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A15028 A handfull of holesome (though homelie) hearbs gathered out of the goodlie garden of Gods most holie word; for the common benefit and comfortable exercise of all such as are deuoutlie disposed. Collected and dedicated to all religious ladies, gentlewomen, and others; by Anne Wheathill, Gentlewoman. Wheathill, Anne. 1584 (1584) STC 25329; ESTC S106304 62,126 302

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thy poore creature and handie worke granting me the fruit of thy sonnes passion which he suffered for my redemption to whom with thée O Father and the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie all power and dominion now and for euermore Amen Amen 18. A praier of the afflicted person O Lord God thou art iust and all thy works and waies are mercie truth and thou iudgest trulie for euermore remember me and looke on me O Lord God and punish me not according to my sinnes or mine ignorance but deale with me as it séemeth best vnto thée And now O Lord worke thy will in me and command my spirit to be receiued in peace that I may be dissolued of this fowle fleshie masse thorough the which I doo nothing but offend thée my Lord God Yet neuerthelesse if it be thy blessed will to giue me longer life in this vale of miserie forgiue me all my sinnes for Christs sake for thou art a mercifull God slowe to conceiue wrath and most readie to forgiue Wherefore extend thy fauour vpon me O Lord which shall confirme the faith of others Though I deserue destruction yet let thy mercie pittie my frailtie for thou art great O Lord for euermore and thy kingdome is world without end Thou scourgest and healest thou leadest vnto hell and bringest backe againe and there is none that may escape thy hand O giue thanks vnto the Lord ye children of men for there is none holie but he none almightie but thou O Lord God Thou hast chastined vs for our misdéeds and of thine owne mercie sake thou hast saued vs wherefore thée will we feare and dread and magnifie the euerlasting king in his works As for me and my soule whilest I liue will I praise thy Maiestie as long as I haue anie being For euer since I was borne thou hast giuen me great cause to praise thée for thou hast béene the defense of my iust cause Heare now my vehement praier my secret complaint and my sighes which I make before thée this daie into whose holie hands I commit my bodie and soule for thou hast redéemed me O thou God of truth Amen 19. A praier of the iustice of God and for the assistance of Gods spirit with an inuocation vpon the Trinitie O Lord I confesse thou dooest not punish me without my deserts therfore I will neuer accuse thée of rigour as the wicked doo for I acknowledge that when thou laiest thy hand heauie vpon anie there is iust cause why thou shouldest so entreat them We are occasion of our owne perdition and can pretend no ignorance to excuse vs withall for thou O God callest vs by thy word and works to follow vertue and flie vice which if we bend our selues vnto depending onelie vpon thée thou hast promised to be our schoolemaister and protectour Thy prouidence O GOD dooth not onelie watch ouer thy church in generall but also ouer euerie member thereof for thy word O Lord is easie to find if we haue a desire therevnto if we be not blinded by the prince of this world Thou most mightie hast power both of land and sea stretch foorth thy mercifull hand to helpe them vp that sinke to kéepe them vp that stand for thou art aboue all and ouer all kingdomes of the earth Thou hast made the heauen and earth Lord bow downe thine eare and heare Lord open thine eies and behold Our true refuge and succour in all temptations and dangers is to flie vnto thée by most earnest praier Thou wilt not here O Lord God for manie words sake or often repetition but thou doost consider our faith and feruent mind for thou doost looke vpon the heart of man and not vpon the outward appearance It is great gréefe O Lord vnto thy children when they sée not the fruits of their praiers which causeth them to thinke that thou hearest not yet doost thou but defer them to cause them to praie more earnestlie and often For when there séemeth to mans iudgement to be no recouerie but all things are brought to despaire then thou O GOD doost shew thy mightie power there is nothing doone without thy prouidence and decrée Wherefore I will call vpon thée with a stedfast faith being assured of thy mercies bicause I haue found thy helpe at néed in my most danger for thou neuer forsakest them that put their trust in thée bicause of nature thou art verie mercifull Therefore the faithfull reuerence thée and are bold to approch néere thy mightie Maiestie most humblie beséeching thée for Iesus Christ his sake that thou wilt cast all our sinnes behind thy backe and giue vs thy grace and holie spirit to lead the rest of our liues in thy feare dooing alwaies that is righteous in thy sight For whosoeuer walketh in his vocation and hath the light of God for his guide néedeth to feare no danger thy rodde and thy staffe shall alwaies hold him vp Guide me O Lord and giue me the most pretious gift of faith which is the head spring of all good works Baptise me inwardlie with the holie Ghost burne and consume all vice in me inflame my hart with the loue of thée and cast thy fauour vpon me O Lord and holie father So doo likewise O Christ my Lord and Sauiour who wast contented to put off all thy glorie that thou wast in before the beginning of the world to take our nature vpon thée and to suffer most bitter passion vpon the crosse for our redemption Wash me with thy pretious bloud and make me a chosen vessell to thy selfe giue me a thankefull hart to praise thy name with continuall thankesgiuing for thy great mercies Come holie spirit inspire my hart with the true knowledge of the father and the sonne procéeding from them both one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie world without end Amen 20. A praier for faith and grace LOrd giue me faith and grace that I may be wounded in hart to séeke vnto thée for mercie for thou O God hast taught vs in thy holie word to looke for aide and helpe of thee in all perils and that thou art the onlie giuer of victorie in all temptations of our enimies bodilie gostlie For when thou giuest sentence against the wicked they must néeds confesse thée to be iust and themselues sinners For thou O GOD which louest purenes of hart maiest iustlie destroie man who is by nature a sinner much more wilt thou laie thine hand vpon them whom thou hast instructed in thy heauenlie wisdome Thy fauour O God is the fountaine of all prosperitie for thou O Lord doost still behold vs. Thée will we reuerence in what place soeuer we be Helpe me therefore O Lord God in my good purposes and holie worshipping or seruing of thée and grant vnto me to make a perfect enterance and beginning in thée for I haue bin an vnprofitable seruant hitherto O Lord giue me a mind neuer to shew my selfe vnthankful for all thy benefits for
thou art the God which euer hath béene and shall be the GOD almightie by whom all thinges haue their being full of mercie mindfull of thy promise Who so séeketh any other than thée O Christ in whom dooth rest onlie the saluation of our soules that creature shal find nothing but miserie and sorrow Wherfore Lord make me rich in thy fauour and grace conducting me by thy power Graft in me a full trust in thy promises for my deliuerance make me one with thée in euerlasting loue that when it shall please thée to call me out of this miserable world I may liue with thée and my Sauiour Christ who died for me and all people whose name with thée O Father and the holie Ghost be praised now and for euermore Amen 21. A praier of the creation of mankind of the true Samaritane for strength against temptation O Father of heauen of power almightie which with thine onlie word diddest create and make all the whole world and all for the profit seruice of man whom thou diddest create of all other a most noble and perfect creature giuing him power vpon earth the waters and all the fowles and birds of the aire thou madest him also after thine own similitude and likenes induing him with a reasonable soule and all the powers thereof thou also diddest put him in the pleasant garden of paradise excepting nothing from him but the eating of the onlie trée of knowledge of good and euill and further for his helpe comfort and companie of a ribbe of his side thou madest for him a woman and gauest hir to him to be his wife There had they instructions giuen them and the lawe of life for an heritage Before them was laid both life and death good and euill with a fréewill giuen them to take which liked them best But their frailtie was such that they through a small intisement chose the euill and left the good they left life chose death Thus Lord through sin breaking of thy commandements man lost the fréewill that was giuen him in his creation and purchased death to all his posteritie In the waie as he went to Ierusalem and Iericho he fell in the hands of théeues who hurting and wounding him sore departed leauing him halfe dead so that he could haue helpe of none but only of the good Samaritan who as he passed by the same waie powred wine and oile into his wounds