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A18174 A short catechisme, or playne instruction, conteynynge the su[m]me of Christian learninge sett fourth by the kings maiesties authoritie, for all scholemaisters to teache. To thys catechisme are adioyned the Articles agreed vpon by the bishoppes [and] other learned and godly men, in the last conuocatio[n] at London, in the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LII. for to roote out the discord of of [sic] opinions, and stablish the agreme[n]t of trew religion: Likewyse published by the Kinges maiesties authoritie. 1553.; Catechismus brevis Christianae disciplinae summam continens, omnibus ludimagistris authoritate Regia commendatus. English. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. aut 1553 (1553) STC 4812; ESTC S119226 42,500 192

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that shall receyue it euen as he hathe honoured doth honour hys father For he that honoureth him honoreth also the father of whiche he him self is a substantiall witnesse Maist. The end of the world ho●… scripture calleth the ful fyllynge parformaunce of the kyngdome and mistery of Christ and the renewing of all thynges For saythe ●…he Apostle Peter in his se●…ōd Epistle the third chapter We loke for a new heauen and a new earth according to the promise of God whearin dwelleth ryghteousnesse And it semeth reason that corruption vnstedfaste chaunge and synne wherunto the whole world is subiect shoulde at length haue an end Now bi what way and what fasshiō circumstaunces these thinges shal come to passe ▪ I would fayne heare the tell Scholer I will tell you as well as I can accordyng to the wytnesse of the same Apostle The heauens shall passe awaye like a storme ▪ ●… elementes shal melt awaye the earthe all the workes therein ▪ shall bee consumed wyth fyre as thoughe he shuld say as gould is wont to be fined so shal the whole world be purified with fire and be broughte to hys full perfection The lesser world whiche is man folowynge the same shall lykewyse bee delyuered from corruption and chaunge And so for mā this greater worlde which for hys sake was first created shall at lēgth be renewed be clad wyth another hew much more pleasaunt and beutifull Master What then remayneth Scholer The laste and generall dome For Christe shall come at whoes voice al the deade shall ryse againe ▪ perfecte and sound both in bodi and soule The whole world shall beholde hym sittynge in the Royall throne of hys Maiestie and after the examination of euerye mannes conscience the laste sentence shalbe pronoūced Then the chyldren of God shall bee in perfecte possessyon of that kingdome of fredome from death and of euerlastig life whyche was prepared for theim before the foundacyons of the world were layd And they shal reygne wyth Christe for euer But the vngodlye that beleued not shall be throwen frō thense into euerlastynge fyre appoynted for the deuyll and hys angelles Master Thou haste saide ynoughe of the agayn rising of the deade Nowe remayneth that thou speke of the holye churche whearof I would very fayne hear thy opinion Scholer I wil rehearse that in fewe words shortly whiche the holye scryptures set out at large and plentifulli ▪ Afroe that the Lorde God had made the heauen and erth he determined to haue for himself a most beautiful kyngdome and holy comō wealth The Apostles and the auncient fathers that wrote in Greeke called it Ecclesia in englyshe a congregation or assemble into the whych he hath admytted an infinite nōber of mē that should all be subiect to one king as their souereign and only one head hym we call Christe whythe is as mutch to say as anoynted ▪ For the hye byshoppes and kinges among the Iewes who in fygure betokened Christ whom the Lord annoynted with his holy spirite wear wont by Gods appointment at theyr consecration to haue materyall oile poured on them To the furnishyng of this common weale belonge all they as many as do truly feare honour cal vpon God whol ly applyeng theyr mynde to holy and godly lyuing and all those that puttynge all theyr hope trust in hym do assuredlye looke for the blisse of euerlastig lyfe But as many as ar in this faith stedfast ▪ weare forechosen predestinate apoynted out to euerlastig lyfe before the world was made Wytnesse hereof they haue wythin in theyr hartes the spirite of Christ the author earnest vnfailable pledge of theyr fayth Whych faith only is able to perceyue the misteries of God only bryngeth peace vnto the hart onli taketh hold on the righteousnes that is in Christ Iesus Master Doth then the spirite alone and fayth sleepe we neuer so soundlye or stād we neuer so recklesse slothfull so woorke all thynges for vs as without any help of our owne to carye vs idle vp to heauen Scholer I vse maister as you haue taughte mee to make a dyfference betwene the cause and the effectes ▪ The first principall moste perfect cause of oure iustifyenge and saluation is the goodnesse and loue of God wherby he chose vs for his before he made the worlde After that god graūteth vs to be called by the preachīg of y e Gospel of Iesus Christ when the spirit of the Lord is poured in to vs by whose guyding and gouernaunce we be led to settle our truste in God and hope forthe per formaunce of all hys promises With thys choyse is ioyned as companion th●… mortifyeng of the old man that is of our affectiō lust Frō the same spirit also tometh our sanctification the loue of God of our neighbour iustice and vpryghtnesse of life finally to say all in summe whatsoeuer is in vs ▪ or maye be done of vs pure honest true and good that altogether spryngeth out of thys most pleasaunt●… roote from this most plentyfull fountayne the goodnesse loue ●…hoyse and vnchaūgeable purpose of god He is the cause the rest are the fr●…tes and