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A19989 A booke of Christian prayers, collected out of the auncie[n]t writers, and best learned in our tyme, worthy to be read with an earnest mynde of all Christians, in these daungerous and troublesome dayes, that God for Christes sake will yet still be mercyfull vnto vs Day, Richard, b. 1552. 1578 (1578) STC 6429; ESTC S121845 90,200 224

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other shall be refused Another O Souerain creator of al things when I consider what maner of maiestie I haue offended with my sins I doe euen shudder at mine own rashnes When I bethink me how gracious and bountifull a father I haue forsakē I abhorre mine own vnkindnes When I perceue from how blessed freédome of minde into how miserable thraldome I haue cast my selfe I condemn mine own madnes and I vtterly mislike of my self and my conscience is put in such terror by thine vneschuable iustice as I seé nothing before me but helfire and disparre The Sea shall swell higher thē any hill shall fal agayne as low fishes monsters of the Sea shal appere with roaring voyce Again how redy thou art to pardon such as amend thine own only begottē sonne doth beat into our heads by many parables as of the lost groate and the finding thereof again of the shepherds bringing home of his stray sheép vpon his shoulders but most euidently of the prodigall sonne whose Image I seé plainly in my selfe The sea and all fluddes shall burne trees and herbes shal drop blud● Cities and all buildings shall be ouerturned O let thy mercy receiue him now submitting himself whom thou hast he therto borne withall so gentely in his straying from theé I am vnworthy to lift vp mine eyes to theé or to call theé by the name of father Neuerthelesse vouchsafe I beseéch theé to cast thine eye vpon me For thy loking towardes the sinner maketh him to reuiue when he is dead and to returne home again when he is lost Stone● shall tūble together and make a huge none Tirr●ble earthquakes shall make mē hide thēselues Valy●s shall be 〈◊〉 and hils broght low Slaue that I am and worthy of all maner of punishment I seeke not that thou shouldst imbrace me and kisse me I craue not the long robe and the ring which are the badges of the former dignity that I did hold scorne of I sue not to be receiued to the honor of thy children It shall be a benefite great inough for me if thou admit me but into the number of thy basest seruantes euen of such as are bronded brought again from roging that I may at least wise be some hanger on vnto theé for in thy house there are many roumthes They that hid thēselues shall runne forth like mad mē ▪ The bones of the dead shall appere aboue the Sepulcres The powers of heauen shall be shaken It shall not greéue me to be counted among the abiects in this life and to be racked with repentance and to be sullied with mourning so I may not be separated from theé for euer I pray theé and I beseéch theé by the death of thy dearly beloued and only begotten sonne impart thy spirit vnto me to cleanse my hart and to strengthen it with his grace that I slide not thether again through ouersight from whence I was called back by thy mercy Amen * Another I Haue gone astray like a lost sheep seeke out thy seruant O Lord for I haue not been vnmindfull of thy cōmaundements The offences ouersightes of my youth remember not O lord Be mindfull on me according to thy mercy For thy goodnes sake Euery one liuing shall dye presently Heauen earth all elementes shall burne The dead shall rise O Lord keepe my soule and deliuer me so shall I not be ashamed of putting my trust in thee Turne my mourning into ioy Rend my sackcloth asunder and compasse me about with gladnes that my tongue may sing to thee without prick or sting of conscience Amen * Another IF thou looke straitly to our sinnes O Lord Lord who shall abide it But forasmuch as there is mercy with thee I haue waited vpon thee for thy lawes sake O lord My soule hath held out in thy word my soule hath trusted in thee O lord For with thee there is mercy and plenteous redemption and thou redemest Israell from all his iniquities Amen Another Knowledge of God in Iesus Christ is life Mahomet and his Alcoron is perdition THou hast chastised me O Lord I am brokē as an vntamed yoūg bullock Turne me I shal be turned for thou art the Lord my God for whē thou hadst once turned me I amended and when thou hadst shewed me my faults I strake my thigh I was ashamed and blushed because I abode the reproch of my youth Another O Good Iesu O sweét Iesu y sōne of the virgine Mary full of mercie and truth O sweét Iesu haue pitie vpō me according to thy great mercy O louing Iesu I beseéch theé by that precious bloud of thine which thou didst vouchsafe to shed for vs wretched sinners vpon the altar of the crosse put away all my sinnes and despise me not in myne humble sute calling vpon this thy most holy name of Iesus This Loue of God is in spirite and truth Idolatry is Spirituall adultery name Iesus is a swet name this name Iesus is a healthfull name For what els is Iesus but Sauior O good Iesu which hast created me redeémed me with thine own bloud suffer me not to be damned whom thou hast created O good Iesu let not my wickednesse destroy me whom thy almighty goodnes hath made O good Iesu consider what is thyne in me whatsoeuer is otherwise wipe it away O good Iesu haue mercy vpon me while the tyme serues to haue mercy least thou destroy me in the tyme of thy dreadful doome O good Iesu although I myserable sinner haue iustly deserued euerlasting punishment for my most greéuous sinnes by thy rightful iustice yet do I appeal from thy rightfull iustice to thyne vnspeakable mercie therfore pity thou me as a louing Father and mercifull lord O good Iesu what profit is ther Fayth apprehendeth Christ Iesus Cayne dispaireth of mercy Aboue al take the shield of fayth Ephe. 6. Behold thou hast cast me out Genesis 4. in my bloud that I should go down into euerlasting corruptiō For the dead shall not prayse theé O Lord nor yet they that goe downe into hell O most mercifull Iesu haue mercy vpon me O most sweét Iesu set me at liberty O louing Iesu be fauorable to me sinner O Iesu admit me wretched sinner into the number of thy chosen O Iesu the health of thē that trust in theé O Iesu the welfare of them that beleue in theé haue pity vpon me O Iesu the sweéte remission of all my sinnes O Iesu the sonne of the virgine Mary poure thy grace wisedome louingnes charity and humility into me and in all mine aduersityes geue me holy patience that I may be able to beare thy crosse with theé to loue theé to glory delight in theé for euer and euer Amen Another Hope maketh not ashamed Iudas ashamed an● hanged him selfe MOst righteous and mercifull god remember that thou art pitiful and that thou art my redeemer As thou art a iudge to condemne offenders so art
trust in thee Turne not thy face away from me neither shake of thy seruant in thine anger For in death no man is mindfull of thee and in hell who will prayse thee What profit is there in my bloud that I should goe down into corruption Shall dust geue thee thanks or vtter forth thy truth Looke back vpon me and hear me O my God Inlighten mine eyes that I Measure in wine comforteth Excesse walketh wantonly Vse a little wine for thy stomack 1. Tim. 5 〈…〉 that rise vp early c. Esay 1. sleepe not in death Withhold not thy compassions aloofe from me but let thy mercy and truth alwayes preserue me Amen A comfort after crauing of mercy gathered out of the psalmes IN theé O Lord doe I trust therfore shall I not be confounded for euer Deliuer me in thy righteousnes I beseéch theé my god Cast a chereful coūtenance vpon thy seruant and saue me for thy mercies sake Lord let me not be put to shame for I haue called vpon theé For sake me not O Lord my God depart not from me Make hast to help me O God of my welfare Why art thou heauy O my soul and why doest thou trouble me Put thy trust in God for yet will I praise him because there is helpe in his countenance Pitifull and mercifull is the Lord For it is suffycient for vs c. 1 Pet. 4. Let vs which are of the day be sober 〈…〉 Sobriety watcheth her mouth Voluptuousnesse ryoteth slow to wrath and of much compassiō He will not be alwayes at variance nor be angry for euer But looke how high the heauen is aboue the earth so highly hath he made his mercy to preuaile vpon them that feare him Looke how farre the East is from the Weast so farre hath he set our sinnes from vs And as the father pityeth his own children so doth the Lord pitie them that feare him For he knoweth wherof we be made and he considereth that we be but dust Therfore wil I tary the Lords laysure my soule wayteth vpon the Lord in his word is my trust my soule wayteth for the Lord from one morning watch