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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19362 An epistle or godlie admonition, of a learned minister of the Gospel of our sauiour Christ sent to the pastoures of the Flemish Church in Antwerp, (who name themselues of the Confession of Auspurge,) exhorting them to concord with the other ministers of the Gospell. Translated out of French by Geffray Fenton. Here may the christian reader lerne to know what is the true participatio[n] of the body of Christ, & what is the lauful vse of the holy Supper. Corro, Antonio del, 1527-1591.; Fenton, Geoffrey, Sir, 1539?-1608. 1569 (1569) STC 5787; ESTC S108710 46,646 132

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aunswer me that the tyrannie of the papists is so abhominable that there is no hart possessed with any Religion whose pacience may endure so intollerable a yoke The tyrānie of the Papists vppon the spiritualtie and temporaltie into the church of God séeing they ar not contented to bury the benefites of Iesus Chryst to rob and vsurpe his dignitie to make themselues merchants of his blud and redemptiō to beguile and seduce the poore people and their consciēces sending soules to hell in place to draw them out of purgatorie and lastly as a full of their tyrānie haue subdued and put vnder their féete the Monarchs Emperours Kings Princes and Magistrates of the earth forcing them to an humilitie vpon their féete they haue vsurped Seigniories and principalities by violence and effusion of mans bloud to the ende to make themselues Princes and great Lordes and their children neuews and allies hauing attyred themselues gorgiously with stolne feathers like to Esops crow and where afore they were so simple that they had scarcely wherewith to fill their bellies nowe some of them are become Princes some Dukes Earles Marquisses others triumph at their pleasure deuouring the goodes of straungers all which is tollerable with them bycause that the Pope their father hath put them in possession of suche wealth iniustly vsurped And if any one kindeled with the grace of our Lorde be priuie to suche abuses and goeth aboute too discouer them too the people incontinent the Popes their Parentes and Allies with open mouth do call suche Preachers Heretikes Apostates bannished Strangers and people vnworthye of reléefe in a Common state and will enter foorthwith into deuise and trauaile and that with all diligence to commit them eyther to the fyre and fagotts or otherwise to extirpe them quite from the earth bycause they feare that the preachers of truth discoueryng their pot of roses as the prouerbe sayth and that the worlde vnderstanding their tirannies euery one will withdraw and take away his fether rightely belonging to him and so in the end the Crow will eftsoones become a crow and the simple and poore man returne to his first estate 86 Herevnto I aunswere and saye good brethren that you haue greate reason and I woulde in GOD the stones had mouthes to manyfest suche abuses But yet ther is necessary to our side a sober obseruation of modestie in the words we vse to speake for my part I dout not at all that the diligence of the Popes Cardinals The cause why the Papists and their allies make warre ageinst the Gospel with their parents and Allies is not rather to maynteyne their vsurped estates than the glorie and zeale of God for if they had any religion they would shew it in their life and cōuersation But alas all the worlde séeth that the greatest zealors and defendors of the Papists shew almost no feare of god the Popes themselues deride with open throate our Sauior Chryst according to the example of one that died not long since who hauing left behynde him many lordships to his children and nephews vsurped by tyrannie sayd in sort of railing or madde scoffing that this fable of Iesus Chryst had greately profited many houses who of shifting roysters and disordred people were become possessoures of large reuenues Marke this blasphemie consider what religion this holy S. Peter and vicar of Christ hadde in his heart who notwithstanding vsed his tymes and occasions so conueniētly as he forgat nothing that concerned his profite But my hope is in God that he wil distroy that Babylon and the tyrant Nemroth that defendeth hir his parents and Allies who to preserue their vsurpations raise war ageinst the children of GOD and murder them 87 Expectyng deare brethren this horrible iudgement and most assured punishment that will fal vpon them let vs vse pacience in the wrong they offer vs If they call vs heretikes bicause we wil not folow the faith of theyr Popes but imbrace that which Chryst hath taught vs. Let vs estéeme oure selues happie if they cal vs apostates bicause we be come foorth or rather the Lorde hath wonderfully deliuered vs from the Idolatries and superstitions of the Papistes Let vs accompt our selues neuerthelesse happie for my part I protest afore the Lord that it is to mée a title and surname of glorie and dignitie to be called Apostate of the Pope and the Antechryst of Rome If they call vs banished from oure countrey let vs rather reioyce than discomfort knowing that God hath not banyshed vs from his grace neyther is it