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A16881 The second part of the true watch containing the perfect rule and summe of prayer: so plainlie set downe, that the weakest Christian, taking but the leas paines, may in a very short space, learne to pray of himselfe, with much assurance and comfort: both to get strength to obserue the Lords watch; and to helpe to turne away, or at least finde comfort in the euils that are to come.; True watch. Part 2 Brinsley, John, fl. 1581-1624. 1607 (1607) STC 3776; ESTC S119301 63,782 231

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people they could not serue the Lord so euery one cannot pray and these euidently grounded out of the Lords Prayer 1 WE must bee the children of GOD borne anew by his Word and Spirit hauing some assurance of his fauour and a desire to grow therein carrying alwaies childlike affections to his Maiestie for we must come to him as to our deare Father and be able by the Spirit of adoption to call him Abba oh Father 2 Wee must euer come vnto our Father only through his beloued Sonne by whom we are reconciled made his children and kept in his fauour and withall in a true sense of our vnworthines to bee called his children or make any request vnto him and so we must make our petitions only in the name of this our Lord and Sauiour in whom alone our Father is well pleased begging in faith that is in full assurance to be heard for Christs merit in whatsoeuer wee request of our tender Father 3 We must come in all humilitie before his heauenly Maiestie remembring we are but dust and ashes yet full of heauenly affections able to lift vp our harts vnto him and to bee onely conuersant with him in the heauens for the time of prayer principally hauing all our thoughts separated from the earth and all earthly cogitations because we speak to our Father which is in heauen 4 We must be brethren of brotherly and tender hearts towards all the children of our heauenly father that is all those who soundly professe the Gospell of Christ in word and conuersation because our heauenly Father will haue vs hereby both to declare and increase our loue praying all one for another and in the name of all as deare brethren and feeling members crying earnestly for all Our Father 5 We must be such as are zealous for the glory of our heauenly Father desirous both to behold his glory shining brightly in all his workes and chiefely in his heauenly word and labouring to draw all others to a like reuerend admiration thereof making this the end of all our indeuours that our heauenly Father may bee honoured and casting all our thoughts which way we may gaine him any glorie more afraid of dishonoring him any way or offending him but euen in our thoughts then any euill that can befall vs in the world and such as vse to mourne for all the dishonors done vnto God his heauenly Maiestie that we may euer both truly begin and end our prayers with this feruent desire That his great name may be glorified because all kingdome power and glorie are only his for euer 6 Such as first seek his kingdome and the righteousnes of it that is the inlargemēt of the Church wherin Christ raignes and is magnified and so the spreading of his true religion and of all the meanes belonging to the conuersion and sauing of his elect with the vtter ouerthrow of all false religion and vngodlines whereby Satan and Antichrist do raigne vsing all diligence for sauing ourselues and others that being heere partakers of his kingdome of grace wee may euer after raigne with him in glorie and also such as long and waite for the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Otherwise how can wee pray in truth Let thy kingdome come 7 We must bee of an holy conuersation as the loyal subiects of this heauenly kingdome striuing to know the will of our heauēly Father in al things which concerne vs and such as make conscience of euery tittle of his word as Noah and Moses who in all things as the Lord bad them so did they able to say as Dauid I am heere Lord to do thy will I am desirous to do it as cheerefully as the Angels in heauen readie with Abraham to leaue all at the Lords commandement and offer vp whatsoeuer is dearest vnto vs in the world and to receiue any triall with patience and thankfulnes and with Paul not onely ready to bee bound but to die at Ierusalem for the name of Iesus Or else we can neuer pray in sinceritie Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen 8 Such also as labor to depend whollie vpon the Lords fatherly prouidence and watchfull protection for this life and all the comforts of it in a feeling of our owne naturall frailtie that if hee but take away our breath wee are gone and cannot of our selues continue one minute and withall that wee are neither worthie of nor able of our selues to get the least crumme of bread much lesse to cause it to do vs any good and therfore such as vse to beg it euery day from our heauenly Father and that as well for the poore as for our selues being liuely touched with their miseries desirous to imploy that which he bestowes vpon vs to his glory and the good of his children labouring as Iacob and Paul if we haue but bread to be therewith content such as neither trust in the abundance of meanes nor faint in the want of them but onely vse all meanes appointed to serue his diuine and fatherly prouidence casting all the care for the successe vpon him alone being assured that he cannot faile vs nor forsake vs of that that shall be best for vs so far as may stand with his owne glorie and the good of vs his people at least so long as we endeuour to honor him walking as his obedient children without this we can neuer pray aright Giue vs this day our daily bread 9 We must bee such as vse to trauell