to another Let Israell trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and plenteous redemption and he will redeéme Israell from all his iniquities Yea the Lord is good vnto all Christian souldior harnised Hell Temptation ouercome Whose apparailing let not be c. 1. Pet. 3. The steps of a strange woman c. Prouerb 5. men and his mercy is aboue all his works Praysed be the Lord Amen ❧ A Prayer in commendation of Gods mercy receiued made by S. Augustine BEhold O my Creator many things haue I craued but not deserued the least I confesse alas I confesse that these thy benefits are not due vnto me but rather many and most strange scourges Yet for that Publicans sinners and theéues in a momēt deliuered out of their enemies iawes are mercifully receiued into the shepheards fold I am so much the more imboldned For thou O thou maker of all things albeit in all thy works thou art maruelous yet in thy works of mercy thou art surpassing marueilous wherof thou thy self hast spokē by one of thy seruants saying His mercy is aboue all If they continue grounded in faith 1. Tim. 2 He that endureth to the end shal be saued Mat. 10 Perseuer●ce indureth to the end Reuolting a Sow in the mire his workes And that which thou spakest in generall of all thy people we trust thou hast verefied vpon euery one seuerally saying My mercy will I not take from him For thou despisest none reiectest none thou terrifiest none but such as most horibly are afrayd of theé When thou art angry yet doest thou not reuenge but doest blesse with thy riches such as haue kindled thy wrath if they shal cease Charitie feedeth the hungry I was an hungry and ye gaue me meate Mat. 25. If thine enemy hunger feede him Prouer. 25. The ignorant is instructed by theé the mourner comforted they that fall raysed agayn and deliuered from destruction to him that asketh thou doest geue he that seéketh theé findeth theé and to him that knocketh thou doest open O Lord God of my health behold what should I obiect what should I answere no refuge without theé no corner is hid from theé thou hast shewed me the way to liue well thou hast geuen me the knowledge to walke aright thou hast threatned hell fire and promised the glory of thy paradise ●●aritie ge●eth drinke to the thirsty I thir●ted and you gaue me drink Mat. 25. The Niggard witholdeth drinke from the thirsty ●say ●2 O Lord my strength and might my God my refuge and deliuerer inspire my minde what to thinke of theé Put into my mouth how to call vpon theé Geue me such workes as may please theé With theé a sorrowfull spirite is a sacrifice also thou doest accept an humble and contrite hart Charitie harboreth strangers I was a stranger ye lodgeed me Mat. 25. I haue not suffered a stranger to lye without Iob. 31. * A complaint of a sinner in that he sinneth againe after repentance by S. August Charitie clotheth the naked I was naked ye clothed me Mat. 25 If a brother or Sister be naked or destitute Iames. 2. With what face shall he intreat for mercy who is worthy of hatred and he that meriteth punishmēt with what boldnes can he demaund prayse He prouoketh the iudge who seéketh to haue a recompence but neglecteth his purgation He insolently and worthy of death tryumpheth ouer the king who albeit a traitor sueth for an vndeserued reward He exasperateth the louing affectiō of his father who before due time vsurpeth the prerogatiue of inheritance Charitie visiteth the sick I was sick ye visited me Math. 25. Let it not greue thee to visit the sick Eccle. 7 And seéing that it is impossible for me to recken vp all I confesse that I haue instructed the simple how to sin the vnwilling I haue perswaded I haue inforced them that refused and I haue geuen consent to them that of thē selues were willing Sight Let thine eyes behold that is right Prouerb 4. A Prayer against dispayre MAny say to my soule there is no help for him in his god But thou Lord art my maintayner my glory and the holder vp of my head Departe not from me in the time of my neéd but defend thou me till this storm be ouerpast Amen ❧ A Prayer vpon the minding of Christes passion WHat man is this whom I behold all bloudy with skin all to torn with knubs and wales of stripes hanging down his head for weakenes towards his shoulder crowned with a Hearing The eare of ●elosy heareth all thyngs Wisdome 1. garland of thornes pricking through his skull to the hard brayne and nayled to a crosse What so haynous fault could he do to deserue it What iudge could be so cruell as to put him to it What hangmen could
Behold vs here that sometime were gay And now lie dead all wrapped in clay Riches nor treasure auayl nothing For death to earth all doth bring Merchantes wife Braue neuer so nice daunce after my deuice 〈…〉 wife ●ricke and trim ●ut of your hood ● am come to d● 〈◊〉 good * A Prayer in desire of the life to come IN the life to come we must not thinke to inioy any one benefite alone as we do here but al good things and all at once euen as many as are possible to be thought or not thought For we shall inioy theé O God who alone art all in all things And loue shal make vs one with theé and so we shall be as it were certayn Gods. O when shall we haue an end of this misery and a beginning of that ioy when shal I cease to liue among such as are euil spitefull cumbersome and enemilike and begin to liue with Christ who is Riche mans wife Though thou haue siluer and golde Yet art thou within my holde Young woman Fine prety in the wast Come with me in hast ●s death in this world hath the victory So by death we hope to enter Gods glory curteous good frendly and loueth me most deérely This body of mine is but a pryson to my soule Yea and that a most darck and lothsome one This world is but a banishmēt and this life but sorow wretchednes But where as thou art there is our home our freédome and our endles blisse Twitch our mindes from time to time to the remembraunce of so great happynesse Sheade into our harts the desire of so great good things and therfore cheéfly to be coueted Settle our mindes and geue them euen here some tast of thy ioyes wherby we may lothe and abhor these things wherinto we runne with such headinesse imbracing them fast betweéne our armes and laying hold on thē with both our hands that we may shun and hold scorne of these so harsh and bitter things couet nothing so much as the sweétnes of thy company O death how bitter is thy sting That poore and rich to earth doth bring ¶ The Mayde Fresh galant gay All must with me away ¶ The Dam●sell Fine proper neate And all is but wormes meate whereunder al good thinges are contayned Amen * The feare of the Iudge and Iudgement day O Lord and God of Gods reuenger of wickednes I know that thy comming will be manifest I am certayn thou wilt not alwayes keépe silence when fire shall burne before thy face and a mighty tempest shall rage in thy sight when thou shalt cal the heauen from aboue and the earth from beneath to seuere thy people Behold in the presence of so many thousands of people mine iniquitie shall be discouered my sinnes shal be opened in the sight of so many Angels and not my misdeédes only but thoughts and words Before so many Iudges shall I stand helplesse as haue excelled me in good workes By so many euidences shall I ¶ Farmers 〈◊〉 Cease thy labour and paine For I am thy riches and gain Husbandmas wife ●oyle no more I say For hēc● I must away Time to liue ● time to dy God grant vs liue eternally be cast as haue geuen me example of good life With so many witnesses shal I be cōuinced as haue admonished me with holesome counsell and by their vertuous deédes haue bene paterns for me to imitate O my Lord I haue not what to alleage I finde nothing what I should aunswere And being now in this greuous danger my cōscience vexeth me the secrets of my hart wound me couetousnes hēmeth me in pride accuseth enuy consumeth concupiscence enflameth exces corrupteth me rauine defameth me drunkennes dryeth me vp slaunder renteth me in peéces ambition supplanteth rapine sharpely rebuketh dissention cutteth a sunder anger disturbeth lightnes maketh me dissolute faintnes weakneth me hipocrisie deceueth flattery breaketh me fauour lifteth me vp but malice doth goare The wise the simple and euery degree Are by force compelled to obay vnto me Countrrywoman Away with butter cheése For thy life thou must leese The Nurse Geue such no more For I am at the dore Behold O my deliuerer frō this wrath full generation behold with whom I haue liued euer since my birth day after whom I sought with whom I kept fayth and promise The life which I loued condemneth me which I commended disdaineth me These be my frends in whom I did repose my selfe the gouerners whom I obayed masters whō I serued counsellers whom I did credite Citizens with whom I dwelled domistical fellowes with whom I