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A19303 A godly meditacion vpon. xx. select and chosen Psalmes of the prophet Dauid as wel necessary to al them that are desirous to haue ye darke wordes of the prophet declared and made playn: as also fruitfull to suche as delyte in the contemplatio[n] of the spiritual meanyng of them. Compiled and set furth by Sir Anthony Cope knight. Cope, Anthony, Sir, d. 1551. 1547 (1547) STC 5717; ESTC S109096 127,918 198

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to know the as their Lord and creatour Mathe. xxiii and thi sonne as their redemer and that with a great louyng affectiō as the henne calleth her chickens to crepe vnder her winges but she refused the. She wold not answer vnto thy call She folowed straung Gods She did not work accordyng to thy lawes But thy second Ierusalem thy holy churche our mother gathered of thy faythfull beleuers doth answer Lorde vnto thy call Respondit ei Thou sendest the dewes of thy grace vppon vs and we brynge furth the fruit of good workes to thyne honour and the helpe of our neighbours But whereby els Lord In via fortitudinis sue but in the power strength of thy grace not of our owne power nether for any our merites but frely of thy gyft We kept thy lawes through thy myght not of our infirmitie which of it selfe is strōg to nothing but to sinne Paucitatem dierum meorum nuncia mihi This thy churche desireth to knowe howe long it shal abyde here in this worlde sufferynge greate tribulation and temporal afflictions by antichrist and his complices the enemyes of thy fayth To whom thou hast made answere by the mouth of thy blessed sonne that thy power and his assistēce shal be with her vnto the ende of the world but she and her chyldren beynge desirous wythe thine apostle Paul to be losed and to be with the and thy sōne Chryst Philip. i knowyng surely that if this earthly mansion wherin they now dwel were destroyed that thei haue a buyldyng ordayned of the for them ii Corhi v an habitacion not made with handes but eternall in heauen They I say accōpte all the tyme frō Adam vnto the ende of the world to be a short tyme as it is in dede to be compared to eternitie It is as a droppe of water is in comparison of the sea Ne reuoces me in dimi●io dierum incorum The desyre of thy syght in this ioyful eternitie causeth al vs that are her childrē to desire the to bryng vs to the ende of this short tyme of the abyding in this world tyll that houre to continue thy grace and louyng fauoure vnto vs and not to leaue vs at any tyme in the mydle of our age But bryng all our tyme by thy gratious assistaunce to an ende that after oure shorte temporal dayes In generatione et generationem anni tui we may se thyne eternall yeres which indure through all generations Al tymes passe away quickly but eternitie abideth for euer This must of reason be true for eternitie is thi very substaunce which suffreth no mutabilitie but abydeth euer wythout alteration Whiche substaunce whoso seketh to knowe it is the same that it is Exod. iii. Wherfore to Moyses desirynge when thou sendest hym to the Israelites to knowe thi name that he myght declare it vnto them thou diddest answer hym that thou art euen the same whiche thou arte Initio tu domine terrā fundasti opera manuum tuarum sunt celi that is thy name Thou wast before the erth was made Thou Lord hast layd the foūdation thereof and the heauens are the worke of thy handes thy word made them thy handes that is thi powre created thē Ipsi peribunt .ii. Peter .iii. Luke .xxi. and al they shall perysh The earth and al creatures here in this base region shall at the last perishe by fyre The heauens shall also peryshe not in substance but in that they shall leaue theyr mocions and naturall operations For there shal be no nede of the vse or seruyce of theim when the numbre of thyne elect shal be fulfylled for whom they were made The bodies also of thy reasonable creatures shall perish and shal be raysed againe cleane of another sort so that all thynges shall peryshe accordyng to thy godlye institution The order and fashyon wherof to vs is vnknowne But thou Lorde Tu autem permanes et omnes quasi uestimentum atterentur shalte endure in thy glorye euerlasting almyghtie eternall and omnipotent God hauyng knowledg of all power to doo al thynges they shall waxe olde and weare as dooth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shal be chaunged As clothes are a garmēt to couer the body Et sicut pallium mutabis eos mutabūtur so are the bodyes garmētes to the soules Thys garment of the body wyl in short space weare away perish shal be chaūged frō corporal to spiritual i. Cori. xv frō mortalitie to immortalitie But the soule being made lyke thine image touching the spiritual qualities of thē Tu autem idem ipse es ei anni tui non deficient shal remayne as mēbres of the of thy sōne that is theyr head That is to say as thou lord art immortal and inuisible and abydest styl the same which thou wast in the beginnyng and as thy yeares shall not fayle but abyde eternall so shall the soules of thyne elect enioye pleasaunt immortalitie The soules of the wycked be also immortal but in paine Thy louers and seruaūtes shal be immortall in ioye and felicitie The risyng of thy sonne Iesus Chryst their heade from death to lyfe euerlastyng is an assured token of their resurrection at the last daye to ioye euerlastyng Filii scruotum tuorū habitabunt et semen eorum ante faciem tuā permanebit And the chyldren of thy seruauntes shall continue and their sede shall prosper in thy syght Thy seruauntes were the prophetes and the Apostles of thy sonne Chryst of whom al that sence their time haue bene faithful haue bene engendered throughe fayth by their holye preachyng whyche chyldren with their fathers the Apostles abyde fast in the hope of thy promises to receyue at the last ioye euerlastynge and why truely for their sede that is theyr faythful workes are alowed of thy maiestie The barren tree is not alowed of the but the fruitfull Ioseph the sonne and the good seede of Jacob went before his father into Egipt Denai xiv to prepare for hym by thy prouidence all that should serue for the auauncemēt of hym and his succession So Lord we besech the sende vs thy grace that we may so sowe the sede of our good workes in this worlde that they may declare vs to be thy faithful seruauntes and that they maye be acceptable frut in thy sight for that thei are planted in fayth for whych thou hast prepared a place for vs in heauen where thou abidest styll as thou arte wyth thy blessed sonne and the holye spirit proceadyng from you both in euerlastyng beatitude worlde wythout ende ¶ The prophet exhorteth euerye faythfull person to geue prayses and thankes to Christ for the manifold benefites of hym receaued The Liii Psalme PRayse the Lorde o my soule Benedit anima mea dominum et omnia in teriora mea nomen sanctum eius and all that
of heauen and thynke that he loueth the then as the naturall father loueth and pitieth hys sonne For euery good sonne that he loueth he wyl beate and correcte to cause hym to stande in feare of hym Nother thynke that he hath forgotten the bycause he punisheth the. For soner wyll the mother forget the chylde borne of her wombe Esaye xlix then the Lorde wyl forget those that feare hym His merciful eyes neuer departe from them When nede requireth Psalm xxx he appeareth vnto them He knoweth the weaknes of hys frayle metall wherof man is made Quoniam ipse cognouit figmentum nostrese recordatꝰ est quia puluis sumus He cōsidereth that he is but dust made of the earth and to earth shall retourne agayne And for that he woulde haue the perfect knowledge and experience of our nature he sent downe hys sonne Iesus Christ to take vpon hym the same nature Who hath proued and sene the frailtie therof Hebre. ii he was in al thinges tempted as we are and made lyke vnto man synne ignoraunce excepted he feared the approchynge of death that was contrarye to the nature of hys fleshe and in all other our infirmities he had the experience Wherfore thinke not that he doth or wyll forget it Homo quasi herba dies eiꝰ sicut flos agri si● florebit quia spiritus per ransiet eum et non subsistet et nō cognoscet eum vltra locus ei but doth cōsyder that our strength is lyke the grasse Our ioly tyme is like the floure of the felde whiche beynge toutched wyth a blast of colde wynde wythereth is gone and the place where it grewe knoweth it no more All the prosperitie of thys worlde all honour ryches nobilitie yea the very lyfe of mā endureth but a whyle in cōparison of eternitie and shortly after death all is put in obliuion Ezech. xxxvii The place of the soule in this world is the mortal body which after death goeth to corruptiō and is no more knowen of the soule tyll the last and general resurrection when by the almighty power of God the same body shal be ioyned to the same soule go to ioy or to peyne euerlastynge God I saye consyderynge the body of man to be fraile and subiecte to corruption his age or hys lyfe to be lyke the grasse whyche shortly wythereth also all hys prosperitie and hys glory to be as the beauty of a floure that sone fadeth awaye hath in hys godlye prescience establyshed his merciful goodnes Misericordia autē domini ab eterno et vsque ineternum super timēces eum to endure for euer and euer vpon them that feare hym he hathe sent downe his onely sonne to take vpon hym our mortal nature to become grasse as we are Hys godheade that is eternall is become partaker of mānes mortalitie to make man partaker of hys ioyfull immortalitie to make grasse that wyll sone wyther to endure grene and pleasaunte for euer But be not thou proud of this my soule but humble thy selfe and thanke hym of hys great grace and mercie i. Corhinth iiii Whereby thou arte that thou arte for what good thynge hast thou that thou haste not receyued it is not of thy selfe wherefore glorye not in thy selfe Osee .xiii. Thou canst worke none other but onely thy perdicion it is his grace that worketh thy saluation Exalte therfore his mercie and prayse his ryghtuousnes whyche is shewed on hys faythful seruauntes and vpon theyr chyldernes chyldren such as kepe hys couenaunt and thynke vpon his commaundementes to do them Et iusticia eius in filios filiorū His qui custodiūt pactum eius ● recordātur preceptor●cius ad faciendum ea of hys mere liberalitie he promised rewardes to the fulfyllers of hys lawes Whiche of his truth iustice he wyll not fayle to perfourme but to whom only to the doers of hys commaundementes not to the onely hearers or the reasoners therof or to them which onely haue them in remembraunce Iacob .i. For such are lyke to a man that beholdeth hys bodely face in a glasse immediatlye goeth awaye and forgetteth anone what hys fashyon was But the faythfull folowers of hys preceptes are dearely beloued of him And not they onely but also their childerns chyldren the whole cōgregacion of elect persons Suche as haue applyed theyr hertes to be faythfull folowers of the good steppes and example of theyr faythfull parentes Psalm Cxxviii Thys is the blessyng of God wheron Dauid speaketh that they whyche feare the Lorde shal se theyr chyldernes children and peace vpon Israell that is peace euerlasting in heauen for the rewarde of theyr good workes There can no good dede be vnrewarded Neither any sinne be lefte vnpunished For Christ the iudge of the quycke and also of the deade hath prepared hys seate Dominus in celo pa●uit sedem suam et re●num ipsius omnibus dominabitur in heauen and hys kyngdome ruleth ouer all In thys seate shall he iudge euery man accordyng to his actes without hauyng respecte to any person Apo. v. To hym that sitteth on thys seate shall all creatures whyche are in heauen and on the earth and vnder the earth gyue honoure and glorie for euermore Benedicite domino ●geli eius fortes robo● facientes verbum cius obedientes voci sermonis eius To hym the holy angels that be myghty in strēgth gyue laude and prayse they fulfyl his cōmaūdemēt they obey the voyce of his wordes they acknowledge hym to be theyr Lorde and theyr maker and that by hym they haue all the power that they haue Benedicite domino omnes exercitus eiꝰ ministri eius qui facitis volūtatem etꝰ To hym all the hostes of heauenly spirites gyue thākes and prayse they are his seruauntes and do his pleasure As dyd the angell that went before the children of Israel out of Egypte and went betwene them the host of Pharao Exod. xiiii whych folowed to haue destroyed thē An angel also was sent to Balaam stode in hys waye as he went wyth the Lordes of Moab Numeri xxii An angell of the Lorde iii. Regum xix ministred vnto Elias in the wyldernes Danie xiiii Dyd not an angell of the Lorde carye Abacucke the prophete by the heer of his head frō Iury to Babilon with meate and drinke for Daniel who was in the denne of the lions They are al ministring spirites sent to minister for theyr sakes which shal be heyres of saluatiō Hebre. 1 They bringe knowledge of the Lordes wyl to his faithful here vpon earth and are desirous that we shoulde as surely and obedientlye do hys sayed wyll here on earth as they do it in heauē Benedicite domino omnia opera eius in omni loco dominationis eiꝰ Yea al the workes of the Lorde magnifie and speke good of the Lorde in euery place of hys dominion Hys
