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A27962 A new version of the Psalms of David fitted to the tunes used in churches / by N. Tate and N. Brady. Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715.; Brady, Nicholas, 1659-1726. 1698 (1698) Wing B2606; ESTC R170594 110,635 255

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against the Righteous vent verse 19 How great thy Mercies are to such as fear thy Name Which thou for those that trust thy care dost to the World proclaim verse 20 Thou keep'st them in thy fight from proud Oppressors free From Tongues that do in Strife delight they are preserv'd by Thee verse 21 With Glory and Renown God's Name be ever bless'd Whose Love in Keilah's well-fenc'd Town was wond'rously express'd verse 22 I said in hasty Flight I 'm banish'd from thine Eyes Yet still thou kept'st me in thy sight and heard'st my earnest Cries verse 23 O all ye Saints the Lord with eager Love pursue Who to the Just will Help afford and give the proud their due verse 24 Ye that on God rely couragiously proceed For he will still your hearts supply with Strength in time of need PSALM XXXII verse 1 HE 's blest whose Sins have Pardon gain'd no more in Judgment to appear verse 2 Whose Guilt Remission has obtain'd and whose Repentance is sincere verse 3 While I conceal'd the fretting Sore my Bones consum'd without Relief All Day did I with Anguish roar but no Complaints asswag'd my Grief verse 4 Heavy on me thy Hand remain'd by Day and Night alike distrest Till quite of vital Moisture drain'd like Land with Summer's drought opprest verse 5 No sooner I my Wound disclos'd the Guilt that tortur'd me within But thy Forgiveness interpos'd and Mercy 's healing Balm pour'd in verse 6 True Penitents shall thus succeed who seek thee whilst thou mayst be found They from the common Deluge freed shall fee remorsless Sinners drown'd verse 7 Thy Favour Lord in all distrest my Tow'r of Refuge I mus t own Thou shalt my haughty Foes suppress and me with Songs of Triumph crown verse 8 In my Instruction then confide you that would Truth 's safe Path descry Your Progress I 'll securely guide and keep you in my-watchful Eye verse 9 Submit your selves to Wisdom's Rule like Men that Reason have attan'd Not like th' ungovern'd Horse and Mule whose Fury must be curb'd and rein'd verse 10 Sorrows on Sorrows multiply'd the harden'd Sinner shall confound But them who in his Truth confide blessings of Mercy shall surround verse 11 His Saints that have perform'd his Laws their Life in Triumphs shall employ Let them as they alone have cause in grateful Raptures shout for Joy PSALM XXXIII verse 1 LET all the Just to God with Joys their chearful Voices raise For well the Righteous it becomes to sing glad Songs of Praise verse 2 3 Let Harps and Psalteries and Lute in joyful consort meet And new made Songs of loud Applause the Harmony compleat verse 4 5 For faithful is the Word of God his Works with Truth abound He Justice loves and all the Earth is with his Goodness crown'd verse 6 By his almighty Word at first the heavenly Arch was rear'd And all the beauteous Hosts of Light at his Command appeare'd verse 7 The swelling Floods together roll'd he makes in heaps to lye And lays as in a Store-house safe the wat'ry Treasures by verse 8 9 Let Earth and all that dwell therein before him trembling stand For when he spake the Word t was made t was fix'd at his Command verse 10 He when the Heathen closely plot their Counsels undermines His Wisdom inessectual makes the People's rash Designs verse 11 Whate'er the mighty Lord decrees shall stand for ever sure The settled purpose of his Heart to Ages shall endure PART II. verse 12 How happy then are they to whom the Lord for God is known Whom he from all the World besides has chosen for his own verse 13 14 15 He all the Nations of the Earth from Heav'n his Throne survey'd He saw their works and view'd their thoughts by him their Hearts were made verse 16 17 No King is safe by mighty Hosts their Strength the Strong deceives No manag'd Horse by Force or Speed his Warlike Rider saves verse 18 19 T is God who those that trust in him beholds with gracious Eyes He frees their Soul from Death their Want in time of Dearth supplies verse 20 21 Our Soul on God with Patience waits our Help and Shield is He Then Lord let still our Hearts rejoyce because we trust in thee verse 22 The Riches of thy Mercy Lord do Thou to us extend Since we for all we want or wish on Thee alone depend PSALM XXXIV verse 1 THro' all the changing Scenes of Life in Trouble and in Joy The praises of my God shall still my Heart and Tongue employ verse 2 Of his Deliv'rance I will boast till all that are distrest From my Example Comfort take and charm their Griefs to rest verse 3 O magnifie the Lord with me with me exalt his Name verse 4 When in Distress to him I call'd He to my rescue came verse 5 Their drooping Hearts were soon refresh'd who look'd to him for Aid Desir'd Success in ev'ry Face a chearful Air displaid verse 6 Behold say they behold the Man whom Providence reliev'd The Man so dang'rously beset so wond'rously retriev'd verse 7 The Hosts of God encamp around the Dwellings of the Just Deliv'rance he affords to all who on his Succour trust verse 8 O make but Tryal of his Love experience will decide How bless'd they are and only they who in his Truth confide verse 9 Fear him ye Saints and you will then having nothing else to fear Make you his Service your Delight your Wants shall be his Care verse 10 While hungry Lions lack their Prey the Lord will Food provide For such as put their Trust in him and see their Needs supply'd PART II. verse 11 Approach ye piously dispos'd and my Instruction hear I 'll teach you the true Discipline of his religious Fear verse 12 Let him who length of Life desires and prosp'rous Days would see verse 13 From sland'ring Language keep his Tongue his Lips from Falshood free verse 14 The crooked Paths of Vice decline and Virtue 's Ways pursue Establish Peace where 't is begun and where 't is lost renew verse 15 The Lord from Heav'n beholds the Just with favourable Eyes And when distress'd his gracious Ear is open to their Cries verse 16 But turns his wrathful Look on those whom Mercy can'n reclaim To cut them off and from the Earth blot out their hated Name verse 17 Deliv'rance to his Saints he gives when his Relies they crave verse 18 He 's nigh to heal the broken Heart and contrite Spirit save verse 19 The Wicked oft but still in vain against the Just conspire verse 20 For under their Affliction 's weight he keeps their Bones entire verse 21 The Wicked from their wicked Arts their Ruine shall derive Whilst righteous Men whom they detest shall them and theirs survive verse 22 For God preserves the Souls of those who on his Truth depend To them and their Posterity his Blessings shall descend PSALM XXXV verse 1 A Gainst all those that strive with me O
Request with constant Love attend verse 20 Then bless'd for ever be my God who never when I pray With-holds his Mercy from my Soul nor turns his Face away PSALM LXVII TO bless thy chosen Race in Mercy Lord incline And cause the brightness of thy Face on all thy Saints to shine verse 2 That so thy wond'rous Ways may thro the World be known Whilst distant Lands their Tribute pay and thy Salvation own verse 3 Let diffring Nations join to celebrate thy Fame Let all the World O Lord combine to praise thy glorious Name verse 4 O let them shout and sing with Joy and pious Mirth For Thou the Righteous Judge and King shalt govern all the Earth verse 5 Let diff'ring Nations join to celebrate thy same Let all the World O Lord combine to praise thy glorious Name verse 6 Then shall the teeming Ground a large increase disclose And we with Plenty shall be crown'd which God our God bestows verse 7 Then God upon our Land shall constant Blessings show'r And all the World in awe shall stand Of his resistless Pow'r PSALM LXVIII LET God the God of Battel rife And scatter his presumptuous Foes Let shameful Rout their Host surprize Who spitefully his Pow'r oppose verse 2 As Smoak in Tempest's Rage is lost Or Wax into the Furnace cast So let their facrilegious Host Before his wrathful Presence waste verse 2 But let the Servants of his Will His Favour 's gentle Beams enjoy Their upright Hearts let Gladness fill And chearful Songs their Tongues employ verse 4 To him your Voice in Anthems raise Jehovah's awful Name he bears In him rejoice extol his Praise Who rides upon high rowling Spheres verse 5 Him from his Empire of the Skies To this low World Compassion draws The Orphan's Claim to patronize And judge the injur'd Widow's Cause verse 6 'T is God who from a foreign Soil Restores poor Exiles to their Home Makes Captives free and fruitless Toil Their Proud Oppressors righteous Doom verse 7 'T was so of old when thou didst lead In Person Lord our Armies forth Strange Terrors thro the Desert spread verse 8 Convulsions shook th' astonish Earth The breaking Clouds did Rain distil And Heav'ns high Arches shook with Fear How then should Sinai's humble Hill Of Israel's God the Prefence bear verse 9 Thy Hand at famisht Earth's Complaint Reliev'd her from Celestial Stores And when thy Heritage was faint Asswag'd the Drought with plenteous show'rs verse 10 Where Savages had rang'd before At Ease thou mad'st our Tribes reside And in the Desart for the Poor Thy gen'rous Bounty did provide PART II. verse 11 Thou gav'st the Word we falli'd forth And in that pow'rful Word o'ercame While Virgin-Troops with Songs of Mirth In state our Conquest did proclaim verse 12 Vast Armies by such Gen'rals led As yet had ne'er receiv'd a Foil Forsook their Camp with sudden Dread And to our Women left the Spoil verse 13 Tho Egypt's Drudges you have been Your Army's Wings shall shine as bright As Dove's in golden Sunshine seen Or silver'd o'er with paler Light verse 14 'T was so when God's Almighty Hand O'er scatter'd Kings the Conquest won Our Troops drawn up on Jordan's Strand High salman's glitt'ring Snow out-shone verse 15 From thence to Jordan's farther Coaft And Bashan's Hill we did advance No more her Height shall Bashan boast But that she 's God's Inheritance verse 16 But wheresore tho the Honour 's great Should this O Mountains swell your Pride For Sion is his chosen Seat Where he for ever will reside verse 17 His Chariots numberless his Pow'rs Are heavenly Hosts that wait his Will His Prefence now fills Sion Tow'rs As once it honour'd Sinai's Hill verse 18 Ascending high in Triumph Thou Captivity hath Captive led And on thy People did'st bestow The Spoil of Armies once their Dread Ev'n Rebels shall partake thy Grace And humble Proselytes repair To worship at thy Dwelling-place And all the World pay Homage there verse 19 For Benefits each Day bestow'd Be daily his great Name ador'd verse 20 Who is our Saviour and our God Of Life and Death the Sov'reign Lord. verse 21 But justice for his harden'd Foes Proportion'd Vengeance hath decreed To wound the Hoary Head of those Who in presumptuous Crimes proceed verse 22 The Lord has thus in Thunder spoke As I subdu'd proud Bashan's King Once more I 'll break my Pople's Yoke And from the Deep my Servants bring verse 23 Their Feet shall with a crimson Flood Of slaughter'd Foes be cover'd o'er Nor Earth receive such impious Blood But leave for Dogs th' unhallow'd Gore PART III. verse 24 When marching to thy blest abode The wond'ring Multitude survey'd The Pompous State of Thee our God In Robes of Majesty array'd verse 25 Sweet-singing Levites led the Van Loud Instruments brought up the Rear Between both Troops a Virgin-train With Voice and Timbrel charm'd the Ear. verse 26 This was the Burden of their Song In full Assemblies bless the Lord All who to Israel's Tribes belong The God of Israel's Praise record verse 27 Nor little Benjamin alone From neighb'ring Bounds did there attend Nor only Judah's nearer Throne Her Counsellors in state did send But Zebulon's remorer Seat And Nepthali's more distant Coast The grand Procession to compleat Sent up their Tribes a princely Host verse 28 Thus God to Strength and Union brought Our Tribes at strife till that blest hour This Work which thou O God hast wrought Confirm with fresh Recruits of Pow'r verse 29 To visit Salem Lord descend And Sion thy terrestrial Throne Where Kings with Presents shall attend And Thee with offer'd Crowns attone verse 30 Break down the spearmens ranks who threat Like pamper'd Herds of Savage Might Their Silver-armour'd Chiefs defeat Who in destructive War delight verse 31 Egypt shall then to God stretch forth Her Hands and Africk Homage bring verse 32 The scatter'd Kingdoms of the Earth Their common Sovereign's Praises sing verse 33 Who mounted on the loftiest Sphere Of ancient Heav'n sublimely rides From whence his dreadful Voice we hear Like that of warring Winds and Tides verse 34 Ascribe ye Power to God most High Of humble Isr'el he takes Care Whose Strength from out the dusky Sky Darts shining Terrors thro' the Air. verse 35 How dreadful are the sacred Courts Where God has fix'd his earthly Throne His Strength his feeble Saints supports To God give Praise and him alone PSALM LXIX SAve me O God from Waves that rowl And press to overwhelm my Soul verse 2 With painful steps in mire I tread And Deluges o'erflow my Head verse 3 With restless Cries my Spirits faint My Voice is hoarse with long Complaint My Sight decays with tedious Pain Whilst for my God I wait in vain verse 4 My Hairs tho num'rous are but few Compare'd with Foes that me pursue With groundless hate grown now of might To execute their lawless Spite They force me guiltless to resign As Rapine what by right
time but made great haste resolv'd without delay To watch that I might never more From thy Commandments stray verse 61 Tho' num'rous Troops of sinful Men to rob me have combin'd Yet I thy pure and righteous Laws have ever kept in mind verse 62 In dead of Night I will arise to sing thy solemn praise Convinc'd how much I always ought to love thy righteous Ways verse 63 To such as fear thy holy Name my self I closely joyn To all who their obedient Wills to thy Commands resign verse 64 O'er all the Earth thy Mercy Lord abundantly is shed O make me then exactly learn thy facred Paths to tread TETH verse 65 With me thy Servant thou hail dealt most graciously O Lord Repeated Benefits bestow'd according to thy Word verse 66 Teach me the sacred Skill by which right Judgment is attain'd Who in belief of thy Commands have stedfastly remain'd verse 67 Before Affliction stopt my Course my Footsteps went astray But I have since been disciplin'd thy Precepts to obey verse 68 Thou art O Lord supremely good and all thou dost is so On me thy Statutes to discern the saving Skill bestow verse 69 The proud have forg'd malicious Lyes my spotless Fame to stain But my fix'd Heart without Reserve thy Precepts shall retain verse 70 While pamper'd they with prosp'rous Ills in sensual pleasures live My Soul can relish no Delight but what thy Precepts give verse 71 'T is good for me that I have felt Affliction 's chast'ning Rod That I might duly learn and keep the Statutes of my God verse 72 The Law that from thy Mouth proceeds of more esteem I hold Than untouch'd Mines than thousand Mines of Silver and of Gold JOD verse 73 To me who am the Workmanship of thy Almighty Hands The heav'nly Understanding give to learn thy just Commands verse 74 My preservation to thy Saints strong Comfort will afford To see Success attend my Hopes who trusted in thy Word verse 75 That right thy Judgments are I now by sure Experience see And that in Faithfulness O Lord thou hast afflicted me verse 76 O let thy tender Mercy now afford me needful Aid According to thy Promise Lord to me thy Servant made verse 77 To me thy saving Grace restore that I again may live Whose Soul can relish no Delight but what thy Precepts give verse 78 Defeat the Proud who unprovok'd to ruine me have sought Who only on thy sacred Laws employ my harmless Thought verse 79 Let those that fear thy Name espouse my Cause and those alone Who have by strict and pious search thy sacred precepts known verse 80 In thy blest Statutes let my Heart continue always found That Guilt and Shame the Sinners Lot may never me confound CAPH verse 81 My Soul with long Expectance faints to see thy saving Grace Yet still on thy unerring Word my Confidence I place verse 82 My very Eyes consume and fail with waiting for thy Word O! when wilt thou thy kind Relief and promis'd Aid afford verse 83 My Skin like shrivel'd Parchment shows that long in Smoke is set Yet no Afftistion me can force thy Statutes to forget verse 84 How many days must I endure of Sorrow and Distress When wilt thou Judgment execute on them who me oppress verse 85 The Proud have digg'd a Pit for me that have no other Foes But such as are averse to thee and thy just Laws oppose verse 86 With sacred Truth 's eternal Laws all thy Commands agree Men persecute me without Cause thou Lord my Helper be verse 87 With close Designs against my Life they had almost prevail'd But in Obedience to thy Will my Duty never fail'd verse 88 Thy wonted kindness Lord restore my drooping Heart to cheer That by thy righteous Statutes I my Life 's whole Course may steer LAMED verse 89 Forever and for ever Lord unchang'd thou dost remain Thy Word establish'd in the Heav'ns does all their Orbs sustain verse 90 Thro' circling Ages Lord thy Truth immoveable shall stand As doth the Earth which thou uphold'st by thy Almighty Hand verse 91 All things the Course by thee ordain'd ev'n to this day fulfil They are the faithful Subjects all and Servants of thy Will verse 92 Unless thy sacred Law had been my Comfort and Delight I must have fainted and expir'd in dark Affliction 's Night verse 93 Thy Precepts therefore from my Thoughts shall never Lord depart For thou by them hast to new Life restor'd my dying Heart verse 94 As I am thine intirely thine protect me Lord from Harm Who have thy Precepts sought to know and carefully perform verse 95 The Wicked have their Ambush laid my guiltless Life to take But in the midst of danger I thy Word my Study make verse 96 I've seen an end of what we call Perfection here below But thy Commandments like thy felt no Change or Period know MEM. verse 97 The Love that to thy Laws I bear no Language can display They with fresh Wonders entertain my ravish'd Thoughts all day verse 98 Thro' thy Commands I wiser grow than all my subtil Foes For thy sure Word does me direct and all my Ways dispose verse 99 From me my former Teachers now may abler Counsel take Because thy sacred Precepts I my constant Study make verse 100 In Understanding I excel the Sages of our days Because by thy unerring Rules I order all my Ways verse 101 My Feet with Care I have resrain'd from every sinful Way That to thy sacred Word 1 might intire Obedience pay verse 102 I have not from thy Judgments stray'd by vain desircs misled For Lord thou hast instructed me thy righteous paths to tread verse 103 How sweet are all thy Words to me O what divine Repast How much more grateful to my Soul than Honey to my Taste verse 104 Taught by thy sacred precepts I with heav'nly Skill am blest Thro' which the treach'rous Ways of Sin I utterly detest NVN. verse 105 Thy Word is to my Feet a Lamp the way of Truth to show A Watch-light to point out the path in which I ought to go verse 106 I sware and from my solemn Oath will never start aside That in thy righteous Judgments I will stedfastly abide verse 107 Since I with Griefs am so opprest that I can bear no more According to thy Word do thou my fainting Soul restore verse 108 Let still my Sacrifice of praise with thee Acceptance find And in thy righteous Judgments Lord instruct my willing Mind verse 109 Tho' ghastly dangers me surround my Soul they cannot aw Nor with continual Terrors keep from thinking on thy Law verse 110 My wicked and invet'rate Foes for me their Snares have laid Yet I have kept the upright path nor from thy precepts stray'd verse 111 Thy Testimonies I have made my Heritage and Choice For they when other comforts fail my drooping Heart rejoyce verse 112 My Heart with early Zeal began thy Statutes to obey And 'till my course