was familiar Alas my king and my God that I haue so long soiorned among thē Woe is my light that I haue dwelled with the inhabitāts of Cedar And seéing that holy Dauid sayd long how much more miserable wretch that I am may I say to long hath my soule dwelt among them O God my strēgth no fleshe shall be iustified in thy sight My help is not in the children of men Thus death hath brought all things to nought Set thy mercy aside whom shalt thou finde iust when thou iudgest And except thou iustifie the sinner in thy mercy who shall be found pure whom thou mayest glorifie For I beleue O my sauing health that which I haue heard which of thy mercy to bryng me to repentance the sweét lippes of thy mouth hath spoken that no man can come to me except my father who sent me draw him For truly thou hast instructed me and most fauorably with thy instructiō hast reformed me I besech theé almighty father in thy beloued sonne with all the strength of my hart and minde I besech theé O welbeloued sonne of god I beseéch theé O most holy and most cōfortable spirite of God so leade me that I may hasten to the sweéte smelling fauoure of thy precious balmes Amen Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you Mat●●5 Depart from me ye 〈…〉 euerlasting 〈…〉 is prepared for 〈◊〉 Math. 25. The conclusion O Lord Iesus Christ thou king of kings the great counsell and wisedome of the father O thou the greate Shephearde of thy Pasture O thou righteous Iudge of all Iudges preserue our Queen Elizabeth long to liue with thy pore Church of England in health and wealth to thy good pleasure and will. Blesse thou the wisedome and pollicy of her counsayle to the strengthening of the same thy Church the tranquilitie of our Queene and Country inspire the Ministers of thy blessed Gospell with thy holy spirite that they may be sauery salt to season and bright lights to the way of saluation Rayse vp faythfull distributers of right and iustice to the poore commons of this Realme diligent and carefull magistrates to execute the lawes aright as they will answere before thy tribunall seate at the day of iudgement Finally to euery of vs thy poore sheepe let thy mighty hand outstretched arme O Lord God father
A BOOKE OF Christian Prayers collected out of the aunciēt writers and best learned in our tyme worthy to be read with an earnest mynde of all Christians in these daungerous and troublesome dayes that God for Christes sake will yet still be mercyfull vnto vs. AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate 1578. ¶ Cum Priuilegio Elizabeth Regina 2. PARALIPOM 6. ¶ Domine Deus Israel non est similis tui Deus in coelo in terra qui pacta custodis misericordiam cum seruis tuis qui ambulant coram te in toto corde suo ❧ To the Christian Reader zeale and knowledge in true and harty prayer through Christ Iesus DAuid a Prophet and a Prince to whom the lord had done many great singular benefites bethought him selfe not so much to increase thē by vse as to requite them by thankes He therefore willing as a Prophet able as a prince but not able in deede though willing so to doe opened his good hart and sayd Quid retribuam Domino What reward shall I geue vnto the Lord Being resolued he answered I will receaue I will call and I will pay Psal. 116. Doe thou the like Christiā Reader which art as farre indebted as euer he And seeing that Iesus Christ him selfe calleth saying Come vnto me all you that labor and are laden and I will refresh you Mat. 11. Answere thou I come Lord Iesu I come I come and will pay my vowes promysed to thee in the presence of all thy people euen in the Courtes of thy house when I was receaued into the houshold of faith I come and will pray and prayse thee for al thy benefites I come and will harken to thy blessed word and keepe the same I come and will receaue the cup of saluation at thy holy table in remēbrance of thy death with thanksgeuing In this sort so many waies by Baptisme by prayer by hearing his blessed word by frequenting his table must we come vnto him and that with a liuely faith The Spirite is willing but the flesh is weake Mat. 26 ▪ come vnto him therfore especially by prayer Pray that he would strengthen both flesh and Spirite And thinke it not superfluous to pray because God already knoweth what we neede and what we will aske But pray because God hath commaunded Luke 8. Pray to humble thy selfe before the feete of his maiestie Pray because 〈◊〉 doest hourely want that grace which he will assuredly geue Pray therfore that you may haue Mat. 7. And pray least you fall into temptation Luke 12. And because God vnderstandeth pray not thou therfore in a language which thou vnderstandest not but with Spirite and Vnderstanding 1. Cor. 14. Not with mouth and lippes onely but with the hart Mat. 15. For the spirite also helpeth our infirmities making request for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed Rom. 8 As Anna and Mary Magdalen with teares from a groning hart spake nothing 1. Reg. 1 Luke 7. For God must be worshipped in spirite and truth Iohn 14. And pray not with much babling and vayn repetition Math. 6. Neither be rash with thy mouth neither let thy hart be hasty to bring forth a word in the sight of God for God is in heauen and thou art in earth therfore let thy words be few For as a dreame commeth by multitude of busines so is the voice of a foole in the multitude of words Eccle. 5. Prepare therfore thy selfe and soul to pray Eccle. 18. with teares Mach. 5. with watching Col 4. with almes Act. 10 with fasting Luke 1. as the Niniuites Iona. 3. as Dauid 2. Reg. 2. as Daniell cap. 9. For with fasting prayer is good Tob. 12 Which exercises as they are the only meanes not onely to excite and stirre vs vp to pray but also to make them acceptable before God through Iesus Christ so also a great care diligence must be vsed of vs to vse the same not of constraint but willingly geuing our selues therunto Luke 5. without ostentatiō Mat. 6. praying continually 1. Thessal 5. without ceasing Col. 1. as the widow Luke 18. and as the woman of Canaan Mat. 15. Praying alwayes 1. Thess. 1 and at al times day and night 2. Tim. 1. in all places euery where 1. Tim. 2. in the Temple and congregation Act. 22. and that bare headed 1. Cor. 11. at home in thy chamber secretly Mat. 6. in thy bed Psal. 6. at meale and meate Mat. 26. morning and euening Psal. 44. abroad in the field Luke 6. The Scripture is full of examples Peter prayd in the vpper part of the house Act. 10. Eliseus aboue in his chamber 4. Reg. 4. Danyell in the kinges chamber secretly Cap. 6. and among the Lyons Dan. 14. Moyses in the wildernes Iosu. 1. Ezechias the king in his bed Esay 34. Ionas in the Whales belly Cap. 3. Christ in fieldes and gardens Math. 26. and on his cros Mat. 27. For the place of prayer is not materiall Ioh. 4. I meane of Priuate prayer in which consideration pray in all places at all times whether it be seuen times a day with Dauid Psa. 118. or thrise a day with Danyel Cap. 6. Whether on the Sabaoth day or at the ninth houre especially when Gods Spirite shall moue thee so to doe For at any such time to defer thy prayer vntill thou find a better place to sitte stand or kneele is as much as to hinder if not to quench Gods Spirite Now it followeth to whom we must come To me sayth Christ for without me you can doe nothing Ioh. 15. whatsoeuer you shall aske the father in my name it shall be geuen you Ioh. 16. Come to no earthly man for cursed is he that putteth his trust in man Ier. 17. and who shall deliuer his brother or make agreement with God for him Psal. 49. Come to no heauenly saint For Christ is our onely Mediator and intercessor betweene God and vs. 1. Tim. 2. and whom haue I in heauen but thee saith Dauid Psal. 33. Come onely vnto him therfore And why to him only For in him the Father is well pleased Mat. 3. No man can come to the Father but by him Ioh. 14. He onely is present euery wher to heare the prayers of the whole world All power is geuen into his hands Ioh. 5 He onely knoweth the secrets of our hartes But who shall come Al you saith he that labour and are laden How laden Not with bags of gold and brags of righteousnes For he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Luke 5. Presēt not therfore thy prayers in thine own righteousnes Dan. 9. Play not the Pharisie but pray as the Publicane Luk. 18. And albeit God heareth not sinners Ioh. 9. yet that is meant of desperate sinners malicious despicers of Christ his Gospel not of the repentant in whom as it is requisite there be no brag of righteousnesse so is it as necessary that there