the lawe of God O Most holye father of heauen the onely lyuyng God of power inestimable of wysdom incomprehensible to the be honour glorye and thākes geuē for thy noble work in the creation of mākynde also for hys redemption out of the captiuite thraldome of the deuyl by the passion of thy most derely beloued sonne Iesus Christ The final cause wher of was to brynge hym to beatitude that is to make him haue the fruition of thi deite and ther by to tast of all kyndes of ioye in thy heauenlye mansion worlde without ende But to the atteinement therof of thy godly pleasur thou gauest hym certayne lawes to laboure and trauayle in theim in the presente pilgremage of thys lyfe Whych if he did obserue continue in thē thou didest promyse him the sayde beatitude And for good skyl lord For as man lost Paradyse and his originall iustice by disobedience and transgression of thy commaundement so was it mete that he wyllyng to recouer the same shoulde stande fast in fayth and hope of thy promises with the obedient kepynge of thy lawes after the waye and gate to the sayde heauenlye place was set open by the meane of thy blessed sonnes death and passion Wherfore wyth the Prophet Dauyd we maye well saye B●●tus v● qui non a●●● in concilio impiorū et in ●ea p●ccatorū non sre●●●et in ●●●h●dra pestilencis non sedit that blessed is the man that goeth not in the counsayle of the vngodly or vnfaythfull personnes that standeth or aabydeth not in the waye of synners and sitteth not in the chayre or seat of pestilent and skornefull persons By fayth we beleue in the and in thy mercifull promyses by charite we worke towarde oure neyghboure accordynge as thou hast cōmaunded by the influēce of thy grace we teach other truly thy lawes and godly preceptes and lyue therafter to the good example and edifyinge of other No mā lyueth wythout synne no not the chylde of one dayes age but happy blessed is he to whom thou geueste the grace not to abyde and slepe in synne but by penitence to come to a godly cōuersion In the chayre of Moyses satte the Scribes and Phariseis Math●●●● to whome apperteyned the teachinge of the true lawe of god in stede wherof for the most part they taught theyr owne traditions But in case they preached at ony tyme truly yet was theyr euyll example of lyuinge a mockage and a pestilent infection to all the beholders thereof But what daunger then mercifull God shall they runne in whych neither by godly lyuing geue good example neither yet truly teach thy holy worde S●● in le●● commi do 〈◊〉 eius ● in lege eius ●●●●tabitur die at no●●● To all suche lorde we beseche the sende grace to repēt and to refourme that they haue vntruly taught and to vs sende a wil to heare and an hert to delyght in the folowinge of thy law whē it is taught vs or whē we reade it so that we may exercise oure selfes therin all the dayes of oure lyfe In youthe and in age In prosperitie and in aduersite The knowlege of thy lawes Psalmo .xix. bringeth vs to the knowlege of thy goodnes and of our infirmite The readyng in them doth make vs to accōpt all wordly thinges to be but vaine as they are in deade and to set all oure delyght in the consideracion of heauenly thinges which be perdurable Thy lawe is pure wythout spot and hath a secret operation to conuerte the reader therof from the euyll way wherin he walked before and teacheth him wysedome Et erit tanquā lignum quod plantatū est sec● decursus aquarū quod fructū suum dabit in tempore suo Who so kepeth thy lawes is lyke a tree plāted by the water side that bringeth forth his fruite in dew seasō All trees and herbes that are planted in bareyn drye groundes be nothynge fruiteful Maye a rushe be grene wythout moysture or maye the grasse grow without water no truly Iob .viii. It is the moisture of thy grace that maketh vs fruiteful in good workes And the dewe season of our workynge is whyle we be in this present lyfe Mathei iii. The tree that brīgeth not forth good fruit shal be cut downe it serueth only to the fyer Marke .xi. The tree also that bringeth forthe but leaues Prouerb xi that is to saye fayre wordes without workes or els hipocritical workes onely to the showe of the worlde shal be curssed as was the figge tree that Christ cursed comming from Bethany But the kepers of thy law lorde for the fruit which they beare here in this world shal receyue the fruit of euerlasting glory in another world Ye the leaues of this tre shal not fall of For as the fruite it selfe is good that is Et fursum 〈◊〉 non de●●u● as hys workes do profyt hys neighbour so doth his leues that is his doctrine also edifie Lyke as the snow and the rayne cōmyth downe from heauē retourneth not thither again Esai● ●● but watereth the earth making it fruitful grene that it may geue corne and breade to the sower so the worde that commeth oute of the mouth of thy faythfull Et omnia quecumque ●a●●● prosperabūtur shall not retorne agayne voyde but shall accomplishe thy godly wyll And what so euer he doth shall prosper Roma vi●● All thynges worke for the beste vnto them that loue God But it worketh fare otherwyse wyth the vngodlye for they are like the dust which the wynde bloweth and skaterith away from the face of the groūde Non ●●c impli non sic sed tanquā puluis quē proucit ventus a facie 〈◊〉 They haue euer loued the worlde and the pleasure therof and that haue they inioyed whyche standeth to them in steade of a rewarde for the good deades which they haue done yf euer they dyd anye They were inconstant lyght and wauerynge wyth euery wynde of temptacion not regardinge the heauēly thynges which are sure and permanent They were drye wythout moistur of grace bareyn of good workes wherfore lyke lyght and vnprofitable people they shall be blowne frome the lande of the that arte the lyuynge God 〈…〉 frō thy holy habitacion They are put forth of the boke of lyfe by iust reprobation and shal be blowne from thy face lorde at the last iudgemēt Mathe. ●●v when by thy blessed sonne shal be sayd to thē Depart frō me ye cursed into euerlasting fyer Ideo non resurgde impii in iudicio n●que peccatores in congregatione iustorum Thys iudgemēt shal be so terrible that the vngodly shal not be able to stand ther in nether the sinners in the congregaciō of the rightuous True it is and we do beleue that al thy resonable creatures shall at that generall daye aryse i. Corin. xv both bodyes soules Ezechiel .vii. then
to receyue according to theyr deades but after diuers fashions i. Corinth vi The rightuous to be as iudges to the other the sinners to bee iudged the electe to the perfection of their glorye i. Tessalo iiii the soules beynge then vnit to their bodies The vngodly to theyr greter pain both of soules and bodyes At which greate and dreadful daye the sinners shal be seuered from the iust and shal be set the one on the ryght hande Mathew xxv the other on the left hand of thi victorious sōne as the shepherd doth disseuer his shepe from his goates And by good reason for as there is no match betwene lyght and darkenes ii Corinth vi no more is ther any equal match in company betwene the righteous and the vngodly Quoniā nouit dominꝰ viam iustorum et ite● impiorum peribit The way of the iust is knowne to the Lorde and wel alowed of the. Wherfore to Moyses thou saidest I know the by name Exodus .xxx. Ieremy .i. Euen so diddest thou knowe Hieremy thy Prophet before he was begotten or borne And all by thy Godly approbation In lyke maner dost thou knowe the dayes of the godly and elect Psalmo xxxvii And ther inheritance shal endure for euer The other that is the vngodly thou knowest not Math. xxv nomore then thou knewest the fyue folyshe Virgyns which wer vnprouided of oyle in their lampes against the commyng of the brydgrome Thou knowest them not to their comforte or election but to theyr reprobatiō Wherfore they were shut furth of the gates of glory and departed with the workers of iniquitie whose waye is the way of death and damnation From this paynful way saue vs good Lorde and make vs to be as the fruitful trees planted by the water syde for thy blessed sonnes sake who to saue vs suffered bitter passion and deathe To whom be laude and prayse for euer Amen ¶ The Prophet Dauyd in the person of the faythful congregation which are penitent for their offences made this Psalme Psalme .vi. Domine ne in futore And declaryng his infirmitie and contricion desireth remission of his sinnes Apoca. ●i O God almyghtie Lord of heauē and earth from whō nothyng can be hyd or kept secret Lorde that searchest the hertes and raynes that is the thoughtes delectations of al men Whē I remēber thi iustice in iudgement I tremble and quake for feare cōsidering the burdē weyghte and filthines of synne to be so great that for one proud thought a great nōber of Aungels fell from heauen to perpetuall payne Ge●os ●● For breakyng thy commaūdemēt Adam and his wyfe were expelled out of Paradise and purchased death to al their posterite Rome ●i xv● The yerth also was not able to beare the burthē of Corah Dathan and Abyram but for theyr rebellion against the and thy seruaūt Moyses and Aaron It opened and swalowed thē vp quycke wyth theyr adherentes For the synne of Dauid and for that he of a pride nōbred or mustred his people puttyng trust in the multitude of them rather then in the that art the liuing God ii Reg. x●iiii there died of the pestilēce in Israel .lxx. thousand people within .iii. dayes This cōsidered what creature liuyng can but tremble and feare Seyng that our sinnes now daily are no lesse in numbre and in haynowsnes then were theyrs but rather mooe greater And remedy haue we none but to flye from thy wrath into the bosome of thy most dearely beloued sōne Iesus Christ making him a bulworke and a shilde of defence betwene thyne anger and our offences Most humbly besechyng the for his sake and for the bitter paynes that he suffred for our redemption to be merciful vnto vs And not to rebuke vs in thine anger Domine ne in furor● tuo arguas me neque in ira tua corripias me nor to chasten vs in thyne heauy displeasure Let not thy sentence of euerlastyng damnation take place whyche thou gauest agaynst Adam and all his posteritie for his disobedience Thou art meke gentyl and longe sufferyng of thy selfe It is our greuous offences heaped together one vpon another that prouoke the to angre Not that thou art angry or furyous thy selfe but we felyng thy dreadful iudgemēt vpō vs geuē to paine euerlasting or thy heauy hād in punishyng vs here in this worlde iudge the to be angry in the pronunciation of that sore sētence and in the execution of the same we speke and iudge of the after the sorte as wee that are worldely do speake and iudge one of vs by an other And with such wordes as we declare oure owne passions and affectiōs we also declare the contentes of oure hertes vnto the Lorde desiryng the not to punysh vs in the rygour of thy iustice but after the swetenes of thy mercye to haue pitie vpon vs. Apoca. vi Elles shal we in that terrible day desire mountaynes and rockes to fal vpon vs to hyde vs from the face of hym that sitteth in the throne of iudgement frō the wrath of the lambe Whose wrath we are well assured wil not be then aswaged by any peticion of frindes ●ophony i. Nether shall syluer or golde be able to deliuer vs in that wrothful daye Wherefore we acknowledgyng our offences humbly desire the merciful father to haue compassiō vpon vs and to consider the weakenes and imbesilitie of our nature A●●set ete mei domine quontem infirmus sū which nature is wounded in al her powers with the dartes of concupicence Where through we are prone and redy to all vice feble to resist tentation and vnable of our selfes to aryse ●●tio ●ue domine quoniam conturbata sunt omnia ossa mea beyng once drowned in the filthy myre of synne It is thou Lord thy blessed sonne that must heale our infirmities for al our bones are vered The strength that we haue is not able to withstande the temptations of our stiffe and sturdy enemye ●a●●w xliii Thy sōne Chryst must reach vs his hande as he dyd to Peter walkynge on the water when he was in perel of drownyng Thē shall we haue strength to aryse hys Passion is our medicine and health Thy grace and his ar all the remedies in our infirmities Et anima mea turba●a est valde Our soules that is our reason and our conscience are troubled through the multitude of our synnes which trouble surely is not small For we fynde an other lawe in oure mēbres stryuinge wyth the law of oure mynd Roma vii subduynge vs vnto the lawe of sinne which is in our mēbres We are al carnal sold vnder sinne So that what we should would do that we do not but what we sholde not and woulde not that we do And why Truely for the in vs that is in oure fleshe dwelleth no goodnes The crabbe tree can bring forth