and tooke the cure of him This onlie Samaritan was thy deare Sonne Christ which tooke vpon him all the iniquities of mankind and laid them on his backe by his death purging and clensing him not onlie from the originall sin of our father Adam but also from all our sins which we commit from time to time by the vertue of his passion and the sacrament of baptisme vpon our repentance For as by Adam death came to mankind so by Iesus Christ was mankind restored to life For this great and high benefit of thy sonnes blessed passion for our redemption we thy poore creatures praise and thanke thée most humblie acknowledging his inestimable loue towards vs in that thou vouchsafedst to die for vs being then sinners thy mortall enimies Neuerthelesse most mercifull father we are of our selues not able to do any thing that good is no not so much as to thinke a good thought without thine aid and assistance We wander here miserablie in the lowe parts of the vile earth our strength will not serue vs to clime to the high of the hilles where thou dwellest in thy mount Sion a place prepared for thine elect a chosen inheritance of thy faithfull seruant Abraham and his séed Wherefore since we being burthened with the affects of worldlie pleasures and also with other cares and troubles can by no meanes ascend to thée that art on the top of so high a mountaine so manie legions of angels attending on thy Maiestie we haue no remedie but with the prophet Dauid now to lift the eies of our harts and minds towards thée to crie for helpe to come down from thée to vs thy poore and wretched seruants We wander here below as lost shéepe hauing no shepheard we are assailed on euerie side with manifold enimies the diuell rauening and hungering séeketh whom he may deuoure the world allureth vs also to hir deceitfull vanities our flesh also which we carrie about vs is our enimie readie and prone to drawe vs vnto all vices and pleasures From this can we by no meanes be defended but by thée Lord. Send vs therfore thy helpe and holie angell to assist and strengthen vs for of thée most mercifull Father floweth all bountie and goodnes Thou O Lord God madest heauen and earth for thine honour and mans commoditie establish therefore good Lord the chosen works of thy hand with thy eternall helpe from heauen send vs downe the welspring of thy grace and thy strong angell to aide vs by his helpe that no assault of our spirituall enimies doo preuaile against vs but from all euils by thy word defend vs Lord both touching the bodie and also the soule that no temptation preuaile against vs. Thou hast béene our protectour euen from our mothers wombe and our trust is that thou wilt so continue all the daies of our life and speciallie at the houre of our death that we may ascend to the heauenlie Ierusalem where we shall reast in the bosome of our father Abraham the father of all faithfull beléeuers there to praise thée and thy louing Sonne and the holie Ghost world without end Amen 22. A praier and thankesgiuing vnto God for his manifold gifts with an acknowledgment of our sinne and pardon for the same O Praise the Lord our God for euer and let vs giue thanks vnto the name of his glorie which excéedeth all other thankesgiuings and praises for thou art our God alone thou hast made the heauen of all heauens with all the hoste of them the earth and all the creatures which liue by thée the sea and all that moue therein thou preseruest them all through thine omnipotent power For the which all the host of heauen praiseth thée and we thy poore children here on earth doo crie vnto thée Holie holie holie art thou which euer was and euer shall be O Lord God of sabaoth Thou hast made good all thy words and promises for thou art righteous and true and hast considered the miserie of our forefathers for they were stubborne against thée not regarding thy precepts and commandements neither were mindfull of thy wonderous works that thou diddest for them whose footesteps we are prone and readie to follow in all vngodlines in these our daies but thou O Lord art mercifull patient and of great goodnes and forsakest vs not whensoeuer we returne vnto thée Wherefore O Lord heare vs from heauen and forgiue vs all our vnthankfulnes and giue vs faithfull hearts to followe thy commandements which if we doo we shall liue in them For it is not
stocke vnto the wicked nor wrap me vp with the deceitfull when they are put to shame for séeing my troubles come of thy appointment I will with thy helpe indure them with patience for I put not my trust in anie worldlie thing but in thée O God my maker and defender I will serue thée with a pure affectiō and with the godlie that worship thée in spirit and truth which that I may the better fulfil blesse me with thy grace now and for euer Amen 25. A praier for the increase of faith wherein also the vnmeasurable loue of God the Father is recorded O Mercifull GOD that art so good and louing a Father make me heire of thy heauenlie kingdome with thy blessed sonne Iesus Christ increase my faith in thée O Lord that I may most faith fullie beléeue all that thou hast commanded in thy holie word for whatsoeuer is not of faith the same is sinne Faith is the sure and perfect foundation of all christian religion wherby thy faithfull hope surelie that all thy promises made vnto them of thy méere goodnes and liberalitie shall surelie and vndoubtedlie be fulfilled Heauen and earth shall perish rather than thy word and promise shal be vnperfourmed By faith Abraham was iustified and by faith he was readie to make sacrifice of his onlie begotten sonne Isaac Vpon those that were faithfull did our Sauiour worke his miracles in so much that in his countrie of Galilie he did not manie bicause of their vnbeléef And by this faith with the helpe of thy grace at this daie and to the end of the world are and shall all thy chosen people be saued and that fréelie without anie deseruing of theirs And being fullie persuaded by thy holie scripture I beléeue in thée my most mightie God thrée persons in one essence and in all things conteined in thy holie word and the same faith I will not let to confesse before all the world I will not doo as manie of the Iewes did which beléeued on thy sonne yet durst they not boldlie confesse him neither make their faith known least they should haue béene expelled out of the synagog They more estéemed the glorie of this world than they did estéeme the glorie of God But through the helpe of thy grace Lord I will speake nothing but that I firmelie beléeue and that which I doo beléeue I will by no meanes hide but speake boldlie for I know that who so dooth confesse thée before men him wilt thou confesse before thy father which is in heauen Faith causeth me to loue thée for thine own sake aboue all creatures Loue causeth me to confesse thée before all the world and for thy sake to worke towards my neighbour as thou haste commanded me It is thy grace that maketh man vertuous and good which grace is the nurse of all good things it leadeth man from one vertue to another it kéepeth vs from falling lifting vs vp againe when we are fallen Thy louing kindnesse hath béen from euerlasting and endureth for euer What shall I giue againe vnto thée O Lord for thy manifold benefits that thou hast doone vnto me Great cause haue I to be thankfull when I remember thy tender loue shewed vnto man in his first creation next in power wisedome knowledge and vnderstanding to the nature of angels made also touching the soule like vnto thine owne image which he through frailtie did abuse yet neuertheles thou of thy mercifull pitie being willing that this noble worke of thine should not vtterlie be lost diddest send thine onelie begotten sonne to become man and wiledst him to suffer death for mans redemption What more loue could be shewed than thou hast shewed what more could be doon to thy vineyard than thou hast doone thy charitie was feruent to vs when we were all sinners few men would now die for their righteous fréend but thou sendedst thy sonne to suffer death for thine enimies that were sinners yea when we dailie now doo fall still from thée by committing all kind of vices yet dooest thou mercifullie suffer vs and gentlie receiue vs so oft as we do returne againe to thée by repentance We forgiue our neighbours scarselie one or twise when they displease vs but thou Lord forgiuest vs not seuen times but seuentie times seuen that is so often as we fal Euen so willest thou vs to forgiue one another Wherefore Lord reach vnto me thy helping hand as thou diddest vnto Peter and as he was thereby made able to walke vpon the water so shall I be able thereby to performe thy holie lawe which my hart is desirous to doo in the presence of all the congregation that other may take example by my dooings and glorifie thy Maiestie for thy noble gifts Strengthen me Lord with thy holie spirit giue me an hart and will rather to choose to suffer death than to breake anie of them for right deare in thy sight is the death of thy saints Thy name will I call vpon and honour it all the daies of my life I will also as I haue promised fulfill my vowes that I haue made vnto thée I will giue vp my selfe to thée as an oblation and séeing I am thy image I will declare vnto the holie congregation how mercifullie thou hast