vnder the burden of all our sins especially presumptuous and scandalous in the sense both of the multitude haynousnes of them also our misery by them vntill we be throughly washed from thē in the blood of Iesus Christ as hauing no other meanes of deliuery or satisfaction feeling with Paul the corruption of our nature and our daily infirmities to be as a death vnto vs and hereupon vsing to crie instantly in the eares of the Lord Forgiue vs our trespasses neuer giuing him ouer vntil we obtaine this assurance 10 We must be voide of malice and such as vse to pray for our very enemies and are readie to doe them any kindnes wherby to gaine them to Christ or leaue them more without excuse because then wee haue this assurance to bee forgiuen and not else neither can we say in truth Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs but pray for a curse vpon our selues 11 Hauing a continuall sense of the danger we stand in of falling into some sinne euery houre to the dishonor of our heauenly Father and prouoking his displeasure with innumerable euils following thereupon through the deadly malice and subtiltie of Satan who hath the aduantage of our corrupt nature and all things in the world to beguile vs fearing alwaies lest for our sinnes the Lord should leaue vs in his hand and thereupon such as
our selues but to all the world that wee are thine own children indeed giue vs hearts to loue all thy children being our brethren and sisters aboue all other for thy sake alone and euery one so much the more as they more liuely carry thy image in all holines excelling in vertue and so are more deare vnto thy heauenly Maiestie that we may euery day in all our prayers remember them as our selues begging alike for them all saying Our Father And that wee may delight in their companies onely as those with whom we shall cōuerse together for euer in the heauens Knit all our hearts in this firme bond of brotherly loue that we may tenderly exhort releeue helpe comfort support the weakenesses one of another seeking by all meanes the edifying of others afraid of giuing the least offence to grieue and much more to hinder the saluation or turne any one out of the way of life Let this happie brotherhood and holy agreemēt in all the substance of thy truth which is able vndoubtedlie to saue our soules together with our ioynt profession to walke hand in hand in all the narrow way of life haue more power firmely to vnite vs then all the trash pompe or pleasure of the world with all the cunning of Satan or Antichrist can haue to diuide vs. Are wee not all that so walke thine owne children hauing thy Son our Sauiour thy Spirit our cōforter and earnest for our ioint inheritance and glorie notwithstanding all our infirmitie and imperfections with some lesse diuersities in iudgement which must accompanie vs vntill we bee perfect in the heauens Confound therefore all the deuices of thine enemies that worke this euill among thine owne children to so great dishonor to thy heauenly Maiestie whereby our enemies insult ouer vs who haue conspired thus to worke our shame and to prouoke thee against vs to leaue vs into their hāds to our vtter ruin if it were possible Deare Father let vs neuer thinke our state to be good vntill vve carrie these hartie affections to al thy children studying to knit this bond of loue being able truly thus to pray Our father For hereby we know that wee are translated from death vnto life because we loue the brethren and vntill this time we abide still in death Which art in heauē And whereas thou our Father art highly exalted in the heauen of heauens and there also hast prouided thrones for vs thy childrē after wee haue suffered a little humble vs euermore in the sense of thy greatnesse together with our owne basenes and vnworthinesse beeing but poore wormes crawling vpon the earth loaden with innumerable sinnes And yet withall lift vp our hearts alwaies vnto the heauens there to be conuersant with thee our heauēly Father minding heauenly things especially in all our prayers longing there to behold thee face to face and that in the meane time while wee abide heere below we may be of such heauenly conuersatiōs so vsing y e world as if wee vsed it not that the world may see that wee are not of it but pilgrims and strangers here and thy heauenly childrē and that our selues also may hereby grow vp to a strong assurance that heauen is ours all the ioyes thereof reserued for vs by our Lord Sauiour and all the creatures in heauen and earth at a league with vs to do vs good so far as shall stand with thine honor and our saluation euer readie to helpe in time of need Hallowed be thy name And seeing thou oh tender Father hast vouchsafed vs this honour aboue the greatest part of the word to bee thine owne children and heires of thy glorious kingdom wheras thou mightest iustlie haue left vs in our sinnes with all the wicked to euerlasting shame and perditiō Giue vs grace good Father to testifie our loue and thankfulnesse all the dayes of our life in studying in and aboue al things which way to honor thee Open our blinde eyes to this end to behold the glory of thy wisedome power goodnes and righteousnes shining in al thy workes euen in the basest creature in heauē or earth and much more in thy heauenly word chiefely in all thy terrible iudgements executed vpon the enemies of thy Church therin reueiled with mercies towards thy children and which thou still shewest euery day especiallie towards our selues Make vs ab●e to take euery occasion to consider of aright and set foorth the praises belonging to thee therein and haue a holie vse of them both in word deed y t by vs thy great name may be knowne magnified in al the world Aboue all set euer before our faces good Lord that