earth we came to earth we shall For sinne by death hath made vs thrall the mind And the more gentlenes that is vsed towards this most vnkind and leud bondseruāt the body so much the worse and more wicked doth it become If we follow it it caryeth vs into destruction turning vs away from God to it own earthlines and rottennes O how vnseémly an incounter is this wherin the flesh being matched against the Spirite that is to say the bondslaue against his Lord striueth with him for victory and preheminēce sometime getting the vpper hand so as his master is not able erewhiles to represse his boldnes malapertnes and lustines because he bare with him to long and to often But thou O Lord Christ to whom all power is geuen both in heauen and earth which camest to vndo the works of the deuill which onlye art able to make the thing cleane which is conceiued The wise the simple and euery degree Are by force compelled to obey vnto me The Creeple Be thou poore or disesed Thou must with me be pleased The poore woman To thou neuer o poore Thou must enter at my ●ore of vncleane seéde Reforme our vnderstanding and will Cleanse our harts Circumcise our mindes Wash our soules Stablish thy freé and mighty spirite in vs Subdue vs wholy to thy good pleasure And restore vs the state by thy goodnes which we haue lost through our own naughtines so as our flesh may be in subiection to the spirite and our affections be made obedient to right and vncorrupted reason Or at least wise that although the flesh rebell and fight against the spirit yet the power of y minde may be so strong ▪ and the strength of our reason so mighty through thy grace as they may get the vpper hand in all incounters and finally ouercome all assaultes to the praise of the working of thy holy spirit Amen ❧ A Prayer to be sayd against the deuill The Infant Loe this little hart I strike with my dart The Foole. Of foolish and fond I break the bond No state no might young nor old To resist death dare be bold IEsus Christ our Lord God our shield our fortres our strong rock our only defence thou knowest and it greeueth vs to feel with how great force and perilous pollicie that olde enemy of oures the wily serpent that beguiled our first parents in paradise the roaring Lyon that goeth about night and day seeking whom he may deuoure That destroyer waster and accuser of the saynts the deuill commeth vpon vs to assayl vs thou knowest how small or rather no power at al we haue of our selues to withstand him so that vnlesse thou succour vs he will easely deceaue vs by his craftynes ouerthrow vs by his mightynes and rend vs in peeces by his cruelty But we know that if thou doe but shew thy selfe to him aloof thou shalt driue him away with thine only looke For thou hast ouercome Emperors and kings we did raigne But now the earth doth vs detayne The Emperor Of Monarch Emperor I am the conqueror ¶ ●he king Keisar or king I must theé bring him by thy death thou hast bound him disarmed him and spoyled his house thou hast bereft him of all lordship and power thou hast crushed his head thou hast cast down hys throne and dispossessed him of hys kingdome thou hast led away captiuity captiue thou hast cancelled the obligation that he had of oures and nayled it to thy crosse and finally thou hast tryumphed ouer him in our nature to our benefite and behoofe We therfore being weake feeble naked vnarmed vnskilfull ignorant and of no forecast but yet thy members through thy grace beseech thee which art strong almighty only wise and prudent vouchsafe to defend maintayn preserue vs continually from that merciles dragon Be thou our eye our eare our hand our loads man guide and captayn Set thy selfe ¶ The Duke Duke though thou be daunce after me ¶ The Marques Marques of state match with thy mate Dukes and Marques we hau● bene Nought ●ow but ●o●es are to be seen in our defence against this our vnappeasable aduersary disappoynt his practises confound his deuices break his bow knap asunder his speare ouerthrow his holds quench his fiery darts put his armies to flight and geue thy seruants the vpper hand of him and his or rather ouercome thou him and his in vs and by vs. Doe but aduaunce the standard of thy crosse in our harts and thou dryuest him out of the field Vnder this bāner dare we march boldly against him assuring our selues that by the power thereof thou wilt delyuer vs from the hands of our enemies and of all that hate vs so as we may serue thee in holynes and righteousnes all the dayes of our life Which we beseech thee to graunt vs for thy mercies sake to the euerlasting honor of thy most holy name Amen We Earles and Barons were sometime Now wrapt in lead are turnd to flime ¶ The Baron Barons of nobilitie sweare to me fealty ¶ The Vicount Earle or Vicount geue thy account ❧ A Prayer to be sayd of a woman with Child THy wisedome and power shine forth in all thy workes O Lord but yet much more greater more manifest and more wonderfull are they in the shaping of man Of how small beginning doest thou make so marueilous a liuing thing sheading a soule into it whose originall is from heauen to the intent he should long to returne thether as into his countrey ¶ The Archbishop Archb. Metropolite theé thy Prouince I visite ¶ The Bishop Bishops graue old are sheép of my fold Bishops we haue taught the lore That all must enter deathes dore O most gracious workman let thy pitifulnes amend the thing which our sinfulnes hath marred and eyther abate my payne that I may not haue neéde of so great strength tendance cunning or els increase my strength power and courage that I may be able to ouercome all the payn of my trauell Amen * A Prayer to be sayd of such as be vnder the Crosse. HOw long wilt thou forget me O Lord for euer how long wilt thou hide thy face from me Both sheep and shepheard all must dye We taught the same the same we try ¶ The Doctor Doctor diuine at last thy reading houre is past ¶ ●he Preacher Preach no more ●bout thy glas is run out Unto theé O Lord haue I cryed all the day long haue I stretched out my hands vnto theé Wilt thou worke wonders among the dead or shal the dead arise praise theé shall any man shew thy mercy in the graue or thy truth in destruction Shall thy wonders be knowen in the darck or thy righteousnes in the land of forgetfulnes Why doest thou thrust back my soul O Lord and hide thy face from me no man is mindful of theé in death and who will prayse theé in the graue Be stil before God O my soule for
and the decree Destructiō was preached to the Niniuites if they repented not this was the condition and the decree Niniue repented and was not destroyed but saued was therfore Gods decree altered no For he decreed their destruction but vpō this condition if they repented not Pray therfore if thou be godly that he would geue thee the grace to cōtinue and if thou be sinful pray that he geue thee the grace to repent And thus very well our prayers haue strength to stay Gods wrath his decree remayning immutable because it is threatned but vpō a condition if we repent not But whence hath prayer this strength of it self No. For we being iustified through faith haue peace toward God that is the fauor of God through our Lord Iesus Christ. Rom. 5. So that Christ is our mouth whereby we speake to the Father our eyes by which we see the Father our right hand by which we offer to the Father Which Christ except he be our aduocate neither we nor all the saints can haue any thing to doe with god For no mā cōmeth to the father but by him Ioh. 14. Why then are not our prayers alwayes heard hauing continually such a spokesman who hath all power both in heauen and earth Truely because either we aske amisse not according to Gods will and that which is not for vs to receaue or it pleaseth the Lord to defer our requestes for tryall of our faith and patience Hereupō it was that Dauid sayd Expectans expectaui Dominum With long wayting I waited for the lord and he inclined vnto me and heard my calling Psal. 40. Pray therfore continually with faith loue vnderstanding in the name of Iesus Christ pray for al men at al times in al places and for al things according to Gods wil. Though thou be a sinner though God foreknoweth the hart though his decree be immutable yet pray vnto him in Iesus Christ and he will refresh thee Of this I thought good to admonish thee Christian Reader because it is an easy thing to pray but to pray aright is a thing very difficult Here are prepared for thee zealous and godly prayers some translated out of Latin French some made by the best learned of our time Use thē as I haue taught thee that they may be to good vse Accuse not mine insufficiency in teaching but amend thine owne imperfection in praying praying that we talke not smoothly walk crookedly but that we may giue to God the father our maker obedience faith to Iesus Christ our redemer and mortification of the flesh to God the holy ghost our comfortor Fare wel in Christ Iesu. R. D. ❧ The Preface or preparation to prayer O Lord my good God and Father blessed be thy name for euer