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A27625 A sermon of the true, spiritual transubstantiation, oppos'd to the gross, carnal, imaginary transubstantiation wherein the true meaning of the Lord's Supper is opened, in order to a constant, habitual and actual preparation to it / by Beverley. Beverley, Thomas. 1687 (1687) Wing B2175; ESTC R18401 43,861 64

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not a Literal but Mystical Propriety the Lord 's Passover Exod. 12. 11. This Passover with Desire Christ desir'd to eat with his Disciples before he suffer'd as a very lively Table of his Redemptional Suffering so near but withal He declares He would no more Eat of it till it was fulfill'd in the Kingdom of God Immediately upon this whether out of an appendant Rite to the Passover or not is not now material He Institutes the Lord's Supper as it were proleptically and by way of Prophecy and yet Intuition and looking upon his Death just before him and draws in this new Table the Intention of it but whether it was to be celebrated any more there is no Explicite but that Implicite Preception In the Evangelist Luke Do it in Remembrance of me which carries an Intimation of a Continuation but it is observable It is applied only to the Bread importing the Body of Christ and it abates much from the rigour of a gross carnal Sense where it seems to press hardest For as to the Wine being materially the Blood of Christ that Figure This Cup for this Wine in the Cup and that variation is the New Testament in my Blood does beyond all Contradiction rebate the gross Literal Sense even as Remembrance does from This is my Body for Remembrance is of Absent and not Present This therefore was as before-hand to an after thing So Christ said of the Body which is broken although it was not yet actually broken and of the Blood which is shed although it was not then shed Immediately after the drinking of the Wine Christ subjoyn'd I will no more drink of This Fruit of the Vine till I drink it new in the Kingdom of God my Father when it comes which to shew a thing of weight and of the same Sense with eating the Passover no more till c. The Evangelist Luke is before-hand with the Institution of the Cup to joyn to that Saying of the Passover this of the Fruit of the Vine as is very visible And both these Expressions speak these three Things 1. That there was an eminent Kingdom of God the Father immediately to succeed at whose Right-hand Christ sits till the Time of his own peculiar Kingdom comes which is not till he puts down all Rule and Power and Authority and last of all abolishes Death and Hell out of God's Creation into the Lake it s own Place which is the Second Death or the Death of Death and then he resigns back the Kingdom The Kingdom of God and Christ are thus kept distinct and the Kingdom of the Father is in an especial manner the state of the Gospel after the Resurrection Ascension Sitting of Christ at his Right-hand and his continual Intercession even untill that Glorious Kingdom of Christ 2. That the Death of Jesus Christ imported in both the Passover and the Lord's Supper was to be renewed into a perpetual Life and Vertue immediately after his Death by those his Resurrection Ascension Session on God's Right-hand and Intercession which are the Gospel-Kingdom of the Father 3. That Christ in a spiritual sense continually eats the Passover as fulfill'd in the Kingdom of God drinks the Wine as new in the Kingdom of God and that with his Disciples of all Ages viz. in that perpetual Renovation of his Death in his Intercession and Application of the Benefits thereof to Believers according to the whole Tenor of the Gospel and particularly of the Lord's Supper and as in a Pro-gramma or afore-hand Portraicture of all this those excellent Discourses of at least John 15. c. 16. and that great Prayer a Pattern of the Intercession of Christ John 17. following shew And of this Intercession of Christ upon his own Death the Lord's Supper is in highest sense the Memorial for the Remembrance of Christ is not of a dead Christ but who lives for ever to make Intercession and so saves to the uttermost In consequence of all this especially the * A point most insisted upon by the Apostles Paul and John I had almost said solely by them Rom. 8. Epist to the Heb. frequently and solemnly c. 7. the Apostle John c. 15 c. 16. c. 17. especially Epist c. 2. 1 2. Intercession of Christ The Apostle Paul as a fourth Evangelist concerning this Institution is immediately commission'd by Christ from Heaven to promulge it to all Ages of Christians And therein he reveals it under a solemn new Title as it were new in the Kingdom of God The Lord's Supper He applies to it its great Scope and End both to the Bread and to the Wine Do it in solemn Memorial of Christ and his Action now in Heaven upon his Death which was here on Earth and farther in those Words You shew forth his Death till he comes that is the whole Contexture of his Death as his Body is eaten and his Blood drunk through the Efficacy and Application of his Intercession through which we offer the Sacrifice of Praise giving Thanks to his Name through him in this Eucharist or Feast of Thanksgiving of whose Altar we continually Eat even that of the Great Shepheard of the Sheep brought again from the Dead by the Blood of the everlasting Covenant as the Apostle hath most divinely woven these Things into a Neighbourhood Heb. 10. v. 10. v. 15. v. 20. And this Ordinance with this whole State of Things the Apostle hath dated till the Coming of Christ when a new State shall receive this into it self till which this Ordinance cannot be superannuated or out of Date for which his being receiv'd into Glory is postpond in the Mystery of Godliness that it may be a Pawn and Pledge of his Kingdom of Glory 1 Tim. 3. 