wonderfull glory wherein thou hast been magnified in these our daies and before our daies in the euident declaration both of thy displeasure against vs of this sinfull nation and withall of thy mercy and tender care for vs and wrath against our enemies how for dishonoring thee by abusing thy Gospell which thou hast giuen vs with such peace and prosperitie as neuer nation knowne before thou hast not only corrected our grieuous transgressions and securitie as a tender Father with thy milder rods of dearth pestilence sundrie the like to bring vs to amendmēt and cause vs with more cheerefulnes to embrace thy Gospell and bring foorth the fruits of it but also raised vp against vs sundrie times most cruell enemies threatning not only the taking away thy Gospell but our vtter destruction also brought the enemies to the verie execution thereof because we would not serue thee with good hearts according to all thy mercies bestowed vpon vs and yet euer when we haue cried vnto thee thou hast heard vs as thou diddest thy people Israel and as thou diddest heare Iehosaphat against the Moabits and Ezechiah and Esay against the proud Assyrian and plucking them back in the instant hast taken vengeance for vs that we haue oft thought that they durst neuer haue risen against vs any more so as if the most barbarous nations of the earth had receiued but the least of our deliuerances with our meanes they vndoubtedly had repented long ago in sack-cloath and ashes as we for the present haue promised vnto thee Oh gratious Father inable vs alwaies to remember and acknowledge this and to see moreouer that thine anger is not yet turned away but more fearefully kindled against vs for that as our sins and prouocations are multiplied so these our bloody enemies insteede of decreasing or ioyning themselues vnto vs do still increase daily and their malice is become much more deadly against vs thy poore children without hope of leauing off vntill they haue wrought either ours or at least their own vtter ruine which in time they must needs effect Good Father cause this principal token of
the tokens of his wrath and despise him to the face scorning and hating nothing so much as a holy care to serue him according to his wil. Or what followes amongst men euē the most equal merciful after the third admonitiō at most but the due execution final expulsiō And whether we haue not iust cause to feare and seeke to pacifie his wrath Or whether hee may not most righteouslie cause his owne children to crie in feeling the miseries which haue not cried out in seeing the abominatiōs seeking to pacifie him and also whether hee may not iustly pluck the world frō vs which hath so bewitched plucked vs frō him And to conclude whether it be not much better that we each awake and meet him in time with intreaty of peace because he is so merciful thē to be awaked of him and crie day and night as his people in the Captiuitie when it is too late and he will shew no mercy vntill his work be accōplished vpō vs. Thus hauing presumed this second time to testifie my heart to al and my earnest desire of a heauēly vnion and all happines to Gods Church this our nation I take my leaue with my instant praiers that al Gods seruants may haue their eies open to see the necessitie of this work aboue al other their harts prepared to set thēselues forthwith hereunto which hath made me the longer in perswading vnto it The whole successe I leaue to his heauenly Maiestie whose this work is who hath long called vs al vnto the practise of it looking wondring that so few haue come to help and whose only arme hath helped vs hitherto wil for euer if we but only cry to him THREE PRINCIPALL points to be first learned and felt of euery poore Christian that intends to helpe in this worke of prayer the summe where of being in our hearts will bee as a continuall spurre and preparatiue to prayer and as the life and soule thereof 1. The necessitie of prayer 2. The speciall properties of them that can pray 3. The power of prayer rightly performed The necessitie of prayer 1 WE can neuer come to any assurance that we are in the fauour of God or his children before wee make conscience to practise this dutie daily for the spirit of prayer which makes vs to pray with sighes grones is the earnest and seale of our adoption and is giuen vnto vs so soone as euer Christ is made ours by faith and therefore in the meane time we stand in state of damnation and are theeues and vsurpers of that which we haue 2 We can haue no comfort that the things which we enioy shal be to our saluation but to increase and seale vp our condemnation seeing they are only sanctified by the word and prayer and for that we receiue them without giuing the Lord his due glory 3 We cannot looke to obtaine any one thing as a blessing of al those things which our Sauiour hath taught vs to pray for nor to turne away any one euil but by prayer for God hath ordained this to be the onely hand hereunto saying Aske and ye shall haue 4 Seeing euery worldling can speake to his friend for worldly things and euery child can and vseth to run to his louing father making his mone requests for whatsoeuer he would haue how can we imagin that God is our heauenly and tēder Father or we any thing but merely earth-wormes and worldlings vntill wee vse to run vnto him daily to beg of him heauenly things which wee continually and principally stand in need of 5 If we will be saued we must pray seeing our Lord and Sauiour who will saue only those that obey him and destroy all the rest hath so oft charged vs to pray and to pray continually as the importunate widow teaching vs also so plainly how to pray leading vs by the hand if we will be guided by him and made vs such gracious promises if we wil pray and