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A10910 [The displaying of an horrible secte of grosse and wicked heretiques, naming themselues the family of loue with the liues of their authours and what doctrine they teach in corners. Newly set foorth by I.R. Whereunto is added certeine letters sent from the same family mainteyning their opinions, which letters are aunswered by the same J.R.] Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580.; Batman, Stephen, d. 1584. 1579 (1579) STC 21182; ESTC S100037 92,004 238

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God and for that they alledge the wordes of S. Peter Submit you selues to the ordinaunces of the higher powers 24 They denie that Christ is equal with God the Father in his Godhead vppon this place of Scripture My Father is greater then I. 25 It is odious for them to say God the Sonne for they denie him to be God as is aforesaide 26 They denie the Trinitie scorning them that say God the Father God the sonne God the holy Ghost as though by saying these wordes they shoulde affirme to be thrée Gods. 27 They holde that no man should be baptised before he be of the age of xxx yeares And therefore haue diuers of them béene baptised at those yeares and vpwardes 28 They holde that euerie man ought first to be in an errour before hee canne come to the knowledge of the trueth 29 They say that as Christ raised the dead cleansed the lepre gaue sight to the blind and walked on the waters so doe they 30 They holde that heauen and hel are present in this worlde amongst vs and that there is none other for proofe thereof they alledge the xvij of Matthewe of Christes transfiguration that as the cloude remoued Peter did sée Elias and Moses so if the clowde were remoued away both heauen hell should be visible vnto vs. 31 They holde that they are bound to giue almes to none other persons but to those of their sect and if they do they giue their almes to the diuel 32 They holde that they ought not to burie the deade vppon this place of Scripture Let the dead burie the dead 33 They holde that they ▪ should so prouide that if any perish all should perishe so that euerie one of them should reléeue him with his goodes that decayeth 34 They holde that none ought to receiue the sacraments before he receiueth their whole ordinaunces as first he must be admitted with a kisse then his féete must be washed then handes laide on him and so receiued 35 They holde the Popes seruice this seruice now vsed in the Churche to be naught yet to be by them vsed as frée in the Lorde to whome nothing is vncleane 36 They hold that all men that are not of their congregation or that are reuolted from them to be dead 37 They holde that no Bishop or Minister should remaine still in one place but that they ought alwayes to be wandring from country to countrie 38 They holde that the Angels Raphael Gabriel and others were borne of a Woman 39 They hold that they ought not to say Dauids Psalmes as prayers for they are righteous and without sinne 40 They hold there ought to be no Sabbath day but that all should be like and for that they alledge The Sonne of of man is Lord ouer the Sabbath day 41 They hold that as God made heauen and earth by Iesus Christe vz. the word so did he it by them 42 They hold themselues to be Maries and say that Christ is come foorth in their fleshe euen as he came foorth of the virgin Marie 43 They holde that there was aworlde before Adams time as there is nowe 44 They hold y they ought to kepe scilence amongest them selues that the bertie they haue in the Lorde may not be espied of others 45 They holde that no man should be put to death for his opinion therefore they condemne Maister Cranmer and Maister Ridley for burning Ioane of Kent 46 They can not abide any exposition of Scriptures but their own conferring one place of Scripture with an other and so to say their mindes of it without any other bodies exposition 47 If any of them be conuented for his opinion and doeth denie the same by open recantation he taketh that to be a glorie vnto him as though he had suffered persecution in this doing and yet still inwardly mainteyning these opinions 48 They bragge verie muche of their owne sincere liues iustifying themselues saying Marke how purelie we liue 49 If they haue any thing to doe touching the ordering of their temporal thinges they must do it by aduise as to aske counsell of the Lorde vz. they must go to one of their Bishops or Elders and to aske of him counsell what he shall do and he must follow it 50 When they giue their almes there is a hat set by the Bishop or Elders vppon a table and then euery one of the congregation doth put vnder the hat that he is disposed to giue all which money commeth to the Bishops or