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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34306 The mourning bride a tragedy : as it is acted at the theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields by His Majesty's servants / written by Mr. Congreve. Congreve, William, 1670-1729. 1697 (1697) Wing C5856; ESTC R8328 38,584 82

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Heart But double double Weight of Woe to mine For with him Garcia comes Garcia to whom I must be sacrific'd and all the Faith And Vows I gave my Dear Alphonso basely Violated No it shall never be for I will die first Die ten thousand Deaths Look down look down Kneels Alphonso hear the Sacred Vow I make Leave for a Moment to behold Eternal Bliss And bend thy Glorious Eyes to Earth and me And thou Anselmo if yet thou art arriv'd Thro' all Impediments of purging Fire To that bright Heav'n where my Alphonso reigns Behold thou also and attend my Vow If ever I do yield or give consent By any Action Word or Thought to wed Another Lord may then just Heav'n show'r down Unheard of Curses on me greater far If such there be in angry Heav'ns Vengeance Than any I have yet endur'd and now Rising Methinks my Heart has some Relief Having Discharg'd this Debt incumbent on my Love Yet one Thing more I would engage from thee Leo. My Heart my Life and Will are only yours Alm. I thank thee 'T is but this anon when all Are busied in the General Joy that thou Wilt privately with me Steal forth and visit good Anselmo's Tomb. Leon. Alas I fear some fatal Resolution Alm. No on my Life my Faith I mean no Violence I feell I 'm more at large Since I have made this Vow Perhaps I would repeat it there more solemnly 'T is that or some such Melancholy Thought Upon my Word no more Leon. I will attend you Enter Alonzo Alon. The Lord Gonsalez comes to tell your Highness Of the Kings approach Alm. Conduct him in Exit Alon. That 's his Pretence I know his Errand is To fill my Ears with Garcia's valiant Deeds And with his Artful Tongue to gild and magnifie His Sons E●●●oits But I am arm'd with Ice around my Heart Not to be warm'd with Words nor idle Eloquence Enter Gonsalez Bowing very Humbly Gons Be every Day of your long Life like this The Sun bright Conquest and your brighter Eyes Have all conspir'd to blaze promiscuous Light And bless this Day with most unequal Lustre Your Royal Father my Victorious Lord Loaden with Spoils and ever-living Lawrel Is entring now in Martial Pomp the Pallace Five Hundred Mules precede his solemn March Which groan beneath the Weight of Moorish Wealth Chariots of War adorn'd with glittering Gems Succeed and next a Hundred neighing Steeds White as the fleecy Rain on Alpine Hills That bound and foam and champ the Golden Bit As they disdain'd the Victory they grace Prisoners of War in shining Fetters follow And Captains of the Noblest Blood of Affrick Sweat by his Chariot Wheel and lick and grind With gnashing Teeth the Dust his Tryumphs raise The swarming Populace spread every Wall And cling as if with Claws they did enforce Their Hold thro' clifted Stones stretching and st●ring As they were all of Eyes and every Limb Would feed his Faculty of Admiration While you alone retire and shun this Sight This Sight which is indeed not seen tho' twice The Multitude should gaze In Absence of your Eyes Alm. My Lord my Eyes ungratefully behold The gilded Trophies of exterior Honours Nor will my Ears be charm'd with sounding Words Or pompous Phrase the Pageantry of Souls But that my Father is return'd in Safety I bend to Heav'n with Thanks and Humble Prai●●● Gons Excellent Princess But 't is a Task unfit for my weak Age With dying Words to offer at your Praise Garcia my Son your Beauties lowest Slave Has better done In proving with his Sword upon your Foes The Force and Influence of your matchless Charms Alm. I doubt not of the Worth of Garcia's Deeds Which had been brave tho' I had ne'er been born Leon. Madam the King Florish. Alm. My Women I would meet him Attendants to Almeria enter in Mourning Symphony of Warlike Musick Enter the King attended by Garcia and several Officers Files of Prisoners in Chains and Guards who are ranged in Order round the Stage Almeria meets the King and kneels afterwards Gonsalez kneels and kisses the King's Hand while Garcia does the same to the Princess King Almeria rise My best Gonsalez rise What Tears my good old Friend Gons But Tears of Joy To see you thus has fill'd My