereafter if the Lord prolong my dayes be more carefull how I lead my life seeing the ten Commandements are the law of Christ. And I beseech you Sir remember me in your prayers and so with many thanks to you for your pains I take my leave of you beseeching the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to bee with your spirit Amen Evan. Now the very God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that great sheepherd of the sheep through the bloud of the everlasting Covenant make you perfect in every good worke to doe his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen John 8.36 If the Sonne make you free you shall be free indeed Gal. 5.1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free Ver. 13. Onely use not your liberty for an occasion of the flesh but by love serve one another Chap. 6. ver 16. And as many as walke according to this rule peace bee upon them and mercie and upon the Israel of God Mat. 11.25 I thanke thee ô Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to babes 1 Cor. 15.10 I laboured more abundantly then they all yet not I but the grace of God that was with mee Psal. 36.11 Let not the foot of pride come against me LOving Reader the Printer drawing towards a conclusion and wanting matter to compleat so many sheets as was desired I have thought good by reason of the sutablenesse of this with the former to adde these Propositions following which are proved by Scripture and gathered long since by Patrick Hambleton Scottishman and martyred who was burned in Scotland the first day of March Anno 1527. The first Proposition He that loveth God loveth his neighbour This Proposition is proved 1 John 4.20 If a man say I love God and yet hateth his brother he is a lyer for how can hee that loveth not his brother whom he hath seene love God whom he hath not seen The second Proposition Hee that loveth his neighbour as himselfe keepeth all the Commandements of God This Proposition is proved Matth. 7.12 Whatsoever he would that men should do unto you even so do ye unto them for this is the Law and the Prophets and in Rom. 13.8 9. Hee that loveth his neighbour fulfilleth the Law For this thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steale thou shalt not bear false witnesse thou shalt not covet and if there be any other Commandement it is briefly comprehended in this saying Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe and in Gal. 5.14 All the law is fulfilled in this one word Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self The third Proposition He that hath faith loveth God My Father loveth you because ye love me and believe that I came out from God John 16.27 Argument He that keepeth the Commandements of God hath the love of God He that hath faith keepeth the Commandements of God Ergo He that hath faith loveth God The fourth Proposition Hee that keepeth one Commandement of God keepeth them all This Proposition is confirmed Heb. 11.6 It is impossible for a man without faith to please God that is to keep any one of Gods Commandements as he should do then whosoever keepeth any one Commandement hath faith Argument Hee that hath faith keepeth all the Commandements of God He that keepeth any one Commandement of God hath faith Ergo He that keepeth any one Commandement keepeth them all The fifth Proposition Hee that keepeth not all the Commandements keepeth none of them Argument He that keepeth one Commandement of God keepeth all Ergo he that keeps not all the Commanments of God keepeth not one of them The sixth Proposition Faith is the gift of God Argument Every good thing is the gift of God Faith is a good thing Ergo Faith is the gift of God The seventh Proposition Faith is not in our power Argument The gift of God is not in our power Faith is the gift of God Ergo Faith is not in our power The eighth Proposition He that hath faith is just and good Argument He that is a good tree bringeth forth good fruit and is just and good Hee that hath faith is a good tree and bringeth forth good fruit Ergo he that hath faith is just and good The ninth Proposition Hee that believeth the Gospel believeth God Argument Hee that believeth Gods Word believeth God The Gospel is the Word of God Ergo Hee that believeth the Gospel believeth God To believe the Gospel is this that Christ is the Saviour of the world that Christ is our Saviour Christ bought us with his bloud Christ washed us with his bloud Christ offered himselfe a sacrifice for us Christ bare our sins upon his own back The tenth Proposition He that believeth the Gospel shall be safe Go yee unto all the World and preach the Gospel unto every creature hee that believeth and is baptised shall be saved Mark 16.16 A comparison between Faith and Incredulity Faith is the root of all good Incredulity is the root of all evill Faith maketh God and man good friends Incredulity maketh them foes Faith bringeth God and man together Incredulity separateth them All that Faith doth pleaseth God all that Incredulity doth displeaseth him Faith maketh a man good and righteous Incredulity maketh him evill Faith maketh a member of Christ Incredulity a member of the Devill Faith bringeth a man to Heaven Infidelity bringeth him to Hell A dispute between the Law and the Gospell The Law said pay the debt the Gospel said Christ hath payd it The Law said thou art a sinner the Gospel said thy sins are forgiven thee The Law said the Father of Heaven is angry the Gospel said Christ hath pacified it The Law said where is thy righteousnesse the Gospel said Christ is a believers righteousnesse The Law said thou art bound over to me the Devill and Hell The Gospel said Christ hath delivered a believer from you all No manner of works make us righteous We believe that a man is justified