the Stars their several Names he knows verse 5 6 Great is the Lord and great his Pow'r his Wisdom has no bound The meek he raises but throws down the wicked to the Ground verse 7 To God the Lord a Hymn of Praise with grateful Voices sing To Songs of Triumph tune the Harp and strike each warbling String verse 8 He covers Heav'n with Clouds and thence refreshing Rain bestows Through him on Mountain-tops the Grass with wond'rous Plenty grows verse 9 He savage Beasts that loosely range with timely food supplies He feeds the Raven's tender Brood and stops their hungry Cries verse 10 He values not the warlike Steed but does his Strength disdain The nimble Foot that swiftly runs no Prize from him can gain verse 11 But he to him that fears his Name his tender Love extends To him that on his boundless Grace with stedfast Hope depends verse 12 13 Let Sion and Jerus'lem then to God their Praise address Who fenc'd their Gates with massle Bars and does their Children bless verse 14 15 Thro all their Borders he giyes Peace with finest Wheat they 're sed He speaks the Word and what he wills is done as soon as said verse 16 Large Flakes of Snow like fleecy Wool descend at his command And hoary Frost like Ashes spread is scatter'd o'er the land verse 17 When joyn'd to these he does his Hail in little Morsels break Who can againsst his Piercing Cold secure Defences make verse 18 He sends his Word which melts the Ice he makes his Wind to blow And soon the Streams congeal'd before in plenteous Currents flow verse 19 By him his Statutes and Decrees to Jacob's Sons were shown And still to Israel's chosen Seed his righteous Laws are known verse 20 No other Nation this can boast nor did he e'er afford To heathen Lands his Oracles and Knowledge of his Word Hallelujab Psalm CXLVIII verse 1 YE boundless Realms of Joy Exalt your Maker's Fame His praise your Song employ Above the starry Frame Your Voices raise Ye Cherubim And Seraphim To sing his Praise verse 3 4 Thou Moon that rul'st the Night And Sun that guid'st the Day Ye glitt'ring Stars of Light To him your Homage pay His praise declare Ye Heav'ns above And Clouds that move In liquid Air. verse 5 6 Let them adore the Lord And praise his holy Name By whose Almighty Word They all from nothing came And all shall last From Changes free His firm Decree Stands ever fast verse 7 8 Let Earth her Tribute pay Praise him ye dreadful Whales And Fish that through the Sea Glide swist with glitt'ring Scales Fire Hail and Snow And misty Air And Winds that where He bids them blow verse 9 10 By Hills and Mountains all In grateful Consort joyn'd By Cedars stately tall And Trees for Fruit design'd By ev'ry Beast And creeping thing And Fowl of Wing His Name be blest verse 11 12 Let all of Royal Birth With those of humbler Frame And Judges of the Earth His matchless Praise proclaim In this Design Let Youths with Maids And hoary Heads With Children join verse 13 United Zeal be shown His wond'rous Fame to raise Whose glorious Name alone Deserves our endless Praise Earth's utmost Ends His Pow'r obey His glorious Sway The Sky transcends verse 14 His chosen Saints to-grace He sets them up on high And savours Ifrael's Race Who still to him are nigh O therefore raise Your grateful voice And still rejoyce The Lord to praife Psalm CXLIX verse 1 2 OPraise ye the Lord prepare your glad Voice His Praise in the great Assembly to sing In our great Creator let Isr'el rejoyce And Children of Sion be glad in their King verse 3 4 Let them his great Name extol in the Dance With Timbrel and Harp his Praises express Who always takes pleasure his Saints to advance And with his Salvation the Humble to bless verse 5 6 With Glory adorn'd his People shall sing To God who their Beds with Safety does shield Their Mouths fill'd with Praises of him their great King Whilst a two-edged Sword their Right Hand shall wield verse 7 8 Just Vengeance to take for Injuries past To punish those Lands for Ruin design'd With Chains as their Captives to tie their Kings fast With Fetters of Iron their Nobles to bind verse 9 Thus shall they make good when them they destroy The dreadful Decree which God does proclaim Such Honour and Triumph his Saints shall enjoy O therefore for ever exalt his great Name Psalm CL. verse 1 OPraise the Lord in that blest Place Fromwhence his Goqdness largeiy flows Praife him in Heav'n where he his Face Unveil'd in perfect Glory shows verse 2 Praise him for all the mighty Acts Which he in our behals has done His Kindness this Return exacts With which our Praise should equal run verse 3 Let the shrill Trumpet 's warlike Voice Make Rocks and Hills his Praise rebound Praise him with Harp's melodious Noise And gentle Psaltry's sver Sound verse 4 Let Virgin-Troops soft Timbrels bring And some with graceful Motion dance Let Instruments of various Strings With Organs join'd his Praise advance verse 5 Let them who joyful Hymns compose To Cymbals set their Songs of Praise Cymbals of common use and those That loudly ssound on solemn Days verse 6 Let all that vital breath enjoy The Breath he does to them afford In just return of Praise employ Let every Creature praise the Lord. GLORIA PATRI c. Common Measure TO Father Son and Holy Ghost The God whom we adore Be Glory as it was is now and shall be evermore As Psalm 25. To God the Father Son and Spirit Glory be As 't was and is and shall be so to all Eternity As the 100. Psalm To Father Son and Holy Ghost the God whom Earth and Heav'n adore Be Glory as it was of Old is now and shall be evermore As Ps 37. and last part of the 113th Psalm-Tune To Father Son and Holy Ghost The God whom Heav'ns Triumphant Host and suffering Saints on Earth adore Be Glory as in Ages past As now it is and so shall last when Time it self must be no more As Psalm 148. To God the Father Son and Spirit ever blest Eternal Three in One All Worship be addrest As heretosore It was is now And shall be so For evermore As Psalm 149. BY Angels in Heav'n of ey'ry Degree And Saints upon Earth All Praise be addrest To God in Three Persons One God ever blest As it has been now is and always shall be AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE Shewing how to find any Psalm by its Beginnings Psalm A. Against all those Page 50 As Pants the Hart Page 64 As length by certain Page 109 B. Behold O God Page 124 Bless God my Soul Page 161 Bless God ye Servants Page 219 D. Defend me Lord Page 42 Deliver me O Lord Page 87 Do thou 0 God Page 83 F. For ever Blest Page 232 For thee O God Page 94 From lowest Depths Page
my time to come delightfully employ verse 7 From dreadful Danger and Distress the Lord has set me free Through him shall I of all my Foes the just Destruction see PSALM LV. GIve ear thou Judge of all the Earth and listen when I pray Nor from thy humble Suppliant turn thy glorious Face away verse 2 Attend to this my sad complaint and hear my grievous Moans Whilst I my mournful Case declare with artless Sighs and Groans verse 3 Hark! how the Foe insults aloud how fierce Oppressors rage Whose sland'ring Tongues with wrathful hate against my Fame engage verse 4 5 My Heart is rack'd with Pain my Soul with deadly Frights distrest With Fear and Trembling compass'd round with Horror quite opprest verse 6 How often wish'd I then that I the Dove 's swift Wings could get That I might take my speedy Flight and seek a safe Retreat verse 7 8 Then would I wander far from hence and in wild Desarts stray Till all this surious Storm were spent this tempest past away PART II. verse 9 Destroy O Lord their ill Designs their counsels soon divide For through the City my griev'd Eyes have Strise and Rapine spy'd verse 10 By Day and Night on ev'ry Wall they walk their constant Round And in the midst of all her Strength are Grief and Mischief found verse 11 Whoe're through ev'ry Part shall roam with fresh Disorders meet Deceit and Guile their constant posts maintain in ev'ry Street verse 12 For'twas not any open Foe that false Reflections made For then I could with ease have born the bitter things he said 'T was none who hatred had profest that did against me ris For then I had withdrawn my self Friend from his malicious Eyes verse 13 14 But'twas ev'n thou my Guide my whom tend'rest Love did join Whose sweet Advice I valu'd most whose Pray'rs were mixt with mine verse 15 Sure Vengeance equal to their Crimes such-Tray tors must surprize And sudden Death requite those Ills they wickedly devise verse 16 17 But I will call on God who still shall in my Aid appear At Morn and Noon and Night I 'll pray and he my voice shall hear PART III. verse 18 God has releas'd my Soul from those that did winh me contend And made a numerous Host of Friends my righteous Cause defend verse 19 For he who was my Help of old shall now his suppliant hear And punish them whose prosp'rous State makes them no God to fear verse 20 Whom can I trust if faithless Men perfidiously devise To ruin me their peaceful Friend and break the strongest Ties verse 21 Tho soft and melting are their Words their Hearts with War abound Their Speeches are more smooth than Oyl and yet like Swords they wound verse 22 Do thou my Soul on God depend and He shall thee sustain He aids the Just whom to supplant the Wicked strive in vain verse 23 My Foes that trade in Lies and Blood shall all untimely die Whilst I for Health and Length of Days on Thee my God rely PSALM LVI DO Thou O God in Mercy help for Man my Life pursues To crush me with repeated Wrongs he daily Strife renews verse 2 Continually my spiteful Foes to ruin me combine Thou seest who sit'st enthron'd on high what mighty Numbers join verse 3 But tho' sometimes surpriz'd by Fear on Danger 's first Alarm Yet still for Succour I depend on thy Almighty Arm. verse 4 God's faithful Promise I shall praise on which I now rely In God I trust and trusting him the Arm of Flesh defy verse 5 They wrest my Words and make 'em speak a Sense they never meant Their Thoughts are all with restless Spite on ray Destrucion bent verse 6 In close Assemblies they combine and wicked Projects lay They watch my Steps and lie in wait to make my Soul their Prey verse 7 Shall such Injustice still escape O Righteous God arise Let thy just Wrath too long provok'd this impious Race chastise verse 8 Thou numbrest all my Steps lince first I was compell'd to flee My very Tears are treasur'd up and regist'red by Thee verse 9 When therefore I invoke thy Aid my Foes shall be o'erthrown For I am well assr'd that God my righteous cause will own verse 10 11 I 'll trust God's Word and so despise the Force that Man can raise verse 12 To thee O God my Vows are due to Thee I 'll render Praise verse 13 Thou haft retriev'd my Soul from Death and Thou wilt still secure The Life thou hast so oft preserv'd and make my Footsteps sure That thus protected by thy Pow'r I may this Light enjoy And in the Service of my God my length'ned Days employ PSALM LVII THY Mercy Lord to me extend on thy Protection I depend And to thy wing for shelter haste Till this outragious Storm is past verse 2 To thy Tribunal Lord I fly Thou Sov'reign Judge and God most high Who Wonders hast for me begun And wilt not leave thy Work undone verse 3 From Heav'n protect me by thine Arm And shame all those who seek my Harm To my Relief thy Mercy send And Truth on which my Hopes depend verse 4 For I with salvage Men converse Like hungry Lions wild and fierce With men whose teeth are spears their words Invenom'd Darts and two-edgM Swords verse 5 Be thou O God exalted high And as thy Glory fills the Sky So let it be on Earth displaid Till thou art here as there obey'd verse 6 To take me they'their Net prepar'd And had almost my Soul ensnar'd But fell themselves by just Decree Into the Pit they made for me verse 7 O God my Heart is fix'd 't is bent Its thankful Tribute to present And with my Heart my Voice I 'll raise To thee my God in Songs of Praise verse 8 Awake my Glory Harp and Lute No longer let your Strings be mute And I my tuneful Part to take Will with the early Dawn awake verse 9 Thy Praises Lord I will resound To all the list'ning Nations round verse 10 Thy Mercy highest Heav'n transcends Thy Truth beyond the Clouds extends verse 11 Be Thou O God exalted High And as thy Glory fills the Sky So let it be on Earth displaid Till thou art here as there obey'd PSALM LVIII SPeak O ye Judges of the Earth if just your Sentence be Or most not Innocence appeal to Heav'n from your Decree verse 2 Your wicked Hearts and Judgments are alike by Malice fway'd Your griping Hands by weighty Bribes to Violence betray'd verse 3 To Virtue Strangers from the Womb their Insant-steps went wrong They prattled Slander and in Lies employ'd their lisping Tongue verse 4 No Serpent of parch'd Asrick's breed does ranker Poyson bear The drowsy Adder will as soon unlock his fullen Ear. verse 5 Unmov'd by good Advice and deaf as Adders they remain From whom the skilful Charmer's Voice can no Attention gain verse 6 Deseat O God their threat'ning Rage and timely break their Pow'r Disarm
Or who smong the God's of Earth With our Almighty Lord compare verse 7 With Rev'rence and religious Dread His Saints should to his Temple pres His Fear thro' all their Hearts should spread Who his Almighty Name consess verse 8 Lord God of Armies who can boast Of Strength or Pow'r like thine renown'd Of such a num'rous faithful Host As that which does thy Throns surround verse 9 Thou dost the lawless Sea controul And change the Prospect of the Deep Thou mak'st the sping Billows rowl Thou mak'st the rowling Billows sleep verse 10 Thoubrak'st in pieces Rahab's Pride And didst oppressing Pow'r disarm Thy scatter'd Foes have dearly try'd The Force of thy resistless Arm. verse 11 In thee the sov'reign Right remains Of Earth and Heav'n thee Lord alone The World and all that it contains Their Maker and Preserver own verse 12 The Poles on which the Globe does rest Were fdrm'd by thy creating Voice Tabor and Hertnon East and West In thy sustaining Pow'r rejoyce verse 13 Thy Arm h mighty ' strong thy Hand Yet Lord thou dbst with Justice reign verse 14 Possest of absolute Command Thou Truth and Mercy dost maintain verse 15 Happy thrice happy they who hear Thy sacred Trumpet 's joyful Sound Who may at Festivals appear With thy most glorious Presence crown'd verse 16 Thy Saints shall always be o'erjoy'd who on thy sacred Name rely And in thy Righteousness employ'd Above theirr Foes be rais'd on high verse 17 For in thy Strength they shall advance Whose Conquests from thy Favour spring verse 18 The Lord of Hosts is our Defence And Israel's God our Israel's King verse 19 Thus spak'st thou by the Prophet's Voice A mighty Champion I will send From Judah's Tribe have I made choice Of one who shall the rest defend verse 20 O My Servant David I have found With holy OH anointed him verse 21 Him shall the Hand support that crown'd And guard that gave the Diadem verse 22 No Prince from him shall Tribute forces No Son of Strise shall him annoy verse 23 His spiteful Foes I will disperse And them before his Face destroy verse 24 My Truth and Grace shall him sustain His Armies in well-order'd Ranks verse 25 Shall conquer from the Tyrian Main To Tigris and Euphrates Banks verse 26 Me for his Father he shall take His God and Rock of Safety call verse 27 Him I my First-born Son will make And Earthly Kings his Subjects all verse 28 To him my Mercy I 'll secure My Cov'nant make for ever fast verse 29 His Seed for ever shall endure His Throne till Heav'n dissolves shall last PART III verse 30 But if his Heirs my Law forsake And from my sacred Precepts stray verse 31 If they my righteous Statutes break Nor strictly my commands obey verse 32 Their Sins I 'll visit with a Rod And for their Folly make them smart verse 33 Yet will not cease to be their God Nor from my