Eyes with more Delight than they can hold King By Heav'n thou lov'st me and I 'm pleas'd thou do'st Take it for Thanks Old Man That I rejoice To see thee weep on this Occasion But some Here are who seem to mourn at our Success How is it Almeria that you meet our Eyes Upon this solemn Day in these sad Weeds You and yours are all in opposition To my Brightness like Daughters of Affliction Alm. Forgive me Sir if I offend The Year which I have vow'd to pay to Heav'n In Mourning and strict Life for my Deliverance From Death and Wreck of the tempestuous Sea Wants yet to be expired King Your Zeal to Heav'n is great so is your Debt Yet something too is due to me who gave That Life which Heav'n preserv'd A Day bestow'd In Filial Duty had aton'd and giv'n A Dispensation to your Vow No more 'T was weak and wilful and a Woman's Errour Yet upon thought it doubly wounds my sight To see that Sable worn upon the Day Succeeding that in which our deadliest Foe Hated Anselmo was interr'd By Heav'n It looks as thou didst mourn for him Just as Thy senseless Vow appear'd to bear its Date Not from that Hour wherein thou wert preserv'd But that wherein the curs'd Alphonso perish'd Ha! what thou dost not weep to think of that Gons Have patience Royal Sir the Princess weeps To have offended you If Fate decreed One 'pointed Hour should be Alphonso's Loss And her Deliverance Is she to blame King I tell thee she 's to blame not to have feasted When my first Foe was laid in Earth such Enmity Such Detestation bears my Blood to his My Daughter should have revell'd at his Death She should have made these Pallace Walls to shake And all this high and ample Roof to ring With her Rejoicings What to mourn and weep Then then to weep and pray and grieve By Heav'n There 's not a Slave a shackled Slave of mine But should have smil'd that Hour through all his Care And shook his Chains in Transport and rude Harmony Gons What she has done was in excess of Goodness Betray'd by too much Piety to seem As if she had offended King To seem is to commit at this Conjuncture I wonnot have the seeming of a Sorrow seen To day Retire divest your self with speed Of that offensive black on me be all The Violation of your Vow You stand excused that I command it Gar. kneeling Your Pardon Sir if I presume so far As to remind you of your gracious Ptomise King Rise Garcia I forgot Yet stay Almeria Alm. O my boding Heart What is your Pleasure Sir King Draw near and give your hand and Garcia yours
shall dare to tax Eternal Justice Yet I may think I may I must for Thought Precedes the Will to think and Errour lives Ere Reason can be born Reason the Power To guess at Right and Wrong the twinkling Lamp Of wand'ring Life that winks and wakes by turns Fooling the Follower betwixt Shade and Shining What Noise Who 's there My Friend how cam'st thou hither Enter Heli. Hel. The time 's too precious to be spent in telling The Captain influenc'd by Almeria's Power Gave order to the Guards for my Admittance Osm. How does Almeria But I know she is As I am Tell me may I hope to see her Hel. You may anon at Midnight when the King Is gone to rest and Garcia is retir'd Who takes the Privilege to visit late Presuming on a Bridegroom's Right she 'll come Osm. She 'll come 't is what I wish yet what I fear She 'll come but whither and to whom O Heav'n To a vile Prison and a captiv'd Wretch To one whom had she never known she had Been happy why why was that Heav'nly Creature Abandon'd o'er to love what Heav'n forsakes Why does she follow with unwearied Steps One who has tir'd Misfortune with pursuing One driv'n about the World like blasted Leaves And Chaff the Sport of adverse Winds till late At length imprison'd in some Cleft of Rock Or Earth it rests and rots to silent Dust. Hel. Have Hopes and hear the Voice of better Fate I 've learn'd there are Disorders ripe for Mutiny Among the Troops who thought to share the Plunder Which Manuel to his own Use and Avarice Converts This News has reach'd Valentia's Frontiers Where many of your Subjects long oppress'd With Tyranny and grievous Impositions Are risen in Arms and call for Chiefs to head And lead 'em to regain their Liberty And Native Rights Osm. By Heav'n thou 'st rous'd me from my Lethargy The Spirit which was deaf to my own Wrongs Deaf to revenge and the loud Crys of my Dead Father's Blood Nay which refus'd to hear The Piercing Sighs and Murmurs of my Love Yet unenjoy'd what not Almeria could Revive or raise my Peoples