power hys dominion extendeth to all places Esaye .lxiiii. wherfore in all places ought he to be honoured praysed Man is the handye worke of God and that the mooste chiefe worke nexte to angel Wherefore sence angelles the most excellent creatures of God do not ceasse to prayse hym daye and nyght muche more thou my soule and all mankynde are bounde to magnifie hym in al places Benedic anima mea domino By whom thou hast dayly doest receyue so many benefytes Let the inwarde loue of thy herte breake forth to prayses thākes by thy mouth Say vnto him that sitteth vpon the seate and vnto the lambe that opened the boke whych had seuē seales As the foure beastes and the foure twenti elders with the whole company of sayntes synge and saye that is worthy is the lambe that was killed to receiue power and ryches wysdome and strength Apoca. ii honour glorie and blessyng to him beynge reuiued agayne lyueth for euermore to the lorde that sitteth vpō the seate be honour prayse for euermore Amen ¶ The soule of euery faythful christian beholdyng the goodnes of God The .ciiii. Psalm daylye shewed wythout ceassynge to all his seruauntes ceasseth not to prayse God agayne expressing his merueylous power and wysdome by the shewe of his merueylous workes OH Howe much is my soule desirous to prayse the noble power Benedic anima mea domino wysdome and goodnes of the moste myghtie Lorde that arte my God my king my hope and my comforte who hast by so greate prouidence created and ordeyned all thy creatures Domine deꝰ meꝰ magnificatus ea vehementer that the beautie and excellencie of them declare thy myghtie magnificence to al vs whyche are thy reasonable creatures The power of thy maiestie before to vs vnknowen is by the contemplacion of them made manifest causynge vs to prayse and magnifie the wyth al oure possible powers We acknowledge thy power Confessionem et decorem induisti amietꝰ luce vt vestimento thy wisdome thy honour also and thy great glory wherwith with thou art garnished on al partes Thou deckest thy selfe wyth lyghte as it were wyth a garment ● Timo. vi Yea thou dwellest in the middest of lygyte wherunto no man can atteyne Whiche passeth farre the bryghtnes of the sunne in thys worlde Esay lt And yf we consider it wel Thou thy selfe Lorde art the euerlasting lyght Sapi. vii and thy wisdome is the brightnes therof whiche shal neuer be quenched Thou art compassed about wyth bright angelles and with the sayntes shynyng in clearnes Collos i. whose enherytaunce is to enioye lyght Thou spreadest out the heauē as a pauilion E●●endens celū vt ten ●ortum It couereth the whole earth as a rent couereth those that are lodged within it Qui regis aquis supe●iora eius Neuertheles it is set so that as the elemental waters are vnder it so are the celestial waters aboue it Thou hast spreade abrode thy holy scripture ouer al the worlde by the preachyng of thine apostles The misteries whereof were hydde and couered wyth the curteyne or vayle of the letter but nowe to thy faythfull they are vncouered Ezechiel ii Thys is the boke whiche the hande delyuered to Ezechiel closed and faste clasped before to the vnfaythfull But to the Prophete it was opened and the priuities therof disclosed These misteries are also the waters wherwyth thou couerest the heauē The deape secretes are in the scripture so lowe hydde that fewe haue nettes to retche the deapnes therof Onely they can atteyne therto to whom thou gyuest the gyft therof and such as haue it are charged to vtter the same to the vnlearned Qui penis nubem astensum tuum The preachers are the cloudes that flye in the ayre where vpon thy honoure thy fayth are caryed as it were in a charet to all partes of the world Thy grace maketh them apte to powre forth the swete dewes of thy holy worde to water therwyth the vyneyarde of our soules Esaye .v. that it may brynge forth right and pleasaunt grapes not brambles thornes or wylde grapes For lacke of whyche waterynge the grounde muste neades be baryne and vnfruitefull Lyke to the lande of kynge Achab kyng of Israel iii. Reg. v. whych lacked rayne durynge the absence of the prophete Elye Howe miserable are they Lorde frō whom thou takeste awaye thy holy worde Mathe. xxi There can be no greater plage in thys worlde sent to men for the ponishment of theyr offences then the wythdrawynge therof from them But as thy punishmentes of the wycked are many and secrete euen so also are thy mercyes past numbre to those that loue the. Thou bestowest them accordynge to thy holy wyl beside al expectation of men Qui ambulas sup●● pennas venti Qui angelos tuos spiritus et ministros tuos ignem vrentem Thy power in bringyng of thē quyckly to passe exceadeth the swiftnes of the wynde The angelles whom thou hast created spirites are thy messengers to execute thy wyl wyth al spede Thou hast made them thy ministers lyke to the flame of fyre To some they brynge ponishmētes To some they brynge secret inspiration to knowe thy pleasures and to worke therafter In some they burne cleane and cōsume vp theyr synful and carnal desyres causing them to be newe men by the infusion of thy mercifull grace Such is thy myghtie power to worke whē where and howe so euer it lyketh the. Qui fundasti terrā super stabilitatem su●● non commouebitur in seculum secul● Thou hast layed the earth her foundation whyche shall neuer moue at anye tyme. Where the foundation is sure all that is sette theron is sure and stable The churche or congregation of thy fayethfull earthly people here vpon the earth is founded vpon a sure rocke and a sure foundation i. Corhinth iii. whyche is thy sonne Christ besyde whom no man can put any other foūdation Wherfore it must nedes abyde immoueable as the whole earthe is immoueable Not able to be hurt with the waues of the water of temptation neyther wyth the stormy tempestes of cruell persecution Thus is thy power shewed to al thynges whyche thou takeste vnder thy protection Abisto quasi vestimento operuisti eam The deape waters naturally are a couerture to the earth as is a garmēt to the bodye of man Super montes stabūt aquc Hierem. v. Yea they shoulde surmount the heyghte of all hylles But through thy worde they fall to theyr appoynteed places They flee as thinges rebuked and dare not do contrary to thy commaūdement Ab increpatione tua fugiēt a voce to nitrui tui formidabunt ascendūt montes et descendunt campi ad locum quem fundasti eis Terminum posuisti quem nō transgrediētur nec reuertentur vt operiant terram They are a fearde
thereof as we mortall men are a fearde of the noyse of thunder The hylles and the valleys appeare accordyng to thyne appoyntmente And the waters dare not passe theyr boūdes to tourne agayne to couer the earth Of this thy power the experience was shewed at the general floude when the waters couered the hyghest hylles the heyght of fyftene cubites Neuertheles when thy pleasuse was they retourned agayne thyther from whence they came so woulde the sea nowe drowne all creatures lyuyng vpon the earth yf thy pleasure were not to staye it Genes ix But thou mercyful God haste made a couenaunt wyth thy seruaunt Noe to the contrary That thou wylt no more destroye al the world by water In token whereof thou haste put thy rayne bow in the cloudes And as the sea and the waters woulde couer the earth onles thou dyddest staye them wyth thy worde Euen so woulde the tyrantes heathen and vnfaythfull people cypresse and vtterly destroye thy churche and thy seruauntes If thou Lorde diddest not kepe and defende them But when thy church semeth most oppressed yet doest thou reserue vnto the a greate numbre of faythfull that to the worlde are vnknowen iii. Regum .xix. as thou dyddeste in the dayes of Elias thy prophete preserue seuen thousande whyche neuer bowed their knees to ydolles Thou makest them stronge against al persecutions Thy worde maketh theyr enemyes afrayed They haue no further power to hurte thy faythfull then thou permittest them to haue Wherfore althoughe the waters that is to saye the wycked swell neuer so hygh yet we feare not a generall floulde They maye inuade thy churche and hurte many of thyne electe membres of the same churche But they shall not vtterly destroye it For thou Lorde Mathew .xxviii. haste promysed to abyde wyth thy faythfull people to the worldes ende Thy grace wyl not leaue thē that loue and serue the. They are the valeys lowe throughe humilitie Qui emittis foutes in conuallibus but greate in vertue and myghtye in operation Amonge whyche the welles of the worde of God dooe springe They preache and declare thy holy scripture amonge all that wyll heare them Inter medium montium pertransibūt aque The waters of these welles haue theyr originall amonge the hylles and from thense discende to the valyes These hylles be the two testamentes from whens al scriptures which declare thy wyl are deriued And who so euer vttereth any other lawe contrarye to that is conteyned in thy sayed testamentes Genes xxvi dyggeth newe welles wyth the seruauntes of Abimaleche and stoppeth the welles of Abraham whyche conteyne the water of lyfe With these waters of holy scripture is the groūd of thy faythfull christians watered and it bryngeth forth good fruite in dewe season Of these waters all the beastes of the feldes maye drynke Sotabunt omnes be●ie agri reficiat ona●et sium suam Of these also the great wylde asses may quenche theyr thyrst The gentiles the Iewes the christians all men of al countreyes and al degrees may quenche theyr thyrst in the readynge of thy holye worde Which yf they do wyth good entent thy grace shal be ready to worke in them theyr saluation Thy grace is locked from none but frō such as wil remaine thrusty drye and bareyne of good wyll good workes The stronge and the weake the wyse and the foly she maye refreshe them at these waters to make thē able to perfourme their iourney in the pylgrimage of thys lyfe Who so wyl wyth the woman of Samaria aske of Christ drynke Iohn iiii He wyll not fayle to gyue hym water of lyfe Which who so drynketh shal neuer be thirsty after O noble waters O cleare fountaynes Sende vs Lorde of thy grace that we maye feruently desyre Psalm .xxiii. greadely receyue and plentiouslye be fulfylled Yea that we may be dronke with the muche receyuyng of thys noble drynke Wherby we may forget al our wanton and ydel liues that we haue hytherto ledde nowe begyn to leade a newe lyfe a spiritual and a godly lyfe buyldynge our nestes in the rockes of the fayed hylles Super ea volucres celi morabuntur de medio petrarum dabunt vocem and ouer these delectable waters leauyng al base and earthly places restynge in them as in a sure habitation The preceptes of these two testamētes are faste and surely grounded vpon the stronge rocke whyche is Christ What soule so euer dwelleth or bydeth on thys rocke wyll synge and put forth his voyce as he hath learned in the scriptures cōteyned wythin these two testamentes Christ did referre his sayinges to the scriptures so dyd his apostles and other holy mē buylde vpon the same foundacion Theyr songes were euer agreable to the scriptures Mathe. xiii They were lyke the good housholder that bryngeth forth of his treasure thynges both newe and olde Rigans montes de renaculis tuis de fructu operum tuorum satiabitur terra Wherfore the dewes of thy grace came downe from aboue and watered their hertes They were fyrst earthly men and sauored nothynge but that was earthlye and temporall But thy grace made them become spirituall and so wrought in thē that they broughte forth good workes For the whyche they gaue to the the honour the prayse They accompted al their good dedes to be thy workes and al their good thoughtes to come of thy gyfte and goodnes When the glory redounded to thy maiestie then were they satisfyed and but reasone For what goodnes had they that they had not receyued i. Corin. iiii Roma iii. and that frely wythout any of theyr deseruynges Wherfore to the Lorde be al honoure and prayse worlde wythout ende who haste so mercifully declared thy great goodnes to mankynde in orderyng al thinges in thys worlde to hys mooste comforte that coulde be deuysed and to do hym seruice All beastes thou madest subiecte vnto hym and for hys vse Producens fenum iu●●is Et berbam ser●●● hominum Whiche to noryshe and to feade thou causest the grounde naturally to brynge forth grasse and all kyndes of other herbes Thou bryngeste throughe the trauayle of man ●ducens panem de ter●● foode out of the earth both for man beastes and foules But to exercise hym in laboure thou requirest his industrie to be put to thy power O howe great is thy liberalitie dayly shewed herin No tyme can be founde wherin the earth bryngeth not fruite to serue man But specially Lorde thou hast ordeyned the earth to bringe forth thre kindes of thynges muche to his strength comforte and reliefe Which are corne for breade to make hym stronge and able to trauayle Et vinum letificet cor●ominis ad exhilaran●um faciem in oleo et ●anis cor hominis cor●oboret Wyne to quenche his thyrst and to make his hert glad And oyle to make hym to haue a cheareful coūtenaunce to make his body fatte and his