Christe that hath throwne vs out of his spirituall kingdome but it is the inquisitours who wold eyther haue banished or burned vs per effigiem in performing their rage vppon the strawe and papers bicause they could not execute it vpon the flesh and bones of the membres of Iesus Christ Let vs giue thāks to God in that such banishments and persecutions procéede not to vs as being guiltie eyther of theft murder or treason to oure Prince and Magistrate nor atteynted of any other offence worthy of punishment but bicause we search the health of our soules in the simple and pure worde of God 88 If they call vs straungers let vs The children of God are neuer out of their owne countrey remembre that the heauenly Father which hath aduowed vs for his children is lorde of heauen and of earth And into what part so euer we shall go we be in the coūtrey of our father we be his propre inheritaunce as the Prophete sayeth in the Psalm 37. That the rightuous shal dwel in the earth and be lawfull possessors of the same Lette vs comforte oure selues in this that neyther oure running oute of the countrey nor oure absence from the lande of oure birth hath bin moued by any vsurpation of the possessions or goodes of other but onely to giue place to persecutions Suche fléeing awaye is not shamefull but rather honourable séeing wée are companyons of our head and redéemer Iesus Christe who from his childhood was a stranger in the countreys of the Egyptians shewing the persecutions of Herode 89 If oure persecuters do curse vs let vs blisse them if they search or séeke oure death let vs pray for their lyfe And whē ther shal come question to discouer their abuses tyrannies and extortions let vs vse it with sobrietie modestie and grauitie that it may appere euē to themselues that we are not led by any malice ageynst their persones but of a spirituall zeale to the glorie of God the aduauncement of the kingdom of Chryst chiefe of the church and to the health of the soules of the poore and simple people beguyled and seduced euen vntill now by the preachers of dreames and fables who vnder the colour of Iesus Chryste haue martired his church and being in deed very rauening Wolues doe name themselues pastors and shepeherdes of the troupe of God Lastely lette vs endeuer to liue in peace one with an other whether they
those that commit them swallowing as oure Sauiour Chryst sayth the Camels and after passing by the cloutes the litle gnats which meaneth that we pronounce condemnation ageinst such who pierce not the subtilties of oure interpretations in Chrystes Supper making small reckening of the crimes and dissolutiōs which are committed dayly afore oure eyes I pray you what may meane so many sorts of cōmunications of Christ the one physicall Yllyricus in the text of his admonition maketh 4. sorts of communications of Chryst and an other mystical an other spirituall and an other sacramentall togyther also with those whyche you put in your confession the one common both to the good to the euil when they say this is my body and the other when they say Do this in remembraunce of me Those with such like cōmunications of Christe wée neuer learned in the woorde of God but of the contrary wée knowe for truth that there is but one mean to receiue Iesus Chryste and haue communication with him that is to say liuely faith and that accompanied with repentaunce and Meane to receiue Chryst by only faith penance of our sinnes passed newnesse of life to come I would to God we were wel taught and exercised in this manner of communicatiō of Chryst for touching the rest what assuraunce may wée take of the doctrine of youre article whiche is not drayned out of the word of God but rather of the interpretations of men I praye you shewe mée where it is that Chryste affirmeth that his bodye and bloud be truely and really in the bread vnder the bread or within the breade of the Supper and that he giueth hymselfe to bée eaten exteriorly with the breade and wine the same being not doone not onely by Fayth or spiritually but that he is eaten as well of the vnworthy as those that be worthy 50 Me thinks deare brethren that seing you wil be estéemed so diligent in the obseruatiō of the words of the scripture as preferring nothing which is not drawen out of the same it is necessary you know that in al your article there is not one word of the words of Christ but we What cōiunction betwene Christ and Behall knowe that both he himselfe and his apostle teacheth vs the contrary saying that the vnbeléeuing and vnwoorthy can not 2. Cor. 6. possesse Christe nor be membres of him seing they haue not a mouth of fayth to receiue him 51 Besides I sée that your very confession doth not accorde at all with that of Auspurge wherof you make so greate a buckler no lesse to maynteyne you in the good opynion of the worlde than to bryng your selues in vnder the protection of princes and potentates who at the beginning vsed very wisely and christianlye the presentation of this Confession For the woordes of the Authour bée these Article 10. De Coena Domina docent quòd cum pane vino verè exhibeantur corpus et sanguis Christi vescentibus in coena domini that is to say Touching the Supper of the Lorde they teache that