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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15045 The right excellent and famous historye, of Promos and Cassandra deuided into two commicall discourses. In the fyrste parte is showne, the vnsufferable abuse, of a lewde magistrate: the vertuous behauiours of a chaste ladye: the vncontrowled leawdenes of a fauoured curtisan. And the vndeserued estimation of a pernicious parasyte. In the second parte is discoursed, the perfect magnanimitye of a noble kinge, in checking vice and fauouringe vertue: wherein is showne, the ruyne and ouerthrowe, of dishonest practises: with the aduauncement of vpright dealing. The worke of George Whetstones Gent.; Promos and Cassandra Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587? 1578 (1578) STC 25347; ESTC S111725 47,123 96

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Yet once againe on knees I mercie seeke In his behalfe that hanges twene death and life Who styll is preast if you the mendes do leeke His lawles loue to make his lawfull wife Pro. Faire Dame I wel haue wayd thy sute wish to do thée good But all in vaine al things conclude to haue thy brothers blood The stricknes of the lawe condempnes an ignoraunt abuse Then wylfull faultes are hardlie helpt or cloked with excuse And what maye be more wylfull then a Maide to violate Cas The force was smal when with hir wyl he wretch the conquest gate Pro. Lawe euer at the worst doth conster euyl intent Cas And lawe euen with the worst awardes them punishment And sith that rigorous lawe adiudgd him to dye Your glorie will be much the more in showing him mercie The world wil think how the you do but graūt him grace on cause And where cause is there mercy should abate the force of lawes Pro. Cassandra in thy brothers halfe thou hast sayde what may be And for thy sake it is if I doe set Andrugio frée Short tale to make thy beauty hath surprysed mee with loue That maugre wit I turne my thoughts as blynd affections moue And quite subdude by Cupids might néede makes mée sue for grace To thée Cassandra which doest holde my fréedome in a lace Yéelde to my will and then commaund euen what thou wilt of mée Thy brothers life and all that else may with thy liking grée Cas Cassādra to hir self And may it be a Iudge himself the selfe same fault should vse For which he domes an others death O crime without excuse Renowned Lorde you vse this speach I hope your thrall to trye If otherwise my brothers life so deare I will not bye Pro. Faire Dame my outward looks my inward thoughts bewray If you mistrust to search my harte would God you had a kaye Cas If that you loue as so you saye the force of loue you know Which fealt in conscience you should my brother fauour show Pro. In doubtfull warre one prisoner still doth set another frée Cas VVhat so warre séekes loue vnto warre contrary is you sée Hate fostreth warre loue cannot hate then maye it couet force Pro. The Louer ofte sues to his foe and findeth no remorse Then if he hap to haue a helpe to wyn his frowarde foe Too kinde a foole I will him holde that lets such vantage goe Cas Well to be short my selfe wyll dye ere I my honor staine You know my minde leaue off to tempt your offers are in vaine Pro. Bethink your self at price inough I purchase sweet your loue Andrugios life suffis'd alone your straungenes to remoue The which I graunt with any wealth that else you wyll require Who buyeth loue at such a rate payes well for his desire Cas No Promos no honor neuer at value maye be solde Honor farre dearer is then life which passeth price of golde Pro. To bnie this Iuell at the full my wife I may thée make Cas For vnsure hope that péereles pearle I neuer will forsake Pro. These sutes seemes strange at first I see wher modesty beares sway To himself I therfore wil set down my wyll for hir answer staye Fayre Cassandra the iuell of my ioye Howe so in showe my tale seemes straunge to thee The same well waide thou need'st not be so coye Yet for to giue thee respite to agree I wyll two daies hope styll of thy consent VVhich if thou graunt to cleare my clowdes of care Cloth'd like a Page suspect for to preuent Vnto my Court some night sweet wenche repaire Tyl then adue thou these my words in works perform'd shalt find Cas Farewel my Lord but in this sute you bootles wast your wind Cassandra O most vnhappy subiect to euerie woe What tōgue can tel what thought cōceiue what pen thy griefe can show Whom to scurge Nature heauē earth do heapes of thral ordain Whose words in waste whose works are lost whose wishes are in vain That