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A13966 An apologie, or defence of our dayes, against the vaine murmurings & complaints of manie wherein is plainly proued, that our dayes are more happie & blessed than the dayes of our forefathers. Trigge, Francis, 1547?-1606. 1589 (1589) STC 24276; ESTC S103280 42,588 50

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sound and so as rotten corrupt branches be hewne off and quite throwne away of the heauenly husbandman God the Father himselfe for not to beléeue the gospell is a marke of the reprobate a badge of those that shal be damned a certaine signe of the bowghes broken off As both the Apostles Peter and Paule may teach vs. If iudgement begin of the house of God saith S. Peter Pet. 1. Epist 4. cap. v. 17. 2. Ep. Thes 1. cap. vers 8.9 what shall be the end of those which will not beléeue the Gospell of God And S. Paul saith the Lord Iesus shal be reuealed from heauen with the Angels of his power in a flame of fire giuing vengance to those which know not God which do not harken to and obey the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ All such are not of the Lordes familie all such are withered boughes throwne foorth to euerlasting fire And here let our recusants take héede they be not such Now followeth the common complaint but not so bitter as the former nor so properly a complaint as of wéeping bewailing of the simple sort and especially of women Who going into the Churches séeing the bare walles and lacking their golden Images their costly coapes their pleasant Orgaines their swéet frankinsence their gilded chalices their goodly streamers they lament in themselues fetch many déepe sighes bewayle this spoyling and laying waste of the Church as they thinke The like bewayling of the people of the Iewes and of those old men which now returning frō Babylon had séene the glorie of the first temple with their eyes is repeated vnto vs in the 2. chap. of the Prophet Aggey They missed Salomons gold his marble his Cedars his c●ruings they accounted the house which Zorobabel builded as nothing to it But what did the Lord teach them by the Prophet what glorie did he promise to the second building what kinde of ornaments did he prepare for it It followeth in the Prophet The same word which I couenanted with your fathers when I brought them out of the lande of Egypt my spirite shall stand in the middest of you feare you not now saith the Lord of hoasts Yet once againe seemeth it but a small thing vnto you Agge 2. ver 5.6.7 And I will moue the heauens with the power of my holy spirite with the preaching of my word the earth the sea the dry land And I will mooue make quake for feare all Nations and the desire of all Nations shall come and he shall fill this house with glorie sayth the Lord of hostes What do ye wish for gold Golds siluer are mine sayth the Lord of hoostes If it please me I could employ these to beautifie this house but I wil giue it greater glorie The glorie of this latter house hauing nothing but bare wals is greater then of the former so gylted so carued sayth the Lorde of hoosts and in this place I will giue peace sayth the Lorde of hoosts This is the glory of the second temple this is the glory of our Churches although the walles be not painted although their vestures be not silke although their roode lofts be broken downe although they want their frankinsence Orgaines yet the word of the Lord and his spirite shall stand stedfastly in the middest of them The Gospell of Iesus Christ ringeth in thē although their Orgaines cease that swéete sauour of life to life is felt although that earthly frankinsence be put out that pearle of the Gospell which our Sauiour counsailleth all wise marchantes to buy though they solde all that they had is present is set foorth to offered to all men fréely Although the pearles of this worlde and iewels which are but clay myre are absent these things alone decke and adorne our Churches delight the soules of the faithful aboue all harmony and musicke in the world please the eares better then all Orgaines are swéeter in their noses than all frankinsence do refresh all their senses with a heauenly kind of chearefulnes liuelines Their Images do not so liuely picture out Iesus Christ vnto vs as his Gospell doth Their Images were all false their roodes were lyes their pictures painted out a false Christ vnto vs for they painted him like a goodly young man comely beautifull well fauoured in all respects as fine as the Painter or caruer could deuise but the Prophet Esay who indéede painteth out Christ vnto vs truly his true countenance shape of bodie describeth him far otherwise as we may read in his 53. chap. For he did growe before the Lord like as a branch and as a roote in a drye grounde he hath neither beautie nor fauour when we looke vppon him there shall be no fairenesse wee shall haue no lust vnto him He is despised and abhorred of men he is such a man as hath good experience of sorrowes and infirmities We haue reckoned him so vile that wee hidd our faces