receiued me to thy grace I will honor thée in thy church wherof I am partaker through the meanes of thy sonne Christ Iesus my onelie Lord and sauiour Amen 26. A praier vnto God the father wherein the sinner openeth his greefe of conscience O GOD I am not worthie of the least of thy mercies and truth which thou hast shewed vnto me thy seruant for though thou hast O Lord assaide me with the one hand thou hast euer holden me vp with the other for thou art euer present with vs to succor vs in our troubles And if thou O God diddest not open our eies we could neither sée nor vse the meanes which thou hast set before vs. As for me when thou openedst mine eies and heart I was readie to obeie thée being assured that I was written in the booke of thine elect to this end for thy prouidence watcheth alwaies to direct thy children that they slide not Wherefore now O Lord call to remembrance the cares and gréefes which we haue suffered consider and sée our confusion Our inheritance is turned vnto strangers we are become carefull and fatherlesse our parents which now are gone haue sinned and we must beare their wickednesse Alas that they and we haue sinned so sore Therefore is our hart full of heauines but thou O Lord that remainest euermore and thy seat world withou end doo not forget vs. Let all the world sée thy iudgements in that thou art our God and ruler ouer all which we will euer confesse bicause thou art so glorious and through thy mercifull aid I will remaine stedfast being vpholden by thy power O GOD. For I haue euer this hope of conscience that thou wilt not impute vnto me my ignorance
in his voiage Lot from sinking among the sinfull Sodomites Ioseph from the danger of his wicked ladie and mistres the Israelites from the bondage of Pharao Daniel from the lions Ionas from drowning being thrée daies thrée nights in the whales bellie the thrée yoong men from burning that were put into the flaming fornace with manie thousands more whom of thy naturall accustomed mercie and goodnesse thou dooest preserue and euer wilt doo all those that it pleaseth thée to drawe vnto thée thorough grace I most miserable and wretched sinner doo now call vpon thée for mercie and grace acknowledging my selfe gréeuouslie to haue offended the eies of thy deitie so manie waies that I am not worthie to beare the name of a christian the burthen of mine offenses is so great Wherefore discharge me of them Lord according to thine infinit mercie For small sinnes thy small mercie sufficeth but my great sinnes require thy great mercie And as my offenses are manie in number so is there of thy mercies a great multitude yea they cannot be numbred But of one thing I am sure that it lieth not in mans power so much to offend as it is in thy mercifull power to forgiue My woonds cannot be so great and noisome but thy medicines are most pretious and healthsome wherefore heale thou me and I shall be whole from my sinnes The children of Israell might not come into thy sight being once defiled with anie vncleannesse till they were sanctified and the priests also durst not come to thy presence till they were washed for feare least they should perish how much more néed I then to desire thée Lord to wash my vncleane soule For my soule hath néed of manie dews of thy grace and manie secret drawings to thée with spirituall violence or euer it can be made cleane The leprosie of Naaman of Syria could not be clensed till he had washed himselfe seauen times in the riuer of Iordan how manie waters haue I néed to be washed with or I be purged from my vncleannesse But thy mercie O Lord is as great as thy selfe Thy grace maketh a stonie heart to be a fleshie heart in a sturdie stomach it bréedeth an humble spirit of a fierse lion it maketh a méeke lambe Whie should I then despaire of thy goodnes considering that thy iustice willeth me to trust in thée Thy promise is to haue mercie on all those that be penitent for their offenses so that thou wilt no more remember them This promise no doubt shall stand fast and sure when both heauen and earth shall passe awaie Wherefore I offer now to thy maiesty a hart contrite being sorie for the wickednes by it conceiued with a bodie subiect to thée with all humilitie and sorowfull for all the sinnes by it committed I acknowledge my faults and my sinnes is euer before me I punish my selfe with contrition bicause thou Lord shouldst giue me grace and remission I haue it euer in remembrance and set it vp in my sight bicause thou shouldst forget it and put it out of thy sight Consider Lord I praie thée the fraile metall whereof I am made receiue me thy poore creature into thy fauour for before thée I accuse my selfe to the intent thou shouldest shew mercie as thou hast promised who hast euer béene found iust in all thy saiengs I haue long straied from thée yet now am returned to thée with all my whole heart Make me therefore vpright and so to aspire to heauenlie things that neither aduersitie nor worldlie pleasure plucke it downeward Cast awaie my sinnes behind thée but cast not me from thy mercifull countenance as thou diddest king Saule for disobedience For if I loose thy gratious presence I am then sure thou wilt also take from me thy holie spirit as thou diddest from Saule O how gratious and swéet is thy spirit in all things it passeth all other swéetenes it leadeth those that loue thée into the land of righteousnes This thy holie spirit I desire may remaine still with me to teach me all veritie to confirme me in goodnes to make intercession for me vnto thée in all my necessities and infirmities Giue me therefore againe the comfort of thy helpe and stablish me with thy principall spirit For thou onelie art mightie faithfull and constant and neuer failest them that call vpon thée in faith and truth Wherefore I offer vnto thée the sacrifice of praise and thankesgiuing for all thy mercies and benefits putting my whole trust in thée who hast neuer failed me for which cause I am bound to praise thée now and for euermore Amen 46. A praier of the maiestie of God and of his bountifull liberalitie towards mankind O Lord thou art my GOD and my King my hope and my comfort who hast by so great prouidence created and ordained all thy creatures that the beautie excellencie of them declare thy mightie magnificence to vs all which are thy reasonable creatures The power of thy maiestie to vs knowne before is by the contemplation of them made manifest causing vs to praise and magnifie thée with all our powers We acknowledge thy power thy wisedome thy honour also and thy great glorie wherewith thou art garnished Thou art the euerlasting light and thy wisedome is the brightnesse thereof which shall neuer be quenched Thou art compassed about with bright angels and with thy saints shining in clearenesse whose inheritance is to enioie light As for vs thy poore creatures on earth great cause haue we to praise thée world without end bicause thou hast so mercifullie declared thy great goodnes to mankind in this world to his most comfort that could be deuised giuing vnto vs all things to doo vs seruice All beasts thou madest subiect for his vse which to nourish and to féed thou causest the ground naturallie to bring foorth grasse and all kind of hearbes replenishing the earth with all kind of fruit to the comfort of mans heart But aboue all things Lord féed vs with thy holie word whereby our soules are made strong and comforted For in a miserable case doo they liue from whom thou takest awaie thy holie word which is the true bread which came downe from heauen which whosoeuer eateth of shall liue for euer Lord neuer take the same awaie from vs againe but euermore féed vs with this bread Thy word maketh our enimies afraid they haue no further power to hurt thy faithfull than thou permittest them Wherefore although the wicked swell neuer so high yet we feare them not they may inuade thy church and manie of the elect members of the same but they shall neuer haue power to destroie them For thou Lord hast promised to abide with thy faithfull vnto the end of the world thy grace will not leaue them that loue and serue thée Send vs good Lord this grace that we may feruentlie imbrace the spirituall food of our soules that it may cause vs to forget our wanton and idle liues that we haue hitherto
