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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19162 [The lyfe of the thre kynges of Coleyne]; Historia trium regum. English Joannes, of Hildesheim, d. 1375. 1496 (1496) STC 5572; ESTC S109805 43,656 86

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sayth he went hynge hymself / Thenne the Iewes bought wyth xv of those pence a felde for the sepultures of pylgrymes as the gospell tellyth / And the other .xv. pence the Iewes gaaf to the knyghtes that kept the sepulcre of Cryste / ¶ Ye shall vnderstonde that the lyknesse of thise .xxx. pence was vsed in all the countree bothe in name in moneye from Abrahams tyme vnto the dystruccōn of Iherusalem the whyche was by Titus Daspasianus dayes distroyed / But from the tyme of Abraham vnto the tyme of Crystys passion thise .xxx. pence were neuer dysceuered ne departed but euermore were bore hole togyder / And whan Cryste was solde for theym anone they were departed sparpled aboute in dyuers places / ¶ And the cause why thyse .xxx. Pence were callyd syluer in the gospell not wythstondyng they were fyne golde / For it is the comyn vsage in all the countree soo for to calle theym / As men calle of this countree golde of beyonde the see as Scutes motenes or florens / And yet in the Eest the same prynte is made bothe in golde syluer and copre and is kept amonge grete lordes of that countree / And the prynte of thyse pence is on the one side a kynges heed crowned and on that other syde it is wreten wyth lettres of Caldee the whyche wrytynge men can not redde now / And one of theym is worche .x. shelynges or better than thre floreyns / And many moo merueylies ben tolde of thyse thyrty pence of whom it were a longe processe to telle / ¶ Also whan our lady and Ioseph were warned to come out of Egypt bi an angel as the gospell tellyth / Thenne they were bydden to goo in to Galilee and there they dwelled in a cyte whiche was called Nazareth / And so the prophecye was fulfylled Quoniā nazarenus vocabitur that is to say He shall be called a man of Nazareth / ¶ And what Cryste dyde werke in erthe from that tyme tyll the thyrde yere afore his passion the Euangelistes openly declare not in theyr gospelles / WHan our lorde Ihesu Criste was styed vp in to heuen after that he sente saynt Thomas thapostle in to Ynde to preche there goddys worde / In whiche Ynde as it is aforsayd thise thre kynges the tyme regnyd were lordes of those londes And though it soo were that saynt Thomas ayenst his will yede in to the londes of Ynde yet it was done of grete prouydence of god that the same appostle the put his honde in to goddys syde to knowe the he was very god the was rysen fo deth to lyfe for saluacōn of man shold go preche the Passion of Cryst his Resurreccōn his Ascencōn to those worshypful kinges that sought our lorde in Bedleem in his byrth and there wyth yeftes worshypped him / ¶ And as saynt Gregory sayth Quod omnibus nobis ꝓfuit ꝙ hij tres reges eiusdem dn̄i nostri ih̄u xp̄i infanciam que sierunt et oculis viderunt et deuotissime muneribus adorauerunt probauerunt that is to saye / It was prouffyte to vs all that thyse worshypfull kynges theyr people soughte the childhede of Cryste with theyr eyen dyde se hym and wyth theyr gyftes worshypfully deuoutly honoured hym and sothly preuyd it / ¶ Also the saynt Barthylmew Symon Iude that were Cristis appostles were sente in to Ynde to preche the faythe amonge all the people / For there ben many partyes of Ynde / And one parte of Ynde is more than all the partie of the worlde on this halfe of the see / For this partye of Cristendom on this halfe the see is no more acounted in all theest but an hundred dayes Iourney / AFter that saynt Thomas thappostle had prechid in the kingdom of Ynde goddis worde had goon abowte all the Yndes the prouynces done many myracles thorugh the sygne token of the Crosse of goddis worde / As he yede aboute in the temples he founde a sterre paynted in euery temple after the sterre that apperyd to the .iij. kynges whan Cryste was borne in whiche sterre was the signe of a crosse a chylde aboue / And whan saynt Thomas sawe the sterre he asked of bysshops of the temple what is was / And bisshops tolde saynt Thomas how suche a sterre apperyd of olde tyme vpon the hyll of