Truth like them depart verse 34 My Cov'nant I will ne'er revoke But in remembrance fast retain The thing that once my Lips have spoke Shall in eternal Force remain verse 35 Once have I sworn but once for all And made my holiness the Tie That I my Grant will ne'er recall Nor to my Servant David lie verse 36 Whose Throne and Race the constant Sun Shall like his Course establisht see verse 37 Of this my Oath thou conscious Moon In Heav'n my faithful Witness be verse 38 Such was thy gracious Promise Lord But thou hast now our Tribes forsook Thy own Anointed hast abhorr'd And turn'd on him thy wrathful Look verse 39 Thou seemest to have render'd void The Cov'nant with thy Servant made Thou hast his Dignity destroy'd And in the Dust his Honour laid verse 40 Of Strong-holds thou hast him berest And brought his Bulwarks to decay verse 41 His Frontier-Coasts defenceless lest A publiek Scorn and common Prey verse 42 His Ruine does glad Triumphs yield To Foes advanc'd by thee to Might verse 43 Thou hast his conqu'ring Sword unsteel'd His Valour turn'd to shameful Flight verse 44 His Glory is to darkness sled is Throne is levell'd with the Ground verse 45 His Youth to wretched Bondage led With Shame o're-whelm'd Sorrow dron'd verse 46 How long shall we thy Absence mourn Wilt thou for ever Lord retire Shall thy consuming Anger burn Till that and we at once expire verse 47 Consider Lord how short a space Thou dost for mortal Life ordain No Method to prolong the Race But loading it with Grief and Pain verse 48 What man is he that can controul Death's strict unalterable Doom Or rescue from the Grave his Soul The Grave that must Mankind entomb verse 49 Lord where 's thy Love thy boundless Grace The Oath to which thy Truth did feal Consign'd to David and his Race The grant which Time should ne're repeal verse 50 See how thy Servants treated are With Infamy Reproach and Spite Which in my silent Breast I bear From Nations of licentious Might verse 51 How they reproaching thy great Name Have made thy Servant's Hope their Jest verse 52 Yet thy just Praises we 'll proclaim And ever sing The Lord be hlest Amen Amen Psalm XC verse 1 O Lord the Saviour and Defence of us thy chosen Race From Age to Age thou still hast been our sure abiding-place verse 2 Before thou brought'st the Mountains forth or th' Earth and World didst frame Thou always wert the mighty God and ever art the same verse 3 Thou turnest Man O Lord to Dust of which he first was made And when thou speak'st the word Raturn 't is instantly obey'd verse 4 For in thy fight a thousand Years are like a Day that 's past Or like a watch in dead of Night whose hours unminded waste verse 5 Thou sweep'ft us off as with a Flood we vanish hence like Dreams At first we grow like Grass tnat feels the Sun's reviving Beams verse 6 But howfoever fresh and fair its Morning Beauty shows T is all cut down and withered quite before the Ev'ning close verse 7 8 We by thine Anger are consum'd and by thy Wrath dismay'd Our publick Crimes and secret Sins before thy sight are laid verse 9 Beneath thy Anger 's sad Effects our drooping Days we spend Our unregarded Years break off like Tales that quickly end verse 10 Qur Term of Time is seventy years an Age that few survive But if with more than common strength to eighty we arrive Yet then our boasted Strength decays to Sorrow turn'd and and Pain So soon the slender Thread is cut and we no more remain PART II verse 11 But who thy Anger 's dread Effects does as he ought revere And yet thy Wrath does fall or rise as more or less we fear verse 12 So teach us Lord th' uncertain Sum of our short Days to mind That to true Wisdom all our Hearts may ever be inclin'd verse 13 O to thy Servants Lord return and speedily relent As we
But my Defence is firmly plac'd in God the Lord most high He is my Rock to which I may for Refuge always fly verse 23 The Lord shall cause their Ill Designs on their own heads to fall He in their sins shall cut them off our God shall slay them all Psalm XCV verse 1 Come loud Anthems let us sing Loud thanks to our Almighty King For we our Voices high should raise When our Salvation's Rock we praise verse 2 Into his presence let us haste To thank him for his Favours past To him address in joyful Songs The praise that to his Name belongs verse 3 For God the Lord enthron'd in state Is with unrivall'd Glory great A King superiour far to all Whom Gods the Heathen slasly call verse 4 The Depths of Earth are in his hand Her secret Wealth at his command The strength of hills that threat the skies Subjected to his Empire lies verse 5 The rouling Ocean's vast Abyss By the same sov'reign right is his T is mov'd by his Almighty hand That form'd and fix'd the solid Land verse 6 O let us to his Courts repair And bow with adoration there Down on our knees devoutly all Before the Lord our Maker fall verse 7 For he 's our God our Shepherd he His Flock and Pasture-sheep are we If then you 'll like his Flock draw near To day if you his Voice will hear verse 8 Let not your hard'ned hearts renew Your Father's Crimes and Judgments too Nor here provoke my Wrath as they In Desart Plains of Meribab verse 9 When through the Wilderness they mov'd And me with fresh Temptations prov'd They still through Unbelief rebell'd While they my wond'rous Works beheld verse 10 11 They forty Years my Patience griev'd Tho' daily I their Wants reliev'd Then 'T is a faithless Race I said Whose Heart from me has always stray'd They ne'er will tread my righteous path Therefore to them in setled Wrath Since they despis'd my Rest I sware That they should never enter there Psalm XCVI verse 1 SIng to the Lord a new-made Song Let Earth in one assembl'd Throng Her common Patron 's praise resound verse 2 Sing to the Lord and bless his Name From day to day his Praise proclaim Who us has with Salvation crown'd verse 3 To Heathen Lands his Fame rehearse His Wonders to the Universe verse 4 He 's great and greatly to be prais'd In Majesty and glory rais'd Above all other Deities verse 5 For Pageantry and Idols all Are they whom Gods the Heathen call He only rules who made the Skies verse 6 With Majesty and Honour'd crown'd Beauty and Strength his Throne surround verse 7 Be therefore both to him restor'd By you who have false Gods ador'd Ascribe due Honour to his Name verse 8 Peace-off'rings on his Altar lay Before his Throne your Homage pay Which he and he alone can claim verse 9 To worship at his sacred Court Let all the trembling World resort verse 10 Proclaim aloud Jehovah reigns Whose pow'r the Uhiverse sustains And banisht Justice will restore verse 11 Let therefore Heav'n new Joys confess And heav'nly Mirth Let Earth express It s loud Applause the Ocean roar It s mute Inhabitants rejoyce And for this Triumph finda Voice verse 12 For Joy let fertile Valleys sing The chearful Groves their Tribute bring The tuneful Quire of Birds awake verse 13 The Lord's Approach to celebrate Who How sets out with awful State His Circuit through the Earth to take From Heav'n to judge the World he 's come With Justice to reward and doom Psalm XCVII verse 1 JEhovah reigns let all the Earth In his just Government rejoyce Let all the Isles with sacred Mirth In his Applause unite their Voice verse 2 Darkness and Clouds of awful shade His dazling Glory shroud in state Justice and Truth his Guards are made And fixt by his Pavillion wait verse 3 Devouring Fire before his Face His Foes around with Vengeance strook verse 4 His Lightnings set the World on blaze Earth saw it and with Terror shook verse 5 The proudest Hills his Presence felt Their height nor strength could help afford The proudest hills like Wax did melt In presence of th' Almighty Lord. verse 6 The Heav'ns his Righteousness to show With Storms of Fire our Foes pursu'd And all the trembling World below Have his descending Glory view'd verse 7 Confounded be their impious host Who make the Gods to whom they pray All who of Pageant-Idols boast To him ye Gods your worship-pay verse 8 Glad Sion of thy Triumph heard And Judah's Daughter 's were o'er-joy'd Because thy righteous Judgments Lord Have Pagan-Pride and Pow'r destroy'd verse 9 For thou O God art seated high Above Earth's Potentates enthron'd Thou Lord unrivall'd in the Skie Supreme by all the God's art own'd verse 10 You who to serve this Lord aspire Abhor what 's ill and Truth esteem He 'll keep his Servants Souls entire And them from wicked Hands redeem verse 11 For Seeds are sown of glorious Light A future Harvest for the Just And Gladness for the Heart that 's right To recompence its pious Trust verse 12 Rejoyce ye Righteous in the Lord Memorials of his Holiness Deep in your faithful Breasts record And with your thankful Tongues confess Psalm XCVIII verse 1 SIng to the Lord a new-made Song who wondrous things has done With his Right-hand and holy Arm the Conquest he has won verse 2 The Lord has through th' astonisht World display'd his saving Might And made his righteous Acts appear in all the Heathens fight verse 3 Of Israel's House his Love and Truth have ever mindful been Wide Earth's remotest Parts the Pow'r of Israel's God have seen verse 4 Let therefore Earth's Inhabitants their chearful Voices raise And all with universal Joy resound their maker's praise verse 5 With Harp and Hymns soft Melody into the Consort bring verse 6 The Trumpet and shrill Cornet's sound before th' Almighty King verse 7 Let the loud Ocean roar her Joy with all that Seas contain The Earth and her Inhabitants join consort with the Main verse 8 With Joy let Riv'lets swell to Streams to spreading Torrents they And echoing Vales from Hill to Hill redoubled Shouts convey verse 9 To welcome down the World 's great Judge who does with Justice come And with impartial Equity both to reward and doom Psalm XCIX verse 1 JEhovah reigns let therefore all the guilty Nations quake On Cherub's Wings he sits enthron'd let Earth's Foundations shake verse 2 On Sion's Hill he keeps his Court his palace makes her Tow'rs Yet thence his Sov'reignty extends supreme o'er earthly Pow'rs verse 3 Let therefore All with praise address his great and dreadful Name And with his unresisted Might his Holiness proclaim verse 4 For Truth and Justice in his Reign of Strength and Pow'r take place His judgments are with Righteousness dispens'd to Jacob's Race verse 5 Therefore exalt the Lord our God before his Footstool fall And with his
unresisted Might his Holiness extol verse 6 Moses and Aron thus of old among his Priests ador'd Amongst his Prophets Samuel thus his sacred Name implor'd Distrest upon the Lord they call'd who ne'er their Suit deny'd But as with Rev'rence they implor'd he graciously reply'd verse 7 For with their Camp to guide their March the cloudy Pillar mov'd They kept his Laws and to his Will obedient Servants prov'd verse 8 He answer'd them forgiving oft his People for their sake And those who rashly them oppos'd did sad Examples make verse 9 With Worship at his s●cred Courts exalt our God and Lord For he who only holy is alone should be ador'd Psalm C. verse 1 2 WIth one consent let all the Earth To God their chearful Voices raise Glad Homage pay with awful Mirth And sing before him Songs of praise verse 3 Convinced that he is God alone From whom both we and all proceed We whom he chuses for his own The Flock that he vouchsafes to feed verse 4 O enter then his Temple Gate Thence to his Courts devoutly press And still your grateful Hymns repeat And still his Name with praises bless verse 5 For he 's the Lord supremely good His Mercy is for ever sure His Truth which always firmly stood To endless Ages shall endure Psalm CI. verse 1 OF Mercy 's never-failing Spring And stedfast Judgment I will sing And since they both to thee belong To thee O Lord adrress my Song verse 2 When Lord thou shalt with me reside Wife discipline my Reign shall guide With blameless Life my self I 'll make A Pattern for my Court to take verse 3 No ill Design will I pursue Nor those my Fav'rites make that do verse 4 Who to Reproof bears no regard Him will I totally discard verse 5 The private Slanderer shall be In publick Justice doom'd by me From haughty looks I 'll turn aside And mortifie the Heart of Pride verse 6 But Honesty call'd from her Cell In splendour at my Court shall dwell Who Virtue 's practice make their Care Shall have the first Preferments there verse 7 No Politicks shall recommend His-Countrey's Foe to be my Friend None e'er shall to my Favour rise By flatt'ring or malicious-Lyes verse 8 All those who wicked Courses take An early Sacrifice I 'll make Cut off destroy till none remain God's holy City to profane Psalm CII verse 1 WHen I pour out my Soul in Pray'r do thou O Lord attend To thy eternal Throne of Grace let my sad Cry ascend verse 2 O hide not thou thy glorious Face in times of deep Distress Incline thine Ear and when I call my Sorrows soon redress verse 3 Each cloudy Portion of my Life like scatter'd Smoke expires My shiriv'led Bones are like a Hearth parch'd with continual Fires verse 4 My Heart like Grass that feels the Blast of some infectious Wind Does languish so with Grief that scarce my needful Food I mind verse 5 By reason of my sad estate I spend my Breath in Groans My Flesh is worn away my Skin scarce hides my starting Bones verse 6 I'm like a Pelican become that does in Desarts mourn Or like an Owl that sits all day in hollow Trees forlorn verse 7 In Watchings or in restless Dreams the Night by me is spent As by those solitary Birds that loansom roofs frequent verse 8 All day by railing Foes I 'm made the Subject of their Scorn Who all possest with furious Rage have my Destruction sworn verse 9 When grov'ling on the Ground I lie opprest with Grief and Fears My Bread is strew'd with Ashes o'er my Drink is mixt with Tears verse 10 Because on me with double weight thy heavy Wrath does lie For thou to make my Fall more great didst lift me up on high verse 11 My days just hast'ning to their end are like an Ev'ning-shade My Beauty does like wither'd Grass with waning Lustre fade verse 12 But thy eternal state O Lord no length of time shall waste The mem'ry of thy wondrous Works from Age to Age shall last verse 13 Thou shalt arise and Sion view with an unclouded Face For now her time is come thy own appointed day of Grace verse 14 Her scatter'd Ruines by thy Saints with pity are survey'd They grieve to see her lofty Spires in Dust and Rubbish laid verse 15 16 The Name and Glory of the Lord all heathen Kings shall fear When he shall Sion build again and in full state appear verse 17 18 When he regards the Poor's Request nor slights their earnest Pray'r Our Sons for this recorded Grace shall his just praise declare verse 19 For God from his abode on high his gracious Beams display'd The Lord from Heav'n his lofty Throne has all the Earth survey'd verse 20 He list'ned to the Captives moans he heard their mournful Cry And freed by his resistless pow'r the Wretches doom'd to die verse 21 That they in Sion where he dwells might celebrate his Fame And thro the holy City sing loud praises to his Name verse 22 When all the Tribes assembling there their solemn vows address And neighb'ring Lands with glad Consent the Lord their God confess verse 23 But e'er my Race is run my strength through his fierce Wrath decays He has when all my wishes bloom'd cut short my hopeful days verse 24 Lord end not thou my Life said I when half is scarcely past Thy years from worldly Changes free to endless Ages last verse 25 The strong Foundations of the Earth of old by thee were laid Thy Hands the beauteous Arch of Heav'n with wondrous Skill have made verse 26 27 Whilst thou for ever shalt endure they soon shall pass away And like a Garment often worn shall tarnish and decay Like that when thou ordain'st their change to thy Command they bend But thou continu'st still the same nor have thy Years an End verse 28 Thou to the Children of thy Saints shall lasting Quiet give Whose happy Race securely fixt shall in thy presence live Psalm CIII verse 1 2 MY Soul inspir'd with sacred Love God's holy Name for ever bless Of all his Favours mindful prove And still thy grateful Thanks express verse 3 4 'T is he that all thy Sins forgives And after Sickness makes thee sound From Danger he thy life retrieves By him with Grace and Mercy crown'd verse 5 6 He with good things my Mouth supplies My Vigour Eagle-like renews He when the guiltless Suff'rer cries His Foe with just Revenge pursues verse 7 God made of old his righteous Ways To Moses and our Fathers known His Works to his Eternal praise Were to the Sons of Jacob shown verse 8 The Lord abounds with tender Love And unexampl'd Acts of Grace His waken'd Wrath does slowly move His willing Mercy flows apace verse 9 10 God will not always harshly chide But with his Anger quickly part And loves his Punishments to guide More by his Love than our Desert verse 11 As high as Heav'n its Arch extends Above