effectes ●…et ar also the goodnesse choise spirit of God and Christe himselfe causes conioyned and coupled ethe wyth other which mai be reckened amonge the principall causes of our saluation As ofte thearfore as we vse to saye that wee are made ryghteous and saued bi only faith it is meante theareby that fayth or rather truste alone doth lay hand vpon vnderstād and perceyue our righteousmakyng to be geuē 〈◊〉 of God freely that is to say ▪ by no desertes of oure own ▪ but by the free gra●…e of the almighti father ▪ Moreouer sayth doth engender in vs the loue of our neyghbour ▪ and sutch workes as god is pleased wyth all For if it 〈◊〉 a liuely true faith quik●… ned by the holy ghost she is the mother of all good sayinge and doynge By thy●… short tale is it euidēt whēce and by what meanes we attayne to be made righteous For not by the worthynesse of our deseruinges were we eyther heartofore chosen or long ago saued but by the only mercy of god and pure grace of Christ oure Lorde whearby we weare in hym made to those good workes that God hath apointed for vs to walke in And althoughe good woorkes can not deserue to make vs righ teous before god yet do thei so cleaue vnto faythe that neither can fayth be founde without thē nor good workes be any whear wythout faythe Master I lyke verye well thys shorte declaration of fayth and workes for Paul playnly teacheth the same But canst thou yet further depaint me out that cōgregacion whych thou callest a kingdome or comō weale of Christianes and so set it out before mine eyes that it may seuerally and playnly be knowen asonder frō eche other fellowshyppe of men
begynning and makyng of man Scholer Euen that whyche Moses wrote that God shaped the fyrste man of claye and put into hym soule and life thē that he cast Adam in a deade sleepe brought foorth a woman whome he drewe oute of hys syde to make her a companiō with hym of al his life wealth And therfore was man called Adam because he tooke hys beginning of the earth and the womā called Eue. because she was appoynted to be the mother of al liuīg Mast. What image is that after the lykenesse whereof thou sayest that man was made Scholer That is most absolute righteousnesse and perfect holynes whyche moste nearely belongeth to the ●…ry nature of God and mos●… clearely appeared in Christ our new Adā Of the whyche in vs thear scante are to be seen any sparcles Master What ▪ are ther sc●… to be seen Scholer It is true forsooth for they do not now so shi●… as they dyd in the begynning before mans fall for as much as man by the darknesse of synnes and myst of errours hath corrupted the bryghtnesse of thys image In suche sorte hath God i●… hys wrathe wreaked hym vpon the synful man Maister But I pray the tell me wherefore came it thus to passe ▪ Scholer I wyll shewe you When the Lorde God had made the frame of thys world he hym selfe planted a garden full of delyte and pleasure in a certaine place Eastward and called it Eden Wherein besyde other passynge fayre trees not far frō the myddes of the garden was thear one specially called the tree of lyfe and another called y ● tre of knowledge of good euell Herein the Lord of his singuler loue placed man and committed vnto hym the garden to dresse and looke vnto geuynge hym libertie to eate of the fruites of all the trees of paradyse except the fruite of the tree of knowledge of good euell The fruite of thys tree if euer he tasted he shoulde wythout fayle die for it But Eue deceyued by the deuell counterfetynge the shape of a serpent gathered of the forbidden fruite whych was for the fayrenes to the eye to be desyred for the sweetenesse in tast to be reached at and pleasaūt for the knowledge of good euell ▪ and she eate thearof and gaue vnto her housba●… to eate of the same For which doing they both immediatly dyed that is to say were not only subiect to the death of the bodye but also lost the life of the soule whyche is ryghteousnesse And foorthwith the image of God was defaced in thē and the most beautiful proportion of ryghteousnesse holynesse ▪ truth and knowledge of God was confoūded and in a maner vtterly blotted out Thear remayned the earthly image ioyned with vnrighteousnesse guyle fleshly mynde depe ignoraūce of godli and heauenly thinges Hereof grew the weakenes of our flesh●… ▪ hereof came thys corruptiō and disorder of lustes affectiōs hereof came that pestilence hereof came that seede and nurishmēt of sins wherwyth mankynd is infected and it is called synne originall Moreouer therby nature was so corrupted ouerthrowen that vnlesse the goodnes and mercye of almyghty God had holpē vs bi the medicine of grace euē as in bodi we are thrust down into al wretchedness●… of death so muste it needes haue bene that al mē of all sortes should be throwen into euerlasting punyshment and fyre vnquencheable Master Oh the vnthankefulnesse of men But what hope had our first parents and from thence fourth the rest whearby they wear releue●… ▪ Scholer When the Lorde God had both wyth words and dedes chastised Adam and Eue for he thrust them both out of the gardē wyth a most greeuous reproche he then cursed the serpent threatnynge hym that the tyme should one day come when the seede of the ●…omā should breake hys head After ward the Lord God stablyshed that same gloryous and most bountiful promise fyrst with a couenant made betwene hym and Abrahā by circumcision and in Isaac hys sonne then agayne by Moses last of all by the oracles of y e noble prophets Master What meaneth the serpentes head that seede that God speaketh of ▪ Scholer In the serpēts head lieth all his venim●… ●…d the whole pyth of hys lyfe and force Thearfore do I take the serpents head to betok●… the whole power and king dome or more truli the tirānie of the old serpe●…t the deuel The sede as saint ▪ Paul doth plainly