contrarily describing the accursed Atheists to be such as call not vpon his name 6 Lastly the Lord our merciful God at this time especially cals vs all that are in any fauour with his Maiestie to steppe vp into the breach to stay his hand for being auenged for the generall ouerflow of iniquitie in all estates concerning which all naturall men could say long agoe that God must needes bring some terrible plague vpon our nation without speedie repentance which indeed hee had done sundrie times since but thrice aboue all other neuer to be forgotten had not his hand been wonderfully stayed and we notwithstanding since insteed of repenting haue growne much worse in euery kind of iniquitie being now become not only secure but also hardned in all our euill courses to make but a sport of sin and a scorne of al those who make any conscience to walk in the waies of the Lord so that hereby our sin must needs be increased to the vttermost and much more considering the Lords most miraculous deliuerances of vs his continuall threatnings and admonitions by his seruants proclayming his wrath warnings from heauen and earth a continued pestilence for so many yeeres together visiting euery corner of our Land the raging of the winds and waters to such a terror and desolation the sword set to our very hearts the graue prepared for vs by our enemies yet wee deliuered and sundrie of them throwne in as our ransome Now after al this and that in the cleare light of the Gospell with innumerable mercies besides sundry promises of our amendment wee waxing still worse and worse and now without all hope of recouerie how can it be but the Lord must needes waxe wearie with forbearing or what comfort can bee left vs but onely the instant prayers of Gods faithfull seruants either to stay his hand still or to secure vs to bee hid in the euill day If all this cannot awake vs yet this one thing well considered will vndoubtedly rouse vs as the certainest euidence of vengeance approching that those enemies by whō he hath so oft threatned vs to auenge his quarrell and whom we al know by long experience to thirst most greedily after our blood are againe increased in number pride and malice after the time that we had thought them quashed for euer rising or once daring to shew their faces againe that knowing their holie father the bloodie positions Machiauellian plots and practises of their cursed religion in all countries we must needes see our selues in imminent danger of vtter destruction euerie houre more then that mightie arme shal still protect vs which wee see to bee iustly stretched out against vs for our sinnes and the power of praier which hitherto hath staied it to be fearfully abated THE SPECIALL PROperties of them that can pray for as Iosuah told the
credit riches pleasures thereof which they euer hold forth vnto vs if wee will follow their counsel and otherwise threaten not only the losse of all these but also of all comforts with hatred disgrace and many other euils which wee must suffer frō malicious mē if we wil make such a strict conscience of all our waies to the verie least duty that thou hast cōmanded And whereas wee are ordinarilie secure in ouerweening of our own strength Shew vs oh Lord the vilenesse of our corrupt natures which are euer readie to conspire with Satan to our vtter perdition to swallow euery baite which he layeth for vs without anie feare of danger so that wee haue no strēgth more then thou reachest forth thine hand to helpe vs. Reueale vnto vs also the danger wee stand in frō thy glorious Maiesty lest y u shouldest leaue vs vp vnto the power of the tempter and our owne corruption to awake vs from our security for our neglect of thy watch carelesse vsing the meanes of grace or at least for tēpting thee in not auoiding each occasion of temptatiō And seing the tempter in all his temptations hideth the danger vglines of sin shewing only the faire side of it that is the go●d that wee shall get thereby and chuseth the subtillest and fittest instrumēts to serue his purpose as the counsel or example of men of chiefest reputatiō somtimes chāging himselfe into an Angel of light neuer comming like himself wherby hee deceiues all the world and oft preuailes with vs thine owne children at least to presume to sinne because thou art so mercifull Good Father set before vs a cōtinual view hereof and of the sundry euils which by euery sin wee ha●e vpō our heads especially the woūd of conscience which wil certainely come on vs vnlesse it be preuented which none can beare Make vs to know that howsoeuer reprobats may wallow in their filth and scape vnpunished here being reserued for hell and fatted for destruction yet thou wilt not suffer any of vs thy childrē who haue begunne to make a profession of thee according to thy word to commit the very least sin but wilt make vs feele the smart of it vnlesse wee preuēt thee speedily by repentance because thou wilt not bee dishonored by vs nor haue vs condemned with the world that the wicked may see thy hatred against sin and what plagues remaine for thēselues for euermore Yea oh holie Father let vs feare alwaies lest thou shouldest leaue vs neuer so little suspect all our waies in as much as Satan more maliceth vs thē any other of the world and therefore seeks hourely to prouoke thee to leaue vs in his hand and for that our sins will cause moto blaspheme hardening thē to perdition than the sins of any other wherupon verie few of thy worthiest seruants haue escaped to the end without some grieuous wounds the scarres wherof they haue carried to their graues to the blemishing their professiō the griefe of thēselues and all the godlie And therfore as thou hast giuen vs this only remedie to watch and pray that wee enter not into