from him such a one in déede was Iesus Christ this was his true picture and what beautie can there be of a trée that groweth in a drie grounde what comelinesse in a monster of men and the outcast of the people For so Dauid also calleth him in the Psalmes Psal 22. vers 6. Esay 40. Their Orgaines of brasse doe not so much delight the eares as the trumpets of his preachers doeth Their golden coapes as they termed them put vpon their Priestes backes did not so much adorne the Church as the booke of Gods word in their handes We bring foorth this pearle of the Gospell more precious then all their Vestmentes Chalices Censours Images broken rent solde the losses whereof they doe complaine and we put it against all their complaintes And they which are wise will cease to complaine or murmure any more and will say we haue made a happie exchange What shall I recken vp here the mouing of all Nations the desire of all Nations Iesus Christ the peace of conscience the fulnesse of heauenly glorie which all that worde of the Lorde and his spirite as in time past to the Iewes temple euen so nowe haue brought vnto vs. This word hath rowsed vp the Nations which before was a sléepe this voice of the Lorde hath called them vp euen from the dead sléepe of blindnesse and bondage Now that which Dauid sayde of Israell comming out of Egypt the same may we say of the people of Christ comming out of the spirituall Egypt When Israell came out of Egypt and the house of Iacob from amongest the straunge people Iuda was his sanctuarie and Israell his Dominion the sea sawe that and fledde Iordaine was driuen backe The mountaines skipped like Rammes and the little hilles like young shéepe So truely euen nowe in our dayes the Lorde béeing present in Iuda his Sanctuarie which confesseth his name alone and in Israell his dominion which wrastleth with prayers and supplications and
seruaunts of God as of 〈◊〉 Iob. The sinnes of all the other Idolatrers in that countrey hée not so much as touched them hée hidde them hée couered them hée accused the electe of God His owne children hée rockes in the cradell of securitie It is to be feared lest bée so concealed heretofore their woorkes of darkenesse And they which nowe finde faulte at strawes and m●ates in our eyes at that great daye of account let them take héede lest there be great Beames founde in their owne eyes and in those whome they so highly commende Then besydes this almost all their woorkes which they so greatly bragge of and commende to the ignorant they were of the will of man not of the Lawe of God They were deuised of them selues not commanded of their master They were voluntarily done not inioyned them in Gods word they were supplyes of Christes ●●rites as though he had not payde our raunsome sufficiently Not testimonies of his grace signes of our duetie and argumentes of our thankefulnes And what worshipping of God is this I praye you what obedience of his seruants what reward of his grace and mercie can be looked for at his hands for such workes All their workes were done for the saluation of their soules This they haue put downe in their Authentical instruments and writings to all posterities not for the loue of Iesus which marke he set downe to vs for all our workes If any loue me saith he his perfect Sauiour and redéemer let him keepe my commandements He doth not saye if any one will be saued let him kéepe my commaundements Besides this their workes were not done for the glory of God the which he maketh the chiefe and of them all as in the seuenth of Matthew Let your light so shine before men that they may sée your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen These two ends we finde principally set downe in the Gospell to all our works and none other not for the saluation of our soules Wherefore Cha●o● when as in the Hebrue tongue to sinne is nothing else but to misse the marke Surely all their workes though they were verie glorious and costly and praise worthie in the eyes of man Markes yet indeede they were but sinnes because they missed these two markes because they were not done to the glory of God and for the loue of Iesus Christe Our Sauiour in the Gospell sayeth He that heareth my wordes and doeth them is like vnto a wise man that buylt his house vpon a Rocke and the 〈◊〉 r●se and the windes blewe and they could not moue it because it was buylded vpon a Rocke Surely they builded all their workes all their Nonries all their Abbeyes like foolish men vpon the sandes of the Sea according to the doctrine and deuices of men not vppon the Rocke of Iesus Christ and vpon his worde Therefore they could not stande for euer nor endure the forces and stormes of windes and floodes The Abbeyes had no commaundement in the Gospell no plat forme amonge the Saintes of God Moses neuer sawe them in the Mount They were the buildings of mannes braine They were mannes deuises Wherefore they were not founded vpon that sure foundation Iesus Christ As conserning the basenesse of our Parentages and newnesse of our Nobilitie which they obiect this