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A17812 Prædictio astrologica. The great and vvonderfull prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord 1598. Written by Rodulphus Grapheus Doctor of Phisick in the Towne of Deuenter. Translated out of Dutch into English by W. P. Grapheuis, Rodulphus.; Philip, W., attributed name. 1598 (1598) STC 450.7; ESTC S114988 8,514 18

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be careful Chap. 3. Of the Eclipses of this yeare 1598. and of wars and contentions and other vntrue dealings among men which the Almightie God according to his great goodnes can change and conuert as pleaseth him and of the beginning ending of the Turkes WE are al greatly to prayse the Lord that he hath giuen vs the right knowledge of Astronomie and made vs know the nature of Eclipses to shew causas rationes demonstrationes and when the Sunne and Moone are eclipsed diuers coniunctions of the vppermost Planets are openly séene which neuer fayleth as you may read in the books of ancient Astronomers as also in writings I find that in this yeare 1598. we shall haue thrée Eclipses one of the Sunne and two of the Moone the first Eclipse of the Moone will bee séene here in our meridian and Pole being vnder 52. degrées and 40. minutes in the Towne of Deuentre and other places bordering on the same vpon the 12. of Februarie at 6. of the clocke and 34. minutes in the morning in the third degrée and 3. minutes of Virgo not farre from the Dragons tayle and will beginne to be eclipsed at 4. of the clocke and 24. minutes and in the morning end at 8. of the clocke 14. minutes we of Deuentre and the low countries shall sée the beginning and the middle but not the end thereof the effect and working of this first Eclipse shal continue a whole yeare The second Eclipse shall be of the Sun and shal be séene vpon the 25. of Februarie Stilo antiquo somewhat before 10. of the clocke and Stilo nouo vppon the 7. of March before 10. of the clocke and 48. minutes and shal be 8. points great in the 17. degrée and 14. minutes of Pisces not farre from the Dragons head it shall beginne to darken at 9. of the clocke and 50. minutes before noone and end at 11. and 46 minutes This Eclipse shall take effect the 17. of July 1598. and end the 22. of Iune 1600. The third Eclipse shal be of the Moone which shall be séene vpon the 6. of August and after the new stile the 16. of August at 7. of the clocke and 35. minutes after noone the colour thereof shall be blacke mixed with some redde in the 23. degrée and 29. minutes of Aquarius not farre from the Dragons head and shal begin to darken in the euening at 5. of the clocke and 51. minutes and end the same euening at 9. of the clocke we of the Netherlandes shall not sée the beginning thereof but onely the middle and the end Luna enim tota tenebrosa ab Horzionte nostro ortiuo emerget This Eclipse shal take effect the 24. of August Stilo antiquo and ende on the fift of December 1598. The Arabian and Chaldean Astronomers say that one Eclipse of the Sun is worse then 6. Eclipses of the Moone specially when they happen in one month as now they doe Vno mense subit tenebras cum Lum vterum que Tunc gemina causa tristia fata ferunt We haue this yeare likewise diuers coniunctions and aspects of Planets which signifie much warres troubles mutinies bloodsheddinges and secret practises in the low Countries and those that lie West southwest from it The countries and kingdoms that lye Eastward towardes the rising of the Sunne and vnder Aries Cancer Leo and Scorpion shal be vexed with wars blood-sheddings and secret practises which are Grecia Turkie Muscouia Swethland Russia Walachia and certaine countries in the Mediterranean sea as Marsellus the Prouince of Languedoc Gascony Dauphine Fraunce England Hungary Bohemia Austria Crabuten Corinthia Vianne Seuenbergen and such as are contributary to the Turke the people thereof shal be spoyled brought into great miseries as Leouitius saith In the yeares 1544. 48. and 49. in which there appeared diuers Eclipses in Scorpion the Turkes and other Christians that had fallen from the fayth of Christ had a great ouerthrowe by the mightie king of Persia as Historiographers do witnesse Also the Emperours Maximilian and Rodulphus with other mightie Princes as Sigismund Bathorius in Transiluania and diuers princes and Lordes that haue rebelled against the Turke with other Princes and Lordes by Gods helpe for certain years haue had great fortunes and victories against our auncient enemy the Turke so shall the Christian princes by Gods power as the chief of al princes haue much more good fortune and aduancement against the Turke and Sarrasens so they follow it as the olde verse sayth Fronte capillata post est occasio calua We may sit at a table and yet eate no meate and so the good fortune that God sendeth vs may be neglected if wee follow it not and for that in the yeare 1584. it was the fiery Triangle and that the Turkes Empire began in the watry Triangle so his Empyre shall decay and bee ouerthrowne in the fierie Trigonis or Triangle which decay hath begunne now within fewe yeares vnder the fiery Triangle as in the yeares 1595. 