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earth_n heaven_n lord_n word_n 16,216 5 4.2023 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19240 An exortacion to charite very needefull at this tyme for eche man and woman to inbrace, compyled by Wyllyam Conway. Conway, William, fl. 1550. 1551 (1551) STC 5654; ESTC S113404 9,028 28

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his mystycall body and cast you into the deepe Dongeon of hel where shal be wepyng and gnasshyng of tethe where you shal suffer eternall payne where you shall contynually blaspheme and neuer cease thoughe you wolde and yet shall you alway suffer the tormentes due for the same I thynke yf you loued god you wolde not on suche wyse blaspheme hym you wold I thynke feare somewhat the punyshemente dulye ordeyned for suche blasphemers Are you paste feare remember ye not that the begynnynge of wysedome is feare of oure lorde Wherefore wysely loke vppon your synfull soule and lose not wylfully that thyng whiche Christ so derely bought but leaue your sweryng leaue your blasphemyng Ywys you learne it not in the new Testamente for I am sure that our sauyoure and redemer Iesus Chryste sayth Math. v. Thou shalt not swere by heauen for it is the seate of God neyther yet by the earth for it is his fotestole Nowe in this worde heauen is comprehended all thynges therein contayned and lykewyse by this worde earth is vnderstanded euerye thynge conteyned within the same so that Christ leaueth you nothyng to swere by as appeareth by his wordes folowyng in the same Chapiter where he sayth lette your cōmunicacion be ye ye and nay nay O my lorde God where be they that kepe those sayenges verelye neuer so fewe in England and agayne I thynke that there was neuer so many that red these saiengs But nowe we maye se that there be many readers and fewe folowers What nowe there maye not a boy tell a tale but or he come to the ende thereof he muste other swere by Christ or by some member perteynyng to his moste blessed body nor nowe a woman can not sel a poore pot with ale but she must swere some othe to set it forth withal ye euē though it be starke nought O good God what meane these people thinke they to haue here Eternam mencionē an eternall restyng place Wyll they be of the Adders kynde we spake of euen nowe Wyll you so vncurteouslye handell hym that so gentely ordered you I must nedes say you loue not Christe for he sayth hym selfe Iohn xiiii Yf ye loue me kepe my commandementes Nowe you breake his commaundementes wherof it must nedes followe that you loue hym not and in that you do not loue him you commyt sin And Stipendium peccati mors The reward of synne is death Rom. Cap. vi wherfore for gods sake loke well vpon your selues But ye dryue of the tyme tyll the houre of death or at the leaste tyll syckenes or some other grefe happen to you ▪ and then wyll you crye Escchyel Cap. xviii Thou wylt not lorde the death of a synner but rather that he shulde lyue and mende But yf you wyll folowe my councell reste not to much vpon that poynte for there is nothynge more certayne then death neyther any thyng more vncertaine then the houre of death Remember remember wel these wordes spoken by the Prophet Escchyell Cap. xviii Turne vnto me and you shall be saued Here Chryste by ddeth you turne vnto hym and the forme howe you shulde turne vnto hym is wrytten by the holye Prophet Iohell loke vpon it and turne to Chryst whyle you haue tyme turne from your blasphemyng and swerynge frome your periury and euyll lyuyng gyue your perfecte charitie vnto god Louynge hym and fearyng hym with all your harte Yf you turne vnto Christe on this wyse leauyng your former lyuyng and applyenge your selfe to followe goddes commaundementes I doute not but God of his infynyte goodnes wyll loke vppon you refreshe you and saue you because he wylleth not the death of a synner but rather that he shulde lyue and mende such is the mercy of God towardes man But euer take heede of boldenes bolden not your selues so much vpon his mercy to leaue al his cōmaundementes vnfulfylled For yf you runne so far at rouers lyke wantons and vnbrydeled coltes he muste needes scorge you and beate you wherefore I say playe not the parte of blynde bayerde But gyue all honour prayse glory feare and loue to god aboue al thynges heauenlye and earthly for he is to be loued aboue eyther Saynt soule Emperour Kynge Father Mother Wyfe Chylde or any other creature And also beare feruent loue and charitie towardes thy neyghbour of whiche charitie I haue somewhat spoken before and wylmore heareafter by gods lycence takyng by the waye these wordes of Criste Math. xix Si uis ad vitam ingredi serua mandata Yf thou wylt entre into lyfe kepe the commaundementes Nowe who so endeuoreth not hym selfe with all his power to folowe and fulfyl the commaundementes of god can not claime any interest or tytle iustely in the kyngdome of heauen and al the .x. commaundementes receyued of vs Christen men resteth onely in this worde charitie the one towardes god and the other toward our neyghbour Well then syth without kepynge of the commaundementes a man can not enter into heuen I feare sore least our Basmongers shall not entre into heauen our raysers of rentes oure vserers with suche lyke as they that bye theyr neyghboures houses ouer theyr heedes O ye Moules ye may wel be lykened to these ryche men ye cast vp the earth hurtyng the good garden herbes and the earth so caste vp you lette it lye and putteth it to no good vse but you go further and scrapes vp more in whiche doynge is muche hurte but at last commeth mayster Moulecatcher with his spade and casteth you vp pre●ely and then destroy you Euen so those ryche men castethe and scrapeth vp the gooddes of this worlde whiche is the carthe of man and hurdeth it on heepes profytable neyther to them selues nor other men but rather hurtefull And at the length cōmeth deathe and catchethe the moules by the backe and then the deuyl destroyeth them But O ye Leasemongers ye vserers ye raysers of rentes aboue the value of that you set it and ye that bye your neyghboures houses ouer theyr heedes gyue eare a lytell to Saynte Paule and to the charge that he gaue vnto Timothe The Byshoppe commaundynge hym to charge other therewith sayenge Timothe Epist i. Cap. vi Charge thou the ryche men of this worlde not to be hyghe mynded neyther to truste in the vncertentie of ryches but in the lyuyng god whiche gyueth vs all thynges aboundantely to do good to be ryche in good workes to gyue with a good wyl c. Let this one peece of saynte Paules Epistle be marked amonge our ryche men and then shall they soone knowe whether that they do well in heapynge theyr goodes and trustyng in theyr ryches or no. But I pray you to what vse do they kepe and store them vp Uerelye euen to bye theyr neyghbours houses ouer theyr heedes whiche is a thynge very detestable and the smoke of suche mennes doynges assendeth vp to the trone of God and there stynketh odiously before the face of his deuyne maiestie ▪