reuertentur but it must nedes dye the death through sinne When thou dyddest cōmaūde thy prophet Elias to depart frō Achab there ensued in all Iurie great drought barrēnes Iacob .v. iii. Regum .xviii. It rayned not by the space of .iii. yeres .vi. monethes But whē thou dyddest tourne thy face towarde the coūtrey agayne sēding thy sayd prophet thither Emitte spiritum tuum ●et creabuntur they had plētie of rayne great fertilitie Sende forth therfore mercyfull God thy swete breath vpon vs make vs new againe that we may leaue our olde naughtines become new creatures Genes xviii We knowledge our selues to be dust ashes Et renouabis faciem terte Sende therfore thy holy spirite to renewe the face of oure soules makinge it confirmable to thyne image according as thou diddest fyrst create it whiche through synne we haue made very foule Sit gloria domini in sempiternum ●etabitur dominus in operibus suis and defourmed Then shal we gyue glorie vnto thy maiestie whiche endureth for euer And thou Lorde shalte reioyse in thine owne workes Our worke is iniquitie thy worke is mercy for gyuenes Esay .xxviii. Thou art our iustice wherby thou makest vs iuste whiche before were wycked sinners Thou makest vs Qui respicit terram et facit eam tremere thine earthly creatures to tremble for feare of thy myghtie power thy iustice Our pride is therby abated We accōpte the good dedes which we haue done to be of thy gift goodnes nothinge presuminge of our owne frayle power Esoy lxvi For we know that thy holy spirite resteth vpon those that haue a lowly troubled spirite stande in awe of thy wordes But the greate hylles doest thou toutche they smoke Qui tangit moutes ei fumigant The proud stiffenecked people doest thou toutche by scourging punishinge them thē they come to the knowledge of the of thy myghtie maiestie Daniel .iiii. Then wyll they say as Nabuchodonosor sayed after his punishement honour and prayse be to the God of heauen whose power endureth alway his kingdom frō one generatiō to an other In cōparisone of whō al that dwel vpon the earth are to be reputed as nothing Thē wyl they sende forth a smooke of sacrifices prayses to the cōfessing theyr weakenes thy mightie magnificēce Psalm Cxli. Their prayer shal ascende vp into thy sight as an incense the lifting vp of theyr handes shal be an euenynge sacrifice i. Corhinth xv Cruel Saule was toutched of thy hande and became Paule a welbeloued apostle throughe the helpe of thy grace laboured more aboūdaūtly thē al thother apostles Such is the power of thy gracious influēce This thy noble grace sēde me most merciful god wherby I shal haue a louing desire to honour the lorde to praise the my god Cantabo domino in d●ta mea psalā deo meo ꝙdiu sum So longe as I haue any beinge I wyll not ceasse to cōfesse my sinnes to the to lamēt mine iniquities then shal my wordes be pleasaūt acceptable to ye. Placeat ei eloquium meum Ego vero letabor in domino And as I ioy wholy in the the art my creatour in thy sōne which is my redemer so shalt thou also delite in me the am thy poore creature hādy worke graunting me the frute of thy son christes passiō ●uc xv which he suffred for my redēptiō And sence lorde the thou al thy heauēly cōpany reioyse so much in the cōuersiō of siners that it is more ioy in heauē of the turning of one siner to penaūce thē it is of .lxxx. .xix. iust mē which nede no repētaūce I most hūbly require the to cōsume the vpgodly al siners out of the earth Deficien● peccatores a ●erra Et impli vltra ●on sint not that thou shuldest destroy thē but cōsume their sines through the power of thy grace so that frō hence forth they be no more sinners but returne to the through herty repētaūce Let their vngodlines be brought to an ende That they and we in perfect vnitie of thy fayth may prayse and magnify the with thy sonne Christ the holy gooste Benedic anima mea ●omino frō you both proceadynge worlde wythout ende Amen The Cxvi Psalme ¶ The faythfull man consideryng the benefytes by God to him gyuē breaketh forth to geuing of prayses and workynge good workes and for the loue whiche he beareth to God is contented gladly to suffre al persecutions Yea very death So that the honour of God be therby encreased WHo so euer entēdeth to be the sonne of the most merciful God that art so good and so louyng a father and to enheryte the kyngdome of heauen as heyres togyther wyth thy blessed sonne Iesus Christe it is aboue all thynges fyrste requisite that he beleaue trewly in the in tharticles of thy fayth Roma xiiii Hebre xi whiche thou hast in holy scripture cōmaunded For what so euer is not of fayth that same is synne Fayth is the sure and perfect foundation of all chrysten religion whereby thy faythfull hope surely that all thy promises made to them of thy mere liberalitie shal surely and vndoutedly be fulfilled Luc. xxi So the heauen and erth shal perysh rather then one of thy wordes or promises should be vnperfourmed By fayth Abraham was iustified and by fayth Gens xv Genes xx Exod. iiii Exod. xiiii he was redy to make sacrifice of his onelye begotten sonne Isaac By fayth Moyses vnder toke to do message vnto Pharao kyng of Egypte and by fayth he entred the red sea wyth al the Israelites Fayth saued all the holy Patriarkes Prophetes and the good Iudges of thy people Vpō the faith ful onely dyd thy sonne Chryst worke his miracles In so much that in his country of Galile Mathw xiii he dyd not many miracles because of their vnbelefe And by this fayth with the helpe of thy grace at thys daye and to the ende of the worlde are and shal al Thy chosen people besaued Ephes ii and that frely without any deseruyng Of this beyng fully perswaded by thy holy scripture I beleue in the my most myghtie God three persones in one essence Credidi and in all thynges conteined within the limittes of thi sayd holy scripture And the same thy fayth I wyll not let to confesse before all the worlde I wyll not do as many of the prynces of the Iewes did which beleued in thy sonne yet durst they not boldlye confesse hym nother be acknowne of their faith lest thei should haue bene expelled out of the sinagoge Iohn xii They more estemed the glorye of this worlde then they dyd the glorye of God but through the helpe of thy grace Lorde I wyll nothing speake but that I fermely beleue Propter quod
in dominum Psalm .xxii. Rom. viii euen frō the breastes of my mother and by the same hope I trust fyrmely to be saued The good husband mā ploweth his ground soweth it reapith and thresheth his corne and al vpon hoope of the profyte i. Corhint ix whyche thereon ariseth Euen so Lorde wyl I abide in hope and trust of thi glory that is to come and that not onely in youth A custodia matutina vsque ad noctem or one tyme onely of my lyfe but continually frō the mornyng watch vnto the nyght from the tyme of youth in which thou gauest me fyrst my descretion vnto the laste ende of my lyfe For whosoeuer casteth away hys hope before the night of death come loseth al that he watched for before Genes xii The wife of Loth kept wel her way of a great whyle styll lokyng on forward but at the last she coulde not forbeare but loked backe vpon her coūtry wherin she before had plesure and was turned into a saltston It was not without a great misterye that the Leuites were commaunded to offre vnto thee Lorde Leuit. i bothe the head and the tayle of the beast offred for sacrifice Wherby is mēt that thou dost not alowe a good beginnyng vnles there folowe also a good ende For he that continueth to the ende shal be saued This hope in thi promise hath my poresoule firmly reposed in her bosome or brest Mathew .xxiiii. and this hope it is mete that al Israel Speret Israel in dominum that is all chrysten menne which by faith se God should haue For blessed is the man which trusteth in the merciful God and curssed are they that put theyr trust in man Of thi grace and mercy only cometh al our goodnes Thy mercy forgeueth dayly our sinne Quia apud dominum misericordia the painful death of thi sonne Christ deliuered vs from al the paynes dewe for our offēces Et copiosa apud eum redemptio Thou boughtest vs not with golde and siluer or any such vile price nether yet with the bloud of a goate or any other beast 1. Peter .i. But with the precious bloud of that lambe without spot thy blessed sonne Whose death had bene sufficient for a hundreth thousand such worldes The greatnes of thy loue caused the plentiful payment of the price of our redemption Ecclesi xxxix Thi blissing did flow vpon vs as a mightie flodde whose greate inundations do moysten all the grounde The charite of thi sonne hath brente vp and consumed by his death al our iniquities Wherfore the faithful beyng thus deliuered from all daungers by thyne onelye goodnes maye nowe geue praises and thanckes vnto thy myghtie maiestie restyng in hope to haue after this lyfe the thyng for whiche thei so long haue hoped which is ioye euerlastīg through the perfect visiō of thi blissed deitie euen as it is Which who so seeth enioyeth all thinges that his hert can desire The C.xxxviii Psal ¶ The faythfull man gyueth prayse to God wyth thākes for his mercie shewed to him and exhorteth all other to do the same THe myghtie power of thi deuine maiestie O Lord of Lordes and God of al Gods with the plentifull aboundaūce of thi goodnes dayly declared to al mankynd Deute ● enforceth me to consider myne owne weakenes and insufficiencie in yeldyng to the any recompence Thou Lord arte omnipotent and madest all thynges of naughte I am thy symple creature made wyth thy hande and withoute thy helpe iiii Reg. v. I am able to do no good thynge Thou art the God eternall besyde whom there is no God I am a worme of the vyle earth not worthy to beare the name of a chrystian man for that through myne owne act of synne I haue defaced the beaultie of the principall part of man which is my soule made to thy godly image Neuertheles synce thou art the refourmer of mens hertes and the inspiratour of all grace and goodnes I mooste humblye beseche the to correcte by thy power that whyche throughe my frayltie is a mysse Redres by thy pitie that whiche I haue marred through my follye make me able to yelde vnto the that whiche thou requirest of me that is to acknowledge myne owne insufficiencie Cōfit●bor tibi domine and to rendre vnto the noble prayses and louyng thankes for thy manifolde gyftes of grace wherwith thou hast of thi mere leberalitie endued both my soule and my body Make me worthy to laude the which by no meanes maye be but by wyping away al myne iniquities Ecclesi xv In toto corde meo For thy prayses be not semely in the mouthe of a synner Yea Lorde I pray the enflame my hert with the loue of the. So that from the botome therof I maye speake them and thine honour to extol not myne nor to loue any thyng in this worlde but the and for the. Thou art the true God and sauiour and there is none els but thou Esaye .xlv. Out of thy mouth cometh the worde of ryghteousnes whiche no man may turne Wherfore al other Gods set a syde to the onelye wyll I synge prayses and confesse the onely to be the liuyng God and that wyl I knoledge before the hole congregation of the faythful ii Corin. vi Adorabo conuersus ad templum sanctum tuum Thou knowest the inwardes of the hert of man and in the hertes of the faythful is thy seat or resting place The soules of the iust are the temples wherin thou dost inhabit To this temple wyl I turne my selfe by consideryng the estate of myne owne soule which whē by thy grace I make clene of vices then am I mete to receiue the to honour the to geue praises to thy high maiestie Actes .xvii. Since that thou beyng Lorde of heauen and earth and of al that therin is cōtayned delitest not to dwel in temples made with mās handes Dauid wold haue made the a temple and was forbidden by the Prophet Nathan to whō thou saydest thou wast not vsed to dwel in any house ii Regum .vii. iii. Regum .v. And although thou diddest afterwarde cause Salomon his sonne to buylde the a material house for the congregatiō to assemble in and therin to honour the yet chifely Lord the hert or soule of man is thy pleasaunt habitation Wherfore Christ thy sonne sayde to the woman of Samarie Iohn .iiii. that nether on that moūtayn nor yet in Hierusalem should men worshyp the but that the true worshippers shold worship the in spirit and in truth The true worshippers must leaue earthly affections and inwardlye beholde the spiritual heauenly ioyes desiryng to be the pertakers of them with the aungels So shal they beyng thy holy temple here on earth behold thy noble spiritual temple in heauen Et confitebor nomin● tuo super misericordia tua et veritate tua Thus shal we worthely praise thy
