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A30022 A brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism setting forth that the principles and practices of the Quakers are antichristian, antiscriptural, antimagistratical, blasphemous, and idolatrous from plain matter of fact, out of their most approved authors, &c. ... / by Francis Bugg, Senior. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1697 (1697) Wing B5367; ESTC R23818 99,372 212

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I deny and this Light to whom they say all Judgment is committed and which they have in them must be Judge of all controversies and consequently their President which deserves the casting Voice No marvel then that the Quakers are not concern'd to vindicate our Bible against the contempt cast upon it by the Papists as saith the same Josiah Coal ibid. p. 104. I find the rest of his Book i. e. A. S. the Roman Catholick consists of divers Arguments in which he controverts with Sectaries and their Bibles and Ministers whose cause I am not engag'd in therefore it doth not concern me to Answer his Charges against them c. No what neither Sectaries their Bibles nor Ministers Surely tho' he thought himself not engag'd to vindicate the Sectaries nor their Ministers yet if as they pretend to the Parliament they do believe the Scriptures to be Divine and left us by Men Divinely Inspired and that they are a rule of Faith and Behaviour they ought to have vindicated the Bible at least Well but some may say what did this A. S. the Papists call the Bible that they the Quakers think themselves thus unconcern'd to vindicate I Answer 't is his 14th Chapter and which the same Josiah Coal hath printed as an Abettor and Co-workers with him in p. 113. to 116 of his Works The contempt the Papists cast on the Bible and which the Quakers are not at all concern'd to vindicate is viz. Protestant Sectarian Ministers and Preachers who stand in a Pulpit or Tub with such a brazen Fac'd Book as is their unjust corrupt and perverse Bible in their hand c. Oh the deceit of this People What do they pretend to own the Bible only for their own ends to obtain their Liberty and when the Papists vilifie and contemn it and call it a brazen Fac'd Book a corrupt and perverse Book and they not concern'd hereat Well I do still hope that some will be concern'd to vindicate the Holy Bible from the contempt of the Papists calling it a brazen Fac'd Book perverse Book and from the contempt of the Quakers who call it Death Dust Beastly ware Carnal Serpents-meat c. 2. That the Quakers at their Synods make Catalogues of Sufferers for their Religion and what they Suffer and by whom c. I have spoken to this Head largely in the 4th Chapter of the first Part and therein shewed how they boast of their Sufferings how they Augment and make them more than they are yea put them in their Monuments Sufferers 20 l. when they are so far from that that they have gotten 10 l. clear into pocket as in the case of Samuel Cater I have made it appear likewise as my Author says Gen. Hist p. 137. that they amplify their Sufferings viz. A scratch a pinch or a blue spot for a grievous Torment and bloody Wound which may be well observed in most of the Monuments which these Men have left of their Sufferings c. 3. That the Quakers inspect their Books to be printed after approved by their Censors c. From whence let it be noted that if their Books be thus inspected and approved by their approved Censors then are the whole answerable for the Errors contained in those Books and for all the horrible Blasphemies in them But their case is still worse for suppose any one or more of them be moved as he pretends to write a Message Warning or Exhortation to a Nation People or Society as the Word of the Lord God their frequent pretence This Book is first sent up to London for inspection and approbation to one of these Meetings or Synods where their Light is President and made infallible Judge having all Judgment committed to it in Heaven and in Earth this Synod thus Assembled shall afterwards vary the Title and change the Matter to make it harmonize with their design and when this Writer Dyes and leaves 20 or 30 Books thus approved and thus sent abroad the surviving Synod shall take these Books and again alter them put in and take out a second time what they please then re-print them again And what is become of their Infallibility now They had their President at their first inspection what could he not then see and discern clearly but that here must be a new inspection was not their President their Light the same For either the Quakers write as they are moved by the Eternal Spirit of God or they do not if they do then they are equal with the Apostles Writings and then the Judgment denounced Rev. 22. 