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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14050 The hunting of the fox and the wolfe because they make hauocke of the sheepe of Christ Iesus.; Huntyng of the romyshe wolfe Turner, William, d. 1568.; Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1565 (1565) STC 24357; ESTC S101281 45,226 72

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THE Hunting of the Fox and the Wolfe because they make hauocke of the sheepe of Christ Iesus ¶ Take heede of false prophetes which come vnto you in sheepes clothing but within are rauening Wolues An Admonition to colde preachers IF preaching fayle as it doeth begin The people must quayle and die in their sin● And if it decrease Gods curse is at hand To destroy vs our peace our soules our land Therfore let 's be mending Gods plag's to preuent For after our ending t' is to late to repent Take heed thē to preching gods word to imbrace And larne to take warning lest God you deface ❧ To al my faithful Brethren in Chri●t Ie●u and to all other that labour to weede out the weedes of poperie 〈…〉 the Lord Iesu ●e with y●u and make yo● perf●● in al good works to do his will working in you that which is pleasant in ●is sight through Iesus Ch●ist our Lorde DEare brethren because wee are created for gods glorie the edification one of another in Christ are bounde to serue therunto by wealth or wo life or death and cheefely they to whom God hath gyuen the greater giftes whom he hath called to higher romes are most bounde to be zealous for Gods glory with godly zelousie to profit the Church spouse of Christ vnder their charge and that by no subt●lty as the Apostle warneth they shoulde be corrupted from the simplicity of Christe Therefore there is no doubte of your good zeale diligence My good Fathers and deare Brethren who are first called to the battel to striue for gods glory the edificatiō of his people againste the Romish reli●●●s and rags of Antichriste I doubt not but that you wil couragieuslye constātly in Christ rap at these rages of Gods enemies and that you will by this occasiō race vp many as great eno●mities that we al know labour to raccout al the dregs renmāts of transformed poperie that are crept into England by to much lenitie of thē that wi●be named the Lords of the Cl●rgie What is he that h●th the zeale of Gods glorie before his face ● wil not ioyne both in prayer and in suffering with you in so good a cause that is so much for Gods g●orie the edification of Gods church in the pure simplicitie of Chri●t●s word sacramentes wherein our enemies and per●ecut●urs are strangly bewitched I wote not by what Circes 〈◊〉 that they do make such a diuersitie betwixt Christes word and his Sacramentes that they cannot thinke the worde of God safely ynough preached and honourably ynough handled without cap koape surplis But that the Sacraments the marying the burying the churching of women and other church seruice as they call it must needes be decored with crossing with capping with surplessing with kneeling with prety wafer cakes and other knackes of poperie O Paule that thou were aliue thou durst tell those politike gentlemen that there hath bin to much labour bestowed vpon them in vaine thou durst saye vnto them as thou diddest to the Corinthians That they eate not the Lordes Supper but play a pagent of their own to blinde the people ▪ and keepe them stil in superstition farre from the simplicitie of Christes supper but howe many silie soules is there that doeth beleeue ver●●y that they haue an Engli●h masse and so put no difference betwene trueth and falshod betwene Christ and antichrist betwene God the deuil they are strangly bewitched I say that thus wil b●nde t●eir English priesthode sacraments but mu●h more enchaūted that can finde no garments to please them ●ut such as haue bin poluted openly with popish superstition and idolatrie but most of all in this point that their madnes appeare to all posterities that they make these Antichristian ragges Causam sine qua non that is a cause w●thout which there is no holy ministerie in Christ so that this shal make an English priest be he n●uer such a dolt or vnlearned in the knowledge of the scripture as we haue very ●any and without these Romish reliques not Paule him self shal be admitted as one of them did blaspheme the rest of them in effecte do affirme well against such popish chaffer poperie hath bin long agone f●ughten withall when the great captaines of that religion liued and yet God g●ue the victorie Therefore let vs not feare nowe although it doth begin to sturre againe for there is no craft cunning counsel wisdom or policie against the Lord. We haue Christe and his Apostles and the Prophetes euer striuing against the Hipocrites of their tyme on our side a straw for popish policie we haue the worde or God to warrant vs to rote out al monuments of supersticion Idolatry and are charged to abhor them to accoumpt them accursed to dety them and to d●test thē as menstreous clowts they haue not the word of God for thē And what wi●edome is in them saith God by his Prophet Ieremi they talke of obedi●nce concord but there is no obedience against the Lord no nor cōcorde to be desired but where Gods glory verity is preserued Els better to haue al the world in hurly burlis and heauen earth to shake thē one iote of gods glory should decay So farre foorth as in vs lieth we haue their owne lawes proclamatiōs to roote cut all monuments of supersticiō idolatri their owne words are cōtrary to their doings It should appeare that they repēt their reformacion proclaimed as did the Isralits thei build again that which once they haue destroied this is don openly that all the world may wonder behold but what is don secretly god wil one day haue it declared openly yea they make the name of god this doctrine that we professe ▪ to be euell spoken of alreadye By manye of theyr doinges they re iudgemente hasteth that for such causes persecute Godsf●rue Preachers Wherefore let vs not eare theyr thretnings ther can none persecute the godly for this cause trash but either suche as are neither hote nor cold then they shal be vomited out vnlesse their zeale encrease or suche as haue no God before their eyes whose God is their bellye or else open papists whō God hath giuen vp to a reprobate sence wherfore we must thus take it that they are gods rods for our sins because we haue not bin more zealous in gods cause neyther careful to seeke his glory y● wolfe Winchester blody bucher Bonar fought once agaīst many godly men for the ground of this gere and they had all the power of the Realme seruing their lustes but behold howe the Lorde in short time ouerthrew them all to giue vs courage to go forward the Lord forgiue vs we are to slacke and negligent in heauenly thinges this monster Boner remaineth and is fedde as papistes say for theyr sakes it must be graūted it is for some purpose although he be a traitor