which to others cōfort yéelds doth cause my heuy chéer I meane my beautie bréedes my bale which many hold so deere I woulde to God that kinde else where bestowed had this blase My vertues then had wrought regard my shape now giues the gase This forme so Promos fiers with Loue as wisdom can not quench His hote desire tyll he lust in Venus seas hath drencht At these wordes Ganio must be readie to speake Actus 3. Scena 3. Ganio And rugios boye Cassandra GA. Mistres Cassandra my Master lōgs to heare of your good spéed Cas Poore Ganio his death-alas fierce Fortune hath decréed Ga. His death God forbyd all his hope should turne to such successe For Gods sake go and comfort him I sorrowe his distresse Cas I néedes must go although with heauy chéere Ga. Sir your syster Cassandra is here Exit Actus 3. Scena 4. Andrugio out of prison Cassandra on the stage AN. My Cassandra what newes good sister showe Cas All thinges conclude thy death Andrugio Prepare thy selfe to hope it ware in vaine An. My death alas what raysed this new disdayne Cas Not Iustice zeale in wicked Promos sure An. Swéete show the cause I must this dome indure Cas If thou dost liue I must my honor lose Thy raunsome is to Promos fleshly wyll That I do yelde then which I rather chose With torments sharpe my selfe he first should kyll Thus am I bent thou séest thy death at hand O would my life would satisfie his yre Cassandra then would cancell soone thy band An. And may it be a Iudge of his account Can spot his minde with lawles loue or lust But more may he doome any fault with death When in such faute he findes himselfe iniust Syster that wise men loue we often sée And where loue rules gainst thornes doth reason spurne But who so loues if he reiected be His passing loue to péeuish hate will turne Deare sister then note how my fortune stands That Promos loue the like is oft in vse And sith he craue this kindnesse at your hands Thinke this if you his pleasure do refuse I in his rage poore wretch shall sing Peccaui Here are two euyls the best harde to digest But where as things are driuen vnto necessity There are we byd of both euyls choose the least Cas And of these euils the least I hold is death To shun whose dart we can no meane deuise Yet honor lyues when death hath done his worst Thus fame then lyfe is of farre more emprise An. Nay Cassandra if thou thy selfe submyt To saue my life to Promos fleashly wyll Iustice wyll say thou dost no cryme commit For in forst faultes is no intent of yll Cass How so th' intent is construed in offence The Prouerbe saies that tenne good turnes lye dead And one yll deede tenne tymes beyonde pretence By enuious tounges report abrode doth spread Andrugio so my fame shall vallewed bee Dispite wyll blase my
their cost bestowde of fyne Lamia To saue hir féete from harde stones and colde waye Into a Carte they dyd the queane conuaye Apparelled in collours verie gaye Both Hoode and Gowne of greene and yellowe Saye Hir Garde weare Typstaues all in blewe arraye Before hir a noyse of Basons dyd playe In this triumphe she ryd well nye a daye Fie fie the Citie is so purged nowe As they of none but honest men allowe So that farewell my parte of thriuing there But the best is flattrers lyue euerie where Set cocke on hoope Domini est terra If thou can not where thou wouldst lyue where thou maye Yes yes Phallax knoweth whether to go Nowe God bwy ye all bonest men of Iulio As the Deuilles lykes the company of Friers So flattrers loues as lyfe to ioyne with lyers Actus 5. Scena 1. Andrugio disguised in some long blacke Cloake AN. These two dayes I haue bene in Court disguis'd Where I haue learnd the scorge that is deuis'd For Promos faulte he my Syster spowsed hath To salue hir Fame crackt by his breache of fayth And shortlie he must lose his subtyll head For murdring me whome no man thinkes but dead His wyll was good and therfore beshrewe mee If mou'd with ruthe I seeke to set him free But softlie with some newes these fellowes come I wyll stande close and heare both all and some Actus 5. Scena 2. Enter Vlrico Marshall VL Marshall heare you warrant is with spéede The king commaundes that Promos you behead Mar. Sir his highnesse wyll shal be forthwith done Exit Marshall Vl. The king welnye to pardon him was wonne His heauy wyfe such stormes of teares did showre As myght with rueth haue moyst a stony hart But Promos guylt dyd soone this grace deuoure Our gratious king before hir wretched smart Preferd the helth of this our common weale But see againe to sue for him she comes Her ruthfull lookes her gréefe doth force mée féele With