Anti. Why then Sir it seemes that those who were saved amongst the Jewes were not saved by the workes of the Law Evan. No indeed they were neither justified nor saved either by the workes of the Morall Law or the Ceremoniall Law for as you heard before the Morall Law being delivered unto them with great terrour and under most dreadfull penalties they did finde in themselves an impossibilitie of keeping it and so were driven to seeke helpe of a Mediatour even Iesus Christ of whom Moses was to them a Typicall Mediatour so that the Morall Law did drive them to the Cerimoniall Law which was their Gospel and their Christ in a figure for that the Cerimonies did prefigure Christ direct unto him and require faith in him is a thing acknowledged and confessed by all men Nom. But Sir I suppose though believers amongst the Iewes were not justified and saved by the works of the Law yet was it a rule for their obedience Evan. It is very true indeed the law of the tenne Commandements was a rule for their obedience yet not as it was the Law of workes or Covenant of workes but as it was the Law of Christ as it will appeare if you consider that after the Lord had the second time written them in tables of stone with his owne finger he delivered them to Moses commanding him to provide an Arke to put them into which was not onely for the safe ke●ping of them but also to cover the forme of the Covenant of works that was formerly upon them that beleevers might not perceive it for the Arke was a notable type of Christ and therefore the p●tting of them therein did shew that they were perfectly fulfilled in him Christ being the end of the Law for righteousnes to every one that beleeveth the which was yet more clearly manifest in that the booke of the Law was placed betweene the Cherubims and upon the Mercy-seat to assure beleevers that the Law now came to them from the Mercy-seat for there the Lord promised to meet Moses and to commune with him of all things which he would give him in commandment to them Ant. But Sir was the forme quite taken away so as the ten Commadements were no more the Covenant of works Evan. Oh no you are not so to understand it for the forme of the Covenant of works as well as the matter on Gods part came immediatly from God himself and so consequently is eternall like himselfe whence it is that our Saviour saith Mat. 5.18 Till heaven and earth passe one jot or one title shall in no wise passe from the law till all be fulfilled so that either man himselfe or some other for him must performe or fulfill the condition of the Law as it is the Covenant of works or els he remaines still under it in a damnable condition but now Christ hath fulfilled it for all believers and therefore I said the forme of the Covenant of works was covered or taken away as touching the believing Jewes but yet was it neither taken away in it selfe nor yet as touching the unbelieving Jewes Nom. Was the Law then still of use to them as it was the Covenant of works Evan. Yea indeed Ant. I pray you Sir shew of what use it was to them Evan. I remember Luther saith there be two sorts of unrighteous persons or unbeleevers the one to be justified and the other not to be justified even so was there amongst the Jews Now to them that were to bee justified as you have heard it was still of use to bring them to Christ as the Apostle saith Gal. 3.24 The Law was our Schoolmaster untill Christ that we might be made righteous by faith that is to say the Morall Law did teach and shew them what they should doe and so what they did not and this made them go to the Ceremonial Law and by that they were taught that Christ had done it for them the which they beleeving were made righteous by faith in him And to the second sort it was of use to shew them what was good and what was evill and to be as a bridle to them to restraine them from evill and as a motive to move them to good for fear of punishment or hope of reward in this life which though it was but a forced and constrained obedience yet was it necessarie for the publike common-wealth the quiet thereof being thereby the better maintained and though thereby they could neither escape death nor yet obtaine eternall life for want of perfect obedience yet the more obedience they yeelded thereunto the more they were freed from temporall calamities and possessed with temporall blessings according as the Lord promised and threatned Deut. 28. Ant. But Sir in that place the Lord seemeth to speak to his own people and yet to speak according to the tenor of the covenant of works which hath made me thinke that believers in the Old Testament were partly under the covenant of works Evan. Do you not remember how I told you before that the Lord did manifest so much love to the body of that nation that the whole posterity of Abraham were brought under a State-Covenant or Nationall Church so that for the believers sakes he infolded the unbelievers in the compact whereupon the Lord was pleased to call them all by the name of his people as well unbelievers as believers and to be called their God And though the Lord did there speak according to the tenor of the covenant of works yet I see no reason why he might not direct and intend his speech to believers also and yet they remain only under the covenant of grace Ant. Why Sir you said that the Lord did speak to