96. and 97. it hath well béene seene but the greatest fall and hardest pinch that the kingdome of Mahomet shall indure according to my iudgement shall be in the yeares 1603. or 1607. and then in an 1610 it shal be wholly ouerthrowne Such prophesies certaine of the Turkes themselues do write which they do much feare and are grieued thereat for in the said prophesies it is euidently said that the Citie of Constantinople shal not continue aboue 150. years in his authoritie neyther yet their religion aboue 1000. years As also that there shal not be aboue 14. Emperours of Turkey that are of Ottomans race and then it shall decay and be wholly ouerthrowne which if it happen all Christendome hath cause to reioyce The Citie of Constantinople was taken from the Christians by the Turke in anno 1453. and Mahomets false religion began among the Turkes in an 613. now if you adde 150 to 1453. which is the yeare of the winning of Constantinople by the Turkes and 613. to 1598. to sée when it maketh 1000. yeares for the continuance of Mahomets law they will fall out in an 1603. and 1613. and the Turke that now is called Mahomet the thirde is the 14. Emperour of the race of Ottoman as all Histories do witnes touching that which hath béene written by Iohn Lichtenberg Martin Snellenbergh and specially by Iohn Hilten a learned Fryer of Eisanach that when we shall write 1600. the Turke by that time shall haue run through al Germany but wherevpon they write if I know not vnlesse I be otherwise instructed Wherewith I will end this Chapter with the wordes of Martin Luther Lord God we beséech thée help vs not for that the heauens and course of the planets do threaten vs with many miseries but because the subtiltie of the Diuell at this day doth créepe and enter into all corners of the earth and séeketh to destroy vs. Lorde bee mercifull vnto vs. Amen Chap. 4. Of sicknesses and fruitfulnes
PRAEDICTIO Astrologica The great and vvonderfull Prognostication for the yeare of our Lord 1598. Written by Rodulphus Grapheus Doctor of Phisick in the Towne of Deuenter Translated out of Dutch into English by W. P LONDON Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe with the assent of Rychard Watkins 1598. Chap. 1. Of the enterance of the Sunne in the first point of Aries and of the Planets that are Lordes of the yeare WE read in the holy scriptures that great kingdomes and princely Cities for their sinnes haue beene altered and brought vnder the gouernement of strange nations and that many townes for their wickednesse haue béene punished and brought in subiection and Christ sayth that we neuer know him but when wee are visited with some affliction I find by right calculation that this yeare of our Lorde 1598. according to the meridian of the towne of Deuentre and other places lying vnder 52. degrées and 40. minutes and after the olde stile beginneth vpon the 10. of March and according to the new stile vpon the 20. of March in the afternoone a little after 12. of the clocke when the sunne entreth into Aries at which time it standeth in the middle of the element and then night and day through all the worlde are all of one length and as Ouid saith noua temporisaetas then the Sunne by his heat openeth the earth and reuiueth it which by the cold of the Winter season was deade and withered making grasse trées and all thinges else so fayre and gréene that it maketh all creatures liuing to reioyce and therevpon all learned men are of opinion that this time of the year the world heauen and earth and all the creatures therein were created and many wonderfull workes of God performed therein as the deliuery of the children of Israel out of Aegipt the conception of the Virgin Mary and after that his passion death and resurrection vpon the same day I find Saturne ascendent Eastwarde in the 24. degrée of Sagittarius in the second house Iupiter in the 2. degrée of Cancer in the 8. house Mars in the 4. degrée of Taurus the 6. house the Sunne in the first degrée of Aries and the 4. house Venus in the thirde degrée of Aries and the 4. house