216 From my youth up Page 216 G. Give ear thou Judge Page 81 God in the Great Page 130 God is our Refuge Page 70 God's Temple Crowns Page 137 H Had not the Lord Page 212 Happy the Man Page 62 Have mercy Lord Page 77 Hear O my People Page 118 He 's blest whose Sins Page 45 He that has God Page 145 Hold not thy Peace Page 131 How blest are they Page 190 How'blest is he Page 1 How good and pleasant Page 146 How long wilt thou Page 15 How many Lord of late Page 3 How vast must their Page 219 I. Jehova reigns let all Page 152 Jehova reigns let therefore Page 154 I le celebrate thy Page 41 In deep disiress Page 210 In Juda thee Page 115 In thee I put Page 105 In vain O Man Page 79 Judge me 0 Lord Page 36 Just Judge of Heaven Page 65 I waited meekly Page 61 L. Let all the Just Page 46 Let all the Lands Page 95 Let all the Liftning Page 73 Let David Lord Page 217 Let God the God Page 98 Lord hear my Cry Page 90 Lord hear my prayer Page 230 Lord hear the Voice Page 5 Lord hear the Voice Page 93 Lord let thy Jnst Page 107 Lord not to us Page 185 Lord save me for Page 80 Lord thou hast granted Page 134 Lord who 's the happy Page 16 M. My Crafty Foe with Page 53 My God my God why Page 29 My Soul for help Page 91 My Soul inspird Page 159 My soul with grateful Page 186 N. No change of times Page 20 O. O all ye people Page 71 O come loud Anthems Page 150 O Mercies never Page 156 O God my Gracious Page 92 O God my heart Page 176 O God of hosts Page 132 O God to whom Page 148 O God who hast Page 89 O God whose former Page 178 O Israel's Shepherd Page 126 O Lord I am not Page 217 O Lord that my God Page 7 O Lord my Rock Page 39 O Lord our Fathers Page 66 O Lord the Saviour Page 143 O Lord that art my Page 4 O Lord to my Page 104 On thee who chvellest Page 212 O Praise the Lord Page 188 O Praise the Lord and Page 235 O Praise the Lord in that Page 241 O praise the Lord with Hymns Page 236 O praise the Lord with one Page 220 O Praise ye the Lord Page 240 O render Thanks and Page 164 O render Thanks to Page 168 O thou to whom all Page 8 O 't was a joyful Page 211 P. Praise ye the Lord Page 181 Preserve me Lord Page 227 Protect me from my Page 17 R. Resolv'd to watch Page 59 S. Save me O God Page 101 Since Godly Men Page 14 Since I have plac'd Page 13 Sing to the Lord Page 151 Sing to the Lord Page 153 Speak O ye Judges Page 86 Save wicked Fools Page 16 T. Thee I will bless Page 233 The Heavens declare Page 25 The King O Lord Page 28 The Lord hath spoke Page 75 The Lord himself Page 32 The Lord the only God Page 71 The Lord to thy request Page 27 The Lord unto my Page 181 The Man is blest who fears Page 215 The Man is blest who stands Page 182 The wicked Fools Page 80 This spacious Earth Page 33 Tho' wicked Men Page 54 Thou Lord by strictest Page 225 Through all the changing Page 48 Thy Chastning wrath Page 57 Thy dreadful Anger Page 6 Thy Mercy Lord Page 84 Thy Mercies Lord Page 139 Thy Presence why Page 12 To blest thy chosen Page 97 To Celebrate thy Page 9 To God I cry'd Page 116 To God in whom Page 34 To God our never Page 128 To God the mighty Page 222 To God with Mournful Page 230 To God your grateful Page 172 To my Complaint Page 135 To my just Plea Page 18 To thee my God Page 137 To thee O God Page 114 To thee O Lord Page 229 To Sion's Hill Page 211 W. We build with Page 214 When I pour out Page 157 When Israel by Page 184 When Sions God Page 214 When we our wearied Page 224 While I the Kings Page 68 Whom should I fear Page 37 Who place on Sion's God Page 213 Why hast thou cast Page 112 With chearful Notes Page 188 With Glory Clad Page 147 With my whole Heart Page 225 With one Consent Page 155 With restless and Page 1 Y. Ye boundless Realms Page 238 Ye Princes that Page 40 Ye Saints and Servants Page 183 DIRECTIONS About the TUNES and MEASURES ALL Psalms of this Version in the Common Measure of Eights and Sixes that is where the first and third lines of the single Stanza consist of eight Syllables each the se-cond and fourth lines of six Syllables each may be sung to any of the most usual Tunes viz York-tune Windsor-tune St. Davids Litch-field Canterbury Martyrs Southwell St. Mary's alias Hackney tune c. As the Old 25 Psalm may be sung the New 25 31 67 130. As the Old 113. the 37 46 50 63 76 91 110 113 120. As the Old 148. the 136 148. As the Old 104. the 149. The Psalms in this Version of four lines in a single Stanza and eight Syllables in each Line if Psalms of Praise or Chearfulness may properly be sung as the Old 100 Psalm or to the Tune of the Old 125 Psalm Second Metre The Penitential or mournful Psalms in the same Measure may be sung as the Old 51 Psalm Which Tunes with all the foremen-tioned are printed in the Supplement to this New Version as spscified in the following Advertisement A SUPPLEMENT to the New Version of Psalms by N. Tate and N. Brady containing 1. THE usual Hymns Creed Lord's Prayer Ten Commandments all set to their proper Tunes with additional Hymns for the Holy Sacrament Festivals c. 2ly Select Psalms done in particular Measures to make up the whole variety of Metres that are in the old Version with Duplicates to most of them and Gloria Patri's with the Tunes With a Collection of the most usual Church-Tunes All very useful for the Teacher or Learner of Psalmody LONDON Printed and Sold at Stationers Hall near Ludgate D. Brown at the Bible without Temple-Bar J. Wilds at the Elephant Charing Cross and other Booksellers This Supplement to be had either in the large Octavo to bind up with this Volume or in the small size for the Twelves Price in Sheets 6 d. FINIS
of universal Joy should loudly eccho through the Land PSALM XV. verse 1 LOrd who 's the happy Man that may to thy blest Courts repair Not Stranger-like to visit them but to inhabit there verse 2 'T is he whose ev'ry Thought and Deed by rules of Virtue moves Whose gen'rous Tongue disdains to speak the thing his Heart disproves verse 3 Who never did a Slander forge his Neighbour's Fame to wound Nor hearken to a false Report by Malice whisper'd round verse 4 Who Vice in all its Pomp and Pow'r can treat with just Neglect And Piety tho' cloath'd in Rags religiously respect Who to his plighted Vows and Trust has ever firmly stood And tho' he promise to his Loss he makes his Promise good verse 5 Whose Soul in Usury disdains his Treasure to employ Whom no Rewards can ever bribe the Guiltless to destroy The Man who by this steady Course has Happiness ensur'd When Earth's foundation shakes shall stand by Providence secur'd PSALM XVI verse 1 PRotect me from my cruel Foes and shield me Lord from Harm Because my Trust I still repose on thy Almighty Arm. verse 2 My Soul all Help but thine does slight all Gods but thee disown Yet can no Deeds of mine require the Goodness thou hast shown verse 3 But those that strictly virtuous are and love the thing that 's right To favour always and prefer shall be my chief Delight verse 4 How shall their Sorrows be increas'd who other Gods adore Their bloody Offerings I detest their very Names abhor verse 5 My Lot is fall'n in that blest Land where God is truly known He fills my Cup with lib'ral hand 't is he supports my Throne verse 6 In Nature's most delightful Scene my happy Portion lies The place of my appointed Reign all other Lands outvies verse 7 Therefore my Soul shall bless the Lord whose Precepts give me Light And private Counsel still afford in Sorrow's dismal Night verse 8 I strive each Action to approve to his all-seeing Eye No danger shall my Hopes remove because he still is nigh verse 9 Therefore my Heart all Grief defies my Glory does rejoice My Flesh shall rest in hope to rise wak'd by his pow'rful Voice verse 10 Thou Lord when I resign my Breath my Soul from Hell shall free Nor let thy Holy One in death the least Corruption see verse 11 Thou shalt the Paths of Life display that to thy Presence lead Where Pleasures dwell without allay and Joys that never fade PSALM XVII verse 1 TO my just Plea and sad Complaint attend O righteous Lord And to my Pray'r as 't is unfeign'd a gracious Ear afford verse 2 As in thy sight I am approv'd so let my Sentence be And with impartial Eyes O Lord my upright Dealing see verse 3 For thou hast search'd my Heart by day and visited by Night And on the strictest Trial found its secret Motions right Nor shall thy Justice Lord alone my Heart's Designs acquit For I have purpos'd that my Tongue shall no Offence commit verse 4 I know what wicked Men would do their Safety to maintain But me thy just and mild Commands from bloody Paths restrain verse 5 That I may still in spight of Wrongs my Innocence secure O! guide me in thy righteous Ways and make my Footsteps sure verse 6 Since heretofore I ne'er in vain to thee my Pray'r address'd O! now my God incline thine Ear to this my just Request verse 7 The Wonders of thy Truth and Love in my Defence engage Thou whose Right-hand preserves thy Saints from their Oppressors Rage PART II. verse 8 9 O! keep me in thy tend'rest Care thy sheltring Wing stretch out To guard me safe from salvage Foes that compass me about verse 10 O'ergrown with Luxury enclos'd in their own Fat they lie And with a proud blaspheming Mouth both God and Man defie verse 11 Well may they boast for they have now my Paths encompass'd round With Eyes at watch and Bodies bow'd and couching on the Ground verse 12 In posture of a Lion set when greedy of his Prey Or a young Lion when he lurks within a covert way verse 13 Arise O Lord defeat their Plots their swelling Rage controul From wicked Men who are thy Sword deliver thou my Soul verse 14 From worldly Men thy sharpest Scourge whose Portion 's here below Who fill'd with earthly Stores desire no other Bliss to know verse 15 Their Race is num'rous that partake their Substance while they live Their Heirs survive to whom they may the vast Remainder give verse 16 But I in Uprightness thy Face shall view without controul And waking shall its Image find reflected in my Soul PSALM XVIII verse 1 2 NO change of Times shall ever shock my firm Affection Lord to thee For thou hast always been my Rock a Fortress and Defence to me Thou mv Deliv'rer art my God my Trust is in thy mighty Pow'r Thou art my Shield from Foes abroad at home my Safeguard and my Tow'r verse 3 To thee I will address my Pray'r to whom all Praise we justly owe So shall I by thy watchful Care be guarded from my treach'rous Foe verse 4 5 By Floods of wicked Men distress'd with Seas of Sorrow compass'd round With dire infernal Pangs oppress'd in Death's unweildy Fetters bound verse 6 To Heaven I made my mournful Pray'r to God address'd my humble Moan Who graciously inclin'd his Ear and heard me from his lofty Throne PART II. verse 7 When God arose my part to take the conscious Earth was struck with fear The Hills did at his Presence shake nor could his dreadful Fury bear verse 8 Thick Clouds of Smoak disperst abroad ensigns of Wrath before him came Devouring Fire around him glow'd that Coals were kindled at his Flame verse 9 He left the beauteous Realms of Light whilst Heav'n bow'd down its awful head Beneath his Feet substantial Night was like a sable Carpet spread verse 10 The Chariot of the King of Kings which active Troops of Angels drew On a strong Tempest s rapid Wings with most amazing swiftness flew verse 11 12 Black watry Mists and Clouds conspir'd with thickest Shades his Face to veil But at his Brightness soon retir'd and fell in show'rs of Fire and Hail verse 13 Thro' Heav'ns wide Arch a thundring Peal God's angry Voice did loudly roar While Earth's sad Face with heaps of Hail and flakes of Fire was cover'd o'er verse 14 His sharpen'd Arrows round he threw which made his scatter'd Foes retreat Like Darts his nimble Light'nings flew and quickly finish'd their Defeat verse 15 The Deep its secret Stores disclos'd the World's Foundations naked lay By his avenging Wrath expos'd which fiercely rag'd that dreadful Day PART III. verse 16 The Lord did on my side engage from Heav'n his Throne my Cause upheld And snatch'd me from the furious Rage of threat'ning Waves that proudly swell'd verse 17 God his resistless Pow'r employ'd my strongest Foes attempts to break Who else with ease
to diff'rent Realms may'st send to govern ancl protect verse 17 Whilst this my Song to future times transmits thy Glorious Name And makes the World with'one consent thy lasting Praise proclaim PSALM XLVI GOD is our Refuge in Distress A present Help when Dangers press In him undaunted we 'll conside verse 2 3 Tho' Earth were from her Centre tost And Mountains in the Ocean lost torn piece-meal by the roaring Tide verse 4 A gentler Stream with Gladness still The City of our Lord shall fill the Royal Seat of God most High verse 5 God dwells in Sion whose fair Towers Shall mock th' Affaults of Earthly Pow'rs while his Almighty Aid is nigh verse 6 In Tumults when the Heathen rag'd And Kingdoms War against us wag'd he thunder'd and dispers'd their Powers verse 7 The Lord of Hosts conducts our Arms Our Tower of Refuge in Alarms our Fathers Guardian-God and ours verse 8 Come fee the Wonders he hath wronght On Earth what Desolation brought verse 9 How he has calm'd the jarring World He broke the warlike Spear and Bow With them their thund ring Chariots too into devouring Flames were hurl'd verse 10 Submit to God's Almighty Sway For him the Heathen shall obey and Earth her Sov'reign Lord confess verse 11 The God of Holts conducts our Arms Our Tower of Refuge in Alarras As to our Fathers in Difsress PSALM XLVII verse 1 2 O All ye People clap your hands And with triumphant Voices sing No force the mighty Power withstands Of God the universal King verse 3 4 He shall opposing Nations quell and with succefs pur Battels fight Shall fix the Place where we must dwell the Pride of Jacob his Delight verse 5 6 God is gone up our Lord and King with Shouts of Joy and Trumpets Sound To him repeated Praises sing and let the chearful Song go round verse 7 8 Your utmost Skill in Praise be shown for him who all the World commands Who sits upon his righteous Throne and spreads his Sway o'er Heathen Lands verse 9 Our Chiefs and Tribes that far from hence to serve the God of Abr'am came Found Him their constant sure Defence How great and glorious is his Name PSALM XLVIII THE Lord the only God is great and greatly to be prais'd In Sion on whose happy Mount his sacred Throne is rais'd verse 2 Her Towers the Joy of all the Earth with beauteous Prospect rise On her North-side the Almighty Kings imperial City lies verse 3 God in her Palaces is known his Presence is her Guard verse 4 Confed'rate Kings withdrew their Siege and of Succefs despair'd verse 5 They view'd her Walls admir'd and fled with Grief and Terror struck verse 6 Like Women whom the sudden Pangs of Travail had o'retook verse 7 No wretched Grew of Mariners appear like them forlorn When Fleets from Tarshish wealthy Coasts by Eastern Winds are torn verse 8 In Sion we have seen perform'd a Work that was foretold In pledge that God for times to come his City will uphold verse 9 Not in our Fortresses and Walls did we O God conside But on the Temple fix'd our Hopes in which thou dost reside verse 10 According to thy Sov'reign Name thy Praise through Earth extends Thy powerful Arm as Justice guides chastises or defends verse 11 Let Sion's Mount with Joy resound her Daughters all be taught In Songs his Judgments to extol who this Deliv'rance wrought verse 12 Compass her Walls in solemn Pomp your Eyes quite round her cast Count all her Towers and see if there you find a Stone displac'd verse 13 Her Forts and Palaces survey observe their Order well That with Allurance to your Heirs this Wonder you may tell verse 14 This God is ours and will be ours whilst we in him conside Who as he has preserv'd us now till Death will be our Guide PSALM XLIX verse 1 2 LET all the list'ning World attend and my Instruion hear Let High and Low and Rich and Poor with joint Consent give Ear verse 3 My Mouth with sacred Wisdom fill d shall good Advice impart The sound Result of prudent Thoughts digested in my Heart verse 4 To Parables of weighty Sense I will my Ear incline Whilst to my tuneful Harp I sing dark Words of deep Design verse 5 Why should my Courage fail in times of Danger and of Doubt When Sinners that would me supplant have compass'd me about verse 6 Those Men that all their Hope and Trust in Heaps of Treasure place And boast and triumph when they see their ill-got Wealth increase verse 7 Are yet unable from the Grave their dearest Friend to free Nor can by Force or Bribes reverse th' Almighty Lord's Decree verse 8 9 Their vain Endeavours they maust quit the Price is held too high No Sums can purchase such a Grant that Man should never die verse 10 Not Wisdom can the Wise exempt nor Fools their Folly save But both must perish and in Death their Wealth to others leave verse 11 For tho' they think their stately Seats shall ne'er to Ruin fall But their remembrance last in Lands which by their Names they call verse 12 Yet shall their Fame be soon forgot how great fo'er their State With Beasts tneir Mernory and they shall share one common Fate PART II. verse 13 How great their Folly is who thus absurd Conclusions make And yet their Children unreclaim'd repeat the gross Mistake verse 14 They all like Sheep to slaughter led the Prey of Death are made Their Beauty while the Just rejoice within the Grave shall fade verse 15 But God will yet redeem my Soul and from the greedy Grave His greater Pow'r shall fet me free and to himself receive verse 16 Then fear not thou when Worldly Men in envi'd Wealth abound Nor tho' their prosp'rous House increase with State and Honour Crown'd verse 17 For when they 're summon'd hence by Death they leave all this behind No shadow of their former Pomp within the Grave they find verse 18 And yet they thought their State was blest caught in the Flatt rers Snare Who with their Vanity comply'd and prais'd their worldly care verse 19 In their Forefathers Steps they tread and when like them they die Their wretched Ancestors and they in endless Darkness lie verse 20 For Man how great foe're his State unless he 's truly wise As like a sensual Beast he lives so like a Beast he dies PSALM L. verse 1 2 THE Lord hath spoke the mighty God Hath sent his Summons all abroad From dawning Light till Day declines The list'ning Earth his Voice hath heard And he from Sion hath appear'd Where Beauty in Perfection shines verse 3 4 Our God shall come and keep no more Misconstru'd silence as before But wasting Flames before him send Around shall Tempests fiercely rage While he does Heav'n and Earth engage His just Tribunal to attend verse 5 6 Assemble all my Saints to me Thus runs the great Divine Decree That in my lasting Cov'nant