temptation so make vs able to keepe this thy watch and by it to bee better acquainted with our selues our particular infirmities that wee may alwaies weare the compleat armour chieflie the shield of faith thy Word euer in readinesse against each temptation which w●l put Satā to flight that being strēgthned by thy Spirit we may stand fast in the euill day get the cōquest without anie grieuous wounds to thy greater glorie our owne greater honor in the heauens Wee do not pray against temptations altogether knowing the profit that wee reape thereby but that wee may indure fighting valiantly and conquering vntill thou set the crowne vpon our heads For thine is the c. We haue been bold to beg all these things of thee oh holy Father because all kingdome power glorie are onelie thine acknowledging that we haue receiued all from thy heauenly bounty and being assured th thou wilt grāt vs all these things for thy Sonnes sake and whatsoeuer else is good for vs so far as shall bee for thine owne glorie seeing thou art absolute Lord King in heauē and in earth and doest dispose guide and ouerrule all things as shal make most for thine owne glorie and the greatest good of vs thine obedient subiects and children That we may set foorth the glorie of thy dominiō and happinesse of thy Kingdom liuing as thy loyal subiects to which wee hereby binde our selues for euer and so returne all possible thāks and praise to thy heauenly Maiestie saying euer Amē Be it so oh Lord holy true as wee fully beleeue it shall bee Euen so Amen Come Lord Iesus come quicklie OVr Father which art in heauen Oh Lord most holy and most glorious whose brightnes the Angels are not able to behold so terrible to all the vngodly as they shall wish the mountaines to couer them that they may neuer appeare in thy presence and yet a most gratious and tender Father to all thy children that desire to obey all thy Cōmandements we that are but dust and ashes and by nature through the fal of our first parents children of wrath in state of damnatiō bond-slaues of Satan and most rebellious of all thy creatures dare not presume of our selues once to lift vp our eies to heauen yet neuertheles seeing it hath pleased thee of thy free mercie to adopt vs to be thy childrē by grace through thy Son Iesus Christ and hast chosen vs hereunto bought vs with his precious blood called vs by thy Gospel sealed vs with thy Spirit and giuen him to bee our perpetuall mediator at thy right hand bidden vs to come to thee as to our tēder father and call thee father through him oh deare Father wee present our selues before thy diuine Maiestie onely in his name magnifying thy mercie that thou hast vouchsafed vs this blessed estate to be thy children and to haue thy fauor being the greatest happines that euer can befal mortal creatures Giue vs hearts most gratious Father to seek daily to increase this assurance by growing in repentance for all our sins and faith in thy sweet promises frame vs euery day more more to the image of thy Sonne in all knowledge of thy heauēly Maiesty being affectioned to reuerence loue and obey thee as our most deare Father wholly chāged in all the parts qualities both of our soules and bodies that we may be no longer strangers frō thee as all the wicked are who bidde thee to depart from them but may take our chiefest delight to be euer in thy presence to heare thee to speak to vs in thy heauēly word to vtter all our wants and our whole heart to thee in our praiers crying Oh Father Our And that it may be more euident not only to
are hainous or to the offēce of others because thou wilt neither be dishonored by vs nor let vs be condemned with the world but wilt surely correct vs to let all the wicked see with what a perfect hatred thou hatest all sinne when thou doest punish it so seuerely in thine owne children and what plagues remaine for them eternally Yea oh gratious Father make vs to feare alway lest thou shouldest leaue vs neuer so little and to suspect al our waies in as much as Satan carries a more deadly hatred against vs who are escaped from his tyrannie then against any other people of the world and therfore seekes euery houre to prouoke thee against vs to leaue vs in his hand and also because he knowes that our sinnes will more cause thy glorious name to bee blasphemed and harden moe to vtter perdition than the sins of any other wherupon very few of thy worthiest seruants through his continuall dogging them haue escaped to the end of their liues without some grieuous foiles and wounds the scarres wherof they haue carried with them to their graues to the blemishing their profession wounding their consciences with the griefe and shame of the godly and insulting of the wicked And therefore as thou hast taught vs this as the remedie against euery assault of the enemie to watch and pray that we enter not into temptation so make vs alwaies able to obserue this thy watch which thou hast set before vs and to learne to bee better acquainted with our owne selues and our estates knowing our particular infirmities and wherein we are weak that we may put on daily the compleate armour chiefelie the shield of faith and brestplate of righteousnes to saue vs from his fierie darts and withall to haue thy holy Word euer in readinesse against euery temptation which is the sword of thy Spirit able vtterly to vanquish him and put him to flight that being strēgthened by thy holy Spirit obtained by cōtinuing in instant prayer wee may bee able to stand fast in the euill day and so finish our course vntill we haue gotten the finall conquest without any grieuous wounds or foile to thine euerlasting glorie our own greater triumph and honor in the heauens We do not pray that wee should not bee tempted at all for thou hast taught