Elders handes and so the same is by him or them distributed as they will but to whome none of the congregation knoweth 51 They haue certaine sleightes amongest them to answere any questions that shall be demaunded of them with deceiuing the demaundant as for example if one of them be demaunded howe he beléeueth in the Trinitie he will answere I am to learne of you so prouoketh the demandant to shew his opinion therein which done he will say then I do beléeue so by the which wordes he meaneth that he beléeueth the demaundant saith as he thinketh but not that he thinketh so 52 They do decrée all men to be infants that are vnder the age of thirtie yeres so that if they be demaunded whither Infantes ought to be baptised they answere yea meaning thereby that he is an infant vntill he attaine to those yeres at which time ●e ought to be baptised and not afore 53 Their Bishoppes Elders and Deacons do increase in riches and become wealthy but their disciples become poore and fall to beggerie I. R. To the reader SInce the imprinting of this booke of the displaying of the Familie of Loue I haue beene answered by diuerse letters but from whome they were sent it is not expedient that I declare for as much as I doe but guesse at the matter by the reading whereof you shal perceiue that some in the same Family are touched so neerely that they begin to kicke and spurne against the trueth and stirre vp themselues with all the poore skill they haue which God knoweth is but a little to defende both their Authour and his doctrine Many are the causes that haue moued me to publish these their priuate letters with my aunsweres there vnto Especially ij the one is that the Godly learned seeing wherein these of the Family are grieued touching our doctrine may plentifully in places conuenient confute their opinions and defend the puritie of doctrine which is taught An other cause is the bookes haue come into diuers mens hands who neuer heard of the family of loue which do imagine that I haue deuised this my self their errors are so grosse hauing no occasion so to doe Therefore I haue for my discharge let the worlde see that such there are as I haue manifested And some there are you may perceiue that can say somewhat to defende their authour and his doctrine Some wil not thinke it well done to make that common
authoritie is taught and preached put vp your deriding termes for they best become your selues Nowe touching the Church you alledge H. N. in diuerse places of his Prophesie to say that that fleshly and wicked nature that lying being that hath oppressed the little ones murdered the holyones and spilt innocent bloud on the earth which hath béene a wicked whore vppon earth c who woulde euer iudge H. N. by these words to mean our corrupt wicked nature not rather a congregatiō or societie of mē per secuting the iust for how can our wicked nature be said to persecute to murder to spill bloud when this is done by the whole power knowledge and consente of men The wicked nature of man can neuer bee properly tearmed or called a whore And as I haue collected it to bee spoken againste the Church of Christ which we professe and you to be those holiones persecuted So in my iudgement herein I haue not falsified corrupted nor maliciously slan dered your Authour as you haue collected of me You say wee challenge our selues to be of the persecuting Church and so your selues haue beene in times past but nowe the Lorde hath made you sée and you are ashamed of that whorishe nature and you abhorre her hope by Christes might not only in you to be disclosed but abhorred reiected for euermore If this be spoken of our wicked nature can you reiect it cā you cast it of for euer We rather by y scripturs affirme y we may kéepe it vnder not to raigne in vs or beare rule in vs or haue dominion ouer vs but vtterly to quench sinne or reiect it for euer the holy Ghost teacheth vs not Whosoeuer hath béene rightly scholed in Christes Church can by experience tell you that to kéepe vnder sinne by grace we may but to extinguishe the motions we can not and all those places of holy scripture which tende to the abolishing of sinne are rather as markes to ayme at or leuell at then to hit the pricke of perfection which shall neuer be in this life ▪ You meruel notwithstanding Touching Christs perfection we doubt not but stedfastly beléeue he was and is perfecte and hath fulfilled for vs all the law which God required of vs perfectly but we vtterly denie this to be wrought as you affirme in vs For neither doeth he worke this perfection in vs nor by vs but merely without vs in déed this is a principall difference betwéene you and vs and I doubt not but touching this argument you shall heare more hereafter It blemisheth ouer much Christes triumph ouer death and hell if wee shall also triumphe by strength in him Our triumph standeth not in doeing but in beléeuing in him which did The glorie of Christe Iesus his office and death is by this doctrins impaired darkened and shadowed as I haue often saide therefore better consider of it it sauoreth to much of presūption and pride attributing that to bee wrought in vs which is not and mightely herein you deceiue your selues and others His shape to be wrought in vs you affirme Paul. Cor. 1. 