them out of the tabernacle and from the mercy-seat and that doubtlesse was according to the tenor of the covenant of grace and not according to the tenor of the covenant of works Evan. I pray you take notice that after the Lord had pronounced all those blessings and curses Deut. 28. in the beginning of th● 29. chap. it is said These are the words of th● covenant which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab beside the covenant which he made with them in Horeb. Whereby it doth appeare to me that this was not the covenant of works which was delivered to them on mount Sinai for the form of that Covenant was eternall blessings and curses but the form of this Covenant was temporall blessings and curses so that this rather seems to be the pedagogie of the Law than the Covenant of works for at that time these people seemed to be carried by temporall promises in the wayes of obedience and deterred by temporall threatnings from the wayes of disobedience God dealing with them as in their infancie and under-age and so leads them on and allures them and feares them by such respects as these because they had but a
therefore it belongs to me yea and say with PAUL I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himselfe for mee Hee saw in mee sayth Luther on the Text nothing but wickednesse going astray and flying from him yet this good Lord had mercy on mee and of his meere mercy hee loved mee yea so loved mee that hee gave himselfe for mee who is this mee even I wretched and damnable sinner was so deerly beloved of the Son of God that hee gave himselfe for mee ô print this word me in your heart and apply it to your own self not doubting but that you are one of those to whom this me belongeth Neo. But may such a vile and sinfull wretch as I am be perswaded that God commands me to believe and that hee hath made a promise to me Evan. Why doe you make a question where there is none to be made Goe sayth Christ and preach the Gospel to every creature under Heaven that is go tell every man without exception whatsoever his sins be whatsoever his rebellions be goe and tell him these glad tydings that if hee will come in I will accept of him his sins shall bee forgiven him and hee shall bee saved if hee will come in and take mee and receive mee I will be his loving husband and hee shall bee mine owne deare Spouse let mee therefore say unto you in the words of the Apostle Now then I as an Ambassadour for Christ as though GOD did beseech you by mee I pray you in Christs stead be yee reconciled unto God for hee hath made him to be sin for you who knew no sin that you might be made the righteousnesse of God in him Neo. But doe you say Sir that if I believe I shall bee espoused unto Christ Evan. Yea indeed shall you for faith coupleth the soul with Christ even as the Spouse with her husband by which means Christ and the soule are made one for as in corporall marriage man and wife are made one flesh even so in this spirituall and mysticall marrriage Christ and his Spouse are made one spirit and this marriage of all others is most perfect and absolutely accomplished betweene them for the marriage between man and wife is but a slender figure of this union wherefore I beseech you to believe it and then you shall be sure to enjoy it Neo. Surely Sir if David sayd seemeth it to you a light thing to be an earthly Kings son-in-law seeing that I am a poore man and lightly esteemed then surely I have much more cause to say seemeth it to you a light thing to bee a heavenly Kings daughter-in-law seeing that I am such a poor sinfull wretch surely Sir I cannot be perswaded to believe it Evan. Alas man how much are you mistaken for you look upon God and upon your self with the eye of reason and so standing in relation to each other according to the tenour of the Covenant of Works whereas you being now in the case of Justification and Reconciliation you are to looke both upon God and upon your selfe with the eye of faith and so standing in relation to each other according to the tenour of the Covenant of grace for sayth the Apostle God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himselfe not imputing their sinnes unto them as if hee had sayd because as God stands in relation to man according to the tenour of the Covenant of works and so out of Christ hee could not without prejudice to his justice be reconciled unto them nor have any thing to doe with them otherwise then in wrath and indignation therefore to the intent that justice and mercy might meet together and righteousnesse and peace might embrace each other and so God stand in relation to man according to the tenour of the Covenant of Grace hee put himselfe into his Son Jesus Christ and shrowded himself there that so hee might speake peace to his people Sweetly sayth Luther because the nature of God was otherwise higher then that wee are able to attayne unto it therefore hath hee humbled himselfe to us and taken our nature upon him and so put himselfe into Christ here hee looketh for us here he will receive us and hee that seeketh him here shall finde him This sayth God the Father is my well beloved Sonne in whom I am well pleased Mat. 3.17 whereupon the same Luther sayth in another place We must not thinke and perswade our selves that this voice came from heaven for Christs own sake but for our sakes even as Christ himselfe sayth John 12.30 This voyce came not because of mee but for your sakes the truth is Christ had no need that it should be sayd unto him this is my well beloved sonne he knew that from