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A29396 The school of the Eucharist established upon the miraculous respects and acknowledgments, which beasts, birds, and insects, upon several occasions, have rendred to the Holy Sacrament of the altar : whence Catholicks may increase in devotion towards this divine mystery, and hereticks find there their confusion / by F. Toussain Bridoul ... ; printed in French at Lille, 1672, and now made English, and published ; with a preface concerning the testimony of miracles.; Escole de l'Eucharistie. English Bridoul, Toussaint, 1595-1672.; Clagett, William, 1646-1688. 1687 (1687) Wing B4495; ESTC R9439 58,294 76

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any deadly thing it shall not hurt them banishing all fear and overcoming all horror he courageously swallowed the consecrated Wine with this little Animal in it When he was gone back from the Altar and had offered his thanksgivings he made them call a Chirurgeon When he came into the Convent Bl. Francis was praying in that Church and repeating these words My help is of the Lord who made Heaven and Earth When notice was given him that the Surgeon was come he went into his Cell and there presented to him his right Arm to let him Blood and out of it by a strange wonder the Scorpion came out alive with the Blood without doing the H. man any harm or putting him to peine Waddingus tom 3. ad ann 1312. n. 7. Nic. de Lag tr 6. c. 13. Sanglier A wild Boar. A Wild Boar shows what respect is due to Altars the Sacred Mansions of the H. Sacrament IN the year 1032. Sanchy the Aged King of Navarr and Castille going a hunting at the place where sometime stood the Town of Palence he there pursued a wild Boar which tiring after a long chase cast it self into Sanctuary among the Ruines of the Church of S. Antony the Martyr and there stood unmoved against the Altar as in a place of safety and having ordinarily the guard of Angels the King entring on a sudden lifted up his Sword to wound it but when he thought to discharge his blow at it his Arm became stiff so that he could not use it Whereupon he acknowledged his fault since Churches where God uses to dwell in the H. Eucharist ought to serve for an Asylum and a refuge to Men and Beasts according to the Divine Oracle Psal 35. Thou Lord shalt save both men and beasts Immediately he asked Pardon of God and the H. Martyr and immediately by a Miracle he recovered the use of his Arm teaching all what respect is due to holy Places altho ruined since Beasts may there find their safety This Prodigy gave an occasion to King Sanchy not onely to repair the Church of S. Antonin but also to cause the Town of Palence to be rebuilded Roder. Tolet. l. 6. Regum Hispan c. 6. Rod. Sancius c. 25. Sauterelles Locusts or Grashoppers Locusts or Grashoppers acknowledge the vertue of the Eucharist and of the H. Sacrifice by their Death SVrius reports in the Life of S. Theodore 22d of April that the H. Abbot was pressed by the Inhabitants of Neran that he would help them against the Armies of Locusts that had invested like a thick mist all the Fields of that Territory and went on brouzing and consuming all the Herbs and Fruits of the ground The H. Abbot was perswaded by their instant intreaties and comming upon the place he said Masse The day following he sent again the People into the Fields commanding them to stop at a certain place for to implore the divine aid mean while he took up in his hands some of these Locusts and found them dead Hereupon he gave God thanks and said to the People My Children return to the Churches and you shall see the Miracles of the divine Goodness All the People being come thither S. Theodore celebrated the H. Sacrifice of the Masse and the day following they found in the Field an innumerable company of Locusts all lying dead which instead of depopulating the Fields served to manure and enrich them Souris A Mouse Mice by a certain cognisance yield respect to the H. Sacrament CEsarius tells us that the Sacrist of the Abbey of Eberbac having found certain Hosts marred and crack'd mixed among others he cast them under a Window neer to the Altar and some days after he observed that the Mice had nibled and eaten all that which was round the Host not what was Printed with Letters and it was held for a great Wonder that these little Animals so greedy of such stuff had spared them in testimony of certain respect and onely because they had been appointed for the use of the Sacrifice of the Masse Lib. 9. c. 11. about the year 1222. T. Taureau A Bull. A Bull acknowledges our Lord under the Species of the Sacrament deposing its fierceness to be present at the Masse IN the Town of Brosa in Spain may be seen an admirable Prodigy which has been seen many years ago and may still be seen every year on the Vespers and day of S. Mark the Evangelist In this place is a Fraternity under the Title of S. Mark to which Heaven has given this Priviledge following viz. That at the Feast of this H. Evangelist