16. on which the Apostasie follows darkning all till then c. 4. Laying then all these Things together how evident is it This whole Matter is of a divine spiritual heavenly Sense and therefore the Words concerning it are to be understood mystically spiritually heavenly however express'd in a Phrase and Language nearest most easie and familiar to Sense by which Sensibleness the Substantialness Reality certain Presence of those Spiritualities is to be understood and yet nothing to be detracted or derogated from the Spirituality and to interpret otherwise is to go contrary to the Rule of all Language and of Scripture-Language particularly and is as mischievous as the worst sort of Allegorizing or Evacuating the sense of the Letter of Scripture where plain historical Things are intended The one is turning Scripture into a spiritual Romance the other is to subvert the whole World of Spirituals to bring in horrible Anthropomorphitism or imagining God to have Eyes Hands Feet c. because Scripture representing the Reality of his divine Action Providence and Government does it in Words and Images we best understand and in a word to bring in rank Hobbianism into the Scripture the Church of God and into this Sacrament as shall be more particularly remark'd under a following
is not Where is it that true Believers in Jesus Christ have not Right to eat of this Altar And is not this Altar as in a peculiar Institution presented in the Lord's Supper These Spirits may be extended any way conveyed every way not gross Flesh and Blood but these Divine expiatory Extracts of the Body of Jesus Christ extended and applyed by the Divinity the savour of that Offering of that Sacrifice fills Heaven and Earth From the Humane Nature call'd the Body and Flesh and Causality 2 Blood of Jesus Christ united to the Son of God is drawn that common Image Idea and Exemplar to which his Saints are every where Conform'd They are Called Justified and Glorified according to this Image for whom God did foreknow He predestinated to be so Conform'd Rom. 8. 29. This is in all Nature there is a common Idea and Platform of every kind of Being and Life and it is every where as in the Mind and under the Hand and Power of God so that all in whatever parts of the World agree in it each to their kind And whatever is not form'd and shapen according to it is monstrous and mis-shapen So in Christ Jesus is deposited that common universal Image and Idea according to which the New Creature is fram'd and this is God manifested in the Flesh that He might be the First Born among many Brethren And this Image by the Divine Spirit is every where and there is neither Jew nor Gentile Scythian nor Barbarian Bond nor Free but Col. 3. 11. all are one in Christ Jesus Called Justified as Christ was Glorified as He is so shall they be and particularly in the Lord's Supper this Image is so presented that We are all one Bread and one Body by being made partakers of that one 1 Cor. 10. 17. Bread by Faith And this Image is not either a liveless or meer Contemplative Image but it hath a mighty Power and Operation from the Spirit of Jesus Christ to conform and configurate all his Servants to himself That as He was in All Things made like unto his Brethren so his Brethren are to Him And this mutual Assimilation is so close that He dwells in them and they in Him The Humane Nature of Christ hath therefore the Power Causality 3 of an unitive efficient Cause for the Divine Spirit of Christ by the Mediation of his Humanity does unite himself to the Souls of his Servants and so to their Bodies and so conveys his Righteousness in the value of his Blood his Spirit in the power of Holiness that we become Members of his Body his Flesh and his Bone as Eve coming out of Adam and made one flesh with him was Flesh of his Flesh Bone of Eph. 5. 30. his Bone And so we are Branches of this Vine of this Good Rom. 11. 24. Olive who as a common Root beareth us All. So that indeed it comes to this That all the Servants of Christ are as one Christ for as the Body is one and hath many 1 Cor. 12. 12. Members and all the Members of that Body being many are one Body so also is Christ As there are many Members and one Body just so is Christ not Christ in his Person but Christ in all his Members All one Christ So Galat. 3. 