dispose my hart open my lips and guide me by thy holy spirite to a true acknowledgement of all my sinnes that my prayer may be heard of theé in the name of thy Sonne Iesus Christ So be it ¶ A prayer to be sayd at our first waking O God and father of our Lord Iesus Christ whom no man knoweth but by thy specyall gift graunt that vnto the rest of thine exceéding great benefites towards me this which is the greatest that can be bestowed vpon mankind There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Iesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Iacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c. Num. 24. The birth of blessed M●ry the virgine the mother of Christ c. may be added also namely that as thou hast raysed vp my body from fast and sound sleépe so also thou wilt deliuer my mind from the sleépe of sin and from the darcknes of this world and after death restore the same body to life as well as thou hast called it agayne from sleépe For that which is death to vs is but sleépe vnto theé I pray and beseéch theé that through thy goodnes this body of mine may be a fellow and furtherer of all godlinesse to my soule in this life so as it may also be partner with it of the endles felicitie in the life to come through Iesus Christ thy sonne our lord For whose sake and by whom thou geuest vs all good and holsome thinges to our welfare Amen Another MUch better is the light of the soule and the insight of the Mary the mother of Iesu betrothed to Ioseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Ioseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt goe vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be geuen thee to wife for to thee doth the right of her c. Tob. 6. minde then the light or eyesight of the body The eyesight of the body euery silly beast hath but the sight of minde none hath but men Yea none haue it but wise men Thou therfore O Lord Iesu Christ which art the greatest of all lights the only true light the light from whence springeth the light of the day and the sonne Thou light which inlightenest euery man y commeth into the world Thou light whereon there commeth no night nor euentide but continuest euer bright and cleére as at midday Thou light wherewithout all things are deépe darcknesse and whereby all things were made lightsome Thou mind and wisdom of the heauenly Father inlighten my minde that being blind in all other things I may seé nothing but that which belōgeth to theé and that I may thereby walke in thy wayes without fantasying or lyking The seede of the woman shall tread vpon the head of the serpent Gen 3. The Angel sayd to him the Lord is with thee thou valyant man Iudges 6 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 the ●ngell Gabriel was sent fro God to a citie in Galile 〈◊〉 Nazareth 〈◊〉 virgine affianced to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. of any other light els Lord I beseéch theé inlighten mine eyes that I may neuer slumber in darcknes least my ghostly enemy say at any time I haue preuayled against him Amen * A prayer at our vprising OUr first father Adam being tumbled down from most excellent and glorious highnes into the dungeon of shame and sinck of all sinne was releéued lifted vp again by thy hand O Sauyour Iesus christ And we likewise should lye wallowing in the same plight for euer if we were not raysed vp by theé Wherfore O most mercifull Redeémer of mankinde like as thou of thy goodnes hast raysed vp this heauy and burthensome body euen so vouchsafe to lift vp my minde to the knowledge and loue of thy highnes Amen And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Iuda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c Luke 1. And Moyses returned
hand pleading for vs Behold my Aduocat with thee O God the father Behold the chief Bishop who nedeth no other bloudy expiatiō for that he shineth imbrued with his own bloud Behold the holy welplesing Sacrifice With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses thou shalt smite the rock and water c Exo. 17 One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side forthwith ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. Iohn 19. offered vp and receaued in al sweetnes Behold the immaculate Lamb which lay still before the shearers who being buffeted spit at and opprobriously rayled at opened not his mouth Behold he who sinned not toke our sinnes vpon him and with his stripes healed our infirmities ❧ A Prayer to God the Sonne O Lord Iesu Christ the maker and redemer of mankind which hast sayd that thou art the way the truth and the life the way by doctrin precepts and examples the truth in promises and the life in reward I beseéch theé for thine vnspekable loues sake where through thou hast vouchsafed to imploy thy selfe wholy in the sauing of vs Suffer me not at any time to stray from theé which art the way Ioseph toke the body and wrapped it in a cleane l●nnen c●oth and la●d it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock 〈◊〉 rolled a great ●one to the dore c. Math. 27. Assone as the s●●ne was downe Iosu● commaundeth that the● c. Iosu. 8 Then they arose and went all night and tok● the body c. 1. Sam. 1● nor to distrust thy promyses which art the truth and performest whatsoeuer thou promysest nor to rest in any other thing then theé which art the way beyond which there is nothing to be desired neither in heauen nor in earth By theé we haue learned the sure and redy way to true saluation to the intēt we should not wander any longer vp and down in the mazes of this world Thou hast taught vs throughly what to beleue what to doe what to hope and wherin to rest We haue learned of theé how vngratiously we be borne of the first Adam We haue learned of theé that there is no hope of saluation but by beleéfe in theé and that thou art the only light which shineth before vs all as we iorney through the wildernes of this world through the night of our own harts from the darcknes of Egipt to that blessed land which thou hast promysed When Ioseph was come to his brethren they strip● him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Ionas and cast him into the sea and the sea c. Ionas He layd it in a tomb 〈◊〉 out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the ●reparing of the Saboth the Saboth ●r●e on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. to the meéke and to such as follow the footsteps of thy mildnesse For in vs there was nothing but deép darcknes in so much that we could nether seé our own wretchednes nor where to seéke remedy for it But thou vouchsafing to come down into the earth to take our nature vpon theé of purpose to driue away the mist of our ignoraunce with the light of thy doctrine and to direct our feéte into the way of peace by thy precepts and hast paued vs the way to immortality by thy example and of abushy and rough way made vs a playn and smooth way by treading it out with thine own footsteps Thus art thou which canst no skill of error become our way wherein to the intent we should not faint thy goodnes hath vouchsafed to stay vs vp with many great and sure promyses For who can tire when he remēbreth that For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to the women Feare not for I know you seeke Iesus which was crucified c. Math. 2● Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. I●dicum 16 And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Ionas c. Ionas 2. if he walk in thy footsteps the inherytance of the heauenly life is prepared for him Therfore it is thy will that hope should be as a sure staffe to holde vs vp as long as we be in this iorney And thy goodnesse was not contented with that but forasmuch as thou knoest the weaknes of our flesh thou refreshest our strength from time to time with the comfort of thy Spirit to the intent we may come running cherefully vnto theé And as thou being become our way puttest aside all cause of straying so being the truth puttest away al cause of distrust finally being become our life thou giuest vs grace to be dead here vnto sin to liue through thy spirit wh c quickneth all things vntill that in the resurrection when all mortalitie shall be rid quite and clean away we shall liue with theé and in theé for euer at which time God shall be all in all The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c ▪ Cant. ● Iesus app●a●ed first to Mary Magdalen● out of whom he had ●ast 〈…〉 she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 1● For it is euerlasting life to know the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost to be the one true God whom we seé now by faith but as through a glasse and in a riddle but as then we shall behold his glory at hand and be transformed into the same Image And therefore I beseéch theé ô most mercifull Sauiour increase thy seruants faith that I may neuer stagger in thy heauenly doctrine increase mine obedience that I may neuer swarue from thy commaundements and increase my constancy that walking in thy steps I may neither be intised with Sathans allurementes nor discouraged with his terriblenes but hold out to the death in theé which art the true way increase my faith that trusting to thy promyses I may neuer faint in the indeuour of godlines but forget the things that I haue left behind me and go alwayes Iesus said to Thomas put th● finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. Iohn 20. And Iacob called the name of the place P●in●ll c. Gen. 32. 〈◊〉 aunswered he Lord be with vs why then c. Iud. 6. forward to more perfection Increase thy grace in me that being dead euery day more then other in my selfe I may be aliue and led by thy Spirite fearing nothing but theé then whom nothing is more amiable glorying in nothing but only in theé who art the true glory of all the saints coueting nothing but theé who art of all things the