they maye deceyue preuayle Qui di●●ūt linguā nostrā magnificabimus labia nostra a nobis sunt quis noster dominus est Yea they say theyr tongues are in there owne powre to speake therwith at their pleasure as though they had no lorde ouer them They thynke their eloquēce to be the gyft of nature and not of god All such fyght agaynst the hyghe maiestie of thy godhed whych attribute vnto thē selues the good gyftes that thou hast sent thē Esay li●● But all tongues that resyst agaynst the thou shalt ouercōme condēpne as thou dydeste the wyckid propose blasphemous tongue of Nichanor whose tōgue after that he was slayne was pluckyd forth cut in small pieces throwen to the fowles of the ayer Psalme .liii. The nature of man is so corrupt abhominable in wyckednes that fewe or none vpon the earth do good All mē are set on mischyef Propter miseriam i●● opum et gemitum pauperum nunc exurgā decit dominus They despyse God and oppresse the poore Wherfore Lord we beseche the to aryse vp for the troubles sake of the oppressed and at the cōplaynt of the poore helpe them and set them at rest Ponā in salutari auxilium corum Thy sōne Christe is oure sauinge health in whom who so trustith restith in suertie and can not be deceyuid Psalme .xliiii. Aryse we pray the mercifull God slepe not ouer lōge Cast vs not away for euer Thou slep test very lōge after the fal of Adam or thou diddiste awake to sende thy derely beloued sonne for the redemption of mankynde Galathians ●i● At the laste when the time determined by thy godhed was full come Thou didest awake sende thy sōne borne of a mayde to redeame thē that were bonde vnder the law and to releaue thyne electe which abode sore longinge for hys cōming So now Lord at the last aryse to the cōfort of thy small flock and to the confusion of thyne enemies make vs thorough thy grace able to kepe thy lawes whyche are pure euen as the syluer Eloquia domini eloquia casta argentū igne examinatū probatū ter purgatū septuplū which frō earthe is tryed and purifyed .vii. tymes in the fyre Thy law was prophecyed spoken of by the holy patriarches prophetes longe before it came It was promised to Moyses Deutero xviii Esay xx Luke i● and prophecyed by Esay It was approuid by the most holy father of heauen willinge all men to geue eare and to beleue the wordes of thy well beloued sonne The wordes of this law are pure and rebuke al vyce They were by thy holy goost tryed to be trewe For at hys cōminge he taughte the Apostles all veritie Ihon .xvi. nothinge but veritie They were also confirmed with miracles Thus haue they ben vii tymes that is many tymes or perfectly tryed as syluer is tryed purgyd by fyre the earth and earthly thīges are cleane consumed therby Concupiscēces are asswagyd the olde mā is kyllyd and the new mā is entryd in his place The ceremonies of the olde lawe are blowē away as is chaffe by the fanne of Christes worde The holy scripture is lykened to wyne Esaye .xv. for that it reioyseth and comforteth the herte and makyth men through delyght that they haue therin to drynke moch therof It is also likened to mylke for that it norysheth the soule as mylke doeth the body This preciouse iewel oughte to be bought with out money or any maner of other ware geuē by waye of exchaunge that is it ought to be preached withoute lucre or hauynge respecte to any person In thy godly lawes most louing father do we thy faythful people by the influēce of thy grace trust to lyue to worke after thē at al times Tu domine seruabis nos custodies nos a generatione hac ineternum Not doubtinge but thou Lorde wylt performe all that thou haste promysed in thē to vs for the obseruynge of thē that thow wilt preserue vs frō this wicked generatiō for euer Thy blessyd sōne Iesus said he had kept al those whō his father had geuē him to kepe left not one of thē saue onely the sonne of perdiciō With no lesse dilygēce we trust Ioh. xvii that thou thy blessyd sonne wyll also kepe saue defēde vs. Frō all yuel of the dyuel of al his childrē Frō those the err● frō thy trewe faith swarue frō the veritye of thy worde and from al vniust persons In circuitu impit ambulant secundū altitu dinem tuā multiplicasti filios hominum The nōber of the vngodly we knowe to be greatly multiplied Yea they haue gotten the vpper hande amonge the chyldren of men and that is the cause why the wycked walke about in surtie as thē semythe fearynge nothynge but styl labourynge aboute for honour ryches and worldly pleasures As the mylhors laboureth to the gryndynge of the corne in the myll not ceasinge onles he be taken out tyl he fall downe for weryed nomore do these gredy people leaue of their busy study and cure in gettynge tyll death sodenly stryke thē Genes xv They go stil about as the sodomites beynge stryken with blindnes dyd aboute the house of Lothe and coulde not fynde the dore They haue not grace to see theyr owne folly to know theyr myshyef whyche is at hāde So blynded they be wyth temporall goodes pleasures But thy faythful people regarde nother the multitude of such wycked do ars nor yet their prosperitie knowynge that all though they be magnifyed vp to the heauē so that theyr heades retche vp to the cloudes Io● ● yet they perysh at the last lyke dounge they vanysh as a dreame and passe away as a vision in the night so that the eie whych sawe them before getteth now no more syght of thē And why They haue oppressed the poore and not holpē thē Their bealyes coulde neuer be full therfore shall they peryshe in theyr couetousnes c. For when they haue gatherid so moche that they haue nomore space to laye theyr corne and goodes in Luke ●● but are fayne to buylde new houses thē shalt thou lorde say vnto them Oh ye fooles This nyght shall your soules be fet from you and then whose shal those goodes be which you with great carefulnes haue prouidid Seinge therfore that the nobilitie riches and power of suche endure no whyle but passe awaye lyke a shadowe we thy faithful congregation nother esteme these worldely pleasures nor desyre the company of such gredy worldely rulers We onely styck faste to thy worde promises therin reposyng oure full hope trust and leaue vnto thy maiestye the dyscussynge of the cause why thyne elect are so fewe in nōber in smale estimatiō of the worlde And on the cōtrary part why the vngodly do enioye and prosper in theyr worldely procedinge and
discharge me of them Mi●et mei deus secundū magnam miseri cordiam tuam lorde according to thy great mercy For smale offences thy smale mercie suffiseth But my greate synnes require thy great mercie Et secundū multitudin●m m●serationū tuarum de●● iniquitatē me●m Da●●●l ii And as myne offences are many in nombre so is there of thy mercies a greate multitude Yea they can not be nombred But of one thynge I am assured That it lieth not in mannes power so much to offende as it is in thy mercifull power to forgyue My woundes cā not be so greate and noysome but thy medicines are more preciouse and healthesome Et multum ●●name ab iniquicat● ec a pet pato meo mudame Exod xix Wherfore washe me well Lorde from my wyckednes and clense me from my synne The Israelytes durste not come in thy syght beynge ones defyled wyth any vncleānes tyll they were sanctified by wasshynge theyr bodyes and garmentes Yea the priestes amonge them also were washed and clensed or they came to thy presence for feare leste they shoulde perysh Howe much more nede thē haue I to desyre the Lorde to washe myne vncleane soule that the fylthines therof appeare no more But as clothes that are verye foule haue neade of muche and often plungynge in the water and great rubbyng so hath my soule neade of manye dewes of thy grace and many secrete drawinges to the wyth spirituall violence or euer it can be made cleane of the olde spottes that longe haue remained in it by the olde festred sores wherwith it is greuously corrupt v. The leprosy of Namā of Syria coulde not be clensed tyll he had wasshed him seuen tymes in the ryuer of Iordayne How many waters shall I haue neade to be wasshed in or I be fayre purged of myne vncleanes Ezechi xxxvi But thy mercy Lorde is a frettinge lye a scouringe soope Thy grace maketh a stony herte to be a fleshy herte in a sturdy stomake it bredyth an hūble spirite of a fyerse lyon it maketh a meke lābe as of Saull a persequutor Actu ix it made Paule an electe apostle Why then should I dispayre of thy goodnes consideringe that thy iustice willeth me to trust in the Thy promisse is to haue mercy on all those that are penitente for theyr offences Ezechiel .xviii. Marke xiii so that thou wylt no more remembre thē This promes no doubt shal stand fast and sure whē both heauen and earth shall passe awaye Wherfore I offre now vnto thy maiestye an herte contrite sory for the wyckednesse by it conceyued wyth a body subiect to the wyth all humilitie and penitence for all the synnes by it cōmitted Quoniam iniquitater meā cognosco●et pecca tum meum corā me esemper I acknowledge my faultes and my sinne is euer before me I punysh my selfe with contrition because thou shouldest geue me grace and remission I haue it euer in remembraunce and set it vp in my sight because thou shoulded forget it and put it out of thy syght Agaynst the only against the Tibi soli p●ccaui ●●lū coram te ●eci haue I synned and done euell in thy syghte in whose power it is to punysh at thy pleasure and from the can not myne offences be hydde But it is my sure hope that thou wylt forgyue me Vt iustificeris in se monibus tuis vine cum iudicaris for thyne honoures sake That all the worlde maye knowe the to be a most iust iudge in fulfyllynge that thou hast promised to me and all penitēt synnes That is to forgyue vs and to put oure synnes cleane out of thy remembraunce and in condempninge all those that obstinately remayne in theyr wyckednes Thus shalt thou vanquysh and stop the mouthes of all such as speake euyl of the saying Thou regardest not the promisse that thou haste made but arte a fyerse and a cruell iudge Considre lorde I pray the the frayll metall wherof I am made Ecce enim in iniquita●●bus conceptus sum et 〈◊〉 peccatis concepit me mater mea Beholde I was borne in wyckednes in synne hathe my mother conceyued me Thys synne is drawen frō our fyrst father Adam wher by I am made prone and ready to do al euill but feable and weake to do any good ●●ma vii Yea I am drawen sumtyme to do that I woulde not do and to leaue vndone that I woulde do Such is the force of my natural concupiscēce but much greater lorde is the force of thy naturall propertye which is to shewe mercy when thou art humbly required Thyne honoure is more in sauynge through pytie then in condempninge by iustice for what is man that thou shouldeste shewe thy power agaynst hym Hercules beynge but a mā woulde haue taken great skorne to wrestle wyth a chylde of twelue yeares olde Muche more dishonoure were it to thy mighty maiesty to putte forth thy stronge arme against me Iob. xiii that am of no greater force then a leaf that is caryed away with euery wynde and maye well be compared to drye and withered stoble Receiue me therfore thy simple creature into thy fauoure For before the I accuse my selfe to the intent thou shouldest excuse me I shew forth my miserie because thou shouldest shewe forth thy mercye as thou hast promised and I mistrust not the perfourminge therof for neuer yet wast thou foūde vntrew in thy wordes neyther mayst thou nowe begynne at me to be vntrewe in thy promisses Ecce enim veritatē dileristi Psalme cxix Psalm cxvii Genes xxii Hebre. vi Thou haste euer loued trueth thou arte veritie it selfe all thy promises are faythfull and thy veritie endureth for euer Thou dyddest promise to Abraham to multiplie his sede as the starres of heauen and the sand vppon the sea syde whiche promise at the laste he enioyed Euen so dyddest thou promise Isaac and Iacob and hast euer ben found trew Exod. vi Thou diddest promise to Moyses to deliuer Israell by hys handes frō the bondage of the Egiptians which thou diddest perfourme and that in shewing thy mightye power many maruailes to thy greate honoure Iosue .i. Thou didist promise Iosua to be with him and to strēgthē him as thou wast with Moyses and euē so it came to passe for he slew the inhabitantes of Canaan and deuided thy lande to thy people Israell Thou madest promise to Gedeon Iudi. vi to delyuer Israell out of the hādes of the Madianites by hys handes whych also was done Whē Ezechias was sycke vnto the death iiii Reg. ● thou didist promisest hym health and to lyue yet .xv. yeares Hiere xxv this didest thou perfourme for thy names sake Thou dyddest promyse the retonrne of thy people Israell from the captiuitie of the Babiloniās Daniel .ix. by the mouth of thy prophet Hieremie whych after the wickednes of the people
