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A16081 Here begynneth the pystles and gospels, of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere; Bible. N.T. English. Selections. 1538 (1538) STC 2966.3; ESTC S105508 96,318 158

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¶ Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels of euery Sonday and holy Daye in the yere M. D. xxxviij ¶ Here begynneth the Pystles Gospels of euery Sonday holy daye in the yere ¶ The Pystell on the fyrst Sonday in Aduent The. xiij Chapiter to the Romayns D. BRethren we knowe that it is tyme nowe that we awake out of slepe for nowe is our saluaciō nerer thē we beleued The nyght is passed and the daye is come nye let vs therfore cast awaye the dedes of darknes let vs put on the armour of lyght Let vs walke honestly as it were ī the daye lyght nat ī eatyng drynking neyther ī chābryng wantōnes neyther ī stryfe enuyeng but put ye on our lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The Gospell on the fyrste Sondaye in aduent The. xxi chapiter of mathewe A. WHē Iesus drewe nye vnto Ierusalē came to Betphage vn to the mounte Oliuete thē sēt Iesus two of his disciples sayeng to thē Go into the castell that lyeth ouer agaynst you and anone ye shal fynde an Asse boundē her Colte with her lose thē brynge thē vnto me yf any mā say ought vnto you saye ye that your lorde hathe nede of thē strayght way he wyll let them go All this was done to fulfyl that whiche was spokē by the ꝓphet sayeng Tel ye the doughter of Syon beholde thy kynge cōmeth vnto the meke sytting vpon an Asse a Colte the fole of an Asse vsed to the yoke The disciples wente dyd as Iesꝰ cōmaūded thē brought the Asse the Colte put on thē theyr clothes set hī therō Many of the people spredde theyr garmentes in the waye other cutte downe braunches from the trees and strawed thē in the waye ¶ Morcouer the people that wēte before and they also that folowed after cryed sayenge O sanna the sonne of Dauyd Blessyd be he that commeth in the name of the lorde ¶ The Pystell on the seconde Sondaye ī Aduc̄t The. xv chapiter to the Romaynes A. BRethrē what so euer thynges are wrytten afore tyme are wryttē for our learnynge that we thorowe pacience conforte of the scripture myght haue hope The god of pacience cōsolacyon gyue vnto euery one of you that ye be lyke mynded one towardes another after the ensample of Iesu christe that ye all agreyng togyther may with one mouthe honour god the father of our lord Iesu Christ Uvherfore receyue ye one an other as christe receyued vs to the prayse of god And I say that Iesus Christe was a minister of the Circumcisyon for the truthe of god to confyrme the promyses made vnto the fathers And let the gētyls prayse god for his mercy as it is wryttē for thys cause I wyl prayse the among the gentils syng in thy name And agayn he sayeth ye gentyls reioyse with his people Agayne prayse the lorde all ye gētyls laude hī al nacyons And ī another place Esaias sayeth there shal be the rote of Iesse and he that shall ryse to raygne ouer the gentyls in hym shall the gentyls trust The god of hope fyl you with all ioye and peace in byleuynge that ye may be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy ghoste ¶ The Gospel on the seconde Sonday in Aduent The. xxi chapiter of Luke D. IEsꝰ sayde vnto his disciples there shal be sygnes in the Sōne in the Mone ī the Starres ī the earthe the people shal be in suche perplexite that they shall nat tell whiche way to turne them selues The see the waues shal rore mennes hertes shall fayle thē for feare for lokynge after those thynges which shall come on the erthe for the powers of heuē shall moue and then shall they se the sone of mā come ī a cloud with power great glory whē these thynges begyn to cōe to passe thē loke vp lyft vp your hedes for your re dēpcyon draweth ny And he shewed thē a simylytu de behold the fygge tree al other trees when they shutt forth theyr buddes ye se knowe of youre owne selues that somer is thē nye at hāde So lyke wyse ye whē ye se these thynges cōe to passe vnderstāde that the kyngdome of god is ny Uerely I sayevnto you this genetatiō shall not passe tyl al be fulfylled heuē erthe shall passe but my wordes shal nat passe ¶ The Pystell the. iij. Sondaye ī aduēt The fyrste Pystel the. iiij Chap. to the Corinthyans A. BRethrene let men this wyse esteme vs euen as the ministers of Christe disposers of the secretes of god Further more it is requyred of the disposers that they be founde faythfull with me is it but a verye small thynge that I shulde be iudged of you other of mānes day no I iuge nat myne owne selfe I knowe nought by my selfe yet am I nat therby iustified it is the lorde that iugeth me therfore iudge nothīg before the tyme vntyll the lorde cōe whiche wyl lyghtē thīges that are hyd ī darkenes open the counseyles of the hertes And thā shall euery man haue prayse of God ¶ The Gospel on the iij. Sōday ī aduēt The. xi chap̄ of Mathewe A WHen Iohn̄ beyng in prysō her de the workes of Christ he sēte two of his disciples sayde vn to hī Arte thou he that shal cōe or shal we loke for another Iesꝰ answered sayd vnto thē Go shewe Iohn̄ what ye haue herd sene The blinde se the halte go the lyppers are clēsed the defe heare the deade ar reysed vp agayne the Gospell is preached to the pore happy is he that is nat hurte by me Euē as they de parted Iesꝰ begā to speake vnto the people of Iohn̄ Uvhat went ye for to se in the wyldernes went ye out to se a rede wauering with thewīde other what wente ye out for to se Uvēt ye to se a mā clothed in softe rayment Beholde they that weare softe clothing are ī kynges houses But what wēt ye out for to se Uvent ye out to se a prophete Ye I ●aye vnto you more thē a prophet for this is he of whom it is wryttē Beholde I sēde my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy waye before the. ¶ The Pystel on the. iiij sōday in Aduent the. iiij Chapiter to the Phylyppaynes A. BRethrē reioyce ī the lorde alway agayne I say reioyce let your softnes be knowē vnto all mē The lord is euen at hāde Be nat carefull but ī all thīges shewe your peticyō vnto god ī prayer supply cacyō with gyuīg of thākes And the peace of god which passeth al vnderstanding kepe your hertes mides in Christ Iesu ¶ The Gospell on the. iiij sōdaye ī Aduēte the fyrste Chap. of Iohn̄ C. UUhē the Iewes sēt prestes leuites frō Ierusalē to axe Iohn̄ Uvhat art thou And he ꝯfessed denyed nat and sayd playnly I
