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A30810 The scornfull Quakers answered and their railing reply refuted by the meanest of the Lord's servants Magnus Byne. Byne, Magnus. 1656 (1656) Wing B6402; ESTC R30264 132,489 135

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may rebuke thee Though others cannot I can willingly let thee alone without persecuting imprisoning banishing I see all these things do but nourish Satans Kingdom in every dark form rather than pull it down and therefore I can pray for thee and do thee good and shew thee kindnesse and leave thee to stand or fall to the light of God in thee which is thy judge Rep. In the outside of thy paper thou callest me Priest but why is this name so odious to thee Answ Dost thou not know that all the Lords people are Kings and Priests The name upon any other account I own not The light within thee tells thee thou callest me Priest in pride and scorne Repl. In thy preamble thou sayest The just God of heaven and earth into our hands in our measures the just ballance hath committed wherein all my profession notion and comprehension is tried and denied Answ First thy just ballance thou gloriest in is not the ballance of the sanctuary full of the light truth word and power of God But 2. It is the ballance of thine own corrupt reason fancie dream full of flesh and self of thine own weaknesse blindnesse darknesse And so 3. This ballance is not committed to thee from the just God who abhors thy peevishnesse folly false visions but from thy father the Prince of darknesse he hath put into thy hand the unjust ballance of thine own wisdom which is enmity against God and every appearance of God And 4. in this ballance of flesh and fancie thou art found uncapable of weighing and trying the wayes workings of God in another And so 5. In the midst of thy comprehending others art thou comprehended and seen thy self and laid open to thy shame amongst the Heathen And so 6. Lastly the ballance that is just which comes from God hast thou lost and so hast nothing to measure and weigh things with which is accompanied with the Authority and light of God And hence all thy reply and answer to me is found to be airy frothy stuffed and filled with nothing but winde and scorn and so thou goest on and sayes Repl. My conversation is corrupt and life unsavory and I am one in nature with all the Priests of the Nation Answ Here thou beginnest to shew what thy ballance is being found presently in the corrupt will and life of the old accuser And here thou art but the mouth and tongue of Satan who is alwayes accusing and condemning when God is forgiving and healing That I differ from others in their corruptions is more through the Lords grace than my deservings And this grace of the Lord is that which leads me out of the wayes customes pride and pleasures of the world more and more And yet I cannot say I am pure without all sin and spot for then I should make God like man a lyar whose light word tells me otherwise and yet notwithstanding all the corruptions thou layest to my charge I finde the Lord through grace still forgiving and healing and warming mine heart with a strong thirsting after more of the power of godlines And this keeps me from scoffing at any thing I see in thee but the pride and folly which thou discoverest plainly which makes thee cry out I am rich full and have need of nothing and yet knowest not that thou art poore and blinde and miserable and naked and hast need of all things which if thou knewest would soon make thee meek lowly peaceable gentle doing good to all men even thine enemies which thou canst not do and so art not like the heavenly father Mat. 5. 43. 44. 45. Read that place if thou canst and weigh it in the just ballance and put in thy self in one scale thou wilt soon see how light thou art and how thy selfish carnall nature fights with the generous loving nature of God whom thou knowest not by living in his nature and spirit And so to the Questions Repl. In mine answer to the first thou scoffest at my saying Christ is the first principle of pure Religion and cryest out O shame of my profession who at the first would be at the Son the fundation in Sion and know not that which turnes the minde out of the earth and leads to Sinai There is a light which shines in a dark place which who are in it are in the welldoing and in their measure in the pure Religion and it who knows in it they see what the first principle is and know thee to be a lyar which light leads unto the day Star 2 Pet. 1. 19. Which light is before the day Star is come unto which is the Son and him who is come unto is in the pure Religion Answ From a principle are derived two things 1. The esse or being 2. The cognosse the manifestation discovery or knowing of a thing to be what it is Now according to both these Christ is the first principle of all pure Religion It 's he who begots and works it in the heart of man and so brings it into being and it is he who discovers and shewes what the pure Religion is and so brings it into knowledge and this knowledge is drawn from a sight and feeling of the work it self upon the heart and so to make some application of this to what thou sayest and wondrest so much at that thou wilt be religious and that in the best too even in that which is pure and that without the Son of God We see heare read what Christ saith of himself Mat. 11. 27. No man knows the Father save the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him and Iohn 1. 18. No man hath seen God at any time the onely begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him and John 14. 6. I am the way the truth and the life and John 15. 5. Without me ye can do nothing surely then if there be no knowing of the Father no seeing of the Father but by the Son no coming to the Father but by this way and means no bringing forth any fruit any thing that is pure without the Son how comes it to passe that ye must needs begin your Religion below or without the Son Must thy dark minde consult with flesh and bloud to make thee Religious Or must we needs go to Sinai as thou intimates to make us first Religious Was not Paul there and what did hee learn but to glory in that which afterwards was his losse and shame Was he not a blasphemer injurious and a persecuter till the Lord had mercy on him and revealed his Son in him Surely methinkes thou mayest easily learn this lesson from what is written to make Christ the beginning of thy pure Religion to make him the mover the power the principle that first sets thy heart aright in Religion And this thou art compelled to say in thy confused reply That hee who is come unto Christ is in the pure Religion and so art
The scornfull QUAKERS ANSVVERED AND Their railing REPLY refuted BY The meanest of the LORDS Servants MAGNUS BYNE Beware of false Prophets They come unto you in Sheeps cloathing but inwardly are ravening Wolves Believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they be of God Because many false Prophets are gone out into the World LONDON Printed by William Bentley for Andrew Crook at the sign of the green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard 1656. To the READER DEar friend I speak to thy conscience in much tendernesse unto thy Soul Learn to fear the great God more and more For blessed is the man that feareth alwayes Wait upon the Lord and he shall renew thy strength Go unto him as unto thine exceeding joy Love all the appearances of his Son as the comfort of Saints in all generations Watch over thine own heart Stand in awe and sin not Let the Lord come into his Temple and Worship him alone Take heed of every gin and snare of the old serpent who is in a great rage because he hath but a short time Be sober and quiet in thy Spirit and hear the Lord speak His word is nigh thee within thee walk in the strength of it and this will keep thee from the paths of the destroyer Long in thy Spirit to see the new Jerusalem the new Heavens and the new earth wherein dwels righteousnesse Let thy moderation be known to all men for the Lord the desire of all Nations is at hand Stand still be calm be meek and thou shalt see his salvation Let thy Spirit groan and travel in pain with longing to see the Lord arising to work For men abused by the old Dragon seek to make void his Law And among all the vanities which I have seen under the Sun take heed of the two foolish blind mad generations of Ranters and Quakers The former of which I have seen the Lord scatter and appear in great wrath to consume rebuking the evil Spirit in them and laying them open to their shame among their enemies The latter of these I have had some dealings with and finde them more furious and raging than all that have gone before them and notwithstanding all their shew of holinesse wisdom humility temperance yet by a little dealing with them I finde nothing but impurity folly pride madnesse even to admiration and wonder in all their doting questions fowl mouthed answers vain janglings railing accusations even as if Satan had left all others and brought all his power along with him to fill their hearts and tongues with all manner of blasphemies and evil speakings against all others but their own deluded party And strange it is to see how Satan in them is divided against Satan Satan rails blasphemes and then to save himself cries out 't is Satan he blasphemes and and rails at in others The Devil mocks jeers scoffs rages in their filthy hearts and tongues and when he is seen and manifested by his carriage to be the evil one presently he condemnes himself and sayes 't is the Devil all my fury is powred out upon 't is him I condemne in men and