teache is ▪ Iesus Christ the sonne of God very God and veri man cōceaned of the holy Gost engendred of the wombe and substaū●…e of Marie the blessed pure vndefiled maide and was so borne ●…ostred by her as other babes de sauinge that he was most far from all infection of synne Master All these founda●…ions that thou hast layed ar most ●…rew Nowe thearfore let vs go forwarde to those hys doinges whearin lie●… our salua●…ion and conquest agaynst that old serpent Scholer It shalbe done good Maister After that Christe Iesus hadde delyuered incharge to his Apostles that most ioyfull and in al pointes heauenlye doctryne the gospell whych in greeke is called Euangelion in Englysh good tidinges and had as by sealyng stablished the same wyth tokens and miracles innumerable whe●… of all hys lyfe was full at lēgth was he sore s●…urged mocked wyth pottyng sco●…nyng and spyttynge in hys face laste of all hys handes and ●…ete bored thorow with nayles and he fastened to a crosse Then he trulye dyed and was truly buryed that by hys moste sweete sacrifice he myghte pacifye his fathers wrath against mākynde and subdue hym by his death who had y e authoritie of deathe which was the deuel forasmuch not onlye the lyuinge but also the deade wear they in hell or elsse whear they all felt the power force of this death to whom lieng in prison as Peter sayeth Christe preached though dead in body yet relyued in Spirite The third daye after he vprose a gayne a lyue in bodye also and wyth manye notable profes the space of .xl. daies he abode among hys disciples eatyng and drynkyng with thē In whose syghte he was conueyed away in a cloud vp into heauen or rather aboue al heauēs wher he now sitteth at the ryght hand of God the father being made Lorde of all thinges be they in heauen or in earth kynge of all kynges our euerlasting onlye hee Bisshoppe our only attournye only mediatour onely●… peace maker betwene God and men Now sithēs that he is entred into his glorious maiestie by sendynge downe his holy spirit vnto vs as he promised he lighteneth our dark blyndnesse moueth ruleth teacheth cleanseth cōforteth and reioyseth our myndes and so will he styll continually do tyll the end of the worlde Master Well I se thou hast touched the chiefe Articles of our religion and hast set out as in a shorte abrydgement the Creede that thou diddest
although it do not bodylye touche the eye nor be presently wyth 〈◊〉 together hear in earthe yet is it present to the sight notwithstanding so large a distaunce of space betwen So Christes body which at his glorious going vp was cōueyed from vs which hath left the worlde and is gone vnto hys father is a greate way absent frō our mouth euen then when we receyue wyth our mouth the holye sacrament of his body and bloude Yet is oure fayth in heauen and beholdeth that sonne of righteousnesse and is presently together wyth him in heauen in sutch sort as the syghte is in heauen with the body of the sonne or in earthe the sonne wyth the syght And as the sonne is present to all thinges by hys light so is Christe also in hys godhead Yet neither can from the body the light of the sonne be sondred nor from hys immortall bodye the godhead of Christe We muste thearfore so say that Christes bodye is in some one place of heauē and hys godhead euerywhear that we neyther of hys godhead make a body nor of hys bodye a God Master I see my son th●…n art not ignorant after what sorte Christ is rightly sayd to be from vs in bodye and with vs in spirit But thy●… one thyng would I knowe of thee why Christ our lord is thus conueied awaye frō the syghte of oure eyes and what profit we take by his goyng vp to heauen Scholer The chefe cause the●… of was to plucke out of vs that false opinion whyche sometyme deceaued the Apostles theymselues that Christ should in earth visibly reigne as other kinges and rufflyng princes of the world This errour he minded to haue vtterly suppressed in vs and that we shuld thyncke hys kyngdome to consyst in hyer thynges Which thinge he thearfore thoughte fytter because it was more for our comoditie and profitte that some such kyngdome should be set v●… as the foundacions thearof should rest vpon our fayth Whearfore it was necessary that he shoulde be conueyed away from vs past perceyuing of all bodily sense that by thys meane oure faythe might be styrred vp and exercised to consyder hys gouernement and prouidence whom no syght of bodylye eyes can behold And forasmutch as he is not kyng of some one country alone but of heauē and earth of quick and dead it was moste conuenient that hys kingdome should be otherwyse gouerned then our senses may a●…teine vnto For ells he shold haue bene constrained some tyme to be caried vp to heauen sometyme to be dryuen downe to the earthe to remoue sometyme in to one countrey sometyme into another and lyke an earthly prynce to be caryed hether thether by dyuerse chaūge of chaunsable affayres For he could not be presētli with all at once vnlesse hys body weare so turned in to Godheade that he myght be in all or in many places together as Eutyches and certeyne lyke heretykes helde opinion Yf it so wear that he myghte be eche whear present with al at one verye instaunt time then wear he not man but a ghoste ▪ neyther shoulde he haue ▪ had a trewe bodye but a fantasticall whearof shoulde haue spronge foorth with a thowsād errors all whych he hath dispatched by carienge hys bodie vp whole to heauen In the meane season he ▪ remaynynge inuisible gouerneth his kingdōe and commen weale that is his church ▪ with soueraign wysdome and power It is for men to rule theyr commune weales by a certayne ciuile policie of men but for Christ and God by a heauē lye godlyke ▪ order But all that I haue hetherto sayde conteyneth but a small parcell of the profytte that we take by the caryenge