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A25390 A manuall of directions for the visitation of the sicke, with sweete meditations and prayers to be used in time of sicknesse whereunto is added a short confession of the faith, with a forme of thankesgiving, and prayers for morning and evening / by Lancelot Andrevves ... Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. 1642 (1642) Wing A3134B; ESTC R222276 38,261 259

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A MANVAL of directions for the Visitation of the sicke wth sweete Meditations Prayers to be vsed in time of sicknesse by Lancelot Andrewes late Bishop of Winchester LONDON Printed for Samuel Cartwright at the hand Bible in Duck-lane 1642 A MANVALL OF Directions for the visitation of the sicke with sweete Meditations and Prayers to be used in time of sicknesse Whereunto is added a Short confession of the Faith with a forme of Thankesgiving and Prayers for Morning and Evening BY LANCELOT ANDREVVES late Bishop of Winchester LONDON Printed by R. Cotes for Samuel Cartwright and are to be sold at the signe of the hand and Bible in Ducke-Lane 1642. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE Sir EDWARD LITTLETON KNIGHT Baron Littleton of Mounslowe Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of ENGLAND AND One of his Majesties most Honorable Privy COVNCELL Grace Peace be multiplyed Right Honorable MAY it please you in these troublesome daies of ours to behold the man who though with open mouth he telleth not all things that every one hath done Yet by lively example teacheth what every one ought to be ready to doe Even for Kings and for all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honesty His Person whilest hee lived wanted not the love and favour of a King to advance him to dignity let not this Posthume worke of his lacke your Honors protection and patronage to keepe it from indignity A Midwives care reacheth no further than the safe bringing the Infant into the world the maintenance and protection thereof she commendeth to the Father and other Friends This Orphan by my meanes hath happily seene the Light but wanting a Father as being deceased before his birth I presume to commend its defence and tuition to your Honour as a friend your Lordshippes selfe to the gracious protection of the Lord who grant you ever the continuance of your honour to you and your posterity for ever So prayeth Your Honours humbly devoted I.G. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER COurteous Reader I shall not neede I conceive to use many words by way of Preface The Authour of this Manuall and his former Workes have beene of such note and esteeme amongst us as that I doubt not but it may justly be said concerning them even to most men which Jehu of the Prophet that annointed him to be King over Israel 2 King 9.11 Ye know the man and his communication For this how like it is the rest of its Brethren I leave you to judge and yet I doubt not but some way may be made to your more willing entertainment of it by telling you it was conceived about that time the Reverend Authour was Parson of Saint Giles Creplegate and used by him in his ordinary Visitation of the sicke To this let me adde the love of publique good not respect of private profit hath moved him to fit this to the Presse who otherwise would never have seene his name in Print and now desireth the praise of the worke may be given to the right Author resting Yours in the Lord I.G. Inquiries to be made by the Minister The Parties THe Sex 2 The Age The condition of life 1 Whether learned structed 2 Sound in minde memory 3 The sense of heari●● perfect 1 whether patient unquiet 2 Cheerefull of deje●● 3 If being well found comfort 1 Reading 2 Hearing 3 Repeating any particulars Whether any mate●● all point whereof to admonished To take occasion out of ●is owne words VVHat man is hee that liveth and shall not see death Psal. 89.48 It is appointed for all men once to dye Heb. 9 27. I am a stranger and sojourner with thee as all my Fathers were Psal. 39 12. Wee have here no abiding City Heb. 13.14 The night commeth when no man can doe any worke Ioh. 9.4 Where the tree falleth whether to the North to the South there it ●●eth Eccles. 