hath beene an auncient complaint of wicked and desperate men against the elect seruants of God and followers of vertue alwayes both in the church and in the common wealth So Catiline amongest the Romanes bragged that he and his adherents were Senatours and auncient Citizens but Cicers was an vpstart gentleman one that come but yesterdaye a newe founde Citizen So the Sodomites taunted Lot drawing them to vertue Will this stranger be a Iudge amongest vs So Corah Dathan and Abiram the eldest sonnes of Ruben and Leuie the chiefe of the Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall companye rose vp against Aaron and Moses These men in byrth in deede were the chiefe amongest all the Israelites So Ismaell mocked Isaack and Caine the elder brother disdained Abell and slewe him So the Athenians saide to Saint Paul when he preached Iesus Christe What newe doctrine is this To morrowe wee will heare thee againe of this matter But worship honour authoritie nobilitie as Dauid telleth vs commeth neither from the East nor from the West nor yet from the South Neither the Northerne men nor Southerne men can make a king though they bee stoute valiant and expert Souldiours But from the Lorde And he is tyed to no mannes kinred to no mannes stocke Hee exalteth and bringeth downe whome please him and whensoeuer it shall please him The hundred and thirteenth Psalme doeth giue vnto vs two notable argumentes and causes to praise the Lorde in all landes from the Sunne rising till the Sunne setting Praise the Lorde yee seruaunts O praise the name of the Lorde Blessed he the name of the Lorde from this time foorth for euermore And that not onely amongest vs but the Lordes name is praised from the rysing vp of the Sunne vnto the going downe of the same And what is the cause of this so great and vniuersall and euerlasting praise because the Lorde humbleth himselfe to beholde the things that are in heauen and in earth He taketh the simple out of the dust and lifteth the poore out of the myre That he may set him with the Princes euen with the Princes of the people He maketh the barren woman to keepe house and to be a ioyfull mother of children These two things are as it were spurres and prouokements to pricke men forwarde to praise the Lorde in all ages amongst all Nations Here is the well head of true Nobilitie euen the Lorde God himselfe Euen those same auncient noble men which bragge so much of the antiquitie of their Petigrees they were once in the dust and perchaunce in the myre Let them remember their firste estate and from whence they came Let them acknowledge their creatour and lifter vp and not despise others their equals whome the same God hath exalted also For there is no power no worshippe nor Nobilitie but of the Lorde And they which doe resist these powers resist the ordinance of God And they which raile vppon and blaspheme and scoffe at those which be in authoritie are Heretikes are children of Sathan as Saint Iude doeth tell vs. The Lorde God of Hoastes and King of Kinges and Lorde of Lordes hath euer dealt thus from the beginning He hath euer exalted from moste base and simple estate Cirus He exalted Syrus the great Monarche of the Persians from a sheepeheardes cottage And Romulus the firste founder of Rome was glad to haue a Woolfe or woman strumpet as some thinke for his Nursse He drews Moses the great Captaine of the Israelites out of the Water Hee chose Saule the firste King of the Israelites a Beniamite and one of the least Trybes from seeking his fathers Asses He made Alexander the great
I that haue sinned that haue done wickedly but those sheepe what haue they done Let thy hand I pray thee be against mee and against my fathers house Thus we ought in all these externall plagues punishments of the Lord to find fault with our selues and to saye that wee haue deserued euen the same plagues not to find fault with those iudgements of God which are far lesse then we haue deserued And yet surelie amongst vs in these daies no sin more cōmon We shal come in no place we shal talke with no man but we shal finde him complaining or grieued with somewhat The gentleman he complaines all things are deare money skant his charge great which dearth in trueth him selfe in some parte is the cause of For if hee let his pastures fermes deare he must needes buy deare againe The husbandman he complaines that corne is too cheape he is not able to paie his rents seruants wages of his crop The Artificer he saith there are so manie of an occupacion that one cannot liue by another and that he can not get his debtes paid whose prices without all conscience the Lord sometimes plagues with euil paiments The seruants some times lack masters men wil do their worke them selues some lack wages some victuals So that from the top to the toe no part is free euerie one is grieued euerie one complaineth So that this plaister is verie necessarie the disease being so general dangerous Therefore I conclude with our last weekes lesson out of S. Paules Epistle to the Philippians fit for our times Phil. 4. The