women not the similitude of God the man or woman to whom I speak Thus the Lyar and the Murderer in these men raging speaks to excuse himself from his lying and murdering by perswading simple people 't is himself he aimes at And yet such a strong inchantment I finde in this mad carriage that some poor Souls are even overcome with their violence and have thrown away not the light and grace of God onely that once appeared in them in shew but even their reason and humanity too and subjected themselves to this carnal yoke for fear of being still condemned by the Devil Take one passage of a great Prophet of their own one Tho. Law-Cock who meeting at one Goodman Matthews house near me was called aside by the woman of the house of good report but almost turned a Quaker to whom the woman in kindenesse said Sir will you eat something which I have provided The Quaker replied What shall I eat with Devils and Dogs and pointing to a Dog There 's thy Companion thy fellow-creature of the same nature with thy self saith the Quaker and shall I eat with thee a Devil a Dog And was not this a good argument at the first meeting to perswade the woman to be a Quaker And when the woman began to reply something to excuse her great sin of asking this man of God as he calls himself to eat he opens his box again and calls her Whore and Harlot and was not this another good argument to perswade her And yet this woman and the man too begins to believe in the Quakers and to admire their light and power lusting after the painted image and innocent spotlesse religion which th●se poor deluded wretches have set up and made And as they have dealt with this woman so with some others whom I know prevailing with them and upon them even by the same Magical power of Satans workings in them Therefore it behooveth us all to look to our building upon the Rock to our interest in the holy one of God to our receiving and walking in Jesus Christ the Lord rooted and built up in him that so the gates of Hell may not prevail against us Further a little to lay open this blinde seer Lawcock at one meeting with some Baptists he was demanded whether Christ suffered and died at Jerusalem His answer was That Christ suffered but Christ did not die and yet it was not Christ who suffered neither but that which was born of the Virgin See here his contradictions of himself and his contempt and denyall of the death of Christ And yet afterwards at another meeting being in the presence I charged him with this and he presently cried out Thou lyest I acknowledge Christ both suffered and died and yet this man must be infallible in the midst of all these contradictions against himself Further at the same meeting when I was present and beginning to lay open his folly the Quaker exhorting to meeknesse and silence and the like but presently falling a railing cursing and roaring against Priests and hirelings I asked him in patience how these speeches could hang together we must be meek calm quiet but he must roar and rage At the first dash the man cries out thou lyest thou art a beast and the like and entreating the man to sit down and be meek according to his own speech he foams out his own shame still A litte after wondring at the madnesse of the Prophet at the trouble and torment of the evil Spirit in him I desired him to speak but two words of sense and reason and I would be silent the man roars again Thou art a belly-god thou art a beast And is not this a goodly Apostle Prophet Teacher Let all men judge that will not be like the beasts unreasonable Further desiring a Scripture to maintain something he spake against the
God are made and live That soul that is awakened and risen with Christ to live in the light of the inner world or new Creature and to slide from thence forth unto the darke world in the works of righteousnesse and true holiness is the soul that brings his Talent out of the earth it to improve Quest Who are they that hide their Talents in the earth to their condemnation Answ Men that sin away the light and Spirit or promise of the Father made out in their Spirits and consciences by the noble wisdome of God woing and importuning them within in the Center of their souls to turne unto the Lord and so love darkness rather then light to their owne condemnation or rather men who love to live below in flesh and sin and this creation or world rather than above with the Father and the Son making out love and truth and grace in their Spirits to bring them reconciled to God these are they who hide their Talents in the earth to their condemnation Quest Where is it and by what that God speakes unto man Answ God speakes unto man within there he stands in the gate of the soul and by many invitations woings operations which are as so many Angels or messengers of love and life he entreats men to come in and be saved as it is written Looke unto me and be ye saved for I am a God and there is none else This inward speaking of God is backed likewise with outward speakings from the heavens and earth and things that are made from the Scriptures which are a firme testimony and witnesse of the mind of God to man sometimes from Mercies sometimes from judgements sometimes from the words or mind of God put into other mens moneths All which varietie of witnesses declare the one will and mind of the Father which he is pleased more immediately to declare within by his owne voyce Quest What is that which unto the gentiles is manifest shewing unto them what of God may be knowne Answ It is the truth of the Deity or the eternall power and God-head which teaches them by the things that are made to owne and glorifie a Creator and so the unthankefull and stubborne are left without excuse Rom. 1. 20. 21. Quest. What is its operation in all from the rising of the Sun to the going downe thereof Answ The light and truth of the Deity which is manifested to and shewed in every man from the things that are made teaches every man to owne a God and to worship him and so to abstaine from evill and do good which operation being choaked and abused by most hence these wallow in the mire of sin and wickednes and superstitious vanities being given up thereunto by the Lord as a just punishment for their loving darkenes rather than the light of God Quest What is the flaming sword which turnes every way to keepe the tree of life Answ It may be the Administration of the Law within which as a light or flame shewes every man his sin and shame and so as with a sword cuts him off every way in the midst of his best actions performances and obedience from entring into life by his owne power Or the fierceness in the anger of God which turnes every way to keep every uncleance person and thing from entering into the Paradise of God to eat of the tree of life till it be washed and cleansed from its filthines as 't is written Rev. 21. 22. there shall in no wise enter into the holy City any thing that is unclean c. Quest What is the City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt Answ All the unregenerate world which are as Sodom and Egypt full of sin and wickednesse or the Antichristian formal Church which strouts it out with a shew of wisdome learning letter and History as if it were a well built City or a true Church of God but within is Wolvish Envious Dogged full of blood cruelty and persecution against Christ and every appearance of Christ in his saints This is the great City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was crucified And in her is found the bloud of Prophets and of Saints and of all that are ssain upon the earth In brief Egypt and Sodom are the kingdome of flesh and darknesse where Christ and the true Church are presecuted and crucified in Spirit Quest What is the language of Egypt Answ Egypt speakes nothing but bondage and warre to the people of God Egypt cannot endure that an holy Church should grow up in his dominions he will murder Abell or the innocent still Egypt is all for himself to manitaine himself in greatnesse and pompe and dominion in the world to rule and be a great potent Lord in the flesh If hee preach or pray or read or hear or appear sometimes as a seeming holy man yet all is ayming at his name greatnesse and credit in the world His heart cannot cleave to and love the Son of God He must persecute and devour the poor and needy in the earth This is the language of Egypt or that which Egypt declares Quest What is the cry of the wildernesse and what is the language of the wildernesse and whether thou wert ever in the wildernesse yea or nay Answ The wildernesse unto some is a state of confusion sin and death where God is not at all remembred minded or known The wildernesse unto others is such a state wherein the soul is awakened by the voice of Christ within to remember and mind the Lord and in the midst of all its confusions to cry and long and wait for his revealing coming manifesting And in this wildernesse I have been and here I have cryed been payned and the Lord hath heard my supplication and delivered me from my feares and brought me out into a wealthy place or into a condition of love joy rest and fullnesse in himself Further the wildernesse unto others is a condition of temptation which the Lord sometimes leades his people into to try and refine them and to make his might and power known in their preservation deliverance salvation Unto others yet the wildernesse is a condition of solitarines and retiredness of spirit where the soul is carried away from the fashions and practises of the world as likewise above the tumults rage and violence of the world sweetly to solace herself in her beloved and to walke in his way which is a way of peace light and holines The cry of the soul in this state of lonenesse is all for God and the will of God it s risen as it were out of the world and gone away from all other company to enjoy a fuller sight of the Lords beauty and to have a more exact communion with his Majestie And this is a wildernesse a gracious heart delights much to be in Quest What is the language of Canaan Answ In Canaan is heard the voice of peace love and meekenesse