vs to account it exceeding ioy when we fall into diuers temptations knowing the good that comes thereby but that we may indure temptation fighting valiantly and ouercomming that when we are tried we may haue the crowne of glorie set vpon our heads For thine is the kingdom power and glorie for euer and euer Amen We haue been bold oh gratious Father to beg all these things from they heauenly Maiestie because all kingdome power and glorie belong onely to thee acknowledging that whatsoeuer good things wee enioy wee haue receiued them all from thy rich and fatherly bountie and being certainely assured that as thou hast bidden vs to pray thus so thou wilt graunt vs all these things which wee haue begged in thy Sonnes name and whatsoeuer else is good for vs euen aboue all that wee are able to aske so farre as shall be for thine owne glorie seeing thou art absolute Lord and King in heauen and in earth and doest by thy mightie power and wisedome dispose and guide all things ouerruling the verie counsels and rage of all wicked men and diuels as shall make most for thine owne glorie and the greatest good of vs thine owne obedient subiects and children and hast assured vs that asking thus in faith wee shall receiue That wee may set foorth by good experience the glorie of thy dominion and power with the happinesse of thy Kingdome to all succeeding ages to which wee doe hereby binde our selues all the dayes of our life and to liue as the loyall subiects of this thy Kingdome to thine euerlasting glorie and so returne all possible thankes praise and dominion to thy heauenlie Maiestie saying euer Amen Bee it so oh LORD holie and true as wee doe fullie beleeue that it shall bee Euen so Amen Amen Come Lord Iesus Come quicklie FINIS Mark 13. 33. and 14. 38. Luk. 21. 36. Mat. 7. 7. 8 and 21. 22. Psal. 135. 18. Iames 4. 8. Esay 65. 24 Gen. 32. 28. and 1. 2. Hebr. 1. 14. Iames 47. Ephes. 6. 18. Iob 22. 27. 28. 29. Rom. 8. 15. 16. Luke 18. 1. Esay 65. 13. 14. Harken you that pray not at all You that pray man vnknowne tongue You that desire to pray You that faint in your troubles Iob 22. 21. 26. 28. 29. Rom. 13. 2. You that are afraid to vse the Lords praier You that are fallen asleepe * I desire to awake you by oft beating vpon this point Ier. 7. 9. 10. Ezec. 18. 11. Prou. 28. 9. Prou. 1. 24. 25. 26. You that still continue with our Sauiour Deut. 20. 1. 2. 3 2. Chr. 25 2. Three things wished at the hands of all fearing God Each to know and amend our speciall faults Esay 5. 8. 9. Psal. 12. 5. Exod. 22. 22. 23. Deut. 9. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ezek. 14. 14. To learne of our Sauiour to pray My hope of the simplest Learne but the chiefe heads of the margents and trie making them your morning meditation To pray according to the two first petitions chiefelie The fruit hereof A further pressing the exhortation to prayer To them that liue in pleasures Dan. 4. 24. Esay 1. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Ierem. 22. 18. 19. To the worldling To all that cānot pray of themselues nor regard to learne To all that acknowledge the truth and necessitie hereof Ephes. 6. 13. 14. 18. To them that are not perswaded of such present necessitie of praier but thinke me ouer fearefull Esay 6. 3. 5. Ezek. 22. 30 Iudg. 5. 23. Without this cōstāt practise we can neither be assured that we are Gods children nor that wee haue right to any creature Rom. 8. 15. 16. Gal. 4. 6. But haue all things work to our damnation 1. Tim. 4. 5. Prou. 16. 4. We cannot looke to obtaine any thing as a blessing nor turne away any euill Mat. 7. 7. Iam. 4. 2. 3. Nor be any thing but meere worldlings feeling no want nor able to speake of any thing else Rom. 8. 5. Otherwise we cannot be saued Luke 18. 1. Matth. 6. 9. Psal. 14. 4. Ier. 10. 25. The Lord cals vs al to step into the breach with Moses Ezec. 22. 30 * At the intended inuasion The death of Q. Elizabeth The gunpowder plot Reade with reuerence the Prophet Ieremie with the rest who liued hard before the captiuitie euen in Iosiahs daies and compare times with times and it will make vs crie instātly to God day and night Ios. 24. 19. Prou. 28. 9. Wee must be children of childlike affections towards our heauēly Father and
are carefull to keepe our rankes and the watch of the Lord. That wee may continually pray in feeling Leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill 12 Carrying alwaies a reuerent and thankfull acknowledgement of his absolute kingdome power and soueraigntie ouer all creatures that hee ouerrules both the rage of men and diuels and all other things in heauen and earth disposing all to his owne glorie and the saluation of his obedient subiects and children that we may be euer able to sound forth with thankfulnes For thine is the kingdome power and glory for euer and euer 13 Lastly wee must bee such true beleeuers as being assured that hee will graunt all that we beg as shall bee most for his own glory and the greatest good of his elect do rest our selues wholly vpon his fatherly loue being able in thankfulnesse euer to say Amen Lord let it be so as we doe assure our hearts it shal bee THE POWER OF true Prayer 1 WHen we are such sound Christians and vse to pray in this manner wee shall haue a certaine assurance that we are Gods children and in his fauour and such as shall be saued vndoubtedly for this is the Lords seale and the earnest of our inheritance 2 We shall haue a comfortable and sanctified vse of all things wee enioy 1. Tim. 4. 5. 