was mine verse 5 Thou Lord my Innocence dost see Nor are my Sins conceal'd from Thee verse 6 Lord God of Hosts take timely care Lest for my sake thy Saints despair verse 7 Since I have suffer'd for thy Name Reproach and hid my Face in shame verse 8 A Stranger to my Country grown Nor to my nearest Kindred known A Foreigner expos'd to Scorn By Brethren of my Mother born verse 9 For Zeal to thy lov'd House and Name Consumes me like devouring Flame Concerned at their Affronts to Thee More than at Slanders cast on me verse 10 My very Tears and Abstinence They construe in a spiteful Sense verse 11 When cloath'd with sackcloth for their sake They me their eommon Proverb make verse 12 Their Judges at my Wrongs do Jest Those Wrongs they ought to have redrest How should I then expect to be From Libels of lewd Drunkards free verse 13 But Lord to thee I will repair For Help with humble timely Pray'r Relieve me from thy Mercies store Display thy Truth 's preserving Pow'r verse 14 From threatning Dangers me relieve And from the Mire my Feet retrieve From spiteful Foes in safety keep And snatch me from the raging Deep verse 15 Controul the Deluge e'er it spread And roul its Waves above my Head Nor deep Destruction's open Pit To close her Jaws on me permit verse 16 Lord hear the humble Pray'r I make For thy transcending Goodness sake Relieve thy Supplicant once more From thy abounding Mercy 's store verse 17 Nor from thy Servant hide thy Face Make haste for desp'rate is my Case verse 18 Thy timely Succour interpose And shield me from remorseless Foes verse 19 Thou knowst what Infamy and Scorn I from my Enemies have born Nor can their close dissembled Spite Or darkest Plots escape thy Sight verse 20 Reproach and Grief have broke my Heart I look'd for some to take my part To Pity or relieve my Pain But look'd alas for both in vain verse 21 With Hunger pin'd for Food I call Instead of Food they give me Gall And when with Thirst my Spirits sink They give me Vinegar to drink verse 22 Their Table therefore to their Health Shall prove a Snare a Trap their Wealth verse 23 Perpetual Darkness seize their Eyes And sudden Blasts their Hopes surprize verse 24 On them thou shalt thy Fury pour Till thy fierce Wrath their Race devour verse 25 And make their House a dismal Cell Where none will e'er vouchsase to dwell verse 26 For new Afflicstions they procur'd For him who had thy Stripes endur'd And made the Wounds thy Scourge had torn To bleed afresh with sharper Scorn verse 27 Sin shall to Sin their Steps betray Till they to Truth have lost the Way verse 28 From Life thou shalt exclude their Soul Nor with the Just their Names enroll verse 29 But me howe'er distrest and poor Thy strong Salvation shall restore verse 30 Thy Pow'r with Songs I 'll then proclaim And celebrate with Thanks thy Name verse 31 Our God shall this more highly prize Than Herds or Flocks in Sacrifice verse 32 Which humble Saints with Joy shall see And hope for like redress with me verse 33 For God regards the Poor's Complaint Sets Pris'ners free from close Restraint verse 34 Let Heav'n Earth Sea their Voices raise And all the World resound his Praise verse 35 For God will Sions Walls erect And Judah's Cities still protect Till all her scatter'd Sons repair To undisturb'd possession there verse 36 This Blessing they shall at their Death To their Religious Heirs bequeath And they to enless Ages more Of such as his blest Name adore PSALM LXX O Lord to my Relief draw near For never was more pressing Need For my Deliv'rance Lord appear And add to that Deliv'rance Speed verse 2 Confusion on their Heads return Who to destroy my Soul combine Let them defeated blush and mourn Insnar'd in their own vile Design verse 3 Their Doom let Desolation be With shame their Malice be repaid Who mock'd my Confidence in Thee And Sport of my Affliction made verse 4 While those who humbly seek thy Face To joyful Triumphs shall be rais'd And all who prize thy saving-Grace With me shall sing The Lord be prais'd verse 5 Thus wretched tho' I am and poor The mighty Lord of me takes care Thou God who only can'st restore To my relief with speed repair LPSALM LXXI IN Thee I put my stedfast Trust defend me Lord from Shame Incline thine Ear and save my Soul for righteous is thy Name verse 3 Be thou my strong abiding place to which I may resort 'T is thy Decree that keeps me safe thou art my Rock and Fort. verse 4 5 From cruel and ungodly Men protect and set me free For from my earliest Youth till now my hope has been in Thee verse 6 Thy constant Care did safely guard my tender Infant-Days Thou took'st me from my Mother's Womb to sing thy constant Praise verse 7 8 While some on me with wonders gaze thy Hand supports me still Thy Honour therefore and thy Praise my Mouth shall always fill verse 9 Reject not then thy Servant Lord when I with Age decay Forsake me not when worn with years my Vigour fades away verse 10 My Foes against my Fame and me with crasty Malice speak Against my Soul they lay their Snares and mutual Counsel take verse 11 His God say they forsakes him now on whom he did rely Pursue and take him whilst no Hope of timely Aid is nigh verse 12 But thou my God withdraw not far for speedy Help I call verse 13 To Shame and Ruin bring my Foes that seek to work my Fall verse 14 But as for me my stedfast Hope shall on thy Pow'r depend And I in grateful Songs of Praise my time to come will spend PART II verse 15 Thy righteous Acts and saving Health my Mouth shall still declare Unable yet to count them all tho summ'd with utmost Care verse 16 While God vouchsases me his Support I 'll in his Strength go on All other Righteousness disclaim and mention his alone verse 17 Thou Lord hast taught me from my Youth to praise thy glorious Name And ever fince thy wond'rous Works have been my constant Theme verse 18 Then now forsake me not when I am grey and seeble grown Till I to these and future times thy Strength and Pow'r have shown verse 19 How high thy Justice foars O God! how great and wond'rous are The mighty Works which thou hast done who may with Thee compare verse 20 Me whom thy Hand has forely press'd thy Grace shall yet relieve And from the lowest depth of Woe with tender Care retrieve verse 21 Thro' Thee my time to come shall be With Pow'r and Greatness crown'd And me who dismal Years have past thy Comforts shall surround verse 22 That I with Psaltery and Harp thy Truth O Lord will praise To Thee the God of Jacob's Race my voice in Anthems raise verse 23
Then Joy shall fill my Mouth and Song employ my chearful Voice My grateful Soul by Thee redeem'd shall in thy Strength rejoice verse 24 My Tongue thy just and righteous Acts shall all the day proclaim Because thou did'st confound my Foes and brought'st them all to shame PSALM LXXII LOrd let thy just Decrees the King in all his Ways direct And let his Son throughout his Reign thy righteous Laws respect verse 2 So shall he still thy People judge with pure and upright Mind Whilst all the helpless Poor shall him their just Protector find verse 3 Then Hills and Mountains shall bring forth the happy Fruits of Peace Which all the Land shall own to be the Work of Righteousness verse 4 Whilst he the poor and needy Race shall rule with gentle Sway And from their humble Necks shall take oppressive Yokes away verse 5 In ev'ry Heart thy awful Fear shall then be rooted fast As long as Sun and Moon endure or Time it self shall last verse 6 He shall descend like Rain that chears the Meadows second Birth Or like warm Show'rs whose gentle Drops refresh the thirsty Earth verse 7 In his blest days the just and good shall be with Favour crown'd The happy Land shall ev'ry where with endless Peace abound verse 8 His uncontroul'd Dominion shall from Sea to Sea extend Begin at proud Eupbrates Streams at Nature's Limits end verse 9 To him the savage Nations round shall bow their servile Heads His vanquisht Foes shall lick the dust where he his Conquest spreads verse 10 The Kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall costly Presents brings From spicy Sheba Gifts shall come and wealthy Saba's King verse 11 To him shall ev'ry King on Earth his humble Homage pay And diff'ring Nations gladly join to own his righteous Sway. verse 12 For he shall set the Needy free when they for Succour cry Shall save the Helpless and the Poor and all their Wants supply PART II. verse 13 His Providence for needy Souls shall due Supplies prepare And over their defenceless Lives shall watch with tender Care verse 14 He shall preserve and keep their Souls from Fraud and Rapine free And in his fight their guitless Blood of mighty Price shall be verse 15 Therefore shall God his Life and Reign to many years extend Whilst Eastern Princes Tribute pay and golden Presents send For him shall constant Pray'rs be made thro' all his prosp'rous Days His just Dominion shall afford a lasting Theme of Praise verse 16 Of useful Grain thro' all the Land great Plenty shall appear A Handful sown on Mountain Tops a mighty Crop shall bear Its Fruit like Cedars shook by Winds a rattling Noise shall yield The City too shall thrive and vie for Plenty with the Field verse 17 The Mem'ry of his glorious Name thro' endless Years shall run His spotless Fame shall shine as bright and lasting as the Sun In him the Nations of the World shall be compleatly blest And his unbounded Happiness by ev'ry Tongue confest verse 18 Then bless'd be God the mighty Lord The God whom Isr'el fears Who only wond'rous in his Works beyond Compare appears verse 19 Let Earth be with his Glory fill'd and ever bless his Name Whilst to his Praise the list'ning World their glad Assent proclaim PSALM LXXIII AT length by certain Proofs 't is plain That God will to his Saints be kind That all whose Hearts are pure and clean Shall his protecting Favour find verse 2 3 Till this sustaining Truth I knew My stagg'ring Feet had almost fail'd I griev'd the Sinners Wealth to view And envy'd when the Fools prevail'd verse 4 5 They to the Grave in Peace descend And whilst they live are hail and strong No Plague or Troubles them offend Which oft to other Men belong verse 6 7 With Prides as with a Chain they 'r held And Rapine seems their Robe of State Their Eyes stand out with Fatness swell'd They grow beyond their Wishes great verse 8 9 With Hearts corrupt and losty Talk Oppressive Methods they desend Their Tongue thro' all the Earth does walk Their Blasphemies to Heav'n ascend verse 10 And yet admiring Crowds are found Who servile Visits duly make Because with Plenty they abound Of which their flatt'ring Slaves partake verse 11 Their fond Opinions these pursue Till they with them prophanely cry How should the Lord our Actions view Can he perceive who dwells so high verse 12 Behold the Wicked these are they Who openly their Sins prosess And yet their Wealth 's increas'd each day And all their Actions meet Success verse 13 14 Then have I cleans'd my Heart said I And wash'd my Hands from Guilt in vain If all the day oppress'd I lie And ev'ry morning suffer Pain verse 15 Thus did I once to speak intend But if such things I rashly say Tuy Children Lord I must offend And basely should their Cause betray PART II. verse 16 17 To fathom this my Thoughts I bent But found the case too hard for me Till to the House of God I went Then I their End did plainly see verse 28 How high soe'er advanc'd they all On slipp'ry Places loosely stand Thence into Ruin headlong fall Cast down by thy avenging Hand verse 19 20 How dreadful and how quick their Fate Despis'd by Thee when they 're destroy'd As waking Men with Scorn do treat The Fancies that their Dreams employ'd verse 21 22 Thus was my Heart with Grief opprest My Reins were rack'd with restless Pains So stupid was I like a Beast Who no reflecting Thought retains verse 23 24 Yet still thy Presence me supply'd And thy Right-hand Assistance gave Thou first shalt with thy Coursel guide And then to glory me receive verse 25 Whom then in Heav'n but thee alone Have I whose Favour I require Throughout the spacious Earth there 's none That I besides thee can desire verse 26 My trembling Flesh and aking Heart May often fail to succour me But God shall inward strength impart And my eternal Portion be verse 27 For they that far from Thee remove Shall into sudden Rain fall If after other Gods they rove Thy Vengeance shall destroy them all verse 28 But as for me 't is good and just That I should stiil to Godrepair In him I always put my Trust And will his wond'rous Works declare PSALM LXXIV WHY hast thou cast us off O God with thou no more return O why against thy chosen Flock does thy fierce Anger burn verse 2 Think on thy ancient Purchase Lord the Land that is thy own By thee redeem'd and Sion's Mount where once the Glory shone verse 3 O! come and view our ruin'd State how long our Troubles last See! how the Foe with wicked Rage has laid thy Temple waste verse 4 Thy Foes blaspheme thy Name where late thy zealous Servants pray'd The Heathen there with haughty Pomp Their Banners have display'd verse 5 6 Those curious Carvings which did once advance the Artist's Fame With Ax and
Hammer they destroy like Works of vulgar Frame verse 7 Thy holy Temple they have burnt and what escap'd the Flame Has been profan'd and quite defac'd tho sacred to thy Name verse 8 Thy Worship wholly to destroy maliciously they aim'd And all the sacred Places burn'd where we thy Praise proclaim'd verse 9 Yet of thy Presence thou vouchsas'd no tender Signs to send We have no Prophet now that knows when this sad State shall end PART II. verse 10 But Lord how long wilt thou permit th' insulting Foe to boast Shall all the Honour of thy Name for ever more be lost verse 11 Why hold'st thou back thy strong Right hand and on thy patient breast When Vengeance calls to stretch it forth so calmly let'st it rest verse 12 Thou heretofore with Kingly Pow'r in our Defence hast fought For us throughout the wond'ring World hast great Salvation wrought verse 13 'T was thou O God that didst the Sea by thy own Strength divide Thou brak'st the watry Monster 's Head the Waves o'erwhelm'd their Pride verse 14 The greatest fiercest of them all that seem'd the Deep to sway Was by thy Pow'r destroy'd and made to savage Beasts a Prey verse 15 Thou clav'st the solid Rock and mad'st the Waters largely flow Again thou mad'st thro' parted Streams thy wond'ring people go verse 16 Thine is the chearful Day and thine the black Return of Night Thou hast prepar'd the glorious Sun and eve'ry feebler Light verse 17 By Thee the Borders of the Earth in perfect Order stand The Summer's Warmth and Winter's Cold attend on thy Command PART III. verse 18 Remember Lord how scornful Foes have daily urg'd our Shame And how the foolish People have blasphem'd thy holy Name verse 19 O free thy mourning Turtle-dove by sinful Crowds beset Nor the Assembly of thy Poor for evermore forget verse 20 Thy ancient Cov'nant Lord regard and make thy Promise good For now each Corner of the Land is fill'd with Men of Blood verse 21 O let not the Opprest return With Sorrow cloath'd and Shame But let the Helpless and the Poor for ever praise thy Name verse 22 Arise O God in our behalf thy Cause and ours maintain Remember how insulting Fools each day thy Name prophane verse 23 Make thou the Boastings of thy Foes for evermore to cease Whose Insolence if unchastiz'd will more and more increase PSALM LXXV TO thee O God we render Praise to thee with Thanks repair For that thy Name to us is nigh thy wond'rous Works declare verse 2 In Isr'el when my Throne is fix'd with me shall Justice reign verse 3 The Land with Discord shakes but I the sinking Frame sustain verse 4 Deluded Wretches I advis'd their Errors to redress And warn'd bold Sinners that they should their swelling Pride suppress verse 5 Bear not your selves so high as if no Pow'r could yours restrain Submit your stubborn Necks and learn to spake with less Disdain verse 6 For that Promotion which to gain your vain Ambition strives From neither East nor West nor yet From Southern Climes arrives verse 7 For God the great Disposer is and Sov'reign Judge alone Who casts the Proud to Earth and lifts the Humble to a Throne verse 8 His Hand holds forth a dreadful Cup with purple Wine 't is crown'd The deadly Mixture which his Wrath deals out to Nations round Of this his Saints sometimes may taste but wicked Men shall squeeze The bitter Dregs and be condemn'd to drink the very Lees. verse 9 His Prophet I to all the World this Message will relate The justice then of Jacob's God my Song shall celebrate verse 10 The Wicked's Pride I will reduce their Cruelty disarm Exalt the Just and seat him high above the Reach of Harm PSALM LXXVI IN Judah the Almighty's known Almighty there by Wonders shown His Name in Jacob does excel verse 2 His Sanctuary in Salem stands The Majesty that Heav'n commands In Sion condescends to dwell verse 3 He brake the Bow and Arrows there The Shield the temper'd Sword and Spear There slain the mighty Army lay verse 4 Whence Sion's Fame thro' Earth is spread Of greater Glory greater Dread Than Hills where Robbers lodge their Prey verse 5 Their valiant Chiefs who came for Spoil Themselves met there a shameful Foil Securely down to sleep they lay But wak'd no more their stoutest Band Ne'er lifted one resisting Hand ' Gainst his that did their Legion's slay verse 6 When Jacob's God began to frown Both Horse and Charioteers o'erthrown Together slept in endless Night verse 7 When thou whom Earth and Heav'n revere Dost once with wrathful Looks appear What mortal Pow'r can stand thy fight verse 8 Pronounc'd from Heav'n Earth heard its Doom Grew husht with Fear when thou didst come verse 9 The Meek with Justice to restore verse 10 The Wrath of Man shall yield thee Praise It 's last Attempts but serve to raise The Triumphs of Almighty Pow'r verse 11 Vow to the Lord ye Nations bring Vow'd Presents to th' eternal King Thus to his Name due Rev'rence pay verse 12 Who Proudest Potentates can quell To Earthly Kings more terrible Than to their trembling Subjects They Psalm LXXVII verse 1 TO God I cry'd who to my Help did graciously repair verse 2 In Trouble's dismal Day I fought my God with humble Pray'r All Night my fest'ring Wound did run no Med'cine gave Relief My Soul no Comfort would admit my Soul indulg'd her Grief verse 3 I thought on God and Favours past but that increas'd my Pain I found my Spirit more opprest the more I did complain verse 4 Thro ev'ry watch of tedious Night thou keep st my Eyes awake My Grief is swell'd to that Excess I sigh but cannot speak verse 5 I call to mind the Days of old with signal Mercy crown'd Those famous Years of ancient Times for Miracles renown'd verse 6 By Night I recollect my Songs on former Triumphs made Then search consult and ask my Heart where 's now that wond'rous Aid verse 7 Has God for ever cast us off withdrawn his Favour quite verse 8 Are both his Mercy and his Truth retir'd to endless Night verse 9 Can his long-practis'd Love forget it's wonted Aids to bring Has he in Wrath shut up and seal'd his Mercy 's healing Spring verse 10 I said my Weakness hints these Fears but I 'll my Fears disband Will yet remember the most High and Years of his Right-hand verse 11 I 'll call to mind his Works of old the Wonders of his Might verse 12 On them my Heart shall meditate my Tongue shall them recite verse 13 Safe lodg'd from humane Search on high O God thy Counsels are Who is so great a God as ours who can with him compare verse 14 Long since a God of Wonders Thee thy rescu'd People found verse 15 Long since hast thou thy chosen Seed with strong Deliv'rance crown'd verse 16 When Thee O God the Waters saw the frighted Billows shrunk The troubled Depths