vp of Christes body into heauen For ther ar many mo thinges that heare might be rehearsed whearof large store of fruite is to be gathered But specially this may not be left vnspoken that the be nefits are sutch so greate ▪ which come vnto vs by the deathe risynge agayne and goinge vp of Christ as no tonge eyther of men or angeles is able to expres And that you maye knowe my mynde hearein I wyll rehearse certayne of the chefe whearunto as it wear two principall poyntes the rest may be applyed I say therfore that both by these and other doings of Christ two cōmodities do growe vnto vs the one that al the thinges that euer he hath don ▪ for our profyt and behofe he hath done thē so that they be as well oure owne yf we will cleaue thearunto wyth stedfast and lyuely faith as if we had done them oure selues He was nailed to the crosse we wear also nayled with him and in him oure synnes punished ▪ He dyed was buryed we lykewyse with our sinnes are dead buried that in sutche sorte that all remēbraunce of our synnes is vtterly taken out of mynde He is risen again and we are also risen again wyth hym that is are so made partakers of hys rysyng againe and lyfe that from hensforth death hath no more rule ouer vs. For y ● same spirit is in vs that raised vp Iesus frō the deade Finallye as he is gone vp into heauenly glorye so are we lifted vp with hym Albeit that these thynges do not nowe appeare yet then shall they all be broughte to light whē Christ the light●… of the world shal shew him self in his glorye in whome all oure blisse is layde vp in store Moreouer by hys goyng vp are graūted vs the giftes of the holy ghost as Paule doth sufficiently witnesse Ephe. iiii The other commoditie which we take by the doinges of Christ is that Christe is set for an example vnto vs to frame our lyues thereaster Yf Christe hath bene deade if he hath bene buryed for sin he was so but ones If he be risen agayne if he be gone vppe to heauen he is but ones risen but ones gone vp Frō hensforth he dieth no more but lf neth with God reygneth in euerlastyng continuaūce of glory So if we be deade if we be buried to sin Howe shall we heare after lyue in the same If we be rysen again with Christ if by sted fast hope we lyue nowe in heauen with him heauenlye and godlye thinges not earthly and frail we ought to set oure care vpon And euen as hearetofore we haue borne the image of y ● earthli man so from henseforward lette vs beare the image of the heauenly As the Lord Christ neuer ceased to do vs good by bestowing vpō vs his holye spirite by garnyshinge his churche wyth so many notable giftes and by perpetual praying to his father for vs Lyke reason oughte to moue vs to ayd●… oure neyghboure wyth all our endeuoure to maintain as much as in vs lyeth the bond of charity And to honoure Christ our Lord and sauioure not wyth wythed tradicions and cold deuises of men but wyth heauenly honour spiritual in dede most fyt for vs that giue it hym
They are certayne customeable reuerēt doings and Ceremonyes ordeyned by Christe that by them he might put vs in remēbrāce of his benefits we myght declare oure profession that we be of the nomber of thē which are partakers of the same benefites and whyche fasten all theyr affiaunce in hym that we are not ashamed of the name of Christ or to bee termed Christes Scholers Master Tell me my sonne how these two sacramentes be ministred baptisme and that whyche Paule calleth the supper of the Lord. Scholer Hym that beleueth in Christ professeth the Articles of the Christian religion myndeth to be baptised I speake nowe of thē that be growē to ripe yeres of discretion sith for the yōg babes theyr parentes or the churches professiō sufficeth the minister dyppeth in or washeth with pure cleane water onlye in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost thē commendeth him by praier to God in to whose churche he is now openly as it wear enrowled that it mai please God to graunte hym hys grace whearhy ▪ he may answer in belefe and life agreablye to his profession Master What is the vse of the Lordes supper Scholer Euē the very same that was ordayned by the Lord himself Iesus Christ ▪ Which as S. Paul sayeth y ● same nyghte that he was betrayed tooke breade and when he had geuen thankes brake it sayde Thys is my body which is brokē for you Do thys in the remembraūnce of me In like maner whē supper was ended he gaue thē the cuppe sayenge Thys cuppe is the newe testamēt in my bloud ▪ Do thys as ofte as ye shall drinck thearof in the remēbraunce of me Thys was the maner and order of the Lordes supper whyche we ought to holde kepe that the remēbraunce of so great a benefite the passyon and deathe of Christ be alwaye kepte in mynde that after that the worlde is ended he may come and make vs to fit wyth hym at hys owne borde Master What doth baptisme represēt set befor oureyes Scholer That we are by the spirite of Christ new borne and cleansed from syn that we be members and partes of his churche receiued into the communion of sainctes For water signifieth the spi rite Baptisiue is also a fygure of our burial in Christ and that we shall be raysed vp agayne wyth hym in a newe lyfe as I haue before declared in Christes resurrection Master What declareth betokeneth the supper vnto vs whych we solemnly vse in the remembraunce of the Lorde ▪ Scho. The Supper as I haue shewed a lytle before is a certayne thankfull remembraunce of the deathe of Christe for asmuch as the bread representeth his bodi betrayed to be crucifyed for vs The wyne standeth in steade place of his bloude plentuouslye shed for vs. And euen as by breade and wyne oure natural bodies are susteined and nourished so by the body that is y ● flesh bloude of Christ the soule is fedde through fayth and quickened to the heauenlye and godly lyfe Master Howe