16. he saith not Unto Seeds as unto many but as of one To thy Seed which is Christ viz. Christ in his whole Body of Members And we all come in the unity of the Faith of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the Stature of the fullness of Christ Christ full in all his Members And the Apostle to the Colossians calls Jews and Gentiles One new man in Christ and the Church is the fullness of him that fills all in all And thus we are one Body and one Bread Eph. 1. ult This is a great mystery of Christ and the Church but if rightly understood it greatly explains Christ's Words This is my Body for as there are many Incorporations as of political Bodies which are not lost by distance of Place as being Citizens of such a City mystical as the Incorporation of Husband and Wife which is not made void by distance of Place while the Bands of Union hold thus Christ in Heaven by his Spirit unites his Members to him on Earth and his Body in this spiritual sense is every where to be so joyn'd and it does so draw to it self But this Union is yet more nearly express'd by a natural Union viz. by eating his Flesh and drinking his Blood even as the Branches are united to the Vine by being fed by the Vine and sucking from it and so the Members are supplied with Spirits from the Head and if they were not so they would notwithstanding a local Union be disunited as a withered Branch or Member is even so by receiving the saving Effluxes and Communications of Jesus Christ which is an eating of him we dwell in him and he in us And without this we are not united by any outward Professional Duties And this Union shall be most evident in the separated state of Souls made like the Holy separated Soul of Christ or the Spirit of Christ committed into his Fathers Hand and as it were all one Spirit and are therefore as Stephen was receiv'd by him and yet most visible in the Resurrection when the Bodies of his Saints shall be made like his glorious Body because they shall see him as he is for then indeed the 1 John 3. 2. Body of Christ shall have a most natural Presence and Influence on the Bodies of Saints and shall act properly as matter upon matter or as the Sun upon the Moon and Planets about it whose Bodies it illustrates He will present his Church to himself then without spot or wrinkle or any such Phil. 3. 21. thing by that Power that subdues all things to himself That Col. 3. 3 4. Life that is now hid as Christ is hid shall then appear and we shall appear with him in Glory as all one Christ He will then be as a Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradise of God and his Blood in a spiritual sense as a Water of Life And of this the Lord's Supper is the great pledge till He comes and the Sacrament of Eating him so as to live by him and to be raised up by him at the last day when this Union shall fully appear The Humanity of Jesus Christ that is His Body Flesh Causality 4 and Blood as it is arrayed in the Holiness Heavenliness purity of it and in that self-Resignation to the Will of God in suffering and becoming Obedient to Death even to the Death of the Cross in highest love to lost Sinners is present every where in the Gospel every where set forth before our Eyes Evidently Crucified among us Galat. 3. 1. And this hath in all due Reason the force of a strong and mighty Argument to
from p. 38. to p. 44. General Head the fourth is taken up in an Enquiry How there came such a Notion into the Christian Church as that fleshly Transubstantiation so earnestly contended for and finds it arising from four Causes 1. From the great mystery of spiritual Transubstantiation given in that our so magnified Sixth of John and in the Institution of the Lord's Supper p. 44. 2. From the Ancients and Fathers discoursing with high Eloquence of this Point not sufficiently guarded p. 45. 3. From the Ignorance and Barbarity which after them invaded the Christian Church p. 46. 4. From the rising of a Church-Power at the same time over mens Consciences and pressing this as an Article of Faith p. 47. General Head the fifth shews the danger of such a Doctrine as fleshly Transubstantiation 1. As it shakes the Credit of all our knowing and judging Faculties p. 48 49. 2. As it makes void the Divineness of Scripture-Language expressing spiritual things by sensible and indeed perverts the Wisdom of all Language so doing p. 49. 3. As it amuses Mens Minds and draws them off from spiritual Action in Holy Mysteries p. 49. 4. The great danger especially lies in bringing down God into a contemptible vile Appearance and allowing divine Honour to it which is one sort of Idolatry Scripture most abhors p. 50 to 52. General Head the sixth draws all into six practical Applications p. 52. to the end 1. By proposal to our choice the most worthy of these two The spiritual or the carnal Transubstantiation 2. By raising us to high Thoughts of the Redemption of Jesus Christ so uniting it self to us as by eating and drinking his Body and Blood 3. By lifting up our Hearts to Christ eating the Passover and drinking the very same Fruit of the Vine with us by his Intercession in Heaven which he did here on Earth 4. By obliging us to a high value of this Ordinance of the Lord's Supper in which we so unite to Christ. 5. By perswading us to an earnest care against violating so great a Mystery as Christ eaten and drunk in the Gospel and the Lord's Supper 6. By lifting up our Heads in Prayers and Desires to the Table of Christ in his Kingdom A SERMON OF THE True Spiritual Transubstantiation oppos'd to the Gross Carnal Imaginary Transubstantiation MATTH 26. 26. Compar'd with Mark 14. 22. Luke 22. 19. 1 Cor. 11. 