18 19. If any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto them the plagues that are written in this Book And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophesy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book c. This reward they must expect Again if they do not then are they most horrible Deluders and great Deceivers when they write thus this is the word of the Lord God to you the Inhabitants of Bristol or the like and they believe it not they do not believe the Author to be so moved and commissioned and forasmuch as they served the Works of Edward Burrow W. Smith George Fox Is Pennington so viz. altered added and diminished to my certain knowledge I do thereupon affirm that they are not the Works of Fox Burrow Pennington and Smith but the Quakers in general and they are answerable for their Errors notwithstanding each title assert the same Thus hath Quakerism been carried on thus hath it grown and taken its progress by Cheats Frauds and Hypocrisies 4. About their Womens Meetings and their manner and way of their Female Government Having by my Book de Christiana Libertate c. not only treated at large on this head but also been instrumental thereby in giving that Image a deadly blow insomuch as that in some part of the County of Suffolk as well as in divers other Counties in England there is not a distinct Womans Meeting to be seen nor heard of But yet since 't is mentioned in the Gen. Hist p. 50. They have likewise Meetings like those we call Classes and Provincial and National Synods or Councils These Conventions are celebrated oftner or seldomer as the number of their Churches is but so as to allot each Sex Men and Women their distinct and particular Meetings c. I say since the Relation of their Womens Meetings are here brought to light which many think are so dead and dying as that it 's hard to find one in many places and that by way of commendation as I take it I shall therefore briefly touch upon the principal Heads and Orders both of its novel rise and arbitrary Government and chiefly for this reason because in all the Orders there is not so much as one Scripture proof mentioned to confirm and to
cryed out and mourned under it and because of this is the Lord God of Heaven and Earth now Risen to overturn overturn Kings and Princes Governments and Laws and he will confound and break down all Tyranny and Oppression under which the poor have groaned and he will change Times and Laws and Government There shall be no King Ruling but Jesus nor no Government of force but the Government of the Lamb nor no Law of Effect but the Law of God all that which is otherwise shall be ground to powder The Kingdom of the most High shall Rule amongst Men and the Kingdoms of this World shall be changed c. Sam. Fisher's Works p. 99. I will hold my peace no longer saith the Lord as concerning this Evil which they so prophanely commit and do daily against my Chosen but will utterly subvert and overturn them and bring the Kingdoms and Dominions and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven into the Hands of the Holy Ones of the most High and give unto my Son and his Saints to Raign over all the Earth and take all the Rule and Authority that shall stand up against my Son in his Saints and put it down among all the rest as one of his greatest Enemies under his Feet saith the Lord p. 102. And so saith Fisher the Quakers are the truest Catholick Church in the World Reader compare these two last Citations with G. Fox's Quotation in this 4th Section and you may perceive what principles they were off about 1655. c. SECTION V. The World's wonder and the Historian's mistake in W. Penn who Wrote first in favour of the Protestants made and framed Tests against the Papists call'd to the Parliament for penalties of the violators thereof But when the late K. J. II. came to the Crown a fierce despiser of the Protestants and an Abbetter of the Papist a great stickler for the abolishing and taking away of Tests and Penal Laws c. GEN. Hist p. 43. Now as to what was the Wit and Spirit of W. Penn from his Youth what promptness and dexterity in discoursing attended the acuteness of his Wit what knowledge of Tongues and of things what temper and conversation of Life he was I had rather the Quakers should give you an account than I for I know well how difficult and troublesome it is to interpose his Judgment of a matter in which the Judgment of other Men is so various But certainly tho' my Pen were silent of him his own Writings will speak him forth to be the most eminent Member among all that Society c. I will and must acknowledge great part of this discourse of W. Penn's Wit promptness of Speeeh and readiness c. yet since Mr. Croese has appealed to his Writings to his Writings let him go and then let the World see how steady he has been even like the Weather-cock fast and loose at every turn and changing as the Moon vigorous for the Protestant Interest at least seemingly yea in K. C. II. time so hot for Protestants that he had the applause of many but in the late K. J. II. time he shewed the World what he was and what many thought him to be all along even a bitter Enemy to the Church of England and consequently to Protestantism But since an appeal is made to his Writings I shall cite an abstract of three which he wrot in K. C. II. time vigorous for the Protestant Interest He gave direction for the choice of Members principled against Popery cautioned all against Popery wrot a Test against Popery and what not but when K. J. came on he soon tack'd about as by others of his Books wrot in favour of the late K. J. I shall make it appear so that all that would know W. Penn rightly must go to his Writings of which I have 3 times 3 of each sort by me but these may suffice to shew how he looked one way and rowed another A seasonable Caveat against Popery c. by W. Penn p. 3. We hope it