Here 's no judging murmuring complaining dividing persecuting murdering These are the wayes of Egypt and Babell In Canaan there is rest from all the works of Egypt and darknesse Here 's unity in the midst of variety Here all are looking into the onenesse into the pure image and nature of the Father and this light keeps harmony and agreement between all the sons of Canaan And so in Canaan there 's joy melody singing Halleluja's Here the world is not mentioned flesh and bloud is not at all remembred with delight the former things are passed away and all is become new God alone is made mention of to be Lord and King and set up upon the Throne for ever Quest What is the vail which divides between the holy and most holy Answ It 's the flesh of Christ and all outward dispensations which divide and keep Saints whilest in weaknesse and bondage though holy in some measure from entring into the most holy into the substance truth it self or into the choisest glory of the father This vail of flesh in Christ was rent when he suffered death or was crucified in the flesh Through which death or rending of the vail of flesh he entred himself and made way also for us to enter into glory Heb● 10. 19. 20. Having therefore boldnesse to enter into the holiest by the bloud of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the vail that is to say his flesh And when this vail of flesh of letter and shadows and outward dispensations is rent and crucified by the eternall spirit in the true Christian then he the Christian enters into the holiest into the glory and joy of his Father Quest What is the death which over all men is passed and how camest thou to live Answ It 's first the breaking of the body or this earthly Tabernacle which comes upon all without exception for sin Rom. 5. 12. Secondly it's the dying unto Paradise and the Kingdom of God which man hath drawn upon himself by his lusting after and eating of the fruit of the four elements By this lusting and eating he becomes infected poysoned in his minde and will with the fruit of the Sun and Stars And this is the taking and eating of the Tree of temptation and his leaving the Tree of life and the heavenly fruit And thus he becomes an earthly man and dead Death stickes in his minde and soul and man is dead to all feeding upon God and the Son of God who is the Tree of life Man can no more feed upon the fruit which grows upon this Tree of life which is Christ till Christ awake and arise in the center of his soul and carry him through all the Trees of temptation or the pleasures pompe and glory of the outward world into the inward or holy pure element of this spirituall body and pure nature and there awaken him to eat of the Tree of life and live for ever And this is the way whereby I and all the Sons of God come to passe from the spirituall death into the spirituall life in the pure nature of Jesus Christ Quest What is deaths reign from Adam to Moses And to Moses how didst thou come Answ From Adam to Moses there was no law written without all the law was within upon the conscience here was the rule or law which God gave the worlds to walk by Now the world acting against this light and law within kept sin in the world from Adam to Moses for till the law viz. given out by Moses sin was in the world Rom. 5. 13. Now sin alwayes brings men under the reign of death and so death reigned over all from Adam to Moses All had a law given within otherwise they could have had no sin for where there is no law there is no transgression Now mens breaking of this inward law was their sin and this their sin brought them all under the power and reign of death And thus it is still though there had been no Moses to write Gods commands in outward tables or Scripture yet the law being written within upon the conscience by the finger of God we sinning against this law do plunge our selves into the reign of death wrath and condemnation we kindle the Root of the fire and that being awakened makes our Hell or self-comdemnation within because we have sinned against our light Now by this light and law within we come to know Moses and that all the law she hath written are holy just and good because we finde the same within that he hath written without and nothing without but what is in spirit and power within Quest. Who are they which sin not after the similitude of Adams transgression which till Moses death reigned over Answ They are infants in years according to some who although they sin not actually after the manner of Adam yet they have sin and death written in their nature according to the weaknesse of this creation Or they are infants in knowledge who although they have not such full discoveries of the minde of God and such strength to stand as Adam had and so their sin be not so great as Adam which is to sin after his similitude yet they have a plain law within as before which bids them not act or eat that which the Lord forbids They living contrary unto this law fall into sin and death And in this childish condition are we all sound till the Lord quicken and save us Quest Art thou called immediately by the great God of Heaven and earth into the Ministery yea or nay Answ That Ministery I act in I have the anointing of the Spirit which doth sufficiently warrant my call But as for those who are called through Arts and Sciences and mens ordinations without this anointing I know they are the Pillars of Antichrist which I cannot own for the Apostles of Christ My calling teacheth me to renounce my fleshly wisdom and to live upon the grace and love of God commending that manifestation of the truth that is in me to every mans conscience in the sight of Christ Quest Hast thou seen Gods face yea or nay Answ To see the invisible God with carnal eyes I never did nor shall for no man hath heard his voice nor seen his shape but with the enlightned minde I have in some measure seen his face nay his heart in the precious revelations and discoveries of his Son towards me in love which Son is the face and heart and brightnesse of God opened in love wherein he shews and speaks forth plainly his exceeding kindnesse and goodnesse to all his Children This face of God I have thus seen which is more to me than a thousand vvorlds Quest Hast thou heard Gods voice immediately from Heaven and earth yea or nay Answ I have heard his voice as I have seen his face viz. inwardly spiritually which voice of his hath fetched me out of the grave of darknesse sin
priest-hood he cries out wilt thou believe nothing but Scripture Thus the man can add and take away at his pleasure though such are accursed of God Gal. 1. 8 9. Rev. 22 18. Further applying the speech of Christ unto himself before Abraham was I am I asking him whether he was not ashamed did ever Saint apply that unto himself He answered he understood it of the Spirit that was within him blasphemously applying the Divine Spirit that dwelt in the Son of God to the filthy Spirit of Belial that dwelt in him And yet this man must be perfect sinlesse and infallible But to let him alone with his father the Devil and to come to another with whom I had some dealing by conference and by questions and answers and replies on both sides This man was one Thomas Lawson who had a companion with him This man and his companion I finde contradicting the other in two things 1. Lawcock he owns the sufferings of Christ but not his dying yet another time both his suffering and dying But Lawson scoffs at the sufferings and dying of Christ in the flesh as none of his Crosse as you shall see in his papers Here 's no Harmony you see amongst the Quakers but Quaker against Quaker one against another 2. Lawson's companion told me he was Christ and what he spake was Scripture This Lawson yielded unto by his silence But Lawcock denied this speech and his brethren in it though he said in effect as much when he cried out Before Abraham was I am yet he would not be Christ Still here 's Satan divided against Satan and so it must be that his Kingdom may fall And yet these wretched men delude poor people and say that at the meetings of Quakers in the North when there have been three hundred and five hundred Quakers together they have been all of one heart and one minde and so they are indeed being all under the power of the Prince of the air the Spirit that now works in all the Children of disobedience where I leave them in chains of darknesse to the judgement of the great day As concerning their questions propounded to me in writing I gave them but a brief answer not minding to make any thing publick unto the world knowing mine inability to come forth in print in the midst of such a variety of judgements abroad yet receiving a reply from Lawson full of lying and railings and evil surmisings I was pressed in my spirit to give some satisfaction unto my friends of these mens folly and madnesse as also of mine own experiences in the dealings of God with me so far as concerns the matter in hand And therefore my dear hearts put on the whole Armour of God that ye may be able to stand in the midst of all the windes and storms of Satans fury lean to the Rock Christ wherein is everlasting strength to keep you in this hour of temptation and confusion Own the unity of the spirit