all eternity and that he should still so remain though these words had not beene spoken from heaven therefore by these words God the Father in Christ his Sonne cheereth the hearts of poore sinners and greatly delighteth them with singular comfort and heavenly sweetnesse assuring them that whosoever is marryed unto Christ and so in him by faith hee is as acceptable to God the Father as Christ himselfe according to that of the Apostle Hee hath made us acceptable in his beloved wherefore if you would bee acceptable to God and bee made his deare childe then by faith cleave unto his beloved Sonne Christ and hang about his neck yea and creepe into his bosome and so shall the love and favour of God be as deeply insinuated into you as it is into Christ himselfe and so shall God the Father together with his beloved Sonne wholy possesse you and be possessed of you and so God and Christ and you shall become one entire thing according to Christs prayer That they may bee one in us as thou and I are one and by this means may you have sufficient ground and warrant to say in the matter of reconciliation with God at any time whensoever you are disputing with your selfe how God is to be found that justifieth and saveth sinners I know no other God neither will I know any other God besides this God that came dow from heaven and clothed himselfe with my flesh unto whom all power is given both in heaven and in earth Who is my Judge For the father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to the Sonne so that Christ may doe with mee whatsoever him liketh and determine of mee aecording to his own minde and I am sure hee hath sayd Hee came not to judge the World but to save the World and therefore I doe believe that hee will save mee Neo. Indeed Sir if I were so holy and so righteous as some men are and had such power over my sins and corruptions as some men have then I could easily believe it but alas I am so sinfull and so unworthy a wretch that I dare not presume to believe that
behalfe of all his chosen perfectly fulfilled the Law as it is the covenant of works divine justice delivered that bond in to Christ who utterly cancelled that hand-writing so that none of his chosen were to have any more to doe with it nor it with them and now you by your believing in Christ having manifested that you are one that was chosen in him before the foundation of the world his fulfilling of that covenant and cancelling of it is imputed to you and so you are acquitted and absolved from all your transgressions against that covenant either past present or to come and so you are justified as the Apostle saith Freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. Ant. I pray you Sir give mee leave to speake a word by the way was not he justified before this time Evan. If he did not believe in Christ before this time as I conceive hee did not then certainly he was not justified before this time Ant. But Sir you know as the Apostle saith It is God that justifieth and God is eternall and as you have shewed Christ may be said to have fulfilled the covenant of works from all eternity and if he bee Christs now then was he Christs from all eternity and therefore as I conceive hee was justified from all eternity Evan. Indeed God is from all eternity and in respect of Gods accepting of Christs undertaking to fulfill the covenant of works he fulfilled it from all eternity and in respect of Gods electing of him he was Christs from all eternity and therefore it is true in respect of Gods decree hee was justified from all eternity and hee was justified meritoriously in the death and resurrection of Christ but yet he was not justified actually till he did actually believe in Christ for saith the Apostle By him all that believe are justified so that in the act of justifying faith and Christ must have a mutuall relation and must always concur and meet together faith as the action which apprehendeth and Christ as the object which is apprehended for neither doth Christ justifie without faith neither doth faith except it bee in Christ. Ant. Truly Sir you have indifferently well satisfied me in this point and surely I like it marvellous well that you conclude no faith justifieth but that whose object is Christ. Eva. The very truth is thuogh a man believe that God is mercifull and true of his promise and that he hath his elect number from the beginning and that he himselfe is one of that number yet if this faith doe not eye Christ if it be not in God as he is in Christ it will not serve turn for God cannot be comfortably thought upon out of Christ our mediator for if we finde not God in Christ saith Calvin salvation cannot bee known wherefore neighbour Neophytus I will say unto you as sweet Master Bradford said unto a gentlewoman in your case Thus then if you would be quiet and certain in conscience then let your faith burst forth through all things not onely that you have within you but also whatsoever is in heaven earth and hell and never rest untill it come to Christ crucified and the eternall sweete mercie and goodnesse of God in ●hrist Neo. But Sir I am not yet satisfied concerning the point you touched before and therefore I pray you proceed to shew me how far forth I am delivered from the Law as it is the covenant of works Evan. Truly as it is the covenant of works you are wholy and altogether delivered and set free from it you are dead to it and it is dead to you and if it be dead to you then it can doe you neither good nor hurt and if you be dead to it you can expect neither good nor