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A20904 An epistle of the Ladye Iane, a righte vertuous woman, to a learned man of late falne from the truth of Gods most holy word, for fear of the worlde read it, to thy consolacion : vvhereunto is added the communication that she had with Master Feckenham vpon her faith, and belefe of the sacraments : also another epistle whiche she wrote to her sister, with the words she spake vpon the scaffold befor she suffered, anno. M.D.Liiii. Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1554 (1554) STC 7279; ESTC S1081 10,201 32

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kingdome wilt thou for a good entent pluk Christe oute of heauen and make hys deathe voyde and deface the tryumphe of hys crosse offeryng hym vp daylye VVylte thou eyther for feare of death or hope of life deny and refusethi God who enriched thi pouerti healed thine infirmitie yelded to this victori if thou couldest haue kept it Doth thou not consider that the thryde of lyfe hangeth vpon hym that made the who can as his wyll is either twine it hard to last the lōger or vntwine it againe to breake it the sooner Doest thou not remember the saying of Dauid a notable king which teacheth thee a myserable wretche in hys ciiii Psalme wher he sayth whē thou takest away thy spirite O Lorde from men they dye and ar turned againe to their dust but whē thou lettest thy breath go fourth they shal be made thou shalt renew the face of the earth Remember the saying of Christ in his Gospel who soeuer seeketh to saue hys lyfe shall loose it but whosoeuer wil lese it for mi sake shal find it And in another place whosoeuer loueth father or mother aboue me is not mete for me For he that wyll be my dysciple must for sake Father and Mother and him selfe take vp his crosse and folow me VVhat crosse the crosse of infamy shame of misery and pouerty of affliction persecution for hys names sake Let the oft faliing of those heauenly showres pearce thy stonye hart Let the two edged sword of gods holy word shere a sōder the sewed together sino wes of world ly respectes euen to the very mari of thi carnal hart that thou maiest once againe forsake thy self embrace Christ And like as good subiectes wil not refuse to hasard al in the defence of hys earthly temporall gouernour So flye not lyke a white hewred milke soppe from thy standynge wherein thy chief captaine Christ hath set the in a rai of this life Viriliter age cōfortetur cortuum sustine Dominum Fight manfullye come lyfe come death the quarel is gods vndoubtedly the victorye is ours But thou wilt say I wil not break vnitye what not the vnitie of Sathan and his members Not the vnitie of darknes the agreement of Antichrist and hys adhearentes Nay thou deceiuest thy self with fond imaginations of suche an vnitie as is amonge the enemyes of Christ were not the false prophetes in an vnitie were not Iosephs brethren and Iacobs sonnes in an vnitie wer not the heathen as the Amelechites the Feresites and Iebusites in an vniti I kepe no order but rather looke to mi matter wer not the Scribes and Phariyses in an vnitie Doth not king Dauid testefie Conuenerunt in vnū aduersus Dominum Yea theeues and murtherers conspyratours haue theyr vnitie But marke my frende ye frend if thou be not Gods enemy Ther is no vnitye but wher Christ knitteth the knotte among such as be hys Yea be you wel assured that where his truthe is resident the● it is verefyed that he sayeth Non veni mittere pacem in terram sed gladium That is Christe came to set one against another the sonne against the father the daughter against the mother Deceiue not thi selfe therfore with the glysteryng and gloryous name of vnitye For Antichrist hath his vnitie yet not in deede but in name The agreement of euery man is not an vniti but a conspiracie Thou hast heard some threateninges some curses and some admonishions oute of the Scripture to those that loue themselues aboue Christ Thou hast heard also the sharpe and byting wordes to those that denye him for loue of life Saieth he not that he that denieth me before men I wyl denie hym before my father in heauen And to the same effecte wryteth Sainte Paule Hebru vi It is impossyble saieth he that they which be once lightned and haue tested of the heauenly gyfte and be partakers of the holy gost and haue tasted of the good worde of God if they fal and slide away it is impossible that they shuld be renewed againe by repentaunce crucifiynge againe to them selues the sōne of God and making him a mocking stocke And again saieth he if we shal willinglie sinne after we haue receined the knowledge of the truthe there is no oblation left for sinne but the terrible expectation of iudgement fire which shal deuour the aduersaries Thus S. Paule writeth and this thou readest And dost thou not quake and tremble well yf these terrible thundring threat ninges cannot stur thee to cleaue vnto Christ forsake the worlde yet let the swete consolaciōs and promises of the scriptures let the example