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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15124 A werke for housholders or for them ye haue the gydynge or gouernaunce of any company. Gadred [and] set forth by a professed brother of Syon Richard Whytforde. And newly corrected [and] prynted agayne w[ith] an addicion of policy for housholdynge, set forth also by the same brother. Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?; Bernard Silvestris, fl. 1136. Epistola .. de bona gubernatonne familie. 1530 (1530) STC 25422; ESTC S105123 38,157 64

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archangels I beseche you praye for me for all people Saynt Iohn̄ baptyst al holy patriarkes ꝓphetes I beseche you pray for me for al chrystēdom Saynt Peter saynt Paule saynt Iohn̄ the euāgelyst and all holy apostles euangelystes I beseche you praye for me for all the worlde and you also all dysciples of our lorde and holy Innocentes Saynt Stephā and all holy martyrs Saȳt Augustyne al holy cōfessours all religious ꝓsones heremytes Saynt Katheryne saynt Margarete saynt Barbara al holy virgyns I beseche you praye for me for all persones And fynally all you holy sayntes of heuē of euery degre and state where you be I beseche you all in generall and eueryche in specyall pray for me all mākynde Here may you brȳge in the patrones of your chirches or dioces and suche as you haue as I sayd synguler deuocyon vnto And here an ende as vnto your selfe But yet some of you wyll say Syr this werke is good for religious persones for suche ꝑsones as ben solytary done lye alone by thē selfe but we done lye .ij. or .iij. somtyme togyder yet in one chābre dyuers beddes so many in company yf we shulde vse these thȳges in p̄sence of our felowes some wold laugh vs to scorne and mocke vs. O Iesu bone O good lord Iesu what here I nowe I dare well say there ben but fewe persones in englande but they wolde byde some daunger or rebuke for pleasure of theyr kynge or prynce many for theyr mayster or maystresse or theyr souereyns some for theyr frēdes felowes specyally where great gaynes shuld growe therby vnto thē selfe And for the pleasure of god our father of our swete sauyour Iesu our brother shulde we be abasshed to take daūger bere a poore mocke or scorne that neuer shal woūde our flesshe ne yet tere our skyn for the pleasure of our pereles prȳce kȳge of kȳges lord of al lordes Fye for shame that any christian shulde be so cowardous Ventre vpon it go forthe wtall Om̄e principiū difficile labor ībroboīa vincit In .ix. dayes as they saye the daūger shal be past fere nothȳge Euery begȳnynge is harde of great difficulte But importune labour dothe vaynquysshe ouercome all thȳges I tel you this dayly exercyse by custum vse shal seme very shorte swete ꝓfytable pleasaūt Rede it or here it ouer ones or twyse at the leest before they cast it away How be it we thȳke it not sufficiēt nor ynough for you to lyue well your selfe but that all other christians also lyue the better for you by your example specyally those that you haue in charge gouernaūce that is to say your childer seruaūtes And me semeth it shuld also be a good pastyme moche merytoryous for you that can rede to gader your neyghbours aboute you on the holy day specyally the yonge sorte rede to them this poore lesson For therin ben suche thȳges as they ben bounde to knowe or can saye that is the Pater noster the Aue maria the Crede with suche other thynges as done folowe I wolde therfore you shulde begyn with them by tyme in youthe as soone as they can speke For it is an olde sayenge Quod nouatesta capit in veterata sapit The pot or vessell shall euer sauour or smell of the thynge wherwith it is fyrst seasoned And your englyssh ꝓuerbe sayth that the yonge cocke croweth as he dothe here lerne of the olde you may in youthe teche them what ye wyll that shall they lēgest kepe remēbre you shulde therfore aboue all thynges take hede and care in what cōpany your chylder bē nourysshed brought vp For educacyon doctryne that is to saye bryngynge vp lernynge done make the maners with good vertuous ꝑsones sayth the prophete you shal be good vertuous Psal xvij And with the euyll ꝑsones you shal