hurt from it consider man I pray you that as I said before you are now under another covenant to wit the covenant of grace and you cannot bee under two covenants at once neither wholy nor partly and therefore as before you believed you were wholy under the covenant of works as Adam left both you and all his posterity after his fall so now since you have believed you are wholy under the covenant of grace Assure your selfe then that no Minister or Preacher of Gods Word hath any warrant to say unto you hereafter either doe this and this dutie contained in the law and avoid this and this sin forbidden in the Law and God will justifie thee and save thy soule or doe it not and Hee will condemne thee and damne thee no no you are now set free both from the commanding and condemning power of the covenant of works so that I will say unto you as the Apostle saith unto the believing Hebrews You are not come to Mount Sinai that might not be touched and that burned with fire nor unto blacknesse and darknesse and tempests but you are come unto Mount Sion the City of the living God and to Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant so that to speak with holy reverence God cannot by vertue of the covenant of wotks either require of you any obedience or punish you for any disobedience no he cannot by vertue of that covenant so much as threaten you or give you an angry word or shew you an angry look for indeed he can see no sin in you as a transgression of that covenant for saith the Apostle Where there is no Law there is no transgression And therfore though hereafter you doe through frailty transgresse any or all the ten Commandements yet doe you not thereby transgresse the covenant of works there is no such covenant now betwixt God and you and therefore though you shall hereafter heare such a voice as this if thou wilt be saved keep the commandements or cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are writen in the book of the Law to doe them nay though you heare the voice of thunder and a fearfull noyse nay though you see blacknesse and darknesse and feel a great tempest that is to say though you heare us that are Preachers according to our commission Lift up our voice like a trumpet in threatning hell and damnation to sinners and transgressors of the Law though these be the words of God yet are you not to thinke that they are spoken to you no no the Apostle assures you ●hat there is no condemnation to them that ●●re in Christ Jesus believe it man God never threatens eternall death after he hath once given to a man eternall life nay the truth is God never speaks to a believer out of Christ and in Christ hee speaks not a word in the terms of the covenant of works and if the Law of it selfe should presume to ●ome into your conscience and say herein and herein thou hast transgressed and broken ●●e and therefore thou owest so much and ●o much to divine Justice which must be
and so indeed they are the fruit and works of a bond-servant that is moved and constrained to doe all that he● doth for fear of punishment and hope of reward For saith Luther The Law given on mount Sinai which the Arabians call Agar begeteth none but servants and so indeed all that such a man doth is but hypocrisie for he pretends the serving of God whereas indeed hee intends the serving of himselfe and how can hee doe otherwise for whilst he wants faith he wants all things He is an empty vine and therefore must needs bring forth fruit unto himselfe till a man bee served himselfe he will not serve the Lord Christ nay whilst he wants faith he wants the love of Christ and therefore he lives not to Christ but to himselfe because he loved himselfe And hence surely we may conceive it is that Doctor Preston saith all that a man doth and not out of love is out of hypocrisie wheresoever love is not there is nothing but hypocrisie in such a mans heart But when a man through the hearing of faith receives the Spirit of Christ that spirit according to the measure of faith writes the lively law of love in his heart as Tindall sweetly sayth whereby hee is inabled to work freely and of his own accord without the coaction or compulsion of the Law for that love wherewith Christ or God in Christ hath loved him and which by faith is apprehended of him will constrain him to doe so according to that of the Apostle the love of Christ constraineth us that is it will make him to doe so whether he will or no hee cannot choose but doe it I tell you truly answerably as the love of Christ is shed abroad in the heart of any man it is such a strong impulsion that it carries him on to serve and please the Lord in all things according to the saying of an evangelicall man The will and affection of a believer according to the measure of faith and the spirit received sweetly quickens and bends to choose affect and delight in what ever was good and acceptable to God or man the Spirit freely and cheerfully moving and inclining him to keepe the law without feare of hell or hope of heaven for a christian man saith sweet Tindall worketh onely because it is the will of his Father for after that he is overcome with love and kindnesse he seeks to doe the will of God which indeed is a christian mans nature and what he doth hee doth it freely after the example of Christ as a naturall sonne aske him why he doth such a thing why sayth he It is the will of my Father and I doe it that I may please him for indeed love desireth no wages it is wages enough to it selfe it hath sweetnesse enough in it selfe it desires no addition