23. c. This is my Body I Take all these Scriptures as the common Subject that by the Grace and Assistance of God I intend to discourse at this time and especially to Treat the Sense of these Words This is my Body And This Cup is my Blood of the New Testament And as I have earnestly begg'd of God that he would waken me morning by morning that he would waken my Ear to hear as the learned concerning it so that He would give me the Tongue of the Learned to speak of it and grant you also to hear with the Ear of the Learned that so in this whole Duty the Preparations of the Heart the Answer of the Tongue and the Hearing of the Ear may be from the Lord. Now I shall endeavour so to treat of it as if there were no other Point of Controversie between us Protestants and the Roman Persuasion but only the Sense of these Words This is my Body And I shall consider that Transubstantiation as it is generally called that is built upon it as if there were no other Fault nor Errour in that Doctrine but only a Zeal for the Mystery of the Lord's Supper and the Letter of Scripture in this Institution though it be not according to Knowledge and therefore I will allow the utmost both to the Words and the Sense that can be allowed the very utmost that can be made of This is my Body This Cup is my Blood of the New Testament And I shall endeavour so to treat of it that there may be nothing that may be offensive except the plain Evidence and Reason of Things the Evidence of Truth without any umbrage any shadow of a Railing Accusation I will discourse only upon the single Account of Scripture and the Reasons drawn from it And therefore I do allow That these Words This is my Body and This Cup is my Blood they do carry a most high and important Sense And I shall consider the utmost Tendency they can have to such a thing as is called Transubstantiation though the Word it self be not indeed found in Scripture yet I will allow the thing in its due sense And I shall endeavour so to do this that you may have the clearest understanding of the Intention and Meaning of the Lord's Supper and the Institution of it and of these Words This is my Body and so as may tend most to the real Sense and Impression upon your Hearts of so great an Expression of our Saviour both in the general Doctrine of the Gospel and in the particular Sense and Meaning of the Lord's Supper and that sacred Solemnity and also may be most practical and may most serve to the good of every man's Soul who desires spiritually to understand this great Doctrine and the particular Ordinance of the Lord's Supper And because it is agreed among all men that profess any Reverence to the Lord's Supper that as it is not a humane Device so not a natural Duty made known by natural Light nor written in natural Conscience it is not like the Reverence of the Divine Being or Prayer to God or the desire to know his Mind or Will or any moral Duty but it depends wholly upon Divine Institution and Ordination 'T is wholly from Scripture or else there could never have been such a Worship of God known in the World as the Solemnity of eating Bread and drinking Wine in the Lord's Supper in Remembrance of him To introduce therefore this matter I consider There are Four inspired Writers who have given us this Institution from our Lord the Evangelist Matthew the Evangelist Mark the Evangelist Luke and the Apostle Paul and then the Evangelist John although it was not committed to him as every Evangelist had throughout the whole Evangelick History his Portion of every Matter and the proper Words of it committed to him to write of this Institution yet he had a sublime and highly spiritual Discourse intrusted with him all along the last part of his sixth Chapter concerning the eating the Flesh of Christ and drinking his Blood which must needs be the Foundation of eating the Flesh of Christ and drinking his Blood in the Sacrament for a Sacrament must have a Doctrine to sustain it that it may not be an insignificant Ceremony and what can have nearer Relation to the Sacrament of eating the Body of Christ broken for us and drinking his Blood of the New Testament shed for many than eating his Flesh and drinking his Blood which he gave for the life of the World which is Meat indeed and Drink indeed
and putting them in their mind together with the Remission of their Sins So that as there needs no other offering than that one offering so needs it not to be daily offered for it was once for all offer'd and he is now at the Right-hand of God interceeding upon that one offering once offer'd by the Blood of which he entred into the Holiest to appear before God for us and from whence he cannot be mov'd till the Time he expects of his Enemies being made his Footstool Heb. 8. 6. compar'd with c. 9. 12. 24. c. 10. 