with the bread and wine be exhibited the body and bloud of Chryste to those that eate the Supper of the Lorde 52 In these woordes the Confession of Auspurge make no mention to receyue the body of Christe really and exteriorly as you say in youres neither make they mention at all that the worthie and vnworthie do receiue it 53 But herevnto you say that we haue not the true and incorrupte confession of Auspurge but that you haue certein Copies and exemplaries thereof best corrected whiche you follow in your doctrine is it possible brethren you shoulde be so negligent in the correction of your confession wherof you make so great value I am not of opiniō that the princes Protestāts wold suffer to be printed in their townes articles of their confession contaminated and imperfect truly you trouble greatly the world for if those which folow not your confession be condemned by your sentence and you onely haue the true copie of this confession wée muste thē necessarily come to you as to a spring or fountain of truth and helth some may say as in derision of those things that wée must come on pilgrimage to searche your registers and bookeshops as in tymes past they went to Ierusale Rome or S. Iames Oh good God what mockerie what presumption of people But to preuent you of cause of complainte ageynst vs and that your incōsideration be more manyfestly discouered we will recite the article of your incorrupt cōfession which as you say to be reserued with you so you shall fynde it beareth not a worde of that which you haue vttered 54 Youre wordes be these Sequimur igitur in hac controuersia sententiam decimi articuli Augustanae confessionis porrò articulus See the confession H. 2. ille decimus ita habet in incorrupta confessione quam sequimur De coena Domini docent quod corpus sanguis Christi verè adsint distribuantur vescentibus in Coena domini improbant secus docentes That is to say Wée followe in this question and debate the aduise and sentence of the tenth Article of the Confession of Auspurge which tenth article is writen in this sorte in the confession whiche we followe whiche is not corrupted It is taught touching the supper of the Lorde that the body and bloud of Chryst be truly present and bée distributed to suche as eate in the Supper of the Lorde neyther are they approued whiche teache other wayes 55 Nowe brethren I pray you shew mée where it is that you finde here your realities and vbiquities or that the vnworthy do eate the body of Chryst with other sorts of doctrines whiche you haue preferred and wold authorise them with the confession of Auspurge whyche notwithstanding wée wyll not receiue as a rule of our Christianitie and muche lesse the Confession of any other man that is vppon earth 56 We wil be christians and so be called we wil follow the confession of faith whiche oure GOD the father and Iesus Chryste his Sonne haue lefte vntoo vs that is too saye the dyuyne woorde in the olde and new Testament as the summe of oure Religion Wée receiue the simbols of fayth receiued of olde time in the Churche we haue not bin baptized in the names of Martine Zwinglius or Caluyn but in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste by whiche meanes wée deteste and abhorre all those names and surnames of Partialities that is to saye Martinistes Zwinglians and Caluinists with other like knowing very well that GOD is greately displeased with suche separations and partialities in the doctrine of religion And I wish with al my hart that the doctours whiche haue taught here before and suche as at this day doe preache the Gospell were of more modestie and wisdom and purely consecrated to search the glorie of the Lorde and not theyr owne proper prayse then should the people
be of the Romish religion or reformed church praying always to the Lorde that he willighten vs in oure ignoraunces whiche wee ought to shew to euery one with all modestie and gentlenesse according too the example of oure maister and Redéemer Iesus who hath not disdained to receyue gently and teache myldely his very Iohn 3. enemies persecutyng him dayly and makyng coniurations to take from hym Luke 7. his life Let vs remember that being euē vpon the crosse pinched with the extreme pangs of death not mynding his owne paines he had remembraunce of his enimies with prayer to his heauenly Father to pardon their offences let vs imitate the Lorde our creator whose mercy and goodnesse are so plentiful that he maketh his sunne shine bothe vpon the good and the euill Let vs not vse regarde that this man hath suche an ignoraunce nor that man will receiue any article of our confession Let vs loue all helpe all embrace al and support the ignorances and infirmities of al. For better were it that we failed in this point if it be a fault at all than to make vs iudges of the conscience of an other and giue out sentence of condemnation ageinst those that agrée not with vs. 90 For ende deare brethren I besech you take in good parte this my epistle or letter mouing no otherwyse than of an affectioned hart towards you wherof the Lorde is my witnesse and I assure it in myne owne conscience and let it not I pray you be an occasion to you to write bookes nor Pamphlets séeing I haue no meaning