of Christ his Apostles holi Martirs and Confessours encourage the to take faster hold by Christ Harken what he saith blessed are you when men reuile you persecute you for my sake Reioyce be glad for great is your reward in heauen For so persecuted thei the prophets before you Heare what Esay saith Feare not the cursse of men be not afraid of theyr blasphem●es reuylynges for wormes and mothes shal eate them vp like clothe wol but my rightousnes shal endure for euer and my sauing health from generation to generation VVhat art thou then saith he that featest a mortal man the chylde of a man that fadeth away as doth the flower and forgettest the Lord that made the that spread out the heauens and laid the foundations of the earth I am the Lord thy God that maketh the sea to tage and to be styl who is the lord of hosts I shal put my word in thy mouth and defend the with the turning of a hand And our sauiour Christ saith to his disciples They shall accuse you and brynge you befote the princes and rulers for mi names sake And some of you thei shal persecute kil but feare you not saith he neither care you not what you shal say for it is mi spirit that speaketh in you the hand of the highest fhal defēd you for the heates of your head are nombred and none of them shall pearish I haue layed vp treasure for you saith he wher no theefe can steale nor moth corrupt and happye are you if you endure to the end Feare not them saith Christ that haue power ouer the bodi only but feare him that hath power both ouer the bodi and soule The world loueth her owne and if ye wer of the world the world wold loue you but you ar mine therfore the worlde doth hate you Lette these and suche like consolacions out of the Sctyptures strengthen you to Godward Let not the ensamples of holy men wemen go out of your minde as Daniel the teast of the prophetes of the thre Childrē of Eleazarus that constāt father of the vii of the Machabes Children of Peter Paule Steuen other Apostles and holi Martirs in the beginning of the church As of good Simeō Archbishop of Seloma and zetrophone with
AN EPISTLE OF the Ladye Iane a righte vertuous woman To a learned man of late falne from the truth of Gods most holy word for fear of the worlde Read it to thy consolacion VVherunto is added the communication that she had with master Feckenham vpon her faith and belefe of the Sacraments Also another Epistle whiche she wrote to her sister with the words she spake vpon the Scaffold befor she suffered Anno. M. D. Liiii SO oftas I cal to mind the dreadful feareful sayings of god that he whiche laieth hold vpon the plough and looketh back again is not meete for the kyngdome of heauen And on the other syde to remember the comfortable words of our sauiour Christ to all those that forsaking them selues do folowe him I can not but meruel at thee and lament thy case That thou which some tyme wast the liuely member of Christ but now the defourmed impe of the diuel some time the beutiful temple of God but now the stincking filthy kenell of Sathan some tyme the vnspotted spouse of Christe but nowe the vnshamefast paramour of Antichrist sometyme my faithful brother but now a straūger and Apostata yea some tyme a stout christen souldier but now a cowardly runawaye So ofte as I consider the threatninges promises of god to al those that faith fully loue him I can not but speak to the yea rather cry out vpō the thou sede of Sathā not of Iuda whom the deuill hathe deceiued the worlde hath begiled and desire of life hath subuerted made the of a Christiā aninfidel wherfore hast thou taken vpon the the testamēt of the lord in thi mouth wherefore hast thou hitherto yelded thi body to the fire and blodi handes of cruel tirauntes wher fore haste thou instructed other to be strong in Christ when thou thy selfe dost nowe so horribly abuse the testament and law of the lord when thou thy selfe preachedst not to steale yet most abhominably stealest not from men but frō God and as a most hainous sacreleger robbest Christ thi Lorde of his right of his members thy body and thy soule ▪ when thou thy selfe dost rather chose to liue miserably with shame to the world then to dye and gloriouslye with honour to taigne with Christ In whom euen in death theris life And when I say thou thy selfe art most weke thou oughtest to shew thy selfe moost stronge For the strength of a forte is not knowne before the assaulte but thou yeldest thy holde before any battry be made Oh wretched and vnhappi man what art thou but dust and ashes And wilte thou resist thy maker that formed the fashioned the wilt thou nowe forsake him that called the frō costome gathering among the Romish antichtistians to be an imbassadour and messenger of his eternall worde he that first framed the and since thi creation and birth preserued the no rished the and kepte the yea in spired the with the spirit of knoledge I cannot say of grace shal he not possesse the Darest thou deliuer vp thy selfe to another being not thine owne but his How canst thou