Voice has wak'ned O my Antonio I am all on Fire My Soul is up in Arms ready to charge And bear amidst the Foe with conqu'ring Troops I hear 'em call to lead 'em on to Liberty To Victory their Shouts and Clamours rend My Ears and reach the Heav'ns where is the King Where is Alphonso ha where where indeed O I could tear and burst the Strings of Life To break these Chains Off off ye Stains of Royalty Off Slavery O curse that I alone Can beat and flutter in my Cage when I Would soar and s●oop at Victory beneath Hel. Our Posture of Affairs and scanty Time My Lord require you should compose your self And think on what we may reduce to Practise Zara the Cause of your restraint may be The Means of Liberty restor'd That gain'd Occasion will not fail to point out Ways For your Escape Mean time I 've thought already With Speed and Safety to convey my self Where not far off some Male-Contents hold Counsel Nightly hating this Tyrant some who love Anselmo's Memory and will no doubt When they shall know you live assist your Cause Osm. My Friend and Counsellour as thou thinks't fit So do I will with Patience wait my Fortune Heli. When Zara comes abate of your Aversion Osm. I hate her not nor can dissemble Love But as I may I 'll do I have a Paper Which I would shew thee Friend but that the Sight Would hold thee here and clog thy Expedition Within I found it by my Father's Hand 'T was writ a Prayer for me wherein appears Paternal Love prevailing o'er his Sorrows Such Sanctity such Tenderness so mix'd With Grief as wou'd draw Tears from Inhumanity Heli. The Care of Providence sure left it there To arm your Mind with Hope Such Piety Was never heard in vain Heav'n has in Store For you those Blessings it with-held from him In that Assurance live which Time I hope And our next meeting will confirn 〈◊〉 Farewell 〈…〉 the Good thou dost deserve attend thee Ex. Heli. 〈…〉 to blame and question'd with Impiety 〈…〉 of Heav'n Not so my Father bore 〈…〉 Anxious Grief This shou'd have better taught me 〈…〉 Lesson in some Hour of Inspiration By him set down when his pure Thoughts were born Like Fumes of Sacred Incense o'er the Clouds And wafted thence on Angels Wings thro' Ways Of Light to the bright Source of all There in The Book of Prescience he beheld this Day And waking to the World and mortal Sense Left this Example of his Resignation This his last Legacy to me which I Will treasure here more worth than Diadems Or all extended Rule of regal Pow'r Enter Zara veil'd What Brightness breaks upon me thus thro' Shades And promises a Day to this dark Dwelling Is it my Love Zara. O that thy Heart had taught Lifting her Veil Thy Tongue that Saying Osm. Zara I 'm betray'd By my surprize Zar. What does my Face displease thee That having seen it thou do'st turn thy Eyes Away as from Deformity and Horrour If so this Sable Curtain shall again Be drawn and I will stand before thee seeing And unseen Is it my Love ask again That Question speak again in that soft Voice And Look again with Wishes in thy Eyes O no thou canst not for thou seest me now As she whose savage Breast has been the Cause Of these thy Wrongs as she whose barbarous Rage Has loaden thee with Chains and galling Irons Well dost thou scorn me and upbraid my Falseness Cou'd one that lov'd thus torture what she lov'd No no it must be Hatred dire Revenge And Detestation that cou'd use thee thus So thou dost think then do but tell me so Tell me and thou shall see how I 'll revenge Thee on this false one how I 'll stab and tear This Heart of Flint 'till it shall bleed and thou Shalt weep for mine forgetting thy own Miseries Osm. You wrong me beauteous Zara to believe I bear my Fortunes with so low a Mind As still to meditate Revenge on all Whom Chance or Fate working by secret Causes Has made perforce subservient to that End The Heav'nly Powers allot me no not you But Destiny and inauspicious Stars Have cast me down to this low Being or Granting you had from you I have deserv'd it Zar. Can'st thou forgive me then wilt thou believe So kindly of my Fault to call it Madness O give that Madness yet a milder Name And call it Passion then be still more kind And call that Passion Love Osm. Give it a Name Or Being as you please such I will think it Zar. O thou dost wound me now with this thy Goodness Than e'er thou could'st with bitterest Reproaches Thy Anger cou'd not pierce thus to my Heart Osm. Yet I could wish Zar. Haste me to know it what Osm. That at this Time I had not