the seed of God in all your companions in tribulation and make this the bond of peace All ye whose faces are toward Sion fall not out by the way Live in peace and love Though there be a variety of wayes thither according to Gods Divine dispensations yet in all the wayes of God there is an Unity and Harmony as they tend to one point and center of rest and joy in himself Make him thine aim then he is the Sion we are all going unto Be not discouraged by the way though some draw back others grow weary others step aside others revile and blaspheme Look thou to God he is thy father thou art his Son and Heir Let all thy knowledge and wisdom and light and graces and comforts thou hast received from God make thee not great and high and something but little and low and nothing still in thine own estimation Take heed of Thorns and Bryars and Chaffe and this untoward generation of Godlesse shamelesse men And so I commend thee unto him who is able to keep thee from falling and to present thee blamelesse before the Throne of his glory to whom be praise and dominion in the Church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages world without end Thine in the Lord Magnus Byne The scornfull QUAKERS ANSWERED And their railing Reply refuted Quest WHat is the first principle of pure Religion Answ The first principle of pure Religion is the Son of God dwelling in us He is the band of union between God and us or an Emanuell God with us He who lives in this principle is taught to be Religious And so he is bound and tied by love to worship the Father in Spirit who is the Center into which all Religion runnes and where all that is pure stayes Quest What is the Yoke of Christ Answ It s the Fathers work and will This is easy to the Son because of that spirit or principle of love that dwell's in him to his Father which moves him naturally and affectionately to do the will of his Father and to finish his work And this is the yoke that lyes upon every Christian Quest What is the Burden of Christ Answ It s his sufferings under all the weaknesses infirmities and sins of the world from the beginning thereof to this very day who is therefore called the Lambe slain from the foundation of the world This is light to the invincible Spirit of Christ who alone is able to overcome evill with good though the least reproach or suffering be a grievous load and burden to the weak low Spirit of flesh and blood which centers and lives no higher than self and this creation And this is the burden of every Christian which through faith is made light and easy to overcome as it is written Whosoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith 1 Joh. 3. 4. Quest What is the Talent which to every one is given to improve Answ It s that measure of the light and truth which is given to and manifested in every man which comes into the world as it is written of Christ He was the true light which lighteth every one who cometh into the world John 1. 9. Quest What is the Crosse of Christ and what doth it tend unto Answ It s the crucifying dying and suffering in the flesh which the head and all the members must and shall passe thorow or be baptized with before they enter into the glory of the Father which tends to the burning up of all fleshly visibilities discoveries enioyments dispensations that are temporall and shadowish that the Father and his Son and Sonnes may live in that oneness of spirit and glory where God shal be all in all Quest Who are they that bring their Talent out of the earth it to improve Answ Those who through the eternall spirit arise from under all the rubbish of the elementary world whence and where all bodies by the strong Word of
judge any thing in thee but what falls under the condemnation of the light and truth of God and though thou pretendest to a fulnesse of light and knowledge yet I finde thee low and dark by thy frivolous answers which thou givest to what the Soul is what the two witnesses are what the first and second resurrection is what the day of judgement heaven and hell are and many other things propounded to thee which I finde thee unable and unwilling to make out the truth of and therefore art thou angry that thy weak building is so much as questioned And yet thou knowest the Apostles counsel is to us all that we should be alwayes ready to give answer of the hope that is in us with meeknesse and fear but thou having no hope but in this life thy heaven and happinesse here art judged of all men to be most miserable according to what the Apostle saith If in this life onely we have hope in him we are of all men most miserable And so thou miserable wretch art loath to be questioned though thou send questions by the scores to other men Repl. But thou seest mine intent thou sayest I would not have my deeds of darknesse reproved Answ If thou hast received wisdom and power to reprove in the name of the Lord do it as sharply and bitterly as thou canst for let the righteous smite me it shall be a kindnesse let him reprove me it shall be an excellent Oyl which shall not break mine head But to thee I say have a care thou take not the name of God in vain for the righteous one I do not finde in thee reproving seeing thou canst not do it in the patience and meeknesse of Jesus Christ. But thou sayest Repl. Is not that the honour which is given to all the Saints to execute judgement upon the Heathen Psal 149. 6 7 8 9. And all that know not God are Heathen and he that sins hath neither seen God nor known God 1 Joh. 3. 6. That which cleanseth man leadeth man to see God The pure in heart see God and Canaan was a figure of the spiritual rest c. Answ Friend wert thou in the meaning as well as in the Letter of these Scriptures thine eyes would be in thine own head not alwayes abroad like an Heathen in the ends of the earth and so thou wouldest judge and excute vengeance upon the Heathen or carnal man in thy self and then be in a fit posture of wisdom to judge the Heathen or carnal men without bearing witnesse against all their railings and revilings both in thy words and deeds But to look a little upon the places noted by thee This honour have all the Saints to execute the Lords vengeance by the two edged sword of his Spirit upon all the Heathen But thou art found to thy dishonour judging the Sons of God and the Daughters of God to be Heathen and so thy sword is drawn against the Lords anointed ones not against the Heathen And as for the binding of their Kings with Chains and their Nobles with fetters of Iron which shall be the honour of the Saints to do I finde this Scripture not yet eminently fulfilled in spirit and power some outward binding I have seen fulfilled in our own land but the firm real strong binding and limiting that shall be by the reigning of Christ in power and great glory in his Saints this shall asswage the malice and rigour of the Kings of the earth against the Church and make them stoop and bend and be willing to bring all their glory to her because they shall see and say the Lord is in you of a truth This day of the Churches power through the presence of the Lord in her in much wisdom knowledge righteousnesse and love to binde the Heathen and their Kings I finde dawning and the desire of all Nations is not far off But yet through the Saints violence and rage one against another in their several forms and imaginations ev●ry one making hast to have the Crown and Honour of the day to himself ●●●t looking so much to the coming of the Lord as to his own advancing above all others of his brethren watching rather upon one anothers infirmities than upon the appearing of the Lord in one another through this weaknesse of the Saints and too much indulgence to their forms I finde the great day of binding to be retarded and prolonged yet the Vision is for an appointed time he that shall come will come and will not tarry And had we but a little more faith patience and quietnesse in our spirits we should soon see the Lord and his salvation Therefore stand ye still and be silent O all flesh wait upon the Lord and he shall bring forth thy righteousnesse as the light and thy judgement as the noon day It is his nature his power in the Saints that must bind Satan and all the wicked ones of the earth If man onely binde and kill and slay this worketh no deliverance no settlement no peace as we see at this day But when the Lord shall binde and slay and put in prison our enemies then we shall have rest and joy and quietnesse in our habitations Therefore as Bellarmine said when he came to die after all his study and labour to advance free will and mans merits that it was the safest way onely to rely upon Christ so say I after all our vain study and labour each to draw Disciples after himself to make his name and side great and strong the best and safest way will be for every one to rely upon the Lord and to think soberly of himself according as God hath given to every man the measure of truth and faith and then we shall begin to Judge the Heathen indeed and not thus shame our selves before them by our envy and railing and evill speaking one against another Repl. Further thou sayest all that know not God are Heathen and he that sins hath neither seen God nor known God Answ And so say I all that know him not in some measure of light and love are heathens and he that is in bondage to corruption that sins freely and willingly he hath no true sense nor saving knowledge of God upon him or in him and yet through infirmity temptation and weaknesse a Saint who hath a sweet taste and sense of God may be found in that which is sinfull though this man will by no means allow or approve of sin As Paul saith the evill which I do I allow not Repl. And thou sayest that which cleanseth men leadeth man to see God the pure in heart see God Answ All this is truth That which cleanseth and purifieth and leadeth to a sight of God is one power one pure spirit and by cleansing out what is contrary unto it self and making it self plain which is pure it leads the soul according to it's discovery into the spirituall rest where it satiates and fills it self with