13. When that which is perfect is come thē that which is vnperfect shall bee done away but this shall not bee vntill mortalitie shall put on immortalitie and corruption incorruption In the same chapter 4. lines after the place recited ther shal you find S. Paule opening his meaning more fully when that perfection shal be wrought Saying Cor. 1. Cha ▪ 13. ver 12. For nowe we see through a glasse darkely but thē shal we see face to face nowe I knowe in parte but then shall I knowe as I am knowen c. doeth not S. Paul plainly meane that this perfection shal not be brought to passe in this life but in the life to come Who hath eyes to sée and beholdeth not these thinges You affirme vs to maintain sinne and that we are aduocates for sinne you take part with righteousnesse but with more modesty you might say that wee acknowledge with the Scriptures that sinne is still lurking in vs against which we haue dayly fight and combate notwithstanding our election and redemption and you affirme a perfection to be wrought in vs by Christe which the scriptures allowe not That christ is able to work such a work in vs we denie not for all thinges are to him possible but it is said Omnia quod voluit fecit in celo in terra He doth al things y he wil in heauen in earth but that it standeth with his wil reueiled in the scriptures we denie We are no mainteners of sinne we are humble acknowlegers of our sins imperfections You mention often y Christ must haue in vs a liuing shape by shape if you meane a perfecte fourme then wee deny any such shape or fourme to bee in vs but if you meane by shape to bee like minded to him therein we agrée with you as the scriptures teach But herein wee affirme that as it standeth with the weake condition of a mortall creature to be like that excellent creator of heauē and earth or like minded so our humaine frailtie must striue to attaine as néere the pricke as standeth with his good wil and pleasure to graunt vs You pray vs to suffer you in rest with your folishnesse I woulde you thought as you speake but your wordes are Ironia for you accompt it high wisedome although you tearm it foolishnes Your disquietnesse I neuer sought it is your amēdment it is your cōuersiō frō H. N. to Christ Iesus y I séek to bring you to In the matter of predestination you desire not to be taken so short for you say you allow it simply and reuerently in his kinde you like not to contende therein nor desperately to séeke libertie thereby yet I will put you in mind what you your selfe haue spoken thereof in your first letter saying your lycentious doctrin of predestination and frée electiō which is the cause of the fulnesse of prisons in Englande this day Now sée how you agrée with your self if you haue better cōsidered the matter I woulde be glad and giue the Lorde hartie thanks but if herein you speake as your manner is somtime affirming sometime denying then we say you are vnstable and wauering in your wayes Nowe whereas I affirmed to be without sinne is a priuiledge belonging onely to Christ Iesus our Lorde you say if the case be so then in vaine was this written vnto the congregations Let the same minde bee in you which was in Christ Iesus c. You further say we charge you that by your owne power without Christ this is brought to passe that sinne is subdued in you but we tell you plainely that this perfection that you speake of nor such a subduing of sinne as you meane is not wrought in vs neither standeth it with Christes good will to worke the same so effectually as you imagine Sinne is kept vnder and hath not