come these thynges to passe Scholer Theese thynges come to passe by a certayne secreate meane and liuelye working of the spirit when we beleue that Christ hath ones for all gyuen vppe his bodye aud bloude for vs to make a sacrifice and moost pleasaūt offring to his heauenly father and also when we cōfesse and acknowledge him oure onlye sauyour hie Bishoppe mediatoure and redemer to whome is dewe all honour and glory Master All this thou doest well vnderstande For me thinketh thy meanynge is that faith is the mouthe of the soule whearby we receiue thys verye heauenlye meate full both of saluatiō and immortalitye dealt among vs by the meanes of the holy ghost Now sythe we haue entreated of the sacramentes passe forward to the other partes of Gods seruyce Scholer I will do your cōmaūdemēt Thear remaine two thinges belongyng to the perfection of Gods seruice First our Lord Iesus Christes wil was that ther shoulde be teachers and Euangelistes that is to saye preachers of the gospell to this entent that hys voyce myght continually be hard soūd in his church He that coueteth as all oughte to couet to beare the name of a Christiane maye haue no doubte that he ought wyth moste earnest affection and feruēt desyre endeuour himselfe to heare and soke into his mynde the worde of the Lord not lyke the words of anye man but lyke as it is in dede the word of almigh tie god Secōdarily bicause all that is good and that ought of a Christian to be desyred cometh vnto vs frō God and is by him graunted thearefore of hym we ought to require al things and by thankesgeuinge acknowledge them all receyued of him Which thing he so well liketh that he estemeth it in stede of a passing pleasauut sacrifice as it is most euidēt by the witnesse of the prophets Apostles Master Hast thou any certayne and appoynted maner of prayeng Scho. Yea forsoth euen the very same that oure Lorde taught his disciples and in them all other Christians Who beynge on a tyme required to teache them some sort of praier taughte them this Whē ye pray quod he say Our father whych art in heauen hallowed be thy name Thi kingdom come Thy will be done in earthe as it is in heauen Gyue vs thys day our dayly breade and forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue thē that trespasse agaynste vs. And lead vs not into temptaciō But delyuer vs from euell For thyne is the kyngdom power glory for euer Amē Maist. How thinkest thou●… is it lawfull for vs to vse any other wordes of prayer Scho. Althoughe in thys short abridgement are suffiently conteyned all thinges that euery Christian ought to praye for yet hathe not Christe in thys prayer tyed vs vp so shorte as that it we are not lawfull for vs to vse other woordes and maner of prayer But he hathe set out in this prayer certain principall poyntes whearvnto all our prayers should he referred But let eche mā aske of God as hys present nede requireth Whatsoeuer ye aske the Father in my name saith Christ he shall gyue it you Master For as much as there is in all this praier nothing doubtfull or beside the purpose I woulde heare thy mynde of it Scholer I do well perceyue what y ● wordes do signifie Master Thinkest thou then that there is in it nothynge ●…arcke nothynge hidde nothyng hard to vnderstād Scholer Nothing at al. For neither was it Christes plesure that there shuld be any thynge in it dareke or farre from our capacity specyally sithe it belongeth egally to all and is as necessarye for the lewd as the learned Mast. Therefore declare vn to me in fewe woordes eche parte by it selfe Scholer When I say oure father which art in heauē thys do I thincke with my selfe
execute moste greuous punyshmente On the other side he that liueth accordynge to the rule of these lawes shal fynde both prayse and blysse and God also hys mercyful and boūtyfull good Lord. Master Thou haste shortlye sette out the. x. commaundementes Now then tell me how all these thinges that thou haste particularlye declared Christe hath in fewe wordes conteyned settyng●… forth vnto vs in a sūme the whole pyth of the law Scholer Wil you that I knit vp in a briefe abrydgement all that belongeth bothe to God to men Master ●…ea Scho. Christ sayeth thus Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God wyth al thy hart wyth all thy soule wyth all thy mynde and with al thy strength Thys is the greatest commaundement in the lawe The other is lyke vn ▪ to this Thou shal●… loue thy neyghbour as thy selfe Up ▪ on these two commaundemētes hang the whole law ▪ and the Prophetes Master I wyll nowe that thou tell me further what lawe is that whyche thou speakest of that whych we call the lawe of nature or some other besydes Scholer I remēber maister that I learned that of you longe ago that it was ingraffed by God in the nature of man whyle nature was yet sounde and vncorrupted But after the ētrā●… of synne although the wyse were somewhat after a sort ●…ot vtterly ignorant of that ●…yght of nature yet was it ●…y that tyme so hydde from the greatest part of mē that they scāt perceyued any shadow thereof Master What is the cause that god willed it to be written out in tables and that i●… should be priuatli appointed to one people alone Scholer I wyll shewe you ▪ By oryginal synn●… and euel custome the image of God in mā was so at the begynning darkened the iudgemēt of nature so corrupted that man him selfe doth no●… snfficiently vnderstād wha●… difference is betwene ho●… stye and dyshonestye rygh●… and wrong The bountyfull God thearefore myndynge to renewe that image in vs fyrst wrought this by y ● law wrytten in tables that wee myght knowe our selues therin as it were in a glasse behold the fylthe and spots of oure soule and stubborne hardnes of a corrupted hert that by thys meane yet acknowledgynge our synne perceiuing the weakenes of our fleshe and