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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17659 A faythfull and moost godlye treatyse concernyng the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our sauioure Chryst, co[m]piled by Iohn Caluyne, a man of no lesse lernyng and lytterature then godly studye, and example of liuyng. And translated into Latin by Lacius a man of lyke excellencie. And nowe last of all, translated into Englyshe by a faythfull brother, no lesse desirous to profyt the weake brotheres then to exercise the talent of the Lorde to his honoure and glorye. In declaration whereof, he hath set before this lytle booke an epistle to the reader much more effectuous then in the fyrst edicion. Whereunto the order that the churche and congregation of Christ in Denmarke doth vse at the receyuying of baptisme, the Supper of ye Lorde, and wedlocke: is added. Myles Couerdale; Petit traicté de la Saincte cene. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Broke, Thomas.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Danske folkekirke. 1548 (1548) STC 4411; ESTC S107182 57,569 98

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thys so precious treasure is vnhalowed and wyckedlye abused Thys holy Sacrament shall for the necessarye causes nowe rehersed be to vs also a testimonye of thys presente tyme before god and the worlde that we do vtterly both in worde and dede refuse and forsake all the dis●eatfulnesse of the papistrie and that we fayth fully wyth all our hertes submitte oure selues vnder the gospel of Iesus Christe ¶ Wherfore ye dearely beloued in the Lorde for as muche as thys matter is so wayghtye euen Gods owne institution and ordinaunce yea and his cōmaūdemēt also that we shoulde do it And lykewyse seynge the necessite which shoulde cause vs to accomplishe the same is so great specially on our behalfe towardes God to whom we owe a longe Deo gratias and thankes we ought in no wyse to refrayne our selues from it neyther suffer oure selues to be kepte backe there frō but oftymes wyth repētant hertes to seke this our soules medicine cōfort of our cōsciēce beleuinge what Christ sayth to vs herin doing as ●e cōmaūdeth vs ¶ And as for those that seke no suche repentant hertes fayth and comfort herein but lyue in open blasphemy continuynge in synne and wycked lyfe They shall knowe that they are vnworthy of thys holy supper and shal be excomunicate tyll they amende ¶ But to the intent that the vnrepētant may thorow the grace of god be lightened and that we our selues may frutefully enioye this supper to the amēdmēt of our liues also that all Chrystendome generally maye be the beter and be edified Therfore let vs hertelye make our prayer to god the father of al mercye beleuyng assuredly that he wyl graciously here vs thorow our Lord Iesus Christ who cōmaunded vs to praye and promised vs saynge Aske and ye shall haue seke ye shall fynd knocke ▪ and it shalbe opened to you ¶ Wherfore in consideracion of the same conmaundement and promes lyft vp your hertes and saye thus wyth me in youre prayer O Lord god our father in heauē we thy miserable childrē vpon earth beseche the that thou wyll mercifully loke on vs lend vs thy grace ¶ That thy holy name maye be sanctifyed among vs and in all the world thorow the pure and syncere teachynge of thy worde through ernest charite in our daylye lyuynge and oure conuersacion Se●lude thou graciously al fals doctrine and euell lyuinge wherby thy worthi name myght be blasphemed and slaundred ¶ O let thy kyngdome come and be greate All synfull blynd people and suche as are holden captyue of the deuell in hys kyngdome ▪ those bryng thou to the knowledge of the true fayth in Iesus Christe thy sonne ¶ Strength vs Lorde wyth thy spiryte to do and to suffre thy wil both in life and death in well and woo that our wyll maye all waye be broken offred vp and mortified ¶ And geue vs oure dayly bread Preserue vs from couetous desire and carefulnes of the bealy that of the we may be assured to haue abundaunce of al good thynges ¶ Forgeue vs oure trespace as we forgeue them whyche offende vs that oure hert maye haue a sure and glad conscience and that wee neuer feare nor be afrayed for any synne ¶ Leade vs not into tentacyon but helpe vs through thy spirite to subdue the flesh to despise the worlde with his vanities and to ouercome the deuel wyth all hys craftie assaultes And finally delyuer thou vs frō all euell both bodely and gostly temporal eternall Amen ¶ They that ernestly desyre al thys let them say Amē beleuyng without any doubte y ● it is graūted hearde in heauē according as Christ ꝓmised vs saying whē ye pray beleue assuredly y ● ye shal haue it it shal come to passe Amē ¶ Then reherseth he the wordes of the holye supper out of thre Euāgelistes Mathewe Marke and Luke and also