hoole ¶ The Pystel on the. xv Sōdaye after trinite sōday The. v. chapiter to the Galathyans D. BRethrene if we lyue ī the spiryte let vs walke in the spiryte let vs nat be vayne gloryous ꝓuokyng one another enuyēge one another Brethene yfany mā be fallen by chaūce in to any faute ye which are spyrytual helpe to amēde hym ī spirite of mekenes cōsyderyng thy selfe lest thou also be tēpted bere ye one anothers burthen so fulfyl the law of Chryste yfany mā seme to hym selue that he is som what when in dede he is nothynge the same deceauethe hym selfe in his ymaginacyon let euery mā proue his owne worke thē shal be haue reioysyng in his owne selfe nat ī another for euery mā shal beare his owne burthin let him that is taughte in the worde mynister vnto hym that teacheth hym in all good thyng● be nat deceaueth god is nat moched for what soeuer man soweth that shall he reepe He that soweth in his flesshe shal of the flesshe reepe corrupcyō but he that soweth ī the spiryte shal of the spiryte reepe lyfe euerlastyng Let vs nat be wery of well doyng for whē the thyme is come we shall reepe without werynes Uvhyle we haue therfore tyme let vs do good vnto all men specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth ¶ The Gospel on the. xv Sonday after Trinyte sonday The. vi chapyter of Mathewe C Iesus sayd vnto his disciples that no mā can serue two maysters for eyther he shal hate the one loue the other or els he shall leue to the one despyce the other ye cā nat serue god māmon Therfore I say vnto you be nat carefull for youre lyfe what ye shal ea te nor what ye shal drynke nor yet for your body what ye shal put on is nat the lyfe more worth thē meate the body more of value then rayment beholde the foules of the ayre for they sowe nat neyther reape nor yet cary in to the barnes yet your heuēly father fedeth thē are ye nat moche better thē they which of you thoughe he toke though therfore coulde put one cubit vnto his stature why care ye thē for raymēte Cōsyder the lylyes of the felde how they grow They labour nat neyther spynne yet for al that I say vnto you that euē Salomō in al his royalte was nat araed lyke vnto one of these wherfore yf god so clothed the grasse which is to day ī felde to morowe shal be caste in to the furnesse shall he nat moche more do the same vnto you O ye of lytell fayth Therfore take no thought saig Uvhat shal we eate or what shal we drinke or wher with shall we be clothed after all these thynges seke the gētyls for your heuēly father knoweth that ye haue nede of al these thynges but rather seke ye fyrste the kyngdome of heuē and the ryghtwysnes therof and al these thynges shal be mynystred vnto you ¶ The Pystel on the. xvi Sondaye after Trinyte sonday The. viij chapiter to the Ephesyans B. SAy at Paule wrote vnto the Ephesyās sayēg I desyre you that ye faynte nat bycause of my tribulacyons for your sakes whiche is your prayse for this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our lorde Iesꝰ Chryst which is father ouer al that is called father ī heuē ī heuē ī erth that he wold graūt you accordīg to the ryches of his glory that ye maye be strēgthed with myght by hꝭ spirite ī the inner mā that Chryste maye dwell ī your hertes by fayth that he beyng coted groūded ī loue myght be able to cōprehēde with all saintes what is that bredth lēgth deepth heygth to know what is the loue of christ which loue passeth knowledge that ye myght be fulfylled with al maner of fulnes which cōmeth of god vnto hī that is able to do excedynge haboundauntly aboue all that we are or thynke accordyng to the power that worketh ī vs be prayse ī the congregacyōs by iesus Chryste thorowout all generacyons frō tyme to tyme. Amen ¶ The Gospel on the. xvi Sondaye after Trynyte sonday The. vij chapiter of Luke B. IEsꝰ wēt ī to a cyte called Naim many of his dyscyples wente with hym and moch people whē he came nye vnto the gate of the cytie beholde there was a deed mā caried out whiche was the onely sone of his mother and she was a wydow and moch people of the cytie was with her and when Iesus sawe her he had compassyon on her sayde vnto her wepe not he wente touched the coffyn and they that bare him stode styl and he sayde yonge man I saye vnto the aryse and the deed sate vp and began to speke and he delyuered hī to his mother there came a feare on theym all ●…oryfyed god sayenge a great prophet is rysen among vs and god hathe vysyted his people ¶ The Pystel on the. xvij Sonday after Trinyte sonday The fourth Chapiter to the Ephesyans A. BRethrene I which am in bōdes for the lordes sake exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacyon wherwith ye are called in all humblenes of mynde and mekenes and longe sufferynge for bearinge one another thorow loue and that ye be di ligente to kepe the vnyte of the spirite ī the bōde of peace beynge one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your callynge Let there be but one lord one fayth one baptyme one god and father of al whiche is aboue al thorow al. And in you al which is blessed in the worldes of worldes Amen ¶ The Gospel on the. xvij Sonday after Trinyte sondaye The. xiiij Chapyter of Luke A. UUhen Iesus wente in to the house of one of the cheyfe Pharyses to eate breade on the sabothe day and they watched hym and beholden there was a man before hym whiche had the dropsye and Iesus answered and spake vnto the law yers and Pharyses sayenge it is laufull to hea le on the Saboth day and they helde theyr peace he toke hym healed hym let him go answered them sayeng Uvhiche of you shal haue anAsse or an ore fallē in to apytte wyl not strayte waye pull hī out on the Saboth daye and they coulde nat answere hym agayne to that He put forth a simylytude to the gestes when he marked how they preased that hiest roames sayde vnto thē whē thou arte bydden to a weddyng of any mā sit nat downe ī the hyest rou me lest a more honourable mā thē thou be biddē of hī he that badde both hym the come saye to the gyue this mā roume thou thē begyn with shame to take the lowest roume but rather whē thou arte byddē go syth in the lowest roume the whē he that badde the cōmeth he maye saye vnto the frēde syt vp hyer Thē
that spoyled thē whiche called on this name ī Ierusalem and came hyther for the entent that he shulde bryng thē boūde vnto the hye p̄estes Saul encreased ī strēgth and cōfoūded the Iewes whiche dwelled at Damascon affyrmyng that this was very chryst ¶ The Gospel on the Conuersyon of saynt Paule The. xix chapiter of Mathewe D PEter sayd vnto Iesus Be holde we haue forsaken al an haue folowed the what shall we haue therfore Iesus sayd vn to thē verely I say vnto you that ye whiche haue folowed me ī the secōde generacyon when the sone of mā shal syt in the seate of his maiesty shal syt also vpon xij seates iudge the. xij tribes of Israel who soeuer forsaked house or brothren or systers or father or mother or wyfe or chyldren or lyuelod for my names sake the same shal receue an houndred folde and shal inheryte euerlastyng lyfe ¶ The Pystell on Candelmas daye Malachie iij. BEholde I sende my messēger which shal prepayre the way be fore me and sodaynly shal the lorde whome ye seke come vnto his tēple and the messenger of the couenaūte whome ye desyre Beholde he commeth sayeth the lorde Sabooth Uvho shal endure in the daye of his commyng or who shal stande to beholde hym for he is as tryenge fyre as the herbe that fullers scoure with all he shall syt tryēg purgyng syluer shal puryfye the sones of Leuy and shal fyne thē as gold syluer and they shal brynge offeryng vnto the lorde of ryghteousnes the sacryfyce of Iuda of Ierusalem