be also euyll Let your chylder therfore vse kepe good cōpany The pye the say and other byrdes done speke what they moost here by eare The plouer by syght wyll folowe the gesture behauyour of the fowler And the ape by exercyse wyll worke do as she is taught so wyll the dogge by violence contrary to naturall disposicion lerne to daunce The chylder therfore that by reason done fer excede other creatures wyl bere away what they here spokē they shulde therfore be vsed vnto suche cōpany where they shulde here none euyl but where they may here godly and chrystyan wordes They wyll also haue in theyr gestures behauyour suche maners as they se behold in other persones And as they bē taught so wyl they do in many thȳges they may be cōpelled vnto a contynuall custome whiche doth alter chaūge naturall disposicion Vnto some craftes or occupacyons a certayn age is required in chylder but vertue vice may be lerned in eueri age Se therfore that in any wyse you let them vse no company but good and vertuous And as soone as they can speke let them fyrst lerne to serue god to saye the Pater noster Aue. and Crede as I sayd before And not onely your chylder but also se you proue that all your seruauntes what age so euer they be of can say the same And therfore I haue aduysed many persones here now to coūseyle that in euery mele dyner or souper one persone shulde with lowde voyce saye thus Fyrst peticyon Pater noster qui es incelis sanctificetur nomen tuū Good lorde god our holy father that art in heuen let thy name be sanctifyed that is to meane I beseche the graunte vs grace to blesse to honour to laude and prayse thy holy name secunde Adueniat regnum tuum Good lorde god our father the art in heuē let thy kyngdom come that is I beseche the lorde that all the people of the worlde may come vnto the grace of baptysme so be the feythfull subiectes of thy realme and kyngdome of christianite thyrde Fiat volūtas tua sicut in celo et in tra Good lorde god our holy father the art in heuē let thy wyll be wrought in erth as it is wrought in heuen that is to meane I beseche the lorde that all thy chrystyan people here in erth may performe thy wyll kepe thy cōmaundemētes after theyr estate condicion as thy holy angels and sayntes done in heuen after theyr state degre Panem nostrum cotidianū da nobis hodie fourth Good lordꝭ god our holy father that art in heuen gyue graūte vnto vs this daye our dayly breed that is to meane I beseche the good lorde graunt vnto vs cōtinually the spiritual fode grace effecte of thy holy sacramētes Or thus Graunt vnto vs the cōtinuall grace effecte of thy holy sacramētes whiche is the dayly fode
of our soules and spirituall suerte of our saluacyon Et dimitte nobis debita nostra fyfth sicut et nos dimittimꝰ debitoribus nostris Good lorde god oure holy father that art in heuen forgyue vs our dettes as we done forgyue our detters that is to meane I beseche the good lorde forgyue pardon me all chrystyans all maner of offences trespaces done agaynst the thy lawes lykewyse as we done forgyue all maner of ꝑsones all maner of greues trespaces done agaynst vs. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem syxth Good lorde god our holy father that art in heuen lede vs not into temptacyon that is to meane I beseche the good lorde suffre me not ne any christyan to be ledde or brought by any tentacyon vnto the full consent of any synne Sed libera nos a malo seuenth But good lordꝭ god our holy father that art in heuē delyuer me all christians frō euyl that is to meane I beseche the good lorde that not onely thou kepe me al thy people frō al syn offēce of thy goodnes but also that thou wylt delyuer make vs quyte of all sȳnes past cōserue kepe vs cōtinually in the state of grace Amē so be it that is to meane good lord we beseche the that all these thynges may come to passe in ful effect according to our peticion desyre This prayer of the Pat nr̄ is the moost excellent prayer bycause that our sauyour made it hȳselfe taught it to his disciples The Aue maria is the moost pleasaunt prayer of most honour vnto your blessed lady bycause one parte therof is the salutacyon of the angell Gabryell wherby immedyatly after her cōsent she cōceyued