out of S. Paule Cor. xi saying THe lorde Iesus the same night wherin he was betrayed toke bread gyuynge thākes brake it sayed Take ye eate this is my body whiche shall be gyuen for you Thys do in the remembraunce of me In lyke maner when supper was done he toke the cuppe also saying This cup is the new testamēt in my bloud As of●e as ye drinke this do it in remembraūc● of me This done the whole churche in maner aboue sayd do syng a psalme or two of thākes gyuing for this blessed Sacramēt And in the meane saeson they y ● are appoynted thē to suppe with the Lorde and come soberly and wyth greate reuerence one after another the men fyrste and then the women to the table of the Lorde where they knelynge one I saye after another receyue at the hande of one of the priest●s the Sacramente in fourme of breade And then goeth he wyth lyke reuerence to the other ende of the table and at the hande of an other of the priestes which stādeth there ready for the same purpose he kn●leth downe and receyueth it also in the fourme of wyne and all the other folowe reuerently and do the same Yf one of the priestes or both be disposed lykewise as thē to suppe with the lorde he kneleth downe his companion ●erueth hym And euen so doth he also to his felowe in lyke maner and reuerence ¶ Yf the cōmunicantes and they that receyue then the Sacramente be many they synge the moe Psalmes of thankes gyuyng elles synge they the fewer ¶ When thys holy supper is done the partakers therof y ● were appointed therto serued one of the ministers stādeth vp exhorteth the people to gyue earnest thankes to God wyth thys or suche a lyke prayer ¶ O almyghty God moste mercifull father thou that openest thy gracious hande wherby al thinges lyuyng haue theyr foode in due season we gyue honoure prayse and thankes vnto the for all thy benefites both gostly and bodely which thou hast rychely poured vpon vs wythout any of our deseruynge but specially we thanke the for thys worthy memoriall of our redemption wherin thou haste nouryshed and fedde our soules with the body and bloud of thy deare sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ blessed for euer Amen ¶ An other O Lorde Iesu Christe oure redeme● honour and prayse be all waye geuen vnto the for feady●g our soules w t this spiritual and heauenly foode And we besech the for thy tender mertye that as thou hast geuē it vs for a sacramente of continuall thankfulnesse of daylye remembraūce and of charitable vnyte Euēso most merciful sauiour lend vs al way thy grace to be thankful vnto the for it and not onely by it to be continually myndeful of our redēption purchaced thorow thy death bludsheding but also in cōsideraciō therof to increace in loue towarde the and al mankynd for thy sake An other O Lorde God allmyghtye we thanke the wyth all oure hertes that thou hast fed our soules wyth the bodye and bloude of thy moste deare sonne And we
A FAYTHFVLL and moost Godlye treatyse concernyng the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our sauioure Chryst cōpiled by Ihon Caluyne a man of no lesse lernyng and lytterature then Godly studye and example of liuyng And translated into Latin by Lacius a man of lyke excellencie And nowe last of all translated into Englyshe by a faythfull brother no lesse desirous to profyt the weake brotheres then to exercise the talent of the Lorde to his honoure and glorye In declaration whereof he hath set before this lytle booke an Epistle to the reader much more effectuous then in the fyrst edicion ☞ Whereunto the order that the Churche and congregation of Christ in Denmarke doth vse at the receyuyng of Baptisme the Supper of y e Lorde and Wedlocke is added Myles Couerdale Luke .xix. Chapter ¶ Be doyng tyll I come ¶ To all them that professe the christian name the translatour wysheth mercy from God the father through our onelye aduocate mediatour Iesu Christe whose spirite the gyuer of all godnesse leade you in to all gostlye knowledge Amen * AS the authoure of thys lytle boke moued wyth the desyre to profyte as wel the rude and vnlearned as the lettered and professers of knowlege wrote it in his vulgare tongue euen so I moste dearelye beloued bretherne moued also wyth the desyre to brofyte my naturall countremen so much as shal lye in my litle power haue thought it my bounden deuty to employe my diligence to the translatyng therof And bycause it hath pleased the lorde to giue me more knowledge in the latyne tongue then in the frence wherin thys boke was fyrste wrytten I haue translated it after the Latine copy putting the faythful reader out of doubt that I haue not in any poynte gone from the true meanynge of the authoure but haue thorowly obserued the phrases of both tongues auoydynge in all that I myght the darke maner of translatynge after the latine phrases to the intente the Englyshe reader