themselves for Fear beneath their Channels sunk verse 17 The Clouds pour'd down while rending Skies did with their Noise conspire Thy Arrows all abroad were sent wing'd with avenging Fire verse 18 Heav'n with thy Thunder's Voice was torn whilst all the lower World With Lightning blaz'd Earth shook and feem'd from her Foundations hurl'd verse 19 Thro' rolling Streams thou find'st thy way thy Paths in waters lie Thy wond'rous Passage where no Sight thy Footsteps can descry verse 20 Thou led'st thy People like a Flock safe thro the Desart Land By Moses their meek skilful Guide And Aaron's facred Hand PSALM LXXVIII verse 1 HEar O my People to my Law devout Attention lend Let the Instruction of my Mouth deep in your Hearts descend verse 2 My Tongue by Inspiration taught shall Parables unfold Dark Oracles but understood and own'd for Truths of Old verse 3 Which we from sacred Registers of ancient Times have known And our Fore-fathers pious Care to us has handed down verse 4 We will not hide them from our Sons our Offspring shall be taught The Praises of the Lord whose Strength has Works of Wonder wrought verse 5 For Jacob be this Law ordain'd this League with Isr'el made With Charge to be from Age to Age from Race to Race convey'd verse 6 That Generations yet to come should to their unborn Heirs Religiously transmit the same and they again to theirs verse 7 To teach'em that in God alone their Hope securely stands That they should ne'er forget his Works but keep his just Commands verse 8 Left like their Fathers they might prove a stiff Rebellious Race False-hearted sickle to their God unstedfast in his Grace verse 9 Such were revolting Epbraim's Sons who tho to Warfare bred And skilful Archers arm'd with Bows from Field ignobly sled verse 10 11 They falsify'd their League with God his Orders disobey'd Forgot his Works and Miracles before their Eyes display'd verse 12 Nor Wonders which their Fathers saw did they in Mind retain Prodigious things in Egypt done and Zoan's fertile Plain verse 13 He cut the Seas to let 'em pass restrain'd the pressing Flood While pil'd in Heaps on either side the solid Waters stood verse 14 A wond'rous Pillar led them on compos'd of Shade and Light A sheltring Cloud it prov'd by Day a leading Fire by Night verse 15 When Drought opprest'em where no Stream the Wilderness supply'd He clest the Rock whose flinty Breast dissolv'd into a Tide verse 16 Streams from the solid Rock he brought which down in Rivers fell That trav'ling with their Camp each day renew'd the Miracle verse 17 Yet there they sinn'd against him more provoking the most High In that same Desart where he did their fainting Souls supply verse 18 They first incens'd him in their Hearts that did his Pow'e distrust And long'd for Meat not urg'd by Want but to indulge their Lust verse 19 Then utter'd their blaspheming Doubts Can God say they prepare A Table in the Wilderness set out with various Fare verse 20 He smote the flinty Rock 't is true and gushing Streams ensu'd But can he corn and Flesh Provide for such a Multitude verse 21 The Lord with Indignation heard From Heav'n avenging Flame On Jacob fell consuming Wrath on thankless Isr'el came verse 22 Because their unbelieving Hearts in God would not conside Nor trust his Care who had from Heav'n their wants so oft supply'd verse 23 Tho he had made his Clouds discharge provisions down in Show'rs And when Earth fail'd reliev'd their Needs from his Celestial Stores verse 24 Tho tasteful Manna was rain'd down their Hunger to relieve Tho from the Stores of Heav'n they did sustaining Corn receive verse 25 Thus Man with Angels sacred Food ingrateful Man was fed Not sparingly for still they found a plenteous Table spread verse 26 From Heav'n be made an East Wind blow then did the South command verse 27 To rain down Flesh like dust and Fowls like Seas unnumber'd Sand. verse 28 Within their Trenches he let fall the luscious easie Prey And all around their spreading Camp the ready Booty lay verse 29 They fed were fill'd he gave'em leave their Appetites to feast verse 30 31 Yet still their wanton lust crav'd on nor with their Hunger ceas'd But whilst in their luxurious Mouth they did their Dainties chew The Wrath of God smote down their Chiess and Isr'el's Chosen flew PART II verse 32 Yet still they finn'd nor would afford his Miracles Belief verse 33 Therefore thro fruitless Travels he consum'd their Lives in Grief verse 34 When some slain the rest return'd to God with early Cry verse 35 Own'd him the Rock of their Defence their Saviour God most High verse 36 But this Was seign'd Submission all their Heart their Tongue bely'd verse 37 Their Heart was still perverse nor wou'd firm in his League abide verse 38 Yet full of Mercy he forgave nor did with Death chastise But turn'd his kindled Wrath aside or would not let it rise verse 39 For he remember'd they were flesh that could not long remain A murm'ring Wind that 's quickly past and ne'er returns again verse 40 How ost did they provoke him there How ost his Patience grieve In that same Desart where he did their fainting Souls relieve verse 41 They tempted him by turning back and wickedly repin'd When Isrsel's God refus'd to be by their Desires consin'd verse 42 Nor call to mind the Hand and Day that their Redemption brought verse 43 His Signs in Egypt wond'rous Works in Zoan's Valley wrought verse 44 He turn'd their Rivers into Blood that Man and Beast forbore And rather chose to die of Thirst than drink the putrid Gore verse 45 He sent devouring Swarms of Flies hoarse Frogs annoy'd their Soil verse 46 Locusts and Caterpillars reap'd the Harvest of their Toil. verse 47 Their Vines with batt'ring Hail were broke with Frost the Fig-Tree dies verse 48 Light'ning and Hail made Flocks and Herds one gen'ral Sacrifice verse 49 He turn'd his Anger loose and let no time for it to cease And with their Plagues bad Angels sent their Torments to increase verse 50 He clear'd a Passage for his Wrath to ravage uncontroul'd The Murrain on their Firstlings seiz'd in ev'ry Field and Fold verse 51 The deadly Pest from Beast to Man from Field to City came It slew their Heirs their eldest Hopes thro all the Tents of Ham. verse 52 But his own Tribe like folded Sheep he brought from their Distress And them conducted like a Flock thro-out the Wilderness verse 53 He led'em on dnd in their way no cause of Fear they found But march'd securely thro those Deeps In which their Foes were drown'd verse 54 Nor ceas'd his Care till them he brought safe to his promis'd Land And to his holy Mount the Prize of his victorious Hand verse 55 To them the out-cast Heathen's Land he did by Lot divide And in their Foes abandon'd Tents made Isr'el's Tribes reside PART III
their Guilt defac'd Thou hast not let thy Wrath flame on nor thy fierce Anger last verse 4 O God our Saviour all our Hearts to thy Obedience turn That quencht with our repenting Tears thy Wrath no more may burn verse 5 6 For why shouldst thou be angry still and Wrath so long retain Revive us Lord and let thy Saints thy wonted Comfort gain verse 7 Thy gracious Favour Lord display which we have long implor'd And for thy wond'rous Mercie 's sake thy wonted Aid afford verse 8 God's Anfwer patiently I 'll wait for he with glad Success If they no more to solly turn his mourning Saints will bless verse 9 To all that fear his holy Name his sure Salvation's near And in its former happy state our Nation shali appear verse 10 For Mercy now with Truth is join'd and Righteousness with Peace like kind Companions absent long with friendly Arms embrace verse 11 12 Truth from the Eirth shall spring whilst Heav'n shall Streams of Justice pour And God from whom all Goodness flows shall endless Plenty show'r verse 13 Before him Righteousnefs shall march and his Just Paths prepare Whilst we his holy steps pursue with constant Zeal and Care Psalm LXXXVI verse 1 To my Complaint O Lord my God thy gracious Ear incline Hear me distrest and destitute of all Relies but thine verse 2 Do thou O God preserve my Soul that does thy Name adore Thy Servant keep and him whose Trust relies on Thee restore verse 3 To me who daily Thee invoke thy Mercy Lord extend verse 4 Refresh thy Servant's Soul whose Hopes on Thee alone depend verse 5 Thou Lord art good nor only good but prompt to pardon too Of plenteous Mercy to all those who for thy Mercy sue verse 6 To my repeated humble Pray'r O Lord attentive be verse 7 When Troubled I on Thee will call for thou wilt answer me verse 8 Among the God there 's none like Thee O Lord alone divine To Thee as much inferiour they as are their Works to thine verse 9 Therefore their great Creator Thee the Nations shall adore Their long misguided Pray'rs and Praise to thy blest Name restore verse 10 All shall confess Thee great ahd great the Wonders thou hast done Confess thee God the God supreme confess thee God alone PART II verse 11 Teach me thy way O Lord and I from Truth shall ne'er depart In rev'rence to thy sacred Name devoutly fix my heart verse 12 Thee will I praise O Lord my God praise thee with Heart sincere And to thy everlasting Name Eternal Trophies rear verse 13 Thy boundless Mercy shewn to me transcends my Pow'r to tell For thou hast ost redeem'd my Soul from lowest Depths of Hell verse 14 O God the Sons of Pride and Strife have my Destruction sought Regardless of thy Pow'r that oft has my Deliv'rance wrought verse 15 But thou thy constant Goodness didst to my Assistance brings Of Patience Mercy and of Truth thou everlasting Spring verse 16 O bounteous Lord thy Grace and Strenght to me thy Servant s how Thy kind Protection Lord on me thine Handmaid's Son bestow verse 17 Some Signal give which my proud Foes may see with shame and Rage When thou O Lord for my Relies and Comfort dost engage Psalm LXXXVII verse 1 GOD's Temple crowns the Holy Mount the Lords their condescends to dwell verse 2 His Sion's Gates in his account our Israel's fairest Tents excel verse 3 Fame glorious things of Thee shall sing O City of th' Almighty King verse 4 I 'll mention Rabab with due Praise in Babylon's Applauses join The Frame of Athiopia raise with that of Tyre and Palastine And grant that some amongst them born their Age and Country did adorn verse 5 But still of Sion averr that many such from her proceed Th' Almighty shall establish her verse 6 his gen'ral List shall shew when read That such a Person there was born their Age and Country did adorn verse 7 He 'll Sion find with Numbers fill'd of such as merit high Renown For Hand and Voice Musicians skill'd and her transcending Fame to crown Of such she shall Successions bring like Waters from a living Spring Psam LXXXVIII verse 1 To thee my God and Saviour I By Day and Night address my Cry verse 2 Vouchsase my mournful Voice to hear to my Distress incline thine Ear. verse 3 For Seas of Trouble mel invade My Soul draws nigh to Death's cold shade verse 4 Like one whose Strength and hopes are fled They number me among the Dead verse 5 Like those who shrouded in the Grave From thee no more Remembrance have Cast off from thy sustaining Care verse 6 Down to the Consines of Despair verse 7 Thy Wrath has hard upon me lain Assicting me with restless Pain Me all thy Mountain Waves have prest Too weak alass to bear the least verse 8 Remov'd from Friends I sigh alone In a loath'd Dungeon laid where none A Visit will vouchsase to me Consin'd past Hopes of liberty verse 9 My Eyes from weeping never cease They waste but still my Griess increase Yet daily Lord to thee I pray'd With out-stretch Hands invok'd thy Aid verse 10 Wilt thou by Miracle revive The Dead whom thou forsook'st Alive From Death restore thy Praise to sing Whom thou from Prison would'st not bring verse 11 Shall the mute Grave thy Love consess A mold'ring Tomb thy Faithfulness verse 12 Thy Truth and Pow'r Renown obtain Where Darkness and Oblivion reign verse 13 To thee O Lord I cry forlorn My Pray r prevents the early Morn verse 14 Why hast thou Lord my Soul forsook Nor once vouchsas'd a gracious Look verse 15 Prevailing Sorrows bear me down Which from my Youth with me have grown Thy Terrors past distract my Mind And Fears of blacker Days behind verse 16 Thy Wrath hath burst upon my Head Thy Terrors fill my Soul with Dread verse 17 Environ'd as with Waves combin'd And for a gen'ral Deluge join'd verse 18 My Lovers Friends Familiars all Remov'd from Sight and out of call To dark Oblivion all retir'd Dead or at least to me expir'd Psalni LXXXIX verse 1 THY Mercies Lord shall be my song My Song on them shall ever dwell To Ages yet unborn my Tongue Thy never failing Truth shall tell verse 2 I have assirm'd and still maintain Thy Mercy shall for ever last Thy Truth that does the Heav'ns sustain Like them shall stand for ever fasat verse 3 Thus spak'st thou by the Prophet's Voice With David I a League have made To him my Servant and my Choice By Solemn Oath this Grant convey'd While Earth and Seas and Skies endure Thy Seed shall in my Sight remain To them thy Throne I will ensure They shall to endless Ages reign verse 5 For such stupendious Truth and Love Both Heav'n and Earth just Praises owe By Choirs of Angels sung above And by Assembled Saints below verse 6 What Seraph of Celestial Birth To vie with Isr'el's God shall dare
this little Spot of Clay So much his boundless Love transcends The small Respects that we can pay verse 12 13 As far as 't is from East to West So far has he our sins remov'd Who with a Father's tender Breast Has such as fear him always lov'd verse 14 15 For God who all our Frame surveys Considers that we are but Clay How fresh so'er we seem our Days Like Grass or Flowers ' must fade away verse 16 17 Whilst they are nipt with sudden Blasts Nor can we find their former place God's faithful Mercy ever lasts To those that fear him and their Race verse 18 This shall attend on such as still Proceed in his appointed way And who not only knows his Will But to it just Obedience pay verse 19 20 The Lord the universal King In Heav'n has fixt his lofty Throne To him ye Angels praises sing In whose great strength his Pow'r is shown Ye that his just commands obey And hear and do his sacred Will verse 21 Ye hosts of his this Tribute pay Who still what he ordains fulfil verse 22 Let ev'ry Creature jointly bless The mighty Lord and thou my heart With grateful Joy thy thanks express And in this Consort bear thy part Psalm CIV verse 1 BLess God my Soul thou Lord alone Possessest Empire without Bounds With honour thou art crown'd thy Throne Eternal Majesty surrounds verse 2 With Light thou dost thy self enrobe And Glory for a Garment take Heaven's Curtains stretch beyond the Globe Thy Canopy of State to make verse 3 God builds on liquid Air and forms His Palace-chambers in the Skies The Clouds his Chariot are and Storms The swift-wing'd Steeds with which he flies verse 4 As bright as flame and swift as wind His Ministers heav'ns palace fill To have their sundry Tasks assign'd All proud to serve their Sov'reigns Will. verse 5 6 Earth on her Center fixt he set Her Face with Waters overspread Nor proudest mountains dar'd as yet To list above the waves their head verse 7 But when thy awful Face appear'd Th' insulting waves dispers'd they fled When once thy thunder's Voice they heard And by their haste confest their dread verse 8 Thence up by secret tracts they creep And gushing from the Mountain's side Thro' Valleys travel to the Deep Appointed to receive their Tide verse 9 There hast thou fixt the Ocean's bounds The threatning Surges to repel That they no more o'er-pass their mounds Nor to a second Deluge swell PART II. verse 10 Yet thence in smaller parties drawn The Sea recovers her lost hills And starting Springs from eve'ry Lawn Surprize the Vales with plenteous Rills verse 11 The Feild's tame Beasts are thither led Weary with Labour faint with Drought And Asses on wild mountains bred Have sense to find these Currents out verse 12 Their shady Trees from scorching Beams Yield shelter to the feather'd Throng They drink and to the Bounteous Streams Return the Tribute of their Song verse 13 His Rains from Heav'n parcht hills recruit That soon transmit the liquid Store Till Earth is burthen'd with her Fruit And Nature's Lap can hold no more verse 14 Grass for our Cattel to devour He makes the growth of every Field Herbs for Man's use of various pow'r That either Food or Physick yield verse 15 With cluster'd Grapes he crowns the Vine To chear Man's heart opprest with Cares Gives Oyl that makes his Face to shine And Corn that wasted Strength repairs PART III. verse 16 The Trees of God without the Care Or Art of Man with Sap are fed The Mountain-Cedar