bee drowned in thee before thine entrance into Canaan or else thou must look to fall either in the wildernesse with the murmurers or to be drowned in the Sea with the Egyptians Repl. Further thou art telling me I am imagining what the beast is which John saw was like unto a Leopard saying that I have read of the Leopard that is an exceeding wild beast which cannot be tamed very cunning and crafty in tatching of his prey and furious and raging c. Answ For fear thou mightest finde this beast in thy self here thou art stopping and raging thus in thy wonted fury like a mad Pharisee that scorns to learn thou beginnest to teach and say Repl. Who in the light which never changes dwells which comes from God these see the beast where he is and what he is and all his spots discern Answ Here thou hast spoken truth though thou understand it not so as to apply it unto thy self which if thou didst great large spots of the beast would discover themselves in thee but being in the darknesse of thy Fathers minde thou canst not read thy self and therefore art thou seeking to discern the beast abroad in me and sayest in me is his denne And here thou thankest God thou art not as other men are stand by thy self I am holier than thou And so thou comest with much delight to see the beast in me and eatest and drinkest and gluttest thy self with a sight of the beast in me and nothing but the beast canst thou here see in his Denne thus art thou glorying over anothers spots and infirmities which thou thy self makest in thy fancy and then art glad to see in thy brother the beast is too cunning for thee he lies hid within thee and laughes to see thee his vassall and slave I say no more than what thou hast made manifest the beast in thee is in his Denne Thy pride and scoffing and railing against all others are spots and plain markes of the beast in thy fleshly heart dwelling for wer● thou in the light and overcome by it that would make thee poor in thine own eyes and to condemne thy self in those things which thou condemnest in another and would teach thee to own a God and Christ above thy self This light of the Lord ruling in thee would have kept thee in the fear of the Lord and taught thee to own the Crosse and sufferings of Christ as the price of thy redemption which thou like a vile wretch tramplest under thy feet This light would have taught thee to bewail thine own infirmities and have kept thee low in thine own eyes and have made thee own trembling indeed which thou doest in the letter and flesh but not in truth and spirit and so art given over to strong delusions to believe a lye Repl. Thou tellest me I am covetous Answ I am so indeed by nature but I see the world loves me not it flies away and the Lord teacheth me to be crucified to it and to presse towards himself as my riches fulnesse and highest treasure Repl. Thou tellest me further That which hath led me from the light hath led me from the Lord and the same hath let the world into mine heart where the Sea is flowing even the salt Sea thence the beast ariseth with seven heads Answ The light in which I live hath led me to see the light and in the light I see the Lord and he hath ravished mine heart and caught me up to himself as to mine exceeding joy and though the world were so confounded and divided as to leave me alone yet I am not alone the father is my friend and the son is my companion And I can return unto my Father and Saviour living with me who alwayes takes me in when the world casts me out And this quickens me to live more above where all my treasure is and lesse below or in the creature where I finde confusion and tribulation As for the flowing of the salt Sea whence the beast arises with seven heads this I have seen according to my measure dried up and the beast with seven heads withering for want of his native heat and moisture in me And friend I beseech thee read the meaning of this at home in thy self read the bitternesse in thy self the evil eye that envies because God is good the folly and haughtinesse of thine own heart Here is the salt Sea in which thou art drowned though thou see it not and out of this Sea comes that Monster with seven heads which destroyes some with flatteries others with violence and rage aiming at his own Kingdom and greatnesse whoever perish with him this beast lies covered under all thine Hypocrisie and thou seest him not Further thou sayest Repl. I arm my self with all the wisdom and subtlety of the beast against the truth and with many Horns am I pushing at the Lamb. Answ This I have done in the dayes of mine unbelief when I consulted with flesh and bloud But since the day of the Lord hath begun to dawn in my spirit truth hath been my companion I have ventured all for her and laid my self open to the violence of all sorts of men for the truths sake And that I have suffered no more than I have considering the malice of carnal men and formal men this I look upon as a notable passage of wisdom and providence in God Further know that this truth in me which hath in some measure acquainted me with the will and nature of God my Saviour this teacheth me to plead against the errours and evils and blasphemies and idols of all not against any truth I see in my meanest brethren Neither am I with my Horns pushing against the Lamb no the Lamb is my well-beloved he shall lye all night betwixt my breasts he is my fair one when he withdraws my Soul faints when he appears my Soul lives and is exceeding merry This is he whom I can own in all the Sons of God even in those who cannot own the Lamb in me In all this he is my witnesse though thou know it not But thou sayest Repl. In me is the earth set who am drove from God Gen. 3. 23 24. And upon the earth is the Leopards Denne and foure-footed beasts and creeping things Answ When I was in the earth that indeed drove me from God but God hath lifted me up into Heaven in some manifestation of light and grace and here he keeps me in his own fellowship and presence above the earth and so I can leave the Leopards Denne full of wilde beasts and filthy things for the inhabitans of the earth And friend if thine eye were open thou mightest see how sadly thou art driven out from God and what a fool thou art in all thy professing thy self to be wise and how this hath made thee change the truth of God into alye and led thee away to worship thy self and thine empty companions who are poor creatures more than
would not I finde a Law that when I would do good evill is present with me I finde a Law warring in my members contrary unto the Law of my minde and bringing me into captivity unto the Law of sin which is in my members O undone man that I am c. Wilt thou imagine that this was all warfare with sin without witnessing no peace but a sword to the earth or if thou mean by earth for thy words have alwayes a double meaning the earth within in the time of his warfare how canst thou see in him a freedom from this earth or a freedom from all remnants of sin the like may be said of that Thorn in the flesh mentioned in the Corinthians in with is this remarkable that it was after his abundance of visions and Revelations being caught up into the third heaven and into Paradise where he heard unspeakable words even after all these enioyments he felt a messenger of Satan buffeting 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he was sent to strike me on the face with his fist as it were to upbraid me with mine inward pride and pronenesse to be exalted above measure did Paul witnesse this and canst thou see no pronenesse in thy self to sin and pride Surely thou art joyned to thine idoll and God lets thee alone to perish for want of vision Answ Further did Paul cry and groane all the dayes of his life and witnesse no deliverance did he alwayes fight and never overcome Repl. Paul never fought but was still more than a conqueror by the grace of God he had deliverance and victory still through grace and greatest deliverance when he was most sensible of his infirmities and therefore in the Lord he could Triumph and sing though in himself he was still nothing Rom 8. 2. 32. c. Col. 1. 11 12 13. And so may every Saint who lives in the light say in the Lord have I righteousnesse and strength in him I have all things and so in him will I glory and though there be a fleshly minde and will sometimes stirring in me yet greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world and so he can run his race with patience wrestle with boldnesse fight with courage and when he comes to die cry out with Paul I am now ready to be offered the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is layed up for me a Crown of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day Answer Further its true James sayes in many things we offend all Jam. 3. 