thou O God hast care ouer thine and dooest chasten them for their health that they should not perish for euer with the wicked For thou wilt restore the gouernement of good things to their vse and then the godlie shall follow thée chéerefullie Grant vs we humblie beséech thée to know thy waies and to ascend vp vnto the throne of thy maiestie by faith giuing thée praise and glorie for thy fatherlie preseruation and health towards vs continuallie For thou hast béene a house and defense for vs thou hast chosen vs to be thy people before the foundation of the earth was laid Wherefore we are sure that thou wilt heare vs whensoeuer we call and crie vnto thée for mercie and grace Blesse vs now and euer with all goodnes that we may lead our liues according to thy will liuing in thy feare all the daies of our life that after this course is ended we may dwell with thée world without end Amen 7. Another for the same I Make my humble petition in thy sight O GOD most holie which biddest vs aske and it shall be giuen séeke and we shall find knocke and it shall be opened vnto vs and beléeue onelie and we shall receiue whatsoeuer we desire Lord I beléeue helpe thou mine vnbeléefe and giue me that faith which shal be most acceptable in thy sight Sowe in my heart good Lord the graine of stedfast faith which may aspire and spring vp vnto the mercie seat of thine almightie maiestie for without true faith and obedience we cannot call vpon thée a right Giue me therefore good Lord that most pretious iewel of faith that thou maist thereby heare me And giue me comfort saluation through thy mercifull goodnesse O God who neuer dooest forsake thy faithfull seruants that come to thée in humblenesse of heart looking vpon Iesus Christ thy deare sonne our Lord and Sauiour for he is the trée of life which standeth in the middest of paradise by whom we haue entrance vnto thée O déere father Whosoeuer séeketh anie other waie than this thy déere Sonne he is a théefe and a robber and shall neuer be partaker of the benefits which he of his mercie hath most louinglie bestowed vpon vs which grant me Lord Iesu neuer to forget but euermore to shew my selfe thankefull For it is thou O Lord that art worthie to receiue all glorie honour and praise for thou hast created and redéemed all and without thée we cannot doo anie thing that is good Wherefore Lord Iesus I come vnto thée crauing at thy mercifull hand an humble and contrite heart a patient mind a quiet conscience the gift of faith and of the holie Ghost O thou louer of soules heare me poore wretch although vnworthie once to thinke much lesse to speake vnto thy maiestie But thou art the same Lord who dooest most louinglie saie Come to me all ye that are heauie loden and I will ease you Which comfortable saieng of thine O Christ maketh me bold to come into thy presence vnloding my sinfull sacke of corruption before the face of thine almightie power not doubting but thou wilt mercifullie heare me and ease me with thy helpe for I cast all my burthen on thée who art the giuer of life and saluation Wherefore I turne my selfe vnto thée O Lord Iesus Christ desiring thée by praier to renue whatsoeuer is amisse in me either by mine owne frailtie or malice of the diuell For I acknowledge O Lord that I am the most wicked the most fraile of all others the weakest to resist my ghostlie enimie But I trust through thy mercie to be of the number of them for whom thou hast ouercome the diuell and the world which grant me Lord Iesus for thy bitter passions sake that after this life I may enioie the endles blisse and glorie of heauen To thée with the liuing Father and the holie Ghost be giuen all honour and glorie all praise and thanks for euer and euer Amen Amen 8. A praier of the iustice of God and of his mercie O GOD almightie Lord of heauen and earth from whom nothing can be hid or kept secret thou art the searcher of the hart and reines which knowest the thoughts of all men when I remember thy iust iudgment I tremble and quake for feare considering the burthen wait and filthines of sinne to be so great that for one proud thought a great number of angels fell from heauen The earth was not able to beare the burthen of Corah Dathan and Abiram but for the rebellion against thée and thy seruant Moses the earth opened and swallowed them quicke For the sinne and pride of Dauid who mustered his men putting his trust in the multitude of them rather than in thée that art the liuing God thou scourgedst him with the plague of pestilence so that there died foure score thousand of his people within the space of thrée daies Who would not then feare séeing we sinne dailie with most gréeuous sinnes Now haue we no remedie to flie from thy wrath but to shrowd our selues in the bosome of thy most dearelie beloued sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ making him our bulworke and house of defense betwéene thine anger and vs most humblie beséeching thée for his sake and for the bitter paines that he suffered for our redemption to be mercifull vnto vs and rebuke vs not in thine anger Let not the sentence of euerlasting death take place which thou gauest against Adam and all his posteritie for his disobedience Thou art méeke gentle and long suffering of thy selfe It is our gréeuous offenses heaped one vpon another that prouoke thée vnto anger Therefore acknowledging our offenses we praie thée most mercifull father to haue compassion vpon vs for we are not able of our selues to arise it is thou Lord and thy blessed sonne that must heale our infirmities We haue no strength to withstand the temptation of our enimies thy sonne Christ must reach vs his hand as he did to Peter walking on the water when he was in perill of drowning His patience is our medicine and health thy grace and his are sufficient remedies We are all carnall sold vnder sinne so that the good we would doo that doo we not but the euill that we wold not that we doo We are all euill of our selues Consider O God our contrite hearts and penitent minds and heare heale and amend vs. Hope biddeth vs still to crie and call vpon thée for helpe as the woman of Canaan cried still vpon thy sonne Christ for the helpe of hir daughter and at the last was heard to hir owne contentation so we knocking and calling still doubt not but thou wilt grant through our importunacie our desires as he that granted his neighbour thrée loaues We doo now knocke crie and will neuer cease till thou Lord turne towards vs and deliuer our soules Turne we heartilie beséech thée from thy wrath to pittie and mercie deliuer vs from the manifold troubles which we haue in our
soone as men begin to liue they begin to die as soone as thy plesure is Lord to haue them they fade awaie suddenlie like the grasse which is in the morning gréene and growing and in the euening it is cut downe and withered In youth we are pleasant and merrie lustie and strong springing vp gréene as dooth the corne but when haruest commeth it ripeth and withereth and is cut downe When age commeth the body of man drieth awaie then death ouertaketh vs. All this remembred who can take anie comfort who can be merrie that remembreth the last end for we bring our yeares to an end euen as a tale that is tould Wherefore teach vs mercifull Christ to number our daies that we may applie our harts vnto wisedome Giue vs grace to haue in remembrance the short daies of our life with the dangerous passage of our time in this world so that hauing no trust or affiance in the vncertaintie thereof we may wholie applie our selues to the contemplation of thy heauenlie wisdome that we may consider earnestlie thy goodnesse shewed vnto vs who art the power and the wisdome of God thy father Behold Lord our hartie repentance for our sinnes we beséech thée turne thy mercie and louing kindnesse vnto vs be gratious to vs that are thy seruants for although we fall often times from thée through frailtie of our nature yet we forsake thée not vtterlie but return to thée as the prodigall sonne returned to his father after long absence was receiued well accepted of We are thy seruants redie to serue thée by the helpe of thy grace Heare therefore our humble petition which is to craue thy mercie and grace with the same satisfie my soule most gratious Lord for the which all thy faithfull doo sore hunger and thirst so long as they abide in this life but they shall be perfectlie and faithfullie most fullie satisfied when thy glorie shall be manifest vnto them in thy heauenlie habitation Then shall we reioise and be glad all the daies of our life With that ioifull daie comfort vs good Lord in recompense of the yeares wherein we haue suffered much aduersitie Let thy grace shine vpon vs let it euer assist vs O mercifull Iesus which art the bright light of God thy father Then shall we prosper in this world and after follow thée the lambe wheresoeuer thou goest which grant for thy mercie sake To thée with the Father and the holie Ghost be praise and glorie now and for euer Amen 29. A praier vnto the holie Ghost wherein his glorie is confessed O Holie Ghost thou art my strength power and refuge in time of my trouble thou diddest helpe me in my youth when I had more strength helpe me now good Lord so much the more in my old age and weakenes for the depth of thy prouidence gouerneth all things Thou art the Lord of life whose throne is most excellent with God the Father and the Sonne which dwellest in the place of our holie rest Thou art the comfort of thine elect and the seuenfold disposer of the works of God All they that forsake thée shall be confounded and they that depart from thée shall be written in earth bicause they haue forsaken the Lord of life Turne ye therefore all ye sinners and doo righteousnes before God and be ye sure that his holie spirit will not depart from you For he did not refuse the praier of Abraham when he was entreated for the wicked Sodomites if there could haue béene found ten righteous in the citie how much more wilt thou grant the praiers of the godlie when they call vpon thée either for themselues or for the preseruation of thy church Wherefore bicause thou art iust O Lord lead me out of the danger of mine enimies for vnto thée doo I make my praier O thou most high possesser of heauen and earth Be not terrible vnto me O Lord for thou