good calling in London which is readie to testifie the same and both the parties are liuing when the one did expostulate very earnestly why the other once professing the Gospell of Christ Iesus was nowe turned vnto the errour of H. N. The other answered It is a wise Gospell which I professed then I knowe an other manner of Gospell farre better then that in such reputation haue the Familie the bookes and doctrine of H. N. But why H. N. intituleth his followers A familie of Loue I think it to be a mysterie not to be explicated Euery errour hath supposed them selues to be the true Church but H. N. is contented that his be counted a Familie Why he addeth this word Loue I could neuer perfectly learne but as some haue interpreted to me this word Loue in many places of the authour doth signifie the Maiestie of God ▪ as in these thrée phrases The louely being of the Loue or The manly oldnesse in the Loue Here Loue is takē in both places for God according to this s●●ying Deus ●st Charita● God is Loue but why they vse this 〈◊〉 the so much I cānot well vnderstand It is true that God is Loue or Charitie so is he Iustice so is he Mercie and all other like vertues ● but they are not in him as qualities one extelling another as they reigne in man but he is Loue ▪ without measure euen Loue it selfe euen so Iustice it self euen so Mercy it selfe he is all Loue he is all Mercie he is all iustice But when we speake of any of these which procéede from the Maiestie of God we vnderstande not by any one of these God him selfe For as his ●one is excéeding great so his mercy also therefore by as good right may an other bring foorth a doctrine or Familie of Mercie as H. N. a Familie of Loue For mercie is our gret comfort mercy is the faires● flower of our garland We read in the holy scriptures of diuers sortes of loue of which thrée be principall The first is y loue of God towardes his children set foorth in these wordes So God loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten son that none that beleeue in him should perish but haue life euerlasting which loue how perfect it is and howe excellent it passeth the capacitie of man to conceiue much lesse to vtter or describe It caused that beloued and elect vessell Saint Paule to exclame and crie out Oh the exceeding greatnesse and deapth of the loue of God which loued vs first 1. Ioh. 4. Chap. vers 19 this loue is perfect in déede The second loue that is expressed is the loue of vs againe towardes God appearing in these words If ye loue me keepe my commandementes And againe The loue of God is shead abroad in our heartes Ro. 5. Chap. vers 5. whiche loue in vs howe vnperfect it is euery one féeleth in himselfe and is a witnesse The third is the loue that one of vs should shew towards an other whiche properly is called Charitie appearing in these words By this shal al men knowe that you are my disciples if yee loue one an other And againe A newe commaundement I giue vnto you that ye loue one an other Ioh. 13. Chap. 14. vers Nowe if I might be so bolde as to demand this questiō of H. N. or any of their Illuminate Elders of which of these thrée loues is their fellowship If they say of the first which is the loue of God towardes man they deceiue thē selues for of that felowship none is partaker but Christe Iesus our Lorde If thei bee of the second which is the loue of man towardes our God it is so imperfect and corrupt in vs that I thinke they will not acknowledge them selues to be members of such imperfection If they will be of the third which is of the loue we owe one towardes an other I thinke if they enter in to sée how weak and féeble it is in vs and in euery one of Gods childrē they shal easily iudge how farre off they are frō that they shold be as if ye looke into S. Pauls first Epistle 13. Chapter verse 4. there shall you sée the properties of loue rightly described howe loue boasteth not enuieth not séeketh not her owne reioyceth not in iniquitie suffereth all things beléeueth all thinges hopeth all thinges indureth all things But how these shall be found in any yea euen in y best of gods children if we rightly iudge ourselues I cānot discerne Of this laste loue if they will haue their felowship then let thē behold how vnperfect their Familie is contrarie to that they vainly brag Where H. N. hath written these words We the Elders of the holy vnderstanding shall reigne vpon the earth in righteousnesse vnder the obedience of loue iudge the world with equitie When these things shall come to passe this dreamer which would be taken for a Prophet doth not tell vs Here thou maiest sée this Prophete persuading his Familie y the Elders shall reigne vpon the earth in iudgement and equitie Who would not followe this authour ●hat so plentifully will reward his scholers to make them vpon earth Kings and Iudges I doubt his words be no warrants nor his promise any payment for it is 28. yeres ago since he made this solemne protestation and yet none of the Familie do inioy any part of the promise but contrarie it doth appeare y none of his Elders neither in England Flaunders or else where dare once be so bold as to defend their dreaming prophet but subtilly in corners insinuate vnto the simple sort féed them with many outward promises but to argue or dispute their cause with any of Gods children therein they kéeye silence and prefend ignorance affirming their elders to be able to defend their Authour and his doctrin