too enter into armes or warre with the pen neither doth the time serue for it but rather of neede to vs all to apply oure selues to better things and let vs labour to encrease oure knowledge in that which we want to be doctors of the gospel for the acknowledging of our ignoraūce oughte rather to incense vs to a wil to learn than to make our selues inquisitours and censors of the Faythe of others with employing the time to fill bookes and papers with questions altogither impertinent to edification 91 I humbly beséech the soueraine maiestie of our good God heauenly father that it will please him too furnishe youre iudgements and vnderstādings with the knowledge of his holy woord to the ende that by the meane of youre preachings youre audience may learne a true faithe an assured hope in Iesus Chryste and a carefull mortification of the olde Adam and that the same Lorde so renue youre harts enflame your wills in the affection of charitie towards your neibors that from hence forth wée being ioyned with you and you with vs may liue in peace and tranquilitie of body and spirite in the assembly of oure Lorde Iesus soueraigne pastor of our soules who hauing bought vs by the inestimable price of his obedience and bloude moste precious it may also please hym too garde vs ageynst all dissentions make vs liue in the vnitie of himselfe vntill that béeing spoyled of this corruption wée may perfectely reioyce in the coniunction of him and the eternal glorie promised vs by his meane of the which in his own person the rather to make vs inheritors therof he hath alredy takē possession sitting on the right hād of God with all power in Heauen and earth To whome bée all glorie and empire for euer Amen In the towne of Antwerp ij of Ianua 1567. Your affectioned brother in Iesus Christ and humble companion in the work of GOD Anthonie de Corro called Belle Riue To the Churche of Antwerpe THis only deare brethren was intended by this Epistle or Sermon to imparte it by conference with the prechers of the church naming themselues of the confession of Auspurge without meaning to communicate it by publication albeit bycause diuers written copies are comen into the hāds of sundry and seuerall persons I thought it to better purpose to spread abroad and deliuer it in print than to suffer it to be argued in secrete leaste the same mighte moue cause of sinister iudgement ageinst the simple and sincere integritie of my meanyng wherein as the labour was peculiar in my selfe without the enteruiew or counsell of any so if it include any matter to edifie or confirme your cōsciences it may please you to be thankfull to the Lorde as author of al goodnesse And for the errors I beséech you let them be layde wholly vpon me as vpon a man who liuing yet in the peregrination to our heauenly countrey where wée shall haue perfect knowleage may erre and faile in many things For wée know that we are 2. Cor. 5. trauailers and iorneymen in this body we are absente from the Lorde and walke by Faith and not by view For ende I wipe my hands afore God and you all of any intent eyther to redarguate or confute the articles presented by those that call themselues of the Confession of Auspurge but rather to let them sée vpon what small causes they haue formed greate quarels maynteinyng dissention for a thing of small importaunce and forbeare too deale in matters more necessary SEing also good brethren that vppon the impression there remained certeine leaues voyde and vnfurnyshed of matter I thought it not oute of purpose to fyll them wyth certeine places of Holie Scripture persuading the Faythefull to actes of Charitie wyth brotherly vnitie one to an other yea not to forbeare to loue oure proper enemies and suche as pursue vs with persecution a vertue at this day moste importaunt and necessary the rather for that Sathan employeth a wonderfull diligence to sowe séedes of dissention and quarrell with speciall endeuour and strange meanes too corrupt the league of charitie lefte vnto vs by Chryste of suche commendation and all thys vnder a pretence of diuersitie in religion wherein as wée oughte to stand vppon our garde ageinst the subtilties and policies of the Diuel so assuredly God hath not lefte vs eyther lycence or lybertie once to thinke that it is lawfull for vs to hate any man in respect to maynteine our religion séeing wée are expresly enioyned by the wordes of the same to loue suche as despise vs and pray for those that persecute oure bodies and doings But alas wée are slipte into a time so miserable and infected with such corruption and blindnesse that in the maynteyning of the integritie of oure faith we become preiuditiall to the league of charitie with a negligent care of the vertue of the same For my part I allow iustly such diligence as is vsed in the purgation of abuses and errors to the end our holy faith and Religion may the rather be purifyed and remayne without spot albéeit I wishe a precyse obseruation of Christian charitie least in making warre ageynst the Heretikes of oure fayth wée become not heretikes ageynst charitie For which cause and to the ende that euery one be priuie to the bond and obligation which God in this purpose demaundes at our handes I haue heere