art God my comforter in whom I hope when I am in perill O thou finger of GOD touch my heart and vnlose the same from all worldlie vanitie Inspire me with thy grace that I may confesse the father and the sonne with thée O holie Ghost to be one GOD in persons thrée and euerlasting in vnitie who guidest and gouernest the world through thy omnipotencie whose mercies be praised for all thy benefits in the world of worlds now and for euermore Amen 30. A praier in the remembrance of death wherein the vanitie of riches is touched and the reuelation and reward of mens works is promised MAke vs O Lord to remember our end wherevnto all men by nature must come then shall we neuer doo amisse Instruct our harts in thy godlie wisedome that we may applie our time according to thy holie worde and will Defend vs from the snares of our wicked enimie the diuell Let vs not be intangled with the wicked mammon of this detestable world nor boast our selues in the multitude of our riches for they and we shall fade and fall awaie as the fresh flower that kéepeth his colour and swéet sauour for a short space but the heate of the sunne maketh it wither his beautie to perish and his flower to fall awaie Euen so shall it be with all such as put their trust in their riches they shall perish togither with their aboundance their goods maie serue them here for a short space but no man can with monie win his brother from death or make agréement vnto God for him for it cost more to redéeme their soules so that they must let that alone foreuer Onelie thy sonne Iesus Christ was our redemption which price if it well not serue the wicked for that they end in sinne our sauiour will not paie for them a second death to redéeme them withall but leue them to be tormented for euer Wherefore giue vs grace Lord that we may laie vp our riches in the hands of Christ the sure tresure house that is in the hands of the poore that we may be sure to find it againe with greater gaine when we depart out of this wretched world so shall we lay vp temporall things and receiue againe eternall For if we will be rich in good works and readie to giue and to distribute we shall laie vp for vs a good foundation against the time to come contrariewise the wicked which are now here in great glorie whose dwelling is in the night their works are hid and appéere not but at the great iudgement when Christ which is our life shall shew himselfe then shall the iust appéere with him also in glorie then shall it be cléere day-light all mens works shall appéere as they be The trée that in the winter sheweth no freshnesse shall then receiue sap from the root appéere beautifull where the flower and herbe that was in sight pleasant for a while shall wither awaie and fall Then shal the strength of the wicked consume hell shall be their dwelling in perpetuall moorning Thus wilt
iustlie prouoked thy wrath and indignation against me And now I how the knées of my hart vnto thée most mercifull and heauenlie father beséeching thée for Iesus Christ his sake to forgiue me all my sinnes negligences and ignorances For I confesse how wickedlie I haue mispent the talent that thou gauest me abusing thy gifts of grace manie waies burieng the same in obscure darknesse woorse than the seruant that hid his maisters treasure not putting it to anie increase for he deliuered the principall againe But I most miserable creature can shew vnto thy maiestie no part of that which thou gauest me to vse to thine honor and glorie for the which I am most hartilie sorie and doo vnfeinedlie repent hauing no meane to helpe my selfe but onelie to lift vp the eies of my faith vnto thy deare sonne Iesus Christ beséeching him most instantlie to make perfect my wants and to renue whatsoeuer is lacking in me For I commit my bodie and soule this night and euermore into his most holie hands hoping O Christ thou wilt make me an acceptable sacrifice vnto thy father I haue no place to flie vnto but to shrowd me vnder the wings of thine almightie power who wast so louing vnto vs that thou wast contented to shed thy most pretious bloud for the sinnes of the whole world for the which I most humblie and hartilie yéeld vnto thée thanks honor praise and glorie O lambe of God sonne of the father heare thou me thou that saiedst I am thy health and saluation I am thy peace and life cleaue fast vnto me and thou shalt liue O Lord I am the woonded man and thou art the good Samaritane powre oile into my wounds and bind them vp Lord heale thou me and I shall be whole for thou art my God and Sauiour Heare thou therefore my supplications from heauen and haue mercie Take from me all my sinnes and wickednesse and giue me thy grace and holie spirit Lighten mine eies that I sléepe not in death so shall I ioiefullie after this sluggish sléepe of sinne rise againe liuing in thy feare all the daies of my life Which grant me to doo O Father Sonne and holie Ghost thrée persons and one true GOD world without end Amen 5. Against the temptation of the diuell and for Gods fauour and grace O Lord preserue me that I fall not into temptation neither let me be as one of them that contemne thy word falling from thée but arme me with an inuincible strength and constancie so shall I be sure that all the powers of the world shall not ouercome me For there is none in heauen earth or hell that can doo anie thing but as thou giuest them power Séeing that all are thy creatures thou must néeds gouerne and guide them Thy mercie O God almightie is also annexed to thy diuine nature for when all mankind was lost and dead in sinne then diddest thou sitting in thy celestiall throne looke downe to the earth vpon our miserable state and loosedst vs from the bands of the diuell and sendedst downe thine onlie begotten sonne that by his death he might deliuer from death such as worthilie were the children of death for the which I praise thée and doo confesse from the bottome of my hart that our deliuerance commeth onlie of thée O God and not by mans power Wherefore I will not come emptie into thy presence but with all humilitie I offer vnto thée my troubled spirit for mine offenses and this sacrifice I am sure thou wilt not despise for I confesse my selfe ignorant till thou hast taught me O Lord. My heart is also variable and separated from thée Ioine my soule and bodie to thée O God and confirme me in thine obedience for I desire not to liue but to serue thée as I ought which we cannot doo aright except thou open our eies I respect no man but set thée alwaies before me as the chéefe helper and iudge of my dooings Certeinlie we can doo nothing of our selues but when thou O God doost inwardlie instruct vs by thy holie spirit then féele we thy graces swéeter than the honie and the honie combe There is no acception of persons with thée but all people that feare thée and worke righteousnesse thou wilt accept If we be thine thou Lord wilt strengthen vs with all power and blesse vs with all felicitie But thy indignations are most constant against the wicked and passe all our vnderstanding for thou O God neuer forsakest anie that séeke vnto thée Therfore man is cause of his owne destruction Giue me thy fauour and be mercifull vnto me for thine owne sake grant me thy heauenlie wisedome and grace to be gouerned by thy holie word which if I follow I shall haue all prosperitie corporall and spirituall bringing foorth such fruits as haue life I acknowledge that all my acts thoughts or anie part of my life cannot be hid from thée O God though thou séemest to be farre off so that they are euidentlie knowne to thée for thou O GOD vnderstandest my meaning before I speake and sendest the dewes of thy grace vpon me which causeth me to bring foorth the fruits of good works to thine honour and the helpe of my neighbor for it is of thy power strength and grace when I doo anie thing that is good and not of mine owne power There is none good but thou alone thou killest and giuest life thou woundest and makest whole neither is there anie that can speake a word except thou giue it him nor none can saue himselfe by his owne labour nor anie worldlie meanes Wherfore I will rest in thée as mine onelie God through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour Amen 6. A praier for faith and for Gods helpe and assistance at his good pleasure O Lord GOD almightie which by thy power wisedome hast made all the world and dooest gouerne the same and all that therein is from thy holie heauens wherein thou dwellest looke fauorablie vpon vs and grant that in temptation we may haue faith to fight against the diuell and all his false suggestions and to crie inwardlie vnto thée with groning alwaies aiding vs with thy holie spirit to be humble in all afflictions with true repentance For when all mans helpe dooth faile thou O God wilt helpe vs euen as it were by a miracle if we call vpon thée with an vpright conscience Lord grant vs neuer to require more of thée than is necessarie neither to séeke to separate thy power from thy will least we should tempt thée for though thy helpe dooth not presentlie appeare yet hast thou sowen and laid vp in store for vs. We will therefore be mindfull of thy benefits and onelie trust in thy defense for though the wicked rage against thée O God yet those that be thy children shall praise thy name and mightie power For the more liberallie that thou O God dooest deale with thy people the more doost thou punish them that abuse thy benefits For