this Congregation makes choice of one of their Company whom they send into the Fields where he demands of the Neat-heard that looks to the Cattle which of his Bulls is the most fierce and furious When he has learnt this he commands this Bull in the name of S. Mark to follow him which like a tame Lamb follows him to the Village and is present at Vespers on the Eve of this Feast after which he returns to the Meadows and the next day he presents himself on the same manner at Masse where the true Lamb of God is sacrificed after this he marches in procession in the same Posture and suffers the Boys and Girles to touch him and put Wreaths of Flowers about his Neck This Feast and Ceremony being over he is sent back to the Herd and resumes immediately his wonted and natural fierceness and from that time People must have a care of him P. Bibero in append Solemnis sapientiae convivii U. Vache A Cow A Cow revenges an Injury done to the H. Sacrament IN the year 1650. in a Town of the Province of Austria called in Latin Vnguarinum on an Easter Eve when they were busy in a Procession according to the Custome of the Country carrying the H. Sacrament in great Pomp amidst Acclamations many Vollies of Guns shot off and the noyse of Kettle-drums Trumpets and Tabours an old Minister's Wife fell into a rage through despite to see the honour they gave to God in the H. Eucharist and cryed out furiously with full mouth Behold says she the Papists have again raised their Christ whom they put to death three days agoe This Blasphemy was immediately punish'd for a Cow that came no body knew from whence and followed this Fury on a suddain being as it were pricked forward by an extraordinary indignation ran furiously against this Heretick and having pushed and gored her back with her horns rush'd her down so wounded that she expired a few hours after to be presented before him whom she had blasphemed who is the Judge of Quick and Dead P. Nadasi in literis annuis ad an Cit. prov Austriae par 3. Vers. Wormes Wormes are found dead for having eaten up the Flowers designed for the honour of the H. Sacrament IN the Convent of S. Catherine in the Province of Valentia a Lay-Brother called Assensius one of great Faith
thou knowiste that I love the with all my hert and would faine resceive the with my mouthe and I durste and thirfor that I may notte I ley the on that place that is nexte to my herte and so I shew the all the love of my herte that I can and may wherefor y beseche the good Lord have mercy on me And even therwith in sighte of all the people that were aboute hym his syde openyd and the Oste wente therin to his syde and thanne his syde closed agin and so anon after he dyde We Rede that there was a Jewe that went with a Christen man a felowe of his into a Church of Christen people and herde Masse and after when Masse was don the Jewe seyde to the Christen man yf I hadde eton as moche as thou hast eton I shulde not be an hungred as I trow in many daies And thanne seyde Christen man Forsouthe quod he I ete no mete this dey Than seyde the Jew I saw the ete a Child the which the Preste helde up at the Auter Thanne come a fayre man that hadde many Children in his armys and he gave eche Cristen a Childe soch as the Preste ete In Devynchire besyde Exbridge was a Woman ley sycke and was nye dede and sente aftyr a hooly person abowte mydnyghte to have her rightes Than this man in all the haste that he myghte he arose and wente to Churche and toke Goddis body in a Box of Yvory and putte hit into his Bosome and wente forth toward this Woman And as he went thourgh a Foreste in a fayr mede that was his next wey it happid that his Box fill oute of his Bosome to the Grounde and he wente forthe and wosse hit not and come to this Woman and herde her Confession And than he asked her yf She wolde be Hosiled and She seyde ye sere than he putte his honde in his Bosome and sought the Box and when he founde hit noughte he was full sorry and sadde and seyde Dame I woll go aftyr Goddis body and come anone agene to yow and so went forthe sore weping for his simpleness and so as he come to a Welow Tree he made therof a Rodde and strypped hymselfe all nakyd and so bete hymselfe that the blode ranne downe by his syde and seyde thus to himself O thou simple man why haste thou loste thy Lord God thy Maker thy Former and thy Creatour And when he hadde thus bete hymself he dede on his clothis and wente forthe And thanne he was ware of Pilour of fyre that laste from Erthe to Heven and he was all astoyned therof yet he blessed and wente therto and there ley the Sacrament fallyn oute of the Boxe into the Grasse and the Pilour schon as bryghte as any Sonne and lastyd from Goddis Body to Hevyn and all the Bestys of the Foreste were come aboute Goddys Body and stode in compass round aboute hit and all knelid on foure knees save on blacke Horse that knelyd but on that on knee Thanne seyde he yf thow be any Beste that may speke I charge the in Goddis name here presente in forme brede tell me