the wrathe of God fear●…ely bent agaynste vs for synne we myghte the ●…ore feruently long for oure ●…ior Christ Iesus which ●…y hys deathe and precious ●…prynklynge of hys bloude hath clensed and washed away our sinnes pacified the wrath of the almyghtye father by the holye breathe of hys Spirite createth newe hartes in vs and reneweth our mindes after the image and lykenesse of theyr Creator in true ryghteousnes holynes Whych thyng neither the iustyce of the lawe nor any sacrifices of Moses were able to performe And that no man is made ryghteous bi the law it is euidēt not onelye thereby that the ryghteous lyueth by fayth but also hereby that no mortal man is able to fulfyll all that the law of both the tables commaundeth For we haue hindraūces that striue agaynste the lawe as the weakenes of the fleshe frowarde appetite and lust naturally engēdred As for sacrifice cleansynges washinges and other ceremonies of the lawe they were but shadoes lykenesses images and figures of the trew and euerlastyng sacrifice of Iesus Christ done vppon the crosse By the benefit wherof alone all the synnes of all beleuers euen from the begynnynge of the worlde ▪ ar ●…ardoned by the onlye mercye of God and by no desert of ours Master I heare not yet why almyghty Gods wyll was to declare hys secrete pleasure to one people alone whi che was the Israelites Scholer Forsooth that had I almost forgotten I suppose it was not don for this entent as thoughe the lawe of the. x. commauudements dyd not belong generally to ail men for asmuche as the Lord our God is not onelye the God of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles but rather this was ment thearby that the true Messias whiche is our Christ myght be knowen at hys commynge into the worlde who muste nedes haue beene borne of that natiō and none other for true perfourmannce of the promise For the whych cause Gods pleasure was to appoynt out for hymselfe one certaine people holy sōdred from the rest and as it were peculiarly hys owne That bi this meane his diuine worde might be continually kept holy pure and vncorrupted Master Hitherto thou hast wel satisfied me deare sōne Now lette vs come to the Christian confession whych I wyll that thou playnlye reherse vnto me Scholer It shall be done I beleue in God the father al myghty maker of heauen and earthe And in Iesu Christ hys only sonne our Lorde whych was conceiued by the holy Gost borne of the virgin Mary Suffered vnder Pōce Pilate was crucified dead and buryed He went downe to hell the thyrde daye he rose agayne from the deade He went vp to heauen sytteth on the ryght hande of God the father almighty from thence shall he come to iudge the quycke and the dead I beleue in y ● holy gost I beleue the holy vniuersall church the communion of sayntes the forgeuenes of synnes the rysynge agayne of the flesh the lyfe euerlastynge Master All these my sōne thou hast rehersed generallye and shortelye Therefore thou shalt do wel to set out largelye all that thou hast spokē particularlye that I may playnly perceiue what thy belefe is concerning ech of them And fyrst I wolde heare of the knowledge of god afterward of the right seruing of hym Scholer I wil wyth a good wyl obey your plesure dear Maister as far as my simple wytte wyll suffer me Aboue all thynges we muste stedfastly beleue and holde that God almyghtye the father in the begynnyng of nothyng made fashyoned this whole frame of the world and al things what soeuer are conteined therin and that they all are made by the power of hys worde that is of Iesu Christe the sonne of God Which thing is sufficientlye approued by witnes of scriptures Moreouer that whē he had thus shapen all creatures he ruled gouerned saued them by hys bountie and liberall hand hath ministred yet also ministreth most largelye all that is needefull for mayntenaunce and preseruynge of oure lyfe that we should so vse them as behoueth myndeful and godlye chyldren Master Why dost thou call God father Scholer For two causes the one for that he made vs all at the beginning and gaue life vnto vs all the other is more weyghtye for that by hys holy spirit and by faith he hath begottē vs agayne makynge vs hys chyldren gyuing vs hys kyngdome and the enheritaunce of lyf●… euerlastynge wyth Iesu Christ hys owne trew and naturall sonne Master Seynge then God hath created all other thinges to serue man and made man to obey honour gloryfye him What canst thou say more of the
rehearse Now therfore I wyll demaunde the questiōs of certain pointes Scholer Do as shall please you Maister for ye maye more perfectlye instruct me in those thinges that I do not throughly vnderstand and put me in remembrāce of that I haue forgottē and printe in my mynde deeper suche thynges as haue not taken stedfast hold thearin Master Tell me th●… ●…f by his death we get pardon of oure sinnes was not that enough but that he must also rise againe frō the deade ▪ Scho. It was not inough yf ye haue a respect eyther to hym or to vs. For vnlesse he hadde rysen agayne he shoulde not be taken for the sonne of God For whyche cause also whyle he hong vpō the crosse thei that saw hym vpbrayded hym and sayde he hath saued other but can not saue hym selfe Let hym now come downe from the crosse and we will beleue hym But now vprisyng from the dead to euerlasting continuaunce of life he hathe shewed a mutche greater power of hys godheade then if by commyng downe frō the crosse he had fled from the terrible paines of death For to dye is comō to all men but to louse the bondes of death and by his owne power to rise againe that properlye belongeth to Iesus Christe the onlye begotten sonne of God the only author of lyfe Moreouer it was necessarye that he should ryse again with glorie that the sayengs of Dauid and other prophetes of God myghte be fulfylled