Wherefore grant vnto me from hencefoorth to liue in thy feare all the daies of my life and to end this pilgrimage in faith and truth to the glorie of thy holie name Which grant vs O deare father for thy deare sonne Iesus Christs sake who is blessed with thée O father To whom with thée and the holie Ghost be giuen all honour praise world without end Amen 27. A praier vnto the sonne of God wherein the soule is comforted by the rehearsall of Christs manifold benefits O My soule inforce thée with all thy strength to set foorth the noble praises of the Lord thy GOD and redéemer Thou hast within thée manie goodlie gifts of nature and grace which giue thée occasion neuer to cease from giuing of thanks Forget not these beneficiall gifts which he hath giuen thée for of forgetfulnesse commeth vnvnthankefulnesse which vnkindnes maketh thée not worthie to enioie that is giuen thée Consider my soule first the miserable estate wherein thou wast brought by sinne Thou wast the enimie of God the bond-seruant of the diuell and subiect to death euerlasting From this hath thy mercifull brother Iesus Christ being both GOD and man deliuered thée making satisfaction for all thy sinnes through his death and passion What greater loue could he shewe than to die for thée whereby he driueth awaie all thine offenses If thou set before thine eies the multitude of thy sinnes then shalt thou also behold the benefits and goodnes of thy redéemer Giue him therefore the sacrifice of praise and glorifie him for therein he delighteth not for his profit but for thine not for that he is anie thing thereby aduanced but that dooing thy dutie by faith thou maist be made partaker of ioie euerlasting with him And though he send thée manie aduersities in this world thinke that he loueth thée for if he did not he would leaue thée to sinke in thine owne sinne to the vtter losse both of bodie and soule But he hath saued thy life from euerlasting destruction he hath redéemed thée with his most pretious blood he died for thy sinnes and rose againe for thy iustification Loue him therefore my soule and magnifie him all the daies of thy life Put thy whole affiance in him and feare no violence of enimies for although they assault thée yet can they not vanquish thée For he that through his mercie and louing kindnesse hath giuen thée power by him to vanquish thine enimies will not faile after thy fight and victorie to reward thée with a crowne of glorie and immortalitie When death thy last enimie shall be ouercome then shalt thou be admitted to the ioifull companie of angels and saints in heauen there to haue more ioie and comfort than hart can wish When the glorie of the Lord shall appeare then shalt thou be fullie satisfied to thy contentation His countenance shall replenish thée with all io●e Wherfore my soule whilest thou art in this present life ioined with thy fraile and heauie carcase giue thanks louinglie to thy gentle redéemer for his vnspeakeable kindnesse His grace is readie at hand at thy call fight therefore manfullie and mightilie against all sinfull concupiscence and vice put off the old man and leaue all the works of darkenes put on the new man arme thée with the armor of light Beginne a new life and flie vnto Christ the strong tower and sure rocke leaue all worldlie pleasures and vanities and call for his grace and doubt not but he will make thée liue a new spirituall life and giue thée immortallitie both of soule and bodie in heauen euerlastinglie where thou shalt continuallie behold the face of God to the fulnesse of all thy ioie and contentation Stand fast in this hope and mistrust not the mercies of GOD call to remembrance the ancient goodnes of thy heauenlie father which is all one with the mercie of his sonne and the holie Ghost Behold how mercifull and beneficiall he hath euer bin to those that beléeue and trust in him For looke how high the heauen is from the earth so great is his mercie also to them that feare him How much are we bound to serue this our God in Christ by whom we haue receiued redemption He is a God of all gods mightie and terrible which accepteth no persons nor taketh rewards Thou doost right vnto the fatherlesse and helpest the stranger that is in distresse Come vnto me most louing God and sauiour helpe and fight thou for me let not mine enimies haue the victorie ouer me Powre foorth thy grace vpon my corrupt nature and I shall be purged from all wickednesse I am almost dead in sinne quicken me and giue me life againe sithence thou art God the author of life and health for none can doo it but thou alone my God and sauiour then shall my toong praise thy righteousnesse O Lord God without ceasing Amen 28. Another praier vnto the sonne wherein the miseries of this our mortall life are remembred O Most louing Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ that art the verie naturall sonne of the almightie heauenlie father God of God light of light a God thou art without beginning a Lord from euerlasting before the mountains were brought foorth or euer the earth and the world were made whose kingdome likewise shall endure world without end Thou Lord I saie that art equall with thy father in power and glorie didest not disdaine to become man among men to the intent thou wouldest by suffering painfull passion be the refuge of mankind from one generation to another The yoong chickens when the kite striketh at them haue none other refuge but to run dickering vnder the wings of the hen no more hath mankind anie other defense against his rauening enimies but onelie the couering of thy grace and the shadowe of thy most pretious passion which is vnto vs a strong tower and sure shield of defense against all inuasions This grace mercifull Lord we humblie beséech thée to send vs that by turning thy fauourable countenance vpon vs we may knowe our owne infirmities and leauing all pleasure in vile temporall things we may turne to thée that art our Sauiour and redéemer our God and our brother Make vs to knowe in what miserie in what trouble and in how manie kind of displeasures we lead our liues here continuallie vntill the time that age or sicknesse commeth vpon vs at which time thou wilt call vs saieng Ye children of Adam returne ye now againe into the earth from whence ye came This is the debt due vnto nature Of earth we came in the earth we trauell of earth we liue and into earth me must returne againe For the life of man is to be likened vnto a night watchman that when his houre is past taketh his rest Thus fareth it by the life of man who first passeth awaie his childhood next in youth the third in manhood the fourth in age which vanisheth awaie like smoke that passeth awaie out of the chimneie For as
when we swarue at anie time out of the right waie by which we iudge that he dooth loue vs for whosoeuer he be that he loueth him he dooth chasten Christs strong shéepheards staffe dooth staie vs when we are weake as a sicke man is by his staffe In Christ thy sonne is the fulnes of grace from whom distilleth all goodnesse that we haue through his holie spirit is our cup filled full of pure liquor it causeth vs for ioie of heauenlie contemplation to forget all the troubles and miseries of the world the dregs of worldlie pleasures and carnall affections For as thy mercie hath gone before vs plentifullie giuing vs aboundance of thy great graces so we trust and doubt not but it will followe vs all the daies of our liues and kéepe vs that we fall not from faith Thou Lord must helpe our house or else we labour in vaine thou must be our beginning and end and then we be sure to dwell in the house of the Lord for euer For we know surelie that if our earthlie mansion wherein we now dwell were dissolued we haue a building ordeined of God an habitation not made with hands but eternallie in heauen where is perpetuall ioie and beatitude world without end Amen 37. A breefe confession that we receiue all goodnes from God ARise vp O Lord God and let thine enimies be scattered before thée and let them that hate thée be brought to confusion Declare O Lord thy might and power for thou art a consuming fire and a gelous God visiting the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third and fourth generation For thy gouernement is so iust constant and without change or repentance that thy verie enimies shall be compelled to confesse the same O God almightie thou doost punish thine elect by measure giuest them grace to beare it but to the reprobate it is thy iust vengeance to driue them headlong to all madnesse For thy omnipotencie hath all power in it selfe to execute thy terrible iudgment against obstinate sinners as thou art rich in mercy to comfort them which obeie thy word and loue thée The faithfull in all their aduersities doo knowe that all shall go well with them for GOD will be mercifull and iust and though they want for a time yet thou wilt send them comfort in due season For thy Maiestie is so great that it filleth both heauen and earth and there is no power so high that can let thée when thou wilt deliuer thine The wicked rise vp suddenlie to honour and perish as quicklie but the inheritance of the