shal be delycyous vnto the lord as ī the olde tyme in the yeres that were at the begynnynge ¶ The Gosuel on Candelmas daye The seconde chapiter of Luke D. UUhen the tyme of Puryfycacyon after the law of Moyses was come they brought Isus to Ierusalē to present hym to the lorde as it is wrytten in the law of the lorde euery mā chylde that fyrste openeth the ma●●yr shal be called holy to the lorde to offre as it is sayde in the lawe of the lorde a payre of turtle Doues or ij yong Pygyons and beholde there was a mā in Ierusalem whose name was Symeō the same mā was iuste feared god longed for the cōsolacyon of Israell the holy ghost was in hym an answere was gyuē hym of the holy ghost that he shulde not se dethe before he had sene the lorde Chryst And he came by inspyracyon ī to the tēple And whē the father the mother brought ī the chylde Iesus to do for hym after the custome of the law Then toke he hym vp in his armes sayd lorde nowe lettest thou thy seruaūte departe in peace accordynge to thy promyse for myne eyes haue sene the sauyour sent frō the whiche thou hast prepared before the face of all the people A lyght to lyghten the gentyls and the glorye of thy people Israel ¶ The Pystel on saynt Mathias the apostles day The. i. chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles C. PEter stode vp ī the myddes of the discyples sayde the nombre of the names were aboute an hondred twēty ye mē brothrene this scrypture muste nedes be fulfylled which the holy ghoste thorowe the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas whiche was guyde to thē that toke Iesus for he was nombred with vs obtayned foloweshype in this mynystracyon he hathe nowe possessed a plot of groūd with the reward of īiquyte when he was hāged braste asonder in the myddes all his bowelles gusshed out as it is knowē vnto all the inhabyters of Ierusalē In so moch that that felde is called in theyr inother tonge Acheldema that is to say the bloody felde It is wrytten in the boke of Psalmes his habytacyon be voide no man be dwellyng therī and his byshopricke let another take Uvherfore of these men which haue ꝯpanyed with vs al the tyme that the lord Iesus went in out amōge vs begynnynge at te baptyme of Iohan vnto the same daye that he was taken vp from vs must one be ordeyned to it a wytnes with vs of his Resurreccyō And they appoynted ij Ioseph colled barsabas whose surname was Iustꝰ Mathyas and they prayed sayeng Thou lord which knowest the hertesofal mē shewe whether thou hast chosen of these two that the owne maye take the roume of this mynystracyō Apostle suyp frō the which Iudas by transgressyō fel that he myght go to his owne place they gaue forth theyr lottes the lote fell on Mathias and he was coūted with the eleuen Apostles ¶ The Gospel on saynt Mathias the Apostles daye The. xi chapiter of Mathewe D. THen Iesus answered and sayde I prayse the O father lorde of heuen erthe bycause thou haste hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudent and hast opened them vnto babes euen so father for so it pleased the althynges are gyuen vnto me of my father no man knoweth the sone but the father neyther knoweth any man the father saue the sone he to whome the sone wyll opē hym Come vnto me all ye that labour and are ladē and I wyl ease you take my yoke on you and lerne of me for I am meke and lowely in herre and ye shall fynde rest vnto your soules for my yoke is easy and my burthen is lyght ¶ The Pystel on the Annunciacyon of our Lady Esaye vij OUr lorde spake to Achas sayēge Axe the a sygne of the lord thy god from a low byneth or frō an hye aboue but achas answered I wyl nat axe neyther wyll tempte the lorde Uvherfore the lorde sayd herkē ye of the house of dauid Is it so small a thynge for you to be greuous to men but that ye shuld also be paynfull vnto god neuerthelater yet the lord he wyll gyue you a signe Behold a virgyn shal be with chyld shall beare a sone shall call his name Emanuell he shall ease butter honye that he maye haue vnderstanding to refuse the euyll to chose the good ¶ The Gospel on the Annūcyacyō of our lady the. i. cha of luke C ANd in the. vi moneth the aūgell Gabryel was sent frō god vnto a cytie of Galile named nazareth to a virgyn spoused to a mā whose name was Ioseph of the hous of david the virgyus name was Mary the angell wēt ī vnto her sayd hayle full of grace the lorde is with the blyssed arte thou amonge women whē she sawe hym she was abasshed at his sayenge caste ī her mīde what maner of salutacyū that shulde be the angell sayde vnto her feare nat Mary for thou hast foūde grace with god loo thou shalle conceyue ī thy wōbe shalt beare a sone shalte call his name Iesus He shall be greate and shal be called the sōne of the hyeste and the lord god shall gyue vn to hī the seate of his father
ꝓphetes He sayd vnto the but whō saye ye that I am Simō Peter answered and sayde Thou art Christe the sone of the lyuynge god And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Happy arte thou Symon the sone Ionas for fleshe and blode hathe nat opened vnto the that but my father which is in heuen And I say also vnto the that thou arte Peter vpon this roke I wyl buylde my ●gregacyon and the gates of hell shall nat preuayle agaynst it I wyll gyue vnto the the keyes of the kyngdome of heuen what soeuer thou bindelte vpō erth shall be bounde ī heuē what so euer thou lowsest on erth shal be lowsed ī heuen ¶ The Pyltel on the cōmemoracion of saynt Pau le the seconde chapiter to the Galathyans B. I Certyfye you brothrene that the gospel whiche was preched of me was not after the mauer of men neyther receaued I it of man neyther was I taught it but receaued it by the reuelacyon of Iesꝰ Christ ye haue her de of my conuersacyō ī tymes past in the Iewes wayes how that beyōde measure I ꝑsecuted the cōgregacyon of god spoyled it preuayled ī the Iewes lawe aboue many of my cōpanyōs which were of mine owne nacyō was as moch more feruēt meynteyner of the tradycyōs of the elders but whē it pleased god whiche seperated me frō my mothers wōbe called me by his grace for to declare his sone by me that I shulde preache hi amōg the hethē immediatly I cō●ened nat of the water with fleshe blode neyther returned to Ierusalē to thē which were Apoitels before me but wēte my wayes ī to Arabia came agayne vnto Damascō Thē after iij. yere I returned to Ierusalē to se Peter aw de with hī xv dayes none other of the apostels sawe I saue Iames the Lordes brother the thīges which I wryte beholde god knoweth I lye nat After that I went in to the costes of Siria Cilicia was vnknowē as touchīge my ꝑsone●vnto the cōgregacyōs of iewry which were in christ but they herd onely the he which ꝑsecuted vs ī tyme paste now precheth the fayth which before he destroyed and they glorifyed god on my behalfe ¶ The Gospell on the Commemoracyon of saynt Paule The xix chapiter of Mathewe D. PEter sayde vnto Iesus beholde we haue c. ye shal fynde this gospel on the conuersyon of saynt Paule Folio lviij ¶ The Pystell on the visitacyon of our lady Cant. chapiter