the sone of god in her wombe Luc. j. And the other parte was spoken vnto her by saynt Elizabeth inspired moued thervnto by the spiryte of god the holy ghost And therfore done we set forth the Aue maria after suche maner as we dyd the Pater nr̄ Aue maria gr̄a plena dn̄s tecū bn̄dicta tu in mulieribꝰ et bn̄dictꝰ fructꝰ vētris tui Iesus Amē Hayle Mary full of grace god is with the. Blessed be thou amonge women and blessed be the fruyte of thy wombe Iesus Chryst god mā Amē so mote it be That fyrst worde Aue whiche I do englysshe after the cōmune maner hayle is a worde of salutacion as we saye in cōmune congresses or metynges togyder God spede you god saue you god blesse you Good morowe good euen god spede god be at your game god be at your werke god sende you with suche other after the maner of the countree where it is spoken And the last worde Amen it is a worde of consent or desyre that the mater spoken before shulde come to passe or vnto effecte as cōmunely it is sayd be it so be it let it be so I graunte I assent with other lyke This haue we sayde bycause you shulde vnderstande what euery worde meaneth ¶ Now dothe folowe the Crede ¶ The fyrst artycle Saynt Peter CRedo in deū partrē oīpotētē creatorē celi terre I byleue vpon god the father almyghty maker of heuē and of erth This terme in deum is dyuersly englysshed some done saye into god some inwardly in god some perfitly in god But the moost cōmune vse of the countree of the vnlerned people is to saye I byleue vpon god vpon his feyth but all doth meane in effecte that the ꝑson hath ꝑfyte feyth byleue zin god vnto god ¶ The secunde artycle Et in Iesum Christū filium eiꝰ vnicū dn̄m nostrum Saynt Andrewe And I also byleue ꝑfytly vpon our lorde Iesu Chryst his onely begoten sone that is to saye the onely begotē sone of the sayd father ¶ The thyrde artycle Qui cōceptꝰ est de spū sancto natꝰ ex maria virgine Saynt Iohn̄ And also I byleue perfitly that our sayd lorde Iesu was cōceyued of the holy ghost and borne of our ladi saynt Mary she remaynynge abydynge euer a vyrgyn ¶ The fourthe artycle Passus sub poncio Pilato crucifixꝰ mortuꝰ sepultꝰ And also I perfitly byleue the our sayd lorde Iesu dyd suffre his passyon was crucyfyed deed buryed vnder the power iudgment of a man called by ꝓpre name Poncius by his secunde or surname Pylate Saynt Iames the more ¶ The fyfth artycle Descendit ad inferna tertia die resurrexit a mortuis Saynt Thomas of Ynde And I byleue perfytly also that our sayd lorde Iesu after his sayd passyon deth descēded went downe vnto the lowe places of hel brought forth frō thēs our fyrst father Adam all that were there with hym that vpon the thyrde day after his deth he dyd aryse from deth al the bondes therof vnto lyfe euerlastyng ¶ The syxth artycle Ascēdit ad celos sedet ad dextrā dei patris oīpotētis Saynt Iames the lesse And also I byleue ꝑfytely that our sayd lorde Iesu dyd ascende stye vp vnto the hyghest heuēs there dothe syt vpon the ryght hande of god the father omnipotēt and almyghty ¶ The seuenth artycle Saynt Philyp Inde venturus est iudicare viuos et mortuos And I also perfytly byleue that he wyll come thens agayne into this worlde to iudge all persones quycke deed ¶ The .viij. artycle Saynt Bartholomewe Credo in spiritū sanctū I byleue perfytly also vpon the holy ghost the spiryte of the father of the sone with them bothe the same selfe god ¶ The .ix. artycle Saynt Mathewe Sanctā ecclesiam catholicam I also byleue that the chirche of Chryst is was euermore shal be holy feythfull therfore I do gyue feyth credence vnto the same and vnto the terminacions therof ¶ The .x. artycle Saynt Symon Sanctorū cōmunionē remissionē peccatorū I byleue also the cōmunion of sayntes that is to say I byleue that all the werkes good dedes of al good holy persones ben and shal be cōmune so that euery feythfull chrystyan hath shall haue parte with other And also I byleue the remyssyon of synnes that is to saye that all maner of synnes may and shal be forgyuen yf forgyuenes be duely desyred and axed ¶ The .xj. artycle Saīt Iude called also saynt Taddeꝰ Carnis resurrectionē I also byleue the resurreccyon of our flesshe that is to say I byleue that al maner of persones shall aryse at the day of dome in soule body with the same flesshe blode bones that they were borne with dyed with ¶ The .xij. artycle Saynt Mathye Et vitā eternā Amen And also I byleue euerlastyng lyfe that is to say that after the generall resurreccion all maner of ꝑsones as well good as euyll dampned or saued shall contynue in lyfe euerlastynge eyther in ioye or peyne