children of God continueth for euer For thou O GOD wilt take vengance vpon the wicked and measure them according to their dealings Thus thou O God canst plucke backe the bridle of tyrants and deliuer thine owne out of the lions mouth for though the wicked swell neuer so much yet we feare them not They cannot vtterlie destroie vs for thou Lord hast promised to abide with thy faithfull people to the end of the world Thy grace will not leaue vs nor anie that loue thée and serue thée with a faithfull heart Thy fauour O God resteth on thine for thy sonne Iesus Christs sake that from him we might receiue thy blessings For we deserue nothing of our selues but thy wrath and indignation Wherefore grant vs good Lord first to séeke thy glorie and aboue all things reigne thou ouer vs al and let vs render to thée perfect obedience as thine angels doo whom thou hast commanded to take charge of thy children For the which if the wicked despise them thou of thy mercie wilt reuenge their cause for thou wilt preserue the faithful branches of thy vineyard but the rotten stocks wilt thou destroie according to their hypocrisie For there is none like vnto thée in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath Thou dooest blesse the labour of the poore and consumest the goods of them which are negligent bicause they boast and thinke they haue enough The wicked wallow in their riches yet are they but slaues to the godlie that are true professors of the gift of God The cup which thou gauest to the wicked to drinke is much bitter than that thou doost bestow on thine own them thou measurest by mercie the other by iustice And though thou suffer thy children to liue vnder the crosse least they should imbrace wickednesse yet thou wilt not suffer it to rest vpon them that it should driue them from their hope for all thy promises are true Wherefore we are sure of thy helpfull deliuerance séeing the earth and all creatures remaine in that estate wherein thou hast created them much more thy truth indureth constant and vnchangeable Blessed be thou O God of truth and blessed be the glorie of thy holie name world without end Amen Amen 38. A praier wherein is shewed that there is none omnipotent but God alone O Lord GOD almightie it is not in mans power or counsell to hinder that thou hast determined shall come to passe for as the insensible heauen is not subiect to anie alteration and change so shall the truth of thy promises be vnchangeable sith our infirmities cannot in any wise comprehend thée in thy maiestie There is none like thée neither is there anie God besides thée thou killest and giuest life thou woundest and makest whole Wherefore blessed are they that confesse thée and obeie thy word to them thou giuest life and felicitie The ioies that are stedfast and perdurable are giuen of thy goodnesse to those that are méeke and humble in spirit Thou dooest grant to the faithfull of thy goodnesse both grace and glorie so that no good thing shall be withholden from them that liue in thy feare for thou castest awaie none that will séeke thée in righteousnes And though thou suffer the world to hate thine elect it is bicause thy children should forsake the filthines of this world and cleaue vnto thée Wherefore grant vs O Lord that we may alwaies haue the eies of our faith fixed vpon thée for whatsoeuer thou O GOD hast promised shall surelie be performed For as it was thy frée mercie O God that did choose vs so is it thy frée mercie that must saue vs. Thou doost call vs by thy rod to consider the shortnes of our life for our sinnes haue abridged our daies which be not onlie short but miserable bicause we are so sinfull that we doo nothing but prouoke thée to wrath so weake we are so fraile and vnable of our selues to doo that good is inclining alwaies to things forbidden There is nothing so secreatlie doone on earth but thou O God doost sée it who dooest fulfill both heauen and earth Grant vs O Lord alwaies thy feare which shall be a bridle to staie vs from all wickednesse For as thou hast created all people euen so dooest thou gouerne the hearts of all ioining the saluation of thine with thine owne honour so that they cannot perish vnlesse thy glorie should
lead and now beginne to frame a new spirituall godlie life building the house of our soules on the sure rocke which is thy sonne Iesus Christ resting in him as a sure habitation For it is he Lord that thou hast annointed aboue all other to be our mediatour and mercie seat who is so gentle mercifull and louing that he is most readie to receiue vs whensoeuer we come vnto him O glorious God how excellent art thou How noble and manifest be thy works passing farre the capacitie of all thy creatures to comprehend But thou full wiselie hast wrought all things by the same wisedome that hath bin with thée before anie thing was created and before all times by the which thou hast numbred the sands of the sea the drops of raine the daies of time By it hast thou measured the height of heauen the breadth of the earth and the déepenesse of the sea This wisedome is thy verie sonne our Lord and Sauiour the second person in Trinitie he is the power in whom are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge By him hast thou wrought the worke of our redemption and deliuered vs from eternall damnation And although thou be sometimes angrie with vs for our wickednes yet neuerthelesse if we call vpon thée in thy sons name thou wilt shew vs mercie for it is thy nature and his to be mercifull Lord kéepe our enimie farre from vs let him not deuoure those for whose redemption and saluation thou vouchsafedst to send thy most entirelie beloued son to suffer death and passion Bring them also we humblie beséech thée into the true faith of thy holie church that they may knowe thée and him whom thou hast sent for the saluation of the world that there may be on both sorts one shéepheard and one flocke Send vs all most mercifull father thy gratious fauor and open thy liberall hand and fill vs all with thy goodnes hide not thy face from vs for our offenses O send forth good Lord thy swéet breath vpon vs make vs new againe that we may leaue our old naughtines and become new creatures We acknowledge our selues to be dust and ashes send therefore thine holie spirit to renew our soules making it conformable to thine image according as thou diddest first create it which through sinne we haue made verie fowle and deformed Then shall we giue glorie vnto thy maiestie which indureth for euer and thy kingdome from one generation to another world without end Amen 47. A praier wherein is shewed how blessed they are that feare the Lord. O Lord Lord thou art a great God mightie in power whom no man may ouercome Let all thy creatures praise thée for thou spakest the word and they were made thou sentest thy spirit and they were created and there is none that may withstand thy voice The mountaines shall remooue from the foundations and the waters shall melt like wax but they that feare thée shall be great with thée in althings For thou dooest abhorre the sacrifice of the vngodlie but the praier of the righteous is acceptable vnto thée and whosoeuer followeth righteousnes him thou dooest loue The feare of thée O Lord God is a well of life and the right waie to auoid the snares of death for thou preseruest the welfare of the godlie and defendest them that walke innocentlie and kéepest them in the right path preseruing still the waie of thy saints and neuer suffering their soules to féele hunger but giuing them long life As for the vngodlie thou puttest him from his desires shortening his yeares with gréefe Lord grant me therefore to put my trust in thée with all my hart that I neuer leane vnto mine owne vnderstanding but in all my waies to haue respect vnto thée so wilt thou order my goings For it is thou O Lord that giuest wisedome out of thy mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstanding O God my father thou art he that hast brought me vp and lead me from my youth therefore of thy mercie haue regard vnto me and kéepe me stedfast in the feare of thée in mine age vntill I depart in peace according to thy word For mine eies doo dailie sée thy saluation which thou hast prepared for all thy people which is thy deare sonne Iesus Christ He is my mercifull mediator aduocate and intercessor by whom I hope to haue pardon of all my sinnes in him I liue mooue and haue my being and after I am dissolued of this my corruptible bodie I beléeue through his mercie to rise againe an incorruptible bodie for that I knowe my redéemer liueth by whom I shall liue and shall sée him face to face not with other eies but with the same eies which I doo now O God my sauiour lift vp with a sorrowfull and repentant heart for my most gréeuous sinnes and iniquities vnto the seat of thy maiestie Beséeching thée O my most swéet Lord Iesus to wash me cleane with thy most pretious blood and make me one with thée as thou and thy heauenlie father art one and as thou ouercamest so grant me to ouercome all the temptations of the diuell that I may be a piller in the temple of my God and sit with thée on thy seat as thou hast promised to all that ouercome the world and die in the faith of thée Thou art the waie the truth and the life No creature commeth to the father