whych told before that neither hys body should se corruption nor hys soule be left in hel As for vs we neither had bene iustified nor had had anye hope left to ryse agayne had not he rysen agayne as Paule doth in diuerse places playnly shewe For if he had remayned in the prisō of death in graue and bene holden in corruption as al men besyde how could we haue hoped for saf ty by hym whych saued not himself It was mete therfore needefull for the part that he had in hād and for the chiefe staye of our sauegarde that Christe shoulde fyrst delyuer hymselfe from deathe and afterwarde assure vs of safetye by his vprisyng agayne Master Thou hast touched my sonne the chiefe cause of Christes risinge agay●… ▪ Now would I faine heart thy mynde of his going vp into heauen What answere thinkest thou is to be made to them that say it had be●… better for hym to tarie hear with vs presentlye to rule gouerne vs For besyde other diuerse causes it is ●…lye that the loue of the people toward theyr prince specially beyng good and gracious should grow the grea ter by his present company Scholer All theese thynges whych he should do present that is to saye if he were in company amōg vs he doth thē absent He ruleth maintayneth strengthneth defēdeth rebuketh punysheth correcteth and performeth all suche thynges as do become such a prince or rather God himself Al those thinges I saye performeth he which belong eyther to our neede or profit honour or cōmoditie Beside this Christ is not so all together absent from the world as mani do suppose For albeit the substaunce of his body be takē vp from vs yet is his Godheade perpetuallye presente wyth vs although not subiect to the sight of our eyes For thynges that be not b●…dylye can not be perceiued by any bodyly meane Who euer sawe hys owne soul●… No man Yet what is thea●… more present or what to 〈◊〉 man nearer than hys owne soule Spiritual thinges 〈◊〉 not to be seen but wyth the eye of the spirite The arfe●… he that in earth wyll see the Godhead of Christ let hym open the eyes not of his bodye but of hys mynde but of his faith and he shall set him presēt whom eye hath not seen he shall see him present and in the myddes of them whearsoeuer be two or three gathered together in his name he shal see him present wyth vs euen vnto the ende of the ▪ world What sayde ▪ I●… shall he see Christe present ▪ Yea he shall both se feele him dwellyng within himselfe in sutch sorte as he dothe hys owne proper soule For he dwelleth and ●…ydeth in the mynde and harte of hym whyche fasteneth all hys trust in hym Master Uery well but oure confession is that he is ascēded by into heauen Tell me thearfore how that is to be vnderstanded Scholer So vse we commōlye to say of him that hath attayned to any hye degree or dignitie that he is ascended vp or aduaunced in to some hye roume some hye place or state because he●… hath chaunged hys forme●… case and is become of more honor thā the rest In sut●… case is Christ gon vp as h●… before came down He came downe from hiest honour to deepest dishonoure euen the dishonour and vyle state of a seruant and of the crosse ▪ And lykewyse afterwards he went vp from the depest dyshonoure to the hyest honoure euen that same honour whych he had before hys goyng vp into heauen yea aboue all heauens to the very roial throne of god muste needes be euident by moste iust reason that hys glory and maiestye myghte in comparison agreably answer to the proportiō of hys basenesse and reprochefull estate This doth Paul teach vs in hys wrytynge to the Philippians he became obedient euē vnto death yea the very death of the crosse Whearfore God bath both aduaunced hym to the hyest state of honour and also geuen hym a name aboue al names that at y ● name of Iesus eueri kne shold bow of al things in heauē earth hell But although he be alredy gone vp into heauē neuertheles bi his nature of godhead by his spirit he shal alwaies be presēt in his church euē to the end of the world Yet thys proueth not that he is presēt amōg vs in his body For his Godhead hath one propertye his māhead another Hys māhead was create his godhed vncreate His māhead is in sō●… one place of heauē his godhed is in such sort ech wher that it filleth both heauen ▪ earthe But to make thys poīt plainer by a similitude or comparing of like to like Ther is nothyng that doth trulier like a shadow expres Christ thē the sōne for it is a fit image of the light and brightnes of Christ. The sō doth alway kepe the heauē yet do we sai that it is presēe also in y ● ▪ world for without lyght thear is nothyng present that is to say nothyng to be seen of any man for the sonne wyth hys lyghte fulfilleth al things So Christ is lyfted vp aboue all heauens that he maye be presēt wyth all and fully furnyshe all things as S. Paul doth saye But as touchynge the bodylye presente of Christe heare in earthe if it be lawfull to place in comparison great thinges wyth small Christes bodye is present to our faith as the sonne wh●… it is seen is presēt to the ey●… ▪ the bodie wherof