looks as fair As those in Royal Gardens bred verse 17 Safe in the lofty Cedar's Arms The Wand'rers of the Air may rest The Hospitable Pine from Harms Protects the Stork her pious Guest verse 18 Wild Goats the craggy Rock ascend It 's tow'ring heights their Fortress make Whose Cells in Labyrinths extend Where feebler Creatures refuge take verse 19 The Moon 's inconstant Aspect shows Th' appointed Seasons of the Year Th' instructed Sun his Duty Knows His hours to rise and disappear verse 20 21 Darkness he makes the Earth to shrou'd When Forest-Beasts securely stray Young Lions roar their Wants aloud To providence that sends'em Prey verse 22 They range all Night on slaughter bent Till summon'd by the rising Morn To skulck in Dens with one consent The conscious Ravagers return verse 23 Forth to the Tillage of his soil The Husbandman securely goes Commencing with the Sun his Toil With him returns to his Repose verse 24 How various Lord thy Works are found For which thy Wisdom we adore The Earth is with thy Treasure crown'd Till Nature's hand can grasp no more PART IV. verse 25 But still the vast unfathom'd Main Of Wonders a new Scene supplies Whose Depths Inhabitants contain Of every Form and every Size verse 26 Full-freighted Ships from ev'ry Port There cut their unmolested way Leviathan whom there to sport Thou mad'st has compass there to play verse 27 These various Troops of Sea and Land In sense of common Want agree All wait on thy dispensing Hand And have their daily Alms from thee verse 28 They gather what thy Stores disperse Without their trouble to provide Thou op'st thy hand the Universe The craving World is all supply'd verse 29 Thou for a Moment hid'st thy Face The numerous Ranks of Creatures mourn Thou tak'st their Breath all Nature's Race Forthwith to Mother-Earth return verse 30 Again thou send'st thy Spirit forth T' inspire the Mass with vital Seed Nature's restor'd and Parent Earth Smiles on her new created Breed verse 31 Thus through successive Ages stands Firm fixt thy Providential Care Pleas'd with the Work of thy own hands Thou dost the wastes of Time repair verse 32 One Look of thine one wrathful Look Earth's panting Breast with Terror fills One touch from thee with Clouds of Smoak In darkness shrouds the proudest hills verse 33 In praising God while he prolongs My Breath I will that Breath imploy verse 34 And joyn Devotion to my Songs Sincere as is in him my Joy verse 35 While Sinners from Earth's Face are hurl'd My Soul praise thou his holy Name Till with my Song the listning World Joyn consort and his praise proclaim Psalm CV verse 1 O Render Thanks and bless the Lord invoke his sacred Name Acquaint the Nations with his Deeds his matchless Deeds proclaim verse 2 Sing to his praise in lofty Hymns his wondrous works rehearse Make them the Theme of your Discourse and Subject of your Verse verse 3 Rejoyce in his Almighty Name alone to be ador'd And let their heart o'erflow with Joy that humbly seek the Lord. verse 4 Seek ye the Lord his saving strength devoutly still implore And where he 's ever present seek his Face for evermore verse 5 The wonders that his hands have wrought keep thankfully in mind The righteous Statutes of his Mouth and laws to us assign'd verse 6 Know ye his Servant Abraham's Seed and Jacob's chosen
Race verse 7 He 's still our God his Judgments stil thro-out the Earth take place verse 8 His Cov'nant he hath kept in mind for numerous Ages past Which yet for thousand Ages more in equal force shall last verse 9 First sign'd to Abr'am next by Oath to Isaac made secure verse 10 To Jacob and his Heirs a Law for ever to endure verse 11 That Canaan's Land should be their Lot when yet but few they were verse 12 But few in number and those few all friendless Strangers there verse 13 In Pilgrimage from Realm to Realm securely they remov'd verse 14 Whilst proudest Monarchs for their sakes severely he reprov'd verse 15 These mine anointed are said he let none my Servants wrong Nor treat the poorest Prophet ill that does to me belong verse 16 A Dearth at last by his Command did thro the Land prevail Till Corn the chief support of Life sustaining Corn did fail verse 17 But his indulgent Providence had pious Joseph sent Sold into Egypt but their Death who sold him to prevent verse 18 His Feet with heavy Chains were crush'd with Calumny his Fame verse 19 Till God's appointed Time and Word to his Deliv'rance came verse 20 The King his sov'reign Orders sent and rescu'd him with speed Whom private Malice had confin'd the People's Ruler freed verse 21 His Court Revenues Realm were all subjected to his Will verse 22 His greatest Princes to controul and teach his Statesmen Skill PART II. verse 23 To Egypt'then invited Guests half-famish'd Israel came And Jacob held by Royal Grant the fertile Soil of Ham. verse 24 Th' Almighty there with such Increase his People multiply'd Till with their proud Oppressors they in Strength and Number vy'd verse 25 Their vast increase th' Egyptians Hearts with jealous Anger fir'd Till they his Servants to destroy by treach'rous Arts conspir'd verse 26 His Servant Moses then he sent his chosen Aaron too verse 27 Empower'd with Signs and Miracles to prove their Mission true verse 28 He call'd for Darkness Darkness came Nature his Summons knew verse 29 Each Stream and Lake transform'd to Blood the wondring Fishes flew verse 30 In putrid Floods throughout the Land the Pest of Frogs was bred From noisom Fens sent up to croack at Pharaoh's Board and Bed verse 31 He gave the Sign and Swarms of Flies came down in cloudy Hosts Whilst Earth's enliv'ned Dust below bred Lice thro all their Coasts verse 32 He sent 'em batt'ring Hail for Rain and Fire for cooling Dew verse 33 He smote their Vines and Forest Plants and Garden 's Pride o'erthrew verse 34 He spake the Word and Locusts came with Caterpillars joyn'd They prey'd upon the poor Remains the Storm had left behind verse 35 From Trees to Herbage they descend no verdant thing they spare But like the naked Fallow-Field leave all the Pastures bare verse 36 From Field to Villages and Towns commission'd Vengeance flew One fatal stroke their eldest Hopes and Strength of Egypt flew verse 37 He brought his Servants forth enrich'd with Egypt's borrow'd Wealth And what transcends all Treasures else enrich'd with vig'rous Health verse 38 Egypt rejoyc'd in hopes to find her Plagues with them remov'd Taught dearly now to fear worse Ills by those already prov'd verse 39 Their shrouding Canopy by day a journeying Cloud was spread A fiery Pillar all the Night their Desart-Marches led verse 40 They long'd for Flesh with Ev'ning Quails he furnish'd ev'ry Tent From Heav'ns own Granary each Morn the Bread of Angels sent verse 41 He smote the Rock whose flinty Breast pour'd forth a gushing Tide Whose following Stream where-e'er the march'd the-Desart's Drought supply'd verse 42 For still he did on Abr'am's Faith and ancient League reflect verse 43 He brought his People forth with Joy with Triumph his Elect. verse 44 Quite-rooting out their Heathen Foes from Canaan's fertile Soil To them in cheap Possession gave the Fruit of other's Toil. verse 45 That they his Statutes might observe his sacred Laws obey For Benefits so vast let us our Songs of Praise repay Psalm CVI. verse 1 O Render thanks to God above The Fountain of eternal Love Whose Mercy firm thro' Ages past Has stood and shall for ever last verse 2 Who can his mighty Deeds express Not only vast but numberless What Mortal Eloquence can raise His Tribute of immortal Praise verse 3 Happy are they and only they Who from thy Judgments never stray Who know what 's right nor only so But always practice what they know verse 4 Extend to me that Favour Lord Thou to thy chosen dost afford When tbou return'st to set them free Let thy Salvation visit me verse 5 O! may I worthy prove to see Thy Saints in full prosperity That I the joyful Choir may joyn And count thy People's Triumph mine verse 6 But ah can we expect such Grace Of Parents vile the viler Race Who their Misdeeds haved acted o'er And with new Crimes increas'd the Score verse 7 Ingrateful they no longer thought On all his Works in Egypt wrought The Red-Sea they no sooner view'd But they their base distrust renew'd verse 8 Yet he to vindicate his Name Once more to their Deliv'rance came To make his Sov'reign Pow'r be known That he is God and he alone verse 9 To right and left at his Command The parting Deep disclos'd her sand Where firm and dry the Passage lay As thro' some parcht and desart way verse 10 Thus rescu'd from their Foes they were Who closely press'd upon their Rear verse 11 Whose Rage pursu'd'em to those Waves That prov'd the rash Pursuer's Graves verse 12 The watry Mountains sudden Fall O'erwhelms proud Pharaoh Host and all This Proof did stupid Israel move To own God's Truth and praise his Love PART II. verse 13 But soon these Wonders they forgot And for his Counsel waited not verse 14 But lusting in the Wilderness Did him with fresh Temptations press verse 15 Strong Food at their Request he sent But made their Sin their Punishment verse 16 Yet still his Saints they did oppose The Priest and Prophet whom he chose verse 17 But Earth the Quarrel to decide Her Vengeful Jaws extending wide Rash Datban to her Centre drew With proud Abiram's factious Crew verse 18 The rest of those who did conspire To kindle wild Sedition's Fire With all their impious Train became A Prey to Heaven's devouring Flame verse 19 Near Horeb's Mount a Calf they made And to the molten Image pray'd verse 20 Adoring what their Hands did frame They chang'd their Glory to their Shame verse 21 Their God and Saviour they forgot And all his works in Egypt wrought verse 22 His Signs in Ham's astonisht Coast And where proud Pharoah's Troops were lost verse 23 Thus urg'd his vengeful hand he rear'd But Moses in the Breach appeared The Saint did for the Rebels pray And turn'd Heaven 's kindled wrath away verse 24 Yet they his pleasant Land despis'd Nor his repeated Promise priz'd verse 25
Friend And he shall from unrighteous Dooms their guiltless Souls defend Psalm CX verse 1 THE Lord unto my Lord thus spake Till I thy Foes thy Footstool make sit thou in state at my Right-hand verse 2 Supreme in Sion thou shall be and all thy proud Opposers see subjected to thy just Command verse 3 Thee in thy Pow'rs triumphant Day the willing Nations shall obey and when thy rising Beams they view shall all redeem'd from Error 's Night appear as numberless and bright as Chrystal Drops of Morning Dew verse 4 The Lord hath sworn nor sworn in vain that like Melchizedech's thy Reign and Priesthood shall no Period know verse 5 No proud Competitor to fit at thy Right-hand will he permit but in his wrath crown'd Heads o'erthrow verse 6 The sentenc'd Heathen he shall flay and fill with Carcasses his way till he hath struck Earth's Tyrants dead verse 7 But in the high-way Brooks shall first like a poor Pilgrim slake his Thirst and then in Triumph raise his Head Psalm CXI verse 1 PRise ye the Lord our God to praise My Soul her utmost Pow'r raise With private Friends and in the Throng Of Saints his Praise shall be my Song verse 2 His Works for Greatness tho' renown'd His wond'rous Works with ease are found By those who seek for them aright And in the pious Search delight verse 3 His Works are all of matchless Fame And universal Glory claim His truth confirm'd thro'Ages past Shall to eternal Ages last verse 4 By precept he has us enjoyn'd To keep his wondrous Works in mind And to posterity record That good and gracious is our Lord. verse 5 His Bounty like a flowing Tide Has all his Servants Wants supply'd And he will ever keep in mind His Cov'nant with our Fathers sign'd verse 6 At once astonish'd and o'erjoy'd They saw his matchless Pow'r employ'd Whereby the Heathen were suppress'd And we their Heritage possess'd verse 7 Just are the Dealings of his Hands Immutable are his Commands verse 8 By Truth and Equity sustain'd And for eternal Rules ordain'd verse 9 He set is Saints from Bondage free And then establish'd his Decree For ever to remain the fame Holy and Rev'rend is his Name verse 10 Who Wisdom's sacred Prize would win Must with the Fear of God begin Immortal praise and heav'nly Skill Have they who know and do his Will Psalm CXII HALLELUJAH verse 1 THat Man is blest who stands in aw Of God and loves his sacred Law verse 2 His seed on Earth shall be renown'd And with successive Honours crown'd verse 1 His House the Seat of Wealth shall be An inexhausted Treasury His Justice free from all Decay Shall Blessings to his Heirs convey verse 4 The Soul that 's fill'd with Vertue 's Light Shine's brightest in Assliction's Night To pity the Distrest inclin'd As well as just to all Mankind verse 5 His lib'ral Favours he extends To some he gives to others lends Yet what his Charity impairs He saves by Prudence in Affairs verse 6 Beset with threatning Dangers round Unmov'd shall he maintain his Ground The sweet Remembrance of the Just Shall flourish when he sleeps in Dust verse 7 III Tidings never can surprize His Heart that still on God relies verse 8 On Safety 's Rock he sits and sees The Shipwreck of his Enemies verse 9 His Hands while they his Alms bestow'd His Glory 's future Harvest sow'd Whence he shall reap Wealth Fame Renown A temp'ral and eternal Crown verse 10 The Wicked shall his Trinmph see And gnash their Teeth in Agony While their unrighteous Hopes decay And vanish with themselves away Psalm CXIII verse 1 YE Saints and Servants of the Lord the Triumphs of his Name record verse 2 His sacred Name for ever bless verse 3 Where e'er the circling Sun displays his rising Beams or setting Rays due praise to his great Name address verse 4 God thro' the World extends his Sway the Regions of eternal Day but Shadows of his Glory are verse 5 To him whose Majesty excels who made the Heav'n in which he dwells let no created Pow'r compare verse 6 Tho' t is beneath his State to view in highest Heav'n what Angels do yet he to Earth vouchsafes his Care He takes the Needy from his Cell advancing him in Courts to dwell Companion to the greatest there verse 7 When childless Families despair He sends the Blessing of an Heir to rescue their expiring Name Makes her that barren was to bear and joyfully her fruit to rear O then extol his matcless Fame Psalm CXIV verse 1 WHen ' ISr'el by th' Almighty led Enrich'd with their Oppressors spoil From Egypt march'd and Jacob's Seed From Bondage in a foreign Soil Jehovab for his Residence Chose out imperial Judah's Tent His Mansion Royal and from thence Thro' Israel's Camp his Orders sent verse 3 The distant Sea with Terrors saw And from th' Almighty's presence fled Old Jordan's Streams surpriz'd with Awe Retreated to their Fountain's Head verse 4 The taller Mountains skipp'd like Rams When danger near the Fold they hear The Hills skipp'd after them like Lambs affrighted by their Leader's Fear verse 5 O Sea what made your Tide withdraw And naked leave your oozy Bed Why Jordan against Natur 's Law Recoild'st thou to thy Fountain's Head verse 6 Why Mountains did ye skip like Rams When Danger does approach the Fold Why after you the Hills like Lambs When they their Leader's Flight behold verse 7 Earth tremble on well may'st thou fear Thy Lord and Maker's Face to fee When Jacob's awful God draws near 'T is time for Earth and Seas to flee verse 8 To flee from God who Natures Law Confirms and cancels at his Will Who Springs from flinty Rocks can draw And thirsty Vales with Water fill Psalm CXV verse 1 LOrd not to us we claim no Share but to thy sacred Name Give Glory for thy Mercy 's fake and Truth 's eternal Fame verse 2 Why should the Heathen cry Where'snow the God whom we adore verse 3 Convince'em that in Heav'n thou art and uncontroul'd thy Pow'r verse 4 Their God's but Gold and Silver are the Works of Mortal Hands verse 5 With speechless Mouth and fightless Eyes the molten Idol stands verse 6 The Pageant has both Ears and Nose but neigher hears nor smells verse 7 Its Hands and Feet nor feel nor move no Life within it dwells verse 8 Such senseless Stocks they are that we can nothing like 'em find But those who on their Help rely and them for Gods design'd verse 9 O Ifr el make the Lord your Trust who is your Help and Shield verse 10 Priests Levites trust in him alone who only Help can yield verse 11 Let all who truely fear the Lord on him they fear rely Who them in Danger can defend and all their Wants supply verse 12 13 Of us he oft has mindful been and Israel's House will bless Priests Levites Proselytes ev'n All who his great Name confess verse 14