may not be too late to militate for Truth against the dark Suggestions of Papal Superstition to vindicate that of Reformation from the quaintest Stratagems and most unwearied endeavors of Romish Emissaries to put both it and us into their Inquisition We know they have so far mastered their Ancient fierceness and masked their Sanguine Looks with those more modest and familiar that though we need not more Reason than before yet we need more Skill and Caution or else we may too fatally experience the force of that vulgar Proverb Laugh in thy Face and cut thy Throat They are grown so complaisant that none seem more exasperated at Persecution than themselves whil'st the very Fathers of it decrying the fierceness of it in some Countries whose Incendiaries they were and still are and imputing all the Blood of poor Protestants to some unwarrantable civil Score Thereby abusing the Magistrates with their own Conspiracies nay for all their venerable Esteem for the Popes Infallibility they have not stuck to censure his roaring Bulls tho' procured by their own means And all that might express their new tenderness that many unacquainted with their practices are ready to believe them what they say themselves to be whose moral is to have two strings to their Bow to be ambo dexters and furnish'd with meanings to sute the compass of all occasions p. 14. I stand amazed how any Man of Sense can be a Papist when the only demonstration of his Religion must be his not understanding it p. 30. 31. In those frequent Bulls for Massacres which can no more be denyed than light at Noon day by which People have been stirred up upon the promise of forgivness of Sins redemption from Purgatory and Eternal Salvation or Dreadful Denunciation of Eternal Damnation to enterprise that Work of Murthering so many Hundred Thousands of Men Women and Children without any Legal Presentment Tryal or Conviction But the consideration of these things are out of fashion in England that many embrace them upon their present disguises and not in their true sanguinary Appearances p. 35. To conclude If we would not receive a Thief until he has Repented let the Papist first recant his voluminous Errors but above all let us have good Testimony of his hearty Sorrow for that Sea of Blood shed in England France Holland Ireland Spain Italy Savoy Switzerland and Germany of many Hundred Thousands of poor Protestants that for pure Conscience could not conform to their most exorbitant Practices as well as new Doctrine imposed upon them such inhumane and Barbarous Inventions and Cruelties as no Age could ever parallel and are the only demonstrations of their wicked Wit that lived in that Age and that not only upon the Parties themselves but their poor innocent Babes For that English Protestants should so far neglect these weighty considerations as to be gull'd and cheated out of their Religion purchas'd them by their Martyrs Ancestors
every word in particular for you have Tongue enough sometimes let us see now if it can wag c. Now Reader this is one way by which they deceived the simple and thereby Quakerism had its progress Gen. Hist 112. The Form of the Quakers Confession before the House of Commons was I believe with my Heart and confess with my Mouth the Sacred Scriptures to be Divine left us by Men Inspired by God as an exact rule of our Faith and Behaviour and I profess to believe in one only God who is the Father and in Jesus Christ his Eternal Son very God and very Man and in the Holy Spirit one and the same God with the Father and Son blessed for evermore c. I must confess this Confession if sincere is somewhat to the purpose but if sincere then there is a vast Change in their Minds both from their frequent disputations as well as their printed Books and because we cannot well try them by the first therefore we will examine their Sincerity by the latter and if their Books teach the contrary then until they first condemn those Books we have no ground to believe them sincere in what they say to serve a turn I will at this time quote only two of them viz. The Sword of the Lord drawn c. p. 5. Your imagined God beyond the Stars and your carnal Christ is utterly denyed and testifyed against by the Light and whereas you the Priest say that Christ is God and Man in one Person it is a lye c. Now if they believe as they write how can they be sincere in what they say as above for contraries cannot be the same white is not black neither is black white Men never gathered Grapes of Thorns nor Figs of Thistles ye shall know them i. e. Deceivers said Christ by their Fruit this is an infallible rule Again News coming up out of the North c. p. 14. Your original is carnal Hebrew Greek and Latin and your Word is carnal the Letter and the Light is carnal the Letter their original is but Dust which is but the Letter which is Death and their Gospel is Dust Matthew Mark Luke and John which is but the Letter c. So then if the Scriptures be Dust Carnal and Serpents-Meat how are they Divine nay how were they given forth by Divine Inspiration What did George Fox mean Divine Dust Divine Food for Serpents a Divine Carnal Letter No sure Then doubtless these expressions were cast upon the Scriptures by way of contempt against such as professed them to be given by Divine Inspiration and that they were in earnest the rule of our Faith