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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19660 An informacion and peticion agaynst the oppressours of the poore commons of thys realme compiled and imprinted for this onely purpose that amongest them that haue to doe in the Parliamente some godlye mynded men, may hereat take occation to speake more in the matter then the authour was able to wryte. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1548 (1548) STC 6086.5; ESTC S310 14,980 31

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hath the spirite of God spokē Heauen and earth shal perishe but the wordes of the spirite shall not perish but be fulfylled Nowe herken you possessioners and you rich men lifte vp your ears ye stuards of the Lord marke what complayntes are layede agaynste you in the high courte of the liueynge God Lorde sayeth the Porphete hast thou forsaken vs doest thou hide thy selfe in the tyme of our trouble Whylse the wicked waxe proude the pore man is aflicted and troubled Would to God the wicked myght feale the same thinges that they inuent for other For the sinnere prayseth hym selfe in the desyers of hys soule and he extolleth and fetch furth the couetouse man He prouoketh the Lorde and is so proud that he wyll not seke hym He neuer thynketh vpon God His wayes be defiled at all tymes He loketh not vpon thy iugementes Lorde be will reuenge hym vpon al hys enimies He thynketh thus with hym selfe I wyll not remoue from one generacion vnto an other without mischefe Hys mouth is full of malediction and euill reporte fraude deceyte Esai 50. and vnder his tonge is afliction and iniquitye He lyeth in wayte wyth the rychemen of the villages or graynges in secrete corners to the intent to slea the innocent His eyes are fyexed vpon the pore he layeth awayete euen as a lyon in his denne He layeth a wayte to take the poore man by force and when he hath gotten him wythin his reache then wyll he take hym violentlye In hys net will he ouerthrowe the pore and through hys strength shall the mutitude of the oppressed be ouer charged and fall For in his hert he sayeth God hath forgotten God turneth a waye hys face and wyll neuer regarde the oppression of the poore etc. to the ende of the same Psalme ☞ What sentence thinke you wil the Lorde gyue vpō this euidence No doubt most worthy counsellers euen the same that we reade in Esaie the Prophete I loked for iudgement and rightouse dealynge amongeste my people and beholde there is iniquitie Esaie 5. I loked also for iustice and beholde there is an outcrye Wo be vnto you therefore that do ioyne houre vnto house couple one fielde to an other so longe as there is any ground to be had Thinke you that you shal dwel vpon the earth alone The Lorde of hostes sayeth the prophete hath spoken these wordes vnto me Manye large and goodlye houses shall be deserte and wythout inhabitauntes .x. acres of vynes shal yelde but one quarte of wyne and .xxx. bushelles of seede shall yelde but .iii bushelles agayne Beholde you engrossers of fermes and teynements be holde I say the terrible threatnynges of God whose wrath you can not escape The voyce of the pore whō you haue with money thruste out of house and home is well accepted in the eares of the Lorde and hath steared vp hys wrath agaynste you He threateneth you moste horrible plages Ten acres of vynes shal yelde but one quarte of wyne and .xxx. bushelles of sede but .iii. bushelles agayn The sede of Goddes worde sowen in youre hertes shall be barrayne and not bringe forth fruite ☞ For couetyse the rote of al iuelles occupieth that grounde so that the heauenlie sede can bi no meanes geue encrease This is a plage of al plages most horryble And doubt ye not you lease mongres that take groundes by lease to the ●ntente to lette them out agayne for double and triple the rent your parte is in this plage The Lorde shall take his spirite from you He shall forbyd the cloudes of his mercy to rayne vpon you wyth the swete dwe of hys greace And you surueighers of lādes that of x. li lāde can make .xx. you shall not be forgotten in the effu●ion of thys plage ☞ For whē you haue multiplied your rēttes to the higheste so that ye haue made all youre tenantes your slaues to labour and toyle and bringe to you all that maye be plowed and digged out of youre groundes then shal death sodaynly strike you then shall God wythdrawe his confortable greace from you thē shall your conscience prycke you then shall you thynke with de●perat Cain that your sinne is greater thē that it may be forgeuen For your owne cōscience shall iudge you worthye no mercye be cause