3. here James speaks winningly for the seeds sake for the raising up of the simplicity Repl. Here 's a simplicity raised up in thee indeed by thine own evil heart and this thou lovest and this hides thy sin and folly and makes thee wrest and play with Scripture and so James must speak winningly for the seeds fake what wilt thou have James a lyar or an Hypocrite in telling the people that he and all did in many things offend and yet have no experience of this in his own Soul surely thine eye is out and darkned by the smoak and so neither Paul nor Iames nor the raising of one up from the dead will ever perswade thee to be humbled for thy sottishnesse and so Scriptures are of no force at all with thee But thou goest on and sayest that Iames in the 9. vers sayes with the tongue we curse men was Iames a curser or was he an offender in many things But to reply Iames was under the powerof no evil and yet he declares a pronenesse in himself and all flesh to run into sin and when thine eye is opened thou wilt see in thy tongue a fire a world of iniquity and how it defiles thy whole body and wipes away the glory of all thy profession and that this tongue of thine is set on fire of Hell and therefore thou goest on to hide thy nakednesse say Iames was writing to such who were getting the mastery in the flesh which is for condemnation Iam. 3. 1 2. Repl. And what thinkest thou of thy self Art not thou getting to be master and a great potent Lord in the flesh damning and judging all that wear not thy mark and so art to be judged and condemned thy self Math. 7. 1 2. But Christ thou sayest is the end of condemnation so of sin which is for ccondemnation to which I say Christ was the end of the Law for righteousnesse and he 's said to be made sin for us and to come into the world not to condemne the world but that the world through him might be saved but I never read that Christ was the end of condemnation and the end of sin though these things I know are overcome when he comes but thy phrase is new even like thy form which yet must be no form and in almost all thou sayest I see that Scripture sadly fulfilled in thee that evil men and seducers was worse and worse deceiving and being deceived Answ Further 1 Ioh. 1. 8 9. here Iohn wrote to such who were not come through the confession but to such as confesse he saith Christ cleanseth from all unrighteousnesse 1 Ioh. 1. 9. and the bloud of Iesus Christ cleansed from all sin Repl. Even before and after the confession thou mayest read there 's sin still to be confessed before if we say we have no sin we deceive our selves after if we say we have not sinned we make him a lyar and his word is not in us here 's sin still to be looked upon otherwise we deceive our selves we make him a lyar the truth is not in us his word is not in us and so he who covers his sins shall not prosper but who so confesseth and forsaketh shall have mercy and if we confesse our sins God is faithfull to forgive our sins not to impute but cover them and cleanse us from them by the pardoning and healing vertue of the bloud and spirit of Jesus this confession must be real if we look the cleansing should be real and this forgivenesse cleansing is an encouragement to us to make our confession and our resolution to sin no more which resolution being like the confession in truth God accepts of it as 't is written if there be a willing minde 't is accepted according to that a man has not according to that he hath not and so that Soul sins no more who do's not love sin peccatum facere make it to delight in it but it sins unwillingly it lusteth against lust would not for a world be under the dominion of sin this the Apostle speaks of Rom. 6. 11 12. reckon your selves sayes he to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God let not sin reign c. and so this is the reasoning of a gracious heart shall I continue in sin that grace may
abound God forbid if Christ have suffered for me and in me its high time for me to suffer with him and to arm my self with the same minde and this is the dying to sin and the sinning no more when the Soul bears witnesses against it and walks out of the reign and power of it which reign of sin is that which the Scripture witnesses against Answ Further Iohn wrote to such who were not come through the confession to babes young men and fathers Repl. Then by thine own confession he wrote to all sorts of Christians to make confession of sin why then doest thou hide spare and cover thy sin What neither babe nor father nor young man Where art thou neither in the vvorld nor in the Church Monstrum horendum Surely if ever God awake in thee he 'l despise thine image and bring thee to Sion by weeping crosse and then he 'l remove this stumbling block out of thy way and shew thee this thine opinion is but an old errour raked out of the dunghill of Hell sprung up afresh in this iron age where the love of many waxes cold and so thou wilt learn to tremble prepare thine heart by brokennesse of spirit for the lofty God to dwell in and so he 'l be mercifull unto thine iniquity and remember thy sin no more Answ Further Iohn wrote to some who knew all things 1 Ioh. 2. 20. and so were out of the knowledge in part Repl. The Unction indeed reveals the deep things of God and so gives us an understanding to know him that is true by our abode in him and so teaches all things that are freely given to us 1 Cor. 2. 12. all things that the Lord gives all things necessary to know all things that pertain to life and godlinesse credenda agenda all things to be believed of us and done by us and that in such a clearnesse that the Soul knows 't is not deceived and so we are taught to know our election vocation justification sanctification regeneration adoption c. we are taught to believe hope love be patient penitent obedient we are taught to deny our selves to lose our lives to let all go to come and follow Christ in the new creature and so we are taught according to our measure to set our affections above to live in Heaven where all our treasure is these and the like things the Unction teaches us still limited to the things freely given to us and yet there are secreta Dei the secrets of the Lord which man cannot see and live the secrets of the Scriptures the secrets of nature the secrets of the times and seasons which man knows not but the father onely canst thou see God God in his glory canst thou behold the ballancing of the Clouds the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge poor vain man who art darkning the counsel of God by words without knowledge canst thou see the Ordinances of Heaven or set the dominion thereof in the earth canst thou by all thy search finde out these things in their perfection therefore why doest thou vaunt thy self vain man would be wise though man be born like a wilde Asses Colt remember that knowledge puffs up but 't is charity edifies knowledge perverts but wisdom keeps thou hast so long fed upon the Tree of knowledge that thou art glutted and darkned by it and even poysoned to death with thy great knowledge for as too much light destroyes the sight as well as too little there must be debita distantia a due distance even so knowledge without charity and prudence to keep a due distance between God and the creature presently destroyes and may as soon be too much as too little and so as some perish through too little so many through too much knowledge Therefore remember what the spirit sayes of the wise Gentiles professing themselves to be wise they became fools Rom. 1. 21. and so let no man deceive himself if any among you seem to be wise let him become a fool that he may be wise 1 Cor. 3. 18. and if any man think that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know 1 Cor. 8. 2. consider these things and be not thou wise above what is written and given and revealed unto thee lest thou perish among the wise Greeks and Jews and the Disputers of this world Further after a little prating and railing which is very natural to thy generation thou answerest more yet to confirm thy perfection and sayes he that do's righteousnesse is righteous as he is righteous to which I say he is so so far as he do's righteousnesse and righteousnesse cloaths him even so far he answers the patterne and has the righteousnesse of Christ in him walking not after the flesh but after the spirit Answ Further thou sayest as he is so are we in this present world 1 Ioh. 11. 17. Repl. So far as he is received in us and dwells in us so far we are as he is in this present world seeing we can be no more than what he is in us and we in him for he is all in all Further know that as there is a similitude so a great dissimilitude between Christ and Saints for both I own according to what I have seen and heard in him as for the similitude or likenesse in brief take in these particulars First his Father and our Father his God and our God are one his spirit and his anointing and the spirit and anointing in us are one even the same in nature though not in measure Further his light life our light and life are one in God and so our life is hid with Christ in God then he 's a King Priest and Prophet so are we according to his springing up in us made Kings and Priests and Prophets unto God he ha's Union and fellowship with the Father so have we I in my Father and you in me and I in you I pray that these all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they may be one in us and according as this onenesse is manifested which is our life so we have fellowship with the Father and he with us Further Christ was humble meek lowly patient holy harmlesse undefiled separate from sinners so we according to our grace have received the same thing for nature and truth still that was in Jesus though our measure be not the same Further he made it his meat and drinke to do the will of God he was alwayes going about and doing good and this is the work of Saints as we have opportunity let us be doing good Further he was hated persecuted denied blasphemed mocked scourged a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief so are the sons of God more or lesse under a taste of all these in this world being still called to suffer before their Crown and though not in the same measure that Christ suffered yet the