but by thée and none can trust in thée except the father drawe him O déere father which art the good husbandman graft me in the true vine thy son O Lord Iesu Christ nourish me a true branch in thée that I may abide euerlastinglie and bring forth much fruit O holy ghost water me with the dew of thy grace that I may be gréene and growe in the loue and fauour of my father and redéemer O thou which art the finger of Gods hand touch my hart and vnlose the same from all blindnesse and hardnesse that I may heare the voice of Gods heauenlie word and bring foorth much fruit vntill I be come vnto my full perfection that I may be worthie to be placed among thy chosen and elect people through the pretious death and blood shedding of Iesus Christ my onelie Lord and sauiour to whom with thée and the father be all honour and glorie now and for euer Amen 48. A praier wherein is shewed that God dwelleth in the harts of the righteous though his seat be in heauen THe mightie power of thy diuine maiestie O Lord of Lords and God of all gods with the plentifull aboundance of thy goodnesse daily declared vnto mankind inforceth me to consider mine owne weakenes and insufficiencie in yeelding to thée anie recompense Thou Lord art omnipotent and madest al things of naught I am thy simple creature made with thy hand and without thy help I am able to doo no good thing Thou art the GOD eternall besides whom there is no god I am a woorme of the vile earth not worthie to
beare the name of a christian for that through mine own sin I haue defaced the beautie of the principall part of man which is my soule made to thy godlie image Neuerthelesse since thou art the reformer of all our harts and the inspiror of all grace and goodnesse I most humblie beséech thée to correct by thy power that which through my frailtie is amisse Redres by thy pitie that which I haue mard through my follie make me able to yéeld vnto thée that which thou requirest of me acknowledging mine owne vnworthines and to render vnto thée noble praises and louing thanks for thy manifold gifts of grace wherby thou hast of thy méere liberalitie indued both my soule and bodie Make me worthie to laud thée which I cannot doo vnlesse thou giue me grace to wipe awaie all mine iniquities For thy praises be not séemelie in the mouth of a sinner Yea Lord I praie thée inflame my hart with the loue of thée so that from the bottome thereof I may speake them and not to loue anie thing in this world but thée for thée Thou art the true God and sauiour and there is none but thou O Lord. Out of thy mouth commeth the word of righteousnes which no man may turne Wherefore all other gods set I asside to thée onelie will I sing praises and confesse thée onelie to be the liuing GOD which I will acknowledge before the whole congregation of the faithfull Thou knowest the inward intent of the heart for in the hearts of the beléeuing is thy seate and resting place The soules of the iust are the temples wherein thou dooest inhabit To this temple good Lord will I turne my selfe by pondering the state of mine owne soule for strength whereof I call most humblie vnto thée most mercifull God that I may be able to vanquish the illusions of the subtill serpent Performe in me that which thou hast promised for all thy waies are mercie and truth Thy mercie reacheth vnto the heauens and thy faithfulnesse vnto the clouds thy righteousnes stands like the strong mountaine When thy goodnes is considered all the rulers of the earth must néeds confes that great is thy might and thy glorie Neuerthelesse although thou dwellest aboue the heauens yet hast thou a louing respect vnto the lowlie and méeke of spirit and dooest behold them as one looketh on his friend if they trust in thée Thou drawest néere vnto them that séeke thée to heare their praiers yea thou art their shéeld and protection in all their necessities as for the proud workers of iniquitie thou séest them a far off thou beholdest them with a fearse looke to their confusion to destroie and roote out their memoriall out of the euerlasting beatitude Who so therfore will haue thy maiestie come néere vnto him must plucke downe his mind and become lowe in heart For the méeke humble people be those that shall enioie the heuenlie countrie And though they walke in the middest of trouble yet shalt thou refresh and quicken them This world is a place ordeined for trouble and not for rest Here we are appointed to trauell in this place is no want of tribulation but thou euer gratiouslie comfortest the faithfull thou sufferest them not to be ouercome in any tribulation for through thée they vanquish all their enimies Wherefore Lord powre out thy mercies I beséech thée vpon thy flocke deliuer vs from all our enimies spirituall and temporall let thy right hand saue vs and lead vs through thy grace into eternall felicitie As for riches ease honor or any kind of temporall pleasure which be thy gifts also but of thy left hand we nothing estéeme Manie times thou bestowest these benefits vpon thine enimies the other thou reseruest for thine elect to receiue after manie tribulations And the same Lord I humblie beséech thée to kéepe in store for me thy poore seruant Regard not the wickednes which I dailie commit but looke vpon the merits of thy son Iesus Christ my God and my sauiour for it is he that hath paied my debt and thou Lord hast sealed the acquitance grant me to honour thée therefore as I ought to doo now and for euer Amen Amen 49. A praier wherein is shewed that God is alwaies our protection if we trust in his sonne Iesus Christ O Lord thou art my God I will praise thée and magnifie thy name and thy word aboue all things Thou bringest maruelous things to passe according to thy will and pleasure Thou art the poore mans helpe a strength for the néedfull in the time of trouble defending them against all weathers and their shadowe in the time of heate Likewise to the presumptuous thou art like a strong whirle wind that casteth downe the boasting of the vngodlie bicause they know not thée to be the euerlasting strength but the righteous Lord haue a respect vnto the waie of thy iudgements and thy name and remembrance reioiseth their hearts As for my soule it thirsteth after thée both daie and night and my mind hasteth fréelie vnto thée bicause thou art so mercifull vnto all them that séeke thée in singlenesse of heart for thou wilt be found of them that thirst after thée Thou art the well of pleasant waters whorewith whosoeuer is filled they shall neuer be a thirst for thou O lambe of GOD that dwellest in the middest of the throne wilt lead thine vnto the founteine of liuing waters and giue them euerlasting rest bicause that in this world they made themselues white in thy blood bearing thy crosses with willing minds and confessed thée before men on earth For this cause wilt thou acknowledge them before God thy father in heauen where they shall praise thée and him world without end O God most holie I acknowledge that I am none of those that haue deserued halfe such mercie at thy hands but I hope through the mercies and merits of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ my Lord and sauiour to be made as perfect before thée O heauenlie father as if I had neuer sinned For thus I stedfastlie beléeue if I come vnto him he will not refuse me and if I praie heartilie desiring his helpe he will heare me and cloath me with his righteousnes and take from me all the sinnes that euer I haue committed from my birth vntill this present houre as he hath promised in his holie word Come Lord Iesus for thou art true and iust in all thy waies and wash me with thy most pretious blood Sanctifie me with thy bitter passion pretious death and glorious resurrection Restore me to those ioies that thine elect doo find in thée powre thy holie spirit into my heart that he may draw my mind continuallie vnto thée for thou art the waie the truth and the life Blessed are they that trust in thée and with a stedfast faith make thée their onelie staie and refuge they shall be sure of all happinesse in this world and when it shall please thée to call them hence they shall enioie with thée the crowne of glorie who hast all power giuen thée both in heauen and earth for the father iudgeth no man but hath committed all vnto thée who art the verie wisedome of God Wherfore Lord Iesu make me blessed with thée like as thou art blessed for I commit my selfe both bodie and soule into thy mercifull hands who hast redéemed me O thou God of truth Thou O Lord art worthie to receiue all glorie and honour and might for thou hast created all things and for thy willes sake they were and are created O most noble creator of light shine into my hart that it may cléerlie sée the excellencie of thy maiestie and quicken my soule and spirit that they may continuallie be stirred to honour and glorifie thée as thou art worthie which by thy grace I shall not cease to do with hart soule mind and strength among thy faithfull congregation which of thy mercie Lord preserue and kéepe that we may praise thée one God in persons thrée and euerlasting in vnitie world without end Amen FINIS 1584 H D OS HOMINI SVBLIME DEDIT Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham dwelling in Pater noster Rowe at the signe of the Starre Cum priuilegio