it pays his own vvages and therefore it is the true childe like obedience being begoten by faith of Saraah the free-woman by the force of Gods love and so it is indeed the onely true and syncere obedience for sayth Doctor Preston to doe a thing in love is to doe it in syncerity and indeed there is no other def●inition of syncerity that is the best way to know it by Evan. But stay Sir I pray you would you not have believers to eschew evill and doe good for feare of hell or hope of heaven Evan. No indeed I would not have any believer to doe either the one or the other for so far forth as they doe so their obedience is but slavish and therefore though when they were first awaked convinced of their misery and set foot forward to goe on in the way of life they with the prodigall would be hired servants yet when by the eye of faith they see the mercie and indulgence of their heavenly Father in Christ running to meete them and embrace them I would have them with him to talke no more of being hired servants I would have them so to wrastle against doubting and so to exercise their faith as to believe that they are by Christ delivered from the hands of all their ●nemies both the Law sin wrath death ●he devill and hell that they may serve the Lord without feare in holinesse and righte●usnesse all the dayes of their lives I would ●ave them so to believe Gods love to them ● Christ as that thereby they may be con●trained to obedience Nom. But Sir you know that our Sa●iour sayth Feare him that is able to destroy ●oth soule and body in hell And the Apostle ●yth We shall receive of the Lord the reward 〈◊〉 the inheritance is it not sayd that Moses ●ad respect unto the recompence of reward Evan. Surely the intent of our blessed ●aviour in that first Scripture is to teach all ●elievers that when God commands one 〈◊〉 and man another they should obey ●od and not man rather then to exhort ●●em to eschew evill for feare of Hell And as for those other Scriptures by you al●●aged if you mean reward and the means 〈◊〉 obtayn that reward in the Scripture sense 〈◊〉 it is another matter but I had thought 〈◊〉 had meant in our common sense and not 〈◊〉 the Scripture sense Nom. Why Sir I pray you what diffe●●nce is there betwixt reward and the means to obteyn the reward in our common sense and in the Scripture sence Evan. Why reward in our common sence is that which is conceived to come from God or to be given by God which is a fancying of Heaven under carnall notions beholding it as a place where there is freedome from all misery and fulnesse of all pleasures and happinesse and to be obteyned by our own works and doings But reward in the Scripture sence is not so much that which comes from God or is given by God as that which lyes in God even the full fruition of God himselfe in Christ. I am sayth God to Abraham thy shield and thy exceeding great reward And whom have I in heaven but thee sayth David And there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee and I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likenesse And the means to obteyne this reward is not by doing but by believing even by drawing neere with a true heart in the full assurance of faith and so indeed it is given freely And therefore you are not to conceive of that reward which the Scripture speaks of as if it were the wages of a servant but as it is the inheritance of sons and when the Scripture seemeth to induce believers to obedience by promising this reward you are to conceive that the Lord speaketh to believers as a father doth to his young son doe this or that and then I will love thee whereas we know that the father loveth the sonne first and so doth God and therefore this is the voice of believers Wee love him because
believer and creates and infuseth into him new principles of actions so that what a treasure of all graces Christ hath stored up in him faith dreyneth and draweth them out to the use of a believer being as a conduite cocke that watereth all the herbs in the garden yea faith doth apply the bloud of Christ to a believers heart and the bloud of Christ hath in it not onely a power to wash from the guilt of sin but to clense and purge likewise from the power and stain of sin and therefore sayth godly Hooker if you would have grace you must first of all get faith and that will bring all the rest let faith goe to Christ and there is meeknesse patience humility and wisdome and faith will fetch all them to the soule therefore sayth he you must not look for sanctification till you come to Christ in vocation Nom. Truly Sir I doe now plainly see that I have been deceived and have gone a wrong way to worke for I verily thought that holinesse of life must goe before faith and so be the ground of it and produce and bring it forth whereas I doe now plainly see that faith must goe before and so produce and bring forth holinesse of life Evan. I remember a man who was much enlightened in the knowledge of the Gospell sayth there be many that thinke that as a man chooseth to serve a Prince so men choose to serve God so likewise they think that as those who doe best service do obtain most favour of their Lord and as those that have lost it the more they humble themselves the sooner they recover it even so they think the case stands betwixt God and them whereas sayth hee it is not so but clean contrary for hee himselfe sayth Yee have not chosen me but I have chosen you and not for that we repent and humble our selves and doe good works hee giveth us his grace therefore wee repent humble our selves