but they are but partakers of the holy vnderstan ding And when you happen to méete any of their Elders you shall finde them as farre without sense or féeling of the spirit of God as y yonger sort although they can set a shew of greater grauitie ▪ And bicause I haue often made mentiō of their Illuminate Elders I thinke it not amisse to name one and the same notoriously known His name is Christopher Vittell a ioyner by occupation a man that all the dayes of Queene Marie was a teacher of those famous heretiques the Arrians and at Paules Crosse did solemnely in the first yeare of our souerein Lady Queene Elizabeth recant the same errours as by the register of y bishop of Londō doth manifestly apeare And nowe as th● olde prouerbe is he is gone A malo in peius from euil to worse ▪ Such men as can not be content with the simple trueth taught in the holy scripture but curiously séeke for singularitie do easily fall into such bypaths as our enimie by his subtiltie can lead them vnto And to speake truely this is the onely man that hath brought
mollifie your stonie heartes and renewe a right spirite within euerie one of you that your conuersion may be to Gods glorie and the reioysing of his Churche If it please you to reade these simple instructions which I haue written for your sake hurt thereby you can not haue if any good happen and that the Lord doe hereby open your eyes to beholde your errour giue glorie to the Lord our GOD whose mercie is ouer all his creatures and imagine as trueth is that I haue not so contumeliosly vsed your Authour H. N. as he hath bitterly dealt with vs in iudgeing the Church of Christ and all others that are not of his Family I will vse his owne spéeche In the first exhortation Chapter 7. 1 All such as beleue not the Loue nor are baptised in the name of the Father it is not meete to account suche vnbeleeuers and vnbaptised ones for Christians at whose handes we should looke to finde any word of trueth Capitulo eodem 2 The day of the Lorde and righteous iudgement of God shall burne in wrath and furie ouer all vngoldly which haue despised the Loue and her seruice and shal cōsume them as a fire to euerlasting condemnation in the fire of hell which is prepared for the diuell and his angels Article 10. 3 We confesse that no man shall obteine grace nor forgiuenesse of sinnes at Gods handes without the same commonaltie of holy ones in the Loue. In the sixt Chapter 4 But seeing we can not perceiue or finde the true beleefe of Christe among any people vpon earth that walke without the commonaltie of the loue but the same is manifested vnto the holy ones of GOD in the commonaltie of the Loue nor can bee witnessed by any other people or nation but onely the commonaltie of the holy ones in the Loue. In the prophesie Chap. 18. verse 38. 5 Ye shall through the requiring of the gratious word in the seruice of loue become incorporated to the louely nature of God. 1 Here I haue repeated certeine sentences taken out of H. N. whereby first is shewed that none can haue the truth which beléeue not in the loue y is whiche beléeue not as they do nor are baptised in the name of the father which they take not to be y sacrament of baptisme but a mysterie excéeding my capacity to vtter of incorporating vs into God. 2 Thē such as despise the Loue her seruice shal be consumed with fire euer lasting that is their teaching and seruice 3 No man can obteine grace nor forgiuenes except they ioyne with their commonaltie 4 No people vppon earth can truely beléeue in Christ but their Family and such as walke with them 5 Last of all they shall become incorporated to the nature of God through their seruice of Loue. Here ye may sée the summe of that godly wisdome that is in your Author his déepe diuinitie And surely in my minde it requireth no large discourse to confute the same the spéeche of it selfe doeth sufficiently bewray the minde of their Authour the effect whereof is he and his Family haue onely the trueth and all the world else are deceiued But I may boldly say and more truely that no people in the world that haue any religion but they hearing H. N. and his doctrine will iudge him to be a false Prophet a vain boaster and a deceiuer of suche as put any confidence in him whose doctrine is so absurde senslesse without comfort that none but idiotes or men without true religion will imbrace the same And although many simple people doe imbrace this vaine way by the subtiltie of Christopher Vittel and others yet I haue no doubt but the Lorde in mercie will beholde their simplicitie and giue vnto them a right spirite to discerne trueth from falshod If I were disposed to lay abroade euerie odious matter and euery Tragedie that I haue intelligence of in the Family I should but infert the