why thow kneliste but on thy on knee Thanne seyde he I am a fende of Hell and wolle not kneel and y mighte but y am made agense my will for hit is wreton that every knelying of Heven and of Erth shall be to the Lord God Why art thou like a Horse And he seyde to make the people to stele me and at soche a Town was one hanged for me and at soche a Town another Thanne seyde this hooly person Y commande the by Goddis Flesche and his Blode that thow goo into Wildernesse and be ther as thow shalte never discese Christen people more And anone he wente his wey he myghte no longer abyde And thanne this man wente forthe to this woman and dede her rightes by the whiche she was savid Which last Story is very much to the purpose of the following Collection and is singular in this that here the Devil is brought in adoring the Host against his will amongst the Beasts that did it without any will at all For the Translation of this Book I think the Gentlemen of the Roman Church have no reason to be offended with it unless it be for this that it is done a little out of season They would I believe have done it themselves in due time For tho Divine Miracles are usually the first means of Conviction yet the Church of Rome reserves them for the last and then tries to make the people believe her Miracles when they are made to believe every thing else beforehand But since Miracles are for a sign to them that believe not why should we not for once put them to the right use and try how these will work upon our honest Countrymen For which purpose they are to understand that these are not Old Wives Tales nor made however they may happen to be told in Chimny Corners The Story of the great Spider at St. Pauls is told by Bellarmine himself And so is that of St. Anthony of Padua's Mule De Sacr. Euch. lib. 3. c. 8. which after three days fasting left his Provender to worship the Host And all of 'em as the French License tells us are collected out of Catholick Authors And there is something the less reason to question the credibility of them because signs and wonders were to come one day as we observed before But we have now been long enough in the Porch The School is opened The Reverend Father invites all persons to enter into it both old and young and Catholicks as well as Hereticks I invite them too making no doubt of what the R. Father would fain hope that some will come out a little wiser than they went in THE PREFACE THE H. Sacrament of the Altar instituted in the Church for the nourishing inlightning fortifiing and comforting the Faithful is one of the most Sublime and Salutary Mysteries that is to be found in the Catholick Religion It stood in need also of a God for to institute it and to propose it to us as the strongest Argument of the Love that he bore towards mankind Which makes me astonish'd why the Hereticks should conspire with all their might for to extirpate it conducted no doubt by the Devil who pretend only to take away the belief and the use of it so to destroy Souls more easily who cannot subsist long in grace without the participation of this Divine and Celestial Food Wherefore without troubling my self to confute these hair-brain'd People who turn a deaf Ear to all that the Holy Fathers have said about it and have renounced their reason I resolved to send them to School to the Beasts who have showed a particular inclination not without a Superior conduct for the Worship and Defence of this Truth I have put my discourse into an Alphabetical order to the end that by this last remedy they
Fraternity of the H Sacrament erected at the Minerva in Rome Mirac 18. pag. 89. Another respect rendred by a Fish to the H. Host WHilst the Heresy of the Albigenses infected all the Province of Narbonna in France an Heretick perswaded a certain Fisherman that if he would thrive in his Calling he should go to the Communion and from thence bring away the Host and make a Fish eat it which he did Twenty years after when this Heresy was extinct this Fisherman seeing that the Feast of our Lords Body was celebrated with so much solemnity he repented of the Sin he had committed and confessed it to his Curate who told him that this was a reserved case and that he ought to acquaint the Bishop with it The Fisherman in great wrath said If I must do this I swear by God I will never go to Confession more Hereupon the Curate for to pacify him said that he himself would go find out the Bishop and get leave of him that he might absolve him Easter Day came and the Fisherman had a desire to communicate with his Neighbours which yet he did not following the advice of his Priest Mean while the Fisherman bewailing his disgrace went sorrowfully towards the River where he had committed this Sacriledge as he looked this way and that way behold he spied on the other side of the River a Fish holding in his mouth an Host which came towards him but not daring to touch it he went to give notice of it to the Priest and both comming to that same place the Fish appeared no more Hereat