the false Prophets shut out of the Kingdom of God because they love not the great chain in the hand of the Angel but to leave thee where I finde thee the chain I love and own as that which keeps me from the paths of the destroyer neither am I telling as thou sayest of Satans binding without me for this is not mine interest but the inward binding and yet when I see Satan bound in any measure without me that I can look upon with joy too well knowing that there is joy in heaven at the conversion of one sinner but I must not cast pearl before Swine lest thou turn again and rent me for the angry brood love not the Pearle Answ Further Satans binding is in the life onely learned not in the imagination Repl. And yet it may be too but in the imagination though it seemingly appear in the life as we see in a Nun Monk Hermit Pharisee and the like here 's a seeming binding of Satan in the life and yet but an imagination therefore take heed God looks most upon the heart yet upon the tongue too and when Satans binding is better manifested in thy carriage tongue then I may have better hope to say thou believest with the heart Answ Further John saw Satan bound a thousand years since which thou art still querying about Repl. John I know had a Vision of Satans binding in himself and a Vision of all the binding and loosing that was to be in ages to come and therefore the Revelation of Jesus in him was to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to passe now I know about this binding and loosing of Satan and the living and reigning with Christ a thousand years called the first resurrection there is a great variety of opinions and judgements amongst the Saints and in the world and all the opinions almost look unto things without unto some intable observation to the outward eye abroad making this and that the beginning of the thousand years and the first resurrection so making the spiritual Kingdom to spring up with some great outward glory and to begin with some observation visible to the outward man all which methinks suits not with the nature of a spirituall King and Kingdom and so seeing men feel after that without which was to be fulfilled within and hearing of the great talk of the Quakers knowledge therefore I sent to thee to know and see thine experience of this resurrection and of this binding Satan and reigning with Christ and behold I see nothing in all thine answers but vanity pride and deep darknesse so much to that answer to which I 'le adde Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection that hath Christ to be his resurrection and life by whom he 's fetched out of the grave and passed from death into life by a strong hand this man as he has bowed and given himself to Christ so Christ is come down as it were to him to set him upon the Throne of his glory and here he sees judgement executed upon the beast and Dragon and Satan bound in him all the dayes of his life and Christ living and reigning in him for evermore this is the first resurrection over which the second death hath no power and this is that I commend to all as the better part which the Saints in their measure all injoy and without which the last resurrection will be but a sad hour of sorrow and woe unto the world and so though the last resurrection I own and the day of judgement yet the first resurrection of Christ raising us up from the death of sin and darknesse to live with him to God in newnesse of life is that which every man and woman ought to look earnestly after in this world And now some may imagine that this spiritual resurrection is not the thing meant in this 20 Chap. of the Revelations because 't is said to be a thousand years and then to be finished and Satan to be loosed out of his prison again to whom I answer that the thousand years has respect to the reign of Christ in the Saints in all ages during the time of every dispensation of God towards his people in the world and so the first resurrection has still been passed through and is to be passed through by all the people of God here and finished at their departure hence in the Lord and as this resurrection was more glorious in John's time and the first ages of the Church after Christ than before under the Law so it shall be more glorious yet than ever before called therefore the new Jerusalem wherein God shall come down and dwell with men to wit more in the fulnesse and glory of his spirit than in all the dispensations that have gone before and the more glorious the resurrection is the more the evil shall be bound and the appearing of this in all ages has been the binding of Satan and is that which limits and puts a stop to this Kingdom and so a torment to him before his time and the more this grows the more he shall bound so the great binding of Satan shall be not by a personal reign of Christ in a body but by the personal or more eminent reign of Christ yet in the fulnesse of the spirit this is that which every Saint is to look at in himself and not to put off the resurrection from himself to some other men or some other time but to look at his own resurrection and the binding of Satan in his own soul as well as without in others that he may reign with Christ here and hereafter in the 12. of the Rev. 8. 9. we read of a war in Heaven and of a great fight between the Dragon and Michael but the Dragon and his Angels prevail'd not but are cast out and their place is found no more in Heaven this is that we are to look at in our selves for the Church of God is the Kingdom of God on earth and where this Kingdom is set up there Satans Kingdom is pulled down and his time finished I say where Christ is set up in power 't is so not where he 's onely set up in shew for where things are but in shew there the unclean spirit is said to go out not to be driven away by the sun of God but to feign a going away and so to return again and bring 7 other spirits that is more power along with him and finding the house swept and garnished to enter in again and dwell there and so to make the last state worse than the first but when he 's castout by the finger of God then we have the true Champion on our side and now the evil one must leave the house for ever and further though the Scriptures speak of a finishing the thousand years yet that is meant in reference unto every dispensation of God to his people here and their abode
with Christ during this spirituall reign with them in this body when Christ reigns with us here this is the first resurrection and when Christ takes us unto himself out of the body then this is finished and this is said to be a thousand years in reference to the Saints in all generations But where 's Satan when he 's cast out of the Saints or out of a particular soul what is he idle or lies still no he goes down to the earth and therefore woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the Sea for the Devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he has but a short time Rev. 12. 12. when Satan is cast out of one he reigns in another and the more he 's imprisoned in the Church and kept from hurting and tempting them by the strong power of God the more he 's tormented and the more he rages in the world and the more subtile and cunning and powerfull he is in the vessels of wrath and so shall gather them together with more subtilty and violence against the holy beloved City because of the great glory that shall be poured out on her that so he and all his followers may reap their deserved ruine and woe at the coming of Christ at the great day of wrath And so to summe up this as the reign of Christ draws nigh finishing so the reign of Satan and as the reign of Christ towards the finishing shall be most glorious so Satan most furious and crafty in the world working more in a mystery transforming himself into an Angel of light by his goodly outward shews and observations getting into the hearts of men saying he 's God and he 's Christ and by this means he shall be more fitted to deceive and prevail with Gog and Magog to gather them together against the Saints and people of God every where being given up as a just punishment from God for following their own vain imaginations I say the Nations shall be deceived as a just judgement of God upon them and vvorship the Dragon and the beast and the false Prophet and in their pride shall think to swallow up all and then receive their final overthrow ruine and woe when a fire shall be kindled in the whole frame of nature to dissolve the world and the works therein and all the wicked of the earth high and low shall say hide us from the face of him who sits upon the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. Quest 20. What is the last resurrection and the day of judgement which the Scripture speaks of Ans Thou who art ignorant of the first resurrection art inquiring in thy busie minde after the last resurrection which none can know where death reigns though the Scriptures declare of it and so such as you live in your lusts and scoffe at the Doctrine of Christ who is the resurrection and the life the first and last Joh 11. 25. Rev. 1. 17. yet know this that to judgement thou shalt come for the Lord has appointed a day to judge the world by the man Jesus Christ who is the first and the last Repl. Here thou shewest thy self and in thine heart givest no testimony to the last resurrection and day of judgement making as if all were spiritual and onely in this life and so thou errest as they of old who said there was no resurrection nor Angel nor spirit not believing the Scriptures in this nor the power of God to which I adde as the execution of the first so the execution of the last is by one Jesus Christ onely the first resurrection is of the just onely the last of the just and unjust the first of the Saints of God this general of all men and as my faith in the first so of the last is grounded upon Scripture Joh. 5. 