ij I Am the floure of the felde and Lylyes of the valeys As the Lilye amonge the thornes so is my loue among the daughters As the Appletre amōg the trees of the wode so is my beloued amōge the sōnes in his shadow was my desyre to sytte for his fruyte was swete to my mouth He brought me vnto his wyne seller and his be hauer to mewarde was louely beholde my beloued sayde to me vp and hast my loue my doue my bewtiful and come for nowe is wynter gone and rayne deperted past the flowres appere in our countre the tyme is come to cut the vynes The voyce of the Turtil doue is herde in ourlande the fyg tree hath brought forth her fygges and the wyne blossomes gyue a sauour vp hast my loue my doue in the holes of the rocke secret places of the walles shewe me thy face and let me here thy voyce for thy voyce is swete and thy fassyon beautyfull ¶ The Gospell on the visytacyon of our Lady The fyrst Chapiter of Luke D. MAry arose in those dayes and went ī to the mountayns with haste in to a Citie of Iewry and entred in to the hous of zacharie and saluted Elizabeth and it fortuned as Elizabeth herde the salutacyon of Mary the babe spronge in herbelly Elizabeth was fylled with the holy ghost and cryed with a loude voyce sayde Blyssed arte thou amonge women blyssed is the fruyte of thy wombe whence happeneth this to me that the mother of my lord shulde come to me Loo as soone as the voyce of this salutacyon soūded in myne eares the babe lept in my bely for ioye and blyssed arte thou that beleuest for those thynges shall be perfourmed whiche were tolde the from the lorde And Mary sayd my soule magnifieth the lorde my spyryte reioseth in god my sauyoure ¶ The Pystel on the Translacion of saynt Thomas of Cauterbury the. v. Chapi to the Hebrues A EUery hye preeste c. yeshal fynde this pystel on saynt Thomas day after chylder mas daye Folio vij ¶ The Gospel on saynt Thomas of Cāterbury the. xix cha of Luke B A Certayne noble man c. ye shal finde this gospel on saīt Thomas daye after Chyldermas daye Folio vij ¶ The Pystel on ●elyke Sondaye Ecc●●a xliiij THese are the men of mercy whose ryghteousnes are nat forgotten Goodnesse abyde with the seede of them theyr kynsfolke are an holy enherytan̄ce theyr seed hath stāde in wytnesses the sones of thē abyde vnto the worldes ende for thē the generacyō of thē the glorye of them shall nat be left theyr bodyes are buryed ī peace theyr names shall lyue in the worldes al people shall tel the wysdome of them and all the congregacyon of sayntes shall shewe the laude of them ¶ The Gospel on Relyke sondaye The. v. Chapiter of Mathewe A. T●hen Iesus sawe the people he went vp in to a moūtayne and whē he was set his discyples came vnto hym he openeth his mouth taught thē sayeng Blyssed are the poore in spyryte For theyrs is the kyngdom of heuē Blissed are theyr that morne for they shal be comforted Blyssed are the meke for they shal enherete ●…h Blyssed are they whiche hongre and thruste ●…g 〈◊〉 ousnes for they shall be fylled Blyssed are the ●…yfull for they shal optayne mercy Blyssed are the pure in herte for they shal se god Blissed are the mainteyners of peace for they shall be called the chyldrene of god Blyssed are they which suffre ꝑsecucyon for ryghtuousnes sake for theyrs is the kyngdome of heuen Blyssed are ye whē mē shal reuyle you ꝑsecute you shall falshly saye all maner of euyl sayenges agaynst you for my sake Reioyce be glade for greate is your rewarde ī heuē ¶ The Pystel on saynt Margaretes daye O Lorde my god thou hast exalted my habytacyon vpon the erth I haue prayed for deth to come I haue called the lord the father of my lord that he forsake me nat ī the day of my tribulacyō And in the tyme of proude men without helpe I shall laude thy name dilygently shall prayse it ī cōfessyō my prayer is herde thou haste delyuered me from perdycyō from a wycked tyme Therfore O lorde my god I shall cōfesse and gyue laude vnto thy name ¶ The Gospel on saynt Margaretes daye The. xiij Chapyter of Mathewe G. IEsus sayd vnto his discyples The kyngdome of
beare the worde of god kepe it ¶ The Pystell on mydlent Sondaye The. iiij Chapyter to the Galathyans C. BRethrē it is wryttē that abrahā had two sones the one by a bōde mayde the other by a fre womā ye he which was of the bond womā was borne after the flesshe but he which was of the free womā was borne by ꝓmyse which thynges betokē mistery for these women are two Testamētes the one from the mounte Syna which gendreth vnto bondage whiche is Agar for moūte Syna is called Agar in Arabia bordreth vpon the cyte whiche is now Ierusalē is in bondage with her chyldren But Ierusalē whiche is aboue is free whiche is the mother of vs all for it is wrytten reioyce thou bareyn that bearest no chryldren breke forth cry thou that trauaylest nat for the desolate hath many mo chyldrene then she whiche hath an husbande Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac chyldren of promyse but as then he that was borne carnally ꝑsecuted hī that was borne spiritually Euē so is it now neuerthelesse what sayeth the scripture Cast awaye the bōd womā her sone for the sone of the bōd womā shal nat be heyre with the sone of the free womā So thē brethrē we are nat chyldrene of the boūde womā but of the free woman ¶ The Gospell on mydelēt Sondaye the. vi chapiter of Iohan. A IEsus went his way ouer the see of Galyle nye to a cyte called tiberias and a greate multytude folowed hym bycause they had sene the myracles that he dyd on thē whiche were dyseased Iesus went vp in to a mountayne and there he sate with his discyples Easter a feast of the Iewes was nye Then Iesus lyft vp his eyes and sawe a great company com vnto him and sayd vnto Philyp whēse shall we bye breade that these myght eate This he sayde to proue hym for hī selfe knew what he wold do Phylyp answered hym Two hōdred peny worth of breade are nat sufficient for thē that euery man myght haue a lytell Then sayd vnto hym one of his discyples Andrew Symō peters brother There is a lade here which hath fyue barley loues and two fysshes but what is that amonge so many Iesus sayd make the people to syt downe there was moke haye in the place And the men sate downe ī nombre aboute fyue thousāde Iesus toke the breade gaue tankes And gaue to the discyples And his disciples to thē that were set downe And lykewyse of the fysshes as moche as they wold whē they had eatē ynoughe he sayd vnto his disciples gather vp the broken meate that remayneth that nothyng be last They gathered it togyther and fylled twelue basketes with the broken meate of the fyue barley loues whiche broken meate remayned vnto thē that had eten Thē those men when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd sayde This is of a trueth the prophet whiche shal come ī to the worlde ¶ The Pystel on passyon Sondaye The. ix chapiter to the Hebrues C. BRethrē Christ being an hye preest of good thynges to come came by a greater and a more ꝑfyte tabernacle nat made with handes that is to say nat of this maner bildyng neyther by the blode of Gotes and Calues