3 We shall bee sure to obtaine whatsoeuer he hath taught vs to pray for so far as shal be for his owne glory and our good for the very forme of prayer containes a most gratious promise that so asking we shall obtaine otherwise our Sauiour would neuer haue taught vs to pray so assuring vs that if wee aske in faith we shall haue and that according to our faith it shall bee done vnto vs. 4 The seruent prayers of a few of vs being such as are described shall doe more for turning away any iudgement from the Church discouering and ouerthrowing the deepest plots of Gods enemies or for procuring any blessing to our Land then many of our valiantest souldiers and wisest polititians or then many thousands of our enemies hundred thousands of the wicked ioyning with them to prouoke the Lord by their sins can doe to bring a iudgement vpon vs. For wee know how many times that one Moses staied the Lords hand that he could not destroy his people and also that Eliah was the Chariots and horsemen of Israel yet were they men subiect to like passions that we are for our God is still the same of infinite compassion and therefore looke what Gods seruants haue been formerly able to doe by their praiers the same shall wee doe still so farre as shall be necessarie if we striue to walke in their steps So that we haue no cause to feare sith one of them alone could so farre preuaile with the Lord but that many of vs ioyning as an a mie to compasse the Lord about with our prayers and teares may much more ouercome his heauenly Maiestie if our hearts and hands be steadie with Moses especially he hauing shewed such tokens of his compassion and loue towards his chosen flocke amongst vs as neuer in any age more and now calling vs also to stand vp in the breach hauing assured vs that the innocent shall deliuer the Iland Therefore all of vs that feare the Lord must cheerfully each incourage one another to this dutie confirming the wea●●e hands and wearie knees being certainly assured of this at least that though the Lords decree should bee gone forth against vs for all our exceeding prouocations and that hee would not spare the whole at our prayers whereof notwithstanding we may haue gratious hope to the contrarie if we can but find our harts feruently set to this dutie of prayer yet we shall saue our owne soules and the Lord will bee vnto vs as a sanctuarie whereas otherwise if such a iudgement come vpon vs as hath been so oft almost fully executed which the Lord in mercie still saue vs from we are all accessary to it who haue not sought in time to turne it away and accursed with Meroz because we came not to helpe the Lord against the mightie and so shall find nothing but feare and an euill conscience to chase vs whereas on the contrarie wee shall be strong and couragious as Lions whatsoeuer come to passe knowing that euen in the midst of the fire there he will bee with vs that the flame shall not so much as kindle on vs more then he wil dispose to his own exceeding glorie and our endlesse comfort and also in the flouds that they do not ouerwhelme vs. A MOST HEAVENlie and sure rule according to the whole Lords Prayer in order whereby wee may grow to strong assurance and much power in Prayer LIue alwaies as an obediēt child in the eye of thy heauenly Father humbled in the reuerence of his most holy and glorious Maiestie and in the sense of thine owne vilenesse and vnworthines to be called his childe longing vntill he take thee vnto himselfe into the heauens studying what way thou mayest honor him most in the meane time and that first by yeelding all obedience to the lawes of his kingdome and gayning moe thereunto attending continually what his diuine will and pleasure is concerning thee chiefely in thy particular calling and the charge committed vnto thee and then thou shalt surely find him God all-sufficient vnto thee more tender ouer thee then euer was father or mother performing vnto thee all his promises according to all thy petitions for this and for the better life and sealing vnto thee a plentifull assurance of the free pardon of all thy sinnes in the blood of his Sonne Iesus Christ and that he will saue thee from the tempter and all euill that they shall not hurt thee That thou shall be able with all ioy and thankfulnes to acknowledge vpon happie experience his absolute kingdome and power and so to giue him continually with all his holy Angels all glory praise and dominion resting thy selfe most fully satisfied in his onely loue and fauour for euer and euer THE SVMME OF all in other words most plainly for the vnderstanding of the simplest OBserue diligently the Watch of the Lord growing daily in the practise of euery Commādement and faith in all his promises and keepe in thy heart a Catalogue or short summe of thine owne chiefe sins wants and infirmities together with the maine sins and wants of the Land and tokens of the Lords wrath due therunto gathered by wise obseruation according to the rule of the Watch and withall set before thee the infinitnesse of the Lords loue and compassion towards his with his speciall fauours towards thy selfe and then pray feruently in faith to thy heauenly Father looking stedfastlie at Iesus Christ thy Sauiour crying onely in zeale for his glorie and kingdome and thou shalt bee able to pierce the heauens