eares of Gods children with much vile matter which I had rather burie in silence then by naming the persons to make them abhorred of the multitude I think it conuenient therefore to couer their turpitude rather then by manifesting the same to publishe such odious stuffe as would euen defile my pen to write Syr William Moore a woorthy Iustice in Surrey had the examination of one or two of the Familye who vttered much matter which I am loth to write I do gather it vpon this grounde that forsomuch as their Illuminat Elders do not sinne and what so euer they commit it cannot be sinne therfore if they fall into anye acte be it neuer so vngodly it can not be counted sinne as it procéedeth from them because they are Deified And what acte so euer they do it can not be sinne no more then the Prophete Osees whiche was commaunded to take a Harlot to his wife and to beget children in fornication and he did so Uppon such false and vaine persuasions what vile doctrine doeth followe the verie simple may perceiue I doe absteine therefore from further declaring or dylating of any such matter as this is least I should euen infecte the ayre therewith And if any of the Family doe suppose that I write maliciously without proofe let them signifie their minds vnto me and I shall satisfie them priuately of all such matter as I haue intelligence with the processe wholy and particularly And if they denie that Henrie Nicholas doeth boaste himselfe to haue the Spirite of GOD as I haue affirmed and not by participation but Godded with God or incorporated into GOD as he vseth to speake for my discharge I will let H. N. tell how and in what manner he hath it that you the Family and all other may perceiue what he is rightly His wordes be these The first Chapter of the prophesie the 2. diuision The Lord God of heauen moued me in his minde or spirit his power compassed me with a rushing noyse and the glorie of the same God became greate in my spirite of his loue in such wise that the clearenesse of God wholy inuironed me and shined round about me wherethorough the sight of mine eyes became clearer then the christall and mine vnderstanding more brighter then the Sunne He doeth not let to vtter vnto the Familie how mightely and gloriously the God of heauen is in him so that his sight and vnderstanding became clearer then the christall or the sunne whiche if it be true then it is méete that all generations of the earth submit themselues therevnto as he saith in his dialogue And surely this his boasting doeth darken the glorie of Christe Iesus with his Family excéedingly And this is beléeued credited among them the more pity and the simple are deluded and mocked with such vaine boasting spirites and it increaseth daily in the countrey and créepeth as a canker euery where through the smooth speach of their Elders But how close they kéep them selues and will not
and apparantly before them 7 That we must liue without sinne The vpright freedome is this that the heart minde and spirite is wholy released purged or purified from all wicked nature which hath reigned ouer him and that there dwell liue nor rule any other thing in him namely in all his spirit thought mind soule but alone the true godheade with his louely being of the vpright loue yea to be so wholy replenished with all the vertues of God and that there flow nothing else in him namely in this spirite and minde but the spirituall heauenly and liuing waters 8 Howe H. N. iudgeth of vs because we acknowledge our selues to be of the Church of Christ. For that cause if thou nowe account not thy selfe for an whore but esteemest thy selfe for the faithfull espoused wife of Christ my ielous conceiuing can not stand otherwise but that thou art a presumptuous whore whiche playest the hypocrite with Christe and couertly committest whoredome thou shalt be constrayned to drinke the bitter cursed water of my ielosie 9 No man be he neuer so learned or godly can vnderstand or interpret the scripture but onely the Elders in the Familie The Scripturely learned man hath no knowledge of Gods matters he can not vnderstande any tittle much lesse expounde or interprete the same to others all Scripture appeare to suche couered secrete in signes and parables nor can comprehend what the same according to the trueth is What such conceiueth or speaketh is false and lyes It is assuredly giuen to the family of Loue to vnderstand the secretes thereof It is assuredly all false lyes seducing and deceitfull what the vngodded or vnilluminate men out of the imagination of their knowledge and out of the learnednes of the scripture bring foorth preach and teach they preach in deede the letter and the immagination of their knoweledge but not the word of the liuing god Let them esteeme