1.1.3 A MANVALL for the SICKE 1. Comfortable Scriptures to be used to the sicke party Esay 54.10 THe Mountaine may remove and the Hills may faldown but my mercies shall not depart from thee nor the covenant of my peace come to nothing saith the Lord that hath compassion on thee Heaven and earth shal passe but my Word shall not passe All the promises of God are in him Yea and Amen In whom wee have most great and precious promises that we should be partakers of the Divine Nature Ieremy 31.18 I have heard Ephraim lamenting thus Thou trast corrected me and I was chastised as an untamed Heifer convert thou me and I shall be converted for thou art the Lord my God Surely after that I had converted I repented I smote upon my thigh I was ashamed yea confounded because I did beare the reproach of my youth Since I spake to him I still remember him therefore my bowels are troubled for him I will surely have compassion on him saith the Lord I will visite their iniquity with a rod and their sinne with secourges nevertheles my mercy will I not take from him nor suffer my truth to faile Prov. 3. 11,12 My sonne refuse not the chastisement of the Lord neither be grieved with his correction for the Lord correcteth him whom he loveth even as the father doth the child in whom for all that he delighteth Ioh. 5. 17,18,19 Behold blessed is the man whom God correcteth therefore refuse not thou the correction of the Almighty For he maketh the wound and bindeth it up he smiteth and his hands make whole againe He shall deliver thee in sixe troubles and in the seaventh the evill shall not come nigh thee Heb. 12. 5. Forget not the consolation that speaketh unto you as unto children If you indure chastening God offereth himselfe unto you as unto a sonne for what sonne is it whom the Father chasteneth not If therefore yee bee without correction whereof all are partakers then are ye bastards and not sonnes Moreover wee have had the fathers of our bodies which corrected us and yet wee gave them reverence should we not much rather bee in subjection to the father of Spirits that wee may live For they verily for a few dayes chastened us after their owne pleasure but he chasteneth us for our profit that we might bee partakers of his holinesse Now no chastening for the present seemeth joyous but grievous yet afterward it bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnesse unto them which are thereby execised Wherefore lift up your hands which hang downe and your weake knees Ioh. 16.22 And you now are in sorrow but I will see you againe and your heart shall rejoyce and your Joy shall none bee able to take from you Esa. 54. 7 8. For a little while have I sorsaken thee but in great compassion will I gather thee For a moment in mine anger I hid my face from thee but with everlasting mercy will I have compassion on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer Modicum videbitis me A
56. In height Psa. 103. 11. Psal. 36.5 108.4 In depth Psa. 42.9 In length Psal. 26.6 13.6 There is no end of his salvation Psal. 71.13 Mercy shall be set up for ever Psal. 89. 4. His mercy is over all his workes Psal. 145.9 As is his Majesty so is his mercy Psal. 102.40 His propertie is to have mercy Esay 28.21 Hee is the father of mercyes 2 Cor 1. 3. Hee is mercy it selfe Psa. 59. He was so mercifull that he forgave their misdeedes and destroyed them not Yea many a time turned hee his face away and wold not suffer his whole displeasure to arise for he considered they were but dust Psal. 78. 1.38 The Lord waiteth that he may have mercy on you Esay 30.18 In the father of the lost child his image Luke 5. 22. God hath shut up all under sinne that he might have mercy upon all Rom. 11. 32. Where sin aboundeth there grace doth over-a-bound Rom. 5. 20. Mercy ttiumpheth over Iustice Iam. 2. 1. This is a true saying and by all meanes worthy to be received that Iesus Christ came into the world to save sinners In this God set forth his love to us that when wee were his enemies Christ dyed for us Rom. 5. 10. Christ dyed once for our sinnes the just for the unjust that he might offer us unto God 1. Pet. 3. 18. Wee have an Advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but for the sins of the whole world 1. Ioh. 2.2 I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Mat. 9. 13. Come unto mee you that travaile and be heavy laden I will refresh you Mat. 11. 