c. Iohn 1● The foolish virgines cam● also sayng Lord Lord c. Math. 2● The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out c. 〈◊〉 12. only art of power to performe what thou listest Therefore gather thou vs together dispersed knit vs together now iarring rent asūder with opinions vnite vs together whom hatred and enmity hath set as far at ods as can be Graunt that all of vs which are regenerated renewed by baptisme in thy name may cloase together in one body meet for such a hed as thou art thē the which none cā be imagined either better or greater Let vs be all of one minde let vs set our harts all vpō one thing namely vpon thee the only almighty god and singular louer of vs which art also a most meek man and wast nayled to the crosse for our sinnes and art the redeemer of mankind and the setter vp agayn of the whole world Lord asswage the great number of waues wherewith this Ship of thine Ioa● tooke 〈…〉 peaceably and smote him vnder the ribbe that he 〈◊〉 c. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeme Ionathan sendeth mony and the children to Triphon c. 1. Ma●ha 13. Iudas had geuen them a token saying Whomsoeuer I kisse he it is take him and lead him away And as soon● as he was come h● goeth to him and saith Maister maister c. Marke 14. is assaulted and shakē Awake Christ Iesu and saue vs or els we are like to suffer sore and horrible shipwrack No strength no wisdome no riches of men can now help vs there remaineth no hope of remedy Only thy mercifull looke can saue vs from this cruell storme and make it calme agayn Therefore put to thy helping hand that we being preserued by thy power may glory in thy name Amē * Another O Lord Iesu christ which through thine almightye power diddest make all creatures both visible and inuisible which by thy heauenly wisdom gouernest and disposest all thinges in most beutifull order which by thine vnspekable goodnes preseruest maintaynest and quicknest all things which through thine infinite mercy amēdest The Iewes 〈◊〉 Christ in his face and buffeted him saying Prophecy vnto vs O Christ who is he that smote thee Peter sate without in the hall and a maid c Math. ●6 When C ham the father of 〈◊〉 saw the nakednes of his father he told his two brethren c Gen. 10 Helise●s is mocked of little children crying vnto him Come vp thou baldhead c. 4. Reg. 2. the things that are crazed buildest vp the things that were fallen down and quicknest the thinges that were dead vouchsafe we beseéch theé to turne thy countenance at length to thy singularly beloued spouse the church euen that milde and gratious countenaunce of thine wherwith thou cherest all things in heauē in earth aboue the heauens and vnder the earth vouchsafe to turne those meéke and merciful eyes of thine wherwith when thou beheldest Peter he repented him by and by and wherewith thou beheldest the scattered people and wast moued with pitie because they wandered like stray and scattered sheép for want of a shepheard Thou seést O good shepheard how sundry sorts of wolues are broken into thy sheépfold of whō euery one crieth this is Christ insomuch that euen the perfectest might be drawen into error The plowe●s plowe● vpon my backe and furrowes long did cast c. Psal. 131. Sathan smote Iob with sore boyles fr● the sol● of his foot c. Iob. 2. Pilate let 〈◊〉 lose vnto thē and scourged Iesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiours of the gouernour toke Iesus in to the common h●ll c. Math. 2● if it were possible Thou seést with what windes with what waues and with what stormes thy litle ship is tossed out of the which it is not thy will that there shall be any safety What must follow but that all of vs must neédes perish if she should be drowned in the waters We acknowledge and confes that our own sinnes haue procured vs this tempest We acknowledge thy righteousnes and bewalle our own vnrighteousnes but yet therwithall we appeale to thy mercy which according to the psalme of the Prophet exceédeth al thy works We haue indured much punishment already being ouerworn with so many warres ouerspent with so many exactions vexed with so many kindes of sicknesses and plagues ouerflowed with so many flouds and scared with so many strange wonders threatening vs from the skyes and yet for al these And the souldiours platted a crowne of thorne vpon his head and a reede in his right hand and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying God 〈◊〉 c. Math. 27 When thou hast done all thy d●●ty ●●tte downe that thou mayst receue a crown c. Eccle. ●2 Abner sayd vnto Dauid who art thou that criest to the king c. 〈◊〉 1. Sam. 26 mischiefes following one in anothers neck there apeareth not any Hauē any where to rest in but sorer things seéme to hang still ouer our heads We complayne not of any rigor on thy behalfe O most meéke Sauyour but we acknowledge thy mercy in that behalfe also for truely we haue deserued far sorer thinges How be it O most mercifull Iesu stand not thou vpon the due of our deserts but consider what becommeth thine own mercifulnes without the which not euen the Angels were able to stand before theé and much lesse we that are but earthen vessels Haue mercy vpon vs O pitiful Redeémer not for any worthinesse of oures but geue that glory to thy holy name Suffer not the Iewes Turks and others which ether know theé not or els enuy thy glory to brag continually against vs and to say Where is Iezabell sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me ▪ c. ● Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniell and cast c. Dan. 6. Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this 〈◊〉 man looke you to it Then answered all the people ▪ c. Math. 27. their God Where is their Redemer Where is their Sauiour Where is their Bridegroome whom they boaste of These reproches light vpon theé while thy goodnes is measured by our aduersities Because they perceiue not that this chastising is to our welfare they deéme vs to be forsaken In time past when thou didst sleépe in the ship and the tempest that arose threatned destruction to all that were in it thou diddest awake at the crying out of a few of thy disciples and anone at thy almighty voyce the surges sank down the winds were whist and still and the troublesome storme was sodenly turned into a great calme The dūbe elementes knew the commaundement of their maker Now in this farre greéuouser tempest wherby not a few bodies but innumerable soules are in danger we beseéch theé to awake at the ●nd Iesus ●are his crosse