that it canne not be but that he must heare me and be pleased wyth my praiers For I am hys Sonne although vnprofitable disobedient and he on the other side is my moste bountyfull father moste readye to take pity and pardon me Maist. Why doste thousaye he is in heauen is he in sō●… o●…e certayne and lymited place in heauen ▪ what me●… ▪ neth that which he sayth of hym selfe I fyll bothe heauen and earthe agayn the heauen is my seate and the earthe my footestoole Scholer Hereof haue I spoken some what before wher vnto I wyl ioyne this that foloweth Fyrst of all as oft as we do say which arte in heauen it is as much to sai as heauēly and diuine For we ought to thyncke much hier of our heauenly father thā of our earthly He is also sayde to be in heauen for this cause that in that hye and heauēly place the n●… ble and wonderful workes of God do the more clearly and gloriously shewe them selues and he is now declared to be in euerlasting and full felicity whereas we abide yet banyshed in earthe full wretchedlye Moreouer as the heauen by vnmeasurable widnesse of compasse conteyneth all places the earthe and the sea and no place is thear that maye be hidde from the large reatch of heauen sith it is at euery instāt of time to euery thing present So hearby may we vnderstād that god is likewyse present to eche thynge in eche place He seeth heareth and gouerneth al thinges he beyng hym self a spirite and moste farre from al earthlye and mortall state Wytnesse whereof Hieremy the Prophete Am not I saythe the Lorde a God neare vnto you and am not I a God farre of shall anye man be able to shroude hym selfe in suche a corner that I can not espye hym This is a pithye sentence to driue feare into vs that we offend not that Lorde of so large a dominion wherby also we are perswaded assuredly to beleue that God wyll heare whensoeuer we shall stande in nede For he is at al times and in all places presente This foundacion then laid and so sweete and plesaunte entraunce prepared ther foloweth the fyrst parte of the Lordes prayer wherein we requyre that not onlye wee but also all other who soeuer maye in holynes honor reuerence and worshyp hys name Master Howe is that to bee done Scholer I shall shewe you then we do that when leauing all those that haue the name of gods be thei in hea uen or in earthe or worshipped in temples in dyuerse shapes and images wee acknowledge him alone oure father Prai to the true god and Iesus Christ hys onlye sonne whome he hath sent and by pure vnfained praier call vpon him alone wyth vprightnes of life and innocencye Master Thou hast sayd berye well proceede Scholer In the second parte we require that hys kyngedome come For we see not yet all thynges in subiection to Christe we see not the stone he wed offrō the moūtayne wythoute woorke of mā which all to brosed and brought to nought y ● image whiche Daniell desc●…iueth that the onlye rocke Christe may obtayn and possesse the dominiō of the hole world graūted him of his father Antichrist is not yet slayne For thys cause do we longe for and praye that it may at length come to passe and be fulfylled that Christe may reign with his sainctes accordinge to Gods promises that hee maye lyue and bee Lorde in the worlde accordynge to the decrees of the holye Gospell not after the traditions and lawes of mē nor pleasure of worldlye tyrauntes Master God graunte hys kyngdome may come and that spedilye Scholer Moreouer sithe it is the chyldrens duty to frame theyr lyfe too theyr fathers wyll and not the fathers to bowe to the childrens pleasure forasmuch as our wyl is ●…ommonly by tickling of affeccions and stirringe of lustes drawen to dooe those thynges that God is displesed with it is reasō that we hange whollye vppon the b●…k of our heauēly father wholy submit oure selues to his heauenli gouermnēt Wherefore for thys cause we mortall mē do pray that we maye in like case be obedient to his commaūdemēt as are the sonne and Mone and other sterres in heauen whiche bothe by ordinarye courses and by lightninge the earthe with vncessaun●…e beames execute the Lordes wyll continuallye Or that we as the āgels and other spirites ▪ diuine in al pointes obey him which bestowe al theyr trauayle diligently to accomplish hys godly commaundementes Next after that he teacheth vs to aske of our heauenly father our breade wherby he meaneth not meate onlye but also all thynges elles needefull for maynetenaunce and preseruinge of life that we maye learn that God alone is authoure of al thynges which maketh the fruytes of the earthe bothe to growe and encrease to plentye Wherefore it is meete that we c●…ll vpon hym alone in prayer which as Dauid sayth ●… loue feedeth a●…d maynteyneth all thinges Master Some suppose this place to meane that bread that Christe maketh men●…on of in the .vi. of Ihon. That is of the true knoweledge and taste of Christe that was borne and dyed for vs wherwyth the faithfull soule is fedde The reasō wherupon they gather this is the greke woorde epiousion whereby they vnderstande supernaturall ghostly heauenly and diuine This mea nynge I refuse not for both these expositions may fitlye agree with this place but whi calleth he it daily bred whiche is also signified by thys worde epiousion Scholer We aske daily bread that myghte be alwayes presente and accompanye vs contynuallye to slake and satisfye oure thyrstye desyre and vnsaciat stomacke least otherwise we shuld be as Christ sayeth carefull for to morowe because the morowe shall care for it selfe For it shall come not wythout his own discōmoditie care Wherfore it is not reason that one day shoulde encrease the euell of another It shall be sufficient for vs dayly to aske that our most bountifull father is readye dayly to gyue Now foloweth the fifthe requeste wherein we beseeche the father to forgeue vs oure trespasses and de●…auts that we haue committed This request doutles is veri necessarye sithe there is no man liuinge free from sinne Here therfore must we cast away all trust of our selues Heare must we plucke downe our courage Here must we prai oure moste mercifull father for the loue of Iesu Christe hys moste deare and obedyent sonne to pardō forgeue and vtterly blot oute of hys boke our innumerable offēces Heare oughte we in the meane seasō to be myndfull of the couenauute we make wyth God That it maye please God so to forgeue vs our trespaces as we our selues forgiue theim that trespasse agaynste vs. Therfore it is necessarye that we forgyue and pardone all men all theyr offenses of what sort or condition so euer thei be If we forgiue men there faultes our