you haue shewed no merci Yea the same enimie that hoth kendled and doeth yet mayntayne in you thys mischeuouse outragiouse and vnsaciable couetousnes shall then bee as busy to put you in mynde of the wordes of Christ saienge the same measure that you haue made vnto other shal be nowe made vnto you You haue shewed no mercye howe can you than loke for mercye Oh noble counsailours be mercyful to your selues Destroye not your owne soules to enriche your heyres Enlarge not your earthly possession wyth the losse of the eternal enheritaunce Learne to knowe the estate that God hath called you vnto to lyue accordinge to your profession Know that you are al ministres in the common weale and that the procion which you are borne vnto or that your prince geueth you is your estate Knowe that your office is to distribute not to scrape to gether on heapes God hath not sette you to surueye his landes but to playe the stuardes in hys householde of this world and to se that your pore felow seruantes lacke not theyr necessaries Consider that you are but ministers and seruauntes vnder the Lorde oure God and that you shal render a streyght accompt of your administracion Stand not to much in your own conceyte gloriynge in the worthynesse of your bloude for we are all one mans chyldren and haue by nature lyke right to the rychesse and treasures of thys worlde wh●rouf oure natural father Adame was m●de Lord and Kinge Whiche of you can laye for hym selfe any naturall cau●e whyche shoulde possesse the treasure of this worlde but that the same cause maye he founde in hym also whome you make your slaue By nature therefore you can claime nothinge but that which you shall gette wyth the swet of your faces That you are Lordes and gouernoures therfore commeth not by nature but by the ordinaunce appoyntment of God Knowe then that he hath not called you to the welth and glorie of this worlde but hath charged you wyth the greate and rude multitude And if any if them perishe thorowe your defaute knowe thē for certentie that the bloude of them shal be required at your handes If the impotent creatures perishe for lacke of necessries you are the murderres Ezech. 33 for you haue theyr enheritaunce and do not minister vnto them If the sturdye fall to stealing robbyng reueynge then are you the causers therof for you dygge in enclose and witholde from them the earth out of the which they shoulde digge and plowe theyr lyueynge Psal 11● For as the Psalmiste writeth All the heauen is the Lordes but as for the earth hee hath geuen to the childrene of
men ☞ The whole earth therfor by birth ryght belongeth to the chyldren of men They are all inheritours thereof indifferently by nature But because the sturry shoulde not oppress● the weake and impotent God hath apoynted you stuards to geue meate vnto his housholde in due reasone And if you be founde faythfull in thys litel then knowe that he wyll preferre you to muche greater thynges But if ye bee found oppressing your felowe seruauntes thē knowe for certentie that the Lorde your maister shall at hys comeynge rewarde you wyth many strypes Call to your remembraunce the History of Kynge Nabuchodonosor whoe for Luke 12. Dani. 4. his presumption became as a brute beast feaddinge vpō grasse and hey as other beastes dyd ☞ Considre Pharao wyth his great armie whom the Lorde ouerwhelmed in the red sea for oppressing and persecuting his people Yea considre al the nobilitie that haue possessed the earth euen from the begynnyng and then saye howe you be theyr successours and by what title you cleyme that which was theyrs ☞ Many hundred yeres sence the noble Romains helde all Europa and parte of Affrike and Asia in quiete possession and where are they that succeade them in theyr impeir The brutishe Gothes inuaded and vāquished the impier of Rome and where are theyr successours ☞ What shoulde I stande in the rehearsall of the great possessioners that haue hertofore possessed the earth whose liniall descent cā not be founde It shal suffice me to remitte you to the wordes of the Lorde vnto Nabuchodonosor whiche are wrytten in the boke of Daniell the Prophet Dani. 4. ☞ There shal you learne that it is God that gyueth the impier to whō it pleaseth hym and that all power is from aboue accordynge to the answer that our sauiour Christe made vnto Pilate when he bragged hym wyth the power than he had to crucifie hym and to deliuer hym Thou shouldest sayed our sauiour haue no power ouer me at all Iohn 19. were it not gyuen the from aboue ☞ Thus it is euident vnto you moste worthy counsaylours that your power and estate cometh frome aboue and that by nature you can