die and thou wilt not speake vnto him that he leaue his wicked waye he shall dye in his wickednes but his bloud will I require at thy hand Now syr haue ye hearde it plainlye spoken without any parable by God 's owne mouth that the watchman which wyll not giue warning vnto his flocke is guilty of bloud But none are guilty of bloude but murderers but dumme pastors are guilty of bloud therfore they are murderers and so spirituall wolues If these places be not thought sufficient to proue that vnpreaching prelates are false prophets and so Wolues and murderers I wil alledge mo places to satisfie them that aer not yet satisfied Almighty God sayth Ezechiel the xxiiij Sonne of Man prophecye thou againste the pastors or sheepeheardes of Israell and thou shalt say vnto them Woe be vnto the sheepeheards of Israel which haue fedde them selues ought not sheepeheardes to feede their flocke Ye eate the fatte ye are clothed with the woole ye kill it that is fatte ye feede not the flocke ye haue not strengthened the weake ye haue not gon to heale the sicke ye haue not bound vp it that was broken ye haue not broughte home againe it that was driuen away and yee haue not sought it that was loste but you haue bin lords ouer them in hardnes and cruelnesse they haue straied out of the way being without a sheepeheard and they haue bene meate t● euery beast whilse they wādered My flocke hath wandred in all mountaynes and in euerye highe hill and vppon all places of the earth haue my sheepe ben scattered and there was none to seeke them therfore heare ye O shepeheards the word of the Lord. As truely as I liue I wyll punishe you because my sheepe were taken awaye and were prayes to euery beast of the field because there was no sheepeheard and because my sheepeheardes haue not sought for my shepe but the shepeheards haue fedde them selues Therfore ye sheepeheardes heare the word of the Lorde Behold I am against the sheepeheardes and I will require my sheepe of their handes Nowe I trowe that I haue proued that all the vnpreaching prelates of England are theeues murderers and Wolues and that two properties of a false prophet agre vnto our dum pastors and so are they false prophets that the hole scripture cryeth out vpon and condemneth Deane Then the vnpreaching prelates as ye call them are not hole false prophets because they haue not al the properties of a false prophet Hunter There are many kindes of false prophets and who so euer hath any one of the properties of any of those kindes is a false prophet Christe taketh him for a false prophet in the tenth of Iohn that is vnsent and entreth into the office of a prophet or sheepehearde not thorowe Christ but climeth in an nother waye hys words in latine are these Qui non intrat per hostium in stabulum ouium seda scendit That is he that entereth not into the shepe f●old by the dore but climeth in an other way he is at hefe a murderer Almighty god in the xj of Zachari painting discribing another kind of false prophets saith after the old translatino O pastor idolum derelenquens gre gem O sheepeheard and idole which leaueth or forsaketh his flocke In the Surik translation Vae pastori idolo qui gregem deserit Wo be vnto the idole shepeherd that leueth his flock The Lord in the 34. of Ezechiel describing false prophets sheweth none other token of a false prophet or of an euil shepeheard or of a Wolfe but that he feedeth not his flocke So that he is both a false prophet that commeth into the church otherwyse then by Christ and he also that entreth rightly into the sheepefold and yet leaueth his flocke or tariyng with his flocke feedeth it not Now haue I proued that he that hath any of these properties of a false prophet is a false prophet I may therefore call all the vnpreaching prelates false prophets because they either haue two properties of a false prophet or one sure property at the lest which a lone after the mind of Christe maketh a false prophet Dean The pore priestes of Englande haue not deserued to haue the names of dogges Wolues for not feeding of the people for they minister the sacraments they pray they sing and say gods seruice and they reade the holy scripture which is sufficient foode for the soules of all their parishioners and hol● flocke also the bishoppes do as much good in their dioceses as a sort of prating preachers haue don whi●● they heare causes of heresie of fornication and of such like manners they consecrate Deacons subdeacons and Priestes they continue in the great cities of their dioceses as it were in high rocks or toppes of hilles looking there ouer all the countrye whether any hereticall Wolues come into their flocke or no if they see any I warrant you they cease not but they crye out vpon them and not only crye out vpon them but also if thei can cage them cast them into the fyre Other of the byshoppes which are awaye from their flockes Eyther are Embassadours or they are Counselers and continue in the Courte or they haue other offices wherein they serue God and the Queene as well as the best preachers that yee haue had is England these seuen yeres Therfore ye ought not to haue called them Wolues seing they are so wel occupyed Hunter I maruelsyr that ye slippe ouer and passe by my reasons arguments and places of scripture which I haue alldged as though he had not heard them Belike eytheh your conscience telleth you that it is true that I haue sayd or else you can not aunswere vnto them As touching your arguments least I should seeme to knowledge them to be good or els vnaunswerable by passing ouer them or else so clarkly as though I were a feard to stryue with you in them I will aunswere to them one after another Whereas ye saye that the vnpreaching bishoppes and priestes ought not to be called dogges and Wolues because the minister the Sacramentes because they sing and say Gods seruice because they reade the Scriptures whiche is foode ynoughe for all their parishoners and flockes because they namely the bishops heare causes of fornication of heresie and suche like matters consecrate Subdeaco●s deacons and priestes and stande in th greatest ●ities of their dioceses as it were in high toppes of mountaynes to spye whether any hereticall Wolues come into their flocks or no and if they spye any doe cast thē into the fire because they are Embassadors because they are Councellers because they are Amners and Chanceloures and such like officers and are thus well occupyed and doe a much good as our prating preachers do as yee vnaduisedly call them I answere that the doing of al these things discharg them not from the true and well deserued names of dumme dogges theeues robbers and wolues For he that keepeth