but by his owne blode he entred ones for all in to the holy place and foūde eternal redēpcyon for if the blode of Oxen of Gotes and the ashes of an Heyfer when it was spryncled purifyed the vncleane as thouchynge the purifyenge of the fleshe how moche more shal the blode of Chryste which thorowe the eternal sperite offred hī selfe without spot to god pourge oure cōscyēces frō deed workes for to serue the lyuyng god and for this cause is he the medyatoure of the newe Testament that thorow death whiche chaunsed for the redempcyō of those trāsgressyons the were ī the fyrste Testamēt they whiche were called myght receaue the promyse of eternall inherytaunce ¶ The Gospell on Passyō sonday The. viii chapiter of Iohan. F. IEsus sayde vnto the cōpany of the Iewes the hye preestes which of you can rebucke me of synne if I say the trueth why do nat ye byleue me he that is of god heareth goddes wordes ye therfore heare thē nat bycause ye are nat of god Thē answered the Iewes sayd vnto hī say we nat wel that thou arte a samaritane haste the deuyll Iesus answered I haue nat the deuyl but I honour my father ye haue dishonoured me I seke nat myn owne prayse but there is one that seketh iudgeth Uerely verely I saye vnto you yf a man kepe my sayenges he shall neuer se deth Thē sayd the Iewes to hym now know we that thou hast the deuyl Abrahā is deed also the ꝓphetes yet thou sayest yf a mā do kepe my sayen ge he shall neuer taste deth arte thou greater them oure father A brahā whiche is deed the ꝓphetes ar dead whō makest thou thy selfe Iesꝰ answered yf I honour my selfe my honour is nothīge worth it is my father that honoureth me whiche ye say is your god yet haue ye nat knowē hī but I knowe hym and if I shulde say I knowe hym nat I shuld be a lyer lyke vnto you but I knowe hym and kepe his sayenge your father Abrahā was glad to se my daye and he saw it reiorsed Then sayde the Iewes vnto hym Thou art nat yet l. yere olde hast thou sene Abraham Iesus sayd vnto thē Uerely verely I say vnto you yer Abraham was I am Thē toke they vp stones to caste at hym but Iesus hyd hym selfe and went out of the temple ¶ The Pystel on Palme Sondaye The seconde Chapiter to the Phylippians A. BRethren let the same mynd be in you the whiche was in Chryst iesu Uvhiche seynge ī the shape of god and thought it not robbery to be equal with god Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacyon toke on hym the shape of a seruaūt and became lyke vnto men was founde in his apparell as a man he humbled hym selfe became obedyent vnto death euē the death of the crosse wherfore god harh exalted hym and gyuen hym a name aboue all names that in the name of iesus shulde euery knee bowe both of thynges in heuē and thynges in erth and thynges vnder erth and that all tonges shulde confesse the iesus Chryst is the lorde vnto the prayse of god the father ¶ The passyon on palme Sonday The. xxvi Chapiter of Mathewe A. Uvhat coulde ye nat watche with me one houre watche and pray that ye al nat in to temptacyon the spiryte is wyllyng but the flesshe is weake He went away ones more prayed sayēg O my father yf this cuppe cam nat passe away from me but that I drynke of it thy wyll be fulfylled he cam founde thē aslepe agayn for theyr eyes were heuy he left them wēt agayne prayed the thyrde
they foūde no cause of deth in hym yet desyred they pylate to kyl hym whē they had fulfylled al that were wryttē of hym they toke hym downe frō the tree put hym in a Sepulchre But god rased hym agayne frō deth he was sene many dayes of thē which came with hym frō Galyle to Ierusalē whiche are his witnesses vnto the people And we declare vnto you howe that the ꝓmyse made vnto that fathers god hathe fulfylled vnto vs theyr chyldren in that he raised vp Iesus agayne ¶ The Gospel on tewisdaye in the Easter weke The. xxiiij chapiter of Luke F. IEsus hym selfe stode ī the myddes of his discyples sayd vnto thē peace be with you And they were abasshed a frayde supposynge that they hadde sene a spyryte And he sayde vnto thē Uvhy are ye●●oubled why do thoughtes a ●…se ī your hertes beholde my handes my fete that it is euen my selfe handle me and se for spirytes haue not flesshe bones as ye se me haue whē he had thus spokē he shewed thē his hādes his fete and whyle they yet byleued nat for ioy wōdred he sayde vnto thē haue ye here any meate they gaue hym a pece of a broyled fysshe and of an hony come be and he toke it and eate it before them he sayde vnto them These are the wordes whiche I spa●e vnto you whyle I was yet with you that al must be fulfylled whiche were wrytten of me in the lawe of Moyses and in te prophetes and in the psalmes Thē opened he theyr wyttes that they myght vnderstāde the scriptures and sayd vnto thē thꝰ is it wryttē thus it behoueth christ to suffre to ryse agayne from deth the. iij. day And the repentaunce and remission of synnes shulde be preached ī his name among al nacions ¶ The Pystell on the wednysday in the Easter weke The. iij. cha of the actes of the apostles C. PEter openyng hys mouth sayd ye men of Israel al ye that feare god heare God of Abrahā Isaac Iacob the god of our fathers hath glory fyed his sone Iesus whō ye betraed denied in the presence of pylate when he had iudged hym to be losed but ye denyed the holy ghost iust and desyred a Murdrer to be gyuē you kylled the lord of lyfe whom god hath reysed frō deth of the which we are witnesses nowe brethren I know that thorowe ygnoraunce ye dyd it as dyd also your heddes but god which shewed before by the mouth of al his prophetes that Christe shuld suffre hath thus wyse fulfylled it Repent therfore and tourne that yousynnes may be done away ¶ The Gospell on the wednysday in the Easter weke The. xxi Chapiter of Iohn̄ A. AFter that Iesꝰ shewed hym selfe agayne to his dyscyples at the see of Tiberias And on thiswyse shewed he hym selfe There were togyther Symō peter Thomas whiche is called Didimus And Natha nael of Cana a cytye of Galyle the sonnes of zebedes two other of the dyscyples Symon peter sayd vnto thē I go a fysshynge They sayd vnto hym we also wyl go with the They wēt theyr way entred in to a shyp straytewaye and that nyghte caught they nothyng but whē the mornynge was nowe come iesus stode on the shore neuertheles the discyples knewe nat that it was iesus Iesꝰ sayde vnto thē syrs haue ye any meate They answered hym no he sayd vnto thē caste out the net on the ryght syde of the shyp ye shal fynde They cast out anone they were nat able to drawe it for the multytude of fysshes Then sayd the discyple whō Iesus loued vnto Peter it is the lord Uvhā Simō Peter herde that it was the lorde he gyrde his mātel to hym for he was naked sprang ī to the see the other discyples came byshyp for they were not farre frō lande but as it were two hōdred cubytes they drewe the nette with fysshes As sone as they were come to lande they sawe hote coles fysshe layd therō breade Iesꝰ sayd vnto thē brynge of the fysshe whiche ye haue caughte Symō Peter stepped for the drewe the nette to lande full of greate fysshes