Vaws in tokenynge of a chylde the was borne sholde be kynge of Iewes as it was herde out of the same sterre / And for that cause thyse thre kynges yede out of theyr londes in to Bedleem worshypfully thrugh ledynge of the sterre came in to Bedleem in .xiij. dayes and there offred to the childe that was bore but with grete traueyle afterwarde they came home in to theyr owne londes in two yere / And as those thre kynges hadd done seen the bysshops of the temple tolde to saynt Thomas thapostle / Whan saynt Thomas herde all this he thanked god with grete Ioye he preched to the bysshops to all the peple the chyldhede of god his passion his resurreccōn his ascencyon and all the werkis of Cryste whyle he was in erthe / Where thorugh the bysshops of the temples many other folke were conuerted to Cryste were crystned / Ferthermore saynt Thomas mekely declared and dyde expowne to al the people the vnderstondyng of this sterre of the Crosse / And he casted out of the Temples all mawmettes / And he halowed theym in the name in the worshyppe of that chylde Cryste Ihesu / And thenne suche a fame beganne to rise in all that countree abowte of saynt Thomas for the grete myracles that he wroughte that all folke that hadde Infyrmytees or ony other tormentynge of wyckyd spyrytes they came to saynt Thomas / And he in the name of god and by the sygne of the Crosse heelyd theym and conuerted theym to Crystis fayth and crystned theym and they that were soo conuerted to Cryste dyde many myracles thorugh the vertue sygne of the Crosse afterward in dyuers places there as saynt Thomas hadde not vysited ne ben / SO whan saynt Thomas had thus preched and taughte the people / Thenne he yede to the kyngdoms of those thre kynges founde them hole of body and of grete aege / And as Symeon had answere of the holy ghost that he sholde not deye tyll he had seen Cryste goddis sone and so he abode him tyll he was broughte in to the temple and there he toke hym in his armes / So in lyke wyse thyse thre kynges prayed to god that they sholde not deye tyll they were renewed wyth the holy ghost wyth the sacrament of Baptym / Soo whan they herde that a man that was disciple of Cryst was come in to theyr londes that was callyd Thomas prechyd to the people of the chyldhode of Cryst and of his Passyon Resurreccōn and Ascencyon and of those werkes
that thyse thre kynges Melchior Balthazar and Iasper of thyse londes in whom thyse good and ryche gyftes wexed and-growyd that sholde be offred to god by the olde prophecies / Rather they maye be callyd kynges than kynges of other grete londes wherof sayth Dauid the prophete Beges tharsis insule munera offerent reges arabum saba dona domino deo adducent that is to saye / Kynges of Taars and of the yle shall offre gyftes kynges of Arabie of Saba shall brynge gyftes to our lorde god / ¶ Somtyme thyse kynges had other names / Melchior was called kinge of Nubie of Arabie / Balthazar was called kyng of Golie Saba Iasper was called kynge of Taars of thyle of Egris will / it was called the kyngdom of Taars bicause it was nexed to the same yle / And so the names of their kingdoms ben specifyed in specyall for dyfference of other cytees and yles of the countree / TO shewe ayen of thise thre worshypful kinges of the araye and ordenaunce wyth ryche tresour and ornamentes and wyth grete multytude of people as it is aforsayd / And whan they rode forth out of their kyngdoms none of them wyst ne knewe of others purpoos by cause of the long waye that was bytwyx eche kyngdom yet the sterre went euenly tofore thise thre kynges al theyr mey ne / And whan theistode styll or rested then̄ the sterre stode styll whan they yede or rode the sterre alway yede forth tofore them in his vertu strength yaue lyght to al the●r wayes / And the tyme was peas in al the worlde wherfore in al cytees townes the they ye de by was no gate shyt nyght nor day but it semyd to those thre kynges to al theyr people that it was euer daye neuer nyght in all those .xiij. dayes / whefore all men of cytees townes that thyse thre kynges came by were wonderly aferde merueyled therof For they sawe kynges with somoche people bestes caryage that passyd by theym in grete hast in the nyghte / But they knewe not what they were ne from what place they came ne whyther they sholde goo / But on the morowe they sawe the waygretely defoylled and traced wyth hors fete other beestes / Wherfore they were in grete doubte what it shold be and grete altercacōn was amonge theym in that co untree longe tyme after / ¶ Soo ferthermore whan thyse thre kynges had rydden thrugh dyuers londes kyngdoms citees and townes they rode ouer hylles waters valeyes playnes and many other dyuers peryllouse places wythoute ony dysese or lettynge / For all the waye that they rode were it highe or lowe all semyd to theym euyn and playne and fayre waye / ¶ They toke neuer herberough by the waye nyghte nor daye ne neuer rested themself but to make water neyther their beestes that were in theyr company ne neyther ete nor dranke after the tyme that they had take their waye tyll they came in to Bedleem / And all thyse .xiij dayes Iourneyes semyd theym but one daye / And thus thorugh the grete myghte of god the ledynge of the sterre they came in to Iherusalem the thyrtenth daye after that Cryste was borne in the vprysynge of the sonne wherof this is noo doubte / For they founde oure lady and her sone in the same place and in the caue that Criste was borne in / he was layed in an olde maynger ¶ Also many bokes telle that they came in to Iherusalem and to Bedleem in the in the myddes of the daye wherof saynt Gregory sayth thus in an Omelie Si dimna operacio humana racione comprehendi posset non esset admirabilis nec haberet fides meritum cui humana racō prebet experimentū that is to saye / Yf the werkes of god mighte be cōprehended in mannes wytte or reason it were noo wonder for fayth hath no mede where kynde reason shewyth if to man / ¶ For oure lorde god that in the olde Testament ledde Abakuc the prophete by one heere of his heed out of Iurye in to Babilonie Caldee that was a hundred dayes Iourneye bitwene goynge comynge to Danyel the prophete that was in a pytte among wylde lyens and anone restored the same Abakuc in to his owne place ayen / The same lorde god in the newe Testament was myghty to lede brynge thise thre worshipfull kynges out of theyr kyngdoms in the eest in to the londe of Iewery in twelue dayes wythoute ony dysese or lettynge / ¶ Also our lorde Ihesu Cryst after his resurrexcyon yede to his dyscyples in to an house wythout openynge of gate or locke / And as the fyre brente not ne dyde none harme to the thre chyldren whan they were putte in the furneys of fire ne noo sauour of smoke was founde in theym / Ryght soo in the tyme of thyse thre gloryous kynges our lady saynt Mary bare our lorde Ihesu Cryst that was and is very god man / And yet she was tofore and euer after a clene mayde / God almyghty myght harue brought thise thre kynges al their folke out of the Eest in to Iewerye in a moment as he broughte Abakuc the prophete forsayde / But though god almyghty made hymself lowe and was borne in grete pouerte and toke vpon him manhode mānes freeltee yet he wolde merueyllously shewe his byrth to all the worlde in heuen in erthe wyth the myghte of his godheed of his hyghe mageste / WHan thyse thre kynges eche in his waye with his hoste companye were almost come to Iherusalem saue two myle / Thenne a derke a grete clowde couered theym alle the erthe / And in that derke clowde they loste theyr sterre as the prophecye of Ysaye sayd Surge illuminare Ihrlm quia venit lumen tnū et gloria dn̄i super te orta est quia ecce tenebre operient terram caligo populos that is to say / Iherusalem aryse and take lyght for thy lyghte is come to the the Ioye of god is sprongen vpon the. for loo derknesse shall couere the erthe and a clowde the people / ¶ Whan thyse thre kynges were nyghe Iherusalem thenne Mechior kynge of Nubie of Arabie wyth his people was fast by the hyll of Caluarie there Cryst was doon on the crosse by the wyll of god there he abode in the clowde in derknesse / And that tyme the hyll of Caluarie was a roche of twelue grees of heyghte / And on this hyll theues and other men for dyuers trespaces were put to theyr dethe / There was also besyde this hyll an hyghe way and to that highe waye were thre highe wayes metynge togyder / And soo for derknesse of the clowde and for they knewe not the way they abode there yede no ferther at that tyme / AFter that Melchior was thus come thenne nexte hym a lytyll vnder the clowde came