doe good works and become holy the good thief on rhe crosse was not illuminated because hee did confesse Christ but he did confesse Christ because hee was illuminated for sayth Luther the tree must first be and then the fruit for the apples make not the tree but the tree maketh the apples so faith first maketh the person which afterwards bringeth forth works therefore to doe the Law without faith is to make the apples of wood and earth without the tree which is not to make apples but meer fantacies wherfore neighbour Nomista let me intreat you that whereas before you have reformed your life that you might believe why now believe that you may reform your life and doe not any longer worke to get an interest in Christ but believe your interest in Christ that so you may work and then you will not make the change of your life the ground of your faith as you have done and as Master Culverwell sayth many doe who being asked what caused them to believe they answer because they have truly repented and changed their course of life Ant Sir What thinke you of a Preacher that in my hearing said he durst not exhort nor perswade sinners to believe their sinnes were pardoned before he saw their lives reformed for feare they should take more liberty to sin Evan. Why what should I say but that I think that Preacher was ignorant of the mystery of faith for it is of the nature of soveraign waters which so wash off the corruption of the ulcer that they coole the heat and stay the spreading of the infection and so by degrees heale the same neither did he know that it is of the nature of cordials which so comfort the heart and ease it that they also expell the noxious humours and strengthen nature against them Ant. And I am acquainted with a professor though God knows a very weak one that sayth if he should believe before his life be reformed then he might believe and yet walk on in his sins I pray you Sir what would you say to such a man Evan. Why I would say with Doctor Preston let him if he can believe truly and doe this but it is impossible let him believe and the other will follow truth of beliefe will bring forth truth of holinesse for who if he ponder it well can feare a fleshly licentiousnesse where the believing soule is united and maryed to Christ the law as it is the covenant of works and Christ are set in opposition as two husbands to one wife successively whilst the Law was alive in the conscience all the fruits were deadly Rom. 7 5. but Christ taking the same spouse to himselfe the law being dead by his quickning spirit doth make her fruitfull to God and so raiseth up seed to the former husband for materially these are the works of the Law though produced by the Spirit of Christ in the Gospell Ant. And yet Sir I am verily perswaded that there be many both Preachers and professors in this City of the very same opinion that these two are of Evan. The truth is many Preachers stand upon the prayse of some morall vertue and doe invaigh against some vice of the times more then upon pressing men to believe but sayth a learned writer it will bee our condemnation if we love darknesse rather then light and desire still to be groping in the twy-light of morality the precepts of morall men then to walke in the true light of divinity which is the doctrine of Jesus Christ and I pitie the prepostrous care and unhappy travail of many well affected who study the practice of this and that vertue neglecting this cardinall and radicall vertue as if a man should water all the tree and not the root faine would they shine in patience meeknesse and zeal and yet are not carefull to stablish root themselves in faith which should maintain all the rest and therefore all their labour hath been in vain and to no purpose Nom. Indeed Sir this which you have now sayd I have found true by mine own experience for I have laboured and endevoured to get victory over some corruptions as to overcome my dulnesse and to performe duties with cheerfulnesse and all in vain Evan. And no marvell for to pray to meditate to keep a Sabbath cheerfully to have your conversation in Heaven is as possible for you your selfe to doe as for Iron to swim or for stones to ascend upwards but yet nothing is impossible to faith it can naturalize these things unto you it can make a mole of the earth a soule of Heaven wherefore though you have tryed all morall conclusions of proposing promising resolving vowing fasting watching and self-revenge yet get you to Christ and with the finger of faith touch but the hem of his garment and you shall feele vertue come from him for the curing of all your diseases Wherefore I beseech you come out of your self unto Jesus Christ
wils and desires it in whom thou hast sayd thou art well pleased yea here is the person that hath paid the debt and discharged the bond for all my sins and therefore ô Lord now it standeth with thy justice to forgive me and thus if you doe why then you may bee assured that Christ executes his Priestly office in you Neo. I pray you Sir in the third place shew me how a man may know that Christ executes his kingly office in him Evan. Why so far forth as any man hears and knows That all prwer is given unto Christ both in heaven and in earth both to vanquish and overcome all the lusts and corruptions of believers and to write his law in their hearts hereupon takes occasion to goe unto Christ for the doing of both in him I say so far forth as he doth this why Christ executes his kingly office in him Neo. Why then Sir it seems that the place where Christ executes