slyppye yse Oure affections are muche inclined to ryches pleasure ease and other vanities Yea we iudge not well of thy godly prouidence we feare leaste thou that dwellest in heauen takeste no care of those that loue the but that all is gouerned by vnstedfast fortune Iob .xxii. or that the cloudes wyll not suffre the to loke so lowe as the earthe On thys maner are our feete that is oure iudgementes waueringe Quia zelaui super m●quos pacem peccatorū videus We stande in doubte whether it be best to folowe theyr waies or not seynge thē continew in such prosperitie that all thynges are safe and quiete aboute them They lyue a longe lyfe in pleasure Non est respectus mortreoū et tirmamentū in plaga ●●am neuer thynkynge of deathe And yf they chaūce to be sycke or to be plaged any way theyr affliction endurethe no whyle They are soone cured All the helpe that maye be done by man is founde out for them Theyr ryches causeth all men to ronne for the curynge of thē Nother do they trauayle lyke other In labore hominū non ●unt e● cum hominibꝰ non flagellabuntur but lyue pleasauntly in all wealth and ease not fealynge the grieffes and displeasures which the most sorte of men are subiect vnto whych causeth them to be puffed vp in pryde Ideo tenuit supeybia ●nperati sunt in equita●te et impletate sua and ouerwhelmed wyth iniquitie They are odious to God and greuous to theyr neyghboures Theyr wyckednes is multiplyed it couerith them as a clooke The webbe of thys careful garmēte was begon by Adam sense whose tyme euery man hath put to hys hande to make it vp These men haue finished it and put it on they re backe it hath wholy couered them no part excepted as closse as theyr bodyes are couered wyth theyr skynnes They brede coccatrices egges and weue the spiders webbe Esaye ●●● That is they worke mischefe and imagyne vayne and tryfling thynges Who so eatheth the coccatrices egge dieth And of the spyders web no man can make hym a garment Mathe .xxii. to weare at the great weddynge in whyche no man is alowed but he put on hym the garment of healthe and the mantle of ryghtuousnes Esay ●● The garmente that the synners haue made them Apoca. xvi wyll not hyde them at the dreadfull day of iudgement but they shal be founde naked and all men shall se theyr fylthynes Processerunt a pirgus dine oculi corsi transierunt in affectū cordis Theyr eyes swell for fatnes they haue euen what they lust What is thys fatnes the aboundaunce of ryches and longe prosperitie Osee .xiii. whyche maketh men so wanton that they kycke and wynche at the rider they both forget the despyse the. Deuter. xxxii The chyldren of Israel receyued of the many great benefites and anone became so fatte that they kicked at the. When they were fat and smouth they let thē go that made thē and despysed the rock that saued them Such is the power of aboundaūce that it maketh the possessoures therof Cogitauerunt et locuti sunt nequitiā iniquitatē in excelso locuti sūt to aryse agaynst God in pride and agaynst ther neighboures by crueltie and violence The poore man ofte times offendeth dryuen therto by pouertie as to steale to satisfie hys presente necessitie This offence comethe of leannes and is more tollerable thē the harmes or wrōges done by those that are fatte through theyr couetise Yea whē they haue done wyckedly they are not ashamed therof but make boaste therof Posuerunt in celum os suum They also speake proude and presumptuous wordes against thy godhed stretchynge forth theyr mouth vnto heauen as dyd the proude kynge Nabugodonosor commaunding to haue hys image honoured as god Daniel iii The power of suche men is sore dredde Lingua eorum deambulauit terram theyr tongue that is theyr commaundemētes go through all the world Therfore we that are pore weake and wauerīg yet loue the and beleue in the seynge the great wealth of these blasphemous and wycked people we I saye Ideo conuerientur populus meus huc et dies pleni inueniētur in eis haue earnestly gyuen oure studies to knowe the cause of thy liberall gyftes in thys worlde to such as they be We haue spente many dayes onely about the serching of thy meaning In that thou sufferest the wycked to lyue theyr full age in such pleasaūt wealthe Et direrunt quomodo scit deus et si est scientia in excelso Sumtyme we doute whether thou doeste knowe and perceyue theyr wyckednesse And yf thou do know it then we meruayle wherfore thou doeste suffre them so longe to continew Ecce isti impitet abim danteom seculo multiplicauerunt diuitias Wherfore haue they ryches all pleasures that they can deuise in this worlde whyle we endure much trouble payne and miserie Et diti ●●me causa iustificau● cor meum et laui inter innocentes menꝰ meas In vayne do we trauayle to clense dure hertes from all euyll and ydle thoughtes to wash our hādes in innocencie from al wycked workes Aslonge as I do serue the I can fele no such pleasaunt reward I lyue wel lack They lyue nauhgtely and haue aboundaunce I do the best I can to kepe thy cōmaundementes am punished dayly and chaystened euery mornyng Et tut flagellatus tota die et increpatio mea in ma●utinis If Iones erre incontinent I am punished Wher vppō I was in mynde to haue sayd euē as they said Si dicebā narrabo sic ecce generationem filiorum tuorum reprobaui But lo then had I condempned the generation of thy chyldren Then had I despysed the way in which thyne elect haue here tofore walked for so sayde not Abell Iob. vii Noe nor Abrahā Isaac nor Iacob nor anye of thy prophetes Tobiah and Iob spake in the trouble of theyr spirites and praysed thy chastisement Psalmo xviii Dauid was troubled and called vppō the was harde 〈◊〉 xvii Paull also sayth we must entre into thy kyngdō by many tribulations not with ease pleasure and aboundaunce They sayd also that thou beholdest euerye mannes deades and ther after doeste iustly rewarde euery man Thē thoughte I to haue knowledge of this doubtfull case by myne owne reason Existimab● vt cognos cerem hoc labor est ante me but it was to hard for me my wytte coulde not comprehende it vntyll I went into thy sanctuary of holy scripture and therin consydered the ende of these men Donec intrem in sanctuarium dei et intelligam nouissima eorum In thys thy holy scripture doest thou speake and declare hydde misteries It is thy very worde what so euer is therin wrytten and therfore is it holy In thys I thē searched deapely Apoca. xx
the holy gost Beholde howe mercifull and benificiall he hathe euer bene to those that beleued and trusted in hym As to Noe to Abraham Isaac and Iacob to Ioseph Moyses Iosue Gedeon Dauid Solomon Hezechias and to other innumerable in the olde tyme to whom was plentifullye shewed the experience of his mercy and goodnes And as he hath declared his pitie in helpyng his seruauntes Et iudicium omnibus iniuriam patientibus so hath he expressed his power in reuengyng them on theyr enemyes whyche oppressed thē As of Pharao kyng of Egypt Of Achab kynge of Israell Senacherib kynge of the Assirians Haman the Macedonian Herod and manye other it hath bene playnely shewed Wherefore thincke surely that the same mercifull God that was so benificiall to his fryndes in the olde tyme is nether wylbe lesse benificiall almaner of wayes to theym that beleue and haue a sure trust in hym beynge of hys Churche here militaūt He shewed to Moyses his waies Notas fecit Moysi vias suas Filiis Israel voluntates suas his lawes his preceptes and to the children of Israel he she-his power and declared his wyll But by Christ his only sonne he manifested to vs his deuine plesure in the euangelical lawe And as great wonders hath he shewed to the declaration of his power confirmation of hys lawes and to the punishment of the enemies of his spouse the church Howe full of compassiō mercye is the Lorde to all those that are synners Howe great is his patience howe riche is his goodnes howe gratious is his sufferance so long to abyde the conuersion of sinners from theyr iniquities Roma ii Esaye xxx He suffereth and abydeth to the intent he myghte haue mercye on them If thei amend not he then gently scourgeth them to cal theim vnto hym Aunswere therefore when he calleth Roma ii Take no day for thy conuertyng least thou rayse his wrath in the daye of hys angre and iust iudgemēt Trust not so much to his mercy that thou despeyse his iustice Let not his long sufferyng of the for thy conuersion turne to thyne vtter destruction Repente in tyme. Aske grace and mercy earnestlye and he wyll not fayle to geue them vnto the. He cannot do agaynst his nature Non imperpetuum ita sectur neque meternum comminabitur His angre endureth not for euer His thretenynges cease in a short whyle if thou cease frō thyne iniquitie A lytle while doth he forsake the Isaye .liiii. but with great mercifulnes wyll he take the vp to hym When he is angrye he hideth hys face from the for a seasō But through his euerlasting goodnes wyl he pardon the sayth the prophet Esaye Non secundum peccata nostra fecit nobis neque secundum iniquitates nostras tetribuet nobis Nother doth he deale with vs accordynge to the quantitie of our synnes nor rewarde vs accordyng to the multitude of oure iniquities for our sinnes excede the numbre of the sandes of the sea ii Paral. xxxiii in oracione Manasses regis Iude. and our iniquities are multiplied very sore but God in place of great plages sendeth smale punishmentes And where our infinit synnes requyre paynes infinite yet to call vs to penaunce he sendeth manye temporall afflictions in thys worlde to kepe oure soules from destruction and to cause vs to enioy the lyght of the lyuyng Iob .xxxiii. The lyght of euerlastynge bryghtnesse and the trewe light that neuer shal be dimmyd How canst thou therfore my soule gyue cōdyngne thākes or prayses to God for his inestimable goodnes and grace to the shewed Quantum enim excelsius est celum terra tātum cōfirmata est misericordia eius super timentes cum For loke howe hygh the heauen is from the earth so great is his mercy also to them that feare hym God hath appoynted the heauen to couer and compasse the earth on al partes and to sende downe somtyme wynde somtyme rayne somtyme heate sometyme colde sometyme fayre somtyme foule weather accordyng to the necessities of man And as it is impossible but the heauē shoulde couer the earth and cause the benefites thereof to be shewed so is it impossible but that God wyll couer defende gouerne his seruaūtes whyche lyue in the feare of him For he doth euer compasse hys people and saueth them Psalm Cxxiiii as the ball of hys eye from all daunger And he sayeth by his prophete Hieremie Hierem. xxxiii may the couenaunt be broken which I haue made wyth the day and the nyght that there shoulde not be daye and nyght in dew season Then maye my couenaunte also be broken whyche I made wyth my seruaunt Dauyd that is wyth all that well and trewlye serue and feare me The sonne also of God the seconde person in diuinitie being in heauen eternally ineffable impassible and equall in power wyth hys father vouchsaffed to come downe from hys celestial throne into the base region of this worlde to be incarnate of the virgyn Marie and to suffer death for the redemption of mankynde so dyd his mercy stretche from heauen to earth and raysed vs vp to lyfe agayne whyche before were dead in synne Quantum distat oriēs ●b occidente longe fe●t iniquitates nostras ● nobis ▪ And as the wynde dryueth awaye thycke mystes from the face of the earth so by hys death he droue away our synnes settyng them as farre from vs as the East is from the weste Lykewyse as when the sunne aryseth the worlde receyueth lyghte Agayne when it is auayled darkenes of the nyght approcheth Euen so when grace commeth Ephe. ● the soule is made bryghte and shynynge whiche by sinne agayne is made foule and darke Remembre therfore my soule what displeasure it is for the mortal body to liue in darkenes lacking the syght of the carnall eye in thys worlde Tobie ii as dyd blinde Tobie And therby thou shalt know what hurte the spiritual darknes of sinne bryngeth to the soule of mā Eccle. ● Wherof in figure the stoborne Egyptians had one plage of darkenes thycke and palpable accordynge to the darknes of theyr synnes and disobedience agaynst God Whē the children of Israell that is the faythful beholders of God had in the same countrey lyght in al places where they dwelled The grace of God expelled from them all suche darknes of synne They feared God and serued hym faythfully in theyr hertes durynge the tyme of theyr oppression by the Egyptians but after beyng at libertie they waxed wanton and kycked agaynste the Lorde that had delyuered them Be thou therfore glad whē aduersitie commeth For that is the mooste soueraigne medicine for the soule gyuen by the hygh phisition to suppresse the proude fleshe that rebelleth agaynst the spirite and therby to make man call for hys grace Sicut miscretur pate● filiorum misertus est dominus timentibꝰ se Hebre. xii And herein thynke the mooste bounde to the father