an hondred and. liij for all there were so many yet was nat the nette brokē Iesꝰ sayd vnto then Come dyne And none of the discyples durste axe hī what arte thou for they knewe that it was the lorde iesꝰ thē came toke breade gaue thē and fyshe lykewyse And this is now the thyrd tyme that Iesꝰ appered to his discyples after that he was rysen agayne from death ¶ The Pystel on the fyrst sō day after Easter daye called low sō day the fyrste pystell of Iohan and the fyfte chapyter E MOst dere beloued brethrē all that is borne of god ouercōmeth the worlde this is the victory that ouercōmeth the world euē our fayth who is it that ouercōmeth the worlde but he which byleueth that Iesꝰ is the sone of god This Iesꝰ chryst is he that came by water blode nat by water only but by water blode and it is the spirite that bereth wytnesse bycause the spirite is trueth for there are thre which beare recorde ī heuē the father the worde 〈◊〉 the holy ghost and these thre are one for there are thre whiche beare recorde in earth The spirite the water blode these thre are one yf we receaue the wytnesse of men the wytnesse of god is greater for this is the wytnesse of god which he testifyed of his sone he that byleueth on the sōe of god hath wytnesse in hym selfe ¶ The Gospell on the fyrst Sonday after Easter day called lawe Sōday The. xx chap̄ of Iohā E ●He same daye at nyght which was the morowe after the Sabaoth day whē the dores were shutte where the disciples were assembled to gyther for feare of the Iewes came Iesꝰ stode ī the myddes sayde to thē Peace be with you and when he hade so sayde he shewed vnto thē his hādes and his syde Then were the discyples glad when they saw the lorde Them sayde iesus to them agayne Peace be with you As my father sent me euen so send I you and when he had sayde that he brethed on them and sayd vnto them Receaue the holy ghost who soeuers synnes ye remyt they are remytted vnto them and who soeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned but Thomas one of the twelue called Didimus was nat with them when Iesus came the other discyples sayd vnto hym Uve haue sene the lorde and he sayde vnto them except I se in his handes the prynt of the nay les and put my fynger in the hooles of the nayles thruste my hāde ī to his syde I wyll nat byleue And after viij dayes agayne his discyples were within and Thomas with thē Then cam Iesus when the dores were shut stode in the myddes
bodely face in a glasse for as soone as he hathe loked on hym selfe he goeth his waye hathe imediatly forgotten what his fassion was but who soeuer loketh ī the parfyte lawe of lybertye ●tynueth theryn yf he be nat a forgetful hearer but a doer of the worde he shal be happye ī his dede yf any man amōge you seme deuoute refrayne nat his tōge but deceyue his owne herte this mānes deuocyon is in vayne Pure deuocyō vndefyled before god the father is this To visite the frēdles wydowes in theyr aduersite and to kepe hym selfe vnspotted from the worlde ¶ The Gospel on the. v. Sonday after Easter day whiche is the next sondaye before the Crosse dayes the. xvi chapiter of Iohan. E. IEsus sayde vnto his discyples verely verely I saye vnto you what so euer ye shall aske the father in my name he wyl gyue it you hetherto haue ye asked nothyng in my name aske ye shall receaue it that youre ioye may be full These thynges haue I spoken vnto you ī prouer bes the tyme wyl come whē I shall speake no more to you in puerbes but I shal shew you playnly frō my father At that daye shall ye aske in my name I saye nat vnto you that I speake vn to my father for you For the father hī selfe loueth you bycause ye haue loued me haue byleued that I came out frō god I wente out frō the father and came in to the worlde I leaue the world agayne hym behold nowe speakest thou playnly and thou vsest no prouerbes Now we know that thou vnder standest al thynges nedest nat that any man shulde aske the any questyon Therfore byleue we that thou commest from god ¶ The Pystell on Mondaye in the Crosse dayes The. v. Chapyter of Iames. D. MOst der beloued brethrē knowlege youre fautes one to another and praye one for another that ye maye be healed The prayer of a ryghteous mā auaylet moch yf it be ser uēt Helias was a mā in daunger to trybulacyon as we are and he prayed in his prayer that it myght nat rayne And it rayned nat on the earth by the space of thre yeres syxe monethes againe he prayeth and the heuen gaue rayne the erth brought forth her frute yf any of you erre from the truth and another cōuert hym let the same knowe that he which conuerted the synner frō goyng a straye out of his waye shall saue a soule from deth and shall hyde the multytude of synnes ¶ The Gospell on Monday in the Crosse dayes the. xi Chapyter of Luke B. IEsꝰ sayd vnto his disciples whiche of you shuld haue a frēde and shulde go to him at mydnyght and sayd vnto hym frēde lend me thre loues for a frende of myne is come out of the waye to me I haue nothynge to set before hym he within shulde answere sayde trouble me nat nowe the dore is nowe shyt my seruauntes are with me ī the chāber I cā nat aryse gyue thē vnto the I say vnto you thoughe he wyl nat aryse gyue hī bycause he is his frēde yet bycause of his im portunite he wold ryse gyue hym as many as ne deth I saye vnto you aske it shall be geuē you Seke you shal fide knocke it shal be opened vn to you for euery one that asketh receaueth he that seketh fyndeth and to hym that knocketh shal it be opened Yf the sone aske breade of any of you that is a father wyll he gyue hym a stone Or if he aske fyshe wyll he for a fyshe gyue hym a serpēt Or if he aske an egge wyl ye offre hī a Scorpyon Yf ye thē which are euyl cā gyue good gyftes vnto your chyldrē How moche more shal your father of heuē gyue the holy ghoost to them that desyre it of hym ¶ The Pystell on the ascensyon euē The. iiij chapiter of the Actes of the Apostels G. THe multytude of thē the byleueth were of one hert of one soule also none of thē sayde that any of the thynges whiche he possessed was his owne but had al thynges cōmō with great power gaue the Apostels wytnes of the Resurreccyon of oure lord Iesꝰ Christ great grace was with thē all Neyther was ther any amonge thē that lacked for as many as were possessors of lādes or houses sold them and brought the price of the thynges whiche were solde layde it downe at the Apostels fete and distribucyon was made vnto euery man accordyng as he had nede ¶ The Gospel on the assensyon euen the. xvij chapyter of Iohan. A. Iesꝰ lifted vp his eies to heuē said father the houre is come glorify thy sōe that thy sōe may glorify the As thou hast gyuē hym power ouer all flesshe that he shulde giue eternall lyfe to as many as thou hast gyuē hī This is life eternall that they myght knowe the that onely very god whō thou hast sēt Iesus Chryst I haue gloryfyed the on the earth I haue fynysshed the worke whiche thou gauest me to do and nowe gloryfy me thou father with thyne owne selfe with the glory whiche I had with the yer the world was I haue declared