and Behaviour against which the Quakers have both Preached and Disputed this 40 years as I can make appear by 40 of their Books now by me One more I shall quote to strengthen what I say Howthen can they be sincere in this their Confession How can they at one and the same time believe the Scriptures are Death Dust Beastly Ware Serpents Food and also that they are Divine and left us by Men Inspired of God for the rule of our Faith and Practice I say how can these contraries be reconciled nay it 's impossible If they shall say in answer to what I now affirm that their Minds are really changed and better informed I could be heartily glad of it but then let us have a sign of it and some ground to believe them viz. Let them condemn these Books that Teach contrary to their Confession for whil'st then I boldly aver to those who know them and their Doctrine and their Books which they prefer above the Scriptures they cannot they are not to be believ'd The Book I mention to cite is this A brief discovery of a three fold Estate of Antichrist c. p. 7. 8 9. The Priests of the World are 1st Conjurers raising dead Doctrines dead Reasons dead Uses dead Motives dead Tryals out of the Letter which is death raising Death out of Death notable Conjurers 2. Thieves and Robbers 3. Antichrists the Priests of Baal cannot shew any Scripture example for their Heathenish ways and Beastial Worships 4. Witches 5. Devils the Serpent is Head in them 6. Lyers the Commission and call of Baal Priests come from Oxford and Cambridge even the Sir Simons of our days run to Oxford and Cambridge 7. A viperous and serpentive Generation 8. Blasphemers living in the Kingdom and Government of the Prince of the Air yea of the Devils fearful Blasphemers 9. Scarlet colour'd Beasts a well favour'd Harlot having a golden Cup in her Hand full of abomination and filthiness of her Fornication 10. Babylons Merchants selling Beastly ware for a large price the Letter which is Dust and Death for filthy lucre sake 11. Whited Walls painted Sepulchers professing something possessing nothing but poysoned stuff 12. Ravening Wolves 13. Greedy Dogs really they are Blood-hounds 14. Eminent and Ambitious Pharisees living in the same Antichristian steps that the Pharisees did that Christ cryed out against Wo wo wo was their portion then and wo wo wo is their portion now and wo and misery is the portion of the upholders whether King or Parliament of that Treacherous Crew and Deceitful Generation wherefore come from among the Babylonish Merchants c. Oh horrible and unheard of and in this Book there are the Names of George Fox Thomas Lawson Thomas Aldham Benjamen Nicolson John Harrwood five of their primitive Teachers and notable Doctors Behold the way manner and method of the growth and progress of Quakerism what shall this be encourag'd shall this be establish'd in a Christian Nation God forbid Here is contempt cast upon the Scripture upon the Ministry upon the Magistracy and People no matter for their confession whil'st these Books stand uncondemned they keep these Books in their Families read them and recommend them as elsewhere I have observed Even as Arias kept his opinion to himself and yet deceitfully signed as fair a confession to please the Emperor Constantine which is as followeth See Hist Socrates cap. 38. Viz. I believe in one God the Father Almighty and in Jesus Christ his Son who was made by him before all Ages God the Word by whom all things in Heaven and Earth were made who came down and was incarnate who suffered and rose again and ascended and shall come to judge the quick and the dead and in the Holy Ghost the Resurrection of the Flesh and the Life to come in one Catholick Church of God from one end of the World to another this we believe as God shall judge us now and in the World to come Constantine the Emperor was a good Man and thought him sincere and accepted of it but the cheat lay here which afterwards was found out he wrote a Paper of what he really believed and said he believed as he had written and the Quakers have wrot Books that for any to say that Christ is God and Man in one Person is
born of the Flesh is Flesh and that is against the Spirit and can neither edifie nor comfort though good Words and Scripture sentences may be spoken for it is not speaking the Words of others that doth make a true Prayer but in receiving a measure of the same Spirit of Prayer which is not in thy Common Prayer Book to be found therefore it is made of none effect because thy bowels bring it forth and the Pope gives Life and Breath unto it and from his Loyns it draws its Strength and not from the power of God Tradition what can I say to be received for truth my Ceremonies c. are denyed but there can be nothing said against my Bishops and Ministers the Scriptures speak so plainly of them c. Truth now Tradition harken what Truth saith and give thine Answer to what is demanded of thee Who made thy Archbishops and Lord Bishops and who gave them these Names And who first divided unto them their several Diocesses and appointed them to Rule within their own Diocess And who first made Deans and Prebends Doctors Vicars and Curates and who gave them their Names And who first set up certain Places for Schools And who gave them the Names of Universities And how came they to be call'd Christ's Colledge and Emanuel's