Lord being euen now at hand in deede Reioice in the Lord alwaie againe I saie reioyce Let your curtesie or gentlenes be knowen or manifest to all men The Lorde is euen at hand Be careful for nothing but in all things let your petitions be manifest vnto God in prayer supplication with giuing of thanks Let vs reioyce in the Lord who is now our aduocate our lawyer that pleadeth al our causes shal be our Iudge Let our curtesie mercifulnes be knowen to al men that we may find mercie curtesie at the Lords hand at that daie For with what measure we measure to others now in the chaffe and pelfe of this world shal then no doubt be measured vnto vs againe The Lorde is euen at hand let vs be careful for nothing but in al our needs necessities let vs praie vnto him and we shal receiue What is more easie then to aske and haue But aboue al things let vs giue thankes Let vs beware of murmuring complaining So shal the Lord not only this yeare but euerie yeare powre down his blessings vpon vs. Thus desiring your worships to accept this my simple gift praying the Lorde to blesse you both with his holie spirite this yeare manie others to his glorie the benefit of this our countrey and in the world to come of his great mercie to crowne you with euerlasting glorie I moste humblie take my leaue Welborne this xv of Nouember 1589. ¶ An Apologye or defence of our dayes against the vaine murmurings and complaints of manie wherein is plainlie proued that our daies are more happie and blessed than the daies of our forefathers WHereas there are manie things in my opinion right worshipfull in this our age out of counse manie things complained without a cause manie things and that of them which would be counted wise men verie iniuriouslie and vnaduisedly giuen foorth commonlie vttered then as mee seemeth amongst all the rest that complaint is verie iniust vneqaull and against all reason That these our dayes are worse than the former that our times are vnhappie miserable and that the former daies the dayes of our fathers were happie verie blessed verie calme and prosperous When as this opinion of the common people too too common amongst vs. Salomon the wisest that euer was Ecclesiastes ver 12. c. 7. in that one Sermon of his of the excellencie and vanitie and comparison of things together wherein he nameth himselfe a preacher to all ages and countries hath with his verdit as it were plainly condemned Saye not saith he what is the matter or howe chaunceth it that the former dayes are better then these for if thou saye so thou hast not asked wisdome counsaile concerning this matter As though he should saye Wisdome would teach thee another lesson that is to saye That things present seeme alwayes grieuous to men and strange things pleasant that our owne things although they be better in deede to be of none account with vs and that other mens things do please vs most of all Thus is the nature of man euer lothing things present and longing for things absent despising her owne things greedie of other mens things bragging of things past and slacke in things present verie fruitfull of vnthankfulnes And not onely Salomon but Iesus Christ being the wisedom of God the father teacheth vs the same in his Gospell He hath said manie that are first shall be the last and the last shall be the first Our heauenly father will haue his noble Kings his Mecenasses and gentlemen his Constantines his Theophilus his doctors his confessours his Martyres not onely in the infancie of his Church but also in her olde age not in her cradels but in her graye haires not in her time of increasing and flourishing shining as at the first sending downe of the holie Spirit but also in her groning decreasing and as it were now labouring time of trauell vnder Antichrist And these are no lesse notable no lesse famous no lesse valiant no lesse inflamed with the zeale of Gods house than the former And these at the last day shal be without doubt in maiestie euen to be reckoned vp amongest those first Because his mercie is for euer Ioel. 2. euen the same towards his Church And also our Prophet Ioel doth teach vs the same doctrine which did prophecie of our times vpon whom truely those ends of the world haue come more fully than vpon those first Christians which do not liue in the last hour of the day as they did but truely in his last moment and minute I will powre out saith the Lord by that Prophet in those dayes my spirite vpon all flesh and your children and your daughters shall prophecie your old men shall dreame dreames and your yong men shall see visions And also I will powre out my spirite in those dayes vpon your seruants and maydens And I will shewe wonders in heauen aboue and tokens in the earth beneath bloud fire and the vapour of smoake The Sunne shal be turned into darkenes and the Moone into bloud before that great and notable day of the Lorde come And it shal be that who soeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lorde shal be saued Who is he which will denye these things to concerne our dayes The fulfilling of