20. Of them that come to mee I cast none out Ioh. 6.37 Thou never failest them that seeke thee Psal. 9.10 Why art thou so heavy O my soule and why art thou so disquieted within mee O put thy trust in God for I shall yet give him thanks for he is the helpe of my Countenance and my God Returne thou unto my rest O my soule for the Lord hath beene gracious unto thee If the Lord had not helped mee it had not failed but my soule had been put to silence In the middest of the troubles that were in mine heart thy Comforts have refreshed my soule Neverthelesse my soule waite thou still upon God for of him cometh my salvation He verily is my hope and my strength he is my defence so that I shall not greatly fall Let us goe with boldnesse unto the Throne of grace that wee may finde mercy in the time of need Act. 4. ult. 16. Expressions of Gods Mercy fit to be used to him in Prayer Lord Of life and death of sickenesse and health and al things thereto belonging By whose appointment wee were borne and againe by whose appointment wee m●● dye our time is in thine hand and unt 〈…〉 belong the issues 〈…〉 Th 〈…〉 est nothing th 〈…〉 made nor doe 〈…〉 terly forsake the workes of thine owne hands Thou that art a defence for the oppressed a refuge in the needfull time of trouble Thou that never failest them that seeke thee and to whom none ever prayeth without hope to be heard Thou that promised the poore shall not alway be forgotten that the patient abiding of the meeke shall not perish for ever For the comfortlesse troubles sake of the needy and for the deepe sighing of the poore arise O Lord and men shall know that it is thy hand and that it is thou Lord that hast done it O Lord Whose mercy reacheth to the Heavens and whose faithfulnesse to the clouds Of whose mercies there is neither number nor end The greatenesse of whose goodnesse is not shut up under any time Who callest unto thy vineyard even at the eleventh houre Which rulest not with rigour but with meekenesse doest governe the things thou hast made Thou that killest and revivest that bringest to the gates of death and bringest backe againe That hatest nothing of that thou hast made that hast shut up all under sin that thou mightest have mercy upon all Lord The Saviour and saving health of all the faithfull The fountaine of all grace and goodnesse The father of mercies and Consolation Thou that upholdest all such as are faling And liftest up those that be downe Thou that healest the broaken in heart And givest medicine to cure their sicknesse The Comfort of them that be in heavinesse The strength of them that be in weakenesse The health of them that be in sickenesse Heare O Lord and have mercy Looke downe from heaven behold and visit visit with thy salvation A Confession The Foundation and ground-worke of Prayer is Faith Theoph. The ground of Faith is the promise of God Lift up your hearts He which giveth us life teacheth us to pray The prayer of the humble pierceth the clouds Eccles. 35.17 Prayer is a conference with God I will set my sinnes before mee that they may not appeare before thee Lord my heart is ready Lord I feare it is not ready Would God it were so Woe is mee that it is not so Lord I fit and prepare my selfe Assist my preparation and make me more fit A Confession of the Faith Lord I beleeve helpe my unbeleefe First In God 1. The Father 2. Almighty 3. Creator of Heaven and Earth In the Father naturall affection Almighty power of deliverance Creator providence To Preserve To Governe To Perfect consummate all things Secondly In Jesus Christ His only Sonne Our Lord The great Mystery of godlinesse God manifest in the flesh for us men and for our Salvation God and Man The Son of the Father Anointed of the spirit Our Lord As Creator As Redeemer 1. That he was conceived To purge forth the sin wherin we are conceived 2. Was Borne To clense us of the sin wherein we are borne by nature 3. Suffered What we should have done that we might not suffer 4. Was Crucified To take away the curse of the Law 5. Dyed To take away the sting of death 6. Was Buried To take away the corruption of our bodies in the grave 1. That he descended into bell Whither we should have gone that wee may never come there 2. Rose againe from the dead That being made the first fruites of them that sleepe he might raise our nature together with himselfe 3. Ascended up into heaven That he might prepare a place for us 4. Now sitteth at the right hand of God that he might make intercession for us 5. Whence he shall come That he may receive us 6. To be a Iudge For the consummation of all things Thirdly In the Holy Ghost And in him power from on high to sanctifie and quicken unto eternall life Outwardly and visibly but powerfully and manifestly working in us by the illumination of knowledge infusion of grace In Reproofe In Instruction In Long sufferance In Assistance In Witnesse-bearing In Consolation Grace is the fruite of the