thy displeasure together with all other signes therof shewed from heauen and earth as the arming of the dumbe creatures against vs both winds and waters so strangely and furiously in so many places threatning vtterly to sweepe vs away in our deadly securitie for the great ouerflow of all iniquitie euerie where cause this to work so mightilie that we may all bee presently awaked out of our deepest securitie and seek by al meanes to appease thy wrath Oh Lord diddest thou not before that most secret bloodie and fierie conspiracie warne vs all frō heauen as thou diddest Ierusalem before her last destruction by a fierie tent directly ouer our heads inclosing vs all with pillers of most horrible darknes pillers of fire and pillers of blood foreshewing vs as by that which followed wee may iustlie deeme that bloody darknesse and fiery destruction that was towards vs Did not the hearts of many of vs tremble in the beholding thereof and in fearing some grieuous iudgment that was to come causing vs to flie to thee to seeke to hide our selues vnder thy wings And did wee feare without iust cause Had it not been effected indeed and we all chiefely our dread Soueraigne with all our heads and rulers inclosed in the most darke fiery bloodie tent that euer the world heard of in that most vnnatural and accursed massacre if thou our gracious and most tender Father haddest not heard the prayers of thy poore children which both before and at that very instant were humbled before thee and so thought on vs in mercy And shall we now be senselesse still in these signes tokens still entring in vpon vs as fearefully as euer any of the ten plagues vpon the Egyptians making the whole land to tremble at the very report of them Saue and deliuer vs from that iudgement of all other the heauiest that euer fall vpō the heart of man and whereby not onely the Egytians were prepared for their finall ouerthrow in the sea but also thine owne people Israel both before the great captiuitie and also before the last and vtter desolation of that natiō so oft threatned by our Sauiour that by hearing we should heare not vnderstand and seeing we should see not perceiue but haue our hearts made more fat and senselesse by all the meanes sent to call vs to repentance lest wee should be conuerted and thou shouldest spare vs. Oh open our eies that we may see in what state we stand and how farre this iudgement hath seased vpon vs already Conuert vs we shall be conuerted and neuer let vs as those whom thou hast vtterly destroyed harden our selues against the euident tokens of thy wrath denying or making light of them much lesse to oppose our selues against thee thy word and seruants Preserue vs from the outragious ouerflowings of the multitude which thou mayest iustly arme against vs in their ignorance like the furious waues of the raging seas for lack of our care cōscience to see thē taught to knowe thee and thine ordinances and to feare thy great and mighty name Let not the flouds of iniquity swallow vs vp Aboue all neuer leaue vs in their hands whose very mercies are cruelties that they should blaspheme thy great name to say where is now their God but let vs still fall into thy hands and deale with vs as it pleaseth thee for with thee is mercy and when thou smitest vs yet thou pitiest vs euer in wrath remembring mercie Though our prouocations be more hainous then we are able to expresse yet Lord heare the crie of thy seruants and let them stil preuaile with thee to stay thy hand Hast thou not sayd it and manie a time made it good euen vnto this very day that the innocent should deliuer the Iland doest thou not call for vs thy poore seruants to stand vp with Moses in the breach to stay thy fierce wrath because thou art a God of mercie and wouldest not destroy thy people most declaring the riches of thy grace in pardoning and sauing whole nations at the praiers of a few of thy poore seruants and giuing the wicked for their ransome Therfore oh good Lord we whom thou doest call to be thy remembrancers knowing that thou art still the same good God to thine as thou wast to Moses Abraham and Samuel and being assured that through thy Son we are as deare vnto thee as the apple of thine owne eie that thou canst denie vs nothing which we beg in his name which may make for thine owne glorie and good of thy people do humbly intreate thee to glorifie thy mercy that it may shine to all the world in pardoning the sinne of our Land turning the harts of all sorts speedily vnto thee to meete thee with an intreatie of peace but make all the vnplacable enemies of thy Church to feele thy hand and those chiefly who haue as Balaam and the Midianites caused vs with their wiles to prouoke thee to so fierce a wrath wherein we haue bin so oft and so lately almost vtterly consumed through our backslidings and rebellions against thee Get thy selfe glory vpon them as vpon Pharo in the heart of the sea that when thou hast deliuered vs ouerthrowne them as sundry times thou hast begunne and promised to accomplish we may sing the song of Moses thy seruant and all ages keepe a remembrāce of thine endlesse mercy Let euery one of vs be afraide of defacing or obscuring any part of thy glory and much more of seeking vainly our owne glory especially of robbing thy Maiestie by taking any part of thine honour to our selues as Herod being proud of thy gifts whereunto our sinfull natures are strongly inclined But aboue all keepe vs frō dishonoring thee by our euil example amongst the wicked and vngodly to cause them to blaspheme that glorious truth which we professe Make vs to account it our greatest honour to honor thee and the greatest dishonour and euill that euer can befall vs so much as in shewe to dishonour thee Strengthen vs to walke so vprightly that others seeing our good workes may glorifie thee our heauenly father and that we may stop the mouthes of all the wicked bearing their reproch as a crowne vpon our heads So inflame our harts with a zeale of thy glory that our righteous soules may be vexed from day to day for all the abominations whereby thou art dishonored by Atheists Papists and all sorts of godlesse men And let vs be so farre off from dishonoring thee by being ashamed with Peter of thee and thy religion or any part thereof where we ought to professe it that in all places we may shewe it forth with all wisdome and boldnesse as that which is our chiefest glory gracing it with a holy conuersation that our Lord Sauiour may