13. c. 2. And thus I have made good the first Point of this Head viz. Of the spiritual Efficacies that flow from the Humane Nature of Christ express'd by the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ as in Union with the Son of God I come now to the second to shew that in regard of the Eternity of the Son of God these Efficacies cannot be hindered nor prejudic'd in Point of Time The Divine Person of Christ being unchangeable and eternal there 's no distance of Time occurs to him or can encounter his Divine Efficacy Before Abraham was saith Christ I am How could it be that Christ that was born so many hundred years after Abraham could be before Abraham were it not in regard of the Eternity of the Divine Person communicated to the Humanity and predating the Great Powers and Efficacies of God manifested in Flesh before the Incarnation Upon this Account Christ is call'd the Lamb slain before the Foundation of the World because the Divine Person anticipated the Efficacy of the Death of the Lamb ordain'd before the Foundation of the World much earlier than his Manifestation which was not till the last Times Christ was not abridg'd nor forestall'd in Time because he did not actually dye till about four thousand Years after the Fall of Man for the Divine Person Jesus Christ never had a Yesterday nor can have a To morrow but is always in a To day the same for ever In this very Point of Eating the Flesh and Drinking the Blood of Christ when the Jews were so disgusted with the Doctrine Christ to ease their Thoughts proposes his Eternity to their Consideration and shews the mighty spiritualizing Power of the Divine Nature by it What saith he if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before though he was as Man the Son of not Fifty Years by many as the Jews observ'd to him yet he was in Heaven as the Son of God calling his Humanity that was not actually till his Incarnation as if it were And as it is thus in regard of Time past so in regard of Time to come he saith Lo I am with you to the End of the World 3. In respect to Place we shall find very great Expressions of the Divine Vbiquity and Omnipresence of the Son of God extending the Manhood to all Spiritual Effects without any Limitation or Confinement within Place though yet it be according to its natural Presence determin'd to Place even as the Incarnation it self was to the Fullness of Time Our Saviour discoursing with Nicodemus upon the Point of Regeneration John 3. 13. tells him No Man hath ascended up to Heaven but he that came down from Heaven even the Son of Man who is in Heaven Observe it Christ was in his Body upon Earth His being the Son of Man was that to which his Body was proper yet saith he The Son of Man that now discourses thee upon Earth This Son of Man is now in Heaven How could this be but only because no space does hinder or straiten the spiritual Efficacy of the Divinity or confine its Presence even as it is united to the Humanity By all this you may see Christ was in Heaven while he was upon Earth and he was in Heaven before he was Incarnate for He came down from Heaven and all this by the Unchangeableness and the Omnipresence of the Action of the Divinity united to the Humane Nature and then as to his being now upon Earth although the Heavens contain him Consider what the Apostle saith He ascended far above all Heavens that he might fill all things so that Christ by his Divine Power fills all things and the Church which is his Body in his Humane Nature on Earth is the Fullness of him who filleth All in All even he that was Raised up from the Dead is he that fills All in All. And the Church on Earth is his Fullness though Christ is in Heaven either receiving his Fullness or as he is pleas'd to account himself Full by his Union to it Upon these Accounts The Humane Nature of Christ as it is united to the Divinity though it self be Finite yet in the Extensive Power of the Divinity spiritually applying it to the Salvation of his Church hath the Nature of Infinite both as to Time and Place it is always it is every where filling All in All Yesterday to day the same for ever For if the Soul of Man can improve the Senses and Faculties of the Body in representing to it self in a Map Places at greatest Distances from the Body and the Mind can thereby in some sense convey it self thither while the Body remains in the same place If we can by Writing converse one with another at greatest distance How much more can the Divine Nature of the Son of God extend the Humane in the Spirituality of all its Use and Effects in an Infinite manner so that it can convey and dispose them unlimitedly as it pleases and this may well be call'd his Body and Blood in very real though mystical sense It remains yet as to the clearing this Point of Christ giving his Flesh to eat and his Blood to drink to shew That as there is such a rich Communicativeness on the part of Christ giving his Flesh to eat and his Blood to drink so there are Receiving Powers and Faculties of Man's Soul prepared and fitted by Grace that may be properly and truly said in a spiritual Sense to Eat and to Drink as Christ is said to Give Now unto this the Understanding Will Conscience Memory Imagination and Affection with the active and executive Powers of the whole Man are prepar'd even to receive spiritually the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ however at a bodily distance viz. by Understanding Faith close inward Application holy Affection obediential self-Resignation all which are this Intellectual spiritual Eating and Drinking the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ And to all this there is no Notion or Resemblance more significant or expressive than spiritual Transubstantiation as shall be more fully discours'd under the two following Heads And so having thus far discuss'd the first Head I go forward to the second to shew That there is a clear Passage and Transition from Christ giving his Flesh to eat as it stands thus in the whole Doctrine of the Gospel to those Words Take Eat this is my Body when he