thy name vnto those which thou gauest me out of the world Thyne they were thou gauest them me and they haue kepte thy sayēges Now haue they knowen that al thynges what soeuer thou hast gyuē me are of the. For I haue gyuē vnto thē the wordes whiche thou gauest me they haue receyued thē haue knowen surely that I came out frō the haue beleued that thou dyddest send me I pray for thē I prayed nat for the worlde but for thē which thou hast gyuē me for they are thyne al myne are thyne thyne are myne I am gloryfyed ī thē And nowe am I nomo re ī the world but they ar ī the world I cōe to the ¶ The Pystell on the Ascensyō daye The fyrste chapyter of the Actes of the Apostles A. SAynt Luke which wrote the Actes of the Apostels sayth ī the former treatyse dere frēd theo philꝰ I haue writē of all that Iesꝰ begā to do theache vntyll the daye ī the which he was takē vp after that he thoroughe the holy ghoost hath gyuē● maun demētes vnto the Apostels whiche he had chosē to whō also he shewed hī selfe a lyue after hꝭ passiō by many tokēs apperīg vnto thē forty dayes spake vnto thē of the kyngdōe of god gathered thē togyther cōmaunded thē that they shulde nat departe frō Ierusalem but to wayte for the promyse of the father whereof ye haue herde of me For Iohā baptysed with water but ye shall be baptysed with the holy ghost that within this fewe dayes whē they were come togyther They asked of hym sayenge Lorde wylte thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdome to
B. IEsus sayde vnto a rular amonge the Pharyses God so loued the world that he gaue his onely sone for the entent the none that beleue in hym shulde perysshe but shuld haue euerlastyng lyfe for god sent nat his sone in to the worlde to condēpne the worlde but that the worlde thorowe hym myght be saued He that beleuyth on hym shall nat be condempned But he that beleueth nat is condempned al redy because he beleued nat ī the name of the onely sone of god And thys is the condempnacyon That lyght is come in to the worlde and the mē haue loued darknes more them lyght because theyr dedes were euyl for euery man that doth euyl hateth the lyght neyther cōmeth to lyght leste his dedes shulde be reproued but he that doeth the trueth commeth to the lyght that his dedes myght be knowē how that they are wrought in god ¶ The Pystell on the tewysday in the wytsone weke The. viij Chapiter of the Actes of the Apostels B. VUhē the Apostles whiche were at Ierusa lē herd say that samaria had receaued the worde of god they sent vnto them Peter and Iohan whiche when they were come prayed for then that they myght receaue the holy ghost for as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptised onely in the name of Chryst Iesu Then layde they theyr hādes on them and they receaued the holy ghost ¶ The Gospell on the tewysday in the wytson weke the. x. Chapyter of Iohan. A. IEsus sayde vnto his discyples verely verely I saye vn to you who so euer entreth nat in by the dore in to the shepe fold but clymeth vp some other way he is a thefe a robber He that goeth ī by the dore is the shepherd of the shepe To this man the Porter openeth the dore the shepe here his voyce he calleth his owne shepe by name he leadeth them out and when he hath sent forth his owne shepe he goeth before thē and the shepe folow hym for they knowe his voyce A straunger they wyll nat folowe but wyl fly from hym for they know nat revoyce of straungers This maner of sayenge spoke Iesꝰ vnto them and they vnderstode nat what thynges they were whiche he spake vnto thē Then sayde Iesus vnto thē agayn Uerely verely I say vnto you that I am the dore of the shepe All euē as many as came before me are theues robbers but the shepe dyde nat heare them I am the dore by me yf any mā entre in he shal be safe shall go ī and out and fynde pasture The thefe cōmeth nat but for to steale kil and destroy I am come that they myght haue lyfe and haue it the more habundauntly ¶ The Pystel on wednysday in the witson weke The. ij chapyter of the Actes of the Apostels C. PEter stept for the with the eleuen lyfte vp his voyce sayd vnto them ye men of Iewry and al ye that inhabyte Ierusalē be this knowen vnto you and with your eares here my wordes These are nat dronkē as ye wene for it is yet but the thyrde houre of the day but this is that whiche was spoken by the prophet Iohell It shal be in the laste dayes sayth god of my spirite I wyl powre out vpō all flesshe and your sones and your doughters shal prophesye your yong men shall se vysyōs and your olde Men shall dreame dreames and on my seruauntes and on my hand maydēs I wyl powre oute of my spyryte in those dayes they shal prophesy and I wyl shewe wounders in heuen aboue tokēs in the earth byneth blode fyre the vapour of smoke The son shall be turned ī to darknes the moone ī to blode before that gret notable day of the lorde shall come the tyme shall come that who soeuer shal cal on the name of the lorde shall be saued ¶ Te Gospel on the wednysdaye in wytson weke the. vi Chapiter of Iohan. E. IEsus sayde vnto his discyples and to the company of the Iewes No mā cā come vnto me except my father whiche had sente me drawe hym I wyl rayse hym vp at the last daye It is wryttē ī the ꝓphetes And they shall all be taught of god Euery mā which hathe herde lerned of the father commeth vnto me nat that any man hathe sene the father saue he whiche is of god The same hath sene the father Uerely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth on me hath euerlastyng lyfe I am that breade of lyfe your fathers dyd eate Manna in wyldernesse arre deed This is the breade whiche commeth from heuen that he which doth eate of it shulde nat dye I am that lyuyng bread which came downe from heuen Yf any man eate of this breade he shall lyue for euer And the bread that I wyl gyue is my flesshe which I wyl gyue for the lyfe of the worlde ¶ The Pystell on Trinyte Sondaye The. iiij Chapiter of the Reuelacyon of saynt Iohan. A I Loked vp sawe a dore open in heuē and the fyrst voyce which I hearde as it were of a trō pette talkynge with me whiche sayde come vp hyther and I wyll shewe the thynges whiche muste be fulfylled here after and immediatly I was ī the spirite beholde a seate was put in heuen and one sate on the seate and he that sat was to loke vppon lyke vnto a Iasper stone a Sardyne stone there was a rayne bowe aboute to seate to loke vpon lyke vnto an Emeralde and aboute the seate were xxiiij seates and I saw on the seates xxiiij elders syttinge clothed in whyte rayment had on theyr hedes crownes of golde out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges thondrynges voyces there were vij lampes of fyre burnyng before the seate whiche are the. vij spirites of god and before the seate there was a see of glasse lyke vnto crystall ī the myddes of the seate rounde aboute the seate were iiij beestes full of eyes before behynde the fyrst beest was lyke a lyon the seconde beest lyke a Calfe and the thyrde beest had a face as a man and the fourthe beest was lyke a flyeng Egle and the fowre beestes had eche one of thē vi wynges about hym and they were ful of eyes with in they had no rest day neyther nyght sayenge Holy holy holy lorde god almyghty which was is and is to come And when these beestes gaue glory honour thankes to hym that sate on the seate whiche lyueth euermore the xxiiij elders fell downe before hym that sate on the trone worshypped hī that lyueth euer caste theyr crownes before the trone sayenge thou art worthy lorde to receaue glory honour and power for thou hast created al thynges and for thy wylles sake they are and were created ¶ The Gospel on Trinyte sonday The thyrde chapiter of Iohan. A. THere was a