cleyme nothynge of the possessions of thys worlde more then that whiche you gette wyth the swet of your faces ☞ I doubt not therfor but that your consciences do condescend and agre vnto that which I haue spoken concernynge youre office and ministerie knoweynge that God hath appointed you to minister necessaries to the impotent and to defende the innocent ☞ Do not therfore neglect thys principalle poynt of your dutie to seke in this parliament a redresse of thys great oppression wherwyth the pore membres of this noble realme ar most vnmercifully vexed on euery syde ☞ The lande lordes for theyr partes suruey and make the vttermost peny of al their groūdes bysydes the vnreasonable fynes and incomes And he that wyl not or can not geue all that they demaunde shall not enter be he neuer so honest or stande he neuer so greate neede ☞ Y●a though he haue ben an honest true faythfull and quiete tenant many yeres yet at the vacatiō of his Copie or Iudentur he must paye welmoste as much as woulde purchayse so much grownde or else voide in haste though he his wyfe and childrene shoulde perishe for lacke of harbour ☞ What a sea of mischifes hath floued out of thys more then Turkyshe tyrānie what honeste housholders haue ben made folowers of other not so honest mens tables what honeste matrones haue ben brought to the needy rocke and cardes what menchyldrene of good hope in the liberall sciences and other honeste qualites wherof this realme hath great lacke haue ben compelled to fal some to handycrafts and some to daye labour to sustayne theyr parents decrepet age and miserable pouertie what froward and stoubourne children haue herby shaken of the yoke of godly chastisement rennyng hedlonge into all kyndes of wickednes and finally garnyshed galowe trees what modeste chast and womanly virgins haue for lacke of dourie bene compelled either to passe ouer the dayes of their youth in vngrate seruitude or els to mary to perpetuall miserable pouertie what immodeste wanton gyrles haue hereby bene made sisters of the Banke the stumlyng-stocke of all fraile youth and finally most miserable creatures lyinge and dyinge in the stretes full of all plages and penurie what vniuersall destruction chaunceth to thys noble realme by thys outragious and vnsaciable desire of the surueiers of landes I reporte me to you moste christian counseilours whiche are here assembled from all partes of thys noble realme to consult for the wealth of all the mēbres of the same ☞ On the other syde there be certeyne tenauntes not able to be lande Lordes and yet after a sort they cōterfaite lande lordes by obteininge leases in and vpon groūdes and tenementes and so reyse fines incomes rentes and by such pillage pike out a portion to mainteyne a proude port and all by pilling and polling of the poore commons that must of necessitie seeke habitations at theyr handes ☞ That this is true I report me to my lorde the Maire other the heade officers of the Citie of London who if they be not ignorant of the state of the Citie can witnes with me that the moste parte yea I thinke ix of the .x. partes of the houses in London bee set and let by them that haue them by lease and not by the owners ☞ Howe thei polle the pore tenātes would sone be tryed if theyr leases were conferred with theyr rentrolles It is not to be thought contrary but that the greate leasmūgers haue greate gains by their leases for the litleons that hold but a piece of houseing of .xx. or xxx.s by yere can fynde the meanes to holde and dwell vpon the chiefe parte therof rent fre by letynge out the residue for the whole yerely rent ☞ I thinke not contrary but these thinges do appeare in the syght of many to bee but verey trifles and not worthy to be spokē of in so noble an assemble as this most honorable parliament For they are no mattiers concerneyng the welth of the nobilitie yea it is rather hyndrance to many of them to haue these thynges redressed then any encrease of theyr welth Yea euen you moste christian counsaylours whych are here assembled to debate the weightie mattiers of thys realme are not all so free from this kynde of oppression but that you coulde be well contented to wyncke at it And therfor for asmuche as the inordinate loue of men towarde them selues is such that eyther they can not se theyr owne fauts or else if they do se them or be tolde of them they take them not to be so great as they are in dede I thinke it no meruayle though such of you most worthy counsaylours as haue any profite by this oppression do wythin them selues deride and laugh to scorne my fole hardines and rashe interprise herein knowyng that it is not the