hard by the Sunne Mercury in Pisces the Moone in the 11. degrée of Pisces and the 4. house the Dragous heade in the first degrée of Gemini in the seuenth house and so beginneth this year 1598. whereby we plainely sée that the Moone and Mercury are Lords of the yeare and Mars assistant and are both founde in a watery signe The rest of the planets for the most parte are weake and badly plac'st wherevpon we must grounde our iudgement and procéede accordingly making the situation and coniunction of euery Planet whereby it is found that this shall bee none of the best yeares for that the effects of the yeares 95.96 and 97. do yet continue whereby I iudge that this yeare many craftie and secreat enterprises will bee wrought both by water and by land and that there is a speciall matter pretended which will be to the ouerthrow and aduancement of diuers persons whereby certayne prouinces shall bee brought into extreame misery and desolation specially such countries as lie vnder Cancer and her quadrangle as Brabant Flanders Fraunce and the prouinces bordering vppon it Ciprianus Leouitius saith touching the reuolution of this yeare that it threatneth vs with much rayne great sicknesse and bloudy and cruell warres as also that certaine Princes and great men both spirituall and temporall shal be ouerthrowne and cast in prison whereby much misery and grieuous alterations shall happen among the common people for that in this reuolution of the world the effect of two eclipses one of the Sunne the other of the Moone shall happen Wherefore I counsell all good Christians to be watchfull that these thinges come not sodainly vppon them and so I will ende this Chapter with the wordes of Dauid Ni Deus aedificet frustrà domus illa paratur Quam volet humanus constituisse labor Psal 1●6 Ni Deus inuigilet frustra custode tuentur Chap. 2. Of good and euil fortune strife contention betweene men and women being young and louely like Venus dearlinges vpon whom all the world doth cast their eyes FOr that mans nature is addicted to hear and sée strange thinges I haue here set downe the signification of the heauenly influences of this yeare 1598. which I write to giue cause of watchfulnesse to carelesse men I find by the right calculation of the prouincial figure that louely Venus coupeled with Iupiter and Mercurie signifieth good fortune to Venus children women yong maides and all swéete Venus dearlinges which gladly take all that is giuen them they shall haue good fortune by gifts presentes Iewelles apparell and other toyes which if they haue not it will be great griefe vnto them I finde the Planet Venus well placed in Aquarius which signifieth great fauour to all women in generall as well spiritual as temporal women shall by nature flourish and be loftie they shall be much beloued and diuers that are of meane parentage and degrée shall by mariage rise and be preferred to high estate but some of them must take care that when they are at the highest that they kéep themselues at that stay such proude lordly women that often stumble at a straw and are soone troden vpon the toes which alway sing the vnpleasant song they shall cause great sorrow and grief vnto their husbands by chiding and contention for that a woman which chideth without reason doth often driue her husbande out of dores whereby shall arise strife hartes griefe mourning and other misfortunes I finde Mars and Venus in coniunction Dabit incestas libidines fornicationes adulteria coniunctiones virorum ac mulierum horrendas abominandas In the last part of the yeare I find there will bée great deceit and vntruth among men whom women and maides shall féede with fayre wordes and pay them with the like standing much vpon their credites and reputations also I find the Planet Venus to bee retrograde which signifieth great quarrels and contentions with such as men haue made of their secreat counsels where vpon shall follow griefe sorrow and diuers diseases You shall likewise heare of great strife betwéene men and their wiues whereby controuersie will arise so that many weddinges shall be holden where there wil be no musicke and where the Lorde or rulers of the land shall be betrayed I find also in the prouinciall figure that Iupiter is eleuated aboue Venus which signifieth that womens nature is alwayes desirous of pleasure for they are the mother of our generation They shall also bee fortunate in childbearing and are worthy of honour in all places The quadrangle of Mars and Venus bringeth no good tydinges to olde men and others that vse many women for they shall bée bitten and not hurt euery man looke to himselfe and