brought other fyue sayēg Mayster thou delyuerdest vnto me fiue talētes lo I haue gayned with thē v. mo Thē his mayster sayd vnto him well good seruaunte faythfull thou haste bē faythfull ī lytell I wyll make the rular ouer moche Entre into thy masters ioye also he that receaued two talētes came sayde mayster thou delyueredest vnto me ij talētes ●o I haue wonne two other with thē his mayster sayde vnto hym wel good seruaunte faythful I wyl make the rular ouer moch go ī ī to thy maysters ioye ¶ The Pystel on the Concepcyon of our Lady Ecclesiastice xxiiij AS a vyne so brought I forth a sauour of swetnes and my flow res are the fruyte of glory ryches I am the mother of bewtyful loue of feare of greatnes of holy hope In me is all grace of lyfe trueth and in me is al hope of lyfe and vertu Come vnto me al that desyre me and be fylled with the fruytes that spryng of me for my spiryte is sweter thā hony or hony cōbe The remēbraūce of me is for euer euer They that eate me shal honger the more they that drynke me shall t●… the more he that harkeneth to me shall nat be ●…ed and he the worketh by my coūsell shall nat 〈…〉 they that brig ī to lyght shal haue eternall lyfe ¶ The Gospel ou the Concepcyon of our Lady the fyrst chapiter of Mathewe A. THis is the boke of the generacyō of Iesꝰ christ the sone of Dauid the sone also of Abraham 〈…〉 begate Isaac Isaac begate Iacob Iacob be 〈…〉 Iudas his brothrene Iudas begate Phares 〈…〉 of Thamar Phares begate Esrō Esrō be●… begate Aminadab Aminadab begate ●…n Naasson begate Salmon Salmō begate ●oos of Ra●ab Boos irgate Obed of Ruth Ol●d ●egate Iesse Iesse begate Dauid the kynge Dauid the kyng tegate Salomō of her that was Uries wyf Salomō begate Roboā Roboā begate Abia. Abia begate Asa Asa begate Iosaphat Iosaphat begate Iorā Ioram begate Ozias Ozias begate Ioatham Ioathā begate Achas Achas begat Ezechias Ezechias begat Manasses Manasses begat Amō Amō begat Iosias Iosias begat Iechonias his brothren about the tyme they were caried awaye to Babylon and after they were bronght to Babilō Ieconias begate Salathiel Salathiel begate zorobabel zorobabel begate Abiud Abiud begat Eliachim Eliachim begat Azor. Azor begat Sadoc Sadoc begat Achim Achim begate Eliud Eliud begate Eleasar Eleasar begate Mathan Mathā begate Iacob Iacob be gate Ioseph the husbande of Mary of whome was borne that Iesus whiche is called Chryst ¶ The Pystell on saynt Thomas daye the Apostle The seconde chapiter to the Ephesyans D. BRothrene nowe ye are no more straungers foreners but Cytesyns with the Sayntes and of the houshold of god are bylte vpon the foundacyon of the Apostels prophetes Iesus Chryste beynge the heed corner stone ī whom euery buyldinge coupled to gyther groweth vnto an holy temple in the lorde in whome ye are bylt to gyther made an habytacyon for god in the spiryte ¶ The Gospel on saynt Thomas daye the Apostell The. xx chapiter of Iohan. F THomas one of the twelue called Didimꝰ was not with theym whē Iesus came The other discyples sayd vnto hym we haue sene the lorde And he sayde vnto the except I se ī his hādes the prynt of the nayles and put my fynger in the holes of the nayles and thrust my hande in to his syde I wyll nat byleue after viij dayes agayne the discyples were within Thomas was with theym Iesus came when the dores were shutte and stode in the myddes and sayd Peace be with you Then sayde he to Thomas put ī thy fynger here and se my handes and put forth thy hande and thruste it in to my side be not without fayth but byleue Thomas answered and sayde vnto hym my lorde and my god Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym Thomas bycause thou hast seue me therfore hast thou bileued Happy are they that haue not sene yet haue bileued ¶ The Pystell on the Conuersyō of saynte Paule The. ix cha● of the Actes of the Apostles A. SAul yet brethyng out threatenynges and slaughter agaynst the discyples of the lorde wēte vnto the hye preest and desyred of hym letters to Dania scon to the Synagoges that yf he found any of this way whether they were men or womē he myght bryng them boūde vnto Ierusalē As he wente on his iourney it fortuned that he drewe nye to Damascō and sodaynly theyr shynede rounde aboute hym alyght from heuen and he fel to the erth and herde a voyce sayēg to hym Saul Saul Uvhy persecuteste thou me And he sayde what arte thou lorde The lorde sayde I am Iesus whom thou persecutest it shal be harde for the to kycke agaynst the prycke he both trē blynge and astonyed sayd lorde what wylte thou haue me to do And the lorde sayd vnto hym aryse and go in to the Cytie and it shal be told the what thou shalt do The men whiche companyed with hym on his waye stode amased for they herde a voyce but sawe no man Saul arose from the erth and whē he had opened his eyes he saw no man Thē ledde they hym by the hāde and brought hym in to Damascon and he was thre dayes without syght neyther eate nor drāke There was a certayne discyple at Damascon named Ananias to hym spake the lorde in a visyon Ananias And he sayde beholde I am here lorde And the lorde sayde vnto hym aryse and go in to the strete whiche is called strayte and seke in the house of Iudas after one saul of the Cytye of That sus for beholde he prayeth and hathe sene in a visyō a man named Ananias commyng in vnto hym and puttyng his handes on hym that he myght receaue his syght Ananias answered lorde I haue herd by many of this man howe moche hurth he hath done to thy sayntes at Ierusalem and ī this place he hath auctorite of the hye preestes to bynde all that cal on thy name The lorde sayde vnto hym Go thy wayes for he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name before the gentyls and kynges and the chyldren of Israel for I wyl shewe hym howe greate thynges he muste suffre for my names sake Ananias wēt his way and entred in to the house and put his handes on hym and sayde brother saule the lorde that appered vnto the in the way as thou camest sent me vnto the that thou myghtest receaue thy syght and be fylled with the holy gost And immediatly there fell frō his eyes as it had ben scales and he receaued his syghte and arose and was baptysed and receaued meate and was conforted Then was saul certayne dayes with the discyples whiche were at Damascon and strayght way he preached Chryst in the Synoge ges howe that he was the sone of god Al that herde hym were amased and sayde is nat this he