On you and on your Heirs he will increase of Blessings bring verse 15 Thrice happy you who Fav'rites are of this Almighty King verse 16 Heav'ns highest Orb of Glory he hiS Empire 's Seat design'd And gave this lower Globe of Earth a Portion td Mankind verse 17 They who in Death and Silence sleep to him no Praise afford verse 18 But we will bless for evermore our ever-living Lord. Psalm CXVI verse 1 MY Soul with grateful Thoughts of Love intirely is poslest Because the Lord vouchsasd to hear the Voice of my Request verse 2 Since he has now his Ear inclin'd I never will despair But still in all the straits of Life to him address my Prayer verse 3 With deadly Sorrows compass'd round with pains of Hell opprest When Troubles seiz'd my aking Heart and Anguish rack'd my Breast verse 4 On God's Almighty Name I call'd and thus to him I pray'd Lord I beseech thee save my Soul with Sorrows quite dismay'd verse 5 6 How just and merciful is God how gracious is the Lord Who saves the harmless and to me does timely help afford verse 7 Then free from pensive Cares my Soul resume thy wonted Rest For God has wond'rously to thee his bounteous Love exprest verse 8 When Death alarm'd me he remov'd my dangers and my Fears My Feet from falling he secur'd and dry'd my Eyes from Tears verse 9 Therefore my Life 's remaining years which God to me shall lend Will I in praises to his Name and in his Service spend verse 10 11 In God I trusted and of him in greatest Straits did boast For in my Flight all hopes of Aid from faithless Men were lost verse 12 13 Then what Return to him shall I for all his goodness make I 'll praise his Name and with glad Zeal the Cup of Blessing take verse 14 15 I 'll pay my Vows amongst his Saints whose Blood howe'er despis'd By Wicked Men in God's account is always highly priz'd verse 16 By various Ties O Lord must I to thy Dominion bow Thy humble Handmaid's Son before thy ransom'd Captive now verse 17 18 To thee I 'll Off rings bring of praise and whilst I bless thy Name The just performance of my Vows to all thy Saints proclaim verse 19 They in Jerusalem shall meet and in thy House shall joyn To bless thy Name consent and mix their Songs with mine Psalm CXVII verse 1 WIth cheerful Notes let all the Earth to Heav'n their Voices raise Let all inspir'd with godly Mirth sing solemn Hymns of Praise verse 2 God's tender Mercy knows no bound his Truth shall ne'er decay Then let the willing Nations round their grateful Tribute pay Psalm CXVIII verse 1 2 OPraise the Lord for he is good his Mercies ne'er decay That his kind Favours ever last let thankful Isr'el say verse 3 4 Their Sense of his eternal Love let Aaron's House express And that it never fails let all that fear the Lord confess verse 5 To God I made my humble moan with troubles quite opprest And he releas'd me from my Straits and granted my Request verse 6 Since therefore God does on my fide so graciously appear Why should the vain Attempts of Men possess my Soul with fear verse 7 Since God with those that aid my Cause vouchsases my part to take To all my Foes I need not doubt a just Return to make verse 8 9 For better 't is to trust in God and have the Lord our Friend Than on the greatest humane Pow'r for Safety to depend verse 10 11 Tho' many Nations closely leagu'd did ost beset me round Yet by his boundless Pow'r sustain'd I did their Strength confound verse 12 They swarm'd like Bees and yet their Rage was but a short-liv'd Blaze For whilst on God I still rely'd I vanquish'd them with ease verse 13 When all united press'd me hard in hopes to make me fall The Lord vouchsaf'd to take my part and fav'd me from them all verse 14 The Honour of my strange Escape to him alone belongs He is my Saviour and my Strength he only claims my Songs verse 15 Joy fills the Dwelling of the just whom God has fav'd from Harm For wond'rous things are brought to pass by his Almighty Arm. verse 16 He by his own resistless Pow'r has endless Honour won The saving Strength of his Right-hand amazing Works has done verse 17 God will not susser me to fall but still prolongs my Days That by declaring all his Works I may advance his Praise verse 18 When God had sorely me chastiz'd till quite of Hopes bereav'd His Mercy from the Gates of Death my fainting Life repriev'd verse 19 Then open wide the Temple-Gates to which the Just repair That I may enter in and praise my great Deliv'rer there verse 20 21 Within those Gates of God's Abgde to which the righteous press Since thou hast heard and set me safe thy holy Name I 'll bless verse 22 23 That which the Builders once refus'd is now the Corner-stone This is the wond'rous Work of God the Work of God alone verse 24 25 This Day is God's let all the Land exalt their cheerful Voice Lord we be seech thee fave us now and make us still rejoyce verse 26 Him that approaches in God's Name let all th' Assembly bless We that belong to God's own House have wish'd you good Success verse 27 God is the Lord thro' whom we all both Light and Comfort find Fast to the Altar's Horn with Cords the chosen Victim bind verse 28 Thou art my Lord O God and still I 'll praise thy holy Name Because thou only art my God I 'll celebrate thy Fame verse 29 O then with me give thanks to God who still does gracious prove And let the Tribute of our Praise be endless as his Love Psalm CXIX ALEPH. verse 1 HOW blest are they who always keep the pure and perfect way Who never from the sacred Paths of God's Commandments stray verse 2 How blest who to his righteous Laws have still obedient been And have with servent humble Zeal his Favour fought to win verse 3 Such Men their utmost caution use to shun each wicked Deed But in the path which he directs with constant Care proceed verse 4 Thou strictly hast enjoyn'd us Lord to learn thy sacred Will And all our Diligence employ thy Statutes to fulfil verse 5 O then that thy most holy Will might o'er my ways preside And I the course of all my Life by thy Direction guide verse 6 Then with Assurance should I walk from all Confusion free Convinc'd with Joy that all my Ways with thy Commands agree verse 7 My upright Heart shall my glad Mouth with cheerful Praises fill When by thy righteous Judgments taught I shall have learnt thy Will verse 8 So to thy sacred Laws shall I all due Observance pay O then forsakc me not my God nor cast me quite away BETH verse 9 How shall the Young preserve their Ways from all Pollution
nor frowning Danger aw verse 166 For thy Salvation I have hop'd and tho' so long delay'd With cheerful Zeal and strictest Care all thy Commands obey'd verse 167 Thy Testimonies I have kept and constantly obey'd Because the love I bore to them the Service easie made verse 168 From strict Observance of thy Laws I never yet withdrew Convinc'd that my most secret ways are open to thy View TAU verse 169 To my Request and earnest Cry attend O gracious Lord Inspire my Heart with heav'nly Skill according to thy Word verse 170 let my repeated Pray'r at last before thy Throne appear According to thy plighted Word For my Relief draw near verse 171 Then shall my grateful Lips return the Tribute of their praise When thou thy Counsels hast reveal'd and taught me thy just ways verse 172 My Tongue the praises of thy Word shall thankfully resound Because thy Promises are all with Truth and Justice crown'd verse 173 Let thy Almighty Arm appear and bring me timely Aid For I the Laws thou hast ordain'd my Heart 's free choice have made verse 174 My Soul has waited long to see thy saving Grace restor'd Nor Comfort knew but what thy Laws thy heav'nly Laws afford verse 175 Prolong my life that I may sing my great restorer's Praise Whose Justice from the depth of Woes my fainting Soul shall raise verse 176 Like some lost Sheep I 've stray'd till I despair my way to find Thou therefore Lord thy Servent seek who keeps thy Laws in mind Psalm CXX verse 1 IN deep Distress I ost have cry'd To God who neyer yet deny'd To rescue me opprest with Wrongs verse 2 Once more O Lord Deliv'rance send From lying Lips my Soul desend And from the Rage of stand'ring Tongues verse 3 What little Profit can accrue And yet what heavy Wrath is due O thou perfidious Tongue to thee verse 4 Thy Sting upon thy self shall turn Of lasting Flames that fiercely burn The constant Fuel thou shalt be verse 5 But O! how ' wretched is my Doom Who am a Sojourner become In barren Mesecb's desart Soil With Kedar's wicked Tents inclos'd to lawless Savages expos'd Who live on nought but Tehstand Spoll verse 6 My hapless Dwelling is with those Who Peace and Amity oppose and Pleasure take in others Harms verse 7 Sweet Peace is all I court and seek But when to them of Peace I speak they strait cry out To Arms to Arms. Psalm CXXI verse 1 To Sion's Hill I lift my Eyes From thence expecting Aid verse 2 From Sion's Hill and Sion's God who Heaven and Earth has made verse 3 Then thou my Soul in sefety rest thy Guardian will not sleep verse 4 His watchful Care that Isr'el guards will Isr'el's Monarch keep verse 5 Shelter'd beneath th' Almighty's Wings thou shalt securely rest verse 6 where neither Sun nor Moon shall thee by Day or Night molest verse 7 From common Accidents of Life his care shall guard thee still verse 8 From the blind strokes of Chance and Foes that lie in wait to kill verse 9 At home abroad in Peace in War thy God shall thee desend Conduct thee thro' Life's Pilgrimage safe to thy Journey 's end Psalm CXXII verse 1 O' T was a joyful Sound to hear our tribes devoutly say Up Isr'el to the Temple haste and keep your Festal Day verse 2 AT Salem's Courts we must appear with our assembl'd Pow'rs verse 3 In strong and beauteous Order rang'd like her united Tow'rs verse 4 T is thirher by Divine Command the Tribes of God repair Before his Ark to celebrate his Name with praise and Pray'r verse 5 Tribunals stand erected there where Equity takes place There stand the Courts and Palaces of Royal David's Race verse 6 O pray we then for Salem's Peace for they shall prosp'rous be Thou holy City of our God! who bear true Love to thee verse 7 May Peace within thy'sacred Walls a constant Guest be found With Plenty and Prosperity thy Palaces be crown'd verse 8 For my dear Brethren's sake and Friends no less than Brethre dear I 'll --- pray May Peace in Salem's Tow'rs a constant Guest appear verse 9 But most of all I 'll seek thy Good and ever wish thee well For Sion and the Temple's sake where God vouchsases to dwell Psalm CXXIII verse 1 2 ON thee who dwell'st above the Skies For mercy wait my longing Eyes As Servants watch their Master's Hands And Maids their Mistress's Commands verse 3 4 O then have Mercy on us Lord Thy gracious Aid to us afford To us whom cruel Fops oppress Grown rich and proud by our Distress Psalm CXXIV verse 1 HAD not the Lord may Isr'el say been pleas'd to interpose verse 2 Had he not then espous'd our Cause when Men against us rose verse 3 4 5 Their wrath had swallow'd is alive and rag'd wlthout Coutroul Their Spite and Pride's united Floods had quite o'erwhelm'd our Soul verse 6 But prais'd be our eternal Lord who rescu'd us that Day Nor to their savage Jaws gave up our threat'ned Lives a prey verse 7 Our Soul is like Bird escap'd from out the Fowler 's Net The Snare is broke their Hopes are cross'd and we at freedom set verse 8 Secure in his Almighty Name our Confidence remains Who as he made both Heay'n and Earth of both sole Monarch reighs Psalm CXXV verse 1 WHO place on Sion's God their Trust like Sion's Rock shall stand Like her immoveably by fixt by his Almighty Hand verse 2 Look how the Hills on ev'ry side jerusalem inclose So stands the Lord around his Saints to guard 'em from their Foes verse 3 The wicked may affict the Just but ne'er too long oppress Nor force him by Despair to seek base means for his Redress verse 4 Be good O righteous God to those who righteous Deeds affect The Heart that innocence retains let innocence protect verse 5 All those who walk in crooked Paths the Lord shall soon dostroy Cut off th'Unjust but crown the Saints with lasting Peace and Joy Psalm CXXVI verse 1 WHen Sion's God her Sons recall'd from long Captivity It seem'd at first a Pleasing Dream of what we wish'd to see verse 2 But soon in an accustom'd Mirth we did our Voice employ And sung our great Restorer's Praise in thankful Hymns of Joy Our Heathen Foes repining stood yet were compell'd to own That great and wondrous was the Work our God for us had done verse 3 'T was great say they t was wond'rous great much more should we confess The Lord has done great things where of we reap the glad Success verse 4 To us bring back the Remnant Lord of Isrel's captive Bands More welcome than refreshing Showr's to parch'd and thirsty Lands verse 5 That we whose Work commenc'd in Tears may see our Labours thrive Till finish'd with success to make our drooping Hearts revive verse 6 Tho' he despond that sows his Grain yet doubtless he shall come To bind his full ear'd
great we often have by glad Experience found And seen how he with wond'rous Pow'r above all Gods is crown'd verse 6 For he with unresisted Strength performs his Sov'reign Will In Heav'n and Earth and watry Stores that Earth's deep Caverns fill verse 7 He raises Vapours from the Ground which dois'd in liquid Air Fall down at last in Showrs thro' which his dreadful Lightnings glare verse 8 He from his Store-house brings the Winds and he with vengeful Hand The First-born flew of Man and Beast thro' Egypt's mourning Land verse 9 He dreadful Signs and Wonders shew'd thro' stubborn Egypt's Coasts Nor Pharaoh could his Plagues escape nor all his num'rous Hosts verse 10 11 T was he that various Nations smote and mighty Kings suppress'd Sihon and Og and all besides who Canaan Land possess'd verse 12 13 Their Land upon his chosen race he firmly did entail For which his Fame shall always last his Praise shall never fail verse 14 For God shall soon his People's Cause with pitying Eyes survey Repent him of his Wrath and turn his kindled Rage away verse 15 Those Idols whose false Worship spreads o'er all the Heathen Lands Are made of Silver and of Gold the Work of humane Hands verse 16 17 They move not their fictitious Tongues nor see with polish'd Eyes Their counterfeited Ears are deaf no Breath their Mouth supplies verse 18 As senseless as themselves are they that all their Skill apply To make them or in dang'rous Times on them for Aid rely verse 19 Their just Returns of Thanks to God let gratefull Isr'el pay Nor let the Priests ot Aaron's Race to bless the Lord delays verse 20 Their Sense of his unbounded Love let Levi's House express And let all those that fear the Lord his Name for ever bless verse 21 Let all with Thanks his wond'rous Works in Sion's Courts proclaim Let them in Salem where he dwells exalt his holy Name Psalm CXXXVI verse 1 To God the mighty Lord Your joyfull Thanks repeat To him due prase afford As good as he is great For God does prove Our constant Friend His boundless Love Shall never end verse 2 3 To him whose wond'rous Pow'r All other Gods obey Whom earthly Kings adore This gratefull Homage pay For God c. verse 4 5 By his Almighty Hand Amazing Works are wrought The Heav'ns by his Command Were to perfection brought For God c. verse 6 He spread the Ocean round About the spacious Land And made the rising Ground Above the Waters stand For God c. verse 7 8 9 Thro' Heav'n he did display His num'rous Hosts of Light The Sun to rule by day The Moon and Stars by Night For God c. verse 10 11 12 He struck the First-born dead Of Egypt's stubborn Land And thence his People led With his resistless Hand For God c. verse 13 14 By him the raging Sea As if in pieces rent Disclos'd a middle way Thro' which his people went For God c. verse 15 Where soon he overthrew Proud Pharaoh and his Host Who daring tp pursuo Were in the Billows lost For God c verse 16 17 18 Thro' Desarts vast and wild He led the chosen Seed And famous Princes foil'd And made great Monarchs bleed For God c. verse 19 20 Sibon whose potent Hand Great Ammon's Sceptre sway'd And Og whose stern Command Rich Bashan's Land obey'd For God c. verse 21 22 And of his wondrous Grace Their Lands whom he destroy'd He gave to Isr'el's Race To be by them enjoy'd For God c. verse 23 24 He in our Depth of Woes On us with Favour thought And from our cruel Foes In Peace and Safety brought For God c. verse 25 26 He does the Food supply On which all Creatures live To God who reigns on high Eternal Praises give For God will prove Our constant Friend His boundless Love Shall never end Psalm CXXXVII verse 1 WHEN we our weary'd Limbs to rest Sat down by proud Euphrates Stream We wept with doleful Thoughts opprest And Sion was our mournful Theme verse 2 Our Harps that when with Joy we sung Were wont their tuneful Parts to bear With silent Strings neglecfted hung On Willow-trees that wither'd there verse 3 Mean while our Foes who all conspir'd To triumph in our slayish Wrongs Musick and Mirth of us requir'd Come sing us one of Sion's Songs verse 4 How shall we tune our Voice to sing Or touch our Harps with skilful Hands Shall Hymns of Joy to God our King Be sung by Slaves in foreign Lands verse 5 O Salem our once happy Seat When I of thee forgetful prove Let then my trembling Hand forget The speaking Strings with Art to move verse 6 If I to mention thee forbear Eternal Silence seize my Tongue Or if I sing one chearful Ayr Till thy Deliv'rance is my Song verse 7 Remember Lord how Edom's Race In thy own City's fatal Day Cry'd out her stately Walls desace And with the Ground quite level lay verse 8 Proud Babel's Daughter doom'd to be Of Grief and Woe the Wretched Prey Blest is the Man who shall to thee The wrongs thou lay'st on us repay verse 9 Thrice blest who with Just Rage possest And deaf to all the Parents Moans Shall snatch the Infants from the Breast And dash their Heads against the Stones Psalm CXXXVIII verse 1 WIth my whole Heart my God and King thy praise I will proclaim Besore the Gods with Joy will sing and bless thy holy name verse 2 I 'll worship at thy sacred Seat and with thy Love inspir'd The praises of thy Truth repeat o'er all thy Works admir'd verse 3 Thou graciously inclind'st thine Ear when I to thee did cry And when my Soul was press'd with Fear didst inward Strength supply verse 4 Therefore shall ev'ry earthly Prince thy Name with praise pursue Whom these admir'd Events convince that all thy Works are true verse 5 They all thy wondrous ways O Lord with chearful Songs shall bless And all thy glorious Acts record thy awful Pow'r confess verse 6 For God altho' enthron'd on high does hence the poor respect The Proud far off his scornful Eye beholds with just neglect verse 7 Tho' I with Troubles am oppress'd he shall my Foes disarm Relieve my Soul when most distress'd and keep me safe from Harm verse 8 The Lord whose Mercies ever last shall fix my happy State and mindful of his Favours past shall his own Work complete Pslam CXXXIX verse 1 2 THOU Lord by strictest search hast known My rising up and lying down My secret Thoughts are known to thee Known long before conceiv'd by me verse 3 Thine Eye my Bed and Path surveys My publick Haunts and private Ways verse 4 Thou know'st what 't is my Lips would vent My yet-unnutter'd Words intent verse 5 Surrounded by thy Pow'r I stand On every side I find thy Hand verse 6 O Skill for human reach too high Too dazling bright for mortal Eye verse