and came into a place named Gol●●otha where the● crucified him 〈…〉 therwith 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 the most of 〈◊〉 c. ●ohn 1● Abraham tooke the wood of ●he burnt offring ▪ and layd ●t vpon Isaac his sonne c. 〈◊〉 ●● Beho●d the wi●ow was there gathering sticks ▪ and Eliah called her and said c. 〈…〉 cry of thy whole church being in peril Behold how many thousād mē cry out Lord saue vs or els we perish The tempest hath ouercome all cunning of man nay rather we seé that the indeuour of such as goe about to helpe it doth turne to the contrary There neédeth thy voyce O Lord Iesu say no more but tempest be still and by and by the wished calmenes will shew it selfe The Lord would haue spared the innumerable thousands of wicked people that were in Sodome and Gomorra if he could haue foū● but ten righteous among them all Now there are many thousands which loue the glory of thy name and which long to behold the beauty of thy house and wilt thou not at their intreatance release thine anger and remember thy old mercies wilt thou not through thy heauenlye cunning turne our foolishnes to thine Tubulta●● wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and tasted on a tree c. And when they were come to the 〈◊〉 which 〈…〉 Calua●●e there they crucified him and the euil do 〈◊〉 one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. own glory wilt thou not turn the wicked folkes euill doinges to the benefit of thy church for thy mercy is wont to be then redyest at hand when things are so far past recouery as no strength or policie of man can help them Thou being the only author and maintayner of peace art only he that maketh thinges at one though they be neuer so much at oddes Thou didst dispose the olde Chaos wherein the seédes of al things lay confused and turmoyling among them selues without any order or comlynesse and by wonderfull order knit the thinges together in euerlastinge league which striue together by nature But how much more shamefull a Chaos is it where ther is no loue no faith no keéping of couenants no reuerence of lawes no awe of such as are in authoritie no consent of opinions but euery man singes his own song as One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side ▪ ● forthwith ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his record● is true And he that c. Iohn 10. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses thou shalt smite the rock and water c Exo. 17 in a black sanctus Among the compasses of the Skyes there is no disagreément the Elements doe keép euery one his place and euery of them exec●●●eth his own office And wilt thou suffer thy spouse for whose sake all things are created to goe to wrack by continuall discord Wilt thou suffer wicked spirits the authors of discord to execute tiranny in thy kingdome vnpunished Wilt thou suffer that strong fellow whom thou hast once thrust out to get possession of thy tents agayne When thou dwelledst as a mortal mā among men the deuils fled away at thy voyce We beseéch theé O Lord send thy Spirite into the hartes of all them that profes thy honorable name to driue from them the wicked spirits which are the scholemasters of ryot couetousnes ambition lechery vengeance and discord and that I may Assone as the sunne was downe Iosue commaundeth that they c. Iosu. ● Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 13 Ioseph toke the body and wrapped it in a cleane linnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the ●ock and rolled a great ●tone to the dore c. Math. 27. vse the prophets own wordes a cleane hart create in vs O God our king and renue thy holy Spirite in our bowels take not thy holy spirit from vs Geue vs againe the gladnes of thy saluatiō and strengthē thy spouse and thy spouses shepheards with a principall spirite By this spirit hast thou set things in heauen and earth at one by this spirite hast thou assembled and knit so many tongues so many nations and so many sundry sorts of men into the one body of thy church which cleaueth vnto theé her head by the same spirit If it may please theé to renue him in all mennes harts these outward calamities wil by and by cease or if they cease not yet shall they at least wise turne to the behoofe of them that loue theé Set this confusion in order O Lord and let thy spirit spread forth it selfe vpon the waters of wauering opinions He layd it in a tomb ●ewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. ●hen Ioseph was come to his brethren they stript ●im c. Gen. 37. So they t●ke vp Jonas and ●ast him into the sea and the sea c. Ionas And forasmuch as thy spirit which according to the saying of the prophet contayneth all thinges hath also the knowledge of the voyce in him graunt that as all which dwell in thy house haue but one law one baptisme one God one hope one spirit so also there may be but one voyce among all them that professe thy catholick truth At thy going vp into heauen thou after the maner of such as triumph diddest scatter abroad diuers rewards from aboue geue giftes vnto men bestow sundry presents of thy spirite among them Renue now again thine old boūteousnes from aboue geue the same thinges to the Church now drooping which thou gauest to her at her first florishing forth Geue vnto her Princes the awe of theé that they may so gouern the common weale as though they should shortly yeald an account of euery The wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. ●here was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. thing to theé the king of all kinges Geue them of the wisdome which is alwayes about thy throne that they may seé what is best to be done and perform it in their deédes Geue vnto the shepheards whom thou hast vouchsafed to put in thy roomth the gift of prophesy that they may interprete the misticall scriptures not by mannes reason but by thy inspiration Geue them the threéfold charity which thou diddest demaund of Peter when thou gauest him charge to feéde thy flock Geue them the loue of
to abide all things patiently for thy sake and for the truth of thy gospell And let it ingender in me a despising of all worldly and earthly things and an earnest lōging and indeuour to attayn to the heauenly herytage for the purchasing wherof vnto me for the bringing of me therunto thou hast endured these and all other thy most bitter and intollerable torments Stones shall ●ūble toge●her and make a huge no●e ●irrible earthquakes shall make mē hide thēselues Valyes shall be filed and hils brogh ▪ low Wherfore I beseéch theé graunt me true repentance amendment of life perseuerance in all goodnes a stedfast fayth and a happy death through the merites of thy sufferings that I may also be made partaker of thy blessed resurrection Amen Another O Lord Iesu the very freedome of the Angels and the pleasure of paradise remember the terror and greefe which thou didst indure at such time as all thine enemies stoode about thee like a sort of Lyons vexing thee with buffetings spittings scratchings and other intollerable dealings and martyring thee with reprochfull words greeuous stripes and most greeuous torments I beseech thee O Lord for thine own sake and for thine exceding great mercies sake which caused thee to abide these things for our They that hid th● selue● shall runne forth like mad 〈◊〉 The bones of the dead shall appere aboue the Sepul●res The povvers of heauen shall be shaken redemption delyuer me from all mine enemies visible inuisible and graunt that I may finde both protection in this life and endlesse felicitie in the life to come vnder the shadow af thy wings Amen Another O Iesu the framer and creator of the world whom no measure can comprehend within bounds and which holdest the earth in thy hand call to minde thy most bitter payn which thou didst indure when they nayled thy most holy hands to the crosse likewise strake through thy most tender feet making thy woūds still more and more paynfull because thou wast not agreeable to their fancy and so drawing and retching out thy body to the length and bredth of the crosse that they loosened all the sinewes of thy members Euery one liuing shall dye presently Heauen earth all elementes shall burne The dead shall rise I beseech thee graunt that my continuall minding of this thy most holy and bitter paynes vpon the crosse may cause me to stand in awe of thee and also to loue thee Amen Another O Iesu the heauenly phisition remember the anguish payn and greéfe which thou diddest suffer by the rending and tearing of all thy members whē thou wast hoysed vp nayled to the crosse insomuch as ther was not any one of them that remayned whole and sound so that there was neuer any payn found like vnto thine for there was not any place of theé left whole from the sole of the foote to the crown of the head and yet euen then vnmindefull of all thy paynes thou prayedst meékly to thy father for thine Emperors and kings we did raigne But now the earth doth vs detayne ¶ The Emperor Of Monarch Emperor I am the conqueror ¶ The king Ke●sar or king I must th●e bring enemies saying Father forgeue them for they wote not what they doe I beseéch theé by thy louing kindenes and mercy which caused theé to suffer these paynes for my sake let thy passion be the full pardon of all my sinnes Amen Another O Iesu the mirror of eternall brightnes and fountayn of vnconsumeable goodnes which hanging vpon the crosse didst thirst for the saluation of mā mankind I beseech thee kindle in vs the desire of all good works and quench in vs the thirst of all fleshly lustes and both coole and kill in vs the loue of all worldly delighte Amen * Another O Princely Iesu the strength and triumph of our mindes which for ¶ The Duke Duke though thou be daunce after me ▪ ¶ The Marques Marques of state march with thy mate Dukes and Marques we haue been Nought now but bones are to be seen our sakes diddest suffer such anguish of hart that the bitternes of thy death and the exclamation of the Iewes vpbraiding and reuyling thee made thee to cry out with a loud voyce O God my God why hast thou forsaken me I beseech thee