hope I must hir sorrowes néedes delay Tyll Promos be dispacht out of the way Actus 5. Scena 3. Cassandra CAs Syr Vlrico if that my vnknowne gréefe May moue good mindes to helpe mee to releefe Or bytter syghes of comfort cleane dismayde May moue a man a shiftlesse dame to ayde Rue of my teares from true intent which flowe Vnto the king with me yet once more goe Sée if his grace my husbands lyfe wyll saue If not with his death shall my corps ingraue Vl. What shall I doe her sorrowes to decreace Feede her with hope fayre dame this mone surcease I see the king to grace is somewhat bent We once agayne thy sorrowes wyll present Come we wyl wayght for tyme thy sute to show Cas Good knight for time doe not my sute foreslowe Whylst grasse doth growe ofte sterues the seely stéede Vl. Feare not your Lorde shal not dye with such spéede Exeunt Enter Andrugio An. Lord God how am I tormented in thought My sisters woe such rueth in me doth graue As fayne I would if ought saue death I caught Bewray my selfe Lord Promos life to saue But lyfe is sweete and naught but death I eye If that I should my safety now disclose So that I chuse of both the euels he dye Time wyll appease no dought Cassandras woes And shal I thus acquite Cassandras loue To worke her ioy and shall I feare to dye Whylst that she lyue no comforte may remoue Care from her harte if that hir husband dye Then shall I stycke to hasard lym nay life To salue hir greefe since in my cure it rests Nay fyrst I wil be spoyld with blooddy knife Before I fayle her plunged in distres Death is but death and all in fyne shall dye Thus being dead my fame shall liue alway Well to the king Andrugio now wyll hye Hap lyfe hap death his safety to bewray Exit Actus 5. Scena 4. The Marshall three or fowre with halbards Leading Promos to execution BYl. A Bylmā Roome friends what meane you thus to gase on vs A comes behinde makes all the sport I wus Pro. Farewell my friendes take warning by my fall Disdaine my life but lysten to my ende Fresh harmes they say the viewers so apall As oft they win the wicked to amend I neede not heare my faultes at large resyte Vntimely death doth witnesse what I was A wicked man which made eache wrong seeme right Euen as I would was wrested euery case And thus long tyme I liu'd and rule by wyl Where as I lou'd their faultes I would not sée Those I did hate tenne tymes beyond there yll I did persue vyle wretch with cruelty Yea dayly I from bad to worse did slyde The reason was none durst controule my lyfe But sée the fall of mischeeue in his pride My faultes were knowne and loe with bloddy Axe The headseman strayght my wronges with death wyll quite The which in worth I take acknowledging The doome was geuen on cause and not on spyte Wishing my ende might serue for a warning For such as rule and make their will a lawe If to such good my faynting tale might tend Wretched Promos the same would lenger draw But if that wordes preuayle my wofull ende From my huge faultes then tenne times more wyll warne Forgeuenesse now of all the world I craue Therewith that you in zealous prayer wyll Beseeche of God that I the grace may haue At latter gaspe the feare of death to kyll Mar. Forwards my Lord me thinkes you fayntly goe Pro. O syr in my case your selfe would be as slowe Actus 5. Scena 5. Enter Cassandra Polina and one mayde CAs Aye me alas my hope is vntimely Whether goes my good Lord Pro. Swéete wife to dye Cas O wretched wench where may I first complayne When heauen and earth agrees vpon my payne Pro. This mone good wife for Chrystes sake forsake I late resolu'd through feare of death now quake Not so much for my haynous sinnes forepast As for the greefe that present thou dost tast Cas Nay I vile wretch should most agréeued be Before thy time thy death which hastened haue But O swete husband my fault forgeue mée And for amends I le helpe to fyll thy graue Pro. Forgeue thee ab nay for my soules reléefe Forget swéete wyfe this thy most guyltles gréefe Mar. My Lord Promos these playntes but moue hir mone And your more gréefe it is best you ware gone Good Maddame way by lawe your Lord doth dye Wherefore make vertue of necessity Delay but workes your sorrowes and our blames So that now to the comfort of these dames And your wisdome inforced we leaue you My Lord Promos byd your wife and friends adew Pro. Farewell farewell be of good cheare deare wyfe With ioy for woe I shall exchange this life Andrugios death Polina forgeue mée Poli. I doe and pray the Lord to reléeue yée Cas Yet ere we part sweete husband let vs kis O at his lyppes why fayleth not my breath Pro.