vnto the tyme of death and the laste ende when euery trewe labourer in thy vyneyarde shall receyue of the for hys wages a peny for hys dayes worke Math. ●● that is the kyngdom of heauen for hys rewarde what tyme so euer he begynne to worke in thy worke as thou hast promised of thy mere liberalitie and free goodnes O mercyfull Lorde Quam multa sunt opera tua domine ommi● in sapientia fecisti howe noble and manifest be thy workes passynge farre the capacitie of all thy creatures to comprehende But thou ful wysely hast wrought all thynges by the same wysedome that hath bene wyth the before any thynge was created and before al tyme by the whyche thou haste numbred the sandes of the sea the dropes of the rayne and the dayes of tyme by which also thou haste measured the heyght of heauen the breadth of the earthe and the deapnesse of the sea Eccles i. Thys wysedome is thy very sonne the seconde person in trinitie i Corhin i Coloss ii he is thy power and thy wysedome in whom are hydde all the treasures of wysedome and knowledge By hym haste thou wroughte thine owne worke according to thy nature which is to haue mercye and not to shewe crueltie By hym hast thou wrought the worke of our redemption and delyuered vs from eternall dampnation And althoughe thou be sometyme angrye wyth vs for oure wyckednesse yet is it to the entent to shewe thy mercie after whiche is thy proper and naturall worke Esai xxviii Impleta est term possessione tua On thys maner doest thou fyll the earth full of thy ryches Not onely by the order and disposition of thy earthly creatures thereof but chiefelye in that thou causest man by thy helpe to leaue the inordinate loue of the worlde and the wanton pleasures therof and to become a newe man aspirynge to the heauenly thynges In thys thou causest hym to be iuste and perfectly thy possession to be of thy peculiar flocke of whyche thou takest greate cure Thou haste ordeyned thyne electe to walke and trauayle in thys greate and wyde worlde Hoc mare magnum 〈◊〉 spaciosum Illic reptilia innumerabilia animalia pa●●ua cum magnis whiche may wel be compared to the greate sea For as in it are innumerable thynges creapyng both greate and small beastes Euen so in thys worlde are many terrible daūgers and daungerous temptations Sometyme by flatteryng pleasures Somtyme by cruell displeasures whyche appeare therin Somtyme by prosperitie Sometyme by aduersitie Somtime by cruel manifest enemies Somtime by subteltie of false fayned frendes So that there are many mo daungers to men that lyue here on earth then be in those whyche passe ouer the seas Yet for all these fearfull daungers let the fayethfull neuer be afrayed Ibi naues per trāsibūt For as the sure shyppes fliete in the sea vnder theyr sayles and passe through the stormy tēpestes without drownynge so do thyne electe passe throughe the fearful perelles of all theyr enemies in this worlde by the meanes of the shyppe of thy churche and the trewe fayth therof Of whiche shyppe Christe is the sternes man the guyde and the sure ancour to be caste in all necessities Who so trusteth in hym shal be broughte to the fayre hauen of perfecte beatitude Who so kepeth hym wythin the bourdes of this faythfull shyppe neadeth not to feare the greate whales or other monstres muche terrible to shyppemen neyther yet the dreadfull dragon that sturdy stronge leuiathan whose sportynge place is in the deape of the sea Deaco iste quem formasti ad illudendū ei Iob .xli. To whose power no power on earth may be compared For he is so madde that he feareth nothynge and is the kynge ouer al the chyldren of pryde Esay .xiiii. Luc. x. Genes iii. Thys is that lucifer whiche fel from heauen Thys is the serpent that deceyued in paradyse and brought death to al mankynde He was fyrste made by thy maiestie a bryght angel but through synne he is become a cruel deuyl And hath power through thy sufferaunce to illude to tempte and to deceyue mankynde Neuertheles when thy faythful people are penitent for theyr offēces resist his temptations folowe thy lawes put theyr whole truste in the thy blessed sōne Iob .xi. thē do they mocke discerue him They put a ringe through his nose and boare his chaftes through with an awle and as Christ mocked him layenge an hoke for him bayted with his humanitie whiche when he thought to deuour causing hym to be put to death of the Iewes he was trypped in his owne turne takē with the hooke of his diuinitie In lyke maner do the fayethful membres of Christ also mocke deceyue him For whē he thinketh them surely in his daunger they turne to theyr head Christ for refuge i. Corhinth x. and by his helpe do vāquish him Great therfore good Lorde is thy mercie goodnes that sufferest not thy faythful to be tēpted aboue theyr strength But in the middes of theyr temptation makest away for thē to escape out The enemy hath no power of hym self but such as thou suffrest him to haue He with al other creatures hange al vpon thy wyl and cōmaūdemēt Omnia a te expectan vt des illis escam in t●pore suo dante te eis colligent Al waite on the that thou maist geue them meate in dew season whē thou giuest it thē they gather it The meate appoynted to that serpent which deceyued Eue was earth Of the earth therfore of earthly men that loue better earthy thinges then heauēly Genes iii. is the foode of that fierse leuiathan Such as are lefte destitute of thy grace depart frō the are lefte to be the foode of this serpent or dragon But I hertely beseche the moste merciful mightie God kepe thys dragon longe emptie Let hym not deuoure those for whose redēption saluation thou voutchsafedest to sende thy most entierly beloued sonne to suffre death passion They haue the more pitie to great plētie of foode of infideles Bring thē also lorde I besech the into the true fayth of thy holy churche that they may knowe the him that thou hast sent Io. x. for the saluatiō of al the world That there may be on both sortes one shepeherde one flocke and sende vs al lorde Aperiente te manū tuā replehuntur honitate abscondes vultū tuum ●et turbabuntur thy merciful fauour Open thy liberal hāde fyl vs all wyth thy goodnes Hyde not thy face frō vs for oure offēces For then haue we cause of sorowe mourning cōtinually No creature can lyue wtout the nourishing of corporall substaūce but must dye tourne to earth corruptiō Neither cā the soule of mā abide in lyfe spiritual with out the influence of thy grace Auferes spiritum corū●t deficient et in pulue●em suum
but the eatynge of the onely tree of knowledge of good and badde Genes ii further for his helpe comforte and companie of a rybe of his side thou madest for him a womā and gauest her to him to be his wyfe There had they instructions gyuen them and the lawe of lyfe for an heritage Before them were layd both lyfe and death ●cclesiast xv good and euyl with a free wyl geuen them to take whether so euer liked them But their frailtie was suche that they throughe a small intisement chose the euyl and least the good they leaft lyfe and chose death Thus Lorde through synne and breakyng thy commaundement man lost the free wyll that was gyuen hym in hys creation and purchassed death to all hys posteritie In the way as he went from Hierusalem to Hiericho he fell in the handes of theues ●ic 1 who hurtynge and woundyng hym sore departed leauyng him halfe deade there could he of none haue helpe but onely of the good Samaritane who passed by the same way He poured wyne oyle into his wound and toke the cure of him This Samaritane was thy mooste louyng sonne Christ which toke vpon hym all the iniquities of mankynde and layed them on his backe ●say i●● by hys deathe purgynge and cleansynge hym not onelye from the synne originall of oure forfather Adam but also from al our actuall synnes by vs committed from tyme to tyme by the vertue of his passion and the Sacrament of Baptisme and penaunce For as by one Roma ● that is oure fyrste Adam was death sent in to all mankynde so by one other oure seconde Adam Christe was mankynde restored to lyfe For the whiche great and hygh benifite of thy sonnes blessed passion for oure redemption we thy poore creatures mooste humbly prayse and thanke the and acknowledge hys inestimable loue towarde vs. In that he vouchsaffed to dye for vs beynge then synners and in that we were synners we were both thyne and hys mortall enemyes Neuerthelesse mooste mercyfull father the sparcles of the fyre kyndeled in vs by oure olde father Adam and the dregges or remnaūtes of his synne remayne in vs that we are become so frayle and weake that we can do no good of oure selues no not once thynke a good thoughte And in case we by thyne assistence wyll do anye good acte Roma vii yet are we not able of oure selues to perfourme it But the wyll and the pefourmynge of the same Phillip ii doth wholye depende vpon the and the helpe of thy mooste kynde sonne oure louynge brother it lyeth not in vs nowe to chose and take what waye shall be beste but all our steppes and procedynges towarde goodnes muste be directed by the. We wander here miserably in the valeis and lowe partes our strēgth wil not serue vs to clyme to the heyghte of the hylles where thou dwellest Lorde in the mounte of Syon a place prepared for thyne electe a chosen enherytaunce of thy faythfull seruaunt Abraham and his sede wherfore sence we beyng burthened wyth the affectes of worldely pleasures and also wyth other cares and troubles cā by no meanes ascend to the that arte on the toppe of so highe a mountayne accompanyed wyth so manye legions of angelles that styl attende vpō the we haue no remedy but wyth thy prophet Dauid now to lyst vp the eyes of our hertes myndes towarde the ●enaui oculus meos ●u montes and to crye for helpe to come downe from the to vs thy poore and wretched seruauntes we wander here alowe as lost shepe hauynge no shepeherde We are assayled on euery syde wyth manifolde enemyes ● Petri. v. The deuyll rauenynge and hungry seketh whom he maye deuoure The worlde blandishynge and alluryng vs to her disceytful vanities The fleshe also whyche we cary about wyth vs beynge a domestical enemie readye and prone to drawe vs to all vices and pleasures from these can we by no meane be defended but by the Lorde Sende vs therfore thy helpe from the high hylles Vnde veniet autilium 〈◊〉 Sende vs thy holy angelles to assist and strengthen vs by whose helpe we maye by steppes of vertues clime vp to the to enhabite amonge these noble hylles the countrey of all fertilitie and aboundaunce To these hylles after longe labour thou broughtest the Israelites amōge these hylles thou causedest thy chosen Citie of Ierusalem to be builte to be throughe them the stronger and more sure agaynste al assaultes of enemyes From these hylles discended the swete sprynges and fountaynes of water to ouerflowe the lowe valyes and make them both pleasaunt and profitable Thus of the mooste mercyful father Au●●●m meum a domino qui fecit eclum et terram floweth all bountie and goodnes Thou madest heauē and earth for thine owne honoure and mannes cōmoditie Establish therfore good lorde the chosē worke of thyne hāde wyth thy eternall helpe from heauen sende vs downe the well sprynge of thy grace Sende thy stronge angelles to ayde vs by whose helpe no assaulte of our spiritual enemies Non dei in commotinem pedem tuum maye preuayle agaynste vs. No not once be able to remoue oure feete or thoughtes frō the obseruyng of thy godly wyll and pleasure The bryghte angelles stode not fast but through pryde slypped and susteyned a great fal Our father Adam also brake thy precepte and his fote slypped He fel from paradyse of pleasure into thys worlde a place of trauayle He fell from immortalitie to mortalitie Take awaye therfore from vs Lorde that proude slyppy fete so that no temptation of synne remoue vs causing vs to fal frō the. Make vs to be trew Israelites Roma ix that is seares of God Make vs the trewe sede of Abraham by fayth and of Isaac by promission So that by the helpe of angelles we maye dwell here in the Citie of Ierusalē that is in thy trewe churche here militant continewinge in thy trew fayth wythout swarueuynge abydynge in hope of thy promyse made to al thy faythful and workyng by ardent charitie Math. v. as thou hast commaunded vs to the good example of other and to the glorifiynge of thyne excellent maiestie And then neade we not to be afrayed of any power of enemies Thou beinge our keper and our watchmā we are sure frō al sodeyne inuasions Thyne eyes are and euer wyl be open vpon vs Neque dormitet qui custodit te Ecce non dormitabit neque dormiet qui custodit Israel thou neuer slepest nor none of thy holy angelles but intentiffely do attende to the saffekepynge of thyne electe and chosē people that are the lyuely stones of thy churche or congregation Al men be they neuer so holy do sleape and slumbre but Christe sleapeth not he sleapt once arose agayne frō his sleape so that he wil neuer more sleape but preserue the true Israelites i. Corhinth xiii i. Io. iii frō al perils