his kingly office is in the hearts of believers Evan. It is true indeed for Christs Kingdome is not temporall or secular over the naturall lives or civill negotiations of men but his Kingdome is spirituall and heavenly over the souls of men to awe and over-rule the hearts to captivate the affections to bring into obedience the thoughts and to subdue and pul down strong holds for when our father Adam transgressed he and we all of us forsooke God and chose the devill for ou● lord king so that every mothers child of 〈◊〉 are by nature under the government of Satan and he rules over us till Christ come into our hearts and disposseseth him according to the saying of Christ himself Luk. 11.21 22. When a strong man armed keeps the Palace his goods are in peace that is sayth Calvin Satan holdeth them that are in subjection to him in such bonds and quiet possession that he rules over them without resistance But when Christ comes to dwell in any mans heart by faith according to the measure nf faith hee dispossesseth him seats himself in the heart and roots out and puls down all that withstands his government there and as a valiant Captain he stands upon his guard enables the soule to gather together all its forces and powers to resist and withstand all its and his enemies and to set it selfe in good earnest against them when they at any time offer to return again and he doth especially enable the soule to resist and set it selfe against the principall enemie even that which doth most oppose Christ in his government so that whatsoever lust or corruption is in a believers heart or soule as most predominant CHRIST doth inable him to take that into his minde and to have most revengefull thoughts against it and to make complaints to him against it and to desire power and strength from him against it and all because it most withstands the government of Christ and is the rankest traitor to Christ so that hee useth all the means he can to bring it before the judgement seat of Christ and there hee calls for justice against it saying O Lord Jesus Christ here is a rebell and a traitor that doth withstand thy government in me wherfore I pray thee come and execute thy Kingly office in me and subdue it yea vanquish and overcome it whereupon Christ gives the same answer that he did to the Centurion goe thy way and as thou hast believed so be it done unto thee And as Christ doth thus suppresse all other governours but himselfe in the heart of a believer so doth he race out and deface all other laws and writes his own there according to his promise Jer. 31.33 and makes them plyable and willing to doe and suffer his will and that because it is his will so that the minde and will of Christ laid down in his Word and manifested in his Works is not onely the rule of a believers obedience but also the reason of it As I once heard a godly Minister say in the Pulpit So that he doth not onely doe that which is Christs will but he doth it because it is his will O that man which hath the law of Christ written in his heart according to the measure of it he reads he hears he prayes and receives the Sacrament and doth all the duties required in the first table of the Law and that because he knows it is the minde and will of Christ he should doe so yea he doth not onely doe the duty of the first table but of the second also by vertue of Christs command ô that husband parent master or Magistrate that hath the Law of Christ written in his heart hee doth his duty to his wife childe servant and subject and that because Christ commands it and so that wife childe servant or subject that hath the law of Christ written in their hearts doe their duties to their husband parent master or governour and that because Christ requires it And now when you finde these things in your heart why answerably you may conclude that Christ executes his kingly office in you Neo. Well Sir now I doe plainly see that it is no marvail though my heart hath been hitherto restlesse sith I have sought rest for it where it is not to be found Evan. My occasions doe now begin to call me away from you neverthelesse you having begun to speake of the hearts rest I shall by the Lords assistance now at our parting as a conclusion of this our discourse speake somwhat of the soules rest if you will be pleased to heare me Neo. Withall my heart Sir but first I would intreat you to tell me why you call the hearts rest the soules rest Evan. Because heart and soule are put oftentimes the one for the other for indeed the heart is the soules chare of state wherein it keeps it residencie But to come to the point I would intreat you to consider with me that when God at first gave man an elementish body he did also infuse into him an immortall soule of a spirituall substance and though he gave his soule a locall being in his body yet he gave it a spirituall wel-being in himselfe so that the soule was in the body by location and at rest in God by union and communication and this being of the soule in God at first was mans true being and his true happinesse now man falling from God God in his justice left man so that the actuall union and communion that the soule of man had with God at first is broken off God and mans soule are parted and it is in a restlesse condition howbeit the Lord having seated in mans soule a certain character of himselfe the soule is thereby made to re-aspire towards that summum bonum that chief good even God himselfe and can finde no rest no where till it come to him Nom. But stay Sir I pray you how can it be sayd that