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A27132 A message sent forth from the risen seed of God being a faithful expostulation and testimony concerning the unjust and hard dealings of the rulers and people in England who have a hand in the cruel oppressions and sufferings of the people of God called Quakers. Bayly, William, d. 1675. 1662 (1662) Wing B1533; ESTC R25913 8,299 11

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plead her cause with all her Enimies Or will your saying we have a Law or an Act of Parliament and by our Law or Act they ought not to meet above four or five by our Law they ought to be imprisoned or banished or they ought to dye or abjure the Land save you in the day of my fury saith the Lord will your Kings Laws or Queens laws or Parliaments laws or decrees stand you in stead help hide or save you when I shall descend upon you in flames of fire rendring vengeance on all them that obey not my Law and Gospel written and preached in the heart of every man and woman under Heaven or will your lying Indictments aad Warrants plead for you which you say my people meet in force of Armes in contempt of the King his Crown and dignity or will your writing them dangerous seditious and wicked Sectaries and disloyal persons cover you will not all Englands sober people give you the lye in these things who knoweth our manner and conversation among them yea and will not the witness of God in your own Consciences testify the same with them or will Elizabeths Statute 35. or she her self rise from the dead to keep off my vengeance that is hastening upon you for your lyes injustice and cruelty will your writing the Assemblys of my people unlawfull make them so in my sight was not Daniels prayer unlawful and the Apostles preaching forbidden by the Rulers but was it so in my sight judge ye might not they have said as well as you they break the peace of Kings and people were there not great stirs and tumults in all ages about my people against them in whom my spirit of truth was manifest could the whole Land bear my servant Amos his words Consider what peace is broken or against what peace my people are whose weapons are not Carnal and what people are terrified by them or their meetings in my name and fear in Truth and Righteousness as you have written to the great terror of the people by your lyes to render them odious and let my witness in you answer for I am not come to send peace on earth but a sword and a fire which is already kindled and you shall never be abe to quench it for I have raised my seed in my children and have placed them as a brazen wall in the midst of Nations against the flood of ungodliness Idolatry and wickedness else you had ere this been destroyd as Sodom in whom I will manifest my terrible power and Kingdom which hath no end against the Devils Power and Kingdome which must end against Oppression and Oppressours murder and Murderers injustice cruelty Idolatry and hypocricy and all manner of ungodliness and unrighteousness of men which power shall grinde the grinders and bruise the bruisers and oppressours of my people and shall tread upon Princes as upon morter for I am arisen and come and coming in thousands and ten thousands of my saints and Children who tremble at my word to convince all that are ungodly of their ungodly deeds and hard speeches and to execute my Judgements upon the rebelious and gainsaying Generation and I will gather my Lambs into my bosom and the Seed of Iacob into their own Land and the meek shall inherit the Earth and the poor in spirit shall possess my Everlasting Kingdom against which work now begun neither you nor all the Rulers of the darkness of this World your Kings Queens and Parliaments with their Laws and decrees Gog nor Magog Sodom nor Gomorah Egypt Death nor Hell with the strength and gates of it shall be able to prevaile or overcome I the Lord God of Heaven and earth that made the Worlds in mine eternal word and unchangeable decree hath spoken it Therefore these things in the fear of God if you have any and in soberness consider for it shall stand a living Testimony which shall not be made void but is dropt upon you as an hour of Gods Visitation the which if you slight and repent not of your deeds and unrighteous proceedings against his people you shall be left without excuse in the Terrible day at hand which hastens upon you as a Woman in travel that is ready to be delivered and you shall not escape Therefore prise your time and be not proud nor Rebellious for the Lord hath spoken neither be ye mockers least your bands are made strong but beleive and tremble and remember the King of Ninnive who shall rise up in Judgement against this Generation and Condemn it for a greater then Ionah and a greater then Solomon is risen among us who respecteth not the persons of men but will plead with all flesh which hath Corrupted its way by fire and Sword and the Slaine of the Lord shall be many even all the workers of Iniquity which hateth reproofe despiseth good Counsel and doth not chuse the fear of the Lord. So this is unto you a Visitation and warning from him that lives for ever of whose blood I his servant am clear having obeyed his voice whether you hear or forbear I am a Traveller for Sions sake and a trembler at the word of the great dreadful God the Righteous Iudge of quick and dead and a follower of the Lamb through the great tribulations loving not my life to the death for his sake Halelujah Amen W.B. And FRIENDS TEll me how you came to be Christians and by what Law you were lead to Christ was it Queen Marys Law without you or Queen Elizabeths which you now Act by or was it the new Covenant which God made unto his people If these Laws before mentioned as Queen Elizabeths or Marys be now the scoolmaster when came they in force And when was Moses the just man the leader of the people out of Egypt and the Law which God gave to him disanulled And when was the Covenant broken between Moses and God did not he stay 〈◊〉 wrath and stand in the gap between God and his people and prayed to God for them and God heard his prayer and his wrath was turned away from Israel whom Moses lead out of Egypt to be tryed in the Wilderness as many are at this day blessed be God and Moses the Instrument which brought them thither and cursed be they who disobey the command of God given to Moses which is fulfilled in Christ the Elder brother and them that follow him who breaketh not the commands of God given to Moses but fulfilleth them in his sufferings which is now making up at this day Have a care what you do in fighting against God in his Members you who profess your selves to be Christians Magistrates persecutors of others who are members of Christs body who was persecuted by cheif Preists and Rulers who professed they had more knowledge of God then them they persecuted but their Condemnation was the greater for that they were sayers and not doers as many of you are at this day professing Christ in words but serving an hypocritical generation Woe to the Pharisees saith Christ and woe to the Christians now who profess Christ in words and in their works and practises deny him who make long prayers and their hands full of cruelty and blood and makes their seat a place of violence that Justice and Truth cannot be heard but the simple and upright in heart will learn Judgement and the prudent in Queen Elizabeth and Marys Laws who refuse the Law of God to be their Rule will God cut off though called Justices Cheif Preists or Rulers Look ye to it for the hand of Justice and true Judgement is lifted up that the heritage of God shall be known not by the Law of Queen Elizabeth or Mary which is now in hand but by Jesus the King of the Jews the Son of the living God the highest amongst men the greatest in the Consciences of all his people Swear not at all saith he who is come to be Lord in the Conscience and ●one else shall Rule over his Heritage though now it seems to be trampled upon by injustice and unrighteousness which is Acted by unrighteous men who are but as the drop of a Bucket and dust defore him Therefore dread the Lord ye Kings and Rulers for the Judgement is now seting up which respecteth not the ways of Kings because the heart of Kings are in the hand of the Lord who can turn them as a River of Water which way he pleaseth and their Life is in his hand as a span Therefore I say dread the Lord all Flesh for the day of the Lord hastens and is even at the doors To the truth of which I subscribe M.B. SEek not by Laws made in mans will The blood of Innocents to spill For if you do the Law of God With in your heart shall be the Rod Which shall you smite with stroaks full soar And you Condemn for evermore For your decrees which are unjust They shall not stand Gods Counsel must Professions words and prayers long He hath no pleasure in Without the life of righteousness All Scarifice is Sin The day is broke and God's just stroake On Hypocrites must come Their many words and Carnal swords Can't save them from their doom Amen THE END Printed for W.M. 1662.