myghte haue the full vnderstandynge hereof wythout anye knowledge of the latyne tongue And that the Godly myndes of the studiouse readers may be the more steated to reade the matter wyth indifferent iudgement I shal without dissimulacion assure them that herein is no matter of contencion at all But cheritably wythout any worde of reproche as well the ryght vse of the Sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ as the abuses and errours concernynge the same are sette forth so playnelye that no man vnlesse he wyl wyllingly shutte vp the eyes of his cōscience agaynst the manifest trouth can reade the boke thorowlye but he shall easelye perceyue what greate abuses haue these syxe hundreth yeares ben and are at thys presente daye mayntened and defended as concernynge the ministracion therof Fyrste for that the popyshe churche haue and do abuse it in offeryng it vp as an healthfull sacrifyce for the redemption of the soules of the congregatiō for in theyr Cannon why the they cal the secretes of the masse are these wordes Pro redemptione animarum ecclecietue That is to saye for the redemption of the soules of thy churche where they holde opinion and teach that by offerynge vp thys sacrifice as they cal it they applye to or make partakers of the passion of Christe all them that here or hyre suche masses as they haue inuented dashed full of whysperynges douckynges and crossynges besydes the demure countenaūce in theyr tourne and halfe tourne I wyl speake no more as concerninge theyr fonde inuencions aboute the ministration of this most sacred Sacrament Lest I should therby be an offence or stomblynge stocke to the weake brothers whose consciences are not yet fullye satisfyed as concernynge the true beleue of thys holy mistery I meane leste I shoulde gyue thē occasion to do as certeyne fonde talkers haue of late dayes done and at thys presente daye do inuent and applye to thys mooste holy Sacramente names of dispitie and reproche as to cal it Iake in the boxe rounde Roben and suche other not onely fonde but also blas phemouse names not onely voyed of al edificaciō whiche ought to be the ende of al our doinges and sayinges but very sclaūderouse also For thoughe the thynge beynge so tourned frome the ryght vse as it is be abhominable so that it is l●afull for vs to speake vnreuerentlye of it in the abuse yet is it not mete for them that professe charitie nothinge to refrayne for conscience sake The cōscience I say of the weake brothers not yet stronge in the trueth and so muche the more for that many Godly mynded persones whiche by the persuasions of certeyne discrete and modeste brothers haue ben made of Romyshe Idolaters and diligent studentes of duncicall dregges disciples of greate hope in the sincere and trewe euangelyke doctrine haue by the hearynge of these names of reproch and dispitte taken occasion to thynke that the knowledge which those men dyd professe whiche woulde be so outragiouse as to mocke and iest at the remembraunce of our redempcion coulde not procede of the spirite of God And haue throughe thys persuasion retourned to theyr olde leuen agayne thynkyng them to be the trew teachers of gods doctrine whiche offende in the contrarye makinge it so diuine a thynge that it shoulde be of no lesse importaūce then the whole Trinitie the father the sōne and holy gost for so they affirme sayinge that for as muche as it is the bodye of Christe and that Christ is in al places at ones with his father and his father wyth hym and the holy goste it muste neades folowe that in it is the whole trinitie the father the sonne and the holy goste For these are not nor can not be seperated I wyll saye for these men that they haue the zeale of god but it is not accordinge to knowledge For as the Iewes were from tyme to tyme taught and beleued that God dwelled in the temple that Solomon buylded coulde not abyde to heare that God shoulde not dwell in a temple made wyth mannes hande nothynge consyderyng that he is immensus and can not be conteyned for heauen is his seate and the earth his fote stole euen so these men through a fonde persuasion of the essenciall presence of Christe in the Sacramente can not abyde to heare that the whole trinitie shoulde not be really conteyned vnder a piece of breade yea vnder euery litle crombe therof I speke not thys as one puttinge no difference betwene that sacramentall breade and oure comon breade but that I maye therby declare and open the great blyndnesse of them that knowyng and confessyng the immensurable nature of God would haue hym reallye and naturallye conteyned in so small a thynge Heauen is my feate sayth he and the earth is my fote stole and yet wyll they trusse hym so shorte that they wyll brynge hym into alytle pire wherin a man can not tourne his fyste He fylleth all places and is conteyned in no place