themselues as holy as they wil they are a false Christianitie a diuelish synagogue or schole 10 That all men must submit themselues vnto the godlie wisdome in H. N. Seeing nowe that I my father finde out in deede that the Lorde the moste highest hath reuealed his mercie seate y possession of his most excellent Maiestie and heauenly riches in thee and with the same being of the perfect Godhead made a godly dwelling with thee so were it meete and conuenient that al the generations of the earth submitted them selues vnto the same mercie seate and godly Maiestie assembled them thervnto 11 Howe the Elders are Godded with God. It becommeth not that any shoulde take in hand to teach but only the Illuminate Elders in the Familie which also haue receiued the word of life from the liuing God and are euen through the same Godded with God or incorporated to God with whom also God in on● being and power of his spirite is Hominified or become man. An admonition to Christopher Uittell THe cause that moued me to set foorth this litle piece of work hath not ben as I doubt you will imagine of a malicious minde towardes your Familie the Lord is my witnesse I lament you and malice you not but of a sincere affection I owe vnto all Gods children ▪ who by you are deceiued with the doctrine of H. N. whom I haue manifested and made throughly knowne vnto the world And I would to GOD that you coulde haue contented your selfe with the Authours bookes and not haue published them to our brethren the simple ones in the countrie who are led easily into any newe doctrine which they neuer heard by your subtile persuasion And for as much as I knowe your person and what capacitie is in you I doe verily thinke that the drift of H. N. is not vnknowne to you namely to set vp him selfe as a Prophete to tread downe Christe Iesus our Lord and to destroy the effect of his office These things you sée well ynough in H. N. and yet you cease not still to ertall your Authour and his bookes and miserably seduc● the simple Doe you thinke to escape the heauie stroke of Gods hande No he commeth and will not be slacke to take vengeance of such as lead the simple and blinde out of the wayes of the Lorde our GOD and make them partakers of doctrines of men possessed with Sathanicall spirites It is necessarie that offences come but woe bee to them by whome they come it were better that a milstone were hanged about his necke and hee cast into the Sea. If this doctrin be not offensiue to Gods children iudge it your selfe Consider that the bloud of those simple ones will be required at your handes which perish by deceite Cursed is he that leadeth the blind out of the way Woe bee vnto him that saith sweete is sower and sower sweete Your erronious spirite is well knowne to Gods Church I heard you at Paules Crosse recant the blasphemies of Arrius doctrine the copie of which is foorth comming and now Sathan hath possessed your minde with infinite moe blasphemies of H. N. Is this no sinne thus to deceiue the simple You are one of those Elders that kéepe all the Commaundements of our GOD and yet are a blasphemer and a sinner in the highest degrée Your deceite is knowen your trecherie is manifest some of your owne Familie can testifie that you are an hypocrite and a dissembler and liue of the spoyle of the poore and haue left your arte and calling to liue méere ydlely by sowing heresies as it were of purpose to the destruction of many simple people Alas haue you a pleasure in their destruction Doth it delight you to leade them headlong to perdition Will not a day come when the Lord our God will charge you with this matter most sharplie Remember in time mortall man that thou shalt answere for euery soule that is peruerted Although they perish thou shalt not escape the Lordes handes The more thou leadest into errour the more grieuous shall be thy destruction and damnation Thinke not that thy counterfet shewe of a holy life can any thing auaile Now thy visard cloake is pulled off I doubt not but the simplest wil espie thy deceit and be no more deceiued with thy pretences to gather their money daily to set foorth the workes of H. N. and inrich thy selfe as wil bee proued If thou feare not the vengeance of God yet let the shame of y world driue thée to confesse thy fault and as thou diddest before recant the errour of Arrius so nowe come foorth out of thy denne and recant the blasphemie of H. N. that the poore and simple may be brought into the wayes of Christe our Lord out of which they haue wandered ouer long Then shal the Church of Christ reioyce ouer your conuersion and Sathan and his ministers shall be put to flight the poore strayinge shéepe shal be brought to the folde of Christe Iesus and you shall be willingly receiued into the