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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25498 An Answer of a letter from a friend in the country to a friend in the city, or, Some remarks on the late comet being a relation of many universal accidents that will come to pass in the year 1682 according to the prognostications of the celestial bodies, which will happen beyond the seas : with a sober caution to all by speedy repentance to avert the judgments that are impendent. 1681 (1681) Wing A3282; ESTC R28296 4,197 8

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AN ANSWER OF A LETTER From a Friend in the COUNTRY To a Friend in the CITY Or some Remarks on the Late COMET Being a Relation of many Universal Accidents that will come to pass in the year 1682. According to the Prognostications of the Celestial Bodies which will happen beyond the Seas with a sober Caution to all by speedy Repentance to avert the Judgments that are Impendent LONDON Printed by George Croom in Thames-street near Baynards-Castle 1681. SOME REMARKS ON THE LATE COMET My Friend I Received yours bearing date July the twelfth 1681. Wherein I am much affected with your seven days which you call Prophetical and indeed I have been the more convinced of the truth of them since I have perused those Indefatigable Scriptures and as to that principal place in the 20 Chapter of Exodus and the 11. ver where it is said the Lord made heaven and earth in 6 Days and rested the 7 and hallowd it and I believe it must of necessity have a greater Extent then barely a relation to the work for without doubt they have in them a Mystery and relate to our days and times even to the end of the World or 7000 years and we may assure our selves that these 7 days are meant 7000 years and you will be satisfied of the truth of it in that famous Scripture Psalm the 90 and 4 vers for a 1000 Years in thy sight are but as yesterday that is a day past and in the 3 Chapter of the second Epistle of Peter and the 8 ver the Apostle saith this be not Ignorant of one thing my Beloved that is a 1000 Years is as one day with the Lord and one day as 1000 Years So that these 7 days must signifie 7000 years and there is a hidden Mystery in them relating to us upon whom the End of the World is come and you shall be yet more satisfied if you read the 3 and 4 verses of that Chapter know this first that in the last days there shall come forth Scoffers walking after their own lust saying where is the promise of his coming and since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were as if they were a Nation or people blinded forgetting all those heavenly promises which relate to his coming Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness and without doubt we are near the accomplishment of those times When the Law shall go out of Sion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem when Nations shall be ruled by the Word of the Lord and not by the Lusts and corrupt minds of Men. But my Friend I would not derogate too far from your seven days because they did so much agree and harmonize with those Heralds and Signs which so lately appeared to us in our Hemisphear but of that by and by Consider my Friend those seven days signifie 7000 years and indeed I do much agree with you when I consider what the Lord hath done in the six days work or 6000 years as to the first two days or 2000 years which commenced from Adam to the giving of the Law upon Mount Sina in which the old World was destroyed and the glorious dispensation of the Law brought in this is verified both by Scripture and Chronology and it was a glorious change 1500 years from Adam to the Flood and 500 years to the giving of the Law which made up two days or two 2000 years and of this Scripture is fulfill'd As to the Chronology I refer you to Sir Walter Rawley in the History of the World the second two days or 2000 years was compleated from the giving of the Law to the coming of Christ which was exactly fulfilled and this is far more glorious than the former Thus was the four days or 4000 years compleated The next two days not compleat The six days are yet to be fulfilled and part of them are expired which is from the coming of Christ to this year 1681. wants only 300 and 19. years to the next great and new revolution or change of all things And we must not expect any below Christ neither can there be any thing greater than Christ glorified among his People it will be Christ in the greatness of his Glory subjecting Nations and Kingdoms to himself and to this give all the Scriptures testimony And my Friend when I consider what the Scriptures have said of Wars There shall be Wars and rumors of Wars the Father against the Son and the Son against the Father and Brother against Brother a Mans Enemies shall be them of his own House and there shall be a day of trouble that hath not been neither shall be hereafter but it shall be shortned for the Elects sake and whosoever liveth much longer it is to be feared may see those Bloody Days if the Papists have their wills and not restrained by the Lord but he saith he will cut his work short in rightousness and frustrate the devices of wicked men But my Friend do not mistake me for I do not believe the end of all things to be at hand but the end of these two last days or 2000 years for the Jews must first be called and the Gospel preached to all Nations before the end of the seventh day or seven 7000 years the true year of Jubile the Sabbath of Rest to be compleated And indeed you consider that Rome to this day although blindly observes every seventh year for a year of Jubile not knowing what the true meaning is of it This is the time that every Man shall sit under his own Vine and under his Fig-Tree and eat the Fruit of his