hauinge knowledge or how darest thou neglect the law of the lord folow the vaine tradicions of men And where as thou hast bene a publicke professour of his name becom now a defacer of his glorye I will thou refuse the true GOD and worshippe the inuencio of manne The golden Calfe the whoore of Babilon the Romish religion the abominable idol the most wicked masse wylt thou torment againe rent teare the most precious bodi of our Sauiour Christ with thy bodily and fleshly teeth without the breaking wherof vpon the crosse our sinful sinnes could els nowaies be redemed wilt thou take vpon the to offer vp ani sacrifice vnto God for our synnes Consydering that Christ offred vp him self as Paul saith vpon the crosse a lyuely sacrifice once for al. Can neyther the punisment of the Israelites which for their ido latrye so oft they receaued moue the neyther the terrible threateninges of the auncient prophetes stirrethee nor the cursses of gods owne mouth feare the to honour any other god then hym VVylte thou so regarde him that spared not his deare and only sonne for the so deminishing yea vtterlye extinguishing his glori that thou wilt attribute the praise honour to idols which haue mouthes speake not eyes and se not eates and yet heare not which shal perish with them that made them what saith the prophet Barucke wher he reciteth the epistel of Ieremi writtē to the captiue Iewes Did he not forewarne them that in Babilon thei should se gods of gold siluer wood stone borne vpon mens shulders to cast a fear before the heathen but be not ye afraide of them saieth Ieremie nor do as other do But when you se other worship them saye you in your hartes it is thou O Lord that oughtest only to be worshipped for as for the timber of those gods the Carpenter framed them and polyshed them yea gylded be they and laid ouer with siluer and vayne thynges and can not speake He sheweth moreouer the abuse of their deckings how the priests toke of their ornamēts and appareled their women withall Howe one holdeth a Septer another a sworde in hys hande and yet can they iudge in no matter nor defend them selues much Iesse any other from either batte● or murther nor yet from gnawing of woormes nor anye other euyll thing These such lyke words speaketh Ieremy vnto them wher by he proueth them butvain thinges and no gods And at last he cō cludeth thus Confounded be thei that worship thē They wer warned by Ieremye and thou as Ieremy hast warned other art warned thy selfe by many scriptures in many places God saieth he is a gelious god which wil haue al honour glorye and worship geuen to him onlye And Christ saith in the fourth of Luke to Sathan whiche tempted him euen to the same Sathan the same Belsabub the same dyueil whyche hath preuayled againste thee It is written saieth he thou shalt honour the Lorde thy God and him onelie shalt thou serue These and such like do prohibite thee and al Christians to worship anie other God then whiche was before all worldes and laied the foundations bothe of heauen and earth And wilt thou honour a detestable idol inuented by Romish Popes the abominable colledge of craftie Cardinals Christ offred him selfe vp once for al and wylte thou offer him vp againe dayly at thy pleasure But thou wilt saye ▪ thou dost it for a good entent Oh sincke of sinne Oh child of perdicion Doest thou dreame therein a good entent wher thy conscience beareth the witnes the promis of gods wrath toward the How did Saule who for that he dysobeied the word of god for a good entēt was throwen frō his worldli tem poral kingdome Shalt thou then that dost so deface gods honor robbe him of his right inherit the eternal and heauenly
infynite other vnder Sapores the king of the Persians and Indians who cōtempned al tormentes deuysed by the tiraunts for theyr Sauiours sake Returne returne againe into Christes watre as becommeth a faithful watriour put on that armour that S. Paule teacheth to be moste necessatye for a Christian man And aboue all thynges take to you the shyelde of faythe And be ye prouoked by Christes owne example to withstande the deuil to forsake the world and to be come a true and faithful member of his mistical body who spared not his own body for our sins Thro we doune thy selfe with the feare of his thretned vengeaunce for this so great heinous offēce of Apostacy and cōfort yout selfe on the other part with the mercy bloud and promises of him that is ready to turne to you when soeuer thou tourne to him Disdaine not to com again with the lost son seinge you haue so wandred with him Be not ashamed to tourne again with him frō the swil of straūgers to the delicates of the moste bening and louing father Acknoledginge that you haue sinned against heauen and earth Againste heauen by stainynge his glorious name and caused his most cinsere and pure worde to be euill spoken of through you Against earth by offending your so many weak brethren to whom you haue bene a stomblinge blocke throughe your sodaine slidinge Be not ashamed to come againe with Marye