let therfore your drynke wyne ale or bere be temperate Strōge drynke is more pleasaunt than holsome Ecclesia xxxj d. Ibidem The wyse man saythe that sobre drynke is the helthe bothe of soule body And the wyse and lerned persone wyl be ryght well content with lytle drynke and that shall not trouble the stomake but rather cause swete holsome slepe and of the contrarye done come many incōmodites as there doth folowe Who so euer amonge many and dyuers stronge drynkes with abundaūce therof is sobre may be called an erthly god or a god vpon erthe wrastle not therwith yf you do my coūsel And yf by chaunce you be in company begyn to fele the drynke worke aryse and departe a slepe is more meite for you than any company Who so by wordes wolde excuse drōkenes dothe opēly declare his owne dysease The knowlege and iudgment of wynes doth nothynge become a yonge ꝑson Yf a physicyon or surgyon vse to be dronke let hym not haue the cure of your dysease ne let none of them take experyence and lerne in you how to cure or he le another For thoughe they be well lerned and haue not experyence it is no wysdome to let them proue theyr conyng vpon you Great gay horses and lytle prety dogges leue you vnto lordes and ladyes A bygge labourynge hors and a mastyfe or a curre dogge ben good to kepe your house As for haukes houndes and huntynge dogges done spende more than they done get they ben miete accordynge for states to set ydle seruauntes on werke but ferre vnacordynge ben they for housbandes and ware housholders It is no wysdome to make your owne chylder stewardes or rulers of your housholde or goodes Fooles and neglygent or careles persones haue many mysfortunes For that is theyr commune excuse whan any thynge is wronge they say than that chaunce or mysfortune was cause therof I say not nay but that chaunce or mysfortune may fall But who so dothe folowe wysdome lernynge and dyscrecyon shall seldom accuse mysfortune For diligence warenes and good hede done seldom company with mysfortune But yet more seldom shall you se mysfortune and slouthe or neglygence departed in sondre for they done communely company togeder The sluggarde sayth god wyll helpe hym so tonge he trusteth ther vnto Pro. vi tyll he be brouhht vnto beggry For god by the wyse man doth sende the sluggarde for exemple vnto the ant or pysinpre to lerne to labour For mā saythe Iob is borne vnto labour Iob. v. as a byrd to flye Kepe you therfore but fewe ydle persones or mē And watche you take good hede vnto euery ꝑsone of your house And euer pondre wey and consydre your expenses with your gaynes or gettynges Fyrst get brynge in and than spende For it is no good husbandry to borowe And whā you wex aged trust rather vnto god thā vnto your chylder or frendes That you sende before you you shal be sure to fynde No cofre chyst ne towre may be more sure to kepe tresure than is heuē Let not therfore the poore passe you What you gyue vnto them you gyue vnto chryst And of that you leue behynde you appoynt it vnto euery ꝑson his parte For better were for you nothynge to leue than that stryfe and debate shulde be made cōscience blemysshed and god offended for your goodes Trust them best to do for your soule not that done loue or say they done loue your soule but that you done perceyue coniecture done loue theyr owne soule Make your testamēt euery yere newe surely sealed by wytnes Lay it where whan nede is it may be founde no man is sure how to ende his lyfe The most sure waye to dye well is well to lyue Whiche he graunt vs that bought vs our lorde god and most swete sauyour Iesu chryst Amē Of your charite pray for the same olde wretche of Syon Rycharde Whytforde ¶ Imprynted at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the Sonne by me Wynkynde Worde The yere of our lorde god M. CCCCC .xxx. the .xx. day of December