forsake me not in my distresse but be at hand to comfort me and delyuer me specially in the time of death Amen Another O Iesu the bottomles sea of all mercye I beseech thee by thy deepe wounds which pearced through thy flesh into the marow of thy bones and into the very bowels of thee pull me out of the gulfe of my sins and hide me in the holes of thy wounds from the sight of thy Fathers iust wrath vntill his displeasure be ouerpast Amen We Earles and Barons were sometime Now wrapt in lead are turnd to fl●me ¶ The Baron Barons of nobilitie sweare to me fealty ¶ The Vicount Earle or Vicount geue thy account O Iesu the mirror of truth the stādard of vnitie and the bond of charitie remember thine innumerable wounds wherwith thou wast torne frō top to toe by the wicked Iewes so that thou wast all on a gore bloud Which torment thou didst suffer in that chast body of thine for our sakes O most meéke Iesus leauing nothing vndone on thy behalf that might be for our benefite I beseéche theé write all thy woundes in my hart with thy most precious bloud that in them I may reade thy great loue towards me ¶ The Archbishop Archb. Metropolite theé thy Prouince I visite ¶ The Bishop Bishops graue old are sheep of my fold Bishops we haue taught the lore That all must enter deathes dore Another O Iesu the only begotten Sonne of the heauenly Father the brightnes and Image of his substāce remember the harty commending of thy spirite into thy Fathers handes when hauing thy body all to torne and thy hart full of anguish and hauing earst vttered the bowels of thy mercy thou gauest vp the Ghost I beseeche thee for this thy precious deaths sake O king of Saincts giue me strength to withstand the diuel the world and the flesh that being dead vnto the world I may liue to thee onely And whensoeuer this banished and wayfaring soule of myne shall depart hence I beseech thee receiue it home into the hands of thy mercy Amen Both sheep and shepheard all must dye We taught the same the same we try ¶ The Doctor Doctor diuine at last thy reading houre is past ¶ The Preacher Preach no more about thy glas is run out Another O Iesu the true and fruitful vine remember the aboundant flowing out sheading of thy bloud which thou didst send out of thy body most plentifully as out of grapes pressed at the wine presse at such time as thou didst tread the winefat alone and begannest to vs of the cup of water and wine by the soldyars thrusting of theé into the
side with his spear so as there remayned not one drop more in thy body But finally thou wast as a bundle of mirhe hanged vp aloft thy tender flesh shrunke the moysture of thy bowels dried vp the marow of thy bones wasted away I beseéch theé O most sweéte Iesu by this most bitter death of thine and by the sheading of thy most precious bloud wound my hart with such repentance ¶ The lord Come lordings all daunce at my call ¶ The Knight Goe hence sir Knight t is almost night We Lordes and Knightes of late Now lye in low estate of my sinnes and ioy of thy loue as my teares may be my foode day and night Turne thou me wholy vnto theé that my hart may dwell with theé continually and my conuersation be acceptable vnto theé And let my life be such through thy goodnes as I may prayse theé for euer with al thy Saints in the life to come Amen Another O Lord Iesu Christ the sonne of the liuing God who for the saluation of the world drankest eyzell and Gall vpon the cros like as at the geuing vp of the Ghost when thou hadst finished all things didst commit thy soule into thy Fathers hāds so do I betake my soul into thy mercifull hands beseeching thee both to preserue it here frō all sinne and in the end to receaue it in peace into the company of thy chosen that are departed that I may Behold the Squire as in a glas For as thou art so he was ¶ The Esquire Esquire the braue It bootes nor to craue ¶ The Gentleman Lusty or sad Thou must be had with thē prayse thee euerlastingly which liuest raignest c. Amen * A prayer vpon the minding of Christes resurrection and ascention O Lord Iesu O good Iesu which diddest vouchsafe to die for my sinnnes and rosest agayn for my iustification I beseéch theé by thy glorious resurrection raise me vp from the graue of al my vices and sinnes and geue me part daily in the first resurrection that I may be made partaker of the second resurrection also O most sweét Iesu which art gone vp into heauē with glorious triumph and sittest at the right hand of thy Father like a most mighty king draw me vp to theé make me to runne after theé for the sweét sent of thine oyntmentes ¶ The Iudge Come on iudge With me to trudge ¶ The iustice Sir Iustice arise come to my assise Iudge and Iustice sentence haue To ly as captiues in the craue make me to run without tyring by thy drawing and pulling of me forward Draw the soul that thirsteth after theé to the riuers of euerlasting suffifanze which are aboue yea verely draw me to thy selfe which art the liuing fountayn that I may so drink of theé according to my capacitie as I may liue for euer My God my life thou welspring of life fill my minde with the streames of thy pleasures ▪ make my hart loue-sick with the sober drunkennes of thy loue that I may forget the things that are vain and earthly and haue theé only in my mind continually Geue me thy holy spirite which is betokened by those waters which thou hast promysed to geue to them that are a thirst Graunt I beseéch theé that I may long with all my hart and labour with all my indeuor to attayne to the place whether we beleéue that thou didst ascend No law no plea ▪ no drift From death can make a shift ¶ Sergeant at law Leaue the Lawes heare my cause ¶ The Attorney Plead as thou lust With me thou must the fortith day after thy resurrection so as I may be conuersant in this vale of misery but with my body and alwayes in heauen with my hart so as my minde may be where thou art euen where thou my incomparable and deér beloued treasure art that I may sing prayses to thy name from this time forth for euermore Amen Another O Brother of oures O naturall sonne of that father whose sōnes thou makest vs by adoption O head of our body we seé that thou art king of heauē forget not thou thy earth wherinto thine inestimable loue of vs did bring theé down Thou frō out of that place geuest hope to vs thy members that we may come thether as thou art exalted already O gard and defence of vs what can now hurt vs so long as ¶ The Mayor Mayor I theé call to my guild Hall. ¶ The Shirife Shirif for execution I haue a commission The Mayors and Shirifes doe pas with speed And others them in place succeed we trust in theé Most wretched are they that know theé not and most happy are they that doe euer behold theé Blessed are they that knew theé here in the dayes of the mortalitie of thy flesh But more blessed are they that seé theé in heauen and shall seé theé raigning in the chief goods of thy father O loue and delight of mankind O only hope of vs imbrace vs with thy fauour kisse vs shead thy spirite into our harts and make our minds to run continually vpon theé to our exceéding great comfort Lift vs vp lying flatte vpon the ground open our eyes and lift them vp vnto theé Open thy mouth to call vs and open our eares to heare theé that we setting theé alone before vs for our marck to direct our life by may square out all our doeings words thoughts by theé Amen We peace did keep in Princes name Now death doth charge vs with the same ¶ The Bailife Come Baylife no bayle with me shal preuayl ¶ The Constable Constable I arrest to my ward be prest ❧ A Prayer to Christ ascending and raigning in glory OH good Christ our first begotten brother and tender harted Ioseph Oh natural sonne of that Father to whom we are made children of adoption through theé Oh our head raigning on high in glory forget not vs thy poore members here on earth wher into abasing thy selfe thou camst down and sufferedst for vs most cruell death Out of this thy throne of maiesty and glory thou putst vs in assured hope and confidence that we also shall attayn to that blessed place whether thou art gon before to take possessiō for vs Oh our strong tower of defence succor what can hurt vs now trusting in theé Most vnhappy are they which are ignorāt of theé Most happy are they which alwayes behold theé ¶ The Phisicion By thy water I do seé thou must away with me The Astronomer Looke not so hie low thou must lie No arte or medicine can preuayle When death doth purpose to assayle Blessed are they which haue known theé here in the dayes of their mortalitie but more blessed are they which seé theé in the heauens and shall seé theé raigning with thy Father in ioyes incomparable Oh Lord the only ioy and comfort of our soules shew vs thy louing countenance imbrace vs with the armes of thy mercy receiue vs O good