and to wepe bitterly with Peter not only with sheding of teares out of your bodely eyes but also powring out the streames of your heart to wash awaye out of the sight of God the filth and mire of your offensiue fal Be not ashamed to saye with the Publicane Lord be merciful to me a sinner Remember the hortible history of Iulien of old and the lamentable case of Fraunces Spira of late whose case me thyncketh should be yet so grene in your remembraūce that being a thing of our time you should fear the like inconuenience seing that you are fallen into the like offēce Last of al let the liuely remembraunce of the last day be alwaies afore your eyes remembring the terrour that suche shal be in at that time with the tunnagates and fugetiues frō Christ which setting more by the worlde then by heauen more by their life thē b● him that gaue thē their life did shrink yea did clean sal away from him that neuer forsoke them And contrary wise the inestimable ioyes prepared for thē that feared no parel nor dreading death haue manfully fought and victoriouslye triūphed oueral power of darknes ouer hel death damnation through their most redoubted captain Christ who now stretcheth out his armes to receiue you ready to fal vpon your necke and kisse you and last of al to feast you with the deinties delicates of his own precious bloud which vndoutedly if it might stād wyth his determinate purpose he wold not let to shed againe rather then you should be lost To whō with the father and the holy ghost be honoure prayse and glorye euerlasting ly Amen Be constant be constant feare not for payne Christ hath redemed the and heauen is thy gayne A CERTAYNE COMMVNYcation betwene the Lady Iane Master Feckenham iiii dayes before her death euen word for word her own hand being put therto Feckenham fitst speaketh WHat thing is required in a Christian Iane. To beleue in God the Father in God the sonne in god the holi gost thre persons and one God Fecken Is ther nothing els required in a Christian but to beleue in God Iane. Yes we must beleue in him we must loue hym with al our hart with al our soule and al our minde and our neyghbour as our selfe Fecken VVhy thē faith iustifieth not nor saueth not Iane. Yes verely saith as S. Paule saith only iustifieth Fec whi s Paul saith if I haue al faith without loue it is nothing Iane. True it is for how can I loue hym in whom I trust not Or howe can I trust in him whō I loue not faith and loue agreeth both together yet loue is comprehēded in faith Fecken Howe shall we loue our neyghbour Iane. To loue oure neyghbour is to feede the hungri clothe the naked and geue drinke to the thirsty and to do to hym as we wold do to our selues Feck why then it is necessary to saluation to do good workes and it it not sufficient to beleue Iane. I deny that and I affirme that faith only saueth But it is mete for Christiās in token that thei folow their master Christ to do good workes yet may we not say that thei profit to saluaciō For although we haue al don al that we cā yet we be vnprofitable seruauntes and the fayth onelye in Christes bloude saueth Fecken How many sacrameutes be there Iane. Two the one the sacrament of Baptisme the other the sacrament of our Lordes suppet Fecken No ther be vii Iane. By what scripture find you that Fecken well we will talke ther of hereafter But what is signifyed by your two sacramentes Ian. Bi the sacramēt of baptisme I am washed with water regenerated bi the spirit that washing is a tokē to me that I am the child of God The sacrament of the lordes supper is offred vnto me as a sure seale and testimoni that I am by the bloud of Christe whiche 〈◊〉 shedde for me on the crosse mad● partaket of the euerlasting kyngdome Feck why ▪ what do you receiue in that bread Do you not receiue the very body and bloude of Christ Iane. No surelye I do not beleue so I thinck that at that supper sireceiue neither flesh nor bloud but only bread wine The which breade when it is broken the wine whē it is dronke putteth me in minde how that for my sins the body of Christ was broken his bloud shed on the crosse and with that bread wine I receyue the benefites that cam bi breaking of his bodi bi the sheddyng of his bloud on the crosse for mi sins Feck why doth not Christ speake these wordes ▪ take eate this is my bod● Require we ani plainer wordes Doth not he say that it is hys body Iane. I graunt he saith so so he saieth I am the vine I am 〈…〉 but yet he is neuer the mote the vine nor do●e Doth not S. Paull say that he calleth those things that are not as though thei were God forbid that I shuld say that I eate the very natural bodi bloud of Christ for then eyther I shuld pluk awai my redētiō either els ther wer .ii. bodies or .ii. christs or els ii bodies the one body was tormented on the crosse then if thei did eate another body thē either he had ii bodies either els if his bodi wer eaten it was not broken vpō the crosse or els if it were broken vpon the crosse it was not eaten of his disciples Feck whi is it not as