name for two the most special benefites that thou hast shewed vs that is for thy great mercy wherby thou hast forgeuen put awaye al our synnes and then for thy verite of iustice wherby thou wilt vndoutly perfourme thy gētle promises made to vs in rewardyng vs for the obseruyng of thy preceptes And as these be the wayes by whych thou shewest thy selfe to vs and dost approch neare vs euen so graunt vs Lord that we shewyng the same to our neighbours may also approche nere vnto the. I meane that thou wilt geue vs grace to haue compassion on those that haue nede of our helpe and sucour and also to be indifferent and vpryght in iudgement to all men So that these two vertues may appere to be planted by the in vs. O howe plentiful is thy goodnes to all that loue the. Marc. xiii Thy promises to them made are merueilous great yet neuer was one iote of thē vnperfourmed although to men thei seme vnpossible As for example amōg many I wyl onely take Abraham the father of al faythfull to whom was a chylde promysed to be borne of his olde wyfe Sara Genes xvii Genes x●i whiche agaynst the course of nature thou dyddest perfourme Thou diddest also promyse hym that his sede should be increased to the multitude of the starres of the firmamēt or as the sandes of the sea bankes that is to a nombre past numbring which after beside all mennes expectation thou broughtest to passe Genes xxii And all thys Lorde dyddest thou for thy names sake Quo niam magnificasti super omne nomen sanctum tuum thou wylt euer haue thy worde founde true and also magnified for thyne owne honoure and glory and for our comoditie Vppon the therefore wyll I styll call In quacunque die inuotau●ro te exaudi me trustyng that thou wylt shortlye heare me I wyl also cal vpon the myghtie name of thy sonne Iesus Chryst Marc. xvi In whose name the faythfull haue and dayly do cast out deuyls from the possessed thei haue spoken and do speake with newe tonges They kyll the serpentes and if thei drynke anye deadly thynge it shal not hurt them that is they leaue their wycked myndes and deuylyshe workes in whiche they before led their lyues they speake thy holye worde and set furthe the veritie leauynge all lyes and deceyte They doo suppresse the suggestions of the olde serpent Sathan pluckynge oute the stynge of hys tayle wherewyth he was accustomed to wounde them and if at anye tyme they haue consented to sinne and receyued his poysen it shall not hurt theim For Chryst on whose name they made inuocation purgeth theim cleane thereof after theyr hertie repentaunce So that to the good faythfull people theyr faull into synne is nowe tourned to good to theim and to theyr profyte Multiplicabis in anima mea virtutem Theyr soules thereby receyue greater force and strength euer after For this strength of the powers of my soule I cal most humbly vnto the merciful God whereby I maye be able to vanquyshe the sayde subtyl Serpent and al his illusions Perfourme in me that whiche thou hast promysed Farebuntur te esse dominū omnes reges terre vbi audierūt omni● verba otis tui whereby all people yea the myghtie Kynges Prynces and rulers of the earth hearynge of thy merciful promyses and power in perfourmynge theym shall take occasion to prayse the and to magnifie thy name Yea Et cantent in viis domini ꝙ magna est gloria homini wyth songes and hermonye thei shall set fourth and prayse thy wayes and beare witnes of thy hyghe maiestie Al thy wayes are mercye and truthe Phal xxv Thy mercye reacheth to the heauen and thy faythfulnes to the cloudes Psalmus .xxxvi. and thy righteousnes standeth lyke the strong mountaines This considered nedes must all the rulers of the earth confesse that greate is thy myghte and thy glory Excelsus dominus et humilia respicit alta eminus agnoscit Neuertheles although thou dwellest aboue the heauens yet hast thou a louyng respect vnto the lowly and meke of spirit Psal xxxiiii thou beholdest them as one loketh on hys frynde Thou drawest nere vnto them to heare their praiers Yea thou arte their shylde and protection in all their necessities But what shall we then thynke Doest thou not beholde also those that are proude and worke iniquities Yes truely Thou seest them perfectlye But it is a far of Thou seest theim with a fyerse loke to theyr confusion Psalm .xxxiiii. to destroy and rote furth the memory of them cleaue out of the land of euer lastyng beatitude Who so therfore wyl haue thy maiestie come nere vnto hym Mathw xv Si ambulauero in medio tribulationis uiuirabis me must pul doune his hye mynde and become lowe in herte The meke and humble people be those that shall enioye the heauenly country And though thei walke in the myddes of trouble yet shalt thou refreshe theim and quickē them This world is a place ordained for trouble not for rest Here we are appoynted to trauail In this place no man wanteth tribulation But thou euer gratiously refreshest and cōfortest thy faythful Thou suffrest them not to be ouercome in any tribulation Yea although thei be commytted by tirauntes to temporall deathe yet through the shall they vanquish al their enemyes Psal Cxvi The death of thy saynctes is ryght deare precious in thy syght Mathwe x. Thei nede not to fear those that haue power onely to kyll the bodye But let them feare thy myghtie hande Lorde which hast power to slea both body and soule The temporall death is a waye to brynge vs from muche trouble to the hauen of euerlastynge health into the lande of liuers Yet let the vniust cruel enemies of the faythfull stande in dreade of thy stretched forth arme Supet iram inimicorum meorum extendisti manum tuam wherwyth in thyne angre thou wylt stryke them Of thine infinite goodnes thou suffrest longe abydyng theyr cōuersion but at lēgth after longe taryinge thou strykest very sore throwyng both soule body into the pit of hell there to be tormented wyth plages and receyue double asmuche to be poured forth to them of the same cuppe whiche they fylled to other Apoca. xvii suche measure of crueltie as they shewed to other such measure of punishmente and sorowe shall be measured to them agayne whyche shall neuer ceasse nor be diminished Thys knowyng and beleauyng moste mercyful God what reasonoble creature woulde not tremble and quake who wyll continewe in synne cōsideryng the peynes dewe to synne wherfore Lorde powre out thy mercies I beseche the vpon thy flocke delyuer vs from all oure enemies spiritual and temporal Salu● me fecit dextera tua Let thy right hande saue vs that is leade vs through thy grace into eternall felicitie As for ritches ease honour or
ioyes and the fulfyllynge of all desires whiche passeth farre the capacitie of man to expresse Neuertheles yet art not thou noble Syon the churche of Christe here militant voyed of many godly gyftes which should sterre the also to synge prayses vnto God i. Corthin vi We I say moste merciful father of heauen that are of thy faythful congregation as membres of the bodye wherof Christe is the heade althoughe we do not perfectly feale the ioyes of thy heauenly Hierusalem for that we be ioyned here in the mortal bodye whose grossenes is suche that it letteth the speculatiffe syghte of the soule Sap. ix yea it is heauy to the soule for the earthly mansion keepeth downe the vnderstandyng Yet do we abyde for the dissolution of that whiche is corruptible remaynynge in hope afterwarde to enioye those ioyes whiche are perdurable and for an earneste therof Qui emittit verbum suum terre thou haste sent vs thy blessed sonne Iesus into thys worlde beynge thy very worde wherby thou madest al thynges to be a meane of our introduction into those eternall beatitudes Act. ii Thou dyddeste also sende thy holye spirite visibly in the lykenes of fyry tonges amonge thine apostles after the ascentiō of Christ as a further earneste or rather as a confirmation of thy promyse before made to thyne electe Veioelier curtii sermo cuis who as speedy messengers conueyed thy holy worde and doctrine swiftly in to al the partes of the worlde hauynge power to confirme the same by straung signes or miracles Where vpon it ensewed that the snowe whiche before was congeled in the region of the ayre aboue vs Qui bat niuem sicut tanam Esay .i. is fallen downe vpon the earth and is be come as wolle that is a greate numbre whiche were harde herted synners before the manifestation of the gospel are nowe not onely from theyr foule colour of wickednes become whyte as wolle and beautiful in syght but also they haue receyued the good propertie of wolle to make of them a goodly and a warme garment of Christe wyth out spot or wryncle to the ornamēt of his churche here militant and to make warme suche predestinate persons as before were cold in sinne for lacke therof So that through that garment they shal shyne in brightnes as dyd the garmētes of Christ at the tyme of his transfiguration before his apostles Math. vii Peter Iames and Ihon on the mountaine Thou scatterest also the hore froste which is somwhat harder then snowe vpō the earth lyke ashes that is to the synner whiche is frosen and wanteth the heat of charitie Pruinem ●icut tiner●m dispergit thou of thy grace by the hearyng of thy worde gyuest repentaunce which in olde tyme was shewed outwardly in wearing of her cloth and sittyng downe in ashes castynge them vpon theyr heades by which thy grace Luce .x. they leauyng theyr olde vitious lyuing are made new men and folowers of the doctrine whiche they haue learned Ione iii. as of the kynge of Niniuie and his people is manifest and of many other But for a further declaration of thy mercifull goodnes shewed to Syon thy welbeloued churche Mittit Chrystallū suū sicut buccellas thou also sendest forth as it were morselles of harde I se the hayle fallyng vpon the grounde wherby is ment the indurate and obstinate synners who longe haue remayned in theyr acustomed sinne and yet Lorde of thy goodnes euen vnto many of them thou gyuest suche grace and callest them by suche violence that of cruel persecutours they become meke folowers bolde setters forth of thy worde and commaundementes as of Paule and other hath ben playnely shewed Sap. xvi It is thy grace Lorde that is the nourse of all good thynges It is thy worde whiche preserueth thē that put theyr trust in the. Thys thy grace and thys thy holy worde beinge taken awaye from vs wherby we shoulde be made hote in fayth and rytche in al good workes Ante faciem frigoris eius quis sustinebit what creature is able to abyde the coldenes of the sayed froste If thou wylt suffre the synner to remayne in hym selfe and not cal him to the he can be none otherwyse but accursed and abiecte as was Cain Bene. iiii Exod. xiiii Nume xvi Iudic. ii v. indurate as was Pharao rebellious as were Corah Dathan and Abiram Idolaters as were the chyldrē of Israel diuers times after the death and chaunge of theyr Iudges and kynges ● Regum .xiii. disobedient as was Saule whiche folowed his owne imaginations leauyng thy preceptes and commaundementes ii Regum .xi. he shall fall into auoutrie murder as dyd kynge Dauid through the loue that he had to Bethsabe into pryde and crueltie as dyd Aman to his owne destruction Hester .v. To vntrueth treason as did Iason to his frendes and countrey ii Machab. v. To couetousnes as dyd Symon Magus Act. viii Laste of al into desperation as dyd Iudas as one of the twelue apostles of thy sonne Iesus Act. i. and consequently into al kyndes of vices Neades muste he be frosen to eternall death that hath no heate of thy gracious goodnes Neades muste the grounde be barreyne of good workes where the cōfortable bryghte and warme beames of thy grace shewe not theyr heate So sone as thy pleasure is to cal the hardest frosen synner anone he aryseth wyth Leuy the customer and foloweth the. Luce .v. Emitter verbum suū et liqui saciet ea Sende out therfore mooste myghtie God thy holy worde to melt the sayed snowe and harde congeled I se poure forth vpon vs miserable wretches the abundaūce of thy noble grace wherby the stony hertes are made softe and fleshy Cal vs secretly vnto the through thy heauenly inspiration speakyng to vs inwarde in our hertes or outwardlye by the manifeste declaration of thy worde Hierem. xxiii whiche is a consumyng fyre dryinge vp in vs all colde humours the breders of many diseases in oure soules It is also a great hammer that breaketh to pieces the harde frostie I se of our hertes reducing vs wholy to repentaunce amendemēt of lyfe Spirabit spiritus eiꝰ et fluent aquae Blow also Lorde and breath vpon vs thy holy spirite proceadynge frome the and thy sonne Christe to be oure comforte and staye after oure sayd amendement that we maye growe and encrease dayly in vertue by meane of his spiritual gyftes sent into oure soules Io. vii wherby the harde I se maye be tourned to floudes of water whiche maye flowe out of oure bealies beinge faythfull as ryuers of water of lyfe Cause the warme sotherne wynde to melte al the hardenes of our iniquities so that the moystnes whiche before was frosen in vs being resolued through the breath of the warme wynd of thy grace Psalm Cxxvi. may arise to great imindations wherof oure drye soules as a barreyne grounde maye receyue comfortable moysture Qui annunciat verbi suum Iacob This grace Lorde thou gauedste plētefully to Abraham Isaac and then to Iacob whō thou madest stronge to wrastle wyth thine angell and calledst hym Israell that is one that had sene god face to face Gene. xxxii With hym dyddyst thou make a couenaūt touching his sede in fayth whiche sede now we are merciful God of thy faithful church creapte through thy grace in the place of the Iewes into the possibilitie of thy noble promes Whē they refused the thou dyddest sende into the high wayes to call vs to thy feast Iusticias et iudicia 〈◊〉 a Israel we gladly came vnto the. To vs therfore thy faythful hast thou giuen thy lawes and cōmaundementes prescribing vnto vs rules whiche we muste obserue if we wil auoyed the terriblenes of thy iudgement and thy sonne when he shall come to rewarde all reasonable creatures accordynge to theyr desertes Roma ii Thou haste made vs priuy of thy wyll and haste gyuen vs thy lawes wyth a promyse of eternall lyfe in thy kyngdome of heauen if we order our life therafter Non fecit taliter om●i nationi et iudicia ●ua non manifestauit ●s whiche lawes Lorde the heathen nations knowe not wherefore they remayne in infidelitie and can not atteyne to saluation For as at the rysynge of the waters of the generall floude Gene. vii no man nor beast was saued but onely such as were wythin the shyppe of Noe no more is any saluation promised by thy worde but onely to the membres of Christe thy sonnes churche Prayse therfore be to thy highe maiestie Lorde of all Lordes who haste of thy mercy sent vs thy holy wyll and worde as a rule and a directoure of oure lyues which excellent token of thy loue towarde vs byndeth vs to magnifie thy mightie and incomprehensible deitie ●po i. beynge three persons in one essence to whome be honoure glorie and dominion for euermore So be it