conceiving great displeasure a little after the Fish appeared again above water with the Host in her mouth as before and being come up to them the Priest with all respect took up the Fish with the Host He kept a moiety of it for the Parish and sent the other part to the Cathedral Church Id. Bleda 1. Mirac 104. p. 191. Lanuza in suis Sermonibus A Whale a Fish of the greater kind lent his Back to say Masse upon on Easter-Day SVrius reports that S. Malo being upon the Sea on a Easter Day prayed the good God to afford him the means to celebrate the Masse and to those that accompanied him to hear it When he had thus prayed one perceived a little Island which appeared in the midst of the Sea they went down upon it to the number of a Hundred and eighty Persons they set up an Altar on which S. Malo said Masse and gave the Communion to a great number After which retiring to their Ship they perceived that this Island or rather the Fish sunk to the bottom having lent his Back as God would have it to satisfie the Saints desire Surius in Vita S. Maclonii Pourceau Swine Swine adore the H. Sacrament A Certain Woman not being able to believe that God was in the Sacrament was tempted by the Devil to take some proof from thence to satisfie her fansie and althô her Confessor and also Albert Bishop of Perusia had exhorted her to yield to the publick belief approved by so many knowing and vertuous Persons without desiring to be instructed and confirmed herein by a Miracle notwithstanding after all she was led away by her fancy to make the Trial. She went therefore one day to the Communion and having taken the Host out of her mouth she went and threw it into the Hogs-trough which upon the Noise she made ran greedily to their trough but being alltogether instead of opening their mouth to swallow the Host they kneeled down to adore it The unhappy Woman stopt not here but put the Host upon the Spit to roast it at the fire As she turned the Spit she saw drops of Blood that distilled from the Host notwithstanding she continued stubbornly in her false Opinion and being afraid to be apprehended and put to death if what she had done should be discovered she digged a hole in the ground and there buried the Host that it might be spoken of no more But she perceiving that the Blood bubled out of the Earth and ran in abundance like a Spring the hardness of her heart was softned so that her understanding being inlightned in this Truth and repenting of her unbelief she went to find out the foresaid Bishop of Perouse who having heard her confession imposed a Penance on her to perform during her whole life Henr. Instit p. 1. Serm. 9. Biga salutis in festo Corp. Christi Prompt Discip Exem 33. l. E. R. Renard A Fox A Fox quits the Hen he had carried away by vertue of the H. Sacrament S. Gregory the Pope tells us that S. Boniface whilst he was a young Child standing at the Dore of his Lodging he perceived a Fox running away with a Hen in his mouth Immediately away he went to the Church and placing himself before the H. Sacrament he made this Prayer to it Lord I beseech thee be pleased to preserve the Pullen which my Mother feeds in her back-yard for the sustenance of her little Family Having done this he returned to his Lodging where this Fox appeared again with the Hen in his mouth and laying down the Hen fell down dead at the feet of this Child S. Gregor Dialog l. 1. Rossignol A Nightingale A Nightingale advertises a Devout Frier to prepare for his Voyage to Heaven for his having a particular Inclination to attend Masses THe Bl. John de Rieti a most excellent Augustinian Frier had a particular devotion to attend on as many Masses as he could possibly for the reverence he bore to the H. Sacrament of the Altar and confidence he had in it See now the recompence which our Lord made him a few days before his last Sickness a Nightingale came every day to sing her warbling Notes under his Window Being asked what was the meaning of this he answer'd that this was the Spouse that invited him to the Banquet of the Lamb. Also a few days after attending at Masse he saw an extraordinary Light which continued all the time of the Sacrifice which he took for a Star that was to conduct him to Heaven At length he fell sick and having been armed by receiving the Sacraments and having repeated those words of the Apostle I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ he left the Earth that he might partake of the Banquet of the Lamb to which he was invited Simplician de S. Martin in the History of famous Men of the Order of the Hermits of S. Augustine S. A Scorpion taken and swallowed down at Masse hurts not the Priest at all that did it THe Bl. Francis de Fabriano a Franciscan Frier celebrating Masse one day as he was come to the Communion and took off the Cover of the Chalice he perceived there a little Scorpion he might have kept himself from all danger observing the Rules prescribed in such cases but calling to mind the Saying of Jesus Christ to his Disciples if they drink