Colledge John's Colledge and Jesus's Colledge And who set up Commencements and Degrees that a Man must be made Batchelor of Art and Master of Art before he can be approv'd to be made a Minister in thy Order And who first made that Law which forces and compels the payment of the Tenth part of things encreased to such a Ministry and whether are such the Ministers of Christ who make use of that Law to force their maintenance Are these thy Bishops and Ministers which thou say'st there can be nothing said against them Open thine Eye and behold them for they are Monsters which from thy adulterous Conception are brought forth and they are stamped with thy Image and all thy abominations are denyed and testified against this is a Charge against thee Tradition this thing which make such discoveries of my Practices and with such boldness reproves me for them it is of God for it is not in fear of me nor my power which now is Strong and of great Authority Truth that which doth discover thee and thy deceitful Practices is the Truth i. e. Quakers of God which was before thou had'st a Name and will be when thy Name is lost and it doth boldly reprove thee and is without any fear of thee or thy power and hath opened thee and ript up thy Bowels and discovered thy adulterous Womb and all the false Conceptions that hath been conceived their and now behold ye Archbishops Lord Bishops Deans Prebends Doctors Vicars and Curates and all Prelaticals here is the Womb of your Conception opened and that made manifest from which you draw your breath and prolong the length of your days with all your Service and Worship which you so much esteem and promote Therefore hear and consider ye Bishops Deans Prebends Doctors Vicars and Curates with all Prelaticals you must come to the Bar and if you will but soberly peruse this Catechism or Dialogue you may know and learn that which all your Universities could never give you the knowledge off nor all your Learning and Wisdom could never teach you so escape for your Lives that the stroak may not fall upon you Truth Reader marvel not too much at the Impudence of this Man for it is the Heart of Quakerism He was a right Quaker and no Mungril and Eminent Teacher and a ready Sail. You see he feared not the Bishops nor their Power he had no respect to the Law which Establish'd the Book of Common Prayer nay should the Question be put to Geo. Whitehead whether he would under his Hand condemn this Antichristian piece to be burnt on Tower-hill he would say no not for a World it is the Marrow of his Religion I could give Instances of the like nature out of 100 of their Books but for brevities sake and that I may not stay my Reader too long from something new I shall only recite 2 or 3 Books more that so the Author of the Gen. History may hear his Text fully proved viz. that the Quakers enveigh against the Liturgy and that bitterly too together with the Ministry of the Church of England A Touchstone or perfect Tryal of all Priests Bishops and Ministers This Book contains more than 100 Pages in Quarto printed 1667. by Margaret Fell whom George Fox afterwards Married the purport of which is to shew them all the Clergy are false Prophets Deceivers c. which being but a Woman tho' a very proud imperious Dame I pass her by The Innocency and Consciousness of the Quakers c. p. 7. As for the purity of the Church of England it 's out of our sight we can see a great deal of impurity in it and as much the Members of it confess themselves indeed they confess enough of themselves to cause all wholsome sound understanding People to shun them and their Church and Worship as Men shun a contagious Disease or Infection I think this is so bold as well as base that it need no comment But if they look into the Cage I presume they 'll find little cause to boast especially if I give them the right Key to open it and that amongst their Teachers and Writers but if I should make a Cage for their Hearers ir would be much enlarged every way Truth exalted in a Short but sure Testimony c. by W. Penn p. 9. Come Church of England whence came your Forms of Prayer and Church Government from the Scriptures or the Mass-Book and Popish Canons and what President do you find for Litanies Responces Singing Organs Altars Bowings c. with much more such like dirty Trash and soul Superstition Stand up and answer me you Members of the Church of England But are they not the Off-spring of the Popish Generation God is now breathing forth in Vengeance to Thunder down and Consume all your fair Buildings and pleasant Pictures of Babilonish Inventions But alas poor Souls are you not at have mercy upon us miserable sinners there is no health in us from seven to seventy c. The Guide mistaken by W. Penn p. 18. And whil'st the idle gormondizing Priests of England run away with above 1500000 l. a Year under pretence of being God's Ministers and that no sort of People have been so universally thorow Ages the very bane of Soul and Body to the universe as that abominable Tribe for whom the Theatre of God's most Dreadful Vengeance wait to act their Eternal Tragedy upon Burrow's Works p. 244. Oh what cruel Injustice and Tyranny in Civil Government Oh what abominable Superstition and Idolatries have been in Church Government It is a vexation to the Spirit of the Lord to consider it and the righteous Soul hath long