Labour and praise the Lord for ever and ever at the end of the seventh day or 7000 years the Kingdom shall be delivered up to the Father and this is the end of the World Therefore consider this must be a sanctified time a 1000 years of Glory far exceeding the former 6000 years or days wherein God is said to rest from his Labour and doubtless will be the settlement of the Irish Church and the union both of Jews and Gentils together and the total bringing under the Man of Sin that there may be no more hurting nor destroying in all Gods holy Mountains And now I am come to speak of the Signs and Heralds which have lately appeared in the Heavens as the ushering in of this which I have spoken of for the Scripture saith plainly In the latter days there shall be Signs in the Heavens Blood and Fire and Pillars of Smoak which many have experienced And indeed this Comet or Blazing-Star is of the same nature One of these had we in 65 and 66 before that mighty Plague and destructive Fire fell upon us and another in 73 before the horrid Plot break out and now this last great one the mightiest that hath been seen besides fiery Meteors and Hallows and Blood that hath dropped from the Heavens in
many places and these have fulfilled the Scriptures with truth and the Scriptures hath credited them in speaking of them and making mention of them before they came And although I am a Lover of Art I would not lay too great a stress upon Astronomy or any thing belonging to it and would have all that are searchers into these things first to be well acquainted with the Scriptures and they will make good work of it and shew the mind of God by his Works in the Heavens For the Heavens declare the Glory of God and the Earth his handy Work Now a little to shew what is meant by a Comet or Blazing-Star and I shall be brief for my intent is to speak of its effects These Comets are no more than a dry Exhalation viscous and slymy exhalted by the Sun and power of the Stars by degrees into the upper Region of the Air by how much the dryer or the moister the Vapours are they are compounded of the higher they are drawn up to and it hath been the Judgment of the Antients that these never appear but with the signal hand of God neither do I believe less for I believe they carry Divinity in them and they are the Messengers from the Almighty to declare his Will and pleasure And I must tell you that which was last is the most remarkable of all others both in largeness of its Streams reaching all most to the Zenith or Mid-Heaven and its effects will be as great it was a bright lively colour mounting up with its rays the most light of any that appeared and the most like that which appeared in the time of Caesar Augustus in whose Reign Christ was born And you shall find in that History that one of the Sibels Sibilla Tibertina told Caesar that the Star signified a Man-child born that should be greater than Caesar and advised Caesar to worship him and adore him And without doubt this Star declares to the World that Christ is at hand to accomplish great works in routing Kingdoms and great Empires and to establish them in Righteousness it signifieth War to break forth and Plagues and the head mounts up there is deliverances a coming helps is at hand God will deliver his People through Fire Sword and from a flood of Enemies according to that Scripture When the Enemy shall come in like a Flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard now the nature of this is signified by the Signs it appeared in and passed through which are Scorpio ♏ Sagitary ♐ and Pisces ♓ and fear Aries ♈ too for it was very near it Under the Signs are France and part of Flanders Slavony Hungary Portugal Gallabria Siletia Valentia and the Planets are Mars and Jupiter which signifieth War Fire and putrefaction of Blood and these Kingdoms will God lay his hands on without repentance and this is that which ushers in that famous Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 1682 the mirrour of the world there hath not been the like in the memory of Man nor Chronology for no less than three times is this Conjunction celebrated in ten moneths of Saturn and Jupiter and without doubt when the effects of this Conjunction and the last Eclipse of the Sun in Aries opperate woo woo to befal the Courts of Princes it is like to pell down the high looks of France for all he thinks he 's above the Stars for this Comet past through his natural Sign or his Nativity and the War in that great Conjunction and the Comets influence is between Saturn and Jupiter Jupiter denotes good men Saturn bad men then down goeth Rome and all the Papistical Government whether it be Kingdoms or Empires and especially in that Kingdom where the Gospel is most powerfully preached there will begin the Sorrow for you know the Ark of God could not stand in the House of Dagon but it brought the Idol upon his Knees Christ and Belial cannot live together it also signifieth the death of some great Prince in Europe the Conjunction falls in a Kingly Sign woo be to men in great places they will be the worst of people signified by Saturn whose God is their Belly who mindeth earthly things but people in the inward Court that waiteth upon God who hath his Mark in their Foreheads and in their right Hand and you may look for the beginning of these things in August 81 and so forwards to the approaching year 82 the finishing of the rest in the mean time let just and honest men unite in the Faith of Christ and stand by him that hath laid his Life down for us setting aside all difference in Religion professing the Truth as it is in Jesus Then let France and Rome do its worst For the Lord Jehovah will be on our side and the Spirit of Truth shall uphold us My Friend I am thine so far as thou art Christs FINIS