24. to 30. verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now it is when they that are in the grave shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live here 's the spiritual resurrection but it follows Marvail not at this for the hour is coming wherein all that are in their graves shall hear the voice of Christ and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of examination here 's the last resurrection wherein all shall arise either to salvation or damnation what more plain see Acts 24. 15. there shall be a resurrection sayes Paul both of the just and unjust this was Pauls faith and hope and such as deny this Paul disputes against at large 1 Cor. 13. and tells us if the Saints should deny it they are of all men most miserable 2 Tim. 2. 17 18. there Hymenius and Phyletus who said that the resurrection was passed already are compared to a Canker and said to subvert the faith of some hence Christ speaks of a last day and a resurrection at the last day so Math. 25. 31. to the end he describes the manner of it so Rev. 6. 11 12. and 20. at the latter end if these and the like Scriptures will not perswade men to believe a truth from God neither will they be perswaded though one should be raised from the dead Quest 21. What is the new Jerusalem which comes down from God out of Heaven which is as a Bride adorned for her husband Answ The new Jerusalem is the Citie of God the Church of God which Babylon and Egypt would devour now when it appears upon the earth so all that have Ships and Treasure in the Sea are gathered against her who is a Lambe among the beasts of the field under the defence of the shepheard who rejoyces over her as the Bridegroom over the Bride and the day of marriage is coming and come and the Bride is adorned and adorning for her husband who must commit no adultery with Babylons Merchants nor lye down to the great men of the earth therefore their rage is come up and Gog and Mdgog is gathered yet the spirit of the Lord our husband lifts up a standard against them and out of this Citie are all Harlots shut all covetous persons all that conform to the world all that in its customes and abominations live all that wastfully devour the Creatures on their backs and bellies all oppressors all that live by dishonest gain all that make a mock at the Doctrine of Christ c. read where thou art these are Harlots not Citizens Repl. This new Jerusalem comes down from heaven is not in the earth or man before the Lord pitch up his Tabernacle in man 't is not merited or gained by mans light or power 't is wholly out of grace and by Revelation as we see in the case of Paul 't is grace and pur● love makes man the Citie of the great King not any thing in the first birth Ioh. 3. 3 5. There must be a second birth
and is at a losse in himself then Christ begins to be seen and then Christ is sweet and then he 's the onely Tree out of which life grows and so the Souls feed upon him who is that meat which perisheth not sealed by the father Further thou sayest the Tree of life comes down from heaven which is the hidden Manna and is the new name which none can know but he that hath it Repl. The Tree of life thou sayest comes down from heaven then he is not surely in the natural ma●●s thou sometimes dreamest if thou have this Tree in thee this livi●g Tree in thee why doest thou not declare him and tell us how h●● the Manna and what the eating is Thou must answer nothing new no reason of thy faith hope but if these things were written in ●●y spirit in deed and truth thou wouldest surely know that one ma●● end why they are given is that we might declare them Furth●● thou sayest the hidden Manna the white stone the new name onely such as overcome have fed on read and know Rev. 2. 17. And yet thou in thy busie minde must needs be enquiring about it thou who art in the bondage of corruption scraping up Scriptures for sin darknesse to remain in man whil'st he is upon the earth that art an enemy to Christ the Tree of life who scoffes at yea and nay his doctrine c. Repl. All this surely do's not declare what Eden is or Paradise is or the Tree of life or the hidden Manna or the white stone or the new name unto all which thou wouldest fain pretend a peculiar interest by thine own overcoming yet canst not declare thy self surely friend if thou sawest the Lord and didst indeed abide in his presence thy foolish nature would not thus appear still in power wert thou in the light and joy of Paradise feeding upon God in thy self and upon God in every thing that is made surely thou couldest not scoffe at any truth of God and call it a scraping up of Scriptures because the Scriptures shew man his manifold errours and infirmities and so thou couldest not deny plain light written in Scripture and every mans experience that knows himself Didst thou know the Tree that the overcomer eats of surely thou wouldst not thus lye down to the Serpents power didst thou live in the Lord and feed upon the Lord who is the Paradise and Tree of life both surely thou wouldest see God in thy fellow-servant and not smite him or murmur because the Lord bears another company besides thy self for surely there 's enough in God for us all And did'st thou know the hidden Manna eat of it this would surely sweeten thine heart make thee forget the bitterness that comes through thy lips didst thou know the pure image the divine nature didst thou see this springing up in thee as a seal of life to thee surely thine heart would not thus retain the old hardnesse the old language having nothing written upon it but the name of the old man though the poor old man know it not or will not see it and so to summe up this and to leave a word or two with thee The Garden of Eden is every where where the Lord is manifested Paradise is the fulnesse and joy that grows up out of this manifestation the Tree of life is God in Christ manifested seen and know the eating is the feeding and living in our spirits upon the ver●●●● and excellencies as of God who bids all his friends eat and drink abundan●●● and the hidden Manna is the sweetnesse and inward nourishment the sou●●inds in God and the white stone is the purity and reality of the divine natur● in us and the new name written upon the stone is the Name of God the natu●● minde will judgment of God the fullnesse of God let out according to o●● measure into our hearts which shews to us the things that are freely given to ●s of God declares us in our experiences to be his Sons Daughters all these things are one in substance in the root being but the new man sprung up in us to bring us into Paradise and joy onely unto us thereis a variety of operations and administrations all which as we overcome so we are acquainted with Quest 25. What is the bottomlesse pit and the smoake that arises from thence and the darkning of the Sun and aire by the smoake and the locusts which came out of the smoake which John saw Answ When thou art come to the sound of the 5. Angels then thou wilt know see the bottomlesse pit out of which comes all the Sorceries Witchcrafts and Enchantments which deceive the Nations Repl. It seems thou hast heard the sound of the 5. Angels and yet hast not seen the Star fallen from Heaven unto the earth and so hast not heard the right sound if thou hast declare it neither hast thou seen the bottomlesse pit and so beholdest not the Sorceries Witch-crafts and Enchantments which come from thence neither the infatuations and strong delusions which God in wrath has given yee up unto and all your brethren in all other dark forms and superstitious vanities those delusions errours idols sins wickednesses abominations which spring up in such a variety abroad in the Nations hast thou not seen neither how all these grow up out of one original the bottomlesse pit of the angry wrathfull Kingdom of Lucifer thy father who has still been soaring up to Heaven but is still cast down unto the earth and the elect seed he cannot he must not deceive totally and finally and yet ought they alwayes to be upon their watch waiting upon their Bridegrom as knowing their own pronenesse unto evil but all yee who are secure and lofty perfect in your observations and imaginations that yee have never so much as a wandring thought prevailing much lesse sin appearing either in your lives or tongues even like your forefathers the Ranters whom yee own not in words but yet in spirit as they are pure holy undefiled in all things so are yee as they are reconciled to all things so are yee and as all that they speak is righteous altogether so all that comes from your idle lips and so yee as they are totally free from all remnants of the old Adam even ye poor wretches are thrown down into all the saddest and strongest ●●●usions of the evil one being down as it were at the bottom of the bot●●●lesse pit perverting betraying and deceiving your selves and others with the dream of your high knowledge wisdom righteousnesse 〈◊〉 gifts high lights perfect attainments being found in all the steps 〈◊〉 the Pharisees Jews Priests Elders and Rulers of old who denied and crucified the Lord of glory And when yee pretend most love to Christ within and his light within even then ye most deny and grieve him trampling under your feet the Lord that bought yee making but a